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8–“ “ класс
1 Carlos investigates what happens when light hits a mirror and when light hits a glass block.

(a) (i) Complete the diagram to show what happens to a light ray that hits the surface of a mirror.


(ii) Complete the diagram to show what happens to a light ray that hits and then goes through a glass block.

(b) When white light goes through a prism, the light is refracted and split into the colours of the rainbow.

What is the name of this process?

_________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
2 Light is reflected and refracted by water.

The diagram shows some paths a ray of light may take.

(a) Which letter shows the reflected ray? Circle the correct answer.

A B C D E [1]

(b) The law of reflection is about the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of reflection (r).
Write down the law of reflection.
................................................................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) Which letter shows the refracted ray of light? Circle the correct answer.

A B C D E [1]

3 Look at the diagram. It shows the addition of different colors of light.


………………………………. magenta

(a) Complete the diagram by writing the correct colour in each box. [2]
(b) Lily investigates two filters. Look at the diagram.

What does Lily see on the screen? Circle the correct answer.

blue light no light white light yellow light


4 This question is about magnetic field lines.

(a) The north pole of one bar magnet attracts the south pole of another bar magnet. Look at the diagram. It
shows two bar magnets.
Draw two magnetic field lines between the magnets. Include the arrows.



(b) The north pole of one bar magnet repels the north pole of another bar magnet. Look at the diagram. It shows
two bar magnets.
Draw two magnetic field lines between the two magnets. Include the arrows.


5 This question is about magnets.

(a) On the diagram of the bar magnet, complete the two magnetic field lines shown.


(b) Jamila makes an electromagnet.

Look at the diagram for her electromagnet.

The electromagnet attracts steel paperclips. Jamila wants to make her electromagnet stronger.
Write down two ways she can make her electromagnet stronger.

1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________
6 Read the information about the Solar System.
 Earth is one of the eight major planets in the Solar System.

 Before 1554 the only known planets were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

 In 1608 the first simple telescope was invented by Lippershey.

 In 1781 Uranus was discovered by Herschel.

 In 1801 Piazzi discovered the first asteroid.

 Sometime later a ring of asteroids was discovered in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. This is called the
asteroid belt.

 Asteroids vary in size and shape.

 In 1846 Neptune was discovered by Galle.

Use the information to help you to answer the questions.

(a) Suggest why astronomers did not discover the asteroid belt until the early 1800s.


_________________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) Circle the name of the scientist who discovered the first asteroid.

Galle Herschel Lippershey Piazzi


(c) (i) What are asteroids made of?

______________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) Why are asteroids not classified as planets?

______________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(d) Modern telescopes have a much larger magnification than the first telescopes.
Suggest two ways modern telescopes help to improve our knowledge of asteroids and the asteroid belt.

1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________
7 The Milky Way contains a large number of stars and other matter. The diagram shows what the Milky Way looks like
from outer space.

(a) What name is given to a large number of stars such as the Milky Way?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………. [1]

(b) The Milky Way contains stars and planets.

Name one other type of matter found in the Milky Way.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………. [1]

(c) The Sun is a star in the Milky Way.

What name is given to the Sun and its orbiting planets?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………. [1]

8 The diagram shows the internal structure of the Earth.

(a) Which layer A, B or C is responsible for making the Earth’s magnetic field?
................................. [1]

(b) Write down the part of the Earth that acts as a magnet.
................................................................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) Circle the equipment that finds the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Compass electromagnet force meter voltmeter


9 Aiko makes an electromagnet.

Look at the diagram of her equipment.

Aiko uses the electromagnet to pick up paper clips. She makes this prediction,
‘Increasing the number of turns of wire around the core will make
a stronger electromagnet.’
Look at Aiko’s results.

number of paper clips

number of turns
picked up
2 1
4 3
6 5
8 6
10 7

(a) Is Aiko’s prediction correct?

Explain your answer using her results.
................................................................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Mia tells Aiko that she needs to improve her investigation.
Describe how Aiko improves her investigation.
Explain your answer.
................................................................................................................................................................................. [2]
10 Yuri has drawn this diagram to show the magnetic field lines around the Earth.


(a) Complete the sentence below to explain why the Earth has a magnetic field.

The ............................................ of the Earth acts as a ............................................ [1]

(b) Name the piece of equipment that is used to show the direction of the magnetic field.

................................................................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) Draw arrows on each of the magnetic field lines to show the direction of the magnetic field. [1]

11 Answer the questions about thermal (heat) energy transfer. Choose from the list.

conduction conductor convection radiator

evaporation insulation insulator radiation

(a) What is the main form of thermal energy transfer in solids?


(b) What is the main form of thermal energy transfer in liquids and gases?

(c) Complete the sentences using words from the list.

(i) Saucepan handles are made from wood.

This is because wood is a good ......................................................... [1]

(ii) Copper is a metal, so it is a good ........................................................ [1]

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