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 Genes are units of hereditary information, and they carry instructions for
building proteins. The genes that are encoded within these proteins are
what enable cells to function. Most organisms that reproduce sexually have
two copies of each gene, because each parent cell or organism donates a
single copy of its genes to its offspring. Additionally, genes can exist in
slightly different forms, called alleles, which further adds to genetic

 Because resources are limited in nature, organisms with heritable traits that
favor survival and reproduction will tend to leave more offspring than their
peers, causing the traits to increase in frequency over generations.

 A long-term study of finch populations on the island of Daphne Major has

revealed that evolution occurs by natural selection when the finches' food
supply changes during droughts.

 DNA is a molecule in cells that carries the genetic information. It is made up

of building blocks. The genetic coding of our traits is based on how these
building blocks are arranged.

 Genes are segments of DNA that determine our traits. Every human has
between 20,000 and 25,000 different genes, half of which are inherited
from our biological mothers and the other half from our biological fathers.
 Chromosomes are long, bundled strands of DNA, each of which contains
many genes. In total, there are two sets of 23 chromosomes in a cell. Each
set is inherited from our biological parents.

 Living organisms possess a wide variety of fascinating characteristics to

survive in the various environments on Earth, not just because of the
physical environment but because of the other organisms that live there.
For instance, chameleons are able to change their color to match their
surrounding environment. This allows them to blend in to their
surroundings and camouflage themselves. Camouflage makes it harder for
both their predators, like this vine snake, and their prey to spot them. The
characteristics that make an organism well suited to its environment are
called adaptations, and these adaptations may help a specific organism
survive or possibly reproduce.

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