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An earthquake is a sudden, violent shaking of the ground that can cause great destruction.

Earthquakes can happen at any time and without warning. They are capable of causing
substantial damage and deaths. They can damage towns, destroy buildings, and obliterate
Because of this, it is important to know what to do before an earthquake. Knowing what to
do can reduce the chance of getting hurt and prevent hazards in your environment.

What to do before an earthquake:

So without further ado, here are some things you can do to prepare for an earthquake and
minimize the damage.
1. Find out if you live in an earthquake-prone area.
In our country, some provinces most at risk of earthquakes include Surigao del Sur, La
Union, Benguet, Pangasinan, Tarlac, and more.
2. Create an earthquake emergency kit and learn first aid.
The kit's purpose is to offer the essentials in case you are on the move or if a government
authority requires you to leave your home immediately.
By knowing this, you can be better prepared if an earthquake strikes. Speaking of which, it
is important to be aware of what to do during an earthquake so that you can make wiser
choices and prevent actions brought on by panic.

What to do during an earthquake:

During an earthquake, it is crucial to stay calm and take immediate action to protect
yourself. Here are some things you can do:

1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On

If you are inside, drop to the ground, take cover, and hold on until the shaking stops. If
there is no furniture nearby, cover your head and neck with your arms and crouch in an
inside corner of the building away from windows, mirrors, or anything that could fall.

2. Stay informed

After the shaking stops, listen to the radio or watch TV for updates and emergency
instructions. If you are in a tsunami-prone area, move to higher ground immediately.

Remember, earthquakes can happen at any time without warning, so it's important to be
prepared and know what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones.

While there may be no fatalities, there will be significant damages. These include
aftershocks, severe injuries, environmental impacts, and more. This is exactly why it is
important to know what to do after an earthquake. For example, there is a high risk of
aftershocks. Being aware of the possibility of aftershocks can help you take the necessary
precautions to defend others and yourself.

What to do after an earthquake:

Some of those precautions include:

1. Checking yourself and those around you for injuries. If anyone is injured, seek medical
attention immediately. Additionally, check your surroundings for any hazards, such as gas
leaks or broken power lines.
2. Check your surroundings for any hazards, such as gas leaks or broken power lines. If you
detect gas, turn off the main gas valve, and avoid using any open flames or electrical
appliances until it's safe to do so. If you're inside, check for damage to the building, and
evacuate if necessary. If you're outside, stay away from buildings, power lines, and trees
that could fall.

Overall, being prepared for an earthquake can aid you and others, reduce damage, and
improve your chances of making a quick recovery. To guarantee that you are ready for an
earthquake, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with earthquake safety measures and put
them into regular practice.

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