Zero Medicine

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Saify Saraiya
Notion Press
Old No. 38, New No. 6
McNichols Road, Chetpet Chennai - 600 031
First Published by Notion Press 2019
Copyright © Saify T Saraiya 2019
All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 978-1-64546-462-4

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Copyright © Saify Saraiya 2012

Author’s Profile 7
1. What Led to the Writing of This Book? 9
A Dialogue with the ‘No Touch’ Doctor 12
2. The First Dimension -What Makes One Go to a Doctor? 14
3. Seven Symptoms: The Healing Process 15
Stop and Take Rest: The Key to Healing 15
4. A few Symptoms and Their Causes 16
I. Pain 16
II. Fever 18
III. Cold and Cough 19
IV. Allergies 19
V. Asthma and Skin Allergy 19
VI. Mouth Ulcers 20
VII. Bad Breath 20

1. What the Word ‘Medicine’ Implies 21

1. Understanding Zero Medicine Wisdom 22
1. Staying Healthy without Medicine 23
1. What Is Zero Violation of Mind? 24
1. Worry and Stomach Problems 25
1. Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders 26
1. How to Remove Poisons from Chemically Produce
Vegetables 27
1. Blood Pressure 29
1. Heart Disease 30
1. Say ‘NO’ to Bypass Surgery 33
1. Eye Disease 35
1. Cataract 36
1. Unnecessary Exercise 37
1. GallStones 39
1. Tongue and Mouth Cancer 41
1. Psoriasis 43
1. Pregnancy: Unsafe Under Allopathy 44
1. Poly-Cystic Kidneys/Ovaries/Lungs 46
1. Suicidal Tendency 48
1. General Tips 49
A. Cracking Knuckles 49
B. Shaking Legs 49
C. Crossing One Leg Over the Other 49
D. Soaps, Detergents & Cosmetics 49
E. Toothpaste and Toothbrush 50
F. Sleep and Sleeplessness 50
G. Motion Problems 50
H. Scratching While Itching 50
24. The Discoverer of Zero Medicine: Self Heal Wisdom 51
25. F.A.Q.–Frequently Asked Questions 52
a. Do Antibiotics Cure Infections? 52
b. What Causes Infections? 52
c. Long Term Damage of Getting “Cure” from Fever
Due to Infection, by Taking Antibiotics 52
d. Bacterial and Anti-Bacterial Theory – The Contradiction 53
e. Health Practitioners Disillusioned with Allopathy 54
f. Is Modern Medicine Scientifically Advancing? 54
g. Specializations Like Ophthalmology and Neurology… 54
h. Questioning the Surgical Field 55
i. Is ‘Longevity’ Due to the Advent of Modern Medicine? 55
j. The Harmful Relief by “Anti-Inflammatory Drugs” 56
k. The Bad Effects of Analgesics 56
l. Protect Basic Life Energy. Say NO to Medicines. 56
26. On Cancer – An Update 58
27. Vaccinations 60

28. The Second Dimension Cause of Disease 64

Senses, Organs & Emotions Relationship Matrix 65
29. The Third Dimension – Factor Behind the Cause 68

1. Provocation and Inspiration 69

1. The Three Life Situations and My Response 70
32. What Led Us to Our Current State 72
33. What Can Change Our Life Situations 74
34. Aging And Growing 75
35. My Role in World Wellness 76
1. Conclusion 77
1. Call For Action 78

Author’s Profile
Saify Saraiya is an accomplished life and wellness coach with
an international repute. He has played many roles in his life
journey, from selling bearings to factories as a Field Sales
Representative for his family firm – South India Bearing Co,
to becoming the Founder & MD of CHIP INDIA Computers
Pvt. Ltd. He has also designed and built several space saving
residential flats. And today, he has embarked on a mission to
promote the concept of ‘ZERO VIOLATION OF MIND’ to
eradicate conflict and stress in the life of individuals and lead
them to success in their desired goals.

His interest in Human Potential developed in 1989, when he

entered the field of IT Education. From the passion he
developed in behavioural science, he designed and delivered
the ‘Young Leader Course’ for students in 1992. The success
of this program brought in corporate assignments from the
Middle East and Sri Lanka. There was no looking back ever
since. Innumerable individuals, schools and companies have
benefited from his programs.

His strength lies in the authenticity with which he operates;

his varied life experiences and his ability to empathize with
people helps him in establishing practical context to abstract
ideas to inspire people from various walks of life.

Training modules designed and delivered:

‘Young Leader Course’ for teenagers

Zero Violation of Mind Education for teachers

‘Intimate Relations’ for individual and extended families

‘Five Keys to Productive Meetings’ for CEO’s

‘Understand Disputes’ for Lawyers, Police and Media

‘Health Without Medicine’ -A Self Heal Wisdom for All

In 2007, a twenty three member group from Germany
including Gestalt practitioners, psychologists, and religious
clergy came together for a seven-day conference on ‘The
Search for the Sacred’ organised by an international
seminary. Each day a selected delegate conducted a workshop
on a specific faith. As an ecumenical thinker and motivational
speaker, I was selected to present a workshop on The Search
for the Sacred in Islam.
In order to brush up for the Seminar I immersed myself in the
literature. I searched out and interviewed prominent people
who had deeper knowledge on this subject. This led me to a
chance encounter with a renowned faith healer in my
neighborhood and thus began my personal journey towards
Zero Medicine Wisdom.

I was curious about this MBBS, MD, PhD turned Touch

Healing doctor who has been healing people through faith,
and this assignment became the catalyst to become
familiarized with him. This was in late 2006, and soon after
the first day I realized we were like-minded free-thinkers.

Our first meeting evolved into a series of daily conversations

which would last typically from 5:30 in the morning and go
on past noon. During this time, I discovered him to be much
more than a faith healer; the interaction with him was so
all-encompassing that thereafter, as he promised, I no longer
required any text or script while presenting my talks.

During what became focused marathon sessions, I learnt that

his notion of faith healing carries with it the practical clarity
of living life in an enlightened way rather than following any
dogma or religion to which most people attach the word

These inspired sessions continued for over three months till I

was obliged to deliver my talk to the group from Germany. I
conducted the workshop in the morning, and in the afternoon
presented the paper on ‘Search for the Sacred in Islam.’ On
the same day, a section of the group members who were
Gestalt practitioners converted the content of my work into a
Gestalt session.

And so, what began as a desire to seek information from the

faith Healer for the Seminar was transformed into conviction
of the practical wisdom behind faith and would soon develop
into astonishing personal experiences for my family and me.

By the guidance from this faith healing doctor, who

maintained that there is no greater medicine than faith: as the
days went by, each one of us experienced recovery from
various ailments without medicine.

1. My elder daughter, who was thirteen at the time, suffered

from rashes on her face with sinusitis, chronic swollen glands,
and throat infections with high fever: she recovered from it all
in just three days.

2. My wife, who was thirty seven at the time, had been

suffering from an endocrine problem (high prolactin
level), thyroid and chronic headache: she got cured
completely within a year of stopping her medicine.

3. My younger daughter, eight at the time suffered from

intense wheezing right from infancy: she recovered

4. Right from childhood, I often suffered incidents of acute

unbearable abdominal pain. Our family doctor diagnosed it as
chronic amoebiasis. Once, it was suspected to be appendicitis,
and on yet another occasion, a scan revealed it to be a case of
kidney stone. During each such painful incident I took refuge
in the medicines prescribed. In January 2007, I experienced a
bout of unbearable physical agony leaving me sleepless for a
couple of nights and restless during the days. This time I chose
to consult this radical doctor. I became well at once, and the
disease conditions did not return.

5. I also suffered a period of fever that lasted for five days.

Holding onto Zero Medicine led me to a surprise recovery
from chronic pain affecting me behind the knee which
afflicted me at the end of each day for the previous fifteen

Thereafter on multiple occasions we were tested with serious

ill-health. In each situation, the promise of the Zero Medicine
Wisdom prevailed. The same became true for those to whom
I reached out the message. Countless friends and others
recovered from all kinds of chronic and acute diseases such
as diabetes, BP, asthma, arthritis, TB, heart blocks and

On witnessing the uniform cure of so many people, we

initiated Wednesday evening meetings to invite more friends
and relatives to understand the truth behind this healing
phenomenon. During these meetings, we sought answers
from the doctor on various chronic and dreadful
ailments. This book is a compilation of these answers and
two years of interactions covering a three dimensional
insight into the Symptoms of disease, the Cause of disease,
and the factors behind the Cause.
“When I believe
only in what I see,
I fail to see beyond;
such belief is blindness."



Q: How can kidney stones go away?

A: What gets formed can also get reversed.

Q: What if it is a case of acute appendicitis?

A: Appendicitis is an inflammation. As the body is given
rest, the inflammation is taken care of.

Q: What if it was a pain caused due to amoebiasis?

A: When we can digest non-vegetarian foods, amoeba too
can be digested and vitamin B12 is produced out of them.
What Makes One Go to a
Symptoms and their
During any abnormal experiences such as pain, fever, cold,
cough, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, allergy and dizziness, we
often panic, because we have been taught that these are
symptoms of disease, so we rush to a doctor who is supposed
to be in the know of things and can help us – so we expect…
What does the doctor do? The doctor responds to our panic
and impatience. We want instant relief and he displays much
urgency to resolve the problem of his patients.

“It must be immediately attended to”, – says the doctor to our

satisfaction. The doctor orders various tests, prescribes and
administers pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs, and
when everything fails, might suggest surgery. The latter is
justified with the thought: “if you cannot remove the pain,
remove the part of the body giving pain”.

However, are abnormal experiences in the body actually

symptoms of disease? Is it really necessary for us to panic and
rush to the doctor in such situations?

Were we to ponder for a moment upon why such

abnormalities occur? – Our common sense would guide us
not to panic but to treat the situation with Patience. We would
then realize the truth that symptoms are actually a sign of the
healing process. All we need to maintain is patience during
such ‘abnormal’ experiences and let the body go through the
process of its smooth and eventual healing.
3 Seven Symptoms
The Healing Process
1. Pain: Guides the body.
2. Fever: Fights the disease force.
3. Cold: Protects the lungs.
4. Allergy: Radiates away bad energy.
5. Vomiting: Ejects toxic energy.
6. Diarrhea: Flushes out toxic waste.
7. Dizziness: Puts you on hold to take rest.

The message of the symptoms is like a billboard that reads:

“Stop! Work-in-Progress” implies that we give rest to the
body while the symptoms mean, “be patient, take rest, healing
is on”: to heal ‘ailments’ is to respect the symptoms by giving
the body much needed relaxation.

Feeling healthy and falling ill is part of life. Discomfort or

disease is manifestation of ‘internal’ and ‘external’ factors.
Following Zero Medicine Wisdom can lead us to understand
true health by comprehending so-called illness. Health
problems disappear when the body is given adequate rest and
the natural healing mechanism is allowed to take effect.
Pain is a guiding force that restricts the movement of the
affected parts in a healing process. Pain can be bearable or
unbearable. In fact, before a more intense pain comes upon
us, a sign in the form of a lesser pain forewarns us of it. By
heeding this early sign, we avoid an unbearable situation.
Heeding this early sign of lesser pain implies putting
ourselves on hold, be mindful and restful and avoid that
which is triggering the ‘lesser’ pain.

Pain Action when suffering from any pain, one must:

Relax as much as possible in a comfortable position. The

position should be such in which there is least pain. Maintain
patience during the process of healing. Cease physical
exercise you have so far been used to. Avoid sour foods and
those prepared with lime, vinegar or tamarind and crispy
foods like biscuits and chips.

When the pain is at its worst, refrain from any food for
twenty four hours, except for taking small sips of water and
take absolute rest. After another twenty four hours, start the
usual diet in small amounts little by little.
A Personal Experience:

After I began the outreach of the message of Zero Medicine,

the real test for me came when I experienced an unbearable
pain on the side of my face from the jaw bone to the side of
the temple. This was diagnosed as ‘trigeminal neuralgia’
which afflicted me intermittently on three occasions over a

Doctors call this ‘suicide pain’. In some kinds of pain, you

can breathe in and breathe out and focus on the pain; in the
case of trigeminal neuralgia, your complete capacity of
consciousness itself is withheld, you are overtaken by it. The
unbearable pain almost made me give up on my stance on
‘Zero Medicine’. Fearing a tooth may be the possible trigger
for this pain, I visited a few dentists. According to the first
dentist, the tooth had to be removed, an almost thirty year-old
diagnosed condition. However, he refused to do the extraction
without anesthesia and antibiotics which made me withdraw.
The pain went away by itself but reappeared after eight
months, this time it lasted for more than twenty five days and
disappeared soon after. In the last instance it went on for ten
days. I was on holiday with my family in the hills. It began as
a toothache and prevented me from eating solid food. This
time, my patience and that of my wife and family was
running out. I thought if the cause is the tooth let it be taken

The dentist I consulted during my holiday agreed with faith

healing and to extract my tooth without antibiotics. The night
before the day of tooth extraction, my mind reflected on so
many years of successful healing of my family and friends
and my lectures on ‘Zero Medicine’ where so many people
maintained patience, endured the symptoms and experienced
recovery and now here I was about to give up, realizing if
removal of a tooth is to be considered okay, then any surgery
can be justified. If a tooth can be removed, so can any body
part that becomes painful. This reasoning galvanized me to
once again forge on and give the healing mechanism one
more opportunity to work its wonders. I appealed to the
dentist, who was ready with her surgical apparatus to remove
the tooth, that I would like to cancel the extraction and hold
on to faith again.

The kind dentist spontaneously agreed and said: “Yes, why

not? Even cancer gets healed by faith so what is a toothache?
I believe in faith healing and I too shall pray for you.”

I made it through. Later, I also came to understand that before

the worst pain starts, we get a warning sign of pain in a lesser
and more bearable form. Becoming alert and mindful of
minor symptoms helps us obviate the greater suffering.


Fever is a rise in body temperature above its normal level of

98.4°. The rise of heat energy is due to an increased activity
within the body to fight against the disease force. As this
increased activity against the disease force is of utmost
necessity all normal activity comes to a virtual standstill.
Normal activity implies hunger, thirst, digestion, walking, and
so on. The body wants to remain at rest as one’s entire energy
is converted to the defense force. It is as if the enemy has
entered the country and curfew is declared as the defense
force is to be strengthened.

As long as a high temperature is there, it means the healing

force is fighting the disease force. In a matter of time the
disease force will be overpowered and the temperature will
return to normal. It may take a day or two, or more.

Once normal temperature is reached, the lips become dry and

need to get moist again. This is a sign of recovery. One must
now wet the lips with sips of water as often as necessary.
Slowly thirst will develop. Water may now be taken to
quench thirst as per feeling. In case of muscular or joint pain
even after the fever is gone, one should postpone eating till
feeling relief from such pains. – In any case one does not
have an appetite or hunger during such pains, so the rule
applies:—no intake of food unless there is ‘real hunger’.

False and Real Hunger: As fever subsides we often

experience a certain craving for food. We mistake this as a
genuine need but this is false hunger. A false appetite can be
identified by the fact that the craving to eat will decrease
within an hour or so: that is, from the time of restraining
ourselves from eating. In case of real hunger, our appetite
starts slowly and increases steadily by the hour.

When about to take food again, rinse your mouth with water
using the index finger to massage the gums and to clean the
surface of teeth to wash off the tastelessness in the mouth.
Upon getting the feel of taste and saliva back, one can begin
food intake little by little, after a minimum of 24 hours from
the time the temperature has touched normal.

Cold and cough are symptoms of protection for the lungs.

Sneezing, blocked nose, allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, adenoids,
high temperature and loss of appetite occur in order to throw
out toxic bad energy from undigested food in our alimentary

Caused mainly by the lung activity to purify the system by

producing coughing and phlegm, the allergic reaction then
starts in the large intestine due to the stasis of the food in the
stomach and the large intestine. This food, due to lack of
oxygenation, has not been converted into energy. As the bad
energy accumulates, the healing mechanism now triggers
vomiting, or purging through the large intestine.

Action: I should strengthen the stomach and large intestine

by giving absolute rest to these organs avoiding food for a
day or two.


An allergy is an advanced protective or hypersensitive

reaction to toxic substances in the body. Allergic reactions are
observed on the skin with an itching or burning sensation or
even cracking of the skin with bleeding, or common sneezing
with a runny nose. If allergies are suppressed by the
application of skin ointments or nasal drops, stomach
problems like indigestion, acidity and ulcers would be the

Asthma is due to a deficiency of the lungs and occurs when

drugs and inhalers destroy the lung tubes and air-spaces. This
shows up on the skin, as eruptions and rashes to suppress
steroid ointments are recommended by doctors; if they are
continued for a long period, the condition is worsened the
lung function deteriorates as asthma worsens paving way for
infection and even fatalities due to lung failure. A couple of
other unpleasant abnormal symptoms are mouth ulcers and
bad breath.


Mouth ulcers are due to undigested food. Food gets mixed

with digestive juices proportionately for optimal digestion
and sustainable energy during the day-long work. If food is
not digested properly, it is inadequate and improper energy
production is rejected as waste in the form of phlegm, urine
and radiation of energy through skin.

Improperly digested food reaches the small intestine which

finds it difficult to absorb. The taste buds are suppressed so
that we experience distaste for food. Force feeding (which is
what we do when we obey false hunger) means bad energy is
absorbed into the bloodstream and disease becomes systemic.
Allergic manifestations could arise anywhere from skin to
bones, from blood to every cell in the system.

The absorption of improperly digested food affects the

system as the absorbed energy must circulate through the
lungs for purification by air energy before it is circulated
through the heart. At this stage there may be bad breath in the
mouth. Saliva secretion increases and it even pours out during
sleep. Even one’s teeth can be affected. There is greater
plaque and tartar formation between the teeth due to this bile
pigmented saliva.

Eat a regulated amount and not serve false hunger with fried
snacks, enjoy fresh fruit and proper mastication of food - this
helps realize the taste and improves digestion. Apart from
papaya, fruit should not be taken after starchy meals. Bad
breath is a warning for heart diseases.

Having realized that the symptoms are nothing but an inbuilt

healing mechanism in the body: Should I still rush to a doctor
and take medicines? Would medicines help me in finding a
cure? From the insight I have gained so far, wouldn’t my
answer be “No!” to such medicine?
5 What does the word Medicine imply?

By ‘Medicine’ we refer to a non-biological chemical

formula prepared to numb our system and adjust the
symptoms of disease for a while. Such medicine lets a
disease condition progress in the absence of reactions
against the disease. This can lead to a worse situation
simmering silently underground.

We question treating:

1. Sleeplessness by narcotics
2. Depression by antidepressants
3. Inflammation by anti-inflammatories
4. Pain by analgesics
5. Fever by anti-fever drugs
6. Allergy by anti-allergy drugs

We question the use of drugs claiming to prevent diseases that

result in diminished resistance, increased side effects and the
newer infections giving them momentum over time advancing
into syndromes.

‘Medicating’ means drugging and concocting the body and

central nervous system for the rest of your life. Medicine is
non-biological, functioning as a poison, causing a death blow
to the Life force itself.
We realize the truth in the radical message of Zero
Medicine Wisdom as it links directly with our life
experience and because we are able to see through our
various blindfolds:—

1. The blindfold of conditioned upbringing

2. The blindfold of materialistic education
3. The blindfold of traditions and beliefs
4. The blindfold of social influence

‘Zero Medicine’ is an understanding we reach because of

what we are reminded of:—truth within self, followed by a
conviction that Mind brings the cure, controls the body and
connects the Healing force.
What to do to have a blissful life in good health without

I must remember I do not want pain, fever or discomfort of

any kind to ruin my life. To prevent this from arising, I need
to treat the root cause of the disease, and to realize that the
root cause is the Mind.

Mind controls the body. Bodily discomfort is due to what is

happening in the Mind. Therefore, the medicine that can cure
the body is that which heals the Mind.

Mind is violated by the loss of ease, thus, the word ‘dis-ease’.

Disease gets healed when I free myself from that which is
violating the Mind. This means, to maintain health and ease
there should be Zero Violation of Mind.
Zero Violation of Mind means NOT violating the mind from
its state or equilibrium. By violating the mind one violates the
body and all its mechanisms.

We violate our mind when we respond to situations in a

manner that produces negative emotions in us. For example
when our response to a situation causes Anger, Worry, Fear,
Sorrow or Stress, this is a Violation of Mind. Each emotion
affects a particular organ in our body:

WORRY affects the stomach, FEAR damages the kidney,

GRIEF affects the lungs, ANGER harms the liver, and
STRESS puts the heart in trouble.

A typical example of the effect of worry on the stomach is

illustrated next…
Worry violates the mind when we feel insecure, when we
feel, there is no guarantee to ‘our stomach’ for the future, and
worry grips the heart. Worry is created from the
‘stomach’—unless it is guaranteed the security that it will get
its ‘food’, worry cannot be eliminated.

‘Stomach’ is a symbol of various needs arising in a human

and ‘food’ implies its fulfillment. As long as worry keeps
bruising the mind, the ulcer eroding the stomach cannot be
cured. Worry is the cause of ailments of the stomach.
Stomach problems dealt as a stomach disease shall meet with
failure, for the disease is not in the stomach but due to the
emotion, worry. Worry destroys the digestive capacity of the
stomach depending upon which food stays in the stomach
longer than normal causing the stomach to become putrid and
very acidic. The sourer the food becomes, the worse is the
ulcer formation. The digestion is affected and the end product
becomes fermented or putrescent.
This condition of abnormal sugar-glucose in the blood which
in turn appears in the urine is termed ‘Diabetes’.

The energy product of food digestion – glucose, is the fuel

used by the body tissues and organs for their activities. When
food enters the stomach, instant energy – glucose is released
as a test fuel to the pancreas. If the consumed food is too sour
to be digested or the food turns sour due to its long stay in the
stomach because of worry, it is unfit for further digestion
down the gut, the pancreas therefore will not secrete insulin
even long after the food has entered the intestine. This is why
blood glucose is elevated after a meal or due to worry through
the adrenaline response.

The rejection of ‘unwanted glucose’ is an integrated process

by the spleen and the pancreas. The role of the spleen is to
assess the digestate in the stomach being moved to the small
intestine for further digestion.

The spleen transfers the energy of digestate in the stomach to

the pancreas for assessment of its final output. When the
pancreas assesses that further digestion of digestate will be
poor quality glucose, the release of insulin is shut according
to the measure of food quality in the digestate.

Now the digestion proceeds as per the plan by the pancreas.

In the absence of insulin, digestion of the food becomes poor
which means its products have to be eliminated.
Until the improperly digested food in the stomach and in the
intestine is eliminated, there is no further appetite; hunger is
reduced; gas fills up the stomach and intestine; there is
belching, heartburn and acidity becomes a constant feature.
There is a bad taste in the mouth and sourness in the tongue;
sometimes there is retching and nausea.

These symptoms are the forerunners of the impending

full-fledged diabetes in the days to come. If we want to
prevent diabetes, we must respond to the very first time we
experience the above symptoms by analysing the worry
causing state of our mind.

Food factor: Normally digestion in the stomach is perfect

unless the food itself is spoilt. Therefore as far as possible, eat
food grown in the natural fertilizers sprinkled soil.
Chemically nurtured soil is like poison. Modern agricultural
science based on the drug industries, poison food in two
ways. One by spoiling the soil with chemical fertilizers; so,
removal of poisons from such produced vegetables is
naturally our first priority. The next is the removal of the
added impurities like vitamins, calcium, iodine, etc.



Take a clay pot and fill it up with clean drinking water. Wait
for 24 hours till the water begins to sweat through the pot and
becomes moist on the outer side. We do this because bottled
water is sterile, supposedly free of germs and bacteria. This
means that the sterile water is dead. It has no life in it, unfit to
give life or for the survival of a small germ or virus. Hence,
this water is unfit for drinking since we will be devoid of life
energy if we continue to consume it or use it for cooking.

The process to let the water stay in the ‘mud pot’ for 24 hours
is to infuse ‘life energy’ in the water by the natural
sand. Keep it exposed to air covered with thin cotton cloth for
24 hours. As water gets infused with the life energy of the air
and sand, it begins to show signs of life and starts moving
finding its way through the pores in the mud pot. Now the
water has life.

Use this water for cleaning vegetables and removal of poisons

such as the chemical fertilizers. Soak the vegetables for an
hour to infuse with life energy. This life energy will expel the
chemicals to a great extent. Use similarly prepared water for
cooking and drinking.

DURING THE HEALING PROCESS, avoid sour items. In

fact more harmful than sugar is the sour taste we add in
cooking such as tamarind, vinegar, lemon or tomato. Also
avoid sour fruits such as grapes, pineapples, limes, mangoes
and oranges.

Take fruits that are sweet and naturally ripe preferably on an

empty stomach and never after a heavy meal. Avoid milk and
milk products like curd, butter, tea, coffee, ice creams and
also carbonated beverages as they become sour in the
The job of Blood Pressure (BP) is to maintain arterial
pressure to sustain nutritional supply to organs or tissues that
are weak or strained. When there is a defect in the stomach,
spleen or kidneys, the organs need more nutrition. Extra
blood must therefore circulate to the affected organs. To meet
this, the force of contraction and blood volume pumped out of
the heart each time it beats is higher than normal, resulting in
extra blood pressure. Thus, it is not high BP, but extra BP
necessary for the ailing organs to regain normal functional
ability. As extra nutrition arrives by way of rise in BP, the
weakness in the organ concerned gets eventually cured.

When there is no more need for extra blood, the blood

pressure falls to normal. If we reduce BP through medicines
by interfering with the heart’s natural function, the result is
the reverse of the above, causing weakness in an organ and in
a vicious cycle the BP rises uncontrollably and devastates the
functioning of the heart and the organs related to it for
nutrition. Not only that, newer organs and tissues become
defective since the anti-BP medicines reduce the BP over-all,
making every tissue in the body grow weaker and disease
prone. Thereafter, to supply nutrition to these organs the BP
has to rise again multifold. This is why as the days go by, a
BP patient is never cured of heart disease but the condition
worsens until he or she collapses from the heart failure.
All pain is due to air occlusion and expansion of tissues
where there is accumulation of gas due to defects in air
metabolism. Like the food we consume is to be metabolized
and utilized by the body and its waste is removed, water and
air also have to be utilized by the assimilation process.

Assimilation means full usage of whatever we consume and

elimination of waste products in it. The air that we breathe
also undergoes the process of assimilation. Food and drink
also produces gaseous substances to be neutralized and their
noxious substances eliminated through the lungs and bowels.

When digestion is poor and elimination of gas by the bowel is

defective, (as in constipation) the obnoxious gas from the
bowels enters the bloodstream under heavy pressure in a
liquefied form. If the gas is not pressurized to liquid form, the
patient will die instantly due to air blockage in the heart
tissues. When the air enters the heart chambers as gas, it is
churned into a foamy state with the blood and as a result the
heart ceases to function and gets arrested. There is instant
death at this point.

So for any patient who has a severe gas problem, there is a

serious chance of gas entering the bloodstream. As long as the
gas circulates in liquid form there is no problem. The
cardiovascular system gears up into action the moment the
gas enters the bloodstream from the bowels. The heart and the
blood vessels are too sensitive to counter this deadly problem
and there is an instant increase in pressure in the interior of
the blood vessels. The blood vessels contract and squeeze its
walls so that the gas in it is turned into liquid under the
pressure exerted by the blood vessels. The heart speeds up the
blood movement when the gas reaches the chambers; it also
pumps exerting increased pressure. The volume of blood
pumped out of the heart is increased to maintain the pressure
inside the blood vessels. This is the natural protective
phenomenon of the cardiovascular system - the genesis of BP.

As long as BP is maintained there is no problem of gas

circulating in the bloodstream due to indigestion. And, unless
gastric indigestion, constipation and bowel movement are
cleared, we cannot and must not bring down BP to normalcy.

Many tissues and organs in the body are very loose and
flexible. These are the places where the pressure is less,
resulting in the liquefied gas turning into mass of gas again.
In the tissues and muscles of the organs, as the liquid turns
into gaseous mass they make them bulge and severe pain
occurs at those places. Now, the protective mechanism of
these tissues and muscles spring into action. They begin
contracting and squeeze the gaseous mass to convert the gas
into liquid form again. This accumulation of gas and the
consequent squeezing of the muscles and tissues cause severe
pain in the muscles of various parts of the body.

Normally, low pressure areas in the body are the bone joints
especially the back bone joints from the nape of the neck to
the small of the back, the knee and the shoulder joints, the
abdominal muscles, the sides of the abdomen and between the
shoulder blades. These are the places where normally catchy
pains suddenly appear; and then backache and spondylosis of
the backbone (cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis;
arthritis of various joints, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

What is the reason for these kinds of pain? The very

characteristic feature of these pains due to gas is its fitting and
fleeting nature. At one moment it seems the pain is fixed to a
place but then suddenly we find the pain moving in various
directions and we can actually feel the pain moving from one
place to another place.

The reason why the pain migrates from where it started is due
to the squeezing of the muscles to put pressure upon the gas
to change it into liquid form displacing the gas naturally.
Many people produce belching whenever they press with
their hands the parts of the body affected with the gas pain;
there are gaseous foods like potatoes which, if the patients
consume, the pains will come again or the pain will increase.

Let us understand that pain anywhere in the body is due to

gas and not due to a disease in the organ where the pain is
felt. In this sphere modern medicine is inappropriate. Look at
patients suffering from common headache – the migraine. In
the hands of Allopath, these miserable patients are destined to
suffer for life. The remedy otherwise is so SIMPLE: stop all
medicines, avoid gaseous foods. Eat only when one is hungry;
and, eat as per your heart's content; no dieting; eat meat,
chicken or fish; to a great extent avoid vegetarian foods for
most of it is gaseous and contra-indicated for those who suffer
painful conditions.

In this way, not only is chicken good for the heart in

preventing heart pain, ischemia and all such allopathic
diagnosis, but also meat and fish is so important to weather
the inimical conditions affecting the heart. Never take BP
medicines, for if we bring down the blood pressure, the
liquefied gas will swell into voluminous gas blocking the
major arteries of the heart causing severe ischemic heart pains
and sometimes massive heart attack.
How can we justify bypassing a natural passage of blood
flow? What happens to the in between portion that is
bypassed? Before the bypass surgery, the heart muscles
surrounding the bypass area were receiving the radiating
energy as the blood traverses through them. It is this immense
energy that gives functional ability to the heart and maintains
the inherent beating potential of the heart.

The radiating energy from the blood vessels creates and

opens up new blood vessels when there is an emergency.
Therefore, at no point of time can the heart suffer from lack
of blood supply to maintain the structure and the inherent
beating potential of the heart. Let there be 90% block; still
this is not an alarming situation at all for the heart, for it has
tremendous potential to safeguard any eventuality, all on its

The blockage in the heart is caused by STRESS…

What blocks our heart is our mind! We hear of young, strong

people, even those of athletic build succumbing to instant
massive heart attack when they hear of sudden , very grieving
news. If we ponder over this example we will know that heart
block is not due to coronary arteries being blocked by
thrombosis, cholesterol or any other cause, but by emotions –
in other words, stress in the mind is the only cause for the
strain in the heart blood vessels that leads to a slow block that
develops over the years insidiously causing instant death due
to a massive heart block.

Mental stress is due to the emotions: worry, sadness, grief,

fear, anger and happiness. We might be surprised how
happiness could cause a heart attack. The truth is that both
sadness and happiness can block the heart and cause a heart
attack. However, pain due to sadness is slow and transparent;
the patient may revive from an attack or can totally ward it
off. But the attack due to extreme happiness is sudden and
often fatal and we stand no chance even for first aid.

Fear often trips down many a beat in the heart at which point
the blockage gets imprinted in the lumen of the blood vessels;
and each time fear grips the heart, the blockage gets
aggravated and the condition worsens.

Anger causes the most dangerous block both slowly and all of
a sudden. Worry and sadness result in slow, yet definite future
heart block; a silent heart attack without even a warning! We
need to get rid of the negative emotions, to maintain peace
and composure. This is possible when we are aware of the
importance of such need.
14 Eye Disease:
Do not think that eye disorders are due to problems in the
eyes. We see children wearing glasses. Ophthalmologists say
the eye muscles are not contracting and relaxing properly or
the eyeball size is a bit elongated or shortened and term it as
myopia or hypermetropia, that is, short sighted or long sight.

Any disease in the liver assaults the eyes. The reflection of

signs of the eye disease is an important parameter to
safeguard the health of the liver. Inclination towards sour
food should be stopped totally; normally to add punch to the
cooking, vinegar, lemon, tamarind, unripe tomato or mango is
added. All these are too strong as liver stimulants and
suppress liver function; one develops muscle weakness
throughout the body. The eye muscles are vulnerable of all
the muscles in the body; the effect of the liver weakness is
immediately pronounced in the eye muscles and one starts
suffering distant and near vision defects.

Besides, emotion too is a factor that affects the Liver and that
is Anger. An example: “Pay attention!” shouts the teacher –
children in classrooms are forced to constantly look at the
board period after period. Can one pay attention for so long?
After a while the mind jumps to some other thought, while
the physical eyes appear to be facing the teacher. The mind’s
eye is elsewhere. When this becomes a habit, our actual
vision gets blurred. This is due to the violation of mind by the
teacher demanding attention, thus causing ‘BOREDOM’
which ultimately leads to ‘Suppressed ANGER’ disturbing
the liver and affecting the eyes.

Cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye which leads to a
decrease in vision.

The liver affects the eye, and anger being the emotion
affecting the liver, when anger is suppressed, the protective
content of the eyeball gets heated and becomes white and
opaque – just like the transparent yolk in the egg becomes
white and opaque when heated.

Therefore, one needs to question the triggering factor behind

the feeling of anger. Upon realizing what need is not being
met that is causing the anger, one should peacefully and
purposefully, pursue, negotiate, collaborate and even seek
counsel towards the fulfillment of that need.

This way of operating with calmness and cool temperament

will keep the circulatory system in an evergreen, creative
process and thus prevent and resolve cataract.
Wasting our natural energy source by doing ‘unnecessary’
strenuous exercise (unnecessary implies mindless work, i.e.,
uninvited by the mind). Such exercise is a strain that leads to
defects in the functions of various internal organs and
weakness in the external physical organs.

Natural energy is Reserve Energy (RE) and should not be

wasted. “RE” is the primary requirement for survival from an
acute emergency to any form of stress or strain involving
mind or body or both. Under normal psychological and
physiological conditions we need basic functional energy that
is available from the food source. When we are tired for want
of energy, an appetite for food is stimulated and thus we feel
hungry. Once we take food, our energy requirement is satiated
and our hunger subsides. From the food source, a part of
energy is saved as RE through a specialized process. This RE
is stored in the liver tissues and in the muscles of the body.
Our body is composed of muscles and tissues primarily, and
then of bones to a smaller extent. The bones are essentially
external organs whereas the internal organs are free of bones.

Example of an internal organ and its function – Mouth and

teeth: Mastication and salivary secretion combine to bring the
deeply embedded taste in food through the breaking of the
food particles into molecular form. The liberation of atoms is
the liberation of energy; this energy is felt by the tongue as
‘taste’. Unless food particles are broken down to their
molecular form there is no feeling of energy; the heaviest and
major part of the digestion must be over in the mouth itself.
Whatever food that was not properly digested in the mouth is
considered as having bypassed the mouth. This is where
indigestion starts; at this point the body calls for the RE
which alone can smoothly settle the problem as we start
feeling the heaviness in the stomach at times when we
overeat. If there is no RE, we experience symptoms like
burping, nausea, giddiness, vomiting, fever or loose stool. If
this condition prolongs over a period of time, anything from
gastric ulcers to gastric cancer or any kind of such a situation
may arise.

RE is mobilized from the liver and muscles to deal with the

ailments of stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, lungs, heart,
blood vessels, small intestine, large intestine, brain, kidneys,
regenerative organs etc. When any disease affects us with
symptoms of fever, the body becomes tired. All the muscles
and joints feel the pain. This pain is due to the constant
extraction of the RE from the muscles to deliver it to the
needy organs in our body. RE is also called the immunity or
defense force (DF). Preserving DF is essential during stress.

During sports accidents and injuries many people never really

recover from the strain on the muscles and joints; they never
get repaired for want of RE or DF. Why was there a shortage
of this energy? It is because of the wasting of the RE/DF
stored in the various muscles of the external physical part of
the body during the physical exercise during the hay days. So
let us avoid unnecessary exercise and keep the RE intact.
The cause of Gallstones is excess production of bile and non
release of bile (NRB) from the gall bladder into the intestine;
its ingredients become crystallized and hardened; these are
stones. They may be small, big; numerous or few. Now let us
analyse why bile is not released into the intestine? What is the
reason for NRB?

Bile will be released only when there is food value available

in the intestine. As the food enters the stomach, also enter
with it all kinds of deleterious chemical substances, the added
artificial vitamins and minerals, antibiotic fertilizers, and the
noxious substances used as preservatives in various canned
food and drink items. The burden of neutralization of all such
harmful elements falls on the liver, the organ entrusted with
the neutralization of poisons in the food; and hence the
poisons are held in the tissues of the liver as blood passes
through it. There is now an increased production of bile in the
cells of the liver as an emergency measure. It is common
sense that an emergency situation shall only last as a short
term situation. On the contrary it has been made perennial
right from birth; and we have made the liver a standby organ
to this artificially and deliberately created an emergency
situation. Thus, we are made to live very acutely.

Bile as it is secreted in the liver cells, has to pass on to the

tubules in the liver tissue spaces, to be stored in the
gallbladder from where it is released into the intestine to
digest the naturally available food source delivered from the
stomach.The bile is released into the intestine from the
gallbladder only if it contains the food source; and any
unnatural and noxious substances found in it will be absorbed
into the liver tissues to be neutralized before it is released for
further digestion and utilization by the body system. Now,
NRB is the unavoidable consequence, it takes a reverse
course and pooling of bile takes place even in the tissues of
the liver. The static bile slowly crystallizes and its salts form
into stones.

Right from birth we are saved constantly from this situation

especially when as children we suffered from greenish loose
stools with gripping abdominal pain; and green coloured
vomiting, the green colour is the colour of the bile. In this
way the bile is forcibly extracted from the gallbladder and
removed from it thus saving the situation of crystallization
and stone formation due to overstay.

When modern symptomatic drugs are prescribed to children

to stop the bilious vomiting and the green coloured loose
stool time and again in increasing severity of the existing
disease, it complicates further in diversifying into myriads of
diseases. Now nearly twenty five generations down the line
since Symptomatic Allopathy came into existence the
majority of the population has been rendered devoid of
natural resistance.
Eating only when there is an appetite for food, questioning
why we are eating what we are eating, and mindfully
choosing what to eat is very important in maintaining a
healthy body and mind.

Crispy foods are dangerous. The heat of such foods benumbs

the stomach, the food pipe, the mouth, and the tongue as heat
rises causing belching and burping. The salivary glands lose
their functional capacity causing defective salivation and
mastication of food. This causes loose teeth, gum bleeding,
sore throat and ulcers in the mouth and tongue. A white
coating spreads on the tongue. This is also an early sign of
future diabetes. It is important to analyse what is triggering
the impulse to eat such food.

Therefore, avoid crispy, oil fried food, biscuits, chips etc.

Such foods retain a lot of heat in them. If we leave such foods
in the open air, they absorb the moisture content in the air and
become soaked losing their crispiness. Items like chicken
when deep fried, become hard and stay hard. All the water
content in the muscles is eliminated and charred to an extent
which means we actually consume fire!

As these foods enter the stomach, their heat is liberated in the

stomach slowly. The stomach and intestines are now loaded
with hot air leading to gastric problems. The gas enters the
blood circulation heating up the blood in addition; this is the
first phase of blood pressure.

As the hot gas enters various parts of the body tissues there is
an inflammation like disease status causing sudden boils on
the skin anywhere in the body, especially over the face. This
cannot be cured with antibiotics, anti- inflammatory and
anti-allergic drugs for the condition is not skin disease at all.
It is the blood borne heat finding its way out through the skin
surface, the largest heat elimination organ of the body.

Skin specialists fail to cure skin diseases because they regard

the skin as physiologically and pathologically distinct from
the human system; on the contrary, the skin is an integral
organ giving liveliness to the whole body. A healthy skin is an
expression of the health of the entire body. Similarly, any skin
lesions such as pimples on the face is a sign of diseased status
of the organs afflicted with the circulating blood borne heat.

What happens when blood borne heat enters the various

organs in the body? When heat is consumed as oil deep fried
and baked crispy foods, the stomach bears the burn of the
attack directly and suffers feverishness. We know that when
we suffer from fever we cannot be active; the same situation
occurs in the stomach as the heat from the food invades the
stomach. The stomach becomes numb and inactive leading to
a bloated feeling. The hot gas fills up along with the hot
spices of the food finding a way to escape through the mouth
with a burping; thus it is a spicy heat that escapes through the
mouth irritating the food passage from stomach to mouth,
thus indicating the possibility of developing a gastric ulcer,
cancer of the stomach, oesophagus or mouth.
Psoriasis is caused by the toxins accumulated in the cells of
the skin and its underlying integuments against which the
defence system is geared up to clear. The dead cells from the
skin below are thrown out as the heaping up debris peels off
the outer layers of skin. Until the toxins are cleared from the
skin structure, the process continues to restore healthy skin.

Any medicine that accentuates the process of healing is even

worse since the process of healing is well within our capacity
to bear, and is already on. Homeopathy is one such system
that accentuates a normal process which sometimes goes
beyond endurance and thus may be counter productive.

As far as treatment is concerned come to the easy method of

our mind fighting the disease. Our mind rejects and
disregards the disease. Mind says the disease must go. Take a
stance and stay with the mind. The Mind’s power is the
greatest of all powers to bring to reality what it wants.

What weakens the mind power is the doubt and suspicion

whether our disease will be eliminated or not. Here,
‘knowledge’ is our only enemy. ‘Knowledge’ says that there
is no treatment worldwide. We believe that and this becomes
the rejection of what our mind demands.
It is not we who we are not creating the child in our womb; it
is being created. We have no role in it. Even as the mother we
do not have control over the emerging new life. Vomiting is
caused by the reaction of the new life energy to the poisonous
or toxic substances embedded in the uterus, which is now the
world of the foetus. These substances are from those foods
not agreeable to our life energy which we have been eating all
through our life until before conception. Now that we have
conceived, the new life energy identifies these toxic
substances during the very early weeks of pregnancy and
strives to throw out or neutralize the toxins from our body.

This process stops the mother from continuing with old food
habits. The life-energy changes taste for the unaccustomed
foods which the mother will like for some time. This has to be
followed throughout the nine months of pregnancy and
change completely from the old food tastes that we loved all
these years. As the toxins are removed from the body,
vomiting will stop. To aid the natural process, do not eat
anything for 24 hours the moment the morning sickness is
felt. And that is it! The morning sickness is cured in just a
day. Thereafter the mother will blossom like anything; her
face will become bright, radiant and more beautiful and
graceful. This is due to the fresh new Life-energy in the
What happens if we stop this reaction by taking anti-emetic
pills? In addition to the existing toxins the drug toxins also
have been added. Yet, the body reaction is very much alive as
long as the new life energy is growing. This is the reason why
in most mothers the vomiting does not stop at all despite the
heavy drugs of modern medicine.

Vomiting is arrested for now with anti-emetic drugs; yet this

is not the end. It is the beginning of torturous life for the new
life ahead. The whole body begins to react against the toxins.
The liver, lungs, stomach, spleen and the heart muscles begin
to react against the toxic energy present in it. The elimination
through the mouth has been stopped with the drugs; so the
other outlets are open now. The other outlets are the lungs and
its elimination through the nose as continuous early morning
sneezing; this is the changed atmosphere to the morning
sickness; then the runny nose, constant phlegm formation,
intractable sinusitis and splitting headache. One develops
even asthma during pregnancy all for the same reason.

The next elimination route is the intestine. Bile is secreted in

excess and there may be reverse entry of the bile into the
stomach instead of its entry into the intestine, resulting in a
stomach ulcer which may lead to even cancer. Before that
there will be a lack of appetite with the same feeling of
morning sickness but with a difference that distaste for food
will develop; constant loose motion will be eventual. Modern
medicine will then stop the loose motion with its lethal drugs.
Further complication of morning sickness is ensured; the
other outlet is the skin; the largest elimination organ in the
body comes into life and begins to show the allergic reaction
on the skin surface; and the skin is the last of the normal
elimination routes that the body uses to eliminate the poisons
from bodily tissues. Now the killer modern medicine comes
equipped with its deadliest drugs, antihistamines drugs and
cortisones. The deadliest job is complete the moment this line
of treatment is taken. With these medicines, the final injury is
inflicted upon the defence energy and the immune system of
the body. The immunity is lost and one is open for any kind
of disease and its fast spread in the absence of natural

Finally only one elimination organ is left. The kidneys! All

the toxins and poisons reach the kidneys. The kidneys are
very sensitive organs in that they cause a very rebellious
feeling of sickness when getting damaged by anything that
disturbs their functioning even in the least. The very early
signs of kidney damage are weakness in the bones; knee joint
pains and major long bone pains; sleep disturbances; malaise
and fatigue; on and off fever which cannot be controlled by
drugs like chikungunya and other types of fevers of long
drawn nature. There is aversion for food; hiccups and
vomiting develop with restlessness; blood pressure shoots up
when kidneys are being damaged by the drugs. The legs, feet
and face swell up which is the heralding feature of kidney
failure. When this happens during the latter period of
pregnancy, it is a deadly state for the mother and the child.
The reason for all the problems and suffering until death is
the torture chamber of modern medicine, the I.C.U., the final
abode of the patients under the care of modern medicine. This
is the story of Allopathy.
The term ‘Polycystic’ means multiple pockets of fluid
collection. This indicates there is defective water metabolism
in the body, which means water is not properly digested,
distributed, utilized and its wastes not excreted. Due to this
water accumulates in organs, tissues and between the cells
either as multiple pockets or distributed uniformly. If it is
uniformly accumulating it is seen as causing obesity.

Even blood is water loaded, and pressure is increased as the

blood volume increases. Allopathy will prescribe drugs to
induce the kidneys to increase water excretion from the
blood, i.e. urine excretion is increased to reduce blood
pressure. However Allopathy fails to either control or cure BP
with these drugs as the system only roughly deals with the
disease without understanding the cause.

The cause: why water logging happens in the first place, and
then, set right the cause will be our treatment.

Whatever we eat or drink must be absorbed, utilized and

naturalized as per one’s individual self; whatever element in
food or drink not suitable to one’s nature will be eliminated as
waste. Any food one eats is naturalized so that its energy
becomes the self. All biological foods are ok and all inorganic
vitamins, calcium, iron, fluorine, chlorine, magnesium, zinc
and such minerals are poisonous to self energy.
Modern medicine gives a temporary effect of boosting
energy, but actually it leads to Life-energy fall. Breathing
capacity weakens; lack of oxygenation supervenes, and once
oxygen level falls, the first to suffer is water metabolism
leading to water accumulation in tissues either locally
developing into cysts; or uniformly bloating the body termed
as polycystic kidneys, polycystic ovaries, or polycystic lungs.

NOW, what to do? Let the process of elimination of water

start and this will happen in 24 hours. To assist this process,
do not consume any water or food for a day. On the second
day, take sips of water wetting the lips first. Keep the water in
the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.

Wetting the lips is important, for lips are organs that indicate
the need for water by becoming dry. Unless the water first
touches the lips before swallowing, there is no proper water
digestion. And the general rule applies: No to cool drinks, ice
cold items, too hot foods; sour tasting fruits and crispy items.
As mentioned earlier, crispy foods possess too much heat. If
we leave such items in the open air, because of its heat all the
moisture in the air absorbs into it and becomes waterlogged,
(biscuits, chips). If such foods are eaten, the same water
logging will develop and aggravate the existing diseases.

Say ‘No’ to Allopathy, as this system is drugging the kidneys

to alter their function so as to eliminate water from the body
fluids by damaging it and deranging its normal activity. This
way the physiologically healthy status of the kidney is
destroyed leading to inevitable kidney failure.
Regret and hurt results in loss of self worth. We are filled
with grief and sense of hopelessness. We want to punish
ourselves and thus create a destructive force within that asks
“why should I live?”

Yet there is always another thing too in our mind, the will to
live; and this is from the Life-force that begot us. Against
despair there is also a feeling of hope. We may quit or we
may challenge the situation and choose to overcome it.
Therefore, the better option is to choose the will to live.

Question the thought process that led to the confused frame

of suicidal mind. Remember, that what is ahead is always
good and that our negative thought process blinds us from it.

Suicidal tendencies it appears we have every means to end

life. But to lead a beautiful life is not in our hands. We try
every bit of our nerves towards the blissful life as if it is
possible with us; only to meet with failure and losses.

Now it is time we wished for a better and fruitful life in

contrast to the desolate and hopeless life that we have earned
for our self all these years. There is a fresh breeze ahead,
ready to fill us with inspiration and hope. Believe in this wish
and thereafter stay steadfast soulfully. We are well settled for
the rest of our life. We will be slowly elevated to the
righteous world with a newly inspired wish and wisdom.

The habit of cracking knuckles causes weakness in the small

joints creating symptoms of rheumatism and swelling, pain,
deformity of the joints of ankles and toes, wrists and fingers,
cervical, lumbar and sacral spondylosis. In many instances
there will be migraine, trigeminal neuralgia and jaw bone
joint pain.


We see most people shaking their legs without need; this

result in inability to observe and analyse; and develops
incompetence in judgment.


Commonly we see people sitting with one leg crossed over

the other; or one foot over the other. With such crossed legs
there will usually be an involuntary movement of the feet.
The lower foot will try to shake off the other foot placed over
it. It will seem as if both feet are swaying, but is not so: it is
the lower leg that is disturbed due to the weight placed over it
by the other foot which tries to shake it away. But the foot
above is unmindful. This creates senselessness inviting
unpleasant disturbances in the mind paving way for a
turbulent life ahead.

Chemicals are absorbed through the delicate parts of the skin

surface such as the webs of the fingers and toes; the eye lids,
behind the ear lobes, folds of the groin, armpits and of the
skin on the neck. These are the regions from where the same
chemicals will be thrown out by way of very smelly sweating.
Sometimes this will cause fungal infection, boils and pus
forming slimy patches with foul smell between the fingers
and especially occurring between the toes. Application of anti
fungal ointments, antibiotics, antiseptic soaps and spraying of
perfumes all further increase the chemical absorption from
the same areas, and become a principal cause of breast,
uterine, cervical, throat and lung cancer.


For the same reason as above, the chemical agents such as

calcium and fluorine can cause tongue cancer; and tooth
decay. The gums will recede and incessant bleeding may
occur. Our own finger is the best toothbrush that not only
soothes but also rejuvenates the efficacy of the gums from
which the teeth grow. Any use of brush or other materials
shall damage the gums, weakening the teeth and causing
tooth decay and severe pain.


Do not be wakeful when your eyes close on their own

indicating the natural need to sleep. If we abort such natural
urge to sleep and remain forcefully awake, we will suffer
from sleeplessness and from the lack of concentration and
memory loss in the future. The best time to go to bed at 9
p.m. and the best time to begin the day is 4 a.m. Sleeplessness
can easily be cured by adopting a healthy lifestyle and
avoiding caffeine after sunset.


Gaseous food causes constipation. Avoid foods such as Dal,

Potatoes, etc. If there is no gas or bloating of the abdomen,
then do not worry even if you do not pass motion for one or
two days, it only reveals that you had eaten food that had very
little roughage. It means you are in a very good shape. Every
day passing motion is not at all the Law of Nature.


Itching is a curable and a self restricting condition, only if we

do not scratch. Scratching aggravates and the rashes appear
due to it. The best way to resist scratching is to give ‘sharp
slaps’ in quick succession to the itching area until heat
spreads over it. Now the cure starts and soon you will be free
from allergic itching.
Dr. Fazlur Rahman, MBBS, DV., MD., PhD, (Acu) graduated
in Medicine from Stanley Medical College and completed his
post graduation from Madras Medical College, University of
Madras in 1978 and 1982.

As an under-graduate he became disillusioned with the

Allopathy concept and practice and this led him to do a
critical study on this system of medicine. He practiced
Allopathy from 1978 to 1984 in order to conduct a clinical
study that can bear witness to his realizations about lacunae in
modern medicine.

In 1984, Dr Fazlur Rahman abandoned his practice and

studied various alternate systems of medicine. In 1986 he
self-mastered acupuncture and treated patients with amazing

He became a popular doctor and brought about a revolution

in Acupuncture in Tamil Nadu. He demonstrated that
Acupuncture is not multi needle therapy but a single needle
cure. Just by using a single acupuncture point, the cure can be
affected within seconds. He treated 300 patients dailymorning
between 5.30 AM to 10.30 AM.

After his successful career in acupuncture for thirteen years

(1986 to 2000) Dr Fazlur Rahman got the wisdom of affecting
a cure without having to touch a patient. Thus the “No Touch
Cure – Zero Medicine Wisdom” came into existence.
He published several books in Tamil titles like ‘Learn
Modern Medicine’; ‘Myth called Modern Medicine’;
‘Learn Homeopathy’; ‘Ladies! It is for You’,’
Acupuncture Vs Allopathy’… His monthly magazine
‘Health Times’ in Tamil simplifying the cure for various
chronic diseases is a grace to the patients who are suffering at
the hands of modern medicine. His weekly program is
featured on TV Channel ‘TAMILAN’ on Fridays. He also
regularly answers questions on his website www.

Antibiotics play very little role in containing infections. In the
first place, the patient has enough vitality and resistance to
withstand the infection without which he would have
succumbed to it.

Even if you flood him with antibiotics, in the absence of his

natural resistance, nothing can be achieved. For example, in
patients who are debilitated and who are poor in vital strength
due to advanced cancer or diabetes, even a simple infection
can become fulminant and end up in gangrene resulting in
their death. This will never happen if only the patient has
enough immunity and resistance.
Generally, bacteria are present on the surface of our skin,
intestinal tract, and respiratory and urinary passages. They do
not grow in excess so as to cause infection as long as the
vitality of the skin or the organs is preserved. When there is
weakness in an organ or loss of integrity of the skin due to
injury, the vitality and resistance of the cells is lowered. To
overcome this, the number of bacteria increases in order to
enhance the immunity of the revitalized cells.

At this stage of bacterial growth, there may be mild

symptoms of infection. This is only temporary and heals
spontaneously because of the growing local immunity, along
with the increased bacterial growth. Any interference in this
natural growth of bacteria caused by applying antiseptic
lotions will stop the immune mechanism from functioning
and lead to a sure and progressive infection.


Normally there is equilibrium between the vitality of an organ
and the numerical strength of bacteria. When the vitality of
the cellular structure of an organ becomes weak the bacteria
begin to grow faster and the equilibrium gets disturbed. This
results in symptoms like pus formation, fever and body pain.
This is the state of infection. Now, antibiotics are
administered to eliminate bacteria. Since bacterial growth in
excess causes symptoms of infection, removal of bacteria
causes symptoms to subside. Now what follows is the deadly
consequence of which Allopathy is ignorant.

When the bacteria are wiped out, the immunity we have been
enjoying due to their presence and resistance against the same
bacteria isdestroyed. Thus we are exposed to more virulent
and frequent infections. This explains the recurrence of
symptoms with more virulence and the need for stronger
antibiotics and longer courses of treatment. In this way a
simple disease is rendered chronic whether it is sinusitis,
tonsillitis, ear infections, amoebiasis, appendicitis, bronchitis
or a case of pimples in adolescents.


The twin concept of Allopathy, the “Bacterial and the
Anti-Bacterial Theory” is the contradiction. According to
Bacterial theory, bacteria are essential germs necessary for
our survival since the presence of positive germs in our body
provides us the resistance and immunity against the disease

Now let’s consider how bacteria and germs give us immunity

or resistance against diseases: Typhoid fever is caused by
typhoid bacteria; diphtheria by diphtheria bacteria; polio is
caused by the polio virus and tetanus by tetanus bacteria; To
protect a person from typhoid fever, typhoid bacteria are
killed and injected into the body, as typhoid vaccine. These
vaccines containing typhoid bacteria give immunity and
resistance against typhoid fever. Similarly, DPT vaccine
containing germs of diphtheria, pertussis bacteria (producing
whooping cough) and tetanus bacteria, protects us from
diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus respectively.

Thus every bacterium is essential to our bodily system

because each of them functions in our body as specific
vaccine against diseases each bacterium is capable of causing.
These bacteria present in our body, sustain our immunity and
resistance. Hence they are indispensable to a healthy life.
Therefore, the Bacterial Theory earns the credibility to gain
the status of a well conceived fact.

Now, the second: “The Anti-bacterial Theory,” This theory

contradicts and annihilates the ‘bacterial theory’, because
antibiotics kill and eliminate the presence of bacteria in our
body. Once a particular bacterium is removed from the body
by an antibiotic, the immunity against the disease that the
particular bacterium is capable of affecting in the body begins
to fall. This fall in the resistance against the bacteria causes
increased growth of the same bacteria.


A very important ideology of modern medicine, “Do No
Harm” as stated by Hippocrates, the Father of Modern
Medicine is not to harm a patient in the first place, but in
practice it is exactly the opposite. The patient is harmed in the
first place! For example when a drug is prescribed for
arthritis, migraine or sinus, even before the drug could have
any effect on the disease, the harmful side effects take place.
This contradiction in what one reads and what one finds in
actual clinical practice has been the reason for the widespread
rejection of Allopathic system of medicine.


If modern medicine today can diagnose a disease in a day for
which it took ten days a decade ago, this can be called as
advancement. If modern medicine today is administering just
one or two drugs to treat a disease instead of high potency
multiple drugs prescribed earlier, it is worthy of mentioning.
If modern medicine today claims that it has got rid of even a
single side effect of any one of its medicines it has produced
so far, we can be satisfied that there is a sign of progress. But,
what we see and experience is quite contradictory.


A person sees and the brain receives the signals, if eyes and
brain fail to work together one becomes blind, the neurologist
should know only about the brain and an ophthalmologist
should know only about eyes. These two people do not work
together and cannot work together. If a neuro who does not
know about the eyes and an ophthalmologist who does not
know anything about the brain, come together to treat a
patient, they will be groping in the dark as blind men.

We are not questioning the specialists. We blame the subject

which is blind. To have a clear picture, take me for a patient
suffering from heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and
eye disease. I am seriously ill. Four specialists come to attend
on me; all these specialists are strangers to each other as one
doesn’t know the other man’s specialty. What are they going
to do by coming together? This depicts the grave situation I
am in.


When you fail to cure a disease with medicine, surgery steps
in. Surgery means a mechanical removal of an ailing organ or
a part of an organ. For example, unable to control or cure
‘fibroid cysts’ a bleeding disease in the uterus, surgery
removes the uterus itself.

The reason given is that it may endanger the patient’s life

sooner or later. If this principle is applied in general to a
human being as a whole, i.e., to prevent from falling sick in
the future, the human can be killed the moment he/she is
born! This is the only preventive treatment in store for us in
the modern medicine of the future. In one sense, it is already
going on in the form of abortions which is termed as
“Medical Termination of Pregnancy”.


When a heart patient is restricted from activities and advised
against usual work; food intake is restricted; he is also warned
of the fatal consequence if he gets emotional. Can any one
suppress an emotion? Will an individual not suffer more harm
by not letting out his emotions? After all, is not emotion
spontaneous? A person without emotions is considered good
as dead. As far as modern medicine is concerned even lying
in a coma is considered a form of longevity.
“Inflammation” means a collective defence against a foreign
substance by our body system. A damaged portion not
harmonious with our system is eliminated by a process called
inflammatory process. If this process is interfered with
anti-inflammatory drugs, we begin to harbour the effete
materials in our body. In the future we will be only a bundle
of diseases, the worst of which being gout and rheumatoid


Analgesics block the pain sensation of the affected parts of
the body from reaching the brain. This is neither relief nor
cure but dulls the overall sensitivity of our sensory system.
Use of analgesics is dangerous because pain is the important
sign and by suppressing it from the brain; the disease is only
silently getting aggravated.

Pain is the foremost symptom of a disease and it is directly

proportional to the gravity for the disease. Pain restricts the
normal movement and functional activities of an organ. In the
absence of pain, normal movements are continued as usual
and the unrestricted activity worsens the condition of the
already damaged organ.

This is the reason why analgesics are required in ever

increasing number; power and potency as the days go by
reaching a stage where no pain-killer however powerful is
enough, at this stage, finally addictive drugs like morphine,
pethidine etc.are administered.

Basic Life-energy is the inherent energy of a cell or an organ

to make it function on its own without the aid of food, water
or air energy. For example, till the child is born, the lung is a
solid mass, lying inside the chest wall. Upon birth, the lung
begins to function on its own by expanding and drawing into
it the air energy. Simultaneously, large intestine also begins its
function and passes stools. But for this inherent energy
potential, functional activities of an organ cannot take place.
The function of the basic Life-force is to self-sustain the
normal life activities of a cell and to protect it against
destructive forces. When drugs not in tune with the biological
activities enter the cells; the basic life energy begins its
defence activity against these poisons. Liver is an organ that
detoxifies the poison that enters the blood. During this
process, liver exhausts its energy because the medicines are
repeatedly administered. As the liver gets exhausted in its
basic Life-energy, it produces symptoms like lack of appetite,
vomiting, tiredness and dizziness. These are inevitable side
effects of any medicine that enters our system.

Ignorantly the drugs are administered to counter such side

effects and further deprive the liver of its Life - energy. This
starts a more profound medically introduced disease, which
involves the entire system, crippling an individual for life.
Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cells do not
show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a
few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are
no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just
means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because
they have not reached the detectable size.

Cancer cells occur between six to more than ten times in

one’s lifetime. A strong immune system destroys and prevents
the cancer cells from multiplying and forming tumors.

Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer

cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the
bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, causing damage to
liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. Radiation while destroying
cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells,
tissues and organs.

Chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumour size.

But prolonged use does not result in more tumour destruction;
rather the extreme toxic burden compromises and destroys
immunity. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells
to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.
Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

An Effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells

by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.
Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar we cut off one
important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes
are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural
substitute would be honey or molasses but only in very small
amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in
colour. Better alternative is sea salt.

Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the

gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Cancer feeds on mucus. By
cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soya milk,
cancer cells are being starved.

Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine.

Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting
properties. It is best to drink purified water, or filtered, to
avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled
water is acidic, avoid it.

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. A proactive

and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior become a
survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body
into a stressful and acidic environment. Learning to maintain
prayerful patience and equanimity, and cultivating a forgiving
attitude is the key to recovery.
(An extract from Vaccinations Do Not Protect, by Eleanor
McBean. Call(001) 203-929-1557 and ask for Jo Willard)

The theory of vaccinations is based on principles that

Vaccinations are relatively harmless, effective and are
responsible for the decline of infectious diseases and are the
way to prevent epidemics.

The theory of vaccinations states that by giving a person a

mild form of the disease, by the use of an immunizing agent,
specific antibodies are produced that will protect the organism
when the real comes along. It sounds plausible,
But let us explore further…

Vaccinations are introduction of foreign proteins and live

viruses into the bloodstream with its own preservative,
neutralizer and carrying agent, none of which are indigenous
to the body. For instance:

1. The triple antigen, DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)

contains the following poisons: formaldehyde, mercury,
and aluminium phosphate,
2. Polio vaccine lists monkey kidney cell, antibiotics and
calf serum.
3. The MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella lists
chick embryo and neomycin, which is a mixture of
Chick embryo, monkey kidney cells and calf serum are all
foreign proteins which are biological substances composed of
animal cells which because they enter directly into the
bloodstream become part of our genetic material. These
foreign proteins, as well as other carriers and reaction
products of a vaccine are potential allergens and can produce
anaphylactic shock.

Vaccines go directly into the bloodstream without filtering by

the liver. When water is taken into our system as a drink, it
goes into the bloodstream directly from the stomach, but if we
take in fats, they move in through our lymphatic system.
When we take other substances like carbohydrates and
proteins, they go into the intestines and then passed into the
liver as the body’s chemical filter before they go out into the
blood and circulate in the body. However, most vaccination
serums and proteins are not filtered by the liver; consequently
vaccinations are a shock to the system. Injections of foreign
substances like viruses, toxins and foreign proteins into the
bloodstream via vaccinations, are associated with diseases
and disorders to the blood, brain, nervous system and skin.

Rare diseases such as atypical measles and monkey fever,

premature aging, allergies, etc. have been associated with
vaccines. Also linked to immunizations are diseases such as
cancer, leukemia, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and
sudden infant death syndrome. Some of the other side effects
of various vaccines:
Severe Temperature elevations 105 degrees or higher.
Collapse with rapid recovery. Collapse by prolonged
prostration in shock-like state. Screaming episodes. Isolated
convulsions with or without fever. Frank encephalopathy,
which is brain damage, with changes in the level of
consciousness, focal neurological signs, convulsions with or
without permanent neurological and/or mental deficit.

About brain damage, shock and severe temperature: The

occurrence of sudden infant death syndrome – SIDS, has been
reported following the DPT vaccine.

Whooping cough vaccine which is a component of the DPT

vaccine has such a high percentage of neurological
complications, including death that most physicians have
decided not to give it at all. We know about the degenerative
diseases caused due to x-rays, drugs and polluted food,
additives, preservatives, and immunizations, then what about
the effects on the human body of ingesting other substances
not found in nature?

Vaccinations are toxins that kill slowly, or kill only after the
lapse of significant periods of time. Such cases of deaths are
never listed. Asthma, acute lymphatic leukemia, tubercular
meningitis, streptococcal cellulitis and infantile paralysis are
just a few of the fake causes of death listed on the death
certificate for people who are dying from vaccinations.

Statistics from around the world show unequivocally that

infectious diseases like smallpox, diphtheria, whooping
cough, scarlet fever, etc., began to disappear long before
vaccinations ever came on the scene. (World Health Statistics
1973–1976, Volume II. There has been a steady decline of
infectious diseases in most developing countries regardless of
the percentage of immunizations in these countries).

Vaccination program of ‘polio’ as an epidemic is a

manipulation of statistics. Disease, like everything else in
nature, follows cycles. It comes in, reaches its peak and
leaves, no vaccination program on Earth has ever been able to
change this. Polio disappeared in Europe between 1940 and
1950 without any vaccination programs whatsoever.

We’ve been taught about antibodies, that they are the shock
troops of your immune system that go out and kill all the
nasty germs that are attacking us day in and day out. The
reality, however, is that antibody production is not our
primary immunological defence, and that the idea of
stimulating them by injecting with poisons, serums,
free-floating genetic material, stabilizers and vaccines, is

Just because you give somebody a vaccine and maybe get an

antibody reaction doesn’t mean a thing. The only true
antibodies, of course, are those you acquire naturally.
Cause of Disease
Disease is nothing but ‘Loss Of Ease’ due to Emotions such
as Anger, Fear, Grief and Stress. These negative emotions are
produced due to the thoughts of impatience, doubt, scarcity
and guilt. ANGER is due to impatience with the unexpected
affecting the liver. The symptom is the changed colour of
eyes. FEAR is due to doubt in ‘what is to come’. The inability
to bear an unexpected event affects the kidney. WORRY is
due to lack of focus in abundance. This results in anxiety for
our needs leading to disorder of the stomach. GRIEF is due to
a feeling of guilt. This results in loss of self worth and a sense
of hopelessness affecting the lungs. STRESS is the sum total
of these emotions, a chaotic situation affecting the smooth
functioning of the heart.


Senses Organs Emotions
Taste-Mouth Stomach/Spleen Worry
Sound-Ear Kidney/Urinary bladder Fear
Smell-Nose Lungs/Large Intestine Grief
Sight-Eyes Liver/Gallbladder Anger
Touch-Skin Heart/Small Intestine Stress

The second dimension leads to a conclusion that to prevent

disease, we must avoid anything that can cause loss of ease.
And therefore another Bill Board message that I must apply
in my life is: ‘Seek Peace above all.’
The ‘Factor’ Behind the
The disease-causing negative emotions arise due to belief
only in the five senses; one becomes blind to ‘the Truth of
‘what is to come’, the Divine potentiality. This blindness
provokes impatience, doubt, feeling of scarcity and guilt
leading to anger, fear, worry and sorrow.

By contrast, Faith in the Divine potentiality of ‘what is to

come’ brings Patience, Courage, Confidence and Faith – to
help us maintain Peace.

We have conscious conscience guiding us to a meaningful life

and the ‘free will’ to choose our response. We may use our
free will either to get provoked or follow inspiration.

When we are not conscious of conscience (Inspiration), we

get provoked into impatience and greed, which makes one
human different from another. One loses ease and succumbs
to disease, another maintains peace and stays in good health.

The life depleting attitude is complaining, competitive,

confronting, calculative, greedy and miserly. The peace
inviting force is cooperative, compassionate and joyful. We
need to adhere to the Mind, be conscious and seek Inspiration
in every breath to protect from the provocative force of the
materialistic five senses. This is the process we must adopt to
prevent falling prey to illnesses.
There is ‘EGO’ and the ‘SELF’ in us,
Ego – ‘I’, is identifying with Personality.
‘SELF’ is identifying with UNSEEN Soul.
‘Ego’ responds to Provocation.
‘SELF’ responds to Inspiration.
‘Ego’ blinds me with Pride to isolate me.
‘SELF’ enlightens humility and compassion.
Ego’s vote is against me.
Self’s vote is in favour of me.
As an ‘independent free will’
I am casting the deciding Vote.
“Let us therefore, be with the SELF and respond to
INSPIRATION and cast the deciding vote in our favour.”

Inspiration is due to focus on UNSEEN. It evolves one to
greater light and wisdom generating LIFE ENHANCING
ENERGY, thus improving health, harmony and wellbeing.
Provocation is due to focus on SEEN. It generates LIFE
DEPLETING ENERGY and leads one to abyss of darkness,
ignorance, disease, disharmony and despair.
“What Drives You Makes You!”
“What You Possess Possesses You!”

In a day to day basis, we face the following life situations:

1. Our need does not get fulfilled.

2. What we need gets fulfilled.
3. Our need gets fulfilled beyond expectations.

The thoughts that we harbour during these three different life

situations result in the behavior that leads us to a destiny of: –
wellness or illness, light or darkness, harmony or conflict,
wisdom or ignorance.

In the 1st situation, when needs are not fulfilled, I get

provoked and feel disgust, hurt and envious, inviting Life
Depleting Energy, or Prayerfully seek patience by trusting the
Divine and thereby inviting Life Enhancing Energy.

In the 2nd situation, my needs get fulfilled, I develop greed

and remain restless, or feel inspired by gratefully sharing. .

In the 3rd situation, when needs get fulfilled beyond

expectations; I develop pride and arrogance, or stay in
graceful humility depending on what I heed and respond to.

Situation one is a dark stage in one’s life. During this stage, I

am tested with sickness, conflicts, loss of wealth or a loved
one and so on. I can fall into more darkness if I respond to
this situation with disgust, hurt or envy.

However, I can protect myself from falling into darkness if I

respond to this situation by maintaining prayerful patience.
This patience leads to light and wisdom. In such situations
too, I can list out my blessings and share with the needy.

Situation two is when my needs are indeed fulfilled; it is a

bright stage. To become greedy or miserly at this stage is to
fall into darkness again. I must move to greater light by
showing gratitude to the fulfillment I receive by gratefully
sharing with forgiveness for others.

Situation three is a brighter stage in life. I receive abundance

beyond my expectations. In this stage too, I can develop Pride
and fall in grace and plunge into greater depths of darkness
unless I seek grace from the Universal Force to maintain
Humility and charity mind-set in greater proportion.

TABLE: Fulfilment of Needs Wants and Desires:

Needs/Wants Unseen – Seen –

Inspired Provoked
We have evolving existential needs:
For identity and recognition, our ‘ego’ needs Social Status.
To function well physically, our ‘body’ needs Health.
For our need to belong, our ‘heart’ needs Relationship.
For material success, we need Wealth
To actualize our life potential, the ‘self’ needs dignity.

Among us some are wealthy, some are poor, some are

healthier, some gain great fame and some are not even
known. Some develop confidence, dignity and self-worth,
yet some fall into self-doubt, insecurity and depression.

This difference in health, wealth and status is due to what

we invite unto us by the choices we make as adults. It is
our INTENTION that leads to the THOUGHT
AS DESTINY (Current State).

Therefore, the level of unfulfilled, fulfilled or plus fulfilled

status is directly proportional to our ACTION.

“As ye sow so shall ye reap.”

(Table for self-reflection)

My Behaviour / Action Affects

1. Consumed more, gave less.
2. Consumed and contributed. Social
3. Consumed less, gave more.

1. Ate when not hungry.

2. Ate as per hunger. Health
3. Ate when hungry & fed others.
1. Did not do as promised.
2. Did as promised. Relationship
3. Did more than promised.
1. Took, and did not account
2. Kept ‘give and take’ accounts. Wealth
3. Gave, but did not account
1. Preached, but practiced not.
2. Practiced what preached. Dignity
3. Practiced more preached less.

Action = Destiny (1 = poor, 2 = good, 3 = excellent)

Realizing that our behavior and action is directly proportional

to our status (poor, good, excellent), if we want to upgrade
our status, we can change our behavior from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3.
For as humans, our actions determine our destiny.
When a negative situation recurs, it is due to the fact that we
took more than we needed, or did not fulfill our promises, or
preached what we did not practice…

We can reverse this situation by seeking forgiveness and

showing gratitude for what we have. And this we can do by
our act of SPENDING, for it is what we withheld withholds
us from our growth and progress.

What is implied by the act of spending?

Whatever we are today is a Gift of the Universal Creator.

Whatever we will be tomorrow is based on our gift to the
Universal Creator - the action, therefore, can come forth from
me is the act of Spending, which implies:-

Spending self and what is with me.

Sharing what I receive
Make up for failed promises.
When unwell, fast and expend effort for the needy.

I spend as compensation for having taken more. In great need

too I must share whatever is available with me; and in as
many ways possible, no longer “take more and give less.”
Our mind influences our aging body; however, we are not just
the body, we are also an ever growing spiritual soul.

Our mind is the bridge between unseen Life-energy of the

spiritual world and the five senses of the material world. Thus
we are experiencing a ‘seen’ and an ‘unseen’ world.

Much of the focus of academic education is on the materialist

side of the ‘seen’, which represents a general worldview. The
danger in this is that, if we end up believing only in the ‘seen’
and get blinded to the blessings of the ‘unseen’ - all due to the
conditioning of mind.

The conditioned belief in the ‘seen’ leads us to chase after

Possession, Position and Power, while we lose sight of the
actual purpose of Life. By being overly entangled in the
transient material world, we miss out on Purity, our eternal
goal. Furthermore, failing to purify our self will eventually
lead to loss of peace, negatively affecting the bodily organs
causing distress and disease.

Life brings with it what is needed for its existence. We do not

have to be unduly worried about life needs. The physical body
ages, but the soul never dies. Death is therefore, nothing but
outgrowing of the soul from the body.
The Human body is the embodiment of the Universe and so
our feeling and soul perception as humans is that we are an
integrated part of the Whole. We are always creating our own
Universe. The world we live in is the cumulative result of our
own individual action. What we do is what the Universe gives
back to us. Why are some nations more successful and some
lag behind, some are happy and some miserable? The answer
is in what values drive the majority of that population, do
they believe in: Matter or Mind, Life or the Land, Greed or
Gratitude, Security or Freedom?

Just as our thoughts and emotions lead to our illness, similarly

the culture of the society designs the fate of that geographical
region and its people. No nation can have lasting success if
the leaders at the helm are divisive, oppressive and violating
the freedom of their people.

For a nation to succeed, spirit and values of integration,

harmony and peaceful coexistence should be inculcated
among everyone. No one should see anyone as “the other”
and divide people as “we and they”. Such divisiveness leads
to conflict, loss of peace, invites disease and ultimately leads
to our individual and collective disaster.

To bring about a positive change, create harmony; invite

peace, health, joy and abundance. We need leaders who are
inspired, independent, free, wise and lead by example - ‘be
the change they want to see’. We need leaders who can
integrate and impact the society by nurturing collaboration,
have a harmonious heart and a determined mind. It is this
attitude that will lead to transforming the world.

Science observes and describes ‘pathology’ by giving names to
identify the SEEN as bacteria, virus, etc. However, any ‘thing’
that comes into being – whether bacteria, insect, plant or animal
happens when the environment conducive for its growth is
created. What comes into being vanishes too. e.g., flies and
mosquitoes thrive during certain seasons and, as the season gets
over, they disappear. Similarly, kidney stones, gallstones, cysts,
tumours, cancer, heart blocks too gets reversed. SEEN manifests
from the UNSEEN based on the choices we make. As humans
we have a choice, what our next moment should be. This is
called THINKING. It includes Awareness, Imagination,
Discrimination and Action. This makes us the architect of our
own destiny.

We contaminate Life-energy and create Life-depleting disease

force through negative thoughts and we reverse the pathology
with Life-enhancing force by choosing positive thoughts. Our
thought is our choice, wish or prayer to which the Universe
responds. ‘Be and it is, the Wish is the Command’.

Therefore it is the Mind that controls the body and is responsible

for health or disease. Mind attracts the matter and the
environment, the ill grown or well growth of surrounding plants
and animals and scarcity or abundance of resources.
The Relief is in the Belief. The belief in the UNSEEN helps us to
flow with the changing phenomena and move on with life. We
spend ourselves and whatever we have to enhance our
perspective and thus continue to evolve to ‘what is to come’
heading towards greater health, harmony and peace.

What you read in this book gave you an intellectual
understanding, but when you ponder over it, it becomes your
own realization. However between realization and
actualization, there is a gap. To change for the better, this gap
needs to be bridged. This calls for action, a complete
harmonizing of our approach to life, a behavioural change in
the way we respond to situations at home, workplace,
neighborhood, and in society.

The greatest wonder is the creation of Life. All cells in our

body are compositely connected. The compositely connected
cells function as organs. The composite organs support the
whole body. All living things are similarly integrated. Hence,
all life forms are to be greatly valued.

Every life has NEED. When we provide what life needs, it is

nurturing, when we obstruct it, we are being oppressive.
Nurturing develops; oppressiveness destroys. The cells
behave as per our ‘feel’. The nurturing feel integrates and
energizes the body. The divisive and oppressive feel
disintegrates. For example, the feeling of kindness expands
the heart and the resulting positive feel lets the blood flow
smoothly to every part of the body, keeping it healthy. There
is no blockage or constriction in any artery or the blood
vessels. A well functioning heart, thus keeps the entire body

It is our thoughts that limit us. “What You See Is What You
Get” (WYSWYG). We may think divisively in narrow terms
of “my family only, people of my region, caste and culture
only”. This limits our horizon and binds us in boundaries.
Such thoughts transfer life depleting energy disintegrating the
cells in our body, in that of our spouse, family and lead to an
epidemic in the society. Therefore, let us see ourselves as part
of the Whole and play an integrative role to bond the world
humanity as one.

Let not toxicity build up

When we have anything extra that we don’t need and we

hoard, we are denying it to the life that needs it. This is an
oppressive behaviour and builds up toxicity within us and
around us. How we treat others is what we invite in our life.
Be supportive to people at home, with neighbours and at
work. Avoid being possessive and try to control everything.
Share your work and responsibility by empowering people
around you. Build teams and be a team player. Keep
surroundings clean. Let home and workplace be clutter free.
‘What we do outside is what we create inside’.

As an employer
Be kind to your employees. Cultivate empathy and understand
their situation better, visit their homes and assist them with
their needs. This will help you in mentoring them better.

As an employee

Be sincere in your work. Remember, your contribution in the

profitability of your company is directly connected with your
job security.

As a self employed professional and a business


If you are running your own business, see every client as an

opportunity to serve. At times, it may be difficult to deal with
certain clients, yet a sincere effort is worth it, for a satisfied
client is a cause of peace and eventually brings more

As a partner

As a business associate, colleague at workplace, spouse or

family member, be fair and equal in your responsibility. The
harmony you offer outside creates the harmony inside.


All the above are ideals to which we all may agree, yet to
develop ourselves to respond to situations in a positive
manner, we need to break free from our habitual emotional
traps. This requires a conscious effort to train the mind to
guard against such violations.

From the best of three decades experience in the field of

behavioral science, we have designed various courses to help
people at various levels to unfold their self limiting blindfolds
and actualize their dormant potential. We invite you to enroll
and reap the benefits. These Courses are offered on weekdays
and weekends followed up by review meetings. You are
welcome to partner with us to spread Wellness Worldwide
and also attend fortnightly Meetings.

For more details, you are welcome to connect with the author:

Open Minded,
Individuals find it,
as they seek for it
and therefore realize
it is within our self, and
that is where they

boundary-defined groups,
do not seek,
and therefore
cannot find it,
So they do

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