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Chapter – 16

• It has been defined as full and equal membership of the citizens in a particular political
• It is a relationship of an individual with the state.
• It is really a status given by law to the members of state.
• It ensures protection and rights to the people.
The citizenship Provisions in the Indian Constitution
• Indian parliament passed Citizenship Act in 1955.
• The provisions about citizenship in the Constitution can be found in the part II, articles from
4 to 11.
• Making use of the power granted by Article 11 of the Indian Constitution, parliament made a
comprehensive law about citizens.
• The law prescribes Five Methods of Acquiring Citizenship. They are as follows:
1. Citizenship by birth
• Persons who born in India on/after 26th January 1950 is a citizen of India.
2. Citizenship by descent
• A person born outside India on/after 26th January 1950 will get the citizenship of India, if his
father is an Indian citizen at the time of the birth of the above person.
3. Citizenship through Registration
• The following categorises of persons will get Indian Citizenship through registration.
a. A person who is married to Indian citizens (7 years).
b. The minor children of Indian citizens.
c. The adult citizens of Common Wealth Countries.
d. A person of full age and capacity whose parents are registered as citizens of India.
e. The Indian national who is residing in the undivided India.
4. Citizenship by naturalization
• A foreigner, subject to certain restrictions can get citizenship through long term residence in
5. Citizenship by incorporation of territories
• If any region becomes a part of India, the government of India has the right to declare the
people of that region as citizens of India.

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Loss of Citizenship
• The Citizenship Act, 1955, prescribes Three ways of losing citizenship. They are:
1. By Renunciation
• Any citizen of India can make a declaration renouncing his Indian Citizenship.
2. By Termination
• When an Indian citizen voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another country, his Indian
citizenship automatically terminates.
3. By Deprivation
• It is a compulsory termination of Indian Citizenship obtained by fraud registration and
naturalization and being disloyal to the Constitution etc...,
Universal Citizenship
• It means to give citizenship to the people who wish to be the citizen of any particular
country. For eg: due ethnic clash, internal war, natural disasters etc..,
Global Citizenship
• It is a vision that every one is a member of a global community, instead of being a citizen of
a particular country.
• Globalization and technological advancement in transport and communication made every
one very closer.


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