SCCL Contract Registration

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Tenders Procedure for Tendering / Registration of Contractors

For tendering any Civil work up to `. 50.00 Lakhs in THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED, the Contractors have to get
themselves registered in the CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT.
For civil works of Value more than `. 50.00 Lakhs, Tender forms shall be issued to all those who apply after payment of cost of the
Types of Tenders
schedule in case of non-e procurement tenders. The Tenderers have to submit necessary documents along with the tenders as
Registration mentioned in NIT to get them registered if their tender is considered for acceptance.

Precudure for Tendering In case of e-procurement tenders for cost more than `. 50.00 Lakhs, the tenderers have to down load tender documents from e-
procurement site. The Tenderers have to submit necessary documents along with the tenders as mentioned in NIT to get them
Method of Evaluation
registered if their tender is considered for acceptance.

The different classes and norms for the participation in tenders in SCCL are as follows:

Annual turnover `. Solvency required in the form of FDR/B.G. Registration fee

Class For works costing
Lakhs `. Lakhs `.

above up to
`.Lakhs `.Lakhs

100 80 5.00 4000

Class - I 40 100 30 2.00 3000

Class – II 20 40 15 1.00 2000

Class – III 5 20 5 0.5 1000

Class - IV - 5 - 0.25 500

The registration of contractors will be done periodically by GENERAL MANAGER (Civil).

In addition to observing the above norms, the Contractor shall also furnish the following documents for Registration in the
appropriate class.

Experience certificate for having done work satisfactorily during the previous THREE financial years, with cost particulars and
duration showing expenditure during each financial year, issued by the Government and Organisations of repute.
Solvency amount in the form of FDR or Bank Guarantee valid for 5 years from any Nationalised/Scheduled banks as per
above table.
Partnership deed in case of firms and companies.
VAT/TIN registration certificate.
Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate
Latest pass port size photos 3 nos. for identification.
Any other document/Certificate as required by SCCL depending on Govt. stipulations from time to time.

All applications for Registration received from Contractors from time to time will generally be processed and put up to Director (O)
for approval and thereafter Registration Certificate will be issued to the Contractor under the Signature of GENERAL MANAGER

A registered contractor can respond to any tender notice from any area of the Company for Civil Works. A list of registered
contractors duly updating the same from time to time shall be maintained in all areas.

Periodical Review of Registered Contractors

The names of such contractors who have not submitted tenders for any work in the category of their Registration during a period of
three consecutive years shall be automatically removed from the list of Registered Contractors.

However, they can get themselves re-registered by following the usual formalities afresh.

Registration will be valid up to 5 years from the date of Registration. Applications for renewal of registration if desired should be
submitted to the Office of GENERAL MANAGER (CIVIL) at least One-month in advance from the date of expiry of validity of
registration by submitting necessary documents.

© 2013 SCCL Mines, All rights reserved. Site last updated :19 Mar 2024 Maintained by IT Dept.

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