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SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108

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Seminars in Perinatology

Care bundles for management of

obstetrical hemorrhage
Adiel Fleischer, MDn, and Natalie Meirowitz, MD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hofstra North Shore—LIJ School of Medicine, 270-05 76th Ave, Suite 400,
New Hyde Park, NY 11040

article info abstra ct

Keywords: Peripartum hemorrhage is one of the most preventable causes of maternal mortality
Maternal Mortality worldwide. Much effort has been directed toward creating programs that address deficits in
Peripartum hemorrhage maternity care responsible for preventable hemorrhage-related morbidity and mortality.
Hemorrhagic shock To have a significant impact on outcomes, such programs must address both providers and
Massive transfusion processes involved in the delivery of maternity care. At the core of a successful program,
are standardized care bundles integrating medical and surgical techniques for managing
hemorrhage with principles of transfusion medicine and critical care. In this article, we
review the components of the safety bundle for obstetric hemorrhage developed by ACOG
District II Safe Motherhood Initiative.
& 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction medicine specialists, obstetricians and gynecologists, obstetrical

nurses, certified nurse midwives, and anesthesiologists. During
Peripartum hemorrhage continues to be a major contributor regular meetings, we build a consensus around the major
to maternal morbidity and mortality. Over the last 10 years, elements of a standardized clinical protocol concerning the
the incidence of PPH and transfusions (including that of diagnosis and management of peripartum hemorrhage.
massive transfusion) has increased considerably.1,2 Most Elements of the standardized clinical protocol for peripar-
reviews of maternal mortality from hemorrhage suggest that tum hemorrhage are as follows:
the majority of these cases are preventable.3–5 A comprehen-
sive protocol addressing the issue of accurate and realistic
diagnosis, as well as timely and adequate interventions, is  Risk assessment and measures to modify that risk
likely to have a positive impact on the morbidity and mortal-  General (universal) preparations for managing any PPH
ity associated with this obstetrical complication. episodes
Approximately 2 years ago, a group of Obstetricians and  Diagnosis
Gynecologists in NYS under the leadership of ACOG District II ○ Establish a more objective process for measuring
launched a patient safety initiative to address several clinical blood loss
entities responsible for maternal morbidity and mortality (Safe ○ Define the stages of hemorrhage based on the clinical
Motherhood Initiative). One of the three clinical entities chosen consequences of blood loss
for this intervention was peripartum hemorrhage. The group  Management algorithms
was multidisciplinary in nature, including maternal–fetal  Logistics and communication

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Fleischer).
0146-0005/& 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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100 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108

 Hemostatic intervention product acceptance list that can be completed and signed by
 Replacement therapy the patient in the antepartum period (Table). Some patients,
such as those with religious objections, are familiar with the
various products, but others are unfamiliar and require
Risk assessment detailed counseling. It is best to introduce such discussions
privately between the patient and the physician, and include
Ideally, risk assessment for peripartum hemorrhage, should family members only if requested by the patient. The dis-
start in the antepartum period to allow time for diagnosis and cussion should address the surgical measures that can be
delivery planning. Although all women should be considered at anticipated if hemorrhage occurs, including need for hyster-
risk for hemorrhage, further classification into medium and ectomy. This is especially critical for these patients as the
high risk allow for targeted interventions. Examples of ante- decision for surgical intervention here should be made earlier
natal interventions include treatment of maternal anemia, in the course of bleeding compared with patients who will
diagnosis of abnormal placentation, and management of coa- accept transfusion. If the blood transfusion acceptance form
gulopathies. Advance planning and multidisciplinary coordina- has not been completed in the antepartum period, it should
tion of care is needed to minimize the risk of life threatening be accomplished upon admission to Labor & Delivery.
hemorrhage and increase the margin of safety for patients with It is also preferable to identify patients that refuse blood
these conditions. The most common conditions that benefit products in the antepartum period, so that hemoglobin can
from such interventions in the antepartum period are: be optimized (with oral or intravenous iron) well before
admission for delivery. Patients with inherited or acquired
 Placenta previa coagulopathy as well as those who are fully anticoagulated
 Placenta accreta are best co-managed with hematology and/or Maternal–Fetal
 Previous classical cesarean section Medicine, and their coagulation status carefully monitored in
 History of myomectomy the peripartum period.
 Refusal of blood transfusion
 Bleeding disorder General (universal) preparations
 Current anticoagulation (therapeutic)
 Significant cardiopulmonary and hematologic morbidities Optimal care of the high-risk patient involves an organized team
approach, so it is important that team members (obstetrician,
For patients with prior uterine surgery and abnormal pla- anesthesiologist, nursing, neonatology, etc.) are aware when a
centation, the most critical element in management is timing high-risk patient is admitted to Labor & Delivery. One effective
the delivery before the onset of labor. In such cases, the risk of method of standardizing such communication is the Perinatal
neonatal prematurity is outweighed by the significant risk of Huddle, which enhances situational awareness and allows team
profound maternal hemorrhage should labor occur spontane- members to prepare for potential hemorrhage and develop an
ously. The group’s recommendation in this regard is entirely organized management plan. The exchange of clinical informa-
consistent with ACOG guidelines concerning these entities.6 tion that occurs with the Perinatal Huddle has become more
valuable given the increasing frequency of provider cross cover-
Condition for which timing of delivery is critical age in obstetrical care. As part of general measures, women who
are at high risk for peripartum hemorrhage should have a type
and cross-match submitted on admission to L&D.
Placenta accreta 340/7–356/7 weeks
Placenta previa 360/7–376/7 weeks Familiarity with blood bank protocols
Prior classical C/S 360/7–376/7 weeks
Previous myomectomy 370/7–386/7 weeks It is important to be familiar with the institution’s blood bank
If extensive 360/7–376/7 weeks protocols to respond to peripartum hemorrhage in an adequate
and timely manner. Collaboration between Obstetrics and
Transfusion Medicine (blood bank) to develop guidelines for
In addition, for patients with placenta accreta, transfer to a blood product replacement is mutually beneficial. Such guide-
facility for delivery that has the resources to manage such lines must address the following key elements critical for
complex cases is critical. Those include blood bank resources, successfully managing obstetrical hemorrhage:
experienced surgical support, anesthesia resources, the abil-
ity to provide vascular embolization, urology services, and  Emergency blood release
critical care support.  Massive transfusion protocol (MTP)
 Hemorrhage cart/medical kit
Blood transfusion acceptance  Hemorrhage team (different then the primary team)

Another category of high-risk patients that benefit from

antenatal discussion are those refusing blood transfusions. Emergency blood release
It is important for the provider to discuss and document
which specific replacement products are acceptable to the Unanticipated hemorrhage can occur before the availability of
patient in the event of hemorrhage. We suggest using a blood cross-matched blood. Under these circumstances, emergency

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SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108 101

Table – Blood product acceptance list.

Category I Will accept Will not accept May accept under certain circumstances
Red blood cells
Fresh frozen plasma
Autologous banked blood

Category II (contains human plasma)

Fibrin glue
Fibrinogen concentrate (RiaSTAP)
Plasma protein fractions/plasmanate
Human immunoglobulin
Factor 8/vWF concentrate (Humate-P and Wilate)
Prothrombin complex concentrate
Bebulin (3 factors)
Kcenta (4 factors)

Category II (does not contain human plasma)

Factor 7A (Novo 7)
Factor 8 recombinant
Factor 9 recombinant
Factor 13 recombinant (Tretten)

Category III (no blood component)

Tranexamic acid
Balanced salt solutions

Category IV
Isovolemic hemodilution
Hypervolemic hemodilution
Cell saver

Date: _______________ Time: ______________

Signature: ____________________________________________
Witness: ______________________________________________

release of O-negative or type specific blood (where type is known) endorsed above others, ratios between 1:1 and 1:2 (FFP:RBC)
becomes necessary. Although cross-matched blood is preferable, seem to be beneficial when compared to lower ratios. Time to
successful transfusion using type specific or O-negative blood achieve these ratios is important as well, and early admin-
approaches 99%. In a large review of trauma patients, 5810 units istration of these (FFP:RBC) rates appears to be associated
of uncross-matched blood were administered to 161 patients. with lower mortality and massive transfusion rates.11,12
There were no acute hemolytic transfusion reactions observed in
these patients.7 In general, a successful transfusion of type
specific blood is reported as high as 99.8%.8 Similarly, emergency Hemorrhage cart/medical kit
release of FFP includes ability to release AB plasma on an urgent
basis. Given the scarcity of AB plasma low titer Type A plasma The construction of a hemorrhage cart and medical kit allows
has become acceptable as a general donor of FFP.9,10 easy access to equipment and medications used to control
hemorrhage. It should be accessible to all areas of the
hospital where peripartum hemorrhage may be anticipated
Massive transfusion protocol (MTP) (Labor & Delivery, Postpartum Unit, Antepartum Unit, Triage
Unit, etc.). The suggested components of the hemorrhage
An institution’s MTP is used to standardize the response to cart/medication kit are detailed in Figure 1.
massive uncontrolled hemorrhage. It outlines exactly how
the blood bank will release large amounts of blood and blood
products as well as the order and ratio with which they Hemorrhage team
should be administered. Newer data extrapolated from the
trauma literature endorses early administration of FFP and The concept of a hemorrhage team, separate from the
higher ratio of FFP:RBC. While no one specific ratio is primary obstetrician/surgeon, is another critical component

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102 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108

Hemorrhage Cart Supplies Medication Kit

Vaginal Delivery Cesarean Delivery

Vaginal retractors Hysterectomy tray Pitocin 20u/l 1bag

Long weighted speculum

Long instruments Reloadable straight needle for B- Pitocin 10u 2vials

Lynch suture

Intrauterine balloon Intrauterine balloon Carboprost 250 microgram/ml

Banjo Curette Procedure diagrams Misoprostol 200microgram/tablet

Bright task light/Head lamp Methergine 0.2 mg/ml

Procedure diagrams

Fig. 1 – Contents of Hemorrhage Cart.

of PPH management. It is well known, that delays in surgical is reached regarding blood loss, which is hopefully more
intervention and inadequate replacement therapy are major objective and accurate.
contributors to maternal morbidity and mortality. Successful
treatment of massive hemorrhage requires surgical and
critical care resources that are generally not available or Hemodynamic changes
necessary for routine obstetrical care. Owing to the infre-
quency of such events, staffs are often unfamiliar with their Hemodynamic evaluation refers to standard monitoring of
institution’s resources and do not know who or when to call BP, heart rate (HR), urinary output, and oxygen saturation.
for help with catastrophic hemorrhage. Creation of an obstet- Traditionally, hemodynamic changes have been heavily
rical hemorrhage team, provides a simple mechanism for relied upon for assessment and management of obstetrical
amplifying resources when they are needed, and dictating hemorrhage. Unfortunately, despite having a good positive
objective triggers that call for a response from the hemor- predictive value, they have a rather poor negative predictive
rhage team. A hemorrhage team should consist of experts value for ruling out significant blood loss. Relevant changes in
that can provide surgical support (Gynecologic Oncology, vital signs, especially a drop in systolic blood pressure (SBP)
MFM, Generalist OB, General Surgery, etc.), anesthesia sup- appears late in the course of hemorrhage. Compensatory
port, critical care, nursing care, and logistical support (blood physiological changes characteristic of early hemorrhagic
bank and laboratory). shock, mask the drop in circulating blood volume. In the
Recommended indications for calling the hemorrhage team initial phase, cardiac output is maintained by an increase in
include: heart rate, thus maintaining blood pressure at baseline levels.
Even with further blood loss and a modest drop in cardiac
 Before delivery for patients refusing blood transfusions output, blood pressure can be maintained by a marked
with an additional risk factor(s) for PPH increase in systemic vascular resistance.
 Before delivery for patients with high index of suspicion Blood pressure ¼ Cardiac output ðstroke volume
for placenta accreta  heart rateÞ  systemic vascular resistance
 Before delivery for patients with fully anticoagulated
Large retrospective studies in trauma patients have dem-
requiring surgery
onstrated that high mortality rates can be seen despite only
 Any PPH diagnosed as Stage 3
minimal changes in vital signs. Data regarding mortality with
 Any PPH in patients refusing blood transfusions
hemorrhagic shock from the National Trauma Data Bank
(115,830)14 show that hypotension defined as SBP o 90 mmHg
Diagnosis of PPH is only reached in the most severe cases of hemorrhagic
shock, (Base deficit 420 and mortality 450%). Less severe
Classically, the diagnosis of PPH is made on the basis of the
Estimating Blood Loss
provider’s impression of excessive blood loss or suspicion of
4X4 gauze pad = 5 mL
intra-abdominal bleeding related to clinical, hemodynamic, Full & dripping purple chux = 800 mL
or laboratory abnormalities. This approach for estimating Full & dripping blue chux = 300 mL
blood loss is notoriously inaccurate (overwhelmingly under Fully soaked peripad = 70-100 mL
Partially soaked peripad = 50 mL
estimated), particularly with cases in the upper range of
Full & dripping lap pad (half pad) used in vaginal delivery = 40-45 mL
blood loss.13 To make this process more objective, we suggest Full lap pad (half pad) used in vaginal delivery (not dripping) = 30 mL
that estimation of blood loss (EBL) intraoperatively be ini- Full & dripping lap pad used in surgery = 100 mL
tiated by the circulating nurse, based on a visual quantitative Full lap pad used in surgery (not dripping) = 60-75 mL
12 ounce soda can = 355 mL
accounting of the number of blood soaked laps, chucks, 4  4
Fist or baseball size clot = 60 mL
pads, and contents of the suction bottle (Fig. 2). Once
quantified by the nurse, the EBL is communicated to the Fig. 2 – A visual, quantitative method for estimating
surgeon and anesthesiologist. With their input, a consensus blood loss.

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SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108 103

cases of hemorrhage that still resulted in considerably high four units RBC, or hysterectomy within the first 24 h. Platelet
mortality rates (15% and 33%) had mean SBP on admission of count, PTT, and INR did not predict which patients would
123 and 111 mmHg respectively. In summary, normal vital eventually progress to severe hemorrhage.18
signs are not reliable indicators of the severity of blood loss;
however, abnormal vital signs suggest an advanced stage of Acid base changes
hypovolemic shock.
Other physiologic parameters have been proposed to iden- Since hemorrhagic shock results in tissue hypoxia and a shift
tify early stages of hemorrhagic shock. One such variable is from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, measurement of
the shock index, which is simply the ratio of HR to SBP. As HR serum lactate, the byproduct of this shift, is critical for
and SBP are expected to change in the opposite direction with assessing the effects of blood loss, and the response to
hypovolemia, the ratio is a more sensitive marker for signifi- resuscitative efforts. The presence of metabolic acidosis
cant hemorrhage than either individual parameter. A number (elevated based deficit, low pH, and elevated lactic acid) is a
of clinical studies have confirmed the value of the shock strong predictor of morbidity and mortality.19,20 A group of
index in identifying patients with significant blood loss that patients with hemorrhage secondary to abdominal trauma
require immediate intervention to insure hemostasis.15,16 In a were classified based on their lactate level on admission to
review of 48000 trauma patients, massive transfusion and the hospital. Compared to those with normal initial lactate,
mortality rates increased significantly when shock index patients with lactic acidemia (47.5 mol) had significantly
41.1. A shock index between 1.1 and 1.3 was associated with increased transfusion rates (4.8% vs. 42.3%), and mortality
a 3-fold increase in massive transfusion and mortality rates rates (2.4% vs. 26.7%.).20
(mean SBP for this group was 107 mmHg) while a shock index
41.3 had a five-fold increase in massive transfusion and
mortality rates (mean SBP for this group was 102 mmHg).16 It Staging hemorrhage
appears that a shock index 41.1 can identify patients with
significant blood loss, while changes in the SBP were not The aim of the classification system is to standardize the
clinically informative. clinical evaluation and response to hemorrhage. Given the
In conclusion, there appears to be sufficient evidence to high positive predictive value of hemodynamic laboratory
suggest that the shock index is a suitable parameter for early and clinical changes, we proposed a modification of the
identification of significant blood loss. As such, shock index American College of Surgeons’ classification of hemorrhage
should be used to guide care in cases of hemorrhage in which (Fig. 3). Estimated blood loss retains its role in classifying the
BP and HR are considered “within the normal range”. stage of hemorrhage only as long as there are no changes in
other clinical parameters (hemodynamic, laboratory findings,
and clinical manifestations). Once a patient exhibits changes
Laboratory changes in clinical parameters, the stage of hemorrhage is raised,
regardless of the estimated blood loss (Stage 3).
Hemoglobin and hematocrit (Hb/Hct)
In the acute phase of hemorrhage Hb/Hct changes tend to lag,
and normal values have a poor negative predictive value. A low
The management of peripartum hemorrhage should be
initial Hb/Hct (o25%), or a drop greater than 5 points on repeat
tailored to the clinical scenario (including the cause of
measurements identified only 20–25% of patients that went on
bleeding) and the severity of blood loss (stage of hemorrhage).
to require significant intervention to manage their hemorrhage.
On the other hand, abnormal values had a high positive
predictive value for identifying the majority (75%) of patients Hemostasis
with severe hemorrhage.17 Therefore, values in the normal
range cannot be considered reassuring, but abnormal values Hemostatic interventions should be tailored to the etiology of
denote severe hemorrhage requiring aggressive intervention. hemorrhage, and the timing and extent of interventions
individualized. Factors to be considered include the rate of
Coagulation changes ongoing bleeding, patient acceptance of blood products,
availability of resources (i.e., Interventional Radiology), and
In the setting of hemorrhage, abnormal coagulation studies desire for future childbearing. Uterine atony, the most com-
(fibrinogen, PT, PTT, and hyperfibrinolysis), are strongly mon cause of obstetrical hemorrhage should be managed in a
associated with increased mortality rates. The earliest and stepwise fashion, progressing without delay if hemostasis is
most consistent finding in hemorrhage-induced coagulop- not achieved (Figs. 4 and 5).
athy is an abnormal fibrinogen level. Only later in the course
of bleeding are changes seen in PT, PTT, and INR. Conse-
quently, fibrinogen levels should always be included in the Replacement therapy
coagulation profile. In the initial evaluation of women diag-
nosed with postpartum hemorrhage, fibrinogen level was The main goal of resuscitation after hemorrhage is to restore
found to be the best predictor of severe hemorrhage, defined O2 delivery to the tissues in order to support aerobic metab-
as decreased in hemoglobin 44 g, transfusion of more than olism. The main determinants of oxygen delivery are cardiac

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104 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108

dissolved in plasma becomes the main contributor (450%) to

O2 supply. The difference in the contribution of plasma
dissolved O2 between room air and hyperoxic ventilation is
the equivalent to the amount of O2 released by 2.9 g of
hemoglobin.31 Therefore, administering O2 at low Hg levels,
allows one to safely increase the time interval before which
hemoglobin levels are augmented.32

RBC transfusion

There is no consensus on a specific Hb level to be achieved in

cases of peripartum hemorrhage. Based on existing data, once
bleeding is controlled in an otherwise healthy individual there
is little justification for transfusing RBCs above a Hb level of 7–
8 g.33 In older individuals or those with significant cardiopul-
monary co-morbidities a higher Hb target may be considered.
This principle does not apply to patients with ongoing bleeding.

Fig. 3 – Stages of Hemorrhage (modified after ACS). Coagulopathy

The most effective intervention to prevent and/or treat

output, arterial oxygen saturation, and hemoglobin coagulopathy is early administration of FFP. In cases of
concentration. massive blood loss, FFP should be given in a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio
O2 Delivery ¼ C.O.  SaO2  Hb% to RBC. This principle, derived from trauma-related hemor-
rhage is not universally accepted, and supporting studies are
criticized as resulting from “survival bias.” A recent report
Fluid management addressed this specific concern using data obtained from the
“Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury” study a large-
Maintaining cardiac output is accomplished initially by scale collaborative program, of 620 patients receiving massive
administrating IV fluids, the most common of which are transfusion (Z10 U RBC in 24 h). When controlled for degree of
Ringer’s lactate and normal saline. In the short run, this hemorrhage, a high FFP:RBC ratio achieved early in the
strategy maintains BP at a level needed to support oxygen process (within 6 h of admission) was associated with lower
delivery. However, recent data show that in the long term, mortality rates (3.9% vs. 9%) and lower RBC requirements
large volumes of crystalloid are detrimental, associated with during the first 24 h (18 vs. 23 U).11 The survival advantage of a
cardiopulmonary complications, coagulopathy, further blood high FFP:RBC ratio is not confined to patients with abnormal
loss and higher mortality rates.21,22 The lethal trial of acido- coagulation profiles. In a study of trauma patients requiring
sis, hypothermia and coagulopathy, long associated with massive transfusion, a high FFP:RBC ratio appeared to be
severe hemorrhagic shock, has been shown to be exacerbated beneficial even for patients with a normal initial INR as well.12
by large volume crystalloid based resuscitation. Based on Fibrinogen, is the first coagulation parameter to become
data accumulated from management of trauma-related hem- abnormal in massive hemorrhage, and should be replaced
orrhage, a new paradigm emerged, Damage Control Resusci- early in the course of hemorrhage. Low fibrinogen in these
tation (DCR).23,24 The three tenets of this approach are; situations have been strongly associated with severity of
limitation of crystalloid resuscitation, transfusion of blood hemorrhage and mortality rates.34,35 In-vitro coagulation
products in ratios similar to whole blood, and permissive studies evaluating speed and quality of clot formation sug-
hypotension (target blood pressure for resuscitation are lower gested fibrinogen levels of 250–300 mg% were required to
than an individual’s baseline blood pressure). Fluid admin- normalize all coagulation parameters comparable to con-
istration in a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio to the EBL or 1–1.5 L of crystalloid trol.36,37 Animal models of dilutional coagulopathy support
for every unit of RBC transfused appears to be associated with the importance of fibrinogen replacement. Blood loss and
the lowest morbidity and mortality rates. Larger amounts of mortality rates were significantly lower in the group that
crystalloid (43:1 to EBL or 41.5 L 1RBC) may increase rates of received fibrinogen replacement compared with controls (240
re-bleeding, multiple organ failure, and death.21,24–27 Further- vs. 1900 ml and 0% vs. 80%).38 In the past, fibrinogen replace-
more, the use of permissive hypotension, by limiting the ment was recommended empirically for levels below 100%.39
volume of fluid and blood products infused, should improve Revised guidelines recommend that replacement for fibrino-
outcome after hemorrhage by decreasing transfusion and gen concentration of o200 mg%.40 This change is supported
morbidity rates (lower rates for ARDS and MOF).28–30 by data suggesting that concentrations 4200 mg% are
required to produce effective clot formation.
O2 administration As the concentration of coagulation factors in FFP is
relatively low, large volumes may be required to correct the
O2 administration significantly increases the amount of O2 coagulopathy. Under these circumstances, more concen-
dissolved in plasma. At low Hb concentrations (o7 g), O2 trated products should be considered to replace factors using

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SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108 105

Fig. 4 – Management of severe PPH (>1500cc) at the time of delivery.

lower fluid volumes. Such products currently available Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC)—are plasma derived
include the following: products containing vitamin K dependent clotting factors: FII,
Fibrinogen—cryoprecipitate, fibrinogen concentrate FVII, FIX, and FX. They are classified as 3 or 4 factor PCC.

Fig. 5 – Management of PPH in the postpartum period.

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106 S E M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108

Fig. 6 – Management of patients suspected of intrabdominal bleeding in the postpartum period.

Recent data identifies increased fibrinolysis as a major risk

Contains Name Dose factor for massive transfusion and mortality rates.41,42 As
such, considerable data from the surgical literature support
3 Factor FII, FIX, FX Bebulin 25–50 u/kg
the use of antifibrinolytics both prophylactically in high risk
PCC (little FVII)
patients and as treatment for heavy bleeding:43–47 Prophy-
4 Factor FII, FIX, FX, FVII Kcentra 25–50 u//kg
lactic administration of tranexamic acid reduces surgical
blood loss by approximately 30% and administration of
tranexamic acid in the presence of significant bleeding
decreases transfusion, and mortality rates without increas-
Antifibrinolytics ing rates of thromboembolic disease. Tranexamic acid is
administered intravenously (1 g over 10 min) at the start of
Hyperfibrinolysis is another contributor to the disturbed surgery (for prophylactic use) or at the onset of heavy
coagulation process characteristic of massive hemorrhage. bleeding.

Fig. 7 – Patients: cardio-vascular collapse in the setting of hemorrhage.

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SE M I N A R S I N P E R I N A T O L O G Y 40 (2016) 99–108 107

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