Hoa Quiz

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1. Greek order that has no base.

a) Ionic b) Corinthian
c) Doric d) None of the above

2. Identify the architectural style

a) Renaissance Architecture b) Gothic Architecture

c) Romanesque Architecture d) Byzantine Architecture

3. The bishop's throne, occupying a recess or apse in an early Christian church

a) Apse b) Tribune
c) Bema d) Altar

4. A part of a church or a separate building in which baptism is administered.

a) Transept b) Ambo
c) Cancelli d) Baptistery

5. Identify the architectural style

a) Renaissance Architecture b) Gothic Architecture

c) Romanesque Architecture d) Byzantine Architecture
6. Identify the architectural style

a) Renaissance Architecture b) Gothic Architecture

c) Romanesque Architecture d) Byzantine Architecture

7. Identify the architectural style

a) Renaissance Architecture b) Gothic Architecture

c) Romanesque Architecture d) Byzantine Architecture

8. The beginner of the great hypostyle hall at karnak and the founder of the19th dysnasty

a) Rameses 1 b) Rameses 2
c) Rameses 3 d) Rameses 4
9. Identify the architectural style

a) Renaissance Architecture b) Gothic Architecture

c) Romanesque Architecture d) Byzantine Architecture

10. Identify the structure

a) Gopuram b) Torii
c) Torana d) Pai-lou

11. Greek Architecture was essentially

a) Arch and vault b) Columnar and Trabeated

c) Ribbed and Panelled Vaulting d) Domical Roof Construction

12. Forming the imposing entrance to the Acropolis and erected by the Architect Mnesicles is the.
a) Pai Lou b) Torii
c) Propylaea d) Torana
13. Identify the structure

a) Gopuram b) Torii
c) Torana d) Pai-lou

14. The building in the acropolis generally considered as being the most nearly perfect building erected
is the.
a) Parthenon b) Pantheon
c) Partenon d) Pantenon

15. The Finest Remaining Example of Byzantine Architecture.

a) Hagia Sophia b) Parthenon
c) Pantheon d) Palace of Persepolis

16. The Space between the colonnade and the naos wall in Greek Temple.
a) Intercolumnation b) Pteroma
c) Temenos d) Prostyle

17. A Fortified high area or citadel of an Ancient Greek City.

a) Acropolis b) Metropolis
c) Persepolis d) Megalopolis
18. An upright ornament at the eaves of a tile roof, concealing the foot of a row of convex tiles that
cover the joints of the flat tiles
a) Acroterion b) Antefixae
c) S-Tiles d) Pantiles

19. Architect of the Lever House, New York.

a) John Urtzon b) Frank Lloyd Wright
c) Skidmore, Owings and Merril d) Lucio Costa and Oscar Niyemer

20. Architect of Chapel of Notre Dame.

a) William Morris and John Ruskin b) Le Corbusier
c) Walter Gropius d) Alvar Aalto

21. Architect of the Asian Development Bank, Philippines

a) Francisco Bobby Manosa b) Manuel Manosa
c) C.C. De Castro d) Antinio Sin Diong

22. Also called a "Honeysuckle" Ornament.

a) Acroterion b) Antefixae
c) Anthemion d) Aphoteca

23. The outstanding group of Romanesque is found in __________.

a) Milan b) Pisa
c) London d) Venice

24. The Architecture of the Curve Line is called.

a) Renaissance b) Baroque
c) Rococo d) Gothic

25. Open Court in an Italian Palazzo.

a) Cavetto b) Cortel
c) Hypostyle Hall d) Hall of the Hundred Columnr

26. The ornamental pattern work in stone, filling the upper part of a Gothic Window
a) Mouldings b) Jambs
c) Plough d) Tracery

27. Japanese Tea House.

a) Masu-Gumi b) Cha-Sit-Su
c) Tokonama d) Irimoya
28. A Muslim Temple, a mosque for public worship, also known for place of prostration
a) Mudejar b) Minaret
c) Masjid d) Mosque

29. Domical Mound containing a relic

a) Stupa b) Tumuli
c) Cromlech d) Dolmen

30. Ifugao House.

a) Bilik b) Aljibe
c) Bale d) Ivatan House

31. In Mesopotamian Architecture, religion called for temples made of sun-dried Bricks.
a) Pyramid b) Stupa
c) Ziggurat d) Obelisk

32. The style of the order with massive and tapering columns resting on a base of 3 steps.
a) Doric b) Ionic
c) Corinthian d) Tuscan

33. Female Statues with baskets serving as columns.

a) Atlantes b) Caryatids
c) Canephora d) None of the above

34. The council house in Greece.

a) Prytaneion b) Bouleuterion
c) Stoa d) Agora

35. Different Historical Styles combined.

a) Revivalism b) Eclecticism
c) Brutalism d) Minimalism

36. Pantiles used Chinese roofing.

a) Mission Tiles b) Pantiles
c) S-Tiles d) Terracotta

37. Greek Equivalent of the Roman Forum, a place of open-air assembly or market
a) Stoa b) Agora
c) Odeion d) Hippodrome

38. A slight vertical curvature in the shaft of a column.

a) Plinth b) Triglyph
c) Entasis d) Volutes
39. The Tomb beneath a church.
a) Graveyard b) Cloisters
c) Sanctuary d) Crypt

40. Revival of Classical Roman Style

a) Neo-Classical b) Revivalism
c) Romanesque d) Renaissance

41. First Registered architect in the Philippines.

a) Carlos Barreto b) Tomas Mapua
c) Juan Nakpil d) Antonio Toledo

42. The space between the sloping roof over the aisle and the aisle vaulting, so also called the blind
a) Triglyph b) Intercolumnation
c) Triforium d) Skylight

43. A windowed wall that rises above the roof of adjacent walls that admit light into the interior
a) Refectory b) Clerestory
c) Skylight d) Dormer

44. The triangular or segmental space enclosed by a pediment or arch.

a) Triglyph b) Triforium
c) Tympanum d) Triangles

45. In the classical order, the lower part or member of the entablature; the beam that spans from
column to column.
a) Pediment b) Architrave
c) Cornice d) Crepidoma

46. The palace proper in assyrian palaces.

a) Harem b) Megaron
c) Seraglio d) Balneum

47. The greek male statues used as columns

a) Caryatids b) Canephora
c) Atlantes d) None of the Above

48. The uppermost step in the Crepidoma.

a) Stylobate b) Stereobate
c) Podium d) Crepidoma

49. The warm room in the Thermae.

a) Tepidarium b) Calidarium
c) Sudatorium d) Unctuaria
50. The dressing room in the Thermae
a) Apodyteria b) Calidarium
c) Sudatorium d) Unctuaria

51. Orientation of the Roman temple is towards the __________.

a) Agora b) Forum
c) Basilica d) Bouleuterion

52. It is a long narrow window evident in Villa Savoye.

a) Rose Window b) Ribbon Window
c) Tinted Window d) Slim Window

53. In Vernacular Architecture, it is where the cups and utensils are kept
a) Banguerahan b) Cusina
c) Comedor d) Entre Suelo

54. An American Indian dwelling, usually of round or oval shape, formed of poles overlaid with bark,
rush mats, or animal skins.
a) Clochan b) Wigwam
c) Hogan d) Trullo

55. A prehistoric monument consisting of an upright stone, usually standing alone but sometimes
aligned with others in parallel rows.
a) Megalith b) Obelisk
c) Menhir d) Dolmen

56. The ziggurat's _____ are oriented towards the cardinal points.
a) Sides b) Corners
c) Staircases d) Altar

57. The service chamber in an Assyrian palace.

a) Serdab b) Haram
c) Khan d) Stela

58. An Egyptian, non-royal tomb, made of mud brick, rectangular in plan with a flat roof and sloping
sides, from which a shaft leads to underground burial and offering chambers.
a) Temple b) Barrow
c) Dromos d) Mastaba

59. An Egyptian monolithic four-sided standing stone, tapering to a pyramidal cap, often inscribed with
hieroglyphs and erected as a monument. These were usually found in pairs fronting the entrances of
a) Pyramid b) Pylon
c) Obelisk' d) Propylaea
60. Identify the part A

a) Acroterion b) Tympanum
c) Finial d) Antefix

61. Identify the part B

a) Acroterion b) Tympanum
c) Finial d) Pediment
62. Identify the part C

a) Acroterion b) Tympanum
c) Finial d) Pediment

63 Identify the part D

a) Acroterion b) Tympanum
c) Finial d) Stylobate

64. A phase in French Gothic characterized by pointed arches and geometric traceried windows.
a) Perpendicular b) A lancette
c) Curvilinear d) Rayonnant

65. An ornamental, knob-like projection at the intersection of ogives in a Gothic ribbed vault.
a) Keystone b) Boss
c) Antefix d) Moulding
66. Architecture which developed during the rebirth of classical art and learning in Europe; initially
characterized by the use of the classical orders, round arches, and symmetrical proportions.
a) Modern Architecture b) Renaissance
c) Byzantine d) Gothic

67. Renaissance architect who wrote "The Four Books of Architecture."

a) da Vignola b) Vitruvius
c) Alberti d) Palladio

68. He designed the dome of the Florence cathedral. He also formulated the pictorial device of linear
a) Bernini b) Michelangelo
c) Brunelleschi d) Alberti

69. It was the most lavish out of all the styles of Renaissance; it attempted to make art more life-like and
sensual; it was also considered as a reaction against Mannerism.
a) Churriguresque b) Rococo
c) Baroque d) Baroco

70. His greatest contribution to the skyscraper was the organizing of its identical, stacked floors to
express strong visual identity
a) Mies van der Rohe b) Philip Johnson
c) Louis Sullivan d) Richard Rogers

71. Architecture based on geometric motifs, streamlined and curvilinear forms, and sharply defined
a) Art Deco b) Style Ogivale
c) Art Nouveau d) Stile Liberty

72. Art Nouveau in Austria.

a) Jugendstil b) Sezession
c) Modernismo d) Style Moderne

73. Architectural style which is characterized by the synthesis of technology, craft, and design aesthetics,
and emphasis on functional design.
a) Arts and Crafts Movement b) International Style
c) Bauhaus d) De Stijl

74. Used to describe massive modern architecture built of reinforced concrete, with the concrete's
rough, abrasive surfaces left exposed.
a) International Style b) Postmodern
c) Brutalism d) Deconstructive

75. Railing enclosing a stupa.

a) Vedika b) Dagoba
c) Gompa d) Chaitya
76. Elaborately carved, ceremonial gateway in Indian Buddhist and Hindu architecture with two or three
lintels between two posts.
a) Torii b) Dagoba
c) Pailou d) Torana

77. Blended traditions from India and Islam.

a) Saracenic b) Mughal
c) Dravidian d) Pallava

78. Found inside the Forbidden City, the residence of the son of heaven and the conceptual center of
the empire
a) Emperor's Palace b) Fogong Pagoda
c) Palace of Heavenly Purity d) Hall of Supreme Harmony

79. A design principle in Chinese architecture characterized by arranging architectural elements so that
they are in harmony with nature.
a) Yin Yang b) Jian
c) Feng Shui d) Dougong

80. Golden Hall in a Japanese Buddhist temple; sanctuary where the main image of worship is kept.
a) Kodo b) Kondo
c) Chumon d) Sorin

81. "Stalactite" decoration of icicle like elements hanging from the ceiling.
a) Ka'ba b) Arabesque
c) Muqarnas d) lwan

82. Pulpit from which the imam delivers his sermons.

a) Minaret b) Qibla
c) Ivan d) Mimbar

83. Fountain for washing before prayers in a mosque.

a) Cantharus b) Fawwara
c) lwan d) Liwanat

84. A Badjao boat-house which has outriggers, is roofed, and walled in on all sides by wooden boards.
a) Dapang b) Lepa
c) Vinta d) Djenging

85. As a seat of colonial governance, it housed several administrative offices and archives.
a) Municipio b) Aduana
c) Ayuntamiento d) Real Audiencia
86. Identify the part A

a) Regula b) Mutule
c) Gutta d) Taenia

87. Identify the part B

a) Regula b) Mutule
c) Gutta d) Taenia
88. Identify the part C

a) Frieze b) Entablature
c) Lintel d) Architrave

89. Architect of the Manila Film Center; he studied the proportions used in the Parthenon in the design
of its facade.
a) Leandro Locsin b) Francisco Manosa
c) Froilan Hong d) Geronimo Manahan

90. International partner for the design of the Essensa Towers in Taguig, Metro Manila.
a) Michael Graves b) IM Pei
c) SOM d) KPF

91. International partner for the design of the World Trade Exchange in Binondo,Manila.
a) Michael Graves b) IM Pei
c) SOM d) KPF

92. Philippine early shelter rock hewn fortresses

a) Idjang b) Pinanahang
c) Tabon Cave Complex Lipuun Point, d) Kalinga Cave

93. bontoc house for the poor family; mud-walled

a) Tamuyon b) Katyufong
c) Dataggon d) Sipi

94. Slightly elevated section of Binayon house

a) Tamuyon b) Katyufong
c) Dataggon d) Sipi
95. In Philippine Architecture, it is considered the home of the Sultans. Carved on the wooden posts in
the niyaga, a stylized mythical snake design can be found. It is the traditional residence of the reigning
Sultanof Maranao people and his family.
a) Binuron house b) Binayon house
c) Torogan house d) Ifugao house

96. Part of Bahay Kubo: is a table on top of which is the river stone, shoe-shaped stove or kalan is placed
a) Silong b) Batakui
c) Dapogan d) Bangahan

97. Traditional Badjao boat-house; Roofed wall by wooden boards

a) Dapang b) Djenging
c) Harun d) Tadjuk pasung

98. Traditional large maranao house

a) Dapang b) Djenging
c) Malai-a-walai d) Lawig

99. Carved wooden finials of Tausug house

a) Dapang b) Djenging
c) Harun d) Tadjuk pasung
100. Another National Artist for Architecture, this architect was known for his use of concrete and
interplay of floating volumes as an abstract representation of Filipino culture.
a) Cesar Concio b) Froilan Hong
c) Leandro Locsin d) Juan Arellano

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