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← State of California: GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 31000-31011

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State of California: GOVERNMENT CODE

SECTION 25000-25008
Posted on November 1, 2015by arnierosner

SECTION 25000-25008

25000. (a) Each county shall have a board of supervisors consisting of five members.
Not more than three members shall be elected at the same general election. If the
terms of office of more than three members of the board expire at the same time, at
the first regular meeting after January 1st following their election the members so
elected shall so classify themselves by lot that three members shall serve for four
years, and two for two years. Thereafter the term of office of each member shall be
four years.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the board of supervisors of any
general law or charter county may adopt or the residents of the county may propose,
by initiative, a proposal to limit or repeal a limit on the number of terms a member of
the board of supervisors may serve on the board of supervisors. Any proposal to limit
the number of terms a member of the board of supervisors may serve on the board of
supervisors shall apply prospectively only and shall not become operative unless it is
submitted to the electors of the county at a regularly scheduled election and a majority
of the

votes cast on the question favor the adoption of the proposal.

25003. The board may make and enforce rules and regulations necessary for the
government of the board, the preservation of order, and the transaction of business.

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25004. It may adopt a seal. A description and impression of the seal shall be filed in
the office of the county clerk.

25005. A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. No act of the board shall be valid or binding unless a majority
of all the members concur therein.

25006. Any member of the board may administer oaths when necessary in the
performance of his official duties.

25007. Members may attend meetings of the California State Association of


25008. Members shall be allowed their actual expenses in going to, attendance upon,
and returning from state association meetings and their actual and necessary traveling
expenses when traveling outside their counties on official business. Reimbursement
for these expenses is subject to Sections 53232.2 and 53232.3.

State of California: County Structure & Powers County Structure & Powers
There is a fundamental distinction between a county and a city. Counties lack broad powers
of self-government that California cities have (e.g., cities have broad revenue generating
authority and counties do not). In addition, legislative control over counties is more complete
than it is over…
In "Civil Rights Violations"

State of California: GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 31000-31011

GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 31000-31011 31000. The board of supervisors may
contract for special services on behalf of the following public entities: the county, any county
officer or department, or any district or court in the county. Such contracts shall be with
persons specially trained, experienced, expert and competent to perform…
In "Civil Rights Violations"

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About arnierosner
As an American I advocate a republic form of government, self-reliance, and adherence
to the basic philosophy of the founding fathers and the founding documents, I ONLY
respect those who respect and "HONOR" their honor. No exceptions!
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