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Mariella has been offered to judge in a variety show.

She is very excited

because it was her dream. Unfortunately, it is terribly unfair to other contestants
because her sister is part of the show and will perform on the day that she will
judge. Should she accept the offer and allow herself to benefit from an unfair
situation or think about the other contestants?

- She should still accept the offer even though her sister is also a
contestant. Why? Because it is her dream to judge a variety show and it
shouldn’t affect how she would judge someone if they have a close
relationship. Judging contestant should be professional and we shouldn’t
consider it bias just because coincidences happens.

Ericka was supposed to tell a certain guy that her best friend had a crush on
him. Instead, she ended up hooking up with the guy. And to make matters
worse, she lied to her friend about it. Should Ericka keep on lying to her friend
or just continue her relationship with the guy? What's she supposed to do?

- She should stop lying and be honest on her feelings. Because hiding your
own feelings will only make the situation even worse. And it might lead
to ending your friendship, over your simple lie. Therefore, it is more
acceptable if you can just be honest of how you really felt.

You are stumped on an important ethics test and you have the perfect
opportunity to cheat without getting caught. What will you do and how will you
explain your decision?

- I would not cheat even though I have the opportunity. Why? Because it’s
my fault that I didn’t review for my ethics test. Therefore, I have to take
full responsibility on whatever result I might’ve get from it.

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