Wonderful Journey

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Wonderful journey

“Take a risk to build a future” this quote is little but has a deep meaning in
person’s life.
Life started when we are born, when I first opened my eye’s my parent already
knew that my future was bright, I saw my mother crying in happiness when she
saw me. I feel the sun that’s light up my whole world, I feel the warm inside and
thinking this is life.
When I’m growing up as a kid I’ve encountered many people, different
personalities. I experience many things around them they give me a memorable
experience especially on boy’s scouting.
I joined boy’s scout to have more hard skills in things, those who are older than
me taught me to be strong in every situation I face. The longer I’ve been doing
boy’s scout, I feel like I’m ready to face my problems in real life, my confidence in
myself is stronger than before.
What I learned from being a boy’s scout is, you shouldn’t give in to the temptation
of other’s, trust yourself because you know better who you are. And your
thought’s becomes your words, and your words becomes your action, and your
action becomes your reality.
Therefore, life is great when we do what we want, there is no easy way in life,
because in school they thought you a lesson and then give a test, but in life your
given a test that teaches you a lesson.
“If you want to change your life, you need to change your mind”

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