Syarahan Bi

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Assalamualaikum WBT and good morning/afternoon members of the jury , honourable chief guests ,
esteemed teachers and all pleasing moreover noble participants.Please make thy rooms
comfortable.Alhamdulillah , thanks to Allah almighty wholeheartedly for being so divine and heartfelt to
give me this honour opportunity to address such a sensational speech.

Ladies and gentlemen ,

Before i spill the beans allow me to ask some questions upon you people.Do you personally know any of
your acquaintance, colleague,relative who is or has been dealing with abusive trauma?Or do you have in
mind what entirely child abuse is? Surely we Malaysian have been informed about Bella’s
case.Though,most people acknowledge in no depth about child abuse hence most of us fail to grasp any
abusive suggestions in our surroundings.Unfortunately , because of that more than 2000 cases were
reported each year in our country Malaysia.

The prophet Muhammad PBUH had said : “Those who dont show mercy to our young ones and don’t
realise the right of our elders are not from us (a true believer).” Abu Daud.Thus physical abuse,sexual
abuse, emotional abuse and neglect are the acts that show no mercy to our young ones precisely our
children as The Prophet Muhammad PBUH had said in his hadith.

Dear audiences , as with many things the factors that lead to child abuse are complex and often
interwoven with other issues so the risk for adults to abuse a child is frequently started with them
holding a misunderstanding between disciplining and abusing their children.Discpline indicates a goal to
teach youngsters appropriate behaviours whilst abusing doesn’t stop them from their mischievous
demeanors yet to inflict pain and anger into them.The Prophet of islam once said : “ use love and
affection in education and upbringing and don’t have access to cruelty because a wise mentor is better
than a cruel one”.Despite this, stress can predominantly be the reason for one to begin abusing counting
with the financial pressures , the endless sea of workloads and medical problems.

A child’s reactions to abuse can have lifelong implicts.For example, one study found that children who
experienced abuse were at increased risk for mental health disorders.Child abuse can affect a child’s
brain development and cognitive abilities that the victims may have learning disorders or regression of

Effective prevention strategies are indeed necessary for instance get involved by asking community
leaders, library , schools to develop children and families services.Promote parent training might be
favourable as well as report suspected abuse or neglect to local police department.

Child abuse is undoubtedly condemned by the virtue of the following verse:

‫ َتْقُتُلْٓو ا َاْو اَل َد ُك ْم َخ ْش َيَة ِاْم اَل ٍۗق َنْح ُن َنْر ُزُقُهْم َو ِاَّياُك ْۗم ِاَّن َقْتَلُهْم َك اَن ِخ ْطًٔـا َك ِبْيًرا‬.

(Surah al isra’:31)

Based on the verse above , it can be deduced that the crime against children’s lives is considered as one
of the greatest sins.

Come to the conclusion , children are a monumental trust from Allah and parents are mandated with
the responsibility to raise and educate them with full compassion till not crossed from any children the
question of where’s my parents love.It’s a duty of ours to protect children from violence also to guide
them in the right way.Consequently , the global cases of child abuse can slowly vanish into thin air.

End of my speech.Thank you.

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