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With its exponential growth to be

SPRINGFIELD projected for the next 50 years, it is

important for technology users like us

to understand a little more on how
cybersecurity works and how it has
shaped the digital world today.


The most common form of digital protection
Protecting our digital amongst all technology users is the idea of
authentication and authorization. In Cybersecurity,
world this involves an array of processes a network
/device user will have to go through in order to
verify their authenticity and identity. A good
Diving into the world of digital protection example of this, is lock screen passwords or
patterns that is commonly used in handheld
devices such as phones, tablets and smart watches
that only the users are capable of unlocking the

Similar models and algorithms have been used in

network sectors in which users would have to
create a user ID (identity) and a password that is
specific to the user themselves. This does not make
it easy for cyber criminals or actors to steal
personal information as the database would be
barricaded with certain keys that are unique and
specific to the user.

Another method to ensure digital protection is the
use of Cryptography. Cryptography refers to the
“process of hiding or coding information so that
only the person a message was for can read it.”.


this involves the use of creating and sharing a
digital key in the form of codes between two
parties who are participating in a transaction.

This provides a safety vessel for transactions as the

keys/codes are shared only among these two
WHAT IS CYBERSECURITY? The use of Cybersecurity have parties. The use of cryptography is mainly found in
been increasingly popular since bank cards, computer passwords and e-commerce
According to Wikipedia, the dawn of the digitial age over
Cybersecurity Is the “protection of platforms in which users are likely to make online
the last 20 years in the making. As transactions.
computer systems and networks new businesses and companies
from attacks” by who are called emerge, the knowledge of digital
Cyber criminals and actors. The although it might not be an effective in under-
protection is mostly applied to
whole idea of Cybersecurity is to digitalized and manual companies, the use of
business and company models
protect users, firms and Cryptography provides a reliable measure of
that are built around a large and
governments from unauthorized security in digital transactions.
organized network of devices and
access to a certain network or data systems that are integrated by a
that may lead to stolen information network system. Amongst other
and cridentials, as well as valuable things, these models are the most
digital assets. susceptible to cybersecurity

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