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Determining Peripheral Misalignment

⚫ The extent of peripheral
• can be determined by
measuring the vertical and
horizontal position of one
coupling rim
⚫ In this side view of the
• the left coupling rim is 20
mils lower than the right
coupling rim
– indicates that the shaft
on the right side is 20
mils higher at the
centerline than the shaft
on the left.
⚫ To check the reliability of the data
• if this sum is within 0.002" of the sum of the left and right
Top + Bottom = Left + Right
+20 + (-20) = +2 + (-2)
0 = 0 they are equal
– If the sums are not equal or within the 2 mils limit, take a new
set of readings
» A steam turbine to generator alignment may allow no
» while a pump manufacturer may allow 4 mils on a
pump/motor coupling with a flexible member
» A typical standard is 0.002".
2. Determining Face Misalignment
⚫ Face readings are usually
actual distances measured
between coupling faces
• If all the distances were equal,
the coupling faces could be
⚫ the data should be verified
• T+B=L+R
• 0.124 + 0.196 = 0.190 + 0.130
• 0.320 = 0.320 O.K
– the difference between top
and bottom and left and
right is equal to less than 2
mils, the data is verified as
3. Diagramming Face Positions
❑ to diagram the relative position of the coupling face
⚫ use two views
• a side view
– to illustrate the top and bottom readings
• a top view
– to illustrate the left and right readings
• The view (top or side)
• The shaft (pump, motor, etc.)
• coupling
– T-top
– B-bottom
– L-left
– R-right
4. Diagramming Rim Positions
❑ side view
⚫ the reading got smaller (more
negative) in going from T to B
• the indicator mounted on the
motor coupling
– the contact point out in the
bottom position, the pump
shaft must be higher motor’s

❑ Top view
⚫ the reading got larger (more
positive) in going from L to R
⚫ the indicator mounted on the
motor coupling
• the contact point on the right,
the pump shaft must be to the
5. Calculations for Rim Correction
❑ the move amount of one shaft
⚫ the periphery (rim) data

• With the dial indicator

producing all zero readings,

the two shafts must be

• if the indicator is reset to zero on the T
and the shafts rotated 180
– -20 reading results (B)
– the dial indicator moves twice
» that distance going from T to B
• To determine the rim, take half of the
distance the indicator moves when rotated
– Position based on rim readings
= 1 /2 × (Difference)
⚫ The calculation would be:
• Vertical = 1/2 × (0 - (-20)) = 10 mils
• Horizontal = 1/2 × (-10 - (-10)) = 10
– If the motor shaft is to be moved here, it
would be moved up.
» Vertical Move = 10
» Horizontal Move = 0
for example
1. Firsts check the data:
• T+B=L+R
• 0 + 20 = -5 + 25
• 20 = 20
• The difference is within 2 mils.
2. Then calculate the position:
• V. R = 1/2× (0-20) = -10 mils
• H. R = 1/2× (25 - (-5)) = 15 mils
3. diagram the shaft positions
4. Moving the turbine the move :
• Vertical Move = 10
• Horizontal Move = 15
6. Calculations for Face Corrections
❑ The amount two shafts
have to be moved to
produce the desired angle
between them can be
determined from the face
reading and the shaft
support locations
❑ if there is no angle
between the shafts
⚫ the coupling faces are
❑ If the faces are not parallel
⚫ one or more of supports is not
positioned correctly
• face corrections require that
each support be moved a
different amount but in the
same direction
⚫ if to make the two faces parallel
• move NO. 1 down a distance of
X mils
• No.2 down distance of Y mils
– to make the faces parallel but
will also change the coupling
rim position
⚫ All four triangles are exactly the same
⚫ and their hypotenuse is equal to the
diameter of the coupling face

⚫ Support Move =
Distance to Support × Coupling Opening
Coupling Diameter
• No. 1 Support =
– 6 inches × 8 mils / 12 inches = 4 mils
• No. 2 Support =
– 30 inches × 8 mils / 12 inches = 20 mils
7. Combined Corrections for Total Move
⚫ Coupling Diameter (D)
= 3 inches
⚫ Distance to Support No. 1
(L1) = 3 inches
⚫ Distance to Support No. 2
(L2) = 12 inches
1. Check the data:

⚫ Top + Bottom = Left + Right

(1) Rim : 0 + (- 0.12) = (- 0.05) + (- 0.07)

(2) Face : 0 + (- 0.11) = (- 0.03) + (- 0.08)

• Therefore okay
2. Calculation for rim correction and diagram

(1) Vertical Rim =(B-T) / 2 =((-0.12)-0) / 2 = - 0.06 mils

(2) Horizontal Rim =(R-L) /2 =((-0.07)-(-0.05))/ 2 = - 0.01 mils

❑3. Calculation for face correction and diagram
⚫ Support Move =
Distance to Support × Coupling Opening/Coupling Diameter
(1) Vertical
(a) Support No. 1 Move
» 3 inches × 0.11 mils/ 3 inches =0.11 mils
(b) For Support No. 2 Move
» 12 inches × 0.11 mils/ 3 inches =0.44 mils
(2) Horizontal
(a) Support No. 1 Move
» 3 inches × 0.05 mils/ 3 inches = 0.05 mils
(b) Support No. 2 Move
» 12 inches × 0.05 mils/ 3 inches =0.20 mils
4. Summarize data in a table
(1) Rim Corrections
⚫ 0.06 ↓, 0.01 →
(2) Face Corrections
(a) Support No. 1 0.11 ↑, 0.05 ←
(b) Support No. 2 0.44 ↑, 0.20 ←
(3) Total corrections include rim and face.

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