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Passive voice dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta rumus, tenses

dan aturannya
Passive voice atau kalimat pasif merupakan suatu kalimat yang menunjukkan jika
subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan. Kata kerja (verb) dalam kalimat pasif bermakna
(di.../ter...). Kata kerja (verb) yang bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif (passive voice)
yaitu kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang membutuhkan object) kecuali have, fit, lack,
suit, resemble. Secara sederhana, passive voice atau kalimat pasif dalam Bahasa
Inggris memiliki rumus:

Subject + to be + V3


Miya buy a book in the bookstore. (Active Voice)

Miya membeli sebuah buku di toko buku

A book is bought by miya in the bookstore. (Passive Voice)

Sebuah buku dibeli oleh Miya di took buku

Penggunaan kalimat pasif (passive voice) dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki rumus
yang berbeda-beda tergantung pada tense yang digunakan. Jumlah tense secara
keseluruhan ada 16, namun dalam kalimat pasif (passive voice) hanya
menggunakan 10 tenses saja. Berikut ini adalah tense beserta rumus yang
digunakan dalam kalimat pasif (passive voice).

1. Simple Present Tense.

Rumus: S + is/am/are + V3 + (by agent)


Fitriyah bring a bag. (Active Voice)

Fitriyah membawa sebuah tas

A bag is brought by fitriyah. (Passive Voice)

Sebuah tas dibawa oleh Fitriyah

2. Present Continuous Tense.

Rumus: S + is/am/are + being + V3 + (by agent)


I am cooking fried rice. (Active Voice)

Saya sedang memasak nasi goreng

Fried rice is being cooked by me. (Passive Voice)

Nasi goreng sedang dimasak oleh saya

3. Present Perfect Tense.

Rumus: S + have/has + been + V3 + (by agent)


My mother has swept the floor. (Active Voice)

Ibuku sudah menyapu lantai

The floor has been swept by my mother. (Passive Voice)

Lantai sudah disapu oleh ibuku

4. Simple Past Tense.

Rumus: S + was/were + V3 + (by agent)


They borrowed my books yesterday. (Active Voice)

Mereka meminjam bukuku kemarin

My books were borrowed by them yesterday. (Passive Voice)

Bukuku dipinjam oleh mereka kemarin

5. Past Continuous Tense.

Rumus: S + was/were + being + V3 + (by agent)


He was stealing my money yesterday morning. (Active Voice)

My money was being stolen by him yesterday morning. (Passive Voice)

6. Past Perfect Tense.

Rumus: S + had + been + V3 + (by agent)


Umi had given the gift to her friend. (Active Voice)

The gift had been given by umi to her friend. (Passive Voice)

7. Simple Future Tense.

Rumus: S + will + be + V3 + (by agent)


We will answer the questions tomorrow. (Active Voice)

The questions will be answered by us tomorrow. (Passive Voice)

8. Future Perfect Tense.

Rumus : S + will + have + been + V3 + (by agent)


She will have washed her clothes. (Active Voice)

Her clothes will have been washed by her. (Passive Voice)

9. Past Future Tense.

Rumus: S + would + be + V3 + (by agent)


Mr. Yudi would sell his car last week. (Active Voice)

His car would be sold by Mr. Yudi last week. (Passive Voice)

10. Past Future Perfect Tense.

Rumus: S + would + have + been + V3 + (by agent)


You would have visited your family in the village. (Active Voice)

Your family would have been visited by you in the village. (Passive Voice)
Langkah-langkah membuat kalimat passive.

1. Letakkan object kalimat active di awal kalimat passive.

2. Apabila pada kalimat active tidak terdapat to be (berupa auxiliary), maka

ubahlah auxiliary menjadi to be dan sesuaikan dengan subject dan tenses-nya.

3. Letakkan kata kerja (verb) asli dalam bentuk V3 setelah to be.

4. Letakkan subject kalimat active menjadi pelaku (by agent).

Aturan penggunaan by agent.

1. Tidak ditulis

a. Jika pelaku tidak diketahui dan tidak ingin menyebutkan pelaku.

Contoh: The temple was built in 1959.

b. Jika object pada kalimat passive berupa someone, every one, every body, dll.

Contoh: I am waited for someone.

c. Jika ingin memperjelas keadaan.

Contoh: The ceremony will be held on Monday.

2. Ditulis.

Jika dianggap penting dan pelaku diketahui.

Contoh: My pencils are borrowed by Miya.

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