RBV Literature Review

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The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive RBV Literature Review

Crafting a literature review on the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory presents a unique set of
challenges. This widely recognized theory in strategic management offers a rich body of research,
making it both a valuable and daunting task for scholars and students alike to navigate its depths.

Understanding the RBV Theory

The RBV theory posits that a firm's competitive advantage is largely determined by its internal
resources and capabilities rather than external factors. This means delving into a multitude of studies,
articles, and books that explore various aspects of this theory. From examining the role of tangible
resources like financial assets and physical infrastructure to intangible resources such as knowledge,
culture, and reputation, the breadth of the RBV literature is extensive.

Navigating the Vast Landscape of RBV Research

One of the primary challenges in constructing an RBV literature review is the sheer volume of
available material. Scholars must sift through decades of research, ranging from foundational works
to the latest studies. Identifying key contributions, understanding their relevance, and synthesizing
diverse perspectives require a significant investment of time and effort.

Synthesizing Diverse Perspectives

Moreover, the RBV theory has evolved over time, giving rise to different perspectives, criticisms, and
extensions. This evolution adds layers of complexity to the literature review process. Scholars must
not only comprehend the original propositions of the theory but also consider how subsequent
research has shaped and refined these ideas.

Why Choose ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔?

Given these challenges, many scholars and students opt to seek assistance in crafting their RBV
literature reviews. ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those looking to navigate this
intricate landscape with ease.

Benefits of ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔:

Expert Writers: Our team comprises experienced writers well-versed in strategic

management theories like the RBV.
Comprehensive Research: We delve deep into the RBV literature, ensuring a thorough and
up-to-date review.
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key themes and findings.
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Simplify Your RBV Literature Review Process

For scholars and students seeking to simplify the arduous task of constructing an RBV literature
review, ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers a reliable and efficient solution. Trust our expert writers to
navigate the complexities of the RBV theory, delivering a comprehensive and insightful review
tailored to your needs.
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Gerbing, 1988). Remembering that in its ?nal measurement, Industry Forces here entails. Explicating
resource-based view ?critiques from a competitive heterogeneity p. The RBV asserts that ownership
and control of strategic assets determines which organizations will earn superior profits and enjoy a
position of competitive advantage over others. Henderson, R., Mitchell, W., 1997. The interactions
of organizational and competitive in?uences on strategy and. Virtual instrument has all main
properties of the real one. Explicating resource-based view ?critiques from a competitive
heterogeneity p. Descriptive statistics and correlations of the research variables are found in. M M
Bagali, PhD, Research paper, MBA Faculty, HRM, HR, HRD, PhD in HR and Man. Whittington’s
(1994) view of the processual interpreted as a virtue if it reflects a state. Physical resources can
easily be bought in the market, so they confer little advantage to the companies in the long run
because rivals can soon acquire identical assets. Assessing the relationship between firm resources
and product innovation perf. The resources that cannot meet this condition, lead to competitive
disadvantage. Explicating resource-based view ?critiques from a competitive heterogeneity p. There
are over 500 million active users users that have returned to the site in the past 30 days and it is
estimated that people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. Strategic Management
Journal, Corporate dynamic efficiency. Wade, M., Hulland, J., 2004. The resource-based view and
information systems research: review, extension and. Consider the case where a resource is valuable
and rare but the competing organizations can copy them easily. Simply because Samsung does not
have the same brand reputation or is capable of designing user-friendly products like Apple does.
(heterogeneous resources) Immobile. IS support for core competencies and ?rm performance. The
fact that both sets of variables were found to in?uence performance, and that IT. Market pioneers,
late movers, and the resource based view (rbv)- a conceptual. The ?rst relationship is that between IT
support for. Lioukas, 2001). In an IT context, this perspective sees IT capabilities themselves—e.g.
IT. Second, while Spanos and Lioukas’ model did not specify a priori the relationship. Papp, R.,
1999. Business-IT alignment: productivity paradox. Duhan, S., Levy, M., Powell, P., 2001.
Information systems strategies in knowledge-based SMEs: the role of core. Gerbing, D.W.,
Anderson, J.C., 1988. An updated paradigm for scale development incorporating. Strategic fit
among business competitive strategy, human resource strategy, a. Chin, W.W., 1995. Partial least
squares is to LISREL as principal components analysis is to common factor. The two critical
assumptions of RBV are that resources must also be heterogeneous and immobile.
John Wiley: In Competence Based Competition, Hamel G. When firm’s capabilities are considered
as paramount in the creation of competitive advantages, it will focus on reconfiguration of value
chain activities. Traditional. Value Chain. Balanced Scorecard. Management - Planning Organizing
Motivating Controlling. The ?rst perspective re?ects a market power imperative, and views the ?rm
as a “bundle of. Interaction Model of Superior Performance Based On Technological Resources an.
What one company would do, the other could simply follow and no competitive advantage could be
achieved. Constructing a definition for intangibles using the resource based view of th. Papp, R.,
1999. Business-IT alignment: productivity paradox. Knowledge economy. The global knowledge
economy is characterized by. Jarvenpaa, S.L., Leidner, D.E., 1998. An information company in
Mexico: extending the resource-based view of. Remembering that the shared variance between a
construct and. This indicates that the best approach is to look into both external and internal factors
and combine both views to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. When firm’s capabilities are
considered as paramount in the creation of competitive advantages, it will focus on reconfiguration
of value chain activities. Luton Business School, The University of Luton, Luton, UK. Larcker,
1981). Here, as shown in Fig. 4, AVE values greater than 0.5 for all three. A small number of
empirical studies have examined the. Types of Information Technology Capabilities and Their Role
in Competitive Ad. Henderson, R., Mitchell, W., 1997. The interactions of organizational and
competitive in?uences on strategy and. If organizations had the same amount and mix of resources,
they could not employ different strategies to outcompete each other. Gerbing, 1988). Remembering
that in its ?nal measurement, Industry Forces here entails. The literature seems to offer little in the
way In these circumstances the stimulus for. Penrose, E.T., 1959. The Theory of the Growth of the
Firm. In turn, higher levels of perceived strategic alignment. Interaction Model of Superior
Performance Based On Technological Resources an. VRIO framework (Please visit our article on
VRIO framework for more information.) Although having heterogeneous and immobile resources is
critical in achieving competitive advantage, it is not enough alone if the firm wants to sustain it. The
contribution of the academic should be Black JA, Boal KB. 1994. Strategic resources. Porter, M.E.,
Millar, V.E., 1985. How information gives you competitive advantage. Bergeron, F., Raymond, L.,
1995. The contribution of IT to the bottom line: a contingency perspective of strategic. It has also
been an enduring issue; every year since. Fundamentally, this theory formulates the firm to be a
bundle of resources.
Fornell, C.R., Bookstein, F.L., 1982. Two structural equation models: LISREL and PLS applied to
consumer exit-. The ?rst relationship is that between IT support for. Identify and classify variables
within an organization as strengths or weaknesses. Simply because Samsung does not have the same
brand reputation or is capable of designing user-friendly products like Apple does. (heterogeneous
resources) Immobile. Pro?tability constructs, as all items loaded suf?ciently on their associated
construct (all. Week as being IT leaders in their industry to the performance of a control group. She
found. Penrose, E.T., 1959. The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Strategic industry. Strategic
Management Journal 17(4). Report this Document Download now Save Save RBV: Issues and
Perspectives For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 206 views 21 pages RBV:
Issues and Perspectives Uploaded by madhpan A research paper on RBV. Understanding the
influence of information systems competencies on process in. Porter, M.E., 1991. Towards a dynamic
theory of strategy. Mata, F.J., Fuerst, W.L., Barney, J.B., 1995. Information technology and
sustained competitive advantage: a. On their own they are useless for any sensible decision making.
IS support for core competencies and ?rm performance. A small number of empirical studies have
examined the. Barney JB, Griffin RW. 1992. The Management of sation. Mata, F.J., Fuerst, W.L.,
Barney, J.B., 1995. Information technology and sustained competitive advantage: a. Ives, B.,
Learmonth, G.P., 1984. The information system as a competitive weapon. Matching the
organizational capabilities to market needs through competitive positioning. Tampoe M. 1994.
Exploiting the core q and the importance of focus in firm. Explicating resource-based view ?critiques
from a competitive heterogeneity p. Gerbing, 1988). Remembering that in its ?nal measurement,
Industry Forces here entails. What one company would do, the other could simply follow and no
competitive advantage could be achieved. IT with the ?rm’s know-how addresses its strengths and
weaknesses (e.g. through an. Strategic fit among business competitive strategy, human resource
strategy, a. While this framework is not preferred by most strategy scholars, it may raise some good
points. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. The literature seems to offer little in the
way In these circumstances the stimulus for. Therefore, RBV assumes that companies achieve
competitive advantage by using their different bundles of resources. Hence, IT support for strategy
will have an indirect.
Market pioneers, late movers, and the resource based view (rbv)- a conceptual. Spanos and Lioukas
(2001) sensibly sug- strategic assets? Similarly the transfer of key personnel from a successful
competing firm will allow the procurement of profit enhancing core competences; the impact of this
method depends on the extent to which competences are embedded within the operations and
knowledge base of the original firm. Assessing the relationship between firm resources and product
innovation perf. M M Bagali, PhD, Research paper, MBA Faculty, HRM, HR, HRD, PhD in HR and
Man. The RBV focuses on the concept of difficult-to- imitate attributes of the firm as sources of
superior performance and competitive advantage (Barney, 1986; Hamel and Prahalad, 1996). The ?rst
relationship is that between IT support for. Makadok R. 2001. Toward a synthesis of resource-
Prencipe A. 2001. Exploiting and nurturing in-. In turn, higher levels of perceived strategic
alignment. Melville, N., Kraemer, K., Gurbaxani, V., 2004. Information technology and
organizational performance: an. Reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of the research
constructs. Henderson, R., Mitchell, W., 1997. The interactions of organizational and competitive
in?uences on strategy and. McGuinness and Morgan (2000) have also performance and exemplify
Tampoe’s (1994). Papp, R., 1999. Business-IT alignment: productivity paradox. Ives, B., Mason,
R.O., 1990. Can information technology revitalize your customer service? Academy of. The RBV
emphasizes internal resources and capabilities of firm in formulating strategy to achieve sustainable
competitive advantages in the market place. In a case study of four ?rms, Levy et al. (1999) show
how Porter’s value chain and ?ve. Resource based competitiveness Resource based competitiveness
Market pioneers, late movers, and the resource based view (rbv)- a conceptual. Resources may be
considered as inputs that enable firms to carry out its activities. The RBV emphasizes internal
resources and capabilities of firm in formulating strategy to achieve sustainable competitive
advantages in the market place. Formal reporting structures are simply a description of who in the
firm reports to whom. Anderson, J.C., Gerbing, D.W., 1988. Structural equation modeling in
practice: a review and recommended two-. The RBV has been useful in identifying the basis by
which the resources and capabilities of a firm serve as sources of sustained competitive advantage
(e.g., Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993). The ?rst originates from traditional economic
research, and is based. Wilson, H.N., McDonald, H.B., 2001. An evaluation of styles of IT support
for marketing planning. European. Multiple alignment construction Traditional approaches: optimal,
progressive. Resources that cannot be easily transferred or purchased, that require an extended
learning curve or a major change in the organization climate and culture, are more likely to be unique
to the organization and, therefore, more difficult to imitate by competitors. Croteau, A.-M.,
Bergeron, F., 2001. An information technology trilogy: business strategy, technological. We don't
know when or if this item will be back in stock. The r coef?cient values presented in Table 1, ranging.

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