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1. Đảo ngữ là gì?

Đảo ngữ trong tiếng Anh là hiện tượng phó từ (hay còn gọi là trạng từ) và trợ động từ trong
câu được đưa lên đứng đầu câu, trước chủ ngữ nhằm nhấn mạnh vào hành động, tính chất của
chủ ngữ.

2. Các cấu trúc đảo ngữ

Công thức đảo ngữ với trạng từ chỉ tần suất:

Never/ Rarely/ Hardly/ Seldom/ Little/ Ever + Trợ động từ + S + V

(không bao giờ/hiếm khi ai đó làm gì)

 She hardly does her homework = HARDLY does she do her homework.
(Hầu như cô ấy không bao giờ làm bài tập.)
 I have never listened to such a good song = NEVER have I listened to such a good
(Chưa bao giờ tôi nghe một bài hát hay như thế.)
Công thức đảo ngữ (inversion):

No/Not any + N + Trợ động từ + S + V

• No sneakers shall I buy for you = Not any sneakers shall I buy for you.
(Tôi sẽ không mua cho bạn đôi giày thể thao nào nữa)
• Not any chances will we work together in the future.
(Chúng ta sẽ không có cơ hội làm việc cùng nhau trong tương lai nữa).
• At no time: Chưa từng bao giờ.
• In no way: Không còn cách nào.
• On no condition: Tuyệt đối không/ Với bất kì điều kiện nào
• On no account = For no reasons: Không có bất cứ lý do gì.
• Under/In no circumstances: Trong bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào cũng không.
• No longer: Không còn nữa.
• No where: Không một nơi nào.
Công thức đảo ngữ (inversion) với các cụm từ phủ định có “No”

Cụm từ phủ định + trợ động từ + S + V

• We can’t go to the bus stop in time = In no way can we go to the bus stop in time.
(Không có cách nào để đến trạm xe buýt đúng giờ).
• She didn’t have to do like that = On no account did you do like that.
(Không vì bất cứ lý do gì mà bạn phải làm như thế).
• Leaving home is always a bad idea = In no circumstances should you leave home.
(Trong bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào cũng không nên rời khỏi nhà).
• She never goes out with strangers = At no time does she go out with strangers.
(Không bao giờ cô ấy ra ngoài với người lạ)
• This village grows the best corns = No where can you grow corns as good as in this village.
(Không một nơi nào có thể trồng bắp ngon như ở đây).
Công thức đảo ngữ với cấu trúc “No sooner…than”:

No sooner + trợ động từ + S + V + than + S + V (Không bao lâu sau khi….thì…)

Hardly/Barely/Scarcely had + S +P2 when S + V
• No sooner did I meet her than she started eating dinner with him.
(Không bao lâu sau khi tôi gặp cô ấy thì cô ấy ăn tối với anh ấy).
• No sooner did we leave home than the letter was delivered.
(Không bao lâu sau khi chúng tôi rời khỏi nhà thì lá thư được chuyển đến).
I hardly arrived home when the phone rang
=> Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang

Such + tính từ + N + that + S + V

So + tính/trạng từ + trợ động từ + N + that + S + V

Such a beautiful song that I have listened many times = So beautiful is this song that I have
listened many times. (Bài hát này hay đến nỗi tôi đã nghe nó nhiều lần).

Not until/ till + (S+V) time + Trợ động từ + S + V (cho đến khi …thì mới…)

• Not until 12pm did I finish my homework.

(Đến 12 giờ tôi mới hoàn thành xong bài tập).
• Not until I helped could she carry the heavy bags.
(Cho đến khi tôi giúp thì cô ấy mới cầm được những chiếc túi nặng đó).

Đảo ngữ Cấu trúc Ví dụ

Only after lunch can we watch TV together.

(Chỉ sau bữa trưa chúng ta mới có thể xem TV
Only after + N/V-ing (S+V) cùng nhau).
Only + trợ động từ + S + V
after Only after eating dinner does he go shopping
(Chỉ sau khi…) with his friends.
(Chỉ sau khi ăn tối xong cậu ấy mới đi mua sắm
với bạn bè).

Only by Only by + N/V-ing + trợ Only by studying English well can you have a
động từ + S + V good job.
(Chỉ bằng cách học tốt tiếng Anh thì bạn mới có
(Chỉ bằng cách…)
thể có một công việc tốt.)
Only by production can a nation satisfy
(Chỉ bằng cách sản xuất thì một quốc gia mới
có thể thỏa mãn các nhu cầu).

Only if he agrees would she go with me = She

would go with me if he agrees.
Only if +(S+V) + trợ động từ
(Nếu anh ấy đồng ý, cô ấy mới đi với tôi).
Only if +S+V
Only if it isn’t cold can we eat out.
(Chỉ khi/ Nếu)
(Chỉ khi trời không lạnh, chúng tôi mới ra
ngoài ăn).

Only in this way can I study English.

Only in Only in this/that way + trợ (Chỉ bằng cách này tôi mới học được tiếng
this/ that động từ + S + V Anh)
way (Chỉ bằng cách này/đó) .Only in that way will he pass the exam.
(Chỉ bằng cách đó anh ấy mới vượt qua kỳ thi).

Only then + trợ động từ + S

Only +V Only then did she receive my money.
then (Chỉ đến lúc đó cô ấy mới nhận số tiền của tôi).
(Chỉ đến lúc đó)

Only when I met him did he recognize me.

(Chỉ đến khi tôi gặp anh ấy, anh ấy mới nhận ra
Only when + (S+V) + trợ tôi)
Only động từ + S + V
when .Only when you study foreign languages will
(Chỉ đến khi) many opportunities happen.
(Chỉ đến khi bạn học ngoại ngữ, những cơ hội
mới mở ra).


a) Câu điều kiện loại 1

Mệnh đề If = Should S + V

Ví dụ:
• If I leave, I won’t meet her again = Should I leave, I won’t meet her again. (Nếu rời đi, tôi
sẽ không gặp lại cô ấy nữa).
• If he has a lot of money, he will help the poor = Should he have a lot of money, he will help
the poor. (Nếu anh ấy có nhiều tiền, anh ấy sẽ giúp đỡ những người nghèo).
b) Câu điều kiện loại 2

Mệnh đề If = Were + S + to-V/Were

Ví dụ:
• If I were you, I would help poor people = Were I you, I would help poor people. (Nếu tôi là
bạn, tôi sẽ giúp đỡ những người nghèo).
• If I earned more money, I would buy that dress = Were I to earn more money, I would by
that dress. (Nếu tôi làm được nhiều tiền hơn, tôi sẽ mua chiếc váy đó).
c) Câu điều kiện loại 3

Mệnh đề If = Had + S + Phân từ (II)

Ví dụ: If Helen had played volleyball yesterday, she would have won = Had Helen played
volleyball yesterday, she would have won. (Nếu Helen chơi bóng chuyền hôm qua, có lẽ cô
ấy đã thắng).
Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau với cấu trúc đảo ngữ bắt đầu bằng only
1. He only thought about having a holiday abroad after he retired.
⇒ Only ____________________________________________________.
2. I only realized how dangerous the situation had been when I got home.
⇒ Only ____________________________________________________.
3. It wasn’t until last week that the Agriculture Minister admitted defeat.
⇒ Only _____________________________________________________.
4. I understood Hamlet only after seeing it on the stage.
⇒ Only _____________________________________________________
5. They didn’t get round to business until they had finished eating.
⇒ Only ____________________________________________________.
6. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.
⇒ Only ____________________________________________________.
7. I didn’t realize who he was until later.
⇒ Only ____________________________________________________.
8. The door could not be opened without using force.
⇒ Only ____________________________________________________.
9. I won’t agree until Tom’s apologized.
⇒ Only ________________________________________________
10. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard every day.
⇒ Only _______________________________________________
Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau với cấu trúc đảo ngữ của câu điều kiện
1. If the salary were high, the job would be worth doing.
⇒ Were ________________________________________________
2. Would you visit me if I were sent to prison?
⇒ Were ________________________________________________
3. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
⇒ Had __________________________________________________
4. If I were rich, I could afford to buy an expensive car.
⇒ Were _________________________________________________
5. If I were you, I would tell him the truth.
⇒ Were _________________________________________________
6. If he weren’t busy right now, he could help them.
⇒ Were _________________________________________________
7. If she had said sorry, he wouldn’t have been angry.
⇒ Had ___________________________________________________
8. If the computer hadn’t broken down and I wouldn’t have had to stop my work.
⇒ Had ___________________________________________________
9. If he hadn’t been angry, I would have said something.
⇒ Had ___________________________________________________
10. If his friends hadn’t been late, they wouldn’t have missed the train.
⇒ Had ___________________________________________________
Bài 3: Viết lại câu sau với cấu trúc đảo ngữ
1. I’ve never watched such a horrifying film.
⇒ Never _________________________________________________
2. She rarely travels far from her village.
⇒ Rarely _________________________________________________
3. Lily is my good friend as well as yours.
⇒ Not only _______________________________________________
4. My students are good at physics and they can play sports really well.
⇒ Not only _______________________________________________
5. The boss had just left the office when the telephone rang.
⇒ No sooner ______________________________________________
6. All employees didn’t get back to work until they had finished eating.
⇒ Only __________________________________________________
7. The door could not be opened without using force.
⇒ Only __________________________________________________
8. If you have further errors with your laptop, contact your seller for advice.
⇒ Should ________________________________________________
9. If we hear any further news, we will contact you immediately.
⇒ Should ________________________________________________
10. If I were you, I would tell him the truth.
⇒ Were _________________________________________________
11. If the government raised taxes, they would make people angry.
⇒ Were _________________________________________________
12. If we hadn’t been late, we wouldn’t have missed the last train.
⇒ Had __________________________________________________
13. He is strong enough to lift the rock.
⇒ So __________________________________________________
14. The milk is really hot. I can’t drink it now.
⇒ Such __________________________________________________
15. The day was foggy. We couldn’t see the road.
⇒ Such __________________________________________________
Bài 4. Chọn một từ / nhóm từ thích hợp cho mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành những câu
1. ____________________________, you would have succeeded in your business.
A. If you listened to my advice B. Were you to listen to my advice
C. Had you listened to my advice D. As long as you listened to my advice
2. She doesn’t like classical music and _______________________________.
A. I don’t, too B. I don’t, either C. neither do I D. B&C are correct
3. Little ______________ what he has caused to others.
A. does he know B. he knows C. he can know D. he will know
4. __________ had he entered the office than he realized that he had left his wallet at home.
A. Hardly B. Scarcely C. No sooner D. Not only
5. ____________ a week goes by without some road accidents.
A. Hardly B. Seldom C. Never D. Infrequently
Bài 5. Tìm lỗi sai ở những từ / cụm từ gạch chân được đánh dấu A, B, C và D.
1. We cannot clean up all the polluted seas and rivers. Nor we can stop the disappearance of
and animals.
2. Hardly had he entered the office when he realized that he forgot his wallet.
3. It was not until he was 30 did he get married , had a job and lived independently of his
4. Never before has so many people in the U.S been interested in soccer.
5. Not only did he spend all his money but also he borrowed some from me
Bài 6: Chọn câu viết lại có nghĩa tương đương.
1. I write to her almost every day.
A. Not a day goes by unless my writing to her.
B. Hardly does a day go by without my writing to her.
C. No day go by without my writing to her.
D. Almost every day goes by without my writing for her.
2. The noise next door didn’t stop until midnight.
A. It was not until midnight that the noise next door stopped.
B. Not until midnight did the noise next door stopped.
C. Only when midnight did the noise next door stopped.
D. Hardly did the noise next door stopped when it was midnight.
3. He started computer programming as soon as he left school.
A. No sooner had he started computer programming than he left school.
B. Hardly had he started computer programming when he left school.
C. No sooner had he left school than he started computer programming.
D. After he left school, he had started computer programming.
4. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.
A. As soon as he borrowed some money from me, he spent it all.
B. Hardly had he borrowed some money from me when he spent it all.
C. Not only did he spent all his money but also he borrowed some from me.
D. Not only did he spend all his money but he borrowed some from me as well.
5. She only felt relaxed after a few months working for him.
A. She used to feel relaxed working for him a few months.
B. A few months ago, she didn’t find it relaxed working for him.
C. Only after a few months working for him did she feel relaxed.
D. It was not until a few months working for him did she feel relaxed.
6. Right after his appointment to the post, he fell ill.
A. No sooner did he appointed to the post than he fell ill.
B. No sooner had he appointed to the post than he fell ill.
C. Hardly had he appointed to the post when he fell ill.
D. Hardly had he been appointed to the post when he fell ill.
Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng
Câu 1. ____________________________, you would have succeeded in your business.
A. If you listened to my advice B. Were you to listen to my advice
C. Had you listened to my advice D. As long as you listened to my advice
Câu 2. Little ______________ what he has caused to others.
A. does he know B. he knows C. he can know D. he will know
Câu 3. __________ had he entered the office than he realized that he had left his wallet at
A. Hardly B. Scarcely C. No sooner D. Not only
Câu 4. ____________ a week go by without some road accidents.
A. Hardly does B. Seldom do C. Never is D. Infrequently do
Câu 5. It was not until she had arrived home ___________________ her appointment with
the doctor.
A. when she remembered B. that she remembered
C. and she remembered D. did she remember
Câu 6. ____________________, he would have been able to pass the exam.
A. If he studied harder last year B. Provided he studied hard last year
C. Studying harder last year D. Had he studied harder last year
Câu 7. ___________________ will Mr. Dennis be able to regain control of the company.
A. With hard work B. Despite his hard work
C. Only if he works hardly D. Only by working hard
Câu 8. __________ had I arrived home than it began to rain.
A. No sooner B. Hardly C. Scarcely D. Rarely
Câu 9. My father paid my fees. _______________that, I wouldn’t be here now.
A. If there were not B. But for
C. Had it not been for D. B&C are correct
Câu 10. Only after food has been dried or canned ________________________________.
A. it should be stored for future use. B. that it should be stored for future use.
C. should it be stored for future use. D. should it store for future use
Câu 11. No sooner had we arrived at the station ______ the announcement started
A. than B. when C. then D. last
Câu 12. . ______ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. Hardly had B. No sooner had C. No longer has D. Not until had
Câu 13. No sooner ______ than the class started
A. had Max arrived B. does Max arrive C. Max arrives D. Max does arrive
Câu 14. Scarcely had Jake ______ the book report when Alan came in.
A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. to finished
Câu 15. Had they arrived at the fair earlier, they _______ what they wanted
A. had found B. have found C. found D. would have found
Câu 16. . Only by working hard _______ your final exam.
A. will you pass B. you will pass C. did you passed D. you passed
Câu 17. . Only when I have free time _______ television.
A. I watch B. does I watch C. do I watch D. I watched
Câu 18. Rarely ____ she made mistake since she was a manager.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
Câu 19. _____ the truth, she wouldn’t have given Mark the money.
A. She had known B. She has know
C. Had she known D. Has she known
Câu 20. So beautiful _____ that the Queen is envious with her.
A. Snow White is B. Snow White are
C. is Snow White D. are Snow White
Câu 21. Never _____ in such a strange situation.
A. has I been B. have I been C. am I been D. I have been
Câu 22. Seldom _____ dinner together.
A. do Mark and Juliet have B. does Mark and Juliet have
C. is Mark and Juliet have D. are Mark and Juliet have
Câu 23. Hardly _____ his wife presents on her birthday.
A. did James given B. does James give
C. had James given D. do James give
Câu 24. . Scarcely _____when the rain became much heavier.
A. have I come in B. had I come in
C. I have come in D. I came in
Câu 25. . Only then ____ the letter from my son.
A. do I receive B. did I receive
C. have I received D. has I received
Câu 26. No sooner ____ __ than Mary came over.
A. have John gone out B. had John gone out
C. has John gone out D. John has gone out
Câu 27. So frightened _____ the film that I couldn’t sleep yesterday.
A. is B. are C. was D. have
Câu 28. Not only ______ well but he also plays musical instruments perfectly
A. does he sing B. he sings
C. he does sing D. sings he
Câu 29. Seldom___________ a newspaper.
A. buys Anna B. does Anna buy
C. bought Anna D. Anna does buy
Câu 30. Not only__________ at the post office. ___________ at the grocery store.
A. does Mary work/but she also works B. works Mary/but she also works
C. does Mary work/but does she also work D. Mary work/but also she works
Câu 31. No sooner___________ the house than the phone started to ring.
A. had she entered B. she had entered
C. entered she D. had entered she
Câu 32. Only by saving money___________ a house.
A. he buys B. he can buy C. can he buy D. buy he
Câu 33. Not even once___________ the truth
A. he tells B. does he tell C. tells he D. has he tell
Câu 34. Choose the correct inverted form.
A. Into the room came the teachers B. Not only lazy she is but she is naughty
C. No sooner had he drunk a cup of coffee than he asked another.
D. A and C are correct
Câu 35. Not only___________ beautiful but she is graceful as well.
A. did she B. she was C. is she D. she is
Câu 36. Seldom___________ treated like that.
A. I have been B. am I C. I am D. I had been
Câu 37. Over there___________ the shop that sells souvenirs.
A. Is B. Are C. has D. have
Câu 38. Never before___________ such a disaster.
A. they suffer B. they have suffered C. had they suffered D. they had suffered
Câu 39. Only if I had known the difference___________ the more expensive car.
A. would I bought B. I would have bought
C. would I buy D. would I have bought
Câu 40. Neither Mary nor her friends___________ going to the party.
A. Is B. are C. was D. a or b
Câu 41. Only by working three jobs _____ able to support his large family.
A. he was B. he is C. he’s being D. was he
Câu 42. Not until Andrew stopped smoking ____ healthy again.
A. did he feel B. that he started to feel C. then he felt D. that he did feel
Câu 43. ___ you see Frank at the conference, give him my regards.
A. Should B. Would C. Might D. Could
Câu 44. So ___ that she licked the plate clean.
A. being hungry B. great her hunger C. hungry was she D. had she hunger
Câu 45. ___ the medicine than she began to feel better.
A. Not until she swallowed B. Hardly did she swallow
C. No sooner had she swallowed D. Having swallowed
Câu 46. Only by speaking more ___ improve your fluency in English.
A. you are able to B. is it possible to
C. does D. will it
Câu 47. Never _____ to such a fantastic restaurant.
A. John had been B. Were John
C. Did John be D. has John been
Câu 48. In no way __ to be associated with this project
A. Was I to want B. Am I want
C. do I want D. I want
Câu 49. No sooner ___ dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table.
A. Did they ate B. Had they ate
C. Has they eaten D. had they eaten
Câu 50. _____ had I finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the
A. No sooner B. Scarcely
C. Only D. never

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