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Manager: Good morning, everyone.

As we begin our performance evaluations today, I just want to

remind everyone that these are meant to be constructive and positive. We’re here to help you grow
as employees, not to put you down. Let’s begin

Human Resource Manager: Thank you, Manager. Our first employee up for evaluation today is John
Smith. John, please come on i

Jhon:thanknyou, HR manager

Manager: So, John, how do you think you did this past year?

John: Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with my performance. I met all of my goals and deadlines, and I
feel like I made a positive impact on the team

Manager: That’s great to hear, John. We really appreciate your hard work.

Human Resource Manager: Thank you, John. We’ll be in touch


Manager: Next up is Jane Doe. Jane, please come in.

Jane:thankyou manager

Manager: So, Jane, how do you think you did this past year?

Jane: To be honest, I’m not really sure. I feel like I could have done better, but I’m not sure what
exactly I could have done differently.

Manager: Well, Jane, one of the things we noticed is that you didn’t always meet your deadlines. We
understand that things come up, but it’s important to try to plan ahead so that you can stay on track.

Jane: Yes, Manager. I’ll definitely try to do that in the future

Manager: Excellent. We know you can do it, Jane

Human Resource Manager: Thank you, Jane. We’ll be in touch

jane: thankyou

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