The Vanishing Game by William Boyd Summary

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In Chapter 1, the protagonist, Alec Dunbar, reflects on his recent streak of bad luck in

London, including a burglary and a car accident. Despite these setbacks, he receives an
audi?on for an American movie called "Transfigured Night." However, a cas?ng mix-up
occurs, and Alec, mistakenly thought to be a young woman named Alexa, aIends the
mee?ng. The cas?ng director, Ron Suitcase, apologizes for the error, and Alec leaves the
audi?on feeling a sense of failure.
Later, Alec encounters a young woman named Stella Devereaux, who mistakes him for Alexa.
During their conversa?on, Stella reveals that she has a broken ankle and offers Alec £1000 to
hand-deliver a flask of holy water from the River Jordan to a church in Scotland for her
godson's christening. Alec accepts the offer and is provided with Stella's Land Rover
Defender for the journey. The chapter ends with Alec feeling a mix of excitement and
an?cipa?on as he embarks on this unexpected adventure.

In Chapter 2, Alec Dunbar embarks on his journey from London to Scotland, driving steadily
on the motorway while listening to minimalist music. He stops at the WaUord Gap service
sta?on for coffee and water, reflec?ng on his sense of detachment from everyday life due to
his profession as an actor.
As he con?nues north on the M1, Alec observes hitchhikers at a service sta?on, including a
feral-looking girl in white. Despite considering stopping for her, Alec decides to priori?ze his
delivery task. He eventually stops at another service sta?on north of Manchester for fuel
and chocolate, feeling surprisingly alert and making good ?me.
Later, at a petrol sta?on near Carlisle, Alec encounters the feral girl again. Despite ini?ally
deciding not to pick her up, Alec changes his mind and offers her a liX. However, she reveals
she wants to go to Edinburgh, not aligning with Alec's route. They part ways, and Alec
con?nues his journey. As he drives through the night, he no?ces lights in his rearview mirror,
suspec?ng someone might be following him. He maneuvers off the motorway to shake off
the poten?al follower, contempla?ng the odd encounter and the unexpected turns in his

In Chapter 3, Alec Dunbar arrives in Scotland, relieved to see the "Welcome to Scotland"
sign. He takes a moment to stretch and enjoy the colder air before driving through Glasgow
and reaching Loch Lomond at sunrise. Alec reflects on the tranquil beauty of the loch and
the absence of human presence.
As he con?nues his journey, Alec calculates that he's a few hours away from Oban, planning
to head north towards Fort William and Mallaig. Along the way, he contemplates the strange
events involving the girl in white and the black saloon that seems to be following him.
Stopping at a roadside café in Inverary, Alec treats himself to a hearty breakfast and
contemplates finding a hotel for some rest. However, he is unseIled when the black saloon
reappears in the car park behind the café, with the feral girl in white inside.
Concerned and unable to reach Stella Devereaux by phone, Alec decides to go off the main
road and take less-traveled routes to avoid poten?al pursuers. Despite his aIempts to evade
the mysterious followers, he no?ces the black saloon reappearing in his rear-view mirror,
crea?ng a sense of alarm and fear.
Alec becomes suspicious that his phone might be the reason for his easy tracking. He
removes the baIery, making himself phoneless. Determined to shake off the pursuers, he
takes a series of random turns and stops at a sunken farm, contempla?ng the contents of
the flask he's transpor?ng.
Realizing something might be seriously wrong, Alec considers going to the police but
hesitates, as nothing concrete has happened yet. He decides to proceed with cau?on,
intending to deliver the flask to St. Mungo's Church and then leave the situa?on for
someone else to handle, possibly Stella Devereaux. Alec heads towards Fort William,
determined to equip himself for whatever may come next.

In chapter 4, Alec Dunbar, suspicious of being targeted, retreats to Oban instead of Fort
William. He reflects on the orchestrated events leading him there. In Oban, he finds a
surprising online portrayal of a holiday he never took.

Alec misleads Stella with a delayed arrival email and equips himself at an outdoor store.
Camping on Clachan Mor, he plans to inves?gate St. Mungo's Church. In Alcorran, he
encounters Stella at Tallen Brae Hotel, enjoys whisky, and heads to the church.

Inside St. Mungo's, Alec discovers the lifeless bodies of Stella and Ron Suitcase. In shock, he
decides to involve the police, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension.

In chapter 5, lec, at the hotel, informs Stella, the barmaid, about his call to the police
regarding the two dead bodies in St. Mungo's Church. Stella expresses morbid curiosity
about the deaths and shares informa?on about the rarely used church. Two policemen,
Sergeant Callum Strang and an older officer, arrive. Alec recounts the events at the church,
emphasizing he didn't touch the bodies.
Returning to St. Mungo's, they find the church empty, adding to Alec's confusion. Strang
ques?ons Alec's certainty about the deaths, hin?ng at skep?cism. Strang suggests it might
be a prank but decides to officially warn the individuals if found. Alec, lacking a working
phone, agrees to stay in touch.
Back at the hotel, Alec buys a boIle of Glen Fleshan, contempla?ng the mysterious events.
While heading to his hideout, he hears a helicopter, promp?ng him to hide. Alone on the
mountain, he reflects on his isola?on and the secrecy surrounding his predicament.
Alec reviews the situa?on, pondering the significance of the glass flask. He speculates on
why he was chosen for this task, recalling the elaborate setup that led him to transport the
mysterious object. He ques?ons the mo?ves of the people chasing him and their possible
connec?ons to Stella and Ron's deaths.
The chapter concludes with Alec formula?ng a plan, deciding to use the remaining money to
gain leverage. He reflects on his need to take control, feeling empowered by the decision. As
he seIles into sleep, a noise startles him. Inves?ga?ng, Alec encounters a stag, a surreal
moment that adds to the mysterious atmosphere. He returns to his hideout, shaken but
resolved, preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.
In chapter 6, Alec recalls his experience on the set of "Beau?ful Lie, Ugly Truth," highligh?ng
the importance of aere and aetude for gaining access. Drawing from this, he decides to
adopt a similar strategy to infiltrate Ardenthill College. Alec purchases a new suit and seeks
direc?ons to a secondary school.
Choosing Ardenthill, Alec arrives at the school, taking note of its somewhat neglected
appearance. Claiming to have an appointment with the headmaster, Alec gains entry but
learns the headmaster is away. He exploits the situa?on, expressing disappointment, and
secures a new appointment. Alec explores the school, emphasizing his intent to enroll his
children, Ben and Arabella.
Visi?ng the science block, Alec encounters Isla MacNab, a chemistry teacher. He fabricates a
story about being a prospec?ve parent and requests her help in analyzing the content of the
glass flask. Isla agrees, and Alec provides a sample. She iden?fies it as a salt solu?on and
speculates it might be a disguised pharmaceu?cal drug.
Alec, recognizing the implica?ons, thanks Isla and compensates her for her ?me. He
contemplates the poten?al drug connec?on and recalls the script of a film, "Ar?ficial Fire,"
about the lucra?ve pharmaceu?cal industry. Alec leaves Isla, pondering the newfound
Back in Mallaig, Alec purchases supplies, including gaffer tape and wire coat hangers. He
returns to Clachan Mor, his mountain hideout, and prepares for a significant ac?on the next
day, aiming to end the mysterious events that have been unfolding. The chapter concludes
with Alec cooking his last meal on the mountain, an?cipa?ng a resolu?on to the enigma.

In chapter 7,
Alec spends the morning preparing for a plan he has devised. He cuts wire coat hangers into
the required lengths and shapes, studies a map to choose a suitable loca?on, and seIles on
a sea cliff near Mallaig. Alec receives a call from his agent, Gervase, informing him of an
opportunity for "Fatal Assignment III."
As Alec contemplates his next move, he acknowledges the challenge of convincing the police
of the threat he perceives. Wan?ng to make his case more substan?al, he decides to set up a
situa?on that would force a reac?on.
He recalls his first film, "Giorni di Mal," and how he felt conflicted emo?ons during its
produc?on. Alec drives to a wooded promontory near Mallaig, selects a clearing, and begins
seeng up a makeshiX incendiary device using gas stove, firelighters, wire coat hangers,
distress flares, and a kitchen ?mer. He reflects on the uncertainty of his ac?ons and
experiences conflic?ng emo?ons.
As Alec waits for the ?mer to count down, he makes a final phone call to an uniden?fied
recipient, leaving a message. He posi?ons the Land Rover near a cliff edge, and, holding the
flask of River Jordan water, waits on the vehicle's roof. The approaching car with two
occupants, a man and a woman with an East European accent, arrives earlier than expected.
With the ?mer ?cking down in the woods, Alec holds the flask over the cliff edge. The
occupants of the approaching car demand the flask, with the man displaying an automa?c
pistol. The chapter ends with a tense confronta?on between Alec and the mysterious duo.
In chapter 8,
The woman and the man, revealed as the feral girl and her armed companion, approach
Alec. The woman demands the flask, emphasizing that Alec is an innocent party and assuring
him they will leave him alone.

Alec, bluffing, claims he knows what's going on and accuses them of being involved in the
theX of a valuable pharmaceu?cal product. The woman denies knowledge of Stella and
Ronaldo, the apparent thieves. Alec theorizes that Stella and Ronaldo used to work for a
pharmaceu?cal company represented by the mysterious duo.

As the confronta?on escalates, Alec suggests that the fluid in the flask is the last remnant of
a valuable drug. He paints a scenario where Stella and Ronaldo not only stole it but erased
all traces of its existence, making it even more precious. The tension rises as the kitchen
?mer con?nues ?cking in the forest.

In a desperate move, Alec triggers his makeshiX rescue device in the woods, launching
distress flares behind the duo. The police, responding to the flares, arrive at the scene. Alec
uses the distrac?on to toss the flask over the cliff, shaIering it on the rocks below.

The police ques?on Alec and detain the mysterious duo for further inves?ga?on. Alec
speculates on the possible repercussions and considers whether Stella, Ronaldo, the feral
girl, and her companion were working together. As Alec reflects on the conspiracy he
unwiengly became a part of, he contemplates his safety and the uncertain?es ahead. The
chapter concludes with Alec contac?ng Isla MacNab, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering

The story concludes with Alec sieng by the phone, relieved to have escaped the immediate
danger but s?ll unsure of the full scope of the conspiracy. He recognizes that he will never
fully understand the events that transpired but is grateful for his current safety. The novel
ends with Alec contempla?ng the sunset over the Atlan?c Ocean, bringing closure to the

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