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Special Article

Rehabilitation Approaches for

Children With Cerebral Palsy: Overview
Meg Stanger, MS, PT, PCS; Susan Oresic, OTR/L


This article reviews the use of the World Health Organization classification framework for assessing children and adoles-
cents with cerebral palsy and the use of outcome measures as they relate to the International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health. Various intervention philosophies and approaches are discussed, including the evidence to support
their use with children with cerebral palsy. Therapists will be able to use this information to formulate an assessment plan,
incorporate the use of outcome measures, and employ evidence-based intervention methods. (J Child Neurol 2003;18:S79–S88).

Cerebral palsy is a diagnosis that encompasses a broad Prior to determining an intervention strategy, a thera-
spectrum of motor-related impairments with subsequent pist must decide on an appropriate outcome measure. Out-
functional abilities. The functional abilities of children with come measures must be used to validate the changes or
cerebral palsy also vary immensely in cognitive, self-care, progress made by the child and are necessary to provide
mobility, and social domains. A diagnosis of cerebral palsy accountability to the child and their family, outside resources,
does not correlate with any clearly defined rehabilitative and third-party payors for the interventions used. The appro-
intervention strategies, nor does it correlate with a defined priate outcome measures can also be used to establish
set of expected outcomes for the child and family. This arti- more efficient and effective methods of intervention for
cle discusses the importance of using a framework to guide children with varying presentations of cerebral palsy. Clas-
clinical decision making and the need to use appropriate out- sification systems such as those developed by the World
come measures. Intervention strategies that are supported Health Organization can assist with identifying an appro-
by evidence in the literature and that correlate with the priate outcome measure that is specifically used to assess
decision-making framework are also discussed. an impairment, functional ability level, or participation in
Rehabilitation professionals have an ethical responsi- a life or societal function.
bility to use and apply therapeutic techniques and inter- The World Health Organization classification systems
vention strategies that result in improved functional status provide a common language when discussing or coding
for the child and/or family and prevent secondary impair- information related to health and health care.1 The Inter-
ments and functional limitations, as well as to efficiently use national Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
resources when there is a reasonable prognosis for improve- provides a standardized language and framework for clas-
ment and change. An increasing number of studies demon- sifying human functioning and disability.2 Impairments are
strate the effectiveness of intervention strategies for children problems in body function or structure such as spasticity
with cerebral palsy. Unfortunately, there continues to be a or decreased strength. Activity limitations are difficulties an
paucity of research on the critical periods for the timing and individual may have in executing activities such as walking
intensity of interventions. or raising the arms overhead. Participation restrictions are
problems an individual may experience with involvement
in life situations such as mobility in school or getting dressed
Received Feb 17, 2003. Received revised March 19, 2003. Accepted for pub- in the morning. Activity limitations and participation restric-
lication June 4, 2003. tions include the functioning and disability components of
From the Department of Occupational and Physical Therapy, Children’s the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Health2; however, contextual components such as envi-
Address correspondence to Meg Stanger, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
Physical Therapy Department, 3705 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Tel: ronment and personal factors also impact on the individual’s
412-692-7074; fax: 412-692-6765; e-mail: activity and participation in society.

S80 Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 18, Supplement 1, September 2003

A variety of reliable and valid assessment tools provide sitting or reaching. Assessments that measure the degree to
information on impairment, functional or activity limita- which these activities or functional skills are obtained must
tions, and/or disability or participation restrictions (Table 1). be used to guide the intervention strategies and monitor out-
Each tool has its own role in developing a long-term plan comes. Many of these assessments are tests of motor func-
for children with movement disorders. Other assessment tion and can also establish a developmental age level if
tools provide normative data and can be used to obtain appropriate. The Test of Infant Motor Performance was
developmental levels, such as an age-equivalent or stan- developed to assess the postural control and alignment
dard score. The rationale for use of an assessment tool and needed for age-appropriate functional activities in early
the identified outcome are key factors in determining the infancy.6 These activities include age-related changes in
appropriate assessment measure. head and trunk control for moving against gravity, adjust-
ing to handling, and interacting with caregivers. The Test of
ASSESSING PARTICIPATION AND DISABILITY Infant Motor Performance is designed for infants who are
32 weeks’ gestational age to 4 months past full-term deliv-
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, the Pedi- ery date. Scoring is based on a range of responses signify-
atric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, and the Functional ing maturity through a risk for morbidity. The Alberta Infant
Independence Measure for Children are all tools that assess Motor Scale assesses gross motor function, including mat-
restrictions in participation or the disability of the child. The uration of skills and postural alignment of infants from
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure is an indi- birth to 18 months of age.7 Scoring is through observation,
vidualized measure designed to detect change in a client’s and age scores are determined, as are percentiles for com-
self-perception of occupational performance over time.3 parison of the motor maturation of the child over time. The
This measure not only detects change in performance, it also Peabody Developmental Motor Scales assess normative
assists with identifying problem areas that are important to performance of gross and fine motor function for children
the client. The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory from birth to 84 months of age.8 An age-equivalent score for
measures the child’s capabilities on 197 functional items the child’s gross and/or fine motor function as well as change
across 3 domains; functional performance is measured by over time can be assessed using the Peabody Develop-
the level of assistance needed and the equipment required mental Motor Scales.
to complete the task.4 The caregiver’s assistance and equip- The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency
ment modification scales therefore determine the level of assesses both fine and gross motor function as well as
assistance a child needs to complete a certain activity. The strength, balance, running speed, and coordination of chil-
Functional Independence Measure for Children assesses the dren from 4.5 to 14.5 years of age.9 The child’s performance
level of functional independence of the child and is adapted can be compared with that of a national age-specific refer-
from the adult Functional Independence Measure.5 The ence group. The Gross Motor Function Measure and the Pedi-
Functional Independence Measure for Children consists of atric Evaluation of Disability Inventory functional scales are
only 18 items and thus is less comprehensive than the Pedi- both assessment tools that measure function. The Gross
atric Evaluation of Disability Inventory but requires less time Motor Function Measure was designed specifically for chil-
to administer. Data from the Functional Independence Mea- dren with cerebral palsy and was developed to measure
sure for Children are part of the uniform data set that allows change over time. The Gross Motor Function Measure con-
subscribers to compare outcomes with those of similar sists of activities in five dimensions: lying and rolling; sit-
facilities in other parts of the country. ting; creeping and kneeling; standing and walking; running
and jumping.10 The Gross Motor Function Measure can be
ASSESSING FUNCTION/ACTIVITY used to measure the effectiveness of an intervention such
as a therapeutic technique or surgical intervention. The
The child with cerebral palsy and a resultant movement dis- Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory functional scales
order will exhibit limitations in functional activities such as assess the child’s abilities across the domains of self-care,

Table 1. Tests Measuring Developmental Age, Activity, or Participation Abilities

Test Development Function/Activity Participation Quality
Bruinincks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency X
COPM = Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; GMFM = Gross Motor Function Measure; PDMS = Peabody Developmental Motor Scales; PEDI = Pediatric Evaluation of
Disability Inventory; QUEST = Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test; TIMP = Test of Infant Motor Performance; WeeFIM = Functional Independence Measure for Children.
Rehabilitation Approaches for Children With Cerebral Palsy / Stanger and Oresic S81

mobility, and social function. The Pediatric Evaluation of Dis- ipation in home and community activities, ease of care for
ability Inventory can be used for children between 6 months a family member, or prevention of the development of sec-
and 7.5 years of age or those older if their functional abili- ondary deformities or pain. Ideally, the effectiveness of an
ties are below those of a 7.5 year old without a disability or intervention also includes outcome measures such as use
limitations in activity. of resources and ultimate costs for the child, family, and soci-
Evaluation tools that assess quality of movement can ety. Interventions that are planned according to the child’s
be useful but should not be used without also determining prognosis for change have the potential to be the most
function and level of disability with one of the above-men- effective. However, until recently, there has not been ade-
tioned tools. The Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test is quate information available to allow clinicians to prognos-
an example of such a tool, which was developed to evalu- ticate regarding the outcomes of children with cerebral
ate quality of upper extremity function in four domains: palsy.
dissociated movement, grasping, protective extension, and To date, it has been the exception rather than the rule
weight bearing.11 for pediatric therapists to use classification systems to
guide decision making with respect to the use of various
ASSESSING IMPAIRMENTS intervention strategies. However, classification of a diagnosis
or disease process is typically used in medicine to determine
Children with cerebral palsy will often exhibit a broad spec- interventions and even predict outcomes. An example would
trum of impairments. The therapist must determine which be tumor staging in patients with an oncologic diagnosis.
of those impairments are impacting the child’s function and Physical therapists practicing in the orthopedic setting are
ability to participate in home and community activities or also more accustomed to the use of classification systems
that may result in secondary musculoskeletal deformities (ie, patients with low back pain).
as the child grows and develops. It is critical that the ther- Several methods have been developed to assist with the
apist objectively measure those impairments targeted for classification of children with cerebral palsy to predict out-
change as a result of the intervention strategies. Goniome- comes and determine appropriate treatment interventions.
try has been shown to be a reliable method of measuring Many of these methods are based on etiology, parts of the
range of motion in children,12,13 as have measures such as body involved, type of movement disorder present, or degree
manual muscle testing and dynamometry been shown to be of motor involvement. Examples include classification of
reliable ways of objectifying strength.14–16 Spasticity or cerebral palsy by body involvement such as diplegia or
the resistance to passive movement can be assessed using hemiplegia and by movement disorder such as spastic quad-
the Ashworth Scale,17 whereas dystonia can be measured riplegia. These methods are often subjective in nature and
using the Fahn-Marsden Scale18 or the Barry-Albright Dys- focus on the impairment rather than the functional level of
tonia Scale.19 The Fahn-Marsden Scale comprises a move- the child. The Gross Motor Function Classification System
ment scale that is scored by the clinician after examination for Cerebral Palsy was developed based on the concept of
of the patient’s functional movement and a disability scale classification according to abilities and limitations as listed
that is based on the patient’s view of disability in activities by the World Health Organization.20 The use of this common
of daily living. The Fahn-Marsden Scale has been shown to language enhances communication among health care dis-
be a valid measure of the severity of dystonia, with an inter- ciplines when determining the intervention goals and plan,
rater reliability of .985 and an intrarater reliability of .91. The comparing outcomes related to intervention and ultimately
Barry-Albright Dystonia Scale is a 5-point severity scale as a predictive tool for parents of young children with cere-
that was developed to assess patients with dystonia who may bral palsy.
have cognitive or motor control limitations that interfere with The Gross Motor Function Classification System for
their ability to move functionally. The Barry-Albright Dys- Cerebral Palsy is a five-level classification system based on
tonia Scale has been found to be a valid and reliable tool for movements initiated by the child (Table 2). The movements
measuring the severity of dystonia, with an interrater reli- emphasized are sitting and walking. Differences in the five
ability of .978 and an intrarater reliability of .967 and .978.
Additional objective measures of impairments include
the 6-minute walk test for endurance, the physiologic cost Table 2 GMFCS for Children with Cerebral Palsy

index to measure energy expenditure, balance and postural GMFCS Description

assessments, and assessment of gait parameters using meth- Level I Walks without restrictions; limitation in more advanced
ods ranging from clinical assessments to sophisticated lab- gross motor skills
Level II Walks without assistive devices; limitations are walking
oratory gait analysis systems. outdoors and in the community
When determining the effectiveness of an intervention Level III Walks with assistive mobility devices; limitations are
strategy or assessing change in a child with cerebral palsy walking outdoors and in the community.
Level IV Self-mobility with limitations; children are transported or
over time, multiple assessment tools must be used. Before use powered mobility outdoors or in the community
a technique can be deemed effective, change must be evi- Level V Self-mobility is severely limited even with the use of
dent for the child or his or her caregivers. Those changes assistive technology
may exist at the functional level, such as increased partic- GMFCS = Gross Motor Function Classification System for Cerebral Palsy.
S82 Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 18, Supplement 1, September 2003

levels are based on functional abilities and include the need provided for each child, and the tasks are specific and goal
for assistive and adaptive devices. The Gross Motor Func- directed for each child. The program resembles a school day
tion Classification System for Cerebral Palsy can be used in length of sessions and necessitates the cognitive ability
to classify the severity of the cerebral palsy related to mobil- to follow directions. Parents often report an improvement
ity. Initial research has shown that when children classified in confidence and motivation as well as bodily control when
according to the Gross Motor Function Classification Sys- their children participate in conductive education. Reddi-
tem for Cerebral Palsy are assessed using the Gross Motor hough and colleagues conducted a randomized trial com-
Function Measure, their potential motor development can paring a conductive education program with an equivalent
be predicted.21 The potential now exists to classify chil- intensity traditional intervention program for 66 children with
dren with cerebral palsy, assess their motor function using cerebral palsy with a mean age of 22 months.25 Similar
the Gross Motor Function Measure, and begin to make progress was exhibited by children in both groups, indicating
prognostic decisions regarding the focus of interventions and that neither approach was more effective.
possibly the best timing for these intervention strategies. Many intervention approaches incorporate a wide
knowledge base that is used to guide treatment. This knowl-
edge base includes theories of motor learning and motor con-
trol and current dynamic systems theory. Multiple
intervention strategies used by rehabilitation professionals
This article discusses several intervention philosophies and incorporate these current theories.
approaches as well as specific intervention strategies and
the evidence to support their use. Many of the various inter- Constraint-Induced Therapy
vention strategies incorporate theories of motor learning and Constraint-induced therapy is a rehabilitation approach
motor control as well as dynamic systems and functional designed to enhance upper extremity function in many
task-oriented approaches. patients with neuromotor deficits. Constraint-induced ther-
apy involves restraining the unaffected arm while having
Neurodevelopmental Treatment patients perform purposeful activities with the affected
Neurodevelopmental treatment was initially a treatment arm. Beginning with animal research during the 1970s, Taub
approach developed by Berta and Karl Bobath for the treat- suggested that a limb thought to be nonusable is capable of
ment of children with cerebral palsy.22 The philosophy of the movement by conditioning its use.26 Other researchers have
treatment approach was based on a hierarchical view of ner- investigated the efficacy of constraint-induced therapy with
vous system function. The treatment for children with cere- the pediatric population. Willis et al documented improved
bral palsy focused on moving them through normal Peabody Developmental Motor Scales scores on 12 children
movement patterns to experience normal movement. Major with cerebral palsy, ages 1 through 8 years, who underwent
components of this approach included reflex-inhibiting pos- casting of the unaffected arm for 1 month compared with
tures, inhibition of abnormal reflexes, normalization of a control group that did not undergo casting.27 Echols et al
muscle tone, and adherence to the normal developmental used operant training techniques for 6 hours a day in con-
sequence of motor progression. junction with casting of the uninvolved arm for 21 days for
The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Devel- 18 children with cerebral palsy in a randomized, controlled
opmental Medicine recently published a review of the evi- trial.28 The Pediatric Motor Activity Log and the Emerging
dence regarding neurodevelopmental treatment as a Behavior Scale showed significant improvement in the con-
treatment approach for children with cerebral palsy.23 This straint-induced group compared with the traditional service
extensive report concluded that there is no strong evidence group, who received physical therapy, occupational therapy,
supporting the effectiveness of neurodevelopmental treat- and/or early intervention services twice a week for 21 days.
ment for children with cerebral palsy with respect to nor- At the end of 21 days, the traditional group also received con-
malizing their muscle tone, increasing their rate of attaining straint-induced therapy in the ABA design of the experi-
motor skills, and improving their functional motor skills. mental group. At the end of the crossover for the traditional
group, the researchers found that the traditional service
Conductive Education group made gains similar to the constraint-induced therapy
Conductive education is a form of special education and group. Both of these studies included restraining the unin-
rehabilitation for children and adults with motor disor- volved arm of a developing child for a considerable period
ders.24 The approach used in conductive education was of time. The time involved in carrying through with the con-
developed by a Hungarian physician, Andras Peto, in straint-induced therapy program may be difficult for some
Budapest after World War II.24 The focus is to help children families, and there should be concern with the effect of the
with motor disorders learn to overcome problems of move- restraint on a growing and developing nervous system. Page
ment so that they can live more active lives. Individuals work et al reported positive results with a modified constraint-
on tasks in motor control, mobility, and communication induced therapy model for six adults 2 to 6 months post–
within a structured program led by the “conductor.” Mini- cerebrovascular accident in three experimental groups.29 The
mal assistance from the conductor or others in the room is constraint-induced therapy group received physical therapy
Rehabilitation Approaches for Children With Cerebral Palsy / Stanger and Oresic S83

and occupational therapy sessions three times a week for strated improvements in both the standing and walking
30 minutes and had their unaffected arm and hand restrained scores on the Gross Motor Function Measure. Functional
5 days a week during 5 hours identified as times of fre- changes demonstrated by the subjects varied but included
quent use for 10 weeks. The constraint-induced therapy the ability to transfer from a sitting to a standing position
group was compared with a group that received traditional without use of arms, walking and stopping, and climbing
therapy and a group that did not receive any therapy. The stairs. The remaining two children were exhausted by the
constraint-induced therapy group exhibited substantial treadmill training and did not show improvements.
improvements compared with the other groups as mea-
sured by change on the Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Motor Strengthening
Recovery and the Wolf Motor Function Test. Page et al There has been much discussion in the literature over the
replicated the study with four patients in the constraint- past 20 years pertaining to the muscle weakness of children
induced therapy group and five patients each in the other with cerebral palsy. Wiley and Damiano assessed lower
two groups.30 Improvements were again substantiated in the extremity muscle strength of children with hemiplegia,
constraint-induced therapy group on the Fugl-Meyer Assess- spastic diplegia, and typically developing children.37 The
ment of Motor Recovery, the Wolf Motor Function Test, authors documented weakness in all muscle groups of the
and the Action Arm Research Test compared with the other involved lower extremity of children with hemiplegia and
groups. A rationale for decreasing the time for restraint of both lower extremities of children with diplegia when com-
the uninvolved arm each day for pediatric patients can be pared with typically developing children. In addition, they
justified following Page et al’s research results with adults. documented weakness of the iliopsoas, gluteus maximus,
and anterior tibialis with the knee extended in the uninvolved
Body Weight Support Treadmill Training lower extremity in the children with hemiplegia compared
Body weight support treadmill training is an intervention that with typically developing children. Resistive exercise pro-
uses theories of motor learning and the importance of early grams targeted at identified weak muscles have demon-
task-specific training. A postural control system consisting strated an improvement in increased muscle strength. A
of a harness worn by the child reduces the amount of weight 6-week quadriceps strengthening program was found to
that the child must bear in an upright position. The child significantly improve quadriceps muscle strength in 10 chil-
ambulates on a treadmill at an appropriate speed while dren with cerebral palsy.38 In a second study, Damiano et al
supported in the harness system. Treadmill training with a researched the effects of a 6-week quadriceps femoris mus-
partial body weight support system provides balance and cle strengthening program for 14 children with spastic diple-
postural stability for a child while practicing gait with gia. The researchers demonstrated increased strength of the
decreased load on the lower extremities. quadriceps muscles and a decrease in the severity of crouch
Initial treadmill training with partial body weight sup- gait in the children.39
port studies included adults with spinal cord injuries and sub- A number of studies have correlated the increased mus-
sequently with adults status post–cerebrovascular accident. cle strength with improved functional activity in children
The theoretical basis for use of the treadmill and body with cerebral palsy. In their first study, Kramer and MacPhail
weight support system was to activate spinal and supraspinal assessed the strength of the knee extensors and flexors,
pattern generators for gait.31,32 Similar stepping movements energy expenditure, and gross motor function using the
are also seen in typically developing infants but are absent Gross Motor Function Measure in 17 adolescents with mild
when their legs are weighted.33,34 Therefore, task-specific cerebral palsy. They determined that knee extensor strength
training in gait that provides support to the trunk and lim- was significantly related to walking efficiency and gross
its weight through the legs may be beneficial in developing motor ability but that knee flexor strength was not related.40
locomotion patterns in children with cerebral palsy. In a second study, MacPhail and Kramer researched the
Initial studies using treadmill training with body weight effects of an 8-week isokinetic strength training program on
support with children with cerebral palsy are promising the strength and gross motor function of 17 adolescents with
but require further investigation. Richards et al studied the cerebral palsy.41 The authors reported significant increases
feasibility of treadmill training with partial body weight in knee extensor and flexor strength with 9 of the 17 sub-
support with four children with cerebral palsy ages 1.7 to jects demonstrating significant improvement in their Gross
2.3 years.35 The children received treadmill training and Motor Function Measure scores. The authors subjectively
their traditional therapy four times a week for 4 months. The reported that the adolescents who did not demonstrate
authors concluded that treadmill training was a feasible improvement in their gross motor abilities were also the sub-
intervention method for young children but recommended jects who demonstrated less significant change in the
further investigation to determine an effective outcome strength of their knee musculature. Damiano and Abel
measure. Schindl and colleagues studied the effectiveness found that a 6-week strength training program for 11 chil-
of treadmill training with partial body weight support on dren with either spastic hemiplegia or diplegia produced sig-
10 children with cerebral palsy, 6 of whom were nonambu- nificant strength gains in the targeted muscles, increased
latory.36 The children received the treadmill training three speed of gait, and improvement in dimension five of the
times a week for 3 months. Eight of the 10 children demon- Gross Motor Function Measure.42
S84 Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 18, Supplement 1, September 2003

The evidence for the use of strength training as an ferences in range of motion, muscle tone, cross-section
effective intervention to improve functional outcomes of chil- computed tomography of the quadriceps, and a parent ques-
dren with cerebral palsy represents level V, case reports tionnaire between the threshold electrical stimulation group
according to Sackett et al’s levels of evidence.43 A review of and the placebo group.55 Sommerfelt et al found no signif-
the literature in 1997 concluded that progressive resisted icant changes in scores on the Peabody Developmental
exercises increase muscle performance in children and Motor Scales, strength, deep tendon reflexes, six-meter
adolescents with mild cerebral palsy; however, the rela- walk, and six-minute walk tests with the use of threshold
tionship between strength training and functional abilities electrical stimulation to the quadriceps and tibialis anterior
remains unclear.44 Additional evidence has been added to muscles bilaterally.56
the literature, as outlined above, that continues to document
improvements in functional outcomes with strength train-
Therapeutic Riding
ing programs. Research has not focused on the social aspects
Therapeutic riding and hippotherapy are often recom-
of the functional improvements and the possibility for reduc-
mended to enhance the posture, balance, and motor func-
ing the participation restrictions that occur with many chil-
tion of children with cerebral palsy. Hippotherapy is defined
dren and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
as a treatment approach performed by a health professional
that uses the multidimensional movement of the horse as
Electrical Stimulation
a therapeutic intervention.57 A therapeutic riding program
A discussion of electrical stimulation requires a definition
may use a therapist as a consultant, but it is not considered
of terms frequently used to differentiate the types of stim-
physical or occupational therapy treatment. During thera-
ulation. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is the electrical
peutic riding, a riding instructor is teaching riding skills.
stimulation of the muscle through the motor nerve, usually
Bertoti documented improvement in the posture of 8
with a goal of improving strength, improving range of motion,
of 11 children with cerebral palsy following a horseback rid-
or facilitating motor learning. When neuromuscular electrical
ing program twice a week for 10 weeks.58 A self-designed
stimulation is applied to serve as a support or orthosis, it
postural assessment scale was used for measurement.
is referred to as functional electrical stimulation. Both types
McGibbon et al evaluated the effects of an 8-week hip-
of electrical stimulation are most commonly applied tran-
potherapy program on energy expenditure, gait parame-
scutaneously but can be applied percutaneously and produce
ters, and gross motor function on five children with cerebral
a muscle contraction.45 Threshold electrical stimulation is
palsy.59 The authors demonstrated a significant increase in
the application of electrical stimulation at low intensities that
walking energy expenditure and a significant improvement
does not result in a muscle contraction. Threshold electri-
in gross motor skills as measured by the Gross Motor Func-
cal stimulation is typically applied for a minimum of 8 hours
tion Measure; changes in gait parameters were not statisti-
while the child is sleeping.46
cally significant. More recently, Sterba and colleagues noted
Multiple studies have demonstrated the effectiveness
improvement in Gross Motor Function Measure dimension
of neuromuscular electrical stimulation with increasing
E (walking, running, and jumping) scores after 12 weeks of
range of motion and increasing strength of children with
therapeutic riding.60 Parents also acknowledged improve-
cerebral palsy.47–52 The studies vary in the number of sub-
ments in speech, self-esteem, and emotional well-being of
jects and muscles stimulated and represent evidence levels
their children when they participated in the therapeutic
of III and V according to Sackett et al.43 The studies regard-
riding program. Therapeutic riding is an activity in which
ing neuromuscular electrical stimulation have demonstrated
children of varying functional levels can participate and
improvement at the impairment level but have not vali-
may even be able to be performed with their peers or fam-
dated effectiveness with functional changes for children
ily members. The emotional and sensory benefits that ther-
with cerebral palsy.
apeutic riding may provide may be important factors to
Much of the research with functional electrical stimu-
consider when assessing the effectiveness of this approach.
lation and children with cerebral palsy has been conducted
The last two intervention strategies to be discussed in
with percutaneous implanted electrodes.53,54 These studies
this article, orthotic devices, splints and casts, and assistive
have found functional electrical stimulation to improve the
technology, are most often implemented by a team of pro-
function of children with cerebral palsy as measured by the
fessionals who are involved in the care and rehabilitation
Gross Motor Function Measure, including accomplishment
of children and their families. Physical and occupational ther-
of participation activities such as donning a coat and drink-
apists are crucial members of the decision-making process
ing independently from a school water fountain while stand-
for the appropriate device, training in its use and fit, and edu-
ing. However, at this time, percutaneous implanted electrode
cation of the family or caregivers in safety and appropriate
systems are available only in the research laboratory setting.
use of the device.
Two recent studies investigated the effectiveness of
threshold electrical stimulation at the impairment level55 and
the function and participation levels.56 Both of these stud- Orthotic Devices, Splints, and Casts
ies were randomized clinical trials with 57 subjects and The goals for deciding on the use of a cast, splint, or orthotic
12 subjects, respectively. Dali et al found no significant dif- device are varied but include (1) maintenance, or an increase
Rehabilitation Approaches for Children With Cerebral Palsy / Stanger and Oresic S85

in joint range of motion; (2) protection or stabilization of a increase range of motion may be effective in achieving a
joint; (3) promotion of joint alignment; or (4) promotion of range of motion goal and more practical for the child.
function. For this article, a splint is defined as a device that Serial casting is the application of multiple casts over
is fabricated from a low-temperature plastic. Splints may be a period of time with the goal of increasing joint range of
fabricated by a therapist or orthotist and often serve as diag- motion. Serial casts are most frequently applied to elbows,
nostic tools or interim devices. An orthotic device is fabri- knees, and ankles to increase joint range of motion for
cated by an orthotist from high-temperature plastic materials. improved function or ease of caregiving and activities of daily
Orthotic devices have changed drastically over the past living. There is minimal research to validate their effec-
30 years from metal uprights with orthopedic shoes to tiveness, but recent research has focused on the combina-
orthoses that are individually molded from high-temperature tion of casting and botulinum toxin A to increase ankle
plastics to fit the individual child. Much of this change has joint range of motion. Russman and colleagues conducted
resulted from the collaboration of physical therapists, ortho- a randomized study design to compare the effectiveness of
tists, and orthopedists. Several studies in the 1980s exam- botulinum toxin A and casting, a placebo and casting, and
ined the use of inhibitive casts on the ability to improve gait botulinum toxin A only for the management of dynamic
parameters, base of support, and heel contact. Inhibitive equines in 32 ambulatory children with spastic cerebral
casts are short plaster or fiberglass leg casts that incorpo- palsy.68 Changes were made at the impairment level in both
rate a footplate with areas of relief to decrease the influence the botulinum toxin A and casting and placebo and casting
of tonic foot reflexes. Bertoti and Hinderer and colleagues groups, and no significant changes were made in the botu-
reported significant improvements in stride length for chil- linum toxin A only group. Glanzman studied the effective-
dren treated with inhibitive casts compared with children ness of botulinum toxin A, serial casting, and a combination
receiving physical therapy without casts.61,62 Inhibitive casts of casting and botulinum toxin A in a retrospective study of
were time consuming to fabricate and cumbersome for the 55 children with cerebral palsy.69 The author concluded
child and the caregiver. Hylton worked with orthotists to that serial casting alone and serial casting with botulinum
incorporate the molded footplate portion and total contact toxin A were more effective than botulinum toxin A in
of an inhibitive cast into the fabrication of a high-tempera- increasing ankle joint range of motion in a short-term fol-
ture orthotic device.63 The result of this collaboration is low-up. The evidence points to a need for further investi-
the line of dynamic ankle-foot orthoses fabricated by Cas- gation of the effectiveness of serial casting with or without
cade Orthotics and Prosthetics (Bellingham, WA).63 botulinum toxin A, the timing for cast application, and the
Orthotic devices for the lower extremity may range duration of the changes effected.
from a foot orthosis to a hinged ankle-foot orthosis. Several
studies have suggested that the use of hinged ankle-foot Assistive Technology
orthoses may lead to more normal patterns of ankle dorsi- Assistive technology is defined as any item, piece of equip-
flexion at midstance and increased gait velocity.64,65 Clinicians ment, or product system, whether acquired commercially
theorize that hinged ankle-foot orthoses provide an easier off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase,
transition from sitting to standing and when ascending or maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individ-
descending stairs. Baker and colleagues found statistically uals with disabilities.70 The goal for the use of assistive
significant increases in forward trunk lean angles when ris- technology devices is to improve postural control and sup-
ing from a sitting to a standing position in children who wore port and/or increase the function and participation of indi-
hinged ankle-foot orthoses compared with those who wore viduals in their family, school, and community settings.
fixed ankle-foot orthoses.66 Further research is needed to The diversity and complexity of devices available, the
determine which type and style of ankle-foot orthoses are modifications often necessary to customize the devices
effective in improving function or managing joint range of for an individual, and the expertise needed for ordering, fit-
motion and the length of time that a device should be worn. ting, training, and education necessitate the involvement of
Tardieu et al determined that children must wear a a team composed of multiple disciplines. Assistive tech-
device for 7 hours a day to maintain the muscle length of nology devices are typically divided into five categories: pos-
the gastrocsoleus complex.67 Therapists may fabricate a tural support or seating systems, wheeled mobility,
resting splint to maintain joint range of motion, but this splint augmentative and alternative communication, computers
must be worn a minimum of 7 hours a day according to and computer access, and electronic aids to activities of
Tardieu et al’s work with the gastrocsoleus muscles. A splint daily living. The variety of assistive technology devices is
may be custom molded from a low-temperature plastic expansive and is beyond the scope of this article; how-
material or custom ordered such as those supplied by the ever, highlights pertaining specifically to seating and posi-
Benik Corporation (Silverdale, WA) for support of the wrist tioning are reviewed.
and fingers. Determining the goal of a splint is crucial to suc- Seating systems promote and maintain proper alignment
cessful use and carryover. For example, a wrist splint that and support to the head, trunk, and pelvis with the goal of
provides proper joint alignment for a child with upper improving positioning and function. Nwaobi and Smith
extremity dystonia may hinder function and cause skin explored the effect of adaptive seating on the pulmonary
breakdown. In this example, a night splint to maintain or function of children with cerebral palsy.71 Eight children with
S86 Journal of Child Neurology / Volume 18, Supplement 1, September 2003

cerebral palsy were assessed in a regular wheelchair with in sidelyers, and on a floor mat.77 The adults were found to
a slingback and seat and then a wheelchair with lateral increase their interactions with the children when they
trunk supports, tilt in space, and adjustments for hip flex- were positioned in the wheelchairs compared with the floor
ion. They noted a 57% increase in vital capacity and a 55% positions. There was no difference between the positions
increase in expiratory time. Much of the research compar- and the child-initiated interactions.
ing anterior-tilted seat angles to upper extremity reaching In summary, the efficacy of various therapeutic inter-
and hand function has been completed on static seating such ventions requires further investigation for their use with chil-
as adaptive benches or chairs but not wheelchairs. Myhr and dren with cerebral palsy. The evidence is often at Sackett’s
von Wendt found higher arm and hand function scores using levels I to III,43 with randomized trials beginning to be pub-
a 4-point rating scale with children seated in an anterior lished. The use of an evaluation framework based on the
tipped seat.72 However, McClenaghan et al found no signif- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
icant differences in six upper extremity tasks when children Health components of health classification will assist the
with and without cerebral palsy were assessed at seating therapist with decision making regarding the focus of their
angles of 5° anterior, neutral, and 5° posterior.73 In another intervention strategies.2 The International Classification of
study, the oral motor function of 18 children with cerebral Functioning, Disability and Health model provides a frame-
palsy was assessed in two different chairs with either min- work for problem-solving the effects of identified impair-
imal support or one with multiple and adjustable postural ments on the activity and participation of the child. In
supports.74 The researchers found no significant differences addition, the framework will assist families and the child with
in oral motor function as measured by the Schedule for identifying their goals and therefore the focus of the ther-
Oral Motor Assessment-Screening Version 2 with the chil- apy interventions. The use of the Gross Motor Function
dren seated in either chair. Clearly, further research is Classification System for Cerebral Palsy as a predictor for
needed to establish the relationship between seating pos- future participation abilities will also assist therapists and
ture and function. families with guiding the use of specific intervention strate-
Many children and adolescents with cerebral palsy will gies and the timing of these strategies.
use multiple assistive technology devices, including seating Therapists have a professional and an ethical respon-
systems for positioning and mobility, as well as communi- sibility to use intervention strategies that are supported by
cation devices and access to other equipment, such as com- research or at a minimum are supported by sound physio-
puters. A team with expertise in assessing the effectiveness logic theories. The responsibility also exists to cease the use
of the various access methods as well as current knowledge of intervention strategies that research has shown to be inef-
of the available products is crucial to a child’s successful use fective. Through the use of classification systems to guide
of the technology. Bay assessed positioning for head con- decision making and intervention strategies supported by
trol to access an augmentative communication device for research, therapists will be able to assist families with long-
a young adult with a diagnosis of choreoathetosis and spas- term expectations for their child and guide them to appro-
tic quadriparesis.75 She was assessed using her Light Talker priate intervention strategies. Adhering to an evaluation
(Prentke Romich, Wooster, OH) with a head switch in a reg- framework will also assist therapists with timing of the
ular wheelchair and in a modified motorized wheelchair. Rate intervention strategies and the efficient use of their resources
and combined rate and accuracy increased significantly with the ultimate goal of maximizing the participation of chil-
with the modified motorized wheelchair. Angelo determined dren and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
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