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Crafting a literature review on knee osteoarthritis is a task that demands meticulous attention to

detail, extensive research, and adept synthesis of information. It entails delving into a myriad of
scholarly articles, studies, and publications to gather relevant data and insights into the topic.
However, navigating through the vast sea of literature can prove to be daunting and time-consuming
for many individuals.

Writing a literature review requires more than just summarizing existing literature; it necessitates
critically analyzing the findings, identifying gaps in research, and presenting a cohesive narrative that
contributes to the existing body of knowledge on knee osteoarthritis. Moreover, ensuring proper
citation and adherence to academic standards adds another layer of complexity to the process.

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Heat and cold. Heating pads or ice packs may help relieve arthritis pain. Analgesics, NSAIDs, and
COX-2 inhibitors Begin treatment with acetaminophen for mild or moderate osteoarthritic pain
without apparent inflammation. Glucosamine and chondroitin may interact with the blood thinning
drug warfarin (Coumadin), and glucosamine can affect blood sugar control in people with diabetes.
Over time, this rubbing can permanently damage the joint. Physical exercise and risk of severe knee
osteoarthritis requiring arthroplasty. References1. Litwic A, Edwards MH, Dennison EM, Cooper C.
Decreased strength in the muscle groups involving the joints is signi?cant because it causes
progressive loss of function. Disintegration of the joint surface in OA results in the formation of
osteochondral fragments. If joints on one side of your body have rheumatoid arthritis, usually those
joints on the other side do too. Twelve patients without patella resurfacing (NR group) and 14
patients with patella resurfacing (R group) had TKA with cemented fixation. The decreased ROM is
mainly caused by osteophytes formation, remodeling, capsular thickening and can be accentuated by
soft tissue swallowing. The diminished co activation between the quadriceps and hamstrings in
women may contribute to greater knee joint instability in women than in men. Judicious use of
narcotics (eg, oxycodone and acetaminophen with codeine) is reserved for patients with severe
osteoarthritis. Treating arthritis with locally applied heat or cold. The increased risk for knee OA is
also associated with those occupations that entail prolonged or repeated knee bending. For example,
in patients with knee osteoarthritis who had persistent moderate pain despite optimized NSAID
therapy, a randomized, double-blind trial found significant additional pain reduction and functional
improvement with duloxetine as compared with placebo 26. Arthritis Rheum. 2008; 59: 1207-1213.
38. Spector TD, Hart DJ, Doyle DV. Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: An Update Review.
Ann Intern Med. 2001; 134: 541-549. 58. Madsen OR, Bliddal H, Egsmose C, Sylvest J (1995).
Sodium hyaluronate Intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate, also referred to as
viscosupplementation, has been shown to be safe and possibly effective for symptomatic relief of
knee osteoarthritis 32. Further progression Eventually, the above events alter the joint architecture,
and compensatory bone overgrowth occurs in an attempt to stabilize the joint. As lower limb
musculature is the natural brace for the knee joint, potentially important muscle dysfunction may
arise from either quadriceps weakness or relative weakness of the hamstrings in comparison to the
quadriceps, usually assessed as the hamstrings: quadriceps (H:Q) ratio. Osseous fusion, which
severely limits joint motion, may occur 9. Osteoarthritis treatment Currently, the process underlying
osteoarthritis cannot be reversed, but symptoms can usually be effectively managed with lifestyle
changes, physical and other therapies, medications, and surgery. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR) is not usually elevated, though it may be slightly so in cases of erosive inflammatory arthritis.
The deformity of the knee joint is usually a sign for advanced knee OA. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
2001; 82: 1692-1695. 89. Fredericson M, Powers CM. A systematic review found noteworthy effects
in easing osteoarthritis symptoms, although the quality of the evidence was weak. Options in patients
at an elevated risk for GI toxicity from NSAIDs include the addition of a proton-pump inhibitor or
misoprostol to the treatment regimen and the use of the selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor
celecoxib instead of a nonselective NSAID. Blood tests. Although there is no blood test for
osteoarthritis, certain tests may help rule out other causes of joint pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Squatting may have become difficult for a patient suffering from knee OA. Development of criteria
for the classification and reporting of osteoarthritis. Patella cartilage and its thickness were
evaluated pre-operatively and 1 year after TKA by dGEMRIC and T2 mapping in the NR group
only. If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to
connect with your account. In the United States, intra-articular sodium hyaluronates are classified as
medical devices rather than as drugs 33. Supplementing these two nutrients may be helpful if you’re
deficient in them. Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry, Daniel
George Download Free PDF View PDF Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease Treat-to-
target strategy for knee osteoarthritis. Arthroscopic partial and total meniscectomy: A long-term
follow-up study with matched controls. Exercise increases muscle endurance, improves
proprioceptive acuity and decrease arthrogenic muscle inhibition of the quadriceps. One study
showed that undenatured type 2 collagen (UC-II) improved pain, stiffness, and function in knee
osteoarthritis better than a placebo, and slightly better than glucosamine and chondroitin
supplements. MRI of articular cartilage: revisiting current status and future directions. Knee pain
and disability in the Nottingham community: association with poor health status and psychological
distress. AAOS: not mentioned Indicated for treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain including
discomfort from osteoarthritis and chronic lower back pain Not found (Medicare Part D coverage is
plan dependent) Effexor Eli Lilly and Co. This causes the affected bones to slowly get bigger. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. The cane or crutch should be held in the hand contralateral to, and moved
together with, the affected limb. It rarely, if ever, involves the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints or
the lumbosacral spine. Management of osteoarthritis in the primary-care setting: an evidence-based
approach to treatment. Am J Med. 1997; 103: 25S-30S. 9. Foster NE, Thomas E, Barlas P, Hill JC,
Young J, Mason E, et al. Joints are where two or more bones join together, such as at your knees,
hips, or shoulders. Tenderness along the joint-line points to an intra capsular origin for pain and
point-tenderness away from the joint-line is indicative of a periarticular lesion. In studies, SAM-e
was about as good at relieving osteoarthritis pain as NSAIDs like ibuprofen and celecoxib, without
their side effects. Muscle impairments in patients with knee osteoarthritis. It’s going to take a few
weeks to see the full effects. Yoga and tai chi. The slow, stretching movements associated with yoga
and tai chi may help improve joint flexibility and range of motion in people with some types of
arthritis. Massage. Light stroking and kneading of muscles may increase blood flow and warm
affected joints, temporarily relieving pain. It should be achieved by a combination of correct dietary
habits (eat correctly, regularly and less) and exercise. Joint pain and stiffness may become severe
enough to make daily tasks difficult. This supplement also appears to relieve rheumatoid arthritis
swelling and tenderness. American College of Rheumatology 2012 recommendations for the use of
nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies in osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Radiol
Clin North Am. 2004; 42: 1-9, v. 37. Murphy L, Schwartz TA, Helmick CG, Renner JB, Tudor G,
Koch G, et al. An MRI isn’t commonly needed to diagnose osteoarthritis but may help provide more
information in complex cases.
Incidence and progression of osteoarthritis in women with unilateral knee disease in the general
population: the effect of obesity. Clinical and radiological evaluation of hip, knee and hand
osteoarthritis. This article presents on overview of the current knowledge on OA and focuses on
biomechanics, etiology, diagnosis and treatment strategies, conservative treatment including the
physical therapy management are discussed. Patella cartilage was divided into eight regions of
interest: the deep and superficial. Evidence suggests that stretching, and strengthening exercise
decrease pain and improve muscular strength, functional ability and psychological well-being. No
head-to-head trials compared topical salicylates or capsaicin to oral NSAIDs. ConclusionKnee
osteoarthritis (OA) is a major public health concern worldwide and one of the foremost causes of
chronic disability in older adults. Muscle impairments in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Ice therapy
causes capillary vasoconstriction with decreased blood flow and decreased metabolic activity. Gait
characteristics of patients with knee osteoarthritis. J Biomech. 2001; 34: 907-915. 8. Lane NE,
Thompson JM. For hand osteoarthritis, the American College of Rheumatology conditionally
recommends using one or more of the following: Topical capsaicin Topical nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Oral NSAIDs Tramadol The American College of Rheumatology
conditionally recommends against using intra-articular therapies or opioid analgesics for hand
osteoarthritis. The distal ITB fibers blend with the superficial and deep fibers of the lateral
retinaculum, and tightness in the ITB can contribute to lateral patellar tilt and excessive pressure on
the lateral patella. Arthritis Rheum. 2008; 59: 1207-1213. 38. Spector TD, Hart DJ, Doyle DV. In
addition, osteophytes are present in erosive osteoarthritis; consequently, interphalangeal joints may
assume a gull-wing configuration, with central erosions flanked by raised lips of bone. The deformity
of the knee joint is usually a sign for advanced knee OA. Differentiation between osteoarthritis and
psoriatic arthritis: implications for pathogenesis and treatment in the biologic therapy era.
Supplemented fasting is not covered under the Medicare program as a general treatment for obesity,
with certain exceptions. In the United States, intra-articular sodium hyaluronates are classified as
medical devices rather than as drugs 33. Department of Internal Medicine.. Treatment of
Osteoarthritis of the Knee: An. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001; 82: 1692-1695. 89. Fredericson M,
Powers CM. Osteoarthritis is a top cause of disability in older people. Vitamins D and K are both
important for bone strength, and vitamin K is involved in cartilage structure. Decreased strength in
the muscle groups involving the joints is significant because it causes progressive loss of function.
So, rehabilitation and physiotherapy were often prescribed with the intention to alleviate pain and
increase mobility. Division of Rheumatology, Chris Hani, Baragwanath hospital and university of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 52: 382-390. 65. Watt I, Doherty M (2003). Typical radiographic
features in knee OA include joint space narrowing, osteophytes, subchondral bone sclerosis, cyst
formation, osteochondral bodies and bone deformity. Chondrocytes also produce protease inhibitors,
including tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) 1 and 2, but in amounts insufficient to
counteract the proteolytic effect. This information should assist health care practioners who treat
patients with this disorder. As many as 50-70% of patients with complete anterior cruciate ligament
rupture, accompanied by concomitant injuries Page 3. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 1993 Apr. 22(5):298-
306. Keen HI, Wakefield RJ, Conaghan PG.

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