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Summative in Physical Science 12

Name: Grade & Section: Score:

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write only the letter that corresponds to your answer on the line before each number.

_____1. If you want to see the stars, heavenly bodies, and the sun in one model then someone should use _________.
A. Globe B. Celestial sphere C. Map D. Phone
_____2. Justine was instructed by his professor to make geocentric model of the universe as means of project. How should his
project look like?
A. Earth should be the center and sun revolves around it.
B. Sun is the center and all the planets revolves around it.
C. Mars is the center and planets revolves around the sun.
D. All planets revolve around the Earth.
_____3. How long will the Earth take a precession?
A. 24000 years B. 25000 years C. 26000 years D. 27000 years

For item 4.
Directions: Use the illustration below to answer the following question.
_____4. What law of motion is being illustrated by the picture?
A. Law of inertia
B. Law of interaction
C. Law of acceleration
D. Law of conservation of mass
_____5. Carl’s teacher told him to observe the stars at night and record his observations. What
equipment should Carl use?
A. Microscope B. Magnifying glass C. Beaker D.
_____6. The plane mirror we use to see ourselves gives what reflection?
A. Regular B. Diffuse C. Rough D. Total
_____7. These are disturbances propagating in a medium.
A. Electricity B. Reflections C. Waves D. Total
_____8. We can say that there is an acceleration with objects if there are change in speed and ________.
A. motion B. direction C. location D. frame of reference
_____9. This is a minute portion of matter and was known as the small building blocks of the universe.
A. Photon C. Particle
B. Portion D. Product
_____10. Marian is riding a bus at a speed and suddenly the driver reduced the speed. What law of motion is applicable for the
specific scenario
A. Law of Inertia B. Law of conservation of mass C. Law of interaction D. Law of acceleration
_____11. What do you call the colored spots of light that developed due to the refraction of light through ice crystals?
A. Halo B. Sundog C. Sunspot D. Rainbow
_____12. What can be said of the image formed in the bulging reflecting surface of a spoon?
A. Virtual upright, and larger than the object
B. Virtual, inverted, and larger than the object
C. Virtual, upright and smaller than the object
D. Virtual, inverted, and smaller than the object
_____13. When you see a “wet spot” mirage on the road in front of you, what are you most likely seeing?
A. Sky B. Hot air C. Water D. Fragment of your
_____14. Which explains why the sky is blue?
A. Blue light is not easily scattered by the atmosphere
B. Blue light is not easily absorbed by the atmosphere
C. Air molecules scatter blue light more readily than other colors
D. Blue light is reflected off the world’s oceans into the atmosphere
_____15. Which explains why sunsets are red?
A. Air molecules scatter red light more readily than others
B. Red light is of shorter wavelength than other colors of light
C. Red light survives the absorption of the particles in the atmosphere
D. Red light is scattered the least and is transmitted the most in the atmosphere
_____16. What planet in the solar system is most affected by the sun’s warping of space-time?
A. Mercury B. Venus C. Earth D. Mars
_____17. Which is an application of the concepts of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity?
A. using an electromagnet
B. adjustments made in Global Positioning System or GPS
C. presence of light
D. all of the above
For nos. 18 and 19, refer to the table.

_____18. Based on the data, what planet can warp space-time the most?
A. Venus
B. Earth
C. Jupiter
D. Uranus
_____19. Based on the data, what planet can warp space-time the
A. Venus B. Earth
C. Jupiter D. Uranus
_____20. What is an example of a non-inertial frame of reference?
A. a stationary frame B. moving frame C. Earth D. a rotating frame
_____21. What is the major source of light?
A. Sun B. Bulb C. Flashlight D. Law of acceleration
_____22. He said that without air resistance, all objects will fall towards the ground at the same rate.
A. Aristotle B. Scott C. Barche D. Galileo
_____23. Both feather and a hammer will drop towards the moon at the same rate. Who is the person behind this idea?
A. Aristotle B. Scott C. Barche D. Galileo
_____24. How many planets are present in the solar system?
A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6
_____25. Which aided Eratosthenes in measuring the Earth’s circumference?
A. The appearance of stars differs when travelling from north to south.
B. The shadow cast within the Syene and Alexandria during the solstice.
C. A sphere is the only shape that cast a circular shadow in whatever direction.
D. The shadow cast by the Earth during a lunar eclipse is circular.
_____26. What is a diurnal motion?
A. Autumnal equinox B. Eastward rise of stars C. Summer solstice D. Zodiac cycle
_____27. Which theory shows that all matters and light show the characteristics of both wave and particle?
A. Dual Wave-portion theory C. Wave-Particle Duality Theory
B. Wave-Dual Particle Theory D. Duality of Wave-Product Theory
_____28. Which presents a heliocentric model of the universe?
A. Copernican B. Keplerian C. Ptolemaic D. Tychonic
_____29. Which of the following is needed to put a body to rest?
A. inertia B. force C. gravity D. mass
_____30. What will happen if an external force is acted upon a body at rest?
A. It will move B. It will not move C. Nothing will happen D. It will remain in motion
_____31. Which is viewed as distortion of space-time?
A. Energy reaction B. Activation energy C. Temperature D. Entropy
_____32. What is being measured using the standard unit seconds
A. mass B. time C. gravity D. force
_____33. What happens to light as it travels along a massive cosmic body?
A. It bends B. It reflects C. It bounces D. It disappears
_____34. What force is explained by general relativity?
A. Weak nuclear force B. Strong nuclear force C. Electromagnetic force D. Gravitational force
_____35. What is the minimum velocity needed for a spacecraft to leave the Earth?
A. less than Earth’s escape velocity C. equivalent to Earth’s escape velocity
B. greater than Earth’s escape velocity D. equivalent to the speed of light
_____36. Which of the following is an accelerating frame of reference?
A. a moving car at constant speed C. free falling object
B. a building D. a stationary bus
_____37. What is space-time?
A. Space-time is a combination of three-dimensional space with time.
B. Space-time is a time an object takes to travel in space.
C. Space-time is a gravitational field.
D. Space-time is a two-dimensional space and time.
_____38. What can best explain the unusual orbit of Mercury?
A. Perturbation C. gravity
B. Sun’s warping of space-time D. both a and b
_____39. Why do GPS clocks need to be corrected using the General Theory of Relativity?
A. because they are far away from Earth.
B. because they are stationary.
C. because they are orbiting the Earth.
D. because they are affected by the Earth’s warping of space-time.
_____40. Which of the following is an annual motion?
A. Moonrise B. Eastward rise of stars C. Sunset D. Vernal equinox
_____ 41. What will happen to the acceleration of the body if a marble moves in a sloped downward plane?
A. Accelerates B. Decelerates C. Nothing D. Not determined
_____ 42. Which of the following is TRUE about Galileo’s assertion about free – falling bodies?
A. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant acceleration.
B. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant speed.
C. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant velocity.
D. Bodies will fall on the surface of the Earth at a constant projectile.
_____ 43. Which of the following particle has a negative charge?
A. Proton B. Neutron C. Electron D. Positron
_____ 44. What angle is formed by an incoming ray with the normal?
A. Angle of incidence B. Angle of reflection C. Angle of refraction D. Angle of equivalence
_____ 45. Which statement correctly describes the “Law of reflection”?
A. The angle of reflection is perpendicular to the normal.
B. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
C. The angle of reflection is parallel to the angle of incidence.
D. Both the angle of incidence and reflection lie in different planes.
_____ 46. What type of reflection is produced by rough surfaces?
A. Diffuse reflection B. Dispersion C. Specular reflection D. Total internal reflection
_____ 47. Which of the following pairs perfectly describe the reflection produced by a smooth surface?
A. Diffuse reflection: clear and precise C. Diffuse reflection: not clear and vague
B. Specular reflection: clear and precise D. Specular reflection: not clear and vague
_____ 48. An incoming ray of light strikes the mirror at an angle of 30˚ relative to the normal. What is the angle between the
incident ray and the reflected ray?
A. 15 ˚ B. 30 ˚ C. 60 ˚ D. 90 ˚
_____ 49. A ray of light strikes a polished surface at an angle of 37˚. What is the angle of reflection and location of the reflected
A. 37.0˚ on the same side with the incident ray. C. 53.0˚ on the same side with the incident ray.
B. 37.0˚ on the other side of the normal line. D. 53.0˚ on the other side of the normal line.
_____ 50. Which of the following best describes a Normal line?
A. The path is taken by the rays of light as it approaches the surface.
B. Line parallel to the incident and reflected ray.
C. The total distance traveled by light upon reflecting.
D. An imaginary line is drawn perpendicular to the reflecting surface

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