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Git is a version control tool.

It is a command line tool that allows us to: - Keep track of the changes to
code(by saving snapshots of some parts of our code).
- Synchronize code between diffrend people (using a
rep, then pushing them to the server, then pull from the server).
- Test changes to code without losing access to the
original( Using branches, then merge).
- Revert back to old versions of code.
A commit is a saving point
GitHub is an online platform(website) that allows us to save hosts git reps.

Merge Conflicts: hash,

Branching: master, feature, switching head, then we merge
Forking is creating a version of an existing rep into your github account that you
can contribute to
GitHub Paging is a free feature that allows you to kindda host your website in : -
Create a new rep :

Git Commands:
.gitignore file and type in the names of the files and folders that you dont want
to add
git init
git remote add origin url
git remote set-url origin url,
git clone url nickname` --> clone and download the rep form GitHub to local pc
git add, stage changes for next commit
git commit -[a]m "message", s
git status
git push --set-upstream origin mainf
git push origin main, main is the branch
git pull
git log --> show you all the commits you have done
git reset --hard 'commit hash'/ origin/master
git branch
git branch -D branch name to delete
git checkout [-b ]'name', move between commits
git merge 'name'
git config --gloval "name"
git config --global "email"

detailed summery:
- Git is a version control tool used to keep track of changes in code
- It allows for easy synchronization of code between different people working on
the same project
- Git enables testing changes to code without removing access to the original
- It also allows for reverting back to old versions of code
- GitHub is a popular website for hosting Git repositories
- You can clone a repository from GitHub to download it onto your computer using
the `git clone` command
- Changes made locally need to be pushed to GitHub using `git push` to update the
online version
- To download the latest changes from GitHub, use `git pull`
- Merge conflicts may occur when trying to merge changes from different branches,
and need to be resolved manually
- Branching allows for working on different parts of a project simultaneously
- GitHub provides the option to fork a repository, make changes, and submit pull
requests to contribute to the original code
- GitHub Pages allows for easy deployment of websites by hosting HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript files on GitHub

How Git stores data: Key-value (Object database) in the .git folder, there are
three types of objects: commits, trees and blobs is a mark down file that uses special language to structor information

git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory, creating
a .git subdirectory that stores the repository's configuration and history.

git clone <repository_url>: Copies a remote repository to your local machine,

creating a working copy of the project.

git add <file>: Stages changes to the specified file, preparing them to be

git add . or git add -A: Stages all changes in the working directory for the next

git commit -m "message": Records the staged changes in a new commit along with a
descriptive message.

git status: Shows the current status of the working directory, indicating
untracked, modified, and staged files.

git log: Displays a history of commits, showing details such as commit messages,
authors, and timestamps.

git pull: Fetches changes from a remote repository and integrates them into the
current branch.

git push: Pushes your local commits to a remote repository, making your changes
available to others.

git branch: Lists all branches in your repository, indicating the currently
checked-out branch.

git branch <branch_name>: Creates a new branch with the specified name.

git checkout <branch_name>: Switches to the specified branch.

git checkout -b <new_branch>: Creates a new branch and immediately switches to it.

git merge <branch_name>: Combines changes from the specified branch into the
current branch.

git rebase <branch_name>: Reorganizes commits to incorporate changes from the

specified branch into the current branch, creating a linear history.

git reset <file>: Unstages the changes for the specified file, leaving your working
directory unchanged.

git reset --hard <commit_hash>: Resets the repository to a specific commit,

discarding all changes after that commit.
git stash: Temporarily saves changes in your working directory without committing
them, allowing you to switch branches or perform other operations.

git remote -v: Lists the remote repositories associated with your local repository,
showing their URLs.

git fetch: Downloads new changes from a remote repository without merging them into
your local branch.

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