Legend of Nahwi

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Legend of Nahwi

Long time ago, there were two beautiful sisters living at the foot of a mountain. Despite their beauty,
they are also known for cruelty to people.

One day, an old mysterious woman came down from the mountain for an animal hunting called
“duweng” along with her white hunting dog.

She was so tired, thirsty ang hungry so she decided to stop by the house of the two sisters. The
old woman asked for food and water, but the elder sister laughed at the old woman for being untidy and
wearing tattered clothes. The younger sister joined in the ridiculing of the poor old woman without
giving food or water. The sisters did not notice the dog digging ate one of the house posts with water
starting to gush out. The sisters were absorbed, ridiculing, making jokes at the old woman, to notice the
depth of the water until it was too late and the water making mud trapped both the sisters unable to
move, still the water gushed more. The water rose the level that begun to drown the trapped sisters. The
old woman swam to safety led by her faithful dog. Cries for help from both sisters were unanswered and
inevitable quietness soon followed.

The toppled house of upside-down position is called “Nahwi” in the dialect Kalanguya.

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