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Personal Review:

I have spent the last twelve weeks on this project; at the start I set out wanting to increase my
teamwork experience, design some cool puzzles as well as getting a good grade and enjoy my
experience through the project. I have very much enjoyed working with my team mates to produce
this escape room, everyone has put in a lot of effort, and I believe the result to show it. My
teamwork experience has increased, specifically when it comes to making plans around delegation
of work followed by clearer communication with other people when working together. It has been
vital that everyone knows what everyone else is doing so they can be confident in solely working on
the part they produce. I am also very happy with the puzzles I have designed. I think that and
managing recording were my largest input to the group work. I designed two in depth puzzles with
visual diagrams clearly explaining them. Delving also into the technicality of how they would be built.

However, there are parts of the module this semester I have struggled with. The biggest issue for me
was being in hospital in early February and recovering from surgery. This put me out of working for
three weeks as well as delaying the time I had to introduce myself to my team. I think I caught back
up in good time however recovery made it difficult for me to attend every team meeting or lecture. I
would do somethings differently if I had the chance to do so, I would have liked to attend an escape
room with the team and break down the puzzles afterwards joined by designing more puzzles.
Breaking down an escape room would have let me achieve higher marks while also giving inspiration
for designing puzzles. I also very much enjoyed designing puzzles for this piece of work and having
the chance to do more would be a good experience.

Moving on to the design on the escape room, I think there is a lot to discuss. We wanted to give a
great player experience, something completely unique. This was a major influencing factor in adding
the escape sequence, animatronic and escape sequence. We built the escape room based around a
pirate adventure theme, the main aim to really try and immerse our players in the escape room. Us
thinking these themes would allow us to do that the most, through light heartedness and brevity. I
think we met that goal; I don’t think there is anything else we could do to try and engage our players
more. The narrative of the escape room is very concise. There is one main arc with peppered world
building. The premise being to help Kevin save his master or take the treasure of the temple. I think
having a concise amount of player characters allows for the players better to focus on the actual
gameplay during their time. If I could change anything, I would add more detail to the non-playable
characters. Mainly an archetype from narrative theory, this allowing the game master easily to get
into the role of the character likewise the actor playing the captain at the end of the room. Moving
onto the actual gameplay, I believe the puzzles produced are of good quality and have been well
designed. I only wish there were more of them. For example, having multiple puzzles in one room,
having a room made with a different puzzle path. I think the escape sequence makes our project
very unique, my only concerns being to the accessibility of the product. It would be unfair to the
person left out, perhaps another path could be designed if you are not able to complete the course?

Overall I like what we produced, I am happy with the skills and experience I have gained plus its been
very enjoyable working with my team mates. There are aspects what I would change or go into more
detail on but I believe what we have produced meets the criteria and more.

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