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Hindlimb Amputation in a Calf (Disarticulation at the level of Hock)

Dr TSV Anil BVSc & AH, MVSc.,

Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, VeterinaryDispensary, Komaripalem

A delayed case of 6 months old Ongole calf was presented with complete open transverse fracture of left metatarsal.
The bone fragment was exposed and infected so, it was decided to perform amputation. The amputation was performed at
the level of Hock. Animal was sedated with xylazine, Hindlimbs were desensitized with cranial epidural anesthesia
andlocal infiltration. Closure was SOP. Bulk bandaging was made to secure the surgical wound.
Trans-Radial Amputation of Right Forelimb in a Calf
Dr TSV Anil BVSc & AH, MVSc.,
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Veterinary Dispensary, Komaripalem

A Calf was presented lately in the evening with post-operative complications of surgical correction of congenital contracted tendons
(performed elsewhere). Clinical examination revealed partial disarticulation of fetlock with exposed , infected marrow and also cold &
necrotic skin extended cranially beyond carpal joint. Transradial Amputation of Right Forelimb was peroformed to contain the spread of
infection and risk of sepsis. Closure was as per SOP. Bulk bandaging & multitailed waterproof layering was done.

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