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Cyberawareness and Correct Use of the

Internet for Nepalese Society

Ensuring a Safe and Positive Online Environment

The development of the internet has revolutionized our way of communicating, working, and
living. It has completely changed how people can obtain pleasure, education, and information.
But these advantages also bring with them new dangers and difficulties. In the digital age,
cyberattacks are on increasing numbers, and improper internet use can have negative effects.
As internet usage in Nepal rises, it is critical to spread the word about cybersecurity and
encourage safe internet use.

Nepal's Increasing Need for Cyberawareness

The use of the internet has grown significantly in Nepal in recent years. The World Bank reports
that Nepal's internet penetration increased from 22.1% in 2016 to 44.3% in 2022. Numerous
advantages have resulted from this expansion, including more communication and teamwork,
better access to information and services, and more chances for business and education.
But this expansion has also made Nepal more vulnerable to the growing threat of cyberattacks.
Nepal was listed as one of the top 10 nations in the world in terms of cyberattack susceptibility
in 2022. This vulnerability results from a number of things, such as a lack of knowledge about
cybersecurity, shoddy infrastructure, and the growing sophistication of cyberattacks.

Nepal's Cybersecurity Risks

The following are the most frequent cybersecurity risks that people and businesses in Nepal
must deal with:

Malware: Programs that are intentionally harmful or disruptive to computer systems. Websites,
infected USB devices, and email attachments can all be vectors for malware distribution. It has
the ability to corrupt files, steal personal information, and even take over machines.
Phishing scams : These are attempts to deceive someone into revealing confidential data,
including credit card numbers or passwords. Phishing emails frequently have the appearance of
coming from reliable sources, such banks or social media platforms.

Data Breaches : Unauthorized access to and theft of personal data from computers or
databases are known as data breaches. Fraud or identity theft may then be done using this

Ransomware attacks: Encryption of computer files and the demand for payment in exchange
for the decryption key. This can cause significant disruptions to businesses and organizations.

Raising Awareness of Cybercrime in Nepal

Cybersecurity challenges in Nepal necessitate a multifaceted response from the government,

private sector, and people themselves.

Governmental initiatives include:

• Improving cybersecurity laws and guidelines to safeguard vital infrastructure and increase
public knowledge of cybersecurity risks.

• Create a national cybersecurity agency to manage cybersecurity efforts and offer assistance to
institutions and individuals.

• Fund cybersecurity education and training initiatives for the general public and government

Business Procedures:
• To safeguard their systems and data, put robust cybersecurity procedures in place.

• Educate colleagues on methods of social engineering, phishing awareness, and password

hygiene as best practices in cybersecurity.
• To find and fix security flaws, do frequent penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

Personal Accountability:
• Make sure every online account has a strong, one-of-a-kind password.

• Stay wary of suspicious attachments and links.

Responsible Usage

To maximize the benefits of social media while minimizing its negative impact, individuals can
adopt a series of best practices:

Time Management: Consciously allocate time for social media and adhere to self-imposed
limits. Striking a balance between the digital and physical world is essential.

Selective Engagement: Be discerning about whom you follow and the content you consume.
Prioritize content that informs, inspires, and uplifts. Curate your digital world to reflect your
interests and values.

Digital Detox: Periodically disconnect from social media to engage in face-to-face interactions
with friends and family or partake in offline activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Privacy Awareness: Exercise vigilance in sharing personal information. Avoid posting anything
that you wouldn't want the entire world to see, and be mindful of the data you share with
social media platforms.
We may use the internet as an advantageous tool for good or evil. It is essential that people of
Nepal take precautions to stay safe online and stay aware of the threats to their cybersecurity.
It's equally crucial to use the internet wisely and stay away from dangerous behaviors. We can
contribute to the creation of a safer and more positive online environment for all Nepalese by
promoting cyberawareness and responsible use.

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