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The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa N PC

Nonprofit Company (Reg No.1955/000003/08)
Nonprofit Organisation (Reg. No. 009-874 NPO)
Vat No. 4210273191

27 Rhodes Avenue, PARKTOWN WEST, 2193

Tel: +27 11 726 7037; Fax: +27 11 726 4036



FC A( S A) Part I Sample SB A
1. W hich electrolyte is the main determinant in the plateau phase of the
cardiac act ion potent ial?
a. Na +
b. K-
c. Ca 2 +
d. Cl -
Answer c
2 In a normal 70kg male the typical f luid compartments are
a. intracellular>extracellular
b. interst it ial> intravascular
c. intracellular> interst itial
d. interst itial< intravascular
Answer b
3 W hat method of transport is utilised f or the passage of glucose into the
a. Active transport
b. Na- K pump f acilitation
c. Facilitated dif f usion
d. Dif f usion
Answer c
4 W hich ion init iates t he action potential in a muscle f iber?
a. Sodium ions
b. Potassium ions
c. Calcium ions
d. Magnesium ions
Answer a
5 W hich enzyme cont rols the rate of Haem production via negative
f eedback?
a. Protopor phyr inogen oxidase
b. Ferrochelatase
c. Uropor phyr inogen deca rboxylase
d. ALA synthetase
Answer d
1. Oxytocin is structurally related to
a. ADH
b. Thyroxine
d. Cortisol
Answer a

The CMSA is opposed to all forms of discrimination

2 Sevoflurane preconditioning occurs via
a. Closure of sarcolemmal KATP channels
b. Antagonism at cardiac A1 receptors
c. Agonism at cardiac µ receptors
d. Opening of mitochondrial KATP channels
Answer d

3 The anxiolytic effects of Benzodiazepines are due to activation of which

GABA A receptor sub-unit?
a. A Alpha
b. B Beta
c. CDelta
d. DEpsilon
e. Answer a

4 The inhalational agent that is the least powerful trigger of malignant

hyperthermia is:
a. Sevoflurane
b. Halothan
c. Desflurane
d. soflurane
Answer c

5 Nitroglycerine lowers the blood pressure by acting as a donor of:

a. Acetylcholine
b. Nitric oxide
c. Endothelin
d. Dopamine
Answer b

6 The maximum volum e of 0.5% bupivacaine that should be administered

to a 10kg child is:
a. 1 ml
b. 3ml
c. 5ml
d. 10ml
Answer c
7 W hich antimicrobial drug is a potent inducer of liver cytochrom e
a. Er ythrom ycin
b. Rif ampicin
c. Ciprof loxacin
d. Chloramphenicol
Answer b
8 W hich of the f ollowing antihypertensiv es exerts its predom inant ef f ect
through alpha-adrenergic receptor block ade?
a. doxazosin
b. labetalol
c. clonidine
d. alpha methyldopa
Answer a
9 The prevention of propof ol inf usion syndrome includes the monitor ing
of one of the f ollowing measures.
a. Blood glucose
b. W hite cell count
c. Cont inuous car diac monitor ing
d. Lactate
Answer d


1 The ultrasound nebulizer made ef f icient by

a. Reduction in gas f low r esistance
b. Humidif icat ion of inspired gas by up to 100%
c. Reduced r isk of droplet inf ection
d. W ater droplets of size 1 mi cron
Ans wer d

2 The eff iciency of heat and moistur e exchangers is decreased in the

f ollowing clinical scenario
a. Low minute ventilat ion
b. Cold ambient temper ature
c. Normal body temperature
d. Large bronchopleural f istula
Ans wer d

3 W hich instrument uses the princ iple of measur ing humidit y using vapor
pressure changes?
a. Hair hygrometer
b. Mass spectrometer
c. W et and dry bulb hygrometer
d. Regnault’s hygrometer
Ans wer d

4 W hich biological electric signal has the highest f requency?

a. EMG
b. ECG
c. EEG
d. Arterial line
Ans wer a

5 A ref ractometer can be used to measure anaest hetic gas

concentrations.W hat is the main principal behind its use f or this
a. Ref raction
b. Interf erence
c. Amplif ication
d. Doppler
Ans wer b

February 2019

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