Sir James

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At the end of the lesson plan, the student should be able to:
•To identify and enumerate the different food groups.
•To perform different activities relating to the usefulness of the three basic
Food groups.
•To appreciate the value of eating nutritious foods.


Topic Subject Matter: The Three Basic Food Groups

Reference: Alviar, H. E. et. Al. (2005). The World of Work 5. REX Publishing


Instructional Materials:PowerPoint presentation, cut-out pictures,

cartolina, pens.


A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
3.checking of attendance

B. Review
• What did we discuss yesterday?
• Please give an example of what we studied yesterday!

C. Motivation
The teacher will show a picture of foods through a PowerPoint presentation.
The students will search in the classroom some hidden pictures of food. Then,
they will sort out these pictures by pasting them into the basket. After the
activity, the teacher will ask the students why they came up to the idea that
they should put that food in the certain basket.
C. Lesson Development

•The teacher will present the three basic food groups. (base on the food groups
in each basket)
•Go Food
Give heat and energy, help other nutrients work for the body
•Glow Food
Prevent diseases by building the body’s resistance, regulates body processes
•Grow Food
Promote growth, build muscles, repair the worn-out tissues, give strength

1.Developmental Activity

The teacher will show a picture of an unhealthy and healthy child and the
following questions will be asked:


•What is the difference between the two children?

•What do you think made this child healthy?
•Why do you think this child is healthy?

Group the students into four to be ready with the activities. Each group will be
given 10 minutes for brainstorming and 5 minutes for each presentation.

Show a play let regarding the importance of basic food groups in the family
•Play let

Which is the most important of the three basic food groups? Have a moderator
who will

Give the conclusion.


Depicts the result of inadequacy of nutritious food in meals


Each group will give insights regarding the activity presented. The teacher will
emphasize the value of good nutrition in the body.

Base on the assignment, the teacher together with the students will evaluate the
food they ate if it nutritious and adequate.
1. Abstraction

The teacher will encourage the students to give their ideas by partner (in prayer
time) with regards to the quotation, “Good Nutrition Equals Good Health”, as a

2. Application

Plan and make a 1-meal menu containing the three basic food groups by your
partner. The teacher will encourage the students to prepare this food in their


The teacher will facilitate the students in making generalized concepts or ideas
regarding the lesson.

-Therefore, having nutritious and adequate food in a meal is very much important
to our body because good nutrition equals good health.


Write a 100-word essay regarding the value of eating nutritious and adequate

food with the use of the three basic food groups.


Make a collage of Go, Grow, and Glow Foods using food wrappers.

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