Piles-2 Lecture

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2 Lecture
‫‪4. Composite piles‬‬ ‫الركائز المركبة‬
‫بصورة عامة تتميز الركائز المركبة (أنظر الشكل رقم ‪ )7‬بأنها مصنوعة من أكثر من مادة وقد تكون ذات‬
‫مقاطع مختمفة وذلك اعتماداً عمى خصائص التربة في الموقع‪ .‬ان الركائز المركبة لها استخدامات محددة‪،‬‬
‫اذ تستخدم في حاالت خاصة فقط‪ .‬عادةً الجزء العموي لهذا النوع من الركائز عاادةً يكاون مان الخرساانة او‬
‫الحديد‪ ،‬في حين قد يكون الجزء السفمي منها مصنوع من الحديد او الخشب‪.‬‬

‫‪Figure (7) Composite piles‬‬

‫‪ As summary, figure (8) shows a pile classification system based on type‬‬
‫‪of material, configuration, installation technique and equipment used for‬‬
‫‪installation. Figure (9) illustrates some photos related to the some types of‬‬
‫‪piles foundation.‬‬
 Also, foundation piles can also be classified on the basis of their method
of load transfer from the pile to the surrounding geo-material. Load
transfer can be by shaft resistance, toe resistance or a combination of

Figure (8) Pile classification chart

Closed end pipe pile open end, pipe for main river pier

Tapered Mono-tube section (right) with Taper-tube piles

add-on sections (left).

Square pre-stressed concrete piles Precast concrete piles each with H-

Figure (9) Photos related to the some types of piles
The first difficult problem facing the foundation designer is to establish whether
or not the site conditions dictate that a deep foundation must be used. Vesic
(1977) summarized typical situations in which piles may be needed. These
typical situations as well as additional uses of deep foundations are shown in
figure (10) and Table (2).

Figure (10) Situations in which deep foundations may be needed

Table (2) Situations in which deep foundations are used

Item Description
a The most common case in which the upper soil strata are too compressible or too weak to support heavy vertical loads. In
this case, deep foundations transfer loads to a deeper stratum and act as toe bearing foundations.
b In the absence of strong stratum within a reasonable depth, the loads must be gradually transferred, mainly through soil
resistance along the shaft.
c Deep foundations resist uplift loads by shaft resistance.
d Lateral loads are resisted either by vertical deep foundations in bending.
e Lateral loads are resisted by groups of vertical and battered piles, which combine the axial and lateral resistances of all
piles in the group.
f Groups of deep foundations may also resist lateral loads from overhead highway signs and noise walls.
g Deep foundations are often required when scour around footings could cause loss of bearing capacity at shallow depths.
h Soils subject to liquefaction in a seismic event may dictate that a deep foundation be used.
i Deep foundations are often used as fender systems to protect bridge piers from vessel impact.
j In urban areas, deep foundations may be needed to support structures adjacent to locations where future excavations are
planned or could occur.
k Deep foundations are also used in areas of expansive or collapsible soils to resist undesirable seasonal movements of the
There are different types of the method of piles installation such as boring
method and/or driving method. In driving method, the pile is already existed
like, timber, steel and pre-cast concrete piles. Various techniques used for piles
driving using piling hammers or piling vibrators.
1. Piling Hammers.
In this techniques different hammers used to install piles like winch-raised
drop hammer (which represent the simplest form of piling hammers),
steam, air and hydraulic pressure hammers ( generally permitting a higher
hammer energy), and diesel hammers. Figure (11) illustrates some types
of these hammers.
2. Piling Vibrators.
Vibrators (see figure 11), consisting of one or two pairs of exciters
rotating at the same speed in opposite directions, can be mounted on piles
where their combined weight and vibrating energy cause the pile to sink
down into the soil.

.‫ تتطمب معدات واليات خاصة‬Driving ‫ان طريقة تنصيب (تنفيذ) الركائز في موقع العمل بطريقة الدق‬
‫ المعدنية والركائز الخرسانية مسبقة‬،‫عادةً في هذه الطريقة تكون الركيزة مجهزة مسبقاً كالركائز الخشبية‬
‫ اذ تعمل عمى زيادة الكثافة لمرمل او‬،‫ تسبب هذه العممية تشويش لمتربة المحيطة في الركيزة‬.‫الصب‬
‫ او‬Dense ‫ او تعمل عمى تقميل الكثافة لمرمل ذو الكثافة العالية‬،Loose ‫الغرين ذات الكثافات القميمة‬
‫ أيضاً يتطمب من المهندسين اختيار‬.‫ لمتربة الطينية المحيطة بالركيزة‬Heave ‫تعمل عمى حصول ارتفاع‬
‫ مساحة‬:‫ المعدات وطريقة التنفيذ) التي تتالئم مع موقع العمل من حيث‬،‫الطريقة المناسبة (نوع االليات‬
‫ فمثالً إذا كانت هنالك أبينة محيطة‬.‫ وكمفة الموقع‬،‫ االبنية المحيطة بالموقع‬،‫ نوعية تربة الموقع‬،‫الموقع‬
‫بموقع العمل يفضل اختيار اليات ذات مستوى قميل من الضوضاء وأن التنفيذ يتم بطريقة تضمن سالمة‬
.‫تمك األبنية‬
Hydraulic piling hammer Air/steam single-acting hammer

Diesel hammer Driving a pile casing with vibrator

Figure (11) Some types of hammers and vibrators

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