Grammar ป.1

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Choose the grammatically incorrect part of

5. Jane can sings a song very well.

each sentences
A) can
เลือกคําที่ผิดไวยากรณ์ในประโยค B) sings
C) a
1. He goes to school by foot .
A) goes
6. They like to going to school by bus .
B) to
A) like
C) by
B) going
C) by
2. Mike ride a new bicycle every
7. She don’t like swimming.
A) ride
A) don’t
B) a
B) like
C) new
C) swimming

3. Jina and Khaopan are drink a lot of

8. There is many bugs in the garden.
milk now.
A) is
A) are
B) many
B) drink
C) in
C) a

4. The truck have four wheels.

9. Khaojao and I has a dog and two
A) have
hens .
B) four
A) has
C) wheels
B) a
C) hens
10. Does polar bears live in the North
14. How much students are there in the
Pole ?
room ?
A) does
A) How much
B) live
B) are
C) in
C) in

11. Is father drivers his car now ?

15. I buy a onion.
A) is
A) buy
B) drives
B) a
C) his
C) onion

12. The postman coming to my house

16. James can sees the sun and the
A) coming
A) can
B) to
B) sees
C) house
C) the

13. The rabbits is eating the carrots

17. Those flowers has colorful petals.
A) Those
A) is
B) has
B) eating
C) petals
C) the
18. John do his homework everyday. 23. How old are June and Jane ?
A) do We are ten years old.
B) is A) are
C) homework B) We
C) years
19. A old man can’t run.
A) A 24. There are ten monkey in the zoo.
B) old A) are
C) run B) ten
C) monkey
20. What is your English teacher ?
A) What
B) is 25. Jenny is my sister.
C) your She share our toys.
A) is
21. Pete is cooks dinner in the kitchen B) She
now . C) share
A) is
B) cooks
C) in 26. She like an ice cream .
A) like
22. A crocodile are in water. B) an
A) A C) ice cream
B) are
C) in
27. Nicha have a pink eraser.
It is her eraser.
A) have
B) a
C) her

28. The bus are stopping at the bus

A) are
B) stopping
C) at

29. He will plays football tomorrow.

A) will
B) plays
C) football

30. There are six days in a week.

A) are
B) six
C) days

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