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1112128, 854 PM QUICK REVISION ASSAM HISTORY - Google Docs Kachari Kingdom 164, _Kacharis claim their origin from? Ghatotkach 165. Capital of Kachari kingdom? Dimapur, Maibang and Khaspur 166. _Kachari king contemporary of Sukapha was? Bicharpatipha 167. Who were referred to as Thapita and Sanchita of Ahoms? Kacharis 168. The Kacharis king defeated and beheaded by Suhungmung was? Detchung 169. Which Kachari ruler took the title Asimardan? Jasa Narayan or Satrudaman. 170. Which Kachari ruler, after defeating Ahoms, took the title Pratapnarayan? JasalNarayan or Satrudaman 171. Which Kachari ruler renamed his capital Maibong as Kiritipur? Satrudamar 172. Which Ahom ruler was contemporary of Kachari ruler Satrudaman? Pratap'Singha Koch Dynasty 173, Founder of Koch Kingdom was? Biswa Singha (Bisu) 174, When the Koch Kingdom was founded, who was the Ahom ruler?\Suhtingmung 175. Who was the father of Biswa Singha? Haria Mandal 176. Haria Mandal was from which village? Chickengram.of Goalpara 177. Original name of Naranarayan was? Malladev 178. Original name of Chilarai was? Sukladhvaj (or’Sangram Singha) 179. Who was Gohai Kamal, aka Kamalnarayan? Brother of Naranarayan 180. Treaty of Majuli was signed between? Ahom and Koch 181. Treaty of Majuli was signed in the year? 1563s, 182, Who did rebuild Kamakhya temple with bricks? Naranarayan 183, _Naranarayan died in the year? 1587. 184, Who was the son of Chilarai? Raghudeva 185. Whois known as Vikramadityaof Assam? Naranarayan 186. Arithmatics by Lilawati was translated into Assamese by? Bakul Kayastha 187. Which ruler gavethis, daughter’ Mangoldoi in marriage with Pratap Singha? Parikshit Narayan. 188. Which Koch ruler shifted'his. capital to North Guwahati? Parikshit Narayan. 189. Who was the\son of Naranarayan? Lakshmi Narayan e Ahom 190. Ahomis élaim their descent from? Khunling and Khunlai 191. _Khunlung and Khunlai were grandsons of? Lengdon (Indra). 192. “Sukapha was born in the year? 1191 193. \Sukapha came from? Mong Mao 194. Sukapha started his journey from Mong Mao in the year? 1215. 195, Sukampha entered Brahmaputra valley through? Patkai Pass. 196. \Sukampha reached Namrup on? 2 December, 1228 197) Sukapha named his kingdom in Assam? Mungdunsunkham (country full of golden gardens) 498. First tribes in Assam to surrender to Sukapha was/were? Barahi and Maran. 199. Barahi ruler contemporary of Sukapha was? Thakumtha 200. Maran ruler contemporary of Sukapha was? Badaucha 201. First permanent Ahom capital was? Charaideo (1253) 202, How many ministers assisted Sukapha? Two - Borgohain and Buragohain!tw2T4GjakIkfKUVNikUeSCOFSH627TsjoTooBOnP Bjkledt on7 1112128, 854 PM 244 243, 244, 245, 246. QUICK REVISION ASSAM HISTORY - Google Does Bailungs were? Astrologers. Sukapha died in the year? 1268. ‘Who was the second ruler of Ahom dynasty? Suteupha ‘Who introduced the system of Ahom nobility or Satgharia Ahom? Subinpha. Which Ahom ruler married the Kamata princess Rajani? Sukhangpha. Rajani, the queen of Sukhangpha was the daughter of? Pratapdhvaj Which Ahom ruler was treacherously murdered by the Chutiyas? Sutupha. Who was the father of Sudangpha? Tao-Khamti ‘Which Ahom ruler was also known as Bamuni Konwar? Sudangpha What was the name of the village Bamuni Konwar was brought up in? Kalabari (Habung) ‘Sudangpha shifted the capital from Charaideo to? Chargua. First Ahom ruler to perform Singari-ghar-utha-ceremony was? Stidangpha Patghar and Holongghor are associated with? Coronation ceremony. Which Ahom ruler sent his wife to live in a naga village? Sipimpha Which Ahom ruler was known as Dihingia raja? Suhungmung First Ahom ruler to use hindu title ‘swarganarayan’? Suhungmung, ‘Who was the first Ahom ruler to adopt saka era? Suhtungmung Before saka era, Ahom used a cycle of sixty years known a8? Lakii system. Who introduced the post of Barpatragohain? Suhungmung. The first Barpatragohain was? Konseng. ‘Who introduced the faid system in Ahom kingdom? Suhungmung. The first census of Ahom kingdom Wasidone by? Suhungmung, Chutiya kingdom was annexed by? Suhungmung (1523). Who introduced the post of Sadiyakhawa gohain and Marangikhowa gohain? Suhungmung Who was the first Sadiyakhowa gohain? Phrasenmung, Rikhvan ceremony was celebrated to? Pray for the wellbeing of the ruler or the kingdom. Turbak invaded Assam in the year? 1532 (during Suhungmung). Mula Gabhoru was the wife 6f? Phrasenmung Which Ahomruler Was knoWn as Garhgayian raja? Suklenmung. ‘Who was the fitst Ahom ruler to issue coins? Suklenmung ‘Which ruler was Known as Khura Raja? Sukhampha Treaty of Majuli was signed between? Ahom and Koch Treaty of Majuli was signed in the year? 1563. Durga*puja celebration started in the Ahom kingdom from the time of? Sukhampha khora raja ‘Which of the following rulers was known as Pratap Singha? Sushengpha. Which Ahom ruler was known as Burha Raja and Budhi Swarganarayan? Pratap Singha Which Ahom ruler took the title Gajapati? Pratap Singha. Who introduced the post of Barbarua and Borphukan? Pratap Singha ‘Who was the viceroy of Ahom ruler in lower Assam? Borphukan, ‘Who was the first Barbarua? Momai Tamuli. ‘What was the original name of Momai Tamuli? Sukoti. ‘Who was the first Borphukan? Langi Panisia ‘Where was the headquarters of Borphukan? Kaliabar. What is the posa system? Tribal appeasement policy.!tw2T4GjakIkfKUVNikUeSCOFSH627TsjoTooBOnP Bjkledt 0117

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