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To meet the requirements of the research methodology course
Lecturer : Ida Ayu Hani Erlina M.Pd.

NAME : Fery irawan
SRN :211340008



A. Background
Speaking skills are important in communication, without the ability to
speak, a person cannot convey their ideas. Speaking is the ability to pronounce
sounds in the form of articulation or words that aim to express, express, and
convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings (Rahmayanti, Nawawi, &; Quro, 2017).
According to Tarigan (2015), speaking is defined as one of the four language
skills that develop over time with the child's life, and is preceded by listening
skills. Meanwhile, according to Setyonegoro (2013), speaking is a language skill
that must be mastered by students of the Indonesian Education Study Program.
Based on this, it can be concluded that, speaking is an activity of
delivering information to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes as a response
from listeners, who express ideas through speech. Speaking certainly has a
measurable purpose after the speaking process is complete. In this case,
Setyonegoro (2013) argues that speaking aims to provide information to the
interlocutor in accordance with the needs of a communication process that occurs.
In addition, speaking also aims to help each individual in managing thoughts so as
to cause the right impact or action (Permana, 2015).
Speaking is one of the most demanding skills in everyday life. Everyone
needs to communicate with others through talking. Speaking plays an important
role in social interaction with others to get information. Thus, everyone needs to
have good speaking skills. As the need for English increases year by year, people
not only communicate with people from the same country, but also with people
from different countries. The conclusion is that skills Speaking has a purpose that
is tailored to the needs of various situations and conditions so that information can
be conveyed to the right listener. In order to be able to convey meaning and talk to
people all over the world, they need to be able to speak English because it is an
international language. Because of its importance, it makes perfect sense why
English as a foreign language is taught as a compulsory subject from elementary
to university level. Speaking is one of the central elements of communication that
every language learner must master. Speaking is a person's ability to communicate
with another individual or group verbally.

It consists of generating systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning.

This means that when a person talks to another person directly, he or she conducts
verbal interactions that produce words to convey opinions, ideas, feelings, and
information. In short, when people speak, they produce words that have meaning
for the listener or listeners. Speaking is a language skill that requires a person to
be able to communicate orally in real life. To make a person able to communicate
orally in real life, it is the reason why speaking is such an important part of
teaching and learning a second language. As a result, learning to speak in English
as a foreign language is essential to enable learners to interact with others
communicatively. In accordance with the curriculum, students are expected to
apply what they have learned in speaking classes. Ideally in speaking skills,
students should be able to first, participate in speaking activities, such as having a
conversation in front of the class. Secondly, students must be courageous in taking
part to express their opinions, ideas or suggestions orally. Third, students should
be able to use 2 appropriate vocabulary words and correct grammar based on the
context of the conversation. Finally, students should be able to speak English
fluently with clear pronunciation.

For most junior high school students in Indonesia, learning English is one
of the scary experiences to face, especially when they learn to speak in English.
This problem is because English is a foreign language that is rarely used in
everyday life. When researchers conducted preliminary investigations for
potential research at SMP 2 Surya Mataram, researchers found that the problems
that ninth graders face when learning English in the classroom are widespread

For example, they cannot convey their ideas in English well or pronounce
English words correctly. Therefore, they use Indonesian more often than English
in English classes. In addition, when the learning process takes place, students
tend to participate passively whenever the teacher asks questions related to
English lessons. In addition, based on the MERDEKA BELAJAR curriculum,
students are required to be more active in the learning process, and teachers only
become facilitators. Unfortunately, this fact is inversely proportional to the facts
on the ground; The teachers are more active than the students. This, of course,
also affects the development of students' speaking skills. Also, some studies show
that spoken language development has been largely neglected in the classroom,
and often, spoken language is used more by teachers than students (Hosni, 2014).
Although speaking is an important language skill that students must work
on, it is generally observed that they have various problems in speaking English.
For the reasons mentioned above, this study aims to find out what speech
difficulties have been encountered by students of SMP 2 Surya mataram.
Therefore, researchers investigated the topic by proposing a study entitled
English is one of the important subjects in the Junior High School (SMP)
curriculum in Indonesia. The ability to speak in English is one of the important
components in teaching English. However, there are often challenges in
measuring and improving the English pronunciation of junior high school
students. Good pronunciation not only affects students' communication skills in
This research will help English teachers and related parties in identifying
pronunciation problems that may be experienced by SMP 2 Surya Mataram
students. With a better understanding of these pronunciation issues, efforts to
improve English teaching and learning can be directed more effectively.
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background, the formulation of the problem to be studied is as
1. What are the pronunciation obstacles by SMP 2 Surya Mataram students in
2. What solutions or recommendations can be given to improve the English
pronunciation of SMP 2 Surya Mataram students?
3. What is the level of English pronunciation fluency among students of SMP
2 Surya Mataram and what factors affect it?

C. Purpose of the research

The purpose of this study was to analyze the English pronunciation of SMP 2
Surya Mataram students with the aim of:
1. Identify pronunciation problems by students of SMP 2 Surya mataram.
2. Formulate solutions or recommendations to improve the English
pronunciation of SMP 2 Surya Mataram students.
3. Assess the level of difficulty junior high school students face in
pronouncing certain sounds in English.

D. Research benefits
This research is expected to provide the following benefits:
1. English teachers at SMP 2 Surya Mataram can use the results of this study
as a guide to overcome students' pronunciation problems.
2. Students of SMP 2 Surya Mataram can take advantage of the
recommendations in this study to improve their English speaking and
pronunciation skills.

A. Theoretical Studies
According to the ADIMAS (2018), English pronunciation in particular
is very prone to errors.Sometimes people are unable or even embarrassed to
practice English because they are afraid of pronouncing the language
incorrectly. So many students of early childhood education to the student level
even a lecturer mostly feel the same way. Therefore, this English
pronunciation assistance must be carried out consistently and optimally. This
Science and Technology for the This community activity aims to identify any
problems that make students reluctant to speak English in modern boarding
schools. Most of them argue that English is difficult to for pronunciation.
Actually, English pronunciation is not difficult to use in everyday conversation
as long as you know how to read it using the drilling method on each item and
sound nodes in learning. The method to be applied in this community service
activity includes several stages, namely: identification of pronunciation
difficulties in English, learning media, especially in terms of sound symbols,
and seminars on English pronunciation. In the end, from the implementation
of this community service program, it is hoped that modern cottage students
will no longer be awkward using English as their daily language because they
have a standard book guide on sound symbols, so they can easily practice the
language wherever they are.

1. Speaking Skills
In general, speaking can be interpreted as a skill to convey ideas,
one's ideas to others through speech. As stated by Nurgiantoro (2010),
speaking is a second language activity of humans after listening language
activities. According to Setyonegoro (2013), speaking is an ability to
communicate with the other person. Speaking in general can be intended
as a skill to convey ideas, one's ideas to orang lain dengan menggunakan
bahasa lisan.(Rahmayanti, Nawawi, & Quro, (2017).
Speaking is an ability to speak sounds in the form of articulation or
words that aim to express, express, and convey thoughts, ideas, and
feelings (Rahmayanti, Nawawi, &; Quro,(2017). According to Tarigan
(2015), speaking is defined as one of four language skills that develop
along with children's lives, and are preceded by listening skills.
Meanwhile, according to Setyonegoro (2013), speaking is a language skill
that must be mastered by students with the Indonesian Education Study
2. Purpose of Speaking
Speaking certainly has a measurable purpose after the speaking
process is complete. In this case, Setyonegoro (2013) argues that speaking
aims to provide information to the other person according to the needs of a
communication process that occurs. In addition, speaking also aims to help
each individual in managing thoughts so as to cause the right impact or
action (Permana, 2015). The conclusion is that speaking skills have goals
that are tailored to the needs of various situations and conditions so that
information can be conveyed to the right listener.
Speaking activities run as naturally as understood by the speaker
because speaking is a skill that must be continuously practiced. However,
in this case not a few language errors were found in speech. Setyawati
(2010) suggests that language error is the use of language that deviates
from determining factors in communicating or deviates from linguistic
rules. According to Suwandi (2008), language errors are the occurrence of
deviations in language acts, both spoken and written language. Language
errors are defective sides in a person's speech or writing in language
(Tarigan, 2011).
Based on the understanding expressed by the experts above,
language errors can be interpreted as deviations that violate language rules
both orally and in writing.

3. Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)

A learning implementation plan (RPP) is a plan that describes the
procedures and organization of learning to achieve one basic competency
stipulated in the Content Standard and described in the syllabus. RPP is a
preparation that must be done by teachers before teaching. Preparation
here can be interpreted as written preparation or mental preparation,
emotional situations to be built, productive learning environments
including convincing learners to want to be fully involved. According to
Wahyuni and Ibrahim (2012), the learning implementation plan (RPP) is a
short-term planning to estimate the actions to be carried out in learning
activities. Learning plans need to be carried out to coordinate the
components of learning, namely: basic competencies, subject matter,
indicators, and classroom-based assessment. According to Mulyasa (2007)
RPP is an important component of the Education Unit Level Curriculum
(KTSP), which in its development must be carried out professionally.
From this opinion, it can be concluded that RPP is a lesson plan made by
teachers to estimate actions in learning.
4. Pronunciation Analysis
Pronunciation analysis is necessary in analyzing language errors
within the scope of speech. As for the theories related to pronunciation
analysis, namely the definition of pronunciation and the analysis of
pronunciation errors, the explanation is as follows.
a. Definition of Pronunciation
Pronunciation is a person's way of pronouncing the sounds of a
language. The Indonesian sounds are vowels (a, i, u, e, o), and
consonants (letters of the alphabet other than vowels), diphthong
sounds (oi, ai, au), and combining consonants (kh, ng, ny, sy).
However, there are some of all phonemes that exist, but they are
pronounced with improper pronunciation, so the speech becomes not
standard. At first glance, the vocabulary in written language will not
see a mispronunciation, but when the writing is pronounced with
incorrect pronunciation, it causes non-standard pronunciation (Dolla,
2011). Pronunciation is a way of symbolizing speech sounds and the
relationship between one symbol and another, either in the form of
words, or sentences (Wibowo, 2016). As for according to KBBI,
pronunciation is defined by the way how a person, a group, or a
language community in speaking pronounces the sounds of their
Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that what is
meant by pronunciation is the way speakers pronounce a language
sound, both in small groups of regional language class or in large

b. Pronunciation Error Analysis

According to KBBI, pronunciation is defined by the way in which
a person, a group, or a language community in speaking pronounces
the sounds of their language. So pronunciation errors can be
interpreted by errors that occur in the way how a person, a group or a
language community speaks. Pronunciation errors are the
pronunciation of a word that does not match the spelling and diacritics
of a word (PUEBI, 2016).
This mispronunciation in Indonesian concerns the realm of
phonological studies, both written and oral. According to Alwi (2010)
pronunciation is divided into several parts, namely:
1) Pronunciation errors due to phoneme changes.
2) Pronunciation errors due to the omission of phonemes.
3) Pronunciation errors due to the addition of phonemes.

B. Relevant Research
Santoso and Sabardila (2018) in their research described the language
errors of MPB-UMS students who played a role as candidates for the regional
head of Blora Regency found five areas of error, namely
1. phonological error field.
2. Morphological error field.
3. Syntax field errors.
4. errors of the sociolinguistic field.
5. spelling field errors.
The difference with this study is that the research is aimed at students
who are still in the learning stage while this study discusses the speech of a
president who holds the highest office of the country and should be able to use
perfect language. However, in terms of methods and techniques, there is no
difference between the two.
Lubis (2017) in his research described a syntactic misuse in the form of
phrases in the speech of grade XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tiganderket as
many as 127 sentences. The research is similar to the research that will be
conducted. Lubis' research focuses on analyzing the content of speech in the
field of syntax, slightly different from the research that will be carried out,
which focuses on pronunciation because it looks at data sources in the form of
videos, as well as data collection techniques carried out with direct recording
Purwanto & Markhamah (2019) in their research discussed several
language errors found in students' speech, including the following. First, the
phonological field error. Secondly, errors in the spelling field. Third, errors in
morphological fields that include pleonasms and errors in the use of
prepositions. Fourth, errors in the syntactic field are redundant use of words,
six uses of repetition, and ineffectiveness of sentences. Fifth, errors in the field
of sociolinguistics. The research above is in line with this study, it's just
different in the object of research that becomes data from this research
material. The object of the study is similar, namely describing problems in the
field of phonology and incorrect spelling in speech. The difference with this
study is that the research is based on the speech of the student, while the
research that will be carried out discusses the speech of a president. However,
in terms of methods and techniques, there is no difference between the two.
Nurmuslimah (2015) in her research described the results of the analysis
of errors found in the speech of junior high school students. This study has
similarities with the research to be carried out, which is to examine language
errors in speech. The difference is that the data sources are different, namely
data that is already in the form of text, while this research is in the form of
Alpaujiah (2017) in his research which discusses the misuse of capital
letters in student speech scripts. The study examines language errors in the use
of capital letters with data sources written speech scripts, written by grade X
students. Just like some of the relevant studies above, this study takes speech
as data to be studied for existing language errors. However, the study only
focuses on language errors in the use of capital letters, and data in the form of
manuscripts, while the research that will be carried out now uses data in the
form of videos and wider study areas.

A. Research Design
In this study, researchers used qualitative research that applied content
analysis. According to Gay and Peter (2012) qualitative research is the
collection, analysis, and interpretation of comprehensive narratives and visual
(i.e., non-numeric) data to gain insight into specific phenomena of interest.
This means that it is used for the analysis and interpretation of data that
researchers are interested in.
Later, Chelimsky (2000) stated that "Content analysis is a set of
procedures for collecting and organizing information in a standardized format
that allows the analysis to make inferences about the characteristics and
meaning of written and other recorded material." In addition, Krippendorf
(2004:18) defines content analysis as a research technique to make replicable
and valid conclusions from a text (or meaningful material) to the context of
its use. This means that content analysis is a procedure to infer the
characteristics and meaning of data by collecting and organizing information
from the data. Related to the above theories, researchers use qualitative
research to describe the pronunciation of grade II students from junior high

B. Research Participants
Participants were an important aspect of the study. According to Gay,
Geoffrey, Peter (2000) selected research participants must (1) be able to
provide the desired information through and (2) be willing to provide it to
researchers. The population of this study is grade II of SMP 2 Surya Mataram
for the 2023/2024 school year. Based on administrative data from Class II of
SMP 2 Surya Mataram for the 2023/2024 school year, there are 50 of them
divided into two classes (II A and II B).

C. Data and Source of Data

1. Data
This research data are all inflection endings found on the test recording
of the English Subject class II exam of SMP PGRI 2 SURYA MATARAM.
The students speak different texts for each class. There are 15 texts for each
class. All inflection endings consist of plural nouns, third person singular and
possessive. The –s inflection ending with text has three different types of
pronunciation. They are /s/, /z/, and /iz/. The total number of inflection
endings is 202 dividing 156 plural nouns, 26 third-person singular, and 20
possessive. They are plural nouns such as coral, net, market, news, disease,
body, scientist, means, disease, agentcis, medicine, donor, government and
others. Then, a single third person says, step, visit, hope, see, heal, provide,
see and ets. The latter are possessive like UNICEF. 's, smokers', Burma's,
smokers', government, Italy, China, the world, and others.

2. Data Sources
In this study researchers will not provide any tests. The researcher
recently collected data on student pronunciation. Data obtained from recorded
documents that have been recorded for exam students in Pronunciation in
Practical Class. All recordings are received from the pronunciation lecturer.
The total documents are 60 recordings of which 15 texts are from all students
in TBI A, TBI B, and TBI C. For each Class there are 5 texts that have
different topics.
D. Technique of Data Collection
1. Research Instrumen
In this study, the key instrument is the researcher himself. The
researcher collected data or documents from teachers who taught
English, all dates were 60 recordings. Then the Researcher copies the
document. The document is being recorded form. The recording is the
test result of the Pronunciation test of the Practice Subject. Then they
were analyzed by researchers to describe students' pronunciation of the
English inflection suffix.
a. Record Voice
Researchers will record the pronunciation of participants in
pronouncing irregular English verbs. While listening and also recording
the voices of participants who were reciting the 30 words, researchers
immediately analyzed and wrote them on paper that had been prepared
by researchers beforehand.
b. Interview
After recording the voice, the researcher immediately conducted an
interview with each participant by asking why they mispronounced the
words that the researcher had marked while listening and recording the
participants' voices.

2. Research Procedure
This research was conducted by applying several studies following
procedures, namely; preparation, surgery and postoperative.
a. Preparation
1) Discovering research problems and theories
2) Focusing on problems that the researcher is interested in
3) Collect sources and references related to the researcher.
4) Research proposal writing
5) Consultation of proposals to advisors
6) Revise proposals
7) Attend a research proposal seminar
8) Revise proposals after seminars
b. Operasi
1) Get a license from a Pronunciation Practice lecturer to get
documents as data.
2) Collect documents, syllabi, recordings of students' midterm
exams and recorded texts.
3) Analyze recorded data of students speaking text.
a) Decide to use content analytics
b) Determining what imbued material is included in the content
c) Select a unit of analysis
d) Developing coding chagories
e) Encoding material
f) Analyze and repeat the results
c. Postoperative
1) Interpreting research findings
2) Drawing conclusions and suggestions

E. Checking Data Trust

Data in qualitative research are confirmed valid only when there is no
discrepancy between the research report and the fact that it occurs. Therefore
researchers need to check the trustworthiness of the data. He is a goal
achieved by researchers who use qualitative research. Researchers conduct
credibility tests for trustworthiness of research findings.
According to Sugiyono (2010) credibility can be done through several
ways such as expanding observations, increasing persistence, data
triangulation, peer discussion, negative case analysis and member vetting. In
this study, researchers conducted a credibility test to examine the data
Trust by extending observations to form transcriptions in which researchers
analyze data repeatedly to ascertain which variants of inflection endings are
applied by students in student recordings based on theory.
F. Data Analysis Techniques
After collecting the data, researchers analyzed the data using qualitative
analysis that applied content analysis. In analyzing the data, researchers
analyzed recordings mainly on inflection endings such as in nouns,
possessives and third person singular applied by students. Before analyzing
the data, researchers assign a number to each document from 1 to 60. Then
researchers wrote a list of plural nouns, singular third-person verbs, and
possessive words and also how to pronounce based on the –s end inflection
rule to help peneliti dalam menganalisis data. Peneliti baru saja menyalin kata
yang mengandung akhiran infleksi
In analyzing the recordings used show six steps in performing content
analysis. These steps are:
1. Decide to use content analysis.
To start a study that uses content analysis, researchers formulate
questions first. The question should be a clear understanding of the project
needs and available data. Chelimsky (2000) states that content analysis can
be used to answer the "what" question. This research was formulated using
the question "what" as stated in the research question, namely "what is
students pronunciation of English inflectional –s endings. This means that
content analysis is appropriate for use in this study.
1. Determine what material should be included in the content analysis.
The next step of content analysis is about selecting samples.sample
research should be done and using appropriate sample techniques. In this
study, researchers used total sampling to select data to be analyzed.
Therefore, researchers used all recordings to analyze students' pronunciation
of the English inflection–s ending.
2. Select a unit of analysis
In content analysis, there are two units of analysis such as content
units and units of record. A content unit is a unit that sets a written limit for
the material to be examined. While a recording unit is a specific part of the
content unit in written material placed in a category. In this study the content
unit is the student's pronunciation of the English suffix –s inflection. Then,
the units of recording are plural nouns, third-person verbs and possessives
contained in the text. He analyzed it using the over viewing English
pronunciation rule of inflection –s ends.
3. Encoding material
In this step, the researcher encodes all recordings used by students
who have taken the subject of pronunciation. The researcher also
symbolizes the position of all suffixes found in the recording. It was used to
make researchers and listeners understand the analysis. For example,
R1/R2/R3... etc. This means that record 1, record 2, record 3 and etc.
Researchers also encoded the position of the inflection suffix seperti 1/4,
2/5,... Dll. Ini berarti that text 1 line 4, text 2 line 5 and others and also for
classes, the reseracher gives codes such as a, b, and c. This means "a" for
TBI A, "b" for TBI B and "c" for TBI C.
4. Analyze and interpret the results.
In the final step of the content analysis, the researcher analyzed the
inflection suffix spoken by the students. The first thing that researchers do in
analyzing the data is listening to the recording several times. Then, identify
how students pronounce the –s suffix by using a transcription of the
document. He was also helped by a list of ways of pronouncing inflections –
s to check whether they were pronounced in the right or wrong way. After
that all the ways students pronounce the suffix of inflection are interpreted
in the table. Then researchers classified what students' pronunciation was
from the inflection suffix based on the way they pronounced the word and
drew conclusions from the study.

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