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Legal Bases of the Philippine National Police Article XVI Section 6 of the Phil. Constitution Provides that the state shall
establish and maintain one police force that shall national in scope and civilian in character.

Note: RA 8551 is the amendment of RA 6975

RA no: 6975 Approved December 13, 1990 RA no: 8551 Approved February 25, 1998

SECTION 1. Short Title- Department of the Section 1.PNP Reform and Reorganization act of 1998
Interior and local Government of 1990
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Section 4. The Department of the Interior and Local
Government –to carry out the policies and purposes of this
act, the Department of Local is hereby reorganized into the
DILG, here in referred to as Department


Sec 13.Creation and Composition- Napolcom is hereby SEC. 4. SEC13 is hereby amended
created referred to ass Commission  Attached to the DILG(6 members)
-Commission shall be the collegial body within the  Chairman-ex officio from DILG
Department  Chief PNP as ex officio member
-it shall composed of ; (5 members)  4 regular commissioners
- Chairman, - 3 shall come from civilian sector/ at least one is woman
- 4 regular commissioners - 1 shall come from military or PNP either active or
- Vice Chair shall be designated by the President retired; provided active members shall considered
among 4 regular commissioners resigned once appointed
- Sec of the DILG shall be the ex-officio chairman of Sec 5 Amended Sec. 14
NAPOLCOM A-exercise administrative control over the PNP;
Sec 14. Powers and Function of the commission - Develop policies and promulgate a police
A-exercise administrative control over the PNP - Examine and audit
B-Advise the President - Establish a system of uniform crime reporting
C-Foster and Develop - Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment,
D- Examine and audit

E- Prepare a manual - Monitor and investigate police anomalies and

F- Established a system of uniform crime reporting irregularities.
G-conduct surveys and compile statistical data for the proper - Inspect and assess the compliance of the PNP on the
evaluation of effectiveness of police service established criteria for manpower allocation,
H-render to the president and to congress an annual report distribution, and deployment
on its activities and accomplishments during the 30 days - Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in matters
after the end of the calendar year pertaining to the discharge of its own powers and
k- exercise appellate jurisdiction through the regional duties
appellate board

Sec 15 Qualifications for regular members of the SEC 6. Amended sec 15

commission - Member of the Bar with 5 year experience in handling
a. at least 35 years old criminal and human rights cases. Or doctorate in any
b. member of Philippine Bar or master’s degree in any disciplinary course
disciplinary course
c. experience in law enforcement work for at least 5 years

Sec. 16 Term of office Sec 7 amended section 16

- 4 regulars and full time commissioner shall be - 4 regular members appointed by the president for a
appointed by the President term of 6 years without reappointment or extension.
- First 4 commissioners to be appointed the 2 shall
serve 6 years and other 2 shall serve 4 years
- All subsequent appointments shall be for a period of 6
years each without reappointment or extension

Sec 18. Removal From Office

- any member of the commission may be removed from
office for just cause
- all vacancies in the commission, except for expiration
of term, shall be filled up for the remaining term only;

Sec. 20.Organizational Structure Section 10 amended section 20

- A. Commission Proper composed of chairman and 4 added; financial services
- B. Staff services
 Planning and research services
 Legal affair services
 The crime prevention and coordination services
 Administrative services
 Inspection and monitoring services
 Installation and logistic services
- C. Disciplinary appellate Board
 Commission shall establish National Appellate - The NAB shall decide cases on appeal from decisions
Board and Regional Appellate Board rendered by the Chief PNP, while RAB shall decide
cases on appeal from the PLEB and Mayor
Sec 23.composition
- It consist of the police force who were integrated
through INP pursuant to PD 765
- Philippines Constabulary Officers
-From PC-INP the must have completed not less than
second year collegiate work or second year training

Sec 25. Organization

- Headed by PNP chief
- Assisted by 2 deputy 1 for operation and 1 for

Sec 28 Rank Classification Ra NO. 11200 SECTION 1 amended section 28

Director General Police General
Deputy director general Police Lieutenant General
Director Police Major General
Chief Superintendent Police Brigadier General
Senior Superintendent. Police Colonel
Superintendent. Police Lieutenant Colonel
Chief Inspector Police Major
Senior Inspector Police Captain
Inspector Police Lieutenant
Senior Police Officer IV Police Executive Master Sergeant
Senior Police Officer III Police Chief Master Sergeant
Senior Police Officer II Police Senior Master Sergeant
Senior Police Officer I Police Master Sergeant
Police Officer III Police Staff Sergeant
Police Officer II Police Corporal
Police Officer I Patrolman/Patrolwoman

SEC. 30 Gen. Qualification for Appointment Section 14 amended section 30

a. Citizen of the Philippines a. Citizen of the Philippines
b. Person of good moral character b. Person of good moral character
c. sound mind and body c. must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and
d. possess formal baccalaureate degree for appointment as physical test to be administered by the PNP or any
officer; second year college or equivalent of 72 collegiate NAPOLCOM accredited government hospital
units for non-officer d. possess formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized
e. eligible in accordance with the standards set by institution
f. not have been dishonorably discharge from military j. new applicant must not be less than 21 nor more
g. must nit have been convicted by final judgment involving Than 30; in the absence for any one of them shall be ground
moral turpitude for separation or retirement from service. Provided that PNP

h. 1 m. and 62 cm (5’4 ft.) male and 1 m and 57 cm for member who are already in the service upon the affectivity of
female (5’2 ft.) this of this act shall be given at least two (2) more years to
i. weight not more than or less than 5 kg. of the standard obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year
weight corresponding to his age height and sex to satisfy the weight requirement.
j. new applicant must not be less than 21 nor more
than 30

sec. 32. Examination of policemen-civil service commission Section 21 amended SECTION 32 of RA 6975
shall administer the qualifying exam set by the NAPOLCOM -examination of Policemen- the NAPOLCOM shall administer
the entrance and promotional examination in standard set by
SEC 33.Lateral entry of police officers into the PNP
- Commence to the rank of inspector
- Technical services such as dentist, optometrist, nurses
and engineers and graduate of forensic science shall
commence to the rank of inspector
- Doctor of medicine, members of the bar and chaplain
shall commence the rank of senior inspector

Section 37. Performance Evaluation system

- Rating system as contemplated herein based
on standards prescribed by the commission and
shall consider results of annual, physical,
psychological and neuropsychiatric
examinations -
conducted on the PNP
Section 39. Compulsory Retirement
- Compulsory retirement =age of 56
Provided that in rank of chief superintendent, deputy director
general, the commission may allow his retention in the
service for an unextendible period of one (1) year.

Section 40. Optional Retirement

- Upon accumulation of at least 20 years of Newly provided provision of RA 8551 not
satisfactory service, upon in its own request and amendment
approval by the commission, shall be retired
and receive benefits. TITLE IV
Section 41. (a)Citizens Complaints THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE
- Chief of Police-offense is punishable A. REORGANIZATION
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified Section 13. Authority of the Commission to Reorganize
limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary or any the PNP. – Notwithstanding the provisions of Republic Act
combination-not exceed 15 days No. 6975 on the organizational structure and rank
- Mayor’s Office- not less than 16 days nor more classification of the PNP, the Commission shall conduct a
than 30 days management audit, and prepare and submit to Congress a
- People law Enforcement Board -30 days or proposed reorganization plan of the PNP not later than
by dismissal December 31, 1998, subject to the limitations provided under
(b.) Internal Discipline this Act and based on the following criteria: a) increased
- chief of police not exceed 15 days police visibility through dispersal of personnel from the
- provincial directors- not exceed 30 days headquarters to the field offices and by the appointment and
- police regional directors-power to impose assignment of non-uniformed personnel to positions which
punishment of dismissal from the service are purely administrative, technical, clerical or menial in
nature and other positions which are not actually and directly
Section 42. Summary dismissal power of the PNP AND related to police operation; and b) efficient and optimized
Regional Directors delivery of police services to the communities.
The chief of the PNP and regional directors, after due notice The PNP reorganization program shall be approved by
and summary hearings, may immediately remove or dismiss Congress through a joint resolution.
any respondent PNP member in any of the following;
- A. when the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt
is strong
- B. When the respondent is recidivist
- C. When the respondent is guilty of conduct
unbecoming of a police officer.

Sec. 43. People Law Enforcement Board- creation and Newly provided provision of RA 8551 not
function (5 members) amendment
a. 30 days for the issuance of implementing rules and
regulations by the commission the Sangguniang bayan or
panglungsod in every city/ municipality Section 15. Waivers for Initial Appointments to the PNP. –
- 1 PLEB for every 500 city/municipality police The age, height, weight, and educational requirements for
personnel initial appointment to the PNP may be waived only when the
- Jurisdiction to hear a citizens complaint/ case against number of qualified applicants fall below the minimum annual
PNP members quota: Provided, That an applicant shall not be below twenty
b. composition and term of Office (20) nor over thirty-five (35) years of age: Provided, further,
- Any member of the sangguniang panglungsod/bayan That any applicant not meeting the weight requirement shall
chosen by his respective sanggunian be given reasonable time but not exceeding six (6) months
- Any member of brgy. Captain of the city/municipality within which to comply with the said requirement: Provided,
chosen by the association of barangay captain furthermore, That only applicants who have finished second
- 3 other members will be chosen among the following year college or have earned at least seventy-two (72)
within the community: collegiate units leading to a bachelor's decree shall be eligible
 1 of whom is the member of the bar in the for appointment: Provided, furthermore, That anybody who
absence thereof a college graduate or principal will enter the service without a baccalaureate degree shall be
of elementary in the locality given a maximum of four (4) years to obtain the required
- Chairman shall be elected from among its member educational qualification: Provided, finally, That a waiver for
c. Compensation-PLEB members paid per diem on funds height requirement shall be automatically granted to
from municipal/city. applicants belonging to the cultural communities.
d. Procedure - The PLEB by a majority vote of all its member
and chairman shall determine whether or not the respondent
is guilty of the charge file against him.
-each case shall be decided within 60 days from the time the
case shall be filed
e. Decision - The Decision shall be final and executory.

Section 44 Disciplinary Appellate Board

- National Appellate board-chief PNP
- RAB-Other official, Mayor, and PLEB

Chapter VI
Sec 66.Creation of Phil. Public Safety College
- It shall be the premier educational institution for
training and human development to all personnel in tri-

Section 71. Longevity Pay And Allowances

- 10% from their basic monthly salary for every 5 years
of service.
Provided the totality of such longevity pay shall not
exceed 50% of their basic pay.

Section 73. permanent Physical Disability

- An officer or non-officer having accumulated at least
20 years of active service incurs physical disability in
the line of duty shall be compulsory retired
- Less than 20 years of active service he shall be
separated from active service and entitled to
equivalent pay 11/4 months base pay for every years
active of service
- And longevity payoff permanent grades he hold.
Provided if he has less than 20 years of active service he
shall be separated from service and entitled for separation
fay equivalent to 11/4.

Section 74.Retirement in the next higher grade

- Uniformed personnel covered under this act shall for
purposes of retirement pay, be retired in one (1)
grade higher than the permanent grade last held:
Provided that they have serve for at least one year
of active service in his permanent grade.
Section 75. Retirement Benefits

- Monthly retirement pay shall 50% of the base pay and

longevity pay of retired grade for 20 years of active
- Increase by 2.5% for every years of active service in Section 34 amended section 75 (just additional)
case of more than 20 years - The uniformed personnel shall have the option to
A maximum of 90%for 36 years and beyond. receive in advance and in lump sum his retirement pay
for the first 5 years.
- The payment benefits in lump sum shall be made
within six (6) months from affectivity of date of his
retirement and/or completion.
Chapter IV
Creation Bureau of Fire Protection
Chapter V
Creation Bureau Of jail and Penal Management

Sum up of RA 6975 Sum up of RA 8551


RA 8551

Section 16. Selection Criteria Under the Waiver Program. – The selection of applicants under the Waiver Program shall be
subject to the following minimum criteria:
a) Applicants who possess the least disqualification shall take precedence over those who possess more disqualifications.
b) The requirements shall be waived in the following order: (a) age, (b) height, (c) weight, and (d) education.
The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulations to address other situations arising from the waiver of the entry requirements.
Section 17. Nature of Appointment Under a Waiver Program. – Any PNP uniformed personnel who is admitted due to the waiver
of the educational or weight requirements shall be issued a temporary appointment pending the satisfaction of the requirement
waived. Any member who will fail to satisfy any of the waived requirements within the specified time periods under Section 13 of this
Act shall be dismissed from the service.

Section 18. Re-application of Dismissed PNP Members Under a Waiver Program. – Any PNP member who shall be dismissed
under a waiver program shall be eligible to re-apply for appointment to the PNP: Provided, That he or she possesses the minimum
qualifications under Section 14 of this Act and his or her reappointment is not by virtue of another waiver program.
Section 19. The Field Training Program. – All uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a Field Training Program for twelve
(12) months involving actual experience and assignment in patrol, traffic, and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their
Section 24. Attrition System. – There shall be established a system of attrition within the uniformed members of the PNP within one
(1) year from the effectivity of this Act to be submitted by the PNP to the Commission for approval. Such attrition system shall include
but is not limited to the provisions of the following sections.
Section 25. Attrition by Attainment of Maximum Tenure in Position. – The maximum tenure of PNP members holding key
positions is hereby prescribed as follows:
Chief four (4) years
Deputy Chief four (4) years
Director of the Staff Services four (4) years
Regional Directors six (6) years
Provincial/City Directors nine (9) years
Other positions higher than Provincial Director shall have the maximum tenure of six (6) years. Unless earlier separated, retired or
promoted to a higher position in accordance with the PNP Staffing Pattern, police officers holding the above-mentioned positions
shall be compulsorily retired at the maximum tenure in position herein prescribed, or at age fifty-six (56), whichever is earlier:
Provided, That in times of war or other national emergency declared by Congress, the President may extend the PNP Chief's tour of
duty: Provided, further, That PNP members who have already reached their maximum tenure upon the effectivity of this Act may be
allowed one (1) year more of tenure in their positions before the maximum tenure provided in this Section shall be applied to them,
unless they shall have already reached the compulsory retirement age of fifty-six (56), in which case the compulsory retirement age
shall prevail.
Except for the Chief, PNP, no PNP member who has less than one (1) year of service before reaching the compulsory retirement age
shall be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any other position.
Section 26. Attrition by Relief. – A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved for just cause and has not been given an
assignment within two (2) years after such relief shall be retired or separated.
Section 27. Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank. – Any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who is relieved and assigned
to a position lower than what is established for his or her grade in the PNP staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a

position commensurate to his or her grade within eighteen (18) months after such demotion in position shall be retired or separated.
Section 28. Attrition by Non-promotion. – Any PNP personnel who has not been promoted for a continuous period of ten (10)
years shall be retired or separated.
Section 29. Attrition by Other Means. – A PNP member or officer with at least five (5) years of accumulated active service shall be
separated based on any of the following factors:
a) inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive annual rating periods;
b) inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual rating periods;
c) physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties; or
d) failure to pass the required entrance examinations twice and/or finish the required career courses except for
Section 39. Creation, Powers, and Functions. – An Internal Affairs Service (IAS) of the PNP is hereby created which shall:
a) pro-actively conduct inspections and audits on PNP personnel and units;
b) investigate complaints and gather evidence in support of an open investigation;
c) conduct summary hearings on PNP members facing administrative charges;
d) submit a periodic report on the assessment, analysis, and evaluation of the character and behavior of PNP personnel and
units to the Chief PNP and the Commission;
e) file appropriate criminal cases against PNP members before the court as evidence warrants and assist in the prosecution
of the case;
f) provide assistance to the Office of the Ombudsman in cases involving the personnel of the PNP.
The IAS shall also conduct, motu proprio, automatic investigation of the following cases:
a) incidents where a police personnel discharges a firearm;
b) incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation of human rights occurred in the conduct of a police
c) incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or lost while in the custody of police personnel;
d) incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was seriously injured; and
e) incidents where the established rules of engagement have been violated.
Finally, the IAS shall provide documents or recommendations as regards to the promotion of the members of the PNP or the
assignment of PNP personnel to any key position.
Section 40. Organization. – National, regional, and provincial offices of the Internal Affairs shall be established. Internal Affairs
Service shall be headed by an Inspector General who shall be assisted by a Deputy Inspector General. The area offices shall be
headed by a Director while the provincial offices shall be headed by a Superintendent: Provided, That the head of the Internal Affairs
Service shall be a civilian who shall meet the qualification requirements provided herein.
The commission shall establish a rationalized staffing pattern in the Reorganization Plan as provided for in Section 13 hereof.
Section 41. Appointments. – The Inspector General shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Director
General and duly endorsed by the Commission. Appointments of personnel who shall occupy various positions shall be made by the

Inspector General and shall be based on an established career pattern and criteria to be promulgated by the Commission.
Section 42. Entry Qualifications to IAS. – Entry to the Internal Affairs Service shall be voluntary and subject to rigid screening
where only PNP personnel who have at least five (5) years experience in law enforcement and who have no derogatory service
records shall be considered for appointment: Provided, That members of the Bar may enter the service laterally.
Section 57. Creation and Functions. – The PNP shall establish women's desks in all police stations throughout the country to
administer and attend to cases involving crimes against chastity, sexual harassment, abuses committed against women and children
and other similar offenses: Provided, That municipalities and cities presently without policewomen will have two (2) years upon the
effectivity of this Act within which to comply with the requirement of this provision.
Section 58. Prioritization of Women for Recruitment. – Within the next five (5) years, the PNP shall prioritize the recruitment and
training of women who shall serve in the women's desk. Pursuant to this requirement, the PNP shall reserve ten percent (10%) of its
annual recruitment, training, and education quota for women
Section 59. Gender Sensitivity Program. – The Commission shall formulate a gender sensitivity program within ninety (90) days
from the effectivity of this Act to include but not limited to the establishment of equal opportunities for women in the PNP, the
prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace, and the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation.
Section 60. Administrative Liability. – Any personnel who shall violate the established rules and regulations regarding gender
sensitivity and gender equality shall be suspended without pay for not less than thirty (30) days and shall undergo gender sensitivity
seminar or training: Provided, That any personnel who violates the rules more than twice shall be recommended for demotion or
dismissal from the PNP.
Section 61. Non-prohibition for Promotion. – Nothing in this title shall be construed as a restriction on the assignment of
policewomen to other positions in the PNP nor shall any provisions of this title be used for the non-promotion of a PNP female
personnel to higher position.
Section 77. Effectivity Clause. – This Act shall take effect after its complete publication in at least three (3) newspapers of general
Approved: February 25, 1998



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