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Connieperea@hotmail. Com
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Richard Micheal <>
To: "" <>;
"" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: tools

From: David Merod <>

To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 3:37 PM
Subject: tools

Message body
I work as a SHIPPER. with the TOYOTA GROUP OF COMPANY a SAILOR.., i am
working with TOYOTA CompanyCHINA.....I will be back in the States/home in three
weeks time that's when my off starts I have been in this job for about 6yrs now and
am quitting this time cos I want to get settle down again that is why am here
searching,i have being widowed for 5yrs now.I enjoyed being a married man but
didn't have much time to enjoy my marriage before my wife and I got
separated...Right now all i want is love and care and i don"t know if you are that
right fellow to grant me that into my life, but lets meet first.You can get me on

I am from a very small and quiet family although my dad is dead and mom is
dead too .....i have a house is a duplex that has four room and it is seated in an
6 acres of land it has a lake that runs across it but right now am building a
swimming pool in there but the work stopped since i came back to work here in
Ireland..I have a daughter is 15yrs old going on 16yrs soon.she is Jane by name
nice kid to talk with i am a man who is nice,caring,honest,God fearing, Sincere,
good sense of humor and Understanding.Cos understanding and communication is the
most important thing in a relationship to make it strong and last forever..Cos when
two couples understand themselves i don't see anything that will happen to that will be a happy one...i am looking for someone who is nice.
caring. loving,honest and understanding..someone who have inner beauty cos inner
beauty tells the true and real character of a lady coir is from the inner side of
her u can tell if she is good or bad but it is not all about the physical
appearance but the inner feelings which is the true feelings..I have a pet cat
named sunshine do u care about pets?I love reading the Bible,novels,poets and i do
compose some myself.Maybe later on i will send u some...I love watching movies such
Romance,comedy,thriller and TV Shows....I listen to music like R&B,Gospel and
Kids songs(like Sing along) cos i love children do you love children???

I am looking for and am interest in a relationship on a long term basis with one
woman. I am by nature kind, romantic, very affectionate, understanding and very
passionate and in intimacy I enjoy giving and receiving affection, and am very
open-minded and adventurous as well. I am a well-educated, working professional. I
enjoy reading, dancing, walking on the beach, fishing, going to movies, just
hanging out, and other fun things. I am very sincere and would enjoy a true
romantic and fulfilling relationship. I am also down to earth, honest, not
judgmental in any way, and very giving in a relationship as well as in intimacy.
neither do i drink. Someone who will be there for me in good times and bad times as
well, someone who will be there for me in good times and bad times as well, someone
who will give me her attention and show me her affection as well, and someone i
could give passionate kisses and make sweet love to :X:X

I'm adventurous, romantic, sweet, caring, honest, loyal and some would say
sexy. I suppose it depends on your definition of sexy however. I love a good
conversation and a great debate. And trust me, I know the difference between a
debate and an argument. I'm a lover, not a fighter. But, I will fight very hard for
my loved ones. Family and close friends mean the world to me, and I would do
anything for the people in my life. I get bored easily, so I try to keep things
exciting both in my career and my personal life. That doesn't mean that I don't
enjoy a quiet evening at home, cuddled up in front of the TV watching a good movie.
With the right person, anything can be fun. I'm silly and goofy, but also
understand there is a time and a place for fun and games. My mother raised me to be
a MAN, and I am in all aspects of the word.

I'm a gentle man with big heart and beautiful personality! I'm the caretaker
type. When you are on the side of the road with a flat, I'm the guy who stops. When
you are coming through the door, I'm the guy who holds it for you and gives you a
humble smile and a soft hello. I work hard with my mind and my hands and I am more
"in tune" with life than most people. well educated professional man ,am a
Cool ,respectful, and comprehensive person.Who really wants to experience love in
its full sense.I am very social,an outgoing person.. I am well balanced in my
life. I am a man of true character who believes in giving everyone a fair chance.
I have established some very well thought out career goals with a clear path
and plan to achieve success which is controlling my own destiny and not all the
money in the world. I do have my Christian faith to credit for my life, attitude
and success; however, I don't use the name of God to attract women for my character
speaks for itself. I am not the type of man who is focused entirely on himself.

In the world there are givers and takers, but unfortunately many of us have
experienced the people who take more than they give. Ask yourself a question: What
can I offer another person in a relationship besides money and sex..i am a nice man
looking for a virtuous woman ... just like the virtuous woman In Proverb...31 .
I enjoy life in a quite,peaceful and loving manner.I avoid conflicting
situations that may interrupt my inner peace.I enjoy the company of family, friends
and my companion when I find searching for someone with similar traits, who
will enjoy at least some of the things I like, someone who will appreciate me for
who I am and will support me in all my endeavors to excel in life, who will be my
comforter and share most things with me good or bad,someone I can share my radiance
and sunny disposition with, if you feel you are that person don't hesitate go with
your mind I can be all you want and more.
I have a house which is ready to be occupied very soon, I'm not a racist.and
traits is what i hate mostly in people, ignorance,lying and failure to keep
promises. Life is too juicy to share with the right Lady. I still have a lot of
love to give to my best friend and a lover..I believe that if someone want the Key
of every heart then TRY
The best way for a person to be romantic is by being your own self. Don't let
others tell you what to do. Come up with something no one would expect. Like ask
your girlfriend or boyfriend to make love under the kitchen table. Do something
creative. Show who you are... Tell them how you really feel about them, that you
love them from the inside not just the outside. Say sweet and loving things like:
'Your eyes can make the sun rise,' or 'Your the reason my heart beats,' or 'You
look so good, I wish I could grow a whole field of you... Often the greatest way to
show your love is by giving someone your trust. Open up and tell your mate
something about you that no one else knows.
It's a sure fire way to let them know how special they are and how much they
mean to you... The best way that I have found to show that you love that person is
to pay attention to what they tell you. It's a very easy thing to do, but it is
often overshadowed by personal thoughts or wants... Tell them that they are the
best. Kiss often and comfort each other by holding each other.
A true token of love, to me, is an ability to share a playful moment together.
We as couples usually share work, home life, quiet times and intimate times,but
play is the most romantic and connected feeling of all. When I meet that special
someone who can fulfill all my desires in a person, my only hope is that we will be
able to remain playful throughout our lives Okay.
I'm scared to be love you because deep down i feel that you might walk away,I'm
scared to fall in love with you because you are too perfect i feel like if i love
you i have to love rite you are my everything and i couldn't imaging wasting one
second of it

It is not being in love that makes me happy... but is being in love with YOU that
makes me happy

True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with
you was completely out of my control.

You showed me how it is to be loved. Now I know what really love is. 1 day we will
be together forever. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again
People say you only fall in love once, but when I hear your voice I fall in love
all over again

Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes

Draw a circle, not a heart, around the one you love because a heart can break but a
circle goes on forever.

I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this
flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!

i have seen angels in the sky,

i have seen snowfall in July,
i have seen things you only imagine to see,
but i have not seen anything sweeter than you.

Love can touch you just one time but it can last for a life time.

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.
It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build
till the end.

Love is two hearts beating as one.

I love you from the bottom of my heart. Be mine forever..

It's hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves
you as much.
When the chance comes, don't ever let go.

You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and
love, you are everything to me and I was so blessed when God sent you here for me.

Love knows no reasons, Love knows no lies, Love defines all reasons, Love has no
But love is not blind, Love sees all but doesn't mind.

Love, knows no reason, knows no time, it has a sole intention of bringing people
together to a time, called FOREVER..

I love 3 things! The sun, the moon and U! The sun for the day, the moon for the
night and you forever

There are a million stars and a million dreams, you are the only star for me, the
only dream i dream

One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I'll say: my
life... You'll walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!

It is not being in love that makes me happy... but is being in love with YOU that
makes me happy.

Honey, there is so much I want to tell you, a lot has been running through my head
lately. I'm having trouble putting my thoughts into words so you will have to bare
with me through this.
I keep thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep
thinking about us and what this relationship means to me. I keep thinking about
these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship is my future;
it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience
this crazy love forever and ever, and I really think I'm going to get to. I want us
to walk through new houses picking the one that would be just right for us. I want
to see you walk around our house in a big t-shirt with your hair down and catch me
staring at how gorgeous you are. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and
then I have to get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm. I want to
see you laugh like crazy at me when I do stupid stuff. I want to rub lotion all
over your body because you laid out in the sun too long. I want to hold you when
you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want to fall asleep every night with
you in my arms. I want you to fall asleep on my chest listening to the beat of my
heart and know it beats for you I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake
up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to see your bad morning
hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the
sun set, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously
have for each other.
I want to see you walk down that isle and I want to take your hand for the rest of
my life. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with
an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be sixty years old and still
make out with you like a little schoolboy. I want to cook a meal with you and us
totally ruin it and end up doing take out. I want to sit there talking to you for
hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk
at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get
mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you
try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat
going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've
never been and experience them together. I want us to go skinny-dipping in a hotel
pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because
we're laughing so hard. I want us to go and pick out the hot tub we want with the
biggest grins on our faces the whole time. I want the sales rep to get embarrassed
when we sit in them and make sure we have enough room to do the things we want to
do. I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't
share a love like we do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and
fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling on the ground laughing at me. I
want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely
soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the
bedroom, or the kitchen counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an
office desk, or the shower, which ever one we feel like at the time. i wanna have
kids with you seeing them spoiling thing and disturbing the house doing all their
kids stuff and you telling them to stop honey having kids with you will be the best
thing in life ...
I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know
it's coming from the heart. I want us to be sitting there and watching our child
take their first steps from my arms into yours. I want us to sit down with a box of
strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream;
well, I'll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you
for at least forever if not a little longer. I couldn't really express in words
what I'm feeling right now so I decided to share with you SOME of the images and
thoughts that have been running through my head.
I just want you to know that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest
of my life with until I met you. I really am crazy about you, everything about you.
My heart to you is given: Oh, do give yours to me; We'll lock them up together, And
throw away the key.
Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It's a matter of what's happening in
your heart. my heart is filled with joy@};-
Love is like an hourglass With the heart filling up As the brain empties, you
filled mine.
Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the
hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith,
and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.Life is the flower of which
love is the honey.
honey you will always be mine for now and forever
I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I hear your
voice, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!....
You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat
in my heart.
Thank you for being the one who calms all my inner fears.
I'm not the same since i met u, the days turned longer the nights turned colder and
u will always have a special place in my heart just for you. I LOVE YOU
Honey i love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile,
your magical eyes, and the sound of your voice. I can't wait to feel your gentle
touch, and your warm arms around me I think of how lovely it would be to be by
yourside and how i would feel when i'm with you. I can't stop thinking about you,
we are far apart but i feel your love inside my soul, heart and around me. I need
you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me, now that i have found
you i never wanna lose you for no reason. You are the best thing that has ever
happened to me. You are the one I've always wished for. I never thought that I
would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share
with you on phone and chatting with you i love you so much and i will keep saying
that i love you till my last breath.
Honey here is a song for you click on the link honey... breathless by shyne Ward My heart will go on by Celine
Doin Too serious to soon by Gareth Gates

My teddy bear sweet Marina, am just here thinking of how lovely couples we would
be, please i wanna give you my heart cause am so inlove with you right now i just
wish i could fly off the rig and come and be with you but i have to wait till the
second week of December to get onland, i wanna love you care for you, protect you,
i want you to be the woman i will walk on the beach side with do sweet things too,
grow old with even cook breakfast for you..
I am willing to relocate aslong the woman will love me and love my little boy
aswell, i believe God has sent you to me to be the woman i will go grow old with i
don't care what people will say, all i care is the love and the way am feeling for
you right now, honey hearing your voice today make me feel happy and am just
smiling as am writing you this mail and i will be smiling allday i believe you are
the woman that deserves all my love,tenderness,and protection, please my heart is
yours now please do take care of it...smiling.....@};-@};- kissesssssssssssssssss
and hugs please be safe for me ok....
If only you knew, how my heart overflows with love for you. If only you could see
the way you fill my hopes and dreams.You're the owner of my heart, the ruler
supreme.Even in the dark of night, I've only to think about you to feel your loving
light and from this world I drift feeling as if
I'll never touch the ground again...If only you knew.
If only you could guess how I hear your voice when others speak; for you hold the
key to my happiness, and it's always you my soul seeks.
If only you could feel, how your very presence has the power to heal, all the
wounds inside me. You've made me abandon the pain of yesterday,
and you've shown me that the past can no longer stand in the way of what I hope to
achieve...If only you knew.
If only you could realize the way you've shown me that it's better to give than
to take, and whatever I do, I do for your sake. I'm willing to give you my all and
expect nothing in return. But, oh how I yearn for you...if only you knew.I love you
so much my Darling Wife..
Honey God Loves us............
God protects you; he holds your life in his hands.God has some plans for you,
some small, some big, some grand.God guides you, with a brilliant shining light.God
watches over you through morning, noon, and night.God is always there for you, to
aid you in times of woe.God tries hard to help you see, and learn, and grow.God has
much faith in you; there's nothing you can't achieve.
God encourages you to try, to think, to believe.
God will always love you, and he hopes you'll love him too, God lends a shoulder,
to calm, support, and soothe.God will wait for you; he'll be there in the end.God
will welcome you,because he's your friend.And he has made me happy for bringing you
into my life...kisses and hugs.
Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing
something nice for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD!
He speaks to you through the Holy Spirit. THAT'S GOD!
Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to Talk to?
He wants you to speak to Him. THAT'S GOD!
Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and
then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call from them? THAT'S
There's no such thing as coincidence. THAT'S GOD!
Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for, like money
in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department
store where you had just seen something you wanted, but couldn't afford. He knows
the desires of your heart. . THAT'S GOD. .
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is going to get
better, but now you look back on it?
He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day.THAT'S GOD!
Please share the Power of God. In all that we do, we need to totally give HIM
Thanks and our blessings will continue to multiply.
NOW THAT'S GOD!!!!!!!!
Don't tell GOD how Big your storm is. Tell the storm how Big your GOD is! GOD LOVES
Love knows no distance
In my dreams, I try to see you and take in your whole expanse--from the beauty
of your smile to the depths of your soul where an ocean swells.
I'm rebuilding you out of pieces of clay, with some illogical hope that you'll
materialize out of the darkness.The heart alone can perceive these
dimly lit realities, and trade longing for patience.And I'm living on the hope
borne of these dreams of you, that we'll be together soon.
Time and space, two elements we can�t erase. Two worlds apart, uniting in
thought.Virtually unpredictable,the ocean of emotions we try to contain in a
bubble; feelings we didn�t envision.Yet the yearning, the longing, the thoughts
that maintain the lust ignites a fire untamed by timing;
feelings, we dare to trust.I love you so much and longing to be with you my Darling

Whispers In A Dream
This morning I had a dream
I woke up and you were standing there
whispering in my ear
'Do you believe in me? '
Before I could answer
I truly woke and there was no you
Only fading pieces of my dream ............
I believe in your humanity
I believe in your power
I believe in your laugh
I believe in your touch
I believe in your heart
I believe in your mind
I believe in your fears
I believe in your courage
I believe in your fire
I believe in your soul
I believe in your dreams
I believe in your love
I believe in your hopes
I believe in your desires
I believe in what you were
I believe in what you will be
I do believe you
For You Are The One
For you i would climb the highest mountain peak, Swim the deepest ocean for your
love I do seek.
For you I would cross the rivers most wide, Walk the hottest desert sand just To
have you by my side.
For you are the one Who makes me whole you've captured my heart and touched my
For you are the one that stepped out of my dreams and gave me new hope and showed
me what love means.
For you alone are my reason to live for the compassion you show and the care that
you give.
You came into my life and made me complete each time i look at your picture my
heart skips a beat.
For you define beauty in both body and mind your soft, gentle face more beauty
I'll never find.
For you are the one God sent from above the angel i needed in my life, for whom I
do love.
i love you a lot and you self confidence honey you are truly a woman of inner
beauty i love you more and more each time i talk to you on phone and read your
mails,honey the love i have for you will never change that's me for you am a man of
my words cause my words are my bones, honey i always respect my late mother wish
never hurt a woman, but always protect them, care for them show them love cause
they are like flowers always needing care, honey am a man of God and keep's that
Faith in him, honey me asking for help to our son its not my intention and i feel
ashamed asking you honey, but here i don't have any option cause the money i sent
to him before going offshore was used on his grandmother surgery while i was on the
rig so that the reason they are out of money, honey please do understand okay i
will surely make this right for the both of us and my new Family.
Honey my dad died when i was 4 years old, them we were in Italy cause my dad is
from Italy and my mom from the US, after the death of my dad we move back to the US
just me and my mom and we live in Florida, Lake city till she died of Cancer when i
was 21 year old so after some years i moved to California, Indio, My mom never
talked about my dad Family before she died so i don't know anything about them all
i have now in this world is Just me and my Son and am Glad you came into my life
and accept an empty man, honey i must confess to you, you made me feel like a
Family man once more i love you very much and i would love to be part of you Family
cause you are my Family now, please honey i am gonna be you again please don't
break my Heart...I love you so much and please try and send the money when you can
cause the sooner the better i love my son and i want the best for him, if anything
happen to him i will never forgive myself..Love you so so much kisses and Hugs
Babe.... I really want you to know that I do love you and since the day we start
talking, I have been having this dream about us, I know that with faith we are
going to making it, and I want us to be honest, loving, caring, understanding. With
that we can be together forever, I have a house which is ready to be occupied
very soon, I'm not a racist.the traits i hate mostly in people, ignorance,lying and
failure to keep promises. Life is too juicy to share with the right Lady. I still
have a lot of love to give to my best friend and a lover.I believe that if someone
want the Key of every heart then TRY LOVE.. The best way for a person to be
romantic is by being your own self. Don't let others tell you what to do. Come up
with something no one would expect. Like ask your girlfriend or boyfriend to make
love under the kitchen table. Do something creative. Show who you are... Tell them
how you really feel about them, that you love them from the inside not just the
outside. Say sweet and loving things like: 'Your eyes can make the sun rise,' or
'Your the reason my heart beats,' or 'You look so good, I wish I could grow a whole
field of you... Often the greatest way to show your love is by giving someone your
trust. Open up and tell your mate something about you that no one else knows.
It's a sure fire way to let them know how special they are and how much they mean
to you... The best way that I have found to show that you love that person is to
pay attention to what they tell you. It's a very easy thing to do, but it is often
overshadowed by personal thoughts or wants... Tell them that they are the best.
Kiss often and comfort each other by holding each other. A true token of love, to
me, is an ability to share a playful moment together. We as couples usually share
work, home life, quiet times and intimate times,but play is the most romantic and
connected feeling of all. When I meet that special someone who can fulfill all my
desires in a person, my only hope is that we will be able to remain playful
throughout our lives Okay.....The miracle of love shines bright in my life every
day. I've only to think about you, and I escape to endless sunny days, happily
adrift in the paradise we've made. When I'm with you, nothing but the beauty of
true love sings in my heart. I've offered you the pen, and you've drawn the chart
to a happiness I never knew existed.
This miracle is something I'm unable to understand, and could never begin to
explain. I only know that it makes me happy to be with you, a feeling that I
promise will never fade, never wane. When you hold my hand, I'm complete at last,
finally able to evade, the loneliness that haunted
me in the past. There's something special about you that sets you apart. Your smile
sends a little piece of heaven to my heart. And I want you to know that you need
never fear; for you, I'll always be here year after year. Every day I pray, that
you're in my life to stay. Together, we'll share this miracle of love, and count
ourselves among the lucky ones blessed by angels above....In a dream, I saw your
face. You smiled at me and held out your hand. I felt a spark inside my heart when
you said that you love me. As I stood beneath that sky of blue, I drifted
weightless like the clouds, and all because you had said, three simple words:
"I love you." I closed my eyes, knees frail and weak. I opened my mouth, but
couldn't speak. I took your hand and smiled at you, and the look in my eyes, said,
"I love you too
I would love to be a still pool of water if you were the stars shining over me. I
would love to be a butterfly if you were the thicket resting under me.
I would love to be a great canyon if you were the echo that called to me. I would
love to be a bare branch if you were the wind passing across me.
I would love to be a sandy shore if you were the waves caressing me. I would love
to be a pair of lips if you were the lips kissing me. I would love to be whatever
you need as long as I could be with you...I'm grateful for all of the beauty I've
seen; for the satin petals of every red rose and for the forests green. I'm
grateful for the beauty of blazing sunsets against the black velvet sky, and for
the clouds that gracefully dance by. I'm grateful for the beauty of every crystal
waterfall, for the daffodils in the spring and the orange leaves of fall. I'm
grateful for the beauty of rainbows and grass lush with morning dew, but more than
anything I'm grateful for the beauty I've found in you.

Good Morning
Each time you awake and face a new day, remember that I'll be beside you. I'll hold
your hand in mine and be the light that guides you. but if you ever lose your way,
I'll be your hero. I'll be there to save the day. I'll always make you happy, and
make you feel loved,the way your heart desires,the way you've dreamed of.before I
went to sleep, I wanted to hold you and love you, and tell you how much I love you,
but I couldn't. because you're so far away,I dreamed about you, and your sweet
kiss, and when I awoke, I yearned to touch you.I can not describe the giddy feeling
when you cross my mind. I am so amazingly happy and content and forever I want to
spend in your life, in your world and in your arms forever.
Loving you ,

Good Morning
When I think about you, a million warm memories come to me,a gentle hand reaching
out to warm mine, kind words to move and lift me, so much wisdom and happiness to
share. You're all of this and more, always strong, ever caring and giving of
yourself. You're one of the greatest gifts that I've ever received, a constant
source of joy for all of my tomorrows. And I'll love and treasure you
took my heart in just a second. i am so happy I have you in my life. I couldn't ask
for anything else in this entire world - 'cause, my love, I found all I have ever
wanted or needed in you, The times we shared together are times I will always
cherish, I am looking forward to all the times we will have in the future,,
Love always,

� I thought I will never find a woman like that� I thought I just can have a woman
with such characteristics in my dreams� but suddenly� one day� coming out of
nowhere� appeared a singular woman� a very special Lady� MY PRAY COME TRUE� MY
i Miss you... .

Goodmorning ,
thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for
me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to
repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life.As
long as my heart beats, I shall seek out your soul and feel fulfilled.I am always
here, and there, in your heart. Think of me and my warmth will be the blanket for
you to sleep tight in the night. Look to the sky at night, and when you see a
sparkle of a very shining star ... that's me,my love, thinking of how much I love
you and miss you. Look to the moon, thousands of miles away from you ... I will be
looking at the moon are my sunrises and sunsets i love you .
Love Always


When we were so innocently playing cribbage that day on the computer, neither of us
were looking for love. We chatted as we played and quickly became interested in one
I was skeptical at first because of the pain I had felt from others but you
quickly erased any doubts that I had. You made me feel so comfortable that I know I
can talk to you about anything. You have quickly become a very important person in
my life and I am anxious to see where this goes.
The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you," it was like a load
had been taken off my shoulders. I heard them but was scared. I wanted to hear them
again and again for the rest of my life from you.You have opened up new and
exciting doors for us that I can't wait to explore with you. When I feel your
touch, my heart melts and my soul is set on fire with desire to hold you and kiss
you. You have become my very best friend and my lover. So, make no mistake, Dear,
this is love.

I love you with all my heart and soul, now and forever. Thank you for being you and
wanting me.
Tom Collins.

Good Morning
Each time you awake and face a new day, remember that I'll be beside you. I'll hold
your hand in mine and be the light that guides you. but if you ever lose your way,
I'll be your hero. I'll be there to save the day. I'll always make you happy, and
make you feel loved,the way your heart desires,the way you've dreamed of.before I
went to sleep, I wanted to hold you and love you, and tell you how much I love you,
but I couldn't. because you're so far away,I dreamed about you, and your sweet
kiss, and when I awoke, I yearned to touch you.I can not describe the giddy feeling
when you cross my mind. I am so amazingly happy and content and forever I want to
spend in your life, in your world and in your arms forever.
Loving you ,

Good Morning
When I think about you, a million warm memories come to me,a gentle hand reaching
out to warm mine, kind words to move and lift me, so much wisdom and happiness to
share. You're all of this and more, always strong, ever caring and giving of
yourself. You're one of the greatest gifts that I've ever received, a constant
source of joy for all of my tomorrows. And I'll love and treasure you
took my heart in just a second. i am so happy I have you in my life. I couldn't ask
for anything else in this entire world - 'cause, my love, I found all I have ever
wanted or needed in you, The times we shared together are times I will always
cherish, I am looking forward to all the times we will have in the future,,
Love always,

Good Morning
All my life I�ve being praying to God to send me a woman like this: honest, lovely,
tender, loyal, intelligent, wise, romantic, sincere, single, sharing, very good
looking, attractive, very Beautiful,in a good shape, smart and the most important
of all� THAT SHE LOVES ME DEEPLY AND ENDLESS�I thought I was asking too much from
God� I thought I will never find a woman like that� I thought I just can have a
woman with such characteristics in my dreams� but suddenly� one day� coming out of
nowhere� appeared a singular woman� a very special Lady� MY PRAY COME TRUE� MY
i Miss you... .

Goodmorning ,
thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for
me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to
repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life.As
long as my heart beats, I shall seek out your soul and feel fulfilled.I am always
here, and there, in your heart. Think of me and my warmth will be the blanket for
you to sleep tight in the night. Look to the sky at night, and when you see a
sparkle of a very shining star ... that's me,my love, thinking of how much I love
you and miss you. Look to the moon, thousands of miles away from you ... I will be
looking at the moon are my sunrises and sunsets i love you .
Love Always

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By @Blackbonez

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