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Effects of Financial Problem to the Academic Performance of Senior High School


When you say financial problem, everyone can relate right? Parents, seniors,
teenagers, and even the students. Did the financial problem affects the way students
live? Yes imagine this waking up early in the morning, thinking where will they get some
money to expenses in their everyday life.
Financial problem is very much a big problem on our life, especially when it
comes on education, there's a lot of money we need. Money is very important because
the things we need everyday can be bought by it. School supplies, payments, and any
other expenses in school. Even if a student is a scholar, he still needs money for some
projects and payments. If you don‘t have money you cant buy anything and that is the
biggest problem in every school. That’s why a lot of students stop to go to school.
This research investigates the impact of financial constraints on senior high
school student’s academic performance, identifying specific challenges and exploring
potential strategies to mitigate these issues.
Previous studies have highlighted various ways in which financial problems can
impact students academic performance. These may include limited access to
educational resources, heightened stress level, reduced motivation and increased
likelihood of engaging in part-time work at the expense of studying. However, the
intersectionality of socio-economic status, family dynamics, and individual coping
mechanism adds complexity to this relationship, necessitating a comprehensive
Statement of the Problem

This research focuses on the effects of financial problem to the academic

performance of senior high school students, specifically, this study answer the following
specific problems:
1. What is the socio-economic profile of the senior high school students in
terms of:
 Members of family,
 Occupation of parents, and
 Monthly income of family.
2. What are the effects of financial problem to the academic performance of
senior high school students?
3. What are the ways to lessen the impact of the financial problem to the
academic performance of senior high school students?
Scope and Delimitation

This study covers the effect of financial problem in the academic performance of
senior high school students of Salvacion National High School for the S.Y. 2023-2024.
The focus of this study is to know the effect of financial problem to the academic
performance of senior high school students and what are the ways to lessen the impact
of the financial problem to the academic performance of students. The focus of this
research is only the Grade 11 and 12 in batch S.Y. 2023-2024.

Significance of the Study

This study holds significant importance as it delves into impact of financial

problems on the academic performance of senior high school students. This research
provides valuable insights that can inform educational policies and interventions. The
findings have the potential to empower educators, administrators, and parents with
deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the students dealing financial
Furthermore, the study contributes to the broader conversation on equity in
education, highlighting socioeconomic factors that can hinder or enhance a student's
academic journey. Recognizing and addressing the effects of financial constraints on
educational outcomes is crucial for fostering an inclusive and supportive learning
Moreover, the research outcomes can guide the development of targeted
support mechanisms, ranging from financial aid programs to mentorship initiatives,
aimed at mitigating the negative impact of financial stress on students' academic
achievements. Ultimately, this study not only expands our knowledge of the intricate
interplay between financial circumstances and academic success but also serves as a
catalyst for fostering a more equitable and enriching educational experience for senior
high students.
Definition of Terms

 Academic Performance: Refers to the level of achievement or success

demonstrated by students in their educational pursuits, including grades, test
scores, and overall learning outcomes.
 Senior High Students: Specifically, students in the senior high school level,
typically ranging from grades 11 to 12, who are in the final stages of their
secondary education before transitioning to higher education or the workforce.
 Financial Problems: Encompasses various challenges related to managing
finances, including limited income, high expenses, debt burdens, and inadequate
access to resources needed to meet basic needs and obligations.
 Impact: Describes the influence or effect that financial problems have on
academic performance, including both direct and indirect consequences such as
stress, anxiety, motivation, and ability to concentrate on studies.
 Educational Expenses: Refers to the costs associated with pursuing education,
including tuition fees, textbooks, school supplies, transportation, and other
related expenditures required for academic participation and success.
 Stress: Beyond financial stress, this term could be defined more broadly as the
physiological and psychological response to pressure, adversity, or challenges,
which can affect cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and overall health.
 Financial stress: refers to the pressure or strain individuals feel due to financial
difficulties, such as not having enough money to cover expenses, debt burdens,
or worries about future financial security.

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