Angol-1 Feladatlap1

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LANGWEST 2017 Országos Tehetségkutató Tanulmányi Verseny


A feladatlap kitöltése alatt semmilyen segédeszköz nem használható!

A rendelkezésre álló idő: 60 perc

I. Melyik szó nem illik a sorba a jelentése miatt? A megfelelő válasz betűjelét jelöld X-el
a válaszlapon!

1. A/ rubber B/ pencil case C/ pet D/ pen

2. A/ mother B/ uncle C/ niece D/ nice
3. A/ PE B/ Hungary C/ Maths D/ History
4. A/ eyes B/ short C/ slim D/ tall
5. A/ piano B/ violin C/ guitar D/ tennis
6. A/ library B/ bedroom C/ supermarket D/ post office
7. A/ next to B/ in front of C/ under D/ sofa
8. A/ eighty B/ eighteenth C/ eight D/ eighteen
9. A/ carrots B/ cherries C/ oranges D/ peaches
10. A/ England B/ Italian C/ Spain D/ Germany
II. Helyes vagy helytelen? Melyek a helyesen leírt szavak? Jelöld a válaszlapon!

11/ glasses 12/ boxs 13/ leavs 14/ women 15/ knives 16/ potatos 17/ teeth
18/ giraffes 19/ radios 20/ babyes

III. Melyek azok a szavak, amelyek végén /s/ hangot ejtünk? pl. likes /s/ Jelöld a

21/ takes 22/ flies 23/ goes 24/ cooks 25/ makes 26/ loves 27/ watches
28/ thinks 29/ plays 30/ enjoys

IV, Melyek a nyelvtanilag helyes mondatok? Jelöld a válaszlapon!

31. There are lion and tigers at the zoo.

32.Does your friends like playing football?

33. Ben has got a TV but he hasn’t got a computer.

34. Which is Sally house?

35. Who sits next to you in class?
36. Whose pen are you using now?
37. My parents stayed at home yesterday.
38. When do usually you clean your room?
39. The children is playing in the garden at the moment.
40. Do your wife often go shopping?

V. Melyik szó illik az üres helyre a mondatban? A megfelelő válasz betűjeléhez tegyél
X-et a válaszlapon!

A/ playing B/ yours C/ jumping D/ your E/ has

F/ on G /in H/ feeding I/ listen J/ go

41. My grandfather sometimes works in the garden….(1)….Saturday afternoon.

42.She always …..(2)….. lunch at noon.

43. This is…..(3)…

44. That house is…..(4)……

45. He is…..(5)……. computer games now.

46. The horse is…….(6) over the fence at the moment.

47. Birds sing …..(7) the morning.

48. My friends ……(8) ……to music at the weekend.

49. They never …..(9)… the cinema on Wednesday.

50. Mary and Peter are….(10)…..the ducks now.

VI. Melyik szó illik a mondatban az üres helyre? A mondatba illő szó betűjelét jelöld a
válaszlapon X-el!

Nem baj, ha nem értesz minden szót, próbáld meg kitalálni a helyes szavakat!

51. ……..the woodcutter catch the wolf last week?

A/ Does B/ Have C/ Did D/ Is

52. The crane and his wife ……..unhappy because a big cobra ate their eggs.
A/ were B/ can C/ was D/ will
53. The mongoose decided to climb the tree in search of food…….
A/ next week B/ now C/ yesterday D/ before

54. …………..three merchants in this small town now.

A/ There are B/ There were C/ There was D/ They are

55. Those are…………dolls.

A/ Sue B/ Sue’s C/ Sue’ D/ Sues’

VII. A kérdésekhez keresd meg a válaszokat! A helyes válaszok betűjelét jelöld X-el a
kérdés száma mellett!
56. Where are you from? A/ No, I haven’t.

57. What do you do? B/ A pair of jeans.

58. How are you? C/ $5.

59. When do you start school? D/ At 8.

60. How much does it cost? E/ I’m OK, thanks.

61. What does she do in her free time? F/ London.

62. What did you buy yesterday? G/ I’m a student.

63. Where were you on Friday? H/ She plays volleyball.

64. Do you have a brother or a sister? I/ At the zoo.

65. Are they sleeping now? J/ Yes, they are.

VIII. Igaz (true) -Hamis (false)? A válaszlapon jelöld X-el, hogy a mondatok tartalma
igaz vagy hamis!
66. You can never see a spider in a house.
67. It often rains in autumn.
68. A squirrel hasn’t got a long tail.
69. Penguins can’t fly.
70. A butterfly has got legs.
71. Your aunt isn’t the sister of your father or mother.
72. You can’t swim in the library.
73. There are clothes in the washing machine.
74. You can eat watermelon in summer.
75. New York is in England.

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