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Office of the Faculty Members College of Teacher Education Department.

Minutes of the Meeting Faculty Members of the Teacher Education Department.

Date: November 29, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Venue: Faculty Room, 305 HEB Building

Facilitator: Deborah Smith

The Dean of the Department

Attendees: In attendance by:

Instructor Ms. Andrea Maxwell

Profesor Mr. Christian Doruca

Assistant Professor Ms. Norhata Macadatar

Associate Professor Ms. Lilia Johnson

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:10 PM by the Dean Ms. Deborah Smith.

Agenda: The agenda of the meeting was discussion of:

Many students are always absent during friday.

Address the main reason for absenteeism of the students.

Provide solution on the to lessen the absenteeism of the students.

Meeting Proper:

I. Routinary Activities

The principal noticed that a lot of students are absent during friday class. She asked if the
educatora do have idea on what is the reason of their absent. Ms. Andrea Maxwell they figured
out that some students find it hard to get out of the bed every friday, that's why she suggested
to have a pancake breakfast every friday to encourage student to go to school. As discused by
Ms. Lilia Johnson she said the factors that affects students as well because the weather is
getting colder again that's why some students are getting sick, so that they should start putting
poster about the importance of proper hygiene. At the same time students absent because of
their personal situations.
II. Introduction and Meeting Agenda

The principal noticed as well a particular student named John Smith who had been missed
seven fridays. She asked if anyone had any ideas why John is not attending friday classes. Mr.
Christian Doruca his professor estated that John is having an issue on his family at the same
time he is the one who is taking care his younger sibling and because of these the faculty
member suggested that he should talk with the guidance counselor and check some community
help resources.

III. Presentation of accomplishment and action plan of the University.

The principal provided the progress of school on the past few months particularly in
attendance, test score, behavior of the students and she said the continue this good doings for
more succes of school.

Action Plans Provided by

Have a pancake every Friday morning to Ms. Andrea Maxwell

encourage student to come to school.

Put informative poster for the student Ms. Lilia Johnson

maintain their healthiness and avoid being
Associate Professor

Coordinate with the guidance counselor about Ms. Norhata Macadatar

the case of one student who struggle with his
Assistant Professor
family problem and taking care of his younger

Check the low cost resources on the Mr. Christian Doruca

community to help the student who is

No further discussion

Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.

Angeline Perez

Secretary of the Faculty

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