Devrelopment OC, - 4: Atmosphere

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Effective Dielectric Constant of the

Atmosphere During Snowstorms and Its

Influence upon Corona Losses
A. S. Tinmascheff, Senior Member IEEE

Summary: Heavy corona losses have been observed during Corona losses during rain have been investigated much more
snowstorms, particularly in Canada. The amount of these than during snow. The intensity of rain, measured in in./hr
losses sometimes exceeds those during rainstorms. A tentative . . . .
explanation is given based on the consideration of the 'effective
dielectric constant" during precipitation. Calculations and
mainnfacor in desribinga ralnstorm
the point of view of corona losses. The presently avail-
model measurements indicate a tremendous difference between able loss charts are, therefore, sufficiently reliable. The
rain and snow. The surface potential gradient during heavy losses versus rain intensity curve shows some "saturation"
snowstorms may be increased by as much as 10 to 20%.. trend as can be seen from Fig. 1 (dash-dotted curve), traced
on the base of Figs. 7, 8 of reference 6 for a 4-subconductor
Considerable effort has been spent during the last two decades bundle at a surface gradient of 17 kv rms/cm (centimeter).
in order to promote a better understanding of the corona effect The main cause of losses are droplets hanging from the conduc-
on high-tension transmission lines, particularly the laws tor bottom, and perhaps the local field concentrations on the
governing corona losses. As in studies of other complex surface of rain droplets crossing the conductor neighbor-
phenomena, the simpler cases have been investigated first. hood.9
The general approach was to collect first evidence. A cer- Conditions are much more complex in the case of snow be-
tain systematization of results and development of empirical cause the intensity of snowfall is not the only main charac-
formulas covering correctly most cases was the second step. teristic of a snow-storm. The shape, density, and degree of
Finally, a thorough explanation of the physica.l background wetness of snowflakes are of major importance; they can com-
became the ultimate aim. bine in an infinity of ways.
This paper is an attempt to contribute a tentative explana- Fig. 1 shows as solid curve corona losses versus intensity
tion of extreme corona losses as they sometimes are observed of snowfall in equivalent inches of water per hour (converted
during heavy snowstorms.i "back" from reference 6 using the same conversion ratio
10: 1). A curve of this type necessarily is only an approxima-
Corona Losses During Precipitation tion. It shows, however, appreciably higher loss values than
during rain of similar intensity. There is also no "saturation"
Eal inetgtr sucee toetbihcre.n trend aUt all in the shape of the curve. In a special case of a
formulas for the fair weather corona losses with an appreciable 10k nothe
10k otenCnda
Canadia trams
Ine eqippe
cy. Some
degree of accuracy.
degree a S side effects, however, are appar- maximum demand meters, excessive peaks, evidently due to
ently not quite explained
ently not ies nded
even now. 2
Corona losses under foul wveather conditions depend upon
corona losses, have been observed only on days with at least
some snowfall.
so many factors that a large amount of experimental data snows oron
had to be collected first. Utilities and great manufacturing dcor neighborh e certanlaus crossing the con-
companies conducted long series of tests at their experimental Hor theosame ap e totelo during ran. lppreci
high-voltage stations (as, e.g., Rheinau, Chevilly, Tidd, Lead- ableder,ensite
liev to losses during rainstormsan
ifrne ntelvlo ossdrn

antrn n
ville, ville,Pitsfield,oldwater Appl Grove,
Pittsfield Coldwater Apple Grove, etc.)3-8
etc.)- and
many heavy snowstorms are difficult to explain considering only
others. It proved necessary to spread test series over long differences of rain droplets and snowflakes sticking to the
periods of time and evaluate them statistically in order to conductor. Existence of an additional condition is likely.
obtairn reliable information of a still limited accuracy, how-
ever. This inaccuracy is partially based upon the difficulty to
specify exact meteorological conditions in foul weather.
The highest losses have been observed during hoar-frost 25
conditions, which is almost self-explanatory as sharp ice-
needles sticking to the conductor surface produce extreme
local field concentrations. 20

Paper 64-39, recommended by the IEEE Transmission and Dis- LO

tribution Committee and approved by the IEEE Technical Opera- 1,- __ __
tions Committee for presentation at the IEEE Winter Power Meet- °
ing, New York, N. Y., February 2-7, 1964. Manuscript submitted cr l3
November 4, 1963; made available for printinlg December 12, 1963.m |X
A. S. TIMAS5CHEFF is with Universite Laval, Quebec, Que., Canada. lI-
3 0
The author acknowledges his indebtedness to Dr. Vincent J. Schaefer, - ty
State University of New York, Atmospheric Sciences Research U) IQ
Center and to H. K. Weickman, United States Armny Electronics Fig. 1. Corona losses w t5___
Research forand
Branch, Devrelopment
valuable information concerning Atmospheric
volume of snow flakes and rain drops per unity of space. The author
also expresses his gratitude to Mr. S. B. Griscom of the Westinghouse
Electric Corporation and to Mr. L. Boulet, Universit, Laval, for
the possible relative of a test line versus
precipitation inten-
sity in equivalent
Inches of water per
OC, C° __ b

___ _
0.25 0.50 0.75
vraluable suggestions. hour (IN. EQUIV. WATER/HRI

492 Timascheff-Effective Dielectric Constant of Atmosphere During Snowstorms MAY 1964

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Fig. 2. Electrolytic model of Fig. 3. Relative in- 75
a space element with the crease Ae/IE of the
corresponding precipitation _ ____ - effective dielectric
volume in its center _ ___
__ constant" versus the EXPERIME TAL
____ - - relative precipitation AE/E C
-- ~~~volume25__

0 5 10 15 20

Relative Space-Enclosing Volume of Precipitation and space; only a small percentage of the volume is occupied by
the Effective Dielectric Constant scattered clusters of snowflakes. Therefore, air only has to
One possibility of approaching a reasonable explanation is to be taken into account for the calculation of the surface
detect a "space property" which is quantitatively much more gradient of conductors. The influence of local field concen-
in evidence during snowstorms than during rainstorms; such a trations due to individual snowflakes is an additional effect not
property is the relative space-enclosing volume of water in liq- to be discussed here.
uid or crystalline conditions per unit of space. The relative For given potentials of transmission line conductors the
density of snow can attain values as low as 1/30 of that of electric charges are proportional to the capacitances, hence to
water, whereas the average fall-speed of snow is of the order of the "apparent" (macroscopic) dielectric constant of the space.
1/20 of the fall-speed of rain, which is in the range of 30 feet per As the surface gradient of a conductor is proportional to its
second. In other words, the relative volume of snow crystals charge, it becomes evident that this gradient increases linearly
can be easily 20 X30 = 600 times greater than that of rain-at with the "apparent" or "effective" dielectric constant. Thus,
the same rate of equivalent precipitation per unity of time. the difference in the "macroscopic" and "microscopic"
Snowflakes in an electrostatic field can be considered as properties of space carrying precipitation is the only cause of
noncharged conductors; fluffy clusters of flakes can be re- the considered effect.
placed by circumscribed surfaces, whose relative volume per
unity of space is even greater than that of individual crystals. Quantitative Evaluation by Model Measurements
As the configuration of these surfaces can not be specified The problem is now to find the quantitative value of the
exactly, it appears permissible to replace this mixture of capacitance increase versus the relative volume v of the pre-
different shapes by bodies of equal volumes but of a uniform, cipitation per unity of space, the corresponding sphere being
simple shape, namely by spheres. placed in the center of the elementary cube. The analytical
The space homogeneously filled with this type of bodies solution of this 3-dimensiolnal problem with boundary condi-
produces a change of the effective capacitance of conductors tions would involve a lengthy calculation (see the Appendix
located in it. It is always possible to split the space in for an approximation). The use of an electrolytic model
elementary cubes so small that the field within each of them was judged sufficiently accurate, as the representation of
can be considered homogeneous. It is possible then to con- clustered snowflakes by spheres is in itself an approximation.
sider two opposite sides of each cube (equipotential surfaces) Fig. 2 shows schematically the cross section of the model
as plane conductors; the other sides of the cube coincide with used. A container with an interior volume of 25/8 X 25/8 X 25/8
force lines. The capacitance between the opposite sides can inches consisted of transparent plastic sides and a similar
be calculated taking into account the dielectric constant of free cover plate with a thin central whole. Two 1/16-inch-thick
space. Assuming a homogeneously distributed precipitation,
it is logical to place the total volume of it per elementary cube
in its center-in the shape of a sphere. The uncharged con-
ducting sphere evidently increases the effective capacitance
between opposite sides of the elementary cube. For suffi-
ciently great distances between the transmission line conduc-
tors, the "macroscopic" effect of precipitation upon the con-
ductor capacitance can be duplicated by assuming a com- I/5000%
pletely homogeneous space, however, with an increased "effec- <1/200%/ (A)
tive" or "apparent" dielectric constant, proportional to the
increase of the capacitance between the opposite sides of the
elementary cube. It is evident, that the space, considered
"microscopically," still is not homogeneous. Indeed, almost
all the volume, particularly the conductor surroundings, con-
sist of air with a dielectric constant equal to that of freell
Fig. 4. Space element -J 0/

a to-scale rep resentation of I %) l (B)

Table I the corresponding precipi- \\ /
Sphere diameter, inches 5/8 15/16 11/4 1'/2 ill/,. tation volume (sphere) -10%
Relative volume v, % 0.70 2.39 5.61 9.67 13.90__
Increase AfJ of the effective A-Rain
dielectric constant, % 1.7 5.3 16.0 27.2 45.4 B-Snow ____________

MAY 1964 Timaseheff-Effective Dielectric Constant of Atmosphere During Snowstorms 493

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"The ratio of the total volume of raindrops to the volume
-- _ _ - ---9 of considered space in a heavy downpour turns out to lie
somewhere between 1:500,000 and 1: 20,000 (v= 1/5000%0 to
'1/200%,O) with the former value being representative of
P 0 2 41 Pl p 0 2 44 pI thunderstorms and the latter being an absolute maximum."
I 2 ~~~~~~Fig.4(A) shows to scale the total precipitation volume
24 0 P4 XH 1 2 shape of a sphere placed in the middle of an ele-
in the
0 mentary cube. The increase of the effective constant with
even the absolute maximum of rain (v = 1/200%) is com-
pletely negligible as can be seen from Fig. 3.
According to the Atmospheric Sciences Research Center,
< r State University of New York:
"The space-enclosing volume of clustered snow of the type
(A) (B) which falls in the air as snowflakes should range from 2 to 8%.
Fig. 5. Graphical determination of the capacitance increase A value of 5% would be a good average value. Dry stellar
between two sides of a space element of infinite length and crystals would be 2 to 4%. Wet stellars and needles have a
quadratic cross section when a cylinder of infinite length and higher figure,". . .but it is doubtful. .. "that they would ever
circular cross section is placed in its centerline exceed 10% except under very unusual conditions."
Fig. 4(B) shows to scale the total precipitation volume in the
manner of Fig. 4(A) for v = 5% (average) and 10%0 (extreme).
The increase LE/E of the effective dielectric constant and there-
brass plates covering opposite sides could be connected to a fore of the surface gradient of high-voltage conductors is then,
battery over a milliammeter and a switch, the electrolyte according to Fig. 3, approximately 13% and 28% respectively.
being very slightly salted water. Five perfect steel spheres This gradient increase will produce extremely high corona
were available to represent the precipitation-SKF balls of the losses if the normal gradient is already marginal.
following diameters: 5/8-inch; 15/16-inch; 11/4-inch; 1'/2-
inch, aind 11/,6-inch. To avoid appreciable polarization Conclusions
small currents were used for brief intervals sufficient to make
a reading; for each ball an additional reading was made after 1. It can be stated on the basis of evidence collected from
removing the sphere from the container. authoritative sources that the space-enclosing relative volume
If 2a = A is the edge length of the cube and 2r = D the ball v per unity of space during snowstorms can attain 5 to 10%,
diameter, then the relative volume v of the sphere is whereas the same relative volume for the heaviest rain down-
v = 7r(D/A )3/6 and D/A = r/a = pour never exceeds 1/200%.
/6v/r 2. It has been shown how a homogeneously distributed pre-
Table I shows the calculated values of the relative volume cipitation can increase the effective dielectric constant of space.
correspondinig to the five spheres used and also the increase of For v = 1/200%0 (rain) this increase is negligible, but for v = 5%
capacit;anee (or "effective dielectric constant") measured on (snow) it is of the order of 13%.
the model. Fig. 3 represents these results by the solid curve. 3. The increase of the effective dielectric constant of spae
Practically Encountered Values of the Space-Enclosing will have several effects:
Precipitation Volume (a). The surface potential gradient and therefore the corona
losses of the marginally designed high-tension lines will increase
The following authoritative information concerning the drastically.
maximum relative volume v of precipitation per unity of
obtained. (b). Mvar (reactive megavolt-ampere) demand meters will
show sharp peaks (positive or negative depending upon the sign
of the sustained mvar load).
(c). The propagation speed of electromagnetic
According to the United States Army Electronics Research waves will decrease, which willw=c/V,\e
produce during heavy snow-
and Development Laboratory, Atmospheric Physics Branch, storms exaggerated readings on the altimeters of landing air-
Fort Monmouth, N. J. (see also reference 10): craft.

4.4 6 10.6
0 2 41 0 2 4 0 2 4 6 8 l0o

Ai 41 Fig. 6. Original tracings accord

\ < \[ B-r/a=0.75
(A) (B) (C) C-r/a=0

494 Timaschef-Effeciive Dielectric Constant of Atmosphere During Snowstorms MIAY 1964

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Table 1I dielectric constant increase AE/sE= AC/C are listed in Table II
0.20- 0.50
0.50 0.75
and represented by the dotted line in Fig. 3.
The final, analytical 3-dimensional solution should co-
100 7rr , =
49 196 442 incide with the experimental curve (spheres), the solid line in
(2a)2* Fig. 3.
Affe %= 10 50 165
ENT CALCULATIONS," J. Reichman. AIEE Transactions, pt. III
Appendix (Power Apparatus and Systems), vTol. 78, Aug. 1959, pp. 598-607.
It is of some interest to compare the model test results with HIH-OTAE TRANSMISS LLINES,
ION RAsom Pocsngs
S S. BB. Griscom. Proceedings
approximate calculations based on different assumptions con- of the American Power Conference, Chicago, Ill., vol. 23, 1961.
cerning the character of the homogeneous distribution of the
preiptatonin the space. 1- *a1 3. MEASUREMENTS
The simplest way of calculation is* the "one-dimensional (GERMANY) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BUNDLE CONDUCTORS,
approach." The volume of precipitation is assumed to be R. Bartenstein, G. Lesch. Paper no. 402, CIGRE, Paris, France, 1956,
homogeneously distributed in the shape of thin equidistant no. 402, pp. 1-10.-
infinite sheets. In an elementary cube a sheet is assumed
parallel toto
parallel th~ ~
opposite eqioeta sie.afa
equipotential sides halfway between
Forschungsgemneinschaft, II: KORO-
them. It is evident in this simplest case that the relative berg, Germany, 1958.
increase of capacitance and of the effective dielectric constant is 5. ETUDES DE L'EFFET DE COURONNE SUR LIGNES AERIENNES X
As 1 V TRES HAUTE TENSION, V. V. Bourgsdorf, L. V. Egorova, N. P. Emelia-
-=--1= nov, N. N. Tikhodeev. Paper no. 413, CIGRE, 1960, No. 413, pp.
e 1-v 1-v 1-21.
where v is the thickness of the sheet referred to the distance 6. CORONA. Loss RESEARCH AT THE ONTARIO HYDRO COLDWATER
between opposite sides (see dashed line in Fig. 3). PROJECT, 0. Nigol, J. G. Cassan. AIEE Transactions, pt. III,
The "2-dimensional approach" is better. The volume of vol. 80, June 1961, pp. 304-13.
precipitation is assumed to be distributed in space homogeneously 7. LEADVILLE HIGH-ALTITUDE EXTR.A-HIGH VOLTAGE TEST PROJ-
in the shape of infinite parallel circular cylinders (of a radius r). ECT. PT. II-CORONA Loss INVESTIGATIONS, L. M. Robertson,
The square PP'QQ' in Fig. 5 with the side length 2a represents D. F. Shankle, J. C. Smith, J. E. O'Neil. Ibid., Dec., pp. 725--32.
one element of this 2-dimensional problem with boundary S. 500-KV LINE DESIGN. PT. 111-CONDUCTORS, R. L. Thompson,
conditions. PP' and QQ' are traces of equipotential planes. L. 0. Barthold, J. J. LaForest, C. B. Lindh. IEEE Transactions
The relative number of flux tubes between PP' and QQ' in on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 82, Aug. 1963, pp. 587-94.
presence [Fig. 5(A)] and absence [Fig. 5(B)J of the cylinder is 9. INFLUENCE SUR L EFFET DE COURONNE DU DIAMETRE ET DU
then the ratio of the corresponding capacitances. It can be PROFIL DES CABLES DES LIGNES AEiRIENNES A TREIS HRUTE TENSION.
found easily using a graphical trial-and-error method leading to F. Cahen, R. Pelissier. Revue Generale de l'Electricite, Juily 1949,
a field distribution with quadratic meshes. p. 287.
Figs. 6(A), (B), (C) are traced for r/a=0.25; 0.50; 0.75. 10. Electrical Engineering, Feb. 1962, p. 136 (nvk under "Progress
The corresponding values of the relative volume v and of the in Technology").

Radio Noise Studies on Power

Lines with the Coronaphone
J. R. Leslie, Senior Member IEEE H. O'Beirnee, Member IEEE

The exact location of radio interference (RI) sources on a phone, described here and shown in Fig. 1. The coronap)hone
power line has been a problem of long standing in the utility operates by detecting the audible sound produced by the
field. The difficulties have been such that even today corona discharge, but this sound does not travel along the
opinions differ as to the source of radio noise on many common conductor; it is confined to the immediate area of the source.
types of lines. One reason for this is that corona currents Thus, it can locate the noise source.
generated at the point of an electric discharge travel in both This paper reviews the development of the coronaphone;
directions along the conductor, and a radio noise meter it shows that a correlation between acoustic noise and radio
responds to these currents from extensive distances along the influence voltage (RIV) exists. Finally, application to the
line by picking up induction and radiation fields around the study of power line corona sources on high-voltage lines is
conductors. Thus, localization of the source by this means discussed. One observation is important; on operating
has been diffcult. lines up to 230 kv, conductor corona. has not been found to be
Now this problem is believed to be solved by using a corona- a major contributor to the radio noise field, either in dry or
wet weather. Hardware noise, on the contrary, is believred
Pape 64-2, ecomendd hytheIEEETrasmisionand is- to predominate. A technical description of the coronaphone
tribution Committee and approved by the IEEE Technical Opera- is given in the Appendix.
tions Committee for presentation at the IEEE Winter Power Meet-
ing, New York, N. Y., February 2-7, 1964. Manuscript submitted Description of Instrument
November 1, 1963; made available for printing December 4, 1963.
J. R. LES?LIE and H. O'BEIRNE are with the Hydro-EleCtriC Power Brel,tecrnpoei a sebyo ihfe
Commission of Ontario, Toronto, Ont., Canada. quency microphone, a parabolic reflector, and an ampllifying
MAY 1964 Leslie, O'Beirnwe-Radio Noise Studies onb Power Lines with Corona phone 495

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