Investigations:: EHV-Preliminary

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Project EHV-Preliminary Corona Pac=E=I, cos 0°1+E2I2 COS 02+

E33 cos03 ...... +EnIn Cos On (1)

Investigations: The EKect of

where Pee is the total power loss in watts.
Each term to the right of the equation
represents power loss at the harmonic

Harmonics on Corona Losses indicated by the subscript, and 0 is the

phase angle between the voltage, E, and
the current, I, of each respective term.
It should be noted that the absence of
A. H. FOLEY F. OLSEN either a voltage or a current in any
ASSOCIATE MEMBER AIEI.E NONMEMBER AIEE term results in zero power for that
term. For example, a harmonic current
flowing in a line does not represent power
PROJECT EHV is a prototype 3-phase mentation must therefore have a wide unless there is a corresponding voltage of
transmission line intended to be op- dynamic range and be suitably responsive the same frequency across the line.
erated at voltages as high as 750 kv to to the fluctuations though not so respon- The dynamometer wattmeter is an
permit a study of the factors affecting the sive as to be unnecessarily disturbed by integrating instrument in that the sum
design and operation of extra-high-voltage various transient disturbances. of all components of power, equation 1,
(EHV) transmission lines. It is being is indicated. Most wattmeters, however,
constructed near Pittsfield, Mass., and TRANSIENT DISTURBANCES are subject to rather large errors at low
will be approximately 4.3 miles long. Disturbances of corona losses due to power factors. Typically, errors may be
Since it is a developmental line, it is to transients are not of direct concern on as great as 25% at power factor levels
be equipped with an unusually wide range Project EHV since the losses are to be of 0.25%.
of instruments for the measurement of recorded as watt-hours at suitable inter- Contrasted with the wattmeter, a high-
environmental conditions and many vals and not as instantaneous watts. As voltage bridge of the type suitable for
mechanical and electrical quantities. atmospheric conditions become very dielectric loss measurements is well suited
Among the latter is complete instrumenta- severe, as during a thunderstorm, the for use at low power factors. Accuracies
tion for the measurement of corona interval at which recordings will be made of the order of 1% are feasible even at
losses. Information on corona losses will will be shortened which will tend toward power factors as low as 0.25%.
be correlated statistically with other in- providing information on peak losses. Bridges, however, measure losses at
formation such as meteorological condi- It is well to mention here that measure- one frequency only, usually the funda-
tions and radio noise. ments of radio noise will be made simul- mental. In terms of equation 1, only a
This paper describes some of the pre- taneously with those of corona losses. single term would be registered. This
liminary work done to assist in the choice means that if appreciable losses are repre-
of suitable instrumentation for the meas- HARMONICS sented by the remaining terms, a bridge
urement of corona losses. The voltage wave on any commercial measurement could be greatly in error
transmission system will contain some with respect to the total loss.
Factors to Be Considered in Choosing harmonics although in many well-de- The question of harmonic response of
Corona Loss Instrumentation signed systems the harmonic content may bridges will be taken up in greater detail
be well below 2%. Others may have subsequently in this paper. For the
Low POWER FACTrOR harmonic distortions approaching 5%. moment it is in order to mention a few
Corona losses on Project EHV are to be In any case, for Project EHV corona other desirable features of bridges as
measured only while the line is unloaded, loss instrumentation, it was thought ad- instrumeints for power loss measurements.
or open-ended. Any such open-ended visable to consider the possible effects Bridges are particularly suited to
line appears as an unbalanced 3-phase of harmonics of both corona losses and measurements over a very wide range,
capacitor having a low but widely variable the loss-measuring instruments for volt- a million to one being not uncommon.
power factor. It is anticipated that age distortions as high as 5%. Continuous measurements of variable
under the more favorable operating condi- losses are readily accomplished by the
tions the effective power factor may be
AVAILABLE LOSS MEASURING application of servo techniques in mak-
as low as 0.05%. The significance of this
INSTRUMENTS ing them self-balancing.' Continuous
is that phase angle errors in the corona loss automatic recording of test results is
With the foregoing factors in mind a thereby possible. By suitable design
measuring system must be reduced to a more detailed study can now be made
bridges can be made direct reading and
small part of 1 minute if satisfactory ac- toward choice of corona loss instrumenta-
curacy is to be obtained at low power tion. Two basic types of loss measuring arranged to perform some computations
factors. which can eliminate the need for further
instruments will be considered. These reduction of data. 1'2
are: Though this very brief comparison of
1. Dynamometer wattmeter wattmeters and bridges would appear
Corona losses on any outdoor trans- 2. High-voltage bridge
mission line vary over a wide range, Paper 60-186, recommended by the AIEE Trans-
mission and Distribution Committee and approved
particularly as weather conditions change. In considering these two types of instru- by the AIRE Technical Operations Department for
Losses covering a range of the order of ments it should be borne in mind that presentation at the AIEE Winter General Meeting.
New York, N. Y., January 31-February 5, 1960.
100 to 1 are anticipated. power loss in an a-c system where voltage Manuscript submitted November 2, 1959; made
available for printing December 14, 1959.
Along with these changes will be many and current distortions are present is A. H. FOLEY and F. OLSEN are with the General
irregular fluctuations. Suitable instru- given by the equation. Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mass.

310 Foley, Olsen-Project EHV-Preliminary Gorona Investigations JUNE 1 96a

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to place the bridge in a favorable position tor from a 2,400-volt 60-cycle power line.
for corona loss measurements, the ques- To provide complete control of both
tion of the relative magnitude of losses magnitude and phase position of the third,
associated with harmonics must be re- fifth, and seventh harmonics, a syn-
solved. If losses due to harmonic currents chronously driven barmonic generator
and voltages represent too large a percent- together with a large power amplifier
age (determined by accuracy require- was employed inaseries feed arrangement.
ments) of the total losses, clearly a bridge A 60-cycle resonant shunt was placed
cannot be used. across the amplifier output to prevent
Resolution of the harmonic question excessive values of 60-cycle current from 11
requires quantitative data. A review of flowing through the amplifier. This over-
published literature3'4 revealed that com- all arrangement provided an exceptionally Fig. 2. Basic circuit of bridge employed in
paratively little information in this area precise control of the wave form on the measuring fundamental and harmonic com-
was available. It was evident that an high-voltage line. ponents of corona loss
investigation of the effects of harmonics
on corona losses had to be undertaken. FREQUENCY SELECTIVE BRIDGE FOR Loss
To investigate these effects it was neces- MEASUREMENTS divider system consisting of R2 and resist-
ance potentiometer Pl. This system is
sary to set up a high-voltage system which For the selective measurement of the in-
could be excited at potentials well above supplied by the voltage Em from the po-
dividual frequency components of corona tential coil of the test transformer. The
the corona starting point. Close control loss, a bridge network was chosen. The
of the magnitude and phase position of voltage Em is essentially in phase with
bridge is shown symbolically in Fig. I and proportional to the high voltage, Eh,.
each harmonic was necessary. Finally, and in somewhat greater detail in Fig. 2.
it was necessary to measure separately The arrangement is such that a current
The success of such a bridge as a selective proportional to the setting of PI is caused
the component of corona loss associated loss analyzer depends to a high degree
with each frequency present in the system. to flow through R3 and hence through
upon the ability of the detector to respond Rs.
only to the desired frequency. In this When the bridge is in operation two
Investigation of Harmonic Influence way the bridge can be balanced at the components of line current, a quadrature
desired frequency without interference component through CL and a real com-
An existing 2-conductor experimental from voltages at other frequencies or
transmission line near the high-voltage ponent through RL, flow through Rs
harmonics which may simultaneously be thereby creating a voltage drop across
laboratory of the Pittsfield plant was used present. A sensitive, highly selective
to conduct the harmonic investigation. wave analyzer was used as the bridge
Rs. The purpose of the remaining ele-
Its length was approximately 0.6 mile and ments in the bridge network is to measure
detector. these components of drop and express
the two conductors were of rather old Referring to Fig. 2, CL and RL repre-
and weathered copper wire, 0.162 inch in them in terms of the line capacitance, CL,
sent the equivalent capacitance and loss and line loss, Eh,2/RL.
diameter. The two conductors were elements of the high-voltage line when
spaced approximately 12 feet apart and By adjustment of RI to obtain a mini-
corona loss is present. Rs is a low-phase mum reading on the detector, a voltage
suspended an average of 35 feet above angle resistance or shunt through which
ground. One conductor was grounded equal to the quadrature component across
the line current, IL, flows. Rs is established across R1. This com-
while the other was excited as required for Cs is a loss-free guarded and shielded
the tests. The complete system is shown prises a capacitance balance and, as shown
capacitor. Actually, a 300-kv gas-filled in the Appendix, R1 is directly propor-
in Fig. 1. capacitor of the type used in high- tional to CL.
voltage dielectric loss measurements was For the so-called loss balance, Pi is
THE POWER SUPPLY used here. R1 is a low-phase-angle varia-
Excitation of the line was supplied adjusted until the current injected through
able resistance employed for making
principally through a 100-kv (max.) 50- the so-called capacitance balance.
Rs by way of R3 is exactly equal and
kva test transformer and a voltage regula- opposite the real component of current
At the lower part of Fig. 2 is a voltage in Rs due to RL. Correct adjustment
of Pi is indicated when the detector
,GE LINE shows a minimum reading. If RI has
previously been adjusted to its correct
position, the detector will then indi-
tCL tCL tCL RL cate zero when PI is correctly set.
GROUND Bridge equations in the Appendix show
WAVE that this setting of Pi is directly propor-
ALYZER tional to power loss in RL and hence repre-
sents corona loss on the line for that par-
ticular frequency for which the bridge
has been balanced.
iEPARATlON An essential part of the harmonic in-
FLTER Fig. 1. System For
Investigation of the vestigation was the monitoring and ad-
effects of harmonics justment of the wave form of the voltage
on transmission line on the line. The arrangement of appara-
corona losses tus for accomplishing this is shown on the

JUNE 1 960 Foley, Olsen-Project EHV-PreliminaryiGorona Investigations 311

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position of a harmonic relative to its OBSERVATIONS
fundamental can be determined from the One of the first, though not unantici-
Lisajous figure. The ratio A/B is the pated, observations made during the
cosine of the angle made by the harmonic harmonic investigation was that very little
relative to the fundamental wave. A is about corona loss is stable. Weather
the vertical distance between adjacent conditions were constantly changing
(A) FUNDAMENTAL AND 3Ro HARMONIC cross-over points on the Lissajous figure and could not be controlled. This made
while B is the peak-to-peak vertical de- it necessary to make many repeat tests,
flection. and extreme care had to be exercised in
Identical Lissajous figures can appear reducing the data so as to obtain meaning-
for more than one phase angle. How- ful curves. In spite of the difficulties
ever, development of the necessary caused by the uncontrollable variables,
skill to overcome these ambiguities was much useful information was obtained
easy. This was aided by the phase angle and some very definite conclusions were
calibrations on the harmonic generator drawn. Some of the data and conclu.
(B) FUNDAMENTAL AND 5TH HARMONIC phase shifters. In general, the accuracy sions are presented here.
Fig. 3. Examples oF composite wave Forms of phase angle adjustments was better Fig. 4 shows some typical results ob-
and corresponding Lissajous figures than plus or minus three degrees through- tained by following the procedure out-
out the harmonic investigation. lined above. Line voltage was set at
Where it was necessary to set up wave 50 kv fundamental and a 5% third har..
right of Fig. 1. Coupling to the high- forms involving more than one harmonic, monic was introduced. The weather was
voltage line was made through a capaci- phase adjustments were made for one partly cloudy and slightly windy. Air
tance divider comprised of C,8 and CD and
harmonic at a time, the other harmonics temperature was approximately 60 F (de-
having a ratio of approximately 5,000 to having been temporarily reduced to zero. grees Fahrenheit) and the relative humid..
After individual adjustments were com- ity was near 68%.
The magnitude of the harmonics on the pleted the entire group of harmonics could The horizontal line at the 40-watt
line was measured with a precision wave then be switched on. The over-all system level represents the line loss with a puro
was sufficiently linear so that no ambigui- fundamental wave, less than 0.05% dis..
analyzer of the heterodyne type. The ties resulted from this practice.
phase position of each harmonic was deter- tortion, applied. Upon introducing the
mined from Lissajous figures displayed TYPES OF TESTS AND TEST PROCEDURE
third harmonic and shifting its phase
on a cathode-ray oscilloscope. A separa- position through 360 degrees, the funda,
tion filter was employed to provide suit- Among the various types of tests made mental component of the loss is seen to
able excitation voltages for the oscillo- were measurements of fundamental and vary widely. The third harmonic com-
scope. harmonic components of corona loss as ponent also varies widely but is seen to bQ
The separation filter was preceded by a functions of phase positions of the never more than about 2% of the funda.
very linear buffer amplifier so as not to harmonics relative to the fundamental mental component.
load the capacitance divider. This filter wave, as a function of harmonic magni- Note that in the vicinity of the 180.
consisted of two channels. One was of tude and as a function of line voltage. degree-phase position, the introduction of
the low-pass type and effectively passed Typical of the procedure followed in the harmonic has caused the fundamental
only the fundamental of the wave. The making, for example, loss determination loss to icnrease some 65%. This occurs
other channel was of the notch type and as a function of harmonic phase position, where the harmonic phase position causes
completely suppressed the fundamental was first to raise the system voltage to the total voltage wave to become most
while freely passing all other frequencies. some chosen level with a pure funda- peaked.
Both channels were designed to have mental (60-cycle) wave and then measure
zero phase shift. This eliminated the the corona loss as a reference value. A
necessity for making phase angle correc- single harmonic was then superimposed 60 cm POWER LOSS
WITH 5% \
tions for the filters. at some chosen level such as 2 or 5% of
The output of the low-pass filter, the fundamental. Usually the phase posi-
marked F on Fig. 1, was connected to the tion of the harmonic was initially ad-
horizontal deflection plates of the oscillo- justed to zero. Corona loss measure-
scope. The notch filter output, marked ments were then again made of the funda- 60NPr POWER
H, was connected to the vertical deflec- mental component. Then, by setting the e _ ~~NO HARMONIICS PRESENT _
tion plates. This arrangement provided bridge detector to respond to the har- 10
Lissajous figures of the type shown in Fig. monic frequency, a measurement was 03Ko
3. made of the harmonic component of loss. 20

In determing the phase position of a This procedure was then repeated with
harmonic relative to its fundamental by the harmonic advanced, say, 30 degrees,
then 60 degrees, and so on until the full 3HARICHNIC POWER _ONI
this means no particular calibration is o
required for the oscilloscope. It requires 360 degrees had been covered. At fre- O 60 120 ISO 240 300 360smcq:
only that the two deflection channels quent intervals the loss with the pure
have equal phase shifts, be linear, and fundamental wave was remeasured. Re- Fig. 4. Typical corona lces as functions of
have sufficient sensitivity to provide es- checking the pure wave loss in this way harmonic phase position. 60-cps line-tow
sentially full screen deflections for the gave valuable information where time- ground voltage: 50 kv rms. Gradient: 37
signals applied. weighting of the results was necessary. kv peak/cm

312 Foley, Olsen-Project EHV-Preliminary Corona Investigations JUNE 1960

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1750II Fig. 5. Corona loss compo- line excitation source and dissipated in
60 cps POWER LOSS nents and effective line capaci-
cn 1500 the line, the net harmonic energy at the
cn tance as functions of line volt- measuring instrument is zero. This is
0 t- 1250 age the condition represented in Fig. 5(B)
Z- where the zero-phase position third
M 750 harmonic loss goes to zero in the vicinity
500 of 47 kv. Above 47 kv more third har-
monic energy is being sent back into the
IOD -1
line excitation source than is supplied to
the line by the source.
C-,C Fig. 5(C) shows the effect of line volt-
La age variations on the effective capacitance
0r.a of the line for harmonics introduced
in two different phase positions. The
PHASE POSITION 180' jI data for these curves were easily obtained
since a form of capacitance bridge was
z 7/
_ 0..
HARMONIC 3 - HARM employed in making the loss measure-
g E '

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 KV RM'
Throughout the course of the investiga-
LINE rO GROUND VOLTAGE tion it was repeatedly observed that the
30 35 40 45 50 KVp/CM degree of control exercised by a harmonic
voltage on corona loss was subject to wide
variation. This variation of relative
At the zero-phase position, where the nificant point again is that most of the control sensitivity was given some study
wave is flattened, the fundamental loss change in corona loss caused by the intro- and the results tabulated and plotted in a
has been reduced about 16%. The har- duction of the harmonic is reflected in the number of ways. One such set of curves
monic voltage is acting as a control signal fundamental frequency component. is shown in Fig. 6.
for fundamental frequency loss. The It is shown in Fig. 5(B) that at times the In this figure the data has been nor-
change in fundamental frequency loss fre- harmonic component is actually negative. malized by plotting the relative or per-
quently is considerably greater than the The explanation of this is that a certain cent change in fundamental corona
loss associated with the controlling har- amount of energy is transformed from loss, upon introduction of the harmonic, as
monic. the fundamental to a harmonic state a function of line power factor. Line power
While the curves of Fig. 4 represent through the nonlinear mechanism associ- factor was determined with a pure sine
but one case where only a third harmomnc ated with corona. This component of wave at fundamental frequency applied.
is introduced, similar curves are obtained energy is, nevertheless, supplied to the Two curves are shown. The upper one
for either fifth or seventh harmonics. line and measured at fundamental fre- is for a 5% third harmonic voltage intro-
Curves of this type are also obtained when quency. In the case where no harmonic duced in its 180-degree-phase position
two or more harmonics are simultaneously voltage is present across the line at the
introduced. This latter case assumes terminals of the loss measuring instru-
that the over-all voltage wave shape ment, the transformed component sim- TO HARM6NCd
gradually changes from a flattened to a ply has been completely dissipated in the 6 (% NCREASE IN
peaked shape and back again as the phase line. This is the case when a pure sine
position progresses over the 360-degree wave is applied.
range. Where a harmonic voltage is present
Of greatest significance in all of these across the line at the measuring instru- 40 ; tt
measurements is the fact that, though ment, harmonic energy may flow in 5% 3mo HARMONIC
harmonics present in the voltage wave do either direction depending upon whether (PEAKED WAVE)
cause pronounced changes in the total the source of the component is in the sys-
corona losses, the majority of the change tem driving source, such as the harmonic CL

generally is reflected in the fundamental generator, or in the nonlinear transforma- 0~

frequency component of the loss. Fig. tion mechanism present on the line. In
5 illustrates this point further. the latter case the harmonic energy is
The data for Fig. 5 was taken at a differ- sent back along the line toward the line
ent time from that of Fig. 4 and under excitation source. Some of it is dissi-
slightly less favorable weather conditions. pated in the line and some in the real -20 X (FLATTENEO WAVE)
Here again the third harmonic case is component of impedance in the line excita-
taken but cases involving other har- tion source. 2 3 4 S 10 IS
monics singly and in combination are In the special case where that part of 60 CPS POWER FACTOR - PERCENT
qualitatively similar. the transformed energy dissipated in the Fig. 6. Sensitivity of corona loss to har-
Figs. 5(A) and 5(B) are plots of losses source impedance is equal to the corre- monic influence as a function of line powe
as functions of line voltage. The sig- sponding component supplied by the Factor

JUNE 1960 Foley, Olsen-Project EHV-Preliminary Corona Investigations 313

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(peaked wave) while the lower curve is of the bridge. No attempt was made to EHV. An accuracy of 5% or better can
with the harmonic in its zero-phase operate the system while a thunderstorm be expected at any corona loss level for
(flattened wave) position. was in progress directly over the trans- line power factors of 0.05% or greater.
A number of sets of curves of this type mission line. This was considered too
have been plotted from data taken at hazardous since manual operation of the Corona Loss Instrumentation for
different times and under different oper- bridge was required. It is believed, Project EHV
ating conditions. While the numerical however, that the transient protection
values of the relative changes in funda- which can be built into the system and The outcome of the investigation re-
mental loss were different in each of these the filter characteristics which can be ported in this paper was the decision to
plots, one common factor remained out- tailored into the self-balancing servo- use bridge networks as the heart of the
standing. A pronounced peak occurred mechanism can be expected to handle corona loss mneasuring system. A block
always when the line power factor was in the type and magnitude of transients diagram of this system is shown in Fig.
the vicinity of 1%. In some instances expected on Project EHV. 7.
the corona loss was more than doubled Losses are to be measured on the
in this region upon introduction of a Summary of Observations and 3-phase transmission line by the so-
5% harmonic. Conclusions called 3-wattmeter method employing
While the curves of Fig. 6 are normal- three single-phase self-balancing high-
ized, this does not mean that the peak The more significant observations made voltage bridges. The total line loss will
harmonic sensitivity will necessarily al- during this investigation are: be the sum of the losses indicated by the
ways occur in the 1% power-factor region. 1. For any combination of third, three bridges.
It did always occur in this region for the fifth, and seventh harmonic voltages, Coupling for line potential will be
particular line employed in this harmonic the total not exceeding 5% of the through three completely shielded and
investigation. It is evident, however, fundamental wave, at least 97% of the guarded high-voltage gas-filled capacitors
that if the line capacitance were appre- total corona loss is manifested at funda- having a basic impulse insulation level
ciably different, other factors being equal mental frequency; see Figs. 4 and 5. (BIL) of 2,150 kv. The phase angle
the peak response would occur at some 2. The presence of one or more error introduced by this means of coupling
other power-factor level. The chief harmonics in the voltage wave acts as should be completely negligible.
significance of this observation is that a control signal for fundamental fre- Line charging current information is to
peak harmonic sensitivity is likely to occur quency corona losses and may cause be relayed to a 3-channel receiver at
in the range of line power factors normally these to be either increased or decreased as ground potential by means of three
encountered when measuring corona the voltage wave is peaked or flattened, FM (frequency-modulated) transmitters
losses on transmission lines. respectively. For a 5% harmonic the mounted directly on the high-voltage line.
increase can exceed 100%; see Fig. 4. Unusual accuracy is required in the
BRIDGE PERFORMANCE 3. The sensitivity of the funda- transmitter-receiver links, particularly
Particular attention was paid to the mental component of corona loss to the with respect to phase shift between trans-
behavior of the loss bridge throughout the influence of a harmonic voltage appears mitter input and receiver output. It is
course of the harmonic investigation. to be most pronounced when the funda- expected that this phase shift, at 60
Operations were conducted under ex- mental frequency power factor of the cycles, will be a small part of 1 minute.
tremely varied weather conditions in- line is in the region of 1%. This is a The loss readings of the three bridges
cluding those of a nearby thunderstorm. power factor level commonly encountered will be totalized and passed along to an
At no time was there undue difficulty when measuring transmission line corona electronic time-integrator for conversion
in obtaining a balance. At times, as at losses; see Fig. 6. to watt-hours. In this form the results
the beginning of rain or snow fall, the 4. Performance of the high-voltage will be digitized and recorded on punched
losses did change rapidly but it was al- bridge as a corona loss measuring instru- paper tape along with data from the many
ways possible to follow the changes by ment and as a frequency selective loss other instruments in the Project EHV
more or less continuous manual adjust- analyzer was satisfactory under all system. This tape will be employed in
ments of the balance controls. This operating conditions. the final analysis of all Project EHV
continuous follow-up can easily be handled The combination of the first and fourth data.
by a self-balancing bridge with well- observations makes it evident that the As essential part of the system for
designed servo balance controls. use of a high-voltage bridge is feasible corona loss measurements will be the
The small irregularities normally asso- for corona loss measurements on Project controls for symmetrizing the readings of
ciated with corona discharges did cause
some fluctuations of the output meter on
the bridge balance detector. In general FM
these were not troublesome because of the
low-pass filter characteristics of the
detector system. Cut-off frequency was
in the vicinity of 5 cycles per second. ANSFORIER
Even the more severe discharges
associated with a nearby thunderstorm
did not seriously interfere with the meas-
urements. These groups of discharges
were of short duration with, in general, Fig. 7. Corona loss in-
enough time lapse between successive strumentation for Project
bursts to permit a satisfactory balance EHV

314 Foley, Olsen-Project EH V-Preliminary Corona Investigations JUNE 1 960

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the three bridges. Symmetrization is through RI, must completely be neutralized kJ'IKlEhv
by introducing a component of current in RS (9)
necessary because of unequal interphase
exactly equal in magnitude, but opposite in R3(R2+P1)
capacitances on the line. Currents re- phase, to the current due to RL. Thus where k is that fraction of Pi bridged by R3+
sulting from these cause rather large com- stated, equations for the two balance condi- Rs, and K, is Em/uED. Substituting equa-
ponents of apparent power to appear in tions can separately be written. tions 8 and 9 in equation 3 and solving for
each individual phase. Instruments Relative to CL, RL,
scaled to measure expected corona losses ICLRS = IcsR, (2) R (R2+P1)R3
may easily be driven off scale, making IR= kP1Kj (10)
accurate summation of the three losses Relative to RL,
impossible. No attempt will be made IRL = I3 (3) Since power loss in RL is
here to describe the actual symmetrizing
In the practical case Rs<<XCL. XCL is Eh v2
system planned for Project EHV. Suffi- the reactance of the line-to-ground capaci- PL=R (11)
cient to say that this areawill be given due tance. Therefore
attention. substitution of equation 10 in equation 11
It should be noted that, with the ex- ICL =jWCLEhv (4) yields
ception of the FM transmitters on the and similarly, EhV2kPiKI
high-voltage line, all instruments for (R2R+P )R3
Ics =jw CsEh v (5)
corona loss measurements on Project EHV
are at ground potential. This is a feature Substituting equations 4 and 5 in equation For a given operating voltage, Eh,, the
of very considerable convenience since 2, line power loss is directly proportional to k.
A linear direct-reading power loss scale on
it will permit adjustments and servicing jWCLEhvRS =jCCSEhCDtR (6) P1 is therefore possible for any chosen level
of the various components without the of Ehv.
need for shutting down the high voltage from which the effective line-to-ground
capacitance is
C_C8R1 ReFerences
CL= C-R8

Appendix. Derivation of the 1. A SE1LF-BALANCING TRANSFORMER-CORE-Loss

BRIDGE, A. H. Foley. AIEE Transactions, pt. I
Corona Loss Bridge Equations Returning to RL, the equivalent resistance
representing line-to-ground loss, (Communication and Electronics), vol. 76, Nov.
1957, pp. 567-73.
With reference to Fig. 2, two conditions A. H. Foley. Ibid., vol. 66, 1947, pp. 797-801.
must simultaneously be satisfied in order to IRLR
bring about a bridge balance. First, that VOLTAGE CURVE OF CORONA Loss oF WIRES, R.
component of voltage drop across RS due Assuming the loading effect of the current Strigel. Zeitschrift fur Elektrotechnik, Stuttgart,
to current through CL must exactly be through R3 to be negligible on the voltage Germany, vol. 2, Apr. 1949, pp. 73-82.
matched in both magnitude and phase by a across Pi, which requires that R3 be suffi- 4. NEw INVESTIGATIONS OF AC CORONA ON
corresponding drop across R1. Second, that ciently high, and that R3>>Rs, very CONDUCTORS, H. Laepple. Elektrotechnische Zeit-
component of drop in RS due to current schrift, Berlin, Germany, vol. 65, Jan. 27, 1944,
closely pp. 25-31.

Discussion peak gradient is just at the critical value.

Then the addition of a 5% third harmonic
A. H. Foley, F. Olsen: Mr. Vanderleck
has raised a number of interesting questions
in the phase position to give a peaked wave, in connection with the investigation of the
J. M. Vanderleck (The Hydro-Electric should cause some corona loss. The per- effect of harmonics on corona losses on
Power Commission of Ontario, Toronto, centage increase should be infinite. Is there high-voltage transmission lines. These
Ontario, Canada): A knowledge of the an explanation for the behavior indicated questions will be discussed in the order
influence of harmonic voltages on corona in Fig. 6 near zero power factor? in which they appear in the discussion.
loss is important in the investigation of per- Fig. 5(A) shows a constant loss of about 1. As would be expected, the introduc-
formance of EHV lines because ignorance 50 watts at all voltages below 45 kv. One tion of a given percentage of harmonic
can lead to wrong conclusions regarding would expect that the corona loss would fall
optimum designs of these lines. At the voltage, in a phase position to make the
to zero at a critical gradient of about 35 kv voltage wave most peaked, always results
Coldwater Project' the troublesome third per centimeter. With the experimental line in a smaller increase of fundamental corona
and fifth harmonic voltages have been kept described, it appears that a loss of 50 loss than that caused by the same per-cent
within 1% of the fundamental by the in- watts would not permit the line power increase in fundamental voltage. It also
stallation of filters in the 5,000-kva power factor to fall below 1%. If this is true, how follows that, when considering one har-
supply. were the data in Fig. 6 obtained at less than monic at a time, the higher the harmonic
Fig. 6 shows the percentage change in 17% power factor? order becomes the lower the increase
total corona loss due to the addition of 5% The main object of the paper, to find in fundamental corona loss becomes. This
third harmonic voltage. It would be ex- whether the corona losses in the harmonics is as would be expected since, as the har-
pected that the influence of a certain per- can be ignored in loss measurements, monic order is increased, the time duration
centage of third harmonic on corona loss has been achieved. The difficulties of ob- of the excess voltage is decreased in each
would always be less than that of the same taining bridge measurements at 180 and 300 fundamental cycle.
percentage change in fundamental voltage. cycles must have been severe when the 60- 2. From numerous observations made
Did the authors find this relation to be true? cycle component was predominant. It is during the harmonic investigation it appears
Is the influence of a harmonic voltage pro- to be hoped that the author will describe that the increase in fundamental corona loss
portional to the amount of harmonic volt- the bridge in more detail in a future paper. is not proportional to the amount of harmonic
age, all other factors being unchanged?
voltage present, but increases as some power
The form of the curves in Fig. 6 is REFERENCE of the relative magnitude of the harmonic.
unexpected. Theoretically, the greatest In one case, for example, the fundamental
percentage influence of harmonics should be Ontario Hydro Research News, Toronto, Ont., corona loss increased 15% upon introducing
at a 60-cycle power factor of zero when the Canada, vol. 11, Jan.-Mar. 1959, pp. 3-9. 2% of third harnonic (peaked wave phase
JUNIE 1960 Foley, Olsen-Project EHV-Preliminary Corona Investigations 315

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