New in Chess Yearbook #17 (1990)

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Slav Defence: 13.£d4 (SL 9.5)

French Defence: 4...£e4 (FR 10.1)
Slav Defence: 5...ig4 (SL 3.4)
Benonl Defence: 7.if4 (BI 35)




H ie



C ontributing authors
Alzugaray - Arkhangelsky - I.Armas - Aseev - Atlas - Bagirov - Bareev - Bass - Beliavsky - Belov -
vn.Bikhovsky - Bonsch - Brenninkm eijer - Brunner - Bucker - Chernin - Crisan - Dautov - Dim itrov -
Dlugy - Dokhoian - Dragolov - Eingom - Farago - Fedorowicz - Ftacnik - Gaisyniuk - Gdanski -
Gelfand - Georgadze - Glek - Goldin - Grunfeld - Gurevich - L.B.Hansen - Herrera - Horvath -
Ibragimov - Ikonnikov - Ilic - Janocha - Kaiumov - Kaminski - Kapengut - Karolyi - Kasparov -
halifman - Khenkin - Khmelnitsky - K inderm ann - Knaak - Konca - Kortchnoi - Kovalev - Krasenkov
- Kuczynski - Langeweg - Lanka - Lem er - Liangov - Lukacs - Magomedov - Makarichev -
larcinkiewicz - Marin - Matlak - M eduna - Meulders - Mikhalchishin - Mokry - Morgado - Mortensen
- Nesis - N unn - Odeev - Orlov - Pantaleoni - Pared Estrada - Peicheva - Petrosian - Plachetka -
Pletanek - Polgar - Poluliakhov - Przewoznik - Psakhis - Rashkovsky - Razuvaev - Rogers - Sariego -
ihmidt - Schwartzman - Serper - Shabalov - Shirov - Soffer - Solozhenkin - Somlai - Speelman - Stangl
Sveshnikov - Tairi - Tintm an - Tischbierek - Tisdall - Tiviakov - Tyagunov - Ulibin - Van der Tak -
an der Vliet - Vladim irov - Vlasak - Vogt - Vyzhmanavin - Wojtkiewicz - Yakovich - Yanvarev - Zyla
- Zysk

E dited by
Genna Sosonko and Paul van der Sterren


Editorial Staff:

Supervisor: R. Olthof.
Editors: G. Sosonko, P. van der Sterren.
Editorial team: C.G. Langeweg, L. Pliester, A.C. van der Tak.
Theoretical surveys: P. van der Sterren.
Translation: C. Rogers, I. Rogers, M. Stada.
Regular contributors: A. Karpov, J.H. Timman, V. Kortchnoi,
A. Beiiavsky, A. Yusupov, J. Speelman,
G. Sax, V. Ivanchuk, B. Gelfand,
M. Chiburdanidze, J. Ehlvest, Z. Polgar,
J. van der Wiel, L. Psakhis, M. Dlugy,
A. Khalifman, L. Ftacnik, J. Nogueiras,
M. Petursson, S. Lputian, Am. Rodriguez,
V. Tukmakov, J. Pinter, I. Rogers,
V. Chekhov, V. Gavrikov, P. Lukacs,
M. Cebalo, V. Eingorn, J. Piket,
W. Watson, A. Kapengut, I. Smirin,
A. Mikhalchishin, L. Hazai, R. Dautov,
R. Cifuentes Parada, A. Dreev, I. Farago,
I. Armas, S. Bucker, L. Vogt, P. Blatny,
L. Sieiro Gonzalez, Z. Ilic, R. Knaak.

Database: NICBASE

ProductionsI Staff:

Programs: H. Wieringa, A. van den Brink,

N. de Groot, H. Kuijf, N. Kuijf.
Dataprocessing: I. van de Kamp, C. van der Zanden,
H. Roest, H. van Oostrum.
Typeshop processing: Interchess BV and Euroset Amsterdam.
Lay out: K. Peereboom.

Printed in the Netherlands

CIP-code Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag

New in Chess yearbook

periodical analysis of current opening practice
ec. by Genna Sosonko and Paul van der Sterren.
ISSN 0168-7697
4 times a year
Yearbook 17 (1990).
ISBN 90-71689-30-1 geb./hardcover
ISBN 90-71689-26-3 pbk./softcover
SISO 621.25 UDC 794.1.05(058)
Trefw.: schaken; openingen.


No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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permission from the publisher.
Interchess BV, Rochdalestraat 4A, 1814 TH, Alkmaar.
Database Survey J. Tisdall Sicilian Defence SI 12.5 11
Y. Grunfeld a.o. Pirc Defence PU 5.3 35
A. Beliavsky a.o. Ruy Lopez RL 12 55
Y. Yakovich a.o. Queen’s Gambit Accepted QG 4.2 75
A. Chernin Nimzo-lndian Defence Nl 27.5 89
A. Wojtkiewicz English Opening EO 64.8 121

Games Sicilian Defence 1,e4 c5 SI 9

Semi-Open Games 1.e4 d6 2.d4 #if6 3 .ftc3 g6 PU 33
1.e4 g6 KF
1.e4 e6 FR
1.e4 c6 CK
1,e4 d5 SD
1,e4 ®f6 AL
Open Games 1.e4 e5 2.® f3 ©f6 RG 53
1.e4 e5 2.® f3 ©c6 3.i.b 5 RL
1.e4 e5 2.© f3 ©c6 3 . ic 4 IG
1.e4 e5 2.® f3 .©c6 3.d4 SO
1,e4 e5 KP
1.e4 e5 2.®c3 VG
1,e4 e5 2.f4 KG
1 ... VO
Queen's Gambit 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 QO 73
1.d4 d4 2.c4 c6 SL
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.®c3 c5 ID
1,d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 QG
1,d4 ® f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 CA
Indian Defences 1.d4 ® f6 2.c4 e6 3.®c3 J.b4 Nl 87
1.d4 & f6 2,c4 e6 3.®f3 Ql
1.d4 ® f6 2.c4 g6 3.®c3 d5 Gl
1.d4 ® f6 2.c4 g6 3.&c3 l.g 7 Kl
1.d4 ® f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 Bl
1.d4 ® f6 2.c4 d6 Ol
Flank Openings 1.d4 QP 119
1,d4 f5 HD
1.c4 EO
1.£sf3 RE

Theory F. van der Vliet The Wade System SL 9.5 136

J. Przewoznik/D. Konca Jumping somewhat differently FR 16.1 156
C.G. Langeweg The Steiner Variation SL 3.4 166
A. Kapengut An early JLf4 Bl 35 190

Code System 221

Index 231

Sicilian Defence
l.e4 c5

Improving on Kasparov’s analysis

Looking back over the past four years, it seems that the last word on Perenyi’s famous 16.Eg1 in
the Main Line Najdorf has been spoken many times, and each time it sounded differently. Will the
correspondence game Marcinkiewicz-Nimtz (SI 9.9) be the final word? Probably not. No matter how
convincing White's victory and how far this line has been analyzed, Najdorf-devotees have been in
tighter spots.
The same can be said about the popular 6.Ac4-variation. Black's defensive schemes have been
strengthened and refined under the heavy pressure that has been brought to bear on Black in this
line. In Wahls-Armas and Veroci-Armas (both S113.4) the novelty 14...£>e4 (in the traditional varia­
tion 7...b5 8.Ab3 j£e7) passes the test with flying colours.
The somewhat crude move 6.a4 usually leads to other well-known variations, but it can also have
independent significance. One of the crucial lines is 6 ..A c 6 7 A e 2 e5 8.®c6 bc6. In the game King-
Rashkovsky (SI 14.4), this gave Black a comfortable position very quickly but there is not enough
evidence on this line to come to any firm conclusions.
The game Khalifman-Byrne (SI 14.8) is of interest for the ease with which Black equalizes with
6 .ile 3 e5 7.£}f3 Jle7 - almost everyone prefers to prevent 8.1x4 by playing 7...'H'c7.

The main line of the Dragon Variation is featured in several entertaining games. Perhaps the most
fascinating one is Adams-Tiviakov (SI 18.14) where Black carries the day after a very sharp and
obscure battle.

In the Scheveningen Variation the game Nijboer-Brenninkmeijer (SI 19.1) deserves special atten­
tion. The players follow the well-known game Hjartarson-Kasparov from the 1988 Olympiad until
Brenninkmeijer improves on an analysis by Kasparov. This method to defend against the English

Attack seems to be developing into a main line.

In the Velimirovic Attack, the game Hector-Shirov (SI 26.8) and, in particular, the game Wahls-
Rechlis (SI 26.9) are of considerable theoretical importance. In a line which was thought to be very
bad for Black, Rechlis introduces a novelty with which he convincingly beats off the enemy attack
and wins thanks to his material advantage.

The correspondence game Pijaczewski-Tyagunov (SI 27.9) is one of the most interesting Rauzer-
games in this book. Black holds his ground with the solid variation 8...©d4 9.’H'd4 0-0 and White
does not obtain the slightest of opening advantages.

Yet another Timman-Short game (SI 32.1) with the fashionable variation 2...&C6 3.d4 cd4 4.<fid4 e5
indicates that this line may now be past its prime. The ambitious 6.c4 seems to be the right choice
for White.

In the Sveshnikov Variation there are two games by Plachetka which give an excellent example of
White's chances after 9.£}d5 Wa5 10.Ad2 ^ 8 11.c4 (SI 37.2). The games Alzugaray-Pina and
Arnlind-Morgado (both SI 38.2) offer some new ideas in the very sharp line 9.iLf6 gf6 10.4ld5 f5

Also of theoretical significance is White's strong novelty in the game Van der Wiel-Meulders (SI
40.7). This seems to put the aggressive 10...h5, in the 6.Ae2-line of the Taimanov Variation, in a
dubious light.

The move 2...e5 as a reply to 2,c3 was not widely known when we published a theoretical article on
this subject in Yearbook 14 but it now seems to be gaining recognition. Poloch-Armas and
Sveshnikov-Scherbakov (both SI 46.19) are but two recent examples of it.

Survey SI 12

SURVEY: Paul van der Sterren

Sicilian Defence S 1 12.5

Jonathan Tisdall Najdorf Variation

When Odeev shocked the chessworld with his new move 8...d5 in a game against Ulibin in 1989
(Yearbook 14), it was clear that this would give rise to a highly interesting theoretical debate.
During the first half of 1990 there have been several games, some at the highest level, which have
shed more light on the position after 8...d5 but the consequences are still not clear.
9.fe5 <$5e4 10.©d5 Ac5 11 .kcA led to very sharp play in Arnason-Browne, while the more solid try
9.ed5 e4 10.75e5 could not unsettle Black in the game King-Arnason.
The most successful idea from White’s point of view has been Sax's 9.?3d5 73e4 10.Ae3, which he
first played against Poiugaevsky and shortly afterwards against Hulak.
This then is perhaps the most critical test of Odeev’s idea and the line which Najdorf players should
concentrate on now. In the meantime, the mere threat of 8...d5 has already scared many a player
away from S.a4.

Arnason,Jon 12.«e2 7jhl 13.Ag5 ®a5 Eb8 33.; d4 Eb4 34.*c4 Ec7
Browne,Walter lA .A d l Wd8 15.e6; ll...£)b6!? 35.Ea5 (35,Ba6 Ee7 36.*d3
I2.7jb6 ®b6 13.*e2 A t5 Bd7) 35...*g7 36.g4 Ee7
I4.jg.d3 « b 4 15.d?fl Sd8; 37.*d3 Sd7 3X.55.d5 Bb2 39.h4
Reykjavik 1990 It (5) 11.. .71.5 12.45e5 # h 4 I3.g3 Hh2 40.h5 ghS 41.gh5 Eh5
4lg3 14.hg3 * h l 15.4>d2) 42.*c4 Sd6 43.5 c6?7 Ec6
l.c4 c5 2.1 B d6 3.d4 cd4 4.v:d4 12.We2 (12.Ae3? Jje3 13.Se3 44.Jlc6 fia5 0-1
<Sf6 5.7ic3 a6 6.f4 e5 7.' f3 Wa5) 12...AO 1 3.*fl &dc5 Tisdall
75bd7 8.a4 d5 # 14.Jle3 (14.b4 jge6 15.bc5 Ad5
16. Jfcd 3 f5 17.ef6 A d4!!^> )
14.. .jge3 15.«e3 I f S 16.Sdl
<4h8 17.Sd4 (17.b4!? 7ta4 King,Daniel
(17...T5e6 18.^c3 « c 7 19.Ae6 Arnason,Jon
fe6 20.4>e4 Wc4; 18.Ae2!)
18.Ab3 b5 19.75c3? (19.iJa4?
ba4 2Q,6)c3 » c 7 21.®e4 #c4) Reykjavik 1990 it (6)
19.. .«b6!; 19.Ed4) 17...b5te*
18.1. a2 ba4 19.5 c3 Wb8 20Ae4 l.e4 cS 2.5 (3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.5 ,d4
J.e4 21.1e4 75e4 2 2 J M # b 2 ©f6 5.5jc3 a6 6.f4 bd" 7.a4 eS
23.«a4 f e l 24.75el * e 5 25.&f2 8.750 d5!? 9.ed5 e4 10.75e5!?
Hae8 26.7.0 #c5! 27.*g3 He2 (Nunn; 10.75g5 ilb 4 1 l.Wd4
9.fe5 75e4 10.75d5 3k,c5 (+ 28.BO « c 2 29M c2 B c2+EN ■#b6 12.#b6 75b6 13..gd2 A.f5
Odeev) ll.ikc4 0-0 ( 1 t"2? 30.S a l EcS 31.4T4 g6 32.Ab3 14.g3 h6 I5.7)h3 75bd5+ Odeev)

10.. .4 b 4 11.4x4 53e5 (> 53f6 5.53c3 a6 614 53bd7 7.530 e5 * h 6 26.«3g5 4 e 4 27,0 f 7 <^>g7
11.. .0-0!? Razuvaev) 12.fe5 0 c 7 8.a4 d5 9.fe5 53e4 lO.0d5?! 53c3 28.® h8 & h8 29.H d6 53g4 30.h3
(12...' -g4?! 13.e6! f5 14.4f4±) 1 l.bc3 0 c 7 53c5 13.4 d 3 53e3 3 1 .4 a6 f4 3 2 .E e l 4 f 5 33.h4
13.0-0 (13.ef6 * c 4 14.fg7 Ac3 4 g 4 14.0-0? (7 4 .0 1 4 ) 14 . ji.e6!- h5 3 4 .4 b 5 * g 7 35.H d4 ©c2
15.bc3 0 c 3 16.*d2 *g7 1 5 .0 d 4 53b3 16 .0 f4 4 c 5 I 7 .* h l 36.E e7 4<f6 37.Hee4 4 e 4 38.He4
53al l8 .E a l h6 1 9 .E b l 0-0-0 53e3 39,Hf4 <53f5 4 0 .4 d 3 * e 5
(1 6 ...0 al 17.gh80 KhS 18.0-0
20.5)d4 4 d 5 2 1 .0 g 4 (27.0///.?) 41.E e4 ^ d 5 42.E b4 E f8 43.a5 1-0
0e5 19.c4±) 17.Ea3 * e 5
2 1 ...* b 8 2 2 .4 f4 g 5 !-+ 2 3 .4 e3 0 e 5
18.Bb3 3g8±; 14...Bg8!+)
24.4.12 * a 8 25.4 g 3 0 f 6 26.53b5
13.. .J<.g4 # ab5 27.ab5 4 d 6 2 8 .0 a 4 * b 8 Stefanov,Parik
2 9 .H al 4 g 3 3O .0a7 * c 8 3 1 .0c5 Roder,Matthias
4 c 7 32.Ha8 * d 7 3 3 .0 d 5 * e 7 Garmisch Partenkirchen 1990
3 4 .0 c5 4 d 6 3 5 .0 e3 0 e 5 0-7
1x4 c5 2.©f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.® d4
53f6 5.53x3 a6 614 ?3bd7 7.530 e5
Timoschenko,Georgy 8.a4 d5 9.ed5 e4 10.53e5 ( 70.53^5?/
4 b4!) 10...4b4 11.4 c4 53b6?!
(77.. 53x5/.? 12.fe5 We7 13.ef6 Wc4
Podolsk tl 1990 (8)
14.fg7 k c 3 15.bc3 Wc3 16.<k,d2
W g7) 12.4b3 53bd5 13.0-0 4 c 3
I. e4 c5 2.4730 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.53d4
14.bc3 0-0 (14...0 6 6 IS .& h l 4 x 6
516 5.53c3 a6 614 53bd7 7,a4 e5 76/5/) 15 ,* h 1 0 a 5 16x4 53e7
8.5iO d5 9!e5 53e4 10.53d5 4 c 5 17x5! 4 f 5 1 8 .0 d 6 53c6 19.4b2
1 4 .0 el (14.Ae2!? 4 e 2 15.0e2
I I . 4 e 3 4 e 3 12.53e3 0 a 5 13.c3 Had8 20.53c6 bc6 2 1 .0 e5 1-0
We5 16.4f4 0 d 4 17.*>hl Ac3 0 b 6 14.0e2 53dc5 15.a5 0 h 6 16.g3
18. E adl 0 c 5 (18...0a4 19,bc3 5lg3 17.hg3 0 h l 18.53d5 0-0
0-0 20.Ae5 S3d7? 21.4d4 f5 1 9.*f2 4 g 4 20.E e l Hae8 21.4 g 2 Reeh,Oliver
2 2.E al 0 b 5 23.c4 0b4 0 h 5 2 2 .0 c4 53d7 23.0 x 7 0 g 6 Gallagher,Joseph
24.E abl± ; > 20...Efe8 21..4/6 24.514 0 c 2 25.Ee2 0 a 4 26.b4 Hc8 Kecskemet 1990
gf6 22.Ef6 0 d 7 ± —>) 19.bc3 0-0 2 7 .0 b 7 Ec3 2 8 .0 e4 0 b 5 2 9 .5 d 5
20.4x5! 53d5 21.c4 53b6 22.4d6 Ec4 3O .0d3 Hb4 31.«3b4 0 b 4 1x4 c5 2.530 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.53d4
0 c 4 2 3 .0 f2 ® < 43d5 (23...53a4? 32.E e4 5 c 5 0-1 5lf6 5.53c3 a6 614 e5 7.530 53bd7
24.4f8 Sf8 25.S d4 0c6 8.a4 d5 9.ed5 e4 10.53x5 4 b 4
26.«f7! E H 27.Ed8; 23...0c6? Sax,Gyula 11.4c4 0-0!? 12.0-0 0 c 7 1 3 ,* h l
24.4f8 E f t 25.017!) 24.4f8 Polugaevsky.Lev 5 x 5 14.fe5 4 c 3 15.bc3 0 e 5 1 6 .0 d 4
Ef8 25.Bd4) 14...0e5 1 5 .* h l Haninge 1990 (3) 0 d 4 17.cd4 4 d 7 1 8 .4 b 3 b 5 19.ab5
Bc8! 16.414 0 d 4 17.4b3 Ec3! ab5 2 0 .4 f4 Efe8 21.4?gl 4 g 4 22.h3
(1 7 ,..ic 3 18.bc3 0 c 3 (18... Bc3 4 e 2 23,H a8 Ha8 2 4 .E e l 4 c 4
l.e4 c5 2 . 5 0 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .5 d 4
19. a » A 20.Ea4) 19.0c3 Ec3 2 5 .4 c4 bc4 26.d6 #
5 f 6 5 .5 x 3 a6 614 e5 7 . 5 0 5 b d 7
20.4e5 Ec8 21,Ef4±) 18.bc3 8.a4 d5 9 ,5 d 5 5 e 4 I0 .4 e 3 4 c 5
4 c 3 19.4e3 0 x 5 20.414 0 d 4 (10...ef4!3) 11 .0 d 3 5 e f6 12.5f6
21.4e3 MM, 0 f 6 5 c 5 14 .0 e3 e4 15.5e5
Tisdall 0 b 6 16.53c4 0 c 6 14-14

Study Material Moskva GMA 1990 (4)

I. e4 c5 2.5>B d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .5 d 4

S...d5 5 f 6 5.53x3 a6 614 5 b d 7 7 . 5 0 e5
8.a4 d5 9.473d5 5 e 4 10 .4 e3 4 c 5 26...53d5 27.H e4 f5 28.H e5 53f4
I I . 0 d 3 f5?! 12.fe5 4 e 3 13.5le3 29.d7 53 h3 30.gh3 *17 31. S f5 * e 7
0 a 5 14x3 S e 5 15.Wd4! <5313 16.gO 3 2 .*g2 H a2 33.Hf7 * d 8 34.Hg7
S f6 17.43c4 0 d 5 18.0-0-0± 0 d 4 Ec2 35.*g3 E d 2 36.flh7 E d 4
Odeev.Khandzhar 19,E d4 4 e 6 (19...0-0? 20.08b6 V.b8 37,Hh5 * d 7 38.Hc5 * d 6 39.E c8
Yurmala jr 1989 (6) 21.&C4+-) 20.i53d6 &f8 (20...& e7 * d 7 40. Hc5 * d 6 41,E c8 * d 5
21.&d3!) 21.53b7 4 d 5 22.«3c5 4 f3 4 2 . * 0 B d3 4 3 .* e 2 S h 3 4 4 .* d 2
l.e4 c5 2.530 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.53d4 23,H gl g6 2 4 .4 x 4 ^ g 7 25.«3e6 Hd3 4 5 .* c 2 ii-li

Survey SI 12

8...M,e7 I9.ab5 fie8 20.ad4 ad4 2t.W h5 f5 a c 5 38.fie3 a a 4 3 9 .ab 7 * e 5

22.Wh3g6 23.Ea4 a e 6 24.WO Hc5 4 0 .ad 8 * e 4 fia3 42.ab7
Nijboer,Friso 25.Ha7 fig5 2 6 .fiel Wb8 27.b6 ab6 4 3 .aa 5 fid6 44.h3 a d 7
Web 28.Hb7 fic6 29.Ha7 d4 45.fic3 h5 46.ab3 fif4 47.g4 hg4
Armas, Iulius
Wijk aan Zee II 1989 (4) 30.Wh3 h5 3 1 .ae 2 Hc2 32.fic2 48.hg4 fig5 49.fid2 fid 8 50.fie3
We2 33.fid3 We5 34.fic4 * h 8 a f 6 51.ac5 * e 5 5 2 .ae 6 a g4 a f 4 fi,f4 37.Bc7 5 3 .ad 8 4>e4 54.fiO a e 5 55.ab 7
I. e4 c5 2 . d6 3.d4 ®f6 4.ftc3 fie4 38.Wh4 fih 6 39.We7 W ei ac4 56.d6 1-0
cd4 5.Sd4 a6 6.f4 e5 a b d 7 40.He7 E b8 41.He6 d3 42.Hg6
8.a4 fi.e7 9.fid3 0-0 10.0-0 ef4 A-A Sokolov,Andrey
II. fi.f4 Wb6 12.*hl Wb2 13. Wei
®c5 14.Sbl ®d3 15.cd3 Wc2 16.e5
De Firmian,Nick
Lesiege, Alexandre Reykjavik tt 1990 (3)
ShS 17.<Sd5 fid8 f6 19.ef6
Grunfeld, Yehuda I. e4 c5 2 .a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ad4
Qf6 20.Sf6 fif6 21.fif6 gf6 22.Wg3 a f 6 5 .a c 3 a6 6.f4 e5 7 . a n a b d 7
■*>h8 23.Wd6 fig4 24.ae5 fie2 Philadelphia open 1989 (2)
25.Hfci Wd2 26.®d7 Wd3 27.We6 I. e4 c5 2. a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ad4 8.a4 fi,e7 9.fid3 0-0 10.0-0 a c 5
a f 6 5 .a c 3 a6 6.f4 e5 7.a n a b d 7 I I . * h l ef4 12.fif4 fid 7 13.We2
Hae8 28.®f8 He6 29.©e6 Wd7 Hc8 14.fid2 He8 1 5.ad4 h6
8.a4 fie7 9 .fid3 0-0 10.0-0 a c 5
30.ac5 Wd2 31.®b7 fid3 32.2dl
I I . & hl d5 12.fe5 a fe 4 13.fie4 de4 16.WO a d 3 17.cd3 fie6 18.Wg3
We2 33.Hel WO 34.Bbcl f5 * h 7 fif8 2 0 .ae 6 fe6
14.Wd8 Hd8 15.ag5 h6 16.age4
35.®c5 fie2 36.©e6 h6 37.Bc8 2 1 . 1 0 Wa5 22.S afi Wh5 23.h3
*h7 38.Heel i f I 39.Elc7 sfeg6 ae4 1 7.ae4 fif5 18.ad6 fid6
19.ed6 Hd6 Hd5 # Wg6 24.WO fie7 25.fif4 a d 7
40. Hg8 ®r6 41.ac5 fic4 42,®e4 26.fih2 Hf8 27.We2 H O A-A
Ubilava.Elizbar Amsterdam OHRA 1990 (7)
Moskva open 1989 (4) 1x4 c5 2 . a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .a d 4
l.e4 c5 2.a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ad4 a f 6 5 .a c 3 a6 6.f4 e5 7 .a O a b d 7
af6 5.ac3 a6 6.f4 e5 7 ,a n abd7 8.a4 fie7 9.fid3 0-0 10.0-0 a c 5
8.a4 fie7 9.fid3 0-0 10.0-0 ac5 l l . * h l ef4 fig4 13.h3 fih5
1l.We2 ef4 12.fif4 fi.g4 13.*hl 14.Wei He8 15.ad4 fig6 16.Hdl
ae6 14.Jk.d2 d5 15.ed5 ac7 A-'A
16.Hadl He8 fia3 18.WO
fib2 19.Wb6 fia3 20.Wb7 Hb8 2I.C4 Hd7 22x5 Hd5 He8 Herrera.Irisberto
21.Wa7 fid6 22.WO Wc8 23.Jk.b3 24.HO He4 25.h3 fid7 26.a5 fic6
Wf5 24.»h4 Hb4 25.WO Wh5 26.g3 Vera,Reynaldo
27.*h2 Ed3 28.Hcl Ea4 29.fic7 Santa Clara 1990 (8)
ae4 27,ae4 Sbe4 0-1 Hd7 30.fib6 Ead4 31.2cc2 f6 1x4 c5 2.a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .a d 4
32. Hce2 *f7 33.fia7 h5 34.fib6 h4
a f 6 5 .a c 3 a6 6.f4 e5 7 . a n a b d 7 Ha4 36.1d2 Hd2 37.Hd2
Watson,William Ha5 38.g3 g5 39.gh4 gh4 40.Hd4
8.a4 fie7 9.fic4 0-0 10.0-0 Wa5
Groszpeter,Attila l l . * h l b5 12.ad5 a d 5 13.fid5
Ha2 4I.Bh4 Bb2 42.*g3 Hg2 0-1 Hb8 I4.fid2 Wc7 15.ab5 ab5
Budapest PERENYI 1989
I. e4 c5 2.a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4 ,a d 4 16.jS.a5 a b 6 17.Ha3 fid 7 18.Wal
a f 6 5.ac3 a6 6.f4 e5 7 . a n a bd7
ef4 19.fib6 Wb6 20.Ba7 Hbd8
Lukin.Andrey 2 1 .a e l fi.g5 2 2 ,a d 3 fie6 23.Hb7
8.a4 fie7 9.fid3 0-0 10.0-0 ef4
II. fi.f4 ac5 12.Wd2 fid 7 13.*hi Vera,Reynaldo We3 24.Sb5 fid 5 25.Bd5 h6
Leningrad 1989 (1) 26.B el Wb6 27.Wdl Bfe8 28.W 3
fic6 14.We2 ae6 15.fid2 Hc8 #
I. e4 c5 2 . a n d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .a d 4 He6 29x3 Hde8 3 0 .ab 4 Wb7
a f6 5.ac3 a6 6.f4 e5 7 . a n a b d 7 3I.Wd3 f5 32.Hf5 He4 33.Bgl Be2
8.a4 fie7 9.fic4 Wa5 10.We2 0-0 34.Wc4 * h 8 35.fif8 Hf8 36.We2 O
II. 0-0 ef4 12.fif4 ae5 13.fib3 fie6 37.gO B O 38.Wg2 Wf7 39.Hel BO
14,ad4 Wc5 15.fie3 fi.b3 16.ab3 40.Wa8 * h 7 4I.We4 Wg6 42.Wg6
Wc4 17.flael We2 18.He2 ac4 * g 6 4 3 .a d 3 Hd2 44.He6 * h 5
19.ficl Hfe8 20.Edl Hac8 21.®d4 45.Hd6 * h 4 46,<*gl fie3 4 7 .* fl
fid8 22.af5 fia5 23.ad5 ad5 Hh2 4 8.3e6 fig5 49x4 Bd2
24.Hd5 Ec5 25.i?fl g6 26.ag3 50. Bd6 f ie 3 51.b4 h5 52x5 g5
Hd5 27.ed5 He2 28.*e2 f5 29.b3 5 3 ,ae 5 Ec2 54.Hd3 fif4 55.a n
ab6 30x4 fib4 31.ahl ad7 * g 4 56.®el Hb2 57.Hd4 h4 g5 33.fig5 ac5 34.ag3 *17 5 8 .ad 3 Hbl 5 9 .* 0 h3 6 0 .a f4 gf4
I6.b4 d5 I7.e5 ah5 18.b5 ab5 35.fif4 ab3 36.af5 *f6 37,ad6 0-1
SI 1.8 33254 [9.1d7 « d 7 10.5e3 b5 11x4 Ac5 12.5c3 0-0
13.cb5ab5 14.0-0 l d 4 1 5 .4 h l l a 6 = Bely - Nav-
Orlov,Georgi (SU) 2505 arovszky, Hungary 1954; 11.0-0 l c 5 1 2 .4 h l
l b 7 13x4 0-0 14.5)c3 l e 3 15.Ae3 bc4= Heine -
Khenkin,Igor (SU) 2450 Hermesmann, Dortmund 1988; 11.b3; 11.5c3;
Minsk 1990 (4) 1 l.a4] 9...b5 1 0 .ilb3 5 c 5 [10...5b6 11.5e3 l c 5
12.5)c3 l b 7 13.5)f5?! g6 14.5g7 4 f8 15.1h6
I. e4 c5 2.5)13 d6 3 .1 b 5 Ad7 4.Ad7 5>d7 5.c4 4g8 16.#d2 b4+ Foguelman - Reshevsky, Bue­
[RR 5.0-0 5)gf6 6.B el e6 7x4 5)e5!?N 8.d3 (8.b3 nos Aires 1960; 13.#d31? Sc8 14.5f5!? (14.jLd2
5)d3) 8...1x7 9.b3 5)fd7 (9..,5)f3 lO.VO ®d7=) Rellstab) 14...g6 15.1g5 gf5 16.Wf5 5 b d 7
10.5x5 (10.Jlb2 l f 6 11.5)e5 5)e5 (S.5)fcJ=; 17.0-0-0 h6 18.1h4 b4 19.5e4 5e4! 20.1d8
12. d4? c6!) 10...de5 1 l . l b 2 0-0 12.5)d2 Ulibin 5 d 6 21.'B,g4 4 d 8 22.1a4 5 b 6 23.1c6!?oo Sar­
- Tiviakov, Oakham 1990 12...A.g5 13.5)f3 l f 6 ; ink - Sitshev, 1974 cr] 11.5e3 #
12.. .«c7!?] 5...5)e5 6.5)e5 de5 7.5)c3! e6?
[7,..#d7! 8.0-0 e6 9.d3 A 10.f4±]
[8.0-0; 8.d3=] 8...«d7 9.5)b5 4 d 8 D [9...Bc8
10.Wa7±; 9...4e7 10.0-0±, 4 e ? < ] 10.d3 Ad6
1 1 c " Lltf4! 5 x 6 12.0-0 A 13.f5±, 4 d 8 < ]
I I . b4! cb4 [1 1...5e7 12.jl.e3 » c 6 D 13.Wb3! A
13, „cb4 14.5a7!±] 1 2 .le 3 ! [12.a3? a5!oo]
12.. .a6D 13.0-0? [13.d4!±/+-] 13...5e7 14.d4!?
[14..ib6?! 4 c 8 15.5a7 Ba7 16,«d7 4 d 7
I7 .1 a7 5c6±/=] 14,..Sc8!D 15.de5? [15.®a5!
1x7 I6.5c7 Wc7 17.#b4 5 c6 18.Wb2! ed4
19.1d4 5 d 4 20.«d4 4 e 7 2 1 .% 7 Bhg8
22.#h6! ®e5!±/±] 15...ab5 16.cb5 l e 5 11...ld6!?N [11...5b3 12.ab3 l b 7 13x4 l c 5
17.2ad1 l d 6 18.Bd2 Bc3! 19.Bfd1?! [19.«dl! 14.0-0 0-0 15.5)c3 ®b6 16.®e2 5 h 5 17.4hl?! f5
5d5!D (19...5c8?! 20,e5 Wb5 21.ed6 4 d 7 18.5edl Bac8 19.1e3 Ad4 20,'#d3? f4 21.1 d 4
22.®g4!±) 20.ed5 e5±] 19...5d5D 20.ed5 e5 5)g3!—t Hult - Danielsson, Stockholm 1946;
21.Ed3?! [21. H e 1!?=] 21...Bd3 22^0 d3 4 e 7 T 17.g3! f5 18.4g2 f4 19.5g4 A 20.5)e4±] 12.0-0
23.3d1 Ec8 24.h3! Bc3?! [24...h6!?D] 25.1d2! 0-0 13.5c3 j£.d7!S> 14.5e2 Wc7\ 15.g3 5)h5
Ba3??T [25...0C4! 26.a3! Ed4 27.1b4 B dl 16.5) g2 15! i n 17.14 Sae8 18x3 5)16 19.1e5?!
2 8 .« d l l b 4 29.ab4 #b5= ] 2 6 .« e 2 ± /+ - « b 5 [19.h3!? Keller] 19...He5 20.5)et4 Bfe8 2 1 .ic 2
[26...h6 27.'&'c4, b4< ] 27.#h7 We2 28.1g5 4 h 8 [A 22...#b7] 22.3e1 Ee1 23.5)e1 g5
4 e 8 [28...4d7 29,Wf5+— .] 29.'§'g8! i.(8 24.5) 1g2 [24.5)fd3 t-; 24.5)e6 5)e6 25.de6
3 0 .E d 2 + - Wb5 31 .d6 Bd3 32.Bd3 #d3 Ac5—1-] 24...14! 25.5)13 5)ce4 26.Ae4 5)e4
33.1e7 1-0 27.g14 g14 28.h4 [28.5)d4 f3! 29.5)0 Ag4
Khenkin 30.«d4 4 g 8 31.#d3 i.f3 32 .'tf3 Ah2 3 3 .4 h l
3 f 8 - + Keller] 28...Ag4 29.#d 4 [29.*h2 4 g 8 A
5)g3. # g7-*; 29.5)gel # g 7 - + Keller] 29...4g8
30.®d3 0 b 6 31.5)d4 13 32.5)14 5)g3 33.5)e6
5)e2 34.4h1 Ee6 35.Ae3 [35.de6 « b 7 —(-]
SI 1.11 33069 35-..3e5 36.a4 # d 8 37,.i12 Sh5 0-1
Van der Tak
Sarink,Hendrik (NL) 2380
Keller,Hanno (DE) 2565
Lithuania-100 1989 cr

1.e4 c5 2.-;.13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .5 d 4 5)16 5.13 e5

SI 8.3 33227
6 .1 b 5 [6.5b3 l e 6 7x4 5 b d 7 8.5c3 5 b 6
9 .5 d 5 Ec8 10.5d2 5 h 5 ll.g3 f5 12.ef5 l f 5 Romensky (SU)
13.5b6 Wb6+ Acosta - Gallagher, Saint John (iaisvniuk.S (SU)
19881 6...5bd7 [6...1d7 7 .1 d 7 5 b d 7 8 .5 f5 d5 1989 cr
9.ed5 # a 5 10.5c3 5 b 6 ll.d 6N 0-0-0 12.1g5
* b 4 13.1f6 gf6 14.a3! ®b2 15.5e4± Miliutin - 1.e4 c5 2.5)13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.5)d4 5)16 5.5)c3 a6
Kriukov, 1983 cr] 7.5)15 d5 8.ed5 a6 9 .1 a 4 6.Ag5 e6 7.14 # b 6 8 .# d 2 Sb2 9.5)b3 5)c6

SI 9

10.iLf6 gf6 11.5a4 ®a3 12.5.b6 3b8 13.©c4 4 c 8 31,g8® 4 c 7 32.®g3 A 33.®f2±) 28...Sg7
# a 4 14.a3 b5D |14... M : 15.M 3 A 16.© b2+ -] 29.®g7 ®e6 30.#g2± Forsberg - Marcinkiewicz,
15.©d6 M 6 16.«d6 # e 4 1 7 .M 2 ®d5 1988/90 cr] 21.©e4 ilc 6 22.©c6 # c 6 23.®c3!
[17...«c2 1 8 .3 d # b 3 19.B c6® bl 2 0 .* f2 * h l [23,#t7 -YB/14] 23...®e4 24.Wc5 4 b 7 [RR
21. Bc7-i—; 17...#g2 18.0-CMM; 17,..3b7!? 24...4b8 25.®c7 4 a 8 26.'§’f7 ®'b7 27.d7 ®b6
18.©_c5 (18.0-0-0 Hd7 19,®c5 # e 2 20.®c6 28.A.g2 4 a 7 29. We? We3 30.4b l We5 3 l.a 3 + -
Wc4+) 18...»d4 19.1^4 (19.©b7 ® al 20.&f2 Herrera - Castillo, Havana 1990 m-2; 26.d7! Her­
* d 4 + ; 19.Wc6 M 7 20.«b7 Wal 2 1.*f2 * d 4 rera] 25.Wc7 4 a 8 #
22. * f3 # c 5 ; 21.M l * c 3 22.M 2 ®c5+;
20. ©d7 « a l 21.*f2 # d 4 —h) 19...ffid4 20.©b7
itb 7 (20...©c2? 21.*f2 M l 22.©d6 * d 7
2 3 .3 d l!+ -;2 1 .„ M 7 22.3a2 ©d4 23. S d ± « c )
21. M 2 ©e2 22.*e2 Ag2 23.Bhfl M 4± ]
18.»d5 edS 19.0-0-0 M 6 20.Af3 ®e7 21.3he1
Bc8 [21...0-0 22.©c5 3b6 23.f5! fel5 24.M 5
He8 25.M 6 fe6 26.© d7 + -] 22.g4±EN [Boles-
lavsky; 22.M 5 ©d5 23.Sd5 0-0 24.Sd3
(24.Bc5?? A b3—h) 24...Sc4 25.g3 Sfc8 26.3d2
(26.3e2? 3a4) 26...Hc3=] 22...f5 [22...&f8 23.f5
M 7 24.M 5± ; 23...©f5 2 4 .M 5 4>e7 2 5 .M 7
Sb8 26.©c5 Bhd8D 27.M 6 ©d6 28.a4; 26. M 3IN We3 [26...Wb7 2 7 .ih 7 ®c7 28.dc7
27...3 d l 28.M 1 * d 6 29.©e6 fe6 30.He4±/=] B dl 2 9 .M 1 + -; 26...«f4 27.1d2 f5 28.M2!±]
23. gf5 i f5 24.4 d4 J e4 25. 5 s i tie-4 26 .S e 4 27. *b 1 15 [RR a. Olim -YB/14] 28.a4! ®a7
st?18 27.©13 © c 6 2 8 .3 d 7 h6 [28...B g8 29.©g5 29.ab5 ab5 [29...®c7 30.dc7 Be8 31.b6 * b 7
Bg7 30.B d 6 Z ] 29 .© h4 [29.f5 * g 7 30,f6 * f 6 3 2 .ic 4 * b 6 3 3 .M 6 + -] 30.«c6 ®b7 31.«c5
3 1 .B f4 4>e6 32.2fF7 B hf8= ] 2 9 ...B d8 [29...4g7 ®d5 [31...Sg7? 3 2 .M 5 + - ; 31...*a7 32,»e5
30 .© f5 4 f 6 31.© d 6 Hef8 32 .3 c 7 © d8 33.Be5 « g 7 33.*e6±] 32.’Ha3 Ab8 3 3 .ie 2 Wb7
BhgS 34.©e4 4 g 7 35.© c5±; 29...Bg8 30.© f5 34.A13 * a 7 35.®b4 # b 6 [35...«a6 36.3d3 A
3 g 6 31.© d 6 3 d 8 32.B d8 © d 8 3 3 .B e 8 + -] 3 7 ,B a3 + -] 36x4! Sg7 37x5 [37...*a6 38x6]
3 0 .S c 7 © d 4 3 1 .3 e e 7 B h7 32.c3 © c6 D 33.5 g6 1-0
4 g 8 3 4 .3 c 6 fg6 3 5 .B g 6 4 h 8 36 .S h 7 4 h 7 Marcinkiewicz
3 7 .3 a 6 S f8 ± 38. S d 6 114 3 9 .3 d 4 313 4 0 .4 x 2
4 g 8 4 1 .3 d 2 415? [4 1 ...E f5 ± ] 4 2 .B d 5 4 e 6
4 3 .3 h 5 ! 315 [4 3 „ .3 f6 4 4 .4 b 3 + - ] 44.4b3??
0-1 SI 9.9 33068
Keglevic,Pavao (YU) 2275
Jokovic (YU)
1989 cr
SI 9.9 33014
1.e4 c5 2.513 e6 3.d4 cd4 4. 5_d4 ©16 5.5x3 d6
Marcinkiewicz,Jan (PL) 2455 6.1,g5 a6 7.14 i e7 8.W13 ®c7 9.0-0-0 ©bd7
Nimtz,Manfred (DE) 2525 10.g4 b5 11. 5x16 ©16 12.g5 ©d7 13.15 5 x 5 14.16
1990 cr g16 15.gi6 i J 8 16.3g1 h5 [16...Ad7 17.Bg7
Ag7 18.fg7 Sg8 19.e5 0-0-0 20.ed6 « b 7 21.®f7
1.e4 c5 2.©13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .5 d 4 -5.16 5.5 c3 a6 b4 22.©ce2 M 5 23.®h5 ®a7? -YB/14;
6.1.g5 e6 7.14 M 7 8,® 13 * c 7 9.0-0-0 5 bd7 23...®b6 24,©b5 ®b5 25.©f4 ®b6 26.®h7 « a 7
10.g4 b5 11.1.16 ©16 12.g5 ©d7 13.15 5 x 5 14.16 27.67 ©d7 28.»d3! Bde8 29.©e6!+- Hedberg -
g!6 15.g16 i f 8 16.3g1 i d 7 17.Bg7 ig 7 18.fg7 Torn, Finland 1989; 17...b4 18.e5!?N Ba7
3g8 19.e5 0-0-0 20.ed6 * b 6 [20...®b7 21.107 19.Bf7! bc3 (19...de5!?) 20.1h5 &d8 21.3f8!
b4 22.©ce2 M 5 (22...Wd5 23.©b3 ©b3 24.ab3 3f8 22.»h7 cb2 2 3 .* b l M 8 (23...M8!?)
Wgj 2 5 .4 b l Wg7 26.®f2 M>5 2 7 .M 3 ®e5 24,®h3 25.©b3 Ad7 26.Bd6 ©b7
28.©f4 2 d 6 2 9 .S e l± ) 23.®h5! ®b6 24.©b5! 27.#d3!? ©d6 28.»d6 Bg8 29.«b6 Bc7
ab5 25.#(7 l b 7 26.d7!! ©d7 2 7 .M 3 # e 4 30,Aa6 ®h5 31.®d6 Bc6 32.«b8 Ac8co H-/2
28.M 6 (28.3d7!? S d7 29.Wg8 4 c 7 30.Wc8! Remise - Sonnet, 1989 cr] 17.a3 #

4 * 4 21.2g1 fif5?! [> 21...fie8 Gelemerov
w m w ^ w i
* m mm, 22.#d5 fic6 23,«c4 fib7 24,®b4 d5oo;
22...#c6oo] 22.#h5 fie 6 [22...*?d7 23.4ied4!i]
m m m * 23.45ed4! ed4 24.45d4 fid 7 [24...fia2
m m ■ h a
25.*a2-i—; 24...45c3 25.bc3 bc3—)
25.«d5! *416 [2S...45c5 26.0! ®b7 27.Wb7 4 * 7
• S A '« 1 28.2g8 fih6 29.fic4 fie3 30.4*3 fic6 31.S f 1
8 8 fih6 32.2fgl d5 33.ii.a6l; 27...*b7 28.2g8
fl&B B g fih6 29.fic4 fie3 30.45b3 45e6 31.2h8 2 h 8
■ 8 M 1 . B 1 32.S e l l ; 25...W O 26.#a5 45c5 27.2g5 Wc7
28.«b4 fic6 29.45c6 Wc6 30.fih3 2 d 7 31.0
[17.Sg7 b4 18.45d5ed5 19.ed5 fig4 2 0 .2 e l * d 8 * c 7 32.fid7 4 * 7 33.#d4 45e5 3 4 .2 e 5 i Gele­
21.*f4 * c 8 22.45c6N # d 7 23.h3 fih3? 24.fih3 merov] 26.#a8 i»'b8 27.Wa6 « b 7 2 8.W a5+ -
Wh3 25.2 n 45.d7 26.45e7 * c 7 27.#c4 7-0 Spitz # c 7 29..w.a6 * b 8 30.«b4 * a 8 31.fib5 7-0
- Ballester, 1989 cr; 23...fie6!oo] 17...2b8 Van der Tak
[17...fid7 18.fih3 4ia4 19.45a4 ba4 20.e5 Hc8
21,ed6 fid 6 2 2 .* b l fie5 23.c3 Sb8 2 4 .2 g 2 i
Zapata - Grunfeld, Palma de Mallorca 1989)
18.2g7! b4 19.ab4 Sb4 2 0 .*e 3 !± #b6 SI 11.11 33012
[20_fi.d7 21.4id5 ed5 22.ed5 * d 8 2 3 .S O + - ;
20...'#b7 21.fig2 fid7 22.e5 d5 23.45f5!+-]
Vitolinsh,Edvins (SU) 2465
21.4id5! edS 22.ed5 * d 8 D 23.45c6 * c 7 2 4 .4 *4
« b 4 2 5 .2 d 4 + - # a 5 26 .2f7 fid 7 27 .*b 1 7-0 Odeev,Khandzhar (SU)
Van der Tak 1990 cr

1.e4 c5 2.4513 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.45d4 4516 5.45c3 a6

B.fie2 e5 7.45b3 f ie 7 8.0-0 0-0 9 .fie 3 fie 6
10. # 6 2 45c6 11.Efd1 a5 12.a3 a4 13.45c1 Wc8
SI 9.9 33067
[I3...®a5 14.f3 fid8 15.*hl!? (15.jfi.b5)
15_fi.b6 16.Jfi.g5 45h5 (16...45d4 17.Af6 gfb
Gelemerov,lane (BG) 2440 18.g4! 2 fd8 19.45d 3 45e2 20.«e2 Ad4
Khokhlov,I (SU) 2390 2l.45d5!±) 17.b4(17.g4f6 18,gh5 fg5 19.*g5 h6!
1989 cr A 20...45d4+) 17...ab3 18.45b3 Ab3 19.cb3 Bro­
dsky - Odeev, Soviet Union 1990 19_fi.d4!?]
1.e4 cS 2.-7.t3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.«,d4 4,16 5.-5 ,c3 d6 14.4i1a2 2d 8 15.45b4N [15.i.f3 h6 16.«e2 2 d 7 a6 7.f4 fie 7 8.W13 # c 7 9.0-0-0 4,bd7 17,h3 i d 8 18,Ag4 45g4 19.hg4 Ag5!= Khalifman
10.g4 b5 1 1 .if6 4516 12.g5 4id7 13.15 45c5 14.16 - Loginov, Soviet Union 1987) 15...4ib4 16.ab4
gt6 15,gi6 f i l 8 16.#h5!? [16.a3 fid7 17.Wh5 d5! fib4Q [I7...2d7?! 18,fib5 2 d 6
0-0-0 !8.*bl.N e5?! 19.45b3 fie6 20.45d5 # a 7 19. fic 5 l],d8 45e4 1 9 . ^ 3 fic 3 20.bc3
21.45c5 # c 5 22.c4± Pedro - Giampaoli. 1985 cr] # d 8 21.fi13! [21x4 # b 6 22.W13? fig4!+;
16.. .Ji.d7 [16...2g8 17.e5! de5 18.fib5! -YB/11; 22.*e3?! We3 23.fe3 45c3+; 2 2 .2 fl ®c5 23.We3
17.. .fid7 lS.'tt'h? 0-0-0 -YB/13; 18...2g6!? dc4 24.'Se5 #a5+ ] 21...«c8D [21..,#c7 22.fie4
19.ed6 (19.ja.b5 2h6=) 19...»d6 20.«h4 # e 5 ? de4 23.«'b5!i; 21...45f6 22.'#b5 e4 23.fie2 ®d7
21.S e l l Pared Estrada - Virginia Estrada, Cuba 24. S d b lll] 22.fie4 de4 23.We4 a3 24.®e5 a2
1989; 20...'Brc7co; 19...#b7oo; 17...b4 18.Wh7 25.2d 3 fic 4 26.2 g3 Wf8 [26...g6 27.h4 1 ] 27.h4
2g6 19.fib5! ab5 20.4idb5 # b 8 2 1 .4id6+ - Hec­ 16! 28.®c7 #17 29.®f7 *1 7 = 30.Sg4 b5 31.f3
tor - Marinelli, Haifa 1989 tt] 17.*b 1N [17.fih3 2 a 3 32.h5 [32...2c3 33.2c4 Ec4 34.2a2=]
b4 18.45ce2 0-0-0 19.W7 fih6 2 0 .* b l 2df8 'A-'/i
21.'Wh5 2 f6 2 2 .2 h fl 2hf8 23.2f6 2f6 Odeev
24.45g3N fif4 25,«h7 2 h 6 2 6 .» 0 e5 27,#e8
* b 7 28..fid7 ed4 29.fic6 Wc6 3 0 .# O 45d7
31.0f4 2 h 2 32.2 c l * c 7 33.©f5 2 e 2 34.45d4
2 e 4 35,*d2± Hobusch - Pielert, 1985 cr] 17...b4
18.4ice2 0-0-0 [18...45e4?! 19.fig2 45f6? 20.#g5
4id5 21.fid5 ed5 22.45f4+-; 19...d5 20.fie4 de4
2l.4ig3±; 18...2g8 19.4ig3±] 19.#17 e5 2 0 .4 *3

SI 13

SI 13.4 33086 25.1a6?! Bel 26.4h2 E ddl (26...Ed2?

27.1b7!) 27.g4 E h l 28.4g3 £ d 5 !g /+ A
Wahls,Matthias (DE) 2565 29...Bhgl—►
] 24...Hb2 25.Ea7 416 26.1e2?! #
Armas,Iulius (RO) 2480
Delmenhorst 1990 tt

1.e4 c5 2.&13 d6 3.d4 £>16 4 .£ c 3 cd4 5 .£ d 4 a6

6 .1 c 4 e6 7.0-0 b5 8 .1 b 3 A e7 9.^13 [9.f4 l b 7
10.1e3 £ c 6 1 l.a3 0-0 12.£c6 l c 6 I3.f5 e5
14.£d5 l d 5 15.1d5 £ d 5 16.*d5 Sc8 17x3
Hc4 18.a4?! Ha4 19.Ba4 ba4 20.Hal WbS
21.1x1 f b 6 2 2 .4 h l 0 b 5 2 3 .# d l d5+ Kraiz -
Neverov, Lvov 1989] S.-.^be [9...’S'c7 10.«g3
£ c 6 l l.£ c 6 ^ 0 6 12.Sel 0-0 13.1h6 £ e 8
14.£d5 l d 8 15,£f4 l f 6 16.£d5 l d 8 17x3
l d 7 18.a4 W bl 19.£b4 ba4 20.1a4 l a 4 [A 2 7 .1 0 ; 26.Bd3 Bc8 (26...Bd3 27.1d3
21. Ba4 0 b 5 22.Beal a5 23.£d3 Bc8 24.1d2 Ad5=) 27.Bdd7 Bc4 28.Ef7 4g6 29.Eg7 4 f6
Bc4 25.Hc4 # 0 4 26.'S'e3± S.Polgar - Browne, 30.Egl7 (30.f4?? Bg2) 30...4g6- Wahls]
New York 1989] 1 0 .l,e3 ^ 7 n.'B'gS £ c 6 26.. .1,d5 27.a4 [2 7 .1 0 Ba2] 27...Bc8!+ 28.113
12.£c6 [12.E l d Ad7 13.Badl b4; 13...£a5!?] [28.g4 Bel (< 28,..h6?! 29.f4s=i) 29.4h2 Ecc2
12.. .'Hrc6 13.Bfe1 Ab7 14.Had1 £e4!N [Hubn- 30,g5 4g5 3 1. E n a e2 32. E g3 4 h 6 (A Ae4-g6)
er; 14...0-0 15.A.h6 £ e 8 16.Hd3 -YB/9; 16.a3 33.0 g5— 28. 0 Bcc2 29.Afl B c l-+ ]
Bd8 -YB/9; 16...4h8 17.1.g5 Ag5 18.*g5 £ f6 28.. . 1c1 29.4h2 Bf2 30.1d5 ed5 31.Bd7?!T
19. Ed3 h6 20.#d2 Bfd8 21.f3 Bd7 2 2 .S d l [31.BOD SO 32.gO Ec2 33.4h3+EN]
Ead8 2 3 .4 h l # c 7 24.£e2 d5 Shtirenkov - Tit- 31.. .E c c 2 !-+ 32.Ed5 [32,Sd6 4g5 33.Bd5
lianov, Soviet Union 1987] 15. A e4 ®e4 f5-+ ] 32...Hg2 33.4h1 [33.4h3 h5-+ ]
16.114» [;16.*g7 A.f6!-»] 16...'§’g6 [16...Ah4!? 33.. . 5h2 34.4g1 Ecg2 35.411 Ea2 36.4g1
Wahls 17. Se4? Ag3 l8.Hb4 a5?! 19.Hb5 Aa6 Bhg2 [36...Ehb2 37.BO 4g6 38.Bd4] 37.411
20.1a4! Af4 21.Ef5; 2; 18...Af4 19.Hf4 4e7+; Egb2 38.B d4 hS! [A 39...Bbl 40.E el Bb3]
17.Wg7 Af2 I8 .4 f2 Wf4 19.4gl 0-0-0+/—f; 39.B14 4 g 6 40.g4 h4 0-1
I8 .4 h l (!8 .4 fl Wf4) ! 8_fe.e 1 (18...*f4 Armas
19.1e6!?) I9.#hS 4 d 7 20.#g7 (20.Hd6
4 c 7 - + , f4< , g4<, h 8 < ; < 20...4e7 21.#g7
» f4 22.Be6!; 20.Ae6 #e6D 21.®g7 (2 1 .fd 4
Sg8) 21...d5+) 20...«ff4Q 21.E el Se8+/+]
17. Ad6 [17.#h3!?] 17...Ad6 [2 17...Bd8 SI 13.4 33087
18. Wg6 hg6= l9.Ae6? fe6 (19...Hd6? 20.Bd6
Ad6 21.£d5+) 20. Be6 Bd6! (20...Ed7 Veroci-Petronic,Zsuzsa (HU) 2315
2!.H del± ) 21.Edd6 4 f7 22.Bb6 £c5!; 18.£e7 Armas,Iulius (DE) 2480
» g 3 (18...4e7? 19,#h4 # f6 20,«b4 T) 19.hg3 Bad Worishofen 1990 open (5)
4x7=] 18.Bd6 # g 3 19.hg3 4 e 7 [< 19...Bd8
20. BB6 Sd7 21.a4 4 d 8 22x4 (22.a5) 22...4c7 1.e4 c5 2. -1.13 d6 3.d4 £,16 4.£c3 cd4 5.£d4 a6
23. a5] 20.S b6 S ab8 [20...Ehb8 21.a4 1x8 6.1c4 e6 7.1b3 b5 8.0-0 Ae7 9.W13 Wb6
22. Bb8 Bb8 23.a5 A b7-; 21...ba4 22.£a4 Ad5 10.Ae3 # b 7 11.Wg3 £ c 6 12.£c6 Wc6
23. Bb8 Bb8 24.b3 4 d6= A 25...1x6; 24,..Bc8; 13.0ad1 l b 7 14.Ble1 «ie4 15.ae4 We4
21x4 bc4 (21...A.C8) 22.£c4 1x8 23.Eb8 Bb8 16.Wg7!N 116! [g2<] 17.*g 3D 0-0-0!?
24. b3 f6= A 25...a5] 21 .c4 [21.a4 ba4 22.1a4 [I7...1h4? 18.#h3 ®g6(18...Bg8 19.1g5!±/+-)
A,d5=] 21...bc4 [21...A.a8] 22.£c4 Bhd8 19. ! e 6 !+ - ] 18.1 b6! [< 18.1d4? # f5 19.Wc3
[22...£a8 23.Ba6 Sb2=; 22...Shc8? 23.Eb7! (19.1f6 # f6 20.Ed6? Sd6 21.#d6 E g 8-+ )
Eb7 24.1a6±] 23.S e3 [£ 23.1a6?! I a 6 19...4 b 8 20.1f6 Hhg8 21.0 (21.g3 Ec8;
24. Ba6 Sb2+; 23.b3 Ed6 24.1b4 4 d 7 A 21.. .Wh3!?; 21.1d8 Hg2! 2 2 .4 h l Bg8 23.!d5D
25.. .4x7] 23...1a8 [< 23...Ed6? 24.Beb3! Bb6 l d 5 24.Ed5 ®d5 25.0 Bd8+) 21...Bc8 22.Wd4
25. Hb6n—, a6< ] 24.Ha6 [24.Beb3 Hb6 E g2!-+; 21...lO !? ] 18...Bdg8 19.Be4 Hg3
25.Bb6 H dl 26.4h2 Ad5 27.1x15 (27.A.a6 20. hg3 l.e 4 2 1 .ld 4 [> 21.Bd6 l b 2 22.1d4
£ a2=) 27...ed5 28.3a6 d4; 2 24...fibc8! l d 4 23.Bd4 l g 6 (23...1c6 24.Bf4 le8D ± )

24. Ed6 ®b7±] 2 1 4 22.2d4 d5 23.f3 iSg6 2hg8 19.2afl 2g6=] 12...A e6ff 13.«Jd1!?
24.a4 ®c7 25.®f2 * c 6 = 26.c3 * c 5 [26...2b8 [13.0-0-0 ®c7 A © d7?; 13.Jfe.f6 gf6 14.0-0-0 ®e7
27.ab5 ab5D 28.g4 A 29,f4] 27.ab5 [> 27.®e3= A h5-lt4, Ah6+] 13...2b8! 14.5Je3 Ab4
A Ed2, ab5, Ac2] 27...ab5 28.±d1 Eb8 [> [14...Eb2?? 15.0-0-Oh— ] 15.®f2 [I5.c3 Jfe.e7]
28...e5 29.b4 -*06 30.2d2 Ed8 31.<^>e3 (31.2a2 15...A.C5 16.b3 ®c7! 17.Af6 gf6 18.Ad3 f5!
d44/+) 31...f6¥] 29.g4 h6 30.g3 b4 31.2b4 flb4 19.ef5 #
32xb4 A b4+ 33.®e3 e5 34,®d2 f6 35. ®e3
®c4 36.Aa4 4b1 37.J.C6 A a2 3 8 .ib 7 ®b4
39. Ji,c6 i c 4 40.®d2 ®c5 41.±d 7 ®d4 42.jS.f5
AM 43.Ag6 Ag2 44.®e2 Ah3 [A 45...e4] 45.b4
[45.Af5? h5+; 45.Ah5] 45...e4! [< 45...®c4
46.Af7 f5! (46...e4 47.b5=) 47.b5 fg4 (47...®b5?
48. gf5) 48.f4!D ®b5D (48...ef4?? 49.b6+-) 49.fe5
®c5 50.e6 ®d6 51.e7 ®e7 52.Ad5=; 50.®d3=]
46.b5 ®c5 47.fe4 Ag4?! [> 47...d4! 48.Ae8 Ag4
49. ®d3 Ae6 50,b6 Ac4+; 48.Af5 ®b5 49.®d3
* c 5 50,Ae6 A fl 5l.® d2 ®d6 52.Af5 ®e5
53.®c2 Ag2 54.®d3 A fiZ 55.Ag6 Ag4+]
48.®d3 d4 [A Ad7, Ae6] 49.Af5!Q= [49,b6 19...Ab3!! 20.cb3? [> 20.®e2 Ad5 21.©d5 cd5
Ac8+ A Aa6, ®b6] 49...AI5 50.ef5 ®b5 22.jS.b5 e4 A ®d6-e5] 20...2b3 21.2ac1 Ab6
51.® d4 ®c6 52.g4 ®d6 Vi-'h 22.®e2 2d8! [22...e4? 23.£Jd5=] 23.2hd1 e4
Armas 24.Ac4 2 e 3 25.®f1 Ed1 26.2d1 2 a 3 !- +
27.Af7 2 a 4 28.»g8 e3! 29.®e2 [29.Ah7
2a2!—i-] 29...2g4 30.Ah7 2g 2 31.®d3 2h2
32.ii.g8 2 f2 33.®e4 a4 34.1x4 a3 35.Ha1 e2
SI 14.4 33168 0-1
King,Daniel (GB) 2515
Rashkovsky.Nukhim (SU) 2540
Capelle-la-Grande 1990 open SI 14.8 33222

1.e4 c5 2 .i f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.5 d4 5 f6 5.5 c3 a6

Khalifman,Aleksandr (SU) 2560
6.a4 5jc6 7 .A e 2 e5 8.5lc6?! [8.4lfi Ae7 9.Ag5
Ae6 10.0-0 ©b4 l l.« d 2 0-0 12..sSf6 A,f6 Byrne,Robert (US) 2460
13.<£jd 1 a5 14.c3 <S3a6 15.Aa6 2 a 6 16.5Je3 jS,g5 New York 1990 open (3)
17.5jg5 0 g 5 18.«e2 2c8 19.21’dl Ab3 20.2d2
2b6= Kudrin - Browne, Estes Park 1986 ch-US; I . e4 c5 2.®f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4. \d 4 5Jf6 5.®c3 a6
9.0- 0 0-0 10.jS.g5 Ae6 1 A.f6 12.®d5 ©d4 6. fi.e3 e5 7.?Jf3 Ae7 8.J.C4 0-0 9.0-0 « c 6
13.®f6 0 f 6 14,<Bd4 ed4 15..Ad3 2ac8 16.f4 10.*e2?! [> I0.h3 5Ja5 » . l b 3 ; 10.Ag5]
Ac4 17.a5 Ec5 18.2f2 2fc8 19.2a4 h6 20.h3 10...4ia5 11.jSd5 [ ll.l.b 3 Jle6 !2.Ag5 2c8]
# 0 8 = Salazar - De Firmian, Dubai 1986 ol; I I . ..jSe6 12.Had1 # c 7 13.Ae6?! fe6 14.®g5
8.£Jb3 Ae7 9.0-0 0-0 10.®hl Ae6 11.14 ef4 #c8! [I4 ...# d 7 15.f4!) 15.f4?! [15.®a4 (A
12.Af4 d5=] 8...bc6 9.f4 a5!N [9...ef4 10.1f4 16.5jb6) 15...#c4! 16.004 ®c4?EN; > 15.2d3
Ae7 11.0-0 0-0 12.®hl A.e6 0d7oo h6 16.5Jfi+/=] 15...ef4 16.l.f4 « c 4 ! #
Grokhotov - Tukmakov, Soviet Union 1979; RR
10...Ae6 11.0-0 Ae7 12.a5 0-0 13.e5 de5 14.1x5
# d l lS .E fd l 5Jd5 16.55d5 iSd5 17.1,d4 Van
der Wiel - Loginov, Beograd 1988; 9...1x7 10.fe5
de5 l l . « d 8 Ad8 12.a5 1 x 6 13.2a4 0-0 14.1x3
Larsen - Bukic, Bugojno 1978; 9.,.'B'a5 10.0-0
1 x 7 ) l .t td 3 0-0 12.Ad2 ef4 13.2f4 0 c 7 14.a5
Fishbein - Olafsson, New York 1990] 10.fe5?! [>
10.0- 0 Ae7 1 l.iSe3 0-0 12.®hl] 10...de5 11.0d8
® d8® 12.Ag5 [12.Ac4 i.b 4 13.0-0 ®e7 14.Ag5
Ac3 15.bc3 Ae6 16.J.e6 &e6 17.Af6gf6 18.2f2

SI 18

17. fta4! ]17.Acl ftb2! A 18...Wc5; 17.e5 de5

18. Ae5 ftb2; 17.b3 ftb2] 17...b5 18.b3 h6
19. ftf3 ba4 20.bc4 [20.WC4 # c 4 21.bc4 fte 4 -+ ]
20.. .e5 21.A d #c5?! [21...#e6+] 22.Ae3 # c 6
23. fth4! [23.c5 dc5! (23...fte4 24.#c4 A
25.#e6oo) 24.#c4 &h7 25.fte5 #e4+EN]
23.. .517.[23...fte4 24.ftg6!; 23...#e4 24.ftf5
3ae8 25.Hd6! A d 6 26.ftd6 # c 6 27.fte8 Se 8=]
24. ftf5 A f 8 [24...fte4 25.#h5! Baf8 26.*g6;
24.. .#e4 25.3d6! Bc 8 26.Hf6! A f 6 27.ftd6
# 06=] 25.ftg3 Bc 8 [25,..fte4 26.B n <S>f7
27. # t3 + ] 26.c5! dc5 2 7 .# c 4 ^ #b5?! [27...g6=] 23.. .e4!D [23...fte3 24,Wd2! ftd l (24...f4 25.3cl
28. # e 6 Be 8?! [28...We8! 29.#a6 c4oo] 29.#f5 A 26.2d7, 2 6 .fte4+ -) 25.«h6 Sd8 (25...ftf2
Bd7? [29„.#c4 3 0 .% 6 # e 6 31.Ah6±; 29...C4 26.Sd7 A 2 7 .S f7 + -) 26.Sd7! # c 8 27.fte6!+ -]
30.#g6 Ac5 31.Ac5 « c 5 32.&hl A 33.«bf5] 24.fe4 [24,cd5 ed3 25.d6 Ab3 26.dc7 Ac2
30.fth5! Bf7 [30...Bdl 31.ftf6 gf6 32.®g4! A 27.&al Adloo] 24...fte3 [24...fe4 25.Bh3;
3 3 .5 d H ——»] 31.»g6 S e 6 32.Ah6 # e 8 24.. .ftf6 25.ftd7+ -] 25.Sd7?T (25.ftd7! ftd l
[32...#e2 33.ftg7!+~; 33.Bd8 # fl!; 32...C4 26.ftf6 * h 8 27.fte8 Ae8 2 8 .B d l+ - (A 29.Ac5
33 .* h l! # b 6 34.Ag5 Ae7 35.3d7!] 33.Bf6 '1-0 Sb7 30.#c7 Bc7 31.2d8; A 29.Ad6) 28...Ag7D
Khalifman 29.Ad6 (29x5 Hb7 30.#c7 Sc7 31.Hd8 2e7
32.Aa4 Af8 33.ef5+-; < 29,Ac5?l We5! 30.«a3
Sb7 A 31.Ad4 # e 4 32.Ac2 We7) 29...#f7
30x5+ -] 25...«f4+±T 26.Se1 [A 26.S hl ftfl!]
SI 17.6 33132 Gelfand/Atlas

Atlas, Valeri (SU) 2420

Yuneev,Aleksei (SU) 2380
Podolsk 1990 tt (8)
SI 18.7 33001
1.e4 c5 2.ftf3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.ftd4 ftf6 5.ftc3 g6
6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.#d2 ftc6 9.0-0-0 d5 Zyla,Janusz (PL) 2275
10.ed5 ftd5 11.ftc6 bc6 12.Ad4 e5 13.Ac5 Maliakin (SU)
Ae6 14.fte4 2b8 [l4...Be8 15.h4 h6 16.h5 g5 Katowice 1990 open
17. g4 # c 7 18.Ac4 a5 19.flh2 a4 20.Ad6 Wb6
21.Ac5 # c 7 22.Ad6 Wb6 23.Ac5 'A-'A Gdanski 1.e4 c5 2.5 13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.5 d4 5l»6 5.5 x 3 g6
- Watson, Haifa 1989] 15.Ac4 #c8?!N 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.13 0-0 8.#d2 « c 6 9.Ac4 Ad7
[15...#c7?! -YB/14; 15...&h8 I6.h4 f5 17.<2bg5 10.h4 Bc8 11.Ab3 ®e5 12.0-0-0 &C4 13.Ac4
Ag8 18.h5 Af6? 19.fth7!!-{— Sigurjonsson - Ku­ Sc4 14.*b1 b5 15.b3!N [15.h5 b4 16.^ce2 e5
drin, Gausdal 1983; 15...Be8 16.h4a5 17.Ab3h6 17.®b3 d5 18.hg6 fg6 19.Ah6 Ah6 20.#h6 de4+
18. g4 Ha8 19.a4i Popovic - Sax, Subotica 1987] Suetin - Kupreichik, Soviet Union 1974]
16.Aa3 [A H .'i'aS, 17.ftc5; 16.»a5!?; < 15.. .Hc8 [15...Hc5? 16.ae6! fe6 17.Ac5 dc5
16.Af8?! #f8® ] 16...Sd8 17.#a5 Hb6 18 x 5 + -] 16.AiCb5l? [I6.«5db5] 16...e5 17.&d6
[I7...#c7 I8 .2 d 5 # a 5 19,Sa5 Ac4 20.b3 Ae6 ed4 18.Ad4 Sc6 [18...Sc7l? 19.h5 Ae6 20.Ab2
21.Ba7±] 18.3d3!± [<: 18.#a7? 2 d 7 19.#a5 Sd7 2l.hg6 fg6! 22x4 ®e8 23x5!? (23x5 Ab2
# b 8 A 20...Sa7—*; 18...Ah6!? A 19...Ae3E2 24.*b2 © d6 25.cd6 « f6 26.#d4±) 23...«5d6
Yuneev] 18...#c7 [18...ftf4 19.Bd8 « d 8 24.ed6 Af5 2 5 .* a l Ab2 26.*b2 # f6 27.*a3D
20,B dl± ; !8...Wb8 19. S h d l] 19.Ab3 [< (A 28x5) 27...Hc8 28.Shel (A # d 5 , c5±)
19. flh d l Ah6 20.&bl?? 3 b 2 - + ; 19.#d2!? 28.. .Bc5 29.b4 3c8 (29,..3c4? 30.#d5
Hdb8 20. Ab3 ftf4 21.Ad6±; 19,..f57! 20.ftg5; S 31.3e8 *g7 32,#e5 * h 6 33.f4! * h 5 34.g4!+-)
19...Be8±/±] 19...Ah6 [< 19...f5 20.ftg5] 30x5 a5 31.#d5 ^ f8 32.#e5±] 19.Ab2 # b 6
20. tt?b1 [A 21.S h d l, 22x4] 20...15 21.ftc5 Af7 20.h5 Bd8?! [20...'ah5 21.Ag7 ftg7 (21...^g7?
[2I...Ac8? 22.S h d l] 22.Shd1 Be8D [22...3db8 22.g4 ftf6 2 3 x 5 + -) 22.#h6 fth5 23.3h5 gh5
23x4 ftf6 (23...«3e3 24,#d2!) 2 4.ftd7+ -] 24.#g5 * h 8 25.#f6 *g8 26.3d5 S c 5 n 2 7 .« g 5
23.C4+- # * h 8 28-ftH BH 29.3c5±; 20...gh5 21x5 ®e8

22.2h5±] 21.hg6 hg6 [21...fg6? 22.£f6 Af6 19.ef5! 0 c 3 20.fg6 a c 4 21.gf7 * f7 2 2 .0 c l a4
23.W d5+-] 22.®f4± [A 2 3 .0 f6 + -] 22...Ah3? 23.1c4 0 c 4 24.*d2 2c5 25.0d3 0 b 4 26.&al
[22...Af5D 23.®f5 gf5 24.«f5±J 2 3 .A f6 + - 2c3 (26...i.g4!7 Watson) 27.0 d 4 2 c 4 28.c3!?
2cd6 [23...2dd6 24.A g7+-; 23...Af6 2 4 .*f6 0 b 5 (28...2d4!? Watson) 29.0 d 2 hg4 30.fg4
2cd6 25.2d6 2d6 2 6 .0 h 4 + -j 24.i.d8 2d8 2g4 3 1 .2 d fl± W.Watson - Kudrin, Palma de
25.gh3 2c8T 26.2d3 a5 27.a4 1-0 Mallorca 1989 GMA; 16...2e8 17.g4a5 18.gh5a4
Zyla/Janocha 19.1d5 a d 5 20.ed5 « c 3 21.hg6 'A-'A J.Amason
- M.Petursson, Reykjavik 1989] 16.^ b l [16.g4
0 c 3 17.<£bl a5 18.gh5 a4 19.hg6 ab3 20.cb3 fg6
21. h5 g5 22.0g5 * h 7 23.2h2N 2g8 2 4 .0 f4
a c6 2 5.af5 l f 5 2 6 .0f5 * h 8 27.2c2 0 e 3
SI 18.9 33073
28.2d6 a d 4 + Miljanic - Kosanovic, Beograd
1988 GMA] 16...2c8 [16...b5?! 17.ae2 0 3 3
Lo Conte,V (IT) 18. a f 4 a c 4 19.ad3 2c8N 2O.0cl 0 a 5 21.1c4
Lotti,Fabio (IT) 2 c 4 22.0b2 2 c 3 23.®f4 Zc5 24.2 d 4 1 x 6
1989 cr cr 25 ! d3 x Beulen - Romero Holmes, Groningen
II 1988] 17.g4 0 c 3 [I7...ac4? I8.1c4?! 2 c 4
I. e4 cS 2 .6 J3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.®d4 A,f6 5 .5 c 3 g6 19. ae2?! I e 6 20.gh5? 2e4! 2 l .a c l 2 a 4 22.hg6
8. iie3 i g 7 7.f3 5 x 6 8 .0 d 2 0-0 9.i..c4 :S,d7 l a 2 23.*b2 Za3 2 4 .ae2 l b 3 ! 0-1 Topuria -
10.h4 2 c 8 11.jS.b3 h5 12.0-0-0 fte 5 13.Ah6 Dushkin, 1988 cr; 18.gh5 a a 3 19.&cl 0 c 3
J . h6 14.0h6 2 c 3 15.bc3 0 a 5 [15...Wc7 16.*bl 20.2d3! 0 d 3 21.hg6 d5 2 2 . 2 g l + - ^ Ivanov -
2c8 17.<Se2?! a5 18.®f4 e6 19.g4 a4 20.gh5 ab3 Radulov, Sofia 1988 open; 18.2d3 0 a 3 19. jS.c4
21. cb3 #c3 + Hyldkrog - Ca. Hansen, Lyngby 2 c 4 20.e5! a d 5 21,gh5 a c 3 22.2c3 0 c 3
1989 open; I7.g4 a5 18.g5 ® e8 19.f4 a4 20.Ad5 23.hg6t— Tolnai - Harkanyi, Budapest 1988
e6 21.fe5 0 c 3 22.2d3 0 b 4 23.&al ed5 2 4 .2 b l open; 18...hg4 19.h5 gh5 20.fg4 We5 21.gh5 1-0
0 c 4 25.&f5! Af5 26.ef5 0 e 4 27.fg6 fg6 28.2b7 Riemer - Pantaleoni, 1989 cr] 18.ghS a c 4
0 e 5 29.c3 0 e l 3 0 .2 b l 0 e 4 31.2b7 0 e l = 19.ii.c4 2 c 4 20.2 d3 [2O.0d2 a h 5 21.0c3 2c3
A.J.Sanchez - Palkovi, Hungary 1989; 18.gh5 a4 22. * b 2 2c4 23.*b3 b5 24.c3 ®f4! 25.2 d 2
I9.± d5 ®d5 20.ed5 « c 3 21.hg6 0 b 4 22.&cl fg6 2 a 4 S > Perilli - Picardi, 1986 cr] 2O...0b4
23,2hgl A fj 24.<Sf5 0 a 3 25.&bl Wb4 % 21.’ b3 ' h5 22.2g1 0 b 6 #
Gobet - Kudrin, Bern 1988; 21...fg6 22.2hgl
i s ? ! (22...2c4! 23.2d3 2 b 4 24.®b3 0 c 4
25.2g6= Kholmov) 23.®f5?! (23.0d2!± Khol­
mov) 23...0c2 ‘A - ‘A Khalifman - Savchenko, Sim­
feropol 1988; 19.hg6 ab3 20.cb3 0 c 3 21.g(“ 4>f7
22.2hgl Ah3 23.2g3 ®d3 24.2g7 &e8 25.2e7
* e 7 26.0g7 4=e8 27.*g6 &e7 28,®g7 'A-'A
T.Bauer - Videki, Kecskemet 1988; 23_fi.fl!?
24.2g7 &e8 2 5 .0 h 8 &d7 26.2e7 * e 7 27.&f5
* d 7 28.®g7 &c6 29.2d6 * c 5 3 0 .# g l * b 4
31.V I 7 (31.2b6!=) 31...«c2?! 3 2 .* a l '■■13?!
33.2b6 &a3 34.2a6 ba6 35.0a6 &b4 36.0b7
■4>a3 37.0a6 'A-'A De Firmian - Kudrin, Cam­ 23.2g5N [23.0e3 -YB/7; 23.2g2!? Ah3
bridge Springs 1988 ch-US; 31 ...b5!? 32.Se7 2c7 24.2gd2 Ae6 25.0e3 0 e 3 26.2e3 * g 7
33.2f6? 0 c 2 3 4 .* a l 0 c 1 0-1 Reyes - Kudrin, 27.2d4± Mainka - Koch, Dortmund II 1989]
Chicago 1989; 31...-7 d5! 32.2d5 * a 3 —K 32.ed5 23...«f2 2 4 .2 d2 [24.ad2?! 2 b 4 25.2 b 3 2 b 3
t c 2 3 3 ,* a l t c l - + ; 32.®e3 fte3 33.2b6 4>c5! 26.ab3 0 h 4 + Picardi] 24...013 2 5 .2 d g 2 a » 4 0
34.0b5 4>d4 35.2d6 ®d5 36.0d5 «iws3 37.'Brdl 26.h5!= [2 6 .2 2g3? 0 d l 2 7 ,^ b 2 0 c 2 2 8 ,* a l
>af3—i- Markeluk; 23.ab5?!N 0 c 2 24.4>al 2g8 0 e 4 —h; 2 6 .2 g l? 0 e 4 - + Lotti] 2 6 2 27.hg6
25.0C1 Wcl 2 6 .2 c l 2 g l 2 7 .2 g l Cf3 2 8 .2 cl 0 d 1 2 8 .* b 2 0 c 2 2 9 .* a1 0 d 1 3 0 .* b 2 0 c 2
a e 4 29.2c7 a h 4 30.2b7 a f3 + EN German - 'A-'A
Romanelli, Argentina 1990; 18. f5! ? if 5 D Van der Tak
19.gf5 a4 (I9 ...0 c 3 20.fg6 a c 4 21.gf7 * f7
22, ’t c l a4 23.1x4 2 c 4 24.a3 « f 3 S W.Watson)
20.1a4 0 c 3 21.Ab3 a c 4 22.001 013 23,fg6 fg6
24.2 h g l &h7oo Wahls - Gupta, Dortmund 1988;

SI 18

SI 18.12 33175 A a 4 57.#e5 4 h 7 58.#h2 4 g 7 59.#b2 4 g 8

60.#b1 i d 7 61.4b8 [61.4d8?? &f5 62.#a2
Solozhenkin,Eduard (SU) 2420 4f8] 61...g5!D [61...Af5 62.Wa2—h] 62.#g1
Shevelev (SU) [62.#a2 g4 63.#a6 g3=] 62...g4 63.4a7 ^.b5
64.4b6 B g 7 6 5 .# g3 B g 5 66.#b3 4 h 8 67.We3
Leningrad 1990
E g 7 6 8 .# g3 4 g 8 69.4c5 4 h 8 70.4d4 4 g 8
71.4e3 3kc6 72.4f2 Bf7 73.4g1 E g 7 74.#c3
1.e4 c5 2.5?f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.<Sd4 53f6 5.5ic3 g6
i b 5 7 S.4 g2 g3!= (75...4h8 76.4g3 4 h 7
6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8.0d2 5?c6 9.Ac4 &d7
77.#c8 Bd7 78.#a8 Ad3 79.W hl!+-] 76.#c8
10.0-0-0 Bc8 11.Ab3 5?e5 12.h4 h5 13.&g5
4 h 7 77.#15 4 g 8 78.#d5 4 h 8 79.#a8 4H 7
Ec5 14.4b1 b5 15.Hhe1 53c4!N [I5...a5
80.#c8 B d 7 81.#c2 4 h 8 !D 82,#c8 4 h 7
-YB/13; 15...«b6!? ef6 17.52d5 # d 8
83.#18 B g 7 84.4g1 S d 7 85.4g2 E g 7 86.#f5
18.g4+ Solozhenkin - Blodstein, Soviet Union
4 g 8 87.#e6 4 h 7 88.#h3 4 g 8 8 9 .*h 5 jLc6
1989] 16.Ac4 bc4 [RR 16...Bc4 17.e5 b4 I8.ef6
90.4g1 i b S O L W h l E d 7 92.#d5 4 h 7 93.4g2
ef6 19.53d5 fg5 20.5?b3 Ae6 2l.hg5 a5—»Mnatsa-
E g 7 94.#a8 A d 3 95.d7 B d 7 96.4g3 4 g 7
kanian - Sapi, Budapest 1990] 17.ilh6 [ 17.e5 de5
18. j.f6 ef6 (18...Af6?! 19.®db5?! -YB/13;
19.53e6!) 19.5jdb5 a6 20.«d6 Bc6 21.#d7 « d 7
22. Sd7 ab5 23.52b5 f5oo] 17...#b6 1 8 .ig 7 Hb8
19. # c 1 4 g 7 20.5>de2 [20.He3?! Hc7 21,Sd2
Ecb7 22.5?dl? e5—h] 20...Hc7 [20...#b4,
20.. .e5] 21.53d5! [21.Hd2? Scb7 22.®dl # a 5
2 3 .4 a l ke6\ 24,®ec3 Eb2! 25.5?b2 Wc3
26.Hde2 # a 3 27x3 53d7+] 21...5?d5 22.ed5
#12? [22...Scb7 23.b3 a5 24.5ig3! (24,®d4? a4!
25.#b2 4g8 26.Be7 ab3 27.cb3 cb3 28.ab3
#c5+ ) 24...a4 25.Se7 ab3 26.cb3 cb3 27.a3! # f2
28. # b 2 Wb2 29.4b2±; 27...4f8 28.Bdel # f2
29. Wb2 Wb2 30.4b2±; 27...Sc8 28.<SbhS! gh5
(28...4h7? 29.53f6 4g7 30.#b2 Bc2 31.5ih5
4 f8 3 2 .S f7 + -) 29.#g5 4 f8 30.Bf7; 27...4g8
28.#b2? #c5!! (28...Sc7 29.Sd7! Sd7 30.»e4
Ee7 31.®f6 4 f8 32.£d7!!) 29.Bcl (29.Sd7 SI 18.14 33249
#c2!—h; 2 9 .4 a l Ba8 30.5?e4 Ba3 31 .4 b l # c 2
32. # c 2 bc2 33.4x2 A a 4 -+ ) 29...#d5 (29...#c2 Adams,Michael (GB) 2555
3 0 .4 a l) 30.Bd7 Bd7 31.5X4 #f5! 3 2 .4 al Se7 Tiviakov,Sergei (SU) 2490
(32...4h7?? 33.53f6 4 h 6 34.g4-t~) 33.®f6 4 h 8 Oakham 1990 (8)
34.53d5 Be5 35.f4 #e4! 36,fe5 (36.B dl « c 2 —t-)
36...# d 5 37.e6 (37.ed6 4 h 7 —i-) 37...*h7±; 1.e4 c5 2.5 ,f3 d6 3.d4 Cd4 4.5 d4 5:16 5.5 x 3 g6
28.Sd7!! Bd7 29.5X4 *d8 (29...Bc7 6.Ae3 Ag7 7.f3 0-0 8 .# d 2 5?c6 9.Ac4 Ad7
30. ®1i 6h—) 30.#b2 Se7 31.53f6 4 f8 32.5)d7 10.0-0-0 E c 8 11.Ab3 fee5 12.h4 h5 13.Ag5
4g8=] 23.43d4! # h 4 24.Be4 #16 25.Bf4 # e 5 E c 5 14.f4 53c4 [14...£ieg4!?] 15.#d3 ® g4
[25...#g5?? 2 6 . a n + - ] 26.Ee1 # d 5 27.Be7 [15...b5] 16 .i c4 5312 17.We2 4ih1 18.Ab3 a5N
Bcb7 [27...Bf8 2 8 .5 X 6 + -] 28.Bff7 #17 29.B17 [18...«b6 19.f5!?oo] 19.15 ]19.a4!7 # b 6 20.f5co;
4 f7 3 0 .#f4 ± 4 g 7 31 .b3 cb3 32.ab3 Bb6 20.®f3? Ac3 21.bc3 Bc3] 19...a4!?
33. * b 2 [33.#g5! A 34.#a5±] 33...Bf8 34.#g5 [20,Af7? 4 f 7 —i-; 20.53a4!? ± a 4 21.Aa4 5lg3
B17 35.#a5 Af5 36.5, b5? [36.4X5 gf5 37.«c3 22. # d 3 (22.We3 Bc4!; 2 2.#D Hc4!) 22...kd4
4 h 7 38.f4±] 36...BC6! 37.C4 Bb7! 38.g4T 23. # g 3 Ag7 24.^.b3 4h7? 25.AH! Bf7 26.fg6
[38.#c3 4 h 7 39.#d4 Scb6, b3< ] 38...hg4 4g6 27 .A e7 + -; 24...4h8] 20...#e8 [A 21,..e6;
39.fg4 itg 4 40.Wc3 4 h 7 41.#d4 X15 42.4d6 20.. .a3 2l.fg6 i g 4 22.gH (22.1.H 4h 8 )
Bd7 43x5 [43.#h4 4 g 7 44.5X5 gf5 45.#g5 4 f7 22.. .4 .8 ; 21.#e3!oo] 21.g4? [2l.fg6 e6; 2 l.# e 3
46.#f5=] 43...Bcd6!!= # e6 22.f6 (22.Ab7 a3!?) 22...£h8 23.1.b7 # b 8
44.cd6 sg8 45.4c3 B17 46.#h4 Sd7 47.#g3 24. Aa6 # b 6 A 25,..Bb8; 2l.a3! i d 4 (2l...e6?
Bf7 48.b4 4 g 7 49.4d4 4 g 8 50.4c5 Bd7 22.f6 Ah8 23.Aa2) 22.Bd4 e6 23.fe6 (23.Aa2
51.«e5 Ef7 5 2 .*c 6 .fi.d7?! [> 52...4h7=] ef5) 23...fe6 24,Aa2 Bg5!? 25.hg5 #e7c»/=]
53.4c7 Ab5 54.4b8 a6 55.#e6 4 g 7 56.4c8 21.. .hg4 22 .# e3 [22.#g4 5?f2-+: 22.h5 5ig3!?

(22...gh5 2 3 .2 h l J,d 4 24.2h5-») 2 3 .% 4 ©h5] 6 .1 e 3 a6 7.13 b5 8.g4 h6 9 .# d 2 5 bd7 10.0-0-0
22...e6! 23.f6 Ah8! 24.Ab3? [24.&b7 # d 8 l b 7 1 1 .ld 3 [1 l.h4!?| 11...©e5 12.Ehe1 b4
25. S h i Jif6 26.Af6 « f6+ ] 24...e5! 25.©15 gf5 13.©a4 dS 14.ed5 ©d5 15.i t . 12 l d 6 16.115
26.2d6 Bc6 0-1 0-0D 17.' e6 1e6 1 8 .le 6 * h 8 19..i.d5 ©13
Tiviakov 20,J*.13 113 2 1 .lb 6 I d 1 22.1d8 Ead8
23,«g2?!N [2 3 .« d l l f 4 2 4 .* b l B d l 25.B dl
l h 2 T Hjartarson - Kasparov, Thessaloniki 1988
ol] 23...113 24.Wg1 [24.#h3? I f 4 2 5 .* b l Bfe8
SI 18.15 33127 26.B fl Se3+ Kasparov] 24....614 2 5 .*b 1 l d 2
26.B11 #

Herrera,Irisberto (CU) 2410

Alzugaray,Daniel (CU) 2230
Havana 1990

1,e4 c5 2.©13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.©d4 ©16 5.©c3 g6

6 .± e 3 Ag7 7.&c4 0-0 8.f3 ©c6 9.®d2 Ad7
10.h4 Bc8 11.Ab3 h5 12.0-0-0 ©e5 13.Jig5
Sc5 14.g4 hg4 15,f4 ©c4 16.#d3 b5 17. if6!?
[ 17.e5] 17....>16 18.e5 [18.h5!?] 18...de5
[ 18__fe.g7?! 19.h5 t ; RR 18...Ae5 19.fe5 ©e5
20.*e3 * g 7 21,©e4 Ec8 22.h5 Eh8 23.hg6 f6
24.6 c 6h— Jankovsky - Vagenknecht, 1984 cr] 26...1e2! [26...1g4 27.Sf8 E f8 ^ Kasparov]
19. ©db5 ©b2!D [19...ef4?! 20.Ac4 (20.®d7 27.BI2Q [27.2f5? Ef5 28.gf5 Ag5—h] 27...B1e8
« d 7 21.Sd7 ©e3oo) 20...*g7 21.©d5 Ab5 [27...1e3 28.Bf8 Bf8 29.«e3 B fl SO.Wcl Bel
22.jl.b5 Wb8 23.©f6 ef6 24.1x4 A l d 5 , c4±] 31. * c l lg 4 = ] 28,b3 [28.©c5 jfljbS! 29.Bd2
20. # g 6 [< 20.*b2 ef4 (20...Eb5 21.#gh Ag7 (29.©d3 2d3) 29...Bd2—!-] 28...1c3?
22. <Sbb5-t—) 2 1 .* c l (21.Wg6 l g 7 22.h5 Eb5!+) [28_iLb5! 29.Ed2? Bd2 30,®c5 l d 3 - + ;
21.. .Wa5 22.Wd7 ( 2 2 .^ 6 l g 7 23.Sd7 Hc3 29. *b2! *g8! (29...E e l? 30.Bd2!; 29...1e3
24.©c3 « c3 25.We4 O -) 22...1c3 23.©c3 0 c 3 30. Bf8 Bf8 31.*e3oo) 3Q.©c5? JLc3—h; 30.Sd2
2 4 .* b l (24,*g4! « a l 25.*d2 Wf6! 26.*e2 f3 Bd2 31.Wc5 Bee2—+; 30.«g2 Ae3 31.Bf5 Ad4
27. * f2 Sf5±/±) 24...g3 25.#g4 m o o ] 20...1g7 32. * c ! B el 33.*d2 ^.c3; 30.Bf5 Ae3 31.«g3
21. ' e4! [21.h5 * h 8 22.1f7 © dl 2 3 .2 d l B dl A 3 2 ...i.d 4 -+ ; 30.a3 ± e 3 (A 31...Bd2)
#c8oo] 21...&417N [21...Ec2? 22.*c2 #'c8 31. % 3 B d l — k 30.B D B e l- + ] 29.©c3 bc3
23. * b 2 l f 5 24.«h5 l e 4 25.fe5 I h l 26,Hhl 3 0 .*c 1 [30.Be2 Be2 3l.a4 S8d2 32.^05 B d l
* c 6 27.Bgl ®b5 28.Bg4 « e 2 29.*a3 «a6=; 33. * a 2 Bc2 34,*a3 B fl+ ] 30...Bd2 31.a4 a5
24. ©a7! I g 6 25.©*c8 ef4 26.*a3! (26.©c3 Sc8 32. h3 Be4?! [32...Bed8 33.Be2 Be2 34.*g3
2 7 .2 c l f3 ^) 26...Sc8 (26...1e4 27.©e7 * h 7 Bc8co/=] 33.«h1 ©g8?? [33...Be8-] 34.B11!
28. E hel f5 29.1d5-t—) 27,Bdel-i—; 21...Ec4 Be3 [34... Bed4 35.B el A 3 6 .* b l B dl
-YB/8] 22.« h 5 ® c8 23.©a7! [23.©c5 l b 5 ^ ] 37.*a2±] 35.Be1 ilt3 36.Wg1 B e l 37.®e1
23.. .1B'c7 24. ©c5 ® a7 25.Bd7 # c 5 2 6 .1 c4 a,e2 38.®h1 Bd8 39.»e1 Bd2 40.«h1 Bd8
[26.% 4?? We3 2 7 .* b l 4 » 3 —t-J 26...®c4 41.«g1?? [41.h4! Bf8 42.«d5 * h 8 4 3 . * b l + - ;
2 7 .# g 4 e!4 28,Sg1 « c 3 2 9 ,» g 7 « g 7 30.Eg7 4 !...* h 8 (A 42...Bf8) 42.Wel Bd2 43,g5 h5
* g 7 31,5e7 *1 6 32.Ec7 Ea8 B-’A 44.g6 * g 8 45.b4 ab4 4 6 ,a 5 + -; 4!...g6 42.g5 h5
Herrera/Alzugaray 43,'B'el Bd2 44.b4 ab4 45.a5+ -] 41...BI8 0-1

SI 19.1 33045 SI 19.4 33051

Nijboer,Friso (NL) 2485 Psakhis,Lev (SU) 2570

Brenninkmeijer,Joris (NL) 2475 Sokolov,Andrei (SU) 2585
Hilversum 1990 ch-NL (7) Moskva 1990 GMA open (10)

1.e4 c5 2.©13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.©d4 ©16 5.©c3 e6 1.e4 c5 2. .13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.©d4 ©16 5.©c3 a6

SI 26

6.g3 e6 7.J,g2 # c 7 8.0-0 ©c6 9.Se1 Bb8!? SI 26.8 33188

[9...j4d7 I0.®c6 bc6 (10...Ac6?! Il.£)d5!)
ll.« 5 a tt; 9....4x7 10.€c6 bc6 ll.e5±] 10.£ic6 Hector,Jonny (SE) 2465
[10.a4!? A 1 l.£)b3±] 10...bc6 11.£>a4 4,e7 12.c4
Shirov,Aleksei (SU) 2500
e5 [!2...c5!?oo] 13.C5! d5! [< 13,..dc5 14.#c2 A
Torcy 1990 open (8)
15.b3±] 14.ed5 ®d5 [14,..cd5? 15.Be5! # e 5
16.4. f4 + -] 15.#h5!? [lS.AdS!? cd5 16.&b6 A 1.e4 c5 2 .€ t3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.€d4 £sf6 5.€}c3
16.. .0-0 17.®d5 # c 5 lS.SeS] 15...0-0 [15,..Af6?! £>c6 6 .4 c4 e6 7.4 e3 4 e 7 8.#e2 a6 9.0-0-0
16.4. d5 cd5 17.Af4±] 16.Ad5 [I6.#e5 # e 5 [9.4b3!? 0-0?! JO.Bgl! # c 7 11 ,g4 4,d7 12.g5
17.Be5 ,4.f6S] 16...cd5 17.#e5 # e 5 18.Se5 <Sc5 13.Bg3!± Hector - Shirov, Torcy 1989 (1);
.4.16 [18...4x6!?^] 19.Bd5 Bb4! 20.®b6 4,b7 9.. .#c7! lO.Bgl ®d7 1l.g4 ®c5 12.g5 b5co]
21.Hd7 4,13 22.Bd3?! [22.£id5! Be8! 23.£>f6 gf6 9.. .» c 7 10.4b3 0-0 11.Bhg1 ?Jd7 12.g4 £>c5
24.«bfl±J 22...4,e4 23.Hb3 [23.&d5!?] 23...Hb3 13.€15! bS! 14.&e7! »e7!?N [14...<Se7 15.^112
24.ab3 Sd8 25.4,14 4,b2 26.Be1 f5! 27.*f1 Bd8 16.4f4± Brunner - Hubner, Haifa 1989]
[27.Se4 fe4 28x6 4,d4! 29x7 Jlb6 30.cd8# 15.#d2! [I5.4f4!? Bd8 16.«e3 4 b 7 17.4,g5! f6
4xi8=; 27.£)c4 4 x 3 28.Ee4 fe4 29x6 4d4!d] 18.4f4oo A 19.g5; 18.4h4oo] 15...Sd8 16.4g5!
27.. .617 28.®c4 4.d3 2 9 .*g 2 4c4! 30.bc4 Sc8 f6 17.4,14 £ e 5 [17...b4?! I8.£>d5!] 18.g5l?
31. 6 d6 4 d 4 32.He7 <4g8!= [32...*f6 33.Sa7 [I8.#e3>? 4,b7! 19,g5 d?h8!co] 18...€13 19.gf6
4x5 34.4c5 Bc5 35.Ba6 * f7 36.Ba4±] 33.4e5 [19.4d6? Bd6 20.Wd6 # d 6 2 l.B d6 ®b3 22.ab3
sf?18! 34.4d6 ig 8 35.Ba7 4 c 5 36.4c5 3c5 <€gl-+] 19...*16 20.#e3?! [20.4,g5! £id2
37.Ha6 fi-H (20...£ig5 2l.Bg5±; 20...#f8 2 l.# e 3 ftgl
Psakhis 22.4x18 # d 8 23.#c5! dc5 24.Bd8 sfrf7 25.a4! c4
26.4a2±) 2l.4.f6 €db3 22.ab3 Bd7 23.b4! ©a4
24.®a4 ba4 25.4d4±] 20...®g1 21.4g5 #13!
22.4d8?! [> 22.#f3 ® f3 23.4d8 ®h2
SI 20.5 33135 24.Bd6oo/¥] 22...#e3 23.fe3 €13 #

Tischbierek,Raj (DD) 2440 X

Vegh,Endre (HU) 2410 m a a
Sankt Augustin 1990 (6)
AS n s ■
1.e4 c5 2.S13 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.£ld4 €16 5.€c3 d6
6.g4 h6 7.h4 € c 6 8.Bg1 h5 9.gh5 € h 5 10.4g5 m mm i
£>f6 11.4,e2 a6 12.hS 4 d 7 13.#d2 b5 14.a3 #
m mm
m x m ■ a

24. Bd 6 [24.h3 a5! 25.^.b6 (25.Bd6 <Sb7!

26.B dl a4+; 25,a3 b4! 26.€)a4 €ib3 27.cb3
Ab7+) 25...®b3! (25...a4?! 26.Bd6!; 25...b4?
26..4x5! dc5 27.®a4) 26,ab3 b4 27.5?e2 e5!
28. Bd6 ,4.h3+] 24...4lh2+ 25.Ab6 5fb3 26.ab3
€jf3?! [> 26...h5+] 27,€ie2 e5 28.Bd8 ^ f7
29. c4 €g5! 30.€lc3 -ae6?T [30...h5+ A 31x5 h4
32x6 h3 33. Eh8 Ae6! 34.Ba8 h2 35.3h8
14...#b8? [> 14...4e7 -YB/14] 1S.h6 b4 16.ab4 4 .h3-+ ] 31.Bd1 ®g5 32.B11? [32.Ad8 £ie6
# b 4 17.€db5! [17.hg7 4g7 I8.€db5!] 17...#b2 33.Ab6=] 32...^>g6 33.€d5 J.h3! 34.Sg1 ^h5+
18. Ha4!? Bb8 19.hg7 4 g 7 20.€d6 448 35.4.C7?! Be8 36.C5 A g 4 !-+ [e4<] 37.€lb4
2 1 .€ c 4 + - # c 3 [21...#b7 22.#d6 €e7 €ie4 38.Bh1 &g6 39.€d3 h5! 40.€e5 [40.4.e5
(22...*e8 23.#f4 e5 24.4f6!) 23.Ba6] 22.#c3 53c5-+] 40...*g5??T [40...*f5+; 40...Be5!
3b1 23.4.d1 € e 4 24.4e7 4>e7 2S.#g7 1-0 41.i4.e5 €jf2-+ ] 41.c6 [> 41,b4! €if2 42.Bfl
Tischbierek Be5 4 3 .B n Be6 44.<*d2!+] 41...*f5! [41,..af2?
42. Eg 1! A 42... Be5? 4 3 .ie 5 5id3 44.4>d2 © e5
4 5 x7+ -] 42.BH 4>e6+ 43.€g6!? *d 5 !

[43... Hc8? 44.®f4=] 44.Hf7 ®c5! [44...ic6? SI 27.4 33235
45, ®e5 'idS 46.ag4 hg4 47.Bg7=] 4S.Eg7 i c 6
46. _4.f4 i d 5 ! —t- 4 7 .ic 2 i e 4 ! 48.Ha7 [48.He7Aseev,Konstantin (SU) 2545
Be7 49.£>e7 ® d 3 -+ ] 48...«id3 4 9 .id 2 <£if4
Sm irinjlia (SU) 2535
50.af4 [50.ef4 B e6-+ ] 50...Ed8 5 1 .ic 3 i e 3
Lvov 1990 zt (4)
52.©g6 Sd6! 53.Eg7 [53.Ee7 He6!; 53.£>e5
E e6!-+ ] 53...aS! 54,®e5 b4 5 5 .ic 4 fie6 I . e4 c5 2.7,f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .4 d 4 <Sf6 5 .7 x 3
5 6 .ib 5 Sd5 5 7 .ia 4 Se5 58.3g3 i d 4 59.Ed3 <£ic6 6.fig5 fid7 7.f4 Ec8! 8.«2if3!? [8.<5jb3!?oo]
i c 5 6 0 .ia 5 Se1 0-1
8.. .Wb6 9.0d2 £ig4! [9...Wb2!?oo] 10.fid3?! [>
10.0-0-0 ®f2 (10...®b4 11.a3 Ec3 12.ab4±)
I I . ®d5 0 c 5 12.b4 ®b4 13.ab4oc] 10...h6
11.fih4 g5! 1 2 .ig 3 [12,fg5 hg5 I3.fig5 f6!
I4.fif4 e5 I5 .a d 5 (15.fig3? fih 6 !+ /-+ )
15.. .Wb2 I6 .0 c l= /? ] 12...0e3 13.We3 S e3
14.Bg1!? [I4.fg5 hg5 I5.i>f2 ®g4 I6.i>e2 fig7
SI 26.9 33241 17. ad5!=/T] 14...fig7 15.id2?! ®g4 16.ae2?!
[16.fg55] 16...gf4 17.at4 h5! [I7...fib2
Wahls,Matthias (DE) 2565 18. Eablv±] 18.h3 [18x3? fih 6 -+ ] 18...£ige5
Rechlis,Gad (IL) 2470 19. C3 b5! 2 0 .ie 2 b4+ 21.fie1 a5! 22.Hc1 ®d3
Bern 1990 zt (5) 23.£jd3 f5! 24.ef5 fif5 25.fid2 e5 26,-4h4 fie6
27.cb4 e4?? [27...fif6! 28.g3 ® d 4 -+ ] 28 .af4
1.e4 c5 2.£)f3 ®c6 3.d4 cd4 4.®d4 <&f6 5.£ic3 fia2?? [28...id7Doo] 2 9 .a t5 + - 0-0 30.Ec6!
d6 6.fic4 e6 7.fie3 a6 8.0 e2 fie 7 9.0-0-0 0 c 7 Ec6 31.ae7 i h 7 32.53C6 d5 33.£ie6 fic4
10.fib3 £>a5 11.g4 b5 12.g5 £>b3 13.ab3 ®d7 3 4 .id 1 fib 3 3 5 .ie 1 Sf6 3 6 .a c d 4 fic 4 37.ag7
14.ftf5 [I4.h4] 14...b4l? 15.<&g7 [15.®e7 bc3 i g 7 38.ba5 i g 6 39.fic3 e3 40.g4 Ef2 1-0
16.£)c8 cb2 1 7 .ib 2 Bc8 I8.3d2± Boleslavsky] Aseev
1 5 ...if8 16.#h5 i g 7 17.fid4 #

SI 27.9 33215

Pijaczewski (PL)
Tyagunov,Gia (SU) 2415
1989 cr

I . e4 c5 2 .a f3 Sc6 3.d4 cd4 4.®d4 £>f6 5.£)C3

d6 6.fig5 e6 7.Wd2 fie 7 8.0-0-0 ®d4 9 .0 d 4
17.. .1g8!N [17...£>e5 I8.f4 bc3 (18...fid7 0-0 10.f4 [lO.rc 0 a 5 U .0 d 2 !? S d8 1 2 .ib l
19.Shgl bc3 20.fe5 cb2 2 l.fib 2 d5 22.0h6 1-0 b6oo; I0.fif6? fif6 l l . 0 d 6 Wa5+; I0.h4 fid7
Hermlin - Voorema, Soviet Union 1969) 19.fe5 I I . hS?! (Il.e5!) Il...h6 12,fih4 0 a 5 13.g4 b5
cb2 20.fib2 d5 21.ed5± Zaichik - Korsunsky, 14. e5! de5 15.0e5 fic6 (15...ag4 16.0g3±)
Soviet Union 1976] 18.Ehg1 [18.ii.h8 ih 8 ! l6.H gl Bfd8 17.fid3N (17.fib5!?) 17...ad7
19. WT7 £)e5! 2O.0e8 i>g7 A 21...fib7] 18...ae5 (I7...0b4?! I8.f4 0 c 5 I 9 .0 e 2 t ; 18.a3 0 c 5
[I8...bc3? I9.g6! fg6 20.Eg6 hg6 2 l.* g 6 * f8 19. fif6 gf6 2O.0e2—») 18.0g3 fih4 19.0h4 b4
22.fig7 A 23.-fi.h6] 19.f4 5jg6 [I9...bc3? 20.fe5 20. g5 be3 2l.gh6 cb2 (21...0e5? 22.Bdel! 0 f6
de5 (20.,.d5 21.g6 hg6 22.Bg6) 2 1,g6!+ -^] 23. Bg7 i r e 2 4 .0 b 4 + -) 2 2 .ib l 0c3!+ Rosen-
20. 4h8 [20.&e2 fib7 A Ec8+] 2 0 ...ih 8 21.<Se2 hahn - Tyagunov, 1990 cr; 10.e5! de5 I1 .0 e5
fib7+ 22.Ed4 Ec8 23.Bc4 Wb6 24.f5 [24,Bc8 0e8! I2.h4 fid7 l3.E h3 fic6 l4.Hg3 0 b 8
fic8 25.Eg3 i g 8 26,Eh3 ®f8] 24...Ec4 25.bc4 15. « e 3 Ed8 16.fid3! Wc7N (16...fid6 I7.fif6
We3 2 6 .ib 1 fie4! 27.fg6 fig6 28.Wg4 [A fig3 18.ae2! gf6D I9.®g3 i f 8 20.Wh6 i e 7
29.Wd4] 28...e5 29.©c1 [29.Eg3 W d2-+] 21. E el Ed5 2 2 .af5 Bf5 23.fif5± Tal) I 7 . i b l
29.. .b3 30.Eg2 bc2 31.Hc2 Wd2 0-1 (17.fif4 0 a 5 A l8...ad5oo) 17,..ad5 18.ad5
llic fid5 19.fie7 ‘/2 - ‘/2 Patrici - Tyagunov, 1990 cr]

SI 29

10.. .# a 5 11.fec4 [ll.feb 5 Bd8! 12.#e3 ©g4 SI 28.5 33027

Lysenko; l l . fed3 e5! 12.#e3 h6 I3.fef6 ef4
14. » e l! fef6 15.©d5 Wd8 I6.©f6 Wf6 l7 .S fl Somlai,Laszlo (HU) 2340
fee6 I8.a3 g5! I9.g3 f3 20.#e3 g4 21.h3 Wg5!+
Ioseliani - Liu Shilan, 1983 m-3] 11...fed7 12.e5
Sherzer,Alex (US) 2440
[12.3hfl fec6 13.f5 b5!: 12.Hhel fec6 13.feb3 Hungary 1990 tt (3)
Had8 14.<*bl h6 I5.feh4 # h5! 16.feg3 d5!
1.e4 c5 2.©13 d6 3.d4 cd4 4.©d4 ©16 5.©c3
I7.ed5 (17.e5 ©e4!) I7...fed5 18.€3d5 © d 5 1
©c6 6.feg5 e6 7.#d2 fee7 8.0-0-0 0-0 9.f4 h6
Suta - Gheorghiu, Romania 1969; 12.ik.f6 fef6
10.feh4 e5 11.©15 fe15 12.el5 e14 13.±b1! d5
13.e5 (13.#d6 fec3 14.#d7 3fd8 15.Wb5
14.fe16 fe16 15.©d5 fees 16.fec4 b5 17.feb3! a5
fed2<*>) 13...fee7 14.ed6 fef6 15.#d3 fec3
18.a3 a4 19.fea2 b4 20.©b4 [20.ab4 a3 21.b5
16. # c 3 # c 3 17.bc3 Bfc8 18.feb3 Bc3 19,±b2
# b 8 22.b4oo Sax - Sherzer, Hungary 1990 tt (1)]
Ee3= Sveshnikov - Lysenko, Ufa 1980] 12...de5
20.. .#16 [< 20...#d2 21,Bd2 ©b4 22,ab4 a3
13.fe5 [13.#e5 #b4! 14.Ed4 #b6! (14...fec5?
23.c3 Bfc8 24.Bel f3 25.gf3 (25.g3!?) 25...fef4
15. B hdl fed4 16.Hd4 ©g4 17.We2± Lysenko)
26. Bed 1 fed2 27.Bd2+; 23...Ba4 24.feb3
15.Bhdl Ead8 16.f5 fec8! 17.fe6 fee6 18.fee6
(24.b3!? Ba7 25.Bd3±) 24...Ba7 25.ba3±] 21.c3
# e 6 19.#e6 fe6 20.h3 Sd4 21.Bd4 h6 22.feh4
[21.©d5! # f5 2 2 .# d 3 ± /+ - Kasparov] 21...©b4
g5 23.feel a6oo Suetin - Glek, Moskva 1983]
22.cb4 Bac8 23.Bc1N [23.fed5? -YB/13]
13.. .fec6 14.ik.d2! [14.#f4 ©d5 (14...©h5
23.. .#15 24.±a1 Btd8 25.Bc8 # c 8 26.Bc1
I5.'8'e3 feb4!?oo Osaschuk - Lysenko, Rostov
Bd2 27. B c8 ± h 7 28.feb1 g6 29.Bc2 Bd3
1975) 15.ikd5 feg5 16.#g5 ed5 I7.S d4 (17.Sd3
[29... Bc2 30.fec2 f3! 31.gf3 feh2 32.fea4±EN]
d4! 18.Sd4 Bae8 19.Hel f6= Tal - Bradvarevic,
30.±a2 ±g7?! [30...f3! 31.gf3 Bf3 32.Be2 fed6
Kislovodsk 1964) 17...Bfe8 18.flfl # c 7 19.Bf5
33.fec2 Bh3 34.fea4 Bh2 (34...feh2) 35.Bh2
He5 20.Be5 f6 21.©d5 # e 5 22.#e5 fe5
feh2 36.fec6ooEN] 31.B12 Bb3 32.fee4 fed4
23.Bd2= Bronstein - Averbakh, Beverwijk 1963]
33.Bc2 15 34.fec6 feg1 35.fea4 Bd3 36.h3 13
14.. .©d7 15.©d5 # d 8 16.©e7 # e 7 17.Bhe1
37.g13 H13 38.Bc3 B14 39.fee8 fed4?T [39...g5]
[I7 .# f4 b5 18.fee2 a5 19.fee3 b4 20.Bd6 Bfc8
40.Bc7 *16 41.3c6 ± e 5 42.feg6 B12 43.±b3
21. h4 fed5oo Veksler - Korensky, Omsk 1973;
14 44.feh5 13 45.±a4! ±14 46.Sh6 feb2
17. h4 Bfc8 (17...#c5!? 18.#c5 ©c5 19.feb4
[46...Bb2 47.fef3+ -] 47.Sh7 ± g 3 48.B17 ± h 3
Bfc8! Yudasin) 18.jfe.e3 (18.jfe.g5 # c 5 19.#c5
49. B 13 313 50.fe.13-t— ± g 3 51,feh1 ±14
©c5 20. Bhgl fee4 21. Bd4 feg6 22.g4 h6 23.fee7
52.±b3?? [52.b5 ±e5 53.b6 ± d 6 54.± b4+ -]
©d7!? 24.B el ©b8!? 25.feb3 a5 26.fed6 b5co 52.. .feci 53.a4 ± 6 5 54.±c4 ± d 6 55.±b5 fed2!
Sax - Ivanovic, Niksic 1983) 18...#05 19.#c5 [55...±c7? 5 6 .± a 6 + -] 56.a5 ± c 7 57.±a4 feel
©c5 20.fefl (20.fe.c5? feg2 21.Bhgl Bc5 'A-'A
58.b5 fe12 59.b6 feb6 60.ab6 * b6
22. fee6 fee4 23.feb3 Se5 24,Bd7 Bf5+ Yuda­ Somlai
sin) 20...fee4 21.3d4! fed5! 2 2 .± b l a5 23.Sh3
h5!? 24.fef4 Bd8oo Gufeld - Yudasin, Soviet Uni­
on 1982] 17...#c5 [I7...©b6!? 18.fefl!? (18.feb3
Hfd8 19.Wg4 a5!? 20.c3 feb5!? 21,fee3 B dl SI 29.2 33141
22.B dl ©d7 23.feh6 WfH±; 22...a4!? 23.feb6
ab3 24.ab3 B al 25.±c2 B dl 2 6 .# d l f5±)
18.. .5 .d 8 19.#g4 #c5!? 20.#b4 (20.feh6 Bdl Schlosser.Michael (AT) 2340
2 l.± d l g6!?oo) 20...#f2 (20...#gl!? Lysenko) Ulibin,Mikhail (SU) 2500
2 l.# f4 # f4 22.fef4± Bdc8!?; 22...a5l? Yudasin; Manchester 1990 (5)
17.. .Efc8 18.#f4 (I8 .# g 4 # c 5 19.feh6 g6
20.Be2! Bc7 21.Bfl Se8 22.Bef2 Tseshkovsky- I. e4 c5 2.©13 © c6 3.d4 Cd4 4.©d4 ©16 5.©c3
Korensky, Omsk 1973 22...#e7oo) 18...a5!7 d6 6.feg5 e6 7,ed2 a6 8.0-0-0 h6 9.fee3 ©d4!?
19 -^ b 1 b5 20.fed3 ©c5oo Karpov] 18.0C5 10.#d4!7 [10.fed4 b5 1l.We3 e5 12.feb6 # d 7
[I8 .# f4 feb5!? 19,feb3!? (19.jfe.b5 # b 5 20.feb4 13.f4! Shabalov - Ruban, Tbilisi 1989]
©c5 21.B n Bac8 22.BD h6 23.1d4 f6 24,ef6 10...©g4?!N [10...#c7 11 .f4 b5 12.a4! ba4
Bf6 25.#g4 h5 26.#g3 e5 27.Bf6 ed4 28.fec5 13. # a 4 fed7 14,feb5!± Romero Holmes - Ruban,
#c5=) 19...#07! 20.#g3 ©c5 2I.feg5= Lysenko] Palma de Mallorca 1989; 10...e51? A ll...fee6]
18.. .©c5 19.feb4 b6 20.Be2 Bfd8 21.Bed2 I I . e5! ©e3!? [Il...© e5 12,©e4 ©c6 13.©d6
Bd2 22.Ed2 ±18 23.g3 ± e 7 24.a3 Ed8 25.Bd8 # d b 14.Wd6 fed6 15.Bd6±EN] 12.1e3 fee7D
± d 8 26.fec5 bc5 27.b4 cb4 28.ab4 ± d 7 'A-A [12...d5 13.e4! fee7 14.ed5+-] 13.ed6 fe16
Tyagunov 14. #b4 ! [14.#c5 b6!; 14.#e4 0-0! 15.d7 fed7

16.«b7 Ac3 17.Hd7 (17.«d7? ®a5!; 17.bc3 4 c 6 6.Ag5 e6 7 .'td 2 a6 8.0-0-0 h6 9 . i e 3 4 d 4
«g5! 18.Wd7? S fd 8 -+ ) 17...®g5! 18.bc3 «'e3 [9...Ae7 -YB/14] 10.Ad4 [ 10. Wd4 -YB/11]
19.Sd2 « e l= ; 15.Ad3 g6 16.h4 Wd6 17.h5 £g5! 10.. .b5 11.’®'e3 [1 l.f4 -YB/12] 11...e5 12..Sb6
18.hg6 f5 1 9 .« 0 #e5oo] 14...iLd7 15.4)64 # d 7 13.14 ef4 14.#f4N [14.#el Wb7 1 5 .id 4
[15.#b7!? Ac3 16.bc3 0-0 17.Ac4! (17.Aa6 # a 5 Ae7,d3 Ag4 17.Bd2 Shabalov - Ruban,
18.Wd7 # a 3 19.&d2 B a 6 ^; 17.®c7 «g5 Tbilisi 1989] 14...Ae7 15.e5!7 [15.h4!?] 15...de5
IS.Wd? # 6 3 19.Bd2 « e l= ) 17...Ab5 18.ii.b3 [15...4d5? 16.4d5! Ag5 1 7 . ^ 5 hg5 18.4c7
(l,b5 ab5 19.®b5 Sa2 20.d7 Wa8!§) 4 f8 1 9 .S d 6 + -; 15...4g4? 16.*e4 Ab7
18...#a5!±/oo 19x4 # a 3 20.&bl Ac4 21.d7 17, e6!+-] 1 6 .# e5 W eS 17.«c7 0-0D [17,..!,d7?
®e7] 15...±e5 16.4c5 E c8 !D [16...0-0 17.We4! 18. Ab5! ab5 19.Ehel # c 6 20.fle7! 4 e 7
Af6 18.Ad3] 17.<4b7! [17.4d7!? # d 7 18.JLd3! 21.jS.c5h—] 18.iLbS! ab5 19.Bhe1 4e4!D
iLdbO 19.±b5! « b 5 20.#b5 ab5 21.Bd6 Sc6 [19...4e8? 20,#e7 (20.Be6? Ag5—t-) 20...*b6
22,Hhdl 0-0 23.Bd7±] 17...*g5 18.&b1 WeS! 21, Bd8 :Sb7 2 2 .# f8 !+ -] 20.Ee4? [20.4e4D
[18...0-0 19.Aa6 « g 2 20.4x5! Bb8 21.iLb7! Ac6 Sa2 2 1 ,4 b l Ba6 22.£a5 Bc6 23.4f6=]
22. Bhgl ®f3 23.d7+ -] 1 9 .id 3 Wa7!oo 20.. .1.g5 21.4b1 » g 6 + 22.1.C5D [22.h4 Af5;
20. B del! jS 16! [20...Ad4 21x3! A f2 22.Be2 22. « d 6 Ae6 23.Bb4 (23.S del Ba6! A
Sb8 23.Bfl Bb7 (23...Ab6 24.4a5) 24.»f4] 24.. . Bb6, 25...^.a2—1-) 23...Sfc8 24.a3 B c6!-+]
21. B hf! a5! 22.«e4?! [22.#b3 0-0 23.fif6? gf6 22.. . 6 1 5 . 23.i f 8 i.e 4 24.5,e4 We4 25.ilc5
24.Ae4 Wf2; 22.Wg4! (Anand) 22...Ab2! [25.Ad6 « e 2 26.Bgl »e6! 27.a3 Bc8 28.#b6
(22...«b7? 23.Bf6! gf6 24.®g7 Bf8 25.#f6 jSa4 W f5-+] 25...#e6! [25...«g2T] 26,a3D [26.±a3
26.Aa6!-i—) 23.&b2 ttb 7 24.4x1 0-0 25.#e4 b4 2 7 .m 7 Ea4 28.!g'b5 '^ 4 ! - + ; 26.b3 Bc8
We4 2 6 .ie 4 Bc5=EN] 22...Ac6! 2 3 .« g4 h5? # 27.#b6 <27.Wd6 B d 8 -+ ) 27...®e5!-+; 26,Aa7
» a 6 27.Bd7 b4! 28.BH £ f 6 - + ] 26...Bc8
27.®b6 [27.'ifd6 Ed8 28.Wd8 Ad8 29.Bd8 ^>h7
30. Ab4 # b 6 !-+ ] 2 7...«c4 28.b4 Af6 29.*b7
[29.Bd3 ® e 4 -+ ] 29...Be8 3 0 .^ 5 ? '? ! [30.«D D
Be2 31.®d3 Wd3 32,cd3 Bb2 3 3 .* cl Eg2
34.d4<=*EN Bh2 35.a4!; 31...«e6!+] 3 0 ...« d 5 -+
31. Bd5 Be1 32. i .32 Ba1 33.^>b3 2b1 34. ; a2
Bb2 3 5 .sa 1 Bb4 3 6 .* a2 S b2 37 i a l Bc2
38.. Vb1 Bb2 39.*c1 Bg2 4 0 ,id 6 Bg5 41.Bd3
ite 5 0-1
[23...'»b7 24.Be6! fe6 25.fif6! (25.We6? 4 d 8
26.Bf6 B e 8 !-+ ) 25...gf6 26.#e6 4 f8 27.®f6
4g8 28.A.C4 4 h 7 29.ii.d3 4 g 8 -[ 24.Be6! 418
25.Bef6! hg4 26.S17 4 g 8 27.ic4??T [27.d7
SI 30.12 33111
Wb7 28.Bf8 (28.dc8’»’ ®c8 29. jS c4 4 h 7 30.i.d3
4 h 6 —h) 28...Bf8 29.Bf8 4 f8 30.d8® A e8-+ : Mokry.Karel (CS) 2505
27.4d8!! Wf7D 28.4f7 Bh2 29.1Y5! Ag2 Kosic.Dragan (YU) 2415
30. Ac8 A fl 31.d7 Bd2 32.4cl! Bd7 33.jS.d7 Novi Sad 1990 (1)
417 34.Ag4+-EN] 27...4h7 28.Ad3 4 h 6
29.4d8 'Wc5! 30.4e6 ® e 5 !-+ [30...#d6?? 1.e4 c5 2.413 4 c 6 3.d4 cd4 4 .4 d 4 4 f6 5 .4 c3
31. B7f6!) 31.4f4? «16 32.Be1 Bce8 33.Bh1 d6 6.i:.g5 e6 7.Wd2 aS 8.0-0-0 i d7 9.14 b5
Bhf8 34.Bf8 3 f8 T 0-1 10.Af6 g!6 11.*b1 ®b6 12.4ce2 [I2 .4 f3
Ulibin -YB/8] 12...h5 IS .-ie lU N [13.g3 Ec8 (13...4a5
-YB/8) I4.£.g2 a5 15.Bhfl b4 16.4c6 « c 6
17.4 cl± P.Popovic - Kosic, Novi Sad 1990]
13.. .H4! 14.4c6 ®c6 15.4d4 ttc5 16.4b3 # c 6
SI 29.5 33009
17.Ad3 a5 18.«e2 # b 6 [18...b4? 19..Sb5;
18.. .Eb8!?] 19.C4! a4 [19...bc4? 20.Ac4 a4
Kovalev,Andrei (SU) 2500 21.4d4+] 20.4d2 b4oo 21.413 Ba5 22.15 Ac6?!
Serper.Gregori (SU) 2420 [> 22...e5 23.h3?! Ac8 24.®el A a6? A 25.4h4?
Soviet Union 1990 a3+; 23,g3oo] 23.g3 hg3 24.hg3 Bh1? [>
24.. . Bg8] 25.Bh1 Ba7 26.g4± [26.Bh8? ef5
1.e4 c5 2 .4 f3 d6 3.d4 cd4 4 .4 d 4 416 5 .4 c 3 27.Wd2 Ea8! (27...*e7?! 28.»e2 * e 8 29.«d2

SI 33

sfce7=; 29...Ba8!+) 28.We2 (28.«h6? * e 7 —h) [9...1 g 5 - Y B / 16] 10.0-0 [ < 10.£jc 2 © e 2 1 l.W e 2
2 8 ...M ? 29.ef5 Be8+] 26...a3 27,b3 k g 7 ® f 6 12.0-0 E c 8 13.® e 3 0-0 14.S d l # c 7 15.b3
28.fe6?T [28.#d2±/±, A g7< ] 28...fe6oo 23.«d2 b 5 U libin - Sveshnikov, Soviet U nio n 1988;
* c 5 30 .1 x2? [> 30.3 h 5 A 31.1c2] 30...1d7? 10.1 g 4 ,i.g4 ll.W g 4 d 5!oo] 10..,Bc 8 [>
[> 30...f5 31.gf5 ef5 32.'#f4 Hf7 33.ef5 l f 3 10.. .<&f6] 11. l g 4 ! S f6 12. l e 6 1e 6 13. l e 3 W b 6
34.*f3 # e 5 25M e4 Ef5=] 31.SH5 ® b6 32.Eh7 [ 13...© c 6 14,W b 3±] 14. £ x 2 ! H c 4 [ 14...Wb2??
l c 8 33.2h1 S e 7 34.Bd1 S?d8 35.£id4 l a 6 15.1 d 4 ed 4 16.<&a4 + - ] 1 5 , ^ 3 W c 7 [ 15...#b 2
36.ab5! A b 5 37.’© b4± <4?c7 38.cb5 « c 5 16.1 d 4 ( 16.Wc 4 W c 3!) 16...ed4 17,® c 4 S c 3
3$.Wa5 &b7 [39...&d7!?] 40 .#86 & c7 # I 8.® e 6+ - ] 16. l d 4 ed 4 17.£id 4 ± [e6 < ]
17.. .417 . 18.E a d 1 [ 18.4 h l! A f4- f 5±] 18...Be 8 !
19.4 H1 [ 19.f4 d 5! ^ [ 19. . . H 8 20.f4 4 g 8 21.15
ef 5 22 .ef5 [22 . B f 5 B c 5 23 . B f 6 gf6 24 .£id 5 « f 7;
23 .® d 5 5M 5 24.ed5 E e l ( 24...g6 25.B ffl H d 5
26 . # b 3) 25 .® e 6 # c 2!=; 22.M S B e 5 ( 22...&e4?!)
23 . « h 6 4 h 8] 22...He 5 ! 23.® f 3 [23.<Se6 W c 6
24 . £ f 8 4 f 8 25.ttd 6 ® d 6 26. B d 6 S f 4]
23.. . Bec5 24.ad2 [24.5ig5 # c6 ] 24...Eh4
[24... Sg4 25.®de4!] 2 5 .*g 3 [25.ftde4? ®e4
26.<Be4 d5![ 25...Eb4 [> 25...Eg4 2 6 .« 3 «c6=]
26.a3 Eb2 [S 26...Bg4] 27.®a4 Bd2 28.Bd2
2c4 29.«b3 * h 8 [> 29...d5 30,®b6 Ec3
41.e5!± [41.1d3? lh6D<x>/?] 4 1 ...’i 'e S a (30„.ag4 31.g3 B el 32.*g2 B f l 33.4>fl ® c l
[41...fe5 (4l...d5 4 2 .1 d 3 + -) 4 2 .1 e 4 + -] 42,Wa7 3 4 .* e 2 t) 31.ad5 Eb3 32.®c7 Aa3 33.®d5±]
4 x 8 [42...4d8!? A 43.#a3 d5] 43.®a3 f5 30.5jb6 Sc3 31. £;d5! Sb3 32.? c7 2 a3 33. 5 e6
[43...d5?? 44.«e7 f5 45.’S?e6!+-] 44.Wa8 4c7 k e 7 34.Ec2 h5 35.Bc8 ®g8 [35...^>h7? 36.©g5
4 5 .*a 7 i c8 46.0a8 * c 7 47.«c6 4 b 8 48, #d6 * h 6 3 7 .® n + - ] 36.<Sf4 4>h7 37.<Sg6 Be3T [A
# d 6 49.Sd6 fg4 50.1e4 g3 [50...1e5 51.Sa6] 37.. .A.f6 38.B e l S a 5 39 . B g 8 S f 5!; 38.h4 ! A
51.b6 Ee8 5 2 .E d 7 + - l e 5 53.Ha7 * c 8 39. a f 8+-1 38.g3 d 5 39. E b 8 b 5 [ > 39...d4+ - ]
54.b7?!T [54. Sa8 l b 8 (54...4d7 55.1c6) 55.a4 40 . B c 1 B f 3 41 .B g 8 * g 8 42 . S c 8 4>17 43 . ?ie 5
A a 5 -a 6 -a 7 + -] 54...*d 8 55.Ba8 * e 7 56.2c8? * f 6 44 .£)f3 d?f5 45 . i g 2 k16 46. B a 8 * e 4
[56.a4+-[ 56... E (8 57.Bf8?! [57.a4] 57...418 47 . n 86 b 4 48. 4.12 * d 3 49. U e 1 A d 2 50. E a 5 d 4
58,4c2EN 4 e 7 59.4d3 4 d 7 60.a4 4 x 7 61.a5 51.Ba2 7-0
4 b 8 [61...1d6 62.4c4 l f 4 63.b4 l d 2 64.4b5 Timman
e5 (64...4b8 65.4b6 e5 66.b5 g2 67.1g2 e4
68.a6 l e 3 6 9 .4 c 6 + -) 65.4a6 4 b 8 6 6 .4 b 6 + -;
61...g2 62.1g2 l g 3 63.4c4 l e i 64.4b5 e5
65.1e4 l d 2 66.b4 l c 3 67.4a6 4 b 8 68.b5 l d 4 SI 33.4 32609
69.1d5 e4 70.b6 e3 71.4b5 l b 6 7 2 .4 b 6 + -]
62.b4 1 x 7 6 3 .4 c4 e5 64.4x5 g2 65.1g2 e4
Semenov,E (SU) 2290
66.4e6 e3 67.a6 [67.a6 l e 5 (67...1e5 (67,..e2
68.a7; 67...1d8 68.b5 4 a 7 69.b6 l b 6 Uogele,A (SU) 2490
7 0.b8'i'+ -) 68.b5 4 a 7 6 9 .1 fl e2 7 0 .1 e 2 + -] IX Soviet team ch 1989 cr
Mokry 1.e4 c5 2.2 f3 g6 3.d4 cd4 4.5X4 Ag7 5.2,c3
ftc6 6.iLe3 ®f6 7.Ac4 0-0 8.Ab3 a5 9.13 [RR
9. a4 5ig4 10.#g4 5id4 ll.* h 4 ®b3 12.cb3 Sa6
13.0-0 Ee6 14.Bfel b6 15.Ah6 l b 7 16.ig7
*g7 17.Ee3 Ee5 18.f4 Bc5 19.Edlco Hebden -
SI 32.1 33247
Kxistensen, Hastings Masters 1990; 9.a3 2.g4
10. # g 4 ®d4 0 . * d l ®b3 12.cb3 d6 13.Ad4
Timman,J a n (NL) 2680 k e 6 14.Ag7 *g7 lS .ttW ^g8 16.b4 ab4
Short,Nigel (GB) 2635 17,'Brb4± Barlov - Abramovic, Palma de Mallorca
Rotterdam 1990 VSB (4) 1989] 9...d5 ®d5 11.ed5 [ll.® d 5 f5
12.®c6bc6 13,®b6 Bb8 M.'B'dg Sd8 15.BdlN
1.e4 c5 2. ' f3 %«6 3.d4 cd4 4.5 d4 e5 5 . i b5 d6 B dl 1 6 .^d l k b l 17.$3c8 Ec8 18.ef5 gf5
6x4 l e 7 7.»1c3 a6 8.®a3 l e 6 9.1 e2 ®d4 19.*e2 k e 5 20.E bl * f7 21.Eb6 Ah2 22,Ba6

l d 6 23.Sa5 &e6 24.a4 Sg8!= Estevez - SI 33.7 33126
Rom,Hernandez, Holguin II 1988; 12.c3 fe4
13.fe4 ld 4 !? (13...£ie5?! -YB/4) 14.cd4 e5 Herrera,Irisberto (CU) 2410
15.1f2 ed4 16.0-0 l e 6 17.Wb3 &b4 18.1d4
Andres,Miguel (CU) 2340
E fl t9 .S fl m s 20.ed5 # d 5 W ..«e3 Bf8=Tsa-
Havana 1990
turian - Uogele, 1989 cr] 11—4Jb4 #
I. e4 c5 2. ? ,13 4 c 6 3.d4 cd4 4. 4 d4 g6 5.c4 4 f6
6.4ic3 d6 7.1.62 4X4 8 .« d 4 l g 7 9 .1 g 5 [9.1e3
0-0 10.«d2 l e 6 11.B el a6 12.f3 Wa5 13.b3
Efc8 14.a4 4X7!?N 15.4X5 # d 2 (l& y.HM8!?
16. a5 I d 5 17.ed5 b6 18.ab6 4X6 19.b4 a5
20.ba5 4X7 A 4X5, *a5T ; > 16.0-0!?; 16.4T4)
16.4X2 l d 5 17.ed5 a5 18.Bhel 4X5 1 9 .1 d l
i.b2 '* Alzugaray - Andres, Cuba 1989/90]
9.. .0-0 1 0 .# e3 (> 10.®d2 l e 6 1 l.B c l a6 12.0
Wa5 13.b3 Bfc8 14.a4 Wd8?! 15.g4 4 d7 16.h4
4X5 l l i l d l # f 8 18.h5 h6 19.1e3 g5 20.a5
12.4db5?!N [12.ftde2 e6 13.a3 (13.0-0 -YB/12) Bab8 21.4X5 l d 5 22.ed5 l b 2 23.Bc2 l e 5
13„.®d5 I4.fid5 edS 15.1d4 lh 6 !? 16.0-0 24.b4± Paneque - Andres, Manzanillo 1989]
Ee8N 17.5Jg3 Sa6 18.f4 1H'h4! 19.Bel Eae6 1 0 -.le 6 [l0 ...a 6 11.0-0 l d 7 12.Bfdl Ec8 13.h3
20. Ee6 k d 21.f5 lf 5 ! 22.4Jf5 gf5 23.ii.f2 l e 3 Be8 14. E acl = Murey - Gelfer, Tel-Aviv 1980
24.J6.e3 Ee3 25.g3 1B'e4+ Real - Estevez, 1989 cr; ch-IL; 10...#a5 1 1 .0 -0 le 6 12.Eacl Efc8 13.b3
12-.if.f5 13.E el Ba6?! 14.a3 Bd6 15.1c5 ®d5 a6 14.f4 (14.a4 # b 4 15 .1 d l Eab8 lb.’B 'e li
16.1d6 4Je3 17.#d2 53c4 18.Wd5 ®d6 19.b3oo Kavalek - Visier, Lanzarote 1973) 14...Wc5
Kucera - Jezek, 1984 cr; 13...b5 14.0-0 Ec8 15.WC5 Ec5 16.1(3 Sb8 17.e5 de5 18.fe5 4X8
15.©d4 Bc3 16.bc3 4Jd5 17.®f5 gf5 18.1d4 19.1e7± Ciocaltea - Spiridonov, Timisoara 1982]
4x3 19.1 c3 '#b6 20.^ h l lc3i® Sieiro Gonzales I I . 0-0 Wb6! [A 1 l...S c8 12.b3 A E ac l, a4]
- Pazos, Camaguey 1986; 16.,.4a2 17.Bal 4X3 12.»b6N [12.S a b i] 12...ab6 13.Bac1 BfcS
18. * d 2 l d 4 1 9 .id 4 4X15 20,Sa5 l c 2 21,Eb5 14.b3 bS! 15.I f 3! [< 15,cb5 Bc3 16.Ec3 4X4
i.d 3 22.#d3 4 f4 23.#e4± Donchev - Fauland, 17. Ee3 4g5 18.h4 l d 4 ! (18...4X3? 19.gh3 Ea2
Graz 1987; 18...4a4!? 19.4b5 4 b 6 2 0 .» a l 4 d 5 20.1c4±) 19.Bd3 l c 5 20,hg5 Ba2 21.1(3 b6 ^]
21.1d4 lh 6 c o Oil - Kochiev, Tallinn 1987; 15.. .bc4 16.e50 4X7 [<; 16...de5 17.1b7 cb3
15.. . 1 . 4 16.Wd4 4X2 17.Ec2 1 x 2 18.1h6 e5 18. ab3 Eab8 19.1c8 Bc8 20.b4 Bc3 21.Ec3
19. # e 5 f6 20,«d4!? (20.#e6 -YB/13) 20,..Ee8? 4X4 22.Se3 SJg5 23 .h 4 + -; 18...Ec3 19.1a8
21. d6 l f 5 22.4X4 le4 ? ! 23.»a7! 1-0 Hector - 2 b 3 20.Ec7±; I8...1b3 19.1a8 Ba8 20.Bfel
Pirrot, Metz 1988; 20...E H 21.4b5 Eb7 22.a4 h6 21.1h4 e6oo/±] 1 7 .lb 7 4ie5 1 8 .la 8 Q E a8
« b 6 23.®b6 Bb6 24.1e3 Bbb8 25.1f4 Eb6?! 1 9 .le 7 cb3 [19...gjd3 20.bc4O l c 4 21.1d6
26.E el l f 5 27.1c7 Bb7 28.d6 l d 7 29.*f2± 4Jcl 22.Bcl=] 20.ab3 ®d3 21.Bcd1! 4ib2
Hector - Petursson, Belfort 1988; 25...Ea8 22.Ec1 ftd 3 [22...1b3oo] 23.Bcd1 <Sb2 H-'/i
26.4X7 Sab8 27.4X5 Ea8 28.4X7 Ea7 29.d6 Alzugaray/Herrera
l a 4 30.E el g5?! 31.1e3 Eb7 32.4X5 Bc2!
33.4X6 *f7oo Hector - Dorfman, Clermont Fer-
rand 1989] 1 2 ...ld 7 1 3 .4 a3 e6! 14.d6?l (14.de6
leb+cP] 14—4X5! 15.»d3 [15.4X5 ed5+] SI 37.2 33113
15.. .Wh4! 16.g3 [1 6 .if2 « b 4 + ; 16.*f! #b4+ )
16.. .* b 4 1 7 .ld 2 l c 3 ! 1 8 .lc 3 4X3 19,*c3 Plachetka,Jan (CS) 2425
BfcS! 20. # 0 4 ab4 21.4X1 Ec2+ 22.0-0 l c 6 Kostic,Vladimir (YU) 2375
23.EI2 Bc1 24.Ef1 Ef1 25.&11 EdS 26.4X2
Austria 1990 tt
EdS—t- 27.*e1 l d 5 28.14 E a6 29.*d1 &g7
3 0 .* c2 h5 31.* d 3 6f6 32.4x4 b5 3 3 .4 e 5 g5 1.e4 c5 2.4f3 4 x 6 3.d4 cd4 4.4 d4 4if6 5.5 x3
34.& d4gf4 35.flf1 * e 7 36.1x5 S a 2 37.SI2 b3 e5 6.4 db5 d6 7 .1 g 5 a6 8.4Ja3 b5 9 .4 d 5 A a5
0-1 1 0 .ld 2 ® d 8 11.C4!? [ I l .l e 3 ; 11.4Jf6 -SI 37.3]
Van der Tak 1 1 -.4 d 5 12.ed5 53d4 13.cb5 l e 7 14.ba6 0-0
15.b4!N [A l6.b5±B; 1 5 .!c 4 -KB] 1 5 „ .la 6
1 6 .la 6 Ea6 17.©c2 »a8?l [> !7...5ic2 !8.Wc2

SI 38

0 a 8 19.a4! 0 d 5 (19...Bc8 2 0 .« b 3 + -) 20.0-0 SI 38.2 33204

±ocC] 18.5d4 ed4 19.a4! 0 d 5 20.0-0± 4 (6
21.b5 Haa8 22.0(3! [A 22...0O 23.gO+-EN] Arnlind,Eric (SE) 2580
22...0e6 23.a5 0 c 4 24.b6 0 a 6 2S.E?b1 Sab8
Morgado,Juan (AR) 2505
26.2a3! [A 2 7 .0 d 3 + - ] 26...2fc8 27.g3 Ec4
Axelson Memorial 1990 cr
28.0d5 Bc2 2 9 .4 (4 + - Be8 30.b7 Bb2
31.Eb2! Be1 32.4g2 0 (1 3 3 .*(3 g5 [33...«hl
1.e4 c5 2.53(3 5 jc6 3.d4 cd4 4.53d4 53(6 5.53c3
34.*g4 0 d 5 35.b80X] 34.b80 * g 7 35.0h8 e£ 6.53db5 d6 7.4.g5 a6 8. . a3 bS 9 .4(6 g(6
* h 8 36.0(7 0h1 37.4g4 1-0 10.53d5 (5 11.53b5 ab5 12,4,b5 4b7! [12,..4d7
Plachelka 13.ef5 Bb8 14.a4 53d4 15.4d7 4 d 7 16.0-0 Bb2?
17.0h5 4 c 6 18.5x3 0 f6 19.Efbl B bl 20,Bbl
4 h 6 21.Sb6 4 c 5 22.Bb7!± Podkrajsek - Arn-
lind, X ol cr] 13,e(5 Bc8 [13...4g7; 13...Ba5]
SI 37.2 33114 14.0-0 [14.c3 4,g7 1 5 .0 0 4 f6 16.53b4 0 b 6
17.a4 0-0 18.53d5 0 d 8 19.0-0 4 h 8 20.®e3 2g8
Plachetka,Jan (CS) 2425 21.0 4,g5 22.0f2 53e7 23.53e7 0 e 7 24,Bfel
Hanel,Reinhard (AT) 2375 4 h 4 25.g3 Eg5 26.Be3 Bcg8 27,f4 Bf5 28.0e2
Austria 1990 tt Bf4 0-1 Rinaldi - Veress, cr; 16.4,d3 4,h4
17.4e4 53e7 18.0-0-0? Bc4 19,g3 4,g5 20.4bl
1.e4 c5 2.5 (3 t c 6 3.d4 cd4 4.5,d4 5:f6 5.5x3 0 d 7 21.f6 Be4 22.fe7 Sa4 23,Bhel Ba5 24x4
eS 6.5 db5 d6 7.4 g 5 a6 8.53a3 b5 9.53d5 0 a 5 4,d5 25.Bd5 Bd5 26.0d5 k tlO -1 Voitkevich -
10.itd2 « d 8 11x4!? 53e4!? 12.cb5 4 e 6 Maiorov, Piarnu 1982; 18.53e7 4x4 19.®e4
13.4x3N [13.4x4 ab5 14.53b5 0 h 4 15.4,e3± 4x7+ A 4f6 , 0-0, d5] 14...4g7 15.0h5!? 4(8!
-KB] 13...0a5 14.4x2 ab5! [14...5id4 15.4d4 [A I6...53a7, 16...53d4; < 15...0-0 16.f6 4 f6
4,d5 16.4x3 4,b7 (16...4,e6!?co) 17.f3 53c5 17.4d3 Be8 18.0h7 4 f8 19x3 53d4 20.53f6
18.53c4! 0 b 5 19.4f2 0 c 6 20,B cl±; 16.4x5!? 5lO 21.gO 0 f6 22.*f5] 16.4x6 [16.j4.d3 53e7!]
de5 17.0d5 Bd8 18.0c6! (1 8 .0 e 4 ? 0 d 2 1 9 .4 0 16.. .Bc6 [< 16...4c6 !7.B adl 4 d 5 18,Bd5
4.a3 A 20,ba3 0c3+ ; 20.*c6 4 e 7 21.ba3 Bd3! Bc2 19.Bfdl Bc6 20,b4 e4 21.b5 Bbb 22.a4]
22.4,d3 0 d 3 23.4g4 h5—h) 18...Bd7 (18...4e7 17x3 Bc4 18.B(d1?! [> 18.Eadl Sh4co;
1 9 .0 e4 + -) 19,Sdl!±] 15.4,b6 53d4!D # 18.. .Bg8? 19.53e3 Bh4? 20.Bd6! 0 d 6 21.0h4
4 f6 22.0h7±; <; 18.53e3 Bh4 19.0e2 0b6+]
18.. .Bg8!? [18...Sh4] 19.5je3!? ]19.»e2 0 h 4 ^ ]
19.. .Bh4! #

16.«d4 [16.4,d4?! 4,d5+; 16.4e3 4,d5!! 17.Aa5

g6!!S (17.,.Ba5 18.53c2±; 17...f5 18.4.b5 4 f7
19.Ael f4 20,*d3 53c5 21.*d2±) 18.4,b5 4 e 7
19.4x1 4,h6 20.4d3 5lc5 21.*c3 Ba3! 22.ba3 20. Bd60 [2O.0e2 4 h 6 21,g3 Bh2; 21.0 4 f4
53b5^; 18.4el 4,h6 19.4d3 5lc5 20.4x3 53a4 22.53g4 Bgg4 23.fg4 Bh2; 21.53d5 Wg5 22.0
21.*b4 53c6 22.4b5 4d7! 23.0d5D Bhb8 * f5 ] 20...«d6 21.004 4h 6 22.53g4 4g5!
24.4c4 53b6—h—*] 16...ed4 17.ii.a5 4,d5 23.0h7?! [> 23.0h3 0d2+ ] 23...4.C1! 24.0g8!
[ 17 ..Ba5!? 18.53c7 4 d 7 19.©cb5 d5+] 18.4,b6 [24. Bel Bg4 —r—»] 24...*g8 25.Bc1 0d 2
.4x7 19.j4.d4 0-0 20.53b5 4.g5!8i [20...Ba2 26.Sa1 0 b 2 27.Bd1 » c 3 28.h3 ^g7 29.4>h2
21.Ba2 4.a2 22.4e3±] 21.(3 4 x 4 22.4x1 0c2? [29...4c8; 29,..4a6 A 4d3-e4] 30.(6 ^g6
Ba2!!= [22...4,d2? 2 3 .4 d l Sa2 24.fe4±] 23.Ba2 31.53e5 4 (6 32.Se1 0 a 2 33.*g1 « a 8 34.53g4
4,d2 24.4d1 4.b3 25.4e2 J4c4 Vi-'A * g 6 35.(3 [35.53e3 f5] 35...(5 36.53(2 » a 7
Plachelka 37.Se2 4 g 5 38.4>h2 0 d 4 39.2c2 [39.53hl?

Wd6 40.4?gl W d l-+ ] 39.,.Ad5 40.©h1 [40.Se2 (23...^ e 7 24.©d5 &f8 25.b5S) 24.©d5 *g6
Ac4 41.Sc2 * f4 42.©hl 4>e3 43.©g3 Ad3 25.b5®] 21.cd5 We4 22.f3 Wd5 23.3c3?!
44. Ha2 f4 45.© hi Wc4 46,Ha7 4>e2 47.B al [23.Wd3 f5+ A Hb8, Af6] 23...Sb8 24.b5
# c 3 48.Sa2 & e l-+ ] 40...Ab3 41.Hc6 t d 2 A f6 —h [A Ad8-b6] 25.Wd3 Ad8 2 6 .*g 2 f5
42.©g3 [42.4’gl? Ad5 43.Bc8 <4?f4 44.Hd8 Wei 27.We3 Ab6 28.Wh6 Wf7 29. Hd1 Wg6 30.Wg6?
45.* h 2 AO! 46.gf3 We2 47.&gl * B - + ; [30.Wd2 h5 A h4, Hg8—i-] 30...hg6 31.Ha1 Aa5
42, Ba6 Ac4 43.1a8 Ad5 44.Ha3 W f4-+] 3 2 .E c 4 d 5 T -+ 0-1
42.. .Wf4 [42...Ad5 43.Sd6? » a 2 4 4 .* h l Wf4 Alzugaray
45.© fl W c4-+; 44. Hd7 A D 45.Hg7 * f 6 - + ;
43. Bc5 &g6 44.©fl! Wd4 45.Hc2 Wdl 46.©e3
(46.Hd2) 46...Wd3 47.Hc5 A O 48.©f5!]
43.Ha6! [43.Hb6 Ad5 44,Ha6 Wc7 45.Ha4
AO!+; 43. Sc8 We5 44.1c6 Ad5 45,Ha6 Wf4;
SI 40,7 33145
45. Hb6 &f4 46. Hb4 (46. © fl AD; 46.©h5 *e3;
46. © hi &e3) 46...&e3 47,f4 Wc3 48.©f5 * f2 Van der Wiel,John (NL) 2550
49. Ba4 A e 6 -+ ] 43...Ad5 [43...*h4? 44.Hh6! Meulders,Richard (BE) 2320
Wh6 45 .© f5 + -] 44.H a7D [44.Bb6 Wc7 45.Ha6 Lyon 1990 zt (13)
Ac6![ 44... Af3 [44...»d4!?[ 45.gf3 Wd2
[45...WO 46.Ha2! * h 4 (46...f4 47. Sg2! * h 4 1.e4 c5 2.©«3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.©d4 ©c6 5.©c3
48.©f5) 47. Sg2 Wd3 48.©f5!=] 48.&h1 &f4 Wc7 6.Ae2 a6 7.0-0 ® f6 8 .*h 1 ©d4 9.Wd4
47. Hg7! Wd1 48.&h2 «c2 49.&h1 *e 3 Ac5 10.Wd3 h5 11.f4 bS?! [Il...© g4 -YB/14)
[49...&D 50.©f5!! Wf5 5l.Hg4=] 50.©f1 &f3 12.e5 ©g4 13.Wh3 ©h6 14.Wh5!N± [14.©e4
51.Hg3 l4'e4 52.He3 4>d4 5 3 .H 3 We2 Ab7 15.A D Ae7 16.©d6 Ad6 17.ed6 Wb6
54.©h2= [54.2e3? We3 55.©e3 <£>e3-+] 18.Ab7 Wb7 19.Wh5 0-0-0 20.Ad2 ©f5 21.WD
54.. .6 e 4 55.*g1 We1 [55...WO 56.©D &D ©d6 22.a4± Marjanovic - Matulovic, Yugoslavia
57.&fl = A h4] 56.£g2 Wd2 57.<£g1 f4 58.Sf2 1983] 14...Ab7 15.Af3 0-0-0 16.Ab7 Wb7
We3 59.©f3 Wa7 [59...Wf3 60. S B 4>D 6 l .* f l 17.Wf3 ©f5 18.h3 W<3 19.Hf3 ©d4 20.Hd3
■Ag3 62.h4=] 60.<4,g2 &e3 6 lJ ig 1 « g 7 62.&M c2 2 1 . e4l • / • ©a1 22.' c5 aS 23.Ad2 d6
[62.<Ahl? Wg3! 63.HD WO 64.©D * D 65.&gt 24.ed6 b4 25.g4! Sd7D 2 6 .*g 2 Shd8 27.©d7
* e 2 -+ ] 62...Wa1 M-M * d 7 28.h4 g6 29.f5! ©c2? [29...ef5 30.gf5 * c 6
Arnlind/Morgado 31.A ft ©c2±] 30.fg6+-EN [h4>] 30...fg6
3 1 .*g 3 e5 32.Ag5 Hf8 33.Hf3 Hf3 34.^f3
*d 6 3 5 .*e 4 *e 6 36.b3? [36.Ad8 a4
37.A c7h— ] 36...©d4 37.Ad8 ©b5 38.Aa5 ©c3
39.&d3 ©a2 4 0 .*c 4 e4 41.Ab4 e3 42.AcS e2
SI 38.2 33125 43.Af2 5 44.Ag3 * e 4 45.g5!+- ©c1 46.h5
©d3 47.h6 ©e5 48.*c3! 1-0
Alzugaray,Daniel (CU) 2230 Meulders
Pina,Ulises (CU) 2310
Cienfuegos 1990

1.e4 c5 2.©f3 ©c6 3.d4 cd4 4.©d4 ' f6 5.©c3

e5 6 .' db5 d6 7.Ag5 a6 8.5 a3 b5 9.i f6 gf6 SI 46.19 33041
10.©d5 f5 11.©b5 ab5 12.Ab5 Ad7 13.ef5
Ha5!N [13...Hb8; 13...Ag7] 14.a4?! [> 14.c4 RR Sveshnikov,Evgeni (SU) 2515
14.. .©d4 l5.Ad7 * d 7 A 16.b4 Ba3!] 14...©d4! Scherbakov,Ruslan (SU) 2360
15x4 [15.b4? Ab5 16.ba5 Wa5 17x3 Ac4 Cheliabinsk 1989/90
18.©b4 Ah6 A ©b3, A d2—1-[ 15...Wg5 16.Ad7
[> 16.0-0 3g8 17.g3 Wf5 18.Ha3 Ab5 19.cb5 I . e4 c5 2x3 e5?! [> 2...©f6!] 3.©f3 ©c6 4.Ac4
(19.©c7 ®d7 20. ©b5 Hb5! 21.ab5 Ag7 A e4, Wc7 [4.. d6 5.d4±; 4...©f6 5.©g5 d5 6.ed5 ©d5
Hc8) 19...Ag7 20.b4 We4 21.Hel Wd5 22.ba5 ', .Wh5! g6 8.WO±; 4...Wb6?! 5.0-0 ©f6 6.d4! cd4
*d 7 + ] 16...*d7 17.0-0 Hg8 18.g3 WfS 19.Ba3 7.cd4 ed4 8.e5 d5 (8...©g4 9.h3 ©h6 IO.AI16 gh6
Ag7! [A 20...e4; 19,..h5!?] 20.b4 Hd5!!+ [< I I . ©bd2 Ag7 12.©e4 ©e5 13.©e5 Ae5
20.. .Ha7 2l.a5 e4 22.Wa4 4>e6 (22...*d8 23.a6 14.Wh5±) 9.Ab3 ©g8 10.Ad5 © ge7 ll.A b 3
© D 24. H D « D 25.Wc6 m 23.©f4 ^ f6 Ae6 12.©bd2 ©g6 !3.Ae6 fe6 I4.©g5!± Svesh-

SI 46

nikov - Khenkin, Moskva II 1989] 5.d3 l f 6 If4 ! 20.1e3 l e 3 21.fe3 0 h 4 + 22.&fl Bb8
6.0-0 [6.a3 l e 7 7.b4 0-0 8.0-0 b6 9.1bd2 l b 7 23.»d7 Bb2!- • 2 4.1el Wf6 25.ef4 * f4 26.*gl
lO .Sel Sad8 ll.W b3 a6 12.1g5 d5Q 13.ed5 We3 2 7 .* 0 !h 5 ! 28.1c2 l e 2 29.1e2 de2X
l b 8 ! 14.bc5 l c 5 15.1de4b5 16.1f6gf6 17.1e4 Martinenko - Lukovnikov, Belorechensk 1989]
l d 7 18.1h6 bc4 19.»c4 f5 20.1c5 Wc5 21.«c5 5.0-0 [5.d3 l f 6 -YB/14] 5...1e7!N [5...1f6
l c 5 22.1f8 * f8 23.He5 l d 3 24.Bf5 ld 5 ! 6.1g5 -YB/14] 6.Be1 l f 6 7 .!b 3 d6 8.h3 0-0
25,h4=EN Sveshnikov - Scherbakov, Budapest 9. d4 [9.d3 a6 10.1bd2 b5 U . l f l -RL] 9...a6
1989] 6 ...1e7 7.1g5 0-0! [7...1d8 8.f4 h6 9.1h3 10. dc5 [10.1bd2? cd4 1 l.cd4 ed4 1 2 .1 0 # b 6 +;
ef4 10.<Shf4 d6 H . l h 5 l h 5 12.*h5 1J6 13.1a3 10.d5 l d 8 A c4, le 8 , f5T; A 10.a4] 10...dc5
a6 14.€hc2 g6 15.#f3 l g 7 16.1e3 l e 6 17.1e6 1 1 .lb d 2 [< 1l . ld 5 Bd81? 12.1g5 ld5oo;
fe6 18.0g4+ Sveshnikov - Grosar, Torcy 1990] 1l...ld7! A 12...3ad8] 11...b5 12.1211 Bd8
8.14 h6 [8...d6 9,f5±] 9 .1 f7 Bf7 10,117 *1 7 [12...C4] 13.#e2 [< 13.1d5? I e 6 14.1e3
11.fe5 # e 5 [11...' e.S? 12.d4 A 13 e5±] 12.114 le 4 !+ / -+ ] 13...C4+IS 1 4 .lc 2 lh 5 ? ! [A 15.1e3
* e 6 1 3 .la 3 <*g8 1 4 .lb 5 l e 8 15.«h5 118 l f 4 Ib.’t O le 6 + ; > 14...h6 A 15...1e6;
16.e5 b6 [16...a6 17.1d6 l d 6 18.ed6 A 14.. .1b7] 15.li1h2?! [> 15.g4! 52f4?! 16.1f4 ef4
19.Sael±] 1 7 .*f3 l b 7 1 8 .lh 6 l e 7 1 9 .lf4 a6 17.e5!—► A 18.«'e4, f4< , h7< ; 15...l2f6]
20.1d6 l d 6 21.ed6 5 f6 22.Bae1 ®g4 23.W12? 15.. .1C5! [A 16...®g3-+] 16.i g5 [16.1e3]
[23.*g4 l g 4 24.h3 25.1g5±EN] 23...Sf8o> 16.. .g6 1 7 .le 3 ! e 3 18.We3 # a 7 [c5<] 19.1211
24.1g3 V g 6 2 5 .*c 2 T c4 26.W 2 cd3 27.®b6
f6 20.113 l f 4 21.Bed1 l e 6 22.#a7 Ba7 [<
' d8 28.»b3 &h7 29.E14 I d S 30.C4 l c 6 22.. .1 a7 23.Bd8 Sd8 24.a4?±] 23.Bd8 l d 8
31.Se3 Ag4! 32.Bd3 Bf4 33.1.14 We4 34.Eh3
24.5d1 [24.a4 l c 6 (A 25...b4) 25.ab5 ab5
&g8 35.®f3 Wb1 36.#f1 Wb2+ 37.1e3 Ae6
26.Ba7 le 2 ! 27.&h2 la7T E N ] 24...Bd7
38.Sg3 l e 3 39.Se3 Wa2 40.h3 # d 2 41.Bd3
25.Ed7 [> 25.1e3] 25...1e2!+EN 26 .*h 2 l d 7
• g 5 42.Sb3 « c 5 4 3 .lh 1 <6d6 44,#b1 <Shf4
27.1e3 l e 6 28.g3 l b 7 2 9 .le 1 ! [A O, *g2-f2,
45,Eg3 <S2g2!—r 46.Sg2 # g 3 0-1
d3< ] 29...’ c5 3C.f3 Ic 1 31.a3 I1 d 3 ! [31...*f7
32.*g2 <ie7 33.h4 * d 6 34.*I2 A I3 g 2 , *e3=]
32.1d3 cd3 3 3 .ld 1 f5 34.ef5 [> 34.b4 f4!?
3 5 .1 fl l b 3 36.bc5 I d l 37.c6 l b 3 38.gf4<=*; >
34.. .1 b 7 A 35...1d6] 34...gf5+/+ 3 5 .*g 2 f4
36.gf4 ef4 37.1g4 #
SI 46.19 33089

Poloch,Petr (CS) 2405

Armas,Iulius (DE) 2480
Cuxhaven 1990 (5)

I. e4 c5 2.c3 e5 3 .1 f3 l c 6 4 .1 c4 [4.d4 cd4

5.cd4 ed4 6.1 d 4 l f 6 7 ,lc 3 l b 4 8.1c6 dc6
9. » d 8 * d 8 10.13 (10.1g5 -YB/14) 10...1e6
1l .l g 5 h6 12.1h4 g5! 13.112 l d 7 14.1e2 &e7
15.h4 f6 16.<^d2 l e 5 17.4>c2 b6 18.a3 l d 6
19.hg5 hg5 20.f4?! I c 4 4 R.Grunberg - R.Wohl­
ers, Hamburg 1990; > 20.g3= A 21.f4] 4...®c7 [3 7 .1 0 lb 3 38.1b3 lb 3 39.*f2 lc 5 + ]
[4...■fere 5.1g5 d5 6.ed5 l d 5 7,®h5 g6 S.’B'O 37.. .1g4??T [37...d2 38.*f2 l d 3 39.*e2 l b 2
Wg5N (8...1e6 -YB/14) 9.1d5 l d 8 10.0-0 'ST5 40.-ld2 l c 4 41.*d3 l g 4 (4 1 „ .la3 42.1f6)
I I . B el l g 7 12.d4 Wf3 1 3 .1 0 cd4 14.cd4 0-0 42.hg4 la 3 + ; > 38...1c4! (A 39...1a4) 39.1f6
15.de5 Be8 16.1c3 (16.1f4 f6) 16...Be5 17.1e3 40.1h7 (40.1h5 l d 3 41.*e2 4>g6-+)
l c 6 18.Bedl l f 5 19.Eacl± Bd8 20,h3 A 40.. .*g6 41.1c2 (41 ! f 8 4 ’g7) 41...1d3—i-]
2 1 .!c 6 E d l 22.Bd4 bc6 23.Sd8 l f 8 24.1h6 38. fg4± d2 [38...1d7 39.1b3 ^g 7 40.*O ±]
S.Arkeil - S.Maksimovic, Le Havre 1989; 39.* f 3 d3 40.b3! * g 7 [40...1b2 41.4>e2 O
6...1a5!N Filipenko -YB/14 7.1b5 l d 7 8.«e2 42.1>d2 f2 4 3 .1 e 2 + - ] 4 1 .*e 2 l c 5 4 2 .1 c 2 !+ -
!d 6 !? (8...1d5; 8...1e7 9.d4 ld5co) 9.d4 cd4 h5 43.gh5 <lh6 44.4'd2 ^ h 5 45.4’e2 &h4
10. b4 h6 11.7.0 0-0 12.ba5 d3! (A 13...e4) 4 6 ,*f3 l e 6 47.b4 4>g5 48.1e4 l c 7 49.h4 ^h4
13.Wb2n l f 5 14.1bd2 l d 5 ^ 15.1c4 l c 7 5 0 ,*f4 1-0
I6 .1 d 2 e4—» 17.1d4 l g 6 1 8 .ia 4 Bc8 19.«b7? Armas

SI 47.13 32681 Ae4 15.®e4 Wd7 16.©c3 0-0 17.0-0 Bfe8 18.a3
©4d5 19.Sacl Eac8?) 12...0-0 13.©c3 ©b4
Shikerov,S (BG) 2255 14.®b3 ©4d5 15.©e4 Ab5 16.®b5 Bc8
17.3acl ®e7 18.Bc8 Bc8 19,Bcl B el 20.^.cl
Liangov,P (BG) 2255 a6 21.#b3 W c l 2 2 . M 2 M l + ] 11...©d5 12.Ad2
Starozagorski Bani 1990 open Ad6 13.5)03 [13.0-0 ©cb4!] 13...©ce7 14.0-0
ib S 15.©b5 ®d7 16.«e2 0-0 17.2fe1 *1 7
1.e4 cS 2.c3 ©16 3.e5 5 d 5 4.d4 cd4 5.©13 ©c6
18.5)c3 Bfe8 19.®e4 g6 20.Be2 [20.Bacl
6.cd4 d6 7.Ac4 ©bB S.A.b5 i.d 7 9.ed6 e6!N
Bac8 21.5)e2 Bel 22.E cl Bc8 23,Bc8 Wc8
[9...ed6 1 0 .© c3 ± ] 1 0 . ig S [1 0 .© c3 A d 6 11.0-0
24,«d3 a6?] 20...Bac8 21.Bae1 ©c3 22.bc3
( ll.A d 3 © b4 1 2 .A b l M 6 13.a3 © 4 d 5
©d5 23.®h4?! [23.#03 b5![ 2 3 ...*g 8 24.®h3
14.© e4=; 1 2 .A e4 il c 6 13.a3 Js,e4 14 .© e4 © 4 d 5
i f 4 ! [24...©f4 25.ii.f4 £ f4 26.g3!] 25.Be6 Be6
15.0-0 0-0=) ll . .. © b 4 1 2 . i e 2 0-0 13.a3 © 4 d 5
26.tteS We6 27.Be6 *1 7 28.Be1 Ad2 29.5,d2
14.A.g5 W b8 1 5 .© d 5 © d 5 16,g3 B c8 1 7 .H c l
©c3 [29...Sc3 30.©e4 Sc6+] 30.a3 Bd8
E e l 1 8 .# 0 1 * c 7 19.W d2 ® b 6 2 0 .B c l S c 8
[30...©b5 31 .S b l ©d6 3 2 ,* fl b6+] 31.©13 b6
21. E c 8 A c 8 2 2 .® c l * c7 23.Wc7 M l 24.A c4
32.*11 ©b5 33.Bc1 Bd7 34.a4 Bc7 35.Bc7
© b 6 2 5 ,A b 3 M l 2 6 .^ .d 2 M 6 2 7 .© e 5 & d 5
©c7 36.»e2 * e 6 3 7 .* d3 * d 5 38.©d2 5 e6
2 8 .A d 5 © d 5 T ; 1 0 .ild 3 J ,d 6 11.0-0 © b 4 12..£,e2
39.g3 15 [39...5)d4 40.5ie4 f5 41,©f6 * c 5
0-0 13.© c3 A c 6 14.a3 © 4 d 5 1 5 .A d 3 £ f 4
42.©h7 ©e6+] 40.©b3 g5 41.h4?! [41.0 h5!;
16.© d5 © d 5 17.© e5 M S 18.g3 A c l 1 9 .H c l
41.h3 h5!] 41...gh4 42.gh4 ©14 4 3 .*c 3 a6
© f6 2 0 .® d 2 © d 7 2 1 .© d 7 M l 2 2 . M 4 ® b 6
[43...h5 A 44... ©g6] 44.©d2 b5 [44...©e2
2 3 .H c 5 H ac8 2 4 .S f c l= ; 10.0-0 A d 6 ll.& g 5
45.*d3 ©d4 46.©c4 b5 47.ab5 ab5 48.©b6 * c 5
® b 8 12.© c3 0-0 1 3.© e4 a6 1 4 .1 .d 3 © d 5
49.©d7 * d 6 50.©f6 ©D+] 45.ab5 ab5 4 6 .*b 4
(1 4 ...A f4 15 .A f4 ® f4 16.© c5!) 15.g3 (1 5 .H c l
©d3 4 7 .*b 5 ©12 48.©13 h6 49.h5 14 5 0 .*b 4
A f4!) 15...h6 1 6 .A d 2 S c 8 17.a3 A e 7 T ] 10...f6
©e4 51.©h4 ©d6 5 2 .*c 3 i>e4 53.<*d2 <id4
54.&e2 A e4 5 5 .i1 2 ©15 56.©13 ©e3 57.©d2
^15 58.©13 ©g4 [58...*g4? 59,©e5 <*h5
60.*O =] 59.4>g2 ©e5 60.©d4 &g4 61.©e6 13
62.*12 *1 5 [62...*h5 63.*g3!] 63.©c5 * g 4
64.©e6 ©d3 65.Ae3 12 6 6 .*e 2 * g 3 67.*11
©e5 68.©d4 ©g4 69.©15 *1 3 70.©h4 [70.©d4
* e 4 71.©e2 (71.©c2 © e 3 -+ ) 71„.*e3 72.©g3
* B - + ] 70...*14 7 1 .*g 2 [71.*e2 *>g5 7 2 ,© 0
* h 5 7 3 .* fl * g 6 74.*g2 h5 75.*>fl * f5 76.*g2
* f4 77,©h4 * e 4 7 8 .* fl *d3! 79.©g2 * d 2
80.©f4 h4 81.*g2 * e 3 82.©d5 * d 4 83.©f4
* e 4 84.©h3 * e 3 - + ] 71...*>e4 72.*11 * d 3
[10...Wb8 ll.© c3 M 6 12.0-0 0-0 13.©e4 a6 7 3 .*g 2 * e 3 - + 74.©15 * e 2 75.©g3 * e 1
14.^.d3 ©d5T] 11JW4 [ll.A h 4 Ad6 I2.©c3 76.*13 ©h2 77.*14 1 1 * 78.©11 *11 7 9 .*g 3
0-0 13.0-0 ©b4 14.5.e2 M 6 15.a3 ©4d5 16.Eel *g 1 8 0 .*h 3 *h 1 8 1 .*g 3 ©11 82.*13 ©d2
©f4 17.£fl ®d7 18.Bel ©g6 19.i.g3 Ag3 8 3 .*g 3 *g 1 8 4 .*h 3 ©11 8 5 .*g 4 * g 2 8 6 .*f5
20.hg3 Ead8 21,©e4 Bfe8 22.Ad3=; ©h2 0-1
M 6 12.0-0 (12.Ad3 ©b4 13.^,e4 M 6 14.®e2 Liangov


Semi-Open Games

Yet another Geller brilliancy

In the French Defence, 3.©c3 ®f6 4.Ag5 de4 is still a very popular variation, especially in connec­
tion with 6...!,f6 (after 5.®e4 A.e7 6,Af6). The most critical question at the moment is how White
should proceed after the natural 7.®f3 0-0. The traditional 8 . ^ 2 led to a complicated but well-
balanced struggle in Chandler-Psakhis (FR 5.2), Another plausible move is 8 . ^ 3 , while the hitherto
rare 8,c3 might well have a bright future. In Fedorowicz-Vaganian (FR 5.2) Black failed to find a
proper answer and was completely demolished.
As a result of all this, the related variation 3...de4 has also become more popular again. In the game
Ulibin-Orlov (FR 7.2), for instance, the rusty theory of this old Rubinstein Variation was given fresh

In the 7.Wg4-Winawer Variation, the line 7...0-0 has had to take a few heavy blows again. The game
Khalifman-Nikolic (FR 11.4), in particular, is a frightening example of what can happen to Black if
White pursues the attack with sufficient vigour. In Minasian-OII (FR 11.4) Black can hardly be said to
have fared better. Nikolic played 8,..®bc6 9.®h5 £sf5 and Oil chose 8...<&d7. It is probably a little
premature to write these moves off, but time after time in the last two or three years, practice has
shown that Black runs great risks here. Black does obtain a solid position in the game Milev-Konca
(FR 11.4) but White's play seems to lack the necessary imagination here.
The most remarkable game with the Tarrasch Variation is undoubtedly Geller-Dreev (FR 21.3).
Geller's brilliant conception, a positional sacrifice of a piece for two pawns, might well render this
variation (3...a6 4.®gf3 c5 5.ed5 ed5 6.Ae2 c4 7.0-0 J.d6 8.b3 and now the ambitious 8...b5)
completely unplayable.
Also of great interest is the game Psakhis-Speelman (FR 19.3). Although the opening (a 3...C5 4.ed5
Wd5-variation) looks dubious for Black, Speelman wins a beautiful game.

In the Caro-Kann, we see an example of the rare 3...C5 in the Advance Variation in the game
Minasian-Khenkin (CK 4.1). Since the ensuing struggle is bewilderingly complicated, it seems hard
to draw conclusions as to the merits of this move on the basis of a single game.
Some more comprehensible and equally interesting games were played with the classical main line
4...145. The game Hellers-Khalifman (CK 12.12) is particularly noteworthy. The novelty 16.c4 poses
new and serious problems for Black; a rare and stimulating occurrence in this old and highly
respectable variation.

In the Alekhine Defence there are several theoretically interesting games. Kallai-Horvath (AL 5.5)
features the wild 4...de5 5.©e5 ®d7 6.SM7, a deeply analyzed but little-played line. Instead of the
provocative 5...-53d7, 5...g6 is often seen lately. It usually leads to a solid, if slightly passive, position
for Black. The correspondence game Vlasak-Pletanek (AL 5.5) is important for this, as yet, relatively
little-explored variation.
The game Rausis-Bucker (AL 10.5) is a real curiosity. Personally, I know the move 2...®e4 from
simultaneous exhibitions only, and I have pleasant memories of these games, but of course the
matter becomes totally different when Stefan Bucker, who studies these incredible lines very deep­
ly, plays such a move.

Seirawan's move 8...fe6 in the Pirc Defence is the subject of a special theoretical survey at the end
of this introduction. It is quite possible that the fate of the entire 5...c5-variation depends on this
move because the old 8 ...!b 5 has been found to be rather suspect in the past decade. The most
recent try at rehabilitation, 12,..h5 instead of 12...!d4, has also run into trouble after some initial
success. As can be seen in the game Bareev-Azmaiparashvili (PU 5.3), for the time being White is
clearly on top in this line.

Survey PU 5

SURVEY: Paul van der Sterren

Pirc Defence PU 5.3

Aleksandr Chernin
Yehuda Griinfeld/Ram Soffer The Austrian Attack

When Seirawan introduced the move 8...fe6 in 1988, this line immediately turned into a very contro­
versial variation.
Many players have analyzed its consequences and many attempts at refutation have been made,
the latest one being Khalifmans’s idea 12.®g4 which gave him a crushing win over Popchev in 1989
(Yearbook 15). Curiously enough, Black’s correct defence against this move was discovered and
put into practice by several players at almost the same time, apparently independently of one
Still, there is some doubt as to the proper assessment of the critical position, which arises after
12...cd4 13.®e6 # 0 4 14.£>g7 * f7 .
In the game Dolmatov-Chernin, White did not achieve any advantage with 15.£>f5 but in the game
Grunfeld-Tal, where White chose the sharp continuation 15.f5, the black position came under se­
vere pressure. This is the line where Seirawan and his followers will have to look for further

Grunfeld. Yehuda 13.. J M 14.£>g7 d?f7 15.f5 46.®d4 2fe6 47.h5 * g 8 48.g4
Tal,Mikhail (I5.©h5? dc3!) 15...*g7 16.'i’h4 * h 7 49.*h4 * g 8 50.*d5 * h 7
(16.1e3 foc6 17.0-0-0 * f 7 ! 51.c5 dc5 52.bc5 Ef6 53.Wd8
Tel Aviv 1990 ASA (11) 18. A d 4 & d 4 1 9 .# 8 4 W f6±) S e n 54.Wc8 a6 55.«e8 Bc7
16.. .© c6 17.Bfl (1 7 .A h 6 &f7oo) 56.We5 3fc6 57.*g3 a5 58.Wd4
l.e4 <16 2.d4 g6 .1.' c7 jfi,g7 4.f4 17.. .*g8? (17... B he8! 18 .^,h 6 * g 8 59.We4 * g 7 60.We5 Wg8
Qf6 5.£)f3 c5 6.jfi,b5 M l 7.e5 d?g8 19.0-0-0 4 )e 5! 20.f6 k 61.*f4 a4 14-14
<Sbg4 8.e6 fe6 9.<Qg5 irbS lO.ftbS 19. fg6—») 18.jfi.h6 He8 19.Hdl?! Grunfeld/Soffer
®a5 ll.c3 #b5 12.Wg4l? (19.0-0-0! W a2 20.f6! £le5
(I2.fte6 ®a6!) 12...cd4!N 2 1 .W d 4 + - ) 19...5te5 20.3d4
(12_fi.f6 -YB/15) 13.<&e6 # ®a2 21.*f2 ®f7 22.&gl?l
(2 2 .A d 2 ) 22...&h6 23.«h6 Hf8
24.3df4? (24.W e3!, e7<) Dolmatov,Sergei
24.. . 316 25.E el Wf l 26.3c4!? Chernin, Aleksandr
# c 4 27.He7 '@'17 28.317 *17
29.fg6 3g6 30 .ff4 216 31.#c4
* g 7 32.Wg4 i h6 33.#h4 *g6 Moskva 1990 GMA open (3)
34.#e4 * h 6 35.«b7±/= Hhf8
36.h3 2817 37.*d5 * g 7 38.b4 l.e4 d6 2.d4 £M6 3.f c3 g6 4.f4
h6 39.c4 Ee7 40.Wd4 * g 6 &g7 5.®f3 c5 6.itb5 M l 7.e5
41.*h2 Bfe6 42.h4 * h 7 43.-i. h3 vjg4 8.e6 fe6 9.®g5 Ab5 10.£ib5
Eb7 44.*d5 Ebe7 45.g3 Sf6 * 3 5 11.c3 # b 5 12.#g4! #

«b5 I2,5le6 5la6 13.®g4 £f6
Study Material 14.d5 Wd3 lS.Wdl Wdl 16.*dl h5
17.g3 *d7 18.*c2 5lc7 19.51c7
*c7 20.Hel *d7 21.£d2 2ag8
22.h4 b5 23.a4 b4 24.cb4 cb4
Burger,Karl 25.£b4 2c8 26.£c3 2c5 27.2adl
Suttles,Duncan Hb8 28.2e3 Eb4 29.Hdel a5
United States 1965 30.Hle2 2d4 31.*bl 2dd5 32.£f6
ef6 33.2e6 2e5 34.fe5 * e 6 35.ef6
I. e4 d6 2.d4 Sift 3.41e3 g6 4.f4 ,ig7 *f6 36.He3 d5 37.b3 *f5 38.*b2
5.®f3 c5 6.ih5 k d l 7.e5 ®g4 8x6 d4 39.He8 d3 40.2d8 *x4 41.2d6
fe6 9.5lg5 Ab5 10.*g4 &d7? 2d5 0-1
(RR 12.©e6 'B'c,4!?N 13.®g4 II. 4)h7! *f7 12.Sig5 *g8 13.5le6 YB/10-45
-game) 12...cd4! (12_4.f6 cd4 14.Wg6 Ae6 15.We# *f8
-YB/15) 13.®e6 (h— Khalifman; 16.5le4H—...
13.#e6 *f5! 14.®f5gf5 15.5le6
* f7 16.£>c7 dc3¥/=) 13...'#c4! Pahtz,Thomas
Sax,Gyula Dresden 1988 (13)
14.5lg7(14.b3*c3 15.JLd2 Wal
16.*f2 t h l 17.5lg7 * f7 Seirawan,Yasser
Brussels SWIFT 1988 (12) 1x4 g6 2.d4 £g7 3.5ic3 d6 4.f4 5lf6
18.tte6 *f8!oo; 14.Ad2 Af6
15.b3 »d3!oo) 14...*f7 15.5lf5!? 5.51f3 c5 6x5 51g4 7.£b5 £d7 8x6
(15.5lh5 dc3! 16.£ig3 cb2 l.e4 d6 2.d4 £}f6 3.<£ic3 g6 4.f4 JLg7 fe6 9.5ig5 £b5 10.51e6 £d4
5 .^ 0 c5 6.&b5 &d7 7.e5 &g4 8.e6 11.5lb5 Wa5 12x3 £f2 13.*d2
17.1b2 # 7 4 ; 15.f5!?) 15...'ife6
fe6 9.£g5 Ab5 10.<£e6 # £e3 14,*c2 Wa4 15.*bl 0x4
16.5le3 de3 17.WD (17.f5! gfS I6.®c2 ®c2 17.*c2 *d7!?
18.0-Ooc) 17...©c6 18.0-0 Bhl8 (77...5lc6 18.h3f) 18.51ec7 a6
19.ile3 * g 8 20.b3 aS! 21.Eael 19.5ia8 ab5 20.a4 ba4 21.2a4 *c6
a4 22.i,cl W fl (22...WK 23.b4!)
23.c4 (23.b4!? « a 2 24.b5 ®d8
25,Ee7 a3oo) 23...ab3 24.ab3
Ha2 25.*d5? (25,#d3=;
25.212=) 2S...«d5! 26.cd5 5ld4
27.2x7 Sc8!+ 28.«hl?!
(28. S fe 1 2cc2 29.2e8 *g7
30.B8e7 *h6 31,fS g5+;
28.lfi.e3! Ecc2 29.£f2 5le2
30. * h l £>f4?! 31.Ad4; 28...2e2
29.2(2!) 28...2cc2? (28...£>f5!
29. S eel (29.2b7 S a l —i-) YB/9-43
29,..2cc2 30.&e3 2g2 22.h3 51f2 23.Sfl £ c l 24.2f2 £e3
31. A g l+ /-+ ) 29,fS!= £>f$ 25.Se2 £gl 26.g3 c4 27.2c4 £c5
3 0 .2 b7 S a l (30...2g2 31.£f4)
28.2a4 d5 29.b4 £d6 30.*d3 5ld7
31.2b8 * f7 32.2b7 *g8 Kindermann,Stefan 31.Sb2 e5 32.b5 *c5 33.2a7 ef4
33.2 b8 * f7 34.2 b7 * g 8 Munchen 1988 (4) 34.gf4 £f4 35.b6 5le5 36.*e2 5lc4
(34...*e8? 3 5 .2 el *d8? 37.Hba2 *c6 38.©c7 5lb6 39.5le6
(35...®e3) 36.& g5+ -) 3S.2b8 1x4 d6 2.5lc3 g6 3.d4 ±g7 4.f4 ®f6 2e8 40. >*0 2e6 4l.*f4 He4
V2-Z2 5.Sif3 c5 6.i.b5 &d7 7x5 5lg4 8x6 42.*f3 5lc4 43.2x2 5le5 44.*12
Chernin fe6 9.4lg5 &b5 10.51X6 £d4 Sld3 45.*fl 2e2 46.*x2 5lf4
11.51d8 i.f2 12.*d2 &e3 13.*el 47.*e3 51h3 48.2a8 5lg5 49.*f4
£12 14.*d2 <A-<A 51e4 50.2 h8 h5 51.*e5 5>d6
52.2g8 *c5 53.2g6 ©b5 54.2g8
Be! iavsky, Alexander 5lc3 ‘A-tt
Belfort WC 1988 (2) Fahnenschmidt,Gerhard
l.d4 d6 2x4 5lf6 3.5lc3 g6 4.f4 ig 7 Baden Baden 1988
5.51D c5 6.£b5 £d7 7x5 5lg4 8x6
fe6 9.«g5 £b5 10.5lb5 Wa5 11x3 1x4 d6 2.d4 5lf6 3.51c3 g6 4.f4 ilg7

Survey PU 5

5.5)0 c5 6.e5 5)g4 7.6b5 6d7 8.e6 d4 25.f6 WO 26.H HgfB 27,#h7 .6x3 14.ic2 Wa4 l s .ib l #e4
fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 10.5)e6 6d4 Wf6 28.»e4 d5 29.Wg4 ib 8 16.Wc2 »c2 I7.ic2 6 c l 18.icl
11.<Sid8 'A-'A 30.Wg3 i a 8 31.«c7 Eb8 32.Wc5 5)c6 19.5)ec7 id 7 20.5)a8 2a8
Efc8 33.»b4 Wg6 34.td2 2c2 2 2 a re 22.Eafl 5)f6 23.2el
35.Wc2 Wg5 36.ib2 We7 37.*f2 d5 24. Hhfl h5 25.5)a3 5)g4 26.h3
Moiseev,V a re 38.Eei a n 39.Wd4 wre 5if6 27.5)c2 e6 28.5)e3 4)e4 29.ic2
40.Ee2 Bf5 41.h4 a6 42.a4 A-H M S 30.5)g4 5)g3 31. HO 5)f5
Simonenko,S 32.5)e3 4)ce7 33.5)g4 5)c6 34.id2
Tashkent 1988 id 6 35.5)e5 5)e5 36.fe5 ic 6
37. Ef4 g5 38.Hg4 Hg8 39.Hfl Eg7
I. e4 d6 2.d4 4)f6 3.5)c3 g6 4.f4 6g7 Kosanovic,Goran 4 0 . a O ( > 40.2/2) 40...b6 41.Ha4??
5.5)0 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8.e6 Popchev,Milko a5! (A 42...C4) 42.Hg4 (42.b3 d4!)
fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 I0.5)e6 6d4 Siara Pazova 1988 (4) 42.. .b5! 43.a4 b4 44.id3 c4! 45.id2
I I . 4)b5 » a 5 12x3 6 0 1 3 .id 2 ic 5 46.icl d4 47.cd4? (47.B.e4)
6 e 3 1 4 .ic 2 Wa4 1 5 .ib l (15.b3 I ,e4 d6 2.d4 5)f6 3.5)c3 g6 4.f4 6 g 7 47.. .1d5 48.Hfl 5)e3 49.2f6 4)g4
%e4 16.Wd3 Wg2 17.jtd2 &.d2 5 .5 )0 c5 6 .6 b 5 A d 7 7x5 5)g4 8x6 50.hg4h3 5l.gh3 Hh7 52.2g6 Hh3
18M d2 Wd2! 19.&d2 566/) fe6 9.5)g5 6 b 5 I0 .* g 4 6 c 4 11.5)h7 5 3 .a g5 i d 4 54,Sg8 Ehl 55.id2
15...*64 16.Wc2 Wc2 1 7 .ic 2 6 c l id 7 ! ? ( ll...cd4) 12.5)g5? ( 12.Vtg6) Eh2 56.*cl ie 5 57.g5 b3 58.Hc8
1 8 .ic l i d 7 I9.5)ec7 a6 20.5)a8 12...cd4 13.5)0? W a5 -+ # Ec2 5 9 .ib l Hg2 60,*cl id 4
ab5 21x4 bc4 22.5)b6 i c 6 23.5)c4 6I.Hd8 ie 3 62.Hdl e5 63.Hhl
b5 24.5)d2 Hf8 25.g3 g5 26.fg5 3g5 64.Hh3 *d4 65.Hhl e4
HOoo # 66.Eel e3 67.2hl 3g2 68,ndl
ie 4 69. Hfl Hc2 70.ibl 2 0
71.Eel e2 72 .ict i d 3 0-1

Hodgson, Julian
Haringey 1989

1x4 d6 2.d4 5)f6 3.5)c3 g6 4.f4 6g7

5.5) 0 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8x6
I4.®g6 Eg8 15.5Sh6 5)c6 16.5)g8 fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 10.5)e6 6d4
Hg8 17.#h7 dc3 18.b3 6a6 19.6e3 11.5) d8 6 0 12.id2 6e3 13.iel
6d4 20.6d4 5)d4 21.»e4 Wf5 60 Vt-'A
27.a4 5)e5 28.ab5 ib 5 29.Ea3 22.»f5 ef5 23.if2 5)c2 24.Eacl
4)bc6 30.5)e4 Hg2 31.h4 d5 32.5)c3 6d3 25.h4 6e4 26.3 h2 d5 27.h5 d4
i c 4 3 3 .ib l 5)d3 34.5)d5 Hb2 28.h6 5)e3 29.h7 5)g4 30 .iel Hh8 Khalifman, Alexander
3 5 .ia l Sd2 36.5)e3 i d 4 37.5)f5 31.Hh4 5)f6 0-1 Popchev,Milko
i e 4 38.g4 5)cb4 39.2a7 e6 40.5)d6 Sochi 1989
'idS 41.5)b5 i c 6 42.h5 ib 5 43.g6
hg6 44.h6 Eb2 45.Hb7 i c 4 46.2b4 Teske,Henrik 1x4 d6 2.d4 5)f6 3.5)c3 g6 4.f4 6g7
Hb4 47,h7 Ba4 4 8 .ib l Eb4 J4-J4 5.5) 0 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8x6
YB/12-40 Pahtz,Thomas
Zittau ch-DD 1989 fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 10.5)b5 »a5 11x3
Wb5 12.®g4 6f6 13.#e6 5)a6
14.5) 0 Wbb 15.5)h8 cd4 16.0-0
1x4 g6 2.d4 6g7 3.5)c3 d6 4.f4 5)f6 5)c7 17.Wh3 dc3 18.6e3 «b2
Nunn,John 5.5) 0 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8x6 19.2abl #a2 20.2b7 «c4 21.2fbl
fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 10.4)e6 6d4 6h8 22.Hb8 i O 23,«rh7 1-0
Benjamin,Joel 11.5) d8 6 0 12.id2 6e3 34-54
Thessaloniki ol 1988 (11)
l.e4 d6 2.d4 5)f6 3.^3c3 g6 4.f4 6g7 Nunn,John
5.?lf3 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8x6 Karason.Askell Om
fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 10.*g4 6c4 11.b3 Reykjavik 1989 Seirawan, Yasser
6d4 ]2.6d2 6d5 13.5)d5 ed5 Skelleftea WC 1989 (1)
14.0-0-0 Wdl 15.5)66 4)c6 16.f5 1x4 d6 2.d4 5)f6 3.5)c3 g6 4.f4 6g7
6f6 17.2hel 5)d8 18.6g5 6g5 5.5) 0 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8x6 1x4 d6 2.d4 5)f6 3.5)c3 g6 4.f4 6g7
19.*g5 5)e6 20. Ee6 0-0-0 21.g4 gf5 fe6 9.4)g5 6b5 10.5)e6 6d4 5.5)0 c5 6.6b5 6d7 7x5 5)g4 8x6
22.2e7 nhg8 23.*h4 »c6 24.gf5 11.5) b5 #a5 12x3 6 0 13.id2 fe6 9.5)g5 6b5 10.Wg4 6c4 11.b3

•. (14 12.Jid2 Ad5 13.4id5 ed5 Smagin,Sergey 17.f5 ( 17 We6 4 e6 18. M 3 <bc6=)
14.0-0-0 5 e 6 15.1e6 Wc8 1 6 .1 0 EspigXutz 17...gf5 18.0-0 ®c6 (18..M d7!?
4 d 7 17.1d5 ®g8 18.'#g8 Bhg8 Berlin 1990 19.-B.fS 5i/6) 19.2f5 4 e 8 20.Sf8?!
19,4*7 b5 20.5g5 b4 2 1 .E h el a5 (2O .*ft0 2 0 ...* d 7 2l.W e6 4 e 6
22.5 e6 a4 2 3 .5 d 4 5 d 4 2 4 .1 * 4 ab3 22.Ba8 B a8 23.1x3 Bf8 2 4.B el?
1x4 d6 2.d4 5 f 6 3 .5 c3 g6 4,f4 Ag7
25.ab3 5 b 3 26.cb3 cb4 2 7 .4 b 2 g5 (24.3/7=) 24...4d5! 25.1g5? (>
5 . 4 0 c5 6 .1 * 5 l.d 7 7x5 5 g 4 8x6
28.f5 Ea5 29.S a l Sf5 30.Ba7 4 c 6 25.H/7+) 25...e5 2 6 .B d l 4e6
fe6 9.5 g 5 l.b 5 10.5b5 ©aS 11x3
31.Bae7 E f2 3 2 .E le 2 Sgf8 33.4c2 27.Bd3 d5 28.E h3 3 0 2 9 .1 d 2 d4
WbS 12.*g4 cd4 13.5X6 't c 4 14.f5
Ee2 34.Be2 d5 3 5 .4 d 3 4 d 6 3 0 .3 0 ! Bd7 31.cd4 ed4!¥ 32*3
l.f6 15.fg6 hg6 (75...5X6/) 16.Bfl
36.Ba2 4 e 5 37.He2 4 d 6 38.Ha2 5je5 33.Bf4 53g6 3 4 .3g4 4 d 5
(16.Wg6) 16 . . . 4 0 IV . .g5 4>g7
H fl 39.Ba6 4 e 5 4(}.Bg6 4 f5 3 5 .4 fl B O 3 6 .4 e l fce5 37.Bh4
lS.’f e b ®e6 19.5e6 4 h 7 2 0 .5c7
41,Bd6 4 e 5 42.Bg6 4 f5 «H» Bg7 3 8 . 4 0 b6 3 9 .1 f4 M 3 4 0 .4 e2
dc3! 2 1 .5 a8 5 a 6 22.EO ! Bc8!
® f4 41.BF4 Bg2 4 2 .4 d 3 Bh2
23.bc3 Ac3 24.Hc3 Bc3 25.B bl
43.S d 4 4 e 6 44.a4 S h 5 45.Bg4
Bc8± 26.Bb7! (2 6 .M 3 5 c 5 27.M S
40 4 6 * 4 Ee5 4 7 .4 d 4 Se6
Van der Wiel,John dc5=) 26...B el 2 7 .4 d 2 B al 28.Be7
4 8 ,4 d 5 h5 49.B h4 B h6 50.4e5
Seirawan,Yasser 4 h 6 29.Ba7 Ea2 3 0 .4 e3 5 b 4
4g6 51.4f4 4 f 6 52.4g3 4e5
Lu:ern It 1989 (3) 31.Ba2 S a 2 3 2 .5 c7 5 c 3 3 3 .4 d 3
5 3 .4 h 3 a6 54,Bc4 4 d 5 55,Bc8
S a 4 3 4 .5 * 5 5 c 5 3 5 .4 e3 5 b 7
Bc6 56.Ba8 b5 57.ab5 ab5 58.B al
l.e4 d6 2.d4 g6 3 .5 c3 Ag7 4.f4: 5*6 3 6 .4 d 4 4 g 5 3 7 .4 d 5 4 f 4 3 8 ,5 d 6
S c4 0-7
5 d 8 39.'5x4 g5 4 0 .5 e5 4 e 3 #
5.? O c5 6 .1 * 5 M l 7.e5 5 g 4 8.e6
fe6 9.5g5 A b5 10.5b5 f a S 11x3
« b 5 12.5e6 5 a 6 13.5g7 4 0 Elellers,Ferdinand
14.5e6 5 / 6 15.5g5 4 g 7 16.5e6
4 0 17.5g5 4 g 7 I8 .5 e 6 4 0 h-M
Haninge 1990 (10)

Prie,Eric 1x4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.5lc3 l g 7 4.f4 5jf6

Chabanon,Jean-Luc 5.570 c5 6 .1 * 5 l d 7 7x5 53g4 8x6
Rouen 1990 fe6 9.5jg5 A b5 10.5ib5 # a 5 11x3
# ’b5 12.5x6 5 * 6 13.55g7 4 0
I .e4 d6 2.d4 5 f6 3 .5 c3 g6 4.f4 Ag7 14.5x6 5 f6 15.5g5 4 g 7 16*3!?
5 . 5 0 c5 6 .1 * 5 M l 7x5 5 g 4 8x6 cd4 17.5e6 4 0 1 8 .5d4 Wc5
fe6 9.5)g5 Ab5 10.Wg4 Ac4 ll.b 3 4l.5:f3? (41.g3!+ - ) 41...517!= 19.# 0 WdS?! (> 1 9 ...M 7 20.0-0
® a5 12.1.d2 cd4 1 3 .5 d l Wf5 42.4 x 6 4 f2 43.g3 5 d 8 4 4 .4 f5 4 0 Sued5) 2 0 .1 * 5 5 d S 21x4 5 d b 4 (>
14.WF5 ef5 15.bc4 5 a 6 16.S b l b6 45.4 g 5 5 0 4 6 .4 g 6 5 e 5 4 7 .4 h 5 2 7...5/6) 22.0-0 5 c 6 2 3 .5 c6 bc6
17x3 4 d 7 18.cd4 Jdd4 I9 .1 e 3 1 /6 4g2 !i-<6 24.f5 5 c 7 2 5 .1 * 2 Bhf8 26.B ael e6
2 0 . 5 0 Bhc8 2 1 .5 d 2 5 b 8 2 2 .4e2 27.1a3!± c5 2 8 .E d l ef5 29.Bd6
5 x 6 2 3 .4 d 3 e5 2 4 .5c3 e4 2 5 .4c2 Van der WieUohn 5 e 6 30.Bd7 4 g 8 31.B el Bfe8
5 e 7 2 6 .4b 3 d5 2 7 .5 * 5 5 c 6 28xd5 Seirawan,Yasser 32.Be5 Bac8 33.S a7 5 f 4 34.Bee7
5 a 5 2 9 .4* 4 a6 30.1.d4 M l 31.d6 l/aninge 1990 (6) Be7 35.Be7 S a8 3 6 .1 c5 Ba2
5 c 6 3 2 .4 c3 5 d 4 3 3 .4 d 4 Af6 3 7 .1 d 6 5 d 3 #
34.4e3 ab5 35.Eb5 Ba2 36.Bb3
1x4 d6 2.d4 g6 3.5ic3 l.g 7 4.f4 5if6
Bcc2 37.B dl 1 x 3 38.5x4 fe4
39.4 e4 l,a 5 ., 5 .5 ,0 c5 6 .1 * 5 M l 7x5 5jg4 8x6
1X6 9 .x g 5 l.b 5 10.5lb5 # a 5 11x3
WbS 12.Wg4 cd4 13..'5e6 «X4
Petursson,Margeir 14.5)g7 4 0 15.5,f5 ® e6 16.5*3
Thorsteins,Karl dc3 #
Lyon open 19901

1,c4 d6 2.d4 516 3.5x3 g6 4,f4 .1 g7

5 .5 ;0 c5 6 .1 * 5 M l 7x5 5 g 4 8x6
fe6 9.5 g 5 1 * 5 10.1*5 Wa5 11x3
9 b S I2 .5 e 6 5 a 6 13.5g7 4 0
14.5x6 4 x 6 (5.11^4 4 0 16.f5?! 38*3? (3<S.^3+-) 38...f4 39x5 Sc2
cd4 17.fg6 hg6 18.S f l 4 e 8 19.®d4? 40 .Bc7 B el 4 1 .4 h 2 Bc2 4 2 .4 g l
Bh2! 2G.Wf2 « d 5 ! 21.1x3 Bg2 B el 4 3 .4 h 2 g5 44.B e7 Be?
22.m 4 d 7 2 3 .1 * 8 We4 24,Wa7 4 5 .4 g l B el 4 6 .4 h 2 Bc2 4 7 .4 g i
5 x 5 25.«X5 dc5 26.0-0-0 4 c6 ... B el 4 8 .4 h 2 H-‘/2

PU 8

PU 5.3 33146 1988] 15.4e3 #

Bareev, Evgeni (S U ) 2590

Azmaiparashvili,Zurab (S U ) 2610
Lvov 1990 zt (8)

1.d4 d6 2.e4 g6 3.4c3 J.g7 4.f4 416 5 .a i3 c5

6.itb5 J,d7 7.e5 a g 4 B.e6 J,b5 9.ef7 4?d7
10.ab5 WaS 11.®c3 cd4 12.®d4 h5 13.013!?
&c6 14.®e2 Bat8N [RR 14...Wf5 15.h3 « h 6
(15...af6!?) 16.®e4h4?!(> 16...ab4 17.0-0 ®c2
18.Sbloo) 17.J,d2 18.Jx3± Dvoins - Ru-
kavina, Sibenik 1988] 1S.h3 [ 15.S b l !? Sf7 16.h3
®h6 17.b4oo] 15...5M6?! [15.„©h6] 16.0-0 [16.b4 15.. .Bhf8 [l5...Saf8 16.0-0 «3f5 17.4f2 B n
ftb4 17.»b7 *e6!] [16... B n I7.b4 I8.a3 ®d8 I9 .0 d 3 ®e6 20.Badl Bc8oo Maus -
a b 4 18.Wb7 &d8 19-4x3+ -] 17.4,e3 Sf7 M.Gurevich, Balatonbereny 1987; 16.003 a f5
18.Sab1± [A 19,b4 «jb4 20.Eb4 0 b 4 17.4f2 E H 18.0-0-0 h41? 19.a3 Hc8 20.ae4
2 1 .1 b l+ - ] 18...ad7 19.b4! a b 4 2O.0e4 4,c3 a d 8 2 I.* b l a e 6 22x4 b6+ Oil - M.Gurevich,
[20...ac6 21.flb5! 0 a 6 22.0g6 4x3 23.£>c3 Tallinn 1987; 19.*bl Hc8 2O.0e4 b6?l
Hf6 24.004+] 21.0C4 a c6 22.017 4,16 23.0g6 (2O...0b4!) 2l.a3 fed8 22.Shel 0 a 6 23.ad4
0 a 2 24.015?! [24.0e4!± (A 25,Bb5) 24...&c7 0 c 4 24.ad5± Beliavsky - Tal. Brussels SWIFT
25.f5] 24...0C4 25.fig3 [25.0d3!? 0 d 3 26.cd3 1988; 15...QB 16.4f2 Haf8 17.0-0 4 c 3
h4 27.f5] 25...e6?! [25...4d4 26.4d4 ®d4 (17,..Sf7 18.ae4 4 h 6 I9.c4± Golubenka)
27.0e4 (27.Wd3? 0 d 3 28.cd3 ®c5 29.Sfel 2g8 18.ac3 2f7 Hellers - Seirawan, Wijk aan Zee
30.4,h2 h4 31.ae2 a f5 ) 27...<Bc5 28.0e7 5g8 1986 19.a3 A b4, b5±; 16...h4 17,a37! ©d8
2 9 .* h 2 + -] 26.0e4 0 e 4 [26...4d4 27.4d4 0 d 4 18.0-0 <&n 19,«e4 Shc8 20x4!? Hc4 2 l.0 b 3
28.0d4 a d 4 29. Bfdl e5 30.fe5+-] 27.ae4 d5 Eac8 22. E ac 1= Nijboer - Tseshkovsky, Wijk aan
28.ad6 &c7 29.<»b7 a5?! [29,..d4l? 30.4d2 d3 Zee 1988; 19.0d3 Ac3 (19... Shc8!?) 20.<ac3
31.c4! 4 d 4 3 2 .* h l 4 b 6 33x5 * b 7 34.cb6 ab6 Hhc8 21.Bfel 0 a 6 22.0d5 ®d8 23.0g8± Wolff
35T5+-] 30.ac5 a c 5 31.4 c 5 a4 32.Hfe1 Be8 - Lobron, New York 1988; 15...h4 16.0-0 0 f5
33.<£h2T [33.Bb6!] 33...4c3 [33...e5 34.fe5 4e5 17.0d2 S U 18.ad5 e6 19.®dc3 Hac8 20.a4
3 5 .& h l+ -] 34.Ee3 d4 35.Sg3 ab 8 36.4b4 h4 ■4e7 21.Bf2!± Dolmatov - Lein, New York 1989]
37.B 13+- 4 b4 38. Bb4 a c 6 39.Ea4 * d 6 40.c3 16.#'d3 ^15 17.Af2 B17 18.g4?! [18.0-0]
e5 41.fe5 1-0 18.. .a b 4 19.0e4 d5 20.0-0-0 [20.Bdl ®d6
Dokhoian 21.0g6 Bg8!+ Deriabkin] 20...Ud6' 21.0g6
aa2?! [> 2L.-J.c3! 22.ftc3 (22,bc3 ac4 )
22.. .a a 2 23.®a2 0 a 2 + 24x3 Bf4 25.J.g3 He4
26.J.d6 » a l 27.^>c2 B e 2 -+ ] 22.aa2 0 a 2
PU 5.3 33063 23.c3 b5?! [23...Bc8!?] 24.J.C5! 0 a1 25.0b1!
0b1 26.4. b1 ®e4 27.J.e3± i'cB 28.f5 a5
Deriabkin,V (S U ) 29.J.d4 J.h6 30.Sh2 a4 31.J,e5 * c 5 32.®d4
J e 3 33.4 e6 4>c4? 34.:i d4 + - 4 d2 35 Ac2 1-0
Demidkin (S U )
Van der Tak
1989 cr cr

1.d4 d6 2.e4 a t6 3.©c3 g6 4.14 4 g 7 5 .a t3 c5

6.4b5 4 d 7 7.e5 5lg4 8.e6 4 b 5 9.ef7 * d 7 PU 8.4 33162
1 0 .ab 5 0 a 5 11.ac3 cd4 1 2 .a d 4 h5
[12...4d4!?] 13.H3 [13.013!?] 13...ac6 14.®e2
[14.®c6? 4 c 3 - + ; 14.hg4?l a d 4 + ; 14.£sO!? £>h6 Magomedov,Magaram (S U ) 2360
15.0- 0 Haf8 16.ae4 Bf7 17.4e3 4>c8 18x3 Bf5 Orlov,Georgi (S U ) 2505
19.b4 0 d 5 2O.0c2± Nevednichy - Titov, Kishi­ Minsk 1990 (5)
nev 1987] 14...fih6 [14...£>f6 15.4e3 ®e4
16.0- 0 <&c3 17.bc3 Hhf8= Nijboer - Plaskett, 1.e4 d6 2.d4 a 16 3.ac3 c6 4.a 13 J g 4 5.h3 Jh5
London 1986; 15.0-0 0 c 5 16.*hl Baf8 17,©g3 6. J.e2 [6.g4!? J.g6 7.0e2 Kruppa 7...d5! (7,..e6)
h4 18.4)ge4 0f5= Oil - Azmaiparashvili, Tallinn 8x5 a e 4 9x6 fe6! (9..T6 1 0 .a h 4 *a5oo) 10.ae5

ftc3?? (10...*a5!D ftd2 12.0d2 ftd7 fid4 22. Bd4 fic 2 -+ ] 18...e6? [d6<; a
13.ftg6 hg6 0-0-0+; 12.*d2! ftd7 18.. .Hfd8 19.Bd8 Hd8 20.fie2 b6 21.*b5 0 b 5
13.ftg6 hg6 I4 .» e6 0-0-0 g5+; 13.ftd7 22.fib5 be5 23.c3 Ec8 24.h4 h5 25.fig5±]
* d 7 14.Sel fif7co; 14...«b41? 15.0e6 s£>d8oo) e2 b6 20.«b5 0 b 5 21.fib5 bc5 22.fid3!±
ll.bc3 0 a 5 12.0d2? (12.*d2!±) 12...ftd7 [« d , c5<, a7< ) 22...fid3 23.Hd3 c4 [>
13.ftg6 hg6 0-0-0 15.fig6 e5 16.fif5 e6! 23.. .Hfb8 24.c3 fif8] 24.Hd7 c3 25.b3 a5 ed4 18.<&fl dc3+ Kruppa - Orlov, Minsk 26.Ehd1 Efb8 27.f4 fi.18 28.B1d3 fib 4 29.4>d1
1990 (12)] 6...e6 7.fie3 fie 7 8.g4 fig6 9.ftd2 dS Be8 30.fid4 Eac8 3 1 .fit6 + - e5 32.fe5 g5
10.eS ft1d7 11.ftb3 a5! 12.a4 fta6! 13.Wd2? 33.h4 fi.(8 34. Eg3 fig 7 35.hg5 fit6 36.gf6 * h 8
[l3.fia6D H a6 14.Wd2 f6+] 13...ftb4 14.fid1? 37.14 3cd8 38.Sgd3 Ed7 39.Sd7 ig 8
[ a 14.E el Wb6 15.ftal+] 14...ftb6 ftc4 4 0 .*e 2 1-0
16.0C1 f6! 17.ftd2 feS 18.de5 ftd2 19.0d2 d4 Kuczynski
20.ftb1 0-0—+■21.0-0 ftc2 fic2 23.0c2
Ef4 24.0b3 * d 7 25.ftd2 fib 4 26.ftf3 [>
26.S a d i] 26...d3 27.ftg5 Se8 28.Sad1 0 e 7
29.h4 Sg4 3 0 .*h 2 Eh4 31.fth3 d2 32.Hg1
KF 4.2 33251
Ee4 33.#g3 Ee1 34.ftg5 EeS! 35.f4 Ee1
3 6 .*h 3 h6 37.ftf3 Ed1 38.Ed1 016 39.0g4
Sf8 0-1 Polgar.Zsuzsa (HU) 2500
Orlov Azmaiparashvili,Zurab (SU) 2610
Dortmund 1990 (4)

1 ,d4 d6 2.ftf3 g6 3.c4 fig 7 4.ftc3 e5 5.e4 [5.de5

PU 10.1 33150 de5 6 .* d 8 &d8 7.fie3 fie6 8.ftg5 fic4 9,b3 h6
10.bc4 hg5 &c8 12.fid2 ftd7 13.g4 ftc5
14. h4 ftf6 15.g5 ftfe4 16.fih3 &b8 17,fte4 fte4
Kuczynski,Robert (PL) 2460
15. Hdl f5 19.fie3 * c 8 20,h5 c6 21.hg6 &c7
Sznapik,Aleksander (PL) 2485 22.fig2 Hhl 23.^.h 1 Azmaiparashvili - Tkebu-
Warszawa 1990 ch-PL (3) chava, Soviet Union 1985] 5...ftc6 [5...ed4
6. ftd4 ftc6 7.fie3 ftge7 8.h4 f5 9.h5 fe4 10.hg6
1.e4 d6 2.d4 ft 16 3.ftc3 g6 4.ftf3 fig7 5.h3 0-0 ftg6 l l . # d 2 ftd4 12.fid4 fte5 I3.fte4 0 e 7
6.fie3 c6 7.a4 d5!? 8.e5 fte4 9.fte4 de4 10.ftg5 14.0- 0-0 fie6 15.f4 ftc6 16.fig7 0 g 7 17,ftg5
c5 11.dc5 0 c 7 12.0d5 [12.fic4?! ftc6 13.fte4 fif5 18.E el <&<tf 19.fid3 Baf8 20.jLf5 Sf5
0 e 5 14.ftc3 fif5 15.0-0 Bad8K/¥ Van Mil - 21.Wd3 Sg5 22.fg5 0 g 5 2 3 .* b l+ - Bonsch -
Hoi, Budapest 1989; 12.fte4 0 e 5 13.ftc3 ftc6 Azmaiparashvili, Dortmund 1990] 6.fig5 [6.de5
14.fib5 Hd8 15.#e2 fie6 16.fic6 bc6 17.0-0 fte5 (6...de5 7.0 d 8 ftd8 8.ftb5 fte6 9 .ftg 5 + -)
Sdb8® Smyslov - Speelman, Hastings 1988/89] 7. fte5 (7.fie2 fte7 8.fte5 de5 9 .0 d 8 &d8
12.. .ftc6?! (12...h6!?] 13.0e4 fte5 [A 14...h6, 10.fig5 f6 11.0-0-0 &e8 12,ftb5 c6 13.ftc7 * f7
b2< ] 14.0-0-0 h6 15.ftf3 ft 13 16.g(3! [16.0f3? 14. fie3-i— Lputian - Davies, 1983) 7,..de5 8.5S/d8
fid7! 17.«e4 (17.b3 fic6 18.#f4 0 a 5 ^ ) &d8 9.jfi.gS f6 10.0-0-0 fid7 1l.fie2 fg5? 12.ii.g4
17.. .fic6 18.*b4 2 a d 8 S t ] 16...fi15 17.0b4 ftf6 13.Ed7 ftd7 14.E d 1 h5 15.Bd7 &e8
0 c 6 18.ii.c4! # 16. fie6 fif6 17, Ec7 fid8 18.Bb7 Bf8
19.ftd5n— Knaak - Vadasz, Budapest 1977] 6...16
[6...#d7 7,de5 de5 8.ftb5 ftd4?? (8...f6! 9.fie3
We7 10.#d5 ftb4 11.0d2) 9.ftfd4 a6 (9...ed4
10.fif4-t—) lO.0a4 ab5 (10...C6 ll.f tc 6 bc6
12. H d l h—) 11.0a8 ed4 12.cb5 ftf6 13.fid3 0-0
14.0- 0 h— Miles - Quinteros, Puerto Madryn
1980] 7.fie3 fth6 8.de5 [8.h3 ftf7 9.fie2 0-0
10.0- 0 f5 ll.efS gf5 12.de5 de5 13.ftd5?
(13.«d5! fte7 14.*d8 ftd8 15.ftb5 fte6 16.ftg5
f4 17,fte6 fie6 1 8 .fic 5 + -; 13...e4 14.ftg5 0 d 5
15. cd5 ftce5 16.fte6 fie6 17.de6 ftd6 18.ftd5
c6 19.ftc7 Bac8 2 0 .fic 5 + -; 13...0f6! 14.0d2oo)
[A 18...«ff3 I9.fid5±; 18.fie2 Sac8! I9.0b5 13...f4 14.Ac5 e4 1 5 .ftd 4 ftd 4 16.Ad4f3! 17,gf3
0 f6 (A 20...b6) 20.fid4 Wg5 21.fie3=; 2 1 .* b l? Ah3-* Lukacs - Vadasz, Hungary 1974] 8...de5


[8...fe5 9.Ag5±] 9.#d8 sfed8 [9...©d8 17.g3 ® b5 [17_skb5 18.&g2 £ d 3 19.cd3 Wd7
10.&d5-t--] 10.h3 [10.0-0-0 Ad7 ll.h3 5M7 20.a4±] Jib5 1 9 .*g 1 ± [d4>] 19...4.C4
(1 l...f5!?) 12.c5 * c 8 13,Ac4 ®cd8 14.£d2 Ae6 20.a4 #17 21.Bh2 # h 5 22.14 [22.<&e6! Be8<=*]
15. c6!? bc6 16.ila6 *^>d7 17.®a4 &e7 18.£>c5 22...® g4 23.#e3 h6 24.h5 g5 25.hg6 # g 6
£>d6 19.f3 h5 20.'4,c2 Jth6 Janosevic - Vadasz, 26.B h 4 B lg 8 27.&12 B g 7 28.Bbh1 h5 29.#13
Beograd 1977] 10...Ae6 [I0...f5 ll.A g5] S h g 8 [29...Hgh7 30.a5 * b 8 31.Blh3±, e6<,
11.0-0-0 sfec8 [1 l...^?e8 12.£id5±/±] 12.g4 5M7 h5< ] 30.H lh 3 # e 8 31.a5 0 e 7 32.c3 B g 3
[A I3...h5; I2...f5 I3.gf5 gf5 l4.H gl±; l2...Bd8 [32...We8 3 3 .0 d l+ - , h5<] 33.Wg3! [33.Hg3?
I3.£id5±] 13.Bg1 b6 [13„.Ah6 I4.£id5] 14.c5! # h 4 34.&e6 4,e2!-+] 33...Bg3 34.&g3 # g 7
&b7 15.®d5 fiad8 [15...<Sicd8? I6 .ia 6 ! &a6 [34...#h7 35.Hh5 t d 3 36.&g4 # d l 3 7 .* g 5 + -;
17.£sc7 * b 7 !8.® e6+ -; 15...aac8 16.b4 £d5? 34_&.f1 35.Bh2 # g 7 36.sfef2 4,d3 37.©e6 «g6
17.ed5 ®b4 18.c6 4>b8 19.a3 £3a2 20.& b2+ -] 38.&C5+- ] 35.&h2-t— #17 36.Bg3 Wb8
16. ± a 6 4>b8 17.a3 Ac8 18.Ac8 [l8.Ac4±] 37.E g 5 «d3 38.Bgh5 i.e 4 3 9 .Sg5 A a 7
18...*c8 19.b4 b5 20.a4! a6 [20...ba4 2l.b5 £ a 5 40. A g 3 # e 8 [40...c5 41.bc5 # c 7 42.£>b3 4x2
22.©d2] 21.ab5 ab5 22,®b2 st?b7 23.&b3 ®b8? 4 3 .3 h 8 + - ] 41.B g 7 #18 42.«e6 # e 8 43.®d4
[23...Ehe8±; 23...Ba8? 24.®c3] 24.Ba1 ®c6 # ! 8 44.Bhg4 1-0
[24...C6 25.®b6 Bd3 (25...5Jd7 26.Ba5 ®b6 Kuczynski
27.cb6 Sa8 28.fidl Ba5 (28...Bhd8 2 9 .B a8 + -)
29.Bd7 &c8 3 0 .1 c 7 + -) 26.*c2 Bhd8
27, a e l + - ] 25.®c3 £Ja7 [25...Bd3 26.Hgdl
Bhd8 27.Bd3 Bd3 2 8 .a e l £ d 4 ? 29.& b2+ -]
26.BaS c6 27. Ega1 [27.&c2 Sa8 28. Bgal FR 4.4 33075
Shb8 29. Sa6 ?3c8] 27...ftc8 [27„.Sa8
28. B a 6 + -] 28.fib5! cb5 29.Hb5 &c7 30.Sa6 Popovic,Mladen (YU) 2275
[> 30.Bba5] 30...Bd1 31.Bba5 <Sd8 3 2 .*c 2
Bh1 33.b5 Bh3 34.®d2 hS [34,..Be3 35.fe3 h5
Baljutsev (BG)
Plovdiv 1990 open
36.gh5 gh5 37.c6 h4 38.4Jc4 A 3 9 .B a7 + -]
35.gh5 gh5 36.®c4 ©b7 37.Sa1 A1B 38.Bc6 I. e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.« c3 5 (6 4.e5 451d7 5.(4 c5
&b8 39.Ba8! * a 8 40.Bc8 * a 7 41 .c6 Se3 6.®(3 ?;c6 7.Ae3 cd4 8.5_d4 i c S 9.Wd2 0-0
42.fe3 1-0 [9_&.d4 10.Ad4 « d4 l l.# d 4 # b 6 12.0-0-0
Polgar (12.#b6; 12.€lb5) 12...#d4 13.H d4*e7 14.Ae2
55b6 (14...<Bb8) 15.h4 h5 16.a4 a5 17.b3 g6
18.4>b2 Ad7 19.£>dl A 20.®e3± Grigorov- Bal-
inov, Starozagorski Bani 1990] 10.0-0-0 a6
FR 4.1 33151 [10...Ad4 ll.A d 4 a6] 11.?5b3!? [U.g4?! Ad4
12,Ad4 b5oo; ll.A e 2 £ d 4 12.Ad4 b5 13.AE3
Kuczynski,Robert (PL) 2460 ^.d4?! 14.Wd4 Ab7 1 5 .^b l Bc8 16.h4 # c 7
Bany,Jerzy (PL) 2450 17.h5±/±; ll..®ce2!? # c 7 12.g4 b5 13.®g3 Ab7
Warszawa 1990 ch-PL (14) 14.4)c6 # c 6 15.J.C5 ®c5 15.Ag2 Bfc8 17.*bl
53d7 18.Hhel # c 7 19.®h5 a5 20.A ft Aa6
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.®c3 ®c6 4 .a f3 ©16 5.e5 4 21.f5!± Ziatdinov - Barsov, Tashkent 1989;
6.iLd3 £ b 4 7.±d2 [7.0-0!?] 7...£>d2 8.»d2 16?! 11.#12 J.d4 1 2 .id 4 b5 13.*bl i b 7 14.ji.d3
[8...£ld4? -YB/6; > 8...J.d7 -YB/10] 9.a3 [9.ef6! ftd4 15.#d4 # e 7 16.Ehel Bfd8 A b4, a5i^
# f6 10.1,b5 0-0 (10... J.d7 1 l.£ c 6 Ac6 12.0-0±, J. Arnason - M.Gurevich, Reykjavik 1988;
e 5 > ) 11..&C6 bc6 12.0-0 Ad6 13.£>a4±oo Enders ll.& b l Ad4 12.Ad4 b5 13.A12 (13.Ae2 b4
- Roder, Balatonbereny 1988] 9....4x3 10.#c3 14.4ia4 5Jd4 15.#d4 # a 5 16.b3 Ab7= Nunn -
fe5 11.de5 4,d7 12.b4!? [12.0-0 0-0 13.Bael Timman, Linares 1988; 13.#e3) 13...b4!? 14.5Ja4
Ae8?! 14.£)d4 <Sd4 15.#d4 # e 7 16.Wg4± Szna- a5 A 15...A a6^; 1l...<S5d4 12..S.d4 b5 13.Ac5!?
pik - Bany, Warszawa 1990 ch-PL (12); 13... We7!? (13.g4?!; 13.h4) 13...©c5 Nunn - Timman, Rot­
14. <&d4 ftd4 15.0d4 c5=] 12...a6?! [12...0-0!? terdam 1989; 14.We3!? # c 7 15.Ad3 A 16.#h3±
13.h4 h6 14.'8,d2 a5 15.b5 <Se7 A 16...c5oo] 13.h4 Vlado Kovacevic; 1l.h4!? # c 7 (1 l...Sid4 12.Ad4
# e 7 14.&11! [14.S bl? 0-0! 15.£)g5 g6 A *g7, b5 13.h5 Ab7 14,h6g6 15.#c3 Ec8 1 6 .ic5 ©c5
e5<] 14...0-0-0 [14...0-0 15.£>g5 g6 l6 .H e l!± t] 17.Bd4±) 12.&bl (12.Bh3 <ad4 13.^.d4 b5
15. Eb1 [A 16.a4] 15...£ia7[l5...Sdf8 I6.a4 Sf4 14.'H,e3 J.b7 15.Ad3 f6oo Mokry - Bareev,
17.b5 ab5 18.ab5 £ b 8 19.b6±] 16.®d4 Sdf8 Trnava 1989; 12.h5b5 13,® c6#c6 14.?ie2 b4 A

15...a5< *> J2...b5 (12...©d4 13.1d4 b5 14.h5 b4 26.0c8 * e 7 27.©17! 0 b 5 2 8 .*g 2 *1 7 29.1g5
15. ©e2 a5 16.h6 g6 17.1c5 ©c5 18.©d4±) le 7 !? [29...h6! 30.1e6 * e 6 31.0e8 * f5 3 2 .0 0
13. ©c6 0 c 6 14.1c5 ©c5 15.0d4 2 b 8 16.1d3 * e 4 33.0f4 * d 3 34.0e3 * c 4 35.0c 1 * d 4 ;
b4 17.©e2 a5 18.h5 a4 19.h6 g6 2Q,©cl ld7 o o 3 1 h5 hg5 32.0e8 l e 7 33.0g6 © f6 -+ ] 3O.0H8
Psakhis - Bareev, Tallinn 1988] 11...le3 l g 5 3 1 .le 6 ! * e 6 32.0g8 * e 7 33.0g7 * e 8
[11...I e 7 12.j4.d3 (A 0e2 -h 5 ) 12,..g6 13.h4!? A 34.hg5 ©18 35.016 [35x6 © e6 36.0h7 0e2=]
14.h 4 tU ; 4 !? 12.1d3 b5 13.2hfl 35„.0b7 36.14 a5 37.15 0b 1 [37...0b2 38.*h3
(13.012!?) 13...©b6 1 4 .0 0 ©c4 15.1c4 0 c 1 39.*g2 0 c 2 (39...0d2 40.*h3 0 d 4
(I5.1c5!?±) 15...bc4 16.©d4 ©e7! 17.g4 f6oc 41.0c6) 40.*h3 0 c l= ] 38.0C6 *1 7 39.0d5
Cabrilo - Bareev, Beograd 1988] 12.0e3 0 C 7? * g 7 40.e6 0 c 2 4 1 .*h 3 0 e 2 ! 42.0b7 * h 8
[12...067 13.j4.d3 b5 14.0h3 g6 15.0h6 b4 43.017 011 4 4 .*g 4 0d 1 45.<*h3 0 h 1 'A-'A
16. ©e2 a5 A l a 6 , Bfe8; > 12...Se8 13.1d3 b5 Schwartzman
14.0h3 ©f8 15.Shel b4 16.©e2 a5±] 1 3 .ld 3
b5 14.0h3 g6 15.0h6 Bd8?! [15...f5 16.h4
(16.g4!?) 16...B 0 17.h5 ©f8 18.g4^; 15...f6
16.1g6 ©b6 17.1h5 A 18.Bd3; > 15...He8]
16.h4± ©18 17.h5 b4 18.©e2 a5 19.©bd4 ©d4 FR 5.2 33054
20. ©d4 l a 6 21.hg6 »g6 22.1g6! ©g6 [22...hg6?
23.0h8 * 0 24,H h7+-; 22...0g7 2 3 .1 d 3 ± /+ -] Chandler,Murray (GB) 2585
23.©e6 017 24.f5 Bdc8 [24...2e8 25.fg6 0g6
26.0g6 A 27.©c7] 25.1g6 0 g 6 26,0g6 hg6
Psakhis,Lev (SU) 2570
2 7 .2 h 6 + - *1 7 28.©g5 * e 7 29.3h7 *e 8
Moskva 1990 GMA open (9)
30.Bd5 l c 4 31.5dd7 [31...1g8 32.e6! Ba6
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©c3 ©16 4 .!g 5 de4 5.©e4
(32...1h7 33.©h7 A 34.©f6) 33.2he7 * f8
l e 7 6.116 116 7.©13 0-0 8 ,0 d 2 b6 9.©16!?N
34.© h7 l h 7 35.Bh7 *g8 36.Bdg7 A 37,e7+-] 016 1 0 .ld 3 l b 7 [10...h6 l l.l e 4 ± ] 11.©g5h6!?
1-0 [I l...g6 I2.h4! h6D I3.1e4!] 12.©h7 0 d 4
Dragolov 13.©(8 4>18 [> 13...0b2!? 14.1h7!? *h8D
15.0-0 ©a6! 16.©e6 * h 7 17.©f4 0 f 6 ^ ; 14.0-0
* f8 15.1e4! ©c6Dco] 14x3! [14.0-0-0 l g 2
15.Bhgl ! c 6 A 16...©d7oo; 14.0-0 lg2!=]
14.. .0H4 [14...0e5 15.1e2 ©c6 16.S d I Bd8
FR 4.6 33234
17.0e3±] 15.0-0-0 [15.g3!? 0 f6 16.Bgl l O
17.1e2 ©c6±] 1 5 ...lg 2 16.Bhg1 l c 6 17.14! [<
Bex,Pierre Alain (CH) 2235 17. Bg3 ©d7 18.Sdgl ©e5 19.1e2 g5!co]
Schwartzman,Gabriel (RO) 2300 17.. .©d7 18.0e3! Be8 [I8...©f6! 19.0e5 ©e8
Bad Ragaz 1990 open (4) 20.1e4 1x4 21.0e4 Bd8oo, h2< ] 1 9 .!e 4 ! I d 5
[ 19...1x4 20.2d7] 20x4 l e 4 [20...©f6? 21.cd5
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.' c3 ©16 4.e5 ' Id7 5.©ce2?! ed5 2 2 .0 a 3 + -; 20...©c5?! 21.1c2!±] 21.Bd7
c5 6 x3 ©c6 7.©13 [7.f4 b5! X.'. t.3 b4 9.1e3?! [21.0e4 ©f6 22.0e5 0h2oo] 2 1 ...!g 6 22.0e5T
bc3 I0.bc3 0a5! (<? a5-el) l l . * 0 S b 8 + t E]
7 .. .b5!? 8.g3 0 b 6 9.h4? [ > 9.1g2] 9...1a6
1 0 .lh 3 b4! 11.a3n [l l .0-0 bc3 12.bc3 l e 2
I3.0e2 cd4 I4.cd4 ' d4 I5.©d4 0 d 4 16.j4.b2
0 a 4 + ; ll.cb4 cd4+; l l . v.e3 bc3 I2.bc3 cd4
13. cd4 Ab4 14.*fl (14.jS.d2 l e 2 15.0e2 ©d4+)
14 ..0-0+] 11...bc3 12.bc3 cd4 13.cd4 l e 2
14. * e 2 _ 0 a 6 15.0d3!? 0a4?! [I5..,0d3
I6.*d3+ , c4<] 1 6 .le 3 Bb8 17.Bhb1 Bb1
1 8. a b1 0 a 3 19.0b5 ' b4 20. B c1! a6D 21.0b7!
0 d 3 22. ie 1 c2 23.Bc2 0 c 2 24.©g5!
[24.1g5 f5! A 25.ef6 gf6 26.1e6 0 e 4 - + ]
24.. .0 .3 !? [24_4.e7 25.4x6! (25.©e6 fe6 [22. Bc7 Bd8! A 23...0h2+±] 22...Bd8??
26.1. e6 0 a 4 27.0c8 l d 8 28.1g5 0a5! 2 9 .* fl [22...Be7!D 23.Bd8 (23.Be7 0e7co) 23...Be8
0 c 7 - + ; 2 5 .© 0 * 0 26.0d7 2b8 27.0e6 * f8 24.Bd7 (24,Be8 * e 8 25.0c7 0h2=) 24...Be7=]
28.0f5 0 0 + ) 25,..fe6 26.©e6®] 25.*11 0 b 4 2 3 .B g 4 !+ - 0 g 4 24.Ed8 »e7 25.0c7 *1 6

FR 7

26.We5 &e7 27.#d6 &f6 28.#d4! &e7 [24...Ah8 25.Hh8 * h 8 (25..,.*g7 26.#h6 * f6
29.Eb8 j.o 27.#h4) 26.€lf7] 1-0
Psakhis Tisdall

FR 5.2 33205 FR 7.2 33142

Fedorowicz,John (US) 2560 Ulibin,Mikhail (SU) 2500

Vaganian,Rafael (SU) 2605 Orlov,Georgi (SU) 2505
Reykjavik 1990 tt (3) Minsk 1990 (7)

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.<&c3 ftf6 4.Ag5 de4 5.«e4 I. e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.<ac3 de4 4.4ie4 ®d7 S..fid3
A e 7 6 . i f 6 ± f6 [6...gf6 7.®f3 b6 8.Ab5 c6 4)gf6 6.«e2!N [6.<SJf6 ®f6 7.©f3 b6 8.0-0 Jfib7
9.Ac4 ilb7 10.#e2 # c 7 11.0-0 <&d7 12.Hfel 9.c3 J.e7 10..fia6 ,fia6 l l.# a 4 c6 12.«a6 0-0
0-0-0 13.a4 Uhg8 14.jfi.a6 f5 15.Jfe.b7 * b 7 13.. fig5 <Sd5= Oil - Akopian, Tbilisi 1989] 6...C5
16.®ed2 Eg7 17.a5 b5 18.a6 « c 7 19.c4± Iva- 7.4) f6 5216 8.dc5 M S 9.4)13 h6 10.Ad2! 0-0
novic - Cabrilo, Vrsac 1989] 7.©f3 0-0 8.c3! I I . 0-0-0 Wb6 12.g4?! [12.4)e5 Ad4 13.c3 £e5
[8.#d3 £ d 7 9.0-0-0 b6 10.h4 ,fib7 ll.® fg5 i g 5 14. # e 5 # f2 lS .ld f l Wh4oo/+; 12.h3! Af2 I3.g4
12.<£)g5 £sf6 13..fie2 # d 6 = Van der Wiel - Vagan­ 4)d5 14.g5 h5 I5.g6 fg6 16.,fig6 Ae3 (16...4T4
ian, Luzern 1989; 8.# d 2 b6 9.0-0-0 Ab7 10.*f4 17.. fif4 l f 4 18.d?bl! A 19.4)e5±/-t—; 16...4)e3?
£>d7 ll.A d 3 Jfie7 12.4>bl £if6 13.c4#b8 14.d5 17.4) g5! 4)dl 18.Wh5 # b 2 19.*dl # a l 20..ficl
c5 15.d6 Ae4 1 6 .ie 4 M 6 17.A.h7 &h7 18.©g5 f d 4 21.1d3 Hf5 22..fia3! « a l 23.&d2 i e 3
'/i-'/i A . Sokolov - Vaganian, Odessa 1989 ch-SU] 2 4 .* e 2 + -) 17.55e5! M 2 18.1d2 4)f4 19.#e4
8.. .b6 [8...4M7!? 9.#c2 e5 10.d5 g6 11.0-0-0 Ag7 4)g6 20.&g6 Hf2! 21.Sf2 # f2 22.#a4!!±]
1 2 .ic 4 £)b6 13.A.b3 a5 14.a4 Af5 15.#e2 # e 8 12.. .®g4! 13.Shg1 f5! [13...e5? 14.<&e5 4)f2
16.<£ifd2 ,fid7 17.d6 Aa4 18.dc7oo Hellers - 15. Hg7! 4>g7 16. Sgl qbf6 17.©d7 M l 18.Ac3
Vaganian, Reykjavik 1990] 9.jLd3 .fib7 10.#c2 Ad4 19.W12+-; 13,..^f2 14.i.h6! ftd3 15.1d3
® d7 11.0-0-0 g6?! [ll...A e7!? I2.h4 c5!? I3.dc5 Agl 16.#g2! g6 17.*g5! Ae3! (17„.e5 18.0e5 f6
(I3..fib5 &e4 I4.#e4 M 6 15.*e2 #c7oo; 13,..a6 19.#e7 117 20. Hd8 # d 8 21,'»'d8 &h7 22.«e8
14. j.d 7 # d 7 I5.dc5 * c 6 16.4leg5 g6 I7.cb6±) Bc7 23.A34 Sc2 24.& dl!+ -) 18.He3 Wd8
13.. .# c7 I4.£id6 (14.cb6 ab6r^C; I4.&eg5 h6 19. # e 5 f6'g3 g5 (20...®e8 21.1d3! g5
15. Ah7 4>h8 l6.Ag8 A.g5 I7.£ig5 ®f6) I4....fif3 22.Af8 4>f8 23.Wc7 A 2 4 .E d 8 + -) 21.Af8 * f8
15.Ah7 * h 8 I6.gf3 ©c5] 12.h4 jJ,g7 [12...h6l? 22.h4±] 14.h3 4jf2 15~feh6 ®d3 16.®d3 S.g1
13.4)f6 Wf6 14,Sh3 ,fif3 15.Ef3 Wh4 17.3g1 H17Q [17,..*gl? 18.®gl gh6 19.€)D A
1 6 .S g 3 S > ] 13.h5 ®f6 14.hg6 hg6 15.®eg5 20. £e5-»] 18.Ae3! Wc7 [18...Sd7? 19,Hg7l;
Af3 16.©f3 # d 6 17. I h 4 # 18.. .^ 5 ! ? 19.Ad4! # a 2 20.#b5!! Hd7 21.1g7!
Hg7 22.#e8 ^ h 7 23.®g5 4>h6 (23...Hg5?
24.#h8 4>g6 25.#g7 * h 5 26.#h7X) 24.#h8
>*g5 25.#g7—>] 19.iLd4! #14! [19...^.d7
20.#e3!? A 21.#h6] 20.*b1 M 7 21.55e5 #

17...©d5 [l7...Hfd8 18.1dhl c5 I9..fig6 fg6

20.«g6 4>f8 2 l.£ g 5 # d 7 (2l...H d7 22.1h8 ftg8
23.2g8 *g8 24. Hh8 4>h8 25.*h7) 22.114 * e 7
23. ®h7] 18.Hdh1 f5 19.'Brd2! c5 20.#g5 Sf6
21.&e5 cd4 22.cd4 4ie7 23.1h7 Hf7 [23...Wd4 21...£b5? ]21...1af8 22.«5g6! #h6D 23.<Sbf8 ^>f8
24. Bg7 &g7 25.#h6 &g8 26.#h8] 24.!h8! 24.#a3 4>g8 25.#a7±/=] 22.#c3! B16 [22...Sd8

23.ik.e3 f h 2 24.4H7? * 'g l!-+ ; 24.a4!+-; 6.bc3 4le7 7 .« ,g4 0-0 8.Ad3 ©bc6 9.®h5 4315
22...Bare 2 3.af7 2 f t 24.Ag7 * h 7 25.Ae5 Wf2 10.4313 16 [10...C4 11.g4! cd3 12.gf5 f6 13.2gl!
26. Ad4 A 27.W c8+-] 23.4id3 Wh2 2 4 .'tc 5 !+ - -game] 11.g4 c4 #
Wg1 [24...ikd3 25,Af6 Ac2 26 .* cl! <*h7
27. Hg7 * h 6 28.’tfe3 f4 29.®e6 30.2g6!
*g6 31.A e5+ -] 25.£g1 Ad3 26.cd3 f4 27.#e7
b6 28. ; d4 Bg6 29.h4 e5 30,hS 2g3 31.«e6
* h 8 32.We5 1-0

FR 8.1 33153

Khmelnitsky,Igor (SU) 2340 12,gt5! (12.Ae2 -YB/13] 12...cd3 13.2g1!±

Brodsky,Mikhail (SU) 2350 [Hazai -YB/9] 13...e157! [13...*h8 14.43h4! « e 8
Kiev 1990 15.43g6 * g 8 16.Jfch6!±; 13...43e7!7 14.ef6 2f6
15 .Ah61 <S3f5 16.ikg5±] 14._i.h6 217 15.*d2!
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .4 x 3 Ab4 4.Wd3!7 ®e7 £ e 6 [I5...«e7 16.-i.g7! 2g7 17.2g7 *g7
5.jfe.d2! [5.Wg3? 0-0 6.Ah6 £>g6¥] 5...b6 [RR (17„.«g7 lS.WeSn—) 18.2gl * h 8 (18...*f8
5.. .de4 6.£)e4 Ad2 7.'i'd2 f5 8.®g5 h6 9.415D 19.*h6 * e 8 2 0 .2 g 8 + -) 19.43h4+-; 15...TO
0-0 10.0-0-0 Ruxton - Mack, Plymouth 1989 ch- 16.ef6-t—] 16.ik.g7! 2g7 17.2g7 * g 7 18.2g1
GB] 6.0-0-07! N [6.Wg3! 0-0 7.0-0-0 ikc37! 8.&c3 [18...*h8 19.43h4 43e7 20.ef6+ -; 18...&Y8
de4 9,d5! 4}f5 10.*e5±; RR 6.&e2 0-0 7.a3 &c3 19. Wh7 (A 20.2g7) 19...43e7 (19...i.f7 20.2g7
8. Jkc3 a5 9.410 4)d7 10.ed5 ed5 Anand - Short, We8 21.4:h4 * e 7 22.®f5 * e 6 23.43d6+-)
Wijk aan Zee 1990] 6...Ab7?! [6...Aa6! 7,#g3 20.ef6 43g8 21.2 g8 i.g8 22.Wg7 * e 8
I f l 8 . 2 f l 0-0 9.#d3=] 7.f3 ®d7 8.®ge2 ii.a6 23.43e5+-] 1-0
9. « e 3 5 bc6 10.a3 &c3 11. i c3 0-0 12.g4!±t Khalifman /Nesis
®a5 13.b3 [J3.Aa5!? ba5 14.®f4 A ©d3-c5±]
13.. .©b7 14.h4 de4 1S.<e4 4id6 16.Ag2 «b7
17. Hh2?! [17.2hgl±] 17...15!«=* 18.gfS efS
19.d5!! fe4 20.Ae4 4le4 21.We4 4ld5 |21...Ad57
22.#'e5 2(7 23.4lf4-t—] 22.A g7!!+- [22.2g2?
2 n ? 2 3 .A g 7 + - ; 22...&C3! 23.2d7 HflJ 24.*b2
FR 11.4 33226
43d 1! (24...43e4? 25.2gg7oo) 25.*a2 (25 .2 d l
Ae4 26.2g7 *g7 27. I f l 2e8+) 25...^e4 M ilev.N
26.Egg7 * h 8 27.®g3 BglD 28.2c7+] 22...*g7 Konca,Damian (PL) 2435
[22...«'g7 23.2g2] 23.'»feS! [23.2g2? * h 8 1990 cr
24.#e5 2f6 25.2d5 ®e6 26.#c7 Bfl 27.*b2
V 6 - + ] 23...216D 24.S.(4 «eB! 25.-Yh5 *17 I . e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.4 x3 i.b 4 4.e5 c5 S.a3 ikc3
[25...*h8 26,®b2 « e 3 27.2hd2 Wc3 28.*c3 6.bc3 43e 7 7.Wg4 0-0 8.Ad3 15 9.e16 216
43c3 29.-; 16 4idl 30.2d7] 26.Wg5! Wg8 10. 'tfhS!? g6!D [RR 10...h6 11.g4! (11.430 43bc6
[26...2g6 27.*f5 *g8 (27...4)f6 28.4lf6 Hf6 12.0-0 c4 13.ike2 ®a5 14._i.d2 Ad7 15.®e5 Ae8
29.Wh7) 28.2d5 ± d 5 29.>*d5 * h 8 30.>Sd4] 16,®g4 ®g6 Gallagher - Farago, Hastings 1990)
27.4316 a i6 28.212 Khmelnitsky 1-0 I I. ..C4 !2.g5 (12.i.e2l? A 13.g5) 12...g6 (12...2f8
13.gh6!) 1 3 .» d l 2 H 14.Ag6!7 <Sg6 1 5 .m 5 ®h8
16.4jh3 e5 17.2gl J.h3 18.gh6 Bronstein - Fara­
go, Tastrup 1990; 11 ...Wf8 -YB/14; 11...4ibc6!?
FR 11.4 33191
12.g5 g6! 13.«h4 ©f5 14,Af5 2f5 15.*h6 4ie7
16.©e27! 2f7 U.'B'IG e5+ Tischbierek - Vladim­
Khalifman,Aleksandr (SU) 2560 irov, Berlin 1989; 16.dc5 2 V 17,Wh4 e5®]
Nikolic,Predrag (YU) 2600 11. *h 4!7 [ll.W d l # 3 5 12.ikd2 c4 (12...®bc6
Moskva 1990 GMA open (8) -YB/12) X3.Jit.e2 <Sbc6 14.410 &f5 15.0-0 Iaco-
bacci - Giaccio, Buenos Aires 1989] 11...217
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4_c3 Ab4 4.e5 c5 S.a3 ikc3 12.5113 ®bc6!7 13.0-0 [13.Wg3 c4! 14.£.e2 * a 5

FR 11

15.1d2 <S3f5! 16.Wg5= Bcrthold - Konea, Poland 18.012 l g 4 19.0-0 Hc8 20.h3 (20,Habl!?)
1989; 1 3 .a g5!? Sg7 14.dc5oo] 13...C4! 1 4 .le 2 20.. .Bc5!2? Rogulj - Piskov, Sibenik 1989/90; RR
« a 5 1 5 .ld 2 ®fg 16.0g5 [RR 16.0h3 l d 7 14.. .0C7 15.43e2 0 c 5 16.0b4 0 c 7 17.Hbl b6
17. g4 £id6 18.(hg5 Hg7 N.Zhuravlev - Vaganian, 18.0-0 l e 6 Pupo - Alonso, Sancti Spiritus 1989
Daugavpils 1971] 1 6 ...ld 7 = 17.h4l? [17.g4l? ch-CU] 11.0h5!? [11.0h4 h6 12.1e7 0 e 7
®d6 I8.£se5 <&e4 19.0e3 S3e5 20.deS la4!= ] 13.0e7 He7 14.0-0-0 <Sc6 15.dc5 b6 16.1b5
17.. .Ea(8 18.H5 [I8.g3?! h6! 19.0f4 (I9.0g6?? 4sa5 17.cb6 ab6 18.43f3 l a 6 19.1d3± Kruppa -
Hg7 2O.0h5 l e 8 —+) 19...0a4! A 20...®fd4+; Savchenko, Kherson 1989] 11. ..g6 12.0d1!
18. g41? £ d 6 19.We3 <Se4! 20.£ie5 (20.4^5?! [12.0h4 ®bc6 13.<aO c4 I4.1e2 0 a 5 15.1d2
Hf4! 21.0f4 Hf4 22.1f4 ®c3 2 3 .1 d l 4ld4 ®f5 16.0g5 l d 7 17.g4 4id6 18.h4 43e4 19.0e3
24.1e5 4lc6!+; 21.0 4)d2 22.0d2 43d4!+; e5! 20.4)e5 (20.h5!?) 20...43e5 21.de5 Hf2 22.h5
21.l e i £}g5 22.hg5 He4 23.0d2 £d4!+) g5!oo Vasiesiu - Anitoaie, Romania 1989;
20.. .£>e5 2i.de5 la 4 ! 22.0 ftd2 23.0d2 Sf4!¥; 19.. .43d2!? 20.4>d2 0 c 7 21.h5 0 f4 Heck - Bartel-
19. h5 4>e4! 2O.0e3 (2O.0h6 gh5 21.gh5 Hg7 borth, Bundesliga BRD 1987/88; 19...Haf8?!
2 2 ,* h l HO! 2 3 .1 ,0 t d 8 ! - + ) 20...gh5 21.gh5 20.h5 gh5 21.Hh5 Hg7 22.<S3g5!± Ljubojevic -
0 d 8 (A 22...Hg7 23.&1U HO 2 4 .1 0 0h4!--1-) Kortchnoi, Linares 1985] 12...0a5 [RR
22.<4>hl &d2! 23,Hgl &h8 24.0d2 HO 2 5 .1 0 12.. .®bc6 13.4sf3 0 f8 14.0-0 c4 15.1e2 h6
0 h 4 26.&g2 e5!-+; 23.0d2 3 0 ! - + ] 18...Hg7 16.1cl ! d 7 17.a4 l e 8 18.0d2g5 19.1a3 How­
19.hg6?! [19.h6 Egf7 20.4le5 ® e5 21.de5 0 c 5 ell - Edelman, New York 1990; 14...43f5 15.43e5
(A 22...ftg3) 22.4’hl lc 6 ! A 23...d4T—, ^ c 6 - 4>e5 16.de5 c4 17.1f5 gf5 Tatai - Luce, Pau
g2] 19...Hg6 2O.0h5 e5! T 21.deS [21.®e5 5ie5 1988] 1 3 .!d 2 £>bc6 14.43(3 l d 7 15.h4!-> e5!?
22.de5 Wc5 (A 23...£ig3) 2 3 .* h l d4! (A Ac6-g2) 16.c4 0 a 4 17.43g5 dc4 1 8 .le 4 1(5?! [18...cd4!?
24. cd4 (24.1f4 l c 6 2 5 .1 0 <Sg7 26.0114 l O 19.43f7 &f7 20.h5—»] 19.43(7 l e 4 2O.0g4! c3?!
27.gO 0 d 5 —K 25.Hgl d3! 2 6 .1 0 0 Wf2! [2O...0C2 21.E el 0 d 3 22.43e5±; 20...!d5!?]
27.Hafl Wc2!+) 24...0d4 25.Hadl l c 6 26.1g5 2 1 .lg 5 ± 1 (5 [21...0C2 22.Hcl 0d3
0 e 5 - + ; 23.0h2 ®g3!-+; 23.g4? ®g3!-+; 2 3 .0 e 6 + -; 21...1d5 22.43e5±] 22.4ih6 d?(8
21.4>h4 ®h4 22.0h4 43d4! 23.1h5 ©O! 2 4 .1 0 23.1e7 4_e7 24.0g5 Ag7 25.0e7 Ah6
26.h5!+— 0 e 8 27.hg6 4?g6 28.0H7 4>(6 29.EH6
313+] 21...0C5 [A 22...<ag3] 22.d?h1 [22.1f4!?]
! g 5 3O.0g7 l g 6 31.de5 0 e 6 32.(4 1 (5 33.g4
22.. .d4! 23.1(4 [23.cd4 ©cd4! 24.1b4 0b4!!
&(4 34. Eg6 0 d 5 35.0(6 1-0
25. ab4 Che2 A ©g3, H h6+ /-+] 23...®g7 24.0h2
G lek
43e6 25.1h6 Hf5! 26.cd4 <Bcd4 27.1e3
[27.®d4 0d4 A 28...0e5!,
Ic 6 -g 2 + /-+ ]
27.. . 1 . 6 28.c3 £e2!! 29.1c5 Hf3! [30.1e3
4)6f4 31.1f4 M 4 32.Ha2 <&g2!-+; 30.Hael
£>2f4 31.1e3 © g2!—+] 0-1
K onca FR 11.4 33213

Minasian,A r t a s h e s (S U ) 2480
Oll.Lembit (SU) 2570
FR 11.4 33244
Lvov 1990 zt (3)

Epishin, Vladimir (SU) 2550 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.43c3 l b 4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 l c 3

Ulibin,Mikhail (SU) 2500 6.bc3 43e7 7.0g4 0-0 8.1d3 43d7 9.43(3 (5
Minsk 1990 (12) 1O.0h3 0 a 5 [10...43b6!? Il.dc5 43a4co Kinder-
mann; 11.a4! c4 12.!e2 a5 13.Egl 0 e 8 14,g4
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.®c3 l b 4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 l c 3 ! d 7 15.gf5 Hf5 16.43h4 Wf7 17.Ebl Ha6
6.bc3 Ae7 7.#g4 0-0 8 .1 d 3 f5 9.ef6 Hf6 18.43f5 43f5 19.1g5® < Ehlvest - Vaganian,
1 0 .lg 5 ! Hf7 [l0...4)d7!?N 11.0h4 h6 12.1f6 Skelleftea 1989] 1 1 .ld 2 ®b6 12.g4! [12x4 Kin-
M 6 I3.dc5! (< 13.<aO 0 a 5 14.0-0 c4 1 5.ie2 dermann 12...0a4 13.cd5 c4 14.d6 ®ed5 15.1e2
0 c 3 g ) 13...e5 14.0! (14.43113 e4 15.1e2 Wa5 0 c2«^> ; RR 12.0h4!? ®g6 13.0h5 «lf4!?
16.0-0 0c3® ) 14...e4!? 15.fe4 de4 (15...0a5?! 14.1f4 0 c 3 15,*e2 c4 16.1d2 cd3 17.cd3 0 c 7
16.-S3e2 de4 17.1e4! Ig4?! 1 8 .1 0 43f5 19.0f2 18.©gS g6 19.0h4 0 g 7 20.«ih3 Ee8 21.1g5±
l O 20.gO He8 21.0-0 43e3 22.H fbl± Kruppa - Gallagher - Farago, Hastings 1989/90] 12...®c4
Piskov, Minsk 1990) 16.1c4 (16.1e4!? g5! 13.£g1 cd4 [> 13...®d2] 14.g(5 <L(5 [14...ad2
17.0h6 43e4 18.43f3co) 16...*h7 17.43e2 0 a 5 15.Hg7! 4>g7 16.f6 & f l 1 7 .0 h 7 + -] 15.lh6!! #

6x3 a c 6 7 .a e2 #b 6 8 .a i3 cd4 9.cd4 16 10.e16
a t6 11.0-0 l d 6 12.ac3 0-0 1 3 .le 3 l d 7 14.a3
Hae8 15.b4 a6! 16.aa4 *c7!? [ 1 6 ...# d 8 ! 7 ]
17,Hc1 '#'b8 18.ac5 He7 19.h3 l e 8 ! [A
2 0 . .. 1 h 5 ] 20.1e2! h6! [2 0 ...e 5 ? 2 1 ,d e 5 a e 5
2 2 . a d 4 ! ± ] 21.ad3 ad7! 22.aie1 a b 6 23.ac5?!
[ 2 3 . a e 5 ! I e 5 2 4 .d e 5 d 4 2 5 . 1 d 4 H d 7 2 6 .H c 6
bc6! 2 7 ,# a 4 !o o ] 23...1h2 24.*h 1 114 25.aed3
l e 3 26.1e3 H11 27.W11 *g3?! [2 7 ...e5 !o c]
28.1g4!± a d 8 2 9 .ai4 117 30.Hc3 a c 4
31.«c1 e5! 32.ad5! I d 5 33.e4 ®12! 34.Hc2?!
15... H17 [15...«c3 16.*e2 * a l 17.Hal ®h6 [3 4 ,ed 5 ! ed4 3 5 .® d 3 «g3 3 6 .H c 4 W d3
18.S g l —»] 16.Ag7! Hg7 17.Hg7 * g 7 [17...£)g7 37. E c 8 !± ] 34...® g3 35.Hc3 « I 2 36.ad3?!
18.Wh7 <S?f'7 19.*e2 # c 7 20,Ag6 * f8 [3 6 .e d 5 !± ] 36...®d4 37.ed5 b5! 38.ac5 e4!=
2 1 .# h 8 + - ] 1 8 .*e 2 Wd8 19.Sg1 * h 8 20.ag5 39.1e2 a d 6 40.aa6 e3 41.Hc7 Hc7 4 2 .5 x 7 -
Vg8 [20...*e7 21.«h5 ®e5 22.®h7 *T7! [ 4 2 . # c 7 ® a l 4 3 . * h 2 # 6 5 ] 42...ae4 43.®e1
23.#g5! * h 7 24,’8'h4a— ] 21.145 e15 22.«h4 WeS 44.ab5 *g 3 !+ [ 4 4 . . . a f 2 4 5 . * g l Wg3
l e 6 23.fth7 ®g1 24.&g5 * g 8 25.®h7 *1 8 4 6 .A O a h 3 4 7 . * f l ± ] 45,Wg3 a g 3 46.*g 1
26,Wh6 * e 8 27.«e6 * d 8 28.®d5 * c 7 a e 2 47.*11 a g 3 4 8 .*e 1 a i7 [ 4 8 . . . * f 7 4 9 .a4!
[28...*e7 2 9 .« 7 * d 8 30.«je6] 29,<&e6 1-0 * f 6 5 0 .a 5 * e 5 5 1 .a6 !] 49.ac3 a e 5 50 .*d 1 *1 8
Mikhalchishin 51 .a4! * e 7 52.a5 * d 6 S3.a6 * c 7 54.b5! a c 4
55 .*e 1 a b 6 5 6.*d 1 g5 5 7 .*e 1 h5 5 8 .*d 1 h4
5 9 .*e 1 a c 4 [ 5 9 . . . * d 6 6 0 . * d l * c 5 6 1 .d 6 a a 8
FR 16.6 33033 6 2 . * e l * b 6 6 3 .d 7 !!± ] 60 .*d 1 * b 6 6 1 .*e 1
a d 6 62.*d 1 ad15 6 3 .*c1 a d 6 [ 6 3 . . . a d 4 ?
6 4 .d6!]
Lehto,Ville (FI) 2305
Vladimirov,Evgeni (SU) 2565
Helsinki 1990

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.5d2 - J 6 4.e5 5 1d7 5.c3 c5

6.f4 5 x 6 7.5 ,df3 # b 6 8.g3 cd4 9.cd4 f6 10.1H3 FR 17.10 33143
l b 4 11.*11 0-0!?N [11 ...fe5 12,fe5 0-0 13.*g2
®de5 14.de5 ©e5 15.We| -YB/15] 12 .*g 2 Akopian,Vladimir (SU) 2550
[1 2 .ie 6 * h 8 ^ ] 12...*h8 [12...f5!?] 13.ae2 a5 Ulibin,Mikhail (SU) 2500
[13...fe5 14.fe5 £>de5?! I5.de5 <&e5 16.afd4 Minsk 1990 (8)
(16.HfI 17.Hf3 HO 18.*f3 e5g) 16...ag6
17.a3 l e 7 18.#b3±] 14.H11 [I4.1e67! ®de5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .a d 2 a i6 4.e5 a id 7 5 x 3 c5
I5.1c8 ® 0 16.1g4 a fd 4 I7.1e3 l c 5 18.Hcl 6 .1 d 3 ®c6 7 .a e2 cd4 8.cd4 16 9.e16 5 16
Hfe8+] 14...15 1 5 .le 3 l e 7 16.«d2 a4 17.Hab1 1 0 .a i3 l d 6 11.0-0 0-0 1 2 .lg 5 W M 13.ac3
[A 17,..aa5 18.b3] 17...#a6 18.g4 a b 6 19.gl5? *h8!?N [13...1d7 14.Hel! a g 4 15.1h4!± *h8?
[!9.b3 l b 4 20.Wdi ae7oo] 19...ac4 20.#c1 16.1h7±/n— Geller - Ulibin, Sochi 1989]
ab4!+ 21.112 a a 2 22.#d1 e15 23.b3 [23.Hal 14.aa4 Wc7 15.Hc1 ag4!? 16.H3 a h 2 #
a b 4 24.b3 a b 2 25.»d2 a3+] 23...ab3 24.Wb3
Wg6 25.ag3 H a 3 -+ 26.Wc2 ©b4 27.Wd1 a d 3
Vladimirov 0-1

FU 17.5 33154

Anand,Viswanathan (IN) 2555

Faragojvan (HU) 2475
Roma 1990 open

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .a d 2 a t6 4.e5 a td 7 5.1d3 c5 17.ae5!? [17.ah2 l h 2 1 8 ,* h l l f 4 19,#h5 g6

FR 19

20.fif4 fif4 21.jfi.g6 'Be7! (21...ad4 22.53c5 e5 14.. .fid6!?N [< 14...g5 15.®e2!±; 14...W4 l 5.g3!
23. fie8!±) 22.g3 Bd4 23.53c5 e5-; 17.5Jh4? BT7! Wh6 16.'Be2 53d6 Ivanchuk - Glek, Frunze 1988
18.Hel 0 f2 19 .4 h l Wg3! A 20...53g4—i-] 17. We5! A 17...f6? 18.53e6!! fe5 19.«c7X]
17.. .fie 5 18.deS 5311 19.Wh5 h6! [19...g6 20.fig6 15,'Bg4!? fih2 16.4h1 «14 17,Wg7 # h 4
« g 7 21.fibl!! 5ig3 22.fg3 53e5 23.fih6 Wg3 18. * h 8 4 e 7 19.5313D Wh5 20.»a8Q fic7
24. fif4!! 5lfi 25.®hl « g 7 (25...#h4 26.fie5!) 21.4g1 53d2 [21...53g5!? 22.Efdl fic6 Hector]
26. Ec7! fid7 27.53c5 Sf4 28.Sd7 Sh4 29.Wf3 22.£fd1 5 13 23.gf3 ®h3? [> 23...fic6 24.Wg8!
» b 2 30.2b7±; 20...4>g8 21.4fb! (A 22.fie8) fif3 2 5 .4 0 !] 24.Sd7 4 d 7 25.Ed1 4 c 6 26.fia4
21.. .E f6 22.ef6 hg6 23.Wg6 ®f8 24,#h6 4>g8 4 b 6 2 7.E d 6!+ - fid 6 [27...4c5 28.E c6!+ -;
25. Hc3! d4 26.SD! 43e5 27.Bf4—] 20.fil6!? 27.. .4 a5 28.b4 4 a 4 29.B a6!+ -] 28.ttd8 4 c 5
[20.*g6 2f5 21.»e8 (21.fif5 ef5 Wc7!? [28...fic7 29.»d4 4 a 5 30.Wb4X] 29.b4 4 d 5
23.4‘fl We,6 24.®e6 fie6 25.53c5 53d8 26.53b3 30.C4 4 e 5 31.14 4 e 4 32,»d6 « g 4 33. 411 Wh3
Bc8=EN) 21...4>h7 22.g4 »17 (22...<SAg3!? 23.fg3 34.4e1 « e 3 T 35.*d2 « a 1 36 .4 e2 h5?
fid7!? 24.Wa8 » e 5 25.4g2 hg5! 26.»b7 * e 3 37.fic2X 1-0
27. fif5 ef5 28.2c6 #e2=) 23.*d7 fid7'5 Tairi
53e5 25.fe6 53d3 26.ed7 £>cl 27.ficl b6! 2 8 .4 0
2d8 29.53c3 Sd7=] 20...gf6 2 1 .» i6 4 g 8 22.ef6
2f6! 23.#16 ®h2 24.4f1 Wh1 25.4e2 *c 1
26.14!? [26.fig6? Wc4!] 26...'Bg1! 27.fih7! M-M FR 19.3 33053
Psakhis,Lev (SU) 2570
Speelman,Jonathan (GB) 2610
Moskva 1990 GMA open (8)
FR 19.3 32575
1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.53d2 c5 4.edS WdS 5.5,gf3
Tairi,F (SE) cd4 6.fic4 Wd6 7.0-0 5316 8.5 b3 fic6 9.5Jbd4
Akvist,H (SE) 5id4 10.53d4 a6 11.2e1 * c 7 [ll...fid 7 12.c3
Sweden 1990 * c 7 13.*e2 fid6 14.fig5! 0-0 15,g3!± Speelman
- Nogueiras, Belfort 1988] 12.fib3! [12.#e2 fic5
I . e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3 .5d 2 c5 4.edS Wd5 5 / gf3 13. c3 b5! (13...0-0?! 14.fig5 fid4 15,cd4 53d5
Cd4 6.fic4 ® d 6 7.0-0 5316 8.5,b3 5-c6 9.« bd4 16.Sacl Speelman - Nogueiras, Barcelona 1989)
53d4 10.53d4 a6 11.fib3!? [RR 11.E el # c 7 14. fib3 0-0 15.fig5 fi.b7 I6.jfi.f6 gf6 17.#h5
12, fib3 fid6 13.h3 0-0 14.fig5 53d7? 15.2e6 h6 4 h 8 18.#h6 Eg8 1 9 .^ 6 Bg7 20.g3 fie7
16.fie7 fih2 1 7 .4 h l 53c5 18.Eel 1-0 Adams - 21.We5 fid6 22.Sf6 fie7 23.#e5 fid6 24.#f6
Luther, Oakham 1990; 11.c3 W cl 12.®e2 fid6 fie7 25.#05 fid6 26.1I.B f6 H-'A Emms - Levitt,
13. h3 b5 14.fid3 0-0 15.a4 b4 16.cb4 fib4 Plymouth 1989 ch-GB] 12...fid6 13.5315 fih2
17.S dl fib7= Smagin - Levitt, Hastings 1990; 14.4h1 * 1 8 0 [14...0-0 15.53g7! 4g7 1 6 .« d 2 + -]
13.fig5 fih2 14.*hl fif4 15.fif6gf6 16.fie6fe6 15. g3 #
17.5)e6 fie6 lS.Web 4 f8 19.Wf6oo Liang Jin-
rong - Brunner, Luzern 1989] 11...fid7 [RR
II. ..#c7 \2M Fi fid6 13.h3 0-0 14.fig5 53d7
15.c3 b6 1 6.2adl fib7 17.#e2 53c5 18.fic2
fih2 19.4’hl fif4 20.fif4 ®f4 21 .2 fel 2ad8
22.f3± Kudrin - Chow, Chicago 1989] 12.C3 Wc7
13.fig5! [< 13.W3 fid6 14.h3 0-0! 15.fig5 fie5
16.2 ad I h6 17.fih4 fic6 18.53c6 bc6 19.Sd3 c5
20.fic4 53d7 A fih2, 53e5oo Schussler - Brinck-
Claussen, Kobenhavn 1986; 14...fih2 15.4hl
fie5 16.E el 0-0 17.fie3 Efe8 18.Eadl h6
19.®e2 fif4 20.fif4 Wf4 21.53f3 fib5 22.#e5
We5 23.53e5±EN Hubner - Nogueiras, Belfort 15...fig3!!? [15...ef5 16.fif4 Wc6 17.4h2 fie6
1988] 13...53e4? [13...fid6!? 14.fif6 gf6 l5.Wh5 I8 .# d 6 Wd6 19.fid6± -YB/13] 16.53g3 b5!
*c5!D 16.*f3 We5 17.g3 0-0-0 18.2fel Wg5 [ 16...b6 17,«e2 A 18.1»c4] 17.4>g2! [17.fig5?!
19.fic4±; 13...0-0-0 14.fif6 gf6 15.Wh5 fie8 fib7 18.*gl h5 19.fif6 gf6 20.®d4 B h 6 ^;
16.2adl± ] 14.fih4!± [14.fie3 <23f6!±] 17.fie3 (A #d 4 -c5 ) 17...fib7 (17...*g8!? A

IS.*d4? Ab7 19.<£>gl * c 6 - + ) 18.*gl *c6?
19.0 * 0 7 2 0 .* 0 A O 21.Ac5 (21.a4) 21...*e8
22.53f5; 21 22,Ee6!; 18...Sd8 19.Af4!?;
19.* e 2 A 20. 3 ad 1; 18...&g8!?] 17...H5!
18.5311?? [18.*d4! ®c6 19.0; 18...h4 19.jfi.f4!
* c 6 20.5le4! 53e4 21.He4 Ab7 2 2 .0 + -;
!8...Ab7 19.0 Sd8 20.Af4? AO!; 20.®f4 * c 6
21.53e4 Sh6!; 20.*b4 &g8 21.Af4 *c6;
20. *e5? * e 5 21.3e5 h4+ 22.53e4 h3 23.*h2
Ae4!; 20.*h4!! * c 6 21.53e4!+-] 18...Ab7 19.f3
h4 20.C3!? [A 20...Sh5 21.Ac2; 20.'i'h3 *c5!]
2G...h3 21.*h1 h 2!-+ [A 22,..Bh3] 22.3e3!
[22.*e2 Bh3 23.Adl 3d8 24.Ad2 5lh5! (A
25.. . 5 .2 ) 25.*g2 53g3 26.53g3 Sg3 27.*h2
Hd2 28.Sd2 Eh3 29.^gl * g 3 30.&fl S h i
CK 4.1 33255
3l.4>e2 * O X ] 22...53g4 [22...Sh3 23,»e2 53h5
2 4 .% 2 53g3 25.53g3 Sg3 26.*h2 Sd8 27.Ad2 Minasian,Artashes (SU) 2480
Sd2! 28.*d2 Sh3 29.*gl * g 3 30.*g2 * h 4 Khenkin,Igor (SU) 2450
3 l.S d l Eg3—h] 2 3 .*e 2 53e3? [23...3d8 Minsk 1990 (2)
24.Se4 Sh3! (A 25..S O ) 25.fg4 * c 6 26.Ac2
S dl!; 25.Af4 * c 5 26.Ae3 * f5 ; 25.Ae3 Sd3?? 1.e4 c6 2,d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.dc5 53c6 5.Ab5 e6
26.»d3 S O 27.Ac5 * c 5 28.®d8X; 25...*>g8; 6.b4!?N [6.Ae3] 6...*h4? [6...a5 7.c3 ab4 8.cb4
25.. .Ae4 26.fe4 53e3-+] 24.Ae3 S h3 25.53d2D * h 4 9.*b3! * e 4 10.53e2 * e 5 li.A b 2 * c 7
Sd8! 26.Bf1? [26.53e4 * e 5 (26...f5?? 27.53g5!) 12.0-0 53f6=] 7.c3 * e 4 8.5ie2 *g2?! [8...*e5
27.S d l S d l 2 8 ,* d l & e8!-+; 27.Ac2!; 9.A f4±tt] 9.53g3! [9.E gl? * h 2 10.Af4
26.. .Ae4 27.fe4 * g 3 + /-+ ] 26...Sd2! 27.Ad2 *h4!oo/+] 9...*h 3D 10.Ag5 #
Bf3 28. *1 3 [2 8 .3 0 * g 3 29.A di * g lX ]
28....13 29. Bf3 * c 6 [30.A d i *d5!] 0-1

FR 21.3 33202

Geller,Efim (SU) 2515

Dreev,Aleksei (SU) 2605
New York 1990 open (4)

1.64 e6 2.d4 d5 3.53d2 a6 4.5igt3 c5 S.ed5 edS

6.Ae2 c4 7.0-0 Ad6 8.b3 b5? [8,..cb3 9.ab3 53e7
Geller - Kortchnoi, Soviet Union 1965] 9.a4 Ab7 13.*e2±; 10...h5 11.0 * g 2 12.53d2 f6 13.Afl
[9...c3 10.abS!? cd2 ll.A d 2 53e7 12.c4!® Geller - * h l 14.53hl fg5 15.*e2±] 11.13 * g 2 D 12.53d2
Shereshevsky, Soviet Union 1980; ll,..A b7!? h6 13.Ae3! [13.jfi.fl * h l 14.53hl hg5oo/T]
12.ba6 5>a6D 13.Aa6!? Ba6 14.*e2 » e 7 13.. .* h 3 14.14 g5! [14...Ad77! 15.Ae2A 16.b5±;
15. *a6!? Aa6 16.Ba6 * d 8 17,Sfaloo/± Geller] 14.. .5 3 .7 f 15.Ae2 g5 16,Ah5±] 15.Ae2
1Q.bc4 bc4 # [l5.Jfi.fl?! *h 4 ! 16.530 * g4; I5.c4? d4!+]
11.Ac4! I I I * . ;c4!?J 11...dc4 12.53c4 Ae7 15.. .Ag7! 16.5313 53ge7 1 7 .*d 2 [17.b5?! 53a5! A
[I2...53e7 13.5ld6*d6 14.A a3*f6 15.S e l 53c6 18.. .©c4co] 17...53g6 18.53g1! [18.b5? gf4!
16. * e 2 A 17,d5±; 12...53f6 13.Sel &f8 14.5ld6 19.Af4 (19.bc6 fe3 20,*e3 bc6—i-) 19...53ce5+]
A 15.A a3+-] 13.3e1 * c 7 14.Sb1! [A l5.Bb7, 18.. .*g 2 ! [18...Wh4?! 19.Ah5 &f7 20.530+
16.53d6] 14...*c4 15.Sb7 5lc6 16.53d2! 5jg6<] 19.0-0-0! [19.Ah5 * d 2 20.&d2 53e7!=]
[ 16. Aa3?! 0-0-0! Geller] 16...*d 4 17.Ab2 * a 4 19.. .g14 20.AI4 5314 [20...53ce5? 21.Ab5!;
18.Se4 * a 2 19.Ag7 0-0-0 2 0 .S b 3!+ - A<6 20.. .53.e5 21.Ah5!n—] 21.*14 Ae5 [21.,.53e5?
2 1 .*g 4 4>c7 22.«14 * c 8 23.A16 5316 24.W16 22.4’bl! A 23.A fl+, * g 2 < ] 2 2.*d 2! [22.«h4?
* c 2 25.*15 1-0 Ac3 23.Ah5 *d7+ ] 22...*e7? [22...&f8!Q»]
Dlugy 23.5H3 A 16 24.S h e ll Wh3 [24...e5 25.b5!

CK 12

(25.#d5 Bd8) 25...&e6!? (25...fta5 26,«d5+) 10.Wd3 e6 11.fef4 Wa5 12.fed2 Wc7 13.0-0-0
26. bc6 bc6 27.fte5! fee5 (27...feg5 2 g ,% 6 * f7 0-0-0 14.#e2 [14.fte4 ftgf6 15.g3] 14...ftgf6
2 9 .ftf4 + -) 28.We3! A 29.fef3±, fee5, A e6<] 15.fte5 ftb6 16.c4!?N [Shirazi; 16.fea5 Sd5
25.b5! ftaSD [25...fte5? 26.fte5 fee5 17.feb6 ab6=] 16...nd4 [RR I6...c5!? 17.fef4
27. f e fl! + - , fee5< ] 26.fell Wg4 27.Wd5± W14! fed6 18.dc5 » c 5 Dlugy] 17.fee3! Bd1 18.Hd1
28. *c 2 ! * a 4 29.&b1 fec3T 30.ftf5?!T [30,Wd6! #
31.fte5 fee5 32.We5+— >] 30 ...*f6
31.Wd6! Wb4 3 2 .*c 2 Wb2 3 3 .*d 3 feel
34,We7! &15 35.feh3? [35.WI7! &g4 36.jfe.h3!
4>h3 37.»h5 *g2 38.«g4 &f2 39/#g3 &fl
40. B el X] 35...*14? [35...*g6D 36.Bcl Wb5
37.&e3 ftc4 38.&f2 » b 2 3 9 .B e2 + -] 36.««7

CK 12.11 33225
18.. .Bg8! [18...fed6? 19.Bd6 Wd6 2 0 .ftf7 + -;
18.. .#'e5 19.Bd8! * d 8 20.feb6 ab6 2l.We5±;
Fedorowicz,John (US) 2560 18.. .feb4 I9.ftd3! fee7 (19...»e7 20,a3 fea3
De Jong,Tom (NL) 2350 21.feb6) 20.fef4 Wd8 21.fte5 » e 8 22.ftg6! fg6
Wijk aan Zee II 1990 (5) 23. W e5+ -; RR 18...fta4 I9.fea7 (19,fef4)
19.. .b6 20.#f3! * b ? 21.fte4!; 19...C5 20.Wc2
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ftc3 de4 4.fte4 fef5 5.ftg3 Wa5 21.ftf7 Ig 8 22.»d2! Wd2 23.fld2 A
feg6 6,h4 h6 7.h5 feh7 8.ftf3 ftd7 9.fed3 fed3 24. b3!] 19.fef4?! [19.®d2 feb4! 20.Wb4 We5
10.#d3 Wc7 11.fe.d2 e6 12.0-0-0 ftgf6 13.fte4 21. feb6 ab6 22.Wb6 WI4+; 19.f4! c5 20.<i?blg;
0-0-0 14.g3 c5?! [14...ftc5 15.ftc5 fec5 16.®e2 RR 20.Wd3! (Dzindzichashvili) A 21.ftf7!;
fed6 17.c4=d] 15.fef4 Wc6 [15...Wa51? 16.ftf6 19.. .fta4 20.fea7 c5 21.Wd3! W'a5 (21...b6
gf6 17.®bl±oo; 16...ftf6 17.*bl ftd5 18.fed2 22. b3!) 22 .ftd 7 !+ -; 19...^b8 (A ftc8, fed6)
* c 7 19.c4 ftf6 20.fec3±] IS.ftfS gf6 [16...ftf6 20.f5! fed6 21.fef4 Dlugy] 19...ftbd7 [19...fed6
17,fte5 We8 18.Wa3! a6 I9.W'a5] 17.d5! » a 4 20. c5! fec5 2l.ftg6] 20.Wd2 [20.ftg6 Wa5
[17,..ed5 18,Wd5 Wd5 19.1d5±e»] 18.W'b3 Wa6 2 1. ftf8 Bf8 22,fed6 B d 8 ^ < ] 20...feb4! 21,«b4
19.de6 fe6 20.C4 ftb6 [20...fee7 2 l.fth 4 A fte5 22.fte2 [22.4>bl ftd3! 23.fec7 ftb4
22, ftg6] 21.Bd8 * d 8 22.ftd2 Sh7 23.&b1?! [> 24.fed6 Bd8—6; 22.fee3 Bd8 23.Bd8 Wd8
23. Wd3 Bd7 2 4 .» g 6 !+ -, f6< ] 23...2d7 24.Bc1 24.«c3 ftfg4—(-] 22...fth5 23.fee3 Hd8!
e5 25.fee3 f5 26.ftf3! feg7 [26...e4 27.fte5 A [23...a6? 24.feb6; 23...4’b8? 24.fec5; 23...b6
28.ftg6] 27.fth4 f4 28.fec5 fta4 29.fea3 e4 24.c5 b5 25.a4oo] 24.Bd8 » d 3 25.®c3 * d 6
30.ftf5 fef6 31.Sd1 Wc6 32.gf4 ftb2! 33.feb2 26.fea7 c5 27.«'a5 ftd3 28.»b1 Wa6! 29.®c3
feb2 34.Hd7 Wd7 35.*b2! « f5 36.® b7 ®(4 [29,Wa6 ba6 30.&c2 4t?b7-+EN] 29...ftb2!
37.«a8 fte7 38.#a7 * f 6 39.»e3 ®b8 4 0 .*c 2 30,#b2 Wa7 31.We5 Wb6 32.fec2 ftf6 33.ftc3
^>15 [40,..*g7 41.Wg3] 41,Wh6 Wb4 42.#g6 Wc7 34.®e3 ftg4 35.®e2 fte5? [35...«f4
i?f4 43.Wg3 * f 5 44.Wb3! ®e1 45.®h3 1-0 36. fte4 h5!-+] 36.ftb5 ftc6 [36...»b8
Fedorowicz 37. Wh5!cx)] 37.ftc7 ftd4 38.4>d2 f te 2 39.fte8!
ftf4 40.g3 fth3 41.&e3 &d7 42.ftg7 ftg5
43.fth5 [43.14 fth7 44.g4 ftf6 45.g5 hg5 46.fg5
ftg4 47.&f4 ftf2!—h] 43...f5 44.ftf4 4>d6
CK 12.12 33221 45.ftd3 eS 46.f3? [46.f4 ftH 47.ftb2 (47.fe5 fte5
48.ftb2 b6 49.*f4 4>e6 50.*e3 * H !-+ )
47.. .b6!-+EN] 46...ftf3! 0-1
Hellers,Ferdinand (SE) 2525
Khalifman,Aleksandr (SU) 2560
New York 1990 open (9)

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.ftc3 de4 4.fte4 fef5 5.ftg3

feg6 6.h4 h6 7.ftf3 ftd7 8.h5 feh7 9.fed3 fed3

SD 3.2 33021 48.#f4 3 e 4 -+ ; 47.*f3 # c 6 48.*g4 He4—t-]
47...#h5 48.*14 # h 6 0-1
Garcia Martinez,Silvino (CU) 2415 Sariego
Sariego,Wilfredo (CU) 2405
Santa Clara 1990 (2) fW
1.e4 d5 2.edS ®f6 3.d4 55dS 4.c4 €ib6 5.55f3 g6
6 .1 e2 Ag7 7.0-0 0-0 8.5ic3 ®c6 9.d5 55e5
JjJPj jjj| A JJP
10.55e5 ± e 5 11.Ji.h6 Be8 12.#’d2 e6 13.Bad1 ( m m
[13.ja.g5? -YB/I4] 13...ed5 14.cd5 a6!? 15.Bfe1
Af5 [15...'B,h4? I6.g3 « b 4 17.a3! * b 3 18,f4
m mm
m m
lc 3 D (18...A,h8 19. JLc4!h—) 19.bc3± A 20.#d4]
16.jie3 Wd6 17.h3 EadS [17...#b4 18.a3 * b 3
mr u m m
19.1d4!±) 18.a3!± Ac3?! 19.bc3 #d5? M.
[19...55d5!? 20.Ag5 (20.J,d4 c5) 20...f6 21.1h4
(21.Ji.h6 b5 A 22...C6) 21 ,Wf8!co] 20,#c1 * 3 2
21.3d8 Sd8 22. :, d 4 - fb 23.,. f6 Bd2 24. f3 AL 4.2 33044
h6 25.Ab7 55d5T 26.Ad5 # d 5 27.Ad4 Wa2
2 8 . * h 2 + - # c 2 29.3e8 * f 7 30.#e1 1-0 Kapengut,Albert (SU) 2450
Sinanovic,Muhamed (YU) 2390
Pula 1990 open (5)

SD 3.2 33015 1.e4 55f6 2.e5 55d5 3.d4 d6 4.5513 g6 5 .4 c4

55b6 6.4b3 4 g 7 7 .# e 2 0-0 8.h3 55c6 9.0-0!?
[9,c3] 9...55a5 10.4g5!?N [10,e6?! 55b3 ll.ef7
Antunes,Antonio (PT) 2445
Bn 12.ab3 h6 13.55c3 c6 14.4e3 a6 15.flfel
Sariego,Wilfredo (CU) 2405 4 f5 l6.B adl g5+ De Firmian - Alburt, Estes
Santa Clara 1990 (6) Park 1986 ch-US; 10.5Jc3!? S b 3 ll.ab3 Af5
12.. 4.(4 f6 I3.ed6 ed6 14.d5! c5 15.Bfel g5
1.e4 d5 2.ed5 5 46 3.d4 5,d5 4.c4 5 b6 5.5.43 g6 16.. 4.g3 B n 17.h4 h6 18.Clh2 a6 19.f4± Kapen-
6,4 e2 ± g 7 7.0-0 0-0 8.5ic3 5lc6 9.d5 5ie5 gut -Barkovsky, Minsk 1984] 10...5Jb3 11.ab3 f6
10.5ie5 Ae5 11,4h6 He8 [H...iLg7 -YB/10] 12,4.d2 Jjf5 13.55a3 g5 14.e6!± h6 [14...d5 15.c4
12.#d2 e6 13,3fd1 ed5 14.cd5 a6!? 15.3ac1 Ae4 I6.c5 fic8 17.5jh2±] 15x4 Ag6 16.Ac3 d5
®h4! 16.g3 # b 4 (A 17...55c4] 17.a3 Wb3 17.c5 ■ c8 18.5Jh2! f5 1944! a6 20.5513! I.h 5
18.He1 Ah3 [1 8 ....4f5! 19.Ji.dl W c4 2 0 .A f3 [20...gf4 21.5lh4 # e 8 22.af4±] 21.fg5 hg5
# d 3 2 1 .* d 3 A d 3 22.d6 (2 2 .E c d l A c 2 2 3 .3 d 2 22.g4! «g4 23.55g5 a t6 [23...«e8 24.Bf8 Af8
t f S A 2 4 ,.5 5 c 4 ) 2 2 ,..A d 6 2 3 .Jib 7 3 e l 2 4 . S e l 25.hg4 « g 6 26.gh5 Wg5 2 7 ,% 2 « g 2 28.*g2
Bb8 A 25 ..,® c4 ] 19.Ad1 # c 4 20,413 # b 3 S a7 2 9 .a f l Ag7 30.Sf5!n—] 2 4.2f6 i f 6
21.2e4oo [2l._4.dl W c4=] 21...5ic4 22.«g5 25.hg4 Ag6 26.5517! 547 27.ef7 5,47 28.g5! # g 8
[2 2 .# e 2 b5 A 2 3 ...4 f5 ] 22...4h8D 23.Ji.e2 55b2 29.«h5 * e 6 30.#g4 *1 7 31.55b5!+- WgS
24,S e8 [2 4 .E b 4 W a3 25.<Se4 55d3!oo] 24...Se8 32.#g5 i,g 5 33.55c7 Bb8 34.E11 * g 8 35.af3
25. £)e4 *b 6 D 26.#h4 [26.d6 W d4 27.d7 JStdT*; 4h6 36,’ d5 5 f8 37.55c7 5Ja7 38.d5 55b5
2 6 . E c 6 # d 4 + ] 2 6 ,.# d 4 27.ji.f3 § M 28.4e3 39.5566 ac8 40.±e5 Ah6 41.ah3 1-0
#g7! 29.Hc7 5>d3 30.5id2 # a 1 31.5511 55e5 Gelfand/Kapengut
3 2 ,4 g2 5jg4 33.Se7 Sc8 34.h3 5ie3 35.Se3
4 d 4 36.2e2 ji.d3T [ 3 6 ...4 f6 3 7 ,# b 4 ] 37.3d2
4f1 38.Sd4 4 g 2 3 9 .*g 2 3c1 = 40.#S4 Sg1
41.*13 # a 3 42, Ae2 « b 2 43.Bd2 # b 5 44. 5,43 AL 5.5 33181
« b 3 45.*g4? [45.<*e2 # 0 5 = ] 45...ae1! #
[A 46., Be4] 46.d6 * b 5 ! - + [A 47„.'#h5X; Kallai,Gabor (HU) 2420
46., Be4? 47,#e4 (47,d7? # e 6 48.*f3 Hf4 Horvath,Csaba (HU) 2460
49.gf4 # c 6 50.*e2Q #e4=) 47...f5 48.*h4 fe4 Budapest 1990 NOVIK1 (6)
49.d7 g5 50.*g5 # b 5 5 l .* f 4 + - ] 47.#f6 [47.h4
h5 48.*h3 # f l 49.*h2 # g lX ; 47.#g5 # b 4 1.e4 55f6 2.e5 55d5 3.d4 d6 4.55f3 de5 5.55e5


£)d7 [5...g6 6.1c4 c6 7.0-0 l g 7 8.£)d2 0-0 19.^?d2 Wa5—r; 17.*c2 A Se5, Bel H—]
(8...®d7!?) 9.®dO l f 5 lO .Sel (10.c3 &d7 15.3e1 Hf8 16.ite5 * d 7 1 7 .*e 6 4>e8 #
11. * e 2 ®e5 12.£>e5 Wd6 13.®g4?! Ie 6 !
14. E cl b5 15.1b3 a5 16.1g5 3 fe8 ? Feher -
C.Horvath. Hungary 1990) 10...<Sd7 ll.c3 £>e5
12. £>e5 Wd6 13.1b3 3ad8 14.1g5! I e 6
15. C)d3± Mainka - C.Horvath, Budapest 1990]
6.<S(7 * (7 7 .# h 5 * e 6 8.c4 [8.#h3N * O D
9.# h 5 4>e6 10.^ h 3 & fl ]A - lA Luther - Fogarasi,
Sverdlovsk 1989; 8.g3!? -YB/12] 8...©5f6 9.dS
* d 6 lO.Wf? Cie5 11.1(4 c5 12.®d2 [I2.&c3 a6
13.0- 0-0? g6! 14.1e5 &e5 15.d6 Ah6 16.*c2
We8 17.2 d 5 £>d5 18.Wd5 4>f6 19.<&e4 * g 7 - +
De Firmian - Rohde, Long Beach 1989 ch-US; 18. ®d6 [!±Bagirov; 18.*f6? Bf6 19.Af6
13-H d 1!? Yudasin; 13.b4 Wc7?! 14.0-0-0 £}g4 20.1c3 (20.Ae7? WaS) 20...Af5+] 18...ed6
(14...g6 15.1e5 &e5 16.d6 Ah6 17.f4!+- Bartek) 19. JH6 * d 7 20. .' d8 0?d8 21,Ad3 [21.Ee2
15.1e2 * d 7 16.1g4 4>d8 17.d6+- Votava - Sar­ A f5 S > ] 21 ...3 (2 22.Se2 Se2 [22,..Bf7?
kozy, Czechoslovakia 1988; 13...Wb6! 14.bc5 23.*c2 A 24.BF1] 23.J.e2 A d7 24..4.d3
# c 5 lS .B d l g5! (15_fi.f5 16. Sd3 Ad3 17,*e6 [24...*e7-=] H-'/i
&c7 18.1e5 “4 d 8 19.1d3-i— Bagirov) 16.1g3 Horvath
«a3! 17.2d3 (17.£*bl? Wg3!) 17...WcI 18.&dl
» f4 ? 19.1f4 gf4 20.c5!D &c5 21.3c3 &d6
22.Ec8+—, 18...®e4; 18„.®)g4; 16.1e5 &e5
17.1e2® (Ambroz) 17...Ah6! (A 18...Af8; AL 5.5 33104
17.. .* d 6 18.0-0 A 18...Ah6? 19.Wf6! ef6
20.£)e4) 18.d6D Ae6 (18...Se8?! 19.d7! Ad7 Vlasak,Emil (CS)
20.3d7 £sd7 21.1g4—») 19.#e7 3hf8 (A Pletanek,D (CS)
20.. . BO) 20.#b7 (20.1h5 #c4!) 20...3ab8 1990 cr
(20...4M5 21.®d5 (21.cd5 Wf2! (21...Wc3
2 2 .* fl) 22,*d2 g4 23.&c2 Af5 A 2 4 ...aab 8 -+ ; 1.e4 &(6 2,e5 ©d5 3.d4 d6 4.<&f3 de5 5.<ae5 g6
21.3d5 Ad5 22.*d5 Wd5 23.fed5 tt?d6+EN, 6.A c4 Ae6?! 7.©c3! Ag7 8.®e4 Ae5 9.de5
a 2 < ; 21.«le4 *e4? 22.AO ? 3 0 23.gf3 4>0 <$)c6 #
24.#b3 &g4 25.cd5 Af5+ A &h5-g6; 22.0-0!—
A 23.cd5 # h 7 ; 21...«?b4 22.»b4 Cib4 23.0 ®c2
24.&d2 ftd4; 24.*f2 g4!+) 21...Wf2 22.&d2
# d 4 (22,..g4 23.<*c3D We2 2 4 .3 he 1 Ad2
25.Sd2 Wei 26.«rg7—) 2 3 .* el ( Af5
24.1d3 Ad3 25.Hd3 3 0 - + ; 24.&b3 Eab8—t-)
23...Wf2) 21.WO (21.Wa6? ®d5; 21...«g4)
21.. .g4 22.#g3 (22.Wd3? Af5) 22...Af4 23.'B'h4
Ac4!? (23...h6 24.0-0 Ag5 25.*g3 Af4=;
23.. .Wb4?l 24.0-0 # c 3 25.SfeI A d 2 (> 25...Wei
2 6 .3 e l -*d6 27,g3 Ae5 28.Wg5±) 26.1g4 &d6
27.3e6 * c 7 28.3d2! Wd2 29.Wg3 * b 7 3 0 .1 0
4>c8 31. B c6h—) 24.g3! (24.0-0 *f5+ ) 24... Ae3!D 10. b3!!N [10.1b5 ©b4; 10,®c5 ®e3!! ll.A e3
25.0- 0!Doo (25.fe3 We3—(-) 25...1e2 26.&e2 JLc4 12.b3 b6 13.bc4bc5 14.Ac5 fee5 15.Ad4f6
Eb2 2 7.3del st?d6 28.fe3 We3 2 9 ,* h l « e 4 16.Ae5 Wd! 17.3dl fe5= Larsen 1967, Bagirov
30.d?gl=; 20.0-0! Sf7 21.Efel 3e7 22.d e7 g ^] 1987] 10...©e5 [10...0-0 ll.& h 6 Be8 12.Cic5]
12.. .g5 13.Ag3 g4 [13...Ah6 H .f if i Sf8 11. A62 (6 1 2 .ie 5 (e5 IS.^cS [13.®g5 Ag8
15, ®e5! « a 5 16 .* d l 3 0 1 7 .ac 6 + -] 14.0-0-0 14.#e2 Wd6oo] 13...±f7 14.©b7 « d 7 15.0-0!
Ah6 [14...Bg8 15.B el 3g7 16.Ae5 4>d7 17.#e6 [15.«3c5 » d6! (15...Wc6? 16.£ld3+-) 16.Se4
* e 8 18.1c7!D (18.W6? ef6 19,Ac7 (19.Af6) « b 4 I7.c3 ®c3! 18.1.0 (18.»d2 l c 4 19.bc4
19.. . 5 .7 - + ) 18...Ae6 (18...*c7 19.»f5±) ®d5!) I8...4>f8!!<x>; 15,#e2!? 16.0-0-0!?±
19.Ad8 J.d5 20.1.a5 i c 6 21.0±; 15...Sg5?! (16.0-0 0-0oo) 16...<£ic3? 1 7 .1 0 * f8 18.«c4!
16. Ad3 ± h 6 17.3e5? 3e5 18. B el? £ d 2 £>dl 1 9 .1 e 6 + -] 15...'®c6 16.fta5 # c 5 17.ld5!

I d 5 (I7...Wd5 18.Wd5 l d 5 19x4 l e 6 10.#e4 ®c6 1l.ef6 ( l l . a e 2 fe5 12.de5 » d 5
20. SfelH—] 18.b4 t d 6 [18...'#'b5 19.a4 » d 7 13/#d5 ed5 14.f4 g5s^) U „..«f6 12.d5? I b 4
20x4] 19.c4 l e 4 [19...1e6 20.’§ ,f3 Sb8 13.®fl 0-0; 12.1e3±] 7...de4 8 .1 e 4 #d4!
21. B fdl « b 6 22x5] 20. # 6 2 115 21.c5 «16 9.115 [9.1b7? Ig 4 ! A 10...#dlX , A 10...#b4,
22.3ae1 e4 23.f3 ef3 24,H«3 Wd4 25.®h1 0-0 11.. .*b7] 9...'#e5 10.7,e2 #15 11.#b7 # d 5
26.&C6+- 1-0 12.»c8 [12.#d5±] 12...®>17 13.0-0± [13.#c7
Vlasak/Pletanek l e 7 14.0-0 fta6®] 13...C5 [13...#d7] 1 4 .le 3
#d7? [14,..«c6 15.#d8 ®d7 16.#a5 £)e5;
15.#c6] 15.#d7 5id7 16.Bad1 ®b6 17.b3 l e 7
18.c4 [I8 .a c 3 Bhd8 19.®e4 c4] 18.,.Bhd8
19.5JC3 f5 20.13? [20.®b5! a6 21.Bd8 Bd8
AL 10.5 33129
22.5JC7 a5 (22,..Bd7? 23,©a6 Ba7 24.®c5 f4
25.5jd7) 23,®a6 Bc8 24.1f4±] 20...a6 21.®>12
Rausisjgor (SU) 2470 116 22.®e2 4Jd7 23.Bd2 £)e5 24.Bfd1 Bd2
Bucker,Stefan (DE) 2345 25. Bd2 Sd8 26.Sd8 I d 8 27.®c3 (27.1c5??
Dortmund III 1990 a d 3 - + ] 27...1e7 28.®a4 ®d7 29.®>e2 l d 6
30.h3 ®e8 31.®b2 ®d8 32.®d3 ®c7 33.a3 a5
1.e4 are 2.eS ae4?! [Fahrni 1922] 3.d4 [3.d3] [33...e5] 3 4 .a i4 114 35.114 e5 36.1d2 ®>b6
3...f6 [3...e6?! 4.£)h3 h6 5.»g4 d5 6.f3 (Benjam­ 37.1c3 g6? [37...a4!] 38.®f2? [38.a4!+— Jl]
in/ Schiller) 6...h5 7.'«jT4 g5 8.®g5 a g 5 9.#g5 38.. .a4! [39.b4 ®c6=] 39...®a6 40.a5
l e 7 10,Wg7 Bf8 11.#117 ®d7!? 12.Wh5 c5] a re ! 41.®g3 a e 6 42.®h4 h6Z [42...h5? 43.g4]
4 .1d 3 d5 5.ac3!? [5.0 £g5 6.1g5 fg5 7,f4 43.®>g3 [43.g4? f4] 43...ad4 44.®12 h5 45.®e3
(Fahrni 1922) 7...c5!? (7...g6) 8 .tb 5 g6 9.1g6 [45.g4 f4=; 45.1d2 ®b3; 45.1x1 £Jc2] 45...ac2
hg6 10.Wh8 # b 6 ^ Keitlinghaus] 5...115 46.®d3 ©d4 47.1d2 £)c6 48.1h6 ®d8
[5...ac3 6.« h 5 ®>d7 (6...g6 7.1g6 hg6 8.'*h8 A [48...®a5?! 4 9 .!f8 ®b6 50.1d6] 49.1g7 ®a5
9.1h6) 7.bc3 (7.ef6? g6) 7...e6 (7...fe5? 8.®f3!; 5 0 .!e 5 ®a4 5 1 .ld 6 6 52.1c5 £ic5 53.®d4

’...We8?? 8 x 6 + -) 8.c4±; 8.1h7] 6.#13 e6 ®d7 54.®d5 a b 6 55.®>e6 ®c4 56.®16 <S2e3
7.5Je4? [7.g4! Jt,g6 8.5/e4 de4 (8...1e4 9.1e4 57.®g6 a g 2 58.®15 <Sh4 59.®e4 ®a3 60.14
fe5!? IO.Ji.d3 e4 l l . ! e 4 de4 12.#e4 » d 5 ®b4 61.15 ®>c5 62.®14 ®>d6 63,®g5 SS15
13.«d5 ed5 14.1f4 £ic6±/±) 9.1x4 l e 4 64.® 15 'A-'A
(9...#d4? 10.1b7 c6 l l . l a 8 l e 4 1 2 ,# b 3 + -) Bucker


Open Games
l.e4 e5

More Zaitsev battles

The Ruy Lopez has two main lines, viz, the Closed and the Open Variation but there is a wealth of
reasonably sound alternative lines, that games with the main lines are sometimes outweighed
numerically, if not in respect or esteem.
One of the most persistently popular side variations is the Janisch Gambit. An interesting game with
this lively variation is Mortensen-Tukmakov (RL 6.7), where White tries the modest 6.ftg3 after
4.£)c3 fe4 5.4ie4 d5. Mortensen manages to obtain a slight advantage but Black can probably
avoid this by more accurate play.
White’s two most critical options against the Arkhangelsk variation, 7.fie1 and 7.c3, are discussed
separately in a theoretical survey at the end of this introduction. The game Smagin-Mikhalchishin
(RL 12.6) shows that the quiet 7.d3 is also acceptable and that Black has still to play accurately to
In the Steenwijker variation (6.Ac6), the move 7.#e1 has become a popular alternative to the
classical 7.d3. The game Nicholson-Lukacs (RL 14.2) illustrates how lively this line can be. In its
own unpretentious way, this variation seems to be completely revitalized. 7.d3 has kept its ad­
herents too, as is shown by the games Somlai-Lukacs and Somlai-Lengyel (both RL 14.3), but this
line looks too overburdened by theory to pose Black serious problems.
The game Dolmatov-Khalifman (RL 17.4) brings us yet again an inch or two closer to the mysterious
depths of the Marshall Gambit. In fact, the line 12.He1 Jld6 13.d3 is relatively little-explored.
Dolmatov squeezes some positional advantage from the opening but Khalifman defends accurately.
Apart from the two games given in Yearbook 16, Timman and Karpov played two other games with
the Zaitsev Variation in their Candidates Final match in Kuala Lumpur. In one game Karpov played
12...®d7 in reply to Timman’s regular choice 12.a4 (RL 26.2) and in the other he preferred 12...h6
13.A.C2 ed4 14.cd4 ®b4 15.J.b1 c5 (RL 26.9), the ultra-sharp plan he had also played against

Kasparov in 1986. Although White had his chances in both games, many questions remain un­
answered here, especially in the latter game where the opening seemed to go rather well for Black.
In the former game, Timman’s strategic idea of allowing ...d5, rather than try to prevent it at all
costs, is noteworthy. This variation looks rather arduous for Black.

Of the other Open Games, Sabani-Dautov (KP 2.3) is perhaps the most interesting. White’s 5.e5 in
the Two Knights Game is fairly popular but not well charted yet.

In the section Various Openings, the game Shirov-Prie (VO 3.1) leaps to the eye for the forceful way
in which White contains Black’s aggression in the Owen Defence (1.c4 b6 or, as is the case here,
1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6). Apart from this, the most relevant games here feature the Budapest Gambit, In
Karolyi-Shrentzel (VO 17.2) Black tries hard to give the solid variation 4..i.f4 $ ,c6 5.5,f3 A b4
6.®bd2 a wild Budapest-like twist, to no avail. The idea, however, is remarkable nevertheless. In
Spassky-lllescas Cordoba (VO 17.3), White prefers 4.©f3 Black is unable to find an effective reply
to the unusual 10.®h1 and is routed. No advertisement for the Budapest Gambit but certainly not
the death-blow either.

Survey RL 12

SURVEY: Paul van der Sterren

Aleksandr Beliavsky
Ruy Lopez RL 12.6-RL 12.8
Adrian Mikhalchishin
Stefan Kindermann Arkhangelsk Variation

This variation constitutes one of Black’s options of trying to avoid the Spanish torture, which all too
often awaits if Black plays too passively in the Ruy Lopez. By playing 5...b5 and 6...iLb7 Black
prepares the aggressive development of his king's bishop to c5. On the one hand this gives White
the opportunity to gain a tempo with d2-d4 and establish an annoying pin with Ac1-g5, but it also
provides a wealth of dynamic possibilities for Black because of the increased pressure against d4.
The main line for White has always been 7.Se1 but of late the sharper 7.c3 has become in­
creasingly popular. If Black then plays 7...£ie4, the critical reply, the game will assume a fiercely
tactical character. As the game Kindermann-Nikolic suggests, theory has far from exhausted the
possibilities in this position.
The Arkhangelsk seems to present an attractive alternative for Black to the 5...Ae7 and 5...<Se4
variations and, thanks to the recent games of Beliavsky and Mikhalchishin, it is probably going to be
highly topical in the near future.

RL 12.6 ®d2 13.Ad2 ®c4 I 4 .if 4 0-0?! (19.#h5 g6 (19...2h4?

(14...®b2? 15.e6; > 14...Ac8 20. A h 7 + -) 20.Ag6 hg6 21.«g6
Kindermann,Stefan 15. a4!; 14..M d l 15.®g5 Ag5 4>f8 22.1'h6 *g8 23.’i'f4 'i'f8ao)
16. Ag5 A f4-f5) 15.b3 ®b6 19.. .®d6 20.®e7 * f8 (20„.*h8
Nikolic,Predrag 21, Wh5 # h 6 22.#e8;
( i 5...®a3 16.Af5 g6 17.Acl!
Nikolic 17...b4 18.cb4 cb4 21.®c8 Hc8 22.Wh5) 21.1ael
M un ch en 1990 (3) 19.Aa3 ba3 20.Ad3±) 16.e6 Ac8 Ag4 (21 ...g6 22.®g6 hg6 23.#e8
(16...f6 17.®h4; 16...f5 17.®e5 0?g7 24.1e7 S*?h6 (24...*f6
l.e4 eS 2 / 0 c6 3. 1)5 a6 A 18.®f7) 17.ef7 Hf7 18.®e5! 25.«f7 -£>g5 26.h4 2h4 27.f4
4.Aa4 * ff> 5.0-0 b5 6.i.b3 ! b 7 Hf4 28.214 Wf4 29.«g6)
7.c3 ®e4 8.d4 Ae7 (RR 8...®a5 25. Ag6 (25.#h8 <£g5) 25...’S'g6
9. ®e5 (9.Ac2 -YB/16) 9...'. .53 26. Wh8 -*g5 2 7 .2 g 7 + -) 22.f3
10. « b 3 «T6 11.0 ®c5 12.'#dl Ah5 (22...jS.d7 23.Ah7 (A
®e6 13.a4 Ad6 14.*e2 c5! 24.®g6) 23...Hf6 24,'#c2+-;
15.ab5 cd4 16.®c4 Ac5<=» Ana- 2 4 .« e5 + -) 23.®f5 # c 7 24.g3!
nd - Mikhalchishin, Moskva fie8 25.«d2 E el 26.l e i Sf3
1989) 9.«e2 (< 9.E el) 9...d5 27. « g 5 Ag6 28.®g7!+- (A
10.de5 ®a5 (10...0-0 l l . S d l 29.®e6) 28...*g7 (28...«g7
®a5 12.J.C2 f5 13.-S2.d4 » c 8 29.#d8 &f7 30.He7) 29.2e7
14.0 c5 15.fe4 fe4 16.®b3+ ®e7 iO .V el 117 31.*e5 (<
Chandler - Chiburdanidze, 31.'#'c5 A d 3 lf6 )
Linares 1988) ll.Ji.c2 c5 (11...0-0 Sf4 (18...If6 19,#h5 g6 31.. .1 f6 32.Ag6 Ag6 33.#e8 1-0
12.®d4 A 13, ®f5) 12.&bd2 20.®g6; 19...h6 20,Jlg5) 19.®c6 K inderm ann

RL 12.8 fed5 17.fed5 43ed5oo) 14.dc6 RL 12.8
fec6 15.43g3 Wc7 (15...43g4
16.Se2 d5 17.ed5 fed5 18.fed5
Szalanczy,Emil Wd5 19.Wd5 43d5 20.h3 4if2!?
21.Hf2 Bae8 A 22...f5g) Beliavsky,Aleksandr
Mikhalchishin, Adrian
16.fee3 Had8 17.feb6 (17.a4!? A
18.ab5 ab5 1 9 .B a 6 t) 17...Wb6 Munchen 1990 (4)
Budapest 1990 NOVIKI (8) 18.«e3! Wb7 (18...We3 19.Se3
A S d l, Hed3, d6 < ) 19.43h4 I. e4 e5 2.430 43c6 3.feb5 a6
I. e4 e5 2.430 53c6 3.feb5 a6 * h 7 20.fec2 (20.Had 1!? A Be2- 4.fea4 43f6 5.0-0 b5 6.feb3 feb7
4. fea4 43f6 5.0-0 b5 6.feb3 feb7 d2oo) 20...g6 21.h3 # 7 .B el fec5 8x3 0-0 9.d4 feb6
7.B el fec5 8x3 d6 9.d4 feb6 10.feg5(10.fee3 ed4 ll.cd4 43a5
10.1tt?d3!? ( h6 1l.feh4 g5 12.e5 43b3 13.Wb3 53d5 14.feg5
12. feg3 0-0!N 13.h4!?g4 14.53h2 We8 15.43c3 We6J=*) 10...d6
h5 15.Wei (15.Wd2!? <£>h7 I I . Wd3 h6 12.feh4 53a51?
16.53a3 W ei os Beliavsky) (12,..g5?! 13.4ig5 hg5 14.jfe.g5
15.. .*h7! 16.»g5 3g8 !7.Wf5 <&g7 15.Wg3 ed4!? 16.h4!? Bg8
*h8 18.de5 (18.fef7 fec8 17. fe.f6 4?f6 18.WO 4>g7 19.®f7
19. fee6 fee6 20.We6 ed4+) *h6 20.Wf4T; 12...Be8
18.. .43e5 19.Jle5 de5 20.We5 13.43bd2 43a5 14.fec2 c5 15.d5
Wd6! 21.Wd6 cd6 22,g3 53e4+ c4 16.We2 g61? 17.53fl *g7
Prandstetter - Mikhalchishin, 18. Wd2± Beliavsky - Dorfman,
Dortmund 1990; 13.Wd3 4Jh5>? Erevan 1975 ch-SU) 13.fec2
14.53bd2 43g3 15.hg3 Wf6 (A 22.f4) 21...43c81? 22.WO (13.de5? de5 14.43e5 43b3
16.fed5 g4 17.43h4 SaeSoo >6-‘A (22.f4? Wb6!+) 22...S3g81? 15.ab3 Wd3 16.43d3 43e4+)
Cladouras - Mikhalchishin, (22...43d7!? A 23...43c5) 23.Hadl 13...C5 14.d5 (14.de5 de5 15.43e5
Budapest 1990 NOVIKJ (1); Wb6 24.feb3 Wc7! 25.We3 We7 g5 16.jfe.g3 Wd3 17.fed3 Bad8 A
13. a4 53a5! 14.fec2 <Shh51? 15.b4 26.430 43f6 27. B d2 43d7 43e4®) 14...C4 15.We2 g51?
53c4 16.4le5 de5 17.Wh5 ed4 (27...Bfe8!? 28.Bedl Wb7 A (15...Bc8 16.b4 cb3 17.ab3 A
18. Wh6 Se8 19.cd4 Be6 29.. .d5) 28.Bedl 43c5 43fd2, b4±) 16.43g5! (16.feg3!?
20. Wh5 fed4*± Janetschck - Be­ (29.fed5? fed5 30. Bd5 43 b6 43h5 17.b4 cb3 18.ab3 43g3
liavsky, Baden 1980; 10.a3!? h6 31.B5d2 53c4-+) 29...43b6 (18...43f4 19.fef4 gf4 20.43fd2±)
I I . fea2 0-0 12.h3 Wd7 I3.fee3 30.b3 Bfe8 31.43h2 h5 32.430 19. hg3 f5 20.ef5 fed5 21.43bd2
Eac8!? 14.d5 43e7 15.feb6 cb6 d?g7 33.h4 43 c8 (33...d5? 34.53e5 Bc8 22.W d3!?t) 16...hg5
16.5ibd2 43g6 17.43fl 43f45 We5 35.Wc5±) 34.«g5 Wg5 17.feg5 ®g7 18. WO Bh8
T.Horvath - Mikhalchishin, Lvov 35.43g5 (35 hg5!?) 35...Be7?l (> (l8...We7!? A 19...fed8) 19.43d2
1984) 10...h61? (10...0-0 11.43bd2 35.. .L6 3 6 .4 3 0 Be7 A Bed7, fec8 20.43fl? (20.b4! cb3 21.ab3
(1 Lfeg5!) 11... Se8 12.a3 ed4 d 5 f) 36,b4! 4ie6 (36...43d7? 43b7 22.b4±) 20...53b7 21.a4?
13.cd4 5ia5 14.Ji.c2c5 15.b4 cb4 37. feb3 A 38.fef7±) 37.43e6 Be6 (21,b41? cb3 22,ab3 43c5
16.ab4 4Jc4+ Beliavsky 38. feb3 Be7 39x4! (39.fed5 Bc7 23.43g3co) 21...Bb8! 22.ab5 ab5
Mikhalchishin, Lvov 1972) 40.43e2 fed5 41.Ed5 f6+) 23.43g3 ig6H —r #
11.4Jbd2(ll.a4 0-0 12.43bd2 ed4 39.. . B ed7 40.cb5 ab5 41.fed5
13.43d4 43d4 14.cd4 He8 (41.0 43b6 42.43e2 d5 43.ed5
15.fec2 Se6! 16.b4 43d5! fed5?) 41...43e7 42.feb3 (42.fec6
17. fea3 43f4 _18.We3 Wf6 43c6 43.a3 Ba7 44.Bd6 Bd6
19. feb2 Hae8T Medina 45.Bd6 43d4+) 42...d5 43xd5
Mikhalchishin, Barcelona 1984) 43d5 44.fed5 Bd5 45.Bd5 Bd5
11.. .0-0 12.d51? (12.43fl 43a5 46.2d5 fed5 47.a3 * f6 48.43e2
13.fed2 d5?l 14.ed5 e4 15.Be4 Le6 49.43c3 fei-6 ‘/2 -Zi
43e4 16.We4 g6 17.43e3 Wd6 Mikhalchishin
18.43e5± Zheliandinov - Kozlov,
Riga 1982; i 12...ed4 13.cd4
43b4 14.Wc3 c5! A 15...fea5<=t)
12.. .43e7 (12...43b8!? A 5tbd7- 24.43f5 (24.h4 feg4 25.fef6
c5oo) 13.43fl c6 (13...43g4 Wd7!—h) 24...*g5 25.Wg3
14.2e2 f5 15.ef5 43f6! 16.43g3 (25.h4 Sh4 26.43h4 * h 4

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8.d4 i e 7 9.W e i d5 10.de5 0-0 29...a4 30.© cl a3 31.h3 ® bl 14.d5 c4 15.®e2 g6 16.©bd2 Bc8
l l . E d l ©a5 f5 13.©0# 32.®gl Bd8? (32...g6!) 33.©cb3? 17.B a d * g 7 18.b4 cb3 19.ab3 ®c7
'B'cS 14.f3c5 15.fe4fe4 16.© b3© c4 (33.t2db3!) 33...a2 34 ,B d l ®b2 20x4 b4 21.ifi.f6 * f6 2 2 .E a l Ea8
17.© ld2 i h 4 18.©c4 bc4 19.©a5 35.Wel g6 36.®e7 ®c3 37.Hfl ®c4 2 3 .S fl fic8 24.©e 1 ©b7 25.©d3
Bf2 2 0 .# h 5 Bc2 21.®h4 ®c7 38.®f6 B d4 39.©d4 fid 4 40.®f4 a5 2 6 .* h l * g 7 27,f4 ef4 28.Bf4
22.©b7 Wb7 23.®g4 Be8 24.B fl ® fl 0-1 fid 4 2 9 .3 d l fid 7 3 0 .2 ffl Eae8
d4 25x6 Wd5 26.B O g6 27.ji.h6 e3 31.S O ® d8 32.®f4 ® e7 3 3 .© 0
28. S a fi 1-0 Howell,James fic3 34,We3 #

Anand,Viswanathan Eastbourne ch-GB 1990 (10)
Moskva GMA 1989 (9) 1x4 e5 2 . 0 0 ©c6 3.fib5 a6 4.fia4
©f6 5.0-0 b5 6.iLb3 i b 7 7x3 ® e7
1x4 e5 2 .© 0 ©c6 3.fib5 a6 4.fia4 8.d4 d6 9.a4 b4 lO .Bel g6 11.©g5
©f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .ib 3 fib 7 7x3 ©e4 ©d8 12.cb4 fig7 13.©c3 0-0 14 .© 0
8.d4 ©a5 9.©e5 ®b3 10.389)3 Wf6 © c6 15.©d5 ©d5 ed4
11.0 ©c5 12.38911 ©e6 I3.a4 i d 6 ® d7 18.#02 Bab8 19.fih6
14.We2 c5 15.ab5 cd4 16.©c4 fic5 ©e5 © O 21.gO <ig7
17.cd4 fid 4 1 8 .* h l 0-0 19.b6 fic6 22.®d4 * g 8 Bfe8 2 4 .* h l d5 21.©ca3 i e 3 22.We3 Be5 25.B gl Bbe8 26.Sg2 ®h3
«'b2 23.©d2 d4 24.*ff2 ®b6 27.Bg3 Wh4 28.B agl fia8 29.Bg4 34„.f5 35.®a7 fe4 36.0/67 eO 37,gO
25.©ac4 Wd8 26.H fdl fib 5 27.©e5 Wf6 30.®c3 * g 7 31.a5 fib 7 fih 3 3 8.*e7 Be7 39.B gl B O 40x5
*915 28.*g3 ©c5 2 9 .E acl Sae8 3 2 .2 ig2 h5 33,B4g3 B8e7 34.Bgl Be2 41.Bg6 &g6 42.©f4
30.H el * d 6 31.f4 f6 32.©g4 * h 8 * h 7 35.B lg2 ®f4 36.®e3 ®h4 43.©e2 B12 44.©c3 Bc2 45.©a4
33.©f2 d3 3 4 ,* G ©e6 35.f5 ©d4 37.i O B O 38.Sg6 Bf4 39.2g7 dc5 46.©b6 Bf2 47.© a4 Bc2
36.*g4 © e2 37.H bl ©c3 3 8 .S a l * h 8 4 0 .2g8 * h 7 41.B2g7 &h6 48.©06 &e8 49.d6 Bf2 50. © a4 c4
Se5 39.©h3 Sfe8 4 0 .S fl ©e2 42.Bg4 ®g4 43.2 g 4 hg4 44.®f4 51.bc4 B fl 52.S f 1 f if l 53.©b2
41.© O S e4 4 2 .* h 5 © f4 0-1 1-0 &d7 54.&gl fih 3 55x5 * c 6
56.© a4 b3 57.<*f2 ■ibS 58.*e3
id 7 0-1

Nunn,John Beliavsky, Alexander

Beliavsky, Alexander 7. B e l Dorfman, Iosif
Amsterdam OHRA 1990 (3) Erevan ch-SU 1975 (12)

1x4 e5 2 .© 0 ©c6 3.fib5 a6 4.fia4 1x4 e5 2 .© 0 ©c6 3 . i b 5 a6 4 . i a 4

©f6 5.0-0 b5 6.fib3 fib 7 7x3 ©e4 ©f6 5.0-0 b5 6 . i b 3 i b 7 7 .B el
8.d4 ©a5 9.fic2 ed4 10.b4 ©c4 Smederevac,Petar
i c 5 8x3 0-0 9.d4 i b 6 1 0 .ig 5 h6
11. fix4 fie4 12.E e l d5 13.©d4 c51? Bagirov,Vladimir 11 .4 h4 Be8 I2.® d3 d6 13.©bd2
14,bc5 fic5 15.0 0-0 16.fe4 de4 Beverwijk 1965 (10) ©a5 1 4 .ic 2 c5 15.d5 c4 16.«e2 g6
1 7 .* h l (17.ae4oo) 17...2e8 17,© fl * g 7 18.#'d2 Bh8 19.h3
©e3 19.Se3 b4 20.©d2 bc3 1x4 e5 2 .© 0 ©c6 a6 4.fia4 Wc7 20. ©g3 i c 8 21.©h2 ©g8
21.©2b3 c2+ 22.Wd2 fi.b6 23.Sc3 Qf6 5.0-0 b5 fib 7 7 .B el 22.©gfl ©b7 2 3 .* h l f6 2 4 .ig 3
fi.c5 8x3 d6 9.d4 fib 6 h6 i d 7 25.f4 ©d8 26.©e3 © O 27 .B fl
11.M g ® e7 12.a4 0-0 13.ab5 ab5 Be8 28.B ael h5 2 9 .© 0 ®'c8
14.Ba8 Ba8 15.© a3 ©a5 16.fic2 30.®f2 i c 5 3 1 .ih 2 Bh7 32.Wg3
©c4 17.©c4 bc4 18.de5 de5 19.fif6 ef4 3 3 .« f4 ©e5 34.*g3 Ef8 35.©f5
® f6 2 0 .* e2 ® e6 21.® dl fj-« i f 5 36.ef5 g5 37,©g5 fg5 38.Be5 g4
39.Be6 ©f6 40,®!h4 ©d5 41.®g5
Mecking,Enrique 4>h8 4 2 .B h 6 B n 1-0
Mar del Plata 1971 (9) Janetschek,Karl
1x4 e5 2. 5 ,0 ©c6 3 .fib5 a6 4.fia4 Baden Baden 1980 (8)
23...e3! 24.He3 He3 2 5 .* e3 a5 ©f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .fib3 fib 7 7 .B el
26.a4 * d 7 ! 27.H cl * a 4 28.Bc2 fic5 8x3 0-0 9.d4 fib 6 10.fig5 h6 1x4 e5 2 .© 0 ©c6 3 . i b 5 a6 4 . i a 4

Survey RL 12

£>f6 5.0-0 b5 6.A.b3 A,b7 7.H el 5 f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 l b 7 7.B el Diaz Perez,JD

A.c5 8x3 0-0 9.d4 A.b6 10.A.g5 d6 l c 5 8x3 d6 9.d4 l b 6 10.1g5 0-0
1 l.a4 h6 12.A.h4 g5 13.A,g3 5)h5
l l . « 4 3 h6 12.1h4 g5 13.5g5 hg5 Cuba 1988
14.A.C2 5X5 15.b4 5X4 16,5X5 de5 14.1g5 ed4 15.®g3 4 g 7 16.f4 Bg8
17,®h5 ed4 18,®h6 Ee8 19.cd4 17x5 dc3 18.<4>hl de5 19.fe5 5 e 5?
3e6 20.Wh5 A d4 21.Ba2 » f 6 1x4 e5 2.<7}D ^lc6 3.1 b 5 a6 4.Aa4
20.Be5 ®d4 2 1 .1 e3 (2 L 5 ci/-t—)
22.A.d3 5X 2 23.We2 Hae8 24.5)d2 21...®g4 22.Bg5 23.Hg4 Bg4 ®f6 5.0-0 b5 6.A.b3 Ab7 7 .B el
5X 4 25.®g4 Wg6 2 6 . 5 0 Ac3 l c 5 8x3 d6 9.d4 Ab6 10.1g5 0-0
2 4 .1 h 6 4 g 8 25 .5 c3 Bg3 26.hg3
27.Ee3 A.e4 28.A,e4 B e4 29.®g5 ll.W d3 h6 12.Ah4 g5 13,©g5 hg5
5 g 4 27.1g5 4 g 7 2 8 .1 d l Bh8
®g5 30.5g5 He3 31.fe3 Be3 14.Ag5 ed4 15x5 £3e5 16.Be5 4g 7
2 9 .1 h 4 l f 2 30.1g4 Ag3 3 1 .* g l
32.J.C7 A,b4 33.g3 1 x 7 3 4.1f4 17.1f6 4 f6 18.W 5 4 g 7 19.®g4
Bh4 3 2 .1e2 Bf4 33. S f l B fl
S d 3 35.4g2 5X5 3 6 .S O b4 3 4 .4 fl 406 35.a3 4 x 5 0-1
37,5X5 Ba3 38.He2 b3 39,4X6 l f 6 YB/9-69
40.He8 4 h 7 0-1 Perez,I
Ermolinsky, Alexey Valdes,Luis
Horvath,Tamas Malaniuk, Vladimir Pinal del Rio 1988
Mikhalchishin .Adrian Sverdlovsk 1987 (13)
Lvov 1984 (13) 1x4 e5 2.£lf3 focO 3.1 b 5 a6 4.A.a4
®f6 5.0-0 b5 6.Ab3 A.b7 7 .B el
1x4 e5 2.4Lf3 5 c 6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4
Ac5 8x3 d6 9.d4 Ab6 10.1g5 0-0
I. e4 e5 2 . 5 0 5 c 6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 506 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 l b 7 7 .B el
1 l.Wd3 h6 12.A.h4 g5 13.fig5 hg5
5 f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 l b 7 7 .B el l c 5 8x3 d6 9.d4 l b 6 10.1e3 0-0
14.A.g5 ed4 15.®g3 * g 7 16.f4 Bg8
l c 5 8x3 d6 9.d4 l b 6 10.a3 h6 11.5bd2 h6 12.h3 Be8 13.® b!
17x5 dc3 1 8 .4 h l de5 19.fe5 ®h5
I I . l.a 2 0-0 12.h3 Wd7 13.1e3 5 b 8 14.de5 de5 15.1b6 cb6 16.a4
Bae8 14.d5 5 e 7 15.1b6 cb6 ba4 17.1a4 5 b d 7 18.Wa2 ®c7
16.5bd2 5 g 6 1 7 .5 fl 5 f 4 18.B el 19.1d7 ®d7 2 0 .5 c4 ®c7 21,®b3
g6 1 9 .1 b l 5 h 7 2 0 .5 e3 5 g 5 b5 2 2 .5cd2 Bac8 23 .S b 4 5 h 5
21.5g5 hg5 22x4 bc4 2 3 .5 c4 Wd8 2 4 .5 fl ®f4 25.B edl Ecd8 26.®g3
24.®d2 b5 2 5 .5 a 5 Ac8 2 6 .5 c6 Wb6 27.Wb3 ®c5 28.Bd8 Bd8
® f6 2 7 .5 a7 5 g 2 28.4g2 l h 3 2 9 .B d l E d6 30.Hd6 ®d6 31.®c2
2 9 .4 h 2 S g 7 30,Bc3 S h 8 31.Bgl a5 32.®b3 l c 6 33.®a3 « a 3 34,ba3
I f l 32.4g3 g4 33.4 g 4 B h4 34.4g3 f6 35,‘SJd2 h5 3 6 .* fl g6 37.®b3 a4
Sh3 0-1 38.®c5 h4 39.® hl b4 40.cb4 l b 5
4 1 .4 e l ©g2 4 2 .* d 2 ®f4 43.f3 ®h3
Klialifman,Alexander 44.<5je6 4lgl 4 5 .4 e3 46.<?lc7
a d 4 4 7 .4 f2 l e 2 4 8 .4 e3 A D
Mikhalchishin, Adrian 49.?if2 l e 2 'A-'A
Kuibyshev 1986 (1) 20. ®g4 (20.)Hh4 Ci3d4!) 20...Sld4
21. ©c3 4 f8 (22.h4 %g5! 23.hg5
1x4 e5 2.®f3 5 c 6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 %h8—2) 22.Ah6 4 e 7 23.Ag5 4 D
5 f 6 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 l b 7 7 .B el Khalifman,Alexander 24.A.h6 4 e 7 25.®h4 4 d 7 26.®h3
l c 5 8x3 0-0 9.d4 l b 6 10.1e3 d6 4e7 Z-<A
11.5bd2 5 d 7 12.1g5 5 e 7 1 3 .5 fl
Malaniuk, Vladimir
^ h 8 14.5g3 f6 15.1e3 c5 16.1e6 Tashkent 1987 (2)
A c6 17.d5 l b 7 18.5 h 4 c4 19.®g4
5 c 5 2 0 .5 h 5 5 e 6 21.de6 Bg8 1x4 e5 2.41B 03c6 3.A.b5 a6 4 ,la 4 Polaczek,Richard
&f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 A.b7 7 .B el Saint John open-2 1988
2 2 .1 b 6 ttb 6 23,Be3 Baf8 24 .5 f5
® c7 25.B h3 g6 2 6 .5 f6 5 f5 2 7 .5 h 7 Ac5 8x3 d6 9.d4 l b 6 10.1e3 0-0
4 g 7 28.508 Bf8 29.ef5 Bf5 ll.e ib d 2 h6 12.h3 ®d7 13.1d5 1x4 e5 2.® D 5X6 3.1.b5 a6 4.Aa4
30.®h4 Hh5 31 .* g 4 Bf5 32.B dl Eb8 14,a4 ed4 15.cd4 ©b4 16.1b7 ©f6 5.0-0 b5 6.A.b3 Ab7 7.B el
406 33.Bh8 * g 7 34.®h4 Bg5 Bb7 17.a5 l a 7 18.d5 ?ld3 19.Be2 A.c5 8x3 d6 9.d4 A b6 10.Ae3 0-0
35 .S d 6 Ag2 36x7 4 f5 37.®g5 4 g 5 ® f6 2 0 .1 a7 Ba7 21.b3 Bc8 22.Ee3 11.5ibd2 h6 12.h3 « d 7 13.A.C2
38x8® 1-0 &7e5 23.B b! c5 24.dc6 Bc6 Sae8 14.d5 ®e7 15.A,b6 cb6
2 5 .a f l ©f4 26.?id4 Sc5 27.®f5 d5 16.Ad3 5jg6 17.a4 5if4 18.A,fl ba4
2 8 .e ig 3 Bd7 29.®d4 ®e6 30.&h5 19.®a4 b5 2G.®b4 Bb8 21x4 bc4
Diaz Perez,JD ®f5 31.ef5 ®d4 32.Be5 f6 33.Be8 22.®c4 5X8 23.Wa4 Wa4 24,Ba4 f5
Valdes,Luis 4 H 34.Sa8 ©e2 3 5 .4 fl 5ic3 25.S b4 5tf6. 26.g3 53g6 27.ef5 5 x7
Cuba 1987 36.B el d4 37.5)f4 Bf5 38.fid3 28.Bb6 J.d 5 29.Bb8 S b8 30.B bl
4ld5 39. Ba6 Bc7 40.B d6 Bc2 Bb4 31.g4 h5 32.g5 5ie4 33.b3 5 f5
1x4 e5 2 . 5 0 5 c 6 3 .ilb 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 41.B d7 4 f8 42.a6 ®b6 43.a7 1-0 34.B el 5jc 5 35.Alc4 A c4 36.Bc4

Ec4 37.bc4 * f 7 38.® bl e4 39.®fd2 4 b 6 4 4 .1 d i Sf2 45.4 g 3 Sa2 S c 6 20.®d4 S d 7 2 1 .® 2 0 b4
4 x 6 40.®c3 4 e 5 41.4 f l 4 d 4 4 6 .1 h 5 l e i 4 7 .4 h 3 l a 6 48.I e 3 22.®f5 l f 5 23.ef5 bc3 24.bc3 E e l
42.®e2 4 d 3 4 3 .4 e l 4 c2 44.®f4 c5 4 9 J l f7 I f l J4-J4 25.E e l 4 g 7 26.®h2 h5 27.g4 h4
®d3 45.®d3 ed3 4 6 .0 £>e3 0-/ 2 8 .® 0 EaS 29.Wd2 E a4 30,®h2
Ec4 31.E e l l a 5 32.We3 d5
33.We8 l c 3 34.Wd7 l e 5 3 5 .E d l
l h 2 3 6 .4 h 2 c6 37.B el Eg4 38.g3
Van der Wiel,John hg3 39.fg3 E b4 40.4g2 Eb2
4 1 .4 h 3 E b4 0-1
Bcliavsky, Alexander
Amsterdam OHRA 1990 (4)
Fernandez Garcia,Jose
I. e4 e5 2 .® 0 ®c6 3..&b5 a6 4..&a4
®f6 5.0-0 b5 6.&b3 &b7 7 .E e l Chiburdamdze.Maya
£ c 5 8.c3 d6 9.d4 k b 6 10.jLg5 h6 Salamanca 1990 (2)I.
I I . £ h 4 g5 12.Ag3 0-0 13.de5 ® e5
14.®e5 de5 15.WO He8 I6.® d2 I. e4 e5 2 ,® 0 ®c6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4
We7 17.h3 ®d7 18.®fl Wf6
Dolmatov,Sergey ®f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 l b 7 7 .B el
I9.® h2 WO 20.® O 4 g 7 21.H adl Beliavsky, Alexander l c 5 8x3 d6 9.d4 l b 6 10.-S.g5 h6
Ee7 2 2 .4 fl a5 23.1 x 2 b4 24.®h2 Moskva GMA 1990 (11) II. l h 4 We7 12.a4 g5 13.1g3 h5
h5 25.h4 g4 2 6 .4 g l bc3 27.bc3 ®c5 14.ab5 ab5 15.EaS k a 8 16.h4 g4
28.® fl Hee8 2 9 .4 h 2 a4 3 0 .0 gO l.e4 e5 2 .® 0 ®c6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 17,de5 de5 18.®g5 ®d8 19.1a2
31.gO l a 5 3 2 .1 0 ®e6 33.®g3 « f6 5.0-0 b5 6 .1 b 3 S b 7 7 .E e l ®d7 2 0 .» b 3 k c 6 2 1 .fld l f6
Ac3 34.HgI 4 f8 35.®f5 Eed8 1 x 5 8.c3 d6 9.d4 l b 6 10.1g5 h6 22.®e6 ®e6 23.We6 We6 24.1 e6
36.1e3 H dl 3 7 .1 h 6 4 e 8 38.Bg8 H .;ih 4 g 5 12.1g3 0-0 13.Wd3 ®h5 ®c5 2 5 .1 d 5 l d 5 26.ed5 ®e4
4 d 7 39.E a8 E fl 4 0 .1 a4 c6 14.©bd2 * f 6 15.1d5 Dae8 16.a4 2 7 .4 fl 4 d 7 28.®a3 Ba8 29.E d3
41.Hb8 4 c 7 42.13e8 H O 43.Be7 ®g3 17.hg3 ed4 18.ab5 ab5 19.1c6 JS.C5 30.®b5 E a l 3 I .* e 2 0-1

RG 2

RG 2.1 33268 12...? h5" 13.c6! ! c 6 14.1f5 A 1 5 .1 g 5 + -]

13.«e3 43h5! #
Geller,Efim (SU) 2530
Howell,James (GB) 2415
Reykjavik 1990 open (4)

1.e4 eS 2.4313 4316 3.d4 43e4 4.1d3 d5 5.43e5

43d7 6.43d7 l d 7 7.0-0 ®h4 8.c4 0-0-0 9.c5 g5
10.43c3 l g 7 11.g3 ®h3 12.43e4 de4 1 3 .le 4
l b 5 1 4 .lg 5 Hd4 1 5 ,lg 2 ! [15.*f3 Ee4!
16.«e4 l c 6 ; 15.®b3 Ee4 16.®b5 h6! 17.1e3
Bh4!= -YB/12] 15...WI5 16.®b3 c6 1 7 .le 3 111
18.E11 [18.1d4=] 18...Bd7 19.®a4!N [19.Wa3
4 b 8 20.b4 Sd3? 21.1f4 4 a 8 22.*a4 ®d7
23.»'c2 Sc3 2 4 .« b l l c 4 25.1d6 Be8 26.®h7 [A 14,g3 43g3] 14.Bd1?! [14.® 0? WO 1 5 .3 0
l e 5 27..w h3 i— Ivanov - Makarichev, Reykjavik lg 7 ; 14.43a3 l g 7 15.43c2 3e8 16.WO 43f4!
1990 (6)] 19...4b8 20.b4 « d 3 21.114! 4 a 8 17.3fdl (17.S a d i 43d.3 18.3d3 lb 5 ; 17.Wh4
22.1d6± 4 do 23.cd6 V d 6 24.b5 eb5 25,#b5 gh4 18.3fdl 43d3 19.Ed3 3e2!) 17...4d8! A
Eb8 26.Hb1 « c 7 27.a4 l c 3 28.Hc1 » e 5 18.. .43d3 19.Sd3 l f 5 ; 14.43d2 l g 7 15.43b3
29.#b3 l d 4 # Be8 16.WO 43f4 17.3fdl! (< 17.Wh4 gh4)
17.. .WO(17...1a4?! 18.1f5 4 d 8 19.g3±) 1 8 .4 0
l a 4 19.1f5 4 d 8 20.3el!? S e l 21.2el! I b 3
22.ab3 l d 4 2 3 .4 fl± ; 14.1f5 l g 7 (14...1f5??
15.We8X) 1 5 .id 7 4 d 7 16.g4 (16 .3 d l 3e8
P.W O l d 4 18.Wd4 B el) 16...Be8 17.Wd3
Be2!! 18.We2 l d 4 19.SO (19.4>hl 43g3;
19.4- g2 53f4) 19,..43f4 A 2 0 ...! O - + ^ ; 14.43c3
l g 7 15.43e2 Be8 16.WO 43f4 (16...WO 1 7 ,4 0
43f4 18.Badl 43d3 19.Bd3 l b 5 20.Be3)
17.Eadl!D (17.Wh4? 53e2 18.1e2 gh4 A
19.. .1 d 4 ) 17...WO 1 8 .4 0 Se6l? 19.g3?! 43d3
20. Bd3 l b 5 21.2e3 l e 2 (21...Bh6) 22.4e2
30.1b7! 1-0 l d 4 ; 19.Sfel! A 20.b4±; 17...Be2 18.1e2 l d 4
Makarichev 19.Bd4 43e2 20.We2 Wd4 21.WO!; 16,..Be2!?
17.»h4 (17.»e2 l d 4 18.<*hl? 43g3X) 17...gh4!
18.1e2 l d 4 19.4hl 43f4! 20.Badl! (20,Bael
lb 2 ! 21.M l l b 5 22.SO?! 43d3) 20...1b2
RG 2.1 33269 (20...43e2 21.Bfel l b 5 22.Bd2±) 21.Bd2 ! c 3
22.Bc2 43e2 23.Be2 lb 5 ® ] 14...!g 7 1S.lf1
Dolmatov,Sergei (SU) 2615 g4! [A 16...g3; 15...Be8? 16.WO] 16.C6?! [16,g3
Makarichev,Sergei (SU) 2545 43g3 17.hg3 (17.WO 43f5 18.Wh4 43h4 I9.fg4
Reykjavik 1990 open (7)I. ld 4 !) 17...Wg3 18,4hl (18.1g2 Be8 19.WO
ld 4 !) 18...Be8 (A Se6-h6) 19.Wgl Wf3 20.Wg2
I . e4 eS 2.43f3 43f6 3.d4 43e4 4.1d3 d5 5.43e5 W dl; 16.fg4 Be8! (16...1g4 17.g3! Wf6
43d7 6.43d7 V d7 7.0-0 ®h4 8.c4 0-0-0 9.c5 g5 18.1e2n—) 17.Wd3 (17.Wh3 Wg4; 17.WO WO
10.13 [10.1e3 Se8 11.0! (11.43c3 Se6!) 18.4- 0 l g 4 19.Sd3 (19.Bd2 l h 6 20.Bd3 l f 5
I I. 21. BO l e 4 22.Uf l l e i ! ) 19...43f4 20.Bd2
..43c5? 1:2.112; 11...43f6 -game] 10...43f6
11.1.83 Se8 [ l l . . . a g8!? -YB/16; U...g4!?] 43e6t) 17...1g4 18.43c3=] 16...bc6 [16...1c6S]
12.Wd2 [1 2 .1 0 Wh6 13.43c3 g4 14.f4 Ye Rong- 17.fg4 Se8 18.«d3 [18.»b3 Bel! 19.g3 (19.gh5
guang - Makarichev, Beograd 1988 14...®f4 l d 4 2 0 .4 h l WO 21.Bel WglX) 19...We7!
15.1h4 ®d4 16.4hl lg 7 ! 17.c6 l c 6 18.1f5 (19...43g3 20.B el) 20.gh5 (20.43a3 l d 4 21.4g2
43d7!-+] 12...Se3 [12...Sg8 1 3 .1 0 » h 6 Se2; 21.Bd4 B al 22,Bb4 !g 4 ) 20...We2!
14,®a5 4 b 8 15.1g3 Hc8 16.43c3 43h5! (16...g4? 21.E el l d 4 2 2 .4 h l Wei 23.Wf3 l b 2 - + ]
17.1f5!! I f 5 18.43b5 a6 19.1c7 4 a 8 20.®b6 18.. .1 g 4 19.43c3 [19.Bel l h 6 (A 20...1e3
ab5 21.®a5X) 17.1e5 f6? 18.1f5!!; 17...1g7oo; 2 1 .4 h l 43g3X) 20.g3 W f6-+] 1 9...ld1

20.Bd1—t- #g5!? [20...A44 2 !.» f5 ©e6, d4< ] 46. Sh6 Bg7 47.g4 l d 6 48.g5 4 f7 49.4g4 l e 7
21.4h1! S46 2 2 .k e 2 h5? [22...®g4-+] 23.b4! 50.1d5 4 e 8 5 1 .le 6 l c 5 S2.Bh3 4 e 7 53.1c4
£jg4 24. Jlg4 hg4 25.Wa6 4 d 7 26.b5 « h 6 4 f8 [A 54...Be7] 54.Bh8 4 e 7 5545 gf5 56.4f5
27.bc8 * c 6 28.«d3 « e 6 29.Bf1 c6? [29...a6+] Ae3 57.g6 l c 5 58.1f7 [A Be8, 4 f6 ] 1-0
30.£ia4 4>d8 31.52c5 * e 2 32.«b1 * b 5 33.*45 Mortensen
Be7 34.a4 Wb4?? [34...We2 3 5 . ^ 1 4 c 8 36.#f5
4 d 8 (36...4c7 37.*f4) 37.«b! 4c8=] 35.Wf4!
I d 4 36.#d6 4 e 8 37.®c6 448 38.’» 'c8 Se8
[38...4g7 39.Wg4 4 h 7 40.®h4 A 4!.We7;
RL 9.3 33174
39...4>f8 40.®e6!] 39.£ie6! 4 e 7 40.'§'c7 4>e6
41,®f7 1-0 Vogt,Lothar (DD) 2500
Makarichev Stein,Bernd (DE) 2415
Dortmund 1990 (4)

1.e4 e5 2. : f3 i c6 3..Sb5 a6 4 .1 a 4 b5 5.4 b 3

©a5 6.0-0 d6 7.d4 Ub3 [7 .46] 8.ab3 ed4 9.®d4
RL 6.7 33085
l b 7 10.5Jc3 g6 11.Be1 l g 7 12.144 ©e7?!
112.. ..';46 13.©d5 (13.e5 de5 14.Be5 4f8<=*)
Mortensen,Erling (DK) 2480 13.. .0-0 14.1g5 (14.c4±) 14...C6 15.®f6 l f 6
Tukmakov,Vladimir (SU) 2570 16.1f6 *46 17.c3±] 13.<£d5 c6? [13...©c6
Reykjavik 1990 tt (1) 14.®c6 lc 6 15.e5±] 14.£>e7 We77>
[l4...4e7D ±] 15 .1 4 5 + - gf5 1 6 .ld 8 ®d7 17.ef5
1.e4 e5 2.£43 &c6 3.1b5 f5 4.5jc 3 fe4 5.fte4 4 d 8 18.«g4 [18.Be? # e 7 19.1e7 4 e 7 2 0 .* el
d5 6.®g3 l g 4 7.0-0 «46!N 8.Se1 fte7 [8...143 448 21.«b4 4g8 2 2 .* e 7 ^ ] 18...He8 [18...Bg8
9.®’f3 Wf3 lO.gfi 0-0-0!? 11.1x6 bc6 12.Ee5±] 19.Eadl 4 c 8 2 0 .B e7 + -] 19.Be8 4 e 8 20.3e1
9.d4 0-0-0 [9...Af3 10.de5 «'e5 l l . g O t ; 9...e4 4 d 8 2 1 .le 7 4 08 22.®g7 *45 23.1d 6 4 d 7
10.1g5 l f 3 (10...'B'g6 l l . l e 7 l e 7 12.£ie5±) 24.*d4 * d 5 [24„.Be8 25.1x5 4 c 8 2 6 .® d 6 + -]
l l.* d 2 Wf7 I2.gf3 W tt 13.c4 0-0-0 14.1c6 bc6 2 5 .3 e7 [25.#b6 4 d 6 26.#b7 Be8±] 25...4d6
I5.cd5 cd5 16. E acl± —»] 10.Ag5 143 11.jS.f6 26.S46 4 c 5 27. Be5 1-0
Ad1 12.l.e7 £ie7 13.Sad1 a6?! [13...c6 14.1x2 Vogt
e4 15.0 eO 16.AO g6!? 17.Be6 A 18.Edel±;
13...e4!?] 1 4 .le 2 ed4 15.Sd4 ©c6 16.Bd2±

RL 12.6 33031

Smagin,Sergei (SU) 2520

Mikhalchishin,Adrian (SU) 2485
Dortmund 1990 open (5)

I . e4 e5 2.143 1 x 6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4.Aa4 © f6 5.0-0

b5 6.i.b3 ..i b7 7.d3 i.e 7 [7...Ad6!? (Malaniuk)
8.c3 (8.a4 -YB/15) 8...0-0 9 .ig 5 h6 10.Ah4 Ae7
I I. 2ibd2 d6 12.B el (2id7 1 3 .ig 3 « a 5 14.1.C2
c5 15,©fl ! f 6 16.4ie3 ®b6 17.® f5«c6 lS .^ e l
16.. .6C5 17. Si f3 e7 18.' h5‘ g6 19. ' f4 [A $Je7= Peussner - Mikhalchishin, Dortmund 1990
20.1x6] 19...l.d6 20.4d5 l>d5 21.Hd5 Bde8 open] 8 .3 e1 [8.c4!? bc4 9.1x4 0-0 10.®c3 d6
22.1e8 Be8 23.441 b6?! [23...Be5 24.Bd4 g5 A ll.a3 1x8?! 12.h3 h6 13.d4 ed4 14.ad4 ®a5
25.. .h6] 24.h4 Be5 25.Bd4 4>d8 26.1e2 a5 15.1a2 c5 16.5jde2± Mikhalchishin - Navarro,
2744 Hf5 [27...Be3 2 8 .4 0 Be7 29.Ab5!?] Mexico 1977; > 11... '■ d4! 12.©d4 ed4 13.©dS
28.g3 4 e 7 29.4g2 448 30.1d3 Bf7 31.Bd5± a d 5 14.ed5 # d 7 15.B el l f 6 16.#f3 Bae8
[A 32 h 5] 31...4>g7 32.h5 4h 6 33.hg6 hg6 17.1d2 le 5 = Kholmov - Mikhalchishin, Volgo-
34.Eg5 Bf6 35.Bd5 Be6 36.4f3 4 g 7 37.1e4 donsk 1981] 8...0-0 9.4ibd2 h6 [9...d6 lO.ftfl
Bf6 38.4g4 Ee6 39.443 Ef6 40.a4 Be6 41.c3 a l t 11.<52e3 $Ja5=] 10.5Jf1 Be8 11.®g3 [11x3
[A Hb5, b4] 4 1 5 42.Sd7 Be7 43.Bd1 4 f6 I ! ? 12.5ie3 S aS 13.1c2 d5 14,ed5 ftdS 15.d4
44. fihlH— [44. S bl g5] 44...He6 45.3h7 Be7 ed4 16.£id4 ^Je3 17.1e3 4jc4+ Gendler - Mik-

RL 14

halchishin, Lvov 1981] 11...itf8 12.i,d2' 17.53hf5 l f 8 A 18...^ h 8 ) 17.53hg2oo Magnusson

[12.Ae3 d5 A 13...d4] 12...d5 [I2...d6 13.<SAf5 - Lukacs, Budapest 1990 open] 11...ef4 12.53c3
S3e7 14.533h4 53f5 15.53f5 i.c 8 16.W3 Ae6=] *17! [12...*d4 13.*h 1 53g6 14.53d5! Wb2
13.ed5 [I3.c3 We 7 14.We2 Had8 IS.Hadl 15. 53c7 * d 8 16.53a8±; 12...1e6 13.5lf5±;
53a5oo) 13...53d5 14.53e4 5316!D [14...53d4 12.. .g5 13.53f5 53g6 14.53e? 53e7 15.53a4±;
15.53d4 ed4 16.Wh5 t ; I4...53b6 15.5lfg5! hg5 12.. .5x6 13.&T5 0-0 14.53d5 l d 6 15.Wh4! A
I6.5lg5 A 17.«di5—>; 14...Wd7? 15.Ah6! gh6 16. e5S; 12...53g6 13.53d5! I d 6 (13...53h4
16.1.d5+-] 15.We2 [15.Ac3 53d4 16.53d4 ed4f] 14. 'th 4 0-0 15.53e7 We7 16.e5±) 14.53g6 hg6
15...53d4?! [15...Hb8! (A 16...5ld4) 16.c3 53a5 15x5!] 13.53d5 [13.»e2 53g6] 13...g5 14.5113!
17.£c2 53e4 18.de4 53c4=] 16.53d4 ed4 17.#<3! [14.53f5?! Af5 15.53e7 We7 16.ef5 2e8! 17,»dl
•#e2+] 14...53e6 [I4...53g6?! 15.Edl! A I6.d4®]
15. g3?![> I5.53e7 *e7! (15...We7 16.53g5!! 5)g5
17. Bf4 2g8! 53H3 19.*hl 53f4 20.1e7
53g2 2l.W f2!+-; I8.Bf6? *f6! 19.1f6 5 3 0 -+ )
16.2d 1! A 17.d4S; < 15x3? Af8! 16.d4 c6-+ ;
15.d4? cd4 16.53d4 1x5+] 15...Eg8 16.*h1
[16.gf4 53f4!] 16...C6 17.53e7 We7 18.d4?T [£
18. E dl! g4? 19.53H4 f3 20.53f5 A 21.e5± 18...b5
19. d4? cd4 20.53d4 53d4 21.1d4 c5 A
22.. .1b7+ ; 19x3! A 20.d4] 18...cd4 19.53d4 53d4
20.1. d4 lh 3 ! 21.213? [21.Sf2 Hae8! 22.gf4
Wfe4 23.'i'e4 He4 A 24...gf4+] 21...i.g4! 22.2d3
Sae8 23.h3? ]23.gf4 gf4 A 24...i.f5-+ ] 23...i.15!
[17.53f6 W 6 18.We8 2e8 19.2e8 « c 6 20,fie4
Wg6!+] 17...Bb8! [17...i,e4 18.2e4! He4 19.de4
A 20.e5±] 18.a4 [18.53f6 *ff6 19.»f6 gf6 20,Af4
E el 21.E el Hc8 A 22,..c5«^] 18...Ae4 19.de4?!
[19. Be4!? ba4!? 20.Ea4 He4 21.de4 d3
22.1x3 t ] 19...Ad6! 20.ab5 ab5 21.ii.f4 [2l.c3
l e 5 22,cd4 Ad4 23.1x3=] 21...i,e5 [21...1f4
22.WT4 c5 23.e5 53d5=] 2 2 .1 e5 E e5 23.W14
We7_[24.f3 c5 25x4! dc3 26,bc3 c4 27.1x2 RL 14.3 33025
53d7+] H-K
MikhalchishinI. Somlai,Laszlo (HU) 2340
Lengyel,Bela (HU) 2375
Budapest 1990
RL 14.2 33184
1.e4 e5 2.5313 5lc6 3.i.b5 a6 4.i,a4 5316 5.0-0
le 7 6.i,c6 dc6 7.d3 53d7 8.b3 0-0 9.Ab2 f6
Nicholson,John (GB) 2325 10.53bd2 53c5 11.d4 ed4 12.5ld4 He8 13.We2
Lukacs, Peter (HU) 2505 Af8 14.2ad1 We7 15.2fe1 W17 16.f4 5,e6N
Budapest 1990 DUTEP 17.53e6 i,e6 18.e5 «g6 [< I8...f5] 19.5313 #g4
[ 19_fi.b4!?] 20.ef6 l.d 5 [> 20...gf6 21.53d4
I. e4 e5 2.53f3 53c6 3.1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 53f6 5.0-0(21.jfe.f6 Ab3) 21...tte2 22.Be2 i.g4 23.Ee8
l e 7 6 .1 c 6 dc6 7 .« e1 53d7 8.b3 c5 9.1b 2 16 Se8 24.Ed2oo; 20...Ab3? 2!.«e8 2e8 22.Ee8
10.53h4 53f8!? [10,..g6 11.53c3 l d 6 ! ( I I ...0-0 Af7 23.Sa8+-) 21.«f2 [21.*e8? 2e8 22,2e8
12. f4 ef4 13.53d5!^) 12.53d5?! (12.53e2! 53b8 ± f3 - + ] 21...i.c5?! ]> 21...gf6] 22.#c5! [22,Ee8
13. f4±) 12...0-0 13.f4 (13.g3 53b6!) 13...C6! 14.fe52e8 23.Ad4 Af3 24.WO Wf3 25.gf3 Hd8?]
l e 5 15.Jfe.e5 (15.53c3 l d 4 16.*hl 53e5) 22.. .A13 23.Wc4 .5 d5 24.*11± gf6 25..» f6 »g6
15...53e5 16.53c3 (16.53e3 Wd4) 16...C4 17.530 26.. u e5 « c2 27.Hd3 * f 7 28.2c1 «a2 29.Hd5!
Ae6 18.«e3 Wd6! 19.bc4 53c4 20.#d4 2ad8=; cd5 30.*d3 2e5D 31.1e5?! [31.®h7+-]
> 20...#67? Blatny - Lukacs, Stara Zagora 1990] 31.. .*g8Q 32.Wd5 *h 8 33.e6 [> 33.Wb7]
II. f4!N [< 11.53f5 53e6 12.53c3 0-0 13.53e2 l d 633.. .We2 34.211 c5?T [34„.Be8 35,Wb7 #e3
14. d3 53d4=; 11.53c3 43e6 12.53d5 l d 6 13.g3 36. * h l We6 37.h3±] SS.^fS 2g8 36.W ft Hg7
53d4 14.Wdl 0-0 15x3 53c6 16.53e3 g6(16...Be8! 37. g3 1He3 38.*g2 #e4 39.2f3 h5 40.'i’f8 *h 7

41.#c5 We2 42.5 f2 » e 6 43.#h5 * g 8 44.®(3 l h 2 [I9...5)c3 20.bc3 # c 3 21.B bI B el 22.jS.f4!
1-0 I f 4 23,#f4 h6 24.1c2! B fl 25.Bt'l #c2±]
Somlai 2 0 .*h 2 #11 2 1 .ld 2 # d 3 [2 l...ld 3 22,Bcl! A
22.. .ke2? 23.ke2 # e 2 2 4 .B e l!+ - ] 22.#d3 l d 3
23.a4 [2 3 .ln i? ± ] 23...16 24.ab5 ab5 25.1g4 15
26.ii.h5 g6 27.113 l e 4 2 8 .*g 3 [28.1dl!?]
RL 14.3 33026
28.. .14! 29.114 [29.*g4 h5 30.*>g5 Se5 31.*h6
i n 32.gB Be2] 29...1I3 30.g13 ©14 3 1 .* I4
Somlai,Laszlo (HU) 2340 Be2 32.b4 Sc2 [32...Bf2 33.Ba6±] 33.Ba3
Lukacs,P e t e r (HU) 2505 * g 7 3 4 .*e 5 B12 3 5 .*d 6 B13 36.*>c6
Hungary 1990 tt (1)

1.e4 e5 2.113 4)c6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 5 16 5.0-0

l e 7 6 .1 c6 dc6 7.d3 5)d7 8.b3 0-0 9.1b2 f6
10.5) bd2 5)c5 11.d4 ed4 12.5)d4 Se8 13.#e2
I t 8 |l3 ...1 d 6 -Y B/ll] 14. Bad1 # e 7 15.Hfe1
#17 16.f4 15 17.e5 h6!?N [I7...©e6 18.5)e6 l e 6
19.5) n h6 20.5)d4 i c 5 2 1 .* h l l d 4 22.Hd4
Hed8 23.Eedl Bd4 24.3d4 'A-Vi Tolnai - Lu-
kacs, Budapest 1989 ch-HU] 18.#e3?! [A
I9.1a3; > 18 .* h l] 18...5)e6 19.5)e6 l e 6
20.©f3 [20.c4!?] 20...C5 21.*h 1 a5 22.a4 c4
23.bc4 [< 23.5)d4 cb3 24.5ib3 (24.cb3 lc 5 ; 36...B157T [36...Bh3 37.*>b5 g5=] 37.Ba7
24.5) e6 bc2) 24...1b4¥] 23...1c4 24.5)d4 lc5co [37,c4!±] 37...*h 6 38.Bc7 g5 3 9 .*b 6 * g 6
[24...1b4!?] 25.#h3 Had8 26.#g3 [26.5)f5? 40.Bc6 * h 5 41.Ec5 B13 4 2 .*b 5 Bh3 43.*a 6
H dl 27.Bdl k e 6 28.5)h6 gh6 29.#h6 #f5+ ; [43.*c6!? a n 44.b5 Bf6±] 43...BH1 44.b5 B a 1
26.#f5? # f5 27.5)f5 Hdl 28.B dl Bf8+ 29.g4?? 45. * b 7 *g 6 ! [45...*h4 46.b6 g4 47.*>c8 g3
k e 2 30.Ed7 i n X ] 26...118 27.1a3! Ib4?! 48. b7 E b l 49.b 8 # Bb8 50.*b8 g2 51.Bc7]
28.1b4 ab4 29.#h3 #d5?! [29...1e6 30.5)e6 46. b6 g4 4 7 .*c 6 g3 48.b7 g2! [48...B bl?
# e 6 31.#b3 # b 3 32.cb3±EN] 30.#h5!± #17 49. Bb5 Bb5 50.*b5 g2 51.b8# g l #
31.#17 *17 32.5)15 b3 33.cb3 i b 3 34.Bc1 Bd7 5 2 .# g 8 + - ] 49.b 8 # g 1 # = 50.#g8 * h 6 51.#18
35.a5 * g 8 [35...Ea8 36.Bc5 k e 6 37.5)e3 g6 * g 6 52.#g8 4>h6 53.#18 *>g6 54.#d6 * g 7
38.g4 A fSH— ] 36.h3!? B18 37.e6 l e 6 38.5)h6 55.#d4 # d 4 56.cd4 *1 6 5 7 .*d 7 Ba7 58.*d 6
gh6 39.3e6 BI4 40.Sh6 B15 41.a6! ba6 Ba6 '/i-M
42. Ba6 *1 8 43. Ba7!n— 3117 44.*>h2 * e 8 Khalifman/Nesis
45.h4 Bd4 46.g3 Edd7 ]46...*>d8 47,Ea8 * d 7
48.Bc7] 47.3 c4 *1 8 4 8 .*h 3 * g 7 49.h5 Bd5
50. B CC7 1-0
Somlai RL 21.2 32033

Pared Estrada,L (CU)

RL 17.4 33004
Arias,M (CU) __
Cuba 1989
Dolmatov,Sergei (SU) 2620
Khalifman,Aleksandr (SU) 2560 1.e4 e5 2.5)13 5)c6 3 .1 b 5 a6 4 .1 a 4 5)16 5.0-0
Moskva 1990 GMA open (7) l e 7 6.Be1 bS 7 .1 b 3 0-0 8 x 3 d6 9.h3 l e 6
10.d4 l b 3 11.ab3 Be8 12.d5 5)b8 13x4 c6
1.e4 e5 2.5)13 5)c6 3.1b5 a6 4 .1 a 4 5)16 5.0-0 14.lg 5 !N ± [14.#d3!7; RR 14.dc6 5)c6 I5.1g5
k e 7 6. Ee1 b5 7.1b3 0-0 8.c3 d5 9.ed5 5)d5 bc4 I6.bc4 5)d7 17.1e3 # b 8 18.Be2 Bc8
10.5)e5 5)e5 11.Be5 c6 12.Be1 l d 6 13.d3 115 19.5)c3 5)b4 20.b3 Bc7 21.5)el Sb7oo Dolma­
1 4.#I3 Ee8 15.Be8 # e 8 16.5)d2!?N [16.1d2 tov - Nikolic, Hastings 1989/90] 14...S)d5?l
5)f4 17.5)a3 # e 2 18.1f4 # n l f 4 20.d4 15.ed5 lg 5 16.dc6± 5)c6Q [16...1e7?
Be8 21.1c2 lg 6 !S ] 16...#e1 17.5)11 l g 6 17.cb5+—; 16...bc4 1 7 x7+ -] 17.cb5 5)b4
18.h3 [18.I d 5 cd5 19.#d5 Bd8 20.1g5! # a l [I7...ab5?? l8 .B a 8 + -; I7...5)d4 18.5)d4 ed4
21.1d8 l h 2 22.*h2 # f l ± ] 18...Be8 1 9 .ld 1 19.Be8 # e 8 20.ba6±] 18.Ba4!± a5 19.5)g5 # g 5

RL 26

20.#d6 2ed8 21.Wc7 Bac8 [21...Sdc8 22.Ba5; 27.2e8 « e 8 28.4d5 h5 [S 28...4f4 29.4c6
21...4d3 22.H fl 4 b 2 23.Ba5±] 2 2 .# a 5 + - 4d 3 # c 6 30.#b3 4d6+ ; < 30...4e2 3 1 .* fl 4c3
23.Sg4! # h 6 [23...#g4 24.hg4 4 e 1 2 5.«el] 32.4)65 # c 7 33.4f7 t n 34.#c3 b4] 29.4e3
24.311 4 f4 [24...f5 25.£c4] 25.4c3 f5 26.2g3 ■ f4 30.4x6 Wc6 31.4g3= 4 e 6 32.5 d5 « c 4
Hd2 7-0 33.#d2 # b 3 3 4 .*h 2 #b1 [34...4c5 35.h4]
Pared Estrada 35.»e1 # e 1 36.4e1 4 d 6 37.4g3 4 c 5 38.4e1
*18 39.g4 hg4 40.fg4 * e 8 41. _ g2 * d 7 42.4g3
* c 6 43.4b4 4 b 4 'A-'A
RL 26.2 33208

Timman,Jan (NL) 2680

Karpov,Anatoli (SU) RL 26.9 33209
Kuala Lumpur 1990 m (7)
Timman,Jan (NL) 2680
1.e4 eS 2.413 4 c 6 3 .4b 5 a6 4 .4 a4 416 5.0-0 Karpov,Anatoli (SU) 2730
4 e 7 6.Be1 b5 7 .4b 3 d6 8 x 3 0-0 9.h3 4 b 7 Kuala Lumpur 1990 m (9)
10.d4 S e 8 11. 'lb d 2 418 12.a4 # d 7 13.ab5 ab5
14.Ba8 4 a 8 [RR 14...Ea8 15.4g5! 4 d 8 1.e4 e5 2.413 4 c 6 3,4b5 a6 4.4a4 416 5.0-0
16.4df3 c5 (16...h6 17.©f7! 417 18.de5! de5 4 e 7 6.Be1 b5 7.4b3 d6 8x3 0-0 9.h3 4b7
19.4)e5+-; 16...4e6 17.4e6 fe6 18.4g5 Ee8 10.d4 Be8 11.4bd2 4.18 12.a4 h6 13.4c2 ed4
19,de5; 16...ed4 17,e5 6 d 5 18.'H'd4 de5 19.4e5) 14.cd4 4 b 4 15.4b1 c5 16.d5 4 d 7 17.Ha3 15
17.de5 de5 18.»d7 4 d 7 19.4f7! c4 (19...4f7 18.Sae3 [18x5 g6 19x6—» Raaste - Rantanen,
20.4g5? c4; 20.4e6!! A 21.4d7, 21.4g5) Helsinki 1990; > 18...4e5] 18...14 19.B3e2
20.4d8 Bd8 21. .4x2-1— Ivanchuk - Portisch, [19. Ba3 De Firmian - A.Ivanov, Chicago 1988]
Linares 1990] 15.d5 4 e 7 [15...4a5; 15...4d8] 19.. .4 e 5 20.5 11 5,f3 21.gt3 « M 22.4H2 Be5
16.411 h6 17.4g3N [1 7 .4 lh 2 c6 18.4g4] [A 23...Eg5; > 22...4c8 23x5] 23.#d2D #h 3
17...C6 18.dc6 4 c 6 19.4h2 d5 20.4h5 4 e 4 [> 23...Bg5 24.4g4 (24.*hl # h 3 25.Bgl Bgl
[20...4h5 21.#h5 g6 22.«g4!; 22.#f3 f5] 26. * g l 4e7) 24...h5 25.*f4 4 e 7 26.*g3 »g3
2 1 .4 g4 #1 5 # 27. fg3 hg4 28.4g5 4g5 29.f4!? (29,hg4 4f6!)
29.. .4 f6 30x5 4e7+; 26.#h2 hg4 27.fg4 Bg6
28x5 Bh6 29.4h6 #h6+ ] 24.W14 ba4 25.®g4
Wg4 26.4g4 Bee8 27.14 a5 28.13 4 a 6 29.Bg2
*1 7 30.2d1 [A 31x5] 30...4c4 31.4e3 4,b3
32.3e1 c4 33.e5 de5 [33...4d3 34x6] 34.4g6
* g 8 35.4g4 [35.4)f5] 35...4d3? [> 35...Bed8
36.fe5 4 d 5 (36...4c5) 37.4e4 4 c 5 38.*h2oo
* f8 39.4h6 gh6 40.4h6oo/=] 3 6 .4 h 6 + - gh6
37.4d3 * h 8 38.4g6 Bed8 39.4d2? [39.fe5
Bd5 40x6 4 b 4 41.4e4 Be5 42.4h6 Bg8
43.Eg8 *g8 44.4h7 * h 7 45.Ee5 * h 6 46x7
4 e 7 47.Be7 c3 48.bc3 a3 49.B el+ -E N ;
22.f3? [22.Se4! de4 23.4g3 # c 8 24.4e5 * h 7 40.. . Ea7 41.4f7 4 c 5 42.4e3 4 e 3 43.Be3 Be7
25.4f7 # d 7 26.#h5 Ba8 27.4x6 g6 28.#g4 Krogius 44.f4+- A 45,Bh3, 45.Eeg3] 39...A,b4
# d 3 2 9 .* h 2 !+ - S a l 30.#f4 # d l 31,4g5; 40.4c3 [40.4b4 ab4 41.fe5 Bd5 42x6 a3 43.ba3
25.. .4g8 26.-A.h6!! (26.«h5 4f6 ) 26...gh6 ba3 44x7 4 a 4 4 5 x 8 # 4 e 8 46.4e8; 46.Se8?
27.Wh5 4 g 7 28.4f5 Wd7 29.4g5 * h 8 30.4h4! Ee8 47.4e8 Bg5!-+] 40...4c3 41.bc3 a3 42.1e5
4 e 7 31.4g6 4g6 32.#g6 hg5 33.#h5 4 h 6 Bd5 43.e6 [> 43.f4] 43...Bd1 44.Bd1 4d1
34.#h6 # h 7 35.#f6 # g 7 36.#c6; 26..,4h6 45.67 4 a 4 46.417 [46.Ea2 Eg8; i 46.f4 4 e 8
27.4g5 * g 6 28.#h5 * f6 29.4h7! * e 7 30.#c5 47.f5 4g6 48.fg6 *g7 49.3e2 Ee8 50.Be5 a4
* d 7 31.4f8 Ef8 32.#d4 * e 8 33.#e5 A 51.Ba5 Se7 52.Sa4 Be3 53.Ba3 *g6 54.*f2
34,Wg7] 22...4c3 [22...#h5 23.fe4±] 23.bc3 Bd3+] 46...Bb8 47.Be2 Bb1 48.*12 Bb2
# h 5 24.Be5 [24.4e5 4 b 7 2 5 .4 d 7 !+ -; > 49.4c4 * g 7 50 .*e 1 Ee2 5 1 .*e 2 h5! 52.4b3
24.. . 3c8+] 24...#h4 25.4.63 4 g 6 26.412 4 d 7 5 3 .*e 3 *1 6 54.*14 4 c 6 55x4 * e 7 56x5
[26,He8 4x8 27.4d5 h5 28.4f2 4f4+ ] 26...#d8 4e8 Timman 0-1

IG 1.1 33072 2 2 .*c 5 Ab3! 23.C4?! [23.«d2 Wc2 24.®c2
Ac2+] 23...A c4!-+ 2 4 . * c4 « c2 2 5 .£ c3 bc3
Nolan,J (IE) 26.bc3 « a 4 2 7 .*d 3 £ d 5 28.'§'g5 £ e 7 0-1
Van der Tak
Harding,Timothy (IE) 2270
ch-IE 1989 cr

I . e4 e5 2. £13 £ c6 3.Ac4 £ f6 4.d3 dS!? 5.ed5

£ d 5 6.0-0 Ac5!? [6...Ag4?! 7 .3 e l f6? 8.£e5 1-0
KP 1.10 32613
Armas - Hartung, Dortmund 1988; 7...Ae7 8.h3
Ah5 9.g4 Ag6 10.£e5± Leonhardt - Marshall, Calandri,F (IT) —
Barmen 1905; 8...Af3 9,'B'O £ d 4 I0.#g4! 0-0 Pantaleoni,L (IT) 2165
I I . BeS £ f6 12.®dl± Larsen - Berger, Amster­ 1990 cr
dam 1964 izt; 6...Ae7 7 .2 e l £ b 6 8.Ab3 Ag4
9.h3 Ah5 10.g4 Ag6 1l.£ e 5 ± Dolmatov - Chek­ 1.e4 e5 2.£13 £ c 6 3.Ac4 £16 4.£g5 d5 5.ed5
hov, Vilnius 1980/81 ch-SU; 7.£bd2 Ag4 8.c3 £ a 5 [5...b5!? -YB/7] 6.Ab5 c6 7.dc6 bc6 8.Ae2
0-0 9.h3 Ah5 10.£e4 £ b 6 ll.A b 3 &h8 12.3el h6 9.4:13 e4 10.£e5 Ad6 11.14 0-0 12.£c3 Wc7
f5 13.£g3 Af3 14.®f3= Bjomsson - B.Hjartar- 13.0-0 A15 14.d4 [14.*el!?N £ d 5 (14...Ae5
son, Reykjavik 1988] 7.3e1 [7.£g5!? 0-0 8.£c3 15.fe5 We5 16.b3 £ g 4 17.*g3 Wg3 18.hg3)
£ f6 9.£ce4 £ e 4 10.£e4 Ae7 ll.W h5 » d 7 15. d3 ed3 16.£d3? (> l6.Ad3) 16,..3fe8
12.f4 £ a 5 13.f5 £ c 4 14.f6 Af6 15.<£)f6 gf6 17.&hl £ c 3 18.bc3 £c4?! 19.£e5 £ e 5 20.fe5
16.Ah6 Wd4 17.&hl # g 4 1 8 . ^ 4 Ag4 19.dc4 2e5 21.Af4 Ba5 22.Ad6 « d 6 23.#f2 Ae6
Bfe8 20.2f6 Bad8= Inkiov - Toth, Roma 1984] 24.c4 3f5 25.«h4 3 f l 2 6 .3 fl # 3 3 27.«e4 Wa2
7...0-0 8 .£ e5 [8,h3 £ b 6 ; 8.£c3 £ b 6 9.Ab5 f6; 28.Ad3 g6 29.#c6 3 b 8 30.Ag6 3 b l 31.Ad3
9.Ab3 h6= Estrin/ Glazkov] 8...'i'h4 9.WI3 Wc??? 3 2 .3 b l 1-0 Pantaleoni - Borgognoni, 1989
[9.H fl? £ e 5 10.Ad5 Ag4 1 l.Wd2 Had8 12.£c3 cr; 15,©d5 cd5 16.d3 ed3 17.Ad3; 16...Ae5
Hd5! 13.£d5 £f3! 14.gf3 Ad6 15.h3 Ah2! 0-1 17.fe5 ed3 18.Ad3 Ad3 19.cd3 Bae8 20.#g3
Tagansky - Glazkov, Moskva 1975] 9...£16 # # e 5 21.Af4 m 2 22,Ad6 # b 6 2 3 ,* h l Be3
24,Wf4 g5 25.Wf2 H d3^] 14...ed3 1S.Ad3 Ad3
16. Wd3 A e 5 17.fe5 We5 18.315 0 c 7 [18...0el?
19 .* fl (19. H f 1 #e5oc) 19...*fl 2 0 .* fl+ ]
19.«g3 « g 3 20.hg3 ®c4 21.3c5 [21.Ah6 ®b2]
21.. .®d6 22.5c6 [22.Af4 ftf5 23.3c6 €jg4oo]
22.. .<ai5 23.A14 ftg 4 [23...£>h5!?; 23...ad4
24.2 d 6 4jc 2 25.B el] 24.3c5 g6 25.3e1 2fe8

10.£c6 [10.g3 £ e 5 11.3e5 t d 4 12.We3 # e 3 KP 2.3 33024

13.Ae3 Ad6 14.Sa5 b6+; 12.S e t Ag4! 13.*f4
Hae8 14.H fl #14 15.ja.f4 Ah3 16.Hdl £g4+; S ab an i (YU)
14.3e8 Se8 l S .tW Bel 16.&g2 Ad4 17.£c3 Dautov,Rustem (SU) 2560
Ad7 A 18...Ac6+ Glazkov) 10...?g4 11.d4! Kusadasi 1990 open (8)
[Il.£ e 7 ? <£>h8-+^ Estrin/ Glazkov] 11...®h2
12.&11 Ad6! [12...bc6? 13.Af4 Whl I4.&e2 I . e4 e5 2.©f3 ©c6 3.d4 ed4 4.Ac4 ®16 5.e5 d5
Be8 15.Ae3n—] 13.£e7 [13.AH?! <4>h8+; 6.Ab5 £ e 4 7.®d4 Ac5 8.Ae3! Ad4?! [>
I3.#f7?! a n l4.Be8 Af8 15.£e7 * h 8 16.Af7 8...Ad7 9.Ac6 bc6 10.ad2 Wh4 -YB/10] 9 . ^ 4
g5!+ Harding] 13...Ae7 14.3e7 0h1 15.&e2 0-0 10.Ac6 bc6 11.4Jc3!N [11.0? -YB/3]
£16 16.&d2 [I6 .0 f4 Ag4 17.*d3 b5 18.Ab3 II. ..<Sg5 12.0-0-0 «Je6 13.Wa4! Ad7 1 4 .*a 5 ±
W loo] 16...iLg4 17.W14 * d 1 18.&C3 b5 ®h4?! [I4,..f6 15.ef6 » f6 I6.<ae4! « g 6 17,®c5
19.jfi.b3?! [19.*d2!? bc4 20.Wdl A di 5Jc5 18.A c5 BH I9.g3 Ag4 20.3d2± a 7 < ,
21.*d2oo/Sfi Harding] 19...a5 20.13? [20,'»rd2!? c 7 < ; I5...3f6 16.3hel± /± ] 1514 [15.g3!? « e 4
a4 21,'B'dl A di 22.AH 317 2 3 .3 0 & n 16. b3 Wg4 17.f4±] 15..15 16.e16?! [> 16.g3 We7
24.4>d2®> Harding] 20,..b4 21.&C4 Ae6 17. ®a4 3fb8 18.Ac5 W fl 19.#c3 3 b 5 20.b3±]

KP 8

16.. .«16 17.g3 [17.©e4? de4 18.2d7 ©f4+ A de4 5.©e5 #g5 6.d4 #g2 7 .B fl ld 6 8.#h5 g6
19.. .©d5; n . S h f l ? d4 18.©e4 % 6 + ] 1 7 ...le 8 9.#h4 l e 5 10.de5 ld 7 l l . l f 4 g5 I2..ig5 ©e5
[17...d4? 18.©e4 # g 6 19.©c5 ©c5 20.Wc5 de3 13. Ji.d7 * d 7 14.©d2 #13 15.©f3 © B 16.*e2
21.Bd7±, e3< ] 1 8 .lc 5 ©c5 19,#c5 Ag6? ©h.4 17.Bael * e 6 18.1h4!Z! Velimirovic -
[19...1h5! 20. B del # d 6 21.#d4 E fe8^] Boudhiba, Luzern 1989] 4...f6 [4...v .16!? -YB/5]
20.Bhe1 « d 6 21.W d4 [2 l.# d 6 cd 6 22.Be7 Bf7 5 ,lb 5 © e7 6.ed5 # d 5 7.d4 e4 [7...1g4 -YB/2]
23. B del *f8=; 21.©a4 Bae8 A 22...1h5 « e ] 8x4 #d7!? 9.©td2 [9.d5 ef3 10.dc6 bc6 11.I a 6
21.. .a5 [21...Sae8? 22.Be8 Be8 23.Wa7 Ah5 l a 6 12.#a6 fg2+; 10.gf3 # h 3 ll.dc6 b6 12.#dl
24. Bd2 B el 25.©dl A 2 6 .# f2 ^ < ] 22.a3?! ©g6oo Zagorovsky; 9.©gl a6 10.d5?! (10.©e2!
[22.Se5! Bae8 (22...Bfe8 23.Bdel Ee5 24.Be5 Ib8= ) 10...abS! I l.« a 8 ©b4 12.©a3 «g4
# b 4 2 5 .S d 5 !+ -) 23.B del Be5 24.Be5 # b 4 13.1d2 ©d3 14.*fl ©f2! 15.*12 ©d5! 16.#a7
25. # b 4 ab4 26.©a4 Ba8 27.b3 * f8 28.*b2 Ba5 (16.cd5 k c 5 17.*el 0-0—) 16...b6! 17,b4?! ©b4
29.c3 be3 30.©c3 Ba8 31.©e2±EN] 22...Bae8 18 .* fl ©d3 19.©h3 # f5 20.*e2 # h 5 2 1.*fl
l h 3 22.«a8 *17 23.#e4 M S 24.#d5 *g6
25.#a8 7 ,c5!—h— Soderberg - Svensson, 1985
cr] 9...#d4 [9...a6!? 10.d5 ab5 l l.# a 8 ©b4
12.©a3 ©d3 13.*fl # f5 14.0 ef3 15.©B
©e5oo Zagorovsky] 10.©b3 [10.©c3?! e3+;
10.0-0 l d 7 + Zagorovsky] 10...#d7!?N [10„.Wd6
l l . l e 3 l d 7 12,©c3± Von Popiel - Burn, Koln
1898] 11.©c3 # g 4 12.0-0 a6! 13.©d5 ab5D
14, #a8 ©d5 1S.cd8 © e5S > 16.©d2 ©13
17.*h1 ©h4 [17...1d6? 18.©e4±] 18.Bg1
[18.g3?! ®f3—»] 18...Ab4! 19.a3 [19.7ie4? 0-0!
23. Be5? [2 3 .* b l Bb8! 2 4 .* c l Bbe8; 23.h3 20. <ag3 ag 2!-+ ; 20.®c3 €30!—4-; 20.ftd2 «e2
Ah5 24.Be8 Be8 25.g4 l f 7 26.#d2 Bd8 21. ®b3 A h 3 -+ Morjan] 19.,.J,d2 20.Ad2 0-0
27. ©e2 c5 28.#a5 d4®; 23.<S?d2! Bb8 21.#a5 7:.f3! 22.gf3 # f3 23.Bg2 Ah3 24.Bg1
(23_fi.h5? 24.Be8 Be8 25.Bel Bd8 26.©a4±) Ag2 25.Bg2 e3! 26.Ae1 [26.Ae3 # d l 27.Bgl
24. ©a4 l h 5 25.B bl± A Se5, A b4, ©c5] #13=] 26...ef2 2 7 .if2 Ee8 28.#b5 Be5
23.. . Be5 24.fe5 # e 6 [> 24...#e7!+, e5<] 25.b3! 29.Ag1 [29.#b7 Bel! Bgl! 31.*gl
Bf3! 2 6 .*b 2 #15 27.Bd2 # g 5 [A 28...#e3] # d l 32.4fef2 #d2= Morjan] 29...#d5! 30.#d5
28. Be2 Bf1 29.«d2 [29.Be3 # f5 30.Be2 l h 5 Sd5 31.Be2 *f7=/±EN 32. Ag2 g5 33.*f3 15
31. Bd2 B el? 32.©d5!; 31...h6 A 32...B el?] 34. S c2 c6 35. Ae2 i e6 36.ScS h5 37. B d5 id 5
29.. .# d 2 30. Ed2 *1 7 31.Be2 i31.'- a4!V * e 6 38.®d3 14 39.b4 g4 40.1.12 b5 41.1H4 i-eS
32. ©c5 * e 5 33.©b7 a4 34.ba4 * e 4 35.Be2! 42.I d 8 *15 43.1h4 * e 5 44.!e1 * d 5 45.112
* d 4 36.a5 c5co] 31...lh 5! 32.e6 * e 7 33.Be5 * e 5 46.1b6 h4 47 _e2 * e 4 48.-.12 h3
A g6 34.b4? [34.Be2 (A ©a4-c5) 34...1h5 49. i c 7 Vi-Vi
35. Be5=] 34...ab4 35.ab4 B(6 [35...Bf2?! Van der Tak
36. ©e2 Bh2 37.Be3! A 38.© d4t ] 36.©e2 * d 6
37. E #3 2 e 6 + 38.Be6 * e 6 39.c4?T [> 39. ©d4
* d 6 40.©b3 * e 5 4 l.* c 3 * e 4 42.©d4 1x8
43.©e6 *e3!+EN] 39.,.dc4-+ 4 0 .*c 3 Ad3 KP 8.6 33062
41.©14 * e 5 42.©h5 g5 43.h3 Ag6 44.g4 Ah5
45.gh5 *1 4 4 6 .*c 4 * g 3 4 7 .*d 4 * h 3 0-1 Charushin,Viktor (SU) 2525
Granberg,Niels (DK) 2495
1989 cr

1.e4 e5 2.©13 d6 3.d4 ed4?! 4.©d4 ©16 5.©c3

KP 5.1 32603 L e i 6.114 [6.1e2 0-0 7.0-0 Be8 8.f4 l f 8 9.1f3
©a6 10.B el c6 11.g4!? ©d7 (ll...d5!7) 12.g5
Ahrens (DE) # c 7 13.1e3± Abramovic - Franic, Bela Crkva
Morjan (DE) 1987; 8.Bel ! f 8 9 .1 fl h6 10.1f4 ©bd7 ll.h3±
BdF-40 1989 cr Ioseliani - Chiburdanidze, Telavi 1988 m-14;
6.1c4 0-0 7.1b3 ©a6 8.0-0 ©c5 9.Bel ©b3
1.e4 e5 2.©13 ©c6 3 x3 d5 4 .# a 4 [RR 4.1b5 10.ab3 Be8 1 1 .* 0 l d 7 12.h3 h6 13.1f4±

J.C.Diaz - Kholmov, Frunze 1989] 6...0-0 7 .» d 2
c6 [7...d5 8.ed5 £ d 5 9.£d5 Wd5 10.£b5 * e 4
11. Ae2! £ a 6 12.0-0 Ed8 13.Ad3± Kirillov -
Darzniek. Riga 1972; 7...£c6 8.0-0-0 £ d 4 9.« d 4
Ae6 10.0 a6 11.g4 Be8 12.h4 b5 13.g5 c5
14.We3 £ h 5 15.Ah2 « a 5 16.4bl c4 17.£d5±
Tal - Kholmov, Riga 1968; 11 ...b5 12.h4 c5
13.«d2 b4 14.£d5 Ad5 15.ed5 £ d 7 16.g5 £ b 6
17.h5± T.Sorensen - Granberg, 1982 cr; 7...a6
8.0-0-0b5 9 .0 b4 10.£d5 £ d 5 Il.ed5a5 12.Ac4
Ab7 13.£f5 £ d 7 14.£e7 « e 7 15.fihel± Khol­
mov - Antoshin, Havana 1968; 8...d5 9.£d5 £ d 5
10.ed5 ®d5 1l.<£ib3 ®c6 12.Ad3 Ae6 13.«e3±
Liberzon - Antoshin, Soviet Union 1971; 9.ed5
£ d 5 10.£f5 £ f4 ll.W e3 Ag5 12.Hd8 Hd8 VG 2.4 33115
13.We4 £ e 2 14.4bl £ c 3 15.bc3 E d l 16.4b2
A cl 17.4b3 Ae6 18.Ac4 £ d 7 19.«e6 £c5 Gdanski,Jacek (PL) 2430
20.4b4 £ e 6 2 1 .E d l± Gipslis - Antoshin, Mosk­ Sarwinski,Miroslaw (PL) 2375
va 1972 blitz; l l.£ e 7 We7 12.Wf4 Ae6 13.g3
Bielsko-Biala 1990 (10)
£ c6 14.Ag2 Had8 15.Ac6 bc6 16.Hd8 Ed8±/=
1.Zaitsev - Antoshin, Soviet Union 1969; 13.Ad3
I. e4 e5 2 .£ c3 £ (6 3.Ac4 £ c 6 [3...£e4 4.« h 5
£ d 7 14.Bhel± Marjanovic - Kalashian, Kirova-
£ d 6 5.Ab3 Ae7 6 . £ 0 ®c6 7.£e5 £ e 5
kan 1978; 9.e5!? £ h 5 10.Ae3± Estrin] 8.0-0-0
0-0 9.0-0 Af6 I0.#f4± Be8 ll.d 4 b6 I2 .£ d 5
[8.Ae2 d5 9.ed5 £ d 5 10.£d5 >8315 11.A ft ®c4
Aa6 13.E d l Be6l? 14.Ae3 Ab7 Gdanski - Zie­
12. c3 Af6 13.Ae2 'B'd5= From - Granberg, 1984
linski, Bielsko-Biala 1990 (2) l5.c3±/±] 4.d3 £ a 5
cr; 12.b3 Wa6 13x4 « b 6 14.0-0± V.Jensen -
5.£ge2 d6 ]5...Ac5; 5...Ae7 6.0-0 c6 7.f4 d6
Granberg, 1984 cr] 8...b5 9.f3 b4 10.£ce2
8 .4 h l 0-0 9.£g3 ef4 10.Af4 d5 ll.A b 3 de4
]10.£bl 0 b 6 Il.g 4 d 5 12.e5 £ e 8 13.£f5 Ac5? 12.£ce4 £ d 5 (> 12...£b3 I3.ab3 £ e 4 14.£e4
( i 13...Af5 14.gf5 4h8oo) 14.Hel a5 15.h4
Ae6=) 13.jS.d5 cd5 I4.£c3± Gdanski - Stempin,
£a6?! 16.h5 £ac7 17.Ag5 f6 18.ef6 £ f6
Warszawa 1990 (11)] 6.0-0 Ae7 7 .£ g 3 0-0 8.h3
1 9 .£ g 7 + -—» A.Poulsen - I.Jensen, 1984 cr; 13.h4
[8.f4 ef4 9.Af4 c6 10.Ab3 £ b 3 ll.ab3 Ag4
£ c 7 14.£f5 Ac5? 15.Ad3 £ d 7 16.Ah6!+— >
12.«d2 £h51? 13.h3 £g3 14,Ag3 Ae6 15.d4
Hyldkrog -1.Jensen, 1984 cr] 10...£h5?! ]10...a5l?
d5= Gdanski - Dejkalo, Warszawa 1990 ch-PL]
Charushin] 11.h4N [ll.g4 £ f4 12.£f4c5 13.£f5
8...C6 9.a3!? [9.Ab3] 9...£c4 10.dc4 Ae6
Af5 !4.ef5 £ c 6 15.£d5± B.Christensen - Gran­
I I . # e 2 [ll.b 3 d5=] 11...Se8 12.Hd1 Wc7 13.b3
berg, 1984 cr] 11...C5 12.£b5!? Ad7 [12...£f4
Bad8 14.Ab2 A(8 [A 15...d5] 1 5 .*(3 Ed7
13. £f4±] 13.£d6 Wa5 14.*d5! £>14 15.£(4
Ac6 16.«'c4 £ d 7 17.£(5 Ad8 18.£d5 Ad5 16.Ed2 WdS!- [A g6, h5. Ah6] 17.Sad1 g6
1 9 .* d 5 ^ < A (6 20.«b3! [<, 20.#d7? Bad8 18.a4 h5 [l8...A h6 19.Bd3 A 20.Aa3±] 19.Aa3
21. £ e 7 4 h 8 22.£c6 # a 2 23.£d8 « b 2 24.4d2 £h 7 20.£(1 b6 ]20...£g5] 21.«e2 ®g5 22.Ed3!
S d 8 - + Charushin] 20...'i'c7 21.Ab5 £ b 6 Bed8 23.Ac1 Wh4 24.Eg3 Ag7 25.£d5 [A b4-
22. E d6 a6 23.7 c4 S ad8 24.£h6! gh6 [24...4h8 b5; 25.b4 d5 26,cd5 cd5 27.ed5 Ad5 28.£d5
25.Ed8 Ad8 26.£f7 Ef7 27.Af7 c4 28.Ac4 « c 4 Sd5 29.Ed5 Bd5 30.£e3 Bd7 3l.c4<x!; 31.£f5?
29. E d l Af6 30.e5 *14 3 1 .4 b l We5 32.»b4 gf5 32.Ah6 f6] 25...(5?! [S 25...Eb7 26.£c3
« b 8 3 3 . ^ 6 ! + - Charushin] 25.Ef6 a5 26.Ab5 Ebd7-] 26.Eg6D A (79T [26...cd5 27.Be6 de4
Ag7 27.Ef5 Ed4 28.We3 a4 29.C3! Efd8 28.£g3±; 27...#e4 28.#h5 £ f8 29.£g3 ®c2
30. 7 h5 B8d6 31.4b1 £ c 4 [3 l...B d l 32,Edl 30.cd5 « b 3 3l.A g5 £ e 6 (3l...B c8 32.Be7)
E d l 33.4x2 Wd6 34.'&h6!+- Charushin] 32.de6 « e 6 33.Ad8 Bd8 34.£f5±; 27...£f8
32.Ac4 E c4 33.Hc1 Wb6 34.cb4 Wb4 35.Bc5! 28,ef5 dc4 29.£g3 cb3 30.cb3 A 31.£e4 1]
Bd2 36.tod2 Wd2 37,B5c4±EN # 27. Eg7 4 g 7 28.£g3! t + - Ag6D 29.e(5 cd5
37...#g2 38.Ba4 « ( 3 39.e5 W15 40.4a1 h5 [29...A H 30.f6 A 31.£f5] 30.(g6 4 g 6 31.#d3
41.E e l 418 42.a3 4 e 7 43.Ed4 « ( 2 44.E ee4 e4 32.'B,d5 E(7 33.Ab2 Be8T [33...£f6]
# g 1 45 .4 a2 ®g8 46.Bd5 4 e 6 47.E c5 # 8 8 34.#d6 £16 35.Be1 ®g5 [> 35...4h7] 36.Ee4
48 .S ec4 4 (5 49.a4 4 e 6 50.a5 4 (5 51.fid4 Ee(8 37.Be5 *1 4 3 8 .*d 3 4 h 6 39.B (5 Wh4
Wa7 52.b4 Wb7 53. E cd5 1-0 40.A 16 B16 41.Bh5 « h 5 42.£h5 4 h 5 43.(37-0
Van der Tak Gdanski

VO 7

KG 3.4 33010 2 5 .* h 3 + -[ 22...#b5 23.Hd2 £ a 6 ± 24.He1 d6

25. #g5!7 #c67! [25...#g5 26.1.g5 £c5±]
Kalikshtein,A (SU) 26. h4!± Se8 [26...Saf8 27.h5 Hf5 28.#g4±]
Egin.Vladimir (SU) 2330 27. #d5! # d 7 28.2de2 2 e2 29.Ee2 £b4
Soviet Union 1990 30. #e4! [30.#c4 £ c 6 A 31.h5 d5±] 30...a5
31. a3 £ c 6 32.h5 He7 [32...d5 33.«e8! *>h7
I . e4 eS 2.f4 ef4 3..ic4 £16 4 .£ c3 c6 5.d4 Ab4!? (33...#e8 34.2e8 * h 7 3 5 .2 c 8 + -) 34,#d7 Sd7
6.#137! [ i 6.e5 I.Glazkov] 6...d5 7.ed5 0-0 35.g4±[ 33.#d5 *1 8 34.Sd2! He6D 35.2c2
8 .£ e 2 cd5 9.Ad3 Ag4 10-#14 Ae2 11.Ae2? [k £e5?T [35...£d8 36.g4±] 3 6 .H c 7 + - # c 7
I I . *e2+ ] 11... 2e8 1 2 .le 3 # e 7 13.&12 37.#e6 £17 38.g4 # c 2 3 9 .*g 3 # b 2 40.g5?T
[ 13,‘4 ’d2 £ e 4 14.*>d3 Ac3 I5.bc3 # a 3 —t-] [40.Ad6 £ d 6 41.#d6 *g8 42.g5+- ] 40...#d4!
13...£c6?! [13...A.C3! 14,bc3 £ e 4 15.*gl
(1 5.*07? g5 16.«e5 * d 7 —(-; 1 6 .# « £ d 2 —t-;
16.#g4 f5—h) 15...£c3 16.*>f2D £ e 2 17.*e2
£ c 6 - + ] 14.h4?T [14.h3 Jkc3 15.be3 £ e 4 16.*>gl
(16.*f3 g 5 -+ ) 16...£c3 17.*f2 1-; 14.Hhel
-fi,d6 15.#f3D £g4 16.#g4 # e 3 17.*>fl A h2—
14.2ael A,d6 15.#f3D £ g 4 16.#g4 # e 3 17,*fl
£ d 4 — (17...£b4!7) 18.£d5 # e 5 19.c4 (19.£c3
<S3c2—h ) 19...£c2—K 14.£dl!?+] 14....4,d6
15.#13D £ g 4 16.#g4 # e 3 17.*>11 £d 4 18.2h3
£ c 2 19.2d1 Ac5! 0-1
Kaiumov 41.J,e3! [41.g6? # g l 42.*h4 # h l 43.*g4 #g2
4 4 .ig 3 £h6 45.*h4 #hl 46.*g5 # c l= ]
41.. .# c 3 [41...#e5 42.#e5 £ e 5 43.a4! (43A b6
£ c 4 44.Jk.c7 a4!) 43...£d7 (43...£c4 44.A d4+-,
c4<) 44.*g4 £ c 5 45.*f5! (45.Ac5? bc5 46.4>f5
c4 47.*>e4 d5=) 45...£a4 46.Ad4 £ c 5 47.h6 gh6
48.gh6 *g8 49.*>g6+-[ 42.#e4!! [42. Ab6? #13!
VO 3.1 33189
43. * D £g5=; 42.g6? # e l = A 43.*f4? # h 4
44.# g 4 # h 2 45.#g3 #h5! 46.gf7 #e5+]
Shirov,Aleksei (SU) 2500 42.. .#e1 4 3 .*g 4 £ e 5 44.*15 # h 1 [44...#fl
Prie,Eric (FR) 2435 45. *e6! # c 4 (45...#f3 46.#f3 £ f3 47.a4!+-;
Torcy 1990 open (3) 45.. .« h 3 46.*d6 £ f7 4 7 .* c 7 + -) 46.#c4 £ c 4
47. J.d4 £ a 3 48.f4! £ c 2 49.Ab2! a4 50.f5 a3
I. d4 e6 2.C4 b6 3.e4 A b7 4,Ad3 #h4!7 5.d5!
51. Ac3 b5 52.h6n— ] 45-#a8! * e 7 46.#b7 £d 7
[5.£f37! #g4!; 5.£c3 Ab4; 5.g3 #f6![ 5...&b4 4 7 .* g 6 + - # h 3 48.Ad4! d5 49 .*g 7 #13
6.*11!7 [6.£d2!7] 6...Ac5! 7.g3! [7.*e2 # e 7 50.. U.16 * d 6 51.h6 # e 3 52.h7 £16 53.g16 # g 5
8.£f3 a 5=] 7...#e7 8 .£ I3 £>16 9 .*g 2 0-0 10.e5!7 54.*17 # h 5 5 5 .* g8 1-0
[10.£c3 £g47! l l . E f l f5 I2.ef5 ed5 13.£d5 Shirov
Ad5 14.cd5 # f7 15.b4! Ab4 16.«b3 Ad6
17.Ab2+, b 8 < , a8< ; 10...d6 11.S e l a5±]
10...£g4 11.AH7! * h 7 [ll...* h 8 12.£h4! £ h 6
13.Ah6 gh6 14,Ae4 ed5 15.Ad5±] 12.£g5 * g 8 VO 7.5 33128
13.#g4 161 14.ef6 #16 [14...If6 15.Af4!
(15.£e47! ed5! I6 .£ f6 # f6+ ) 15...ed5 16.£c3
dc4 (16...d4 17.£d5±) 17.f3oo] 15-£e4 #17!? Bucker,Stefan (DE) 2345
[15...#e5 16.£bc3 ed5 17.Af4! # d 4 18.Hadl Suetin,Aleksei (SU) 2355
# c 4 19.b3 # b 4 20Ae5! 2f7 21.£d5±] Dortmund III 1990
16.£bc3 Ad4 [16...ed5 17.£d5 J.d5 18.cd5
# d 5 19.Ed)!±] 17.13 Ac3 18-£c3 ed5 19.cd5 1.14 d5 2.b3 £16 3.-6 b2 g6 4 .£ t3 Ag7 5.e3 0-0
J. d5 20.£d5 # d 5 21.A#4!± 217 [21...£c6 6.Ae2 c5 7.0-0 £ c 6 8 .£ e5 # c 7 9.£c3!7 a6
2 2 .2 ad l £ d 4 2 3 A c 7 + - ; 21„.d6±] 22.Hhd17! [9...£e5 10.£b5 # b 6 11.Ae5 £ e 8 12.Ag7 *g7
[22.S h e ll £ c 6 (22...£a6 23.Se5! # c 6 13.a4(= 0 ’Connell)13...£d6 14.a5 Pirc - Andric,
24.3h5-i—) 23.Hadl! # a 2 24.Hd7 # b 2 Yugoslavia 1953; 13x4!? (Soltis) 13...£d6

14.53d6 (14.5X3 Soltis 14...d4) 14...#d6 lS.cdS # b 6 10.5x4] 9.b4 [9.53gB? 5ig4! I0.53e4 # a 5
# d 5 16.#c2->; 13...d4 14.b4!? (14.#c2 Soltis 1 l.b4 <S3b4! 12.Ag7 53c2 13.*fl 53ce3-+]
14_S,d7) 14...de3 15.bc5 Wc5 I6.d4oo; 9.. .Wb6 10x4 a5! [10...53g4? 11x5!] 11.b50 53e5
13.. .1Ld7!] 10.d4N [I0.53c6 # c 6 11.A D Ae6 [ll...53g4? I2.c5! Wc5 13.<S3e4H—] 12.53g13
12.5x2 # d 7 13.#el Bad8 14.d3 Af5? 53tg4!? 13._a.d4D 53d3? [13...53D 14.530 Ad4
(14...Ag4! Schwarz) 15.h3 c4? 16.Hdl # c 7 15.«d4 # d 4 16.53d4 53e5 17.Bcl=] 14.ed3 Ad4
17.Ad4 Pirc - Golombek, Bognor Regis 1956; 15.53d4 # d 4 16.0-0D Wd3 1 7 .3 e 1 ^ 53e5
10.5la4 Heinola] 10...e6 [10...Af5 ll.g4!? Ae4 18.c5?[l8.53e4! Wdl 19.Badl 5X4 20.53d6 5)d6
12. g5oo] 11.A13 b5 12.g4 [12.5X2] 12...Ab7 21.3d6® /±; 18...Ag4? 19.53f6!; 18...*f8!?]
13. g5 53e5 14.fe5 53d7 [A 15...#d8 I6.h4 h6] 18.. .Ag4 19.#c1 Bc8! 20.53e4! [20.Be5 de5
15.#d2 Bac8 [15...53e5 I6.de5 # e 5 I7.53dl 21.Ab7 # b 5 !-+ ] 20...15 [20...0-0!? 21/#h6 f6D;
(I7.h4 # g 3 I8.*g2 Wh4) I7,..#g5 I8.»g2±; 21.#f4!oo] 21.#b2!! 0-0 [21...fe4 22.cd6 ed6
15.. .b4!] 16.Hf2 b4 17.5)d1 [A 53f2-g4; I7.53a4? 23.Ae4! # c 3 24.#c3 Bc3 25.f4] 22.cd6 53c4?
1x6] 17...a5 18.Bc1 Wb6 19x3 c4? [19...Hc6 (A [22...fe4? 23.de7 Bf5 24.Ae4; 22...ed6!oo]
Bfc8, # c 7 ) 20.c4oo; 2 0 .5 fl? bc3] 20.#e1?! 23.#a2 1e4 24.de7 3fe8 25.B e4[A 26.B c4!+-]
[20.bc4] 20... 5c7 [20...Ae5 21.de5 5X5 22.cb4 25.. .# a 3 D 26.3g4 [26.#a3!?] 26...#a2 27.3a2
5id3 23.#c3] 21.bc4 Bc4 [21...dc4 22.e4±] 53e5?!T [27...53 d6!±/±] 28.Ad5! * g 7 29.Be4
22.Ae2 Scc8 23.cb4 # b 4 [23...ab4 24.H bl±, Be7 30.Bae2 *1 6 [30...53B 31.*g2 Be4
c4<; 23...Bel 24. A cl f b 4 25.#b4 (25.Ad2 32.Be4-i—] 31.B14T * g 7 32.Bfe4 *1 6 33.f4!
* b l 26.Aa5 Ha8 27.jfe.c7) 25...ab4 26.Ab5±] 5313 34.*g2! [34.*f2 Hc4 A 35...53h2] 34...Be4
24.Hc3!± Bc3 25.Ac3 We7?! [25...#bl 26.Aa5 35. He4 Hc5!D [35...Ed8 36.A b7+-; 35...53d2
(26 .# fl f b 6 27.Ab5±) 26...Ba8 27.Ac7±] 36. Be6 * f5 3 7 .E e5+ -] 36.3e6 *1 5 37.g4!
26.h4 Ba8 27.Aa5 A18 28.Ab5 # a 3 29.#11?! * g 4 [37...*f4 38.A D Bc2 39.B e2+ -] 38.AI3
[29.Jfed7 3a5 30.Ae8] 29...#a5 30.B17 Ac8 *1 4 39.316 .. e5 40.Eb6 a4! 41.3b7 a3 42.b6!
31.Ad7 * d 8 32.Ac8 £c8 33.3b7 Bc7T [42. Ac6 a2 43.Ba7 Hc2 44.*g3 Bb2oo]
34. Bb2 2 f7 35.#h3?T BIS 36.5312 # a 5 37.SI1 42.. . Bb5 43. Se7 *1 6 44.2h7 Bb6 45.Ba7 Bb3
# 0 3 ? + - [37...h6] 38.Be2 h5 39.We1 # c 4 [45...Eb2 46.*g3 a2 47.h4 A 48.*14, A e 4 + -]
4 0 .*g 2 Ab4 41,#d1 Ae7 42.53h3 *1 7 43.Wc2 46.h4!+- *e 5 47.Ba6 *1 5 [47...*d4
# a 6 44.2 f2 # a 3 45.Bf5 ef5 46.*12 Wa5 4 8 .S g 6 + -] 4 8 .*g 3 Bc3 49.Ba5 *1 6 50.*14
47.5314 Ad8 48.a4 Ae7 49.#a2 1-0 * g 7 51.3 a6 [A 52.Ae4] 51...*h 6 52.h5 Sc4
Bucker 5 3 .*g 3 * h 7 54.hg6 * g 7 55.Ad5 3d4 56.AI7
Bd3 57.*14 1-0

VO 8.1 33055

P s a k h i s , L e v (S U ) 2570 VO 15.3 33071

S h i r o v , A l e k s e i (S U ) 2500
Paris 1990 open (3) Thystrup.Preben (DK) 2260
Keith,D (FR)
1.b3 g6 2.A b2 5316 3.g3 [3x4!?] 3...Ag7 4.Ag2 1989 cr
d6 5.d4 c5! 6.dc5 [ a 6.d5] 6...#a5 7.5?d2 # c 5
1.d4 d5 2x4 e5 3.de5 d4 4.5313 53c6 5.a3
[5.53bd2 f6 6.ef6 * f6 7.g3 Ag4 8.Ag2 # d 7
9.0-0 0-0-0 10.a3 h5 11.b4 d3 Ott - Dintheer,
1986 cr 12,Ab2± ECO; 5...Ag4 -YB/4; 5.g3 Ag4
6.53bd2 # d 7 7.Ag2 0-0-0 8.0-0 f6 9.ef6 53f6
10.53b3 Ah3 U.e3?! Ag2 12.*g2 d3 13.53bd4
#g4! 14.#d3? # D - + Sitter - Rosenfeld, 1985
cr] 5...Ae6 [5...a5!?] 6.5lbd2 16!? 7.e16 5316 8.g3
# d 7 9.Ag2 Ah3 10.0-0 0-0-0 [10...Ag2 ll.* g 2
a5!? I2.53b3 0-0-0 13x3 d3 14.53bd4 # g 4
15.53C6?! (15.h3!) 15...bc6 16.#a4 #e4! 17,#a5?
(1 7 .# d l) 17...53g4! 18.h3 h5! 19.S h i Ad6
[A 8.5igO? 53g4!—t] 8.a3_ 5 x 6 [8...53g4? 9.b4 20.hg4 3df8 21,Wf5 3f5 22.gf5 0-1 Palme -

VO 17

Schuster, Stuttgart 1943] 11.b4 ii g2 12. »g2 g5!? 0-0-0co) 23.Aa6! # d 6 24.#c3 0-0 25.14 g4
13.©g5N [ 1 3 j f e ? k g4 14.©el © e5 15.cS 26.15J] 23.3i.a6!! ba6 24.£ab1 # b 5 25.#c3!
( 1 5 / d3) 15...d3! 16.©d3 « c 6 17,*gl B d 3 -+ [25...Wa4 2 6 .# c 5 + -; 25...#d5 26.Bfdl #15
Barbora - Benesch, 1985 cr; 13.b5 g4 14.bc6 # c 6 27.e4 We4 2 8 .# b 3 + -] 1-0
15.*b3 & g m Keith] 13...h5! 14.h4 ©e5 Karolyi
15.#b3?! [15.©gf3 ©fg4 16.©e5 ©e5 17.Ab2
Ah6oo; 17...ite7!?oo Keith] 1S...d3! 16.e4[l6.ed3
Web If.te d O Sd3 18.bS ©13 19.bc6 ©h4 20.gh4
Bb3®] 16...©g6 17.©d13 [17,Ab2? © f4 -+ _ ]
VO 17.2 33066
17.. .Ah6 18.l.b2? [18.e5!? Ag5 1 9.ig5 ©e4
20.Wdl (20.Ad8? © f4 -+ ) 20...©g5 21.©g5 ©e5
22.Bel ©g4 23.b5 B h e 8 ^ > 24.#a4?! Wd4 Lotti,Fabio (IT)
25.©D Wc5 26,#b4 * b 4 27.ab4 Se2 28.*gl Miotto,Alessandro (IT)
Bf8 29.©d4 Hef2 30.Bf2 ©12. 31.©b3 ©e4 1989 cr
32.Hdl B 13 33.©c5 Sg3 34.d?h2 Bg4 35.Sd3
©d6—h Keith] 1 8 ...ig 5 19.©g5 [19.hg5 1.d4 ©16 2.c4 e5 3.de5 ©g4 4.1.14 ©c6 5 / 1 3
©f4—h—>] 19...©h4—r—> 2 0 .*h 2 ©g4 21.*h1 l b 4 6.©bd2 # e 7 7.e3 [7.a3 ©ge5 8.©e5 ©e5
Bhg8 22.gh4 Eg5 23.14 [23.hg5 © e3-+ ] 9.e3 l d 2 10.*d2 d6 l l . S c l b6?! 12.c5! bc5
23.. .©12 24.B12 * h 3 25.Bh2 #13 26.Sg2 # e 5 14.1b5 i f 8 Sergeev - Stiapskin,
#g2X 0-1 Soviet Union 1988 15.0-0!± Sergeev; 11...0-0
Van der Tak 12.0 dc5 13.#d5 ©g6 14.1g3 Bd8 15.Wc5*c5
16.Sc5 c6 17.1e2 ! e 6 18.Bc2 a5 19.Hd2 a4
20.1c7± Gorelov - Majeric, Bela Crkva 1989;
14.. .C6 15.#c5 # c 5 16.Bc5 l e 6 17.1e2± Iclicki
- Shrentzel, Haringey 1989; 14...#f6 15.Sc3
VO 17.2 33124
(15.#c5t? # b 2 16.1c7 A 17.®c3± Gorelov)
15.. .# b 6 16.#d2 l e 6 17.1e2 c4?! (17...afd8
Karolyi,Tibor (HU) 2440 18. # c 2 c4 19.1c4 ! c 4 20.Sc4 c6±) !8.1c4
Shrentzel,Mordechai (IL) 2315 l c 4 19.Bc4 Bfd8 20.#1541 Rajkovic - Kaposz-
Tel-Aviv 1990 BIKURI tas, Novi Becej 1989; 10..T6N 11. i.e2 b6 12.0-0
l b 7 13.b4 c5 14.Bfdl 0-0-0 15.bc5 # c 5 16.e4
1.d4 ©16 2.c4 e5 3.de5 ©g4 4.A14 ©c6 S.©13 d6 17.a4 # c 7 18.a5 l e 4 19.ab6 ab6 20.#a2
Ab4 6.©bd2 V e 7 7.e3 ©ge5 8.©e5 ©e5 Bhe8 21 .le 3 © > Bareev - Menvielle, Las Pal­
9.J.e2 d6 10.0-0 Ad7N 11.©b1!? [11. ©b3 mas 1989 tt] 7...©ge5 8.1e2 [8.©e5 ©e5 9.1e2
A.a4!=; 11.a3] 11...g5 12.Ag3 h5 13.a3 4 * 5 b6 10.0-0 l b 7 11.©13 l f 3 12.1f3 Bd8 13.1e2
[13...AC5 14.©c3 Ac6 15.b4 h4 16.Ae5 * e 5 0-0 14.a3 l d 6 15.b4 c6co Schon - Motwani, Neta-
17,bc5 # c 3 18.cd6 Bd8 (18...0-0-0 19.ig4.-) nya 1987; 10...!d2 ll.# d 2 l b 7 12.#c3
1'r | 14.b4 Jjb6 |14...h4?? I5..i.e5 We5 -YB/14] 8...d6 9.0-0 l d 2 1Q,#d2 ©13 11.£13
16.Wd4!+-] 15.©c3 c6 16.©e4 A c7 17.c5 dc5 ©e5 12. i e2 0-0 13.a3 b6 14.b4 l b 7 15.#c3
[15. B a d ©d7 16.*dl a5 17.1f3 l e 4 18.!e4
# e 4 19.#d5 Bfe8? Carleson - Wedberg, Sweden
1977 tt; 16.Bfel f5 17.1g3 a5 -YB/10; 15.Bfdl
a5?! 16.c5± -YB/11; 15x5 dc5 16.bc5 Sfd8
17.'#b4 ©d3 18.1d3 '/i-'d Lima - De la Villa
Garcia, Salamanca 1989; 15.#c2 ©g6 16..vg3
©h4 17.iLh4 # h 4 18.3fdl #g5 lO .ifl Bfe8
20.B a d Be6 21.c5 dc5 22.bc5 A e 4 - Carleson -
Ochoa de Echaguen, New York 1989;
©d7 16.Bfel a5 17.jS.fl f5 18.13 Ba7 19.#d4
Bfa8 20.Bab 1 ab4 21.ab4 Ba3 V2 -Z2 Lukacs -
Schussler, Tuzla 1981] 15...©d7 [15.,.©g6!?
16. £g3 ©h4 17,f3 Bfe8 18.e4 f5+; 18.A12 «g5
[17...d5 18.©d6 Ad6 19.cd6 f d 6 20.Ah5±] 19. j4.h4 #h4=] 16. Sid1 15N [16...a5 -YB/10]
18.bc5 h4 [18...Bh6 19.#d4!±] 19.©d6 Ad6 17. cS! bc5 I8 .ib 5 ! Bad8 [18...cb4 19.«c7±;
20.cd6 #16 2 1 ./e 5 #e5 22.#b3! 0-0-0? 18..©f6 19.bc5 ©e4 20.cd6!±; 19„.dc5 ,'n. i g.V.’;
[22...Bb8 23.Badl Bh6 24.f4±; 22...b6 (A 18.. .#64 19.f3±; 18...g5 19.J.C4 d5 20.Bd5 Ad5

21. Jld5 H17 22.&X1 a f 6 23.Af7 &f7 24.*c5± 1989] 10.<4>h1 [10.b3 a5 ll.A b 2 d6 12.®a4 b6
Lolti] 19.Ad7 ®d7 20.bc5 # c 6 21.f3± Aa6 13.52c5 bc5 14,f4 a d 7 15.A13 Bb8 16.Ac6±
22.5ac1 dS 23.*aS £17 24.Sb1 h6 25.-4.e5!? Kunsztowicz - Sahlender, Bundesliga BRD 1989;
[25.h4?! g5! 26.hg5 hg5 27.Ag5 B e 8 » > Lotti] 11.. . 5 .6 12.#d5 Aa7 13.ae4 Sae6 -YB/14;
25...&h7 26.3 b4 Be8 27.14 Ac4 28.#'a7?! 13.. .Bh6!? 14.g3 (14.Ae5 c6 15.Af6!? Legki)
[28.2dbl! a6 29.a4 * e 6 30.Hb7.c6 31.Hlb6 14.. .C6 lS.'B'dl d5 16,cd5 cd5 17.©c3 d4 18.ab5
Hb7 32.Hb7 Be7 33.Hb8± Miotto] 28...Ba8 Wd7 I9.h4 Wh3 20.®a7 Ag4 21.ed4 Bh4 22.gh4
29.Wb? # e 8 ! [29...Wb7?! 30.Hb7 3 a 3 31.Bc7 Af3 23.Af3 a f3 24,«f3 # f3 25.B fel= Ilic - Leg­
3c7 32.Ac7 He3 33.Ae5± Lotti] 30.Ha1 c6 ki, Novi Becej 1989; 12.ad5?! Bh6 13.g3 d6
31.«b6 3!a7 32.a4 Ab5 33.a5 'A-'A 14. a f 4 # d 7 15.h4 ftg6 16.ag2 # h 3 17.Af3
Van der Tak Ad7? (17...ah4! 18.®h4 Be3!—(-) 18.Ad4 ‘/-'A
K.Zilberman - Miezis, Katowice 1990; 10.a3 a5
l l.B b l b6 12.*c2?! Ab7 13.b4 Af8 14,e4 Se6!?
15. Bd 1 Bc6!? 16.'U'b3(16.b5!?co) 16...#h4 17.0
Bg6! 18.ab5? (18.ad5!) 18...ab4 19.ab4 c5!+
VO 17.3 33061
Gavrilov - Berdichevsky, Moskva 1989] 10...a5?!

Spassky,Boris (FR) 2560

Illescas Cordoba,Miguel(ES) 2530
Linares 1990 (7)

1.d4 a 16 2.c4 e5 3.de5 Ag4 4.5.f3 Ac5 5.e3

®c6 6 .i,e2 [6.©c3 0-0 7.a3 a5 8.*d5N # e 7
9. ©b5 d6!? 10.ed6 cd6 ll.ftc 3 Ae6 12.#dl
®ce5 13.ad5?! Ad5! H.'B'dS af2 ! 15.*f2 a g 4 e i s > _ > Goldin - M.Ivanov, Leningrad
1989; 6.a3 a5 7.b3 0-0 8.Ab2 Be8 9.Ae2 ®ce5
10. abd2? A.e3!+—» Kriens - Sahlender, Bundesli-
ga BRD 1989; 9.Ad3 d6 lO.'S'c? h6 11.e6 Ae6 [10..A6! I l.".a4 -YB/10; 11 f4?f ®d7! l2.A d3
12.0-0 a f6 13.®d4 Ad4 14.ed4 d5 15.c5 a h5= ®f6+] 11.14! ®c6 12.Ad3 d6 [12...Be6?
Siegmund - Jackwerth, 1989 cr; 8.ttc3 He8 13. « h 5 + - ; I2...Ae3 13.Ah7 4>h7 14.»d3 &g8
9.Ae2 age5 10.®e5 a e 5 11.0-0 Sa6 12.ad5 15.Ae3 a b 4 16.ttd2 Be3 n.W e? ®c2 18.#e4
2 h 6 13.e4 Hhe6 14.b4 Af8 15.Ae3 d6 16.#d2 f ta l 19.H al Ba6 20.f5±; 1 2 ...m 4 13.ad5 Ab6
®d7 17,f3± Mukic - Mohr, Bled 1989] 6...age5 14. f5 A 15.Bf4±, 15.f6±] 1 3.*h 5!± h6 14.B13
7.&e5 the 5 8.&c3 0-0 9.0-0 Be8 ]9...d6 10.aa4 a b 4 15.Ae4! [l5.A bl?! Ad4oo] 15...C6 16.Bg3
b6 l l.a c 5 bc5 12.f4 hg6 13.A O Bb8 14.b3 ®'I6 17.Ad2 a a 6 18.a3 *1 8 19.Ad3 Aa7
Be8 15.Ad5 Ab7 16.Ab7 Bb7 17.Wd5 Bb6 2 0 .a e 2 + - a c 5 21.A.C3 # 0 3 22.ac3 a d 3
18.Ab2! Be3? 19.f5 ®f8 20.Ag7! *>g7 21.F6 *g8 23. H11 Ae3 24.W,e2 a t4 25.«d1 1-0
22.#g5n— Celis - Massenzano, Buenos Aires Van der Tak

00 , SL. TD, QG, CA

Queen’s Gambit
Ld4d5 2.c4

A whirlwind of tactics in the Botvinnik Variation

In the Queen’s Gambit Declined, the variation 5.iif 4 is becoming quite fashionable again and it is
not only 10.0-0-0 which is receiving this renewed attention. The game Gurevich-Beliavsky (QO 3.6)
is highly significant; White is successful with the modest 8. Ae2. This was not the first game to show
the potential of this seemingly harmless move, but it is certainly the most convincing because of the
high calibre of the players. A very fine game by Gurevich.
In the Tartakower Variation, the move 6.2c1, instead of 6.®f3, has been used to good effect by
Kortchnoi in recent years. He has used it only occasionally but with such remarkable success, one
wonders why nobody else has taken it up. Now it seems that Beliavsky, who is an expert on the
black side of the Queen’s Gambit, has given the move his approval, because he played it as White
against Bonsch (QO 6.15). This game is of particular interest because both players take a very
principled stand: White advances in the centre and on the kingside while Black attacks on the
queenside. Although at one point the game clearly should have been drawn, the variation still
seems to offer White good chances.
In the Tartakower Variation main line, the game Portisch-Beliavsky (QO 8.3) is noteworthy. Recent
practice shows that the line 8.2c1 J.b7 9„£f6 J,f6 10.cd5 ed5 1 1 .id 3 , which Portisch introduced a
short time ago and which he tries again in this game, has lost its sting. The sharp 8.Wc2 led to a
spectacular victory for White in the game Bellon Lopez-Georgiev (QO 10.4). Bellon has often played
this line and he seems to know its intricacies very well.

In the Slav Defence we have two theoretically interesting correspondence games, Oud-Wealer (SL
4.3) and Kastarnov-Akopov (SL 6.8). Both these games contain a novelty in lines which are not
topical at present but are worthy of attention nevertheless.
The game Ikonnikov-Stojanovski (SL 7.2) features the amazing new move 10...2g8 in the highly

fahionable 9.ef6-branche of the Botvinnik System. Not surprisingly, the game is a whirlwind of
tactics, which baffles the superficial observer completely. Since most Botvinnik-adherents study
this complicated variation very deeply (they have to!), I trust they are perfectly capable of judging
the merits of Stojanovski’s move for themselves.
In the Meran Variation, the game Marin-Knaak (SL 9.9) is interesting. We have not seen the varia­
tion I0.d5 c4 11.de6 fe6 often in recent years.

Turning our attention to the Queen’s Gambit Accepted, the first game that leaps to the eye is
Verduga-Yakovich (QG 5.2), for the energetic way in which Black takes the iniative in the quiet
4.Wa4-variation. One might conclude from this game that the move 5.g3 is dubious, or at least badly
needs repair.
Sagalchik-lbragimov (QG 7.1) is another striking game. It seems that Ibragimov doubts the strength
of the standard move 11.d5 in the old and respected 10.,.'®'b8-variation, due to the reply 11...C4,
which he has tested extensively in practice. In Salov-lvanchuk (QG 7.1), the fashionable 10..M b 6 is
put to the test. The game is drawn quickly, but is of theoretical importance.

Survey OG 4

SURVEY: Paul van der Sterren

Queen's Gambit Accepted QG 4.2

Yuri Yakovich
Richard Meulders The central approach

The classical reply to 3.e4 is 3...e5, which challenges White’s central control immediately. 3...546 is
a more provocative move, reminiscent of Alekhine’s Defence. White is left with a spatial advantage
but Black is counting on the strong square d5 and a position without weaknesses to give him
counterchances in the long run.
In the two games presented here, after the standard moves 4.e5 53d5 5 . ic 4 53b6, White develops
his forces with 6.i d 3 <$3c6 7.53e2 which, in contrast to the more popular 6 .ib 3 , loosens White’s
control over d5 but has the advantage of making it more difficult for Black to develop his queen’s
bishop. After the normal continuation 7 .,.ig 4 , White usually plays 8.f3 (though 8 .ie 3 has also
been tried) when the only acceptable way to retreat the harassed bishop is 8 6 followed by 5 and ...e6. Although this is rather time-consuming, the basic virtues of Black’s position,
mentioned above, remain intact. An evaluation of this line must therefore be considered mainly a
matter of taste.

Arencibia,Walter 7 ...ig 4 8.f3 ;<e6 9.«bc3 »d7!? Bhe8, g6) 26.ef6! 7,16 27.b5! ab5
Yakovich,Yuri (9...& d5) 10.5X4 ®c8 11,5X5 (27...a5? 28.b6! cb6 29.Wg3±)
i d 5 12.a3 c6 13.*c2 (13.54 a5! 28.Sb5 3 he8 29.£fbl Wg4!
-YB/1) 13...ic5! 14.#c5 30. E 5b2?! (30.Hb7! He2!-+;
Bayamo 1990 (1) (14.dc5?l 53d7 15.f4 i g 2 16.Sgl 30. S lb2! b6 (30...We4? 31.We4
i f i 17. Bg7 ie 2 ! 18.ie2D Be4 32.Hb7 He2? 3 3 .B b 8 + -)
l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.e4 f6 4x5 53d4+) 14...1'd7 15.b4 (15.0-0 a6 31. a4 We4 32.We4 Be4 33.a5
53d5 5 .ic 4 53b6 6 .id 3 5x6 (15...We 7 16.Wc2 Wd7 1 7 .id 2 5X5?) 30...We4! 31.We4 Be4
7.5X2 # 5ie7= Bukic - Petrosian, Banja 32.5X3T Be3!T 33.7 b5 Ad7!?
Luka 1979) 16.Wc3 f5 17.ef6 gf6 (33...b6!7 (33...C67? 34.®a7±)
Gulko - Chandler, Amsterdam 34. Bc2 5X5 (A st?b7, c6) 35.a4
1987 OHRA) 15...a6 16.Wc2N <&b7 36.Bbcl Hd7+) 34.5X 70
(16.0-07 5X4! 17.b5 ab5 18.»b5 * c 7 35.Bb7 tf?d6 36.Bg7 (A
5)6e5—- Razuvaev - Yakovich, 37.Bb6) 36...&d5! 37.Hfl?
Sochi 1986) 16... 5X7! 1 7.ig5 (37.g4!?) 37...*e6! 38.Ba7
ic 6 ! 18.ie7! We7 19.0-0 i b 5 (38.g4 Bd4 39.g5 Eg4
20.f4 5id5 21.BO Wd7!+ (21...g6 5X4 A 41...542-+ ) 38...2d6
22.53g3co) 22.f5 (22.53g3? 39.a4 Bc4 40.a5 Bed4 (A
53b4!—t) 2 2 3 23.Wd3 ef5 41...E a4-+ ) 41.B el * f5
24.5f5 0-0-0 25.2afl f6 (A 42. B al 4>g6! (A 43...5ig4)

43.h3D 2d2 44.a6 # 13...5)b4 (13...ila2 14.Ab5 (A 4 9 .2 e5 A d6 50.S e3 * d 5 51.*g4
15.£)b7) 14...Ad5 15.5)14 a6 Ae5 52.Be2 A d6 53.h4 gh4 54.gh4
16.5)d5 5)d5! 17.Ac6 bc6 Ae5 5 5 ,* f5 Af6 5 6 .2 d 2 * c 6 57.h5
18. Ad292<do a6, c6; 14.b3! a5 Ag5 5 8 .2 d 7 * c 5 59.*g6 1-0
15.Ab5 Ac5 16.2c5 5)d5
17.Ad2 5)b4 18.Ab4 ab4 Bukic, Enver
19.2c6! bc6 20.Ac6 *e7 Petrosian,Tigran
21.Aa8 'fa 8 22.Wc2 A Banja Luka 1979
23.5)cl± ) 14.a3! 5)d3 15.#d3
4)d7 16.Ae4!± «d 8 17.0-0 Ae7 I. d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3x4 5)f6 4x5 5)d5
18.14 4)b6 19.4 2g3? (19.f5!-41) 5.Ac4 5)b6 6.A d3 5)c6 7.5)e2 Ag4
19.. .h5!^ 20,f5 h4 21.4)e2 ef5 8 .0 Ae6 9.5)bc3 » d 7 10.5)e4 Ad5
44.. .26d3!» (44...Se2 45.Ha3! 22.215 Wd7 23.4 14! Ac4 I I . 5)c5 WC8 12.a3 e6 13.*c2 Ac5
<Se4? 46.2e7 Sdd2 47.2e4=) 24.»c2 0-0-0 (24...Ab3 25.'0d3 14.#c5 Wd7 15.0-0 » e 7 16.«c2
*h2 (4 5 .* h l Hg3! A.c4=) 25.d5! 4;d5 26.5)d5
45.2a8 (45.s* Wd7 17.Ad2 5)e7 1 8 .2 ac l Ac6
19.Ae3 <Sbd5 20.A O Ab5 21.®g3
46.S gl Ha3 47.Ha8 S d 6 -+ ) (26.Aa7! 5)14 27.214 A,d3
A d3 22.'#d3 0-0= 23.®e4 b6
45.. .Hc3 46.2a8 2cc2 47.Sgl 28.#f2 Ae4 29.2 e 4 tt'd j?
30.2c7! <*c7 3 !.« b 6 4>d7 24,-*a6 Wc8 25.«c8? Bfc8+
2 a 2 - + ; 46.Sb7 Hcc2 47.2gl 2 6.2c2 *18 2 7 .2 fc l * e 8 28.Ah4
Ha2 48.a7 212—K 48....; d5!?) 32.S d4 ®d4 3 3 .^ 4 + ; 29...'»e6
(A 29.Ac7=) 2 8 ...af5 29.A O * d 7
45.. .2g3 46.a7 B3g2 4 7 .* fl 30.2ee4±) 26...Ad5 27.5)d6 30.g4 S fe7 31.Ag3 (37.A/i4 dig6)
2 d H 4 8 .*e l Sb2T 4 9 .*H Ad6! (27...*b8? 28.Wc5!+-)
31...2h8! 32.h4 h5 33.g5? Bhd8
Bbf2 5 0 .*e l Sgl 51.&12 S a l 28.ed6 Ac6 29.i d 2de8!
34.A O * e 8 3 5 .* h 2 Bd7 3 6.2c4
52.*e2! (52.*e3? 5)d5 A 30.2d l! (30.Aa7?? A.e4-+) * d 8 37.®g3 g6 3 8.S e4 * c 8
53...® c7-+ ) 52...Sa3! 30.. .®c7 31.®f2! 16 32.A.a7 2d8 39.43d6 * b 8 40.43e4 * b 7 41.24c2
(52...*g7? 53.*d3 5)d5 54.Sd8 (33.2 c l 2d3! 34.Ab6 Wd6 5)f5 4 2 .* h l 2 a d 8 4 3 .2 d 2 2c8
5)b6 55,Sb8=) 53.*>d2 *g 7 35.2a5 2 d l 3 6 .2 d l » d l 4 4 .* h 2 S d e 7 45,S f6 B dd8 46.®e4
54.*c2 4)g8! 55.±b2 SaS 37.W11 Wfl 38.&11 Be8=) Vi-Vi 5fc6 4 7 .2 c d l <S3a5! 4 8 .2 c2 ®b3
56.*>c3 5)e7 S7.-id3 5)c6 Meulders 4 9 .2 c4 #
58. S c8 5)a7 59.Hc7 *g 6
60.*e4 h5 61.h4 Ba4 62.&e5
Sa5 63.&14 Sa6 0-1

Study Material
Van der Sterren,Paul Kortchnoi, Viktor
Lyon 1990 zt (8) Suetin, Alexey
Budva 1967
l.d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 3.e4 f6 4.e5
5)d5 5..) c4 b6 6,Jtd3 ' c6 l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.e4 5)f6 4.e5 5)d5 49...C5!—t- 5 0 .2 d 3 4)bd4 51.b4 4bc6
7.5)c2 :ig4 8.f3 Ae6 9.4 ,bc3 5.Ac4 5)c6 6.5)e2 5)b6 7.Ad3 Ae6 5 2 .2 d 8 2 d 8 53.bc5 ©e5 5 4.2c3
Wd7 10.©e4 Ad5 11.4)c5 Wc8 8.5)bc3 *517 9.5)e4 5)b4 2 d 3 5 5 .2 d 3 ®d3 56.cb6 ® 0
12.Ae3!?N (12.a3) 12...e6 Ac4 11.5)c5 Wg4 12.h3 * e 2 57.5)0 * b 6 5 8 .* h 3 * b 5 59.5)d3
13.We2 A e 2 14.*e2 0-0-0 15x6 * a 4 60.5)e5 * a 3 6 1 .5 )0 a5 62.5)e5
5)c6 16.Ae3 f6 17.Ae4 g6 18,5)b7 a4 63.5)g6 * b 3 0-1
* b 7 1 9 .2 h cl 2 d 5 20.Ad5 5)d5
2 1 .2 c5 5)e3 22.fe3 A h6 2 3 .2 d l
2 d 8 24 2 d 3 5)b8 2 5 .2 b 3 * c 8
2 6 .2bc3 c6 27.b4 f5 28.b5 f4 29.d5
fe3 30.g3 2 f8 3 1 .2 c2 2 0 3 2 .* d 3
Yusupov, Artur
H fl 33.dc6 * c 7 3 4 .2 d 5 SO Gulko,Boris
3 5 . 2 0 eO 3 6 ,* e2 A e3 37.a4 a6 Frunze ch-SU 1981 (17)
3 8 .2 d 3 Ac5 39.213 ab5 40.ab5 h6
4 1 .2 f8 g 5 4 2 .2 h 8 A d6 4 3 . * 0 * b 6 l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3x4 5)16 4x5 5)d5
4 4 .2 d 8 * c 7 45.218 * b 6 4 6 .2 f5 5.Ac4 5)b6 6.Ad3 5)c6 7.5)e2 Ag4
5)c6 47.bc6 * c 6 4 8 . * 0 A b4 8.0 Ae6 9.5)bc3 Ad5 10.0-0 e6

Survey QG 4

11 ,a3 * d 7 12.b4 a6 13.fte3 fte7 ftc6 2 5.ftd2 Ehd8 26.ftb4 4 x 8 12.a5 ad5 13 O <&db4
14.*c2 ftc4 15.fte4 f5 16.ef6 gf6 27.d5 ed5 28.ed5 ftd 5 29.H el fte6 (13...bcb4!?) 14x6! * e 6 15.d5 * e 5
17.E adl f5 18.d5 ®d5 19.&d5 ftd5 30.fth7 ®d5 31.ftc5 S a4 32.ftd3 16.0-0 e6 #
20.ftf5 ef5 2 1 .« f4 ®b4 22.ab4 c6 Ea5 33.fte3 ©e3 34.Be3 Ed4
23.ftd4 0-0 2 4 .* f2 ftf6 25.*g3 35.B el 4 d 7 36.Bc3 4 d 6 37.fte4
* g 7 26.*g7 ftg7 27.ftg7 4 g 7 c6 38.Be2 ftc4 39.Bee3 Be5
2 8 .a d 5 cd5 29.Jld5 Had8 3 0 .3 fd l 4 0 .ftO Bd2 41.«g3 Be3 42.fle3
a-a 2 d 3 43.E e4 b5 44.a4 f5 45.Bh4 g5
46.Bh6 fte6 47.ab5 g4 48.bc6 gO
Miles,Anthony 49.gO 4 e 5 50x7 Bc3 51.Sh8 Sc7
52.14 4 x 4 0-1
Seirawan, Yasser
Niksic 1933 (13)

I. d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.e4 4^f6 4.e5 k3d5

5.ftc4 ® b6 6 .ftd 3 ®c6 7.<Se2 ftg4
8.f3 fte6 9.®bc3 * d 7 10.®e4 ftd 5 Chandler,Murray 17.dc6! B d l 18.cb7 * b 8 19.Bfdl
I I . ®c5 * c 8 12.a3 e6 13.b4 a5 Amsterdam OHRA 1987 k c S 2 0 .ic 5 Wc5 21.Bd7 f5
14. H bl (I4.b5? %eS) ]4...ab4 22. B ad l ® e 6 ( 2 2 . . . C 6 23.h4!±)
15. ab4 fta 2 16.Hb2 ftc 4 17.0-0 I. d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3x4 Gjf6 4x5 <Sd5 23. © a4 * b 5 24.B cl * a 4 25.Bc6
ftc5 18.dc5 ftd 3 1 9 .* d 3 S d 5 5.ftc4 » c 6 6.®e2 « b 6 7.ftd3 ftg4 Wa5 26.Be6 * a 7 27.g3 (27M 1+ -)
20. » e 4 Ha4 (20.. .0-0 21.bSao) 8 .0 fte6 9.®bc3 * d 7 10.®e4 ftd5 27., g5! 28.Bh7 Bb8 29.h3 g4
21. * g 4 * f 8 22.ftd2 ®e5 2 3 .* e4 I I . ©c5 * c 8 12.a3 e6 13.*c2 ftc5 30.hg4 fg4 3 1 .1 g a * a l 32.*h2
®g6? (23...&C6.0 24.®c3!± ®c3 14.*c5 Wd7 15.0-0 a6 16.*c3 f5 ®b2 33.Bhh6 *a2 34.Bef6
25.ftc3 f6 26.B d l £)e7 27.Bbd2 17,ef6 gf6 t8.ftf4: 0-0 19.b4 £ia4 (34 E 67 35 .kd 5 ! Hla5 3 6 .kb 7
£>d5 28.Ed5! ed5 2 9 .® d 5 + - Sa8 2 0 .* d 2 4 h 8 21.b5 ab5 22.ftb5 Bg8 &b7 37. KLh4.A— ) 34..,c5 35.Ef4
30x6 bc6 3l.*c6'.".* (31.W c4+ -) 23.ftg3 * g 7 24.£>f4 Wg5 25.*f2 Wd2?! (> 35...c4!±) 36.ft.fl Bb7
31...Ha6 32.Wc4 Be6!co 33.f4 g6 ®e7 26.B fel ®f5 27.ftd7 ©g3 37.Ba6 * b 8 38,Bf8 * c 7 39.ftg2
34.f5 gf5 35.Wh4 4 e 7 36.Wh6 * 1 8 28.hg3 ©b6 29.fte6 fte6 30.Be6 ®'d7 40.Bh8 c4 41.fte4 1-0
3 7 .* f4 3 d 6 38.H el 4 f 7 39.*f5 *g3 31.*g3 Bg3 32. Bf6 Bg7 YB/10-110
* g 7 4 0 .* e4 E hd8 41.He3 4 f8 33.B el c6 3 4 .B bl Qe4 35.©e6
42.b5 B d l 4 3 .4 f2 Wf7 4 4 .* f4 Be7 36.a4 ®e3 37.£>c5 Bg8 Manor,Ilan
B ld 3 45.E e2 4 g 8 46.ftf6 E3d6 38.Bb7 Bb7 39.®b7 Bg2 40.4>hl
d-H Ba2 41.®c5 4 g 7 42.Bc6 <Sf5 43.d5 Anand,Viswanathan
<Std4 44.k3e6 93e6 45.Be6 Ea4 Oakham 1990
46,Be7 4>f6 47.Bh7 Bd4 48.Bh6
*g5 49.Bd6 4 f4 50.Bd8 * g 3 l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3x4 ^)f6 4x5 <hd5
Sl.EgS A O U-‘/2 5.ftc4 ^3c6 6 .^9 2 ^ b b 7.ftd3 ftg4
Razuvaev, Y uri 8.fte3 * d 7 9.©bc3 Bd8 10.fte4
Yakovich,Yuri ftf5 ll.W b l ftg6 12.h4 Wg4 13.h5
Sochi 1986 (3)I. fte4 14.®e4 * e 4 15.©e4 ®d5
Karpov,Anatoly 16,©2c3 h6 17.©d5 Bd5 18.®c3
I. d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3x4 ®f6 4x5 ftd 5 Timmanjan Bd8 19.0-0-0 e6 20.d5 ®e5 21.ftd4
5.ftc4 ©b6 6 .ftd 3 ?ic6 7.®e2 ftg4 Brussels S W IF T 1988 (6) © g4 22.de6 c5 23.ef7 * f7 24.fte3
8 .0 fte6 9,®bc3 * d 7 10.©e4 ftd5 fte7 25,®d5 ftg5 26.ftg5 hg5
II. ©c5 * c 8 12.a3 e6 13.*c,2 ftc5 l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3x4 <S3f6 4x5 £}d5 27.B hel Bd7 28.Be4 ftf6 29.©f6
1 4 .* c5 * d 7 15.b4 a6 16.ftg5 & c4 5.ftc4 ®b6 6 .ftd3 £ic6 7.£le2 ftg4 B d l 3 0 .* d l * f6 31,g4 Ed8
17.b5 ab5 18.*b5 <S6e5 19.*d7 8-.ft.e3!? fte2 9.fte2 Wd7 (> 9...e6) 32.^ e 2 Bd4 33.*e3 B d l 34.Bc4
<Sd7 20.®c3 &db6 2 1 ,* f2 ®d6 10.®c3 0-0-0 1 l.a4!? a6 ( U ..M d 4 b6 35.b4 B el 3 6 .*d3 B d l 37.4x3
2 2,B hbl 4 d 7 23.©e4 ®e4 24.fe4 I2.a5 ihe2 I3 a b 6 Uml 14.Wc2!) V2 -V2

QO 2.3 32286 1 4 .lg 5 3ac8 ]14...h6!? 15.1h4 Efc8] 15.a4
[I5 .1 e4 l e 4 16.©e4 » e 8 (I6...h6?? 17.Ed7)
L e n s k y ,I (SU) I7 .1 f6 ©f6 18.<af6 gf6±] 15...b4 16.©b1
[16.©e4 l e 4 17.1e4 h6=] 16...a5 17.©bd2 h6
L iu k m a n o v (SU)
1 8 .lh 4 [A 19.©c4, 19.1e4] 1 8 6 19.-4.e4
1989 cr
©c5 [I9...1e4 20. ©e4 g5 2l.©fg5! ©e4 22.Ed7!
W d l 23.©e4 l d 8 24.1f6! 4 h 7 25.1015 Wc6!
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 f t 16 4.©(3 l e 7 5 .1 f4
(25...Hg8 26.1d8±) 26.f3] 20.1b7 Wb7 21.1(6
0-0 6.e3 c5 7.dc5 l c 5 8.Wc2 ©c6 9.a3 Wa5
gf6 22.©d4± Efd8 23.©c4 f5 24.©b5 Hd1
10,Ed1 l e 7 11.©d2 e5 12.Ag5 d4 13.©b3
25.Hd1 Hd8 26.©bd6! [26.Hd8 l d 8 ± a4< ]
# 0 8 14. 4e2 [14.ed4 ed4 15.1x2 ©g4 16.1x7
26.. .’B'c7 ]26...*c6? 27.€5f7] 27.g4! ©e4D
* e 7 17.©d5 WeS (17...'B'h4!? -YB/4) 18.f4 ©e3
28.©e4 Bd1 29.l'd1 ®c4 [29...fe4 30.b3±/+-]
19.fe5 ©c2 20.4f2 l f 5 21.Sd2 Hae8 22.Bcl
© e5 23.©d4 ©d4 24.2d4 ©c6 25.Sd2 l e 4 30. ©(6 4 g 7 31.b3! # c 6 32.©h5 4 (8 33.g(5 ef5
26.©f4?!N f5 27x5 ©e5 28.b4 g5! 1 Koziol - 34. ©g3 (4 [34...146 35.#d3 f4 36.ef4 # e l= ;
Blak, 1987 cr; 14...©d4 15.©d4 ed4 16.©b5 35. Wc2!+-] 35,e(4 # e 6 3 6.#f3 l c 7 37.4g2
ld 7 N 17.©d4 * a 5 18.Wd2 * b 6 4 e 7 38.#e3 * d 7 3 9 .*d 3 ]39.'8'e6?? ^ e 6
Ivanchuk - Vaganian, Moskva 1988 ch-SU; 40.4-0 4 d 5 4 l.4 e 3 lb 6 4 2 .4 0 4 d 4 -+ ]
19.. . 1 . 4 20.b3 Ab3 2 1 .1 b l ©e4 22.Hb3 ©d2 39.. .4 c 8 40.4(3 Wc6 41.4g4 We6 42.f5!?
23.Bb6 © fl 24.1b7 ©e3 25.fe3 (± Ivanchuk) ]42.Wf5 4 d 7 4 3 .4 0 lb 6 + ] 42...'t(6 43.Wd5
25.. .Aa3oo] 14...a5 15.©a4 g6 ]l5...©g4 -YB/8; Wg5 44.4f3 W(6 [44...h5 45.WO Vg4 46.4g2 h4
15.. . 1 . 7 -YB/10; 15...h6 16.1h4 J,d7 -YB/4; 47.h3 « g 5 48.«g6! « f4 49.«e6 4 d 8 50.«d5
16.. .Be8?! 17.0-0 l e 6 Lensky - Danilov, 1989 cr 4 c 8 51.© fl « g 5 5 2 .4 0 # h 5 53.4e4 We2
18.ed4! ed4 19.1f3±; 18...©d4 19.©d4 ed4 54.©e3 * f2 55.®e6 4 b 7 56T6+-] 45.©e4 ®h4
20x5+ Lensky] 16.ed4 [16.1Y6 l f 6 17.0-0 W c7 46.©c5 * ( 4 47.4e2 # e 5 [> 47...Wg4 4 8 .4 fl
18x5 l e 6 (18...de3!?oo Kotronias) 19x4 the7 0 h 3 49.Wg2! % 2 50.4g2 ! d 6 ] 48.#e5 l e 5
Ftacnik - Kotronias, Thessaloniki 1988 ol 49.h3 4 c 7 50.4e3 4 c 6 51.4e4! I f 6 52.©d3
20.1. c4!± Kotronias] 16 ...K 5 17.'S'c1 ed4?! 4 d 6 53.(4! [A 54,©e5] 1-0
[I7...©d4!? -YB/4] 18.0-0 Ee8 Gurevich
118.. -S c8!?] 19.ik.f3! [l9.H fel!? -Y B /ll]
19.. .©e4N [19...1x4 20.1x4 ©e4 21.1e7 W ei
22.#f4 f5 23.f3 ©f6 24.©d4± Bareev - Zotkin,
Moskva 1982] 20.1e7 He7 21.«f4 He6 QO 6.15 33203
[21...Sc8? 22.g4+-; 2 l...2 e 8 22.E fel± Lensky]
22.©bc5! [22. Efel?! Wb8! 23.'§'b8 Sb8 24.©d4 Beliavsky.Aleksandr (SU) 2640
©d4 25.Ed4 ©g5 26.Ee6 ©f3 27,gf3 l e 6 Bonsch.Uwe (D D ) 2530
28.©c5 l h 3 ^ Lensky] 22...©c5 23.©c5 BI6 Munchen 1990 (3)
[23... He7 24.©b7±] 24.©b7 ®b6 ]24...0e7
25.®h4 ©e5 26.1d5-i—] 25.©d6 Hd8 26.c5!+- I . d4 ©(6 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 dS 4 .1 g 5 l e 7 5.e3
Wc5 27.' e4 l e 4 28.Wf6 4 (3 29.W13 ©e5 0-0 6.Hc1 h6 7.1h4 b6 8.cd5 ©d5 (RR 8...ed5
30. Wf6 # d 5 31. E fe1 ©c6 32. H c1 1-0 9.1 d 3 l b 7 10.©ge2 ©bd7 (10...Ee8 11.0-0 a6
Van der Tak 12.a3 ©bd7 13.1bl l f 8 14,b4cx> Nogueiras -
Ljubojevic, Rotterdam 1989; 12.!g3 A 13.©f4)
U . l f 5 g6 12.Abl He8 13.1g3 c6 14.1f4 ! f 8
15.h3 Ec8 16.0-0 a6 17.Wb3± Kortchnoi - Wed-
QO 3.6 33252 berg, Lugano 1989] 9.©d5 ed5 10.4e7 We7
I I . ! d 3 c5 [11...Sd8 12,©e2 c5 13.0-0 l a 6
14,b3!± Kortchnoi - Nogueiras, Luzern 1989]
Gurevich,Mikhail (SU) 2645 12.©e2 ©d7 [RR I2...1b7 13.0-0 c4 14.1bl
Beliavsky,Aleksandr (SU) 2640 ©c6 15.b3 cb3 16.»b3 # d 6 17.©f4 Ead8 18.h4
Moskva 1990 GMA open (9) f5 19.h5= Kortchnoi - Short, Rotterdam 1988]
13.0-0 c4!? [I3...1b7 14.®a4 ©f6 (14...a6
1x4 ©f6 2.©c3 e6 3.©f3 d5 4.d4 l e 7 5 .1 (4 -YB/6) 15.dc5 be5 16.»a3 Bfc8 17.Hc3 ©e4
0-0 6.e3 c5 7.dc5 l c 5 8 .1 e2 (8.142 ©c6 9.a3 18.1e4 # e 4 19.©g3 Wc5 20,Ec5 Hc5 21.Wc5
# a 5 10.0-0-0] 8...dc4 9 .1 c4 a6 10.1^2 b5 ®b2 22.©f5!+ Kortchnoi - Spassky, Clermont-
11.Ji.d3 l b 7 12.0-0 ©bd7 13.Efd1 # e 7 Ferrand 1989] 1 4 .!b 1 ©(6 15.©c3 ld 7 !

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10xd5 ed5 11. J.d3 c5 [ 11... 3 e8 12.0-0 c6 13.b4

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1.d4 ®f6 2x4 e6 3.ftf3 d5 4.©c3 ± e 7 5.Ag5

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X X Tf (U 3 06
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D>^- ' : r- , ^ n £ ', <3 NO<5 PoS — N « co 'fi -1
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co co 5: co co 3 « !2.<4 » 5 ! 5 Tf Tf PI to
NO co r-i
Tf Tf N O' Dh cq
QO 10.4 33195 33.4d8 dc3 [33...Bd8 34.3h7 3 b 8 35.A.e6+-]
34.4e6 315 35.3c7 * b 8 36.3d7 c2 3 7 .*c 2
Bellon Lopez,Juan (ES) 2445 312 3 8 .*c 3 1-0
Georgiev,Kiril (BG) 2605
Terrasa 1990 (4)

1.d4 416 2.c4 e6 3.413 d5 4.4 c3 Ae7 5.Ag5 h6 QO 13.2 32727

6.Ah4 0-0 7.e3 b6 8.0c2 Ab7 9.A16 .£.16
10.cd5 ed5 11.g4 cS [ll...g6!? 12.h4 Ag7 13.h5 Bagirov,V (SU) 2470
g5 14.4e5!? 4c6! 15.4c6 Ac6 16.0-0-0 Ab7 Pfleger,H (DE) 2505
17,£,d3 Be8!oo] 12.0-0-0 cd4 13.ed4 4 c 6 14.h4 Ter Apel 1990 (4)
g6 15.g5! hg5 16.hg5 Ag5 17.*b1 A16 18.Ad3!
1.d4 416 2 x4 e6 3 .5 x3 d5 4.cd5 ed5 5.Ag5
&e7 6.e3 c6 7.&d3 4bd7 8.4ge2 0-0 [8...4e4
9.£e7 4 c 3 10.bc3 0 e 7 ll.0 b 3 A I2.c4±;
8...4h5 -YB/13] 9 .0 c2 [9.4g3!?] 9...Be8
10.0-0 a5N 11.13 418 12.Bae1 b6 [12...4g6;
12_fi.e6] 13.*h1! [I3.e4?! de4 14.fe4 4 e 6
l5.A e3 4g4] 13...Ba7 [I3...£a6? 14.Aa6 Sa6
15.e4 de4 16.fe4 4 e 4 1 7 .ie 7 We 7 18.4gl! f5
19.<Sbe4 fe4 20.W c4+-] 14.^h4! 4 g 6 15.A12!
4d6 16,h3! [16.e4 de4 17.fe4 4 g 4 18.e5
(18.Agl?? Ah2 W h4-+) 18...44e5
18.. .4b4! [I8...1g7 19.S d g l! * f6 20.4d5! 0 f3 19.de5 Ee5oo] 16...£b8 17.e4 de4 18.fe4 A e 6
2l.A e4 (2 l.0c6? « d 3 2 2 .* al 3fe8 23.0b7 19.e5 4 d 5 20.53d5 ^.d5 21.©c3 ± e 6 22.ii.g1
Wd4) 2 1...We4!? 22.0e4 Hfe8 23.'»h4 4 d 4 Sc7 23.a3 Bd7 2 4.iie4 0 c 7 25.0e2 Sc8
24.4f6 ± f6 25.016 ^.e4 2 6 .* al! (2 6 .* cl? 4 e 2 26.0h5 0 d 8 27.^15! 0 e 8 28.5le4 5if8?
27.*d2 Bad8 28.*e2 &g2X) 26...4c2 2 7 .* b l [28...Af5] 29.0g5?!T [29.®f6! gf6 30.ef6 53g6
4d4=] 19.Ag6! 4 c 2 20.j£h7 *g 7 ! [20...<*h8!? 31.Be4 0 f8 32.3h4 h6 33.Ag6 fg6 34.0g6 3g7
21.ilc2 *g8 22.Hdgl Ag7 23.Ah7=; 23.Bh7 35.fg7 « f l 3 6 .3 h 6 + -) 29...*h 8 3O.0g4 Bcd8
0 f6 24.4e5 Bfe8! 25.4g4 Wd4! 26.4h6! * f8 31.5jg5 Ag8 32.0h4 h6 33.®e4 ^.<5 34.315
27.<2if5 01 2 !-+ ] 21.Bdg1 &g5 22.4g5 *1 6 ®g6 35.»g4 0 e 6 [35...3d4 36.Ad4 3 d 4
23.5h6 * e 7 24.ii c2 0 d 7 25.He1 * d 8 26.Be5! 37.® f6+-] 36.Bef1 3 e 8 37.0h5 a4?T 38.3f6!
* c 7 [26...0g4!? 27.Aa4!oo] 27..4.15 0 d 8 0 d 5 39.3g6! « e 4 [39...fg6 4O.0g6 Bf8 41.53f6
28.ii.e6! *6 [28...fe6? 2 9 .4 e 6 + -] 29.Ad5! »e5?! Sf6 42.Ef6-i—] 40. 3 g4 0 h 7 [4O...0e2 4 l.3 g 7
[29_fi.d5! 30.Bd5 0 e 8 (30...fg5! 31.2h7 * c 6 * g 7 42.® e2+-] 41.Ef6! [A 42.3h6] 41...*18
32.Bh6 * b7+ ) 31.Eh7 *c6! 32.4ge4 (32,b4 [41,..*h8 42.E H ] 42.3c6 1.C7 43.Ae3 16
® el! 33,*b2 #c3! 34.*c3 * d 5 + ) 32...0e4 [43...0bl 44.Bel 0 b 2 45.i.h6 gh6 46.0 h 6 * e 7
33.4e4 *d5+ ; 30.«3d5! * c 6 31.4b4 * b 7 47.0f6 * f8 48.Bh4 0 c l 4 9 .* h 2 + -] 44.316!
32.Bh7 * c 8 33.4c6 0 d 6 (33...fe5 34.4d8 Ed8 gf6 4 5 .ih 6 * e 7 46.3g7 0 g 7 47.Ag7 Ie5
35.de5±) 34.Ee6! 0 f4 35.4e4 Bd8 (35...W5 48.0g5 * e 6 [ 4 8 . . . 49.0f5; 48...*d6 49.Ae5
36.4e7n—) 36.4d8 * d 8 (36...Wf5 37.Bhe7 * c 6 5O .0g6+-] 49.0g6 * e 7 [49...*d5 50.«e8
* d 8 38.He8 * c 7 39.B6e7 * c 6 4 0 .E a8 + -) Bg7 51.de5 i e 5 52.g4+-] 5O.016X 1-0
3 7 .4 d 6 + -; 30...*b7 31.Bh7 *b8! (31...*a6? Bagirov
32.4b4X; 31...*c6 32.4b4 * d 6 33.4e4X;
31.. .* c8 32.4e7 *b7! 33.4e6! fe5 34.4d8
Bfd8 35.de5 Sh8 36.3g7!+ -) 32.4e7! (32.4b4
0d6!; 32.4e6 0d6!) 32...*b7 33.4d5 * b 8
34.4e7=; 30...*b8! 31.4e6 fe5 (31...0d6
SL 1.4 33187
32.418!) 32.4d8 Bd8 33.4b4 Bd4! 34.4c6
* b 7 35.4d4 ed4=] 30.Hh7 * b 8 [30...*d6 Krasenkov,Mikhail (SU) 2545
31.4ge4X; 30...»d7 3 1 .4 b 5 + -; 30,..*c8 Shirov,Aleksei (SU) 2500
31.Jkb7 * b 8 32.ii.a6 ed4 33,Bb7 * c 8 34.4e6 Paris 1990 open (9)
dc3 35. Bh7 * b 8 36.4d8 Bd8 37,bc3+-]
31.2b7 * c 8 32.4e6 ed4 [32...0h4 33.418!+-] 1.4>f3 d5 2.d4 416 3 x4 c6 4.g3 dc4 5.ii.g2 g6!

SL 6

6.0-0 £ g 7 7.a4!? [7.4la3 b5 8.4le5 5ld5oo] 27.E el Ab2 28.Ecc7 5lh4oo; 26.Bb7 Hc8
7.. .0.0 [> 7...£e6>. 8.4lg5 Ad5 9.e4 h6 10.ed5 27.jS.d3 Ad5oo; 26...J.d5 27.Ec7 £b2co]
hg5oo; 8.4la3 &d5oo] 8.4la3 5la6!? [8...Ae6 26.. .£ b 2 27.iS,c4! A.a4 [27...Acl? 28.® f6+ -;
9.5lg5 Ad5 10.e4 h6 ll.ed5 hg5 12.5lc4! 4ld5 27.. .®f4 28.ftf4 A cl 29.4lg6+-] 28.Bb7 Ae8
(12...cd5 13.5le5±) 13.Ag5±] 9.4lc4 [9.5ve5 29.Eb2 Ah5 3 0 .*f2 ©f4 31.Bb7?! [31.Bdl!
Ae6! 10.5lac4 4jd7=] 9...£e6 10.b3! AdS!? Bc8 32.Bd7 Ae8 33.Ba7±; 31.2,g3!-| 31...Hc8
[10...C5 ll.iS.a3! cd4 (1 l...S c8 12.4lg5! Ad5 32.Sd1 4lh3 3 3 .*g 3 4lg5? [33.,.Bg8! 34.«h3
13.e4 Ac4 14.bc4 cd4 15.e5±) 12.5ld4 Ad5 £ f3 35.iLe6 Ag2 36.*h4 Eg4 37.4>h5 ^.b7
13.5lb5! £ g2 14.&g2±] 11.ii.a3 l c 8 12.Hc1! [A 38.*h6 Bh4 39.*g6 Bg4 40,*f5 Bg2= Oud]
I3.b4!±] 12...C5D 13.e3!? [13.dc5!? 5lc5 14.5le3!? 34.Ae2 e5 35.2d6 f4 36. Ah4 i. f3 37.Bh6 * g 8
b 6 P 15.b4! (15.5ld5 *d5!=) 15...JU3 16.ii.f3 38.Sg6 Af8 39.S16 ®g8 40.jS.f3 4 (3
5le6 17.b5!±] 13...Se8 14.'#e2! [A 15.Efdl±] 41.4>h5+- 4)h2 42. B g6 * f 8 43 .*h 6 1-0
14.. .cd4D 15.4ld4 £ g 2 #d5! 17.ig 1 Van der Tak
[17.Wf3 5>c5!= A 18...e5; 17,f3 4lc5 18.flfdl b6
19.e4 Wg5!<=4 b 3 < , a 4 < ] 17...5lc5 18.Bfd1 b6!
19.a5!? [I_9,5lb5 #b7 20.Ac5 Bc5=;
20.. .bc5!?oo/+] 19...«b7!?T [19,..fece4!? 20.ab6 SL 6.8 33074
5lg5! 2 l .» f l (21.h4? 5)h3 22.<4>h2 ® f2!-+;
21.f3? e5 22.e4 ed4!-+) 21,..e5 22.4lf5! (22.h4
ed4 23.hg5 « g 5 ^ ) 2 2 . .. * a |® 20.ab6 [20.b4
Kastarnov,S (SU) 2490
&ce4 21.b5 5ld5oo] 20..,ab6 21.b4 ®ce4 22.b5?! Akopov,Roman (SU) 2560
[21,(3 ©d6! (22...' .gV’! 23.h4?! fee6 24.51e6 XVII ch-SU 1989 cr
fe6oo; 23.b5!± A 24.5lc6) 23.5ld6 ed6 24.5lb5
1.d4 d5 2.4 f3 5 f6 3.c4 e6 4.5 c3 c6 5..a g5 h6
Bel 25.J.C1 *e6!co A 26.4ld6 Bd8] 22...4ld5!+
6.Af6 « (6 7.e3 4ld7 8.a3 # d 8 9..4d3 k e 7
23 .«f3 [23.£b2 Bc5!??[ 23...f5! 24.5lc6??
[9...g6 10.e4 de4 11.4le4 4lf6 12,c5 4le4 13Ae4
[24,J.b2 Ad4! 25.±d4 #d7+ ] 24...5ldc3-+
Ag7 14.5le5 # g 5 15.#d2 £ e 5 16.®g5 hg5
25.Be1 [> 25.fl.bi3 25...Bc6! 26.bc6 Wa6
17.de5± Lerner - Dreev, Odessa 1989 ch-SU]
27.&b6D ®b6 28.©g2 ®c6 29.f3 5lg5! 30.Ab2
10.0-0 [10.«c2 0-0 1l.h4 -YB/4] 10...0-0 11.flc1
<Bf3 31.*h1 131.A-12 4le4 3 2 .if3 5lg5-+]
[ ll.# c 2 a6 12.Sac 1 -YB/3,5; ll...f5 12.cd5 cd5
31.. .Bc8! 32.iS.c3 [32.Bedl « e 4 - + ] 32...5le1
13.Bfcl a6 14.b4 Ad6 15.Babl 4lf6 16.4la4
[33.«c6 Bc6] 0-1
Bf7 17.'B(b2 '4c4 18.4le5± Stempin - Simon,
Naestved 1988 open] 11...a6 [ll...f5 12.cd5 ed5
l3,’Bfc2 g6 14.®ie2 i d 6 15.4lf4± Jasnikowski -
Sydor, Esbjerg II 1988] 1 2 .*e 2 dc4 [12...f5!
ECO] 13A c4 b5 14.ii.a2 Wbe 1S^le4 c5 16.dc5
51c5 17.5lcS J.C5 18.Ab1 g6?l [!; 18...Ad6
SL 4.3 33070 19.h4!?± Dorfman] 19,h4! [19.Ag6? fg6 20.*c2
Bf5 21.e4 Bf3+] 19...HS 20.5le5!N [20.Efdl
Oud,M (NL) 2385 Ae7 21.5le5 Af6 22.Bc6 Wb7?! (22...®b8!=
Wealer,H (LX) Dorfman) 23.Bc5 We7 24.Bdcl J.e5 25.Be5
1989 cr cr Ab7? (25...#64 26.Hc7oo Dorfman)
26.Bg5-i——* Dorfman - Sveshnikov, Lvov 1978]
1.d4 dS 2x4 c6 3 .' f3 4lf6 4.5lc3 dc4 5.a4 Af5 20...Ea7 21.4g6! fg6 |21....i.d6 22.5lf7 B a n
6.4le5 e6 7.f3 Ab4 8.5lc4 0-0 9.Ag5 h6 10.iS.h4 23.J,f7 24.’H'h5H——> Sumkin] 22.5lg6 Eg7
c5 11.dc5 Wd1 12.Ed1 £ c 2 13.2c1 Aa4 [22...Bf5 23.b4+ -] 23.«h5 flfSQ 24.Wh8 * f 7
[l3...Ah7 -YB/2,3] 14.iLf6 gf6 15,Sa1 Ab3 25.e4!+- Bg8 [25...Af2 26.^>hl Ec5 27.B12
16.4lb6 4lc6 17.4la8 Ba8 18.e3 A.c5 4>g6 28.Ecfl e5 29.h5 4>g5 3 0 .* g 7 + -; 25...B12
19. Ab5!?N [19.*f2 -YB/5] 19...5lb4 [19...Ae3 26.5le5 * f6 27.<ag4+-; 26...4>e7 27,Ef2 i.f2
20. * e 2 Ad4 21,Ba3±; 20...Ac5 21.jS.c6 bc6 2 8 .* h l+ - Sumkin] 26.5le5 BeS 27.'B'e5 Ad6
22.Bhcl Ad4 2 3 ,5 la 4 ^ < ; 20...J,b6 2l.A c6 bc6 28.#h5 i f6 29.2c8 Bc8 30.e5 AeS 31.#g5
22.5la4K < Oud] 2 0 .ie 2 ®c2 21.B a d 5le3 i f 7 32.We5 1-0
22.41 e4 Ad4 [22...Ab6 23.4lf6 &g7 24.5lh5 Van der Tak
&g6 25.5lf4±; 24.5le8±] 23.4H6 &h8 [23...&g7
24.5le8±] 24.Hc7 4,g2 [24...Adi?! 25.&d3 Bd8
26.Bd7±] 25.4lh5 15 26.Shd!? [26.Bd7 Ad5

SL 7.1 33028 4if6oo; 14.45x5 4)e5 15.de5 2g2! 16.1g2 l g 2
17. Egl h3|2] 1 2 7 [12...43e5!? 13.de5 0 c 7
Szilagyi,P e t e r (HU) 2395 (I3 ...0 d l? 14.5 d l l b 7 15.45b5 cb5 16.!b7
l b 4 17.4x2 Hb8 18.1c6 4 ’f8 19.Sd7±)
Somlai,Laszlo (HU) 2340 14.0-0 l b 7 1 5 .S e l= J 1 3 .!c 6 l c 6 14.4lc6 0 c 7
Hungary 1990 tt (4) 15.d5 ftc5!<^ [15...4x5?! 16.4)b5 0 b 6 17.45e5
0 b 5 18.0-0 0-0-0 (18...0d5? 19.0a4) 19.Scl T ;
I . 433 d5 2.c4 c6 3.d4 4516 4.45c3 e6 5.1g5 dc4
15.. .5g2?! 16.0f3 Eg6 17.de6 Sf6 (17...45e5
6.e4 b5 7.a4 l b 7 8.e5 h6 9.1h4 g5 10.ef6 gh4
18. ef7 4 f7 1 9 .0 d 5 + -; 18...017 1 9 .0 e4 + -)
I I . 4ie5 45d7! 12.f4N [12.1e2 -YB/5] 12...436
18. ed7 0 d 7 19.0e4 5e6 20.45e5+-] 16.0-0 014
13.f5 l b 4 [13 . c5!?] 14.1e6 «e6 #
17.4>h1! [17.de6? I d 6 18.ef7 4>d7!! (18...4f7?
19,0h5-t—) 19.g3 hg3 2O.fg80 Bg8 21.0h5D
(2l.fg3 Sg3 2 2 .4 h l 5 g l! 23.4gl 0 h2X )
21.. .gf2! 2 2 .4 h l Hg,5 23.0h3 4x6+; 17.4ib5? a6
18.5ibd4 l d 6 19.4513 0 g 4 20.4)el 0 h 3 —i-]
17.„4jd3! 18.de6
18.. .1c5?! [18...5g2K 19.4g2 l d 6 20xf7 4>d7
21.h3 0 h 2 22.4-f3 0 h 3 23.4e2 0e6?!
(23...4c6^) 24.4>d2 l f 4 25.4x2 0 f5 26.0x20
45f2 27.45e4! 4X4 28.5f4! 0 f 4 2 9 .S H + -;
19. ef7 4f7! (19...4d7 20.45e5! 0 e 5 21.f4±)
20.4g2 l d 6 21.0h5 4e6! (21 22.4X5
0 h 2 23.4f3 0 h 3 24.4e2 0 e 6 2 5 .4 d 2 + -)
15.1,62 [15.0c2 Sg8oo; 15.013!? 0 d 4 16.0f6 22.0d5 4 d 7 (22...4f6? 2 3 .0 d 6 + -) 23.4X5
0 e 3 17.1e2 l c 3 18.bc3 0 c 3 19,4>f2 0 d 4 0e5! (23...45e5 24.45b5+-) 24.0e5 1x5® ;
20.‘4 x l 0 a l 21.<*f2 0 d 4 22.4>fl=; 17.4>dl! 18.. .h3?! 19.g3 0 f5 20.ef7 (20.e7?! 0 f 6 21.ef80
Ed8 18.1d3 Sd3 19.45d3 0 d 3 20.&cl±; 418®) 20...4 f7 21.f4! I c 5 22.4X5 4X5 23.fe5
16.. .!c 3 ! 17.bc3 0e3! (17...0c3? 18.4x2 0 b 2 0 e 5 24.0d7 4>g6 2 5 .3 ae l± l 19.0h5± Sg6?!
19.4e3 0 c 3 2 0 .1 d 3 + -) 18.4dl Hd8 19.1d3 [19...0f6 20.4X5 45f2 21.Sf2 0 f2 22.ef7 0 f ?
Sd3 20.45d3 0 d 3 2 1 .4 cl 0 e 3 22.4b2 0 d 2 23.436 4 f8 24.0c5±; 22...4d7 23.fg80 5g8
23.4a3 0 d 6 24.4a2 0 d 2 2 5 .4 b l td 3 = ] 24.4516 0 f6 25.0d5 ld 6 ! 2 6 .5 d l!± ; 26.0g8?
15.. .0.0 16.0-0 [16.1f3 45d5!] 16...C5 17.45b5 [> 014+±; 2O...0g6 21.4x7 418 22.0g6! (22.e7?!
I7.45a2! I a 5 (17...cd4? 18.4lb4 0 d 6 19.4ig6 4g7oo) 22... Sg6 23x7 l e 7 24.45e7+-]
« b 4 20.4518 3f8 2 l.0 d 4 ± ) 18.dc5 0 c 7 19.c6!oo] 20.45d5+- 0 e 4 [20...4512 21.5f2 012 22.45c7
17.. .a6 18.5ia3 c3! 19.Hf4 cb2 20.5b1 l e 4 418 23x7 4 g 8 24.0g6 fg6 2 5 .4 X 8 + -; 2O...0d6
[20...1a3 21.0d3oo] 21.45c2 l c 3 22.4IH cd4 21.ef7 417 22.4xe7-i—] 21.45c7 418 22.e7 4 g 8
23.1d3 ! f 5 24.013 0d6?? [24...0c7+J 25.515! 23.013 013 24.g13 Bc8 25.45d8 1-0
ef5 26.1c4 4h 8 [26...4g7 27.0b7 45d7 Ikonnikov
28.4X7oo] 27.015?? [27.038! d3! 28.4517! 4 h 7
29.4)e3 Ea8 (29...0e7 3O.013+--) 30.45d6 45e4
31 .1 d 5 !D + -] 27...Hae8 28.4517 5 f7 29.1f7
Hf8 3O.0g6 014 31.1x4 g4 0-1
SL 7.6 33083
S o m la i

Knaak,Rainer (DD) 2500

Polgar,Sofia (HU) 2410
SL 7.2 33152
Dortmund II 1990 (10)

Ikonnikov,Viacheslav (SU) 2385 1.d4 d5 2 x4 e6 3.45C3 c6 4.4513 4516 5 .!g 5 dc4

Stojanovski,Icko (YU) 23 1o 6.e4 b5 7.e5 h6 8 .1 h 4 g5 9.45g5 hg5 1 0 .ig 5
Plovdiv 1990 45bd7 11.g3 0 a 5 12.e16 b4 13.45e4 l a 6
1 4 .le 3 N [A 14...0-0-0 15.013 0 d 5 16.1e2 c5
1.d4 dS 2 x4 c6 3.' f3 4 f6 4.4x3 e6 5.1g5 dc4 17.45g5±, H < ] 14...C3?! [14,..0f5!?] 15.bc3 bc3
6.e4 b5 7.e5 h6 8.1h4 g5 9.ef6 gh4 10.45e5 16.0c2± 111 17.*11 015 18,*e2! I a 3
5g8!N 1 1 .le 2 45d7 [ll...0 f6 12.1f3] 12.113! 19.Sab1 [19.f3?! 0 b 5 A 2O...0b2] 19...0-0
[12.45c6 0 b 6 13.1f3 l b 7 14.d5 l c 6 15.dc6 20.g4! 0 g 6 [2O...0g4 21.f3+-; 2O...0h7!?] 21,13

SL 9

Ab2 22.h4+- e5 [22...<Sf6 23.h5 Wg7 24.h6 « g 6 #14 37.4)h5 # g 5 38.T O * g 7 39.-&g4! tfeg6
25.h7 ®h8 26, E h6f 23.h5 * h 7 24.Ebg1! ed4 40.#d6 16 [40...*g7 41.«c7] 41.#b8 l c 8
25.±d 4 Ete8 26.&12 ®e5 27.i.eS [27.Ac3? 42.#c8 #C1 #14 44,*g1 # c 1 4 5 .* 12
Ac3 28.Wc3 %£!!] 27...He5 28.g5 #15 29.g6 # d 2 [45...TO 46.*e2 # e 4 47.<£)e3H—] 46 .*g 3
Be4 [29...Bd8 30.gf7 T O 31.TO3 Eed5 32,Sg5 1-0
T O 33.3g4 A 34.1hgl-t—] 30.«e4 » e 4 31.fe4 Lukacs
Be8 [31...C2 32.Bcl! A cl 33.Bcl Se8 34.Bc2
3e6 35.e5n—] 32.h6! fg6 33.h7 <ih8 34.2g6
B18 3 5 .*e 2 c2 36.f7 d £ ) 37.&e3 Ag7
38.Hg7 M SL 9.9 33047
Marin,Mihail (RO) 2480
Knaak,Rainer (DD) 2500
Stara Zagora 1990 zt (12)
SL 8.4 33185
I . V .13 d5 2.c4 e6 3.d4 c6 4.e3 T O 5.ac3 Sbd7
Lukacs.Peter (HU) 2505 6.Ad3 dc4 7 .ilc4 b5 8.Ad3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.d5 c4
Sherzer,Alex (US) 2440 I I . de6 1e6 1 2 .i c2 # c 7 13.0-0 i c 5 14.#e2
Budapest 1990 DUTEP ■SeS 15.ae5 # e 5 16.Ae3 [16.*hl!? A 17,f4]
16.. .1 e 3 17.»e3 0-0 18.Bad1 5lg4 19.«g3
I. d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.£)c3 ®16 4.e3 e6 5.®13 £ibd7 # g 3 20.hg3 3 a 7 / 21.3d2 g5 22.13 ®e5 [<
6.'*'c2 Ad6 7.A e2 0-0 8.0-0 dc4 9.Ac4 b5 22.. .©e3 23.Bel £ c 2 24.B lc2± «d] 23.^>12
10.Ae2 £ b 7 [10,..«c7 ll.l .d 2 Be8 12.Sacl±; [23.B el? Bf3 24.gf3 « f3 25.*f2 ®d2 26.4>e2
I I . ..Ab7 12.e4 e5 13.de5 £)e5 14.&e5 £e5 b4 27.©a4 c3+] 23...Ad7 24.Bc1 b4 25.5ld1
15. f4±; 1 l...a6!?; 10...Be8 ll.A d2± ] 11.Bd1 Ab5 26.5ie3 Bat7 #
« c 7 [< ll...# e 7 12.e4 e5 13.de5 €)e5 14.£)d4
Ac5 1 5 .# 5 # c 7 16.Ae3 ± e3 17,®e3± H.Olafs-
son - Panchenko, Palma de Mallorca 1989]
12.iLd2 [12.a3!? a6 13.b4! a5 14.Bbl ab4 15.ab4
®d5 (15...C5!?) 16.e4! ftb4 17.Wb3 ®a6 18.1,b5!
Bab8 19.Ac4 Aa8 20.#a2 B bl 2 1 .# b l Bb8
22. # a 2 ©b4 23.#e2± Vyzhmanavin - Mikhal-
chishin, Lvov 1990; > 12...a5] 12...e5 [12...a6
13. b4! a5 14.a3±] 13. B a d a6 [13...ed4?
14. ®b5±; l3...Hac8 14.b4] 14.b4! I f e 8 15.h3
Bad8 [< 15...e4?! 16.©g5! A,b4 17.Wb3!-i—;
16...Ah2 1 7 .* h l c5!? 18.bc5 h6 19.c6! Ac6
[A 27„.®f3 28.gf3 Sf3 29.*e2 c3] 27.itd1!!D [A
(19...Wc6 20.TO ) 20.4tge4+-; 15...A,b4
16. ®b5±; 15,..Bac8 16.#b3! e4 17.®g5 ®f8 28.1e2±; 27.4>gl? Bf3+; 2 7 .* el? S 3 28.gf3
18, Ag4!±] 16.a3 # b 8 17.Ad3! [17.£)g5±] 17...h6 Ef3 29.5ldl c3+] 27...®d3 28.Bd3 cd3 29.Ab3
[I7...ed4 18.ed4 ®b6 l9.Ag5!±] 18.£ih4 ed4 Be8 30.Bc5 h6?! [> 30...d2 31.3g5 * f8
19. ed4 ®18 [I9...®b6 20A f5±] 20. £15 Ah2? 32.Be5 Ed7 33.f4^] 31.#e1 &g7 [31...d2]
[> 20...®e6 2l.A e3±] 21.*h1 Af4 22.A14 #14 3 2 .*d 2 <£>g6 33.Se5 E1e7 34.14!± [A 35.Ae6]
23. £)e2! Wb8 [23...T O ? 2 4 .B f l+ - ] 24,#d2 34.. .Ad7?! [34...gf4 35.gf4 * g 7 36,g4 A 3 7 .g 5 ^ ;
®g6 [24...®e4?! 25.Ae4 Be4 26.4leg3 Bee8 34.. .4.f6 35.®g4 #g7 36.fg5 hg5 37.3g5 ^ f8
(26...Bf4? 27.©g7!) 27.®h5 <Se6 28.B c3^] 38.£lf6; 37...*h8 38.«lf6 Bf8 39.e5; > 34...**g7]
25.S c5 5ld5 [25...£>d7 26.Bc3!±] 26.£ieg3 35.A.C4+- [A 36.Aa6] 35...a5 36.3a5 g14
®d14? [> 26...TO!? 27.'tc2] 27.Ae4 S e 6 37.g14 e5 38. Ba6 >*h5 39.15 [A 40. Eg6, # h 5 < ]
28.Bdc1 Wa8 29.13! [29.£g7 Be4!] 29...h5 39.. .Bg7 40,16 Bh7 41.17 318 42.2a5 Bh17D
30.ag7! Be4 [30...*g7 31.Ag6 ®g6 32.53f5! 43,Be5 * h 4 44.J.17 B17 45.®I5 A15 [45...*>g4
T O (32...T O 33,Wh6 Bg8 34.h4!+-; 32...&g8 4 6 .3 e7 + -] 46.el5 ^ g 3 47.4>d3 <4g2 48.4>e4 h5
33. #h6-i—) 33.#h6 * e 8 34.£>g7+-] 31.fe4 49.16! [< 49.Ee8 h4 50.Eg8 * f2 51.Bh8 *g3
4>g7 32. Bf1! # b 8 [32...h4 33.TO *g8 52.*e5] 49...3 16 [49...h4 50.Sg5 &f2 51.*f5]
34. El'4-i—] 33.315 S?g8 [33...h4 34.B5f4 T O 50.3h5 B12 [50...Ba6 51.Bb5; 50,..b3 51.ab3
35.5?f5-i—] 34. B 514 T O 35.B14 S d4 36.#d4 Bb6 52.*d3] 51.fig5 * h 3 [51...S>fl 52.3f5]

52.b3 2 a 2 5 3 .*d 3 * h 4 ]53...2a8 54.2b5] 16.. .jie5 17.ab5 ab5 18.2a8 l a 8 19.h3 ]19.g3
54.Hb5! [< 54.Sg8 2a7) 54...*g4 55.&C4 4>*4 Ac6!7 20.f4 Ac3 21.bc3 e5!+, e4<] 19...&c6!+
56.d,’b4 & e4 57. 2 h5 2 a 8 ]57...*d4 58.*b5 A [19...b4?! 20.55a4 b3? 2 1 .1 b l # b 4 22.f4! I f 4
59.b4] 58.JJC4 2 c 8 5 9 .2 c5 1-0 23.1f4 0 a 4 24.1d6 Hf7 25.e5 ©d5 26.*h5-+U;
Marin 20.. .2c8oo] 2O.0e3 [A f4; 20.1g5 h6 21.1f6
2 f6 ¥ c P ] 20...Wb7!7 21.*3D #

QG 5.2 33107

Verduga,Denis (MX) 2405

Yakovich,Yuri (SU) 2470
Bayamo 1990 (3)

I . 55*3 d5 2.d4 55*6 3.c4 dc4 4 .0a 4 55c6 5.g3?

S5d7!N 6 .0 c 4 55b6 7 .0d 3 e5! 8 .± g 5 [8.55e5
55b4! 9.0c3 0 d 4 + ; 8.de5 0 d 3 9.ed3 &g4
l0.Ag2 0-0-0+] 8...f6! (8...Ae7 9.Ae7 0 e 7
I0.55c3=] 9.i,e3 55b4! 10.«d1 [I0.«b3!? «d5! [2 l.2 e l? ! 2d8+] 21...ib8! 2 2 .# g 5 D 0 c 7
(I0...ed4 11.53d4 c5 12.55b5! c4 13.®dlco) 23.1e3! [< 23.f4 b4? 24.e5! bc3 (24...55d5
I I . 55a3 (1 l.W dl ed4 c5 13.5lc3 0 d 8 25.5ie4—J l) 25.ef6 2f6 26.bc3±; 23...e5! 24,fe5
14,Ae3 W dl+) ll...# b 3 + ] 10...ed4 11.Ad4 0 e 5 25.0e5 Ie5+ E N , e 4 < , b 2 < ; 24.f5 0 b 7
[Il.55d4 0d5! 12.2gl c5 I3,55c3 0f7+ ] 11...C5 25.0h4 l a 7 ! 26.&h2 l d 4 27.53e2 l e 4 28.1e4
12.&C3 0 d 1 13.&d1 A e6 14.b3 Ae7 15.&C1 0 e 4 29.0e4 55e4 30.53d4 2d8! 31.1e3 ed4
0-0 16.Ag2 a 5 - + 17.55bd2 5J4d5 18..ib2 32.Bd4 2d4 33.1d4 b4+] 23...b4 [23...H6
[18.&c2 55b4—(-] 18...a4 19.55c4 55c4 20.bc4 24.#c5D 53d7 25.06700] 24.55e2 £ e 4 25.Jie4
55b6 21.55d2 2 ab 8 22.2d1 2fd8 2 3 .ic 3 55c4 & e4 2 6 . * g 4 0 55*6 ]26...Wh2? 2 7 .* fl 55g3
24.2b1 b5 25.Ji.c6 b4 26.5x4 i.c 4 27.2 d8 28.55g3 0 g 3 29.0e6 4>h8 30.Wc47? 2 f3 !-+ ;
2 d 8 2 8 .id 2 a3 0-1 30.2c!!±] 27.0e6 * h 8 2 8 .if 4 0 c 5 ? 2 9 .*h 1
Yakovich [29.jfi.e3 0 e 5 30.«e5 ie 5 ? E N ] 29...2e8 3O.0f7
2f8T 31.®e6T c3 32.bc3 bc3 33.0b3?! i * 4
34.55*4 0 e 3 !+ 35.55d3 [35.0c4? c2! 36.2gl
2 d 8 -+ ] 35...2C8 36.0 b 7?? [36.«c2D 55d5+®,
QG 7.1 33231 c3>] 36... 2d8!T 0-1
Sagalchik,Gennadi (SU) 2360
Ibragimov,Ildar (SU)
Katowice 1990 open QG 7.1 33173
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 3/- .(3 5 *6 4.e3 e6 5.i.c4 c5
6.0-0 a6 7.#e 2 b5 8.Ab3 A b 7 9.2d1 52bd7 Salov,Valeri (SU) 2645
10.53c3 0 b 8 11.d57! c4! 12.de6 *e6 13.1x2 l d 6 Ivanchuk,Vasili (SU) 2665
14.e4 0-0 15.a4!?N [> 15.h3!?lf4? 16.55g5 53c5 Linares 1990 (8),e3± Gerusel - Todorcevic, Monte Carlo
1968; 15...0C 7! I6.a3 2ae8 17.55d4?! Ie 5 ! 1.5513 d5 2.d4 55*6 3.c4 dc4 4.e3 e6 5 . i c 4 c5
I8.5lf3 Ac3 19.bc3 53c5 20.55g5 e5+ Khenkin - 6.0-0 a6 7 .0e 2 b5 8 . ib 3 i b 7 9.2d1 55bd7
Ibragimov, Soviet Union 1988; I5.ilg5?! 55e5! 10.55 c3 0 b 6 [10...«b8 ll.55e5!? Ad6
16.55e5 l e 5 17,h3 0 c 7 I8 .2 d 2 2 f7 19.2adl (U...55e5?! I2.de5 0 e 5 I3.55b5±) 12.f4 0-0
2af8 20.a3 Ac6 21.*e3 55d7 2 2 .# el a5 1 3 .id 2 55b6 14.2acl cd4 15,ed4 * e 8 16.a3
b4+ Shvarts - Ibragimov, Podolsk 1990] 2c8 17 .2 f 1 g6c» Ubilava - Gulko, Tashkent
15...55e5! 16.45e5?! [> 16,ab5!? 5jf3 17.gf3 Ah2 1984] 11.d5 [ 11 ,e4?! cd4 12.55d4 Ac5 13.Jfi.e3
I8.&g2 ab5 19.2a8 l a 8 20.55b5 0 b 5 21.*h2 55e5 14.a4 55eg4 15.e5!? 55e3 16.fe3 55d7 17.0g4
55h5oo; 16.55d4 53eg4co; 16...b4 17.f4? bc3 18.fe5 h5! 18.'W'g7 0-0-0^ Kortchnoi - Nogueiras, Reyk­
Ae5 I9.0c4 l h 2 20.&hl &h8!+; 17.£5e6!7 bc3 javik 1988; 11.55e5!? 2 d 8 12.f4 ii.e7 13.a4 b4
18.55f8 Wf8 19.bc3 l c 5 20.1e3 <4>h8oo] 14.a5 0 a 7 15.55a4 0-0= Salov - Ribli. Barcelona

QG 7

1989] 11...ed5 [l l...c4!? 12.de6 0 e 6 13.1c2 1x5 21.53C6 bc6 22.Sc6! * c 6 23.Hc1 &d6 24.#c7
I4.©d4 Wb6=; 11..,e3!?] 12.©d5 ©d5 1 3 .ld 5 * e 6 25.Se1 &15 26.'t17 *1 6 [26...4>g5 27,*g7
l d 5 14.Hd5 l e 7 [14...Wb7 15.e4 ©b6 <£h5 2 8 .S e5 + -] 2 7 .*h 5 g5 [27...*g5
16.1g5!? (16.Sh5!?) 16...1e7! 17,Hadl f6 28. Se5-i—] 28.»h7 ®g6 29.g4 1-0
I8 .1 f4 0-0 19.2 5d2 Sad8= Yrjola - Agzamov, Vladimirov
Sochi 1984; 14...©f6!?] 15.e4 2d8
[16.1g5 l g 5 17.©g5 h6 18.510 0-0 19.Hadl
53f6= Ree - Portisch, Wijk aan Zee 1985]
16...Wb7DN [16...0-0? 17.b4 We6 18.S a d i 5if6 QG 7.11 33224
19.Sd8 Hd8 20.Hd8 l d 8 21.e5 ©d7 22.bc5
5ie5 23.©e5 We5 2 4 .» d l l c 7 25.g3± Ponisch - Seirawan,Yasser (US) 2595
Ribli, Skelleftea 1989] 17.Sad1 0-0 18.«d2 #
Dlugy,Maxim (US) 2525
New York 1990 open (3)

1.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.5313 a6 4.e3 e6 5.1c4 c5

6.0-0 ©16 7.b3!? b5 8 .ie 2 l b 7 9.1b2 ©bd7
10.©bd2 l e 7 11.a4 b4?! [Il...ba4 12.Sa4
©b6=] 12.©c4 0-0 13.Sc1 Sc8 14.©1e5 l d 5
15.1.13! *c 7 ! [A 16...Sfd8] 16.©d7 ©d7 17.e4!
[17.1d5 ed5 18.©d2 if6 19.1al *b7=]
17...lb7? [> 17...1c4 !8.Sc4 #0814:] 18.d5!
ed5 19.ed5 l d 6 20.g3 a5 #

18...«a8!!D= [Ivanchuk/ Mikhalchishin] 19.®c2

[19.Sd7? Sd7 20.»d7 Hd8 21.#d8 l d 8
22.1c5 h6+] 19...®f6 20.Sd8 2d8 [21.Hd8
» d 8 22.e5 ©d7 23.®d3 #c8oo] V2-V2

QG 7.6 33034

Vladimirov,Evgeni (SU) 2565 21.lg2? [21.1e4! (A 22.»h5) 21...f5

Rantanen,Yrjo (FI) 2405 2 2 .1 g 2 ± /+ - A Se6, *h5-g5] 21...!a6! 22 .*g 4
Helsinki 1990I. ©e5 23.©e5 l e 5 24.Sc5!? * c 5 25.1e5 g6!
[23...f6 26.»e6 S17 27.*a6! fe5 28.1h3! A
I. d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 3.e3 4:16 4.1c4 e6 5.©13 2a69 .!e 6 + - Seirawan] 26.*14 16! [26...f5 27.1al!)
6.0-0 c5 7.a4 5 x6 8 .« e 2 ®b6!? 9.5 x3 ©a5?! 27.1d4! [27.1d6? g5! 28.1c5 gf4 29.1f8
[9...cd4? 10.ed4 ©d4 11.©d4 Wd4 12.Sdl Wc5 Ifl+ E N ] 27...g5!=T [27...*c2 28.Sal!] 2 8 .*e 3
(12...Wg4 13.©b5! ab5 14.1b5 * e 7 1 5 .1e3+ -) [28.*g4 * d 6 2 9 .2 el Sfe8 30.1e4?! Id 3 !]
13.1e3 » c 7 14. Hac 1 (14.a5!?) 14...1e7 15.i.b5 28...*d6 29.2e1 lb 7 ! 30.h4,’T [30.1h3 l d 5
ab5 16.©b5 m>8 17.©c7 &f8 18.©a8 # 3 8 3 l .l c 8 Sc8=] 30...gh4 3 1 .lh 3 hg3? [31...!d5
19.®c4 A d i 20. Ed7! ©d7 21.® c8+-; 32.1c8 Sc8 33.gh4 * h 8 !-+ ] 32.1e6! S?h8
9...1e7!?] 10.b3! I e 7 [10...©b3?? I l .# b 2 + - ] 33.1g3 Sce8?? [33...Sc3 3 4 .!c 3 bc3 35.*c3
II. l a 3 cd4 [11...0-0 I2.dc5 l c 5 (12„.Wc7ld 5 = ] 34. *13?? [34.*g5! W ei 35.He4 A
13.b4±) 13.b4 ©c4 14,bc5 Wb3 15.©d4 Wc3 36.S g4+ -] 34...He6! 35.He6 ®e6 0-1
16.Sfcl # a 5 17.Wc4 e5 18.510 l e 6 19.Wh4±] Dlugy
1 2 .le 7 &e7 [£ 12...d3 13.1d3 &e7 14,Habl±]
13.ed4 Sd8 14.5le4 ©d5 15.©e5!? Wd4
16.0H5— We4 [I6...g6 I 7 jf h 4 + - ; 16...Hf8
I7.1d5-i — ] 17.W17 « d 6 18.Sfe1 Wh4 [18...W4
I9 .1 d 5 « f7 20.530+ -; 18...W5 l9.Wf5 ef5
20.5317 h—] 1 9 .ld 5 ed5 20. Sac1 53c6

CA 4.2 33109 CA 4.3 33229

Ilic,Zoran (YU) 2375 Rukavina.Josip (YU) 2440

Ciric,Dragoljub (YU) 2395 Magomedov.Magaram (SU) 2360
Bern 1990 open (8) Pula 1990 open

1.d4 dS 2.S I3 e6 3.c4 £216 4.£>c3 fie7 5.g3 0-0 1.£3I3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.g3 £116 4.fig2 fie 7 5.d4 0-0
6.fig2 c6 [6...dc4] 7.0-0 <Bbd7 8.b3 b6 9.fib2 6.0-0 c5 7.cd5 ed5 8.dc5 fic5 9.®d4?!N £2c6
fia6 [9...fib7] 10.Wd3 [Polugaevsky; 10.£ld2 10.£jc6 [I0.fie3 fib6; 10...*b67! 11.©c6 fie3
Bc8 ll.a4± Larsen - Rossetto, Havana 1967] 12.£je7 &h8 13.£3c8 ®b2 14.fe3 « a l 15.£2e7±]
10...Bc8 11.Hfd1 c 5 [ ll...« rc7 12.e4de4 13.£2e4 10.. .bc6 11.£j C3 [A 12.e4] 11,..fif5 12.52a4
£2e4 14.*e4 52f6 15.Wc2 b5 (15...C5 16.d5±/±) fib6!? [12...fie7?! I3.fie3, c5< ] 13.b3 [13.®b6
I6.c5 (16.£2e5!7) 16...Bcd8? (16.„b4) 17.b4± Ilic #b6!7 14.b3 d4 15.fia3 Bfe8 1 6 .2 cl £2e4=]
- Jacob, Bern 1989] 12.©b5 fib5 [c6<] 13.cb5 13.. .Ee8 14.fib2 fig4! 15.Be1D fia 5 16.fic3
42e8N [A £Jd6, f5; 13...£2e4 I4.£2e5 £3e5 I5.de5 fic 3 17.£jc3 Wa5co 18.«d37! [> 18.Bel * a 3
f5 16,ef6 fif6 17.fie4 fib2 I8.fih7± Polugaevsky 19.®d2] 18...Bad8 19.Bac1 [A 20.£2a4]
- Wedberg, Haninge 1989] 14.e4 c4 15.bc4 de4 19.. .«a3!? 20.e3 [20.£)a4? fie2] 20...£2d7!?
[15...Bc4 16.ed5±; 15...dc4 16.*c2±] 16.We4 21.f4 [> 21.f3 £2e5 22.Wd 1 fic8 23 .fifl¥ ;
£2d6 17.'W'e2 £}c4 18.fic1! [A 19.£2e5, c6<; 23.£2a4 d4!? 24.ed4 £2d3? 25.W d3+ -; 23...fia6]
I8.42e5 « b 2 I9 .* b 2 £2e5 20.de5 # c7»; 18.fic3 21.. .g6 22.52a4 fif5 23.#d2 Be6 24.fif3 [A
£2f6 I9.£2e5 4dd5oo] 18...fi167 [> I8...ftf6 25.g4] 24...h5 25.®a57! Sde8 2 6 .*d 2 [26.«a7
I9.£2e5 £Je5 20.de5 £2d5 21.fid5 ed5 22.e6±] Be3! 27,Be3 'B'cl 28.&f2 Wd2+] 26...«e7+
19.fi14± [£2c4<] 19...We7 20.Bac1 Wb4 27.&12 fie4! 28.'i'c3 [28.fie4 Ee4 29.Bc6 d4]
21.jfi.f1 £2a5 [21...£;d6? 22.B bl Wa3 28.. . fi 13 29.&13 He4 [A 30...d4] 30.Bcd1Q a 16
2 3 .2 b 3 + -] 22.h4 2fd8 [22...Hfe8] 23.fic7 He8 31.h3 [31.£2c5 © g4 32.fte4 We4 33.&e2 ^ 2
24.S c2!«c [24.£2e5] 24...£l18 [A £2g6-e7-d5] 34.fid3 S2f2 35.s*?c2 £2dl 36.&dl W a2-+]
25.h5! [A 5 del, fid6; < 25.Sdcl fig6 31 ...d4?! [31...£2d7! (A 32...h4) 32.Bd3 h4!
Sc2 27.fib4 Hcl] 25...®a4 26.Sdc1 fi.d4? 33.Wc6 d4—»; 32.h4 W e6^] 32.5d4 £2d5
[26...h6±] 27.£2d4 # d 4 2 8 .fib 6 !+ - [28.jfi.e5? 33.«d3 15D 34.2.12 He3 35.He3 £j,e3 [A
Hc2] 28...ab6 [28...Bc2 29.fid4 2e2 (29...Hcl 36.. .£2g4] 36J#d2 c5?? [36...£2d5+; 36...h4!
3 0 ,# d 2 + -) 3 0 .fie 2 + -] 29.Hc8 2d8 30.Hd8 37.#d3 ®c2!; 37.£ic3 hg3 38.*gl « c 5 (A
« d 8 31.«d3 Wb8 3 2 .td 4 e5T 33.Wd5 £2e6 39.. .£>e2) 39.b4 « b 6 40.£2a4 W bi 41.Bd3 A
34.fih3 £2c5 35.Ee1 g6 36.h6 Wf8 37.2e5 « h 6
42.£2d5+] 37.3d77? [37.S d3!+ -] 37...®e4
38.Ee8 &g7 39.We5 1-0 38.4g1 #b1! 0-1

Nl, Ol, Gl, Kl, Bl, 01

Indian Defences
I.d4£>f6 2.c4

Kasparov holds his own in the King’s Indian

If someone had been granted a patent on the 4.#c2-variation in the Nimzo-lndian Defence about a
year ago, he would have been rich today. No other line has caught on so well with players of all
levels as this respected but half-forgotten variation. In the present turmoil, old lines are being
discarded and new lines spring up at an incredible rate.
One of the established lines is 4...d5, but this has been seriously threatened since Kasparov re­
habilitated the sharp 5.cd5 ed5 6.J:g5 h6 The game Kasparov-Spassky (Nl 23.6), a beautiful
performance by Kasparov, affords new proof that Black is in great trouble here. An interesting new
idea, or rather a new move order, was demonstrated in the game Chabanon-Dimitrov (Nl 20.5)
where Black played 4...0-0 5.a3 A c3 6M c3 b6 7.jk.g5 h6 8.1.h4 d6 and showed that this is more
than a mere transposition to well-known lines.
The sharp 4.f3 is also holding the limelight. Its theory is developing fast and almost all games where
4.f3 is played are of theoretical interest. In Malaniuk-Dautov (Nl 19.4) the move 9...&C7 in the line
4...d5 5.a3 ^,c3 6.bc3 c5 7.cd5 ©d5 8.dc5 Wa5 9.e4 holds firm again and Shirov-Lerner (Nl 19.5)
shows that the reputation of 7...ed5 is also improving. Lovers of a more dynamic approach may be
interested in the game Moskalenko-Atlas (Nl 30.1) where 4...c5 5.d5 b5 is tested. Overall it seems
that Black is strengthening his resources against 4.f3.
Schmidt-Masternak (Nl 27.1) is important for the theory of the Manhattan Variation. White’s strong
play in this game is the most critical test of Black’s set-up at present.

Compared to the dynamic developments in the Nimzo-lndian, the Queen’s Indian Defence is begin­
ning to look dull again. Take, for example, the game Groszpeter-Tiviakov (Ql 16.11): a worn-out
variation and a new move which is bound to achieve no more than an addition to a long chain of
uneventful draws.

Krasenkov-Tiviakov (Ql 4.6) is more interesting; Black undertakes an attempt to justify the unusual
7...c5 in the variation 4,a3 Jkb7 5.ftc3 d5 6.cd5 £>d5 7,e3.
Also intriguing are the games Beliavsky-Miles and Beliavsky-Nikolic (both Ql 16.13) where Be-
liavsky demonstrates two different treatments of the solid variation 4.g3 itb 4 5.&,d2 .fi,d2 6,'Bfd2
Aa6. Another important game on this theme is Eingorn-Short (Ql 16.14). This line has always been
reasonably popular and there seems no consensus on what White’s best play against it is.

In the 8.Sb1 -Exchange Variation of the Griinfeld Defence, the move 9...b6 has almost impercepti­
bly risen to prominence, probably because it offers Black prospects of more than just equality. It is
less tricky than 9...cd4 10.cd4 WaS 11.Ad2 and has become almost as popular as the latter line,
superseding all other options. A good illustration of Black's potential winning chances is provided
by the game Kaczorowski-Schmidt (Gl 4.12).
In the Prins Variation, the move 8. J.f4 appeared dead after the game Piket-lvanchuk (Yearbook 14),
but Eingorn, who started the 8.&14 fashion, seems to be unconvinced. Against Olafsson (Gl 10.3),
he tries to revive his variation by the new move 12.®e4, but this does not seem to pose Black any
real problems.

In the classical King’s Indian Defence, the move 11...|4’h8, which came to the fore after the game
Gelfand-Kasparov (Yearbook 16), received some further attention, for instance in the game Gouret-
Lanka (Kl 1.2). The crucial strategic idea that g2-g4 is often a favourable option after Black plays f5-
f4, is beginning to affect the evaluation of several subvariations and may be the major reason for
the present popularity of the Classical Variation.
An interesting new move in the 7.Ae3-line is Khait's idea 9...®d8 - Marin-Khait (Ki 18.7). Marin
accepts the challenge with 10.Ac5 but it appears that Black gets ample compensation for the
A relatively new idea in the Averbakh Variation is to play 10.Wd2 after 6...C5 7.d5 h6 8 .ilf4 e6 9.de6
Ae6. In the game Bareev-Akopian (Kl 23.7), White handles this in an instructive, straightforward
and successful manner.
The game Beliavsky-Kasparov (Kl 34.4) is important for the Samisch Variation. White tries to obtain
a small advantage by the quiet 9.£tc1. Black has to play very actively to hold the balance, which the
World Champion may be relied upon to do of course, but note that Kasparov manages to draw a
slightly inferior position rather than to equalize.

In the Modern Benoni, the consequences of 10...£ie8 in the Main Line are still quite unclear. Lukacs
has made several attempts to refute this odd-looking move, his latest try being 12,ef5 itf5 13.^.e3
as in Lukacs-Szalanczy (Bl 17.1). His efforts are rewarded in this game for he obtains an advantage
and secures the full point in exemplary fashion.
Also very instructive in terms of anti-Benoni strategy is White's play in Chernin-Lobron (Bl 20.2). In
this game White employs the fashionable Ad3-system.
The spectacular game Dlugy-Alburt (Bl 45.4) provides good entertainment and good propaganda
for the Benko Gambit. The line 5.f3, which Dlugy employs here, is ambitious and comparatively little
analyzed, attributes which will attract some players but put off others.
The game Gelfand-Chernin (Bl 38.2) is also of interest; 2...e6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5,cd5 b5 is a rare bird
and generally thought to be risky for Black.

In the Benoni without c2-c4, Velimirovic (as Black) shocked his opponent Goldin (Ol 8.6) with a
novelty which was not just good or very promising but which gave him a winning position at once; a
rarity, even in a wild, untamed opening such as this.

Survey Nl 27

SURVEY: Paul van der Sterren

Nimzo-lndian Defence III 27.5

Aleksandr Chernin The Vienna Variation

The move 9...h6, which Chernin employs in this game, caused a remarkable revival of the Vienna
Variation in 1987 after Tukmakov used it to score a beautiful victory over Yusupov in the Soviet
Surprisingly, although no clear refutation of 9...h6 could be found, the older move 9...jtd7 regained
its preferred status in the succeeding years. Probably this change of fortune was caused not so
much by a cool dismissal of 9...h6 itself but by the discovery that the old theory involving 9...!,d7
could be improved in several ways.
In the present game Azmaiparashvili chooses the relatively new 10.®d4 but he clearly fails to pose
any real problems for Black as the game quickly peters out to a drawish endgame. It seems as if the
Vienna Variation is still very much alive and with it the move 9...h6.

Azmaiparashvili,Zurab (13...gf6 14,#c3±) 14.#b2 gf6 21.1a6 4>c7 22.B bl-^) 21.Ebl
Chernin, Aleksandr 15.Ac4 (15.ef6 Sb8 16,«c3 J,c8) 20...C5 21.0 (21.Bb7 Ac6)
(16.#d4 c5l?) 16...«'b6a5') 21.. .a6! (A 22...Ab5=;
15.. .»bb(15...B b8? 16.Hd7!+:-; 21.. .Ac6!?) 22.Ebb Ab5 23.1.b5
Dortmund 1990 (1) 15.. .fe5!? 16.Shel Bg8! 17.Ee5 abS 24.EbS Bf4!= (A 25...Sfa4)
Wb6! A 18...0-0-0oo, f6< ) 16.ef6! 25. B db2 Ba3 26,B5b3 B3a4
l.c4 4jfb 2.45c3 e6 3 .# I3 dS 4.d4 # b 2 17.<i>b2^ Eg8! # 27.<i?c2 * e 7 28.Bd3T Ba7T
dc4 S.e4 i h4 6.jl.g5 c5 7,cS cd4 29.4’bl 2d4 30. Bd4?! cd4
8 .» a4 # 31.Bb4 e5 32.a4 * d b .33.&c2
Bc7 (> 33...d?c5 34.Sb5 &c4
35. Be5 Ea4+) 34.sfed2 Bc3
35. Ebb &d5 3b.Sb5 &eb
37.Ebb &f5 38.Bhb Ea3 39.g4
<*g5 40.Eh5 * fb 41.Bf5 (41.f4l;
41. S hb!?) 41...*eb 42.f4 fb 43.a5
Sa5 44.fe5 fe5 45.Bf8 Ea2T (>
45.. .e4—h) 4b.&d3 Ea3 (>
46.. .B h 2 -+ ) 47.4>e2 Eh3 48.g5
Sh2 49.&13 Bh7? (49... B h l—+)
(f6<) 18.&c3!«b (A 18...Hg2?l 50.Efb? (50.g6l Eg7 51.*e4+/=)
19.Hhgl T:B S g l 20.Egl 0-0-0 50.. .* d 5 Bh3!—h 52.&I2
8,..£>c6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.4,d4 .«c3 21.Eg7 Ef8 22.^d4 A 23.*e5) Bh5 53.&I3 Bh3 54.&g2
l lA c b M l 12.#a3!N (12.Wc4 18...Eg6 19,Sd2 Ef6 20.Bbl (54.& g4 Bhl) 54...Bh5 55.&f3
-YB/13) 12...bc6D 13.AfbD itb2 (20.Ehdl Bd8 (20...0-0-0 Bg5Z 5b. Bab Sf5 57.*e2

(57.&g4 Hfl 58.g7 Hgl 59.<4>f5 * f6 35.Bg8 B6h7 36.4,h7 Bh7 Nikolic,Predrag
Bg7 60.5a5 * c 4 - + ) 57...*e4 37.B el 4 x 6 38.Bd8 Bh4 39.Hd6 Ljubojevic,Ljubomir
58.g7 d3 5 9 .* el 4>e3 60.3a2 * g 7 4 0 .B gl * f8 41.B d4 Hh2 Tilburg 1987 (3)
(60.g8W d2—»—h) 60... H g5 42 .S d 2 Bh6 43.B12 * e 7 4 4 .B el
61.Be2 * d 4 0-1 * d 7 4 V e2 A d5 4 6 .B d l Bd6
l.d4 0,(6 2.c4 e6 3.S O d5 4.4X3
Chernin 47.4sd4 A e6 4 8 .B h l a6 49.Bh8
dc4 5.e4 A b4 6 .k g 5 c5 7.e5 cd4
A.d5 50.Bd2 * c 7 M 7; f ' Ed7
8 .# a 4 * c 6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ef6 hg5
52.?jg7 * c 6 53.Bh6 Bd6 54.Bd6
1 l.fg7 Bg8 12.5jd4 k c 3 13.bc3 #'a5
* d 6 55.4x8 * c 6 56.©f6
14.*c4 i d 7 I5.£)b5 Bg7 16.?jd6
*e7 ! 17,ftb7 ® a3 18.*c2 ®e5

Study Material 19.Wc5 Wc5 20.4x5 A c6® 21.h3

E h8 22.B gl (< 22J3 g4!) 22..,g4
23.hg4 Bg4 24.B d4 Bhg8 25.Bg4
Behrhorst,Frank *?jg4 1 4 -‘/2
Vidmar,Milan sr Bulthaupt,F YB/8-109
Bogoljubow.Efim Bundesliga BRD 1987
Nottingham 1936
I. d4 d5 2.S O Af6 3.c4 e6 4.4 g 5 Magerramov, Elmar
I. d4 Vf6 2.c4 e6 3.®f3 d5 4.4g5 A b4 5.4X3 dc4 6.e4 c5 7.e5 cd4
4 b 4 S -Y fl dc4 6.e4 c5 7.e5 cd4 8 .» a 4 © c 6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ftd4 Ad7
8.Wa4 2X6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ef6 hg5 Soviet Union 1987
I I . 4 x 6 Ike3 12.bc3 hg5 13.Wc4
I I . fg7 Bg8 12.£d4 4 d 3 13.£*4 W cl 14.ef6 Ac6 15.fg7 Bg8 16.h4
W e i 14.473c2 f5 15.£b4 fe4 16.£ c 6 T O 17.T O gf4 18.h5 Bg7 19.Bh4 1x4 e6 2,02® d5 3.d4 ®f6 4 .« c 3
4c6 I7 .# c 4 Bc8 I 8 .4 b l 4 f7 Bh7 2 0 .4 d 3 E h 6 %-<A dc4 5x4 il,b4 6 .kg 5 c5 7x5 cd4
19..&.e2 4 g 7 2 0 JM 4 Wf6 2 1 .* a7 8 :* a 4 A c6 9.0-0-0 k e i 10.bc3 h6
Egf8 2 2 .* e 3 i d 5 23.B cl T O 11xf6 ( I l.k h 4 ? g5! I!0 2 g 5 OidS!)
Yusupov, Artur 11 ...hg5 12.fg7 EgS 13.h4 g4 (>
24.Ec8 Bc8 25.g3 ®e3 26.fe3 4>f6
27.h4 gh4 28.gh4 4>g6 29.b3 4 h 6 Tukmakov, Vladimir I3 ...kd 7 ± ) 1 4 .£44 « a 5 15.®c6
30.Bgl Hf8 31.Hg2 H O 32.i2.f3 ef3 Minsk ch-SU 1987 (4)I. # c 3 1 6 .* b l bc6 17,#c6 4>e7
33.512 * h 5 34.4x2 4 h 4 35.4d 2 18.Wc5! * e 8 19.4x4 4 d 7 20.’» d 6
Ag3 3 6 .4 e l i M 37.a4 4 c 6 I. d4 £if6 2.c4 e6 3 .4iB d5 4.4 x 3 (20.Ud7i) 20...E d8 21.E d4 ®a5
38.Bb2 e5 3 9 .3 d 2 4 e 8 4 0 .* fl dc4 5.e4 4.b4 6.4.g5 c5 7.e5 cd4 2 2.B hdl Eg7 (22...eS 23MJfflf
4x6 4 1 .3 d 6 4 e 4 42.E f6 4 d 3 8.Wa4 4 x 6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ef6 hg5 23.4383! + - Bg6 24.h5 ®h5 25.Wc7
4 3 .* e l 4 c 2 44.a5 A b3 45.Eg6 I I . fg7 Eg8 12.4X4 Ac3 I3.bc3 ®a5 Bf6 26.®d8 1-0
<*h4 4 6 .« G e4 47.B d6 4 x 4 14.4x6 W e i U 4...W a4V IS.U dSX)
48.Hd4 S.b5 49.Be4 4 h 3 50.Be7 1 5 .* b l bc6 16.Wc6 * e 7 17.Wd6?!
A c6 51.Hg7 4 h 4 52.Eg3 * h 5 U 7,W a8 Wb4=) 17...*f6 18.B el
53.B O 4 g 5 54.Bf4 A h l 5 5 .4 e l We5 19.#e5 4 x 5 + 20 .4 x 4 Ab7 Vidarsson,Jon
1-0 2 1 .0 Bg7 22.B hel * f6 23.4.b3 g4 Akureyri 1988 (9)
24.Bc7 #
Timman,Jan 1x4 B f6 2.<20 e6 3.5sc3 d5 4.d4
a 7-T dc4 5x4 4 b 4 6..^.g5 c5 7x5 cd4
Karpov,Anatoly 8.Wa4 Oc6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ef6 hg5
Amsterdam VSB 1987 (2) &: i. 5 IS I!.fg7 Eg8 12.h4 g4 13.«Jd4 4 c 3
V-, # 1 Mr fe I4.bc3 WaS 15.SC6 '#c3 1 6 .* b l
l.d4 £ f6 2.c4 e6 3.<20 d5 4..Ag5 :/ / Ws: bc6 17.Web 4>e7 1S.’S'cS i e S
dc4 5.<2c3 4 b 4 6.e4 c5 7.e5 cd4 fy' 19..S c4 4 d 7 #
8.Wa4 4 x 6 9.0-0-0 h6 I0.ef6 hg5
I!.fg7 Hg8 12.Ad4 4 x 3 {I2 ...M .0 V
13 0,e4!) 13.bc3 ( :S 4 x 6 kd7!)
1S.-WaS 14.<8X5 4ia5 15. h 4 g4 >;■ a n
16.h5 Bg7 17.h6 Bh7 18.4x2 b6?! •■ ^ -f
(/5...4A 7/ 1 9 .kg 4 0-0-0!±) 19.A.g4
4 b 7 20.A O * e 7 21.£g5 Bhh8 24. .gO 25.E b7 fg2 26.B gl Bh8
22.H7 Ag2 23.Bh6 ii.c6 24,f4 Ae8 27.Aa4 Eh2 28.4'c2 Bg4 29.4x8
25.f5 cf5 26.4 £5 Bd8 27.H el *18 a h 1 30.B bbl Hh8 3 1 .4 * 5 * g 5
28.iie4 * g 7 29.Bh2? P & S M * - ) 3 2 .* d 2 Bb8 3 3 .* e3 a6 34,Ad3
29...Bd6 30.B gl * f 8 31.Hhg2 * e 7 S b l 35.* bl A h4 36 vfcf3 * h 3
3 2 .£ h 3 m i 33.4jf4 Bh6 34,Bg7 37.4x2 f5 0-1

Survey Nl 27

20.Sd7! Eb8 21.Hb7 E b7 22.fib5 gh4 33.gh4 S c5 34.Wcl 4 g 7 35.®f4 a r e 38.ac7 Ef4 3 9 .ad 5 m 40.a5
E b5 23.Wb54>e7 2 4 .B cl Wg7 Be5 36.'»d4 4 g 6 37.Wd8 ©e6 Bg2 41.a6 1-0
2 5 .# b 4 * f 6 26.Wf4 4 g 6 27.Hc5! f5 38 .# 0 6 5 ^4 39.fif3 4 g 7 40 .* h 2
28.Wg5 4 h 7 29.Wh5 Wh6 30. B e? Q e6 41.fic6 5jf4 5ig6 43.h5
Sg7 3 l.* h 6 ;* h 6 32.Hg7 4 g 7
©74 44.h6 4 h 6 45,'B'f6 ©g6 46.fig4
33.g3+ - f4 3 4 .4 c2 4 f 6 35.4>d3 Be4 47.4g3 Bf4 4 8 .# 6 6 f5 49.fif3 Holzl,Franz
475 36.h5 fg3 37.fg3 4 g 5 3 8 .4 e4 fie4 50.fie4 Bg4 51.4 h 3 Bh4 Budapest NOVIKI-B 1990 (2)
4 h 5 3 9.4e5 a5 40.a4 4 g 5 4 1 .4 e6 52.4g2 Ee4 53.®a5 ©h4 5 4 .4 fl
4g6 4 2 .4 e5 4 g 5 4 3 .4 e4 4 g 6 S f3 55.®d5 4 g 5 56.a4 4 h 4 57.Wf5 I.d4 a f 6 2.c4 e6 3.a n d5 4.©c3
4 4 .4 f4 4 f 6 4 5 .4 g 4 4 g 6 4 6 .4 f4 5jh2 58.4g2 Sg4 5 9 .4 h l 1-0 dc4 5.e4 fib 4 6.fig5 c5 7.e5 cd4
4 f 6 4 7 ,4 e4 4>e6 4 8 .4 d 4 1-0 8.®a4 a c 6 9.0-0-0 fic3 10.bc3 h6
1 l.ef6 hg5 12.fg7 Eg8 13.h4 *f6!?
Beliavsky, Alexander
14,hg5 * g 7 15.fic4 (1 5 A d 4 W g 5
Chandler,Murray 16.&b2 k d l I7.<hb5ao) 15...fid7
Linares 1988 (3) 16.fib5 0-0-0 17.cd4 4 b 8 l f ; * a 3
* a 8 1 9 .4 b l f6 20.d5 ed5 21.Ed5
Beliavsky, Alexander l.d4 ©f6 2.a n d5 3.c4 dc4 4 .a c 3 W fl 22.®,c5 #
Brussels S W IF T 1988 (17) e6 5.e4 fib 4 6.fig5 c5 7.e5 cd4
8.’t a 4 ©c6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ef6 hg5
I. d4 tiffi 2.c4 e6 3.S O d5 4.®c3 1 l.fg7 Bg8 12.ae4!? fie7 (72...d3l7)
fib 4 5.fig5 dc4 6.e4 c5 7.e5 cd4 13.h4 gh4 14.©d4 fid 7 (>
8.Wa4 ®c6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.ef6 hg5 H .M c T t) 15.©c6 be6 16.Wc4 Bg7
I I . fg7 Bg8 12.®d4 fic3 1 3 b c 3 » a 5 17.®d4 Eg8 18.Bh3!± Bb8 19.«eS
I.4.*c4 fid 7 t.5 .a b 5 Eg7 16.*c5 Bb7 20.fia6 E b6 21 .H h d 3 !+ - f5
0-0-0 17.fic4 ®'b6 18.Wb6 ab6 22.B d7 V d l 23.Bd7 4 d 7 24.©f6
19.EheI ®e7 20.h3 fib 5 21.Hd8 fif6 25.«if6 Eg4 26,®f7 4 d 6
4d8 22.ii.b5 ©d5 2 3 .4 c2 4 c 7 27.fic8 Bc4 2 8 .4 b l Be4 29.'»d7
24.fic4 ©f6 25.g3 Eg8 26.Be3 ©e8 4>c5 3 0 .» a7 f4 31.a4 Eb4 32.We7 ©d6 2 8 .4 b 3 4 d 7 4 c 4 33,fie6 4 d 3 3 4 .4 c l 4 e 2
4e7 30.E d3 e5 Eh8 35.#'h4 Bb2 36.fic4 4>el 37,n Ef2
32.Ee3 f6 33.f4 a f 5 3 4.B el 4 d 6 1-0 2 2 ...ab 4 23.Bd2 fif5 24.» f 5 Bd2 gf4 36.gf4 ef4 37.He4 Eh4 2 5 .ad 2 * 3 2 2 6 .4 c l Bd8 27.B dl
38.Hc4 a e 7 39.fig2 IS 40.E b4 4 c 7 ©33 2 8 .* b l a d 5 29.©e4 f b 3
41,a4 O 42.fif3 B h3 14-14 Cebalo,Miso 3 0 .4 c l » d l 31.® dl ©e3 3 2 .4 e l
©f5 33.gf6 a6 34.fic4 a h 4 35.g3
Barlov,Dragan a n 3 6 .4 fl b5 37.fia2 4 a 7 38.H
Conquest,Stuart Yugoslavia 1988I. a e 5 3 9 .ad 6 a g6 40.©e8 a5
Van der Sterren,Paul 4.1.a c 7 4 b 6 42.©e6 Ec8 43.f4 a4
Dordrecht 1988 (2) I. d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 3.a n a f 6 4 .a c 3 44.f5 a r e 45,a r e n re 4 6.4e2 b4
e6 5.e4 fib 4 6.fig5 c5 7.e5 cd4 47.fie6 4 c 5 4 8 .4d3 Bb8 49.fid7
I. d4 d5 2.c4 dc4 3 . a n jfefb 4 .5 * 3 8.Wa4 ©c6 9.0-0-0 fic3 10.bc3 h6 are 50.fia4 an si.g4ag7 5 2 .fi.di
e6 5.e4 fib 4 6.fig5 c5 7.e5 cd4 II. ef6 hg5 12.fg7 Bg8 13.© d4Bd7
fid753.4e2 4 d 4 54.f6 4 e 5 55.g5
8.W at 5)c6 9.0-0-0 h6 10.5id4 fic3 14,©b5 Wb6 1 5 .ad6 4 e 7 16.h4 4 f5 56.fia4 Bd8 57.f l 4 g 6 58.fib3
I I. bc3 hg5 12.©e6 » d l t 3 .* d l ®a5 t7.W c4 ©e5 I8 ,* b 3 fic6 4g5 59.463 4 g 6 6 0.4e4 4>g7
fie6 14.ef6gf6 15.»f3 4 e 7 16.fie2 19.hg5 ©g4 20.f4 ® 2 21.fib5 fib 5 61.4e3 4 f8 62.4 e4 Bd2 63.fic4
Had8 17,h3 E d5 1 8.E dl 5le5 22.© fa Bg7 23.a4 4 f8 24.Bh8 4>e7 64.4>e3 B d l 65.4>e2 Bd6
19.®c3 S d l 2 0 .4 d l b6 2 1 .4 e l Eg8 2 5 .* ’a3 4 g 7 26.Bg8 4 g 8 66.4>e3 Bf6 6 7 .4d2 4>d6 68.4c2
Hd8 2 2 .4 fl Bd5 2 3 .* g l 0 d 3 27,Bd7 ®b6 2S.Wd6 » e 3 2 9 .td 2 4c5 69.fie6 S O 70.4>b2 4 d 4
24.We4 5lc5 2 5 . t b l Be5 ®c5 30.g6 fg6 31.Bb7 ©e4 32.’» d 7 71.4c2 m 7 2 .4b3 4>c5 73.4a4
fif5 27.® cl fid 3 28.g3 a5 29.fig2 Wgl 3 3 .4 b 2 Wf2 3 4 .4 a3 Wc5 Bn 74.fib3 Ef4 75.fie6 Ef6
B e2 30.a3 4 f 8 31 ,h4 ©b3 32.Wdl 3 5 .4 b 3 MAS 36.S'd5 ed5 37.Ea7 76.4b3 14-1i

NI 14.3 32687 NI 15.2 33081

Kristiansen,J (DK) 2445 Johansen,Darryl (AU) 2420

Hansen,LB (DK) 2460 Rogers,Ian (AU) 2515
Tastrup 1990 (3) Malaysia 1990 zt

1.d4 eS 2x4 < f6 3.®c3 l b 4 4.e3 c5 5.®f3!? d6 1.d4 16 2.' f3 e6 3 x4 c5 4x3 cd4 5.ed4 d5
6.1d3 1 x 3 7.bc3 ®c6 8.0-0 b6!? [RR 8...0-0; 6.®c3 l b 4 7.cd5 ®d5 8 .# c2 [8.1d2±] 8...ac6
8.. .e$ 9.®d2 0-0 10.d5 ®e7 11x4 h6! 12.Eel 9.1d3 1x5! [A 10.a3?! ftc3 ll.bc3 ftd4!
fih7 13.£ifl f5 14.ef5 Af5 15.®g3 l d 3 16.«d3 12. <SAd4 # d 4 13.1b5 &f8! 14.0-0 # c 3 1 5 .# b l¥ ]
* d 7 17.a4 217 18.a5 2af8 19.0 ®f5oo Balashov 10.0-0 5jdb4 11,#e2 £ld3 12.#d3 h6 13.114 [>
- Vaganian, Odessa 1989 ch-SU] 9.e4 [9.d5!?] 13. d5 0-0 14.2dl £lb4 15.«e4=] 13...0-0 14x3
9.. .e5 10.03 [I0.de5!? de5 (10...©e5!? Kristians­ lc 3 ! 15.«c3 [15. be 3 b6f; A 16.c4 la 6 ]
en) 11.'feel! I e 6 (11 ...<£ie4? 12.#'a4) 12.kc2 15.. .©e7 1 6 .lg 3 [I6 .1 c7 €)d5+] 16...b6
©a5 13.©e3 #d6co/±; I0.d5 ©e7 11.4)h4 h6 1 7 .lh 4 l b 7 18.2fd1 # d 7 19.£x5 [19.1e7
12.f4 <&g6 13,ftg6 fg6 14.f5 g5!? A d?d7-c7] # e 7 20.<Sje5 Bac8?] 19...#d5 20.13 ®15+
10.. .h6 11.1x3 Wc7 12.#d2 Ad7 13.d5 &e7 21.112 2!c8 22.#d2 2 c7 23.B acl 2ac8
14.&02! [A £>gl, g3, f4] 14...0-0-0 15.®g1 g5! 24.Ec7 2c7 25.H3 [25.2cl E el 2 6 .# cl »d4?
16.g3 ®h7!? [16...<£)g6 17.f4 gf4 (17...ef4 18.gf4 27.#c7!=; 26...f6! 27.®g6 <Sd4!!+] 25...tfd8 [A
<2ih7 -game) 18.gf4 £lh5! 19.fe5 (19.®e2?! 2dg8! 26.. .#c8+ ] 26.5jg4 Ed7 [26...Wc8 27.®e3 ® e3
A © h4, # d 8 , * h 2 < ) 19...de5! (19...®e5?! 28.1e3 2c2 29.Bcl!=] 27.£x5 Bc7 28.£ig4
20.1e2!) 2 0 .2 0 fihf4 21.f i t # d6! A 2d7 29.<£x5 Bd5 30.«14 16 31.®g4 [3l.Sg6?
22„.,2df8»] 17.f4 ef4 18.gf4 £)g6 19.®13! * h 7 32.#g4 h5!! 33.#h5 a h 6 - + ] 31...h5
[19x5?! de5! 20.1g6 ef4 21.1h7? (21.1f4 gf4 32.ah2 # d 7 33.g4?! [> 33,#b8 * h 7 34.#a7
22.Af7 lh 3 ! 23.&h3 #17 24.W 4 « d 7 25.#f5 ®d4?] 33...hg4 34.hg4 ®d6 [A e5, ®b5] 35.Bc1
Bhf8+) 21...fe3 22.d6 V c6 2 3 .« d 3 0 Bh7! e5! 36.de5 le5 37.#b4 [37.#e3 Sb5+ ; 37„.e4!?]
24.#h7 # d 6 25.&g2 l c 6 2 6 .^ 0 # f 4 - + ] 37.. .Bd3 38.Be1 e4! 39.1e4 [39.f4 e3! A
19.. .gf4 20, 714 &14 21,#14 ©g5 # 40.. .# c 6 -+ ] Sg.-Vee! 40.2e3 [40x5 # d 5 —i-]
40.. .Bd1 41.2e1 [> 41.l e i £>g4+] 41...a5!
42,#b6 [42.#a4 Bel 4 3 .1e l a e4 A a g5, ®c5,
# d 5 - + ]'e4! 43.^13 [43.#d8 fie 8 !-+ ]
43.. . 5 . 1 4 4 .le 1 # g 4 45.&h2 113 46.#b3 * h 8
47.#b8 A h7 48. i g3 l e 4 49.«14 # g 3 50.#g3
' g3 51.4g3 l b 7 52.b4 ab4 53.ab4 g5 64.05
4>g6 55.b6 i l S 56.d?h3 <it4 57.&h2 4<g4
58.d?g1 4 g 3 0-1

22. h4? [22.'. gl! Sdf8! 23.h4 (23.#f6 &h7! NI 19.4 33023
24.#h6?! 2fg8!+) 23...f6 24.#g3 £if7
(24...®h7?! 25.ii.e2!, fth 7 < ) 25.2f6 <Se5 Malaniuk,Vladimir (SU) 2505
26.2f8 2f8 A 2 7 ...# d 8 ^] 22...I6!+ [A £f7-e5] Dautov,Rustem (SU) 2560
23. # g 3 ®f7 24.2g1 2df8 25.2af1 # d 8 Kusadasi 1990 open (2)
26.Ae2?T # e 7 27.#14 <S7g5! 28.1d3 &03
29.«g3 ? g1 30.2g1 * c 7 31 .#14 2fg8! 1.d4 ®16 2 x4 e6 3.©c3 i b 4 4.13 d5 5 x 3 l c 3
32.5g8 Bg8 33.#h6 i.g 4 t 34.#14 1.13 [5 ...!e7 6.e4 de4 7,fe4 e5 8,d5 l c 5 9 . ^ 0 ®g4
35.#f3 # e 5 ! [35...f5?! 36.*h3 Sg4? 37.#f2!] 10.©a4 !f2 ?! 1l.^>e2 l d 4 12.®d4 ed4 13.#d4
36.&h3 Wc3 37.h5 Wd2 38x5!? deS 39.d6 * b 8 0-0 14.h3!N± (14,*d3 -YB/14) 14...Wh4?! 15.g3!
40.d7 4>c7 41.115 e4! 0-1 # h 5 16.1.g2 £ie5 I7.g4-i— Shirov - Dautov,
L.B.Hansen Daugavpils 1989] 6.bc3 c5 7.cd5 5i:d5 8.dc5
« a 5 9 x 4 «c7!? 1 0 .le 3 [10.#d4 0-0? I l .# b 4
®c6 12.#a5 fta5 I3 .1 f4 (± -KB) 13...®e8D
14.2bl f6 15.Bb5 <Sc6 16.1c4 ^ h 8 17.?ie2 e5

N! 20

18.4e3 ®c7 19.Hbl £ a 5 20.4a2 4 e 6 21.4x6 23.. .4 e 6 24.5if4 de4 25.55e6 fe6 26.Be4oo;
55e6 22.4f2 2f7 23.3b5 £5-(5 Sagalchik - Dau- 24.55b4!co] 21...'#a5!+ 22.4c4d dc4 23.4d2
tov, Podolsk 1990 23...55c4 24.Bhbl Sb8 [23.d5? 55e5 24x4 4 d 7 + 25.Ba2 Wc3 26.4b2
25.4x1 (A 26. E5b4) 25...a5! 26.55g3 (26.c6 b6 A # f 3 - + ] 23...cd4 24.ed4! [24.cd4? c3 2 5 .4 cl
27.. .3c8) 26...2c7 27.c6 b6 28.55f5 Bc6 29.55e7 55b4+] 24...4d5 25.Bg3 Bhe8?! [25...a6¥;
(29.55e3 55d6 30.Sa5 Sc3=) 29...Sc5 30.55d5 25.. .5d7+] 26.Bh3! He1 27/tfel a6?! [27...#a4
flb5 31.2b5 55c5 A 32...55a4=; > 10...f6 -YB/6] 28.55d5 Bd5 29.Bh7 ®d8co] 28.4g2! Bh8
10.. X5! [10...0-0 l l.* b 3 55ca6 12,Hdl! ©d7
13.4a6 # a 6 14.3d6 b6 15.4d4 Yurlaev - Ma-
karichev, Frunze 1989 15...®a5! 16.®b4 ®b4
17. cb4 bc5 18.bc5 Sb8 19.c6 E b l 20.4>d2 55b6
21.4x2 B fl 22.c7 55a8= Makarichev] 11.Wb3
4 e 6 12.4x4 [12,Wb4 5ie6 13.#b7? * c 3 14.4f2
Wal 15.Wc6 4 d 8 ; 12.Wb2!? 0-0 13.55h3 f6!
14.5if2 55ba6 15.Ebl Efd8 16.4e255c5 17.»b4
Wb4 I8.cb4 55b3=] 12...55ba6 13.55e2 [13.2cl
0-0 14.55e2 4 c 4 15.SY4 55e6=; I4.55h3 4 c 4
15. # c 4 55e6 16.0-0 (16.c6 bc6 17.0-0 5iac5
18. ttb 4 «a6!) 16...5iac5 17.*b4 Wc7 18-Sfdl
Efd8 19,®f2 E d l 20.E dl 3c8=] 13...55c5
[13...0-0!? 14.4e6 (14.0-0? ®5c5 15.Wb4? #'b4 29. Bh6?T [29. Bh4! Wd8 30.55d5 * d 5 31.»e4±]
16. cb4 .4x4-+ ; 14.Sell?) 14...©e6 15.0-0 55ac5 29.. .'#d8 3 0 .*h 4 55e7! 31.55d5Q [31. Sh7? 55f5
16.#d5 # c 7 17.Bfdl Hfd8 18.#c4 Bdl=; 32.Wh3 #g5+] 31...55d5 32.Bh7 Ee8 [>
16.*’b4! » e 7 (16...«a6 17x4) 17. S fd l A 32.. .Bh7! SS.'B'h? # e 8 34,*f2 a5!= A 35,..b5]
18.Sd5^=>d] 14.«b4= [14,..»b4 15.cb4 4 c 4 33.442 ®e7 34 .# e4 gd7?T [34...'i'd8 35.#g4
16.4c5 Malaniuk - A.Sokolov, Odessa 1989 We7 36.#e4-] 3 5 .* g 6 !+ - S e7 [35..,#e7
ch-SU] Vi-% 36.®f7! '»e2 3 7 .4g3+ -] 3 6 . ^ 8 * a 7 37.Bh8
Dautov 4 b 6 [37...®e6 38.a5! We2 3 9 .4g3+ -] 38.#d8
# d 8 39. B d8 4 c 6 40. E c 8 4 d 7 41. B c4 1-0

NI 19.5 33006
NI 20.5 32743
Sliirov,Aleksei (SU) 2500
Lerner,Konstantin (SU) 2560 Chabanon,JL (FR) 2390
Lvov 1990 zt (1) Dim itrov,V (BG) 2455
Sofia 1990 tt (5)
1.d4 546 2.c4 e6 3.5 x 3 4 b 4 4.f3 d5 5.a3 .5x3
6.bc3 c5 7.cd5 ed5 8 x 3 # c 7 ! 9 .S a 2 [9.4d2 I . d4 e6 2x4 £ f6 3.5x3 4 b 4 4.Wc2 0-0 5.a3
0-0 10.4d3 b6 11.55e2 4a6=] 9...4f5 10.g4 4 c 3 6.#c3 b6 7.4g5 4 b 7 843 [RR 8.©h3!? h6
4e6!N [ 10_fi..g6?!± Malaniuk - Suba, Palma de 9.4 h 4 d5 10.cd5 ed5 11x3 (11.446 Wf6 12.®c7
Mallorca 1989] 11.55e2 55c6 12.5514 0-0-0 [> Wd4!=) ll...c5?!N (11...55bd7; ll...g5!? 12.4g3
12...h6! 13.4d3 0-0-0 J4.0-0 g5! 15.55e6 fe6 c5) 12.4f6 ST6 13.dc5 d4 (13...*c3 14,bc3 bc5
16.4d2 4 b 8 (> 16...h5+) 17.4el 4 a 8 18.Bb2 15.Bbl±EN) 14.»d4 # d 4 15.ed4 Be8 16.4d2
(> 18.4g3 e5 19.4f5!oo/±; 18...#g7 19.4b5±; Ed8 17.4x3 55c6 lS .B dl bc5 19.d5 «Sd4 (>
^...'ffaS 19.*d2oo A 20.B bl) 18...c4 19.4c2 19...5x7±) 20.55f4!±EN Glek - Langeweg, Kusad-
h5!T Georgadze - Lerner, Lvov 1990 zt (3)] 13.g5 asi 1990] 8...H6 9.4h4 d6!?N 10.e4 [10x3 53bd7
[13.-4.d3? g5!+] 13...52d7 14.4d3! [14.55e6?! fe6 I I. 4 d 3 e5; 10,®h3 55bd7 11x4 c5 A 12.0-0-0
15.4h3 Wd6 (A 16...e5) 16.f4 5le7?] 14...4b8 55e4] 10...C5 11.dS [ll.dc5!? bc5 12.0-0-0 5ic6
15.0-0 55b6 16.a4 [> 16.1g2±] 16...55a5! 13.4f6 gf6 14.«d2 4 h 7 15,Wd6 W b6^;
17.Bg2 [I7.4a3? -abc4] 17...4a8 18.4c2 55bc4 12.3dl!?] 11...55bd7 12.4d3 [12.0-0-0 55e4?!
19,301 [A 20.55115 g6 21.55f6±] 19...g6! 20.4h1 B-W el $5ef6 14.de6; > 12...ed5 13.4.f6oo;
[A 21x4] 20...55C6! 21 .4 d 3 ( a 21.55d3 cd4 12. # c 2 b5!?oo] 12.,.ed5 13.4f6 [13.ed5?! b5!+;
22.cd4 4f5! 23x4 (23.55f4 4 c 2 24.Wc2 ©a5+) 13. cd5?! ®e4+] 13...5516 14xd5 a6 15.0-0-0 [>

15. ftc3 6 .*c 3 b6 7.ftg5 fta6!? #
©e2 ©d7 16.©g3 ©e5 I7.fte2 ftc8=] 15...b5
16.g4 0 b 6 17.h4?! [> 17.©e2 A ©g3-f5] 17...b4
18.ab4 cb4 19.«d2 ©d7 20.g5 h5 21.©e2
[21.*bl a5 A a4-a3] 21...©e5 22.Sh3 a5 23.f4
©g4 24.213 a4+-^ 25.*b 1 Sfc8 2 6 / g 3 g6
27.©11 a3 2 8 / e 3 'T a b 2 -+ 29.5,g4 [29.ft.fl
W a7-+] 29...Ha1 [30.*b2 * d 4 31.*b3 Ha3XJ

NI 20.5 33134
[7...ftb7; 7...c5] 8.©13N [8.e3 h6 (8...c5) 9.fth4
Ostenstad,Berge (NO) 2410 d5 10.cd5ed5 I l .f t f 6 # f 6 12.WC7?! 2c8 13.065
Tischbierek,Raj (DD) 2440 0C64; 1 l.fta6! ©a6 12.©D±; RR 9...c5 10.dc5
Gausdal 1990 open (8) be5 1 l.ftd 3 ftb7 12.f3 d5 13.©h3 ©bd7 14.©f2
0 b 6 15.0-0 a5 Yrjola - Pinter, Haifa 1989; 8.©h3
1.d4 5 f6 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 i b4 4 .*c 2 0-0 S.a3 h6 9.fth4 d5 10.e3 ©bd7 1 l.cd5 ftfl 12 vfcfl ed5
ftc3 6.#c3 b6 7,ftg5 ftb7 8.13 d6 9.e4 c5 10.d5 13.0c6 2c8 14. ftf6 ©f6 15.©f4 Tisdall - Pinter,
©bd7 11.©h3 ed5 [> 11 ...h6 12. 2 14 (12.jft.h4? Haifa 1989; 8 .2 c l h6 9 . 0 0 ©c6 10.ftf6 Wf6
ed5 13.cd5 © e4-+ ; 12.fte3 ed5 13.cd5 ftd 5 -+ ) 11.0f6gf6 12.e3 ©e7 13.© 0 c5 Lemer - Rozen-
12...ed5 13.cd5 2e8 14.0-0-0 ©e5<x>; 12.ftd2!? talis, Lvov 1990] 8...C5 9.dc5 bc5 10.e3 ©c6
b5!?] 12.cd5 h6 13.ftd2!N± We7 14.0-0-0 c4!? [ 10...d6 I l .t t d l 0e7±]1 1 .ftd 3 W a 5 1 2 .ftf6!g 16
15.g4 [< 15.*bl b5 16.©f2 a5<=s] 15...©c5 13.b4! cb4 14,016 ba3?! [14...b3! 15.*e2
16/; 12? [16.g5!? ©b3 17.*bl ©e4 18.fe4 0 e 4 (15.*dl!?b2!Qx>) 15...0d8! (15...0C5?! I6 .2 h c l
19.*a2 Whl 20.gh6—»; 16...©fe4 17.fe4 0 e 4 0 e 7 17.0e7 ©e7 18.2abl± ) 16.0c3 2b8
18.ft.c4 (18.'#c4? ftd5) 18...b5 19.gh6 (19.ftb5 17.2abl ©a5 18.©d2 A 18,..d5 19.c5!±] 1 5 .*e 2
Sac8) 19...'#c4 20.*bl!?±; 16.Sgl±] 16...2tc8? 0 c 5 [15...0d8 16.«c3!] 16.2hc1 0 e 7 17.0e7
[A 17...©d3; 16...2ac8! 17.*bl (> 17.ftel; ©e7 18.Ea3±EN ftb7 19.2b1 ft13D 20.gf3!
I7.fte3 ©d3 1 8.*bl? ©d5 19.ed5 We3 20.©d3 ©c6 21.fte4 2ab8 22.2b5! 2b6? [22...h6! 23.f4
0 O ) 17...©fe4! 18.fe4 ©e4 19.0e3 c3 2O.0e4 2fc8 24.f5!±] 23.14! 21b8 [23...h6 24.2d3!]
(20.bc3 ©c3) 2O...0e4 2l.© e4 c2 2 2 .* cl cdlW 24.ftc6 dc6 2S.2g5! *1 8 2 6 .2 a 7 + - 2b2
2 3 .* d l ftd5 24.ftg2 ftb3 25.*e2 2c2 26.*d3 27.*13 2c2 28.2c5 2b 4 [28...2bb2 29.2c6
2fc8+] 17.*b1 ©1d7?± ]17...©fe4 18.fe4 ©e4 2f2 3 0 .* e 4 + -] 29.15! Ib c 4 [29...2bb2 30.fe6
I9.0e3 c3 20.We4 0 e 4 21.©e4 c2 2 2 .* cl c d l * 2f2 31,*e4 fe6 3 2 .2 c 6 + -] 30.16! * e 8 31.2g5
2 3 .* d l ftd5 24.ftg2 ftb3 25.*e2±] 18.g5 hg5 1-0
[18...h5] 19.fth3 2 c7 20.2dg1 16 21.ftd7 2d7? Hansen/Peicheva
[21..,«d7n A ©a4, c3«=t] 22.h4+- 218 [22...gh4
23. ©g4 * f7 24.Eh4 A 25.2h7] 23.hg5 1g5
24. ftg5 We5 25,0e5 de5 26.©g4! Ee8 27.©16
g16 28.fth6 * h 8 29.ftg7 * g 8 30.fth6 * h 8 NI 22.1 33193
31.ft18 2h7 32.ftg7 * g 8 33.ft16 *1 7 34.2h7
*1 6 35.2hg7 1-0
Chernin,Aleksandr (SU) 2600
Portisch,Lajos (HU) 2605
Moskva 1990 GMA open (4)

I . d4 ©16 2 x4 e6 3.©c3 ftb4 4 ,# c2 c5 5.dc5

NI 20.5 33112
«c7!? 6.©13 ftc5 7.ftg5 a6 [7...fte7 8.©b5 Sei-
rawan - Portisch, Indonesia 1983] 8.ft16N [8.e3]
Hansen,Lars Bo(DK) 2460 8...g16 9.g3!? b5! 10.ftg2! [10.cb5 ab5 ll.ftg 2
Farago.Ivan (HU) 2475 b 4 -+ ; l l.B c l *b6!+] 10...ftb7 [10...bc4 11.0-0]
Tastrup 1990 (7) I I . 0-0 bc4 12.©a4 fte 7 [12...d5 13.©c5 0 c 5
14.b3 0-0 15.bc4 0 c 4 163tfb2!±; 14...c3 IS.Bacl
1.d4 e6 2 x4 ©16 3.©c3 ftb4 4 .« c2 0-0 5.a3 ©d7 16.«c3±] 13.b3 d5 14.bc4 ©d7! [14...#c4

NI 27

15.i?c4 dc4 16.Habl J,e4 17,£lb6! Ba7 18.Bg1! [18.g4 # g 4 19.0-0-0; 18...#g6!; 18.gf3
(17...Abl 18.Sbl Ba7 19.®c8±) 18.53c8±] # f3 19.Bgl ig 4 ] 18...#g4? [I8...fg2! !9.Bg2
15. Bab1 Bc8 16.£)d2 [A 17.Wdl!; 16.#b2 Ac6; # f3 20.Bg8 4x7; 19.#e2! 2jg5 (< 19...#h3
16. « b 3 ± c6 17.cd5 Ad5; 17.Bfcl!? Bb8 20. f3! 2)g5 21.0-0-0; 20...#h4 21 sfedl «jf2
18.#c2] 1 6 ...i,a8 n 17.#d1 [17.Sfc 1!? 0-0! 2 2 .4 d 2 + -) 20.f4! 2X4 21.Sg2 (21.#g2 #h5co)
I8.Wdl # a 5 19.<£)c3 Ab4 20.ftb3 Wa3] 17...dc4 21_Wh3 22.4fl!±] 19.#d1! 2\g5 20.#d4 2 x 4
[17...d4 18.ija8 Ba8 1 9 .^ 0 e5 20.«h4±] 21. # e 5 1 x 6 2 2 .# 1 4 + - # g 6 23.*13 f6 24.«14
1 8 .ia 8 Ba8 19.£ic4! # c 4 [19...0-0 20.Hc!] 417 25.f3 ©g5 26.4d2! #15 27.h4 #14 28.ef4
20.#d7 « d 7 21.c_b6 <4x6 22.4x4 B hb8 2X7 29.g4 1-0
23. ®a5 [23, Bbcl st?d7! A 24...4>e8] 23...*d7 Kasparov
24. Efd1 4>e8 25.CX6 Sb1 26.Bb1 J,d6 27.e3
&d7 28.«a5 Sc8 [28...Bb8 2 9 .5 d l <4c7;
29...fib4? 30.a3 Bb5 31.<£)c4 Bd5 3 2 .^ b 6 + -]
29.Bb6 Bc1 30.<4>g2 Bc2 31.Ba6 Ea2 V2 - / 2
Chernin NI 27.1 33130

Schmidt,Wlodzimierz (PL) 2465

Masternak,Aleksander (PL) 2225
NI 23.6 33250 Katowice 1990 open (8)

1.GI3 d5 2.d4 e6 3x4 ©f6 4.2X3 ®bd7 5.1g5

Kasparov,Garry (SU) 2800 l b 4 6.e3 c5 7xd5 ed5 8.1d3 Wa5 9.#c2
Spassky,Boris (FR) 2560 [9.0-0 c4 I0.1f5 l c 3 1l.bc3 2X4 (ll...# c3 ?
Linares 1990 (4) 12.1f6' 2X6 13.#a4±) 12.#c2 2ig5 13.23g5 g6
14.1d7 (14.1h3!?) 14...1d7 15.e4 f6 16.2Jf3
I . d4 <Sf6 2x4 e6 3.®c3 J.b4 4.«c2 d5 5.cd5 0-0 V2 - / 2 W.Schmidt - J.Plachetka, Warszawa
ed5 6.,fi;g5 h6 7.Ah4 [7,Af6 Wf6 8.a3±] 7...C5 1983] 9...C4 10.115 0-0 11.0-0 Be8 12.2X2 Xc3
[7...g5 8.J2,g3 <8e4 9.e3 c6?! 10.Ad3 ®g3 ll.hg3 [12...g6 13.1h3 4g7 14.Bae 1 2x4 15.?ide4de4
Ae6 12.a3! Af8 13.f4 gf4 14.gf4 Ag4 15.i.f5± 16.JST4 ®b6 17.1.C8 Bac8 18.0 e!3 19.Bf3 f5
Kasparov - Nikolic, Beograd 1989] 8.dc5 <2ic6 20.e4!± Khuzman - Dreev, Uzhgorod 1987]
[8...0-0?! 9.e3 <2)bd7 10.Ad3 Wa5 1L$ie2 1x3 13,bc3 [13.®c3!? Wc3 14.bc3 g6 15.Ac2±]
12.#c3 # c 3 13.<Be3 Cic5 14.1c2 g5 I5.1g3 13„,g6 14.Ah3 [14.Ad7 8id7 15.Bfel <£)b6 16.0
l e 6 16.0 a6 17.h4± Kasparov - Kortchnoi, Til­ i.d 7 17.B a d ®a4 18.Af4 Be6 19.e4 Sae8T
burg 1989] 9.e3 g5 1 0 .lg 3 <2ie4 [10...d4 Smejkal - P.Blatny, Praha 1989 ch-CS; RR
II. 0-0-0 1x3 12.bc3±] 1 1 .# 3 [ ll.ld 3 ? l 2ig3 15.iLh4 5ib6 16.e4 Ad7 H .B fel S a4 18.Bacl
12. hg3 d4=] 11...#16 [Il...# a 5 12.2X2! ®c3 f5 19.e5 Be6 20.4tiO Braga - Sion Castro, Leon
13. bc3 1x3 14.Bbl 1] 12.lb5!N [12.Bcl l f 5 1990] 14...£ie4 15.®e4 de4 16.i.h6N [16.Af4?!
13.1d3 h5 I4.h4 g4 15,®g5 2lg3 I6.fg3 l d 3 ©b6 17.A.C8 3ac8 18.0?! Cid5+ W.Schmidt -
I7 .# d 3 0-0-0 l8 .B fl ©e5!+ Gelfand - Balashov, P.Blatny, Haifa 1989] 16...5}b6 [|6...©f6!?]
Odessa 1989 ch-SU] 12.„53c3 [12...<2?g3 13,hg3±; 17.&C8 Sac8 18.f3! f5 [18...Wf5 19.Babl! Bc6
12...0-0 13.0-0 2X3 14.bc3 # 0 3 15.#c3 l c 3 20.fe4 « e 4 21.*f2 f6 22.»g3 g5 23.Bb5±
16.Bacl±] 1 3 .lc 6 bc6? [13...#c6 I4.bc3 1x5 W.Schmidt - I.Rogers, Praha 1990] 19.Bab1!?
15.0-0±] 14.a3! g4! [14...1f5 15.#d2] 1 5 .le 5 ! He7?! [> 19...Wd5 20.a4 Wc6 21.a5 ®d5oo;
[15.2X4 2X5] 15...2X4 16.ab4 #15 1 7 .lh 8 gf3 20.h3!?] 20.fe4! Be4 21.h3± Bce8 [> 21...*d5]
22.B <3 S8e7 [A 23...«2d5; 22...#'d5 23.Sbfl
a d 7 24.#12 # d 6 25.g4 fg4 26.Bf7 A
2 7 .B d 7 + -] 23.g4 ftd5 24.gf5 # c 3 25.#h 2!+-
(25.#’g2?! Se3! (2.5...' e3'.’? 26.fg6+-) 26.Ae3
Be3 27.Be3 Cie3] 25...Be8 26.#d6 # a 5 27.f6

NI 30.1 33133 * e 7 13.f4 2 c 6 14.2f3± Kasparov - Ljubojevic,
Linares 1990; 6...de4 7.fe4 e5 8.d5 Ac5 9.2f3
Moskalenko,Viktor (SU) 2525 2g4 10.2a4! A 12 l l.* e 2 Ad4 12.2d4 ed4
13. Wci4 0-0 14.h3 # h 4 15.g3!!± Shirov - Dautov,
Atlas,Valeri (SU) 2420 Daugavpils 1990] 7.cd5 ed5 8.e5 fd7 9 .’ d5
Podolsk 1990 tt (2) cd4 10.2e7 # e 7 11.14 f6 12.213 [12,#d4?l fe5
13. # e 3 2 c 6 I4 .2 f3 0-0 15.Ad2 Bf4!? 16.#b3
I . d4 a t6 2.c4 e6 3.2)c3 Ab4 4.f3 c5 5.d5 b5!? * h 8 17.Af4 ef4 18.Ae2 2f6i§ Malaniuk - Dziu-
6.e4 bc4 7 .ic 4 2,d5 8.Ad5 edS 9.Wd5 4 c 6 [<
ban, Soviet Union 1989] 12...fe5 13.Ac4 2 c 6
9.. .0-0?! 10.#a8 2)c6 11.2)e2 # a 5 I2 ,* f2 Aa6 [I3...2b6 l4.A b3 2 c 6 15.0-0 Ae6 16.fe5 0-0
13,#f8 Af8 14.Af4± Legki - Gomiak, Soviet 17. B el * h 8 18.Ag5 Ab3 19.Wb3 « f7 20.e6±
Union 1977] 10.2)e2 Aa6 [< 10...0-0? -YB/16] Yakovich - Yudasin, Podolsk 1989; > 13...d31?
I I , *12!? [1 l.A e3 # f6 12.*f2!?] 11...0-0 14. b4!?e4 15.0-0 2 c 6 16.Sel 2 f6 17.Ad3 Ag4!
[ll...# b 6 ?! l2.H dl] 12. Sd1!? |l2 .A e3 Ac3?! 18, Ae4! 2 e 4 19,#d5 Bd8 20.#e4 Af3 21,gf3
13.bc3 Be8 14.2)14 # h 4 15.g3 # f 6 16.#c5± « e 4 22.fe4 2 d 4 23. S fl 0-0!± Shirov] 14.0-0 e4
Vulfson - Ivanov, Soviet Union 1984; >
! 14...' b6'.? 15.Aa2!? Ag4(15...Ae6 16.Ae6 # e 6
12.. .Be8] 12...Aa5!?N [12...Se8 13.Af4 # b 6 17.2g5 # d 5 18.fe5 2e5oo) 16.fe5 0-0-0 17.Ag5
14.S a b i c4 15.Ae3 # b 8 16.f4 Se6 17.e5 Af8 # g 5 18.2g5 A di 19. S a d i 2 e 5 20.2e6±]
18.a3 Hg6 19.2)g3 « e 8 2 0 .# d 7 + - Av.Bikhovs-
15. AdS 216 16.Ac6 bc6 17.2d4 0-0 [ 1 7 ...A d 7 1 ?
ky - Nielsen, Hastings 1989/90] 13.#g5?! #
1 8 .# c 2 H c8 A 19...c5<=q 18.Ae3 Aa6
[ 1 8 . .. 2 d 5 ? 1 9 .2 c 6 #e6 20 # d 5 + -; 18...C5
1 9 . 2 b 3 ± ; 1 8 ...A d 7 1 9 . 2 b 3 2 f b 8 2 0 . # c 2 ! A
21.AYc5±] 19.2e1 c5 20.#b3 * h 8 [ 2 0 ...# 1 7
2 l.# T 7 2 1 7 2 2 .2 e 6 c4 2 3 .2 c 5 A b 5 2 4 .A d 4 ± ]
21.2c6 # e 8 [ 2 1 . . . « c 7 2 2 . 2 e 5 H a b 8 2 3 , # c 2 c4
2 4 . 2 a d l ± ] 22.£)e5 2 b 8 23.#c2 2.d5 24.#e4
[ 2 4 .A c 5 2 f4 2 5 .2 e 4 2c8 2 6 .b 4 2c3!«=±]
e m m 24...2e3 25.Se3 Sb2 26.2h3 h6 27.4,g6 Ag8
28.2e7 * h 8 29.2e1 Ef6 [ 2 9 . . . 2 b 6 3 0 .f5 A
3 l . 2 g 6 + - ] 30.2g3 # d 8 31.2g6 * g 8 32.h4
2d2 [ 3 2 ...A b 7 3 3 . # e 8 # e 8 3 4 . 2 e 8 * 1 7 3 5 . 2 e 7
* g 8 3 6 . 2 e 5 + - ] 33.#e8 * h 7 34.218 * g 8
[13.#d7!? Wh4 14.2)g3oo; 14.*gl? 2 a d 8 -+ ; 35.2d7 W e 8 38, B 98 A 17 37.2)16 g!6 38.2a8
l3.Ag5 # b 6 A 14...Sae8<=t] 13...15!=/A 14.#d8 * e 6 39.Ba7-»— Ad3 40.2g8 c4 41.2c7 2 a2
[14.ef5 Wg5 15.Ag5 HfS A 16...2)e5T] 42. Bc5 Ba3 43.2gc8 h5 44.2h5 c3 45.2hc5
14...Had8 15.ef5 [15.Ag5 3 d e 8 t ] 15...2)b4! f c2 46.h5 Ae4 47.h6 *1 7 48.B8c7 * g 6 49.h7
[15...Sf5 16.2)g3 a n 17.2)ge4=] 16.g4 2)d3 2 a8 50.g4 15 51.gl5 A15 52.h82! *1 6 [ 5 2 . . . 2 h 8
[16„.d5?! 17.2)f4d4 18.<ae4±] 17-^gl! [17.sfcg2? 5 3 . 2 7 c 6 + - ] 53.25c6 1-0
Sb8 18.b3 Hfe8! A 19...d5-+] 17...d5!+T Mikhalchishin
[18.2)f4 Qf4 19.Af4 d4 (19...Ac3 20,bc3 Ae2
21.Hd2 Af3 22.h3 h5=/+) 20.2)e4 Ae2 21.2c5D
A di 2 2 .S d l 2 d 5 23.2d3 g6?] '/i-'h
Gelfand/Atlas NI 30.2 33043

Lerner,Konstantin (SU) 2560

Ivanov,Alexander (US) 2520
NI 30.2
New York 1990 open (8)
Beliavsky,Aleksandr (SU) 2640 1.d4 2)16 2x4 e6 3.2)c3 Ab4 4.13 d5 5.a3 Ae7
Spassky,Boris (FR) 2560 6.e4 de4 7.1e4 e5 8.d5 0-0 9.2)13 Ag4 10.Ad3
Linares 1990 (6) Ac5 [I0...2)bd7 11.0-0±] 11.h3 A13 12.®13 c6
13.Ag5! [13.Ad2 cd5 14,cd5 2)bd7 15.0-0-0
1.d4 2)16 2.c4 e6 3.2c3 Ab4 4.13 d5 5.a3 Ae7 Ad4<=t] 13...2)bd7 [13...cd5? 14.Af6 # f 6 15.#f6
[5... Ad6!?] 6.e4 c5 [6...dc4!? 7.Ac4 c5 8.dc5 # d l gf6 16.2)d5 2)d7 17.S fl *g7 18.0-0-0±]
9 .* d l Ac5 10.2b5 Ab6 ll.eS 2 d 5 I2 .2 d 6 14.0-0-0 a6?! [14...#a5!? 15.Ac2 # a 6 ^ ; 15.Ad2

QI 4

#c7] 15.2h11 #'c7 16.^4, b1 # 25.g4 H13!D 26.413 # g 4 27.&11 # h 3 28.&g1

# g 4 29.&11 e13 30.213 4 e 4 31.2d4!D 2e8
32.He3 [32,#d3 4 d 2 !-+ ; 32.#e3 4 d 2 !-+ ]
32...#114 33.#e1T [33.#c2 # h l 34.*e2 4 g3
35.&d3 #T1—t-[ 33... 2e5!! #

16.. .cd5? [16...£>e8!?] 17.ed5!± [I7.cd5? b5oo]

17.. .b5 18.#g3 £ie8 [I8...bc4 19.Sf6 cd3
20. Bc6 Wb7 21.Ah6 g6 2 2 .if8 Af8 23.#d3
Aa3 24.®a4 6f8 25.#c4±; 18.„5/h5 19.Ah7!
* h 7 20.#h4 <&g6? 2I.Wg4 f5 2 2 .2 f5 + -] 34.*e2! [34. Hde4 Se4 35.2e4 # h l —1-]
19.Wh4 g6 2 0 .ih 6 bc4 [20...<4lg7 21.£le4 bc4 34.. .# g 4 35.*d3 [35.0 4g3 36.*d3 #g6
22.£g7 &g7 23.©g5 h6 24.BH 2f7 2 5 .^ 6 6 + -] 37.&c3 2e3 38.#e3 4 f 5 —t-] 35...4c5 36.&C3
21. d6! [ ©d6S] 21....fid6 [21...#d6 4 a 4 37.&d3 4 b 2 3 8 .4 c3 4 a 4 39.*d3 4 c 5
22. fi.e4-t--; 21...£sd6 22.<Sd5 # b 7 23.<&e7 &h8 4 0 .* c3 #15 41.14! 2 e 3 42 .# e3 4>17?! [>; ©e8 25.fig6 fg6 26.208 ®f8 27.fif6 &f6 42.. .h6] 43.2d1 #16 44.4>c2 # g 6 45.*c3 4 e 4
28. #f6X ] 22.fic4 43b6Q [22...©g7 23.<S3e4n—] 46.*d4 4 c 5 47.&C3 h6 48.211 #15 49.2e1
23. ®d5! ®d5 [23...#c4 24.GM6 * h 8 25.fig7 Ag8 50. Eg1 4 e 4 51.*d4 4 c 5 52.<£c3 [52...b5
*g7 26.#h7X] 24.fid5 fie 7 25.#e4 Hb8 53.cb5 # d 5 54.#d4!=] 'A-Vi
26.4.18 ®d6 27.fit7 4.17 28.fie7 # e 7 Karolyi
29. # d 5 + - 2b7 [29...^g7? 3 0 .3 0 ) 30.2d3
®g7 31.2dt3 ®d6 32.216 ®b5 33.217
[33.*a2? Wa3±] 33...»17 34.#e5 * g 8 35.217
H17 36.g4 ftc7 37.a4 2d7 38.#16! 217 39.«c6 QI 4.6 33163
&g7 40.b4 g5 41.Ac2 2e7 42.Ab3 h6 43.«d6
217 44.4 x 4 <4>h7 45. AC5 1-0
Lerner Krasenkov.Mikhail (SU) 2545
Tiviakov,Sergei (SU) 2490
Kusadasi 1990 open

I. d4 4.16 2.c4 e6 3.4 13 b6 4.a3 ii,b7 5.4 .C3 d5

QI 1.2 33123
6.cd5 <£ld5 7.e3 c5 [7...'Bc3; 7...Ae7; 7...®d7!?
8.Ad3 c5 9.e4 ftc3 10.bc3 # c 7 11.0-0 A.e7
Karolyi.Tibor (HU) 2440 12, # 6 2 0-0oo Epishin - Tiviakov, Sibenik
Galego,Luis (PT) 2350 1989/90] 8 .ib 5 ! [8.1.d3 cd4 9.ed4 43d7co; 8.<ae5
Tel-Aviv 1990 BIKURI a6D 9.#h5 #f6=; 9 . # 0 #c7? (9,..#'f6o))
10..i.b5! ab5 ll.© b5 # e 7 12.53d6 # d 6 1 3 .# n
1.d4 4)16 2.c4 e6 3.413 fi.b4 4.fid2 # e 7 5 .# c2 ^ d 8 1 4 .# b 7 + -; 9.dc5 i,c5 10.#a4 4/d7
0-0 6.fib4 # b 4 7 .4 b d 2 « e 7 8.e4 d6 9.fie2 e5 I I . # d 7 # d 7 12.©d7 ,4,d7=EN] 8...i.c6 9.Ad3N
10.0-0 fig 4 11.d5 4 h 5 12.2le1 ©14 13.fi11 15 [9.Ac6 &c6 10.53d5 (10.e4 ®)c3 ll.bc3 Ad6
[13...a5 14,h3 fid7= A 15...4a6] 14.h3 1e4 12.0-0 0-0= V.Scherbakov - Tiviakov, Soviet Uni­
1 5 .# e4 fi13 [15...fif5 1 6 .# f4 + -] 16.413?! on 1988) 10...#'d5 1l.dc5 # d l n . i 'd l i c 5
[16.#T3 4 d 7 (16...4e6 17.^e3 4 d 4 18.#d4-t—) 13. b4 R.Scherbakov - Tiviakov, Soviet Union
17.#c3 4 c 5 18.g3 4 g6 19.h4 A 20.fih3±] 1988 13...0-0-0! 14.&e2 Jid6 15.1.b2f6 16.2acl
16...#16! 1 7 .2 e3 [I7.g3 4 h 3 I8.fih3 # f3 * b 7 17,b5 ®a5 18.®d4 Hhe8=EN; RR 9.#a4
19.#f3 HO 20.fic8 a5 21.jLb7 2 a 7 22.fic8 Ab5 10.45b5 43d7 11.e4 a6 12.ed5 ab5 13.Wb5
4a6T] 17...4d7 18.#c2 4 c 5 19.2d1 [19.b4 ed5 14.0-0 i,e7 15.©e5 2a5 1 6 .# c 6 t K ozul-
e4+] 19...e4 20.4e1 a5 21.Hd2 # h 6 22,«c3 R.Brglez, Ptuj 1989] 9...«ld7 10.0-0 i e 7
215?! [22... 2f6!T] 23.g3!! 4 h 3 24.fih3 # h 3 [I0...cd4 ll.ftd 4 1 ia ; ll.ed4!?T] 11.e4 43c3

12.bc3 0-0 13.0e2 [13.Af4!?] 13...3e8 QI 16.11 33164
[13...0C7 14.d5!] 14.Af4 £118 15.a4?! [> 15.£>e5
Aa4 (15...£>g6 I6.©c6 £}f4 17.0e3 0 c 7 Groszpeter,Attila (HU) 2545
)8.£>e7±) 16.i.b5! Ab5 17.0b5± Ad6 18.®c6;
17.. .®g6 18.&c6] 15...®g6 16.i,g3 ±d6!
Tiviakov,Sergei (SU) 2490
Kusadasi 1990 open (6)
17.iLb5 [17.©e5!? fte5 18.de5 i,f8oo] 17...0C7
[I7...i,b5 18.ab5, a7< ] 18.dc5 [18.i,c6 0 c 6
1.d4 £16 2x4 e6 3.<S13 b6 4.g3 A a6 5.b3
I9.«b5 «c7=] 1 8 ...ig 3 [18...i,b5 19.0b5 0 c 5
[5.0a4 Ab7 6.& g2 A e 7 7.0-0 0-0 8.fic3 c5 9.dc5
20.1. d6 0 ^ 6 21.a5=; 19.cd6? A e2 20.dc7 A fl A (9.Af4!?; 9 .Bdll?) 9...bc5 lO.Bdl 0 b 6 ll.ii.f4
e5, c7< ; 19.ab5 0c5=] 19.hg3 bc5 20.®d2 Ed8 12.Bd2 d5 13.cd5 ed5 14.ee5 &a6
Sab8= 21.E1b1 [21.i.c6 0 c 6 22.<&c4 0 a6] lS.B adl 0 e 6 16.®c4 £ b 4 I7.a3 ± c6 18.0a5
21...Hed8 [2l...0d7!?] 22.i.c6 Sb1 23.Bb1 d4 19.ab4 ilg2 20.4’g2 cb4 21.Sd4= Tukmakov -
0 c 6 24.a5 h6 25.fic4 Wa6 26.0a2C Ed3 Aseev, Odessa 1989 ch-SU; 8...£Ze4!?N 9.©e4
[27.0b3=; 27.Sb8 S^h7 28.0b3=] H-U (9.Ad2 c5!?oo; 9.0c2 £>c3 10.WC3 -QI 11.1)
9.. .1.e4 lO.Bdl (10.®el i,g2 ll.® g2 d6!? A
0 d 7 , A c5; 10_fi.c6!?; 10.i.f4 d6oo) 10...d6
(10...d5 ll.& e l Ag2 12.®g2±; 10...C5!?) 11.d5
c5! (1 l...e5?! 12x5! Af3 13.cd6± Ae2 14.de7
0 e 7 15.d6n—; 11...0d7?! 12.0d7 ®d7
QI 16.11 33170 13.£ld4±) 12.dc6 (12.S el Ag2 13.&g2 e5=;
12.. .ed5?! 13. Bd51; 12.de6 fe6=) 12...i.c6
Vyzhmanavin,Aleksei (SU) 2560 (12...®c6 13x5!) 13.#c2 W c7 (13,..€id7?
Bareev,Evgeni (SU) 2590 14.53g5!) 14.i.f4 ®d7 15.Bacl Bfd8 16.b3
Lvov 1990 zt (5) Bac8= Dautov - Tiviakov, Kusadasi 1990]
5.. .1.b4 6 .i.d 2 A e7 7 .± g 2 c6 8 .i.c 3 d5 9.®bd2
I. d4 e6 2.c4 ®16 3.©13 b6 4,g3 i,a 6 5.b3 Ab4 ®bd7 10.0-0 0-0 11. Be1 c5 12.e4 de4 1 3 .ae 4
6.i.d 2 A e7 7.&g2 c6 8.A c3 the4!? 9.0-0 [9.d5 A b7 14.aigS cd4 15.i.d4 # c 7 16./&16 i.16
ed5 10.cd5 £)c3 Il.£lc3 Af6 12.Bcl c5oo; RR 17.i.b7 ®b7 18.W13 [18.&e4 Ae7! 19-^G
9.Ab2 d5 (9...i,b4 I0.£fd2 d5 11.0-0 f5 12,«e4 2ab8 20.'B'h5 e5 21.i.b2 f6 22.B adl 'A-!6 Ivan­
fe4 13.0 Federau - Nippgen, Bundesliga BRD chuk - Ljubojevic, Tilburg 1989] 18—Wc7
1985/86) 10.0-0 £jd7 ll.<»bd2 f5 12.<£jel 0-0 [18...W3 19.®lf3 Ae7!=; 18...Wa6!?] 19.i,l6 ®f6
13.&d3 Ad6 H .H cl i.b 7 15.b4 (15.fcf3 dc4 20. Ead1 Ufd8N [20...Bad8 21.5ie4 ®e4
16.3c4 c5 Gheorghiu - Lautier, Lugano 1989) 22. Be4 #c5?! 23.Bd3! Wa3 24.Be2 » c l
15.. .0 e 7 16x5 bc5 17.dc5 Ac7 18.f3 Douven - 25.4>g2± Adorjan - Sax. Hungary 1989; >
Lautier, Groningen 1988] 9...®c3 10.®c3 d5 22.. .B d l 23.Wdl Bd8 24.Bd4 Bd4= -game]
I I . £ie5 0-0 12.3e1! [12.cd5 cd5 13.3el Yusu- 21. vie4 the4 22.Be4 3d1 [22...#c5 23.Bed4±;
pov] 12...i.b7 13.e4 dc4 14.bc4 [I4.5ic4 b5 22.. .Wc6 23.Bd8 Bd8 24.Bd4±; 22...e5!?]
15. €ie3 Ab4 16.Bel Wa5 17.0c2 £>d7oo] 23. * d 1 Hd8 24. Bd4 Hd4 2 5 .« d 4 f6
14.. .0d6!?[l4...£>d7 15.®B±; I4...c5 15.d5 &f6 [25...#e7!?=] 26.'8'e4 [26.b4 4>f7=] 26...'i'd7!D
16. a n ± ] 15.«f3 ftd7 16.e5 0 b 4 17.0d3 3ad8
[I7...i.a6 I8.®d2; l7...Bfd8 A 18...Hac8] 18.a3
0 a 5 19.0c2 A a8 20.®d2± f6 21.<&b3?! [21,f4!
fe5 22,fe5±] 21...0a6 22.ef6 i.16 23.®e4 cS!
24.&16 Bf6 2 5 .ia 8 Ba8 26.dc5 ®c5 27.£ic5
bcS 28.0 d 3 0 a 5 29.Bad1± Bb8 30.Bd2 Eff8
3 1 .0 e3 <i>h8?lT 32.Bd7 E b3 3 3 .0 e6 Ba3
34.«e5? [34.0e7 Bg8 35,Bc7 A 36.Bc5]
34.. .0C 3 35.B17 Bg8 3 6 .0 e6 Ba6 3 7 .0 e 4 Bd6
38. Ha7 Bd4 3 9 .0 e8 Bd8? [39...#c4=; 39...h6=]
4 0 .» e6 h6 41.Bc7 Bd6 42.0e5+ 0 d 2 43.Bc5
Sf8 44.Be2 0 c 1 45.d?g2 Bd1 46.Bc7 Bg8
47.14 Bh1 48.d?h3 011 49.Eg2 Bg1 5O.0e2 27.b4 &f7! 28.#a8 [28.0117 ® dl 29.*g2 0 e 2
0 b 1 S1.Sg1 0 g 1 52.c5 B18 5 3 .0 e5 011 3O.0h4 (30x5 bc5 31.bc5 Wa2=) 3O...0a2=;
54.&h4 3g8 55.Be7 0 g 2 56.c6 1-0 28x5 be5 29.bc5 0d5= ] 28...0C7! 29.h3?! [>
Vyzhmanavin/Arkhangelsky 29 * e 4 ] 29...f5 30.a3!D * f6 31.141D Wc4

Ql 16

32.ttt8! [32.«a7 « d 4 + ] 3 2...*g6 3 3 .*e 8 * h 6 4 l.* d 4 Sc2 42.Bf5 Sa2 43.*e4 *c6=]
34.g4 fg4 35.hg4 # d 4 3 6 .*g 2 We4 3 7 .*g 3 40...Sc2 K-K
® e3 3 8 .*g 2 e e 2 39. Ag3 ti-'A Beliavsky/Mikhalchishin

Q l 16.13 3321 1 QI 16.13 33167

Beliavsky,Aleksandr (SU) 2640 Beliavsky,Aleksandr (SU) 2640

Nikolic,Predrag (YU) 2600 Miles,Anthony (US) 2580
Munchen 1990 (5) Moskva 1990 GMA open (2)

I . d4 &f6 2.c4 e6 3.&13 b6 4.g3 Ab4 5.Ad2 1.d4 a re 2.c4 e6 3.&13 b6 4.g3 Ab4 5.Ad2
Ad2 6 .# d 2 Aa6 7.b3 c6 8.®b2 d5 9.fibd2 0-0 Ad2 6.Wd2 i.a 6 7.b3 c6 8.W14!? [Kortchnoi;
10.Ag2 ® e7 11.0-0 [ll.H c l!? A b4-b5±] 8.'H,b4!? Karpov] 8...d5 9.&bd2 abd7 [9...0-0
I I . ..4lbd7 12.2fe1 Ab7 ]12...Eac8 13.e4 de4 I0.36.g2 c5 ll.dcS be5 12.0-0 A 13.Efdl±] 10.e4
14. €je4 c5 1S.'Sifb ®f6 16.43e5± Beliavsky - [10.jk.g2!? 0-0 11.0-0 b5 12.cb5 cb5 13.E fd±]
Adams, Haifa 1989] 13.£ie5!? [13.e4 de4 14.£>e4 10.. .de4 11.ae4 4je4!? [H...0-0 l2.Ag2 <&e4]
©e4 15. Se4 c5 16.Be3cd4 17.©d4 Ag2 18.*g2 12.®e4 0-0 13.Ag2 ]13.«c6l? #f6 (13...Eb8
®c5 A *b7= ; 13.b4!? A 14.a4] 13...Std8 14,«e4 Ab7 15.'te3 e5 16.0-0-0!) 14.£g2 £c5
[13...®ie5 14.de5 £sd7 15.fiadl ®c5 16.*c2 15.0-0 Ab7 16.Wd6 Af3 17.Af3 Wf3 18.dc5±; a
f6!*±] 14.fed3! a5?! [> 14,..c5 15.Wa3l? (15.cd5 16.. .a b 3 17.ab3 Af3 18.Af3 Wf3 19.b4±]
&d5 16.e4 £)5f6 17.d5 ed5 18.ed5 «f8!, d5< ; 13.. .b5! [13...C5 14.0-0 £>f6 15.®e3±] 14.c5
15. H a d cd4 16.#d4 e5 17.®h4 e4oo) 15...*f8 ]14.Wc6? ®a5 15.b4 ®b4 16.®d2 £)b6 17.c5
16. dc5 £)c5 17.<ac5 # c 5 18.®c5 bc5 19.cd5 ed5 Bac8 18.#d6 B fd8-+ ] 14...Wa5 15.*f1 ®c3
20. B a d Sac8 21.<Sjbl±] 15. Sac1 Sac8[15...a4 16. Be1 [16.Wei!? b4 17,*gl * e l 18.&el Ab5
16.b4 a3 17.«b3 A 18.b5±] 16.e4! de4 17.<&e4 19.£>c2 a5 20.f4 A * f2 , S h d l, a3] 16...b4
&e4 18.Ae4 £)16 19.c5! ®d7 [I9...<e5e4 20.Be4 17. *g 1 Ab5! 18.®b1 Ad3 [18...a5? 19.Be3+-]
b5 21.*d2 b4 22.©e5 A 23.fic4±] 20.&e5 » d 4 19.Vd1 Ab5 20.iLf1 a6! 2 1 .*g 2 # b 2 22.®a1
21. ® d4 Hd4 # [22.Ab5 ab5 23,Ee2 Wa3 24.®d3 4366 25.<£)e5
Bfc8 26.Wf3±; > 24...Wa6 A 25...£id5]
22.. .Wc2 23.Ec1 ®15 24.Ac4 Ac4 ]24...Bad8
25.Bhel A 26.a3±] 25.Bc4 ]25.bc4?! e5 26.ae5
a e 5 27.de5 # e 4 28.*gl E ad8S] 25...a5
26.Se1 ®d5 27.®c1 (27.Ee3l? A * g l, a3]
27.. .Bae8 28.«f4 [28.®e3 e5l? 29.de5 Ee5+]
28.. .f6! 29.#d6 ]29.*gl!?; 29.«e4!?=] 29...e5?
[29...«5b6! 30.®d5 ed5 3 l.E cc l ®c8! A a a 7 -
b5-c3?] 30.de5 &e5 31.Wd5 cd5 32.Ec2 4,13
[32...&C6 33.Sdl Bd8 34.Bcd2 ®e7 35.«5d4
36.43b5±] 33.E e8 Se8 3 4 .*f3 ± #

22.,a.c6!! Ac6 [22...Hc6? 23.£>c6 Ac6 24.cb6±]

23.4)c6 Sc6 24.cb6 E d [24...2dd6? 25.b7
®d7 26. Sc6 Bc6 2 7 .E d l+ - ] 25.2c1 Ed8
[25...*f8 26.b7 £id7 2 7 .B c7 + -] 26.b7 AMD
27.2c7! g6 [27...g5 28.Ec5! * h 8 29.Ea5 A
Ea8, a4-a5-a6] 28.g4? [28.*fl! *g7 29.Bc8
£sd7 30.*e2 ©b8: 30...f6 3 1 .B c7 + -] 28...h6!
29.h4 * g 7 30.g5 hgS 31.hg5 Hb8!D= 32.gf6 *1 6
33.*11 e5 34. Ae2 * e 6 3 5 .*d 3 f5 3 6 .*c 4
[36.Ec6 * d 5 37.Ba6 Eb7 38.Ea5 * e 6 39.Ea6
* f7 40.*c4 A 4l.b4S] 36...*d 6 37.Eg7 * c 6
38.Sg6 * b 7 39.E16 Sc8 4 0 .*b 5 [40.*d3 e4 34...*17 35.c6 Sc8 3 6 .*e 3 * e 6 3 7 .*d 4 * d 6

38.C7 h5 39.(4 g6 40.Ec5 Ec7 41.Bc7 &c7 19.fia2!? [19.£e2!? ©b3 20.fibl H dl 21.©dl
42.tfed5 '4, b6 4 3 .*e 6 f5 4 4 .*f6 1-0 (2l.ii.dl © cl 22.Hcl ©b2 23.£b3+) 21...©b6
Beliavsky/M ikhalchishin 22.e4 A 23.2i.e3] 19...£c3 20,fid8 fid8 21.bc3
Hd1 22.Bc2 [22.£a3 © d2—t-] 22...e5 [22...©b3
23.&g2Q ficl 24,ficl ©e3 25.fe3 (25.& 0 ©cl
26. * e 3 ©b3 27.& d3t EN) 25...© cl 26.£c4 e5
27. e4 tt?g7 28.&B f5 29.ef5 gf5 30.*e3 e4
QI 16.14 33090 3l.'&d2 ©d3 32.£d3; 23...S a l! 24.Ha2 B el
25.£c4 sfcg7+; 22...f5 23.&g2 e5 24.e4! fe4
Eingorn,Vereslav (SU) 2570 25.£e2 Ed7 26.£h6<=f; 22... B el 23.*g2 e5
Short,Nigel (GB) 2635 24.£d3 f5 25.e4! fe4 26.£e2 A 26...e3 27.fe3 e4
Reykjavik 1990 tt (2) 28.4>f2 Shi 29.&g2-] 23.e4!? [23.*g2 e4
24.£e2 3d7 (24,..Bd3!?) 25.0 f5 A E b 7 -b l-
I . d4 e6 2.c4 ©f6 3.©f3 b6 4.g3 £ a 6 5.b3 £ b 4 al+] 23...©b3 24.&g2Q ©a1! 25.ii.e2 Be1
6. £>.d2 £ d 2 7.®d2 0-0 [A 8.£g2 c6; 7,.,c6 8.©c3 26.2a2 f i d 27.£c4 s4?g7! 28.Ba3? [28.£e2
d5 9.e4!?] 8.©c3l? d5 9.cd5 edS 10.£g2 Ee8 ©b3 29.fia3 ©d2! (29...©c5 30.&O g5 A
I I . 0-0 c5[ll...© e4!? 12.©e4 de4 13.©g5 £b7oo] 31. * e 3 S h i) 30.£d3 B el+ ; > 28.a5 <Sbc2!
12.Bfd1± © c6 [> 12...©bd7] 13.e3 ©e4 29.'i O (29.&h3 © el 30.Sa3 Bc2 31.Bb3 Hf2)
14.0b2 ©c3 15.0c3 0 f6 16.0b2 [!6.Sd2] 29...© el 30.sfce2 Bc3 31.A O © 0!+] 28...©c2
16...Bad8 [16...£c8 17.Ed2 £ g 4 18.dc5 f b 2 29.fib3 [29.Ba2 © el 30.>*fl ©O 31.*e2
19.Sb2±; 16...Hab8!? A c4, b5] 17.Sac1 h6 S c 3 -+ ] 29...©e1 30.&h3 [30 .* fl ©d3 31.&e2
18.fid2 c4 lO-SaS [19.5be5 b5; 19,bc4 £ c 4 ©c5 32.Ha3 ©e4+] 30...Sc2! [30...©f3 31.Sb7
20. ©e5 b5] 19...£b5 [19...£b7 20.bc4 dc4 ©g5 32.&g2 Bc3 33.£b3 A 34.h4F±] 31.Bb7
2 1. H c4? ©a5; 21.d5±] 20.3b2 cb3 21.0b3 [31.f4 © O 32.Bb7 ©gl! 33.&g4 h5]
[2l.ab3 a5] 21...£c4 22.0d1± b5 23.©d2 Wd6 32. Ea7 h5 33.a5 [33.g4 S O 34.&h4 * h 6 35.g5
24.©c4 bc4 25.Sb5 ©e7 26.Wa4 Hb8 27.Ea5 (35.gh5 gh5) 35...*g7 36.Sf7 Sf7 37.A n * f7
Bec8 28.Ba7 c3 [> 28...Hc7] 2 9 .0 a 3 + - 0 d 8 38. a5 (38.&g3 ©d3 39.a5 ©c5—h) 38...© 0
[29.-033 30.Ba3 c2 31.Sb3 Hb3 32.ab3 Bc3 39. '4g3 ©g5 40.a6 ©e6 41.a7 ©c7] 33...g5
33.&fl ©c6 (33...Bb3 34.Hc2) 34.£d5 ©b4 [33...© O 34.g4 h4 35.g5!; 33...>£>h6! 34.S O ©O
35.£e4 g6 36.*e2 f5 37.^d2] 30.Be7 c2 35. fiO S O 36.a6 Hc3—t-; 34,a6 © O 35.g4 h4
31.,ih 3 Bb1 32.£c8 1-0 36. g5 <S>g5] 34.B(7D fi(7 35.£(7 * ( 7 36.g4
Eingorn [36.a6 g4 37.&h4 <*g6] 36...h4D 37.a6 ©d3
38.&g2D ©(4 3 9 .*f3 ©e6 40.a7 ©c7 4 1 .*e 3
^ e 6 42.&d3 * d 6 43.^04 c5 44.^b3 &c6 0-1
GI 1.9 32710

Ninov,K (BG) 2465

Ftacnik.L (CS) 2560
GI 2.11 33030
Stara Zagora 1990 zt (6)
Modr.Bretislav (CS) 2330
1.©f3 ©(6 2,c4 g6 3.©c3 £ g 7 4.g3 0-0 5.£g2 Mikhalchishin,Adrian (SU) 2485
d5 6.cd5 ©d5 7.0-0 ©c6 8.d4 ©b6 9.e3 Be8 Dortmund 1990 open (3)
10.d5 © a5 11.©d4 £ d 7 12.a4 [12.©b3 ©b3
I3.ab3c6 14.dc6 £ c 6 1 5 .e 4 # d l 16.Bdl Bad8 1.d4 ©(6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Ag7 4 . i g 2 d5 5.©f3
17.£e3 ©c8= Yusupov - Kasparov, Beograd [5.cd5 ©d5 6.e4 ©b4 7.a3 ©4c6 8.d5 ©d4 9.©c3
1989) 12... 5c8 13.©b3?!N ©bc4! [13...©b3?! 0-0 10.©ge2 c5 11.0-0 ©a6 12.Ebl!?e5 13.b4b6
14.0b3 a5 I5 ,2 d l] 14.©c5 [I4.e4 c6 15.©c5 14,f4 ©e2 15.©e2 0d6oo Deak - Mikhalchishin,
cd5 16.©d7 0 d 7 17.©d5 Eed8+; 14.©a5 ©a5 Budapest 1990) 5...0-0 6.0-0 dc4 7.©a3 c3 8.bc3
15.e4 c6] 14...C6 15.©d7 [15.dc6 £ c 6 I6.e4 C5 9.©e5[9.e3!? ©c6 lO .0e2 0 a 5 l l . i b 2 ©d5!
0b6+ ] 15...0d7 16.dc6 0d 1 17.Ed1 bc6!? ( I l .. .i f 5 12.Etfc 1! iLe4 13,©c4 0 a 4 14.©cd2
[17...©c6 18.Bd7 Bed8 19,Bb7 £ c 3 20.bc3 ©a5 15.c4 Bac8 16.d5 a6 17.iLh3!± Adorjan -
B dl 2 1 .£ fl Ecd8+] 18.£(1 [18.e4 ©b3 19.Bbl Kindermann, Altensteig 1989) 12.Bacl b6!
© cl 20.fibe 1 (20. fide 1 ©d2 21.fial ©b3—t-) 13.©d2 (13.©e5 ©e5 1 4 ,id 5 Aa6 15x4 Ead8
20...©b2 2 1 .fid 7 ^ ; 18...Hed8!+] 18...Hed8 16.de5 Ed5oo) 13...e6 14.e4 i a 6 15.©dc4 ©de7

GI 4

16. e5 ®a4 17..4,e4 53a5<=± Holzl - Mikhalchishin, 13.cd4 b6 14.d5 e6 15.4,d2 4.a6 16.£b4 ed5
Budapest 1990 NOVIKI] 9...53d5!? 10.Lb2 17.ed5 4x4 18.416 418 19.Eb2 ®d5 20.®d5
[10.Wb3 5)c3!? 1 l.* c 3 cd4 12.»c5 ®a6 13.®b5 4 d 5 21.B dl 4x4 22.53cl! b5 23.4c2 a6
53c7 14.*a5 b6 I5 .* a4 Ae5 16.Aa8 53a8^] 24.53b3± Dautov - Lobunsky, Leningrad 1989]
10...53C6 11.53ac4 [Il.e4 53b6 12.f4 ®e5 13.fe5 10.0-0 ®e7 11.®c2 [1 l.f3 Bd8 12.4x3 ed4
Ad7 14.Hbl Sc8 IS.& al ita4 16.®e2 ®d7 13. cd4 c5 14.Bel cd4 15.53d4 4 d 7 16.4b3±;
17. h4 Ec7 18.&h2 e6= Pr.Nikolic - Damljanovic, 12.. .53d7 13.Wel!? 53b6 14.4,b3 4 e 6 15.Bdl±]
Beograd 1989] 11...Ae6 12.53C6 [12.*c2? Bc8 11.. .53d7 [> 11...4e6 l2.J&.e3 53d7 I3.f4 ed4
13.53c6 Bc6 14.53e5 Sc8 )5.Wa4 a6! lb.H fdl 14. cd4 f5 15.e5 53b6 16.4b3±] 12.4e3 53b6
®c7+ Miles - Kasparov, Tilburg 198 1] 12...bc6 13.4b3 4 e 6 14.Bad1 53c4? [14...a5? 15.d5+-;
13.53e5 # > 14...*h8 15.f4 ed4 16.cd4 4 b 3 17.ab3 f5]
15.ilc1 b5 16.f4± 16 [16...ed4 17.53d4±] 17.de5
1e5 18.f5 gf5 [18...417 19.Sd3 Ead8
20.Edf3± 11 19.ef5 4 d 5 20.5 g3 Wh4 21.Bde1
[> 21.We2!] 21...E17 22.®e2 [22.53e4 Baf8
23.53g5 Bf6] 22...Ba18 23.4c2 4>h8 24.53H5? [A
25.f6 4 f6 26.g3 ®h3 2 7 .4 f5 + -; > 24.Bf2± A
B efl, 53e4] 24...Bg8!«=r [A 25...4f8, g2<]
25.53g3!? [25.53g7 Bfg7 26.Ae4 Ae4 27.®e4
®e4 28.Be4 Bg2 2 9 .* h l (A f6-f7) 29,..53d2
30.4d2 Bd2 31.f6 Ea2 32.f7 Bf8 33.Se5=EN]
2 5 .. 416 [<; 25_&.f8 26.®f2 A 27.f6] 26.53e4?
[26.-4.e4 (26.®12 Ad8!) 26...Sfg7 27.ii.d5
13.. .Ae5!N [13...*c7 14.53d3 Eab8 l5.W d cd4 (27,Bf2 Ad8 28.4d5 cd5 29.®h5 Bg3!) 27,..cd5
I6.cd4 53b4 I7.53c5± Florian - Honfi, Hungary 28.4e3 53e3 29.®e3oc] 26...Sfg7 [A Bg2, 53d6]
1965] 14.de5 ®c7 [14...Sb8!? 15.®c2 * a 5 16.e4 27.3<2 Bg4!+—>28.53g3CIT [28.g3 53d6! 29.Bg2
53b6 A I7...53a4¥] 1S.e4 53b6 16,f4 j4 c4 Ee4—h] 28...Bg3T [28...jfcd8 29.4e3 53e3
[16...Sad8 17.Wc2 Ac4 18.Hfdl B dl 19.Sdl 30.«e3 Be8+ A Ab6] 29.hg3 ®g3 3 0 .4 e4 Ah4
Ed8 (19_fi.a2? 2 0 .ia 3 ± ) 20.Aa3 H dl 2 1 .* d l [30...4d8 31,Bf3 Ab6? 3 2 .* h l± ; 31...*h4!+;
53d7co] 17.B12 Ead8 18.®g4 [18.Hd2 Bd2 cd5 32.4e3 53e3 33.®e3 We3 34.Be3
19.*d2 Bd8 20,’B'el 53a4 ®a5+] e4+/+] 31.3111 Sg4?? [3l...Ad8! 32.B13 ®h4+]
18.. .53.4 19.-4,11 [19.£a3 * a 5 20.Bcl Bd3+] 3 2 .id 5 cd5 33.16+- Be4 34.17 [34.®h5! Bel
19.. .J,d3 20.4,d3 3d3 21 ,e6 15!+ 22.ef5 [22.®e2 35.®e8 ®g8 36.17-1—] 34...i.e7 35.J,h6!
c4 A 23...®b6] 22... Bf5 23.c4 53b2 24.Bb2 ®d6 [35.f8»? Af8 36. Sf8 *g7; 35.®f2 «12 36.&f2
25.Be1 [25.®e2 ®d4 26.®f2 ®c4 27.Bc2 4.C5 37.d?g3 B el 38,Bel 4>g7 39.B H + -]
®e6+] 25...®d4 26.B12 ®c4 27.®e2 Wd4 35.. .6C5! #
2 8 .*b 2 c4 29.0d4 [29.®b8 *g7 30.*c7 ®c5
31.*g2 Bfd5 A 32...B d2-+] 29...Bd4 30.Bc2
&g7 31.3e3 &16 32.Ba3 a5 33.2e3 Bfd5
3 4 .*f1 B d 2 -+ 35.Bc4 [35.Bec3 Bc2 36.Bc2
Bd4 37.Be2 c3 -+ ] 35...Bh2 36.^e1 Bb5 0-1

GI 4.1 33022

Dautov,Rustem (SU) 2560 36.4.e3?? [36.Bf2?? Af2 3 7 .* fl Ac5—

Beshukov,Sergei (SU) 36.We3!! 53e3 (36...®el 3 7 .# c 5 + -) 37.f8® Af8
Bled 1990 open 38.Bf8 ®g8 39.Sg8 &g8 40.ii.e3+-]
36...Ee3—t- 37.W12 *1 2 38.*12 Bc3 3 9 .*e 2
1.d4 5316 2.c4 g6 3.53c3 d5 4.cd5 53d5 5.e4 53c3 ^g7 40.BIS Ee3 41.*d 1 Bd3 4 2 .*c 2 Ed2
6.bc3 i.g 7 7.Ab5!? c6 8.Aa4 0-0 9.53e2 e5N 43. »fcb1 &18 44. Eh1 Eb2 0-1
[9...c5 10.0-0 53c6 ll.ii.e3 53a5 12.Ebl! cd4 Dautov

GI 4.12 33131 I9.ab3 a5?l (a7< ) 20.4h6 «T6 21,Hc7±;
19.. .f5l? 20.ef5 (20.4h6 f4oo) 20...gf5 21.4h6 (A
Kaczorowski.Piotr (PL) 2205 22.£g3) 21...f4 22.4g7 <4>g7 23.£g3 5c8oo]
17.. .£ d 4 [17...ed4 I8 .4 h 6 « f6 (18...*a5
Schmidt,Wlodzimierz (PL) 2465
19.4g7! Vd2 20.4f6-t—) 19.£f4±-*; 17...*a5
Katowice 1990 open (5)
I8.d5 # d 2 19.4d2 £ d 4 20.£d4 ed4 21.Sc7 A
I . d4 £16 2.c4 g6 3.£c3 d5 4.cd5 £ d 5 5.e4 £ c 3 22. f4] 18.£d4 ed4 19.4h6 [19.4d4 4e6!
6.bc3 4.g7 7.£13 c5 8.Bb1 0-0 9.4,e2 b6 20.4e6 Wd4=] i g - T O 20.S c7 4g4? [2
10.0-0 [10.h4 Ab7 1l.d5 e6 12x4 ed5 13.ed5 20.. .Bfd8 21.ji.d5 (2I.4g5?! * e 5 22.4d8 Ed8
£ d 7 14.h5 Be8 15.Sb3 £ f6 16,hg6 hg6 17.£g5 23. Ba7 We4S) 21...Bac8 22.4g5 We5 23.4d8
£e4! 18.£e4 Se4 19.Sbh3 0 f6 20.0-0 Hae8 Sc7 24.Ac7 ttc 7 25.g3±EN] 21.4g7 « g 7
21. Ad3 B4e7 2 2 .S fi Vi-'A, Novikov - 2 2 .# g 5 + - [22... Bac8 23.Bc8 4 c 8 2 4 .E h 6 + -;
Wl.Schmidt, Polanica Zdroj 1989] 10...jib7 < 22.Eh4 Bac8 23.S a7 .4 h 5 24.g4 # f6 ] 1-0
II. ttd3 Aa6 12.«e3 cd4 13.cd4 ®d7l? [Gavri- Marin
kov] 14.jS.a3 [14.d5!? k t 2 15.*c2 # a 4 16.Ag5
Se8 l7.B fcl Salov - I.Sokolov, Haifa 1989;
14.4,a6 £ a 6 15.Wa3 £c7=] 14...Se2 15.'B'e2 GI 6.1 32555
Sc8!?N [ 15... Be8 16.Sfcl e6 17,Ec3 Hc8
18.Bc8 1&C8 !9.B cl « b 7 20.«c4 £ a 6 21.d5ed5 Crisan,A (RO) 2245
22, ed5 Hd8 23.d6 £c5! 24.4x5 bc5 25.«c5 Wa6 Witkowski.S (PL) 2275
26.h4 Sd6 27.£g5 h6 ‘/i-'/i S.lvanov - Pribyl,
Wijk aan Zee III 1990
Leningrad 1989] 16.d5 Wa4! 17.4e7 Se8 18.d6
[I8 .4 b 4 f o i l A a5, £f6] 18...£c6 19.4g5 h6 1.d4 £16 2.c4 g6 3.£c3 d5 4.cd5 £ d 5 5.e4 £ c 3
2 0 .ie 3 Se4 21.Btd1 Bd8 22.Ebc1 Se6 6.bc3 4 g 7 7 .4 c4 c5 8 .£ e2 £ c 6 9 .4 e 3 cd4
23.S c4? [£ 23.d7 4>h7! 24,Wc4 « c 4 25.Hc4 [9...0-0 lO .Sbl £ a 5 11.4d3cd4 12.cd4b6 13.h4
£ b 8 26.Bc7 3e7 27.Sa7 Hed7 28.Had7 Bd7 e5 14.d5 f5 15.H5 f4 16.4d2 g5!? 17.4a5 ba5oo;
29,S bl Ba7 30.Hb6 Ha2 3 1 .* fl Bb2=] 13.0-0 e6 14.Wd2 4 b 7 15.h4 Bc8 16. S fcl ®d7
23.. .Wa6+ 24.d7 « b 7 25,'»d2 Ee7 26.«c1 17. h5 Be! 18.Bcl Bc8= Kasparov] 10.cd4 0-0
Bed7 27,Bd7 « d 7 28.g3 [28.Bc6 * c 6 - + ] [I0...*a5 ll.* fl!? -Y B /1 4 ; I0...b5 11.4d5 4 d 7
28.. .'B'd1 29,«d1 Bd1 30.&g2 Hd6 31.a4 *1 8 12.4c6 4 c 6 I3.d5 4 d 7 14.ji.d4 4.d4 15.*d4
32.£d2 [32.*fl] 32...s£e8 33.£e4 He6 34.h4 Wa5=Bagirov; 12.Ecl Sc8 13.0-0 £ a 5 14.Bc8
&d7 35.hS? [35.£d2] 3 5 4 !-+ 36.hg6 fg6 ®c8N (14...4.C8 15.a4±) 15.*d2 * d 8 (15„.£c4
37.£c3 4 e 3 38.fe3 Be3 39.£e4 Bd3 40.£16 16. jS.c4 bc4 17.»b4 A 18.Bcl±) 16.4.g5! h6
* d 6 41.Hg4 g5 42.£g8 Ed4 43.Bd4 £ d 4
(16...0-0 17.4.e7 W ei 18.*a5±) 17.Ae3 e6
44.£h6 &c5 45.£17 * b 4 46.£g5 &a4 47.£e4
18. j6.b3 Jk,c6 19.d5!? -YB/14] 11.0-0 £ a 5
Ab3 48.g4 a5 49.4.12 a4 50.&e3 a3 51.£d2
12.Jjd3 £ c 6 13,jL c4 £ a 5 14.l,d3 £ c 6 15.4.b5
&c2 0-1 itd7 [I5...a6!? 16.4.C6 bc6 17.'S'c2 4.d7
l8.B fd l± ; 17...e5?l 18.Wc6? i d 7 ! 19.»b7 Bb8!
20.*d5 Ab5! 21.Bfel * d 5 22.ed5 ite2! 23.Be2
ed4 24.4,f4 d3!+; l8 .B fd l Ad7 I9.f4! ed4
GI 5.1 33046 20. £ d 4 ®e8 21.B acl±] 16.Bb1! [16.d5!?
17. dc6?! bc6 18.«al cb5 19.Jg.h6 f6 20.Af8 * f8
21, a d l S ; 16.B el? £d4!+] 16...a6 17.4.C6
Marin,Mihail (RO) 2480 [I7.4.a4b5 18.^.b3 £ a 5 19.j4.d5 Bc8 20 .* d 2 e6
Nicholson,John (GB) 2325 21. Ji.b3 £ c 4 22.Ac4 Bc4 23.B fdl® ] 17...4.c6±
Budapest 1990 open (8) 18.d5 v b5 19.a4! 4.e2 20. ft e2 #d7! 21.a5 e6
22. Btd1 ed5 23.ed5!± Bac8 24.#13 B1e8
1.d4 £16 2.c4 g6 3 .£ c3 d5 4.cd5 £ d 5 5.e4 £ c 3 25.Bb6?! [25.Ab6 Sc3 26.Ed3 Bec8 27.g3±;
6.bc3 4 g 7 7 .4 c4 c5 8 .£ e 2 0-0 9 .4 e3 £ c 6 25...»d6!?26.B bcl h5 27.g3 Bel 28. Bel Se5?l
10.Sc1 cd4 11.cd4 # a 5 12.*11 4 d 7 13.h4 b5N 29.Sc8 Ji.18 30.Bd8 B el 31.*g2 Wb4 32,Ae3!
14.4b3 0 d 8 [A 15...£a5; 14...Wa6 15,h5 £ a 5 # a 5 33.»f6±] 25...Be5! 26.g3!? [26.d61? Bc6
16.hg6 hg6 17.*d2->; i4 ...* b 4 15.h5 £ a 5 27.Bb7! (27.Bc6? bc6+) 27...#b7 28.d7 4.f6
I6.hg6 hg6 I7.4d5! Hac8 18.Hbl ®a3 I9.#d2 29.WK Bf6 30.d8# * g 7 31.4.d4=/oo] 26...B15
e6 20.j4.b3 £ b 3 2 l.E b 3 W ei 22.A.h6—►
] 15.h5 27,#e4 [2 7 .^ 4 ? ! h5!»] 27...Be5 28.#13 E I5
e5 16.hg6 hg6 17.#d2 [17.d5 £ a 5 18.«d2 £ b 3 2 9 .*e 4 Se5 30.«d3 Bd8!= 31.Wb3 Ed5

Kl 1

32.2dS « d 5 33.®d5 Sd5 34.Sb7 i.c 3 dc4 6.Wc4 0-0 7.e4 5 a6 8. 514 c5 9.dc5 Wa5
35.JLh6= 10.eS 5X7 11.a3 » c 5 12.We4N [12.5X5]
Crisan 12.. . 5 . 6 1 3 .ile3 « c 7 [13...*c6 14.*c6 bc6±]
14. Hc1 [14.5X5 ®b8>; 14.»h4!?J 14...i.f5
15. * h 4 2ac8 16.J,a6 ba6 17.0-0 Wb7 [d5<;
GI 8.9 33233 17.. .®'c4 M .ib.6 (18.5X4) 18...ab6 19.»c4 Sc4
20.5X5] 18.5X4?! [18.i,h6? Hc4 19.®g5 Sg4;
Yanvarev.Igor < s n 2385 18.b3! 5X5 19.5X5 « d 5 20.i.h6±] 18...5X4!
19.1. h6 Ah6 [19...5X5 20.i.g7 * g7 21.#g3]
Ivacic,Vladimir (YU) 2300
20,#h6 5X 5 #
Bled 1990 open (3)

1.d4 516 2.513 g6 3.c4 Ag7 4.5?c3 d5 5.jLg5

5?e4 6.cd5 5>g5 7.5>g5 e6 8.5?ge4!?N ed5
9.5X5 c6 [9...b6 10.5X3 0-0 1 l.g31? Ae6 12.Ag2
c6 13.0-0 5ld7 14. S c l T] 10.g3 0-0 11.e3 Ee8
12.l.g2 # b 6 [12...5>d7 13,5X3 516 14.0-0 Af5
15.5X5±; 12...b6!? 13.5X3 Aa6 fcCfiicl!? A
5Ue2, Wa4] 13.Wd2 5X 7 14,5i3a4 [14.5X7?
«d4!! 15.*d4 Ad4+] 14...WC7 15.0-0± 516
16.Sac1 Wd6 17.5x3 b6 18.5X3 5X 4 19.«c2
i 15 20.2fd1 Sac8 [20...C5!? 21.*a4 cd4!
(21...5X3?! 22.bc3 Ad3 23.dc5!±) 22.ed4 2 1 .Ife 1 ^ [21.515? gf5+ A 22.*g5 5ig6 23.#f'5
(22.5X5?! * d 7 23.2c7 » d 8 A a6<=±) 22...5x3 «g2!] 21..16 [21...5lg4 22.«h4] 22.b4 Efd8
23.bc3!±] 21.#a4 5X3 22.2c3 a5 2 3 .S d d 1 [22...Bc4 23.515 gf5 24.Be5 Sg4 (24...fe5
M B [23...C5? 24.dc5 bc5 25.Sc5!±] 24.#d1 25.Web) 25.5.d5 fe5 26.«e6 A 27.Ec7-«;
Hb8 25.#f1 We7 [A 26...C5] 26.S3c2 Hed8 22.. . Scd8 23.2cdl;>h8] 23.515= g<5
27.h4 h5 28.a3!? [A 29,b4 ab4 30.5X4! 1 ] 24.Ee5 Sc3!? [24...fe5 25.1X6=] 25.3c5!
28...g5? [28...*d6 29.b4 Ae8±] 29.hg5 Wg5 [25.Sf5? Hcl? 2 6 ,'tc l « d 7 27.g4; 25...«e4+]
30.Ah3 ile 8 31.«g2 Sd6 32.5X1!± [A 513- 25.. .Ba3 [25...Sc5 26.bc5^] 26.215 Sad3
h4-f5] 32...#e7 33.' f3 116 34.415 #18 27, Eg5! fg5 28.»g5 «17 29.1(5 * e 8 30.1h5
3 5 .^ 3 WhS 3 6 .*g 2 J,e7 37. Sh1 f6 * f 8 [30...&d7 31.»f5] 31.W15 U-U
38.iLg4!+- » h 7 39.Ah5! Wc2 # Eingorn

KI 1.2 33190

Gouret,Thierry (FR) 2250

Lanka,Zigurd (SU) 2480
Torcy 1990 open (2)

1.d4 516 2.513 g6 3x4 J,g7 4.5 x 3 0-0 5.e4 d6

40.#g4!D * f 8 41.J,e8 [41,..*e8 42.Sh8 &f8 6.Ae2 e5 7.0-0 5 x 6 8.d5 5;e7 9.5X1 5X7
43.Wg7-i—] Yanvarev 1-0 10.5X3 f5 11.4X2 &h8 12.b4 [12. S c l c5! (Lan­
ka) 13.dc6 (13.b4 -YB/16) 13...bc6 14x5 d5oo
Dreev - Shirov, Tunja 1989] 12...516 1313 h5!?N
[13..14?! 14.g4! h5 15.g5 5X7 16.h4 55g5!? 17,hg5
GI 10.3 33082 5if5 (17...5X5 18.2f2±) 18.2f2 (18.ef5? *g5
19.4>h2 * g 3 2 0 .* h l « h 3 21.*gl e4! A
Eingorn,Vereslav (SU) 2570 22.. . 1 . 4 - + ) 18...Wg5 19.2g2 5lg3 20.55f2 » e 7
01afsson,Helgi (IS) 2575 21.1. d3 i.f6 2 2 .i,el i.h 4 Rashkovsky - Lanka,
Reykjavik 1990 tt (1) Miskolc 1989 23,5)hl!+~] 14.ef5!? gf5! [14...515
15.1. g5±oo] 1514 e4 16.512 ©g4! 17.4lh3!
1.d4 5 f6 2.513 g6 3.c4 i.g 7 4 .5 x3 d5 5.«b3 [17.S c l? e3—K 17.h3? 512 18.B12 e3!-+;

17.1g4 hg4?] 17...C6! 18.dc6!! [18.5Sg5!? cd5 KI 1.3 33093
19.cd5 » b 6 20.^ h l 53g8! (20...530? 21.E 0 ® 0
22.1b5! I h 6 23.Wh5 4>g7 24.53ce4! fe4 Schmidt,Wlodzimierz (PL) 2465
2 5 . 1 c3 h—) 21.1g4 (21.h3? 530 2 2 .B 0 ® 0 + A
Kaminski,Marcin (PL) 2315
23...e3) 21,..hg4 2 2 .« el A cEPFlP] 18...bc6
Warszawa 1990 m (2)
19.5)g5 d5 20.cd5! [20.h3 » b 6 2J.c5 ( 2 l.* h l?
53e3!) 2 l...» b 4 22.hg4 l c 3 23.1c3 ®c3 24.gh5
1.53f3 53f6 2.c4 g6 3. 5 c3 l g 7 4.e4 0-0 5.d4 d6
®c5+] 20...cd5 21.h3D « b 6 22.*h1 # 6 .1 e2 e5 7.0-0 53c6 8.d5 53e7 9.53e1 53d7
10.53d3 (5 1 1 .ld 2 53(6 12.f3 f4 13.cS g5 14.cd6
cd6 15.53(2 53g6 16.#c2 H(7 17.S(c1 a6 18.a4
h5 19.h3 b6!N 20.Via3 1 (8 21.53a2 Eg7 [A
53h4, g4—»] 22. Ec3 ld 7 ? [< 22...53e7 23.53b4
g4 24.hg4 hg4 25.fg4 53g4 26.53g4 l g 4 27.1g4
Ig 4 2 8 .« d l Ug7 29.»e2!oo/±] 23.53b4 53h4
24.E c7 [24,53a6? g4 25.53c7 gh3! 26.53a8 Bg2
27.4’fl (27.4’hl 53f3-+) 27„.®e8! 28.1b5
W g6-+] 24...«e8 25.53c6 ®g6 2 6 .le 1 Hh7! [A
27...53g2 28.&g2 1 h3 29.5]h3 Bc7+] 27.®d1
53e8! [27,..53g2? 28.*g2 l h 3 29.53h3 Ec7
30.53e5! E el 31.53g6 B d l 3 2 .1 d l± ] 28.Bb7
22.. .d4! [22...53e3 23.1e3 We3 24.1c4!! I h 6 53g2!+ 29., g2 [29.Bd7 53e3 30.Bh7 53dl
25.53d5+-] 23.53a4 ®h6 24.hg4?T [24.®b3? d3 31.Eb7 53b2 32.Eb6 «3a4 33.Ba6 Ba6 34.Aa6
25.1g4 hg4 26.530 E 0 27.® 0 53g8!+; 24.1c4! 53c5 - + ] 29...Ah3 30.53h3 Eb7 31.53(2 53(6
I b 7 25.53c5 (25.530? 2 f i 2 6 .1 0 e3 27.hg4 hg4 32.&(1 Sg7 33.53b4 a5 34.53bd3 Baa7 35.Ec6
28.4’gl ®c6 29.We2 d3!-+ ) 25...1d5 26.1d5 Bab7 36.®b3 g4 37..V.c3'T g3 38.53h3 g2
53d5 27.®b3 53ge3 28.1e3 ©e3 29.530 S 0 39.*g 1 ®g3 40.53d(2 53g4!-+ 41.(g4 hg4
3O .«0 d3+] 24...hg4 25.4>g1 d3 26.1c3 42.Ag4 Bg4 43.Bb6 [43.53g4 ®h3 44.530 ®g3
[26.& 0? I d 4 ? 27.*g3; 26...®h4! 27.&e3 45.®dl O A 46...® h7-+] 43...Bh7 44.Ad2
53d5X; 26.1e3? 53d5! 27.1c5 53f4! 28.Ef4 ®g5 Wh2!! [45.*h2 glWX] 0-1
29. S fl l a 6 ! - + ] 26...1c3 27.53c3 ®b6 28.<4>h2 Kaminski
*g 7 ! 29.®c1 [29.Wd2 lb 7 ! 3 0 .1 d l (30.1d3
Ead8!) 30...Eh8 31.4>g3 ®h6 3 2 .* 0 « h 4
33.&e3 (33.&gl « h l 34.& 0 g3! 3 5 .* el
# f l ! - + ; 33.g3 Wh2 3 4 ,* el ®g3 35.W 0 d2!-+)
KI 2.1 33262
33.. .®g3 34.&d4 Bac8 35.53e6 4>f6 36.53c5
l a 6 ! - + ] 29...Hh8 de2 31.53e2 l a 6 Kortchnoi,Viktor (CH) 2630
32.Ed1 [32.®b2!? * g 6 33.®e5! «f6! (33. ,®e3? Nunn,John (GB) 2610
34.Sf3!!H—; 33...1e2 34.We7 E aO 35.®e6! Amsterdam 1990 OHRA (6)
We6 36.53e6=; 33...aaf8 34.«e7 ®e3 35.530!
Bf6 (35...gO 36.Wg5=) 36.#c5! ®c5 37.53h4!! 1.d4 53(6 2 x4 g6 3.53c3 .ig 7 4.e4 d6 5.53(3 0-0
Hh4 38.bc5=) 34.®f6 &f6 35.Hfel Sad8!+] 6 .± e 2 e5 7.0-0 53c6 8.d5 53e7 9.53e1 53d7
32.. . 1 . 3 33.®b2 [33.53 d4! * g 6 (33...®f6? 10.i,e3 (5 11.(3 (4 12.1(2 g5 13.a4 [13.53b5 b6!
34.®c7! 2ac8 35.®e7!+-) 34.«b2 (34.®c5 A 14...a6] 13...53g6!N [13...a5 14.53d3 A 15.b4;
®f6!+ A 35.Hd3?! ed3 36.Eel d2 37.Be6 ®e6 13.. .a6 14.a5!; 13...53f6 14.c5!; 13...h5 14.53b5
38.Hde6 d l » 39.We7 WelX) 34...Ead8 53f6 (14...b6 15.a5!) 15.53a7 l d 7 16.53b5 g4
35.5)ge6 Bd6+] 33...*g6 34,®e5??T [34.53d4 17.fg4 hg4 18.1h4 53e4 19..1g4± Kortchnoi -
Sad8 -33.53d4] 3 4 ...® e3 -+ 35.53(3 Sh3 Hellers, Stockholm 1987] 14.a5 [14.53b5 53f6
36,gh3 « (3 3 7 .*h 2 ® e2 38.®g1 We3 39 sg2 15.53a7 l d 7 16.53b5 g4 (16...h5 17.c5 g4 18.rA>h 1
gh3 4 0 .ih 2 ® e2 4 1 .lh 3 ®h5 42.1g2 1 (7 g3 19.1gl gh2 2 0 .1 0 ) 17.fg4 53e4 18.1d3 530
43. Bg1 Sg8 0-1 (18...53f6 19.g5 53g4 20.53O±) 19.B 0± , e4<;
Shirov/Lanka 15.. .g4! !6.53c8 (16.fg4 53e4 17.53c8 530 1 8 .B 0
e4! 19.53d6 ®d6oo) 16...g3 17.hg3 53h5 18.gf4ef4
19.53d3 53g3? 20.53f4 53f4 21.1g3 l d 4 2 2 .1 0
» g 5 23.g4 ® h4—h; 22.^>hl Bf6! 2 3.1f4 Bh6
24.1h2 B h 2 -+ ; 2 2 .E 0 1 + -; 19...®g5^/oo]

Kl 7

14.. .517 15.b4 [15.©b5!?] 15...£46 16.c5 118 Kl 5.3 33035

17.cd6 ld 6 ! 18.©d3 Sg7 19.©c5 £48 20.©b5
[< 20.h3 h5+] 20.,.g4 21.#e1?! [21.fg4 © g4 Vladimirov,Evgeni (SU) 2565
22.143?] 21...«e8 [A 22...g3 23.hg3 fg3 24.1g3
% 6 25.4h2 ©h5; 22...gf3] 22,fg40 [22.1h4
Khuzman,Aleksandr (SU) 2490
» h5! 23.1f6 g3 24.h3 l h 3 - + ] 22...©g4 Soviet Union 1990
23.2a3? [23 .4 h l A 23...f3 24.gf3 ©h2 25.Egl
1.d4 © f6 2.c4 g6 3 .tc 3 i g7 4.e4 d6 5 .ie 2
#h5 26. Sg7 4g7 2 7 ,* g l ©g4 28.4g2oo] 0-0 6.743 e5 7.0-0 5x6 8,d5 ©e7 9.b4 54i5
23.. .» g 6 24.113 # h 6 25.h3 [25.1g4 l g 4 A f3, 10x5 £44 11.144 ef4 12.Bc1 lg4?! [12...c6!?
l h 3 ] 25...©12 [< 25..,©f6 26.4h2] 26,412 l e 7 (A 13...cd5 14,ed5 dc5 15.bc5 l c 3 ) 13.dc6 dc5
27. # c 1 [27.»c3? a6 28.©c7 l h 4 - + ] 27...b6?? 14.«d8 Bd8 15.c7 Bd7 16.Bfdl Bc7 17.Bd8
[27,..a6 28.©c3 (28.©c7 l h 4 ) 28...b6 29,ab6 lf8oo; 14,cb7!? I b 7 15.bc5] 13.©d4± l e 2
(29.©d3 ba5 30.Ea5 l b 4 ) 29...#b6 30.©a2 14.©ce2 g5 15.g3 ©g6 16.©15 Be8 1743 Ae5
©d7 31.Bc3 a 5 -+ ; 28...©g6!? A 29...©h4—i-] 18.®d2 4 h 8 19.4h1 a6?! [19,..a5 20.a3 ab4
28. ©d3 [28.ab6 # b 6 (28...cb6 29.©d3) 29.Wc4 21.ab4 Sa3^±] 20.Bc2 h5 [20...a5] 21.Bfc1±«c
Eb8 30.©a7; 29...a6 30.©c3] 28.„baS 29.©c7 #16 22.cd6 cd6 23.Bc7 Bab8 24,B1c2Z ®e7
Hb8 [29...ab4 30.©a8 ba3 31.#c8] 30.Ea5 « b 6 25.£)ed4! £7g8T [25...1.d4 26.#d4±] 26.h4!+-
[30... 2 b 4 31.©e6! I e 6 32.©b4 (32.de6!?oo) Ef8 27.hg5 # g 5 28.4 e2 5,h6T 29.gf4 # d 8
32.. .1 b 4 33.Bb5 l h 3 ; 30...1d8 31.Bc5 l c 7 304e5 [30.®h6 # h 4 31.4g2 Bg8 32,®g8 Bg8
32. Ec7 * b 6 33.Bc5 ©d7oo] 31.4e2 Vd432.d6! 3 3 .4 H + -] 30... £45 31.ef5 [3 1 .# i4 + -]
[32.©b5? Bb5! 33.Eb5 l a 6 —i-] 3 2 ,..ld 6 31...#h4 32.4g2 Bg8 33.411 #h1 34.412 #h 2
33. ©e8 [33,Sd5 Sc7 (33...#b6 34.©e8 Eg6 35.4e3 # e 5 36.4d3 #15 37.4c4 Bg6 38.#d4
35.©d6 Bd6 36,#c5±) 34.Hd4 Bel 35.Hd6=] 4g 8 39.4b3 [39.#e4?? B g4-+] 39...Bg2
33.. ..1e6! [33...Hg6 34,Sd5] 34.©d6 [< 34.©g7 4 0 .*e 4 # e 4 41.fe4 1-0
4 g 7 A l c 4 , Bc8] 34...#d6 35.Se5 Sc8?? Vladimirov
[35...Bb4 36.2e6 ©e6 37.©b4 # b 4 38.«c8
©f8±] 36.Bc5 Bd8 37.©14 Bf7 38.©d5?
[38.g3n—| 3 8 .1 h 5 + -] 38...©g6 39.Bd1?
[39.®g5l] 39...1d6 40.ed5 # KI 7.2 33243

Epishin,Vladimir (SU) 2550

Akopian,Vladimir (SU) 2550
Minsk 1990 (3)

1.d4 £46 2x4 g6 3. 5 x3 5 g7 4.e4 d6 5.443 0-0

6.Ae2 e5 7.0-0 £5c6 8.d5 £5e7 9.£5d2 £ld7
[9...a5] 10.b4 15 11x5 £46 12.13 14 13.<Sc4 g5
14.a4 [14,J.a3!? ®g6 15.b5 £5e8 16.b6 ab6
17,cb6 cb6 18.«b3 h5 19.Babl g4 20.£ib6 # h 4
21. £lc8 3c8 22.Bfcl #g5 23.&b5 Bd8 24.£ie7
45e7 25.3c7 £ih4 26.#d3 Ah6 2 7 .4 h l Bf6
40.. .'§,g3? [40...Bf3! 41.gD (4 1 .4 0 B13 42.4e2 28,Bgl Bg6 29.Bb7± Shirov- Akopian, Daugav­
# g 3 —i—>) 4 L ..# h l 42.4e3! (4 2 .4 fl # h l pils 1989] 14...©g6 15.Aa3 EI7 16.b5 1,18
43.4f2 «h2= ; 42...©f4?! 43.*c2!; 42.4d3 ©f4 17.b6!? cb6 18.©d6!? [18.cd6 ©e8 19.Ecl ! d 7
43.4c4 Wa2 44.4b5 Bb8 45.4x6 » a 6 46.4d7 20.«b3 h5 21.h3 Bf6 22.a5 ©d6 23.©d6 l d 6
©g6! 47. Bc8 (47.Bgl? Wb7; 47.«g5? # a 4 ) 24.1d6 Bd6 25.#a3 « f6 26.a6 ba6 27.1a6 We7
47.. .2 c8 48.*c8 ©f8 49.4d8 #f6= ) 42...Be8 28.Se2 Bf8 29,©b5 l b 5 30.1b5 Ifd 8 31.Bfcl
43.4d4 ©f4 44. S c2!h—] 41.Sc8 Bdf8 42.Bf8 a5 32.Bc7 « f6 33.Blc6 ©h8 34.Bb7 ©f7
Bf8 4 3 .# c 4 !+ - ®e5 [43...©f4 44.4d2] 44.#e4 35.Bce7 ©h6 36.1d7 g4 37.hg4 hg4 38.1e6n—
Wh2 45.1g4 ©g6 [45...Bf4 46.1e6 418 47.Wf4 Epishin - Akopian, Daugavpils 1989] 18...Sg7
Wf4 48.SflH—] 46. Sf1 ©14 47.4d2 hS 19.©c8 Bc8 20.d6 bc5 21.©b5!? 2c6 [21„.a6
[47...#g2 48.#g2 ©g2 49.Bf8 4 f8 50.4d3 ©f4 22. ©a7!? Ba8 (22...Bb8 23.1c5 b6 24.©c6)
51.4e4 ©g6 5 2 .1 f5 + -] 48.1h5 ©h5 49.#e6 23.1c5 b6 24.©c6 # c 8 25.«b3 4 h 8 26.#b6;
4 g 7 50.«g4 1-0 23...©d7 24.1f2 « b 8 25.Wd5 4 h 8 26.Sabi
Nunn Sa7 27.1a7 # a 7 28.4hloo] 22.©c7?! ]22.©a7

S d6 23.®b3 * h 8 2 4 .* b 5 » , 24.Ac5?! Ed3!] [I5,®a4!? A I6.c5] 15...Ah6 16.ftb3 [16,ef5! gf5
22.. .Wd6 [22...Bd6?! 23.*b3 &h8 24.«e6co] 17.<5jb3 ab4 18.ab4 A cl 1 9.2bcl± A 20.f4]
23.Ac4 &h8 24.®e6 Bd7 25.#d6 [25.«3g5!?] 16...a4?! [I6...ab4 17.ab4 fe4 18.Ah6 ®h6
25.. .5cd8 26.«g5 [26.Ac5? B e6-+ ] 26...2d2! 19. fe4? ®f6 20.c5 bc5 21.bc5 Aa6=; 19.®e4 ©f6
27.Ab5 H7d4! 28.®e6 # 20. * c 2 Ad7 21.®c3±] 17.Ah6 fth6 18.£id2
[18.Scl? fe4] 18...14 19.2bc1 [19.«c3 <&f6
20.c5 g5*=t] 19...g5? [19...£lf7 20.c5!? bc5
(20...dc5?! 21.©c4 g5 22.d6!) 21.£c4 g5? 22.£)a5
®f6 23.&c6 » d 7 24.bc5 g4 25.fg4±; 21...Aa6!
22. Wa4 » b 8 23.£ibd6 cd6 24.#d7 cb4 25.ab4
# b 4 2 6 .* h l &g7~; 20.®bl! g5 (20...h5?
21. ® lc3 g5 22.Sa4 « f6 23x5 bc5 24.bc5 g4
25. cd6 cd6 26.£lc7±) 21.g4! fg3 22.hg3 4if6
23. *g2 g4 24.f4 Ad7 (24...ef4 25.gf4 <Sh5
26. # c 3 *g 8 27.'B'e3±) 2 5 .S h l± ] 20.g4! #

28...fth4!29,®d4 [29.®f8? Bg2

Bdd2—t-j 29... Bg2 30,4>h1 ed4 31.Ac4 ®d7!
32.2g1 2g6! 33.2g6 hg6 34.Ae2 ^ e 5 35.a5 d3
36,Ad1 ?3c4! 37.2a2 g5! 38.Ab2 Ag7 39.e5
ftg6 40.Ac3 Ae5 41.Ab3 ®e3 0-1

20...fg3 21.hg3 Aa6 [21...g4 22,fg4 2g8 23JM 1

KI 7.3 33171
Aa6 (23...af6 24.®c7±) 24.<^g2 Ab5 25.2 h l!± ;
2L..fofS 22.&g2 g4 23.f4 ef4 24.2f4±] 22.&g2±
Dautov,Rustem (SU) 2560 [22.5x3!?] 22... 2 16 [22...Ab5 23,cb5 Ba7
Timoschenko,Gennadi (SU) 2505 24.S h i ®g8 25.&fl 53df6 26.5X3 5X7 27.2h6
Podolsk 1990 tt (3) 4>g7 2 8 .2 ch l± A 4>gl, i . f l . ^ c8-h3] 23.2h1
Bg6 24. f1 ' f6 25.g4??T [25.5X3 g4 26.f4 ef4
1.d4 iSJg 2.c4 g6 3.43c3 Ag7 4.e4 d6 5 .0 f3 0-0 27,gf4±; 25...Ab5 26.cb5 2 a 7 27.2h2±;
6.Ae2 e5 7.0-0 5 c6 8.d5 5 e 7 9.Ad2 a5 10.a3 25.5X 3!±/+-, f5< , a4< ] 25...r .hg8? [25...Ab5!]
&d7 [10...C6 l l . f l b l b5?! 12.2al bc4 13.dc6 26.ae3? [26.Sic3±] 26...Ab5 27.cb5 Sa7=
53c6 14.Ac4 Ae6 15.Ae6 fe6 16.®f3 43d4! T [A e2<] 28.#d2 * e 7 29.4>f2 [29.Bh2 Bg7
Lputian - Lanka, Podolsk 1990; > 12.cb5 cd5 30.Bchi &g6 3l.© f5 S f4 3 2 ,* D Bf7 A 4ig8-
13.ed5 Af5 14.S a l ®ed5 15.ftd5 <fed5 16.£)c4 e7=] 29...«f8 30.Ad3 Bh6 31.®f5 Bh1 32.Bh1
Ae6 17.A D ©c3 18.bc3 Ac4 19.Aa8 A fl StS 33.ef5 # g 7 3 4..ie4 i g 8 35.&C3 » d 7
20. Ac6 Ac4 21.a4±] 11.2b1 f5 12.b4 * h 8 36.«c4 Ag7 3 7 .*g 3 # e 8 38.Ad3 h6 39.Ae4
[I2...b6 13.D f4 14.«c2N (I4.fta4) 14...g5 * e 7 40.«c6 * d 8 41.i,d3 We7 42.Ae4 # d 8
I5.ftb5 Sf7 16.C5 be5 I7.bc5 ®c5 I8.&b3 ®b3 43. B h2 We7 4 4 .W c1 Ba8 4S.Sc2 Ba7
19.2b3 47g6 20.2c3 t D Daulov - Bokan, Sverd­ 46. Bh2 Vi->/i
lovsk 1989] 13.f3 ®g8 14. Wc2 [14.&b3?! Dautov
-YB/14] 14...b6 114...' gf6 15.&b5 b6 16.ef5 gf5
17.f4 ab4 18,ab4 ef4 19.&D ®e5 20.Af4 fte4
21. a d 2 Ad7 22.2b3! 2e8? 23.®e4 fe4 24.2g3±
Lemer - Smirin, Soviet Union 1989 ch-SU; KI 7.3 33155
22...Ab5 23.cb5 ©f6 24.Ag5 ®d7 25.Af6 Af6
26.£lO±; 22...£)g6!? Lerner; > 14...Ah6 15.®b3 Estremera Panos,Sergio (ES) 2305
ab4 16.ab4 5idf6 17.ef5 Af5 18.Ad3 ®h5 19.g3 Bass,Leonid (US) 2485
A cl 2 0 .S b c l_ * g 5 21.<Se4 We3 22.&g2 Sa3 San Sebastian 1990 open
23. S eel # h 6 + Schussler - Zapata, Palma de Mal­
lorca 1989; 15.ef5!? gf5 16.&b3] 15.Qb5!? 1.'Af3 t f 6 2.c4 g6 3. Ac3 Ag7 4.e4 d6 S.d4 0-0

KI 15

6 .1 e 2 e5 7.0-0 ©c6'8.d5 ©e7 9.©d2 a5 10.a3 19.a4! b4 20.©bl±] 19.H!e1 ©le5 20.©h2?!
©d7 11. = bl 15 12.b4 d?h8 13.13 14 14.©a4 Ih 4 ! 2 1 .lh 4 ®h4 22.1g4 c4!T 23.g3 ®16
c6!?N ]14...ab4 15.ab4 c6 16.c5 cd5 17.cd6 ©c6 24. Ee2! ©c5 25.1c8 Bac8 26.14! ©ed3 27.©13
18. ed5 ©d4 19.©c3 Salov - Nunn, Rotlerdam Bcd8 28.e5! ]28.a3 ©b3 A 29...©d4+] 28...©b4
1989] 15.C5 [15.1b2!?] 15...cd5 16.cd6 ©c6 29.«c1 Sd3 30.Bd3 cd3 [30...©cd3 31.®e35]
17.ed5 ©d4 18.©e4! ©16 [18,..ab4?! 19.Bb4±] 31.312 ©c2 32.©e1! ©d4 33.®e3 ©15 34.®f3
19. ba5!? ]19.©ac3 ©e8 A 20...©d6=] 19...Ba5 Bd8 35.2d2 b4 [35...©d4 36.®e3«] 36.©e4
20. ©b6 115! ]20...©d5?! 21.1d2 © e3 22.1e3 ©e4 37.®e4= ©g3 38.®c4 &g7?! [38...»f7!
fe3 23.©c4±] 2 1 .ld 3 ©d5 22.®e1!? [22.1d2? 39.®f7 &f7 40.Bd3=] 39.Bd3 Hd3 40.©d3
Sa3; 22.«d2?!] 22...©c6D 23.©c4 Ha7 24.Sb5 ®h4! 41.®c6 ©e2?? [41...®h3 42.®f6=] 42. *11
[A 25.1b2, e5< ] 24...©c7!? [A 25.Bb3 ©e6 A ©14?? [42...©g3 43.*g2±] 43.®16 ®16 44.el6
©d4, b5] 25.dc7 ®d3 26.©ed6u Ea4?! *1 6 45.©14 1-0
[26,..e4!? 27,fe4 le6oo; 27.1f4 ©d4oo; 27.©f5 Farago
®c4; 27.©f5 gf5 28.Hf5 2g8 29.©b2J 27.Hc5
[27.©b2 « d 6 28.©a4 ®d4 2 9 .* h l Wa4—h]
27.. .e4! [27...1e6 28.»c4!±] 28.©15 [28.&hl!?]
28.. .gl5Q [28...Bc4 29.Bc4 # c 4 30.©g7+-]
29.B15 Eg8! 30.©b2 Wc2! [30...®d4? 3 1 .* h l
KI 15.8 32594
Haa8 32.W e4+-] 31.c8®?? [31.©a4 l d 4
32. Bf2 ef3?! 33.Sg5 lf 2 ! 34 .* h l! (34.Wf2?? Krascnkov.M (SU) 2530
« c l 35.®fl f2!! 36.&f2 »e3X ) 34„.Bc8 Larsson,P (SE) 2310
35.Wc3=; 33.1b2! * f5 34.1d4 ©d4 35.©b6±; Stockholm 1989/90 open (1)
32.. .1 .2 33.«f2 « c l 34.®fl ®e3 35.* h i
(35.®f2 ® cl=) 35...ef3! 36.Eg5 (36.gf3 Bg! 1.d4 ©16 2.©13 g6 3.c4 l g 7 4.©c3 0-0 5.e4 d6
37.Wgl WO” ) 36...Ec8 37.gf3 Sc7?; 36...Bg5!? 6 .1 e2 e5 7.0-0 ©a6 8.Ee1 c6 9.111 l g 4 10.d5
37x8® Sg8os] 3 1 ...ld 4 32.B12 Bc8 33.©a4 c5 11.h3N [ll.a3 -YB/13] 11...lc8?! [ I l ...l f 3
112 34.W12 «c1 35.«11 ©d4! [36.Bf8 Bf8 12,®f3 ©e8 13.g4!±; > ll...ld 7 ] 12.a3 ©e8
37.Wcl ©e2—i-] 0-1 ]12...©h5!? 13.g3 f5 14.ef5 gf5 15.©e5 ©g3oo;
Bass 15.©h2!? ©f6 16.f4±] 13.©h2! ©ac7 [ a 13...f5
I4.ef5 gf5 I5.f4 e4 16.1e3 l c 3 17.bc3±, © a6<]
1 4 .!e 3 b6 [14...f5 15,ef5 gf5 16.f4 e4 17.®d2
h5!=; 17,g4!±] 15.«d2 * h 8 16.14 15?!
[16...®e7±] 17.©13 [17.fe5 l e 5 I8.©f3;
KI 13.5 32628 I7...de5! 18.b4 ©a6±] 17...©16 [17...fe4 18.©e4
©f6 19.©f6 ef4 20.1f4 ®f6 (20...1f6 21.1h6+)
Farago,I (HU) 2475 21.1g5! ®b2 22.®b2 l b 2 23.Ba2 l f 6 24.1f6
Conquest,S (GB) 2465 Bf6 25.Be7±] 18.le5 de5 ]18...©e4? 19.©e4 fe4
20.1g5 ef3 21.1d8 f2 22.® f2+-; 20...®e8
Hastings 1990 (5)
2 l.ed6+ -] 19.©e5 [< I9.ef5 e4] 19...©e4
I. d4 d6 2.©13 g6 3.c4 l g 7 4.©c3 ©d7 S.e4 e5 20.©e4 le4 #
6 .1 e 2 ©gf6 7.0-0 0-0 8 .1 e 3 ©g4 [RR 8...c6
9.d5 c5 10.©el ©e8 11.g4!? ®h4? (Il...f5!?;
I I . ..*h8!?) 12.*hl!N * h 8 13.Egl ®c7 14.a3
©df6 (14...f5 15.g5!) 15.b4b6 16.©d3 ©g8 17.a4
f5 Gelfand - Ivanchuk, Odessa 1989 ch-SU;
18.a5!? Bb8 19.ab6 ab6 20.f3+ Gelfand] 9 .1 g 5
16 1 0 .'lh 4 ©h6 11.®d2! ©17 [1 l...g5 12.1g3 g4
13.©h4 ed4 14.©b5!±] 12.Ead1 c6 [A 13...g5]
13.h3! a5 [A I4...a4] 14.®c2! ® e7 15.C5?!
]15.Bfel! A 16.1fl± ] 15...dc5 ]15...ed4 16.cd6
©d6 17.©d4±] 16.de5 b5! [16...©fe5 I7.©e5
©e5 (17...®e5 I8.1g3 A 19.1d6±) I8.©a4! [20...1e5? 21.1g5 ®d7 22.© c5+ -; 21...1d4
©d7 19.1g3 A 20.1d6±] 17.el6 [17.1b5? cb5 2 2 .« d 4 + -] 2 1 .lg 5 [ 2 l .l f 4 ©e6! 22.©c6
18.©d5 ®e6! 19.©c7 ®c6+] 17...116 1 8 .lg 3 ®d7tx>; 2l.©c6!? ®d6 22.1h6±; 2l...®f6!
[18.1f6 ®f6 A 19...©fe5T] 18...a4! [18...©fe5 22.Be2 l d 7 23.Bf2 ®h4*±] 21...®d6 [2l...®e8

22.2e4! 6 f5 23.®f7! Wf7 24,He7±; 22...6e5 (25...6c4 26.<ac4 Wc4 27.&bl 2 b 2 28.£ib2
23.2ael 2 fl! 2 4 .* fl! (24.2fl7! 6f5 ) 24...«f8 W e2 29.2 d 7 2b2 30.Wb2 We3 3l.We5 Wb3
25.4’gl 6 d 4 26.2d4! cd4 27.Wd4 i'gS 3 2 .& c l+ -; 29...2f8 30.Wb3 Wg2 3 1 .6 cl Wh2
28.He7+— >] 22.Cjc6 He8 [22...6f5 23.6f4 32.& c4+ -; 27...We2 28.0b3! 2 b 3 29.2d8 6 .0
Wd7 24.g4 6 g 4 25.6c7±] 23.Wf4! [23.-6.f4 Wd7 3 0 .2 b 3 + -) 26.We6 2 b l 27.&c2 fe6 2 8 .2 b l
A 24...6b7] 23...Wf4 24.6f4 ®a6 25.2e2 6d 7 6 d 3 29,d?d3 2 b l ± / + - ] 24...6e2D 25.2d2?!
[25...h5 26.5 a el 6 f5 27,b4!±] 26.2ae1 6 c 6 [25.2dbl! 2c4 26.£>c3! £sd4 27.&d2 2 b 2
27.dc6 6 d 4 [27...Sac8 28.2e4 He4 29.2e4 28.2b2n—] 25...©d2D 26.2b4 2b 4 27.Wb4
6 b 2 30.He7 2c6 31.2a7 6 d 4 32.*h2 Bf6 Wa2 28.5jb2 <feb3!D 29.Wb8 6 f8 30.6h6 ftd4U
33.6h6! 6 e 5 34.g3 &c7D (34...Bfl 3 5 .2 a 6 + -) [30...6dl 31.sS?dl Wbl 32.*e2 Wb2 33.tfeel
35.6g2 2f2 36.h4±; 30.2e6!?; <; 27...2ec8 W ei 34.&fl! Wd3 3 5 .& 0 + -] 3 1 .*d 2 Wa5
28.2e4 6 b 2 29.2e6 A g4, 6 g 2 + - ] 28.<i>h2 32.4e3 Wc3 3 3 .*f2 fte6 34.6f8?T [34.*e2
2ec8 [28...2ac8!?] 29.2e4 2c6 [29...6b2 # c 5 35,®bc4! # g l 36.®e3! ©f4 37.6f4 ef4
3 0 .2 e 6 + -] 30.2 e8 2 e 8 31.2e8 &g7 32.2e7 38,®g4 « g 2 2 9 M f 2 + - A 4 0 .^ 8 ] 34...»c5
&g8 33.2a7 2 f6 3 4 .*g 3 g5 35.6g5 2f1 35.4e2 <5hd4 36.&f2 ©f5 37.^e1 Wgl 38.&d2
36.2 a 6 6 b 2 37.a4 [37.2b6!? 6 a 3 38.2f6 A #f2??T [38...#e3 39.4>dl * g l 40.*c2 & d4=]
39.6h6] 37...6e5 [37...6cl 38.&h4! h6 39.6cl SO.'icS # e 1 40.^b3?7 [40.*c4! # e 2 (40...*cl
2 c l 40.3b6 2 c 4 4 l.* h 5 2 a 4 42.4>h6-t—EN; 41.<^b3+-) 41.^>c5 # e 3 4 2 .^ c 6 + -] 40...®d4
38...6g5 39.&g5 2cl 40.&f6! 2 fl 4 1 .*a 2 Wa5 [42.d?bl Wei] M-'A
41.*e5+ -E N ] 38.&g4 [38.4?h4!7] 38...2»2 Shirov
39.2 b6 2g2 40.&f5 6d4 41.a5 2 f2
[4 2 .^ e6 + -] 1-0

KI 18.3 32649

Bonsch,U (DD) 2525

Shirov,A (SU) 2495
Stockholm 1989/90 open (6)

1.d4 £sf6 2.c4 g6 3.®c3 6 g 7 4.e4 d6 5.6e2

0-0 6.£tf3 e5 7 .6 e 3 ®a6!? 8.deS!? [8.d5!? £c57! KI 18.7 33050
9. ftd2 a5 10.a3! a4 11.6c5 dc5 12.®a4± Bandza
- Yuneev, Frunze 1988; 8...ftg4!? 9.6g5 f6
10. -6.h4 c5co] 8...de5 9.<Sd2 c6 [9...We7!7 Marin,Mihail (RO) 2480
I0.®d5 ®d5 1 l.cd5 f5!? 12.0 (12.6a6 f4! Khait,Aleksandr (SU) 2340
13.6c4 s t l ^ 14.6f4 ef4g) 12...6h6! 13.«b3 Budapest 1990 open (6)
(13.6,0 Wb4!; 13.6h6 Wh4 14.g3 Wh6 15.Wb3
fe4 16.fe4 6h3oo; 16.&e4 6f5oo] 10.c5! We7 I. d4 ®f6 2.c4 g6 3.®c3 6 g 7 4.e4 d6 5.®f3 0-0
[W...&C7 11 .<5jc4±; 10...£>b4!7 11.0-0 <53d3 6 .6 e 2 e5 7 .6 e3 We7 8.de5 deS 9.ad5 Wd8!N
12.®c4 <Sf4oo/±] 11.6a6 ba6 12.f3 3b8! 13.b3 10.6c57! [lO.Wc2 c6 ll.<af6 6 f6 12.c5 «td7
[13.5tc4? 6 e 6 14.5le5 fte4!+; 13.<S3b3 6e6oo] 13.®d2 We7 14.Bel?! (14.b4?! a5 15.ba5 Ba5
13.. .a5! 14.£ ic4! [14.0-0?! 6 a 6 15.2el ®h5?] 16.®c4 Hc5®) 14...6g5! 15.6g57! Wg5 16.0-0
14.. . 6 . 6 15.ftd6 ah5oo 16.Wc2 [16.Wd2!7 £)f4 £tc5+; 12.6h6!7 A 13.h4co; 10.5}d2 (Khait)
17.0-0-OooJ 16...£if4 17.0-0-0 ®e6 18.Wb2! 4id4 10.. .5tc6?; 10.6g5 c6 U .ftfS 6 f6 12.Wd8
19.Wa3 # 6d8=] 10...ae4! [< 10...Be8 1 1 .6 e 7 + -]
19.. .#e6?? [19...Wc7oo A 2b4, 2b8] 20.2d2! I I . 6 f8 6f8!D [ll...# f 8 12.^c7; ll...* f 8
[20.Wa5? 2b3! 21.6d4 cd4 22.ab3 Wb3—t-] I2.®b6(12.fec3!7) 12...Wdl I3 .2 d l ab6 I4 .2 d 8
20.. .Bb4 21.2 b2! [21.Wa5 2b3! 22.6d4 ed4 >4>e7 I5.2c8 2 a 2 I6.2c7! ^ e 6 I7 .2 b 7 2 a l
23.‘£d5! cd5 24.ab3 de4<x>] 21...2fb8 22.2d1! I8 .6 d l 2 d l I9.^>dl ftO 20.*e2 ® hl
[22.Wa5? ®b3! 23.ab3 2b3-»] 22...a4a 23.5ta4 2l.2b8-t—] 12.#'c2 [12.®e5 Wg5; 12.0-0 ©c6¥]
©b3 24.&C2! [24.<*bl? 6e2! 25.2e2 2a4! 12.. .®c5 13.©e5 6 f5 14.Wc3? [> l4.W dl 6g7
26.Wa4 £)c5-+; 24.ab3!? 2 b 3 25.0a2!! 2 b 2 I5.f4 4ic6! I6.53c6 bc6 I7.©c3 Wh4 18.g3

K! 26

We7®; 18...«h3?! • 1 9 .4 fl] 14...c6!+ 15.g4 [ 15—fi.f5 16.g4n—; 15...AH 16.510 gh5
[15.©e3 ©e4 A 16...Wa5—i-] 15...<&e4 16.Wb3 17.0- 0-0 5X6 18.5lg5!+-; 15...gh5 16.4h5 ef4
[16.5M7 * f7 I7 .« h 3 feg5 18.Wb3 4 c 8 —K 17. jfc.eS We8 18.0-0-0+-] 16.0-0-0! [16.hg6 4g8
16. Wh3 Ae6 17.®c3 (17.&e3 Wa5 A 18...We5) 17.0- 0-0 5X4 I8.fe5 5x5 19.i.e5 5x2!oo]
17.. .Wd2 1 8.*fl Wb2 19.©e4 Wal A 16.. .51d4 17.4d3 4g8! 18.5113! Ag4! 19.hg8 [>
20.. .« e 5 - + ] 16...cd5! [16...4c8 17.®c3<x>] 19.4g6! Be6 20,fe5 4 .0 (20...5X5 21.5X5)
17. Wb7 [17.gf5 W a5-+] 17...£>d7 18.5X6?! [> 21.gO 5X5 22.4c5-i—] 19...Se6 20.feS?
18.5X7 4 d 7 19.Wd5 5lf6 2 0 .» d l (g4<) [20.4e5! Che5 21.5X5 A d i 22.5lf7! Wa5
20...Wa5 2 1 .* fl S d 8 —t-] 18...Wg5!-+ 23.f5+ -] 20... 413 21.gf3 5113 22.Wg2! [22.Wf4
[18...Wh4 19.Hfl He8 20.gf5 527c5 A dc4, 5lde5 23.4e5 5X5 24.Af5 Sd6 25.4e6 He6
5 X 3 -+ ] 19.Wa8 (19.gf5 527c5 20.5X7 (20.Wa8 26.5d8 Bd8] 22...5de5 23.4e5 5le5 24.Ae4
5 X 3 !-+ ) 20...*g7 21.f6 Wf6 22.Wa8 (22.Wd5 Sd6 25.Sd5 Ed5? [25...We7!=] 26.4d5 4h8
Ax?) 22...5X3 23.4>dl Wb2 24.5X5 *16 25.Wd8 27.5le4 Wb6 [27...Wf8 28.Wg3!+-] 28.5lg5 Bf8
(25.Wc6 A d6~+) 25...*£5 26.Wd5 * f 6 - + ] [28...5X3 29.4’bl Ef8 30.5H7 Bf7 31.gf7+-;
19...Wd2 20.4>f1 Ag4 21.5X7 * g 7 0-7 28.. .Wg6 29.5H 7+-] 29.5117 5117 30.gt7+- W16
Marin 31.Ef1! [f7>] 31...We5 32.a4 b6 33.4b1 a6
34.4a2 « e 7 35.Bf2 ®d7 [35...Wei 36.Sf6!n—]
36.d?a3 Wd6 37.Be2 bS 38.3e8 bc4 39.Ac4 a5
40.d?a2Z * h 7 41.Sf8 W«8 42.Ad3 7-0
KI 23.7 33253 Bareev

Bareev,Evgeni (SU) 2590

Akopian,Vladimir (SU) 2550
KI 26.6 33182
Moskva 1990 GMA open (3)

I . d4 5X6 2.c4 g6 3 .5 x3 Ag7 4.e4 d6 5 ..ie2 Farago,Ivan (HU) 2475

0-0 6.4g5 cS 7.dS h6 8 .4 f4 e6 9.de6 Ae6 Horvath,Csaba (HU) 2460
10.Wd2 [10.4d6 He8 11.5X3 5X6 12.0-0 5X4 Budapest 1990 NOVIKI (8)
13.e5 5X7 14.5X4 cd4 I5.Wd4 5x5 16.4e5
Wd4 I7.Ad4 Ad4 18.Bacl Sad8 19.b3 Ac3 I. d4 ®f6 2x4 g6 3.55c3 Ag7 4.e4 d6 5.Ae2
20.Sc3 S d2 2 1 .4 0 Sa2 22.4X7 Sb8 23.4x4 0-0 6.Ag5 ®a6 7.Wd2 [7 .^ 0 !? -YB/15] 7...e5
Sa3 24.4x2 a5 2,5.Be3 2 a 2 26.4,g6 Bb2!= Bar­ 8. d5 18. UO -YB/15] 8...C6 [8...We8 9.AO 4)h5
eev - Akopian, Soviet Union 1989] 10...i'll? 10.Ah5 gh5 ll.® ge2 f5 12.ef5 Af5 13.5ig3 e4oo
I I . 4.d6 He8 12.e5 [12.510 5X6 13.0-0 4,g4 Petursson - Glek, Beograd 1988; 13...Wg6!? Glek]
14.S a d i 5X4 15.5X4 Se4 16.4x5 4 0 1 7 .4 0 9. A13 ]9.h4 cd5 10.cd5 Ad7 11.0 Wa5 12.g4 h5
Wd2 18.Sd2 Sc4 19.4x3 Sb4 20.b3 a5 21.Bel 13.£f6 4 f6 14.gh5 *g7 15,Aa6 ba6 16.hg6 fg6
a4 22.A,d5 ab3 23.4b3 5le5 24,h3 b5 25.Sd5 17.h5 Bb8 18.h6 * h 7 g Av.Bikhovsky - Glek,
Be8 26.4d2± Gelfand - Akopian, Kramatorsk Moskva 1989; 9.510 -YB/12] 9...cd5 10.5ld5N
1989] 12...5lfd7 13.f4 f8 # [I0.cd5 Ad7 11.5lge2 b5 12.a3 5ic5 13.Edl a5=
Bilunov - A.Kuzmin, Podolsk 1989] 10...51C5
I I . 5lf6 [l 1.51e2? 5lce4 12.Ae4 5le4 13.Ad8
5ld2 14.Ae7 ®c4 1 5 .4 0 * 0 + ] 11...4f6
12,Af6 [12.4h6!?] 12...Wf6 13.5le2 Ed8
14.0-0 5le6= [14...b5?! 15.cb5 d5 16.5le3! de4
17.5le4 ©e4 18.We3±] 15.5lc3 [15.4g4?! Wg5!]
15.. .51.4 16.4e2 Ae6 17.4d3 [A 18,f4]
17.. .B ac8 ]17...g5>] 18.b3 g5!D 19.5le2 5lc6!
20. B a d h5 21.Sc3 h4 22.4b1 *g7!?
[22...Bd7] 23.Sd3 Bd7!? [23...Bc7 24.Bd6
Sd6 25.Wd6 Bd7 26.«c5 h3 ^; 24,Ooo] 24x5
[24.Bd6 Bd6 25.Wd6 Sd8 26.Wc5 h3®; 24.0!?]
14.h4!? [14.5lb5 5la6 15.' t'3 fe5 16.fe5 5X5 24.. .h3!D 25xd6 [25.g3? dc5! 26.Bd7 WO
17.5X5 4 e 5 18.4e5 Wd2 19.d?d2 Sad8 20.4x3 27. Wg5 * 0 28.5)f4 ef4 29.gf4 4 d 7 - + ; 25.gh3?!
4 f5 21.S a d i S d l 2 2 .4 d l Se5 23 .a3 + -; Sh8 26.d?g2 Wh6! (26... .!• h.V? 27,Bh3 Bh3
14...fe5! 15.5X7 iic 6 ^ ] 14...fe5 15.h5 5 x 6 28. * h 3 WO 29.52g3+-) 27.5lgl dc5! 28.Bd7

fih 3 -+ ] 25...hg2 26.2d1?! [> 26.<4>g2 E h 8 § c2 32.4x2 fie6 33.4>d2 [33.g3!? A 34.*d2]
27.S g l?! fig4 28.0? Bd6!! 29.fg4 Eh2!! 30.4h2 33...Bd6 34.4x2 £ie3 35.4b2 ag2® 36.£lc4
Wf2 3l.Bg2 Eh6 32.Eh3 Bh3 33.4>h3 Wh4X; Ed3 3 7 .a e 5 Be3 38.Be4 4*6 39.Be3 ae3
27.Sg3?! Sd6! 28.Hg5? 4>h6!-+; 28.*g5 Wg5 40.®d3 fif5 41.ae1 '/i-K
2 9 ,a g5 4 4 6 30.2g3 Ed2; 27.Bhl!?; 27.h3!?] Mikhalchishin
26.. .fig4! 27.4g2° [ a 27.Eg3 fie2 28,*e2
£>d4? 29.2d4! ed4 30.e5 » f4 3I.Wh5!H—;
28.. .Bcd8! 29.«h5 Ed6 30.2g5 4f8+ , d 4 < ,
f4< , f i b l < ] 27...2h8 28.f3 Sd6!! 29.Sd6? KI 48.6 33007
[29.fg4? (> 29.£>gl+) 29... Eh2! 30.4h2 Wf2
31.4’hl Eh6 32.Sh3 Eh3X] 29...«I3 30.4g1 Hoi,Carsten (DK) 2445
Hh2!! [3 l.# g 5 4 h7] 0-1
Horvath Shirov,Aleksei (SU) 2500
Daugavpils 1990 (8)

1.d4 £46 2 x 4 g6 3.£ic3 fig 7 4x4 d6 543 0-0

6.fie3 c5!? 7.£ige2 43c6 8 .* d 2 e6!? [8...b6
KI 34.4 33029 9. Bdl!? e6! 10.g3 fia6 ll.b3 Ee8 12.4f2 d5!+
Gheorghiu - Shirov, Moskva 1989; 9.d5 £ e 5
Bcliavsky,Aleksandr (SU) 2640 10. £3g3±] 9.0-0-0! [9. S d 1?! b6! -8...b6] 9...£id7!?
Kasparov,Garry (SU) 2800 [9...cd4!? 10.£jd4 d5!? Il.cd5 ed5 12.ed5 a d 5
Linares 1990 (10) (12...<ab4!?) 13.®c6 bc6 14.fid4oc/±; 9,..b6!?
10.d5!? © e 5 1 l.£3f4 gS!? 12.©h3 ed5 13.cd5 g4!?
1.d4 £46 2x4 g6 3.<ac3 fig 7 4.e4 d6 5.f3 0-0 (13... JLh3 14.gh3oo) 1444! gh3 15,fe5 © g4
6.fie3 ac6 7.Wd2 a6 8.£)ge2 Bb8 9.©c1 e5 16.fig5!oo; 10...ed5 ll.£)d5!?co] 10.i;h6!?
10.©b3 [I0.d5 £3d4 l l . a i e 2 c5 I2.dc6 bc6!?®] [ 10.d5!? 5£a5 ll.b3oo; I0.h4!?] 10...iLd4!?
10..xd4 11.ad4 ©e5?! [Il...a d 4 12.fid4 fie6 [10...cd4? Il.fig 7 4g7 12.£sd4±;!
13.fie2 c6 I4.a4!? -YB/12] 12.Bd1! [12.fie2?! c5 11 # h 6 ®f6 ^ . ^ o o ] 11.53d4 cd4 12.£ib5 e5!
13,£ic2 fie6 14.b3 b5! t Beliavsky - Gufeld, ^.-S de a c 5 14.^.f8 «18 15.ac8 Ec8?! [>
Moskva 1979] 12..X6 [12...C5? 13.®b3±. d6< ] 15...«c8® A 16...a5, 17...a4] 16.*b1 a5 17.h4!
13.fie2 [13.£ic2 fie6 (13...#a5? M .t'd e fie6 Ba8 18.h5 a4 19,hg6?! [19.a3! We7 (A 20...g5!?)
15.'S'c5+) 14.c5 (14,®a3? b5+) I4...d5 15.fid4!? 20.hg6 fg6 2l.g3! A 22.fig2±, 2344] 19...fg6
Wc7 16.f4oo] 13...b5 [n .-W c ? I4.0-0 b5 15.cb5 20.«'h6 «e7! [20...'i,h6?! 21.Sh6 a3 22.b3?
ab5 l6.S cl!?± ] 14xb5 [I4.b3 Wa5 (14...c5 ab4!+ A 23...Bf8, 24...ae4!; 22.Hd2! ab2
15. ©db5!? ab5 16.ab5 A 17.£)d6t) 15.0-0 b4 23.Bb2±] 21.Wh4 # c 7 22.a3D E18!^ 23.fie2
16. £ibl c5oo] 14...ab5 15.b4 [15.a3!? b4? 16.ab4 Sf7 #
Sb4 1744 (17.£sd5!?) 17...C5 18.fe5 cd4 19.ef6
de3 20.#d6±; 15.b3!? A 0-0, ©e2; 15.f4? b4
16. fe5 bc3 17.#c2? Eb2 18.Wc3 E e2 ^] 15..X5
[I5...«c7 16.0-0 fid 7 17.Bcl±] 16.®c2
[16.bc5!? b4 17.®bl dc5 18.ab3 0d2
19. a i d 2 ± ; 16.ab3!? cb4 17.ab5 ®e4?! 18.fe4
Bb5 I9.fib5 ® 0 20.gO fic3 21.0-0+-] 16..xb4
17. a b 4 fie 6 [17...0a5 18.€)cd5 fie6 19.0-0
fid5 20.ad5 #d 2 21.<S3f6 fif6 22.Bd2±]
18.0-0 [ IS.^bS?! WaS 19.a3 fic4 2 0 .ad 6 fie2
21, #e2 «a3® ] 18...«a5 [18...£sc4 19.fic4 fic4
20. £)c6±] 19.«d6 [I9.©cd5!?] 19...®c4
[l9...Efd8? 20.fib6! Ed6 21.fia5±] 20.fic4 bc4 24. g3?! [> 24.'Sfg5oo Wb6 25.«d2] 24...®b6!+
[20...fic4? 2 1 .® c6 W c3 22.fid4 Wc2 23.fif6 25. « g 5 «b 3 26.Sc1 [26.Bd2 d3 * c 4
f i f l 24.®e7 4h8 25.«e5!+-] 21.®c6 Wc3 28.Bdh2 We6+] 26...ad3! 27.fid3 Wd3 28.*a1 ®e4D 23.fic3 ®d6 24.fig7 4g7 Wf3 29.Bhf1 ®f1! 30.Ef1 Sf1 31.*a2 * g 7 !- +
2S.<ab8 £if5 26.©d7 Sc8 27.£lb6 Hc6 32.«g4 [32.«d2 Sf3! 33,Wdl Eg3 34.#a4 d3
28.Bb1? [28.53a4! a e3 29.£c3 Ba6 30.Ecl fefl 35.«b3 d2!-+ ; 35.Wdl h 5 -+ ] 32...h5! 33.Wd7
3 1 .4 fl 446 32.4e2 4e5 33.4e3 g5 34.g3 A f4, [33.®e2 B e l!--1-] 33...*h6 34.b3 [34,»b7 a>a5!
4d4±] 28...C3 29.Eb4 fia 2 30.Bc1 h5 31.442 35.«a8 a b 3 36.Wa4 (36.«h8 * g 5 37.«e5 * g 4

Kt 69

38.0e6 4 f3 —t-) 36...©cl 3 7 .* b l d3 38.0e8 !3.©g5!?h6 14.©e4f5 15.©d6 e4 16.Bbl ©b6

©b3 39.4a2 d2^>+] 34...ab3 35.4b3 Bf3 17. ©c8 Bc8 18x4 &d4 19.4hl Bc7 20.Eb3oo
36.4x2 ©a5?! [> 3 6 ...a g3 37.0b7 ©a5—t-] Calvo Minguez - Diez del Corral, Malaga 1981;
37.0e8 ©c4??T [37...Hc3 3 8 .4 d l ©c4 39.0h8 12. e6?! fe6 13.de6 ©b6 14.0-0 £ e 6 15.©g5 0 f6
4g5 4O.0d8 4 g 4 41.0h4 4 0 4 2 .0h l 4g3 16.0d6 iLf5+ I.Ivanov - G.Hernandez, Saint
4 3 .0 g l 4 0 4 4 .0 h l 4 f 4 —t-] 38.0h6 4 g 5 John I 1988] 10...©c6 [!+ Gheorghiu; lO...0a5
39.0d8 Hf6 [39...4g4?? 4O.0h4X] 40.4d3= 11.©d2 ©d2 12.itd2 0 d 8 13.b4 © c6 14,bc5 de5
© e3n 41.0e7 ©g4 42.0b7 Hf3 43.4d2 5f2 15.0- 0 e4 16.Ae3 a5?! (16...£,al 17.0al f6
44.4d3 Bf3 45.4d2 © e3 [45...Sg3 46.0e7 4 f4 18. B d l^ ) 17.Bb 1± Mariotti - Suer, Caorle 1975;
4 7 .0 0 4 e 4 4 8 .0 b 7 4 f5 49.0d7 4 g 5 5O.0e7=) 10.. .de5 1 l.fe5 ©c6 12.0c2 f5 13.ef6 ©f6
46.0g7! ©g4 U-M 14.0- 0! Ag4 15.jLg5 JSO 16.A13 ©d4 17.0d3±
Shirov Gunderam] 11.i.d3 [Il.0c2!? f5 12.0-0!? de5
13. fe5 ©e5 14.J.f4 ©c6?! 15.3adl g5 16.£x7
0 e 8 17,ii.d3± Reidel - Heinatz, Kecskemet II
1989] 11...15 12.e16 ©16 13.0-0 [I3.©f6 Af6
KI 55.10 33122 14.0- 0 d5+] 13...©d5 14.cd5 ©b4 15.&C4 &15
16.©g5 b5!? 17.Ab5 0 b 6 18.a4 [18.^.c4?! &d3!
19.. fi,d3 c4 2 0 .4 h l ©d3+ Francois] 18...C4!?
Ruban,Vadim (SU) 2565 [18...a6!?] 19.4h1 &d3 20.©e6 a6 21.©f8
Krasenkov,Mikhail (SU) 2545 [21.©g7 ab5 22.©e6 A fl 2 3 .0 fl Bf5!+ Matis­
Podolsk 1990 tt (8) son; 21..4x6!? Francois] 21...EI8 [21...ab5?!
22.©e6oo] 22.ii d7 £11 23.011 ©d3 24.g3 0d4?
I. d4 5 f6 2.C4 g6 3.©c3 i.g 7 4.e4 d6 5.f4 0-0 [24...Jlb2! 25.Ab2 0 b 2 26.Bbl 0 d 4 + /- + Ma­
6.©13 Ag4 7.h3 [ a 7.^.e3 ©fd7 8.h3] 7...Af3 tisson/ Francois] 25.013 Bb8 26.4e3 0 b 2
8.013 ©c6 9.Ae3 [9.d5!?] 9...e5 10.de5 de5 27.B11 £ d 4 28.0e4 £ e 3 29.0e3 016 3O.0a7
I I . f5 ©h5! [Il...© d7 12.0-0-0 ©d4 13.0f2 c6 Bb2 31.0a6? [31.£e6 4 h 8 32.0a6 © 0 33.B12
14.g4 0 a 5 15.g5 Bfd8 16.h4± Glek - Damljanov- 312 34.0a8 4g7 3 5 .0 a 7 + - Francois; 32...0d4
ic, Beograd 1988] 12.g4 [I2.g3? ©d4 A 13...©g3!] 33.0C8 4g7 34.0g8 4 h 6 35.0f8 0g7
12.. .©14 13. Ed1 [13.©d5!? ©d5 14.cd5 ©d4=] 3 6 .0 d 6 + - Matisson] 31...0d4—e 32.0C8 4g 7
13.. . 0 . 7 [ 13...©d4!? 14.Ad4 ed4 I5.0f4 0 h 4 0-1
16.012 0 f 2 17.4f2 dc3?] 14.012 B1d8 15.©d5 Van der Tak
©d5 16.ed5 ©d4 17.a3 [> 17.ii.d3! 0 b 4
(I7...e4?! 18.0-0!) 18.4fl c6=] 17...il16 18.h4!
gf5 19.g5 [I9.gf5 4 h 8 A 20...Bg8¥-^ «g]
19.. .Jkg7 20.4d2 b5 21.jS.d4 ed4+ 22.015
[22.cb5 Bd5 23,J.g2? Bb5] 22...bc4 23.Ac4
Bab8! 24.4x1?? [24.B bl] 24...0e3 25.4b1 [>
25.Bd2 Bb2 26.0d3 Bd2 27.0d2 0 3 3 - + - .]
25... Bb2! [26.4b2 0 c 3 27.4a2 0 c 4 —1-] 0-1

KI 56.1 32607

KI 69.3 32707
Matisson (FR)
Francois,G (FR) Goldin,A (SU) 2525
1989 cr
Gdanski.J (PL) 2430
1.d4 ©16 2.c4 g6 3.©c3 iig 7 4.e4 d6 5.14 0-0 Warszawa 1990 (8)
6. ©13 c5 7.d5 e6 8 .1 e 2 ed5 9.e5 ©e4!? #
[9...©fd7 -YB/1; 9...©g4 -YB/14] 10.©d5 [10.cd5 1.d4 ©16 2x4 c5 3.d5 g6 4.©c3 d6 5.g3 4g 7
©c3 ll.bc3 ©d7 12.0-0 de5 !3.fe5 © e5 14.©g5 6.£g2 0-0 7.©13 ©a6 8.0-0 ©c7 9.a4 £g4!?
(]4..&e3 -YB/6) 14...b6 15.JS.f4 h6 16.©e4 £Lbl 10.h3 41311. £ f3 [ll.e O !? e 6 12,f4ed5 13.cd5 A
17.c4f5 I8.©12 0f6+A lcock - Williams, 1985 cr; I4.f5±] 11...Bb8 12.e4 b6 13.Bb1 e6 14.4,14!*

edS [14...e5 15.Ag5 a5 16.#d2±] 15.edS a6 3 4.& gl± /+ - 2c8 35.Se3 # h 4 3 6 .S fl; 34...Sg6
16.«d3 # d 7 [16...b5 17.ab5 ab5 18.cb5 5)b5 35.Se3 # h 4 (35...Se5 36.Sf5) 36.©fl Se5
19.©b5 2b5 20.A d6+-] 17.b4 cb4 18,Sb4 a5 37.2e3] 3 1 .lb 5 ab5 32.2b4 g4 33.Hb5 #g5?T
19.2bb1 Efe8 20.&g2 ®a6 21.®b5 ®c5 [> 33...2de8 34.Sd7?! # g 5 35.#c2 (35.#d4?
2 2 .*c 2 A.18 23.fic3! # d 8 [A &fd7-e5] 24.®e2! 2e4! 36.2 e 4 Se2) 35...2d5 (35...Sh3 36.<*flD
Ag7D [24...®fd7 25.5td4 ®e5 26.A e5+-] 2e4 37.2e4 2e4 38.gh3!+-; 38.We4? # c l
25.2td1 [25.£)d4? ®d5! 26.®c6 ®f4 27.gf4 « h 4 3 9 ,« el # c 4 40.#e2 # c l= ) A 36.2b7 2d2!s±;
28.5ib8 ©e6!g] 25...®fe4 26.®d4 # d 7 3 4 .2 b 4 ± /+ -] 34.&11 2de8 35.g3! Sh3 36.#g5
[2 6 4 27.2 d 4 f5 28.h4±] 27.Ae4 2e4D ig 5 . 37.4id 7+ - <S39 38.&e5 ®e1 3 9 A g 4 1-0
[27...®e4 28.&c6 £)c3? 29.®b8 2b8 30x5!+-] Matlak
28.£x6 2be8!? [28...2b7 29 .2 el± ] 29.2b6
h5g 30.Sja5 [30.Bb8 2b8 31.«Jb8 # a 4 32.#a4
4/a4 33.Ad6 ftb2!=] 30...h4 31.Ad6 [31.2d6
«f5! A 2f4, g5g] 31...£ia4 32.2c6?T BI 7.2 33064
[32.2b8D # d 6 33.Se8 2e8 34.#a4 2e2
35.#b3 « c 5 3 6 .# f3 + -; 32...&c3 33.2e8 Se8
34.c5! ftd l 3 5 .« d l hg3 36.ilg3 # b 5 37.£ib3 Baumbach,Fritz (DD) 2530
k e 5 38.C6+-; 32...hg3! 33.2e8 ®e8 34.Ag3 Nienhuis.Kier (NL) 2430
2e2 35.2d2 2 d 2 36.*d2 1x3 37.®c2 l a 5 Kirjeshakki-25 1989 cr
38.c5oo; 33.1g3!?J 32...ftc3 33.2d2 SJe2
34.#d3? 2d4? |34../<:gl!! 35.g4 (35.&g1 Wh3 A 1.d4 $ f6 2x4 e6 3.5 f3 c5 4.d5 edS 5.cd5 d6
36.. .H e l- + ) 35...2g4 36.hg4 # g 4 3 7.^fl 6.5jc 3 g6 7.e4 ig 7 8 .1 e 2 0-0 9.0-0 Be8
& 13-+J 35.Wc2? [35.#e2!D 2e2 36.2e2oc] 10.£id2 55a6 11.13 ®c7 12.a4 b6 13.®c4 Aa6
35.. .2 d 2 —h 36.sd2 l c 3 37.#a2 hg3 38.1g3 14.Ag5 h6 [14...#d7 15.#d2 Ac4 16.J.C4 a6
«5g3 39.fg3 #15 40.#f2 # e 4 4 1 .*b 2 # d 3 0-1 17.#d3 ®h5!? 18.g4 i d 4 1 9 .*h l £g7 20.2abl
Goldin h5 21.55e2!? b5 22.Aa2 Dlugy - De Firmian,
Cambridge Springs 1988 ch-US 22...hg4 23.©d4
cd4 24.f4! g3 25,f5!oo^ Dlugy; 15.2el 2ab8
16. # d 2 Ac4 17.£c4 a6 1S.jitfl b5?! 19.ab5 ab5
BI 4.3 33094 20.2a7 c4 21 ,e5!±/-t— Vera - Verduga, Bayamo
1989; 18...h5 19.*hl Eb7 20.e5! 2e5! 21.2e5
de5 22.Af6 iLf6 23,d6 ®e6 24.&a6 2 a 7
Matlak,Marek (PL) 2420
25.Ab5! # d 8 26.Ac4!± Viiela - lonescu, Albena
Widera,Jan (PL) 2260 1989; 15,b3 ®g4 16.#d2 Ad4 17.*hl ®f2
Katowice 1990 open (6) 18.212 j£.f2 19.A f6A d4 20.e5 2e5= K arpm an-
M.Andrijevic, Pancevo 1989] 15.Js.e3 [15.jS.h4
1,d4 ,f6 2. 5 43 c5 3.d5 e6 4x4 ed5 5.cd5 g6 # d 7 16.jSLf2 2ab8 (1 6 ...ic 4 -YB/9) 1 7.2el
6.®c3 d6 7.<Sd2 l g 7 8.e4 0-0 9 .1 e2 2e8 Ac4 I 8 .ic 4 a6 l9.A fl 2ec8 20.g3 b5 21.ab5
10.0-0 £5bd7 11.a4 ®e5 12.2e1 g5 13.S11 h6 ab5 22.2 a 7 b4 23,®a4 # d 8 24.e5!± Vera -
14.#c2 [14.a5 -YB/9] 14...Sg6 15.Se3N [f5<, P.Cramling, Las Palmas 1988] 15...^.c4
c4<; 15.Sg3 -YB/4] 15...<Sbf4 1 6 .lb 5 2e7 [15...#e7 -YB/2; 15...#d7 -YB/7] 16.Ac4 a6
17.a5!±/± 2b8 1 8 .ld 2 [I8.a6!?] 18...a6 19.^Lf1 17. # d 2 * h 7 18.2ab1 Hb8 [18...#d7 -YB/11;
2 e8 20.Sc4 [20.f3?! Sg6! 2 l.S a 4 g4 22.Sb6 18...5id7 1 9 .*h l Hb8 20.b4 b5 21.ab5 ab5
Sh4<=±j 20...Sg4! 21.4d1 # e 7 22.Sde3 Se3 22. Ad3 c4 23.Ac2 2a8 24.f4 2a3!? (24...f5!?)
[22...‘S2e5? 23.Sb6; 22...«e4? 23.#e4 2e4 25.e5! 2c3! 26.#c3 ®d5 27.#d2 ®e3 28.#e3
2 4 .S d 6 + -] 23.2e3 l d 7 24.1c3 l b 5 [24...1d4 de5 29.f5! e4! 30.Bbdl # e 7 31.fg6 V2 -V2 Sterten-
25.S eel l b 5 26.Sb6 -game] 25.Sb6 [25.1g7!? brink - Honfi, 1985 cr; 19.Af2!? 2b8 20.b4#f6!?
&g7 26.Sb6 A 27.b4] 2 5 ..,ld 4 26.H eel 2bd8 21. Hfc 1 b5 22,ab5 ab5 23.A fl c4 24.®e2 fte 5
27. # d 2 [27.1d4? cd4 28.1b5 ab5 (S b 6 < ) 25.5id4 Ha8 2 6 .2 a l h5 Ogaard - Tisdall, Gaus-
29.Wb3 f5 30.13 d3 31,2e3 #g7! 32.#b4 dal 1987; 2 7 .2 d l± ] 19.«d3 [19.b4 b5 20,Ae2
(32.#b5 # d 4 ) 32...g4—41] 27...1e5 [27...1c3 -YB/6,7; 20.ab5 ab5 21,Ae2 c4 22.Hal Ha8
28. bc3±; 27...#f6 28. S a d i (28.1d4?! cd4!) 23. Ad4 W ei 24.g3 Heb8N 25.Hfel S a6 26.Afl
28.. .1 e5 29.1e5 A 30.b4±] 28.2ab1! #16 Hba8 27.H adl± Arguinariz - Sanchez Pouso,
29.1e5 2e5?! [29...#e5 30.b4 # d4! 31.#e3!± A 1986 cr] 19...®d7 [19...b5!? -YB/6] 20.Aa6
31.. . 1 0 32.4’fl S d 3 33.bc5!] 3 0 .b 4 ± /+ - cb4 [20.f4 f5!+ Baumbach] 20...5 e5 21.#e2 5 a6
[30_fi.fl 3 1 .* fl cb4 32.2b4 g4 33.Sc4 2h5 22. # a 6 b5! 23.b3 [23.ab5? 2a8 24,#b7 2 e 7 -+ ;

B! 20

23.<£>b5? Hb6 24.*a5 £ic4 2 5 .# el 3 26.«e3 27.©ed6 ©d6 28.©d6 i b 2 29.©b7 c4] 26...b6
Bb5—(-; 23.a5!?co M.Adams] 23...Eb6 24.®a7?! 27.H3 ©e5 [27...©gf6 28.A,f6 ©f6 29.©f6 i f 6
[24.#a5 ba4 25.®a4 Eb4 26.Wd8 Bd8+ Nien- 30.© d6+-] 28.©cd6 ©d6 29.©d6 ©f7
huis/ Baumbach] 24...ba4 25.ta4?! [25.ba4 E bl [29...©d3 30.© e4+ - ] 30.©f7 &f7 3 1 .*f1 &e8
26 .S b l ®c4 27.® dl Se7! 28.'§’a6 ite 3 29.®e3 32.4e2 i d 7 33. i f 4 a6 34.f3 i f6 35. i d 3 b5
Ad4 3O.0d3 f5+ Baumbach] 25...Bb5! 26.® a6 36.ab5 ab5 3 7 .ib 8 i e 7 3 8 .ie 5 i f 8 [38...id6
®b8 27..id2 c4! [27...Eb3?! 28.iJb6oo] 28.®c3 39.f4!n— ] 39.14 h5 40.g4 hg4 41.hg4 i.e 7
Eb6! [28...Eb3?! 29.®b5oo] 29.'#a4 c b 3 -+ 4 2 .*e 4 ,if8 43.(5 gf5 4 4 .if5 c4 4S.bc4 bc4
30.®e2 Se7 31.ftd4 Sa7 32.Aa5 Ea5! 33.»a5 46.g5 <4e7 47."4e4 4>f7 i e ? 49.Af4
®c4 34.®c3 Sb4 3S .ih 1 @85 0-1 * g 6 5 0 .*c 4 i f 5 5 1 .id 2 i e 5 52.g6! *16
Van der Tak 53.Ag5 1-0

BI 17.1 33183
BI 20.2 33101
Lukacs,Peter (HU) 2505
Szalanczy,Emil (HU) 2420
Chernin,Aleksandr (SU) 2600
Budapest 1990 NOVIKI (7) Lobron,Eric (DE) 2545
Dortmund 1990 (4)
1.d4 -i f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 S.cdS d6
6.©f3 g6 7.©d2 Ag7 8.e4 0-0 9.Ae2 ©a6 I . d4 e6 2x4 c5 3.d5 ed5 4.cdS d6 5.©c3 g6 6.e4
10.0-0 ; ,e8 11.©c4f5 12.ef5 [12.Af4!?] 12...£f5 ©f6 7 .id 3 i g 7 8.H3 0-0 9.©f3 a6 10.a4 ©bd7
13.A.e3 [< 13.Af4b5!?oo] 13...©ac7 14.a4 ®e7 I I . 0-0 We7 [ll...W c7 -YB/16] 12,Ee1!?N
[14...©a6?! 15.#d2 ©b4 16.Bacl±] 15.#d2 [12.ji.f4 ©h5 1 3 .ih 2 ©e5] 12...h6 [12...Ee8;
Ed8 [15...#17 16. S a d i Ed8 17.Efel! a6 12.. .©h5] 1 3 .if4 ©h7 [13...©h5 I4 .ih 2 © e5
18.©b6 ©f6 19.Ag5! ©a8 20. ©c4 ©c7 21.»f4!± I5 .ie 2 ± ] 14.#d2 g5 1 5 .ig 3 5te5 16.iJe5 Ae5
Damljanovic - Magerramov, Palma de Mallorca 17.1. e5 WeS 18.iJb1!± [18.£sdl Ad7 19.a5
1989; 15...©f6 16. i f4 (16,Ag5) 16...©ce8 Ab5] 18...Jid7 19.a5 [19.®a3 b5! 20.ab5 ab5
17.f3±] 16.Ead1 [16,Ag5 Af6!] 16...©f6 21.£b5 Ea3 22.Ad7 B al 23.E al ®e4=]
17.i.g5! BfeS 18.Efe1 » f8 19.Ad3! [19,f3 h6 19...Sab8 [19...1.b5 20.i.b5 ab5 21.5}a3!±]
20.ii.h4 g5oo] 19...J,d3 [19...ig4 20.f3 Ac8 20.' a3 » d 4 21.Wc3! Efc8 22.Eac1 [22.’Sd4
2 1 .ib l h6 22.Ee8! ©ce8 (22...Be8 23.A f4!+-) cd4 23.iJe2 Ab5!] 22,..«c3 [22...b5 23.ab6 Eb6
23. Ae3±] 20.#d3 ©g4!? [20...h6 21.J.h4!±] 2 4.iic4+ -] 23.bc3 ®f6 [23...c4 24.iJc4 (24.Ac4
21. * f 3 ! Se1 [21...#f3 22.gf3 ©f6 23.©e4! ©e4 Ec5) 24...Ab5 25.iJb2 Ad3 26.£>d3 Ec4D 27.e5
24. Ee4 Ee4 25.fe4 Bd7 2 6 .if4 ± ; 2 4 ?! Ed8 28.f3! (A 29.Be4) 28...de5 29.ile5 Ec5
30.c4 Ba5 3 1 .S b l+ - A 31...b5 32.®c6] 24.A11!
22. ©e4! Be4 23.Be4 i f 2 (23................. © ft 24.Eed4)
24.‘& h l h— ] 22.Ee1 Ee8!D [22.. WO 23.gf3 ©f6 Sc7 25.i)c4 ile 8 26.Eb1 Bd8 [26...1.b5
24. Ee7! ©fe8? 25.E g7+ -] 23.«f8 [23.Ee8 27,iJa3±] 27.Eb6 Ac8 28.Ee3T [A 28.i.d3 A
# 08!] 23...&f8 [< 23...Ef8 2 4 .ie 7 E f t 25.©e3! Jlc2-a4] 28...(6 [28...f5 29.e5] 29.Ad3 <**8
id 4 2 6 / g4. > 23...Af8! 24.Be8 © e8 30.Ac2 * e 7 31.Aa4 .id 7 32.Ad7 4>d7 33.g4
25. ©e4 &f7 26.h3 ©gf6 2 7 .if6 ©f6 28.©f6±] [33.h4! g4 (33...&C8 34.hg5 hg5 35.Eh3) 34.Sg3
h5 35.O h—] 3 3...*c8 3 4 .*g 2 h5T [34...Eh7]

24. E e8 © e8 25.©e4 i d 4 26.b3! [26.h3 © e5

35.gh5 3h7 36.flf3! Bh5 [36...He7 37.h6 He4 11.114 b6!?[Il...*c75 11...4)e4] 12.Bc1?
38.4) e 3+ -] 37.4)e3 Hh7 38.4)15 Sdd7 [38...C4!? [12.Bel A 13.e4±] 12...Ba7= 13.4X2 4h 5
39. Bb4 Bc7 40.4)e3[ 39.C4+- d?c7 40.2fb3 14.Ae3 f5 15.4c4 Sb7! 16.#d3!? [A 16,..b5
4c8 41.4g3 Sd8 42.1g4 Sdd7 43.f4! gf4 17. ab5 ab5 18.^b5! Bb5 19.4d6 Bb2 20.4)e8
44.h4 3h8 45.h5 Sdh7 [4S...2g8 46.4^4 4)g7 # 6 8 2 1.3 a 1!±; 16.Sal=[ 16...f4! [A 17 .A f4 4 f 4
47.4) d6 4 c 7 48.4)b7 4)h5 49.4f3 Bg3 18. gf4 b5 I9.ab5 ab5 20.4)b5 Bb5 21.4d6 # d 6
5 0 .4 f2 + -[ 46.h6 Bh6 47.4)h6 Sh6 48.Bb7 1-0 22,#b5 Ad7 23.Wc5 «rf4+] 17.gf4 115 18.4X4
Chermn [< I8 .1 e4 b5 I9.ab5 ab5 20.4d2 c4 2 1 .« b l b4
22.4a4 c3! 23.bc3 bc3 24.#b7 cd2 25.1d2
Ae4+] 18...Ae4?! [18...Bd7l? I9.b3 b5 20.ab5
ab5 2 l.4 c d 2 Bde7 22.f3 Bb7 A # h 4 , A A h6^[
BI 23.1 33048 19. Ae4 b5 20.ab5 ab5 21.4d2 Ab2 [21...C4!?
22.#c2 B n 23.f5 g5S] 22.Bb1 c4 23.#c2 c3
Horvath,Erno (HU) 2220 [23_fi.g7?! 24.4c4 Be4! 25.We4 Be7 26.4e5!
Marin,Mihail (RO) 2480 de5 27.Bb5 4 d 7 28.d6 Be8 29.f5±] 24.413
Budapest 1990 open (1) 45f6? [24...4a6! (A 25...4b4) 25.4g5 4c5oo]
25.1 d3 b4 26. Bb2!T cb2 27.1.d4!^J> 4)h5
1.d4 a 16 2.c4 c5 3.d5 d6 4.4)c3 g6 5.g3 e6 28.e3 b3? [> 28...#c8 29.«c8 Bc8 30.Ab2®]
6.1g2 ed5 7.cd5 Ag7 8.4)13 0-0 9.0-0 He8 29.1X1! [g6<] 29...«a5 30.4g5! [30.1g6? hg6
10.h3 a6 [I0...4)e4 ll.4)e4 Be4 12.1,g5 *07 31.*g6 3g7 32.Ag7 5ig7 33.£ig5 # d 5 - + ]
13.4) d2 Be8 I4.4)e4 Be4 15.1x4 l h 3 16.1g2 30...#d5 #
l g 2 17.4g2 l b 2 18.Bbl l g 7 19.Wa4 4)d7
20.B hl a6 21.B h4b5 22.Bb5 4)b6 23.3b6 # b 6
24,*d7 le 5 + 25.Eh7? 4 h 7 —t- Kuzmin - Tal,
Riga 1978] 11.a4 4)e4 12.Sa3l? [12.4)e4 Be4
13.4) d2 Bb4] 12...4)d7 13.#c2 4)df6 [A
14.. .4)c3 15.bc3 4)d5] 14.4)h4 4)c3 15.bc3 c4!T
[A Wa5, 4)d7-c5] 16.a5 b5 17.ab6 « b 6 1 8 .le 3
[18.e4 Hb8 (A I9 ...« b l) 19.1e3 # b 2 20.«b2
Sb2 2l.f3 4)d5; I8.1f4 Bb8 A I9...h6] 18...Be3
19.1e3 « e 3 20.4h2 4)h5 21.B»3 [21.4)0 <Sg3
22.4g3? I e 5 23.4h4 «h6X ] 21...#e7 [<
21.. .Wg5?! 22.#a4! I b 7 23.#c4 l d 5 24.* g 4 3 1 .l g6!+ [< 3 l.l.e 4 3 e 4 32.©e4 (32.#e4 # e 4
Wcl 25.S f l ! # a 3 26.1d5 Bf8 2 7 .3 0 + - ] 33.43e4 3b4! A 34,..4if4) 32,..#f5=] 31...hg6
22.ik.f1?! [22.Ba4 4)g3 23.4)g6 hg6 24.4g3 l e 5 32.#g6 i f 8 33.#h5 * e 7 34.1b2 5id7? [>
2 5 .4 0 # h 4 2 6 .4 fl Hb8 27,Hb4 Bb4 28.cb4 34...Wf5 3 5 .3 d l *d 7 ± ] 35.3d1 Wf5 36.#h4
• d 4 + ; 22.#a4 4)g3 23.4)g6 hg6 24.4g3 l e 5 3g8 37.4h1 ^>e8 38.e4 # g 6 39.#h3! 3c7??T
2 5 .4 0 Wh4 2 6 .4 fl lf 5 + ; 22...1d7 23.«c4 [39...Hb6±] 4 0 .# b 3 + - ®c5 41.#d5 ^ d 7 42.e5
!.b5 24.#b5! ab5 25.Ba8oo] 22...1e5 23.4)g2 3 c6 43.1.a3! £ie6 44.1.d6 ®g5 [44...®f4
4)g3 24.4g1 i h 3 25.e4 # g 5 26.1c49- + l g 2 45. e6!-t— ] 45.1x5! [45.fg5 #e6!] 45...&C8
[27.0g2 # c l - + ; 27.4g2 4)e4 2 8 .4 h l (2 8 .4 fl 46. # d 7 lb 8 47.15! 3g7 48.3b1 Bb6 49.1.d6
4)d2) 28...«h5 29.4g2 W g4-+] 0-1 # d 6 50.#d6 1-0
Mann Kovalev

BI 23.7 33013 BI 24.3 33230

Vaulin,Aleksandr (SU) 2390 Razuvaev,Yuri (SU) 2545

Kovalev,Andrei (SU) 2500 Stempin,Pawel (PL) 2445
Katowice 1990 open (10) Paris 1990 open

1.c4 4)f6 2.g3 g6 3.1g2 Ag7 4.d4 0-0 5.4X3 c5 1.d4 4)16 2 x 4 e6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5.cd5 d6
6.d5 d6 7.5 13 e6 8.0-0 ed5 9.cd5 a6 10.a4 Be8 6.4)c3 g6 7.1.g2 l.g 7 8.4)13 0-0 9.0-0 4)a6

BI 38

10.h3 [10.ftd2!?±] 10...Ee8 11.ftd2 [U .H el 25. ftc5 4c6?! [> 25...ftf4 26.4b7 fte6 27.4a8
ftc7 I2.a4 fte4 13.fte4 Se4 14.ftd2 Ee8 ftc5D (27...Ba8 2 8 .ftd 7 + -) 28.4d5± Eb8
15.ftc4 b5oo] 11...ftc7 12.a4 b6 13.e4 We7 29.b4 ftd7 30.b7 d3 31.&f2±/±; 28...Bd8 29.b7
14.Wc2 4a6 15.Bd1 ftd7 16.ft13 4c3?! d3 (29...Bb8 30.Bfl!±) 30.b4 ftd7 31.*f2±]
[16...fte5 l f,S k 5 4 e 5 18.4e3±] 17.«c3 *e4?! 26. b7 Bad8 27.Ba6±/± ft14D[27...d3 28.4d2±]
[!~...4c2 18.4h6 f6 19.B el 4 0 20.4O ±] 28.4c6 d3?! [28...fte6 29.ftd7 Bd7 30.4d7
18.ii.h6 f6 19.ftg5 Wc4 [19...We5 20.fte4±] fec5 31.Bd6 ftb7D 32.Bd5! A 33.b4±/±]
20.Wc4 4c4 21. fte4 Be4 22.4e4 15?! 29.gf4± d2 30.413 d l l ' 31.4d1 Ed1 32.&12
[22...Se8!?] 23.4g2 ,16 24.414 Bd8 25.4g5 Bd2 33.*e3?! [33.&0! Bdd8 34.Bb6 Bfe8
* g 7 26.B a d l a 6 D [26...4b3 27.Bd3 4 a 4 35.Bb3! A 3 6 .fta 6 ± /+ -] 33...Bdd8 34.Bb6
28. £a3±] 27.b4 h6 28.4d2 [28.4f6!? * f6 Sfe8 SS.&IS h5 36.b4?T [36.Bb3!; 36.h4!? A
29. a5±] 28...4b7 29.4c3 fta6 [29...*f7 30.bc5 37.f5] 36...&g7 37.15 [37.h4!?] 37...g5 38.h3
dc5 31.4f6 # f 6 32.d6+-; 30...bc5 31.Bbl±] Sd5= 39.16T [39...*g6 40.b8« Sf5 41,*g2 Be2
30. Be1! &17 31.416 &16 32.1e6 st?17 33.Bce1 42.&gl Be 1=] 0-1
Sd7 34.g4! fg4 35.4e4! ftc7 36.Bg6 ftd5 Zysk
37. B h6 1-0

BI 38.2 33242
BI 33.3 33165
Manor,Ilan (IL) 2450
Zysk,Robert (DE) 2440 Wahls,Matthias (DE) 2565
Bialas,Wolfram (DE) 2370 Bern 1990 zt (8)
Bundesliga BRD 1989/90 (14)
1.d4 ; :I6 2 x4 e6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5.cd5 d6
1.d4 ftf6 2.c4 e6 3.ftc3 cS 4.dS edS S.cdS d6 6.ftc3 g6 7. i g2 4 g 7 8.ft13 a6 9.a4 0-0 10.0-0
6,e4 gS 7.f4 4 g 7 8.4b5 ftfd7 9.a4 Wh4 [9...0-0] ftbd7 11.414 We7 12.a5 [Nikolic] 12...ftg4!?
10.g3 We7 [10...WU8] 11.ftf3 0-0 12.0-0 fta6 [!2...Bb8 13.fta4 b5 14.ab6 ftb6 15.e4 ftfd7
13.Be1 [ 13.e5!? de5 14,d6 Wd8 15.ftd5^] I6.ftb6 Bb6 17,ftd2± Nikolic - Tal, Reykjavik
13...ftb4 14.e5!? [14.Wb3; 14.a5!?] 14...a6! 1988; 12...b5 13.ab6 Hb8 (13...ftb6 14.e4 ftg4
[14„.de5?! 15.d6 We6 16.fe5 fee 5 17.fte5 4e5 15.h3 fte5 16,fte5± Nikolic - Barlov, Zagreb
18,d7 4 d 4 19.4>g2 4 d 7 20.Se6 4 e 6 g < ] 1987) 14.e4! Bb6 15.ftd2 fte8 16.ftc4± Nikolic
15.411 de5 16.a5S [16.fe5 fte5 17.fte5 4 e 5 - Cebalo, Brezovica 1988] 13.fta4 Bb8 14.Bc1?!
t8 .4 f4 4d4! (18...f6 19,4c4® > ) 19.Wd4! cd4! [14.h3 ftge5 15.fte5 fte5 16.ftb6 4 d 7 A
(19...Wei 20.W f6+-) 20.Be7 dc3 21.4g2 cb2 17.. .4b5; > 14.Bel A 15.e4] 14...h6 15.4d2 [>
22,B bl ftd3oc/4] 16...b5!? [16,..Se8 17.fte4!®] 15,B el] 15...b5 16.ab6 ftb6+ 17.b4? [17.ftb6
17.ab6 4 b 7 18.4g2 Wd6 [18,..Bfe8 19.fe5 fte5 Bb6 18.4c3] 17,..cb4 18.h3 [18.4b4 fta4
20.4f4 ftO 2 1 .1 .0 4 d 4 22.*g2±] 19.fe5 fte5 19.Wa4 We4 20.Bbl 4 c 3 —i-] 18...fte5 19.fte5
20.fte5 4 e 5 # We5 20,414 [20.4b4 fta4 21.W'a4 Wd4 22.Ebl
4 f5 -+ ] 20...W16 21.ftc5 [21.Bc6 fta4! 22.Bd6
(22.Wa4 Bd8!+) 22...Wei 23.Wa4 g5!-+]
21.. .Be8! 22.fte4 Be4! 23.4e4 4h 3 24.Be1
4 d 7 25. Sc7 4 b 5 26.Wb1 a5 27.Ba7 ftc4
28. Ec1 Wd4—i- 29.Be7 4.18 30.Bc7 fta3
31.Ed1 ftb1 32.Bd4 ftc3 33.4>g2 fte 2 34.Bd2
ft 14 35.g14 b3 36.15 g15 37.415 a4 38.Bd4 a3
39.E14 4 g 7 40.Sc3 4 e 2 41.Ba4 4 c 3 0-1

21.Ee5!!D We5 22.414 Wd4?! [22...«f6

2 3 .4 c7 g ] 23.W'd4 cd4 2 4 .fte 4 ^ /± ftd5 [24,..f5
25.ftc5 4 d 5 (25...Bab8 2 6 .ftd 7 + -) 26.ftd7!±]

BI 38.2 33102 BI 38.5 33092

Gelfand,Boris (S U ) 2615 Jasnikowski,Zbigniew (PL) 2445

Chernin,Aleksandr (S U ) 2600 Przewoznik,Jan (PL) 2415
Dortmund 1990 (5) Warszawa 1990

1.d4 5 f6 2x4 e6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5xd5 b5 1.d4 5116 2 x4 e6 3.5113 c5 4.d5 b5 5.Ag5 Wa5
6.Ag2 d6 7.b4! 5la6 8.bc5 5lc5 9.5113 g6 6.5lc3 5le4 7.Ad2 [7.cb5 -YB/13] 7...5ld2
10.5ld4 Ag7 11.0-0 a6N [11...0-0 -YB/1] 8.Wd2 b4 [8...bc4 9.e4 d6 10.e5!? de5 ll.A c 4
12.5lc6 Wd7 13.51C3 0-0 14.a4 [> 14.B bl± A Aa6 12.Aa6 Wa6 13.0-0-0 f6 14,de6 We6
15.a4; 14.A e3 A A d 4 , a4 ± ] 14...5l1e4! 15.5164 15.«d8 * f7 16.*bl Eg8 17,«d3 g6 18.5ld5
[1 5 .A e4 A c 3 + ] 15...5le4 16.A14 [1 6 .A e 4 A a l 5la6 19.Bhel t Akhmilovskaya - Pihajlic, Tbilisi
1 7 .A h 6 A g7 18.A g7 * g 7 19.W al f6 20,ab5 1982] 9.5ld1 Ab7 [9...g6 10.h4 h6 ll.g3 Ag7
Wb7!oo 21.W a3 W b5 22.W d6 W e2] 16...53C3 12. Ag2 Ab7= Langeweg - Fernandez Garcia,
17.Wc2 2e8 [17 ...5 la4 !? 1 8 .2 a 4 !? S ] 18.e4^ Marbella 1982] 10.5le3 [10.e4!?] 10...g6 11.g3
5la4 19. Bae1 Ab7 20.e5! de5 21.5le5 Ae5! [11.5lg4?! Ag7 12.de6 de6 13.Wf4 b3 14.5ld2
22.Ae5 [2 2 .B e 5 5lb6oo] 22...Ad5! 23.Wd2 (14.Wd2 Wd2 15.5ld2 A b2—r) 14...Ab2-+;
Ac6?!T [2 3...5lb6! 2 4! f6! (2 4 ...A g 2 13. Wd6 b 3 -+ ] 11...Ag7 12.Ag2 Wb6 13.0-0
2 5 .W c 3 !+ -) 25.W d4! W c6 26. B e l! We6 0-0 14.5le1 [I4.a3 a5=] 14...e5 [14„.ed5?
2 7 . B c e l! ( 2 7 .S f e l # 6 1 + ) 27...W c6 (2 7 ...W ei 15.5ld5±, d 5 < ; 14...d6? 15.de6 fe6 16.Ab7 Wb7
28. W f6±) 2 8 .B c l= ] 24.«d7 Ad7 25.Aa8 Sa8 17.Wd6 Ab2 18.We6+-] 15.a3 [15.d6!? Ag2
26.3d1!± Ah3 27.Bfe1 5lb6 [27...b4!] 28.A16± 16.5llg2 3e8 (I6...5lc6 17.5ld5 Wd8 18.5lc7
# Sb8 19.Wd5±) A Af8. Be6oo] 15...a5 16.ab4
ab4 17.3a8 Aa8 18.147! [2 18.5l3c2 A 19.e4=]
18.. .e14 19.gt4 3e8! 20.5lg4 15 [20...d6 2l.f5 1;
2l.e4 f5 22.ef5 gf5 23.5le37? Be3—(-) 21.5le5 d6
[21...Ae5? 22.fe5 Be5 23.e41 m, b 8 < , a8< ]
22.51513 5ld7 23.5ld3 [23.5lg5 5lf8+] 23...Ab7
24.*h 1 5116 25.5112 Wa6 26.b3 [26.Bel 5ld5!
27. cd5 3 e 2 —t-] 26...Wa3 27.Wc2 Se3 [27...h6?
28.5lh4! (g6<) 28...*h7 29.3gl A 30.Af3->]
28. Bb1 [28.51d3 5le4 A 29...5lc3+] 28...Ah6
[28...5lh5 29.5ld3 h6 30,Bgl * h 7 31.5lh4 Af6
32.5lg6! * g 6 33.Af3±; 28,..Ac8 A Ad7, Wa3-
a8-e8+] 29.5lg5 [29.5ld3 5le4+] 29...5lh5
28.. .Ae6 29. S d6 5ld5 [29...5lc4 30.Bd4 A 30.5ld1! [30.5ld3 5lf4 31.5lf4 A g5-+ ] 30...Se7
31.B ed I] 30.Ab2 b4 31.Hd1 5lc3 (31...a5 31.Wd2 [31.e3? 5lf4! 32.ef4 B el 33.Afl B f l—r]
32.3 ld5 Ad5 33.2d5 a4 34.Bb5 a3 35.Aal 31.. .Ac8 32.e3 Ba7 33.A13 5116 34.5le6 Wa2
Bc8 3 6 .* g 2 + -] 32.Bd8 2d8 33.2d8 * g 7 35.3b2! [35.Wa2 3a2+] 35...Wa1 3 6 .*g 2 *1 7
34.Bb8 [> 34.Ba8] 34...a5 35.Bb5 * h 6 [Sr 37.51 d8 s e 8 38.5:e6 * e 7 39.We2! Ba3
35.. . * f 8 3 6 .3 a 5 5 ld 5 ] 36.Sa5 5ld5 37.Bb5 [39...Ae6 40.de6 * e 6 41.e4 t s ; 40...Ag7
[3 7 .h 4 !+ —] 37...g5 38.13 * g 6 39.Ae5 h5 40.Jl.d6 4 1 .3 d 2 ^ ] 40.e4! Ie4 41.Ae4 5le4 42.We4 Wd1
g4 41.*12 5lc3! 42.Bb4 5ld1 4 3 .*e 1 5lc3 43.3e2! [43.51c5 * d 8 44.Be2 We2 45.*e2
44.Ae5 [44.fg4±] 44...« d5 45.Bb3 5314! 46.Ha3 dc5—(-; 43...*f6!7 44,Be2 B a 7 -+ ; 43.5lg5 * d 8
5lh3 47.14 |47.fg4 hg4 4 8 .A f4 5 lg l! 4 9 .* f 2 5lf3 44.5M7 * c 7 45.We7 * b 8 46.Wd6 * a 8 47.Wc6
50. h4?! gh3! 5 1 .B f3 h2 5 2 .* g 2 A d 5 = ] 47...5lg1 Ab7 48.We8 * a 7 49.5lh6 B al 50.We3!?±;
48.Ba8 [4 8 .* f 2 5 lf3 4 9 .h 4 gh3! 5 0 .B f3 h2 43.. .* f6 44.5lh7 *g7 (44...* f7? 45.3e2->)
51 . * g 2 A d 5 = ] 48...5H3 49.&12 5lh2 [49...f6 45.We7 * h 8 46.5lf6 Ah3!! 47,*g3! (47.*h3
5 0 .A c 3 5 lh 2 5 1 ,B f8 A f7 52.f5 * g 7 5 3 .B a 8 A Wf3 48.*h4 Wf4 49.*h3 Wf3 50.*h4 g5X)
5 4 .2 a 6 —>, f 6 < ] 50.Bg8 * h 6 51.A16 5113 47.. . Ba7!!D 48.Wd8 (48.Wa7 Wei 49.*h3 Wfl
52. * e 3 A 15 53.Bg7T h4! 54.gh4 5 h 4 55.A12 50.Bg2 Wf3 51.Bg3 Wfl 52.*h4 Wf4 53.5lg4
[55. B g5 A e6! 5 6 .* e 4 5 lf3 5 7 .3 g 8 5ld21 Ag5 54.*h3 Wfl 55. Eg2 Wf3=) 48...*g7
55.. .Ae6 56.3g5 5113 57.Sg8 5ld2 5 8 .*e 3 5111 49.5le8 * f7 50.5ld6 * g 7 51.5le8=] 43...&16
5 9 .*d 4 5ld2 60.Ae7?! * h 7 ‘/i-'/i 44.15!! [44.5lc5 3a7 45.We8 * g 7 46.Be7 Be7
Chernin 47.We7 *g8 48.Wd8 A f8—1-; 44.5lg5 Sa7!—h;

Ol 1

44.5/d4 B a7!-+] 44...g5 [44...gf5 45.Wh4 &gb Ag7?! [RR 6...d6 7.a4 ilg7 8.5/a3 (8,a5 ab5
46. Wg3 &f6 47.Wh4=; 4 5 ...& f7 46.5/d8=]9.&b5 5/fd7 !0.Wa4 0-0 11.5/e2 Kortchnoi -
45.5/140 [45.5/C5 Sa7 46.We8 d c 5 -+ 47.Se6 Miles, Amsterdam 1976) 8...0-0 9.5/e2 5/e8
Ae6 48.We6 4?g7 49.f6 4?g6 50.f7 4>g7 51.Wh6 (9...ab5 10.5/b5 5/a6 11.5/ec3 5/d7 12. jLe2 f5!?
4?h6 52.f8W * h 5 —t-] 4S...g(4 46.We7 *1 5 Dlugy - Schea, Chicago 1988) 10.5/c3 5/d7
47. Wh7 Ag5 48.«e7 * g 6 49.We8 *4 6 50.®e7
ll.jS.e2 Dlugy - P.Cramling, Brussels 1987
4?g6 51.We8 ^16 n-a OHRA; 7.5/a3 £g7 (7...ab5 -YB/6) 8.5/e2
Przewoznik 0-0 (8...5/bd7 -YB/5) 9.5/c3 5/bd7 (9...5/e8 ab5 11.5)ab5 5ia6 Dlugy - Fedorowicz,
Chicago 1989; 9...e6 10.fic4 ed5 11.5/dS 5/bd7
12.0- 0 5/d5 13.fid5 Arencibia - Van Ricmsdijk,
BI 41.3 33084 Manila 1990) 10.fie2 (10.fig5!?) 10...5/e8
11.0- 0 5/c7 12.fig5 Dokhoian - Pavlovic, Erevan
Kaiaak.Rainer (DD) 2500 1988] 7.5/a3!? [7,e5 5/g8 8.f4 d6 9 .5 /0 5/h6co
Mainka.Romuald (DE) 2445 Glek - Kremenetsky, Moskva 1989; 7,d6 ab5
Dortmund II 1990(6) 8.de7 #b6!oo] 7...e6 8.d6? [8.de6 fe6 9.fie3!)
8...0-0 9.Wc2 Wb6 10.fie3 ab5 11.5/b5 5/a6
I . d4 5 (6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 a6 5.ba6 g6 12.4/12 fib7 13.a4 B1c8 14.57e2?! [> I4.fic4
6.5/c3 i a 6 7.e4 £.11 8.*11 d6 9.g4!? Wc8 fie4! I5.fe4 5/b4 lb.Wbl Wee!] 14...fie4! 15.1e4
(9_S.g7 -YB/6, YB/11] 10.h3 h5!? [10...Ag7 5/b4! [l5...5/g4 l 6 . * 0 5/b4 17.*d2!] 16.#b1
I I . * g 2 0-0 12.5/ge2 5/a6 13.Ae3 Wb7 14.Wd2 [16.Wdl 5/g4 l7 .* H 5/e3 I8.*e3 c4 1 9 .* 0
5/c7 15.f3 Sfb8 16.b3 5/b5 17.flacl± Seirawan - 5jd3 A 20...5/b2] 16...5/g4 17.4/13 5/e3 18.*e3
D.Gurevich, New York 1987] 11.g5 5/ld7 12.b3! c4 [18...Wb5!? 19.ab5 S a l 20.Wal 5/c2 21.*d3
k g 7 13.jS.b2 0-0 1 4 .*g 2 5/a6 # ffla.1 22.4/c4!, b5> ] 19.4/13 fih6? [19...5/d3
20.5/ed4 fid 4 21.fid3 fiD ! 22.g3! We3 23.4/g2
cd3 24.5/c7oo/+] 20. 3 a3?? [A 20...Ba4
21.5/ed4!; 20.5/ed4 e5 21.Wel ed4?; 21...Wc5
22. » h 4 4/g7 23.WO ed4+; 20.g3!! We 3 21.*g2
5/d3 22.h4!+-] 20...C3! 21.5/14 fi14 22.4/14 W12
23. * g4 h5 24.4/H3 g5 25.g3 g4 2 6 .*h 4 »16
27.4/h5 Wg6 28.4/h4 4/g7 0-1

OI 1.1 33049
15.5/a4± k b 2 16.5/b2 5/c7 17.5/C4 Ba6
18.5/e2 e6?! [l8...Wa8 !9.5/c3 Bb8±] 19.5/14
2 e8 20.He1 ed5 21.5/d5 5/e6? [21...5/d5 Marin.Mihail (RO) 2480
22.Wd5±] 22.#d2 5/d4 23.W14 Wc6 Naumann,Frank (DE) 2310
2 4 .H a d 1 + - Se6 25.? b4! cb4 26.Sd4 5/c5 Budapest 1990 open (2)
27.3e2 Wd7 28.Bed2 Wa7 29.5d6 Wc7 30.e5
Ee7 31. E b4 # c 6 3 2 .*h 2 Ha8 33.Bc4 Wb6 1.d4 5/16 2x4 d6 3.5/c3 5lbd7 4.5/13 c6 5.e4 e5
34.We3 Hc7 35.e6 fe6 36.b4 Hf8 37.bc5 1-0 6.fie2 k e 7 7.0-0 0-0 8.Be1 Be8 9.Bb1 a6
Knaak 10.£.I1 [10.b4 ed4!? 11.5/d4 c5 12.bc5 (l2.5/f5
cb4 13.Bb4 d5 14.5/e7 We7) 12...5/c5oo]
10...WC7 11.b4 b5 [ 11 ...ed4 12.5/d4c5 13.5/f5±]
12.a4 ed4 [I2...bc4?! 13.A.C4 d5? I4.ed5 cd5
l5.Ad5±: l3...5/e4 l4.B e4d5 15.5/d5±) 13.5Zd4
BI 45.4 33212 5/e5 [I3...C5 I4.bc5 dc5 l5.5/f5±] 14.cb5 cb5
15.i/b2S ba4 [15...5/c4?! 16.£al± ] 16.Wa4 k b 7
Dlugy,Maxim (US) 2525 17.Wb3! [«a3-h3, « b 8 -b l] 17...Bac8 18.5/15
Alburt,Lev (US) 2565 A I8 19.b5 5Zc4?! [ 19...ab5 20.5/b5 Wd7
New York 1990 open (4) 21.5/bd6 Ad6 2 2 .k e 5 A 23.Wb7±; 22.5/d6?
Wd6 23.Wb7 ®fg4-.] 20.b6!± 5/b6 [20...Wc6
1.d4 5/16 2 x 4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cb5 a6 5.13!? g6 6.e4 2I.5/d4 Wc5 22.5Za4+-; £ 20...Wc5 21.5/a4

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Flank Openings
1 ...

l I Z I i l i
A |§| A 0 A 0 A ''||p

Af af sf fA
m .i u \ m p

5 h3: a universal antidote against the Dutch Defence?

Sometimes a new move becomes popular not so much because of its strength but because it
stimulates people to try again a variation that was previously considered sound but analyzed to
death. Ever since Karpov introduced the move 8.a3 in the Reversed Dragon Variation of the English
Opening against Hjartarson in 1989, this idea has been very fashionable, even though practice has
shown that the line is as solid for Black as ever. Look at the game Borges Mateos-Yakovich (EO
3.4) for instance, where Black equalizes very comfortably. However Karpov's novelty has truly
revitalized this variation.
A fascinating game with the Closed Sicilian Reversed is Psakhis-Seirawan (EO 20.1). An unusual
opening, started by the new move 4.2b1, and original play by both sides in the middlegame makes
this game especially worthy of attention.
Turning to the Symmetrical English, we notice the growing popularity of the move 6.a3, as in the
game Bagirov-Simic (EO 33.7). This apparently modest little move has worried quite a few players
of the black pieces, since Speelman started to play it about a year ago. The above-mentioned game
shows that it is not so easy for Black to equalize fully. We will probably see more of 6.a3 even when
it is clear that it is not a real problem for Black.
If 5...®b6, instead of 5...e6, White has the extra option of playing 6.®b3 e6 7.e4, as in
Azmaiparashvili-Dokhoian (EO 38.7). This seems to offer better chances than the traditional 7.g3.
The game Lerner-Djuric (EO 60.5) is an interesting sequel to our theoretical article in Yearbook 15.
As usual in the Romanishin system, play becomes very sharp.

A noticeable trend in the Dutch Defenceis the growing reputation of ®h3. In the Stonewall Variation
this move has always been considered very good (a verdict that won’t have to be changed after the
game Ibragimov-Moskalenko, HD 3.6) but in the Leningrad Variation White has preferred &f3 in the

majority of games.
Games such as Kortchnoi-Gurevich (HD 9.1) can change conventional wisdom. Thanks to deep and
original strategy, Kortchnoi achieves a winning position and it is not so much the precise value of
his opening play, for improvements are certain to be found, but the general impression made by this
game that will make ftf3-players realize that they have missed out on something.
Another very good Leningrad game is Shirov-Bareev (HD 8.2). White scores a beautiful victory with
the variation 6.b3 (instead of 6.c4).

The game Yusupov-Brunner (QP 4.4) is classified as a Queen’s Pawn Opening in the NIC-opening
code, but it really is a variation of the Queen's Indian defence. Apart from this surprising switch of
openings, the game is also of great interest for its straightforward middlegame strategy by both

Of the Reti Opening there is little to report except for two painful losses for Black in the solid J,g4-
system. In particular, the game Petrosian-Tischbierek (RE 22.1) is noteworthy. Black falls into a very
nasty opening trap here.

Survey EO 64

SURVEY: Paul van der Sterren

English Opening EO 64.8

Aleksander Wojtkiewicz The Rnmanishin Varialinn

The move 3...a6 has become well-known thanks to the efforts of Soviet GM Oleg Romanishin and it
is characteristic not only of his original thinking but also of his fighting attitude towards chess.
If White prevents the intended 4...b5 by 4.®c3 then 4,..d5 will lead to a version of the Catalan
Opening that has scored well for Black in practice.
On the other hand, if White allows 4,..b5, then he faces the problem of how to deal with Black’s
ambitious queenside expansion. White can win a pawn with 4.1,g2 b5 5.<Sd4 but then 5...d5 is
generally considered to give Black good counterplay.
The most common continuation is 4.A.g2 b5 5.b3 when, if White does not continue too timidly, he
has some chances for an opening advantage. The idea of Wojtkiewicz’s 4.b3 becomes clear when
one compares the position after 4. Jlg2 b5 5.b3 c5 6.®c3 to the one arising after 4.b3 b5 5.53c3. In
the former case Black can defend his pawn on b5 with 5...Wb6 or 5..Ma5, while in the latter
variation Black does not have these options. The move 4.b3 is not new. It was also played in the
game Dizdarevic-Romanishin, Sarajevo 1988(S tudy Material) but a novelty is not always given its
due recognition if the result of the game seems discouraging. This time 4.b3 may have come

Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander 4.b3!? (4.Ag2 b5 5.b3 c5 6.0-0 15.ab4 ab4 16.Sa8 #a8
Krasenkov,Mikhail J.b7 7.d3 £ e 7 8.e3N I8.i.b2) 17.©g5±) 13.deS i.cS 14,A,gS
8.. .0-0 9.We2 ®c6 10.Ab2 d5 jteTO 15.*d5 c6 16.jl.e7 ®e7
Palma de Mallorca 1989 open 11.5jbd2 '®b6 12.S a b i 2fd8 17.#e5! Ee8D 18.«e7 Se7
13.a3 dc4 14,bc4 b4 15.ab4 ®b4 19.®d4±oo aS 20,a3 ba3 21.Sa3
16.d4 a5 17.$je5 Ag2 18.&g2 Ea6 22.3 cl i.e8 23.e3 2e5
l.'Sjfft <Sf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 a6 # a4co Alburt - Romanishin, New 24.±W. Ea7 25.b4 a4 26.Ag2 g6
York 1989) 4...b5 5.<&c3 d51?
15.. .0 4 ': 5...hc4' I 6.cdS (6.iLg2
d4! 7.<$2e5 (7.®d4? « d 4 8.Aa8
b4+) 7...Ad6! 8.Aa8 Ae5+ A
9.. .c6) 6...ed5 (6...ad5 l.± b 2 ± )
7.d4 i e4 S ;id 2 b4?l
( 8. . . A.e7!?±) 9.®a4 (9.£>e4!?)
9.. .M 6 10.iig2 i d7 11.0-0 0-0?!
(> ll...A a4 12.ba4 a5!±;
12.. .0-0 1 3 .1 'b 3 ± ) 12.ftc5! fec5
(12...4.C 5 13.dc5 a5 14.a3 © c6

27. b5!! (27.&c6? Gc6 28.5x6 Bellon Lopez,Juan » a 6 38.a3 ba3 3 9 .« a3 ®b7 40.®b2
Bc7 29,3ac3 Bc6 30.Bc6 5x6 Romanishin,01eg « b 2 41.®b2 ®b5 42.<ac4 43.f3
31.Bc6 Bb5±) 27...cbS (27...C5 Olot 1975 4 e 7 4 4 .4 f2 ®e8 4 5 .5 c l 5 d 8
28. f4n—) 28.3c8 b4 29.B al Gd7 4 6 .5 b 2 g6 47.f4 h5 4 8 . 5 0 4 d 7
(29...£>a6 30.Gc6) 3 0 .4 5 6 + - 4 9 .5 e2 5 f 6 50x5 5 d 8 5 1 .5 d l
I. 430 456 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4 .5 g 2 b5
®b6 31.Bb8 Be6 32.43a7 b3 ®ec7 52.Aa4 5 e 7 53.®a3 1-0
5 .4 5 4 d5 6.cb5 ab5 7 .4 5 5 c6
33.456 b2 34. B fl 4x4 35.5d5 8.435c3 c5 9.d4 cd4 1 0 .T O 4 x 6
4 5 2 36.5e6 1-0 I I . * d l 5 e 7 12.0-0 0-0 13.a3 l b 7
Wojtkiewicz 14.452 e5 15.B bl e4 16.453 4 e 5 Pigusov,Evgeny
17. T O 4 c 6 1 8 .» d l 4 e 5 1 9 .T O Romanishin,01eg
4)c4 20.B d l T O 21.£g5 Bd8 Irkutsk 1986 (15)
2 2 .3 d c l T O 2 3 .5 e3 4X3 2 4 .T O
d4 2 5 .4 d 4 Bd4 26.TO» 5 c 5 1.‘* :3 Ghf6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4 .5 g 2 b5
27,©d5 T O 2 8 .T O 5 ( 2 29 .* f2 5.b3 5 b 7 6.®c3 b4 7.®a4 d5 8.cd5
5 d 5 3 0 .5 h 3 5 b 7 31.Bc7 Bb8 5 d 5 9.0-0 5 e 7 10.d3 0-0 11.T O
32.B d l g5 33.-fi.f5 e3 3 4 .* fl 1-0
Study Material Kochiev,Alexander
S b d 7 12x4 5 b 7 13.h3 c5 14.5e3
S c8 15.B acl ®b6 16.&b6 ®b6
1 7 .ae 5 Bfd8 18.f4 a5 19.g4 5 a 6
Romanishin,01eg 20. B ed I 4jd7 21.&C4 # c 7 22.g5
Leningrad ch-SU 1977 (10) a b 8 23.T O 5 f8 24.h4 a4 25.h5 ab3
Alburt,Lev 26.ab3 0dc6 #

Romanishin,01eg I. 4 0 <Sbf6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4 .5 g 2 b5

Leningrad 1974 (2) 5.b3 5 b 7 6.0-0 c5 7.4X3 T O
8 .5 b 2 bc4 9.bc4 5 e 7 lO .Bbl 0-0
l.T O ®f6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4 .5 g 2 b5 I I . fic6 i a .» c 3 h6 13.e3 Bc8
5 .4 5 4 d5 6xb5 ab5 7 .4 5 5 c6 H .B ’fel Ba7 15.Eb3 fia 8 16.d3
8.4>5c3 c5 9.0-0 4 5 6 10.d3 5 e 7 4 c 6 1 7 .T O T O 18.4 5 2 4 a 5
1 l.e4 0-0 12.B el 4 5 4 13.a3 5 b 7 19. B b b l fig2 20. ^ g 2 4 c 6 21.7 de4
14.ed5 4jfd5 15.455 5 d 5 # 4 e 8 22.C4 Bb7 23.Bb7 # b 7
2 4 .B b l * 3 8 25.T O Bb8 26.Eb8
S b 8 2 7 .* d l Wb7 28.451 f5 2 9 .4 0
43 f6 30.4x2 * f8 31.Wbl T O
3 2 .4 a4 d6 33.fic3 T O 34.4 d 2
4 d 8 3 5 .4 b 2 d5 3 6 .T O 4X6 27.g6 5 c 4 28.bc4 S d 4 29.f5 ^s;5
3 7 ,* c2 Wd7 38.fid2 4X8 39 .T O 30.gf7 4 h 8 3 1 .5h3 ef5 3 2 .5 d 4
fif6 40.cd5 ed5 41 g4 W b l 4 2 .4 b d l Bd4 33.Wf5 » f 5 34.Bf5 Bcd8
4 d 6 43.gf5 4 b 4 44._5.b4 cb4 35.Bd5 g6 3 6 .5 e6 4 g 7 37,B d4 cd4
4 5 .4 d 2 Wb5 46x4 T O 0-1 38x5 b3 39x5 5 c 5 4 0 .5 b 3 Bb8
4 1 .5 c4 S b2 42.B O 5 f 8 43.Bf4
Be2 44x6 g5 45.Bg4 Be5 46.Bg2
Dizdarevic,Emir h6 47,B a2 g4 48.B a7 g3 49.Bd7
Be2 50. B d8 Bd2 51.Be8 Se2
16.AH 5 c 6 17.€ic3 M 6 18.fl.fel Cebalo.Miso 5 2 .5 d 5 1-0
4 5 5 19.454 5 d 4 20.5 g 2 Wb6 Budva ch-YV 1986 (12)
2 1 .5 e3 5 x 3 22.fe3 f5 2 3 .4 5 2 Had8
24.454 T O 25.T O g5 26x4 4 ® 1 . 4 0 4 f 6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 b5
27,ef5 e f t 28 .5 x 6 Web 2 9 .4 5 5 T O 5.b3 fib 7 6 .4 c3 bc4 7,bc4 c5 S.B bl
30. B bcl T O 31.T O T O 32.*12 fic6 9.0-0 5 x 7 10.B el d6 11x4 e5 Kortchnoi,Viktor
Hd5 33.*g2 Be8 34.4)f3 Hb8 12.d3 0-0 13.Be2 fid 7 14,Beb2 Brussels blit: 1987 (20)
35.Be2 f4 36.gf4 4 5 5 37,Bd2 454 4 c 6 15 . d2 4 d 4 16.' fl fic6
SS.'A’g.l 4 5 5 39.4'g2 454 40.&g3 1 7 .4 e 3 W d ? 18.4ed5 fidS 19.TO 1.43f3 £)f6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4 .5 g 2 b5
455 4 1 .0 |2 HfS 42.4x1 454 fid 5 20.cd5 h6 21.fih3 T O 22.Bb7 5.b3 5 b 7 6,ftc3 b4 7.53a4 d6 8.0-0
4 3 .* h l He8 44.4ig2 4 5 3 45.Bc3 5 x 7 23.fie3 4 d 5 24.T O Bfb8 4ibd7 9.d4 5 x 7 10.®b2 0-0 11.5id3
Bf5 46.4X3 © f4 47,h4 Hfe5 25.Bb8 Bb8 2 6 .4 d l ®d8 27 .S b 3 a5 1 2 .5 b 2 c5 13x3 TO6 14.a4 Bfd8
48,€sg4 B el 49.&h2 B8e2 50.Be2 fia 5 2 8 .4 b 2 4 c 7 2 9 .T O 4e8 1 5 .T O 5 e 4 16.H fdl Wb7 17.£>fel
Be2 5 1 .* h l B el 52.&h2 Be2 30.4X4 Bb5 3 1 .S b 5 ab5 32.S«5 5 g 2 18.«3g2 Bac8 19.«gf4 43f8
53.451 gh4 54.Bc5 E b2 55.4 5 6 «3f6 33.5lf3 b4 34.Wa4 Wb6 20.d5 ed5 2 1 .T O Bd7 22.® d5 ®d5
8-1 35.43d2 Wb5 36.TO3 5 c 7 37.©c4 23xd5 c4 24.bc4 B c4 25.B acl

Survey EO 64

Hdc7 26.e4 2 c l 27.H cl S c l 0 b 7 17.©d3 2 ac8 18.0 ©b6 Lalic,Dragan

28.© cl © d7 29.©b3 0 c7 3O.0d3 19.©dc5 2 d l 2 0 .2 d l 2 c5 21.©c5
Af6 31.Af6 ©f6 32.e5 de5 33.d6
Ac5 22.Hd8 Af8 2 3 .0 d l 0 c 7 Kladovo sfch-Y U 1990 (8)
0 c 6 34.©a5 0 a 4 35.©c4 h5 24.Af6 gf6 2 5 .0 d 4 f5 26.f4 h6
36.©b6 0 a l 3 7 .ig 2 0 d 4 3 8 .0 d 4 27.' i n a5 28.h3 a4 29.g4 fg4 30.hg4
ed4 39.i O b3 40.©c4 * f8 4 1 .ie 2 i A O ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.Ag2 b5
ab3 31.ab3 0 c 6 3 2 .ig 3 0 c 7
* e 8 4 2 .id 3 i d 7 4 3 .id 4 i e 6 5.b3 c5 6.0-0 Ab7 7.d3 Ae7 8.©bd2
3 3 .ih 3 0 c 6 3 4 .ig 3 0 c 7 3 5 .ih 3
4 4 .ic 3 © e4 4 5 .* 6 3 © O 46.©e5 0-0 9.fib2 d6 10.e3 ©bd7 11.0e2
0 c 6 36.e4 0 c 7 3 7 .ig 3 e5 38.fe5
i d 6 47.©f7 i d 5 4 8 .ic 2 i e 4 0 b 6 12.e4 2ab8 13.©el ©e8 14,f4
* g 7 3 9 .2 d 6 ©c8 4 0 .2 d 7 0 b 8
49.©g5 i e 3 50. © e6 g6 51.© f4 'A-'A ©c7 15.Ah3 2be8 16.©g2 f5
41.i O A e7 42.e6 f6 4 3 .0 c5 1-0
17.©e3 g6 18.ef5 ef5 19.Af5 2 f5
20.©f5 £.(6 21.©e4 gf5 22.Af6 d5
Vaganian,Rafael 23.cd5 ©f6 24.d6 fe4 25.dc7 ed3
Nikolic,Predrag 2 6 .0 d l c4 2 7 . 2 0 0 c 6 2 8 .0 0 0 O
Reggio Em ilia 1987 (1)
Dizdarevic,Emir 2 9 .2 0 A O 30.bc4 bc4 31.i O Ab7
Romanishin,01eg 3 2 .2 b l ©g4 3 3 .ig l d2 0-1
I. © 0 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.Ag2 b5 Sarajevo 1988 (11)
5.b3 c5 6.©c3 0 a 5 7.©e5 2 a7
8.cb5 ab5 9.a4 Ab7 10.0-0 Ag2 1.430 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.b3 d5
I I . i g 2 d 6 1 2 .© 0 2 b 7 13.002 ba4 5.Ag2 # Scherbakov,Ruslan
14.ba4 A e7 15..&b2 0-0 16.©b5
©bd7 17,d4 Hc8 18.dc5 2 c5 Dautov,Rustem
19.0b3 ©e4 2O .0d3 d5 21.©e5 Podolsk It 1990 (7)I.
©e5 22.fie5 Hc4 2 3 .2 fc l S c l
2 4 .2 c l f6 2 5 .0 c2 Hb5 26.ab5 fe5 I. 430 43f6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.Ag2 b5
27.0 c7 0 c 7 28. Hc7 i f 7 29.b6 ©c5 5.b3 Ab7 6.0-0 Ac7 7.Ab2 0-0
30.b7 © b7 3 1 .2 b 7 e4 32.g4 g5 33.e3 8 .0 c2 h6 9.©c3 bc4 I0.bc4 c5
i f 6 34.f3 ef3 35.i O h6 36.e4 de4 II. S a b i d6 12.Aal Ac6 13x3
3 7 .ie 4 Ac5 38.h3 A O 3 9 .2 b 3 Ac5 ©bd7 14.d4 Sc8 15.0e2 cd4 16.ed4
4 0 . 2 0 * e 7 4 1 .ie 5 A gl 4 2 .2 fl fi,a8 17.2fel 0 c 7 18.d5e5 19.©d2
A e3 4 3 .ie 4 Ac5 44.i d 3 Ab6 2fe8 20.Afl Af8 21.43a4 g6
4 5 .ic 4 Ae3 4 6 .ib 5 A f4 4 7 .ic 6 22.©b3 ©b6 23.©b6 0 b 6 24.0e3
i f 6 4 8 .2 e l Ag3 # 0 c 7 25.©d2 ©d7 2 6.0a3 Ab7
5...d4 6.0-0 c5 7.e3 ©c6 8.ed4 cd4 27.©b3 0 d 8 28.©a5 A a8 29.©b3
9 .2 e l A e7 10.d3 0-0 ll.A a 3 A a3 Ab7 30.©a5 A a8 31.®b3 0 b 6
12.©a3 2 e8 13.©c2 e5 14.0d2 h6 32.©d2 * a 7 33.«3e4 2 b 8 34.0e3
15.© b4 ©b4 16.0b4 0 c 7 17.©d2 0 e 3 35.fe3 f5 36.©d2 ©c5 37.©b3
2 b 8 18x5 Af5 19.©e4 ©d5 © a4 38.©a5 i f 7 39.2b3 ©c5
2O.0c4 Ae4 21.Ae4 ©c3 22.a4 b5 40.2 b b l i e 7 41.43b3 ©e4 42.Ad3
23.ab5 ab5 2 4 .0 b 4 2bc8 25.f4 ef4 43f6 43.Ab2 i d 7 44.Aa3 2ec8
26.Af5 2cd 8 2 7 ,ig 2 fg3 28.Ag4 4 5 .2 b cl 2 c 7 46.© d2e4 47.A e2h5
0 f 4 2 9 .2 e8 2 e 8 30.A O 0 d 2 0-1 4 8 .3 b l 2cb7 4 9 .2b7 2 b7 50.h3
Ah6 5 1 .if2 Ag5 52.h4 Ah6
53.©b3 2 c 7 54.©d4 ©g4
hg4 5 6 .2 c l 2 c 8 14-ii

4 9 .id 7 A e l 0-1 Damljanovic,Branko Ehrenfeucht.Wojciech

Romanishin.Oleg Adamski,Jan
Vrsac 1989 (8) Warszawa open Legion 1990 (6)

Van der Sterren.Paul 1.430 43f6 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.Ag2 b5 1 .4 :0 ©16 2x4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.Ag2 b5
Nikolic,Predrag 5.b3 c5 6.0-0 Ab7 7.©c3 0 a 5 5.©d4 c6 6.cb5 ab5 7.©b5 cb5
Wijk aan Zee 1988 (5) 8.Ab2 Ae7 9.d3 0-0 lO .0d2 0 b 6 8.Aa8 d5 9 .0 c2 A d7 10.b3 0 a 5
11x4 d6 12.© el b4 13.©a4 0 c 7 1l.A b7 Ae7 12.Ab2 0-0 13.A d4b4
1 . 4 0 4316 2 x 4 e6 3.g3 a6 4.Ag2 b5 14.f4 ©c6 15.©c2 e5 16.©e3 ©d4 14.0-0 0 b 5 15.0C7 0 e 2 16.Aa7
5.b3 c5 6.0-0 A b7 7,©c3 Wb6 8x3 17,Ad4 ed4 I8.© d5 A d5 19.cd5 ©a6 17.Aa6 0 a 6 18.0b6 0 e 2
d6 9 .0 e 2 b4 10.©a4 0 c 7 ll.d 4 ©g4 20.2 fc l a5 21. ©b2 ©e3 19.0e3 0 h 5 20.h4 e5 21.a3 d4
A e7 12.Ab2 © bd7 I3 .2 fd l 0-0 22.©c4 ©c4 2 3 .2 c4 2 fb8 24.A O 22.Ad4 ed4 23.0e7 0 O 2 4 .2 c l
14.dc5 dc5 15.© el S fd8 16.Ab7 a4 V2-V2 fi.h3 0-1

QP 4.4 33214 QP 4.5 33095

Yusupov,Artur (SU) 2615 Meduna,Eduard (CS) 2485

Brunner,Lucas (CH) 2525 Brunner,Lucas (CH) 2525
Munchen 1990 (10) Bundesliga BRD 1989/90 (6)

I. d4 e6 2.4)f3 £sf6 3 ,4 g 5 c5 (3...h6 4 .4 (1 Wf6 I. d4 ®f6 2 .« f3 e6 [2...b6 3.4g5 £>e4?! 4 .4 h 4 g6

5.e4 d6 6.£>c3 ®d7 7/#'d2 a6 8.0-0-0 Yusupov - 5.£)bd2 d5 6.e3 JLg7 7.c4! 4 b 7 8.cd5 4 d 5 9.4b5
Bischoff, Munchen 1990 (5)] 4,e3 cd4 [4,..b6? c6 10.4d3 ®d2 l l.« d 2 0-0 12.0-0 ®d7 13.e4
5.d5!] S.ed4 b6 6 .4 d 3 4 b 7 7.0-0 4 e 7 8.c4 0-0 4 e 6 14.h3!± Meduna - Marinelli, Haifa 1989]
9.®c3 d5 [9...h6 10.4h4 4 f3 11.I 'D ®c6 3 .4 g 5 c5 4.c3 [4.e3 4e7; 4...b6? 5.d5!] 4 ...4 e7
12.®e2 4ib4 13.4. bl d5 14.a3 « c 6 15.^.f6 5.fcbd2 b6?! [5...d5; 5,..cd4 6.cd4 d5] 6.e4 0-0
(15.4a2 Sc8 16.4f6 Af6 17.cd5 ed5 18.Badl 7 .4 d 3 4 a S 8 .4 a 6 5 a6 9 .« e 2 ®c7 10.0-0 d6
©e7 19.©c3±) 15...M6 16.cd5 ed5 17.4a2 I I . Ead1! &h5 12.4e3!± * c 8 13.dc5 bc5 14.e5
4/d4= Spassky - Portisch, Geneve 1977 m-1; « d 5 1S.ed6 4 d 6 16.«_e4 4 e 7 17.S e5 7 hf6
10.. .d5 M ,if6 4 f6 12.cd5 ed5 13.Be! ®c6 18.4c1 ©c7 19.«f6 4 f6 [ 19...«2,f6] 20.ag4!
14.4b5 ©e7 (> 14...®d6) 15.©eS 4 e 5 16,Se5 4 e 7 21.C4 ©b4?! [> 21...<Sf6] 22.b3 Bad8
£)g6 17.Be3± Spassky - Portisch, Geneve 1977 23.4b2 W4? [> 23...®c6!] 24.©e5!± Sd1
m-5; 13.Wb3 £)c6 14. S a d i 4ld4] 10.4f6 4 f6 25. Ed1 55a2 26.©c6 4 g 5 27 .4e 5 ®c1 28.©h5
I I . cd5 edS 12.«b3 ®c6 13.Bad1 ®a5 14.Wc2 # 6 4 29.®g5 Ce2 3 0 ,*f1 f6 31.4f6! Bf6
g6 iS .S fe l B e8 16.Se8 # e 8 17.h3 Bc8 32.Bd8 1-0
18.Ee1 0 d 8 19.«e2 S c4? (19„.*g7 (A Bc7- Meduna
e7) 20.<&e5 ©c6 2l.We3? 4 e 5 22.de5 d4—h]
2 0 A e 5 4 g 7 [20...Sc7 21.©g4 4d4? 22,#e8
# e 8 23.Be8 &g7 24.®b5] 21.f4 Wh4 22.SM
4 h 6 [22...#e7 23,#f2 Wb4 24.4c4-> dc4 25.f5
QP 7.12 33121
4 e 5 26.fg6 (26.de5? # c 5 ) 26...fg6 (26...4g7
27, t n 4-h8 28.®,b7) 21 M i l &h8 28.de5]
2 3 .4 c4 dc4 24.5)e4! «d8?? [24...4f4? 25.®g4 Krasenkov,Mikhail (SU) 2545
(25.<Shd6? * g 3 26.<ab7 »h2= ; 26.4)c8? 4 e 3 -+ ; Degraeve,Jean-Marc (FR) 2375
26. Bf4? # f4 l l.t b b l Wd4 28.d?hl S e 8 -+ ) Capelle-la-Grande 1990 open (2)
25.. .4 e 4 (25...4b8 26.»ef6 *g7 27.«e7;
26.. .4>h8 27.#e7? 4g2 28.Bel 4c6; 27.Bel 1.d4 ®f6 2 .4 g 5 c5 3.®c3!? cd4 4.©d4 ®c6
4 c 6 28.d5 4 b 5 29.«e7; 27„.*g7 28.We7 ®g3 5.WH4 e6 [5...d6!? A 6...4e6] 6.0-0-0 4 e 7 7.e4
29.®h5 gh5 3 0 .* g 5 + -) 26.®e4 4g5 (26...ilg3 0-0 8.f4 h6 [8...®e8 9.4 e7 # e7 ± ] 9 .a t3
27. d5 (A » d 4 , A d6) 27,..h5 28.£lh6 *g 7 29.Bf7 [9.4h6!?gh6 10.*h6 a g4!D 1l.# h 5 (1 l.# h 3 f5!
* h 6 30,»e3 Wg5 3 1 .B h7+ -) 27.3 H? * f7 A ^g 7 , Bh8oo) ll...a f6 ! 12.»g5 * h 8 13.Wh6
28. « b 7 4 e 7 29.fie5 &g7 30,#c8 « 'd 4 -+ ; 6)h7 14,B d3® ^; 9.4f6!? 4 f6 10.Wg3±] 9...hg5
29. ®c8 0 e l 30.4’h2 4 d 6 ; 2 7 .* h 2 !+ - h5 28.g3; [> 9...’. c8] 10.®g5 [A 1 l.e5] 10...«c7! #
27.. .4 e7 28.g3 #g5 29.h4; 24...4d5!n 25.% 4
« g 4 26.<Sf6 *g7D 27.<&eg4 Sd8 28.g3 4 e 6
2 9 .2 d l g5!] 25.d5!+- 4 g 7 26.Bd1 b5 2 7 .* e3
f6 28.®a7 Bc7 29.‘Sf3?? [29.d6 fe5D 30.dc7
« d l 3 l.* h 2 'B'dS (31...4c8 32.©b8 ©d7
33.&d6) 32.#b8 <4f7 33.<Sd6 (33,Wb7 # b 7
34.©d6 * e 7 35.-<Sb7 4>d7 36,®d6 &c7 37.£)e8?
4>d7 38.£lg7 b4; 37.£lb5 &c6 38.<&a3 &c5
39.b3=) 33...©d6 34.© b7+-] 29...Bd7
[29,..4d5? 30.Bd5 ©d5 31.© b8+-] 30.®cS
Bd5 31.Be1 [31.Bd5 4 d 5 32. ’ d4?/T |
31.. .4 c 8 32.®e6 [32.,.®d7 33.®b8 4 f8 34.®f8
*f8+ ] H-/2 [10...g6 ll.'« h 6 # c 7 12.e5 5 13.fe5 « e 5
Brunner 14.©ce4 Se8 15.Bd3 A 1 6 .B h 3 + -; ll.,.B e 8
12.e5 4 f8 13.®h3 <Sh5 14.g4+-] 11.eS! ® e5
12.5id5! [12.fe5? We5 (A 13...«5h5!) 13.?ice4

HD 8

(1 3 .3 el m s A 14...1^4) 13...Wf5! A 318 4 0 .*e 5 * h 6 41.#e6 * g 7 42.«e5T * h 6

14...4le4-+] 12...ed5 13.fe5 ®e5 14.He1 lff5! 4 3 .*g 2 * b 8 4 4 .*e 6 * g 7 45.«e7 * h 6 46.h4!
[I4...«d6? 15.£d3!->] 15.He7 Wg4 16.Wg4 1-0
41g4 17.Ab5±EN 4116 [17...f6!?] 18.h4 a6 Ibragimov d3 b5 [19...g6!?] 20.hS 3 e 8 21.&h7!
*18??T [21,.,*h8 22.She 1 Ab7 23.Se8 He8
24.Se8 5le8 25.Af5±J 22.Hf7X 1-0
Krasenkov HD 8.2 33003

Shirov,Aleksei (SU) 2500

H D 3.6 33232 Bareev,Evgeni (SU) 2590
Lvov 1990 zt (9)
Ibragimov,Ildar (SU) 1.4113 15 2.g3 4116 3.Ag2 g6 4.0-0 iLg7 5.d4
Moskalenko,Viktor (SU) 2525 0-0 6.b3 d6 7.Ab2 c6 [7...»e8!? 8x4 41a6
Podolsk 1990 tt (8) (8...e5?! 9.de5 4lg4 10.5lc3 de5 1 l.h3 41h6 12.e4
4lc6 13.5ld5 Wd8 14.3 el± Bewersdorff - Tis-
1.d4 e6 2.c4 15 3.g3 5116 4.^.g2 c6 5.4lh3!? d5 dall, Gausdal 1990) 9.d5 c5 10.4lc3 h6 11.4lel g5
6.0-0 i.d 6 7.b3 0-0 [7...«e7 8.£f4±] 8.£ a3 J,a3 I2.4ld3 'B'gb 13.Wd2 Ad7oo Tukmakov - Malan-
9.4la3 Sjbd7N [9...J.d7] 10.5114 We7 11.®c1! iuk, Lvov 1990 zt (8)] 8.4lbd2 4la6 9.c4 e5?!N
[11.53c2?! dc4! 12.bc4 e5oo] 11...a5 (< ll...dc4 [9...3b8!?] 10.de5 4ld7 1 1 .ia3 ! [1 Lb4? 4lb4
12.4lc4e5 I3.de5 5le5 14.5le5 # e 5 1 5 J M * h 8 12.»b3 a5!+; Il.e4?! f4!; 11.4ld4? 4le5 I2 .3 b l
16.S a d i Ad7 17.Sd3 A S fd l, Se3±] 12.4ld3 f4 13.41213oo] 11...4le5 12.5le5 £ e 5 13.4113!!
b6 13.«?b2 £b7?! [13...Aa6l? 14.2acl 3ac8 [13.Bel « a 5 14.5lbl 3 d 8 15.*d2(15.f4 &g7oo)
15.Sc2?! 41e4 16.Sfcl c5=, 4la3< ; 15.3fdl!± A 15.. .1rd2 16.4ld2 iLe6 17.3fdl 4lc5oo] 13...-Sa1
15...C5 I6.cd5 ed5 17.4lf4, d5< ] 14.Hac1 Sac8 1 4 .« a 1 S 5iC5 [14...*f6?! 15.£b2 We7
15.3c2! 4le4 16.S1C1 c5 [16...*h8 17.f3 ©ef6 16.W cl+- A 17.#c3; 14...®e7 15.3dl 4le8
18x5! b5 19.5lb5! cb5 20.c6±, c5>, e5> , « c ] 16. «d 4 ± ; I4...h6!? 15.3dl c5 16.Wc3 * h 7
17.cd5 ed5 18.5lb5!± Aa6 19.a4 £ b 5 20.ab5 17. Ab2 Sg8oo/±] 15.3d1 S I6 ’ ! [15...We7?!
Bcd8 [20...©df6 21.«a3!±] 21.Hd1 cd4 22.Wd4 16.*d4!±; 15...4le4 16.4ld2! 41f6 (16...4ld2
5ldc5 23.b4! # 17.3d2 Wa5 18-Wclt) 17.Wd4! c5 18.#c3oo/t]
16.*c1 -Me7 4le4 18.We3!± [A 19.4ld2]
18.. .1 e 6 [18...*f7 19.h4±] 19.Wd4 *17
[19... 3f6? 20.4ld2-i—] 20.h4! [£ 20.4ld2 d5!
21.cd5 £d5! 22.4le4 fe4! (22...Ae4? 23.B Ad5
24x4!+ -) 23.«g7 * e 8 24.»e7 * e 7 25.ia3=]
20.. .3ad8 [20...*e8 21.4lg5! 4lg5 22.hg5 Wg5
23.«d6? We 7 24.«e5 &g8! 25.We7 * e 7 26.&a3
* f 6 27. £18 Bf8 28.3d7 Bf7 29.3d8 *g7±;
23.Aa3!±] 21.4lg5 4lg5 22.hg5 Bd7 [22...Wg5
23. Wg7 * e 8 24.Wb7 We7 25.Wc6 *17
2 6 .» f3 ± /+ -[ 23.14 Wd8?! [> 23„.d5 24.c5±]
24. *11?! [24.Wa7! c5D 25.£f6! Wa8 26.Wb6
23...©b3D [23...ab4? 24.4lb4±/+-; 23...®d3? Wa6 27.Wa6 ba6 28.A c6+ -; 25...«b8
24.ed3 5lf6 25.ba5 ba5 2 6 .3 a2 ± /+ -[ 24.#b6 26. 'Sra5-i— ; 25...Wc7 2 6 .*a 3 + -] 24...C5?!
Bb8?T [24...a4D 25.Sc7 Wf6 (25...2d7 26.Sd7 [24...d5 25x5 * e 8 26.3d3 Be7 27.b4 ilc8
# d 7 27.4lc5+-) 26.#f6 3f6 27.5lf4 d4 28.Ae4! 28. A13! a6 29.a4± A 30.b5] 25.«c3 3e7?!
fe4 29.3a7±] 2 5 .# c 6 !+ - 31d8 26.4114 a4 [25...Wc7 26.3d3 * e 8 27.3e3 Be7 28.Wd2 A
27.3d5 4116 28.3d8 ^ 6 6 29.5id5 4ld4 30.4116 29.A f6 ± /+ -] 26.A b7!+- #b6 [26...Sb7
*h 8 ! 31.Wc4 4lc2 32.#c2 W K 3 3 .*a 4 14 27. W$7-\— ] 13 a5 28.3d3 a4 29.ba4! WaO
[33...Wb6 34.&C6 A W c2-c5+ - ] 34.Wa7 318 3 0 .3 e3 * e 8 [30...*c4 31.*f6 * e 8 32.A c6+-)
[34...Wb6 35.#b6 Bb6 36.&c6 fg3 37.fg3! *g8 31. »b3! *1 7 [31...Wc4 32.iLc6 * H 33.3e6 We6
38.*f2 *17 39.*e3 * e 6 40.*d4 * d 6 41.e4 34.A d5+-; 33...Wb3 3 4 .3 e7 + -; 31...iLc4
Sb8 42.e5 * e 6 43.*c5 * e 5 44 .b 6 + - ] 35.A13 32. « b 8 * f7 33. Be7 * e 7 34.»c7 * e 6 35.tth7
g5 36.g4 317 37.«'c5 * g 7 38.b6 Wd8 39.b7 # a 4 36.Wg6 * d 7 37.»h7 3 H 38,g6!+-[ 32.^.16

See8 33.Se6! Se6 [33...4>e6 34.4b7! 0 a 7 24.. .6C8 25.©d6 * b 8 26.0d4 ©d5 27.0a7 &c7
35.4d5 * d 7 36.0b5 * c 8 37.a5!+-Z] 34.Ad5 28.©b7) 25.©c5 0 e 7 26.c4+- g4 27..4h6 Hh6
Be8 35.a5!Z * f 8 [35...h6 3 6 .* b 6 !+ -] 36..4e6 (27...0C5 28..4,e3) 2 8 .0 a 5 + -) 22...Hh6 23.Ag5
He6 3 7 .*b 8 &f7 [37...He8 3 8.0c 7 Be4 39.0d8 He8 24..,vh6 0 h 6 2 5 .ib 1 0 e 6 [25...0f6
2e8 4O.0d7 He4 41..4g7 *g8 42.A h6+-] 26.0g4 0 e6] 26.0d4 ©16 27.a3± h5 28.©a4
38.0c7 [38...*f8 39.0g7 &e8 4O .0g8+ -] 1-0 0 e 5 29.0d3 * c 7 [29...0b5 3O.0d6 ©d5?!
Shirov 31.2d5 B el 32.B dl 2 d l 3 3 .0 d l 0 3 4 34.0115]
30.©c3 &c8 31.14 0 e 7 32.0d4 Sg8 33.2d3
2 e 8 34.b4 0 e 6 3 5 . * b2 * c 7 36.©a4 ©d5?
[36...©d7D] 37.c4 ©16 38.0b6 * c 8 39.©c5
HD 9.1 33246 0 e 7 4O.0a7 0 c 7 41.©a4? [4l.©a6! ba6 42.0a8
0 b 8 43.0c6 0 c 7 44.0a8 0 b 8 45.0a6 0 b 7
4 6 .0 f6 + -] 41...0h7 42.0d4?! [> 42.©c5]
Kortchnoi,Viktor (CH) 2625
42.. .h4? [42...0e7] 43.0d6 [A 44.©b6] 43...2e2
Gurevich,Mikhail (SU) 2645 [43...©d7 44 .0d7 0 d 7 45.©b6 &c7 46.©d7
Rotterdam 1990 VSB (4) 3e2 47.*c3 hg3 48.©e5 g2 49.2d7 &c8
5 0 .2 g 7 + -] 44.'i?b3 ©d5 45.©b6 1-0
1.d4 IS 2.g3 ©f6 3.Ag2 g6 4.©h3 d6 |4...Ag7 Kortchnoi
5.c4 d6 6.d5 0-0 7.©c3 c6 8.©f4 Ad7 9.h4 4.h8
I0.e4 <Eia6 ll.h5 g5 I2.©e6 J,e6 13.de6 ©e4
14.. 4e4 Ac3 15.bc3 fe4 16.Ji,g5 ©c5 17..4e3
©d3 I8.& fl H O Kasparov - Speelman, London
1990 rapid] 5.©c3 [5.©f4!? e5!?] 5....4g7? HD 12.5 33002
[5...e5? 6.de5 de5 7.0 d 8 4>d8 8.e4±; 5...d5;
5.. .C6] 6.©14 c6 [6...e5 7.de5 de5 8 .td 8 <&d8 Poluliakhov,A (SU) —
9.©fd5; 9.©e6; 9.©d3±] 7.d5 [7.e4!?] 7...e5 Glek,Igor (SU) 2535
[7...0-0 8.e4] 8.de6 d5 [8...0e7 9.e4; 8...©a6 9.h4 Podolsk 1990 tt (7)
©c5 10.1i 5h—] 9.h4 0 e 7 [9...d4 10.©bl±] 10.h5
g5 [> 10...gh5 11.e3 Ae6 12. ©h5 ©h5 13.0h5 I. d4 15 2.©c3 d5 3 .4 g 5 c6 4.e4!?N [4,e3 0b6!
0 f7 14.©e2±] 11.h6 Af8 12.©h5 [12.©h3!? g4 5.©a4 0 a 5 6.c3 ©d7 7.b4 0 c 7 8.©f3 e5 9..4h4
13.©g5 Ae6 14.0d4 ©bd7 15.±f4 A 0-0-0, e4 10.Ag3 Ad6 11.©d2 ©e7oo Gulko - Short,
O h—] 12...2g8 [12...©h5 13.2h5 Hg8 14..4d5] Hastings 1988/89; 5,a3 ©d7 6.^.d3 g6 7,©D
13.©I6 016 # £.g7 8 .4 f4 ©h6 9.b4 ©f7 10.©a4 0 d 8 = Krasen-
kov - Piskov, Moskva 1989] 4...de4 [4...fe4!? 5.0
0 b 6 ] 5.f3 0 b 6 ! [5...©f6 6.fe4 fe4 7.A c4® >]
6.0d2!? [6.fe4 0 b 2 7.©ge2®; 6 .2 b l] 6...0 b 2
7 .2b1 e3! [7,..0a3 8.fe4g] 8 .0e3! 0 a 3
[8...0C-2? 9.B el 0 b 2 10.©b5! * d 8 11.©d6;
10.. .^>d7 1l.d5!] 9 .4 c 4 S h6 10.Af4 ©16
I I . ©ge2 [ll.A c 7 (A 12.Hb3) U...e6! 12.4.e6?
0 e 7 ] 11...©bd7 12.^12?! ]> 12.0-0; 12.0e6?!
©b6 13.0f7 *d8co] 12...©b6?! [> 12...g5!
13.1. C7 (13.Ae5?! f4! I4 .0 d 3 ©e5 15.de5 0 c 5
16.©d4 0 e 5 17-Bhel 0 c 5 ; 16...©d7!? 17.0g6
* d 8 18.2hdl &c7!) 13...©b6 (13...b5?! 14.Ab3
14.Ad5! A e6[14...© a6 15.e7; I4...j.b4 I5..4d2; A ©b5, We6) 14.Ab3 (14.Ab6 ab6 15.Bb6oo)
14...cd5 15.©d5 0 d 8 (15...0e5 I6.f4!) 16.0d4 14.. .0.5oo] 13..4b3 0 a 6 [13...g5? 14.Ae5 iLg7
Ae7 (16... 2g6 17.e7 Ae7 18.0h8-t—) 17.0e5 15.©b5!+-] 14.H4!
©a6 18.±e3 A 19.0-0-0+-] 15.i.e6 0 e 6 16.e4! 14.. .©bd5? [14...©c4 15.0d3 ^.e6 16.Ac4 0 c 4
Ah6 17.013 [17.0e2? f4!] 17...fe4 18.0e4 2g6 (16...4.C4 17.0f5±) 17.0c4 Ac4 18.2b7±;
19.Ae3 ©d7 20.0-0-0 0-0-0 21.0a4 [21.0e6 15.. .©d6 16.0a6 ba6 17.4.d6! ed6 18.©f4±;
Se6 22.Sh6 2 h 6 23..4g5 2e6 24.i,d8 &d8 15.. .©b6 16.0a6 ba6±/±; > 15...b5 16.a4 Ad7]
2 5 .B d 4 !+ -] 21...a6 [21....4g7 22.0a7 i c 3 15.iLd5 ©d5 16.©d5 cd5 17.©c3± *f7?!
23.0a8 * c 7 2 4 .i.b 6 + -) 22.Hh6? [22.©e4 (A (17,..0e6 18.0e6 (18.^.e5? a6!) 18...^.e6
23.Hd6) 22...©f6 23.2d8 &d8 2 4 .2 d l ©d5 19. B b7± tt; 17...0C4 18.©b5 &f7 19,©c7 Bb8
(24...'*e7 25.0a3 &f7 26.©d6 &g7 27.©b7; 20. ©d5 -game] 18.©d5 0 c 4 [18,..0a2 19.©c7

EO 20

I b 8 (19...Wc2 20.*g3) 20.®e6 Ea8 21.d5!tt] We7 21.Sa1 16 22.Bfd1 fie6 23.3a5 5X7
19.®c7 Eb8 20.©e6 Ea8 21.d5! b6 22.Hbd1 24.fie4!? 5 X 5 25.Wb4 Ea5 26.Wa5 Wc5
[2 2 2 .3 h el « d5! 23.4X7 Wc6 24.43a8 Wa8 27.fid3 Wa7!? [27„.b6?! 28.Wa6 4X7 (28...5X4
25.S bdl Wc6 A 26...e6<=*] 22...fid7 [22...fib7 29. Bel) 29.Wb7] 28.Wb4 5X4! [28...4X7
23. Hhel fid5? 24.5X7] 23. Bhe1 Hc8 [23...Wc2 29.Wh4 h6 30.We4] 29.Ba1 Wb8 30.fid4 ed4
24. Hd2 Wa4 (24,..'i'c8 25.W e5+-tt) 25.Hd4 31.Wd4 WeS 32.Wa7T b5?!T 33.Bc1! fid5
Wc2 26.Ee2 Wc8 27.W e5+ -tt; 23...Ee8 24.We5 34.Wc5 [A 35.e4 fie4 36.We5 Be5 37,fie4 Be4
Wc2 25.Sd2n— tt] 24.Hd4 [24.We5 Wc2 38.Bc6] 34...*17!! 35.h4 [35.e4 fie4 36.We5
25. Bd2 Wc3 2 6 .S d 4 + -] 24...Wa2!? 25.5118 Ec2 Be5 37.fie4 Se4 38.Bc6 Be6 39.Bc7 Be7 A
26. * g 1 [26.*g3! 3g2 27.*h3 Hf8 (27...g5!? 40...E b7-+ ] 35...15 36 .*h 2 14 37.Wa7 * g 8
28.Sd2!!n— ) 28.We7 * g 8 2 9 .« d 7 + - ] 26...ag2 38.Wc5 Eb8 39. Ed1 b4 40.fic4 1g3?!T
27. *h 1 E18 28.We7 *g 8 29.«d7 *h 7 [40...b3—t] 41.1g3 #
[29...Ef6 30.h5!+-; 29...Hg6 30.fid2 Wb2
31. W a4 + -; 29...Wf2 30,#e6 * h 7 3 l.W e3+ -]
30.B d2!!+- Ed2 31.Eg1 Wb2 [31...Sg8
32. fie 5 + -[ 32.fid2 W16 [32...Wd4 33..fif4 Wf6
34.4i.g3H— ] 33.Ig3?!T [> 33.fiel] 33...Ef7
34. Wc6 [> 34.We6! We6 (34...Wh4 3 5 .* g 2 + - )
35. de6 Ee7 36.fic3 g6 37.f4 He6 38.E d3+ -]
34.. .Wh4 [34...'i'c6 35.dc6 Ec7 36.fic3 g6 37.f4
Sc6 38.Ed3 Ec7 39.fie5 A 40 .E d 8 + -] 3 5 .*g 2
0 e 7 36.Wg6 * g 8 37.fih6 [37.fic3!?] 37...We2
38.*h1 W11 3 9 .*h 2 W12 [39...Se7? 40.Bg2
Wf3 41.d6] 4 0 .*h 3 Wt1 41.*h4! f4 [41...Will
42.Bh3 Wei 43.W g3+-; 41...Wc4 42.*h5 Wd5 41.. .b3? [41...*h8-+ ] 42.e4!! Wb2D [42...We4?
43.. fi.g7 f4— ] 42.Bh3 We1 4 3.*h 5 43.Ed5] 43.*h3 fic4 44.Wc4 * h 8 45.Wb4!
We5 [43...WT1 44.Wg4] 4 4 .*g 4 Wd4?! [=t [45.Wc6 We5! 46.Bd5 Wf6!—h] 45...Bg8!
44.. .Wd5 45.fif4 Wd7 4 6 .* g 3 + - ] 45.fig5 Wg1 [45...Ba8 46.E fl! Eg8 47.Bf3=] 46.Ed3 Wc1!
46.*hS Wg2 47.We6 *h 7 ! 48.We4 *g 8 47. Eb3 [47,Wb3 » h l - + ] 47...C5! 48.Sb1
[48...*h8 49.*g6![ 49.«e6 * h 7 50.d6 Bf6 [48.Wb7 Whl 4 9 . ^ 4 Be8—I—> 50.We7? h5] 16 g6 5 2 .*h 4 * h 6 53.We7 1-0 48.. .cb4 49.Ec1 E b8-+E N 50.Eb1 [50,^>g4 b3
Poluliakhov 51. <i>f5 b2 52.Bbl Eb6! (52...^g8 53.^e6)
53. * e 5 (53.e5 'figS 54.^>e4 <&fl 55.^>d5 &e7
56.g4 Bb8 57.g5 g6Z &e6—1-) 53...^g8
54,^>d5 55.*c5 Bb8 56.&d6 Bb3 57,e5
EO 3.4 33106 Bd3 58,*c5 Bd2—h] 50...b3 51.Bb2 * g 8
52. fig4 *17 53.*15 Sb5 54.e5 g6 5 5 .* e4 * e 6
56.*d4 h5 57.*c3 * e 5 56.Ee2 *15 59.*b2
Borges Mateos,Juan (CU) 2500 * g 4 60.Ee3 Eb6 61.Ec3 * h 3 [A Eb4-g4]
Yakovich.Yuri (SU) 2470 0-1
Bayamo 1990 (7) Yakovich

1x4 e5 2 .7 x3 5 (6 3.g3 d5 4.cdS fid5 5.fig2

<Sb6 6.7,13 4 c6 7.0-0 fie 7 8.a3 0-0 9.b4 Be8
10.Bb1 fif8 11.d3 ®d4!? [Il...a5] 12.fib2 c6!=
EO 20.1 33052
[ 12...a5 13,b5 a4 14.5>d2 Ba5 15.4X4± Ehlvest-
Hjartarson, Rotterdam 1989] 13.7x4 a5
14'. 5X5? [14.5ld4a (14,fid4? ed4 15.4X5 ab4 Psakhis,Lev (SU) 2570
16.ab4 fic5 17.bc5 4X4+) 14...ed4 15.5X5 ab4 Seirawan,Yasser (US) 2595
16.ab4 fic5 17,bc5 5sa4 18.Wc2 Ba5 19.Wc4 Moskva 1990 GMA open (6)
«3b2 (19...Be2 20.fid4 fie6 21.0b4; 19...4X5
20.fid4) 20.Bb2 Be5 21.Bcloo] 14...5113! 1x4 e5 2.®c3 ®c6 3.g3 g6 4.Bb1!? 15 [<
1S.fif3 ab4 16.ab4 4ld5 17.d4 [17.Wb3 b6 4...fig7 5.b4] 5.fig2 4)16 6.d3 fig7 [6...a5 7.a3[
18.5x4 (18.e4 5 lb4-+ ) 18...5X4 19.fic3 fie6 7.b4 0-0 8.e3!? [8.b5 4ld4 9.e3 ®e6oo] 8...14!?
20.WdlD 4ld5 21.fid5 (21.fie5 fih3)^l...cd5+] [8...d6 9.b5 43e7 10.43ge2±; 8...a6!?[ 9.et4 [9,b5?!
17...4lb4 18.Wb3 fic5 19.dc5 4X6+ 20.Wc3 fe3 10.bc6? ef2 1 l.* f2 4le4] 9...et4 10.fi14 ®h5

[1 0 ...£ lb 4 I l.5 5 g e2 ± /± ],d2D 55e5! [5...45f6 6.e3 d6 7.£e2 g6 8.b4 W ei 9,b5 45d8
[Il...£ > b 4 ? 1 2 .E b 4 W e i 1 3 .5 ic e 2 + - ] 12.'©c2 I0.45h3 Ag7 11.45f4 5ie6 12.45fd5 45d5 13.cd5
c6!? [12...d6!? 13.f4 4sf4!? 1 4.& f4 S f 4 15.gf4 45f8 14.h4 h5 I5.g3± Volchok - N.Kopilov, 1984
Wh4oo] 13.f4 55g4 14.55ge2 d5! 15.cd5! [15.h3!? cr; 5...g6!?N 6.d5 45e5 7.f4 5ig4 8 .# d 4 554f6!?
dc4 I6 .d c4 & f5 1 7.® b3 A 17...A .bl I8.hg4] 9.We5 A e l 10.d6!?cd6 l l.# d 4 W a5 12.g4 45h6
15.. .* b 6 16.5ie4D cd5 17.5lc5 He8!D 18.&d5 13.Ah3 (13,J.d2 # c 5 1 4 .^ 5 dc5 15.45b5! Zhu­
4>h8 19.Ae4 4ig(6 [< I9...55hf6 2 0 .J.c 3 ± ] ravlev) 13...4ihg4 14.55e4? (14.,ft,g4!? Zhuravlev)
20.1, c3?! [20.0-0! ±] 20...a5! 21.a3 [21.0-0!? ab4 1 4 .. .fe 4 1 5 .A g 4 0 -0 1 6 .A h 3 d 5 ! 1 7 .cd 5 A c5
2 2 .A b 4 ] 21...ab4 22.ab4 55e4 23.de4 # c7! [A I 8 . * c 4 d 6 1 9 . i.g 2 A f t 2 0 .e 3 E a c 8 2 1 . * b 3 4 ig 4
2 4 .. .b6, h l - a 8 < ] 24.Ag7T [24.b5!? A 24...b6 2 2 . 4 e 2 4 ie 3 ! + A b o lin s h - N .Z h u r a v le v , 1 9 8 8 cr]
25.55a6co] 24...5ig7 25.Wc3 b6 [2 5 ...2 a 2 !? ] 6 .4 5 h 3 g 5 !? 7 . e 3 [7 .d 5 4 le 5 8 .f4 ef3_9.ef3 f4 + ; 7 .f3
26.5ld3 Wb7T 27.55(2! Ea2D 28.«d3 Wa6! ef3 8,gf3 A g l 9 .d 5 f e e 5 1 0 .e4 f4 + ; 9 ,e3 !?; 8 .ef3
29.45c3! Ba3! [2 9 ...® d 3 30.55d3 H a3 3 1 .4 d 2 A A g l 9 .d5?! (9 .A e 3 ! ? ) 9 ...4 5 d 4 ?! 1 0 .A e 3 c5
32. S a 1-i—] 30.^86 Aa6 31.b5 [31.55d5! A b 7 1 1 . # 0 2 d 6 1 2 .f4 ± B a r c z a - D e ly , S z o m b a th e ly
19 6 6 ; 9 ...W e7 ! I 0 . i e 2 4 id 4 1 1 .0 -0 45e2 1 2 .55e2
32.0-0±; 3 1 ...S a 2 32.55c7! H e2 3 3 . 4 f l + - ;
31.. .E c 8 32.b5 A b7 3 3 .5 ib 6 ± ] 31...Ab7 Wc5 1 3 . 4 h l 5 i e 7 ? J .W a ts o n ; 1 0 . 4 d 2 ! ? 45d4
32.*d2?!T [32. S c 1!?] 32...2d8 33.4ld3? l l . A d 3 4 d 8 (1 l^..'B ,d 6 !? ) 1 2 .5 5 g l! b 5 ! 13.45ge2
b c 4 14..4.C4 Wc5'.+ S e ira w a n - B ro w n e , L o n e P in e
[3 3 .4 c 2 ! B c8 3 4 .B b 3 H a 2 3 5 .S b 2 H a3
3 6 .B b 3 = ] 33...Ae4! 34.5le4 Hdd3! 35.4c2 1978; 7 .5 5 g l!? A g 7 8 .e 3 d 6 9 .h 4 ! g 4 1 0 .5 5 g e2 h 5
1 l.< a f4 4 lc e 7 1 2 .b 3 c 6 1 3 .A b 2 4 lf 6 1 4 .A e 2
E e S 17! [35...55f5! 3 6 .B b 4 !? 55e3 3 7 . 4 b l + ]
lS .'B 'd ? * B a g iro v - A .I v a n o v , Y a ro s la v l 1 982]
36.Sbe1 S a 2 37.»b1 S ea3 [ 3 7 ...S e l 3 8 .H e l
B h2= ] 38.55c3! # 7.. .51.6 8.Ae2 [8.5jgl!? W ei 9.h4 itg7 10.hg5
hg5 11.3h8 Ah8 12.fch3 g4 13.®f4± Rovito -
Bartsch, Zurich 1989] 8...Ag7 9.iLh5
* f8 [= J.Watson; 9...vjh5 10Wh5 ^f8= Bro­
wne] 10.iLe2 d5 11.cd5 ®e7 12.A.C4 4 ed5
13.4id5 4)d5 14.(3!? e(3 15.W(3 ©b6 16.«e2D
fjc 4 17.0C4 A(6 18.0-0 * g 7 19.55(2 3 e 8
20.Ad2 ,« e6 21 .« c2 c6 22.g4!? * d 5 23.Sae1
#(3! 24.g(5! ± (5 25.e4 Ad4?! [25...Ah3!
26.55h3 £ d 4 27.55f2 «g4= Amlind] 26.^e3!
^.(6 [26...J.e3? 2 7 ,# c 3 + -] 2 7 .ic 5 Ag6
2 8 .B e 3 S > « (4 29.h3 Wc7 30.55g4 A eS
38...Ba1?? [ 3 8 , .. a g2 3 9 .3 e 2 ! H b 3 4 0 .& a l- ] 31.3(5! * h 7 [31_fi.f5?! 32.ef5^ Ah21 33.55h2
3 9 .* b 2 + - He1 40.He1 Ba8 41.Se7 4i(5 Be3 34.f6+-] 32.h4! gh4 33.He5 2 e 5 34.Wh2
42. B b7 5id6! 43.3d7 5i(5 44.55d5 4>g8D 45.g4 Wd8! SS.WeS [35.55e5?! Wdl 36.*g2 « c 2 A
5)h6! [45...45g7 46.55f6 * f 8 4 7 .5 lh 7 4>g8 37.. .*c5+] 35...#d1 3 6 .ih 2 ttg 4 37.Wc7 ^ g 8
4 8 .5 )g 5 + -] 46.5l(6 4 (8 47.55h7 4 e 8 48.45(6 38.Jl.d4 :i(7 3 9 .« e5 <i>h7 40.H(3 i.e 6 41.Sc7
4 (8 4 9 .2 h7 4,(7 50.(5! g5D [50...gf5 5l.g5! 4>g8 42.We7 Wg6 43.»h4 h5 44.S c3 [44.’«'e7
4e7D 5 2 .5 id 5 4d6 5 3 .E H 4d5 5 4 .B f5 + -] Be8 45.#b7 h4!oo Arnlind] 4 4 ...ig 4 ! [44...b6?l
51.5id7 4 g 8 52.45(6 4 (8 53 .4 c3 Ba4 [5 3 ...B a 5 45.Bc6 W g4 46.0g4 Ag4 47,^g3± Arnlind]
5 4 .B h 5 , g 5 < ] 54.5]d7 4 g 8 55.45(6 4 (8 56.h3 45. Bc5 'H'dB 46. Be5
[A 5 7 ,a h 5 ] 56...45d6 57.4d3 3 a 3 58.4 d 4 5lb5 Van der Tak
59.4 d 5 E e3 60.45e4! 4ic3 61.45c3 S c3 6 2 .4 e5
i g8 63. a b7 Bh3 64.4 (6 Psakhis 1-0

EO 26.6 32886

EO 21.5 33065 Mikhalchishin.A (S U ) 2485

Minasian,A (S U ) 2480
Engel,Klaus (D E ) 2410 L vov 1990 zt (6)
Arnlind,Eric (SE) 2580
1989 cr 1.55(3 55(6 2.c4 c5 3.5lc3 g6 4.d4 ii.g7 5.g2
[5.e4!] 5...0-0 [5...W a5!? 6 .A g 2 55 e 4 rs ] 6.Ag2
1.c4 e5 2.55C3 55c6 3.55(3 (5 4.d4 e4 5.55g5 h6 Cd4 [6...d6 7.0-0 5)c6 8.dc5 dc5 9 .i.e 3 ± ] 7.55d4

EO 33

4)c6 8.0-0 43d4 [RR 8...43g4!? 9.e3 43d4 10.ed4 I9.jft.b5 43f6 20. S e l 43e8! A 4id6, f5] 15...fta6
43h6 1 l . B e l 43f5 12,d5 d6 1 3 .0 d 3 f td 7 14.jS.d2 16. h4?l [1 6 .fth 3 ! ftc 8 1 7 .ftc 8 B c8 ! 8 .S b 4 0 a 6
a6oo K ristia n se n - T o ln ai, K ecsk em et 1989] (18...b5 I9 .a4 ) 19.a4±] 16...53d7! [ < 16...h5
9 .0 d 4 d6 1O.0d3 0 a 5 l? [RR 10...a6 1 l.h 3 43d7 17. fth 3 !± ] 17.h5 4Jc5 18.hg6?l [18.43g5] 18...hg6
12.b3 B b 8 13.Ji.e3 b5!? 14.cb5 (14.jft.a7) 14...abS 19.43g5 fth6! 20.43f7» [2O .0g4 & g7 2 l . 0 h 4
15 . H a d (1 5 .fta 7 ? 0 a 5 ! ) 15...b4 16.43a4 0 a5 !o o S h 8 l] 20...ftd2 21.43e5 ftc3? [2 1 ...» c 3 ! 22.43g6
H ja rta rso n - K asp aro v , T ilb u rg 1989, 1 6 ...ftb 7 ?l S f2 l! T al 2 3 .0 f 2 fte 3 ; 2 3 .& f2 0 d 4 A 24...c3—t-;
17. ft.b7 B b 7 1 8 .0 a 6 ± ] 11.53b5l? [ I l .h 3 B b 8 23.43e7 & f8 2 4 .0 f 2 * e 7 25,d6 * e 8 ! 2 6 .0 f 5
1 2 .ft.d 2 a 6 13.e4 f td 7 1 4 .B fd l H fe8 1 5 .H a c l b5 ( 2 6 .0 f 3 0 f 3 2 7 .ftf3 f t c 3 — 1-) 2 6 ...fte 3 27.sfeh2
16, cb5 ab5 17.a3± B agirov; S; l l . . . f t e 6 1 2 .ftd 2 0 h 8 2 8 .fth 3 ftc 8 2 9 .0 g 6 ■ id 8 - + ; 2 3 .0 g 4 !?
^ h 5 13.g4 W c5 14,b3 W d 4 ^ ] 11...43g4 [ ll ...a 6 fte 3 2 4 .& h 2 0 g 7 ! 25.53e7 4>f7 2 6 .0 g 7 * g 7
1 2 .ftd 2 0 b 6 13.43c3 0 b 2 ? 1 4 .S a b i 0 a 3 27.43f5 E f5 28.ef5 c 3 - + ] 22.43g6 Bf7?
15.53d5! 0 a 2 ( 1 5 ...« d 3 16.«ie7 & h 8 17,ed3±) [2 2 ...fta l! 2 3 .0 h 5 (A 24.53e7 & g7 2 5 .0 g 6 & h8
16. S a l 0b2 1 7 .f tc 3 + - ] 12.ftd2 0b6 2 6 .* h 6 X ) 2 3 ...ftf6 !D (2 3 ...B f7 ? 24.e5!->) 24,e5
13.Sab1l? [1 3 .0 b 3 !? f te 6 1 4 .S a c l 43e 5 0 c 3 !D 25.43e7! f t e 7 2 6 .0 g 6 <*68 2 7 .* h 6 = ]
15.43a3l, b 7 < ] 13...43e5 14.0c2 ftf5 [14...a6 23.e5!+- ftd4 [ 2 3 ...fta l 2 4 .0 h 5 B h 7 2 5 .0 g 5
I5.43c3 4ic4? I6.43d5 0 c 5 1 7 .b 4 + - ; 1 4 ...ftg 4 ? S g 7 2 6 .d6 (A 2 7 .ftd 5 ) 2 6 ,..ftb 7 27.ft.b7 ?3b7
1 5 .fte 3 ± ] 15.e4 ftg 4 16.fte3 0 c 6 17.b3 53f3 28.43e7 & h 8 (2 8 ...& f8 2 9 . 0 f 6 + - ) 2 9 .0 h 4 S h 7
18. * h 1 a6? [1 8...f5 19.h3 f th 5 20.ef5 B f5 3 O .0 f6 B g7 3 1 .‘4 ’g2!-i— ] 24.Sf1! 0 c 3 25.0h5
2 1 .0 d 3 ! ( 2 1 . 0 d l 0e4!s=t) 2 1 ...a6 2 2 .4Jd4 f td 4 Hh7 26.0g5 ftb7 [2 6 ,..E g 7 27.d6n— ] 27.Sac1
2 3 . f td 4 ± ; 1 8 ...0 d 7 19,h3 f th 5 2 O .0 d ll? a6 Wb2 28. Bc4 fta6 29.43e7 * f8 [29,..4>h8
21.43a3 43h2 (21 ...f5 2 2 .ftf3 f4 23.g4 fe3 3 O .0 f6 3 g 7 31.43f5 f te 5 3 2 .S h 4 4>g8 3 3.43e7
2 4 . d ? g 2 + - ) 22.g4 43fl 2 3 .f tf l± ] 19.43c3 f5 S e 7 3 4 .H h 8 X ] 3O.0g8 sfce7 31 .d6 &d7
[19...ftc3 2 O .0 c 3 0 e 4 2 1 .fth 6 ± ] 20.43d5 Bae8 32.0h7 1-0
21.h3 e6 [2 1 ...fth 5 22.ef5 3 f5 (22...gf5 Serper
23.53f4-i— ) 23.g4 S d 5 2 4 . f t f 3 + - ] 22.hg4 fg4
23.5Jb4 [23.43f4!?] 23...0C7 24.4id3 0 f7 25.ft.f3
0 f3 [25...gf3!? 26.'4>h2 g5 2 7 .B h l± ] 26.&g1
0e4 27.43b4 0e5 [2 7 ...0 f3 2 8 .0 d l± ]
EO 33.7 33228
28.Hbd1± 0 a 5 29.43d3 b5 30.43f4 g5 31.43h5
fte5 32.ftd4 bc4 33.0C4 d5 [ 3 3 ...0 b 5 3 4 .0 b 5
ab5 3 5 .fte 5 de5 3 6 ,B f e l * f 7 3 7 ,B d 7 & g6 Bagirov,Vladimir (S U ) 2470
38.43g7-t— ] 34.0e2 ftd 4 3 5 .B d 4 + - e5 36.Sg4 Simic,Radoslav (Y U ) 2505
Hf5 37. Ba4 0 c 5 [ 3 7 ...« b 5 3 8 .0 c 2 B ef8 D ieren 1990 open (8)
39.0C7 B8f7 4O .0C8+-] 38.0a6 Bef8 39.0a7
0 a 7 40. Ba7 e4 41.Eg7 &h8 42.Se7 Sa8 1x4 c5 2.4313 43c6 3.d4 cd4 4.43d4 43f6 5.43c3
43.SC1 1-0 e6 6.a3!? [6.g3] 6...d5 [RR 6 ...fte 7 7.g3 d5 8 .ftg 2
Mikhalchishin 0-0 9.0-0 H e8 10.cd5 ed5 l l . f t e 3 f te 6 1 2 .3 c l
0 d 7 S peelm an - G ulko, A m sterdam 1989 OHRA,
6 .. .ftc 5 7.43b3 (7.43a4 fte 7 8 .ftf4 0-0 9.e3 b6
1 0 .fte 2 f ta 6 1 l . B e l M-M Speelm an - Polugaevs-
ky, M oskva 1990 G M A ) 7 ...fte 7 8,e4 (8 .ftg 5 h6
EO 27.3 33245
9 . f th 4 0-0 10.e3 b6 l l . f t e 2 f ta 6 12.0-0 43e5
13.43d2 f tb 7 Stohl - K halifm an, M anila 1990)
Serper,Gregori (S U ) 2420 8.. .0-0 9 .fte 2 b6 10,f4 (1 0 .fte 3 f tb 7 1 1 x5 43a5
Lanka,Zigurd (S U ) 2480 I2.43a5 ba5 13.f3 S c 8 L.B .H ansen - C .H ansen,
P o d o lsk 1990 tt (2) V ejstrap 1989) 10...d6 l l . f t f i f tb 7 1 2 .fte 3 S c 8
13.0- 0 0 c 7 14.g4 E fe 8 15.B e l 0 b 8 K ortchnoi -
1.c4 43f6 2.4ic3 g6 3.g3 ftg7 4.ftg2 c5 5.d3 L autier, M an ila 1990] 7.cd5 ed5 [7...43d5 8.43c6
43c6 6.43f3 0-0 7.0-0 d5 8.cd5 43d5 9 .ftd2 4x3!? bc6 9 ,ftd 2 ± ] 8.ftg5 ftc5 [ 8 ...0 b 6 ? 9 .ftf6 gf6
[9...43c7] 10.bc3 [1 0 .ftc 3 e5] 10...C4?! [ I 0 ...« c 7 10. e3 0 b 2 1 1 .4 3 a 4 + -; R R 8 ...fte 7 9.e3 0-0
A b6, f tb 7 ; I0...b6!?] 11.d4 [A 1 2 .0 a 4 ] 11...0a5 1 0 .ftb 5 ftg 4 1 1 .0 a 4 43d4 1 2 .0 0 4 a6 S peelm an -
12.e4e5 13.d5 53b8 [1 3 ...4 ie7 ? I4 .ftg 5 f6 15.d6! T im m an , R eykjavik 1988; 10...53d4 1 1 .0 d 4 fte 6
43c6 16.d7 fg5 17.43gS] 14.0e2 b6 15.Bfb1 12.0- 0 a6 1 3 .fte 2 h6 1 4 .fth 4 43e4 1 5 .fte 7 43c3
[15.0C 4!? f t a 6 I 6 . 0 b 3 f t f l I 7 . f t f l 0 c 5 18.c4 1 6 .0 c 3 We7 I 7 .0 d 4 ± Speelm an - D e F irm ian,
0 C7; 1 6 .0 b 4 0 b 4 17.cb4 f t f l 1 8 .f tf l 43d7 M oskva 1990 G M A ; 10...43e5 11.0-0 h6 1 2 .ftf6

A .f6 1 3 . 0 b 3 a 6 1 4 .A e 2 53c 6 L .B .H a n s e n - P e - 0 b 6 6 .5 3 b3 e6 7.e4! [7 .g3 53e5 8 .e 4 Ab4cx>]
tr a n , B u d a p e s t 1989 ELEK .ES] 9.e3 [ 9 .5 lb 3 ? A f 2 7.. .Ab4 8.37 d3 d6 [8 ...d 5 9 .e d 5 e d 5 1 0 .0 -0 d c 4
1 0 . * f 2 43g4—f ] 9...0-0 [9 ...5 3 d 4 1 0 .ed 4 £ e 7 1 1 . 0 e 2 Jt,e7 1 2 .A c 4 ± ] 9.0-0 k c 3 10.bc3 0-0
1 l .& b S A d 7 1 2 . £ f 6 A f 6 1 3 . 0 e 2 0 e 7 1 4 .£ .d 7 11.Hb1! 0 c 7 12.53d4! a6?! [ > 1 2 ...5 3 e5 ;
* d 7 1 5 . 0 e 7 A e 7 1 6 .5 3 d 5 ± ] 10.53c6 b c6 1 1 .£ e 2 1 2 .. . 2 d 8 ] 13.Aa3 2 d 8 #
Ae7 12.0-0 53d7 13.Ae7 [1 3 . .6.14!?] 13...0e7
14.0c2 [ 1 4 . 0 a 4 A b 7 l S . D f d l c5 16.5 3 d 5 ? £ d 5
1 7 . 2 d 5 53b6] 14...53b6 15.21d1 A e6 16.e4!
[l6 .A .f 3 E f d 8 l 7 . S a c l c 5 ± ] 16...Sfd8 17.ed5
jS,d5 [1 7 ...c d 5 I 8 . 2 d 4 A 1 9 . S a d l ± ] 18.2d3
£ c 4 19.He3 018 20.53e4 A e2 21 .2 e2 S ac8
2 2 .5 3 g 5 ! [2 2 , E a e l h 6 ; 2 2 .b 4 !?] 22...g6 23.2ae1
5 3 d 5 24.g3 2 e 8 25.0a4! 2 e 2 26.Ee2 h6
[ 2 6 . .. 2 e 8 27. B e 8 0 e 8 2 8 . 0 a 7 + - ) 27.5313 Sc7
28.h4 [A 2 9 .h 5 ] 28—Wd6?! 2 9 .2 e8 st?g7 3O.0d4
016 31.53e5 Hc7 [3 1 ...H d 7 3 2 .5 3 c6 ? 0 d 4
3 3 .5 3 d 4 53f6f— 1-; 3 2 .0 0 5 ! ] 3 2 .2 e7 5 3 e 7 33.14
5315 3 4 .0 c3 * g 8 35.Ag2 [3 5 .5 3 c6 0 c 3 3 6 .b c 3 14.53C6! [I4 .f4 ; 1 4 .0 f3 A 15.0g3] 14...bc6
53g3 3 7 .5 3 a7 53e2=; 3 5 . 0 c 6 0 d 8 ! [ 35...0d6 [ I 4 ...0 c 6 15,e5 de5 I 6 . ^ h 7 + - ] 15.14 A b 7
3 6 .0 c6 0 d 2 37.sfch3 [A 3 8 . 0 e 8 ] 37...53d6 [15...C5 16.e5 de5 1 7.fe5 53d7 1 8 . j t h 7 ! + — .]
38.0g2 0 c 1 39.0d5 011 40.*h2 h5 41.b4 &g7 16.c5! dc5 17.ilc5 53d7 1 8 .ie 7 2 e 8 19..£,h4 c5
42.0h1 0 a 6 43.013 16? [43...53f5!?[ 44.0d3! 20.e5 c4 21.Ac4 0 c 4 [> 2 1 ...A e 4 2 2 .& d 3 A d 3
0 d 3 [ 4 4 . .. 0 b 6 4 5 . 0 g 6 + - ] 45.53d3 *17 46.53c5 2 3 .0 d 3 53b6] 22.2b7 53c5 23.2c7 H ac8
[ 4 6 . * g 2 * e 6 = ] 46...©b5 47.a4 53d4 48.&g2 24.0d6! 0 b 5 25.c4! 0 a 5 [2 5 ...0 C 4 2 6 .0 C 6 + - ]
<&>e7 49.^12 * d 6 [4 9 ...f5 5 0 .5 3 d 3 A 5 1 .5 3 e5 ] 26.Hc6 h6 27.£,e1 0 a 3 28.A12 1-0
50.53e4 * d 5 51.5316 * c 4 52.b5 4>b4 5 3 .5 3 d 5 Mikhalchishin
4>a5 #

EO 39.4 33149

Stangl,Markus ( D E ) 2405
Ulibin,Mikhail ( S U ) 2500
O a k h a m 1 9 9 0 (6 )

1.5313 5316 2.C4 c5 3.53C3 e6 4.g3 b6 5.iLg2 &b7

6.0-0 6.e7 7.d4 cd4 8 .0 d 4 d6 9.Ag5 a6 10.^16
A16 11.014 [11.0d3] 11_6.13 12.013 [12.Af3
[ 5 3 ...& a 4 5 4 .b 6 a 5 55.53e7n— ; 5 4 ...a b 6 5 5 .5 3 b 6 2 a 7 1 3 .S f d 1 H d 7 1 4 .B d 3 0 c 7 1 5 . H a d l ik e 5 =
& b 5 5 6 . 5 3 d 7 . * c 6 5 7 .5 3 e 5 + - [ 54.g4! [ 5 4 . * e 3 -Y B /2 ] 12...Sa7 13.Btd1 [13. S a d i -Y B /3 ]
53f5 5 5 .& f3 53d4 5 6 . * e 4 53f5] 54...hg4 55.&g3 13.. .0-0 14.2ac1 5 3 d 7 1 5 .0 e3 [ 15. S d 6 ? 53e5]
5315 56.&g4 53d6 57.&g5 5315 [ 5 7 ...& a 4 5 8 .5 3 c7 15.. .0b8?! [ > 1 5 ...0 C 7 1 6 .b 3 2 d 8 1 7 .5 3 e4 ± ]
53b 5 5 9.53 b 5 * b 5 60.<&g6 a 5 61.H 5 a 4 6 2 .h 6 a 3 16.2 c 2 b5?! [ 1 6 ...S c 8 1 7 . S c d 2 S c 4 ( 1 7 ...jl.e 7
6 3 .h 7 a 2 6 4 .h 8 0 - i— ) 58.h5 1-0 1 8.53e4) 1 8 .2 d 6 ± S ) ; 16 ...5 3 e5 ! 1 7 .5 3 e4 A e7
Bagirov 18.b 3 A 1 9 .2 c d 2 ± ] 17.cb5 [1 7 .5 3 e 4 A e 7
1 8 .H c d 2 (1 8 .5 3 d 6 ? A d 6 1 9 . E d 6 0 d 6 2 O .0 a 7
0 d l - + ) 1 8...5 3 b 6 != ] 17...ab5 [ 1 7 . . . i . c 3 1 8 .B c 3
a b 5 I 9 .a 3 ± ] 18.53b5 Ha2 19.53d6 2 b 2 20.Hb2
EO 38.7 33223
0b2?T [ 2 0 ...A b 2 D 2 l.5 3 b 7 ! ? (2 1 .5 3 c 4 53e5!=;
2 l.5 3 e 4 53b6! 2 2 . E b l 53c4 A 2 3 ...5 3 a 3 ; 2 1 .5 3 H ? !
Azmaiparashvili,Zurab (S U ) 2610 2 f 7 2 2 . 0 e 6 53f6!) 2 l...5 3 f 6 D ± ] 21.5317!! HI7
Dokhoian.Yuri (S U ) 2540 2 2 .0 e 6 [2 2 . S d 7 ? 0 b l 2 3 .A f l 2 d 7 — t-]
L v o v 1 9 9 0 z t (9) 22.. .We5 [2 2 ...5 3 f8 2 3 . 0 c 4 A 2 4 . A d 5 + - ;
2 2 .. .53e5 2 3 . 0 e 8 2 1 8 2 4 . A d 5 53f7 2 5 . A f 7 * h 8
1.c4 5316 2.53c3 c5 3.5313 53c6 4.d4 cd4 5.53d4 2 6 .0 f8 X ] 2 3 .id 5 0 e 6 24.A.e6 53c5 25.ii.17±EN

EO 46

T O 26.f4 ^ e 6 27.442 h5 28.443 5>b3 2S.e3 g6 48x5! 4 g 7 49.54)7! T O O [49...h3? 5 0 .5ld6 h2

30.Sd3 53c5 31.E a3 fie 7 32,e4 fid 6 33.Sa8 5 1 . 4 h l 5Jg4 52.545-I —] 50.5Jd6?? [50.c6! h3
fie 7 34. S c8 T O 35.e5 * e S 3 6 .5 c6 T O 37.h3 51.5sd6 4 e 5 52.5>e4 h2 5 3 . 4 h l 4 e 4 54.c7 5lg4
5Je6 38.4>e3 h4?!T [38...5)c5 3 9 .4 d 4 5le6 5 5 x 8 ® 4 m 5 6 .4 g 2 h i * 5 7 .4 g 3 - ] 50 ...4 e5 —t-
4 0 . * d 5 + - ] 39.g4 g5 4045 444 4 146+ - fif8 51.b3 h3 52.4 c4 5 x 4 53.bc4 T O 54x6 4 e 3
42.4>e4 4g 6 D [4 2 ...5 ih 3 4 3 . T O + - ; 42...5}e6 55x7 h2 0-1
4 3 .3 c 8 * g 6 -gam e] 43.Ec8 5Je6 44.3b8 fia3 Orlov
45.Bg8 T O 46 a8 fib2 47.445 5Jd4 48.4g5
543 49.4f5 5Je5 50.g5 fid 4 51.Eb8 1-0

EO 44.6 33161

Orlov,Georgi (S U ) 2503
Karpman,V (S U ) 2500
M in sk 1990 (13)

1.d4 546 2.c4 e6 3.g3 fib 4 4 .5 x 3 c5 5.543 cd4

6.5ld4 0-0 7.fig2 d5 8.Wb3 fi.c3 9 .# c 3 e5
10.5)b3 d4 11.WaS ®e8N [RR 11...5x6!?;
11 ...W ei 12.0-0 (12.fid2!?; 12.'#c5 ®e6! 13.0-0 EO 46.1 33194
fec6 14.f4 53d7 15.Wd5 5}b6 16.We6 fie6 Ward
- Winants, Haringey 1988; 1344 « b d 7 14.TO1 Krasenkov,Mikhail (S U ) 2545
d3 15.0-0 de2 16.E el Wg4 17.»'c3 e4 18.h3 We6 Laketic.Gojko (Y U ) 2425
19.5ld4 Van Wely - Hulak, Amsterdam 1989
Belgorod 1990 (12)
OHRA) 12...53C6" 13.Wc5 W o i t 1444 53d7
15.#45 Bd8 lb .^ D Piket - Beliavsky, Amster­ 1.d4 d5 2.543 c5 3 x 4 cd4 4xd5 546 5.5ld4
dam 1989 OHRA] 1244! [12.0-0 53c6 lS .T O 5Jd5 6.e4 55b4 7.fib5 fid7 8.5X3 e5 [8 ...fib 5
fig4?] 12...5-C6 13.*c5 ef4 1 4 .if4 fig4
9 .5 jd b 5 a6 1 0 .# d 8 * d 8 11.5la3 A ^ e 2 , I d l ±
15.0-0 Ed8 [15...fie2? 16.Hael d3 17.fid6 5Je4
G o relo v - D ragom aretsky, M oskva 1990] 9.545
18. fi.e4 * e 4 I9.fif8 Ef8 20.Ef4±] 16.2ae1 5j8c6 10.5le3 [10.a3 A f5 11 ,ef5 « d l 1 2 .* d l
55e4 [16...fie2 17.fid6 d3 18.fif8 T O 19.TO
0-0-0 13.A d 2 4)d3oo.; 10.0-0 §.45 ll.e f 5 W dl
T O 20.Ef2± 53g4 21. S f4 d2? 22.<fed2 Ed2
1 2 .S d l 5ic2 13.S b l 5ld4, f 5 < ] 10...5id4
23.fic6 bc6 24.Be4±; 11...W ei 18.Bf2 53d7 [I0...a6!?] 11.Ad7 « d 7 12.5lcd5 [12.a3! 5lbc6
19. T O g6 20.TO! T O 21.Bf4 Bfe8 22.5Jd4±; 13 .5 led 5 = ] 12...SC8 13.0-0 ®dc2 14.5jc2 5ic2
17...5)e4 18.fie4 We4 19.fif8 Bf8 20.®cl d3 15.Bb1 ®b4 16.TO! [1 6 .# b 3 5id 5 1 7 ,B d l B c5
21.5Je2 de2 22.Bf4±] 17.TO5 5)d6?!
A 18.A e3?! B b 5 ] 16...&d5 17.Bd1 ilc 5
[I7...fic8!co] 18.#g5 15?? [l8...fic8D 19.fic6
[1 7 ,..B c5 18.J .e 3 B a 5 1 9 .B d 5 B d 5 20.ed5 a6
bc6 20.Wc5 (20.fie5 f6 21.jLf6 Sf6 22.Bf6 5e4;
21.d6!? A d 6 2 2 . B d l ^ ] 18.Bd5 # c 7 [ 1 8 ...T O
21. Ef6 547+) 20...®e4 (20...545 21.e4 de3
19.jfi.e3! fie 3 2 0 ,'i'e 3 A 2 1 .» a 3 ± ; 1 8 ...'te 7 !
22. g4±) 21.Wa7±] 19.fid6! E d6 20.h3! Bg6
19. T O 0-0 20. S e 5 * c 7 (A 2 1 ...i.d 6 ; A
[ 21.fid5 4 h 8 22.£jcl d3 23.5M3±]
21.#14 fih 5 22.g4 [> 22.4h2!+] 22...fig4 21 .. .fif2 !) 2 1 .B d 5 JH2! 2 2 .T O W cl 2 3 .S c l
23. hg4 E g4 24.#d6 » e 3 25.Sf2 Bf6 26.®d5 B e l 2 4 . S f l B f l 2 5 .4 ’fl f6!=] 19.#g4! Jld4
[19...0-0?! 2 0 .A h6! f5 21.ef5 T O 2 2 ,B e 5 ± ]
4 h 8 27.4H 5Je7! 28,®d8?? [28.TO! Bfg6
29.B dl Bg3 3 0 .« b 7 + -] 28...5Jg8 29.Bd1 20. fi.e3 [20.h3 « c l 2 1 .B e l B e l 22.4>h2 0-0±;
2g2!! # 2 0 .. .0-0!? 2 1 .fi.h6 f5 22.ef5 T O A 23...B c6= ]
30.4g2D [30.Sg2 B h 6 -+ ] 30...Hg6 31.441 20.. .fi.e3? [20...W c2 2 1 .# d 7 T O 2 2 .B f l± ;
# h 3 32.4e1 2g1 33.4 d 2 We3 34 .4 c2 Bd1 2 0 .. .0-0 2 1 .fi.d4 W cl 2 2 . « d l * d l 2 3 .B d ! ed4
35.4d1 *42 36.5 d 4 * f 1 ? 3 7 .* c2 T O T 2 4 .B 5 d 4 ± ] 21.«g7! [2 1 ...fid 4 2 2 .B d 4 ! ed4
38.* d 5 * e 4 3 9 .* e4 fe4 40.5b5 5 46 41.52a7oo 2 3 ,# h 8 * e 7 2 4 .# d 4 * c l 25.W dl # d l 2 6 .B d l
g5 [> 41 ,..h5 42.<4>d2 h4] 42.&d2 g4 43.*e1 g3 2 c 2 2 7 .B b l A f3. h 4 + - E N ] 1-0
44.5) b5 ®g4 45.441 <Se3 46.4g1 h5 47.5id6 h4 Krasenkov

EO 58.6 32667 6.kb 2 4lg16 7.0-0 A d 6 8 .d 4 4X 4!?N [ > 8.. 0-0]
9.fefd 2 ! [9.4X 1 & h 5 1 0 .4 X 2 (10,f3? 43g3! Il.h g 3
Belov,I (S U ) 2430 A g 3 —i-) 10...f5 1 1 .4 X 3 0-0 12.<Bf3oo] 9...I5
[9 ...4 X 2 !? 10.W d2 f5 1 1 .0 A h 5 12.e4! (1 2 .4 X 3
Lukov,V (BG) 2435
0-0 13.e4 (13.cd5 ed5 14.e4 f4!oo) 13...fe4 14.fe4
K atow ice 1990 op en dc4! 15.bc4 e5<x>) 12...fe4 13.fe4 dc4! I4.W c2!
(14.bc4 e5oo) 14...e5!? 15.W c4 W e7 16.4X 2± /oo]
I . <Sf3 4 4 6 2 x 4 e 6 3 .4 X 3 icb4 4 .W c 2 0-0 5 .a3
1 0 .4 X 4 !? [ 1 0 .0 ] 1 0 ...fe4 11.13 e f3 1 2 .ef3 .4,15
i c 3 6 .W c 3 b6 7.b4 k b l 8.iLb2 d 6 9 .g 3 [9.e3!?]
1 3 .4 X 2 ! [13.4X 3!? 0-0 14.W d2±] 13...0-0
9.. .©bd7 1 0 .A g 2 cS [1 0 ...4 X 5 11.0-0 4 5 0
1 4 .B e 1 <£5161 15.HC11? [1 5 .4 lfl 4 b 4 ! 1 6 .B e 2
\ 2 . k f i k t t 13.W O e5 14.W g2!± A 15.f4]
dc4 17.bc4 c5co] 15...h5l? 16.4)11 h4l? [16...W d7!
I I . 0-0 S c 8 12 .d 3 d 5 [A d4, e5] 1 3 .e3 B c7 ! [A
17.h4 4 X 7 18.W d2 H f6co A 19...B g6] 17.g4
14.. .W a8] 1 4 .4 X 5 ! 4 X 5 [14 ...d c4 15.ii.b7 H b7
4 g 6 1 8 .B e 6 W d 7 !§ 19.W e1!? [ 1 9 .B e l? 4 X 7 + ,
I6.43c4!±] 15 .W e5 d c 4 1 6 .A b 7 H b 7 [16...c3
f 4 < , g 5 < ; 19.W e2!? H ae8! (1 9 ...4 .f7 ? 2 0 .S e 5 !
17.& a6!±] 1 7 .d c4 c b 4 1 8 .a b 4 ± W c7! 19.W g5
4 e 5 21.de5 & h 7 22.f4± ) 2 0 .H e 8 (2 0 ,H e l?
[ 19 .H fc I W e5 20.iL e5 4 le4 (A 2 1 ...5 X 2 ) 2 1 .E c 2
A b 4 + ) 2 0 ...B e 8 21.W f2 4 f 4 ! 2 2 . S e l B e l
f6! 2 2 .ilb 2 E c8 T ] 19...h6D 2 0 .W h4 W e7! 2 3 . W ei W e8!®] 19...4,f4!? [1 9 ...B a e 8 2 0 .B e 5 !
[2 0 ...4 X 7 2 1 .E f c l± ; 2 0 ...4 X 7 2 1 .W d4 f6 A e 5 2 l . d e 5 ^ ] 2 0 .H e 7 ! [2 0 ,B d l? l B ae8! 2 l . S e 5
(2 1 ...4 lf6 2 2 .B f d l± ) 22.h4! B d 8 23.W e4±] 4 x 2 ! 2 2 .H a l 4 e 5 23.de5 d 4+ ] 20...W d6!? [ >
2 1 .S fc 1 B c 8 2 2 .A f6 = Belov M-'/i 2 0 ...4 c l! 2 1. S d 7 4 b 2 2 2 .B b 7 4 d 4 2 3 . * h l dc4
24. bc4 B a e 8 25.W d2! (25.W h4?! B e2! A
26.W g5? 4X 4! 27.W g6 (27.fe4 B f l! ) 2 7 ...4 1 0
EO 60.5 33042 2 8 .& g l 4 X 3 29.<S?hl Bg2!l 30.W e6 & h 8 3 1 .* g 2
4 lf4 — h) 2 5 ...c5 26.W g5 4 f 7 ® ] 2 1 x 5 ! W d8
Lerner,Konstantin (S U ) 2560 2 2 .H d 1 4 X 4 ! 2 3 .H b7l? [ > 2 3 .B e 4 ! de4 24.fe4
Wg5 25.h3oo/±] 23...W g5 [23...4lg5 24.W e7! W e7
Djuric,Stefan (Y U ) 2495
2 5 . B e 7 h3 2 6 . 4 h l B a e 8 2 7 .B d e l H e7 2 8 .B e 7
New York 1990 open (4)
A d 3 2 9 .itc 3 !± ] 24.1e4 #
I . 443 a i 6 2 x 4 e6 3.4X3 b6 4.e4 k b 7 5 .£ d 3 d5
6.cd5 ed5 7 x 5 4 x 4 8.0-0 [8..&.C2!? -YB/15]
8...4X5 9..«15N [ 9 .£ b 5 & c6 1 0 ,A c6 ® c6 I l.d 4
4X 6=] 9...d4 [9...g6 10.d4 gf5? I l.d c 5 k c 5
12.4ig5 d 4 13.W h5 W ei 1 4 .e 6 ± ^ ; 10...4X 6
I I . iLe6 fe6 12.Ag5±-;!?] 10.b4 [10.4X2
4X6 11.<13 Ae7oo] 10...dc3? [10...4X6 11.4X2
(11.4X4? &b4+) 11...C5 (ll...£.b4? 12.Wa4 4X6
13.£,e4+-) 12.d3oo] 11.bc5 g6 [1 l...cd2 1 2 .id 2
k c S 13.e6!—»] 12.£c2 cd2 [12...&C5 13.d4 k e l
I4.&a4! k c 6 15,d5 c2 16.Wd4 it.a4 l7.Wa4 Wd7
l8.Wd4±] 13.ii.d2 k c S 14..&b3! Wd3 [I4...ild5?
15.Ag5+-; 14...0-0 15.e6 £ d 5 16.JLg5 £ b 3 2 4 .. .h3? [24...A e4!l 2 5 .A e 4 S a e 8 2 6 .A O !
17.ef7!-l—] 15x6 fe6? [15...f6D 16.£f4 Wdl (2 6 .h3? B e 4 2 7 .0 c 3 H e3!l 28.45e3 k e 3 2 9 .< ih l
17. Bad 1±] 16.iie6 £13 [16...<£5c6 1 7 .ic 3 !+ -] W f4—r; 2 6 .A g 2 Wg4! 27.h3 E e l 2 8 .B e l W g6® )
17.gf3 4 X 6 18.ix3!-t— Wd1 19.Bad1 4 x 7 2 6 .. .^ .e 3 ! (2 6 ...B e l ? 2 7 .B e l A d 2 2 8 .B e e 7 ! H O
20.&d7! [20.Bfel &d6±; 20.i.d5 4d7± ] 1-0
2 9 .H g7 W g7 3 0 .H g 7 * g 7 31.<£5d2-i— ) 27.45e3
L ern er
H O ! (2 7 ...S e 3 ? ! 2 8 .^ .e 2 H f4 (28...W f4 2 9 .A c l
W e4 3 0 .H b8! H e2 3 l . B f 8 * f 8 3 2 . 0 f l & g8
3 3 . h 3 + - ) 2 9 .B b 8 <S?h7 3 0 .± c l! (3 0 .A d 3 ? g6
RE 1.8 33186
3 l.ii.g 6 * g 7 ! ) 3 0 ...H g4 3 l . * h l W f5! 32.H e8!!
H e8 3 3 . 0 0 ! W fl 3 4 . A f l + - ) 2 8 .& c l! (2 8 .H b 8
Spraggett,Kevin (C A ) 2555 B b 8 2 9 ,* g 2 W f4 30.W h4 W f5!® ) 2 8 ...B fe 3
Shirov,Aleksei (S U ) 2500 2 9 .k e 3 W g4 30.<4>hl W O 3 1 .* g l Wg4=] 2 5 .& h 3
Paris 1990 open (5) A e 4 2 6 .A c 1 !± il c 1 [2 6 ...H a e 8 2 7 ,A f4 W f4
2 8 . Wg3-i— ] 2 7 .H c 1 H a e 8 2 8 .B c 3 ! A d 3 D
1.g3 d5 2.4113 £ g 4 3.Ag2 4X7 4 x 4 e6 5.b3 c6 2 9 . W e8 B e 8 3 0 .B d 3 W14! 3 1 .A g 2 B e 2 3 2 .H 13

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> I CM CN © O U ) r y -^- tj- ^ , < -9n X X T ) f l X © w NO
4 f 8 < ] 36.2b1 [A 37.S b5, 3 8 .H e 5 + -] 36...2c4 1 8 .4 c 2 cb2 19. J&.b2± A .P etro sian - Beliavsky,
37.«d8 We8 38.#d3! [38.&g7? 4>f7 39.Wf6 M insk 1976; 1 0 . .. i c 2 l l . £ f 7 ! -Y B /6 ] 10.£(7!
4 g 8 40 .A h 6 Bc7 4 1 .2 b 5 H d2 42.Ee5 * f 7 A a4 [ 1 0 ...4 f7 l l . « c 2 £ g 4 1 2 .£ d 5 !-« ] 11.£d8
4 3 .*g 5 S 7 c 2 -+ ] 38...'tfc6 39.£c1 [A Ed8 [ > l l . . . 4 d 8 1 2 .£ a 4 £ g 4 1 3 .jih 3 £ d f 6
4 0 .A b 4 + -] 39...447? # 14 . 0 (14.d4l?) 1 4 ...£ e 5 1 5 .£ .e6 d4 16.b3 A d 6 A
17...£f3] 12.fia4 £ g4 13.J,h3 £ d (6 14.f3 £ e 5
15.Ae6 d4 [A 16...b5] 16.b3 Ad6 17.£b2 4 e 7
18. Ac4! [ I 8 .j i h 3 £ d 5 ! A I 9 ...£ f 4 ] 18...a6
19. £ d 3 !± /+ - #

(39...b5 40.f5!± t ] 40.fS! g5 [40...gf5 4 1 .* f5 4 e 8

4 2 . H f l + - Hc3 4 3 .# f8 4 d 7 4 4 .E f7 4 e 6
4 5 .E f 6 + - ] 41.f6 E e4 [4 1 ...*e 6 (A 42.«h7?
W c7+) 42.f7! 4 f 7 4 3 -S flH —] 42..ib2! # a 4
[42 ...«e 6 4 3 .Ec7 4 g 6 4 4 .f7 + -] 43 .# d 5 4 g 6 19...£(d7 [19../AC4 20.bc4 B c8 2 l.c5 !] 20.Ab2
44.®g8 4 (5 45.2f1 Ef4 46.Bf4 gf4 47.'B'g4 b5 2 1 .£ e5 jkeS [2 1 ...£ e 5 22,^.d5] 22.Ad3 £ c 5
4 e 4 48.«f4 4 d 3 4 9 .# a4 E a4 50.f7 1-0 23.Af5 4 (6 £ e 6 25.Ec1 Ed6 [25.,.£ f4
Przewoznik 2 6 . B c6 4 e 7 2 7 .& f 5 + - ] 26.iLe6 4 e 6 [26...E e6
27. f4] E b6 28.Sg1 d3! 29.Eg4! [29.e3?
b4] 29...de2 30.Be4 4 (6 31,f4T 4 d 6 32.:ib2
4 (5 33.d3 Bd8 3 4 .4 e2 Eb7 3 5 .4 e 3 Sbd7
36.Bg1 i.c5 37.d4 i b 6 38.Eg5 4 (6 3 9 .4 d 3 g6
RE 22.1 33091
40. E ge5 A c7 41.Bc5! [4 l.B e 6 4 f 5 42.4e3?
A f4 ] 41...iLb6 42. S c6 Ed6 43.Ed6 Ed6
Petrosian,Arzhak (S U ) 2480 44.E e5 4 (7 45.d5 A.C7?! [> 4 5 ...B f6 4 6 .± a 3
Tischbierek,Raj (D D ) 2440 (46.4e4? £.c7 4 7 .A d 4 A e5! 48.fe5 S f l 49.e6
D o rtm u n d 1990 open 4 e 7 50.^.c5 4 f 6 51 .A d 4 4 e 7 = ) 4 6 ...E f4
4 7 .Ee7 4 g 8 4 8 .H b7!] 46.J.a3 Hd7 4 7 .4 e 4 + -
1.®(3 d5 2.g3 iig 4 3.Ag2 & d7 [> 3...c6] 4.c4 A e5 [4 7 ,..jid 6 4 8 .jid 6 S d6 4 9 .4 d 4 + - ] 48.fe5
c6 5.cd5 cd5 6.<&c3 e6 7 .0 a 4 £>(6? [7 ...A B Sc7 49.d6! [4 9 .e 6 + -] 49,..Bb7 [49...B c2 50.d7
8 .jif 3 £ f 6 ] 8.£e5! A f5 9.g4 ilc2N [9 ...A g 6 E d2 51.Ad6!-i —] 50 .4 d 5 b4 51.e6 4 e 8 52.Ab2
10.h4 & d 6 1l . £ d 7 « d 7 12.W d7 4 d 7 I3 .h 5 £ e 4 Eb5 53.4c6 2(5 54.Ad4 1-0
I4.f3 &c2 15.g5 £ e 8 16.d3 d 4 1 7 .4 d 2 ! dc3 Petrosian



Meran Variation SL 9.5
Fred van der Vliet The Wade System

A fter on e5. B lack’s e x tra p aw n o n d4 1 5 . 2 e l . I f B lack re frain s from

l.d4 dS 2,c4 c6 i A D <h(6 can be rec ap tu re d a t an y tim e c ap tu rin g W hite can, a p a rt fro m
4.®c3 e6 S.e3 '■ b(17 6 .6,d3 a n d , a fte r a la te r <$M4, W h ite can tra n sp o sin g to the m a in line,
dc4 7.Ji.c4 b5 8..id3 Ab7 a tta ck w ith W h5 o r ® g 4 , es- som etim es a tta c k stra ig h t aw ay
9.e4 b4 10.?,a4 c5 ll.e5 peciallly, o f course, w hen Black w ith 14.'B'g4, fo r in sta n ce a fte r
£)d5 12.0-0 cd4 has castled kingside. H ow ever, 13...g6.
practice has show n th a t B lack is 13...©e5
O K a fte r 13...g6 (13...j£.e7 h as a T h is is the critical m ove, o f
less solid re p u ta tio n ) 14.ikg5 course. M o re m o d e st a lte rn a tiv e s
T hese "classical” lines, in ­ are:
clu d in g v a ria tio n s sta rtin g w ith A) 13...a6? 14.'/ic6! fe6
12.dc5 an d 12.£>c5 (in stead o f 15. # h 5 <&>e7 16.A g5 £>5f6
12.0-0) w hich are still regularly 17.ef6gf6 1 8 . i h 4 ± W e8 1 9 . ^ 4
being played, will be surveyed in * f 7 2 0 .U fe l & d 6 2 1 .H e 6 ! S g 8
th e study m aterial. 22.W h5 & e6 2 3 ,A c 4 & e7
A tte n tio n in th is article w ill be 2 4 .® h 7 *d8 2 5 .W g 8 + -
focussed on Sm agin-S veshnikov, Sochi 1987.
13.ftd41? # B) 13...'®'aS!? w as once sug­
we have reach ed th e m ain line o f gested by R azuvaev. 1 4 .A b 5 ,
the W ade System . T h is system 14. A g5 an d 14 .E e l are good
has been q u ite p o p u la r th a n k s to replies.
B ent L arsen w ho ad o p te d it not C) 13...<ac7 14,W e2 ( 1 4 .S e l
only in m an y to u rn a m e n t gam es © e5 ) 14 ...A e7 1 5 .H d l 00
b u t also in h is C an d id ate s 16, A f4 ® d 5 1 7 .itg 3 , an d W hite
M atches a g ain st Ivkov (Bled has the b e tte r ch an ces C h e m in -
1965), P ortisch (P orec 1968) an d K aid an o v , L vov 1987. See Y B /8.
U h lm a n n (L as P alm as 1971). D) 13...g6 14.Wg4! (1 4 .S e !
N ow adays th e W ad e System is tra n sp o se s to 13. E e l g6 1 4 .5id4
back on th e scene although it is - see the stu d y m a te ria l) a n d now :
very p e cu liar th a t, at th e m o ­ T h e idea b e h in d th is p aw n sacri­ D l ) 14— fe.g7?l (1 4 ...® e5 ?
m en t, its only a d h e re n ts are fro m fice is th a t, w hen B lack accepts 15. A b 5 & e 7 16.ii.g5-l— or
th e Soviet U n io n . th e gift w ith 13...£)e5, th e w eak 15-..<S7.d7 1 6 ,fte 6 fe6 1 7 .0 e 6
U n til 1987 th e only m o v e played p aw n on e6 will be ev en m o re f ie 7 18.®c5-i— ) 15.A g5 a n d
was 13. D e l, p ro te c tin g th e paw n v u ln erab le a fte r 1 4 . i b 5 ‘Sid? again we h a v e a p a rtin g o f th e

Theory SL 9

ways: A th ird possibility is 1 4 .# g 4 !? fe6 1 8 .# d 5 -F tacnik) 1 6 ...# c 8

D l l ) 15...£se5 (15...W a5 an d g61? (the trick 14...£ie5! is a b e t­ ( 1 6 ...# f6 1 7 .« d 5 ab5 18.A g5
now th e o ften given !6 .£ )e 6 is te r choice, see Y B /10) 1 5 .B e l #g6 19. B a d l-i— ; 1 6 ...# c 7
p e rh a p s n o t so clear after (W h ite can already force a draw 1 7 ,# d 5 ab5 1 8 .E e 6 + - ) 1 7 .# d 5
16.. .A e 5 . In ste ad , 1 6 .A b 5 d e ­ w ith 15.© e6 fe6 16.A g6 hg6 a f 6 an d now 1 8 .a e 5 (F tacnik in
serves a tte n tio n .) 16.£le6! 2lg4 17. Wg6 * f 8 1 8 .A h 6 B h6 YB/11 only gives 18.£la7? ab5
(B agirov gives 16...fe6 17.Wed 19. # h 6 ) 1 5 ...# a 5 1 6 .b 3 (1 6 .A b 5 19. # b 5 # d 7 ) .
* f 8 1 8 .A d 8 S d 8 1 9 .± e 4 ! & f4 a6!? 17.ik d 7 & d 7 is unclear; O n 15...A e7 M ikhalchishin gives
2 0 .# b 3 ! A e 4 2 1 . » b 4 + - an d 1 6 ...S d 8 ) 1 6 ...£ c 7 1 7 .# g 3 4ic5 16. B c6 fe6 17.® e6 # c 8 18.£)g7
17.. .<ae7 & f8 1 9 .S a d i 18. ^ 0 5 A c 5 19.53c2!? 0-0-0 * n 1 9 .# h 5 & g7 2 0 .A h 6 & f6
W c7 2 0 .5 d 7 !n — ) a n d now in the 2 0 . A g5 B d7 2 1 .jl,fl?! 2 1 .# g 5 & e6 2 2 .B e l sS?d6
p re m ie re o f 13.<Sd4, th e gam e (21.A e4!?) 2 1 ...A a 6 2 2 .A a 6 23.# g 3 -i— , bu t th is p re tty v a ria ­
R azuvaev-B agirov, Y u rm ala # a 6 23.a3 B d 3 w ith sh arp play, tio n d o e sn ’t look very convinc­
1987 the e asiest w ay to victory D am -V an d e r V liet, D u tch team ing. Black can d ev iate w ith
w ould have been 1 7.A b5! W d7 c h am p io n sh ip 1989. 17.. .#a5, 18...& f8 and 19...&g8.
18. £)g7 * f 8 1 9 .A d 7 £)gf6 14.Ab5 L a te r on M ikhalchishin analysed
2 0 . © eh fe6 2 1 .A e 6 as given by Inco rrect is 1 4,® e6 fe6 lS.W hS 16.&C6 # c 7 (16,..Ac6 17.A.C6
M ik h alch ish in in Y B/8. 1 6 .A b 5 * e 7 1 7 .a c 5 W b6 S c 8 18.Ad5 ed5 19.Ag5 f6
D 12) 1 5 ...fte 7 1 6.A b5! B c8 (M ikhalchishin). 20, A f4 ± ) 17.5ie7 *e7
(1 6...a6 1 7 .A d 7 #d7 14...ad7 15.B el # (17,..® e7? 18.A f4) 18.A g5
1 8 .5 2 b 6 + -; 16...00 1 7 .£ e 6 ; £)7f6 19 .B e l w ith strong play
16.. . * f 8 17.<&e6 fe6 1 8 .# e 6 h6 for the paw n.
19. B a d 1 hg5 2 0 .B d 7 A d5 16.#h5
2 1 . B d8-i— , D o ro sh k ev ich - T his m ove is a lm ost invariably
Z huk h o v itsk y , Soviet U n io n played, b u t S peelm an holds th a t
1988) 17 .B a d h6 1 8 ,H c8 # c 8 it m akes sense only if W hite con­
19 .B e l # a 8 2 0 .£ ie6 fe6 2 1 .A d 7 tinues 1 7 .# e 5 after the forced re­
& d 7 22.£>c5 & e 8 2 3 .A e 7 1-0, ply 16. g6. T herefore he suggests
V an d er S terren -M ed n is, A m ster­ 16 .'i'e2 a t once. T h is rem inds
m ■ a ai
d a m O h ra II 1989.
D 2) 14...<£lc7 is m o re so lid b u t
also n o t e n tire ly satisfactory. See
jamaua. one o f the situ a tio n in the Pol-
ugaevsky V ariation o f the Si­
cilian N a jd o rf w hen for alm ost
th e gam es K h u zm an-B angiev, A nd here 15.<&c6 # c 7 1 6 .# d 5 tw enty years a tte n tio n was
L vov 1988 (in Y B /10) an d es­ d o e sn ’t w ork a fte r 16...ed5 focused on 1 2 .# g 4 (after 1 0 .# e 2
pecially M arkaus-B angiev, cr 1 7 .B e l A e 7 18.& e7 & d8 ® fd7 11.0-0-0 A b 7 ) T hen, in
1989 (Y B /12). (1 8 ...^ fB is also possible) 1978, L epeshkin published the
E) 13...Ae7 a n d now it is a d ­ 19.A g5 f6 2 0 .A d 2 # a 5 2 1 .A c 6 refin em en t 1 2 .# h 5 g6 1 3 .# g 4
v isable to tra n sp o se to th e classi­ £>e5! 2 2 .A b 7 & e7 2 3 .A a 8 w hich created q u ite a stir am ong
cal lines (1 3 .B e l A e 7 1 4 .ftd 4 ), E a 8 + S hneider-M eister, B arnaul th eoreticians. H ere the situ atio n
w hich are no t so easy fo r Black, 1988. is reversed.
w ith 14. B e 1. See th e stu d y m a te ­ 15. # h 5 ? ! w as a big success in the 1 6 .# g 4 is an alternative:
rial. gam e H o i-M u ir, G a u sd a l 1989 16.. . <2hf6 (In Y B /1 1 F ta c n ik gives
Less c le ar is 1 4 .# h 5 g6 15.#116 a fte r 15...® f6?! 1 6 .# e 2 E c 8 16.. .a6 1 7 .fie 6 fe6 1 8 .« e 6 A e7 ,
# a 5 (1 5 ...£ e 5 1 6 .A b 5 £ d 7 17.A g5 A e 7 18.jA.f6! A f6 b u t 17.A g5 is crushing) a n d now
17 .B e l o r 17.-&C61?) 16.b3 & c7 1 9 .a e 6 !, see Y B /15. T h e correct W hite has: #
1 7 ,A b 2 ® e5 1 8 .^ 5 £d3 defence is 15...g6 w hereafter b o th
19.© c7 # c 7 2 0 .A h 8 # c 6 2 ).f3 16. t t e 2 a n d 1 6 .# h 3 are m et by
A c 5 2 2 .& h l £ if2 2 3 .E f2 A f2 16.. .a6 an d 1 6 .# e 5 by 1 6 ...# f6
2 4 .# f 4 . T h u s w en t th e gam e 17. £>f3 an d now 17...A g7 o r
H e bden-L uk acs, L o n d o n 1988. 17.. .A e 7 . T h e o m issio n o f B e l
A lthough th e p o sitio n looks u n ­ an d S c 8 can only be a d v a n ­
c le ar B lack soon lo st after tageous fo r Black.
2 4 .. . B c 8 2 5 .h3 a5 2 6 .A e 5 W d5 15...Sc8
2 7 .£ ib 2 A a6 2 8 .B d l #c5 C overs th e w eak c6 square.
2 9 .A d 6 # c 3 3 0 .# g 5 f6 3 1 .# h 6 15.. .a6? loses a fte r 16.4/C6 (even
1-0. sim p ler is 1 6 .A c6 # c 7 17.£ie6!

A) 1 7 .« g 3 fee7 18. B e6!? fe6
19. £3e6 ® a 5 , given by M ikhal-
chishin. It is unlikely th a t W hite
Variation A th e elev en th gam e K arpov-K a-
sparov in Sevilla 1987.) 2 2 .® e 6
# d 7 2 3 .® e 5 00 2 4 .fe h 6 fef6 + .
has sufficien t c o m p e n sa tio n for 17.®h3 # C) 18.fed3 feg7 19.® f3 0-0
th e rook. 17...a6 is also stro n g - 20.& g5 ® 7 f6 21.jfe.d2 0 d 6 + ,
18.fed7 » d 7 1 9.® e6 (see the T em irbaev-O ll, U zh g o ro d 1988.
gam e E rm o lin sk y -D reev below ) 18...fee7 #
o r 19.4Jb6 ® d 4 20.$Jc8 w hen
2 0 ...fec8 w ins a cco rd in g to Ftac-
B) 1 7 .» h 3 a6 (1 7 ...fee ?
18.feg5 fe d 5 an d th e q ueen
stan d s b e tte r on h3 as in the
gam e N o rri-D reev , m en tio n e d
below ) 18.fed7 » d 7 1 9.® e6 fe6
20 . <Sb6 # f 7 (2 0 ...'» d 8 2 1 .« e 6
fee7 2 2 .& c8 fec8 2 3 .S c 4 ) 17...a6
2 1 .S e 6 fee7 2 2 .E f6 ? ? E d 8 ! 0-1 17__fe.e7 is a n o th e r reliable
E rm olinsky-D reev, S im feropol m ove. In M o ro v ic F ern an d ez-
1988. Shabalov, B eograd G M A open 19.fe.e7
A fter 22.<ac8 fec8 2 3 .E f6 feh 3 1988, th e d u b io u s sacrifice A) 19...5Je7 2 0.® e6!? fe6
24. B f7 4>f7 25.gh3 S c 8 fol­ 1 8 .H e6 was tried . B u khm an- 2 1 .fe d 7 ® d 7 2 2 .® b 6 #d8
low ed by 2 6 ...E c 2 B lack has the Sm agin, Sibenik 1988 v aried 2 3 .5 jc8 fec8 2 4 .S a d i W b6, O ll-
b e tte r endg am e d esp ite th e paw n w ith 18 .feh 6 a6 1 9 .fed 7 . B oth Sveshnikov, T a llin n 1988.
deficit. gam es can be fo u n d in Y B /12. T h e m o d e st re tre a t 20.fe.fl is a n ­
C) 17.® e2 fee7 18.feg5 fed 5 18.feg5 o th e r idea. A fter 20...0-0 W hite
(1 8...0-0? 1 9.© e6 fe6 2 0 .® e 6 O th e r m oves are good fo r Black: has 21. <Sbe6 a n d a fte r 20...a5
B17 an d now 2 1 .fe d 7 , 2 1 .S a d i A) 1 8 .3 e 6 ? fe6 19.<Sbe6 (p lan n in g 2 1 ...fed 5 ) W hite can
o r also 2 1 .fec 4 ) 1 9 .S a d i 0-0 ab 5 !—t- K arp esh o v -F ilip en k o , go back to b5 w ith his bishop.
2 0 . <Bf5 h6 2 1 .® h 6 ? gh6 2 2 .feh 6 P e rm 1988. W hite re ta in s som e p re ssu re in
Jtd 6 ! (p lan n in g ® e5 ) 2 3 .fed 7 B) 18.&e6?l fe6 19 .® e6 fee7 b o th cases.
W d7 24. H d 4 e5 2 5 .'# d 2 Wf5! 2 0 . fe a 6 (2 0 .feg5? ab5 2 1 .fee7 B) 1 9 ...# e 7 2 0 .® e 6 fe6
26. S d 5 Sc2 27. S d 6 Sd2 ® e7 -+ B angiev) 2 0 ...fea 6 2 1 .S e 6 ab5 2 2 .S e 7 ( 2 2 .E a e l?
2 8 .S d 2 S c 8 —+ N o rri-D reev , 2 1 . ® a 6 # c 7 (? acco rd in g to K ai- ® e6+ , O ll-N ovikov, T a llin n
A rnhem 1989/90. d a n o v an d ! acco rd in g to B an­ 1988 ra p id ) 2 2 ..,‘* e 7 (2 2 ...® e7
21 . fe h 4 ? is also p o o r, ie. 21...ef5 giev) 22.fe.g5 ® c 6 , K arasev-K ai- 2 3 . S d l ) 2 3 .B e l s£>d8 2 4 .® h 4
22 . W e i (w ith o u t th e in te rp o la ­ d a n o v , B lagoveschensk 1988, 4 ’c7 25.® g3 * d 8 26.W h4 & c7
tio n h6 a n d fe h 4 th is p o sitio n 2 3 ,# d 3 ! (th e gam e w en t 2 3 .® e2 .*.• - C. H a n se n -R a sm u sse n , Esb-
w ould be lost fo r Black) 2 2 ...W e? 0-0+ ) 23...<S37f6 2 4 .S a c 1 ® d 7 je rg 1988.
2 3 . E e 7 g5 2 4 .fed 7 S c 7 etc. 2 5 .S c 8 ® c 8 2 6 .fef6 (26.feib6
W h ite ’s co rrect c o n tin u a tio n is W f5 2 7 .» f 5 gf5 2 8 .S e 7 £ie7
2 1 .fe d 7 ® d7 2 2 .£ ie7
2 3 .H d 5 hg5 2 4 .E g 5 « acco rd in g
to V o tru b a in th e to u rn a m e n t
® e7 29 .fef6 = ) 2 6 ...® f6 2 7 ,® d 6 0-0
(—t- a cco rd in g to K a id an o v in
In fo rm a to r 46) 2 8 .# e 7 Se8
Variation B
bulletin. 2 9 .® b 4 a n d it is W h ite w ho is 17.®eS ®f6 #
16...g6 w inning. K a id an o v also gives
O f course n o t 16...5jf6?? 17.<Se6 2 1 ...E f8 22 .feg 5 E f5 as + b u t it
feh 5 18.4lg7 m ate. seem s th a t W h ite has sufficient
A fter 16...g6 we have an im p o r­ co m p e n sa tio n a fte r 23.Ji.e7 <5Je7
ta n t d ivisio n . 2 4 .S a d i . I f 2 4 ...B a 5 2 5 .0 e 6
Sa4 2 6 .# g 8 © f8 2 7 .S d 8
S d 8 ^ /± .
T h e co rrect defence fo r B lack, in
my o p in io n , is 21...<feb8! (Such
b ack w ard m o v es are easily o v e r­
looked, a fa m o u s ex am p le being

Theory SL 9

W ith fo u r p o ssib ilities fo r W hite: su p p lem en tary gam e Shabalov- je c ted by T im m an . By giving
A) 18.® e4 , w hen B lack has: S orokin, M in sk 1990) 19.Wg3 back a paw n Black gets rid o f the
A l) 18...& g7? 1 9 ,£ e 6 !! fe6 (S h ab alo v suggests 19 ..4 d 7 <&d7 un p le a sa n t p in o f on the knight
( 1 9 .J # e 6 2 0 ..4 g 5 a n d 2 1 .» g 4 ) 20.W e2 w ith in itia tiv e , or on d7. Som e less im p o rtan t
20.. 4 g 5 # f 7 ( 2 0 ...« g 5 2 1 .We6 1 9 .* c 2 !? ) 1 9 ...« d 8 ! 20 .5 ie5 m oves are 1 7 ...4 g 7 ? 18.53e6,
* f 8 2 2 .® d 7 + - ) 2 1 .* e 6 W e6 4e5 2 ).# e 5 0-0 2 2 .« d 4 ? ! 1 7 ...W 6 18.53D a n d 17...A e7
22. H e6 * f 7 23.-4.d7 H c7 (W hite should h ave co n te n ted 1 8 .A h6 (1 8 ...i,f 8 and 18...A g5
2 4 ,S d 6 ± M ik h alch ish in -L an c, h im se lf w ith a slightly w orse e n d ­ are m et by 19.5le6 fe6 20.'&e6
T rn a v a II 1988. gam e a fte r 2 2 .4 d 7 ® d 7 2 3 .A h 6 4 e 7 21..4g7-t— ).
A2) 1 8 ...E c 7 19..4e3!? i . d 6 f6 2 4 .'tfe6 W e6 2 5 .S e 6 S fe 8 18.ii.a6 4 a 6 19.Wa6 #
2 0 .S a c l? l f t e 3 2 1 .# e 3 H c l 2 6 .H e8 B e 8 2 7 .® c5 A c 6 - T uk-
2 2 .H c l A f4 2 3 .J .d 7 4>d7 m akov) 2 2 ...'# f6 ! 23.>»a7 B a7!
24.53c5 * e 7 2 5 .# d 3 £cl (P ro b ab ly th is w as o v erlooked by
26.53b7 4>f8 Svirin -S k u d n o v , W hite, w ho m u st now sacrifice
N a b erez h n ie C helni 1988. h is q u een since 2 4 .A d 7 B d 7
A fter 18...H c7 , 19. Wg4 should 25.£>b6 W d4 2 6 .A e 3 53e3 fe3
be tried (in ten d in g 20.53e6 and ® e 4 2 8 .S e 2 E d 3 + is even
2 0 „ 4 g 5 ) e.g. 1 9 ...A e7 2 0 .A h 6 w orse.) 24. ,4 e3 i tc 6 25 ,'&cT
(20...g5 21.® e6 ). 53c7 2 6 .ii.c6 $3e5T 2 7 ..4 e 4 €id5
B) l S - m 52f6 19 .A g 5 i g 7 2 8 .ild 5 ed5 2 9 .E a d l E e8!
w ith a p p ro x im a te ly equal 30.53b61? (3 0 .B d 5 « c 6 3 1 .H a 5
chances, F tacn ik -T u k m ak o v , 53g4) 30 ...& g 4 31.53d5 W b2
Biel 1988. See Y B /11. 3 2 .ic 5 B e2! 3 3 .H f l Ed2! 19...53c51?
C) 18~4f4 k e l 1 9 .H a d , an d 3 4 .E d 2 « d 2 35.53e3 (35.5)b4? 19...H a8 leads to difficulties af­
now: W c3 3 6 ..4 d 6 t d 4 - + ) 35...53f2! te r 20.W c4 (2 0 .* c 6 ? l 53e7=) and
C l) 1 9 ...E e l ? 20.W b8! i c 8 36.53f5? 53g4 3 7 .5 ie7 & g7 now:
(2 0 ...E c 8 21.W b7? 0-0; 21.iL d7 3 8 .5 lc6 an d Black w on on tim e, A) 20... fi a4 21.1fd5 i. e 7
® d 7 2 2 .0 b 7 & d 8 2 3 .A e 5 ) A seev-D reev, L vov Z onal 1990. 22.53e6 fe6 23.W e6 H a5 (pre­
21 . jLd7 (21. E e l ? 0-0) 2 1 ...* d 7 v e nting J4g5) 2 4 .A h 6 H f8 (the
22 . W a7 & d 8 (2 2 ...H c 7 23 .ii.c7 only m ove) 25.-4P8 5if8 26.'§'c4
53c7 24.53b5; 2 2 ...& c7 2 3 .« b 6 « d 6 2 7 .B a d 1 B e5 28.g3 We6V.
* e 8 24.W a4 & f8 2 5 ..4 h 6 & g8 (2 8 ...W 6 + w as som ew hat b et­
2 6 . E e l o r 2 3 ...& d 8 2 4 .E e l « f 4
25. E d l & e8 26.£ jc8±) 2 3 .H c l
W f4 24.W a5 & d 7 2 5 .5 tb 6 © b 6
Variation C ter.) 29.W e6 B e 6 3 0 ,E e 6 5ie6
31. ‘i ’f 1 w ith a w on ending, T im -
m an-N ogueiras, R o tte rd a m
( 2 5 ...* d 6 2 6 .* c 5 sfee5 2 7 .E e l 17.»e2 W orldcup 1989.
* f 6 28.<Sd5 ed5 2 9 .® e 7 & g7 T h is is co n sid ered the m ain line. B) 2 0 ...i.e 7 is certainly no im ­
3 0 .* b 4 + / + - ) 26.W b5 <&d8 N ow play d iv id es, as do th e o p in ­ pro v em en t - e.g. 21.53c6 W c l
27 . '# b 6 a n d m ate (analysis). ions o f the experts. # (21... H c8?? 2 2 ,# d 4 itf 6
C 2) 19...0-0 2 0 .4 d 7 Eel 2 3 .W d 5 + - ; 2 1 ...* c 8 2 2 .4 h 6 or
21.11. c l # e 5 22. E e 5 i,f6 also 22.W d4) 2 2 .# d 5 ! ed5
2 3 . E e 4 was seen in O bu k h o v - 2 3 .H e 7 * f 8 2 4 .j4 h 6 * g 8 w hen
Filipenko, P erm 1988. It seem s there m ay follow: #
th a t Black can regain th e sacri­
ficed m a te ria l w ith 23...53b6!?
24.11. c6 S c 8 (2 4 ...A c6 ? 2 5 .^ c 6
S c 8 2 6 .5 3 b 6 + -) 2 5 .5 tb 6 ab6
26. ,4 e3 ik c 6 27. ■5hc6 Sc6
28. H b 4 A d 8 . W h ite is b e tte r b u t
B lack can defend.
2 3 .. .53c3 24.bc3 is also possible,
w ith u n c le ar play.
D ) 18.5313, try in g to exploit
______________ C7______________
the pin o n th e k n ig h t o n d7, is
the la test try, e.g. 18...A g7 17...a6!?
(1 8 ...i.e 7 ? ! is w eaker - see the ’!’ according to B agirov b u t re­ B l) 2 5 .H a e l ’’w ith d estru c­

tio n ” a cco rd in g to T im m an in 33 .. . 2 . l 3 4 . i e 2 2 c 2 3 5 .A d 2 ) i f / 2 9 .2 d 6 42d5! (only m ove)
th e R o tte rd a m 1989 to u rn a m e n t 33.43a6 b3 34.ab3 (34.a3 2 a 8 3 O .0 g 4 S h e8 !! (only m ove)
book. H ow ever, he has o v er­ 35.5JC5 Z a 3 ) a n d now B lack has 3 1 .2 d 7 i g 6 3 2 . 2 d l ? (B agirov
looked th a t a fte r 2 5 ...# c 6 som e d raw in g chances a fte r gives 3 2 . 2 f l ) 3 2 ...# e 6 ? ! (H ere
2 6 .2 e 8 4if8 th e q u een p ro tects 34 .. .Z c 8 o r 3 4 ...2 a 8 (analysis). B lack m isses 3 2 ...0 c l! 33.h4?
th e rook o n a8; W h ite can resign. O f course th is resu lt is n o t satis­ Z e l ! o r 3 3 . i f l 0 c 4 + ) 3 3 .0 e 6
B2) 25.<Etc5!? 0 c 6 26.43d7 g5 facto ry fro m W h ite ’s p o in t o f 2 e 6 3 4 .A g 5 & b 6 3 5 .2 7 d 6 S d 6
2 7 .A g 5 h6 2 8 .A f6 2 d 8 2 9 .A d 4 view because he h a d such a b e au ­ 3 6 .2 d 6 i g 5 37.h4 w ith a draw -
(29.h3?! is a w aste o f tim e - tiful p o sitio n . I show ed th is to ish endgam e.
29.. . 3 . 7 3 0 .2 e 8 i h 7 3 1 .2 h 8 S peelm an an d he fo u n d 26.h4
* g 6 3 2 .A d 4 f6 3 3 . 2 e l W c4 (In ste a d o f 2 6 .2 d 7 - W h ite p re ­
34.ik.e3 d4 3 5 . 2 c l » a 2 an d v e n ts g5.) 26...5Jf6 2 7 .2 b 7 2 e 8
W hite lost co n tro l, 2 8 .4 :b 6 0 c 6 (F o rced - after __________ C2_
V yzhm anav in -S v esh n ik o v , K iev 2 8 .. .d4 W h ite d o e sn ’t play 17...2c7!? #
1989) 2 9 ...Z d 7 3 0 .2 e 8 i h 7 29.4Jc8? 0 c 6 30. Z c 6 2el
3 1 .2 h 8 ig 6 3 2 .2 g 8 * f5 3 1 . i h 2 4Jg4 3 2 . i g 3 4 ih 6 w ith
(3 2 ...& h 5 3 3 .0 2 d 6 3 4 . 2 e l ) an u n c le ar p o sitio n , b u t 29.4)e7
3 3 . 2 e l f6 34.g4 * f 4 3 5 .* g 2 a n d now 2 9 ...2 e 7 3 0 .2 e 7 0 e 7
a n d B lack’s king is in big tro u b le 3 1 .£ ) d 5 + - o r 2 9 ...« e 7 3 0 .2 e 7
(analysis by A verbakh a n d Lep- 2 e 7 3 1 .4 J d 5 + - ) 2 9 .2 c 6 2 e l
eshkin). 3 0 .* h 2 % g4 3 l . * g3 ® h 6
It seem s to m e th a t 27...h6, ch as­ 3 2 .2 c 8 ig ? 3 3 .2 h 8 & h 8
ing the b ish o p on g5 to a b e tte r 3 4 .4 J d 5 + - .
square, is u n n a tu ra l. It m akes 20.43c5 AcS 21.4_e6! fe6
m ore sense to m ake h6 available 22.066 0 e 7 23.Ah6 0 d 7
fo r th e king an d ro o k w ith 24.0e5
2 7 .. .h5, e.g. 2 8 ,Z a e l <28. M B In ln fo rm a to r 48 B agirov gives T h is m ove, giving su p p o rt to the
3 h 6 ; 2 8 , 2 c l 0 d 6 ; 2 8 .4 ie5 0 d 6 2 4 .0 f 6 2 g 8 2 5 .2 a c l 2 c 7 ! W e knight o n d7, is T im m a n ’s ’’only
29.43f? 0 g 6 ) 2 8 ...2 d 8 2 9 .A f6 can analyse th is fu rth e r w ith m o v e ” b u t I d o u b t w h eth er this
2 d 7 (N o t 2 9 ...2 h 6 ? ? 3 0 .2 e 8 2 6 .A f4 2 f 8 (2 6 ...2 c 6 ? 2 7 .2 e 7 ) m ove will e v er b e p o p u la r. W hite
2 e 8 3 1 .2 e 8 i h 7 3 2 .2 h 8 i g 6 2 7 .0 e 5 A f2!? 2 8 .if2 2 c ! has:
3 3 .4 3 e 5 + -) 3 0 .2 e 8 ih 7 2 9 .2 c l 0d2 3 0 .* g 3 2 f4 A) 18.Ag5? 0 g 5 19.43e6 fe6
3 1 .2 h 8 i g 6 3 2 .A d 4 (3 2 .il.h 4 3 1 .0 b 8 ( 3 1 .0 f 4 43f5) 3 1 . . . i d 7 2 O .0 e 6 A e 7 — k
d4) 3 2 ...Z e 7 a n d B lack is b etter. 3 2 .2 c 7 ie 6 3 3 .2 e 7 i e 7 B) 18.53f3?l a6!? 1 9 .A a 6 A a 6
In the A v erb ak h / L epeshkin a n a l­ 3 4 .» c 7 * e 6 3 5 .0 f 4 W b2=. 2 0 ® 'a 6 A g7 follow ed by
ysis this trick d o e sn ’t w ork b e­ 24...Ad4! 21...0-0.
cause 3 3 ...2 e 7 (in stead of T h e only m ove. C ) 18.0g4 a n d now n o t the
33.. .f6) fails to 34.g4. 25.0f4 g5!? # sta n d a rd m o v e 18...43f6 d u e to
B3) 2 5 . 2 c l , k eeping all o p ­ 19.43e6 fe6 2 0 .« e 6 0 e 7 21.A f4!
tio n s open, is crushing: 25...W d6 0e6 2 2 .2 e 6 i d 8 ( 2 2 . .. i f 7
(25...d4 26 .4Jb6 0 b 6 2 7 .2 d 7 2 3 .2 f 6 ) 2 3 .A c 7 i c 7 2 4 . 2 c l
2e8 28.4 )e7 ) 2 6 .2 d 7 0 'd 7 w ith b e tte r play for W hite, n o r
27.?Jb 6 0 b 7 ( 2 7 ...» e 8 28.4Jd5) 18.. .A g 7 19.© e 6 (1 9 .A g 5 is also
28 .4 )a8 f6 29.43e5!? (I f 2 9 .© d 8 possible) 19...fe6 20.W e6 0 e 7
0 e 7 30.43b6 0 d 8 3 1 .2 c 8 0 c 8 2 1 .A f4 etc. T h e co rre c t line is
32.53c8 * f7 ; 2 9 .£ )d 4 0a8 18.. .a6+ an d if 1 9 ,A d 7 0 d 7 or
3 0 .2 c 7 0 e 8 3 1 . i f l * e 4 a n d 19.A g5 A e 7 2 0 .A e 7 43e7.
W hite has n o th in g b e tte r th a n D ) 18.Ad2 is w h a t T im m a n
3 2 .2 g 7 * f8 3 3 .2 h 7 ig 8 w a n te d to play. B lack has:
3 4 .2 g 7 = ) 29...fe5 3 0 .2 c 7 0 c 7 D l ) 1 8 ...» f6 !? 1 9 .4 3 0 A d 6
(th e only m ove) 31.43c7 i f 7 B agirov now reco m m en d s 2 0 . 2 a c l 0 e 7 ( 2 0 . .. 2 c l 2 1 ,A c l)
(31...d4 32.4M 5) 3 2 .ifl 2 6 .» g 5 !? 2 c 5 2 7 .0 'h 4 ± . 2 1 .2 c 7 A c7 22.43e5 A e5
(32.4M 5 2 d 8 33.4Je3 2 d 2 ; In th e gam e I.Sokolov-B agirov, 2 3 .0 e 5 0-0 24. A d 7 0 d 7 25.4Jc5
3 2 .5 ia6 b3 33.a3 2 a 8 34.43c5 P a lm a de M allo rca 1989 th ere 0 e 7 26.43b7 0 b 7 2 7 . A h 6 + - .
2 a 3 ) 32...d 4 (3 2 ...2 c 8 33.43d5 follow ed 2 6 .0 e 4 A f6 (only B lack m u st h ave so m eth in g b e t­
2 c 2 34.43b4 2 b 2 3 5 .5 3 d 3 + - o r m o v e) 2 7 .2 a d 1 0 c 6 2 8 .« b 4 te r h e re b u t I th in k th e p in o n the

Theory SL 9

knight on d7 is alw ays very nasty.

D 2) 18— 3-g7 (18... fie 7
1 9 .fih 6 ) 19.® e6 fe6 2 0 ; f e 6 & f8
(2 0 ...® e7 ? 2 1 . % 4 f ie 5 2 2 .H e 5
«e5 2 3 .E e ln — ) 2 1 .S a d i !
(21..&.g5 is n o t co n v in cin g after
2 1 .. .£ i7 f6 o r 2 1 ...fif6 ) 21...a5
(2 1 ...® e 7 2 2 .fi.b4!) an d now:
D 21) £)7f6? 2 3 .fif6 Sokolov,Ivan
(23.<Sb6 W e i 2 4 .fif6 fif 6 ?
2 5 .4 id 5 #e6 2 6 .H e 6 f id 5
2 7 .S f 6 * g 7 28. E a 6 ± ; 2 4 ...£ lf6 h ap s for th e w hole line startin g S tockholm 1989/90 open (9)
25.W e7 E e7 2 6 .H d 8 * f7 w ith 13...£}e5. Black has a paw n
2 7 .fic 4 f id 5 o r 2 5 .® b 3 fie 4 ) an d tw o strong b ish o p s fo r the I. d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.' c3 16 4.e3 e6
2 3 .. .f if 6 24.<&b6 * g 7 (2 4 ...E e 7 ? exchange. M o reo v er th e knight 5.&I3 £bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
2 5 .W f6 ) 25.£>d5±. 2 2 ...fif6 is o n a4 is te m p o ra rily o u t o f play. 8.fid3 fib7 9.e4 b4 10.&a4 c5
correct, w ith an u n c le ar p osition. l.S okolov-S hirov, Stockholm II. eS fid 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.fid4
D 22) 2 2 .fid 7 is sim ple an d 1989/90 co n tin u e d 2 5 ...fia 6 fieS 14.fib? fid7 15.Bel Bc8
effective e.g. 2 2 ...® d 7 (2 2 ....E d 7 2 6 .& e3 (26.& f3!? f i b 7 2 7 ,* g 3 16.*h5 g6 17.®e2 ® e7! (17...a6
2 3 .£ ic5 B e7— or f i d 5 a n d 2 8 ...fid 6 ) 2 6 ,..fib 5 1 8 .fia 6 f ia 6 19.® a6 43c5!?N
2 3 .. .E d 6 2 4 .£ b 7 S e 6 25.£>d8 27.b3 f ih 6 28.<&f3 E c 8 (T his (1 9 ...S a 8 2 0 .® c 4 fi.e7 2 1 .© c6
E e l 2 6 .f i e l ± ) 2 3 .© c5 ® e6 p re v e n ts ® c5 b u t 2 8 ...fic 6 Wc7 22.® d5! ed5 2 3 .B e 7 & f8
(2 3 ...# c 8 24.W d6 2 5 .£ ib 7 2 9 . ^ 3 f id 5 30 .5 ic5 E c 8 is also 24. f ih 6 & g8 2 5 . E c l ! + - )
® b 7 26,W e6 an d m ate o r possible.) 2 9 .B d 6 f ic 6 30.& g3 2 0 .fic 5 fic 5 2 1 .fie 6 ! fe6 22.® e6
2 4 .. . 6 . 8 2 5 .£ )b 7 ® b 7 2 6 .E e 8 f id 5 3 1 .B d 7 £ f6 3 2 .B a 7 fie 7 2 3 .fih 6 !—» I.Sokolov -
an d m ate; 2 3 ...® e 7 2 4 .fig 5 ; (3 2 .B h 7 is m et by 3 2 ...fig 7 B agirov, P alm a de M allorca
2 3 .. . # d 8 2 4 .fig 5 f if 6 2 5 .fif6 3 3 .E h 4 fif 8 , again w ith the 1989) 18.fig5!N (18.® g4
W f6 2 6 .B d 5 n — ) 2 4 .£ ie6 * f 7 th re a t 3 4 ...fid 6 .) 32 ...e5 3 3 .B a 5 -Y B /15) 18...«gS 19.£)e6 #g2D
25.£>c7 5 ic 7 2 6 .f ib 4 w ith a very f if 4 3 4 .& h 3 f if 3 35.<&b6 B d 8 20.fig2 fif4 2 1 .* fl £)e2
good endgam e fo r W h ite (an aly ­ (3 5 „ .E c 3 ? 3 6 .« d 7 & g7 3 7 .£ e 5 22.Sadl! fe6 (2 2 ...fic 6 2 3 ,E e 2 !
sis by Piket). f ib 7 3 8 .* g 4 + - ) 36 .& c4 fe6 (2 3 ...fib 5 2 4 .£ c 7 & d8
(3 6 .B a 6 is a n o th e r idea.) 36...e4 25 . fib 5 ± ) 24. E e 6 & f7 2 5 .fic6 !
37.£se3 E d 2 ! 3 8 .® d 5 *c5 ® f6 2 6 .E d e l± ) 23.fid7 &f7
3 9 . ® e3 (3 9 .« f4 ? & f4 4 0 .E f l 24.fic8 fic8 25.fic2± #
C3 E d 3 -+ ) 3 9 ...& f6 (3 9 ...& e6
4 0 . E a 6 * f 7 ? 4 1 .B e l ) 4 0 .£ id 5
17.. .* e7 * e 5 4 1 .£ e 3 'A-'A.
A nd th is is D re e v ’s "o n ly m o v e” !
A fter 18.Wg4 £>f6 1 9 .# h 3 f id 5 Conclusion
B lack had a solid p o sitio n in T h e p aw n sacrifice 13.<Shd4 of­
V y zh m an av in -D reev , M oscow fers m an y tactical chances b u t if
1989 (see Y B /15). B lack plays correctly he has little
18.. .'tg 5 19.®e6 ®g2! to fear. T h e W ade system re­
20.&g2 ®f4 2 1 .* fl fte 2 m a in s a solid alte rn a tiv e to the
22. E adl m ain line o f th e M eran v a ria tio n
2 2 .E e 2 fe6 is w eak. startin g w ith 8...a6 9.e4 c5. 25...fia6 26.&e3! (2 6 .& f3? fib 7
22.. .fe6 A 2 7 ...fid 5 + ) 26...fib5!
In S h u m iak in a-S em in a, Soviet (2 6 ...fih 6 27.f4 f ib 5 2 8 .£ic5 e5
U n io n 1988 B lack tried 2 9.© d3! ef4 30.<*f2±) 27.b3
22...fic6?< 2 3 .B e 2 f ib 5 2 4 .£ lc7 fih6 28.4>f3 Bc8! (A 2 9 ...E c 2 )
•i?d8 25.«3b5±. 29.Ed6 (29.<S?g3 B c2 3 0 .E d 6
23. fid7 & fl 24.fic8 fic8 fif8 ! 3 1 .S d e 6 f ia 4 32,ba4
25.&e2 # H a2=) 29...fic6 30.&g3 fid5
T h is endgam e is critical fo r the 31.1d7 * f6 32.Ea7 (3 2 .H h 7
assessm ent o f 1 7...® e7 an d p e r­ fif8?! 3 3 .S a 7 f id 6 34.4>g4±;

32.. .f i g 7 ! g A 3 3 ...S c 2 , a 4 < ) B c7 ( > 2 4 ...B c 4 2 5 .B c 4 ® d 7 ) Douven,Rudy
32.. .eS! 33.3 a? fif4 34.&h3 fif3! 25.fig5 Wg7 (2 5 ...W 5 Ribli,Zoltan
35.£lb6 (3 5 .£ ic 5 Sd8D 36 .« )e4 2 6 .5 3 d 4 + -) 26.fid 5 + - Bel Wijk aan Zee 1989 (7)
4>f5 37.<S2g3 &f6oo; 36...'£>g7!?) (26...ed5 27. B c7 fig5
35.. . B d8! (3 5 ...S c 3 ? 36,«5d7 2 8 . # c 2 + - ; 2 6 ...fid 5 2 7 .B c 7 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.5Jc3 £lf6 4x3 e6
& f5 37.<&e5 f ie 4 38.<23d3H— ) & c7 2 8 .fie 7 H e7 2 9 . B d 5 + - ) 5.£jf3 «Jbd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
36.&C4 e4 37.53e3 (3 7 .B b 5 g 5 S ) 27.fib7 (2 7 .fie 6 ! fid 5 D 2 8 .f ic l! 8.fid3 fib ? 9x4 b4 10.53e2 c5 11x5
37.. .Hd2! 38.&d5 (3 8 .® g 4 ? fig 4 fe6 2 9 . ® e 6 + - ) 27...Edl 2 8 .# d l £id5 I2.43g3 ( 12.0-0 1 c 8 IS.dcS
39 . d?g4 S f 2 40. E a 6 & e5 + ) &c7 29.fie4 fig5 30.hg5 f5 k c 5 (13...lbcS) 14.6hg3 Wb6 1 5 .^e 2
38.. . 6 .5 39.<&e3 (3 9 ,® f4 * f 4 31.gf6 ®f6 32.Wd2 W e 7 33.5x5 k e 7 16.foe4 h6 1 7 .kd 2 t£ic5!
40. E a 7 B f2 4 1 .2 f 7 *e5 «d6?T 34.’i'c2 A-'A 18.jLbS & f8 19.<bc5 &c5 2 0 .k d 3
4 2 .H h7 H a2 T ) 39...*f6 40.5jd5 Shabalov g6+ Castillo - Wade, Venice 1950)
* e 5 41.4le3 A-'A 12..,fie7 13.-te2 cd4 14.0-0 # b 6
Shirov 15. fid 2 (1 5 .Z e l; 15.U dl) 15...0-0
16. >»e4 g6 17.fig5 fig5 18.5Jg5 h6

Shabalov, Aleksandr
Study Material 19.5Jh3 * h 7 20.We2 ®c5 2 1 .S fd l
4jd3 22.Wd3 a5 23.4je4 ®e7
24.®d6 S f5 25.®f5 ef5 26.’» d 4
« c 6 ¥ 27.13 S ad8 2 8 .» f2 g5
Sorokin,Maksim 9...b4 29.B a d Bfe8 30.B el Wd5 31.Wc2
He5 32,He5 (32.S.edl Wc5 i i . 'i ' r f
M in s k 1990 (2)I. 3 d l) 32...®'e5 33.®f2 * g 7 34.h3
Bikov Bd7 35.a3 Hd5 36.ab4 ab4 37.’t b 3
I . d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.A.c3 c6 4.e3 € f 6 Filipenko, Alexander Bd4 38.Wc2 f i d 5 39.H dl fie6
5.5313 £ibd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7 .fic 4 b5 Moskva 1983 40 .3 d 4 « d 4 41.’* e 2 b3 42.h4 gh4
8 .f id 3 f ib 7 9.e4 b4 10.£)a4 c5 0-1
II. e5 4 d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.£>d4 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®c3 £jf6 4,e3 e6
5le5 1 4 .fib 5 ® d 7 1 5 .E e l E c 8 5 .® 0 53bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7..4x4 b5
16.W h5 g6 1 7 .'# e 5 m 1 8 .ftf3 N 8 .fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 10x5?! bc3
(1 8 .* e 4 ; 1 8 .# f6 ) 1 8 ...fie7 ? II. eflS cb2 12.fg7 balW (12...Ag7
(18...a6 1 9 .fid 7 *d7 1 3 .kb 2 Wa5 14M d2 Wd2 1 5 A d 2 5
20.53b6-i— ; 1 8 ...fic 6 ? 1 9 .fic 6 c5 1 6 .S b l cd4 1 7 .ka 3 18.0-0
Ec6 2 0 .« d 5 + -;! 0-0-0 I9.U rcl 4}b8 20.&C4 fi/S
19. -fi.d7 (19.*g3?> « d 8 ! + Aseev 2U1.J8 S.HI8 22.&b6 ab6 23.’B.b6~
Zhukhovitsky - Bagirov. Rostov 1969)
- D reev, L vov 1990; 19.We2?!
13.gh8W Wa5 14.53d2? ( I4 .k d 2
W e7 W d6) 1 9 ...& d7
% d l IS .& d l -%a2 16.%h7 W al Muir,Andrew
20. «e2 « d 8 = o ; 18„.h6!?)Vainslein: 16 X e2) 14...W5c3 # Plymouth ch-GB 1989
19. fih 6 ! ± (E h lv est/ Oil A
20. fig 7 ; 1 9 .fig 5 "V/cb 2 0 .£ e 5 1.2jf3 d5 2x4 e6 3.d4 S f6 4.<&c3 c6
fig 5 2 1 .f id 7 & e7 2 2 .fic 8 B c8 5x3 53bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
23,g3 B c 2 ® ) 1 9 ...E g 8 ? (19...a6? 8 .fid 3 fib 7 9x4 b4 10.'Sa4c5 11x5
20. f id 7 * d 7 2 1 .fig 7 !+ -; 5ld5 12.dc5 ®c5 b5 5ld7
1 9 ...fic 6 D 2 0 .fic 6 Sc6 g5 ® a5 (14...ke7? 15.%c5 fig J
21. 'H 'e2±—*) 20. S a c 1 d?d8 1 6 .kd 7 * /S 1 7 .k e 6 l+ -) 15.£)d4
(20,..a6 2 1 .H c 8 f ic 8 2 2 .« 'b 8 ab5 fie7 16.B e!!? fig5 17.fid7 *>d7
2 3 .# c 8 f id 8 2 4 .fig 5 53e7 18.-7)c5 * e 7 19,ab 7 Wb6 #
2 5 .« b 7 # f 5 2 6 .B d l 4 ld 5
27. f id 8 b a4 (2 7 ...* d 8
28, © d 4 + - ) 2 8 .’« ,c 8 + - ) 2 1 .® e2
15.fic2 fi.a6+ I6.h4 Wd4 17.«d4
53b8 (21... B e l 2 2 .B e l g5
® d4 18.Bh3 0-0-0 19.Wf3 5Je5
2 3 .fia 6 !; 21...g5 2 2 .f id 7 B e l
20.®c3 fib 4 2 l.0 d 4 3 d 4 22.h5
23. B e l # h 6 24.53e5 W6 <?id3 23.fid3 fid 3 24,h6 c5 25.a3
2 5 , f i c 6 + - ) 22.h4! (2 2 .5 le5 ? g5 fia 5 26. Bh5 Bd5 27.Hd5 ed5
2 3 .» h 5 B e l 24. B e l «e5 2 8 .* d l fi.g6 29.®b3 fib 6 30.a4 c4
25.W H ® f6 + ) 22...a6 2 3 .fic 4 ! 31.a5 fif2 32.4x2 fig l 3 3 .* fl fih 2
(2 3.5lc5 H c5D 2 4 .B c 5 ± ab5? 34.®d4 4 d 7 fif4 36.fic3
2 5 . * b 5 + - ) 2 3 ...B e 8 2 4 .B e d l a6 3 7 .4 e2 fi.h6 0-1

Theory SL 9

20.®f5 ef5? (2 0 ...if8 21.&C5 B d8 brechtsmeier. Bundesliga BRD Zaitsev) 36._a.c6 'SdS?? (3 6 .. ^ d l
22M g4 h6) 2 l.® d 5 S c l 2 2 .® d 6 + - 1985/86) 15.©c5 S.c5 16.J3.d2 37.& p Wg4T) 37.i n Bf8 38.We7
Haf8 23.®f5 * e 8 24.®g7 * e 7 (16.65d4; 16.lhgS! 7 7 7 .« i 5 g6 h5 39.S.g6 ®d5 7-0
25.©f5 * e 8 26.0-0 J.b 2 27.H dl 18 W 3 kd4cc; 17. tte l) 16...®b6?
1-0 (76...S.M+) 17.®g5 S d 4 1 8 .#h5g6
19.S O Wb? 20. S fe l h6?l
(20...dLb2) 21.®e4 S c 5 22.®c5 ®c7
Balashov, Yuri 23._a.g6! ®f4 24.S.e4 ®d5 25.®e6!
fe6 26.a.d5 S.d5 27.« h 5 * d 7
Mariotti,Sergio 28.Se5 a5 29.B cl ®d6 30.#'f7
Leningrad 1977 * d 8 31.*ff6 1-0

l.d4 ®f6 2.® f3d5 3.c4 c6 4.®c3 e6

5.e3 ® bd7 6.jftd3 dc4 7 .iic4 b5
8 .S .d 3 S b 7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 ll.eS
®d5 I2.dc5 ®c5 13. S,b5 ®d7 Ross,Paul
14.Sg5 Wa5 15.3ft.d7 * d 7 16.0-0 Saint John open-2 1988
S c 6 17.b3 Jfta4 18.ba4 h6 19.£e3 Timoschenko,Gennadi
Se7 20.®d4 Bhc8 2I.'S'h5!l.d4 g6d5 2.c4 e6 3.®c3 c6 4 . 0 0 ®f6
22.’t O ± * e 8 23.®b5! # a 4 24.®d6 5.e3 ®bd7 6 .itd 3 dc4 7 .S c4 b5
Moskva GMA 1989 (6)
Sd6 25.ed6 Wd7 2 6 .ih 6 i»d6 8.jftd3 J.b 7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4 c5 1 l.e5
27.B fel S c3 2 8 .« c4 Bac8 ®d5 12.dc5 Wa5 13.0-0 S.c5
29.S a d i &d7 30,Wd4 H8c5 3I.S,f4 14.Sel Se7?l 15.®d4 0-0 16.®g4 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®f3 ®f6 4.®c3 e6
Wre 32.®b4 ®'a833.®a4 * e 7Sfd8 (76.. V a4? 1 7 .k h 6 g 6 I8 .k b 5 5.e3 ®bd7 6 .S d 3 dc4 7,Sc4 b5
34. S.g5 f6 35. We4! ®c7 3 6.S f6 * f6 Wa5 1 9 .kd 7 ttfd8 2 0 .ke 6 fe6 8.S.d3 S b 7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4 c5 11,e5
37.Wh4 g5 38.Wh6 d?f5 39.Bd4 1-0 21.Ve6 * h8 22MJ7 + - ) !7 .S h 6 ®d5 12.dc5 ©aS 13.0-0 S c 5 I4.a3
S f8 I8.Ji.g5 Se8? (!8 .W a 4 ? ba3 15.®c5 * c 5 16.3a3 h6 l7.We2
19.M.d8 ttd 8 20.HHi4+-; 18...ttdc8) ®b6 18._S.b5 S c 6 19.®d4 S b 5
Timoschenko,Gennadi 20. ®b5 * f8 (20.. .0-0? 21.M 6 )
19.a,b5+- ®5b6 20.®b6 ®b6
Kaidanov, Grigory 21.S.e8 Be8 22,®b3 Wb5 23.Be3 21. Hf3± * g 8 22,Bg3 Wa6 23.Ba3
Wien open 1989 ®c4 24.We2 Wd5 25.Bg3 ®e5? » b 6 24.®c3 ®c3 25.Bc3 Wb8
26. B d l 1-0 26.B el ®b6 27.Bg3 ®d5 28.b3 h5
I.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.®c3 c6 4.e3 ®f6 29.h3 h4 30.BI3 ®b7 31.Si.a3 Bc8
5.S D ® bd7 6 .S d 3 dc4 7.S.C4 b5 32.B el Bh6 33.Bc4 ®b6 34.®e4
(34. ttg4!7) 34„,«'e4 35.Se4 Bh5
8.S,d3 S b 7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4c5 Il.e5 Rukavina,Josip 36.Sd6 E e l 3 7 .*h2 Ec2 38.Bef4
®d5 I2.dc5 Sc8 13.0-0 S c 5
14.® g5!?(74.ac5 ®c5 1 5 .kb 5 kc6 ;
Kortchnoi, Viktor Bf5 39. Bf5 ef5 40.Sf5 Bb2 41.Bf3
Leningrad izt 1973 (12) ®d5 42.g3 hg3 43.*g3 Bd2 44.b4; 14. jLgS) 14...ke7 15.®g4?
H cl 0-7 Bb2 45.e6 fe6 46.Bf8 ^ h 7 47.Bf7
l.® f3 d5 2.d4 ®f6 3.c4 e6 4.®c3 c6 Eb3 48.4-g2 ®b4 49,S,b4 'A-'A
5.e3 ® bd7 6 .S d 3 dc4 7.S.C4 b5
8.S.d3 S.b7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4c5 ll.e5
Sardinha ®d5 12.dc5 Wa5 13.0-0 S c5
Silva Shneider, Alexander
14.B el ®5b6 I5.® b6 Wbe 16.We2
Portugal ch 19741 Bc8 17.a3!? (17.&d2) 17.. .S D Maksimenko,A
18.gf3 (18.W/3 baS 19.ba3 &d4; Kherson 1989(10)
l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.®c3 c6 4,e3 ®f6 18.. ..6.d4) 18...b3 19.B d l Ec7
5 . * 0 £)bd7 6 . i d 3 dc4 7.S.C4 b5 20.i_f4 0-0o=/± 21 Bd2 ®b8 I.d4 d5 2 .® 0 ®f6 3.c4 e6 4.®c3 c6
8.Ad3 Jft.b7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4 c5 22.B ad l ®c6 23.We4 g6 24.S.g5 5.e3 ®bd7 6.S.d3 dc4 7.S.C4 b5
1l.dc5 Wa5 12.e5 ® d5 13.0-0 Sc6?! Bd7 25. Wf4 S e7 26,Sf6 S f6 8,S.d3 S b 7 9.e4b4 IO .0a4c5 11 ,e5
(13...&C51? 14.fcc5 k c 5 15M e2 a6 27.ef6 * h 8 2 8 .1 e4 ®d4 29.*g2 ®d5 12.dc5 ®a5 13.0-0 S c 5 14.a3
16..kd2 H6 W b6 18.ttc4!± Sg8 30.h4 Wc5 31 ®g5 e5 32.f4 S.e7 l5.S.d2 0-0 16.Se4 (76.B e/
Bogoljubow - Niephaus, m 1951; ® e6 33.®e5 Bd2 34.Ed2 « c l # Md8 17.ab4 d3b4 18.ke4 k e 4
15.05g5 « c 7 76.WA5 g6 I7 .n /3 ; 35. a.d5?! (35. ttd 7 £.f4 36.<tih2 03e2 79.Be4 4.1(75- Radev - I.Szabo. .41-
17.k.b5 Akhmilovskaya - Arakhamia, 37. B /7 W g l 38.&h3 W fl 39.&g4 h5 bena 1979; 16...ttfd8 7 ? . t H B ab8
1988 ct 1 7 ...if8 18.Wh6 ig 8 ) 40.&g5; 35...g5 36.We6 gf4 37.&f3 1 8 .ke 4 ?! SLc6 19.ab4 U.h4 2 0 .kc 3
14._S.c2 ®c5!7 (7 4...h6 15.ihd4 ttc8 B g3 38.fg3+- Zaitsev; 35...ttJ8!) 0 c J 21 23(2 h6 Vhlmann - Larsen,
16.a3 Wc7 7 7.®7i5 We5 18.^le5 35.. .Wd2 (3S...g5! 36.hg5 %g5!; Monte Carlo 1968) 16,..Bfd8 17.ab4
®e5 19. t t e l fad? 20.foc6 ttc6 36. dl.e6 fg4 37.i f 3 Wd2 38. A p _Sb4 18.Sg5 Be8 19,®c3 » c 7
2 l .Z e4 4 7/6 22.ab4± Hort - Her- W d l 39.We2 W h l 40.&/4 ®7i4—i- 20.®d5 ed5 21.B el (21.Sl.d5 k d 5

2 2 * d 5 ©£-5=) 2 t...* a 5 2 2 .S a l 18 5.d2 4j b3! Larsen) 16.0-0 h6 Aseev, Konstantin
t b 5 « 23.fid3 * b 6 24.fie3 d4 (16...4363 1 7 .ib l tI7.ab3? W a l Dokhoian,Yuri
25.fif4 (2 5 .3 d 4 SlJ 3 26.gf3 fix5) 18.08g5 h6 19.1Hh5 g6 2 0 A e 6 bg8!) Klaipeda 1988 (10)
25...Bad8 26.fic4 ©f8 27.®b3 ©e6 1 7 ..* a 2 1 8 .ke3 B c8 I 9 * d 3 ±
28.fid2 fid 2 2 9 .* b 6 ab6 30.©d2 Larsen) 17.fie3!± 43e3 18.fe3 4g8?
1,d4 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.©f3 d5 4,©c3 c6
©14 31,Ea7 jLd5 32.fid5 Bd5 (1 8 ..a6) 19.B a d ©e4 20.fic6! fic6
5.e3 © bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
33.©c4 d3? (33...b5-) 34.g3 ©e2 21.Bc6 * a 2 2 2 .* c2 ©g5 23.43d4
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4b4 10.©a4c5 14.e5
35.4-g2 b5 36.©d6 Ef8 37,f4 f6 * d 5 24.Ec5 * d 8 2 5 .3 c7 b3
©d5 12.©c5 fic5 13.dc5 * a 5
38.©f5 Ec5 39.Eg7 * h 8 40.Bd7 2 6 .* c6 * d 5 27.h4 #
14.0-0 ©c5 (¥ Larsen 1971)
fe5 41.fe5 Ee5 42.©h6 E fl 4 3 .* fl
fia6 (15...0-0-01?) 16.B el E d8
E h5 44.©g4 Ef5 4 5 .* e l © cl
(16...0-0-0!7) 17.fig5 11 7 * d 4 CLe7
46,E d8 * g 7 4 7 .* d 2 Ec5 48.©e3
18.WJ4 3 d 3 ! Aseev) 17...Ed7
b4 49.E b8 b3 50.Eb4 * f6 5 I.E c4
18.®d4 ©b6 1 9 . ^ 4 h5 ( 1 9 ...kd 3 ?
Ec4 52. ©c4 ©a2 5 3 .4 ^ 3 4 g 5
20.kd2!) 20.'i'h4 fid 3 21.fid3 © d3
54.h3 h5 55.©d2 43b4 56 .* e4 ©c6
22.Be2 Wb5 23.b3 © cl 24.E d2
57. ©b3 4 f6 58.©d4 ©b4 59.©f3
©e2 2 5 .* h l Bd2 26.fid2 ©d5
©c6 60.g4 hg4 61.hg4 ©b4 62.g5
27.a3 ba3 28.Ba3 0-0 29.h3 ©ec3
4 g 6 63.b3 ©c6? 64.©e5 1-0
30.Wc4 ®b8 31.S a l Bc8 32.®h4
g6 3 3 .^ h 2 Wb3 34.Ea7 ®b8
35.Bd7 ©e2? (35...U f8±) 36.Bd5
ed5 3 7 .* % © d4 38.©d4 Be8
12...&C5 27...*e5!? (® ..© e 4 28.i p Zh7) 39.>5jc 6 1-0
28.* a 8 4 h 7 2 9 .* a7 * e 3 30.4 h 2
Bd8 3 1.43f3?7 (3I.Q\c6+~;
Ivkov, Boris 31.the6+~) 3,1.. . W ! 3 2 .4 g l © O
33.Bf3 B d l 34 .4 f2 Wh4 35.g3 * h 2
Larsen, Bent 3 6 .4 e3 Wd2 3 7 .4 e4 * d 5 3 8 .4e3
14...& JS
Bled m 1965 (4) Bd3 0-1

1.4>® ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 d5 4,d4 c6

5.e3 ©bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 Bareev,Evgeny Timoschenko,Gennadi
8 .fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10.©a4 c5 1 l.e5
©d5 12.©c5 fic5 13.dc5 a6 Smagin,Sergey Vasiukov,Evgeny
(13...0-0? 14.c6 fic<5 15.M ? ; Sochi 1988(11) Budapest ELEK ES 1989 (2)
13...U c8-YB/6) 14.0-0 ftc5 15._fi.c2
Ec8 16.©g5?! (1 6 * d 4 ! h6 1 7 * g 4 I.d4 © f6 2.c4 e6 3.©f3 d 5 4.43*3 c6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©f3 ©f6 4.© c3 e6
E(8 18 . i e . i t Mishutskov - Khavsky, 5.e3 ©bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 5x3 ©bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7,fic4 b5
Leningrad 1968) 16...h6 17.7 c4 fi.b7 9.e4 b4 10.© a4c5 1 l.e5 8 .fid 3 fi.b7 9x4 b4 10.© a4 c5 11.e5
W.mi g6 I 8 * h 3 b f8 ) 17...©e4 4id5 12.43d fie 5 13.dc5 * a 5 ©d5 12.dc5 fic5 13. ©c5 ©c5 0-0 19.Wg4 f5 20.ef6 Bf6 14.®e2 43c7! 15.0-0 (I5.3.d2 © cJ 14.fib5 * f 8 15.*d4 * b 6 16.fie2
21.fid2 W b6? a5 2 3 .* e4 16. k c 4 Iae4!=) 15...©c5 ( 1 5 ...3 3 ( 16.ii.c4 B OS 17.3.d2 © c 7 1 8 .ke 2
4je7 2 4 .* e3 * d 6 2 5 .E a d l ©f5 1 6 * 0 oseS 1 7 * e 4 aSdJ I 8 * c 6 3.a61? 1 9 * b 4 OddS 2 0 .3 d 3 k d 3
26.fif5 Bf5 2 7 .ficl Bd5 28.Ed5 4/X 1 9 * (16 b g 8 2 0 * d3 * c j 2 1 * b 6 ab6 2 2 .k b 4 B c2 23.&d4
* d 5 29.*g3 4 h 7 3 14 Wf5 21.M ! *e7 22.B.acl aids Hc4‘S Baumbach) 16 / d" 17.*d3
31.a3?? Bc4 0-1 ■23Mc5m. Bareev) 16.fic4 ©d7! h6 (17...a51?) 18.0-0 a5 19.B el ^>g8
17. B el 0-0 18.fid3 (1 8 .k d 2 B.fd8 ( 1 9 ...ka 6 ) 20.fid2 fia 6 2 1 .* e4
19.a3 f i/ i+ ; 18.a3 k f 3 19.g0 ba3 ©c5 2 2 .* c2 Bc8 23.fia6 * a 6 = /S
Uhlmann, Wolfgang 2 0 .S a 3 Wc5ao; 18.05g5 h6 19.03h3
Larsen,Bent fi.adoo Bareev) 18...Sfd8 19.fif4
Las Palmas m 1971 (4)1 ©f8 20.a3! ba3 21.ba3 fia 6 22.fia6
©a6 23.a4 - ©c5 24.fid2 * a 6
1,c4 ©f6 2.©c3 e6 3.©f3 d5 4.d4 c6 2 5 .* a6 © a6 26.B e d Bd5 27.fie3
5.e3 ©bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 ©d7 28.g3 ©ac5 29.Bc4 ©d3
8.fid3 fib7 9.e4b4 10.©a4c5 11.e5 30.Bc7 a6 31.*g2 h6 32 .B b l a5
« d 5 Jl i f t s fic5 13.dc5 *a5 33.Bb5 ©7e5 34.©e5 ©e5 35.Bbb7
I4 .* e 2 43cSB (14 ..a6 15.0-0 ©c5 Bad8 36.fif4 ©d7 37.Ba7 e5
16.kc2±; 14...B.C8) 15.fib5 38.fie3 f5 39.h4 4>f8 40.fib6 4 e 8
(I5...m d7 16.0-0 a6 17.kd3±; 41.fia5 B d6 42.4 x 3 Be6 43.a5 g5
15..o&e71? 16.kg51? f6 17.e f5 gf6 44.hg5 1-0

Theory SL 9

2 4 .S e cl Bc7 2 5 .« c4 l c 4 26.Hc4 Tukmakov, Vladimir 30.®f4 a e 6 3I.Wf6 * d 7 32.®f7

® d3 27.Hc7 S c 7 28.a3 ®d5 29.ab4
ab4 30,Ha8 * h 7 31.Hh8 * h 8 32.b3
Shabalov,Alexander Be7 3 3 .a e 6 !+ - Bf7 34.€)C5 * e 8
Riga tt 1988 3 5 .ad 3 Bc7 36.Ee2 g5 37.hg5 hg5
* h 7 3 3 .* fl g5 34.g3 ®c3 35.fec3 3 8 .* fl Bdc8 39.4>el * f7 4 0 .* d l
be3 36.®d4 * g 7 3 7 .* e2 53e5 38.0 * e 6 4:1.Be3 g4 42.Be2 Bh8 43.g3
* f6 39.b4 * e 7 40.f4 gf4 4] ,gf4 £ig6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .a O a r 6 4 ,a c 3 e6
5X3 S b d 7 6.fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5 flh l 4 4 .*d2 B bl 45.fed4 Bh7
4 2 .* e3 * d 6 43 .S b 5 * d 5 44.tic3 4 6 .a f4 * f 5 47x6 1-0
* c 4 4 5 .a e 4 * b 4 4 6 .a d 6 f5 47.<fif7 8 . i d 3 feb7 9.e4b4 1 0 .aa 4 c 5 11.e5
* c 5 48.?Sh6 * d 6 49.a n * e 7 L d 5 12.dc5 fec5 I3.®c5 ®c5
s o .a g s * f 6 s i . a o ti-vi I4 .i,b 5 'i O 15.0-0 h6 16.a3 ba3 Yakovich.Yuri
17.Ba3 a6 18.fee2 g6 19.®d2 5lf4 Meister,Y
20.feO feO 21.B O ®d5 (2L..O fd3 Voronezh 1988 (10)
22.0ic4) 22.®c4± a d 7 2 3 .!d 4 « c 7
Ivkov, Boris 24.b3 l a 7 2 5 .1 h 4 * g8 26.B dl l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .a c 3 e6 4 .a O fef6
Larsen,Bent * 7 b 6 27.®d6 Bh7 28.feh6! « e 7 5x3 a b d 7 6..fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5
Bled m 1965 (6) 2 9 .!e 7 ®e7 30.feg5 ®ed5 31.®e4 8.fed3feb7 9x4 b4 1 0.aa4c5 11x5
£id7 32,©f6 ®7f6 33.ef6 *08 a d 5 121a c 5 fe.c5 13.dc5 a c 5
1x4 £)f6 2.®c3 e6 3 .a O d5 4.d4 c6 34.h4-t— * e 8 35.g4 * d 7 36.*g2 14.feb5 * f8 15.0-0 h6 16.Wd4 ®b6
5.e3 a b d 7 6.fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5 * c 6 37.B el * b 5 38.Bd3 Bhh8 17.fec4! Bd8 18.B dl! (18.Wg4 &g8
8.bLd3 feb7 9.e4 b4 1 0 .aa4 c5 11.e5 39.*13 Bac8 40.Bc8 Bc8 4 1 . * # 19.030 a6 2 0 .k d 2 O d7 2I.05f3±
a « S 12.ac5 fec5 13.dc5 a c 5 Bh8 4 2 .Bd4 * c 6 43.Ba4 * b 7 Ungureanu - Omar. Albema 1967)
14.feb5 *08 15.1'd4 l b 6 16.jfe.e2 4 4 . * 0 * a 7 45.Bd4 a5 4 6 .* e4
18...*e7 (18...g6 19.ke3!) 19.Wg4±
(76 .k c 4 Hc8 1 7 .kd 2 Ose7 18 .k e 2 Bb8 47.h5 gh5 48.gh5 Bb3 49 .* e5 g5 (1 9 ..g6 20.kh6) 20.fed5! Bd5
k a 6 ? l (18. .a5 19. R c l Olf5= Larsen) B O 5 0 .* d 6 Ef2? 51.Bd5 1-0 21.BdS fed5 22.fee3 ®a5 23.h4+ -
19M b4 Obd3 2 0 .k d 3 k d 3 ± Baum- Bg8 24.hg5 a e 4 2 5 .*h5 a g5
bach - Shereshevsky. DDR-Belorussia Cvitan, Ognjen 26.fe.g5 hg5 27.feg5 * e 8 28.Wh6 b3
1968) 16...h6 17.0-0 g6 18.Jfejd2?! 29.a3 * d 7 30.*f6 BfB 31.®e7 1-0
( 18M g4 * ^ 7 19.05d2 h5 20MH4
Moskva GMA 1989 (5)
(Hd8 2 lM d 4 B c8 22.0bf3± Lengyel-
Honfi. Kecskemet 1966) 18...*g7
19.flacl Bac8 2 0 .1 h 4 g5! 2 1 .!g 4 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4Jc3 a f 6 4,e3 e6 Klovan, Yanis
Se4! 22.Bc8 Hc8 2 3 .1 e4 (2 3 .k c l? 5 . 5 0 £)bd7 6.fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5 Yurmala 1978
B cl; 2 3 .0 if2 ) X3..AJf4 24 .1 e3 8.fed3 feb7 9x4 b4 1 0 .aa4 c5 11 ,e5
! e 3 25.fe3 ®e2 2 6 .* f2 g4 2 7 .a g l Ld5 I2 ,a c 5 fee 5 I3.dc5 Sc5 1,d4 d5 2x4 e6 3 .a c 3 a f 6 4 .a O c6
S g l 28.B cl!= B el 29.fecl feg2 14.feb5 * f8 15.0-0 h6 16.fed2 ®b6 5x3 a b d 7 6.fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5
3 0 .* g l fed5 3 1 .id 2 fea2 32.feb4 17.fee2 * e 7 ? (/7 ...® e 4 -) 18.B el a5 8.fed3 b4 9 .a a 4 feb7 10x4 c5 11x5
* g 6 3 3 . * 0 * f5 34.fec3 h5 35.*g3 19.Ec4 fea6 20.Bg4 g6?! (20...fep2 a d 5 12.ac5 fec5 13.dc5 a c 5
* g 5 36.h4 * f5 37.fed4 a5 38.fec3 21W e2 g6) 21.fea6 ®a6? 14.fe.b5 *08 15.0-0 h6 16.Wd4 Bc8
a4 39.fed4 * 6 4 4 0 .* f2 ‘/ - A 22.feh6!n— Bh6 23.®el Bhh8 17. fed2 (i7.W g4 -YB/12) \l...Wn>6
24.®c5 * d 7 2 5 .E d l Eac8 26.Wd4 18. fec4 a e 7 19.fee2 a5 20.fee3
Bc7 27,®g5 We2 28.Be4 « h 5 (20. SLacl) 2 21.Wd2 * e 7
Vanheste.Jeroen 29.5 0 « h 6 30.®d3 B el 31.Bh4 22. a d 4 Bhd8 23.B acl (23.0if5 efi
Van de Oudeweetering,A Bdl 32.Wdl * f 8 33.®a4 * e 7 24M e l We6+) 23...ae3 2 4.*e3
Dieren open 1988 (3)1 34.®a5 1-0 a a 4 25.Bc8 Bc8 26.feb5 Bd8
27.fea4 ® d4 28.1914 Bd4 29.B dl
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 .a O a f 6 4 .a c 3 e6 B d l 30.fedl fed5 31.a3 ba3 32.ba3
5.e3 ® bd7 6.fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5
f6+ 33.f4 fe5 34,fe5 * d 7 35.
8.fed3 feb7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4 c5 11 ,e5 Sveshnikov, Evgeny * c 6 36.g3 * c 5 37.*e3 * c 4 38.fea4
®d5 12.®c5 fe.c5 13.dc5 ®c5 Norilsk 1987 (2)
14.feb5 *08 15.0-0 f j y g Cvitan -
Vasiukov, Vrsac 1989) I5...h6 l.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3 .a c 3 c6 4 ,a O a f 6
(15...h5 16.We2 g6 1 7 .£ d l± H-lt 5x3 ® bd7 6.fed3 dc4 7.fec4 b5
Grunberg - Cs.Horvath, Dresden 8.fed3 feb7 9x4 b4 I0 .a a 4 c5 11 ,e5
1988) 16.a3 l b 6 17.fec4 g6 18.ab4 ®d5 12.dc5 fec5 13.ac5 a c 5
!b 4 I9.b3 * g 7 20.fed2 * b 6 14.feb5 * f8 15.0-0 h6 16.*d4 S ’bb
21.fe.a5 « c 6 2 2 .» d 4 We$ 23.1g4o 17.fec4 a d 7 18.*g4 g6 19.B d l
a d 7 24.B fel * e 7 25.h4 ®5b6? BdS 20.H4 a5 21.b3 »c3T 22.fed5
26.fed3 B hd8 27.feb4 We8 28.h5 g5 fed5 23.Bd5! ed5 2 4 .fe b 2 ^ « c 2
29.f4 ®d5 30.fed2 Wh8 31.fg5 *08 25.fed4 * e 7 26.B el 27.Wg3
32,®e6 fe6 33 .B fl * e 7 34.feb4 1-0 Bhe8 28.feb2 a c 5 2 9 .a d 4 Wd3

38...Ag2 3 9 .4 f4 Ah3 40.g4 g5 * c 7 53.Wc4 4 d 7 54 .« b 5 &c7 £ic3?! 20.flc3! 3 d 4 21.fld4 3 c 8
4 1 .* f3 A ll 42.412 Ad3 4 3 .4 e3 55.®c5 * d 7 56.Wd5 * c 7 5 7 .4 fl 22.®d2 1 ^ 8 23.flc5 3 c 5 24.3 c5 44.jS.c6 A c2 45.h3 4 c 5 4 b 6 58.4g2 h4 59.Wc4 ® e7 60.&f3 Wd2 2 5 .3 c7 4 d 8 2 6 .3 b 7 » e 2
46.Ab7 fla4 47.flf3 Ab5 48.Ab7 4 a 5 61 .* g 4 * f 6 62.f4 Wc3 63.Wd5 27.B H Wb2 2 8 .3 d l * e 8 2 9 .3 a7
&c6—f 49.fl.c6 ^>c6 5 0 .4 d 4 4 b 5 4 a 4 6 4 .* h 4 « e l 65.* g 4 Wgl «e5 30.g3?! (30.h3) 30...»e2
51.4x3 4 c 5 5 2 .4 b 3 4 d 5 5 3 .4 a4 6 6 .4 h 5 Wg3 67,Wa8 * b 5 68.Wb7 31.B el * d 8 32.h3 h5! 33.H bl h4
4 e 5 54.4 a5 * d 4 5 5 .4 b 6 e5 56.a4 * a 5 69.Wa7 4 b 5 7 0 .« d 7 4 a 5 34.gh4 g4 35.B H gh3 3 6 .3 f4 e5
e4 57.a5 e3 58.a6 e2 59.a7 elW 71.f5 Wh3 72.4g6 Wg2 73.4 h 7 37.3fb4 #
60.a8W Wc6 6 1 .* c7 W ei 6 2 .* b 6 Wh2 74.*g7 Wgl 75 .4 f7 ®c5 76.f6
■®c5 0-1 Wh5 7 7 .4 e7 We5 7 8 .« e6 « c 7
7 9 .4 e8 * b 8 8 0 .4 d 7 Wb7 8 l.* d 6
Wb8 8 2 .4c6 ® a8 8 3 .4 c5 « a 7
Gelfand, Boris 8 4 .4 d 5 * f 2 8 5 .0 b3 86.ab3 Wc5
OH,Lembit 8 7 .* e4 Wc2 8 8 .4 f4 ®h2 89.4g5
Vilnius 1988 (6) » d 2 90 .4 g 6 # g 2 9 1 .* f6 * 3 8
92.b4 4 b 4 93.®d6 4 a 4 94.f8® WO
I.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.®c3 » f 6 4.®f3 e6 95.*g7 « g 4 9 6 .4 h 8 WhS 97 .» fh 6
5.e3 ©bd7 6 .fld3 dc4 7.flc4 b5 ® e8 98.4g7 1-0
8..fl.d3 fl.b7 9.e4 b4 10.© a4 c5 11 e5
■£d5 12.0-0 h6 I3.dc5 Ac5 14.&C5
£>c5 15.fl.b5 4 f8 1 6 . ^ 4 Bc8 Razuvaev,Yuri 37...e4?? (37...Wf3- Barbero)
17.Ad2 (17.Wg4! -YB/12; 77.fl.c4? 3 8 .3 4 b 3 + - »g4 39.Eg3 h2
8 M ) 17,..«b6 18.Ae2 (7&Ac4 Kaidanov,Grigory
Protvino 1988 (5) 4 0 .4 h 2 Wh4 4 1 .* g l * f 4 42 .B el
■£,<■7.0 I8...g6 I9 .« h 4 4 g 7 20.B acl * d 2 43.S a l « b 2 4 4 .3 d l 4 e 7
A.a6!= 21.fl.a6 tta 6 22.fle3 ®d3 45.a3 * f 6 4 6 .B el * f 5 47.4g2 ® a2
23.Bc8 Wc8 2 4 ,# d 4 &e3 (24...®c2 l.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3.®c3 c6 4x3 «3f6
48 .3 ee3 * f 4 4 9 .3 b 3 Wal 50.3b5
25.fl.rf2 (25.1Ua7 Wb2 26.<hd4 5,® D © bd7 6 .fld3 dc4 7.flc4 b5
» d l 51.Bbg5 1-0
%3f4+) 25...a5 26.h34 Oil) 25.®e3 8 .fld3 flb 7 9x4 b4 10.®a4 c5 11 ,e5
£ib2 26,'®a7 H-'A £id5 12.dc5 flc5 13.£ jc 5 S c 5
14.fl.b5 4 e 7 15.Wd4 ( 15.0-0 %b6
7d.fl.c4 B arf? / 77.®rf4 h6 18.iLd5 Polugaevsky,Lev
flrf5 7 9 .flrf f l / i 26.S a c 7 flrf5 Panno,Oscar
14...<&e7 27.Wc5 Wc5 22.flc5 * rf7 23.3U>4± Palma de Mallorca 1972
Tukmakov - Vasiukov. Soviet Union
1971; 16...Zhc8!I7.W d4 h6 I8.4li15
1.S13 d5 2x4 c6 3.d4 S3f6 4,£ic3 e6
Peshina.Gintautas k d 5 19.4Le3 4/X ) 15...Wb6 16.Ae2
5x3 <£,bd7 6.fld3 dc4 7.flc4 b5
Kaidanov,Grigory (lf>.Wh4 - YB/6) 16...h6 (76...fl.a6
8 .fld3 flb 7 9x4 b4 1 0 .aa 4 c5 11x5
Norilsk 1987 (1) 77.fl.a6 ® ad 18.1£h4±) 17.£id2?!
£id5 12.dc5 flc5 13.«3c5 ©c5
£id7 18.»b6 ab6 (1 8 ..A 5 b 6 19.f4
14.flb5 4 e 7 lS .W d d a Wb6 16.flc4
4Lg2 20.H gl fl* 7 21.Ug7 B.ag8
l.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3,®c3 c6 4.fcf3 £if6 ®d7 (76...Bac8 77.flrf2±) 17.Wg4
22.&g8 Zlg8 23.03fltx> Kaidanov)
5x3 £)bd7 6 .fld 3 dc4 7.flc4 b5 (7 7.W7i4'.7) 17...h6! (77... B a rf? /
1 9 . 5 j c 4 b3 20.a3 S a 4 21.fl.d2 fla6
8.fld3 A.b7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 11x5 18.0-0 h5 19.Wh4 $6 2 0 .n d l!
22,®e3 fle2 2 3 .4 e2 £)e3 24.fe3
£id5 12.dc5 flc5 I3.£,c5 (bc5 -YB/14) 18.0-0 a5 19.fld2 Bhc8
Sc8 25.fl.b4 ii-18
14.Ab5 4 e 7 15 .« d 4 Sc8!? 16.0-0 20. B fcl (20. U acl) 20...4f8 2 1 .* h 5
Wbe 17.Ac4 £id7 18.®h4 f6 <£ie7 (27 . 4 ^ 22.fl/i6 gh6 23.WH6
I9.fl.d2 a5 2 0 .n fe l h5 21.b3 4 n tsJS! 24.&.d3 %e7 253bg5 £w?g6-
22.ef6 gf6 23.B e4 Scg8 Parma) 22,fle3!± flO 2 3 .* f3 ® c6
24. S ael± /co £lc5 25.fl.d5 ->x4
24.Wc6 Bc6 25.f4 Slf5 26.fld2?!
26.S e4 A d5 27.Bf4 Wd8 28.63e5 Bryson,Douglas (26.fl.65/ Bc7 27. Bc7= Parma)
4 e 8 (28..5t/g7l?) 29.Ef6 3g2 Dubai ol 1986 (13) 26.. .©b6 27.fl.b5? (27.A/7)
3 0 .* fl Bg7 3 l.* f 4 Wc7 3.2.We3 27.. . B el 28 .B el B d8 2 9 .fle l ®d5
Shg8 33.h3 flg l 3 4 .4 e2 ®c2 l.d4 <£f6 2x4 e6 3.£)f3 d5 4.®c3 c6 30.g3 ®d4 31.fla6 ®f3 3 2 .4 f2 43el
35.Hh6 * d l 3 6 .* d 3 * b l 3 7 .4 d 4 5x3 £)bd7 6 .fld 3 dc4 7.flc4 b5 3 3 .* e l g5 34.fg5 hg5 3 5 .4 e2 4 g 7
E d l 38.©c4 A c4 39.bc4 W{S 8 .fld3 flb 7 9x4 b4 I0.*£a4 c5 11x5 36.*f3? (36. Sc2) 36...&e7 37,Bc5
40.Ee6 4 d 7 41.B e5 0 f 6 4 2 .4 d 3 ©d5 12.dc5 flc5 13.«5c5 ?3c5 E d2 38.Ba5 S b 2 3 9 .4g4 Bh2
Hd8 4 3 .4 e2 Bd2 44.Wd2 4 c 8 14.flb5 * e 7 1 5 .» d 4 Wb6 16.fle2 4 0 .4g5 <£,c641.Ba4 Bf2 42.g4£ie5
45.We3 H d6 4 6 .# c5 B c6 4 7 .# a5 h6 17.0-0 3 a d 8 (17...Zhd8 1 8 .kd 2 43.B b4 B a2 44.flc4 Bc2 45.fl.b3
Bc4 4 8 .» a8 4 c 7 49.Wa5 * c 8 &J8 19.Wg4±) 18.fld2 (18.-%h4 g5! f6 4 6 .4 h 4 Bc3 47,g5 £3g6 4 8 .4 h 5
50.Hc5 Bc5 Sl.WcS * d 7 52.®b5 19.Wg4 f5 ! Barbero) 18...g5 19. Bfcl B h3 0-1

Theory SL 9

Orlov,Georgy 19 fi d.( E adS A-A Levin - Scher­ 'Hid5 26.o2e6! L.Grigorian - Nei, So­
Sendera,Jaroslaw bakov, Novi Sad 1989) 16.ii.d3 viet Union 1969) 17.a3 * b 8 IS.B fcl
Warszawa open 1989 (4) (16.We2 h6 17.&.d2 B ac8 </«.fie4) 18...Bc8 19.fie4 fie7
(17...Bhd8 Cross - Baumbach, IX 20.B dl b3 21.a4 a5 22.#b5± Bc5
Wch 1983 cr) 18.a3!?a5 19.ab4 &b4! 23.Wb6 ?ib6 24.fib7 * b 7 25,®d4
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.®c3 » f 6 4 .a f3 e6
20.Ab4 &.b4+ Farago - Lukacs. Hd8 26.©b3 Scd5 27.«la5 * a 6
5.e3 £)bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
Hungary 1972: I6.&C4 h6 28.€ic6 Bd2 29.Sd2 Bd2 30.©e7
8 .fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10.?ja4 c5 11 ,e5
(l6...Bhd8?l 17.We2 h6 !8.Hte4 1) Bb2 31.«3c6 ©c4 (31...!ha4
£ld5 12,£sc5 fic5 13.dc5 £sc5
17. W e i Bac8) 16...h6 17.We2 Bhd8 32.%d8) 32.a5 Bb5 33.14 g5 #
14.fib5 * e 7 15.Wd4 ® b6 16.fic4
18. Jkd2 4 f8 19. B a d (19.a3Larsen)
h6 17.0-0 ®d7 18.® g4? (18.HI/h4 gS
19. mg4; 18.../6 19.Ld2; 1 9 .5 e l)
18...Eag8 19.fid2!? (Z 9 .E e/ f t
20. ef6 gf6 21.Wh5 <Se5 22.Be5;
21. Wh3) 19...f5! 20,ef6 gf6 21.Wh5?
(2 /.« 7 j3) 21...£>e5 22.fie2 (22.1Lie5
B g2) 2 2 ,..a g 6 !-+ 23.* g 4 £)gf4
24.W14 fif4 25.fif4 fia 6 26.fie3
» b 7 27.fia6 Sg2 0-1

34.B el a a 5 3 5 .E al gf4 36.*f2
19...Bac8 (19...a5 A 20.Rc2 the?
* b 6 37,®a5 Sa5 38.Ba5 * a 5
Larsen) 20.Bc2 a5 2 1.E fcl 4 g 8
3 9 .* D sfeb5 4 0 .* f4 * c 6 41 ,g4 i>d7
22.h3 © e7 23.<£iel?! fid 4 24.Bc8
Akhmilovskaya,Elena Bc8 25.Bc8 a c S 26.b3? (26.lL/3
42.g5 h5 43.g6 1-0
Arakhamia,Ketevan Larsen) 26...©e7 27.4lf3 fic5
Hyeres open 1988 2 8 .fiel £)f5 2 9 .4 fl Wc6 30.fib5 Lev.Ronen
Wc7 © d4 32,©d4 fid 4 Pinter,Jozsef
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.©f3 ®f6 4,®c3 e6 33.f4? « c l 34.Wd2 Wal 35.«c2 Beer-Sheva 1988 (12)
5.e3 ® bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 fic3 3 6 .» b l fia6 0-1
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4b4 10.<&a4c5 ll.e5 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 e6 3 .a f3 d5 4,®c3 c6
£id5 12.dc5 £>c5 13.^3c5 fic5 5x3 a b d 7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 &e 7 (14...&J8 -YB/14) 8.fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 10.aa4c5 11x5 f6 I6 .fih 4 # a 5 (16...03/4) ®d5 12.®c5 ®c5 5 fic5
15.W e2
17.Wa4 # a 4 18.fia4= fia6!? 14.0-0 h6 15.#e2 Wb6 16.fid2 * e 7
(18... Bac8) 19.0-0-0 fie2? 17.h4?! Bhd8 18.h5 * f8 19.B a d a5
( l9...U ac8) 20.ef6 ®f6 (20...gf6 20.Bc2 a e7!+ 21,fif4 (21.B fcl?
21.B.d5) 21,E d7 * f8 22.fif6 gf6 Cvitan,Ognjen SL/2) 21...Bac8 22.fig3 ®f5 2 3.^h2
23.B el Bc8 2 4 .* d 2 fic4 25.B el b3 24,ab3 fiO 25.#f3 f td 4 - +
fia 6 26.&d4 fid 4 27.Bc8 fic8 Sorokin,Maxim 26.«'e4 ftc2 27.fic2 Wb4 28.# f3
28.B d4± a5 29.Bd8 * g 7 30.Bh8 Palma de Mallorca 1989 (2) * g 8 29.fid3 f ie 7 30.B al fig5
*h8 31.&d3 e5 32.4x4 fie6 31.Ba4 Wd2 3 2.fibl B el 33.We4
3 3 .4b5 fia 2 3 4 .4 a5 fid 5 35.g3 l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.iS3c3 e6 4x3 £}f6 «dl 0-1
4g7 3 6 .4 b 4 4 g 6 37 .4 c5 fie4 5.£)f3 ©bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
38.fic6 fid 3 39.b4 4 g 5 40.b5 fib5 8.fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 l O . ^ c S 11x5
£)d5 I2.£lc5 £sc5 13.dc5 Jfi.c5
41,4 b 5 4 g 4 42.fig2 1-0
14.0-0 (1 4 A g 5 Wc7 15.0-0 %e5 Lukacs,Peter
162t4a4 4 e 7 17.<hp &J7! I83»d7 Budapest ELEKES 1988 (9)
Uhlmann, Wolfgang fie 7 19.H4b7 Bhb8 2 0 .^ a 6 <Slg8
Larsen,Bent 21 Id.d2 E b67+ Liebert) 14...h6 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3.«3f3 d5 4.©c3 c6
Las Palmas m 1971 (6) (14 .0-0? 1 5 .kh 7 * / i 7 16.CLg5 &g6 5x3 S b d 7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
17.mc2 f t I8.ef6 */d 19.f/c5 Bc8 8 .fid 3 fib 7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 11x5
l.c4 «3f6 2.®c3 e6 3.©f3 d5 4.d4 c6 20. H4/81+- Kholmov) 15.'®e2 Wb6 fid 5 12.©c5 £)c5 13.dc5 fic5
5.e3 <Sbd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 (I5 .g5!? Bangiev) 1 6 .id 2 0-0-0?! 14.0-0 h6 I5 .» e2 « b 6 16.fid2 * e 7
8 .fid 3 fi.b 7 9.e4b4 10.® a4c5 ll.e5 (16...$Le7 17.B a d g6 18M e4 Bd8 17.B a d Bhc8 (17.. Bac8 18W e4
©d5 12.£>c5 43c5 13.dc5 fic5 I9.Wg4 h5 20.Hlg3 *hc3 (20...&/8 16-14 Danner - Lukacs. Budapest
14.fib5 4 e 7 15.0-0 « b 6 (15..M l? 21. $Lg6!?) 21.bc3 Z d 3 Hla5 1988) 18.Bc2 Bc7 19.S fcl Bac8
16.We2 Wb6 17.<hd2 a5 18.a4 <Sc7 23.cb4 m b4 2 4 .B b l We4 25.fogS 20.fic4 a5 2 1 .« el!? (21.h4 <&J8

22.H5) 21...£ d 4 22.b3? (22.03/3 5Jd5 12.dc5 M S 13.4X5 fic5 Hd8 2 0 .5 )0 fic5 21.H bcl * g 7
k b 2 ? 23. 3 b2 H c4 2 4 .2 c4 k a 6 14.0-0 h6 15.We2 Wb6 16.fid2 * f* 22.Hc2 M l ’. 23.h5 (2 3 .2 /c l? k /2 )
25. H bc2 m bs 26.2c8! We2 17.H a d Hd8!7 U 7 -B .c S ) 18.Hc2 23...M S 24.fif4 g5 25.fif5 (25.03g5
27.kb4+ ~ ; 22...&J8; 22...kc5; g6 19.Hfcl fie7 20.fic4 (20.h4!?) hg5 2 6 .kg 5 k e 7 ; 2 5 .k h 2 g4
2 2 .k d 3 ) 2 2 ...M 3 2 3 .kc 3 k c 3 20...Hc8 2 1.fid5 Hc2 22.Hc2 fid 5 26.03d2 g3) 25...fia6 26.We4 fid 3
2 4 .ad 3 Wd4 2 5 .E d l Hd8 26.Hccl 23.Hc8 * g 7 24.Hh8 <£>h8 25.fih6 27.Wd3 Hd3 28.^.d3 gf4+ 29,Ae4
We4 27.Wfl a4 28.Sc2 a3 2 9 .* h l W e i'S 26.b3 Wc3 27.h4 a5 28.fig5 Wa5 30.b3 Hd8 31.Hc4?l Wb6
Bcd7 30.Se2 Wf5 31.He3 Ae5 fif3 29.WB fig5 30.hg5 Wei 3 2 .ib l? i f 2 0-1
32-Bdel fi.c3 33.He6 fe6 3 1 .* h 2 We5 32.Wg3 Wb2 33.Wb8
Wg5 f i d 0-1 * g 7 34.f4 Wa2 35.We5 14-(4

Konikowski,Jerzy Moskva 1989(6)
Poland 1972
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4X3 M S 4x3 e6 Dreev,Alexey
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.® B ®f6 4.4X3 e6 5.5JO ®bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
5.e3 ®bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 Tbilisi 1989 (1)
8 .fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 10.4X4 c5 11x5
8.^Ld3 ^Lb7 9x4 b4 10.4X4 c5 11x5 4id5 12.4X5 M S 13.dc5 fic5
® d5 12.4X5 4X5 I3.dc5 fic5 1x4 e6 2.®c3 d5 3.d4 c6 4.©f3 ®f6
14.0-0 h6 15.We2 Wb6 16.fid2 * f8
(13...Wa5?l 14.me2 a6 15.0-0 k c 5 5x3 ® bd7 6.A d3 dc4 l . k c 4 b5
17.H a d g6 18.H4 * g 7 19.H5 g5
16.03g5 Wc7 n .T L e l W d7 1 8 .kd 2 8.Ad3 k b l 9x4 b4 10.5X4 c5 11x5
20.Hc2 (20.M 21? A 21<Khl. 22/4)
h6 19.Wh5± Baumbach) 14.0-0 h6 ®d5 12.ac5 ®c5 13.dc5 k c S
20...Hac8 21.Hfcl a5= 22.4X2 a4
( 14...9b6? 15.&gS h6 16.WhS) 14.0-0 h6 15,®d2 4 x 3 (15...M 3?
23.4jg4 b3 24.ab3 ab3 25,Hc4 fia6
15.We2 Wb6 16.fid2 &e7 17,H a d 1 6.kb5 &J8 17.fe3 k e 3 18.<&hl
26.Ha4 fid 3 27.Wd3 fie7 28.Hc8
Hhc8 !8.We4 &e8 19.Wg4 (19.Wh7 Wd5 19.0SJ3+-; 15...05/4 I6 .k e 4 ± )
Hc8 29.Ha6 Wc5 #
kc8!) 19...*f8 20.fic4?> (20.We4 16.Wc2 Wd5 1 7 ,a t3 Hd8 18.£iel
K e8 -) 20...a5 21.h3 Hc7 22.b3 Hd8 A d4 19.&d2 ( 19.bc3?? k c 3 - + )
23.Bc2 Hcd7+ 24.& hl 4X7 19.. .®e47! 20.Ji.b4 ^.e5 (20...We5?
25..&e3 fie3 (25...k/3+ ) 26.fe3 M S 21 Wa4 Hd7 22.kb 5 + ~ ) 2 1 .H d l±
27.43d4 # (21.Wa4 kc6 22.Wa7 2d7
23. Wa3±; 2 2 ...M 6 2 3 .k c 3 Ua8
24. Wc7 kc3 25 be 3 0-0 A
2 6 .2 /c8 % ) 21...Ad4 (27...Wed
22. k e 4 We4 23.5 d 8 ) 22.We2 a6?T
(22...e5 2 3 .kb 5 kc6 24.Bd41;
22.. .05.8 2 3 .0 3 // 2 2 ...M 6 ? 23.03/3
0-0 24. k d 6 2d6 2 5 .kh V .-r-;
22.. .M 5 23. k b 5 &J8 24.03/3 e5
30. He6 Wc2! 31.Wd5 Wdl 32.* h 2 2 5 .2 d 4 ed4 2 6 .2 c l+ ~ ; 2 2 ...k c 6 !?
Wg4 33. He7 Wh5 ( 3 4 ti g l W d l-; 23. k c 4 W0 24.03/3) 2 3 .k a 6 A a6
34. &g3? W h4 3 5 .$ //3 g 4 -+ ) 'A-14 24. Wa6 e5 (24...05/2 25.2 d 4 ! Wd4
26. WbS 2 d7 27.2/2; 24...k / 2
2 5 .2 /2 Wd4 26.Wc6 W d7
27...43d4 (2 7...2d4! 28.ed4 2 d 4 Utemov,Vladimir 27. W e 4 + - Kholmov) 25.Wa4 Hd7
29.2 /4 M 3 3 0 .2 /7 4>/7 J t.f ie d Dreev,Alexey 26.H cl Wb7 2 7 .a f3 f5 28.H c6 a f 6
<be8!-+) 28.ed4 &g8 29. H cf2= Wd4 Gorki 1989(10) 29.He6 4>n 3 0 ,H e 5 + - <4g6 3!.a3
30.Wd4 Hd4 3I.H17 fid 5 32.Sa7 Ec8 32.Wb3 Wb6 33.®d4 Wd4
Hf8 33.Hf8 * f8 34.Ha5 fic4 1x4 e6 2 .M 3 d5 3.d4 c6 4x3 43f6 34.We6 Wf4 35.g3 WO 36.He3 Wg4
35.bc4H c4 36.Ha7 'A-’A 5.- a n 5jbd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 37.Wa6 Hc2 38..S.C3 t'4 39.He6 O
8.fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 10.4x4 c5 11 x5 40.Hf6 gf6 41.Wf6 ^ h 7 42.Wh8
4X 5 12.4X5 4X5 13.dc5 fic5 * g 6 43.Wg8 4>f5 44,We8 1-0
Karpov,Anatoly 14.0-0 h6 15,We2 Wb6 16.fid2 * f 8
Polugaevsky,Lev 17.h4 g6 18.4>h2?! ( 1 8 .B a c l; 18.hS
Moskva ch-SU 1973 (13) gS (18...&g7 - YB/15) 19.g3
(19.0 h2'.?i 19., .M 7 2 0 .k e 3 H dS Mecking,Enrique
!.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.05(3 M b 4 .4 x 3 e6 2 1 .k c 5 Wc5 22. 2 a d l <Kg7 2 3 .k e 4 Manila 1975
5x3 4>bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 2 d l ‘A -‘A Pozivaila - Rapoport,
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10.5x4 c5 11x5 Liepaya 1976) I8 ...fid 4 19.Habl l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . ^ 0 4)f6 4 .a c 3 e6

Theory SL 9

5.e3 © bd7 6.ikd3 dc4 7 .itc4 b5 44c6 23.44a7 44c4? 24.44b7 © c2 I7.© d6 Ac6 * h 7 19.Wd4
8 .£ d 3 itb 7 9.e4b4 10.©a4c5 ll.eS 2 5 .* /!; 4g3 26.hg3 44f l f6= fe5 21.# e4 4 g 8 22.«e5
©d5 12.©c5 ©c5 13.dc5 £ c 5 2 7 .4 /1 2 + -; 23...3.a8 24.44c5 44c5 Wd7 23.B fel Bad8 24,©e4 Bf5
14.0-0 h6 15.©d2 ©c3 16.#c2 Wd5 25.&C5 44c8 26.G3d3; 23...tsc2 25.Wg3 ©f6 26.©f6 Bf6 27.&b4
17.Slf3 E d8 18.© el &d4 19.iLd2 24.Si.b5 44b5 25.Chc2 Hc8 26.jLc3; * h 7 28.#c3 Bg6 (29/3 i / 3 30.44/3
©b5 20.Ab4 Ab6? (20...44e5? 25.. . Ua8! 26.44c5 44c5 27.SLC5 k a 6 ) 44 d4~) X-'/i
21.&/3 k / 3 22.g/3 A 23.Wc6) 22.. .©c2 2 3 .£ b 7 © b 4 + /- 24.a3
2 1.*c4 ©d4 2 2 .» d 5 Bd5 2 3 .£ d 6 ©d3 25.©d3 E d3 2 6 .E a d l H dl
©f5 24.iLc4 (24.&e4 Sd<5) 24...Ed4 2 7 B d l £ b 2 28.&c6 * e 7 29.Ed7
(24...H d2 2 5 .k b 4 B.b2? 26.Slc 3) * f6 30.Ba7 Bd8 3 1 .* fl! Bd2
25.i b 5 4 d 8 2 6 .i.a 3 ± Hd5 32.Ba4 g5 33.h4 Bd3 34.hg5 hg5
Ee5 28.©d3 Be4 29.H fdl 4 c 7 35.&e2 Bc3 3 6 .i.e4 Ea3 (36...SLa3 12. 0-0
30.H a d 4 b 8 31.©c5 Bd4 32.©d7 37.&d2 k b 2 3 8 .S b 4 S la l 39. B a4~)
4 a 8 33.®b6 ab6 34.Bd4 ©d4 37.Ba3 jka3 38.g4 4 e 5 3 9 .0 * f4
3 5 .3 d l B d8 3 6 .* fl e5 37.b3 * a 7 4 0 .4 f2 &c5 41.* g 2 to-'/i
(J7.../6) 38.Ab2 (38.2.J7) 3 8 ...£a6 Darga,Klaus
3 9 ,ia 6 4 a 6 4 0 .id 4 ed4 # Zaitsev,Igor
Graz 1979
Bryson,Douglas l. © 0 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 d5 4,d4 c6
Edinburgh open 1988 (7) 5.e3 © bd7 6 .i.d 3 dc4 7,i.c4 b5
8.ild3 i.b 7 9.e4b4 10.Qa4c5 ll.eS
©d5 12.0-0 iie7?l 13.B el (/3.Q c5
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3 .© 0 ©f6 4.©c3 c6
© c5 14.dc5 0-0? 15x6 Slc 6
5.e3 ©bd7 6 .£ d 3 dc4 7.&c4 b5
16./Lh7-\— Packman - Balshan,
8 .id 3 i.b 7 9.e4b4 10.©a4c5 ll.e5
Netanya 1975; 14..M d 7 15.1hd4
©d5 12. ©c5 ©c5 13,dc5 ^.c5
© c7 16x6 Slc 6 17.&C6 ^ c 6
14.0-0 h6 15.©d2 ©c3 16.Wc2 Wd5
18 Slc3± Berlok - Browne. Rovinj/
17.©D Hd8 18.© el ^ d 4 I9 .^ d 2
©b5 20,Ab4 i.e 5 2 1 .2 d l! a6?l Zagreb 1970; I4...&C5) 13...Sc8
(2 /..A /6 22.&C4 (22. H e4 Web 14.©c5 ©c5 I5.dc5 ^.c5 16.©g5
4 i.4 e 2 * b 5 4 2 .S c l B a8 43.Sc2
« b 6 17.©e4 i.e 7 18.©g3 4d71?
Ea7 4 4 .4 d 3 4 b 4 4 5 .* d 4 b5 46.g4 23.B.d8 Sk.d8 24.44a4 95d4) 22...44c6
(18...0-0 19.Sih7 4 / i 7 20.44h5 &g8
4 a 3 47.f4 b4 48.h4 Ee7 49.h5 H el &.d8 24.44d 3 a6 25.ts{3
21. B.e4; 18...h6 19.44g4 g6 20.&g6
50.Ec7 flg l 51.a n Sg4 52.fla7 k e 7 2 6 .H d l± ) 22.i.b5 {22. © / i )
B g8 21.31/7; I8...g6 19.<ih6)
4 b 2 53.4 e5 Bg2 54 .* f5 * b l 22...»b5 23.Bd8 * d 8 24.©d3 Wd5
19.Wg4 H5I? 20,©h5 g6 21.©f6 ©f6
55.Bb7 4 a 2 56,Bb4 4 b 2 57.Eb6 2 5 .0 A d4 2 6 .4 h l # c 6 (26...&d7!?)
22. ef6 Af6 23.ii.e3 # a 5 24.B adl
a c 2 58.4g6 1-0 27,Wd2 4 e 8 28.B cl » d 5 (28...44d7
Bh4 25.Wg3 4 e 7 26.i.g6! i.d 5
29.44/4 ) 29.©f4 44d7 30 .B d l e5
27.J.g5 Ech8 28.fld5! 1-0
Taylor,Gordon 31.©e2 h5 (31.../6 3 2 .B e/) 32.©d4
4464 3 3 .» c2 # b 6 34 .* f5 We6
O’Donnell,Tom 3 5 .» d 3 # c 8 3 6 .* d 6 1-0
Windsor ch-CA 1989(15)1 Hort,Vlastimil
1,d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 c6 4 .© 0 ©f6
Tukmakov, Vladimir Havana 1971 (12)
5.e3 © bd7 6 .i.d 3 dc4 7 .i.c4 b5 Dreev,Alexey
8 .£ d 3 i b 7 9.e4 b4 I0.© a4 c5 1 l.e5 Odessa ch-SU 1989 (14) l.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3.©c3 c6 4.e3 ©f6
©d5 12.©c5 ©c5 13.dc5 SLc5 5.© B ©bd7 6 .i.d 3 dc4 7.i.c4 b5
14.0-0 h6 15.©d2 ®c3 16.’Wc2 « d 5 l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 .© 0 ©f6 4,©c3 e6 8.1. d3 k b l 9.e4 b4 I0.© a4c5 ll.e5
17.© O Hd8 18.© el £ d 4 5.e3 ©bd7 6.&d3 dc4 7.Ac4 b5 ©d5 12.0-0 Bc8?! 13.©c5 (13. Hel?!
©b5 2 0 .i.b 4 Sls 5 2 1 .ic 4 (21 U cl 8.Ad3 Ji.b7 9.e4 b4 10.©a4 c5 1l.e5 c4 14.Sk.c2 SLe7; 13.dc5 S le l 14.&.d2!
a6 22.%a4 &d6 2 3 .kd 6 ©d5 12. ©c5 ©c5 13.dc5 i.c5 0-0 15.B .clt &c6 16.&.C2 Slb5
Ud624.44b4 0-0125. S c J (25.a4 © / / 14.0-0 h6 15.©d2 0-0 (15...44c71? 17. H e l © c j /«.© c5 &c5 (18...B.C5?
26.U.C5 44b3!+) 25...44d4 26.Bc4 16.foc4 0-0-0?! I7.44e2 <Ztb8 18.i.d2 19.&M7+-) I9.lhg5—> Gligoric -
44b6 27.a4 © a7 Magerramov - (18.a3) 18...<tsb6 19.&a5 44d7 Larsen, Teesside 1972; 13 'cg5! A
Bagirov, Baku 1976 28.Wc3=) 20.£.e4 &e4 21.44e4 44d5 22.44d5 /4.© e6) 13...©c5 14,dc5 i.c5
21...©d41? (21...Hc6 22.44e2 $3d4 B d5 23.SLb4 Vr- '/■> Staniszewski - 15.©g5! ( 15.44e2±) 15...«d77!
23.44e5 44c4 24.44g 7 44b4 25.W88 Matlak, Bielsko-Biala 1988) 16.©e4 ( 15...ke7) 16.«e2 k e l 17.i.d2 Ag5
%e7 26.44h6 k a 6 o o /t Bagirov; (/6.© c4 © e7 / 7. ©d6 A d 6 18.ed5 18.1. g5 0-0 19.B adl± Ec57 (19.../6)
26.44h7! k a 6 27.©c2±; 24...<tid7!? /&d5 19.$Le4 ‘b-Zi Tukmakov - Ribli, 20. B fe 1 a5 21.®h5 g6 22.®h6 f5
25.44/7 &c8ao) 22.-S.d51? (22.Wa4 Reggio Emilia 1987/88) I6 ...i,d 4 23.ef6 44n 24 Be6 1-0

Toran Albero,Roman Shabalov) 15.jS.d2 g5!? 16.dc5 ba3 25.*2b7 (25.Sl.d5! 4 / 5 2 6 .S /5 ed5
Whiteley,Andrew 17. b4 (17.b a il 4 x 6 1 8 .ttc l S.g7 27x6 Wad (27...fe6 28.Wd5) 2S.We5
19.3Lb6 437/)6 20.S.a51) 17...4g7 W66 29.W d5+ -) 25...BC4 26.Hd5
Wien u 1972
18. h3 ®e5 19.43e5 4 e 5 20.Ba3 ed5 27x6 3 e 4 2 8 x 0 * 0 29.Wd5
Bd8 2 1 .# h 5 4e7oo WA (4>f6 30.Be4 &g7 31.®d8 * h 7
1.4)0 4)f6 2.c4 c6 3.4>c3 d5 4.d4 e6 32.«jO Wc2 33.g3 Ag7 34.*g2?
5.e3 4)bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 7 .4 c 4 b5
(34.2b4± ) 34...a5 35.We# Bf8
8 .4 d 3 A b7 9.e4 b4 I0.4)a4 c5 1 1x5 36.Hf4 Wc8 37.«3g5 * h 6 38.430
4id5 12.0-0 Hc8 I3.4)c5 Ac5 Mikhalchishin,Adrian ^ h 7 39.We7 Wa8 4 0 ,* h 3 Wc8
14.dc5 4)c5 15.4b5 4 c 6 (75...4/8)
16.4x6 V 6.£td4 &.b5 7 7.43M 0-0
Reefschlager,Helmut 41.*g2
Balalonbereny 1988 (7)
I8 A a 7 ± Toran) 16...Ec6 17.4)d4
B b 6 (7 7 ...B a 6 18.^/g4 <&J8 19.&g5 Kortchnoi, Viktor
I.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4)c3 43f6 4.e3 e6
W /7 2 0 .2 a c l± 4)67 27.We2 Zb6 Borisenko,Georgy
22.Wc4 f6 2 3 .9 c8 Wc8 24.ef6 gf6 5.430 43bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 7 .4 c4 b5
Leningrad tt 1969
Hermlin - Brasilsky, Soviet Union
8.JS d3 Ab7 9.e4 b4 10.4)a4 c5 11 .e5
43d5 12.0-0 h6 13.B el (73.We2
1972 2 5 & e 6 2 e 6 26M b7; 26.±h6; I .d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.430 43f6 4.43c3 e6
-YB/11; I3.dc5 S.c5 (13...a6) 14.$3c5
25...&J7 26.We8 S e8 27M f4± ) 5x3 4Jbd7 6.jS.d3 dc4 7 .^ c 4 b5
I8.Wg4 g6 19.4,g5 WbS 20.We2 4 x 5 15.Sb5 4 /8 ) 13...Bc8 14.dc5
43c5 15. 4 b 5 4 c 6 16.4c6 Bc6 8.A d3 jS.b7 9x4 b4 10.43a4c5 11x5
4)d7? (20...0-0) 2 1 .4 h 6 Hg8 22,f4 43d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B e l 435b6?!
g5!? 23.jS.g5 4)e5 2 4 .B a d 4)g6 17.4)d4 Bc8 'A-'A
14.jS.e4 (14.SLb5 3ba4 1 5 .ka 4 Sic5
25.We4 4)f8 26. life I # 16.3bd4 We7 (16...0-0 17.d5b3)
/7.43W k d 5 18.mg4± Vaganian -
Ruderfer, Soviet Union 1970;
1 4 A d 4 3ua4 1 5 .^a 4 L c S 16.ke3 ±
H .U e l Eising - Filip. Bern 1975) 14.,.fib8
15.43d4± 43c5 16.Ac6 Slc6 17.4lc6
Wdl 18. E d 1 Bc8 19.43b6 Hc6
Poch,Cesar 20.fcc4 43a4 21.b3 43c3 22.Bd3
,4x5 23.4,d2 43d5 24.B el &d7
Panno,Oscar 25.Sg3 Bg8 2 6 .* fl 4.e7 27.4x3
Buenos Aires m 1971 (6) B a6 28. Bc2 h5 2 9 .4 d 4 g5
(29...g6=) 30.Bd3 g4 3 1 .S d l Sc8?
I.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4)c3 5)f6 4,e3 e6 3 2 .4 a7 4.g5 &e7 34.g3 * f8
5.430 43bd7 6.Jsi.d3 dc4 7 .4 c4 b5 35,* e2 Bca8 36.B al * g 7 37.43d6
26...Bd6 (2 6 ...* d 7 27.Wd5! ed5 8 .4 d 3 4 b 7 9.e4 b4 10.4)a4c5 ll.e5 * g 6 38.43e4 4 e 7 39,f4 * f 5 4 0 .* d 3
28. 2 e 7 &d8 2 9 .2 (7 4 x 8 3 0 .2 e7 4)d5 12.0-0 cd4 13. Hel a67! 14.S3d4 h4 41.B O hg3 4 2.43g3?! * g 6 43.f5
5 d 8 31. B.g7 * e 8 32. B e l 2 e 6 g6?! 15.Wg4 Wa5 (I5...$Lg7?l ef5 44.43f5 4 g 5 45.&e4 4jc3!
3 3 .2 e6 4 x 6 3 4 .2 e7 &d8 3 5 .2 b 7 16.S.g5 4 x 7 (16...WaS 1 7 A e6 + ~ ) 46.4x3 be3 47 .Bg2 f6! 48.43d6 fe5
&c8 36.2 b6 <&‘b8 37.0)e6s— Toran) 17.Si.c4! h6? (I7...h5 18.W/4; 49.43c4 Bd8 50.43e5 ^rh5 51,Bg4 1 Bg6 28.jS.h4 4)f6 17..M v5 18.05e6+~) 18.0se6 fe6 Be8! (5I...C2? 5 2 .2 g 5 ) 52.Eg5 * g 5
29. W e5+ - 4)8d7 (29..3hg4 30.9d6) I9.We6 B /8 20.Sl.d3 1-0 Balashov -
5 3 ,* d 4 c2 54.B el E a2 5 5 .4 )0
30. Wd6 m i (30. Wd6 31 Uc8 4 x 7 Garcia Martinez, Cienfuegos 1975)
32.&J5X) 1-0 16.b3 lbc5 17.4x4!? 43a4 18.ba4
Wa4 19.6g5 h6 2 0 .4 f6 2g8
Razuvaev,Yuri 21.S a d i (27.4X6 Wd7) 21...Wd7
22.4)b3 h5 23.Wg5 Bc8 24.4)a5
Shabalov,Alexander Wa4 # Barczay.Laszlo
Yurmata 198 7 (5) Lublin 1975

l.d4 d5 2.-230 4)f6 3.c4 c6 4.4)c3 e6 1x4 e6 2.4 jc 3 d5 3.d4 c6 4 x3 43f6

5.e3 53bd7 6.j5d3 dc4 7.Ji.c4 b5 5.430 4)bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 7.4.C4 b5
8.jS.d3 jS.b7 9.e4 b4 10.4)a4c5 11 e5 8..S.d3 S.b7 9x4 b4 10.43a4 c5 11x5
4)d5 12.0-0 h6 13.a3 a6 (13...g5!?; 4)d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el Wa5?l
13 Uc8! 14.dc5 4)o5 15.St.b5 <ad7 14.43d4 0-0-0?! 15.Wc2? (15.&g5
16.ab4 S.b4 7 7.4x3 4 x 3 18.bc3 foc3 4 x 7 /6.4.e7 4)(?7 1 7 .4 )6 5 43/5
79.W /7 M d 7 20.&.d7 4<77 2 1 .2 .0 7 18. a3!±) 15...*b8 16.43c6 4 c 6
S r7 = Anitoaei - Breahna, Romania 17,Wc6 437b6 18.43b6 Wb6
1989 ch) 14.B el (14.We2 -YB/14) 19. W c2?! (79.W 66) 1 9 ...4 c 5
14...007!? (14...g5! 15.h3 ZgSoo 20. Se2?? (20.me2; 5 )

Theory SL 9

20...b3!-+ 2 1 .* c4 ©b4 22.Bd2 Bm (16...aoc8) n.ab4?l k b 4

S d 4 2 3 .0 b 3 Hhd8 0-1 18. fobs 0<-7 79. B e/ 0 * 8 20./4 a5!
27.4x47/ (21.kc4+ ) 21...02/41+
Razuvaev.Yuri Kluger - Baumbach, Leipzig 1974;
1 7 .Z c l ©7*6 IS.GlcS! k c 5 19.©*3
Bagirov,Vladimir 4/2 20.&/2 Wa4) 16.ba3 ©5b6
Baku ch-SU 1972 (9)
(16...0-0±) 1 7 .4 b 5 + - © a 4 18.4d2!
®c3 19.4d7 4 f8 2 O . 0 g 4 h5
I.c4 ©f6 2.©c3 e6 3.©f3 d5 4,d4 c6 21.®e6! fe6 2 2 .0 f4 4 f 6 23.ef6 1-0
5x3 © bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 l . k c 4 b5
8.jS,d3 k b l 9.e4 b4 I0.© a4c5 1 1x5
©d5 12.0-0 cd4 13. B el Jie7 Podgaets,Mikhail
14.®d4 0 a 5 15.b3 ( J i i M 0-0-0?! Izvozchikov I9 .» h 3 ©e5 (19...fg5 2 0 .M 7 4 /7
7 6 .4 /2 !; 1 5 ..U d8 16.Wg4 g6 Soviet Union 1975 21.Wh5 4e>7 22.Wg5 4 / 7 6
17. k h 6 a6 1 8 .kd 7 Z d 7 19.b3±; &g8 24 Wh5+~; 1 9 ..M 20.ef6 ©7/6
15.. .a6!? 1 6 .k d 7 4 >d7) I5...©c3 I.d 4 d 5 2.c4 e6 3 .© 0 ©f6 4.©c3 c6 2 /.4 /6 /7 © /6 22.&e6±) 20.«h7 4 f7
16.©c3 be3 17.445 0-0 (17...0-0-0 5.e3 ©bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 7 .4 c4 b5 2 !.« h 5 4 e 7 ( 22.Wh7 k g 7
18. We2) 18.0g4! ( 7 8 .4 /7 E.fd8 8 .4 d 3 4 b 7 9x4 b4 10.<©a4c5 11x5 23 B e 5 + -) 22.©c5! fg5 (22...kc8
19.9je6 c2! 20.We2 5 d7+ Bagirov) ©d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.Bel 4 e 7 23.Be5) 23.©b7 ©d3 24,Be6 4 d 7
18.. .©e5!? 19.Be5 4 f 6 20.Bg5 (I4.2i.d27! 0-0 15.a2 aS 76.© /4 B c8 25 017 ©e7 (2 5 ...ke7 26.WI5 4 c7
Sfd8 21.Sg7 4h8 2 2 .S H 17.Wg4 <bh8 18.Wh3 g6 19.<tse6?! 27.Wd5 0*7 2S.©*5 4*3
(22.BA777) 22...B d4 2 3 .0 h 5 4 x 4 fed 2 0 .kg b k h 4 21.13.e4 02/4 29W d3+ ~; 25...5e7 26.0/3,•
24.Bf6 { 5 !) 24,..Bd5 25.0 h 6 22.S./4 U/4 2 3 4 / 4 hg6 242B.dl 2 6 .3 /6 ) 26.Bd6 0 d 6 (26...4c7
Bg8 26. B (8 B d l 2 7 .4 fl 0 f5 ! # k d 5 25.g.l 2 <:4 26.ab4 ab4 Rath - 27.Wc4 <&b7 28. B /7 h— ) 27.©d6
Silva, Nice 1974 of) 14.©d4 0-0 4 d 6 28.0e6 4 c 5 29.©b3 4 b 5
15.0g4 (75.0*5/ g6 162Wh6 B e8? 3O.0d7 1-0
17. kg6!; I6...%e5?! 17.5e5 02f6
18. Wh4? 02e4 19.We7 (192W/4
0 / 4 - + / 19..W e7 2 0 .ke 4 0 / 6 / Speelman,Jonathan
21.:bb7 We5—v Gligoric - Bern, Ribli.Zoltan
Yugoslavia 1968; 18.W/4 4 / 6 Reykjavik WC 1988 (16)
19. Wg3!±) 15... Be8?l 16.4h6 4 f8
17.Ab5 a6 18.&d7 « d 7 19.©c5
1.©D ©f6 2x4 c6 3.©c3 d5 4x3 e6
W ei 20.B a d Eeb8 21.©e4 4 h 8
5.d4 ©bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 7 .4 c4 b5
22.i.g5±W e8 23.B cdl k e l 24.Ae7
8 .4 d 3 4 b 7 9x4 b4 10,©a4c5 11x5
W ei 25.Hd3 Eg8 26.©d6 Baf8
28. JsLb2? ( 2 8 4 / 2 / + - ) 28...HF1 ©d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.©d4 i e 7
27.a3! a5 28.©b3 Ba8 29,Bh3 h6
29. B fl cb2 30.Bg8! 4 g 8 31 We3 a5 30.’tg 5 ! 14.B el 0-0 15.0g4 4 h 8 16.4d21?
Bgb8 31.flh6! 4g8
32.0g3 4 ( 7 3 3 .0 c7 4 g 6 3 4 .0 d 8 Bc8 17.B a d B el 18.4cl ©7b6?l
(31...gh6 32.Wh6 -£lg8 33.Ze4+~)
b l 0 35.B bl 4 b l 36.0g8 4 f6 32.®g4 ba3 33.Eh3 g6 34,Bh67? (I8...g6) 19.©b6 ©b6? ( 19...ab6)
37.0f8 4 e 5 3S.0c5 4 f6 39.008 (34.ba3+— ) 34...4g7—h ’A-'A 20.Se3 g6 (2O...0C7 2 1 .k d 2 g6
4 g 6 4O.0g8 4 h 6 41.h4! ’»'f6 42.g4 Speelman) 21.Bh3 £ d 5 2 2 .0 f4 f5
0 h 4 4 3 .0 e6 4 g 6 44.4 g 2 0 d 8 23.ef6 Bf6 #
45.f4 4 g 7 4 6 .0 e5 4 g 8 47.4g3 417 Vaganian, Rafael
48.g5 0 b 6 49.4 g 4 4 e 6 50.f5 A (7
SI M 4 d 5 52.g6 hg6 53.fg6 0 c 5
Athens Wch-jr 1972
54.0e5 0 c 8 55.4g5 0 d 8 56.0f6
0 c 7 57.0T4 H-'/i
I.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3.©c3 c6 4x3 ©f6
5.& D © bd7 6.Ad3 dc4 7.Ac4 b5
Cherepkov,Alexander Ab7 9x4 b4 I0.© a4c5 11x5
Baumbach, Fritz 5ld5 12.0-0 cd4 13. B el k e l
Primorsko 19721 I4.© d4 0-0 15.% 4 Be8 16.ilh6
jS.f8 1 7 .ig 5 Wb8 (1 7 ...ke7 18.h4
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.©f3 ©f6 4.©c3 e6 B c8 19.aS k g 5 20.hg5 ba3 21.3.a3
5.e3 © bd7 6 .4 d 3 dc4 7 .4 c4 b5 ab 22.&M7 4A 7 23.Wh5 &g8
8. Ji.d3 4 b 7 9.e4 b4 10. © a4 c5 11 ,e5 2 4 .’B.h3 4 /S 25. Bf3 J5 26 W h8 4 / 7 24.Sh7!? 4 h 7 2 5 .0h6 4 g 8 26.1g6
©d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el 4 e 7 27.g6 1-0 Scheeren - Cuijpers, Hi- Bg6?l (26... 3,/7) 27.0g6 4 h 8
14.©d4 0 a 5 15.a3 ( 7 5 .4 /2 0-0 Iversum 1984 ch-NL) 1 8 .^ 3 2 8 .0h6 4 g 8 29.©e6 jS.e6 3O.0g6
16.a3) 15...ba3? (15..0-0 1 6 .kd 2 (18/47! ©c5) 18...f6 # 4 h 8 3 l.0 h 6 4 g 8 32.0e6 4 h 8

33.Wh6 * g 8 34.0g6 * h 8 3 5 .0 h 6 Soviei Union 1979) 15 .5 b 5 0-0 0 c 2 23.0 c2 dc2 24. E e l *08
*g8 36.0g6 * h 8 3 7 .0 h 5 * g 8 (15...Hi82! lo.Wg4 0-0 1 7 .kg5 0 c 7 25.Bc2 * g 7 26.*01?! (26.h4) 26...g5
38.3k.e3 506 39.b3 0 d 3 40.g3 5g7?l 18.43e6 43e5! (18...fe6? 19.We6 B /7 2 7 .* e l * g 6 28.Bc4 B c8 29.Bc8
41.0g4! £ d 5 4 2 .5 a7 S c 3 4 3 .0 b 4 20.0 / 7 * / 7 21 e6) 1 9 ts c 7 43g4 S.c8 30.Sld4 k b7 31.g3 a5
0(11 44.*g2 0 d 5 45.f3 0 d 2 20.4sd5 i d 5 2 1 .k d 7 Hc4 22.b3 (37...S166/ Larsen) 32.Slb3 a4
46.502 0 a 2 4 7 .0 c4 * h 8 4 8 .0 e6 He4 23. He4 k e 4 2 4 .1 e l k / 5 t 33.S d4 S b 6 34.b3 14-
0 b 2 49.h4 ©e2 50.h5 5 d 4 51.0e8 Stolianov - Ustinov. cr 1974) 16.5 d 7
*h7 52.0g6 * h 8 5 3 .5 d 4 ©d4 (16.43c6^c7) I6 ...0 d 7 17.©c5 0 e 7
54.*h3 Sie2 5 5 .0e8 * g 7 56.0e7? I8.® b7 0 b 7 = 19.0g4 Bac8 2O.0e4 Panno,Oscar
* h 8 ? (56...* 6 6 Speelman) 57.0e3 Bc7 2I.g3 Bfc8 2 2 .5 e3 k f8
*g7 58.*g4 £ld4 5 9 .0e7 *g8 23.®b3 Bc2 2 4 .5 d 4 S2c7 2 5 .0 d 3 Larsen,Bent
6O.0e8 * g 7 6 l.0 g 6 1-0 ®e7 26.B acl B el 27.B el E e l Palma de Mallorca 1971
28.£lCiI 0 d 5 2 9 .5 a7 0 e 5 3O.0e2
0 c 7 31 .4 x 3 ©d5 3 2 .0 d 2 ©e3 l.c4 £,06 2.£ic3 e6 3.«iO d5 4.d4 c6
Dorfman,Iosif 5.e3 Slbd7 6.J.d3 dc4 7 .^ c 4 b5
33.1e3 h5T 34.©d3 0 d 7 3 5 .0 e2
Bednarski.Jacek 0 d 5 36.b3 0 e 4 37.©f2 0 e 5 8.Jkd3 A.b7 9.e4b4 10.£ia4c5 11 e5
Polanica Zdroj 1978 (15) 38.®d3 0 e 4 39.©02 0 a 8 40.©d3 S d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B e l g6 14.^.g5
0 d 5 41.©04 0 e 4 4 2 .0 d 3 0 e 5 k e 7 15.Ah6 (1 5 .k e 7 0 e 7 16.kb5
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.®03 5)06 4 .£ c 3 e6 4 3 .0 d 4 * 0 5 4 4 ,* d 3 0 e 5 4 5 .* d 4 0-0 1 7 .kd 7 0 rf7 18.Hsc5 0 6 5
5.e3 £lbd7 6 .5 d 3 dc4 7 .5 c4 b5 * g 5 46.Ssd3 * a 5 47.Wb2 k h b 19 84(147 Gligoric - Ribli. Niksic
8 .5 d 3 5 b 7 9.e4 b4 10.5)a4c5 1 l.e5 4 8 .0 e2 * b 6 49 .* f2 0 a 5 5 0 .^ g l 1978) 15...a6?! 16.Bcl 5.08 17.5g5
S d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el 5 e 7 0 b 5 51.*01 Wf5 5 2 .af2 * e 5 0 a 5 ? (/7 ...0 6 S ; I7 ...k e 7 ) 18.£id2!
I4.£id4 0-0 15.0g4 * h 8 16.0h3 g6 5 3 .0 d 2 * c 5 5 4 .*e2 * b 5 5 5 .* d 3 h6 I9.£;c4 0 c 7 20,®cb6 0 b 8
17.ik.h6 He8 (17...Ug8 18.Hacl 0 a 5 56.®d2 0 a 6 5 7 .a d 3 A 08 21.Sld7 * d 7 22.506± Bg8 2 3.5e4
& 7b6 19.!hb6 Wb6 20.43/3 B ac8 5 8 ,* 0 ®b7 59 .ftel * h l 6 0 . ^ 0 0 a 7 24.Bc4 Jke7 25.B d4 Egd8
21.43g5 (21.H cdl) 2 I...k g 5 0 b 1 6 1 .* e2 k c S 6 2 .0 d 8 * g 7 2 6 .5 d 5 5 d 5 #
(2.1...H e]? 22 .kg 7 ) 22.kg5oo/± 6 3 .0 d 2 0 a 1 64.Siel 0 e 5 65.ftO
Gulko - Vagaman, Vilnius 1975) 0 e 4 6 6 .0 b 2 * g 8 6 7 .0 c l &08
I8 .5 b 5 Bc8 1 9 .0 0 (79. B a d ’! 68.0C77! 0 b 1 69.£ie5 0 a 2 7 0 .* 0
B c l 2 0 .k c l Wc8= 2 1 .k h 6 B.d8 0 a 8 71.e4 0 e 8 72.ftc6 k g l
22. 43/3 * g S 14-14 Gligoric - Kostro, 7 3 .a b 4 0 a 8 74.5ic2 0 a 2 75 .0 c4
Lugano 1968 ol) 19...*g8 2O.0g4 0 b 1 76.*g2 * d l 77.h4 0 d 2
Bc7?l (2 0 ...k /8 ) 21.B a d ! B el 7 8 .* 0 ^.e5 79.Sie3 i.d 4 8 0 .*e2
22. B el Sje5? 2 3 .0 e4 (2 i.0 ? 2 ) 0 c 3 81.b4 0 b 4 82.S01 0 b 1
23...5g5 (23...43d7 24.43e6) 24.5g5 83.5id2 * h l 84.0g2 * d l 85 .0 e2
0 g 5 25.Bel-*-- Bc8 2 6 .0 e5 0 e 5 * h l 86.0g2 * c l 8 7 .0 e2 0 c 3
27.Be5 B el 28.AH 4.a6 29.£*e2 88.* g 2 0 c 2 8 9 . * 0 * g 7 90.S01
«*04? 30.Sicl 1-0 0 b I 91.£sd2 * h l 92.0 g 2 0 c l
9 3 .0 c2 0 c 3 94.*g2 0 c 2 9 5 . * 0
*06 96.SOI 0 b 1 97.g4?! (97.&d2) 27.Bd5!n— ed5 28.e6 0e6 2 9 .5 d 4
97...0H3 (98.-tig2 hg4 99.Wg4 0 c 7 30.£ib6 * c 6 31.S)a8 Ba8
0e2+) 0-1 32. Be6 * d 7 33. Bg6 0 c 4 34,b3
0 b 5 35.S b6 1-0
lJ ...g 6

Portisch,Lajos Tukmakov, Vladimir

Larsen,Bent Sveshnikov,Evgeny
Dorfman,Iosif Force m 1968 (5) Leningrad ch-SU 1977(11) 1
Doroshkevich, Vladimir
Erevan ch-SU 1975 (10) 1.5 (O Si06 2.c4 e6 3.Sic3 d5 4.d4 c6 1.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3.Sjc 3 S06 4.510 c6
5.e3 Sibd7 dc4 b5 5x3 S b d 7 6 .5 d 3 dc4 7 .5 c 4 b5
l.c4 ©06 2.©c3 e6 3 .® 0 d5 4.d4 c6 8.jS.d3 Jk.b7 9.e4b4 10,Sla4c5 ll.e5 8 .5 d 3 5 b 7 9.e4b4 10 .S a4 c5 ll.e5
5x3 ©bd7 6 .5 d 3 dc4 7 .5 c4 b5 Sid5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el g6 14.i.b5 S)d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el g6 14.5g5
8 .5 d 3 5 b 7 9.e4b4 10.©a4c5 Il.e5 a6 (I4 ...k g 7 ? 15.kg5) 15.&g5 0 c 8 .4x7 15.5h6 508 16.5g5 (1 6 .k d 2
Slid5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el g6 14,©d4 (15...abSl? 1 6 .kd 8 B d8 17M d4 ba4 B c8 17.03d4 k g 7 18.lof3 0-0 19.a3
5 g 7 (1 4 7 15.kb5l? (7 5 .5 6 6 !8.Wa4 kcSoo Perkins - Diesen. a5 20. k b 5 kc6= Vasiukov -
k.g5) 15.,.a6 1 6 .kc6 0 c 7 17.SLb7 London 1978) 16.1 d 7 (16 u c l? a b 5 ; Volruba, Leningrad 1974) 16...5e7
0 6 7 18.k.h6 g51? 19.h4 gh4 2O.0g4 16.k.fl!) 16...0d7 17. B el d3! (Id-Vi Savchenko - Dreev, Tbilisi
a y * 21.H a d 4sg6 22.43c5 k c 5 I8.SC5 il.c5 19.Bc5 h6 20.^.d2 1989) 17.5h6 508 (14-14 Karpov -
23. Hc5 B g 8 Podgaets - Svedchikov, Bc8 (2 0 ...* /8 ) 21.Bc8 0 c 8 2 2 .0 b 3 Polugaevsky, Moskva 1976 ch-SU)

Theory SL 9

18.Wd2 (18.Ag5 Ae7 H-U 14...Wa5 A f8 26144[3= Sveshnikov; 24 .144e6!?

Mikhalchishin - Dorfman, Vol- 25 .B a d l Ae7) 21...3f8 22.#e3
godonsk 1981) 1 8 ,.ih 6 19.S h e 3 g7 23.®c5 3 f8 24.We3 «c6!
® a5 20.b3 43c3 21.®g5! Bf8 (24 !<Sd7 25.A f6 E g8 26.B adl
22.®h7 Hg8 23.®c3 (23.WA4 g5! Marie) 25.3f6 Eg8 26.Wh3
24.kj.g5 0-0-0ac Tukmakov) 23,..bc3 3 g 7 27.Wh7 *18 28.Wh4 ®d5
24,b4 Wc7? (24...Wb6 25.mh4 gS Tukmakov, Vladimir (28...Bh8) 29.E adl! #
26.kjg5 0-0-0oo Tukmakov) 25.Wh4 Sveshnikov,Evgeny
# ^ 8 26.W ® e7 27.3b5! 0-0-0 Lvov 1978
28.®d4 * 1b8 29.Wc3± Bh8 30.®f6
® f6 31.ef6 <Ud6 32.% 3 Wg3 33.hg3
l.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3.®c3 c6 4x3 ®f6
Bh5 34.a4 g5 3 5.B adl B dh8 36.f3 5.®f3 ®bd7 6 .3 d 3 dc4 7.3 x 4 b5
E5h6 37.E d7 Bf6 3 8 .1 e5 g4 39.fg4
8 .3 d 3 3,b7 9x4 b4 10.®a4c5 11x5
Sc8 40. Ec5 Ec5 41.bc5 e5 42.3x4
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.E e l g6 14.3g5
3c8 43.Hf7 Ef7 44. i n 3 g 4
WaS 15.®d2 (15. B e / $Lg7
4 5 .3 d 5 a5 4 6 .3 c6 * c 7 4 7 .3 b 5 (15...k37b6!?) 16.kjd2 0-0 (16...k\eS?
3 f5 48.*12 3 e 6 4 9 .* f3 3 d 5 17.Bc5; 16...Aa6) 17.k3c4 Wc 7
50.*g4 3 x 4 5 l.* g 5 3 c 2 52.g4
183hcb6 (18.k3d6? Wb8) 1 8 ...^ c l
*d8 5 3 .* h 4 * e 7 54.g5 * e 6 1 9 .A cl ab6 oo Gladkov - Cukerman.
5 5 .* h 5 * d 5 56x6 1-0 1981 cr) 15...3a6 (15...Ac6?
29...Ec8? (29...Af6 30.ef6 k3f6
16. kj.c4! ma4? I7.b3; 16...Aa4
31.V4b4 * ^ 7 32.Bd6 Wc8 33.14d4
17. kj.a5 A d i 18.Badl±; 17.b3 A b3
Tukmakov, Vladimir 18. ab3=; 16...Wc7 17.B e l b3 18.ab3
WJ5 34.h3 B ge84 Rajkovic) 30,Ed5!
Wd5 31.'B'b4 ®c5 32.E e l 1-0
Polugaevsky,Lev A b4 19.Be4!h6 20.A d2 a5 21.Bd4
Leningrad ch-SV 1977 (13) kje5 22 3 c4! Tarkach - Rapoport,
1976 cr) 16.3.a6 # 3 6 I7.® e4 (±
l.® f3 ®f6 2x4 e6 3.d4 d5 4.®c3 c6 Dorfman: 17. B e l A g 7 18.kjc4 0-0
19. b3 h6 2 0.A h4 S ac8 21.%d4 E c6 Kakageldiev,Amanmurad
5.e3 ®bd7 6 .3 d 3 dc4 7 .3 c4 b5
8 .3 d 3 3 b 7 9x4 b4 10.®a4 c5 11 x5 22.Ag3 Efc8 23lH4d2 5 6c7= Re- Beliavsky,Alexander
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.E e l g6 14.j3.g5 shevsky - Dorfman, Vilnius 1978; Soviet Union 1978
3 e 7 15.3h6 318 16.3g5 3 e 7 23...B.C4!? Dorfman) 17...3g7
17.3h6 3 f 8 18.* d 2 3 c 6 19.3f8 18. ®ac5 (1 8 A d 6 &f8 19.Wf3 ®e5 1,d4 d5 2x4 e6 3,®c3 c6 4.® D ®f6
* f8 20..3x4 Wa5 (20...Aa4 21.Ad5 20. Be5 Ktd6+ Gulko) 18...®c5 5x3 ®bd7 6 .3 d 3 dc4 7.3x4 b5
B b8 22.kc4±; 20...£ g 7 ) 21,b3 3 a 4 19. ®c5 WbS 20.'i'd4 0-0 21.®e4?! 8 .3 d 3 3 b 7 9x4 b4 10,®a4c5 11x5
(21..3bg7 2 2 A b 2 ) 22.W M * g 8 ®b6! 22.Wb6 ab6+ 23.®f6? ®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.E e l g6 14.3g5
23.ba4co Hc8 24.®d4 ® c3 2 5 .3c2 (23.k5d6) 23...3.f6 24.316 Sfc8 Wa5 15.®d4 a6 (15...Ag7? 16.Ab5
We 5 26.®f3 ®f8=/+ 2 7 .« f4 ®d5 25.B e d * f8 26,g3 E e l 27.E e l a6 (16...Bc8 Marjanovic) 17.Ad7
28.®d2 ®c5 29.h4 h5 30.®g5 * g 7 * e 8 2 8.B al b5 29.3g5 b3 30.a3 Vbd7 18 .k3 b m « 6 5 79.<hd4 H4a5
3 1 .3b3 ®b3 32.ab3 We7 33.g3 Hc3 Ec8 31.E e l Ec4 3 2 .* fl * d 7 20.thb3 %bS 21.kj.ac5 2 2 .B cl
34.B abl Ec7 35.®e4 ®c3 3 6 .S b cl 3 3 .3 h 6 * c 6 3 4 .* e2 ®b6 35.* d 3 A c8 23.kje4! 3 eS 24.Bc5 Mar­
Ehc8 37.®d6 ®e2 38.®e2 E e l * d 5 36. Bc3 ®a4 0-1 janovic - Karaklajic, Zagreb 1977 ch-
39.®c8 Ec8 40.*'f3 Bc3 41.Ee3 YU) 16.E e l (16.W g4?m a4 17.kSe6
®c7 4 2 .« f6 * g 8 43.W13 Wc5 fe6 18.We6 3 p 7 19.Ag6 hg6 20.mg6
4 4 .* h 2 a5 4 5 .* g l Wd4 4 6 .* h 2 t.d 8 —t- Liebert; 16.6;.f3 3 c6
Ec2 47.* g 2 Ec5 4 8 .* 3 8 * g 7 17.Ac2 A g 7 18.a3 0-0 !9.A b3 ba3
Gligoric,Svetozar 20.Ba3 '44c7! Averbakh - Sveshnikov.
49.®e4 Wb2 50.®f4 ® d2 51.Hf3
0d7 5 2 .* h 2 Hc3 53.®f6 * g 8 Ljubojevic,Ljubomir Moskva 1973 21.m<'2) 16...3g7
54.Bf4 Bb3 55.g4 hg4 56.Bg4 Wd3 Yugoslavia it 1976 17.®c61? (17.Wg4?! 0-0 18.k3e6?
57. Eg3 Wd5 58.Eb3 Wb3 59.Wd8 ® p 5; 18...fe 6 19.me6 B /7 -+ )
*h7 6 0 .« f6 ® c4 6 1 .* f7 * h 6 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 e6 3.®c3 d5 4.®f3 c6 17.. .3 c 6 18.Ec6 0-0 ( 18...lbe5??
62.»f6 5x3 ®bd7 6 .3 d 3 dc4 7.3 x 4 b5 19.Bc5) 19.Ee4 h6 2 0 .3h4 g5
8 .3 d 3 3 b 7 9x4 b4 10.®a4c5 11x5 21.3g3 Efc8 22.H4c2 ®e7! 23.Bcc4
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.B el g6 14.3g5 3 e 5 24.f4 gf4 25.312 (25.3/4? 3 /4
# a 5 15.®d2 3 a 6 16.®c41? 3 c 4 26. E /4 ® p 5) 25...3g7 26.Bf4 ®e5
17.3c4 3 g 7 18.Wd4 * a 4 19.3d5 27. ®b6 b3 28.Wb3 (28.ab3? kSd3 A
ed5 2 0 .# d 5 ®b6 2 1 .0 c5 (21.Wd6! 29.. 144al) 28...Scb8 29.Bb4 ®d3
Wd7 22.Wb4 Rashkovskv 30.Wd3 Bd8 31.WO Bab8 32.a3
Sveshnikov, Sochi 1979 22...AJ8 Wg5 33.g3 ©g6 34.h4 « c 7 35.Efe4
23.0tc3 Wc8 24.Wf3 A g 7 25.Wa3 ®e5 36.®'e2 « c 7 (Time) 0-1

Belov,Igor Smagin,Sergey 46.5bc4 Ba7 4 7.53c2 S a 6 48.Be3
Kaidanov,Grigory Sveshnikov,Evgeny B d l 49.a3 B el 50.Be2 a4 0-1
Moskva II 1987 (3) Sochi 1987 (9)
1 . 5 0 d5 2.d4 5 f6 3.c4 e6 4.<S3c3 c6 l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3 .5 c3 c6 4.530 5 f6 Tukmakov, Vladimir
5.e3 5 b d 7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 5.e3 5 b d 7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 Biel 1988 (9)
8.fid3 Ab7 9.e4b4 1 0 .5 a4 c5 11x5 8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10.5a4 c5 1l.e5
5 d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.Hel g6 14.fig5 5 d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.5 d 4 a6 14.5e6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.53c3 53f6 4x 3 e6
« a 5 15.5d4 Hc8 16,a3 fie7 fe6 15.Wh5 * e 7 16.fig5 5 5 f6 5.530 53bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.Ac4 b5
I7.fih6 (I 7 .k e 7 Che7) 17...a6 17,ef6gf6 l8 .A h 4 » e 8 I9 .# g 4 * f7 8 .fid 3 fib 7 9x4 b4 I0.53a4 c5 11,e5
!8.Wb3 ® d8 19.5)0!? # 20.a f e l fid 6 21.a e 6 Bg8 22.Wh5 53d5 12.0-0 cd4 1 3 .5d4 5)e5
* e 6 23.fic4 * e 7 24.«'h7 4>d8 14.fib5 53d7 15.B el Bc8 16.»h5
25.Wg8 Wg8 26.fig8 fic6 27.fib3 g6 17.*e5 « f 5 18.W 6 53f6 19.fig5
4>c7 28.E e l * b 7 29.fig3 fig3 fig7 20.fif6 fif6 21.S a d i Bc7
30.hg3 5 e 5 31.f4 fia 4 32.fia4 5 d 3 2 2.5c2 Bc2 23.B d7 A a6 24.Eb7
33.Ec4 E d8 34.a3 a5 35.ab4 5 b 2 fib 5 25.Bb5 0-0 26.Bb4 Bd8 27.a3
36.fic6 * b 6 37.ba5 <*a5 38.Bc2 B dd2 28.Bf4 fid 4 29.sfehl e5
5 d l 39 .fiO 5 e 3 40.Hc3 5 d l 1-0 30.B O e4 31.Bf4 fif2 3 2 .E fl e3
Razo vaev, Yuri Y B/11-88
Yurmala 1987(7) Hansen,Curt
19...g5!? 20.fie4 g4 2 1 .5 d 2 Hg8 l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 .5 c3 5 f6 4.e3 e6 Esbjerg 1988 (1)
22.5 c4 Hc4 2 3 .« c4 5 e 5 24.«'e2? 5.530 53bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7,fic4 b5
(247&c2 k d 6 ) 24...fid6 25.fid2 8 .fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 I0.53a4c5 11x5 1x4 c6 2.d4 d5 3 .5 c3 e6 4x3 5 f6
50 2 6 .fiO g o 27.WO ®d7 53d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.53d4 g6 14.*g4 5 .5 )0 5)bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
28.Wd! Eg2 29.I* f l Hh2 3 0 .0 e5 fig7 15.fig5 53e5 16.53e6 5 g 4 8.fid3 A b7 9x4 b4 10.5)a4 c5 11x5
0-1 17.5)d8 h6 I8 .fih 4 g5 19.53b7 gh4 53d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.53d4 53e5
20.fic4 5 b 6 21.5)b6 ab6 22.53d6 14.fib 5 53d7 15.B el Ec8 16.®h5
* e 7 23.53f7 Ehe8 2 4.B adl fib 2 g6 17.*h3 a6 18.fig5 f ie 7 19.fie7
25.S3d6 Bed8 26.43f5 * f 6 27.5)h4 We7 20.5)e6 fe6 2 l.B e 6 a b 5 22.Be7
53e5 28.fid5 Bac8 29. f4 53g4 * e 7 23.B el * d 8 24.i»h4 * c 7
30.a f e 1 Be8 31.Ee8 Be8 32.530 25.Wg3 * d 8 26.Wh4 * c 7 H-H
13 .& d 4
Chernin, Alexander Morovic Fernandez,Ivan Haringey 1988 (5)
Kaidanov,Grigory Shabalov,Alexander
Lvov 1987 (10) Beograd open 1988 (3) l.d4 d5 2x4 e6 3.5)c3 c6 4 .5 )0 5 f 6
5x3 5 b d 7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.A c4 b5
I ,d4 d5 2.530 5 f6 3.c4 e6 4.5)c3 c6 1x4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.5)c3 e6 4.530 5 f6 8 .fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 10.5a4 c5 11x5
5.e3 5 b d 7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 5x3 53bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 5 d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.5d4 fie7
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 1 0 .5 a4 c 5 1 l.e5 8.fid3 fib 7 9x4 b4 I0 .5 a 4 c 5 11x5 14.Wg4 5 e 5 15.Wg7 fif6 16.fib5
5 d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.5d4 5 c 7 53d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.5d4 53e5 sfee7 1 7 .»h6 3g8 18.5c5 Bg2
I4 .* e2 fie7 IS .B d l 0-0 16.-fi.f4 14.fib5 53d7 15.E e l Bc8 16.*h5 1 9 .* h l t b 6 2 0 .5 b 7 Wb7 2 1 .0
5 d 5 5 7 b 6 18.5b6 Wb6 g6 17.Wh3 f ie 7 18.Be6 fe6 19.5ie6 Bag8 22.fie3 B2g6 23.Wh5 5 e 3
19.5b5 fia6 20.®e4 g6 21.5 d 6 ® a5 20.fid7 * d 7 21.53ec5 * e 8 2 4 .5 c6 * f 8 2 5.5e5 fie5 26.®e5
fid 3 22.Hd3 fid 6 23.ed6 Hac8 2 2 .» d 7 * f 7 23.53b7 Bc7 24.53d6 B gl 0-1
24 .S e t « b 5 25.B d4 Wd7 26.h4 * g 7 25.We6 Bf8 2 6.fid2 5 f 6 27,b3 YB/10-106
Sfe8 27.h5 5 f6 28.Wh4 5 h 5 Wd5 28.Wd5 5ld5 29.53c4 fif6
29.fie5 Sc6 30.g4 f6 31.gh5 fe5 3 0 .3 d l Bd8 S dd7 32.B el
32.Hg4 E d6 33.hg6 h5 34.«'h5 Wg7 53f4 3 3 .* fl 53d3 3 4 ,B d l 53el
35.Hb4 Bf8 36.Hb3 E d2 37.He2 35.B el Bd5 36.g3 Ee7 3 7,B cl Lukacs,Peter
He2 3 8 .tc 2 Wf6 39.Ee3 Hc8 Bed7 38.Bc2 g5 39.&g2 * g 6 40.h3 Haringey 1988 (9)
40.Wh5 E el 41.* g 2 1-0 h5 41.53ab2 Bd8 42.Be2 B5d7
YB/8-91 43.Bc2 Bc7 44.Be2 Be7 45.53e3a5 l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 e6 3 . 5 0 d5 4 .5 c 3 c6

Theory SL 9

5.e3 ®bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 Van der Stcrren.Paul Timman,Jan

8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10.® a4 c5 1! ,e5 Mednis,Edmar
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.<Sid4 fi,e7
Nogueiras, Jesus
Amsterdam OHR.4 I! 1989 (8) Rotterdam WC. 1989 (15)
14.Wh5 g6 15.Wh6 ® a5 16.b3 ®c7
17.fib2 ® e5 18.®b5 ®d3 19.®c7
I . S n ®f6 2.c4 c6 3.®c3 d5 4.e3 e6 I ,d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.®c3 ® f6 4,e3 e6
Wc7 20.fih8 * c 6 2 1 .0 Ac5 22,-*>hl
5.d4 ® bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 5.®f3 ®bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
®f2 23.Ef2 fif2 24.Wf4 Ec8 25.h3
8 .fid3 fib 7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 11x5 8.fid3 fib7 9x4 b4 10.®a4c5 11x5
a5 26.fie5 Wd5 27.®b2 fia6
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13,®d4 g6 14.Wg4 ®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13,®d4 ®e5
28.B d l * c 5 2 9.fid6 Wc3 30.Wg5
fig7 15.fig5 ®e7 16.fib5 Ec8 14.fib 5 ©d7 15.B el Ec8 16.®h5
<6 3 1 .» h 6 1-0
17.B a d h6 18.Ec8 Wc8 19.B el g6 17.»e2 a6 18.fia6 fia6 19.Wa6
WaS 20.®e6 fe6 21.fid7 4>d7 Ba8 2 0.«c4 Ea4 2 1 .*d5 fi.e7
Khuzman, Alexander 22.®c5 &e8 23.fie7 1-0 22.®e6 fe6 23.We6 Ea5 24.fih6
Bangiev, Alexander Ef8 25.fif8 ®f8 26.«c4 Wd6
Lvov 1988 27.B ad 1 Se5 28.g3 » e 6 29.®e6
Vyzhmanavin,Alexey Be6 30. Ee6 ®e6 3 1 .* fl
l.£jf3 ®f6 2.c4 c6 3.d4 d5 4.®c3 e6 32.E d7 ®c5 33.Ba7 * e 6 34.4-e2
Dreev,Alexey * d 6 35.*e3 h5 3 6 .*d4 fif6
5x3 -Bbd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 Moskva tt 1989
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10.®a4 c5 11 ,e5 3 7,*c4 fib2 38.<ib4 ®d3 39.&b5
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.®d4 g6 14.Wg4 ®f2 40. Ba6 * e 5 41.Eg6 * f5
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 ,® 0 ®f6 4.®c3 e6 42.Ec6 ®g4 43.a4 ®e5 44.Bc7
® c7 15.E e l h5 16.»e2 fig7
5.e3 ®bd7 6 .fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 fid 4 45.a5 fig l 46.a6 47.Bc5
17.fie4 « c 8 18.fig5 fie4 19.We4
8 .fid 3 fib 7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 II.e5 1-0
Wa6 20.OacI Bc8 21.Bc6 Wa4
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 I3 .* d 4 ®e5
22.®e6 fe6 23.®g6 * f8 24.fie7
* g 8 25.Bc7 14-14
14.fib5 ® d7 15.B el Bc8 16.»h5 Markaus,Y
g6 17.We2 We7 18.«'g4 ®f6 19.Wh3 Bangiev,Alexander
fid 5 20.fia6 Ea8 21.fig5 fig7 cr 1989
22.B adl 0-0 23.®f5 gf5 24.Ed5
Ermolinsky,Alexey Wd8 25.Bb5 W cl 26 .E cl Wd6
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®c3 ®f6 4x3 e6
Drcev,Alexey 27.Ba5 ®e4 28.fih6 fih 6 29.'Wh6
5 .® 0 ®bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
Simferopol 1988 (15) Bfd8 30.fib7 ®>dc5 0-1
8.fid3 fib ? 9 x4 b4 10.®a4 c5 11 .eS
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.®d4 g6 14.*g4
l.£jf3 d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3 ®f6 4.®c3 e6 ®c7 15.B el h5 16.®g3 h4 17,®g4
5.d4 © bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 h3 18.®e6 ®e6 19.We6 fie 7
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 1 l.e5 20.fig6 Bh7 21.#f5 Bg7 22x6 fg6
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.®d4 ®e5 Sokolov,Ivan 23.Wb5 W cl 24.fih6 fic6 25.®c4
14.ja.b5 ®d7 15.E e l Ec8 16.Wg4 ®e5 26.Be5 Bh7 27.fif4 fid6
Qf6 17.Wh3 a6 ^ 7
Bagirov,Vladimir 28.B el Bc8 2 9 .«d3 fie5 3 0 . ^ 6
Palma de Mallorca 1989 (8)
19.®e6 fe6 20.®b6 « f 7 21.Be6 * f 8 31.«f5 * g 8 32.fie5 1-0
fie7 2 2 .E f6 E d 8 0-1 Y B /12-90
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.®c3 ®f6 4.e3 e6
5 .® 0 ®bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
Mikhalchishin, Adrian 8.fid3 fib7 9.e4b4 10.®a4c5 ll.e5
Lane,Alois ®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.®d4 ®e5 Dreev,Alexey
Trnava 11 1988 (11)1 14.fib5 ®d7 15.B el Bc8 1 6 ^ h 5 Lvov zt 1990 (9)
g6 17.We2 a6 18.fia6 fia6 19 J#a6
1,d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.®c3 ®f6 4.®f3 e6 ®c5 20.®c5 fic5 2 l.® e6 fe6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.® D ®f6 4.®c3 e6
5.e3 ® bd7 6 .fid 3 dc4 7.fic4 b5 22.We6 ®e7 23.fih6 Wd7 24.We5 5x3 ® bd7 6.fid3 dc4 7.fic4 b5
8.fid3 fib 7 9.e4 b4 10,®a4 c5 11 ,e5 fid 4 2 5 .* f4 g5 2 6 .* e4 fif6 8.fid3 fib7 9x4 b4 10.®a4c5 11x5
®d5 12.0-0 cd4 13.®d4 ®e5 27-B adl ®c6 2 8 .» b 4 * f7 29.Bd6 » d 5 12.0-0 cd4 13.©d4 ®e5
14,fib5 ®d7 15.E e l Bc8 16.®h5 ®d5 30.Wg4 Ehe8 31.Ed7 &g6 14.fib5 ®d7 15.B el Bc8 16.®h5
g6 17.We5 Wf6 18,We4 fig7 19.®e6 32.E d l We6 3 3 .# e6 Be6 34.fig5 g6 17.«e5 * f 6 18.® D fig7 19.®g3
fe6 20.fig5 21.We6 We6 ®b6 35.E 7d6 E d6 36.Bd6 * g 5 WdS 20.®e5 fie5 21.We 5 0-0
22.Ee6 * f 7 23.fid7 Bc7 24,Ed6 37.h4 * f5 38.Bb6 B el 39.&h2 22.®d4 Wf6 23.Wa7 Bc7 24.fie3
fif6 25.fif6 ® f6 2 6 .Bad 1 4>g7 fih 4 40. Eb5 * e 6 41,g3 fif6 fic6 25.Wc7 ®c7 26.fic6 ®e5
27.fib5 Ehc8 2 8 .0 E e l 29.a3 a6 4 2 .* h 3 Ec2 43.f4 fib 2 44.Bb7 h5 27.fie4 ®d5 28.fid5 ed5 29.B adl E d l 3 1 .E d l ba3 32.ba3 45.Bb5 fif6 46 .S h 5 Ba2 47.Bb5 Be8 30.®b6 ®g4 31.®d5 Wb2
Ec2 33.®b6 d/H 34.®c4 * e 7 Ba3 48.&g4 fid 4 49.'&h4 * f6 32.fic5 Be2 33.B fl B d2 34.Bd2
35.B bl fid 5 36.®e3 fic6 37.®c2 50.Bd5 fif2 5 I.E g 5 B O 52.*h3 Wd2 35.®e3 ®f2 36.®f5 ®g4
1-0 14-14 37.®e7 * g 7 38.-Y.c6 ®f2 0-1

French Defence FR 16.1
Jan P rzew oznik
D a m ia n Konca Jumping somewhat differently

W e d o n o t w ish to be grave-dig­ Paw n ch ain s such as c3-d4-e5 5 .© e 4 de4, the pow er o f B lack’s
gers o f a th eo retical v ariatio n versus f7-e6- d5 en co u rag e play light sq u ared b ish o p has in ­
here. In m o d e m chess su ch a sp i­ o f a strategic n a tu re , a t least in creased significantly. A fter b7-
ra tio n s are to o risky, in asm u ch as th e early stages o f th e game. b6, an d Jl,c8-b7 its influence is
the deceased m ay rise fro m the H ow ever, by the exchange on e4 su p erio r to typical F ren c h p o si­
d ead som e day. H ow ever, in this W h ite throw s the c en tra l paw n tio n s w ith a d5 paw n, n o t only
article w e w o u ld like to correct s tru c tu re out o f balance, m ak in g because the d 5 sq u are is in
som e assessm ents o f th e v a ria ­ th e role o f tactics m o re im p o r­ B lack’s possesion, b u t also in
tion: tan t. view o f a possible e4-e3 blow .
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 Let us try to assess th e p o sitio n . B eyond all these rem ark s, we
(3.©c3) ©f6 4.eS £ e4!? F irst o f all, th e d5 paw n h ad good should keep in m in d th a t the
5.©e4 de4 6.fLe3.# su p p o rt from th e paw n ch ain 17- pro b lem o f the e4 paw n m u st be
e6 b u t now , being on e4, it is c o n sid e re d in c o n n ec tio n w ith
m o re exposed to d anger. It can th e e5 paw n! A fter th e exchange
easily be a tta ck e d by W h ite ’s 5...de4 W h ite ’s e5 paw n is c u t o ff
pieces, e.g. after 'S 'd l-g 4 , © g l- from the rest o f its a rm y , a n d a
e2-g3, © g l-h 3 -g 5 , o r, so m etim es, com pletely d ifferen t type o f p o si­
c2- c3 an d & fl-c4 -b 3 -c2 . M o re­ tio n m ay arise, e.g. a fte r 6 .A e 3
over, it seem s th a t W h ite has the c5 7.dc5 © d 7 8.f4 e O 9 .© f3 . T o
stro n g ad v an c e c2-c4, an d d4-d5 recap itu late: th e strategical a n d
a t his d isposal, o r ev en d4-d5 tac tica l e le m en ts o f the p o sitio n
p re p a re d by ,£.fl-c4. O n the in q u estio n , re n d e r play very in ­
o th e r h an d . B lack can create terestin g a n d rich in orig in al pos­
pressu re along th e d file. B lack’s sibilities for b o th sides. R e tu rn ­
In a few th e o re tic al w orks, an d in sta n d a rd c o u n te r a tta ck c7-c5 ing to 6 .A e 3 once again; before
m any a n n o ta tio n s to to u rn a m e n t th u s a p p ea rs in a to tally new p e r­ a tta ck in g the e4 paw n W h ite re ­
gam es, we h ave a lm o st in v ariab ly spective. F o r exam ple, a fte r inforces h is p o te n tia l w eakness,
fo u n d ev alu atio n s w hich fav o u r 6 . i e 3 c5 7 x 3 cd 4 8.cd4, th e d4 i.e. the d4 -p aw n . N o w he is ready
W hite’s chances here. (See, for paw n is m o re w eak th a n in ty p i­ to grab the e4-paw n by # d l - g 4 -
exam ple, th e E n cyclopaedia o f cal p o sitio n s in th e F ren ch D e­ e4. H ow ever, a fte r a p assive
C hess O p enings, 1981, T he fence, because Black can a tta c k it m ove like 6 .A e 3 , B lack gains
F ren ch D efen ce by S u etin , 1983, by H a8 -d 8 , a reso u rce th a t w ould tim e for co u n te rp la y o n the
o r M inev , 1988.) In th e m ain be im possible w ith th e presence q u e en sid e sta rtin g w ith 6,..c5. So,
line, w here W hite plays 5 .© e4 , a o f a B lack p aw n on d5. B lack can the fu n d a m e n ta l struggle begins.
very im p o rta n t q u e stio n arises - use th e d5 sq u are as a blo ck ad in g 6...C5
S hould we ev alu ate th e e4 paw n sq u are as well. In to u rn a m e n t p ra c tic e th is
as a w eakness o r a stren g th ? F in ally , in th e p o sitio n a fte r c o u n te r is p layed alm o st in v a ri-

Theory FR 16

ably, alth o u g h 6...b6 also seem s 1 6 .# e 3 73d3 1 7 .4 -fl f6! w ith a 7 . .. # d l w ould be w eaker -
w orth consid erin g , t.g . 7 .# g 4 Black in itia tiv e .) 1 4 ...# b 5 ! 15.b3 8 .S d l 73d7 9 .b 4 !b 6 1 0 .4 b 5 b c 5
A b 7 8 ..4 b 5 © d 7 9 .7 ie 2 a6 S3c5 1 6 .fic 5 fic 5 , Black has a 1 l.bcS H b8 1 2 .a4 a 6 1 3 .4 c 6 a n d
1 0 . i a 4 b5 11 Jfcb3 h5!? (1 l...c5?! stro n g attack. W hite is b etter, o r 9...a5 10.a3
12.c3 w ith th e id ea o f ,4 c2 ) B) I f 9.d5 Black has a choice ab4 ll.a b 4 b6 1 2 .fib 5 bc5
1 2 .« f 4 h4! (g 3 < ) 13.® c3?!
betw een 9.,.ed5 lO.’B d S ‘# c 7 13.bc5 2 b 8 14x4 follow ed by
(13x3?! © b6! 1 4 .A c2 W d5=) t l . f i f s l (1 1 x 6 !? t o 1 2 . t o f e 6 15x6 w ith an a dvantage.#
13.. . jLb4!? (13...h3?! 14.& e4! 13.73e2 a n d W hite is slightly b e t­
hg2 1 5 .B g ! H h 4 ! 6 .« f 6 ! an d ter) 11 ...g5!? 1 2 .fig 3 fig 7 = , and
W hite has th e u p p e r h a n d .) 9.. .© e 5 10.de6 f5!? (10...fe6
14.iLd2 f ic 3 (14...73b6 15.?3e4 fav o u rs W h ite so m ew h at w hile if
# d 4 ? ? 1 6 .7 3 f6 + -) 1 5 „4 c3 ® b6.10.. .f6!? 1 l.'i 'h 5 (1 l.W dS? S d 8
T his p o sitio n we assess as u n ­ 12.73e2 7ic4! 1 3 .fic l 2 d 6 an d
clear, even a fte r 1 6 .# g 4 g6, in Black has an edge.) Il...g 6
spite o f W h ite ’s p a ir o f bishops. 12. W h4 f5 1 3 .fig 5 f ie 7 1 4 .B d l
In o u r o p in io n B lack’s K in g will w ith som e co m p e n sa tio n fo r the
fin d h im se lf a h av en o n the paw n) 11. .:-.f4 # a 5 1 2 .# d 2 # d 2
qu een sid e a fte r 17.0-0-0 (or 13. _4.d2 fi,d6 follow ed by ...4 x 7
1 7 .B d l) 1 7 ...# e 7 , and
w ith an edge. I f in stead,
18.. .0.0-0. H o w ev er # 3 6 a n d Black is better.
1 3 .# g 4 ! 8 .# g 4
sh ould have b een played, w hen Or ll...© g 6 1 2 .# h 5 #d5 A) W hite could also try to d e­
W hite gains th e u p p e r hand: 13. © h 3 0-0-0 (1 3 ... # e 6 14.7ig5 fend his paw n o n c5. T h is has un­
13.. .4 1 .6 1 4 .7 .c 3 an d 15 .7 :c4 o r
# f 6 15.0-0-0! an d once again clear consequences, according to
13.. .g6! fe6 1 5 .# g 6 4>e7 W hite has sufficient co m p en sa­ o u r analyses, in spite o f the gam e— . So, let us re tu rn to tio n for his sacrificed paw n.) q u o te d below: 8.b4 b6! 9 .'# d 4
6 .. .C5. 14.0- 0 # e 6 an d Black has an a d ­ b e 5 1 0 .# e 4 B b 8 ll.b S f ib ?
7,dc5 vantage. 1 2 .* f4 « c 7 13.730 f i O 14.gf3
E xchanging light sq u ared bish o p s Black should av o id ll...V d l? 73e5 1 5 .fie 2 f id 6 1 6 .# a 4 0-0
is a n o th e r po ssib ility - 1 2 .E d l 73g6 1 3 .fic 7 , w ith the 17.h4 f5 18.h5 h6 an d Black
fi,d7,d7 © d 7 a n d now :# idea 14.73e2 an d 15.4£ig3, e.g. stood b e tte r in the gam e Fil-
13.. . 4 . 7 1 4 .0 ! e O (14...e3 ipow icz-Pytel, P o lan d 1972.
15.f4=) 15.7. f3 follow ed by 8.. .73e5 is w eaker: 9 . # d 8 4 d 8
16.0- 0, a n d W hite has a lead in 10.0- 0-0 w ith an edge. W hite
d e v elo p m en t, a n d a stro n g in itia ­ m ight also try 9 .# h 5 !? # c 7 (N ot
tiv e as co m p e n sa tio n fo r th e 9.. .73g6? 10.2fi.b5 f id 7 11.S d l
paw n, w hen W hite has a decisive a d ­
C) A m o v e such as 9 x 3 does vantage b u t Black could venture
n o t cause p ro b lem s fo r Black, e.g. 9.. .73c6!? lO .B d l # c 7 w hen
9 .. .cd4 10.cd4 # a 5 ! (1 0 ...fib 4 W hite stan d s only slightly bet­
1 1 . 4 f l w ould be co m fo rtab le for ter.) 1 0 .fif4 73d3 (If 10...730?
Black.) 1 1 .4 f l (o r l l . f i d 2 f ib 4 11.WD} a n d the gam e is over.) # b 4 1 3 .« d 2 # b 5 play­ 11. f id 3 (1 l.cd3!? # f 4 12.73e2
A) 9 .# g 4 # a 5 1 0 x 3 cd4 ing fo r p ressu re along th e c a n d d # f 5 |i i . . . # c 7 ! ? w ith the idea o f
ll.-fi.d 4 # d 5 12.® g3 # b 5 , w ith files) 11 ...fie 7 1 2 .# g 4 (T his is a7-a5) 13.® f5 ef5 14,de4 fe4
Black h a ving th e in itia tiv e on th e u n d o u b te d ly th e m o st am b itio u s 15.7303 f5 1 6 .fib 5 w ith the b et­
q ueenside, B roza-K onca, C zer- try.) 1 2 ...« b 5 1 3 .« e 2 # b 2 te r p o sition in view o f the plan
w ionka 1986. 12...f51? w as also 1 4 . H c l 0-0! 1 5 .fih 6 g6 1 6 .fif8 17.0- 0 a n d 1 8 .0 .) I l . . . # f 4
w orth consid erin g , eg. 13,ef6 gf6 f if 8 w ith good co m p e n sa tio n for 12. f ib 5 4d7 1 3 .fid 7 4d7
follow ed by e5, 0-0-0 a n d f5. th e exchange. 14,73e2 # f 5 1 5 .# h 4 w ith an a t­
W hite could also try 12.f4, a n d if A sim ila r p lan w ith o u t 7 .fib 5 is tack against B lack’s w eak King.
12.. .# b 5 ? ! 13.0-0-0 0-0-0 14.f5 also u n p ro m isin g - 7 x 3 cd 4 8.cd4 B) 8 x 6 ? is fa r w orse th a n 8.b4
(1 4 .fi.a7 f ic 5 1 5 .fic 5 (S c5— r) f ib 4 9 .fid 2 # d 4 1 0 .# a 4 73c6 because a fte r 8...bc6 th e th re a t o f
14.. .71.5 15.fe6! 4 id 3 1 6 .H d 3 a n d Black is clearly b etter. 8 . 4 d 4 9.. .# 3 5 follow ed by 1 0 ...# e 5
ed3 17.e7-i— . H o w ev er after sh o u ld be played, b u t th is also gives B lack the be tte r o f the
12.. .h5! 1 3 .S g 3 0-0-0 14.© e2 fav o u rs Black. struggle for the e4 a n d e5 paw ns.
(1 4 .fia 7 fic 5 ! 1 5 .fic 5 7ic5 7 . . / ’;d7! C) T h e v a ria tio n s a fte r 8.f4 are

very interesting. Let us look at 18. B d 3 ! ab5 (1 8 ,..h 6 19.B g3 v a ria tio n on the th e m e o f m a te ­
som e exam ples: & h 7 2 0 .3 1 7 ab5? 2 1 .1 5 4 ! W e4 rial versus dev elo p m en t. Let us
F or see the su p p lem en ­ 22. S fg 7 m ate; 18...f5 19.We7! h ave a look a t som e exam ples:
tary gam e Persow ski-K onca. W f6 20. B g3 * h 6 2 1 .S T 6 gf6 9 .fic 5 f ic 5 10.Wg7 W a5 l l .c 3
8...ef3 (P ro b ab ly th is m ove is 22. B f4 d?h5 2 3 .fie 2 & h 6 B f8 #
m ore n a tu ra l an d the critical 2 4 .B h 4 m ate.) 19.H g3 Wg3
choice. A fter th e c ap tu re s 9 .5lf3 (1 9 ...* h 6 2 0 .1 h 4 W hS 2 1 .1 T 4
A c 5 Black reaches a type o f Si­ 1 g 5 2 2 .# g 5 m ate.) 20.hg3 f6
cilian paw n stru ctu re, w here the 21.a3 w ith an edge fo r W hite.)
e5 p o in t is a w eakness ra th e r 13. f ie 4 (13. S h e ll? ) 1 3 ...fie 7
th a n a stren g th .) 9 .5 if3 # 14. B he I a n d W h ite was b e tte r in
S alacki-K onca, K u d o w a-Z d ro j

A) 12.W h7? fia 3 ! 1 3 .H b l

1 e 5 14.W h6 (14.ba3?? B h 8 ! - + )
14.. .f ie 7 15.55h.3 f id 7 16.W f4
t d 5 1 7 .b 3 ( if l7 .a 3 0 a 2 18.W cI
0-0-0 an d B lack is O K w ith his
p a ir of B ishops) 1 7 ...1 5 5
C l) 9...&C5 1 0 .« d 2 (10.A.C5 18 .1 d 2 0-0-0! w ith a d v an tag e to
5ic5 l l . * d 8 * d 8 12.0-0-0 * e 7 Black, C hruszcz-K onca, corr.
does not change th e s itu a tio n - 8...5jc5 1980, o r 12.b4? f i b 4 (B lack
Black has b e tte r prospects.) The tra d itio n a l d ilem m a could also try 12...e3!?) 13.cb4
10...A e3 (1 0 ...# b 6 1 ? lL .fi.c5 w h e th er to play 8 ...© c5 o r » b 4 1 4 ,- id l (O n 14.& e2? f b 2
15:5 w ith pressu re o n c2 a n d e5 8 .. .51e5 - does n o t exist here: w ins.) 1 4 . . # 0 4 15.'&c2 W al
is also possible, o r ll.f i.f 4 'H'b2 8.. .51e5 is b ad d u e to 9 .1 e 4 , and 1 6 .fib 5 f i d 7 a n d B lack w ins.
a n d Black is b e tte r.) 11 .We 3 W b6 W hite is sim ply a paw n up. B) 12.55e2 is a n o th e r try for
12.W b6 (12.W c3!? w ith 0-0-0, H ow ever, 8 ...fic 5 is w orth c o n ­ W hite. 1 2 ...fid 7 13.1T 6 (If
f i d 3 to follow is w o rth y o f co n ­ sid eratio n . It w as played, v ia a 13. ® h 7 e31? w ith good c o m p e n ­
sid eratio n . H ow ever, Black could d ifferen t m ove o rd e r in th e gam e sation.)
play 12...Wc5! exchanging G av rilo v -V lad im iro v , Soviet B l) 1 3 ...fic 6 14.a3 f ie 7
queen s anyw ay) 1 2 ...5ib6 U n io n 1976: l.e 4 e6 2 .d 4 d5 1 5 .« f 4 0-0-0 16.b4 « a 4 1 7 .1 c l
13.0- 0-0 f id 7 1 4 .fid 3 H c8 3 .5 lc3 5 if6 4 .fig 5 f ie 7 5.e5 Sle4 H g8 a n d Black sta n d s b e tte r,
15.5jg5 h6 1 6.® e4 H c7 17.5)d6 (T arta k o w e r’s idea. T h e read er K w iatkow ski-K onca, O lkusz
& e7 1 8 .flh fl 3 f 8 (18...f6?l sh o u ld n o te th a t th e p o sitio n is 1982. B lack m ight also play
19.ef6 & d 6 ? allow s 20.fg7 Hg8 FR 6.1 now b u t a few m o v es later 17.. T6! p la n n in g 18.ef6 B f6 !— k
2 1 .fih 7 an d W h ite w ins so Black has b eco m e FR 16.1) 6 .5 ie4 14.55g3 fia 3 ! 1 5 .H b l B d 8 an d
should try 19...gf6 2 0 .5 ie4 w ith a de4!? (6 __fi.g5 7.5ig5 1 g 5 = ) the p o sitio n o f W h ite 's K ing
sm all ad v an tag e for W hite.) c5 8.dc5 5 ld 7 9 .1 g 4 fic 5 m akes life m ore p le a sa n t for
1 9 .0 f 4 5rd5 20. S d 4 f6!?, D u- 1 0 .fic 5 ( 1 0 .# e 4 f ie 3 ll.W e 3 B lack w ho sh o u ld av o id
dek-K onca, P o lan d 1979. N ow W a5 12.c3 W e5=) 10...5ic5 15.. .fib 2 ? 1 6 .2 b 2 1 c 3 1 7 .B d 2
play could c o n tin u e 21.5if5! l!.ttg 7 W a5 12.c3 2 f8 W ei I S .H d l W c3=.
& f7?l (21...ef5! 22. H d 5 f ie 6 13.W h7?l (1 3 .1 g 3 !? W a4 14. h4 has b e en played, alth o u g h
23.ef6 * f 6 24. B d 6 = ) 22,ef6! a n d (1 3 ...5 ib 3 ? 1 4 .S d l W a2 1 5 .fib 5 ; a fte r 1 4 ...fie 7 15.1T 4 0-0-0
W hite is slighly b etter. 13.. .51d7 14.f4) 14,b4 5 )a6 1 6 .3 h 3 f6 17.b4 W a4 1 8 .« c l
C 2) B lack sh o u ld , how ever, 1 5 .fie 2 f i d 7 16.55113 M in ev ) fe5 19.5ig) B f4 B lack h a d the
av o id 9,c7?! 1 0 .* d 2 fic 5 13.. .f id 7 1 4 .1 'h 4 f ic 6 15.f4 edge due to h is pressu re on the f2
11.0- 0-0 a6 1 2 .fid 3 h6 B d 8 16.a4? (1 6 .fie 2 !? ) 1 6 ...5ib3 paw n in Z d ziu b a n y -K o n c a , co rr.
(1 2 ...£ le 5 ? 1 3 .fic5 ! » c 5 14.52e5 1 7 .H b l W a4 18.& f2 e3! 19.4>el 1984.
W e5 1 S.^LbS d?e7 16.W b4 * f 6 W e4 0-1. B2) B lack sh o u ld , how ever,
17. H h fl 4>g6 1 8 .fid 3 ? & h 6 9 .fib 5 a v o id 1 3 ...fia 4 14.5ig3 f id 4 ?
1 9 .# h 4 W h5 2 0 .B f6 g6; G ra b b in g th e g7 paw n is a n o th e r 15.5le4 f ie 5 16.W h4 an d W hite

Theory FR 16

is b e tte r, as in Tringov-B ed- p leasan t choice betw een ll...a 6 theorists. In fact, a t this p o in t we
narski, V a rn a 1972/ 14...jka3! an d 1 l...ik b 4 . have reached the m ost im p o rtan t
was stronger, acco rd in g to Pytel, p o sition in the va ria tio n and it
e.g. 1 5 . £ b l H d8! seem s th a t Black has a m arked
C) A couple o f id eas w o rth y o f advantage, e.g. 15.0-0-0 ® c3
in v estig atio n are 12.'B,f6!? an d 16.ba3 (1 6 .A d 4 k b l 1 7 .4 b l
!2 ...» b 6 !? . #
Variation A W b4—t-) 16...W a3 and Black is
better, or 15.® g7 0-0-0
(15...jk b 2 ? 16.® h8 4 d 7 1 7 .B d l
1l...a6 12.Ad7 4 x 7 18.®a8-i— ) 16.1.b6 (16.0-0
W e direct th e re a d er’s a tte n tio n A b 2 -+ ) 16...® b6 17.ba3
to th e m o v e 12.3ka4, fo r w hich ® b 2 - + , o r 15.ba3 ® c 3 1 6 .4 e 2
see th e su p p lem en tary gam e ® c 2 1 7 .4 f l 0-0-0 18 .B e l ® b 2
M ark T seitlin-P rzew oznik. It w ith advantage to Black. O ur
seem s n e v er to have been played conclusion is th a t W hite should
p reviously b u t creates q u ite in ­ n o t carry things to o far and
terestin g possibilities fo r W hite. should play 13.iLd4 instead o f
12.. J&T7 13.®e4 13 ,# e 4 . T his w ould be enough to
K h o lm o v -M alan iu k , T allin n equalise.
9.. .®d7! 1981 co n tin u e d 13.iLd4 A c 6
V ery well done! T h is is certain ly 14.0-0-0 0-0-0 1 5 .4 b l S d 4 !
su p erio r to 9...ik,d7 10.0-0-0! 1 6 .S d 4 0 e 5 I 7 .H h d l k c 5
® d 3 ll.jk .d 3 ed3 1 2 .H d 3 » a 5 1 8 .B c 4 f5 19.We2 B d 8 20.b4
13.4 b l w ith a d v an tag e to
W hite, M atu lo v ic-M ak sim o v ic,
N is 1977.
5 d l 2 1 .® d l A b 6 22.a4 4 b 8
23.a5 A d 8 2 4 .® d 2 A f6 2 5 x 3
A d 5 2 6 .B c5 k e 7 2 7 .3 d 5 ed5
Variation B
10.® e2 2 8 .® e3 Jig S 2 9 .® d 5 ® c3
The best defence against 3 0 .® f5 « c l 3 1 .4 a 2 « c 2 0-1.
10.. . « a 5 . I f 10.0-0-0 B lack has In o u r o p in io n , 18.H 4d2!, is b et­
sufficient c o u n te rp la y a fte r te r th a n 1 8 .B c 4 w hen 18...f5 (or
10.. .® a 5 1 i . M 7 (1 l.A c4 ? ! © e5 18__fi.b4) gives B lack excellent
and Black stan d s b etter.) co m p e n sa tio n fo r th e exchange.
U . . . l d 7 1 2 .# e 4 jfec6 13.® g4? 13.. .1 c 6
(O n 13.® d4!? B lack w ould play T h is p o sitio n , tak en from the
13.. .A e 7 follow ed by 1 4 ...B d 8 .) gam e E rm enkov-M aksim ovic,
13.. .® a 2 14.& e2 & b 4 ! - - h, o r V rnjacka B anja 1979, is evalu­
12.a3 ® e 5 w ith b e tte r chances ate d in som e w orks as b e tte r for
fo r Black. 10.c3 also looks very W hite. (See, fo r exam ple, th e En­
a ttra c tiv e fo r B lack after cyclopaedia o f C hess O penings,
10.. .® a 5 l l . l d 7 A.d7 1 2,® e4 B elgrade 1979). H ow ever, we T his seem s also to be a very logi­
k c 6 1 3 .# g 4 » e 5 . h ave so m eth in g new in m ind... cal m ove, though in to u rn a m e n t
10.. .®a5 I t m 3# 14.#g4 k a i\# practice 11...a6 has been played
m ore frequently. Let us look at
three exam ples a fte r 1 l...iL b4.
A) 1 2 .^ g 7 ilc 3 13.bc3 S f8
14.Jk.d7 A d7 15.0-0 0-0-0
16. c 4 .S g 8 17.Wf7 # e 5 1 8 .S a d l
S g 7 1 9 .# f4 W h5 w ith an u n ­
clear positio n , H ardys-K onca,
corr. 1978. In ste ad o f 15...0-0-0,
p erhaps 1 5 ...# c 3 16.iLh6 0-0-0
17. # f 8 S f 8 \& A f& W q5 should
have been played, w ith Black
having the b e tte r p rospects after
H ere you are! T h is m ove was A c 6 a n d f7-f5- f4, etc. N o te th a t
In th is p o sitio n B lack has the pro b ab ly overlo o k ed by m any Black could, if h e w ished have

forced a draw with 19...Wf4
20.4f4 4a4!=.
B) 12.4d7 4 d 7 13.4d4 0-0-0
Supplementary variations seem to show that
Black can hold his own:
A) 12...b5 13.4b3 b4
14.0-0 fS! 15.0e2 (15.ef6 e 5 -+
or 15.0g7?l Hdg8! with strong games 14.0e4!? Hb8 (14,..bc3 15.0a8
cb2 I6.&e2 b a l® 17.0c8 0 d 8
counterplay along the g file) 18.0d8 &d8 19.S a l with an
15.. .* b 8 16,Sfdl 4 c 5 I7.4c5 edge for White.) 15.<53a4 0e5=
0 c 5 18.Sd6 4 x 6 19. S adi B) 12...4b4 and now:
£ de8 20. S 1d4 0 e 5 and Black is Bl) 13.0-0 4 c 3 14.4d7 4 d 7
better, Laber-Konca, postal game Tseitlin.Mark 15.bc3 0 e 5 16.4d4 0 f5 17.0f5
1978/1980. However, White Przewoznik,Jan (17.0g7 000 18.«h8 Sh8
should have tried 16.a3!, when 19.4h8 f6, planning 0g6-f7-f8,
Gdynia 1989
16.. ..4.5 could be met by the and if 20.4g7 then 20 ...4c6 and
fork 17.b4. On the other hand, Black is slightly better.) 17...ef5
Black could play 15....4x5 at l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.7 (12 7 f(i 18.4g7 Sg8 19.4e5 000 and
once, transposing to the main 4.e5 7' e4 5.7 e4 de4 6.4e3 Black is better because, among
line. c5 7.dc5 4/d7 other things, he can later attack
C) 12.0-0 4x3 13.4d7 4 d 7 7...®dl would be premature sin­ the c2 pawn.
14. bc3 0 e 5 (14...®c3!? is un­ ce it increases White’s lead in de­ B2) 13.0e4 4 x 3 14,bc3 0 c 3
clear) 15.4d4 h5! 16.0g7 0g7 velopment, as we saw in the the­ 15.<&e2 0-0 16.f4f5 17.0d4w ith
17.4g7 Sg8 18.4d4 Hg5 and oretical chapter. a slight advantage for White.
Black had a strong initiative in 8 .0 g 4 13.0-0-0
Szewczyk-Konca, Olkusz 1985. If White had also to consider Black should be slightly better af­
White tries 16.0114 then 8.0 d 4 and 8.b4. After the text, ter 13.0e4 ®e4 14,ae4 b5
16.. .'BT5 17.4g7 Bg8 18.4d4 let us say, ”alea iacta est” . The 15.4b3 4 b7.
Hg4 19.0f6 0 f6 20.4f6 Sg6, game becomes sharper and tacti­ 13...b5 14.4f4#
planning f5, r4 f7, 4c6, and cal in character.
Sag8, gives Black the belter 8.. .®c5 9.4bS
chances. White should try If While wins the pawn on g7.
13.0g7 Sf8 14.4d7 4 d 7 Black gets sufficient counterplay
15. bc3, transposing to Hardys- on the queenside, mainly because
Konca, mentioned above. of his strong pair of bishops.
9.. .£ld7
Conclusion A paradox! This retreat is more
Both ll...a6 and 11...4b4 look active (!) than 9,..4d7. After
very attractive for Black. Both 10.0-0-0 £ld3 11 .4d3 ed3
moves give Black sufficient coun­ 12. Bd3 ®a5 !3.& bl 0 e 5
terplay on the queenside. The 14.©f3 it is White who grabs an
reader should note in particular overwhelming initiative. 14...h5!
the games Tseitlin-Przewoznik, 10.57e2 Now Black starts pursuing the
Gdynia 1989 and Kholmov-Mal- Black is clearly better after enemy’s queen. The move
aniuk, Tallinn 1981. 10.0- 0-0 # a 5 U .4 d 7 4 d 7 14.. .'M'f5 would be less promis­
12,-ibl 0 e 5 , when, once again, ing, because after 15.015 ef5
Summary his pair of bishops become an White's activity should compen­
Considering both tournament important factor in the resultant sate for the pawn, i.e. 16.4b3
practice and the analyses quoted positions. 4 c 5 17.f3 ef3 18.£hel * f8
above, we believe that 6.4e3 is 10.. .» a5 ll.ftc 3 a6 19. gf3.
too passive. With best play White 12.4a4!? In answer to 14...£)f6?? we have
can equalize, but if he plays for Since 12.4d7 was evaluated as some spicy variations for the
more with 6.4e3 c5 7,dc5 <£>d7 better for Black in the theoretical reader: 15.Bd8 &e7 (1 S-.-^dS
8.0g4, he will come up against a chapter, this move seems to be 1 6 .0 d l+ - ) 16.0g3 0 f5
strong Black counterattack on the the most promising for White. (16...ah5 17.0h4 0 f6
queenside. 12.. .We5 1 8 .4 g 5 + -) 17.£hdl ba4
Black would risk great complica­ 18.4d6!! &d8 19.4e7!! * e 7
tions after 12...b5 or 12...4b4. 20. ®d6 Ae8 21.Wd8 mate, or if
However, all in all, the following 17.. .<Sd7 18. £ ld7 4 d 7 19.Ha8

Theory FR 16

ba4 20.fed6 &f6 21.fef8 with a 25.Wc3 could be answered by 36.. .Bd4 37.cd4 Bb4
decisive advantage, 25.. .#g5 26.f4 ef3 27.#e3 # e 3 38.B all Ed4 39.4e3 Eb4
15.Wg3 h4 16.’«'e3 fecS 28.2e3 ®e5 29.Be5 feg4 with a 39.. .Ec4 is insufficient due to
17.*d2 better position for Black. 40.feb3 Ec3 41.4d4 Bh3
White’s queen has to continue its 25.. .<S2e5! 42. fee6 fe6 43.Ba5 Bh2 44x4
march, as 17.fee5 simply loses a This is safer than 25...Wg5. If and 45.Eg5-.
pawn without compensation. then 26.f4 ef3 27.fef4 Wc5 40. fec6 Bb2
17.. .W S 18.feb3 0-0 28.Wc5 <Sc5 29.fed6 &a4 Or 40...f5 41.Ba5 Bc4 42.fea4=.
Of course 18.,.e5? leaves un­ 30.JtfS fea6 31.2fe.e7 f2 32. S fl 41. fee4 fea2
necessary weaknesses in the cen­ fefl 33.S fl He8 &c3 Let us have a look at other rep­
tre and can be met by 19.fee3, 35.Bf2 is equal, but White can lies: 41...Eb5 42.fed3 Bc5
20.fed5 and 21.fee4, for exam­ improve with 29.fec6 2a6 43.4d4=; 41..,3a2 42.Ea2 fea2
ple. 30.fef3 Sf6 31.2fe.d6! 3f3 43.4d4=; 41..T5 42.fed3, fol­
19. g4! Wg6 32.fef8 &f8 33.Sd8 mate, or lowed by 4 d 4 and c4, with coun­
An alternative for a great opti­ 31.. . 2 . 8 32.fec5+-. terplay.
mist would be 19..,1B'g4, if he be­ 26.#e5 feg4 27.Bd6 fe.e6 42. fed3?!
lieves he can survive White’s 28.'S,e4 # g 5 29.f4 Wc5 Erring just when a draw was not
pressure on the g fde. 30.«d4 2ac8 31.Sgl so far away. White should have
20. She 1 feb4!? If 3!.'#c5 Bc5 Black would be played 42,f5! g5 43.f6 with the
Black has to solve a difficult better in view of the weaknesses terrible threats of 44.E dl or
problem; being undeveloped as at c3, h2 and f4. 44.2 g l. Black could also try
yet, he must deal with the in­ 31.. .g6 32.&b2 42.. .4 .7 43.fg6 fg6 44.Bgl fe n
creasing White initiative and the Sacrifices won’t work now - 45.3g5 a4 46.Ba5 fee8 47.h3
advance of the g pawn. Let us 32.2e6 Vd4 33,cd4 fe6 34.Sg6 and c2-c4-c5-c6~, or 42...gf5
have a look at some possible so­ * f7 35.Sg4 (35.3h6 B h 8 -+ ) 43. fe.f5 4 f8 44.h3 4 e 7 45.4d4
lutions: 35.. . Bc4 36.feb3 Hd4 37.Bh4 4 d 6 46x4 with good compensa­
A) 20...<S2f6 21.g5 ©h5 * e 7 38.Sh6 S f6—t-, or 32.Bg6 tion for the pawn.
22.®e4 with an edge for White. fg6 33.Be6 # d 4 34,cd4 &g7 42.. . 4 .7 43.Bgl?!
B) 20...e5 and now: 35.Se4 Bc3 and Black is clearly The wrong idea! White should
Bl) 21.fe.d5 Bb8 22.fee4 with better. have played 43.4d4 when
the same evaluation. However 32.. . 2 . 8 33. <4x1 43.. .a4 44.h3 fee6 45.f5! suits
Black could try 21...ef4!? 22.fea8 After 33.feb3 Black could play him well, and even 44,..4f6
e3 23.fe3 fee3 24.Be3 fe3 33...®d4 34. Hd4 (34.cd4?? 45x4 4 e 6 46.Bel ^>f6 47x5
25. We3 ®g4 26.Eg! * e 6 (plan­ a 4 -+ ) 34...3b7 35.4?a3 i.f5 fee6 gives some chances for a
ning 27...©b6) with the better and then 3c8 with an edge. # draw.
prospects. 43.. .a4 44,f5 a3 45.fg6 Bbl!
B2) 21.feg5 feg2! and Black 46.Eg5 fee6
has a superior position. and White resigned.
B3) 21.fee3 fee3 22.'§’e3 with
an even game. This is our final
evaluation of the position after Conclusion
20.. .e5. Everything began with the brave
21. « d 4 a5 22.a4 ba4 jump 4...£ie4, followed by 5.7.e4
23. fea4 e5!7 de4 and later the sharp 10.,.!§'a5
Black could also consider was possible. After this the main
23.. .52c5, or 23...'B'g4, e.g. theme of the game was the cen­
24.fed6 fed6 2 5 M 6 ®f6 tral strategy. White sacrificed his
26. Bgl W 5 with an advantage 33...Wa3! 34.2Sd2 Wd6! e5 pawn, looking for quick de­
for Black, or 24.fec7!? followed 35.#d6 Bfd8 36,#d4 velopment and an attack against
by 25.2egl with an unclear This is stronger than 36,'§’d3 Black’s King and the e4 pawn.
game. Bd3 37.cd3 Sb2 38.fec2 The reader should note the
24. fee5 (38.4x3 Sh2) 38...feb3 39.Scl strong and central disposition of
Not, however, 24.'B,d5? because f6! 4 0 .4 d l Bc2 41.Bc2 g5 White’s pieces after the move
of 24...®b6! 42.fg5 fg.5 43.4d2 fec2 44.4c2 21.Bhel. Radical action in the
24.. .fec3 25.bc3 g4—h, or 36.»d8 Bd8 37.4e3 centre made play especially tacti­
This move is necessary since Ec8 and 38...Bc4 with an edge. cal in character (see, for example,

our comments regarding 17.4je4 with complications. Aa4 29.h3 gh3 30,©h3 with an
14...<£)f6 and 14...#f5.) and high­ White could have also tried even game.
lighted some important relation­ 12.#e2!?. 27.4ic3 Jrh5 28.J.h5 £>h5
ships between the e4 and e5 12.. .# a5 29.c5 Eg8 30.Ed2 Eg4
pawns. Why not 12_fe.b5! 13.jJb5 &e7 31.E H Sg8 32.Sd2 Hg4
and, in view of the threats Hfd8, 33.Ef2 Eg8 34.Ed2
# b 6 and # a 5 , Black is clearly and a draw was agreed.
better? However, after 31...h3!? Black
13.#d2 # d 2 14.-4?d2 &e7 seems to be better.
15. “ d 1 f6 16.ef6
Black would have obtained better
Persowski,Slawomir Another interesting duel, where
ending after 16.^01 J&.b5!
the central pawns played the
Konca,Damian 17.Ab5 a6 18.ii.c4 b5 19.ile2
leading role. Black has proved
Shd8 20. Sd8 Sd8 21. S d l
Czerwionka 1984 that his e4 pawn if in danger can
S d 5 ,o r 18.Ae2fe5 19.fe5 Shf8,
or 18.ef6 gf6 19.Ae2 h5!? (with be protected very well by the col­
l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.€)d2 ®f6 the idea h4) 20.h4 Eag8 league on f7.
4.e5 t'4 5. - t'4 de4 6..Je3 21.Shgl Hg3!.
cS 7.dc5 £>d7 8.f4 » c 7 16.. .gf6 17.*e3 Hhd8
8.. .ef3 is another possibility, e.g. 17,..f5 was worth considering,
9.®f3 Ac5 1 0 .#d2 (If 10.&C5
c5 1 l.# d 8 &d8 12.0-0-0 &e7,
planning ...h7-h5-h4, ...Jic6 and
Study Material
Black would probably be better 18.<&c3
due to the weakness at e5.) Not, of course, 18.b4? £ja4 6.&C4
10.. .Ae3 l l.# e 3 Wb6 12.#b6 19.*e4?? Ab5 20,i.b5 ftc3.
(If 12.#c3 #05! exchanges 18.. .f5 19.&e2 Sac8 20.£d2
queens anyway.) 12...4Jb6 Ae8 21.Ehdl Hd2 22.Ed2
13.0-0-0 A d 7 with an even game, a6 23.®dl
Dudek-Konca, Poland 1979. The natural way of preparing the Bednarski,Jacek
9.®e2 advance c4, b4 and c5. Black Lublin 1972
Or 9 .# d 2 &c5 10.0-0-0 a6 (If must now find something on the
10.. .f5 11.g4 &e3 12.#e3 ®b6! kingside. 1,e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.£)d2 4hf6 4.e5 -Tied
and Black is better.) 11.g3 f5 23.. .h5! 24.b4 <Sd7 25.c4 5.S e4 de4 6.iLc4 £)d7 7.©e2 c5
12.ef6 gf6 13.&g2 Ae3 14.We3 £f6 26.Sd4# 8,c3 # c 7 9 .A f4e3 10.f3 cd4 l l . # d 4
b6 12.Ji.b5 Jkc5 13,’t d l J.b7
f5 15.#d4 00 with a sharp, but
I4 .# a 4 0-0-0 15.0-0-0 S2e5 16.#a7
very good game for Black.
f6 17.Ji.a6 i a 6 18.#a8 # b 8
9...Ac5 10.ilc5 ®c5 ll.£>c3
19.Wa6 # b 7 20.Wb7 * b 7
Ad7 12.<Bb5 fe5 22.b4 £ d 6 23.£ig3 e4 24.©e4
.Je5 25.g3 Ha8 2 6 .* b 2 S a 4 27.a3
Eha8 28.S a l Sc8 29.H hel Hd8
30,Ee3 Jic7 3 1 ,* b 3 S aa8 32.4c2
h5 33.Cg5 e5 34.h4 S d 7 35 .S d 3
He7 3 6 .*b3 * c 6 37.a4 &d8
38.S a d i &c7 39.Hd7 E d7 40.b5

26... h4 Kostro,Jerzy
An interesting ending arises after Bednarski,Jacek
26...£>g4 27.jJ.g4 hg4. Let us look Poland 1972
at some sample variations:
The wrong idea. 12.#g4 was bet­ 28.®c3 Ji.d7 29.*f2 A.b5 30.c5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.£ld2 £if6 4.e5 £le4
ter, although Black can obtain (30.®b5 ab 5 -+ ) 30...b6? 31.cb6! 5.£)e4 de4 6.A c4 c5 7.d5 ® d7 8.de6
counter-play, with 12...0-0 Ec3 32.b7n—, but Black can fe6 9.A e6 # e 7 1 0 .#d6 « d 6 1 l.ed6
13.0-0-0 f5 14,ef6 (If 14.#g3 a6 play 30...Jfe.d7! 31.*g3 a5! 32,a3 ii.d6 12.&e2 £ f 6 13.£c8 Hc8
with the idea of 15...b5, etc.) (32.ba5 B c 5 -+ ) 32...ab4 33.ab4 l4.Ji.f4 £ f 4 15.®f4 * f 7 16.H di
14...Hf6 15.g3 e5! 16.#e2 ef4 Ea8 with an advantage. 28.ftf2 Z-'/i

Theory FR 16

Aseev, Konstantin (13...Ac6!7) 14.«ie2 gf4 15.AM #

Lvov ch-SU 1984 (12)

l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 0 f 6 4.e5 ©e4

5.©e4 de4 6 .£ c 4 a6 7.a4 b6 8.©h3
S.b7 9 .0 f4 0 c 6 10.S,e3 0 e 7 11.0-0
g6 12.We2 0 f5 13. E fd l S,h6 14.a5
0-0 15.ab6 cb6 16.Aa6 &f4 17,Ab7
0 d 4 18.»c47! (> 18.Ad4) 18...H al
19.S a l Jie5 20.S.e4 (20.Za8!?)
20.. .» h 4 21.f4 S d 8 2 2 .S fl (22.g3!7)
22.. .b 5 -+ 23.g3 » h 3 24.±g2 bc4 29x6 He8 3 0 .ie 5 fe6 31.Hd7 Wa4 0 c 2 26.Ab6 &d4 27.£.d4 32.Wb7 ©g3 33.*h2 We4 34.Eg7
15...i.h6 16.jS.h6 * 6 4 17.*12 ®h6 *h8 1-0
S d 4 2 8 .S D H d l 29.A fl 0 d 4 18.©13 S,b5 19.a4 Hg2 20.WC5 Ac6
30.H12h5 31.*g2 E e l 32 .S d 2 0 f5 21.H dl H dl 2 2 .* d l * b 8 0-1
33 *12 *18 34.S,h3 0 h 6 35 .* e3
* e 7 3 6 .* d 4 * d 6 3 7 .* e4 * c 5
3 8.*e5 ©g8 39.Ee2 H d l 4 0 .£ e6
fe6 4 1 .* e 6 E d 6 0-1
Legki,Nikolay 6 .£ e 3
Vrnjacka Banja 1989 (13)
Malaniuk, Vladimir 1,e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 ©f6 4x5 ©e4
Frunze 1987 (1) 5.©e4 de4 6.S.C4 a6 7.a4 b6 8.©e2
S,b7 9.0-0 c5 10x3 ©c6 l l . i e 3 g6 Bednarski.Jacek
12.0g3 cd4 13.cd4 Ag7 14.©e4 Varna 1972
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .0 d 2 0 f 6 4.e5 'Sbe4
5 .0 e4 de4 6 .£ c 4 a6 7.a4 b6 8.d5 ©e5 15.de5 » d l 16. Hfd 1 Ae4
A b7 9 .de6'* 'd l 1 0 .* d l fe6 ll.Jke6 17.S,b6 0-0 18.f4 Hfc8 19,b3 a5 1x4 e6 2.d4d5 3.©c3 ©f6 4x5 ©e4
0 c 6 12.S,e3 ©eS 13.0 h 3 S d8 20.Ha2 i.18 2I.H ad2 S x7 22.Sd7 5.©e4 de4 6.Ae3 c5 7.dc5 ©d7
1 4 .* cl S,b4 15.S,f4 S,d6 16.E e l * f8 23.Ec7 Hc7 2 4 .ic 7 g5 25.fg5 8.# g 4 ©c5 9 .ic 5 i c 5 lO.'B'g? WaS
Sf8 l7.iLg3 h6 18.13 2 f6 19.&b3 a.g5 26.*12 * g 7 27,g3 h5 28.h4 11x3 Hf8 12.©e2 i d 7 I3 .» f6 Aa4
*18 20.fe4 0 g 4 2 I .* b l Se8 k e l 29.S d 7 S.c5 3 0 .* e2 * g 6 14.©g3 id 4 ? ( 14...Aa3) 15.0 e 4
2 2 .* a2 S e4 2 3 .id 6 cd6 24.g3 g5 A d3 32.Hd3 S a7 33.S,d6 k t5 16.*h4 f5 17.©d2 i f 6
25.He4 S x 4 26.H el d5 27.c4 S.g6 A gl 34.E 13 Hb7 3 5 .* d 2 S.d4 18,Wh5 * e 7 1 9 .ic 4 + - Eg8
28.cd5 0 h 2 29.S.C4 a5 3O .0gl 0 g 4 3 6.S f6 * g 7 37.Ef4 £ a l 38.*c2 20.We2 » b 6 21.0-0 Hg4 22.S fel e5
3 1 .* b 3 ©12 32.Se3 0 e 4 33.©13 E d7 3:9.Hc4 f6 40.Hc7 Hf7 41.ef6 23.ii.d5 e4 24.©e4 He8 25.©f6 * f6
ite 8 34.©e5 ©c5 3 5 .* a3 Jia4 Af6 42. Ef7 * f7 43.S.C7 S.d4 2 6 .« d 2 S d 8 2 7 .* h 6 Eg6 28.Wh4
36.b4 ab4 3 7 .* b 4 h5 38.© d3 ©d3 4 4 .ila5 A n . 45.A c ! * e 7 4 6 .* d 3 * g 7 29.He7 *18 30.H17 1-0
3 9 .* a4 ©b2 4 0 .* b 5 © c4 4 1 .* c4 * d 7 47.Sx5 * c 6 4 8 .* c4 1-0
*17 4 2 .* d 4 h4 43.g4 S f4 4 4 .* e5
Hg4 4 5 .* f5 Eg3 46.He2 h3 47,d6 Filipowicz,Andrzej
S d 3 48.He7 * g 8 49.d7 h2 50.Se8 Pedzich,Dominik
* g 7 5I.H e7 * g 8 52.He8 * f7
Pytel, Krzysztof
53.Hh8 E d5 54.* g 4 Hd7 55.Sh2 Przewoznik,Jan Gdynia 1973
E d5 56. S h 6 b5 57.Eb6 * e 7 Warszawa ch-PL 1990 (4)1
58.*f3 He5 0-1 1x4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 ©f6 4x5 ©e4
1,e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©c3 ©f6 4x5 ©e4 5.©e4 de4 6.S.e3 c5 7.dc5 ©d7 8.b4
5.©e4 de4 6.Ac4 a6 7.a4 b6 8.©h3 b6 9.S'd4 bc5 10.W et Hb8 11.b5
Rufenacht,Matthias A b7 9.©f4 ©c6 IO.Ae3 ©e7 i.b 7 12.Wf4 # c 7 13.©f3 A n I4.gf3
Konca,Damian 11.®g4 g6 12.0-0 h5 13.We2 S.h6 0 e 5 15 .ie 2 i d 6 16.*ta4 0-0 I7.h4
cr 1987 14.S a d i ©f5 1 5 .d 5 .if4 16.i.f4ed5 f5 18.h5 h6 19.H dl 017 20.Wc4 f4
I7.i2d5 Ad5 18x4 c6 19.cd5 cd5 21.S.d2 0 g 5 2 2 .* fl * h 8 23 E gl
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 ©f6 4.e5 ©e4 20.H e!3 21.W13 0-0 22,Ed5 We7 i e 5 24.a4 3bd8 25.Ji.c3 S d l
5.©e4 de4 6..Sc4 c5 7.d5 ©d7 8.de6 23.Hfd 1 Hfd8 24.h3 Bac8 2 5 .* h l 2 6 .i.d l A c3 27.»c3 e5 2 8 .ie 2 e4
fe6 9.Ae6 We7 10.ja.d7 A d7 11.f4 Hd5 26.®d5 h4 27.Wb3 » c 7 29.Sg5 hg5 30.fe4 13 31.Ji.d3 Wf4
0-0-0 I2 .* e 2 g5 13.®e4 Eg8 28.*13 Wc2 # 32.a5 c4 Ec8 0-1

Kasparov,Gary 26.Hh8 &h8 27.'»g8 4 e 7 2 8 .f8 « Wd4 27.ftc8 Wal 2 8 .» fl Wfl
Hf8 29.'#h7 2 0 3 0 .* c2 2 f5 2 9 .4 fl 4 c 8 30x4 a5 0-1
Watlignies Wch-kadel 1976 3 1 .# c8 1-0
I. e4e6 2.d4 d5 3 .ftd2 ftf6 4.e5 fte4 Dudek Konca,Damian
5.fte4 de4 6.S.e3 b6 7.fte2 S.b7 Konca,Damian Olkusz 1982
8.ftg3 c5 9.dc5 Wdl lO.Hdl S,c5 Poland 1979
I I . &C5 bc5 1 2 .A b 5 * e 7 13.0-0 S.c6 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .ftd 2 ftf6 4 x5 fte4
14.ilc6 ftc6 15.fte4 fte5 16.ftc5 l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ftd2 ftf6 4,e5 fte4 5.fte4 de4 6.S.e3 c5 7.dc5 ftd 7
Bac8 17.b4 2 h d 8 18.0 a5 19.c3 5,fte4 de4 6.S,e3 c5 7.dc5 ftd 7 8.f4 8.Wg4 ftc5 9.S.C5 k c S 10.«g7 Wa5
ab4 20,cb4 ftc6 2 1 .2 d 8 Hd8 22.b5 eO 9 .ftO k c S 10.Wd2 S.e3 ll.W e3 11x3 2 f8 12.fte2 k d l 13.Wf6 k c 6
ftb 4 23.H bl ftd 5 24.b6 Bb8 25.b7 Wb6 12.Wb6 ftb 6 13.0-0-0 S.d7 14.a3 S.e7 15.®f4 0-0-0 16.b4 Wa4
ftc7 2 6 .2 b 6 * d 8 2 7 . * 0 ftd 5 # 2 c 8 15.ftg5 h6 16.fte4 17,®cl 2g8 18.ftd4 S.g5 19.*b2
Sc7 17.©d6 4 e 7 18.H hf 1 2 f8 S,f4 20.g3 k e S 2 \.k e 2 £.d4 22,cd4
19.2f4 ftd 5 20,B d4 f6 21.ftf5 ef5 f5 23.0-0 * b 8 2 4 .2 a c l 2 d 7 2 5 .0
2 2 .2 d 5 S,e6 23,ef6 4 f 6 2 4 .2 b 5 b6 ‘A -‘A
2 5 .2 fl 2 c5 26.2 c 5 bc5 27.b3 4 g 5
2 8 .* d 2 i d 5 2 9 . 2 0 Bf6 30.S.e2 Zdziubany
2 d 6 31.4x3 f4 32.S.O S.e6 3 3 .2 d 2
2 d 2 3 4 .4 d 2 4 fS 35.a3 a5 36 .4 c3 Konca,Damian
g5 37.b4 g4 38.lS.c6 ab4 39.ab4 cb4 Olkusz 1982
4 0 .4 b 4 4 e 5 4 1 .4 c5 S.f5 42.4x4
S.e4 43.S,d7 h5 44.g3 O 45.4 x 3 O 1x4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ftd2 ftf6 4x5 fte4
0-1 5.fte4 de4 6.A e3 c5 7.dc5 ftd 7
8.» g 4 S c 5 9 .k c 5 k c i 10.Wg7 WaS
11x3 Bf8 12.fte2 A d7 13.Wf6 k c 6
28 .S d 6 &c7 2 9 .2 d 5 ed5 30.fta6 Chruszcz 14.h4 k e l 15.Wf4 0-0-0 16.2h3 f6
* b 7 31.ftb8 &b8 3 2 .* e3 4 x 7 Konca, Damian 17.b4 Wa4 1 8 .* c l fe5 19.ftgl 2 f4
3 3 .4 d 4 4 c 6 34.a4 4 b 6 35.4 d 5 cr 1980 20.g3 Bf6 21.a3 h5 2 2 .ke 2 ^.f8
4 a 5 3 6 .4 d 6 4 a 4 3 7 .* e7 f5 3 8 .4 0 23.-S.dl # a 6 24.Ae2 Wb6 2 5 .« e3
1-0 1,e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3,ftd2 ftf6 4.e5 fte4 W ei 26.fe3 S.h6 27,g4 hg4 28.2g3
5.fte4 de4 6.S.e3 c5 7.dc5 ®d7 2 0 2 9 .ftO gO 30.b5 S.d7 31.S.C4
8.Wg4 ftc5 9.S.c5 k c 5 lO.Wgl » a 5 S.e3 3 2.B dl S.h6 33.Eg6 Bh8
1 l.c3 2 f8 12.Wh7 Ji.a3 1 3 .2 b l 3 4 ,* f2 k e 8 35.A e6 * c 7 36.S.f5 e3
Matulovic,Milan W e i 14,# h 6 k e l 15.fth3 S.d7 31.dsf3 k g 6 38.£.g6 2 f8 39.* e4
Maksimovic,Branimir 16.ttf4 « d 5 17.b3 W ai 18.Wd2 2 0 40.S.h5 £ f 4 4 1 .* d 3 Ba2
Nis 1977 0-0-0 19.b4 Wa4 20..S.C4 e5 21.’# e3 42.S.O 2 a 3 4 3 .2 g l B a2 44.Bg2
Wc6 22.S.e2 4 b 8 2 3 .2 d l Wg6 Bd2 4 5 .2 d 2 ed2 4 6 .* c2 * b 6
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .ftd 2 ftf6 4.e5 fte4 24.#g3 We6 25.ftg5 # f 5 26.h4 f6 47.S.e4 * b 5 48.-S.b7 a5 49.S.d5
5.fte4 de4 6-S e3 c5 7.dc5 ftd7 2 7.fth3 2g8 2 8 .« h 2 2 c 8 29.g4 S.h6 50.S.O a4 51.h5 * c 4 5 2 .ig 4
8 .% 4 ftc5 9 . i b 5 £Ld7 10.0-0-0 We6 30.«g3 2 c 7 31.a3 * a 2 32x4 *d5 li- H
ftd 3 ll.& d 3 ed3 12.Bd3 Wa5 a5 33.b5 £ a 3 34.b6 2 c 4 3 5 .2 d 7
1 3 .* b l k b i 14.B dl g6 15.f tO 2 c 3 3 6 .0 2 e 3 3 7 . » 0 W al 3 8 .2 d l
k g l 16.ftd4 k d l 17.f4 0-0 18.h4 h5
Wc3 0-1
19.«fe2 2fc8 20.g4 hg4 21.h5 S.c6 Konca,Damian
22.ftc6 2 c 6 23.hg6 Bac8 24.gO Olkusz 19851
4 f 8 25.Wg4 Bc2 #
Konca,Damian 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .ftd2 ftf6 4x5 fte4
cr 1980 5.fte4 de4 6.S.e3 c5 7.dc5 ftd 7
8 .» g 4 ftc5 9 . i b 5 ftd 7 10,fte2
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 .ftd2 ftf6 4x5 fte4 » a 5 1l.ftc 3 S.b4 12.0-0 £ c 3
5.fte4 de4 6 .£ e 3 c5 7.dc5 ftd 7 13.S.d7 S.d7 14.bc3 We5 15.S.d4h5
8.Wg4 ftc5 9.S.b5 ftd 7 10.fte2 16.«g7 W%1 17.S.g72 g8 18.S.d4
W a i 1 l.ftc 3 Jib 4 12.SUI7 k d l Bg5 19.S.e3 B a5 2 0 .2 fd l S.a4
13.S.d4 0-0-0 14.0-0 f5 15.>te2 4 b 8 2 1 .2 d 2 Bd8 2 2 .2 d 8 &d8 2 3.B bl
1 6 .2 fd 1 S.c5 17.S.C5 Wc5 18.2 d 6 4>c7 24.2 b 2 S.c6 25x4 b6 2 6 .* fl
k c b 1 9 .2 ad 1 Bde8 2 0 .2 1 d 4 We5 Ba4 27.S.f4 &b7 28.^ e 2 Bc4 29.a3
21.Wc4 2 e 7 22.b4 a6 23.a4 2 c 8 S.d5 3 0 .id 6 * c 6 31.S.f8 * d 7
2 4 ,« e2 S.d5 2 5.ftd5 » d 6 26.fte7 3 2 .* d 2 Bc8 3 3 .ib 4 k c 6 34.Bb3

Theory FR 16

i a 4 35.Z b2 Zg8 36.g3 ZgS 5.©e4 de4 6.&e3 c5 7.dc5 © d7 8.f4 Haugli,Petter
3 7.* e3 A c6 3 8 .Z b l 'Hf5 3 9 .Z d l ef3 9.©f3 « c 7 10.*d2 £ c 5 Maksimovic,Branimir
* c 7 40.ii.f8 Z f3 4 1 .* e2 &b5 11.0-0-0 a6 12.i.d3 h6 13.&e4 i.e 7 Kobenhavn open 1989
42.d?el e3 43.fe3 Ze3 4 4 .* d 2 Ze2 14. Z hel Wc4 15.©d4 ©c5 16.©c6
45.<4x3 Zh2 46.g4 Z h3 47.<ib4 bc6 17.£x6 i.d 7 18.ii.d7 4>f8
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 ©f6 4x5 ©e4
£e2 0-1 19.Jic5 't c 5 2 0 .* b l Zb8 21.Wf4 g5
5.©e4 de4 6 .4 e3 c5 7.dc5 ©d7
2 2 * 0 3 4>g7 23..&a4 Hb4 24.£.b3
8.*g4 ©c5 9 .ib 5 ©d7 10.©e2
Broza a5 25.a4 Zhb8 26.g3 g4 27 .* e3 * c 6
Wa5 II.© c3 a6 12.4x2 ©e5
2 8 .S fl Z8b7 29.Zf4 Ag5 30.Zdfl
Konca,Damian i.f4 31.gf4 * e 4 3 2 .* e4 Ze4
I3 .* e 4 4 d 7 14.0-0 4 x 6 15.*f4
Czerwionka 1986 4 x 7 1 6 .S ld l 0-0 17.*g3 4 f6 18.a3
33.&a2 Z d7 34.f5 Ze5 35.fe6 fe6
©g6 19.b4 *15 20.ii.d3 * h 5
36.S g l h5 37.h3 S d 4 38.hg4 hg4
1,e4 e6 2,d4 d5 3.©d2 ©f6 4.e5 ©e4 21.4x2 * h 4 22.ii.d4 4 d 4 23.*h4
39x3 Z f4 4 0 .iid l ZgS 41.Zg3 * g 6
5.©e4 de4 6..&e3 c5 7.^.b5 i.d 7 ©h4 24.S d 4 ©g2 25.Sc4 #
42.'4a3 * h 5 43.Z h3 * g 6 44,Zg3
8..&d7 ©d7 9 ,# g 4 Wa5 10,c3 cd4 Z fl 45..4x2 * h 5 46.4 x 4 Ze5
l l . £ d 4 H»65 12.Wg3 « b 5 13.b3 4 7 .4 b 7 S a l 48.'4b3 * h 4 49.Zg2
©c5 14..&C5 i2c5 15.©e2 0-0-0 g3 50. S d 2 Z fl 51.Z d4 4>g5
16.a4 Wb3 17.0-0 Wc4 18.© d4 52.4x4 Hf2 53.b4 g2 54.Zd8 * f4
Zhg8 I9.© b5 a6 20.©d6 £ d 6 55.Hf8 4>e3 56.Sg8 * d 2 57.Sg2
21.ed6 (6 22.Z fd l Hd7 23 .S d 4 Sg2 58.4g2 Se3 59.ba5 Sc3
# c 6 24-Z adl Zgd8 25.Z4d2 # a 4 60.4>b4 Sg3 1-0
26.h4 Wb5 27.Wh3 # e 5 28.
Z d6 29.Z d6 S d 6 3 0 ,Z b l 4>b8
31x4 Zd3 3 2 .« b 6 S d 7 33.Wa6
Zdl 0-1

25...Hac8 26,© dl © el 27.©e3 ©f3

Salacki 2 8 . 4 0 4 0 29.Zf4 iLc6 30.Zd4 e5
Konca.Damian 31.Hd6 Sfd8 32.S a d i Ed6
Kudowa Zdroj 1987 33.Hd6 <*f8 34x4 S?e8 35x5 Sd8
36. S d8 * d 8 37.©c4 f6 38.©d6
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.©d2 © f6 4x5 ©e4 S?e7 39.h4 * e 6 40.&h2 b6 0-1

Slav Defence SL 3.4
Kick Langeweg The Steiner Variation

The Steiner Variation, which was Variation A: 7,f3

introduced by Hungarian Variation B: 7,g3
chessplayers round about World Variation C: 7,h3.
War II, arises after For 7.£ic4 and 7.iLg5, as well as
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.5if3 ®f6 for alternative sixth moves for
4.' c3 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 # White and Black, we refer to the
Study Material.

9.de5? then 9...'B,h4 wins a piece.

Variation A In tournament practice the fol­

lowing continuations are most
7. D Al) 9.£e5
This looks very strong: White A2) 9.&e4
hopes to build a firm centre
At first glance this somewhat while sidetracking Black’s
provocative idea does not seem bishop. The following method, Other moves which have oc­
very attractive: is it not true that found by Bronstein, shows the curred incidentally:
White can sidetrack the bishop weak points of 7,f3. 9.g3 -Zb4 (The only move.
with gain of tempo by means of 7,..5ifd7! 9,..ed4 10. Wd4 # f 6 l l.« e 3
6.£le5 Ah5 7.f3, at the same 7,..c6?! is unsatisfactory. After leads to trouble for Black) 10.de5
time building a strong centre? 8.g4! Ag6 (8...®d5 9.e4 * h 4 0-0 M £>a6 12.Af4 &dc5!
In 1963 Bronstein in his game 10.4le2 ftc3 ll.bc3 (Sosonko) is 13. « d 8 Bad8 14.£sd2 Efe8 (im­
against Osnos demonstrated the also better for White) 9.h4 h6 mediately 14...5/c7!? comes into
right method for Black to obtain I0.£lg6 fg6 11/# c 2 * f7 12.e3 consideration) 15.0-0-0 £ic7!
counterplay. Ever since, the 4)a6 13.itc4 White is winning, 16.Ag5 Sa8 with excellent coun­
Steiner Variation has been mak­ Wilup-Klaman, Leningrad 1959. terplay for Black, Kuzmin-Tai-
ing its appearance at the highest 8. £ie4 e5!? # manov, Leningrad Interzonal
level and it has now acquired a Black obtains good coun­ 1973.
permanent place in opening theo­ terchances with this temporary 9.J/e3 £ g 6 10.g3 Ab4 ll..$.g2
ry- pawn sacrifice. It now turns out ed4 0-0 13.0-0 'te 7 !
This article examines White’s that White by playing f3 has both 14. e4 Bd8 15.#e2 ®c5
main continuations after lost time and somewhat weak­ ®ba6 with considerable pressure
6.S)e5 J,h5 ened his kingstde. If for example against White’s queenside

Theory SL 3

(17.S a d i Ac3 18.bc3 5Ja4), K. 13. g4 Ag6 14,f4 h5 15.gh5 2h5 .42
Grigorian-Vasiukov, ' Soviet 16.£.g2 £ jc5 17.,4.e3 b5 with an
Championship, Leningrad 1974. active game for the sacrificed 9.SJe4 #
9.e41? A Russian recommenda­ pawn, Mukhin-Vasiukov, Soviet
tion is 9...'«'h4 10.g3 (For Union 1973. Or 11.©e4?! ©e5
10.,4e2, see Study Material: 12.Wd8 Bd8 13.®g3 Ab4
Gamarra-Gonzalez, Thessaloniki 14.4>f2 j£.c5! 15.£e3 £ e 3
Olympiad 1984) 10...W6. lb -ie S 5fc4 17.&f4 Jkg6 and
However, a game Kremenetsky- Black has the advantage, Farago-
Yanovsky, Moscow 1988, con­ Kostic, Belgrade 1982.
tinued ll.de5!? # 0 (better 11.. .Ab4 12.Wc21?
11 ...<SYe5!? 12.©e5 We5 unclear) Mobilizes the e-pawn. In the
12. £)d6 4>e7 (if 12...Jkd6 stem game Osnos-Bronstein, 31st
13. « d 6 Whl? (13...f6!?) then Soviet Championship, Leningrad
14. J«.g5 with attack)! 1963, White ran into serious
# d l 14.£)dl £ f3 15,Hgl h6 trouble after 12.g3 it.g4! (pre­ By far the most frequently played
16. <She3 Jkh5 17.ftef5 tfrd8 18.g4 venting 13.Ah3) 13.^.g2 Wb6 move. White’s attention is
jkg6 19.Ji.c4 and Black is in se­ focused on the point d6.
14. jl,d2 a5 15.£>e4 f5! (see Study
rious difficulties. Material). 9...Ab4
9.h4?l £,e7! 10.g3 ed4 l l.« d 4 12.. .« e7 13.e4 gSl? 9.. .4.b6?! is inadequate. After
0-0 12.£f4 « c5 n .'S ’dS Hd8 Necessary in order to break the 10. «Je5 (6 Il.® d3! (Also ll.aSl?
14.g4 Ag6 15.e4 f6 16.h5 &f7 strong block of pawns. offers good chances: 11 ...fe5
17. S d 1 fid l 18,*dl £)ba6 14.Jk.e2 12.ab6 ed4 (according to
19.Sh2 £b3! 20.Ae3 ®b4! with If 14.g4? Petrosian gives the fol­Kondratiev 12...Wb6 13.de5
a clear advantage to Black, lowing variation: 14,..A.g4
fkb4 14.Ad2 ®d7 comes into
Gavrilov-Yanovsky, Moscow 15. Hgl h5 16,h3 Wc5! 17.2g3 consideration, but I think
1988. gf4 and White’s position is in 15. <5hd6!? or perhaps even better
ruins. 15.3a4!? are attractive continua­
14.. .gf4! # tions for White) 13.2a7 2a7
14.ba7 « a 5 15.*d2 W al
A1 16. Wg5 .v.b4 (In Kluger-Flesch,
9.®e5 5:eS 7.d7 19th Hungarian Championship,
A queen swap brings no relief: Budapest 1963, White obtained a
10.. .'Wd 1?! d l (1 l.sfcdl is decisive attack after,g6
also good. After ll...£Ja6 12.e4 17. We5 Wd7 18.g3 - see Study
0-0-0 13.&c2 ®b4 14.4>b3 f6 Material) 17.<£f2 il,g6 18.Wei
15.e6! Black has insufficient &d8 19. Af4 (Stronger is 19. JLg5
compensation for the pawn, Wc8 20.g3 with a winning attack)
Dzindzichashvili-Podgaets, So­ 19.. .®d7 20.« c 7 si?e7 21.g3,
viet Championship, Moscow Vladimirov-Vasiukov, Erevan
1973, see Study Material) 1982 and here Black could still
11.. .A,b4 12..Std2 Ad2 13.Wd2 15.e6? have defended with 21...Wb8!)
©d7 14.h4! h6 15.g4 Ag6 16.f4 A serious mistake. Correct is 11. - f W 12.a5 « d 5 (other
0-0-0 17.^c3 Ae4 18.2h3 with 15.£.h5 * h 4 16.Wf2 # h 5 knight moves also make it possi­
a favourable game for White, 17.jLf4 ©e5 18.®d4 and White ble for White to take advantage
Greenfeld-Bimboim, Israel enjoys more freedom. of Black’s weakened queenside:
Championship 1984. 15.. .Wh4 16.«t?fl 12.. .£>bd7 13.Wb3 b6 14,#e6
Not to be recommended either is In his calculations Timman prob­ & el 15.&e3! Wd5 16.«d5 cd5
the manoeuvre 10...#h4?! 11.g3 ably underestimated the strength 17.4Jc3 or 12...£sc8 13.«b3
W ei, D. Gurevich-Murey, Beer- of 16.g3 fg3 17.ed7 sfee7! and £sd6 14.Ba4 W di 15.5Jd6 £ d 6
Sheva 1984 (see YB/1 for an White is losing. 16.Ee4, in both cases with deci­
analysis by Gurevich). 16.. .Ae2 17.«e2 fe6 18.#f2 sive advantage) 13.g4! (The most
11.f4 W ei 19.e5 ©e5 20.ilf4 2f8 powerful way to a win! In the ear­
Consistent. Other continuations 2 1 .2 d l Ac5 lier games Furman-Vasiukov,
do not promise White anything: and White resigned, Timman-Pe- Riga 1975 and Ivkov-Rukavina,
I I.#b3?! # b6! 12.®b6 ab6 trosian, Las Palmas 1982. Yugoslav Championship, Novi

Sad 1975, White obtained a clear 20.&f2! # f 4 21.*e2 Wg4 with would certainly have been justi­
advantage with 13.Ad2 - see repetition of moves, according to fied. #
Study Material) 13_fe,f7 )4.e3! an analysis by Schipkov) 15..T6
3 15.tte2! &d5 (Both 16.ab5 # c 7 17.f4 &f7? (Better
15.. .‘Sbfl and 15...€3c4 are an­ 17,..®ed7 18.&c4 &h8 19.0-0
swered by 16. Ha4 with threats with advantage to White) 18.b6!
that cannot be parried) 16.©d6 Wb6 19.ftc4 1-0, Schipkov-Alex-
Wd7 17.Slf5! White is winning, androv, Soviet Union 1986.
Iveges-Vukcevie, corr. game B) 10...'H'h41? (By means of
1976. this intermediate check Black de­
10.Ad2 We7 prives White’s knight of the g3
Alternatives: square, while hoping the move g3
A) 10...A.d2 ll.W d2 0-0 will slightly weaken White’s posi­
12. de5 (in answer to 12.£se5 all tion. Whether these benefits
reference books give simply make up for the disadvantage of position after 10...Wei
12.. .€)e5 13.de5 ®d7, but I fail White being able to develop his White now has two options.
to see any compensation for king’s bishop without loss of time 11,de5 leads to a complex mid-
Black after 14.f4 and this verdict is not so easy to decide) 11.g3 dlegame and ll..&b4 results in a
seems to be borne out by the We7 White can now choose be­ difficult endgame which looks
games Van der Sterren-Boersma tween: # better for White but which in ac­
1987 and Farago-Witke 1987, see tual practice offers Black ade­
Study Material) 12...b5!? (a rec­ quate counterplay. The move 11.
ommendation by Boleslavsky) h4, Speelman-Nikolic, Hastings
13. ftcd6! (In a game Lputian- 1989/90, has experimental value.
Pergericht, Geneva Open 1986, See Study Material.
13.ab5 was played. The game
continued 13...cb5 M.'S'dS S)c6
(Fridstein suggests 14,..bc4!?
15. 'tt'a 8 £>e5 16.#a7 £)bc6 ________ A21_
17.Wc5 ikg6, unclear) 15.Wc6
11-de5 0-0 #
(For 15.»b5, Varasdy-Ka-
spersen, Copenhagen 1986, see
Study Material) 15...bc4 16.3 d 1 Bl) 12.de5 0-0 13.Bel (Both
'S'aS (Fridstein gives 16...®e5! Black and White can choose con­
n.W cS with a favourable tinuations analogous to 10...’8'e7
game for Black, since f3-f4 is al­ when all the time the pros and
ways met by Ag6. He further­ cons of g3 will have to be consid­
more considers the exchange of ered) 13...Ed8 (Practice will
queens to be in Black’s favour. have to show the merits of moves
This assessment to me does not such as 13...Ag6 and 13...b5!?)
seem correct. After 17.Sd8 ®c6 14. jLb5 # b 4 15.»d2 « d 2
18.Sa8 Sa8 19.ftd6! c3!? (What (15...*a4? 16.Wg5) 16.&ed2 f6
else? If 19...©e5 then 20.e4) 17.ef6 5if6 18.®a5 with great
20.bc3 a5 21.e4 a4 22.&b5 advantage to White, Gavrikov- The following possibilities are at
Blacks a-pawn offers insufficient Rogers, Tallinn 1985. White’s disposal:
compensation for the minus B2) 12,^b4 # b 4 13.Wd2 # d 2 A211) 12.43g3
pawn) 17.£)c3 Qb6 18.WbS Wb5 14.1id 2 ed4 15.£ied6 4 e 7 A212) 12,a5
I9.feb5 £>a4 20.e4 ®b2 21.Hbl 16.£>b7 4ba6 17.ii.h3 (Here we A213) 12.f4
®d3 2 2 .id 3 cd3 24.h4 with a see one of the points of 10...#h4 A214) 12.E el
clear endgame advantage for 11.g3: White cannot play e3)
White) 13...4>e5 14.fig3 .S,g6 17... Bab8 18.<S3ba5 <Sb4
15.e4! (15.f4? is weaker on ac­ 19.Bhcl c5 20. Sa3 H-'/i, Ador- ___________ A m ____________
count of 15...£ld3! 16.ed3 ^ 6 jan-Rohde, New York Open 12.£)g3 Ed8!
17.f5 if 5 ! 18,®f5 We5 19.£)e3 1986. Although the position is This vis-a-vis of rook and queen
Ee8 20.4,e2?! 4sd7! with attack­ probably balanced the endgame is highly unpleasant for White.
ing chances for Black. Correct is is so complex that playing on 12...®a6?l, which used to be

Theory SL 3

played, is much less cogent as is &.A2 14.0d2 0 e 5 1 5 .S c 5 -is by 15.. .1Lg6 16.©c3 0b4! 17.f4
shown by the games Marovic- far the most frequent choice. ©a6 18.e4 ©dc5 19.fldl
Nei, Tallinn 1975 and Marovic- Black has a wide range of op­ If 19.f5 then 19...©b3 2O.0dl
Kovacevic, Zagreb 1975 (cf. tions. # ©el 2 l.0 c l 0 c 5 22.fg6 fg6 and
Study Material). White has a hard job defending
13.©d6 his position.
13. ©h5 is strongly met by 19...6 h 5 20.Ae2 ©b3!
13...©e5. Worthy of examina­ 21.0e3 J«,e2 22.0e2 0c5!
tion is 13.f4!?, see Alexandria-Se- 23.012 012 24.«f7 ©ac5
menova, Candidates Tourna­ with advantage to Black, Knaak-
ment, Malmo 1986 in Study Ma­ Marszalek, Berlin 1987. For
terial. analysis by Sapis, see Informator
13...Jkd2? 44.
Correct is 13...©a6! and now
14. ©h5 is met by 14...©e5 with ___________A2I43_________
a clear advantage to Black.
12.. .©a6 1 3 .ib 4 ©b4!
14.0d2 ©e5 15.0-0-0! ©c4 ___________ A2141___________ An improvement on Rogers-Har-
16.©df5 ©d2 17.-5 ,e7 &18
12.. .a5 13.Ab4 toch, Amsterdam OHRA 1985,
Bad is 13.©g3? ©e5 14.©e5 in which Black recaptured with
and Black resigned, Van der Ster-
0 e 5 15.f4 0 f4 16.©h5 0 h 4 the queen. Play continued:
ren-Hartoch, Amsterdam OHRA
17.©g3 Hd8 18.Hc2 (18.Ec3!?) 14.0d2 15.©g3 ©dc5!
18...©a6 and White cannot pre­ 16.0b4 ©b4 17.f4 f5? (Accord­
vent d2 being taken. ing to Rogers only 17...©a2!
________ A212___________ 13.. .ab4 14.0d6 Se8 18.Bal ©b4 19.4-f2 will mini­
15.0e7 Se7 16.©g3 &g6 mize Black’s disadvantage) 18.a5
12.a5 Sad8 19.©d6! ©b3 20.Ec3
17.f4 Ea4
A feeble move.
Oil gives 17...h5!? 18.e4 with a ©a5 21.e4 with a decisively su­
12...©a6 13.0b3 i.d2 perior position for White. In­
slight advantage to White.
14.©ed2 ©e5 15.©e5 0 e 5
18.15 b5 19.©d6 Be5 20.e4 stead of 15.©g3 according to
and Black is already somewhat
©c5 21.Ae2 Af5 22.©df5 Rogers 15.©ed6!? comes into
better, Vegh-Utasi, Hungary consideration, e.g. 15...0a4
Sa2 23.00 Hb2 24.Bfdl
1983. On 16.'Wb7? there comes ©bd7 25.5,d4! 16. ©b7 ©dc5 17.©c5 ©c5
the decisive 16...©c5. 18.0a5! with a clear advantage
Weaker is 25.Hc5 Sc5 26.Ed7
h6 with an unclear game. After to White.
___________ A213___________ 25.©d4 White has a distinct ad­ 14.0d6 Be8 15.0e7 Be7
12.f4!? vantage, Oll-Yrjola, Tallinn and a draw was agreed, Zaid-
A rarely played move. In the 1985. See YB/3 for further an­ Khuzman, Soviet Union 1986.
game Knaak-Tischbierek, Pot­ notations. After 16.©g3 3kg6 17.f4 .4x2!
sdam 1985, play continued with the idea ©c5 Black has
12.. .©a6 ___________A2142___________ good counterplay and if 16.f4
Immediately 12...f6 is answered Ruban gives the neat line 16...f6
12.. .b5 I3.Ab4
by 13.09)3 £ d 2 14.©cd2 il?h8 13.ab5 cb5 14.Ab4 0 b 4 15.0d2 17. ©g3 fe5! 18.©h5 g6! with a
15.0b7 fe5 16.a5! and White is comes into consideration when somewhat better position for
winning. Black.
White has the better chances
13.0b3 Ag6 14.©ed6 ©dc5 both after 15...0d2 16.©cd2
15.0h3 b5! A2I44
(16...©e5? 17.©g3 or 17,Ec5)
and Black managed to create and after 15...0a4 (15...0e7 12.. .£g6
enough counterplay. For analysis 16.0x16) 16.0a5! The above continuations have
by Tischbierek see Yearbook 3 13... 0 . 4 14.0d2 0a4 not been put to the test very
and by Ftacnik see Informator 15.©cd6?! often. So far Black has preferred
39. Stronger is 15.0a5 0 a 5 16.©a5 to play 12...Ag6.
A214_______ Ag6 17.©d6 ©e5 18.f4 resulting 13.4. b4
12.Sell? in an endgame that will be dis­ Weak is 13.©ed6? on account of
This indirect way of covering cussed under A2144 - B 15.©ed6 13...©e5! 14.©e5 (14.Ab4 ©d3)
pawn e5 - 12...©e5? 13.©e5 below. 14_fi.d6 15.©g6 hg6 and Black

scored a quick win in Grilnberg- game. Franke indicates the fol­ c5 29.Sd6 g6 in Dokhoian-Bare-
Tischbierek, Dresden 1985. See lowing possibilities: 16.#e3 ev, Irkutsk 1986. And now the
Study Material. £ b d 7 1714 h6 or 16.#a5 # a 5 best way for White to maintain
13...®b4 14.®d2 # a 4 # 17.£a5 b6 18.e4 Ee8 19.£c4 his advantage would have been
h6, both lines being slightly bet­ 3015!
ter for Black. He also adds the A better defence was demon­
variation 16.^03 £ba6 17.e4 strated in Kishnev-Lensky,
Sad8 18.Ae2 £ b 4 and White is Moscow 1986: 24...a5!? 25. Ac4
lost (see YB/9) e.g. 19.Hdl £ a 2 &f8 26.S a l Ea7! 27.<&e3 ©d7
20,®a5 S d l and Black wins. 28. Se4 Se4 29.&e4 Hb7!
This assessment does not seem 30.2 a 2 Bb4 31.<±>d3 and White
correct to me. After 19.£d6!? b6 resigned himself to a draw.
(19...<£b3 2 0 .2 d l £ a 2 (21 ...b5!? Instead of 24. B d4 it seems to me
22.0-0!±) 21.#e3 W'd5 22.*f2 that 24.^03 should be consid­
does not lead to anything since ered. A possible variation:
Black cannot take on e5) 20.B dl 24.. .£ d 7 25.Bc6!? (25.Ee4!?
From a theoretical point of view WaS (20...'«b3 21.Ji.c4: 21.0-0! £16 26,Ac4 * f8 27,He8 Be8
this is one of the main positions £ a 4 22.Wa1 and it is Black 28.&f3 (28.&d3 Bd8! 29.&c3
of the Steiner Variation. White rather than White who is in trou­ ©d5 and Black can hold out)
has two continuations from the ble. 16...£b3 17.#dl b5 with a 28.. .£ d 5 29.g3 and thanks to the
diagram position. quick win for Black, Miles-Fran- superiority of bishop versus
ke, German Bundesliga 1987/88. knight White has a small but dis­
B) 15.£ed6!? bS 16.#aS!? tinct advantage in the endgame)
A) 15.£ig3 <fic5!? In Miles- #a5Black cannot really avoid 25.. .£ b 6 26.g3 Bad8 27,Ab5!
Ree, Ostende Open 1985, 15...b5 the exchange of queens: I6...A.C2 £ d 5 28.4’e2 £ b 4 29.Hc7 with
was played. The game continued 17,#a4 Aa4 18.£a5 or 16... 5 c5 great advantage to White.
1 6.4id6 £ia6 ( 1 6 . . . m ..c 5? 17.f4 17.'S,a4 £ a 4 18.b3! both clearly
loses a piece) 17.e4 £iac5 lS.'B'cJ advantageous to White. 17.£a5
£ e 6 (After 18...b4?! 19.W ei £ e 5 1814 £c4!? In Knaak-
White is clearly better, but Tischbierek, Dresden 1985. with­ _________ A22_________
Tischbierek’s recommendation drawing the knight led to disas­ H.iLb4 Wb4 12.Wd2 Wd2
18...f6! deserves consideration) ter: 18....7.ed7 19.g4! f6 20.Ag2 13.Wd2 ed4 14. 5 ed6 * e 7
19. Jte2 b4 20.’S'e3 Wa2 21.£>c4 a6 21.0-0 A H 22.£c6 £ c 6 Also playable is 14...<&d8
£ib6 22.f4 ©c4 23.Ac4 * b 2 23. Bc6 Bab8 24.£f7 * f7 15.£b7 4>c7 16.4)ba5 £ a 6 , un­
24.0-0 a5 25.f5 We5 26.fe6 fe6 25.Bc7 & e6 2 6 . B dl 0 b 6 2715 clear.
27. Hf8 2f8 28,itb3! and 1-0. After 27„.*e5 28.e3 it is a 15.£b7
White’s bishop appears to be forced mate. 19.£ac4 bc4 20.e4! 15.£f5 is occasionnally played.
stronger than the three pawns. Ae4 211.c4 Ee8 22.Bc4 f5 It does not accomplish anything
Ree, however, managed to attain 23.d?f2 fe4 # for White after 15...4^8 16.£d4
a draw with energetic play (see Ag6 17,e4 a5! 18.h4 h5 19.g3
Study Material - YB/4). In a later &c7, Bagirov-Podgaets, Tbilisi
game Ree came up with an inter­ 1973. Riskier is 15...l4?f6 16.©d4
esting improvement: 16 ... h.517 £ c 5 17,^c3 Hd8 18.e4! Bd4
16.h4 and only now 16...b5. Af­ 19.&d4 £ b 7 20.&c3 £ a l
ter 17.£)d6 <Se5!? 18.e4? (Enab­ 21.Ae2 £ d 7 22.B al £ c 5 , Pol-
ling Black to keep his bishop in ugaevsky-Hiibner, Tilburg 1985
the game. De Boer gives 1814 and here White could have ob­
£ g 4 1915 Ah7 20.4)h5 as the tained a clear positional advan­
critical line) 18..16! 1914 £17 tage by means of 23.g4! Ag6
20. £ f7 Hf7 2115 Bd7 22.»e3 24.h4 h6 25.b4 £ e 6 26.£a5
Af7 23.Ae2 » b 4 24.*f2 # b 2 15...£a6
2 5 ,2 hd 1 Ae8 and Black went on 24.Bd4!? This attempt to keep 15...c5?! leads to a serious weak­
to gain the advantage, De Boer- the knight out of play as long as ening of the long diagonal: 16.g4!
Ree, Dutch team championship possible led to a big endgame ad­ Ag6 17. Ag2! £ a 6 1814 f6
1985/86. See Study Material. vantage after 24...e3 25.4’fT a5 19.£ba5 2ae8 20.£c6 * f8
16.e4? Losing material and the 26.Ac4 &f8 27.Bel a4 28.Ad3! 2 l.£ a 7 winning a pawn,

Theory SL 3

Chekhov-Tischbierek, Rostock well obtain opening advantage, ____________ RJ____________

1985. See for Tischbierek’s an­ in particular in the middlegame.
notations YB/4. 8.. .a5
However, more practical experi­
After 15...Ba6 a complex end­ ence is necessary in order to Securing the b4 square and get­
game has arisen which is difficult ting ready to move the queen’s
reach a better assessment of these
to assess. Possible continuations knight there.
lines and of the endgame dis­
are: # 9.€ic4
cussed under A22.
9.h3!?, a suggestion of
Gavrikov’s, intending g4, h4!?
has not yet been tested.
9.. .fta6 10.0-0 A.e7 ll.h31?
Other methods to prepare for e2-
e4 are ll.b3 00 12.j4.b2 <Sd5

Variation B 13. ’« 'd2 (Or

14. Wd2 5fd8 15,e4 Sc3 16.4c3
®b4 17.4b2 (17.®e3! Keres)
13.2cl * c 7

7.g3 e6 8.9g2 17...b5! 18.®e3 (18.ab5 cb5

8.a5?! is premature because of i 9,7x3 # d 7 offers equal
8...iLb4! 9 .« a4 ®d5 10.4d2 chances) Wb6 19.ab5 ®b5 with
®d7 ll.® c4 0-0 12.4g2 b5! active counterplay for Black,
A) 16.&ba5 ©b4 17.2a3
13.ab6 ab6 with adequate coun­ Keres-Bronstein, Petropolis In­
®c5 ?! (More accurate is
terplay for Black, Averbakh-Tat- terzonal 1973) 13...4.b4 14.e4
17„.She8 in order to have the
ebosian, Erevan 1959. # ®b6 15.»e3 ®c4 16.0 Wd4!
king’s rook at hand after 18.e3
with an easy game for Black,
de3 19. S e3 * f8 ) 18,e3 de3
Timman-Bronstein, Tallinn
19. Ee3 &f6 (Here Black’s king
will be trapped in a mating net.
Also ll.Wd2!? 0-0 12.e4 Cib4
Better is 19...£ie6 with good de­
13.f4 £]d7 14.b3 C-.b6 15.4b2 f5
fending possibilities) 20.g4 2ad8
16.2ael 4 f6 17.7Jdl with an
21. * e 2 22.h4 h5? 23.g5
unclear game and chances for
&f5 24.®b7! Hd4 25.*f2! Hc4
both sides, Rajkovic-Rukavina,
26,^g3! Sh4 27. Bh4 ©b7
Yugoslav Championship, Porec
28.2b4 1-0, Kasparov-Conquest, 1974. According to Polugaevsky
London/New York 1984, simul­ 12_4.b41? followed by c5 merits
taneous match by satellite. attention.
B) 16.£)ca5 «Jb4 17.2cl «ib6 11.. .®b4 12.g4
18.5ic5 f6 19.©d3 &d3 20.ed3 Bl) 8...a5
B2) 8...4b4 For 12.'B'd2 see Levitt-
Ae8 with roughly equal chances, Kxistensen, Saint John Open II
Bareev-Dimitrov, Gausdal 1988 in Study Material.
World Junior 1986. See YB/5). These are the two main continua­
12.. .Ag6 13.e4 Cd7
C) 16.e3 &dc5 17.®c5 ©c5 tions. Also playable is S.-.^bd?.
One example: 9.75C4 ® b6 (For Unsatisfactory is 13...C5 14.dc5
18.<SJa5 de3 19.&e3 2he8 Wdl (14...4x5!?) 15.2dl 4x5
20.4x4 SadS 21.*f4 Hd4 9.. .4b4, Gligoric-Planinc,
16.4x3! 4x3 17.<£)e3 with end­
22. *g3 * f6 23.2 he 1 2 e l Yugoslav Championship, Novi
game advantage for White,
24.E el 4 g 6 25.b3 2 d 6 26.2e3 Sad 1975, see Study Material.)
Krogius-Sakharian, Moscow
with a slight advantage to White, 10.<Se5 a5 11.00 4 b 4 12.®d3
1967. #
Adorjan-Flear, Szirak 1986. (12.h3!?) 12...0-0 (incorrect is
12.. .# d 4 13.4e3 Wd8 14.£lb4
and White wins material) 13.4>f4
Conclusion: 4g6 14.fig6 hg6 15.e4?!
To players not afraid of an unbal­ (IS.'B'dS is stronger) 15...e5!
anced and fierce fight the con­ 16.de5 Wdl 17.&dl &fd7
tinuation 7.f3 offers good 18.4e3 <Bc4 19.f4 Cic5 with ac­
chances. In A1 9.7x5 (Timman- tive play for the pawn, Pol-
Petrosian) as well as in A211 ugaevsky-Taimanov, Soviet
12.<£ig3 (Alexandria-Semenova) Championship, Leningrad 1971
and A214 12,E el White may (see Study Material).

White now has the following op­ 19.Hfdl ____________ 527____________
tions: and White, with his pair of 9.66c4 56d5
B11) 14.f4 bishops and spatial superiority, Playable is 9...a5 10.0-0 0-0
B12) 14.JT4 has the better chances, Spasov- 11.h3 6ibd7 12.g4 A%6 13.Ag5
B13) 14.Je3. Popov, Bulgaria Championship, h6! (Inconsistent is 13...Ae7
Pernik 1975. 14.e4 6ie8 15.J,e7 We7 16.d5!
____________ B U ____________ with favourable play for White,
14. f4 fS!? __________ B U ____________ Najdorf-Steiner, Stockholm In­
In a game Hergott-Tan Changx- 14. Ae3 f5 terzonal 1948) 14.J.h4 J.h7!
uan, Belgrade GMA Open 1988, Raising the tension. After 14...f6 with a passive but solid position
Black ended up with a hopeless White in Gavrikov-Bronstein, according to Euwe.
position after 14...f6 15.We2 Minsk 1983, was able to calmly 9...0-0?! is too passive. After
66b6 (15...0-0, Browne-Haik, strengthen his position: 15.We2 10.a5! Black loses ground on the
Luzern Olympiad 1982, see 0-0 lb.H adl f5? (Correct is queenside. In Taimanov-Petro-
Study Material.) 16.5tb6 # b 6 \6...W cl followed by Had8, A f f sian, 26th Soviet Championship,
17.J,e3 Wa6 18.Wf2 f5 19.d5! with a somewhat passive but de­ Tbilisi 1959, White acquired a
ed5 20.ef5 A(1 21.Sfdl 0-0-0 fensible position) 17,d5! with clear advantage after 10...65d5
22.J,fl. complications favourable to )l.A.d2 S5a6 12.0-0 Bc8 13.Hel
15. gf5 ef5 16.e5 5tb6 White. See Informator 36 for He8 14.«b3 6ie7 15.e3. #
Stempin also suggests 16...JLI7!? analysis by Gavrikov.
17.66e3 0-0 18.*h2 &h8 15. « e 2
19.d5 666d5 20.6 edS cd5 Upon 15.d5 Stempin gives
21.66d5 A n 22.66b4 Ab4 15...ed5 16.gf5 (16.ed5 0-0 is un­
23.Je3! clear) 16...dc4 17.fg6 66e5 with
On l i . A b l Stempin gives complications.
23...Hb8 24.J,g2 Ac4 with com­ 15.. .0-0 16.f4 « c 7 17.Cadi
pensation for the pawn. fe4
23...We7 24.WO Sad8 The threat was 18.gf5 ef5 19.e5
25.HfdlliLb3 26.3d8 #d8! followed by d5.
27.«b7 Wd3 28.#f3 Sd8 18.®e4 b6 19.&hl ®d5
29.Hcl! Aa4 30.3c7 20.66e5 6 :e5 21.de5 Had8
with some initiative for White, J.e8! position after 9...5id5
Muse-Stempin, Poznan 1986. intending c5 and Jtc6 with a bal­
Black, however, had adequate de­ anced fight, Wl. Schmidt-Stem- ___________ B2I1
fensive resources - see Study Ma­ pin, Gdynia 1984.
10. J.d2 6ib6! 11.66b6
Or ll.W b3 a5 I2.£>b6 # b 6
____________ i n ________
13.iLe3, Farago-Dieks, Amster­
B12 8.. .J b 4 dam II 1975, and here Black
U .A.U 56b6 15.5ie5 J,f6 and now: # could have obtained excellent
16. We2 J.e5! play with 13...Wa6! Il...a61?
Obviously not 16...'S,d4? on ac­ 12.J,e3 0-0 13.0-0 We7 14.#d3
count of 17.3fdl %'c5 18.46g6 66d7 15.®'c4 Ha5! 16.Hacl
hg6 19.Ji.e3. Hfa8 17.b3 J.g6 18.56e4 b5 with
17. JLe3! a favourable game for Black,
Black has no problems after Boissonet-Dimitrov, Gausdal
17.de5 Wd3! 18.Efdl « e 2 World Junior 1986.
19.66e2 6ic4 20.b3 65b2 21.Hd2
£>2d3 22.A e i c5 23,f4 f6 24.ef6
gf6 25.6icl 0-0-0 with equal ___________ B2I2____________
chances, Gligoric-Vasiukov, Ma­ 10.Wd3 Je 7 !
nila 1974. Alternatives:
17.. .f6 18.Jf4 0-0 B21) 9.6ic4 10,..a5 11.e4 66b6 12.66b6 Wb6
Less good is 18...Wd4 because of B22) 9.0-0. 13.0-0 0-0 14.&e3 Hd8 15,h3
19. H fd 1 * 0 4 20.'B'd2! with dan­ « a 6 16.#c2 f6 l7.H cfl! A n
gerous threats. 18.d5! cd5 19.«6d5 J.d6 20.6ic7!

Theory SL 3

and White wins material, Khalif- 14.W 4 fic3 15.bc3 fie2

man-Dimitrov, Groningen 1985 15...i£ie2!? is also interesting.
(see Study Material). Ftacnik gives the following varia­
10.. .©d7 11.0-0 (A serious error tion: l e m S SST6 17.©e4 Wg6!
is 1l.e4? on account of 1 l...©c3 18. * f l (IS .E fl ©ef4!) 18,..f5
12, bc3 ©c5 13.Wc2 Wd4! 14.cb4 19. ©d6 f4! with good coun­
©d3 15.&fl V a l and White is terchances.
lost) ll...fie 7 12.e4 ©b4 16.#bl fif3 17.0-0
13. ’B,d2 0-0 14.b3 Wc7 15.d5! After 17.cd4!? White has a slight
©b6! 16.©b6 ab6 17.fia3! (with advantage.
the idea 18.©b5) # d 7 18.©bl 17...fig2?l
©a6, Cvetkovic-Franke, Lesko Correct is 17...©e2! 18.<&hl
1985, and now according to ©ec3 with equality. A) 10../ d.5 White now has
Cvetkovic White could have re­ 18.*g2 ample choice: 11.©e4 This does
tained his advantage with with a slight advantage to White, not accomplish much: ll...© d7
19.fie7 # e 7 20.d6 Wf6 21.©a3. Ftacnik-Ree, Wijk aan Zee 1985. 12.fid2 (12.a5 is answered by
11.0-0 0-0 12.a51? ©a6 For annotations by Ftacnik, see 12.. .b5) 12...We7 13.fib4 t b 4
13.©e5 ©ab4 14.*d2 cS?! Informant 39. 14.Wc2 a5 15.e3 Efd8 16.Efel
Preparing this advance with fig6 17.#e2 We7 drawn, Aver-
# c 7 , 3ac8 and Bfd8 is better. ____________ B22____________ kin-Vasiukov, Soviet Union
15. ©d5 ed5? 1972.
Correct is 15...©d5 when White ll.WbS See Lukacs-Utasi, Varia­
and now Black has a choice be­
still holds a slight advantage after tion B213.
tween: #
16.e4 © f6 17.d5. Il.© a2 fie7 12.Eel c5 13.©c3
16. dc5 fic5 17.«.d3! cd4 14.©d5 ed5 15,Wd4 © c6
with a clear advantage to White, 16,»d5 * d l 17.fid5 ©d4
Vaiser-Khuzman, Soviet Union 18.-fi.e4 ©e2 19.*g2 ©cl
1986. See Study Material. 20.Sacl fid6 with equality, Van
der Sterren-Timman, Amster­
dam OHRA 1984.
B213___________ ll.W d l ©a6 12.h3 c5 13.e4 ©b6
1 0 .m 3 0-0 ll.fid21? 14.d5 fic3 15.bc3 ed5 16.©b6
Here too 11 .e4 is wrong, because '#b6 17.ed5 with a clear plus for
of ll...© c3 12.*b4 (12.bc3 White, Staniszewski-Lukacs, Pol-
®d4! 13.fid2 Wd3 and Black anica Zdroj 1984. Il..fie 7 or
wins) 12...©e2! with advantage 12.. .Ae7 come into considera­
B221) 9...0-0 tion.
to Black. Playable, however, is B222) 9...©d5.
11.0-0!? fic3 12.bc3 fie2 11. Wc2 fie7 (Black’s game was
13.E el f ia l 14.»c4 ©d7 (Pol- unsatisfactory after ll...© b6
The manoeuvre 9...Wa5 10.4x4 12. ©b6 « b 6 # a 5
ugaevsky gives M-.-'H'aS with a Wab is not to be recommended.
better game for Black) 15.fia3!? 14. ©a2, Voiska-Stanciu, Brno
After l l.# c 3 fie7 12.e4 0-0 Zonal 1989, see Study Material)
Se8 16.f4 Ec8 17/#d3, Lukacs- 13.h3 b5 14.ab5 White gained a
Utasi, Hungarian Championship, 12.Hdl a5 13.h3 ©d7 14.g4 fig6
quick victory in Tukmakov- 15. e4 ©b4 16.*e2 &h8 17.fie3
Budapest 1984. White’s bishops Utasi, Yurmala 1985 (see Study
constitute just about sufficient f5 I8.d5 ed5 19.ed5 We8 20.dc6
Material). bc6 21.Ed7 # d 7 22.©b6 « e 6
compensation for the sacrificed
pawn. Lukacs offers the follow­ and soon a draw was agreed in
ing line: 17...C5! 18.f5! cd4 19.fe6 Comas Fabrego-Horvath,
___________ B22A____________ Arnhem 1988/89.
fe6 20.#d4 (20.He6 ©c3!+)
20.. .©c3, unclear. 9...0-0 B) 10...aS 11.©e5 ©a6 12.h3
11...C51? and now: ©d5! 13.fid2 f6 14.©f3 WAV'.
Bad is 1 l...© d7 12.e4 ©c3 With 14...fie7!? followed by
13.#64 ©e2 14.fie3 and the ©ab4 Black could have kept
___________ B221I__________ equal chances, according to
knight on e2 is in trouble. Also to
be considered is 1l...©a6!? 10. ©c4 Razuvaev. 15.e3! Efe8 16.vre2
12.dc5 ©c6 13.©d6! ©d4 with the positional threat 1l.a5 ©b6?l 16...fif8 is better.

17.Sfdl >S?h8 18,e4 £ f8 19.Ae3 ___________ B222 Conclusion
WdS The threat was 20.d5. 20.g4! The continuation 7.g3 leads to a
Af7 21.h4 White has the freer quiet game with a spatial plus for
and now: #
game, Razuvaev-Rogers, Dort­ White. Of the two main lines of
mund 1985. For Razuvaev’s an­ defence, 8...a5 and 8...jk,b4,
notations, see Informant 40. which Black has at his disposal,
8...i.b4 and 9...5id5 with central
play would seem to lend itself
best for achieving a balanced
_______ B22I2

Variation C
___________ B222I___________
10. A,d2 0-0
Black can attempt to hold on to
the extrapawn, but after 7,h3
10-.JS.c3 11,A c3 b5 12.ab5 cb5 Though not unknown, the con­
13.i.a5 « e 7 14.b3 White has ac­ tinuation 7,h3 did not become
tive play. popular until a few years ago and
An attempt to pose Black fresh 11. g4! i.gti compared to 7.f3 and 7.g3 it has
problems. The complications after 11 ...f6 so far been little investigated.
10.. .6bd7 # 12.e4 fe5 (Or 12...'£sc3 13.bc3fe5 White aims to gain ground on the
11. » c 2 14,gh5 Ad6 15.de5 &e5 16,f4 kingside by means of h3 and g4
±c7 17.e5±) 13.ed5 £ c 3 14,Ac3 and in some lines hopes to win a
White achieves nothing with
tempo compared to the slower
1l.£)d7 W d l 12.Af6gf6 13.<&e4 &f7 15.dc6 £ c 6 16.de5 # d l
£ e 7 14.#c2. After 14...f5 Black 17.Eadl are favourable to build-up 7,g3 and only later h3
White. and g4. #
is better.
12. e4 4:,b6 13.a5 Sc8
11.. .WaS
Weaker is 1 l...h6?! 12,®d7 ®d7 14.’® a4 Qa6 15.i,e3 S d6
13. A.f6 gf6 14.£te4 with advan­ 16.©g6 hg6 17,e5 ©c8
tage to White, since 14...ttd4 18.3fcl (hel 19.fte4
fails to 15.S a d i We5 16.f4 W 5 with a slightly superior position
17.h3 with a decisive advantage for White, Miralles-Flear, Clichy
to White (Dautov). According to 1986/87.
Dautov ll...A e7! is best, after
which 12.©c4 5ib6 13.fib6 Wb6 ___________ B2222___________
14. H fd 1 a5 15,©e4 £ g 6 16,Af6 10, Wc2 Jle7
Ji.e4! i.f6 18.i.h7 sfch8 Black obtained level chances af­
19,Ae4 Jt,d4 leads to equality. ter the simple I0...a5 11.c4 4ib6
The move 11...Jke7 was put into 12.&b6 Wb6 &g6
practice in Siekanski-Sapis, Pol­ 14.1. e4 0 d 8 15.B a d a d 7
and Championship, Slupsk 1989, 16.1. g6 hg6 in Hjartarson-Yr- _____________C /_____________
see Study Material. jola, Gjovik 1985. 7„.e>fd7
12. ®a2! «' e5 13.de5 Cd5 11. ®c4 £ b 4 12,#b3 0-0 This was played in the stem game
Dautov-Schurade, Dresden 1987, 13,a5 £ia6 14,Hdl * h 8 Kapengut-Ischenko, Soviet
and now instead of playing 15.iT4 f6 16,Hd2 g51? Union 1966. It does not look all
14,'#c4?! White could have ob­ 17.iLe3 b5 18.ab6 ab6 that reliable: 8.5lc4 e6 9.a5! i,b 4
tained the initiative with 19.Wdl ©dS 10.J«.f4 0-0 11.g4 Ag6 12.iLg2
14.<52>b4!: 14...«b4 15.e4 ®b6 with approximately equal £>f6 13.0-0 &bd7 14,®b3 i.c 3
16.h3. For annotations by chances, Yusupov-Nikolic, Hast­ 15.bc3 &e4 16.i.e4 £)e4 17.B
Dautov, see Informant 45. ings 1989/90, see Study Material. ©g5 18.&g2 and Black is lost,

Theory SL 3

see Study Material. Y recent ex­ obtaining an opening advantage

ample is Kabatiansky-Konin, with
Bankia Open 1989, in which 8.53c4 e6 9.g4 fi,g6 10.fig2
Black tried to improve his game fib4 11.0-0 aS
with 8...5Jb6: 9.®e5! £)8d7 (Bet­ Or 11...53b6 12.©e5 a5 13.fig5
ter 9...a5) 10.5Jd3 ±g6 11 ,g3 e6 5Jbd7 14.f4 # b b 15.<£id7 53d7
12..«g2 ,i.d6 13.0-0 0-0 14.53f4! 16.e4f6 17.fih4 0-0 18.fif2with
£Jd5 15.53g6 hg6 16.a5 Ab4?! a spatial superiority for White,
(16...a6) 17,a6 b6 18.*b3 Ae7 Khenkin-Khuzman, Sevastopol
19.Ja.d2 with a small but lasting 1988, see study Material.
plus for White. See YB/15 for 12.e41?
Kabatiansky’s annotations. For f4 see Shashin-Silakov
A) 13.g5 5Jal 14.gf6 ef6
Variation C2 above
15.53c6 with an unclear game. If
12...0-0 13.®e2 Cb6
15...»d6 16.*e4 fie7 17.fif4
14.5Jb6 # b 6 15.14 h6?l
_____________C2____________ V c6 18.53d5± with attack.
A stronger defence according to
7.. .e6 B) 13.fie3 53al 14.Sal h6
Novikov is 15...2fe8 16.e5 5>d5
Not really bad but sufficiently 15.d5! (15.h4?l g51?) with initia­
17.53d5 cd5 18.fie3f5 19.ef6gf6
tive for the sacrificed material.
passive for White to be able to 20.f5 and White is somewhat bet­
In Levitt-Flear, British Cham­
calmly build up a strong position. ter.
pionship, Plymouth 1989 Black
8.g4 Ag6 9.±g2 i b4 10.0-0 16.f5 ef5 17,gf5 fih5 18.W17
opted for 12...h6! 13.fie3 e6
®dS <&d7 19.*hl
14.53e4 ®bd5 lS.lTD fid6!
Or 10...£>bd7 11.53c4a5 12.Ji.f4 White has attacking chances
(15...#c7 16.53d2!+) 16.5Jd6
(For 12.e4 see Novikov-Sapis, along the g-file, Novikov-Sapis,
Wdh 17.B ad!? with a compli­
Variation C3) 12...£>b6 13.53e5 Lvov 1988. See YB/9 for
cated game. For annotations by
5jfd5 14.J.d2 J.d6 15.e4 with Novikov’s comments.
both players see YB/14 (Levitt)
advantage to White, Shashin-Sil-
and Informant 48 (Flear).
akov, Leningrad 1974.
Or 12...53e4 13.#b4 53d6
White was also successful with
14.®b7!!s Gelfand.
ll.A d 2 in the game Lemer-Do-
____________ C4____________ 13.53*5 Wd4 14.5,b7 #d2?
mont, Geneva Open 1988, see
A fatal deviation from Gelfand’s
Study Material. 7...£3a61?
analysis. Correct is 14...? ,d5
11.. .Ae7 12.e4 <Sb4 13.©b4 The most active defence. The
15.53c6 Wd2 16.fid2 e6 with
Ab4 14.f4 f6 15.5 g6 hg6 knight is heading for b4 in order
equal chances, according to Gel­
16.ile3 5Jd7 17.'#'c2 as soon as possible to stir up
and White managed to convert trouble on the queenside in coop­
15.fic6 ®d7 16.®d7 5id7
his dominating position into a eration with fig6.
17.£dl f5 18.Bd7 S a l
victory, Nikolic-Hubner, Tilburg 8.g4 i.g6 9.fig2 5jb4 10.0-0
19.Bd8 * f7 20. S a8
1988. For Nikolic's annotations fic21?
and White scored a quick vic­
see YB/10. Weaker is 10...5Jd7?l ll.5Jc4
tory, Khenkin-Sapis, Leningrad
f6?! (Better ll...e6 12.e4 fie7
13.fie3±) 12.d5! fif7 13.fif4
Hc8 14. Hcl 53c5 15.dc6 Wdl
____________ C3_____________ 16,Sfdl bc6 (16...53c6 loses on
According to theory the correct
reaction. This assessment is
account of 17. <5Yb5) 17.53a5 53b3
18.5jb3 fib3 19.3d2 e5 20.fie3
with a clear endgame advantage,
based on the game Balashov- Gelfand-Khuzman, Uzhgorod Shortly before going to press the
Bronstein, Moscow 1971, which 1987. With the text-move and game Gelfand-Nikolic, Manila
ran as follows: 8.g4 Jkg6 9.5}g6 the subsequent series of moves Interzonal 1990, was played. Sin­
hg6 10.e3 a5 e6 12.*b3 we follow an analysis by Gelfand. ce this game is theoretically im­
* b 6 13.«c2 g5! 5Jd5 ll.W d i fib3 12.53e4 portant and fits in well with the
!5.fif3 fie7 1 6.*fl 53f8! with 12.'#f4 is a new idea by Levitt, developments in Variation C4
excellent counterplay for Black. who indicates the following pos­ we are happy to be able to pre­
White stands a greater chance of sibilities after 12...43c2: # sent it to the reader. #

Conclusion t d 2 25.Wd2 Ae3 26.Sf2 J.d2
7.h3 is a relatively new continua­ 27. Hd2; 23...fid3 24,Ac3±;
tion the value of which has yet to 23.. .e5 2 4 .* h l ef4 25.ef4 Be8
be determined. Black’s correct 2 6 .ib 4 ,§.b4 27.#g2±) 24.‘i h l
counterplay consists in 7...fibd7 ®d7 (24...b5 25.ab6 Wb6
and especially 7...fia6!? Further 26.f5—»; 24...f5 25.Ag2 A 26.e4)
investigation will have to be 25. B a d «a4 (25...Bd8
based on the games Levitt-Flear 26. Ac2!± A 26...fif4? 27,ef4
and Gelfand-Nikolic. # d 2 28.Wd2 Bd2 29.iLb3 cb3
30. B c 5 h—) 26.«f3 c3 27.bc3
(27.&C3!? fie3 28.Bfel-»)
12.aS!? 27.. .’# a 5 (27...Ac4 28.Bal!?±)
A new move which practically
forces Black’s reply. On Supplementary 28. f5! Ac4 29.fe6! fie7 (29,..fe6
32.’t e 8
Hfl 31. Bfl
Af8 33.We6 &h8
12.. .fic2?, for instance, there
would follow 13.a6 with immedi­
ate destruction.
Game 34„fid5+ -) 30..fih7
31. We4 fig6 32.'©'c4 fe6 33.Wg4

12...a6 13.fia4!? e6 (33.We6 #d8!?J3; 33,«e4!?)

After this Black is in trouble. Gelfand,Boris 33.. . B fl (33...ttb5!?±) 34.S fl
Risky is 13...Wa5 14.fic5 Wb5!? Nikolic,Predrag ®b5 35.c4 Wc6 3 6 .ig l (36.Wf3
(After 14...«al 15.Wb4 Black is Wf3 37.Sf3 fie5 38.Bf4 &g6
lost) lS.'BTA (15.g5 is worthy of Manila 1990 izt (9) 39.h4 f id 3 ^ ) 36...-i>g8 37.TO
investigation - 15...©d5 16.e4 f6 « d 7 38.Bf2 a5? (38...fih4
I7.ed5 fe5 18.fie6 ®b6 with an l.d4 d5 2,fif3 fif6 3.c4 c6 4.fic3 39.*h5 fif5 40.g6 ®d3
unclear position) 15...h6 16.h4g5 dc4 5.a4 i:.g4 6.fie5 AhS 7.h3 4 1 .W 3 + -) 39.#e4 fie7 40..fia5
17,hg5 hg5 18.Wg5 with the un­ fia6 8.g4 ii.g6 9,icg2 fib4 10.0-0 fif5 1-0
pleasant threat W 5 and g5. The Ac2 1l.Wd2 ith3 12.a5!?N a6D Gelfand/Kapengut
question remains why Nikolic re­ 13.fia4 e6 (13...fic2!?oo) 14.g5
jected 13...fic2. The game might (14.fib6 Bb8 15.g5—»)
14...fid7!? (14„.fic2!? 15.gf6 gf6
develop - with the insertion of
the moves a5 and a6 - analogous
to Gelfand’s analysis mentioned
16.fic6 bc6
18.Ac6 &e7oo;
17.fib6 2b8
Study Material
above: 14.fic5 (It hardly seems 15.e4±) 15.fid7 0 d 7 16.fib6
likely that White can afford to t d 8 17.fia8 «a8S /oo 18.&e4
sacrifice a rook with 14.fib6 Wd8 19.f4 ( 1 9 .^ 4 fic2; 19.We3
f ia l 15.fic6 Wd6 16.fie5 Bd8 £ e 7 20.Ad2 fic2 21.iLc2 Ac2 14...«d4 15.fib7 fid5 22. fl acl i.b 3 S ) 20.e3 Novopashin, Arkadi
16.fic6 # d 2 17,^.d2 e6 and al­ Gulko,Boris
though the position is still com­ Beltsi 1972
plicated enough, it hardly seems
likely that the assessment that l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.fif3 fif6 4.fic3
the position is balanced will be dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.h3 fif3 7.gf3 e6 8.e3
overturned by the insertion of c5 9.dc5 Wc7 10.fic4 fic5 11 b3 0-0
the moves a5 and a6?! fic6 13.Sg 1 Wh2 14.&e2
14. g5 fid7 Bfd8 15. Wc 1 #
14.. .Cid5 15.e4 fic7 16.fib6
3b8 17.'Wf4 holds no prospects
for Black.
15. fid7 « d 7 16.fib6 20.. .0-0? (20...h6! 21.gh6 (21.h4
and White won. hg5 22.hg5 fid5 23.#e2 f5)
21.. .5 h 6 22.«g2 f5! 23,>tg7?
A f8 -+ ; 2 3 .^ 0 * f7 ? ) 21.'»e2
For further analyses by Gelfand c5 (21.,.»c7 22.Ad2±) 22.dc5
of the complicated middlegame Ac5 23~£,d2 (23.Ab7 fic2
see the supplementary game be­ 24.B bl Wa5 fib4±)
low. 23.. .fid5 (23...fic2 24. B a d

Theory SL 3

15...Ae3 16.Eg7 * g7 J7 .W g I Wgl 46.&e5 Eg2 47.Eb7 * g8 48 .4 f6

lS .E g t * h 6 19.fe3 Eg8 2 0 .n g8 Ea2 49.4 g 6 Eg2 50 .4 f6 Ea2
Eg8 2 1 .5 d l 5 d 7 22.f4 5 a 5 51.Eg7 4 f8 52.Eh7 Ea6 53.4g5
23.j«.b5 5 b 6 24.-'* t2 f5 0-1 h4 5 4 .4 h 4 4 g 8 55.Eb7 4 f8
56.4g5 Ec6 ti-tt
Petropohs izt 1973 (14) Uhlmann, Wolfgang
!.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 .5 c3 5 f6 4 . 5 0 Brno 1975
dc4 5.a4 ii.g4 6.e3 e6 7.iix4 5 b d 7
8.h3 &h5 9 .* e2 i b 4 10.0-0 We7 I. c4 5 f6 2 .5 c3 c6 3.d4 d5 4 . 5 0 10..4,f7!± * h 8 J l.* d 8 E d8 12x6!?
1 l.e4 e5 12.d5 a5 13.H dl 0-0 14.g4 dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.e3 e6 7.fic4 fib 4 (±) 12...5c3 13.bc3 A.c3
i g6 1 5 .B h 4 ± t cd5 16.5g6 fg6?! 8.0-0 a5?! 9.h3 fih 5 !0 .« e 2 0-0 14,*e2 £ f6 15.Ead t 5 a 6 16.h3
1 7 .id 5 * h 8 18.Ab7 Eab8 19.jfi.d5 I I . E d l 5 b d 7 12x4 Wc7 13.Ag5e5 d in (16...SlJ5!?±) 17.*f3 b6 18.&e4
5c5 20.ji.g5 h6 21.ii.h4 5 e 6 14.g4! ed4 15.Ed4 fig6 16.e5 Bfe8 g6 19.f4 * g 7 20.g4 5 c 5 21,*f3
2 2 .M 6 We6?! (22...M S I) 2 3 .5 d 5 J L f i c 3 18.bc3 5 d 5 19.fid5 5a4 22.g5+- Ae7 (22...dLb2
A c5 24.jS.f6 gf6 25.®d2 4 g 7 cd5 20.c4 fie4 (20...dc4? 21.e6) 23. Z d 8 S d8 24.e7+~) * f8
26.Wa5 &d4 27,Wc7 4 h 8 28.H a d 21.cd5 W d 22.Wei * f 3 23.We4 24. h4 c5 25.itf6 E d l 2 6 ,E d l c4
Efc8 29.We7 W e i 30.Hc8 Ec8 * h 3 24.Wf5 5 c 5 2 5.B adl g6 27.h5 1-0
3 1 .5 S | Bc2 3 2 .b 4 + - 4 g 7 33.b5 26.Wg5 h6 27.®h6 Wh6
E a2 3 4 .5 d 5 E a4 35.b6 Ea2 # Se5 29.Ec4 b6 30.fif4 Be7 31.d6 Riedel,Wolfgang
Bd7 32.B bl Ba6 33.g5 f6 34.gf6
4 f7 35.fie5 4 e 6 36.fic3 4 d 6
37.E d4 4 c 6 38.Ed7 5 d 7 39.f7 Bundesliga BRD 1986
5 f8 40.fig7 Ea8 41.E e l 4 d 7 42.f4
Ec8 43.4g2 5 h 7 44.4 g 3 Bb8 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.513 5 f6 4.5c3
45 .4 g 4 Sc8 46.Ee2 Eb8 47.f5 gf5 dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6x3 e5 7.de5 Wd!
48.415 5 f8 49.fif8 1-0 8 .5 d l 5 fd 7 9.&C4 itb 4 10.5c3 a5
II. 0-0 S a 6 12.5e4 &f3 13.gf3 5 e 5
14.Ae2 ^ e 7 15.f4 5 d 7 16.5g3
Ogaard,Leif 5 a c5 17.5f5 18.5d4 5 b 6
Kupreichik, Viktor 1 9 .id l 5 d 3 20.&C2 5 c l 21.E acl
Dortmund 1975 (11) Ead8 22.^.b3 5 d 7 2 3.E fdl 5 c 5
36. E b l E f2 3 7 .* h l E 0 38.b7.fia7 5 e 6 25.5 D g6 26.5e5 E d l
39.4g2 Bf2 40.* g 3 Be2 4 1 .b 8 * l.d4 d5 2 . 5 0 5 f 6 3.c4 c6 4 .5 c3 27.E d l E d8 28.Sd8 5 d 8 29.iLb3
fib 8 42.E b7 * f g 43.Hb8 * f 7 1-0 dc4 5.a4 f i g4 6.e4?! e6 7.fic4 fib 4 5 e 6 3 0 .* fl g5 31.5g4 ^>f5 32.5h6
8.Wd3 fiO 9.gO c5! 10.d5 ed5 * g6 33.5f7 5 c 5 34.5e5 4>f6
Forintos,Gyozo ll .t-dS 0-0 12.0-0 fic3 13.bc3 5 b d 7 35.^.c2 gf4 36.ef4 h5 3 7 .5 D 5 e 6
14.fif4 fsh5 15.fig3 # f 6 ? 16.Eael 38.f5 5 g 7 3 9 .5d4 £.d6 4 0 .5b3 b6
Kirov,Nino Bae8 17.Ee3 5 f4 18.Wd2 Ed8 4 1 .5 d 2 ^.h2 4 2 .5 c4 d i d 43.5e3
Vrsac 1973 19.a5 h5 20.Be4 5 g 6 2 1 .« e3 h4 44.®c4 5 f5 4 5 .ie 4 5 e 7 46.b3
22.d i d Bc8 23.d6 WfS 2 4 .4 h l 516 Ac7 4 7 .if 3 * g 5 48.*g2 5 d 5
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f 6 4 .5 e3 25.Eg! 5 e 4 26.Se4 * e 4 27,fe4 49.5 e3 5 e 7 5 0.5c4 5 d 5 51.5e3
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.e3 e5 7.de5 * d l 5 e 5 28.fid5 b5 29.fib7 Bce8 5b4 52.iLe4 ^ d 6 53.5c2 5 d 5
8 .5 d l 5 e 4 9.fic4 fib 4 10.4e2 3 0 .B d l b4 31.cb4 cb4 32.d7 Ed8 5 4 .5d4 5 f4 5 5 .* fl c5 56.5c2 5 g6
5 d 7 11.h3 5 e 5 I2.ji.f7 * f 7 13.hg4 33.fie5 b3 34.fic6 f5 25.d i d fe4 57.f4 * f 6 58.&<2 5 e 7 59.Jfi.d3 h4
5g4 14. E h 4 h5 15.5e5 5 e 5 36.fid8 E d8 37.fid5 4 f8 38.fib3 6 0 .4 0 5 f 5 61.*g4 5 d 4 6 2 .5d4
16.Be4 fid 6 17.5c3 Ead8 18.fid2 4 e 7 39.fia4 Bf8 4 0 .E e l Bf4 41.f3 cd4 6 3 .4 h 4 itf4 64.4g4 ti-'A
5 d 7 19.Ec4 5 b 6 20.E e4 Ehe8 1-0
21.B h4 g6 22.a5 5 d 7 2 3 .5 e4 fie5
24.fic3 5 f 6 25.®f6 * f 6 26.Ef4
*g7 27,B b4 Bb8 2 8 .E d l fic3
Shashin,Alexander Dridi,Ali
29.E d7 4 h 6 30.bc3 b5 31.a6 c5 Antonov Gausdal Wck-jr 1986 (7)
32.Eb2 b4 33.cb4 cb4 34,Ea7 Be6 Soviet Union 1985
35.E b3 Ec6 36.f4 g5 3 7 . 4 0 gf4 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.5c3 5 f6 4 .5 f3
38.ef4 S bb6 39.Ea8 E a6 40.E a6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f6 4 .5 c3 dc4 5.a4 ^ .g4 6x3 e6 7.^.c4 d.b4
Ea6 41.S b 4 E a3 4 2 .4 e4 Eg3 dc4 5.a4 l g4 6x4!? e5 7 .ie 3 ilb 4 8.'®b3 W ei 9 .5 e5 M S 10.5d3
43.Bb2 4 g 6 44.f5 4 f6 4 5.E b6 4 f7 8 .ic 4 0-0 9.de5. 5 e 4 # ^.d3 l l . & d j 0-0 12.0-0 c5 13.5a2

Aa5 I4.dc5 Wc5 15.Wb7 Ac7 16.g3 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6x3 e5 7.Ac4 A O bc6 0-1
43bd7 17.Wb5 We7 18.B dl Bab8 8.WO ed4 9.ed4 Wd4 10.We2 Ae7
19 Wg5 43e5 20.Ae2 43g6 21.e4 4 x 4 11.0-0 4)bd7 12.E e l 0-0 13.Ag5
22.We7 4 e 7 23.A O 43c5 24.b4 4ia4 A b4 14. E a d l Wc5 15.Ae3 We5
25.S d7 Ae5 2 6 .E b l 4 f5 27.Ba7 16.Wc2 Wa5 17.Be2 Efe8 I8 .4 a 2
®c3 28.®c3 Ac3 29. S a4 4 d 4 4 e 5 19.4b4 Wb4 20.Aa2 4eg4 Flohr,Salo
30. A d I Hfd8 3 1 .£ e3 43f5 32.Ac5 2 1 .S d 4 4 e 3 22.fe3 We7 23.Bf4 Szabo.Laszlo
ti-'/i Bf8 24.Bef2 4 d 5 2 5 .B 4 0 Bae8 Amsterdam KNSB 1939
26.a5 We4 27,Wc5 a6 28.Ad5 Wd5
Hubert,R 29.Wd5 cd5 30,Bf5 Ee3 31.Bd5
Bossmann,F Ee7 32.Bfd2 f6 33 .* f2 Efe8 34.b4
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.430 4if6 4.43c3
Krefeld open 1986 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.43e5 A h5 7.43c4 e6
Ee5 35.Ed7 E8e7 36,B7d6 Bf5
8.Wb3 43a6 9x3 43b4 10.43a2 a5
37.*g3 Be3 38.*g4 E b5 39.Eb6
I I. 43b4 Ab4 12.Ad2 4 d 5 13.Ab4
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .4 c3 4 f 6 4.<£jf3 E b6 40.ab6 E e l 4 1 .* f5 Be5
43b4 14.4e5 0-0 15.4d3 43d3
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.e3 e5 7.Ae2 Ab4 4 2 .* f4 * f7 43.E d7 Be7 44.E d5
16.Ad3 e5 17.de5 Wg5 18.Ae4 We5
8.43e5 A e2 9.We2 b5 10.0-0 Ac3 * e 6 45.fla5 * d 6 46.b5 ab5 47. Eb5
19.0 Bad8 20.0-0 E d2 2 I.B f2 Bf2
I I. bc3 0-0 12x4 Wc7 I3.-A.g5 4jbd7 Ee2 4 8 . * 0 Ee5 49,Bb2 * c 5
22.*12 Wh2 23.Wb7 f5 24.Ac6 Bb8
14.4g4 43g4 15.084 * h 8 16.f4 a5 50.E d2 Be7 51.Bb2 h5 5 2 .* f4 g6
25.S h i Wd6 26.B d l Wh2 2 7 ,E h l
17.f5 f6 18.£14 Wb6 1 9 .* h l Sae8 53.h4 Bd7 54.Be2 E d4 55.* D
Wd6 2 8.B dl W'/i
2 0 .E O Ee4 21.Bg3 Bg8 22.2 1 0 E d6 0-1
43f8 2 3 . 0 0 Se7 24.Ad6 Ed7
25.Ac5W c7 2 6 .S e l Ef7 27.E e4g5 Jasnikowski,Zbigniew Nemet,Ivan
28.E h6 Wc8 29.Ae7 * g 7 30W h3
Stempin.Pawel Bajec.Ivo
E h8 31.Af6 Hf6 32.Ee7 E H 33.f6 Portoroz 1961
* g 8 34.Wc8 1-0 Warszawa LEGION 1990 (9)

I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4jO ®f6 4.43c3

l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3 . 4 0 4 f6 4.4 x 3
Bigge,M c6 5.a4 Ag4 6x3 e5 7 .£ c4 A O 8.gO
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.43e5 A.h5 7.43c4 e6
Clemens,U ed4 9.ed4 A b4 10.Wb3 We7 1 l.sfrfl
8.g3 4la6 9.£g2 43b4 10.a5 Ae7
Dortmund 1987 I I . 0-0 0-0 12,Wb3Wc8 13.Ba4 4la6
0-0 12.Af4 a5 13.*g2 4 h 5 l4.Ag3
14.43e5 Bd8 15x4 4)d7 16.4ld7
4id7 15.S h e! Wf6 16,Ee4 Wh6
1.430 ?jf6 2.d4 d5 3x4 c6 4.43c3 Wd7 17.Ae3 e5 18.h3 ed4 19.Bd4
17.4a2 4 d f6 18.Ee3 Ad2 19.Be7
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6x3 e6 7.A.C4 Ab4 4 f 4 2 0 .* h l 4 6 d 5 2I.A d 5 cd5 Wc7 20.Af4 Wc8 21.B d8 A d8
8.0-0 0-0 9.h3 Ah5 10.Ae2 4 d 5 22.4X3 Eae8 2 3 .4 d 5 4ld5 24.Be8 22.g4 Ag6 23,A.e3 h5 #
U .4 d 5 ed5 12.Ad2 A d6 13.b4 f5 Ee8 25.Wd5 Wb6 26.Wb5 Wb5
14.4x1 Ae2 15.We2 f4 I6.43d3 O 27.ab5 S d 8 28 .B d l Ab4 29.d5
17.gO Wg5 I 8 .* h l Wh4 I9.4if4 A d6 30.*g2 * f8 31.E d3 * e 7
Af4 20.ef4 Wh3 2 1 .* g l 4 a 6 0-1 32.Be3 * d 7 33.Ec3 Be8 34.b6
Ee2 35.£.d6 * d 6 36.Ec7 Be7
Muller,W 37,Ec8 34-34

Ponath Jasnikowski.Zbigniew
Numberg 1987
I. d4 d5 2 . 4 0 4jf6 3x4 c6 4,4 x 3 Warszawa LEGION 1990 (12)
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6x3 4 b d 7 7. Ac4 A.O 24.f4 hg4 25.f5 A h5 26.Wdl f6
8.WO e5 9.0-0 A d6 10.4x4 We7 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4iO 4,f6 4 .4 c 3 27x5 A a5 28.hg4 A f7 29.4ie4 fe5
I I . 4 d 6 Wd6 12.b3 c4 13.Wf5 g6 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6x3 e6 7.A.c4 4ibd7 30.g5 Wd8 31.Wg4 Ab6 32.Ab6
14.Wh3 4 d 5 15.0 cO 16.WO f5 8.h3 Ah5 9.g4 A.g6 I0.53h4 A.b4 Wb6 33.E12 43x5 34,g6 A d5 1-0
17x4 4 e 7 18.ef5 0-0-0 19.f6 4lf5 I I. 4jg6 hg6 1 2 .* fl Wc7 13.WO
20. Ab2 h5 2 1 .flael 4 b 6 22.Ae6 0-0-0 I4 .* g 2 4 f 8 15.g5 4 e 8
* b 8 23.Af5 gf5 24,Wf5 Ehf8 16.4x2 A.e7 17.h4 4 d 6 18.Ad3
Foguelman. Alberto
25.We5 HO 26.Aa3 1-0 4 f5 19.Wg4 4 d 7 20.f4 c5 21.d5 c4 Filip,Miroslav
22.A.C2 4 c 5 2 3 .4 c3 Wd7 24x4 Buenos Aires 1964 (6)I.
4jd4 25.A.dl 4 d b 3 26 .B b l f5
27.gr6 gf6 28.de6 Wd4 29.Ab3 cb3 I. d4 43f6 2x4 c6 3.430 d5 4.43c3
Domont, Alexandre 30.B d l Wc4 31.Ae3 4 d 3 32 * 0 f5 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.43e5 Ah5 7.43c4 e6
Bern open 1989 33.Wg6 Bh4 3 4 .4 d 5 We4 35.*g3 8.Wb3 43a6 9x3 43b4 10.43e5 A d6
Wd5 36. A.a7 Bg4 37.Wg4 fg4 I I . A d2 a5 12.4la2 43a2 13.Ea2
l.d4 d5 2.410 c6 3x4 4 f 6 4 .4 c 3 38-E bcl 43c 1 3 9.B cl Wc6 40,Ec6 A e5 14.de5 43e4 15.A cl Wh4

Theory SL 3

!6.Wc2 0-0-0 17.g3 ® e7 18.-6.e2 Orlov,Georgy Ag8 28.Bb2 Bb2 29x5 a5 30.5h5
f b 4 19.411 5 d 2 J te 4 x l 5 b 3 Bb4 31.4c3 2 a 4 32.5g7 Ba3
21.411 Ag6 o-l
Pancevo 1985 (6) 33.4b2 B O 34.5e8 4 d 8 35.516
Bg3 36.h5 A O 37.gO 4 e 7 38.h6
Wegner,Hannu l . f c d5 2x4 c6 3 4 4 516 4.51(3
Bg2 3 9 .4b3 a4 4 0 .4 a4 1-0
Seyb,Dieter YB/5-258
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6 .5 e5 A h5 7 .5 c4 e6
Bundesliga BRD 1984 8.®b3 a a 6 9.Ag5 5 b 4 lO .Bdl
A e7 11.242 a5 12.g3 0-0 13.Ag2
Uhlmann, Wolfgang
144 d5 2.c4 c6 3 . 5 0 516 4 .5 c3 5 x 4 14.5e4 Ag5 15.5g5 * g 5 Schurade,Mathias
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6 .5 x 5 A h5 7 .5 c4 e6 16.0-0 Bld8 17.*e3 tte 3 18.5*3 16 Nordhausen ch-DD 1986
8.®b3 5 a 6 9.e3 5 b 4 10.5a2 a5 19.B id 1 A O 20.A O 418 21.h4
ll.A d 2 5 fd 5 12.Ae2 A e2 13.4x2 Ba6 2 2 .5 c4 4 e 7 23x4 b5 24.ab5 1x4 c6 2 4 4 45 3 . 5 0 516 4.5c3
5 a 2 14.Ba2 A b4 lS .H d l ®h4 cb5 2 5 .5 a3 Bb6 26.Ae2 Ae8 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6 .5 e5 Ah5 7.Ag5
16.h3 0-0 17.Ab4 5 b 4 18.Haal 27.B el e5 2 8 4 5 4 d 6 29.14 Ad7 5 b d 7 8.5 c4 h6 9.Ah4 e6 10.*b3
Bab8 19.411 b6 20. H a d Efd8 3 0 .4 0 Bdb8 31.b3 B6b7 32.4e3 A e7 ll.A g 3 0-0 12x3 c5 13.*b7
2 1 .5 e5 Bbc8 2 2 .5 d 3 W ei 2 3 .5 b 4 Ba7 3 3 .2 b 2 a4 34 .2 c3 15 35.ba4 cd4 14.ed4 e5 15.5e5 Bb8 16.*c6
® b4 24.Wb4 ab4 25,Hc4 c5 2 a 4 36.A d i le4 37.Aa4 5 d 5 Bb2 17.5d7 Ab4 18.518 # 4 8 0-1
2 6 .2 del 2 a 8 27.dc5bc5 28.b3 Hd3 3 8 .4 d 2 5 c 3 3 9 .4c3 Bc8 4 0 .4 b 4
29.2c5 g6 30.B b l 2 d 2 31.4x1 ba4 4 1 .5 c4 4 e 7 42.Ee2 Bb8
B a2 32.B d l 2 a 3 3 3 .2 b l 2 a 2 4 3 .4 a5 A e6 4 4 .5 a3 2 a 8 4 5 .4 b 4 Zhidkov,Valery
3 4 .2b5 2 c 8 35.Hb4 Scc2 36.214 Bb8 4 6 .4 a5 Ba8 4 7 .4 b 4 e!4 48,gl4 Mariasin,Boris
e5 3 7 .2 D fS 38.g4 f4 39x4 2 e2 Ad5 4 9 .4 c5 4 e 6 50.2 b 2 Ab3 Soviet Union 1986
40.411 4 f7 41,b4 Be4 42.b5 2 ea4 51.2g2 415 52.Bg7 e3 53.2e7 Ae6
43.b6 B al 4 4 .2 b 3 2 b l 4 5 .2 b l 5 4 .4 b 4 2 c 8 0-1 144 d5 2 . 5 0 516 3x4 c6 4 .5 c3
2 a 8 46,13 4 e 6 4 7 .4 e2 4 d 5 48.b7 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6 .5 e5 Ah5 7 .5 c4 e6
2 b 8 4 9 .4 d 3 e4 50.fe4 4 c 6 51.g5 8.g3 c5 9.Ag2 5 c 6 10.*b3 * d 7
2 b 7 5 2 .2b7 4 b 7 53 .4 e2 4 c 6 Boissonet,Carlos 1l.dc5 Ac5 12.*b5 Ab4 13.5e5
5 4 .4 0 4 c 5 5 5 .4 f4 4 d 6 56x5 4 d 5 Dimitrov, Vladimir Ac3 14,bc3 5 x 5 15.®e.S 0-0 16.0-0
57.h4 4 c 6 5 8 .4 e4 4 c 5 59.h5 gh5 Gausdal Wch-jr 1986 (9) 2ac8 17.Ag5 5 d 5 18.Ad2 Ag6
60.4f5 h4 61x6 h3 62x7 h2 63x8** 19.'*44 b6 20.B lcl Bld8 21.a5 b5
h i # 64.®e7 4 c 6 65.®e6 4 c 5 144 d5 2x4 c6 3 .4 :0 516 4.5 jc 3 22x4 5 e 7 2 3 .#d7 Bd7 24.cb5 2 d 2
6 6 .4 f6 Wh4 67.®e5 4 c 6 68.4g7 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.7 c5 Ah5 7.5x4 e6 25.b6 ab6 26.ab6 B el 27.B cl Bd8
4 d 7 69.W15 4 d 6 70.W16 4 d 5 8.g3 Ab4 9.Ag2 5 d 5 10.Ad2 5 b 6 28.b7 418 29.B al 1-0
7 1 .* h 6 ® e4 72.W16 ®H4 73.*15 11.5b6 ab6 12.Ae3 0-0 13.0-0 W ei
4 d 4 7 4 .4 h 8 4 e 3 75.#16 * e 4 $ . * d 3 5 d 7 15.®c4 Ba5 1 6.2acl
7 6 .*h6 4 d 4 77.*g7 4 e 3 78.®h6 Bla8 17.b3 Ag6 18.5e4 b5 19.ab5
Thiel, Kuno
4 d 4 7 9 .* h 7 * e 8 80.4g7 W ill 5 b 6 20.®c2 Bb5 21.B al B al Moors,Hans
8 1 .4 h 6 * h 3 KM 22.B al 15 23.Ag5 * d 7 24.5c5 Wuppertal 11 1986
* d 4 25.B d l * c 5 2 6 .2 d 8 4 0
2 7 .* d t 5 d 5 28.Bd7 418 29.Ad5 I. 5 0 d5 2 4 4 c6 3x4 516 4.5 c3
Cordovii Joao cd5 3 0 .* a l * c 3 3 1 .* a8 Ae8 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.5 e5 Ah5 7 .5 c4 e6
Valkesalmi,Kimmo 3 2 .* d 8 ttc 6 33.Ae7 4 0 34.2c7 8.g3 Ab4 9.Ag2 a5 10.0-0 0-0
Thessaloniki ol 1984 Wc7 35 .* c7 Ae7 3 6 .*c3 d4 II. AM 5 d 5 12.A42 5 b 6 13.5b6
3 7 .* d 4 Bb3 38.g4 2 b 4 0-1 * b 6 14.Ae3 * a 6 15.0 5 d 7
144 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 1 6 4 .5 c3 16.5e4 Bad8 17.A12 h6 18.Wc2
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6 .5 e5 Ah5 7 .5 c4 Ag6 1914 5 b 6 20.B a d 5 d 5
5 a 6 8.g3 5 b 4 9.Ag2 ® d4 10.Wb3
Murey,Yaacov 21. A O 4 h 8 22.Wd 1 Ac4 23.Ae4 15
5 c 2 ll . * « 2 * c 4 12.0-0 Ag6 13x4 Strauss,David 24,Ad3 Wb6 25x4 fe4 26.Ae4 * c 7
5 d 5 14.a5 5 c 3 15.bc3 e5 16.2a4 London open 1986 (3) 27.*e2 Wf7 28.Ag2 Bd6 29.*e5
* e 6 17.Ae3 c5 18.f4 * c 6 19.B b l Bld8 30.Bc2 *15 3 l.* e 2 * 0
A d6 20.A11 * c 7 21.Ab5 4 d 8 22.15 144 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 516 4 .5 c3 32.*e5 *15 33.®e2 B6d7 34.A O
A h5 23.Ac4 f6 24. B a2 Bb8 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6 .5 e 5 Ah5 7.h4 e6 *16 35.Ag4 Bd6 36.®c5 ®g6
25.2ab2 4 e 7 2 6 .* d 3 Bhf8 27,g4 8 .0 c5 9.dc5 * d l 1 0 .4 d l 5 c 6 37.A d i B6d7 38.Be2 Be7 39.Ac2
A O 28.g5 b6 29.gf6 gf6 30.Ah6 11.5c6 bc6 12.g4 0-0-0 I3.A d2 Ac5 * 0 40.®e4 ®g8 41.g4 Bf8 42.Ag3
2 g8 3 1 . 4 0 Bg4 32.A17 417 1 4 .4 cl Bd2 15 .4 d 2 2 d 8 16.4c2 Ad6 43.Bef2 S e O 44.BO g5
3 3 .*d5 4 e 8 34.ab6 ab6 35.h3 2 h 4 A.g6 17x4 h5 18.g5 5 d 5 19.Ac4 45.®e6 B16 46.®g8 4 g 8 47.15 5 f4
36.Wg8 4 d 7 3 7 .* e6 4 c 6 38.A18 5 e 3 2 0 .4 b 3 4 c 7 2 1 .5 d l 5 c 4 48.Ab3 4 h 8 49.B el E d8 50.Ac4
b5 3 9 ,* d 5 4 d 7 4 0 .2 b 5 214 2 2 .4 c4 Ad4 23 .5 c3 15 24.5e2 h5 51.A # A14 52,h3 Bd4 53.Be8
4 1 .4 e3 1-0 A.b2 25.Ba2 Bd2 26.514 A O 27,g6 Ag7 54. Bg8 4 h 7 55.Bg6 2g6

56.fg6 '4g6 57.b3 hg4 58.hg4 <£f6 Osnos,Viacheslav 22.4x4 S O 23.* c5 Bf4 24.B afl
59.Hd3 E d3 60.Ad3 &e5 61.I.I* f 2 Bronstein,David b6 2 5 .4 d 4 E d8 2 6 .* e3 E f l 27,B fl
* d 4 6 2.*e2 tt-'A Leningrad ch-SU 1963 Ef8 28x7 Eg8 29x5 f5 30.53e4 f4
31.Sf4 Sg7 3 2 x 8 * A e8 33.Ef8
Ee7 34.53f6 Ee5 35.414 Ec5
Korte,M I d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 53f6 4.5 x 3
36.Ee8 1-0
Freese,C dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.53e5 A h5 7 .0 53fd7
Dortmund 1987 8.5X4 e5 9.5X5 5 x 5 10.de5 53d7
1 l.f4 A b4 12.g3 # Grigorian,Karen
I.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.530 5)f6 4 .5 x 3
Leningrad ch 1974 (2)
c6 5.a4 Ag4 6.53e5 A h5 7.Ag5
53bd7 8.5Jc4 h6 9.A h4 e6 10.0 Ae7
11x3 0-0 12.Ad3 53d5 13.Ae7 * c 7 I.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 53f6 4.53c3
14.0-0 537b6 15.53b6 ab6 16.*d2 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.53e5 Ah5 7 .0 53fd7
Efd8 17.*f2 e5 18.5)d5 Bd5 8.53c4 e5 9.Ae3 Ag6 10.g3 Ab4
19.Ae4 Bda5 20.de5 * e 5 2 1 .* c2 1 l.A g2 ed4 12.Ad4 0-0 13.0-0 * e 7
Ec5 2 2 .* b 3 * h 8 2 3 .* b 6 f5 24,f4 14x4 E d8 15.*e2 53c5? 16.Ae3
* e 7 25.b4 Ec4 26.Ac6 2 c 6 53ba6 17,*c2 f5? (/7...*<?6?) I8.ef5
2 7 .*b5 * e 3 2 8 ,* h I Bc2 2 9.*f5 Af7 19.53e4 53e4 20.fe4 Ac5
* e 2 3 0 B g l Hac8 31.B ael * g 4 2 1 .4 h l 53b4 2 2 .* e2 S d 3 23.f6 gf6
32 * 0 3 E8c3 3 3 .* d 5 E h3 34.* b 7 24.Ef5 A e3 25.42e3 Ee3 2 6.*e3
Eh2 0-1 53c2 2 7 .* c l 53a 1 2 8 .* a l Ag6
12...Jk.g4! 13.Ag2 * b 6 14.Ad2 a5
29,E fl Ed8 30.E d l 4 g 7 31.E d8
15.5x4 f5 16.ef6 53f6 17.5if6 gf6
* d 8 3 2 ,* g l b6 33.a5 c5 34.ab6 ab6
Arnason.Throstur 18.Ji.b4 * b 4 19.*d2 * d 2 2 0 .* d 2
3 5 .* e l * d 4 3 6.*e2 c4 37.h4 h5?
0-0-0 2 1 .* c l A e2 2 2 .Ea3 Hhe8
Kaspersen,M (i7...*7i(5/-+) 38.A O b5 39.Ah5
23.E e l Ag4 24.Sae3 E d l 2 5 .E d l
Gausdal 1988 * e 4 4 0 .* e4 A e4 4 1 .4 g l b4
He3 26. S g l Ee2 27.<4bl Af5
42.A d i c3 43.bc3 bc3 44 * 0 c2
2 8 .* a l <4x7 29.g4 Ac2 30.g5 S O
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 53f6 4.5lc3 45.Ac2 A c2 #
31.gf6 E f4 0-1
dc4 5.a4 -».g4 6 .4 x 5 ilh 5 7 .4 x 4 e6
8 .* b 3 53a6 9.Ag5 53b4 10.S d ! h6
1 l.A f6 * f 6 12.0 0-0-0 13.53e4 * f4
14x3 * c 7 15.Ae2 Ag6 I6.a5 c5
17.0-0 A e4 18.fe4 cd4 19.ed4 E d4 Dzindzichashvili,Roman
20.Hd4 * c 5 2 1 .* c3 53c6 2 2 .S d l Podgaets,Mikhail
53d4 23.Hd4 e5 24.5x5 * c 3 25.bc3 Moskva ch-SU 1973
Ac5 26.53f7 1-0
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 53f6 4.53c3
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.5X5 A h5 7 .0 53fd7
8.5X4 e5 9.53e5 53e5 10.de5 * d l? !
7.f3 (70...5307 77/4 A c5 12.g3 Ag4!
13.Ag2 »7>6+) l l . * d l 53a6 12x4 46.g4 &f7 4 7 .4 e3 * e 6 48.-^f4 Ag6
0-0-0 I3 .* c 2 53b4 14.4>b3 f6 15x6 49.h5 A e8 5 0 .* e4 A d7 51.&f4
KJuger Ac5 # 52.g5 tt-li
Budapest ch-HU 1963

I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 43f6 4.5 jc3

Ivkov, Borislav
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.43e5 &h5 7 .0 53fd7 Rukavina,Josip
8.53c4 e5 9.43e4 53b6 10.53e5 f6 Novi Sad ch-YU 1975
I I. a5 fe5 12.ab6 ed4 13.Ha7 Ha7
I4.ba7 Wa5 15.*d2 Wa7 16.*g5 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 53f6 4.53c3
Ag6 17.*e5 &d7 18.g3 c5 19.*d5 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.53e5 Ah5 7 .0 53fd7
&e8 2 0 .* e6 &d8 2I.A g5 &c7 8.5sc4 e5 9.53e4 53b6 10.53e5 f6
22.Af4 * d 8 A e4 24 .* c8 I I . 53d3 * d 4 12.a5 53d5 13.Ad2
&e7 25.Ab8 * a 5 2 6 .* f2 Ac6 53b4 14.53b4 A b4 15.Ac3!± A c3
27.^ .c 7 * a 2 28.Ad6 sfed6 2 9 .* d 8 16.g4 A e8 17.A.C4 h5 18,g5 Ag6 16.bc3 * c 5 1 7 .*d6 » e 7 18.»c5
* e 5 30.f4 * e 4 3 l.* g 5 1-0 19.gf6gf6 20.Af4 53d3 21.Ad3 Bd3 * c 5 19.53C5 53a6 20.53b7 Bb8

Theory SL 3

21.© d6 4 d 7 22.©f5 g5 23.e4 ©c5 14x3 ©e3 15.We2 ©d5 16.©d6 30.H al Bc7 31 Ba8 Bd7 32.©b5
24.&C4 Bb2? # 4 d 7 17.© f5!+- .Sb4 18.jS.d2 ©f4 Bd2 33.4g3
19.©d4 ©e2 20..Se2 M t 2 1 .4 d 2 33...Bd3? (33...h5H A 34.g5 ©c4
©a6 2 2 .4 c3 Had8 23.©f4 © c7 35.fe4 B d3~) 3 4 .4 0 Bd2 35.4e3
24.A.C4, i c 4 2 5 .4 c4 g6 26.B hel f5 Hh2 36.©d6 Bh4 3 7 .© 0 g5
27.gf5 gf5 28.©de6 © e6 29.©e6 38.Hh8 1-0
Bde8 30.H adl 4 c 8 31.Bd6 Bhg8
32.B ed! 1-0
Petursson,Margeir Murey,Yaacov
Beer-Sheva 1984 (5)
Buenos Aires ol 1978 (5)
!.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.©c3 ©f6 4 .© 0
c6 5.a4 4 g 4 6.©e5 jSh5 7 .0 ©fd7
1x4 c6 2.d4 d5 3 .© 0 ©f6 4.©c3 8.©c4 e5 9.©e5 ©e5 10.de5 * h 4
25.0-0-0 1-0 dc4 5.a4 &g4 6.©e5 &h5 7 .0 ©fd7 11.g3 » e 7 I2 .£ f4 ©d7 13.410
8.©c4 e5 9.©e5 ©e5 10.de5 * d l Bd8 14.*d6 ©b6 15.»e7 4 x7
II.© d l ©d7 12,Af4 A b4 1 3 .4 0 1 6 .4 0 © c4 17.©e4 4 g 6 18.b3 ©a5
0-0 14.g4 k%6 1 5 .% 3 M 2 16x3
Furman,Semen Hfe8 17.f4 ©c5 18.©c3 Ac3 19.bc3
19.©d6 4 d 6 20.ed6 ©b3 21.Ba3
4 c 2 22.Ba2 ©d4 23.Bb2 M S
Vasiukov,Evgeny M 4 20..Sh4 A c2 21.£g2 a5 24.4f5 ©f5 25.Bb7 ©d6 26.Sa7
Riga 1975 22.Ba2 &b3 23.Ha3 a4 24.H bl ©f5 27.B el 0-0 28. Sc6 Bfe8
Bac8 25x4 b5 26 .4 e3 © e6 27.S.fl 29.Hcc7 ©d4 30x4 Bb8 31.Bab7
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©c3 ©f6 4 .© 0 h6 Eb8 2 9 .ig 3 Bb7 30.H4 Ba8 32.Bf7 ©e6 33.Hfe7 He7
dc4 5.a4 &g4 6.©e5 ± h 5 7 .0 ©fd7 c5 3 l.fS ©d8 32.£Lg2 # 34.Ee7 ©f4 35.gf4 Ba4 36.f5 Ha6
8.©c4 e5 9.©e4 ©b6 10.©e5 f6 37.4g3 4 f8 38.Be6 Ba8 39.h4 4 0
I I . © d3 Wd4 12.a5 © d5 1 3 .id 2 40.Bb6 Ba5 41.4g4 Bc5 42.h5 h6
©b4 14.©b4 M 4 15.jfil.c3 Wdl 43.f4 H el 44.Bb7 4 g 8 45.f6 gf6
16.11dl M l ( 1 6 ...M 3 b7< ) 46.4f5 B fl 1-0
17.©d6 iSd6 18.Hd6 4 e 7 19.Hd2 YB/1-247
©d7 20.g4 £ 0 21.g5 fg5 22.Hgl h6
23.h4! 3ag8 24,hg5 M 6 25.e4 hg5
26.IIg5 S h i 2 7 . 4 0 g6 28.£.e2 b6 Gamarra Caceres,Carlos
29.4x3 c5 3 0 .ib 5 H el? (k Gonzalez,Eliseo
30... ©/6) 3 1 . 4 0 H al # Thessaloniki ol 1984

l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .© 0 ©f6 4.©c3

dc4 5.a4 4 g 4 6.©e5 4 h 5 7 .0 ©fd7
32...b4 33.cb4 cb4 34.Eab3 ab3
8.©c4 e5 9x4 Wh4 10.4e2 4 b 4
35.Bb3 ©c6 36x6 fe6 37..Sd6 e5
1 (,4 e 3 0-0 12.g3 We7 13.de5 f6
38.jS.fl ©d4 39.Bb2 b3 40.jSe5 ©f5
14x6 » e 6 1 5 .4 0 ©e5 16.©e5 fe5
41.gf5 Ee5 h-H
X7.M Z © a6 18.4g2 Bad8 19.#c2
4h8 H-'A

Sosonko,Genna Gavrilov,A
Timman,Jan Yanovsky,Sergey
Tilburg 1983 (7) Moskva 1988I.
32.Hd7 £ d 7 33.He5 4 0 34..Sd7
Hh8 3 5.4e3 1-0
l.d4 d5 2 .© 0 ©f6 3x4 dc4 4.©c3 I. d4 ©f6 2 .© 0 d5 3x4 dc4 4.©c3
c6 5.a4 &g4 6.©e5 S.h5 7 .0 e6 8.g4 c6 5.a4 4 g 4 6.©e5 4 h 5 7 .0 ©fd7
Iveges,Zoltan 3Sg6 9.h4 h6 10.©g6 fg6 11x4 c5 8.©c4 e5 9.h4 M l 10.g3 ed4
Vukcevic 12.dc5 Wdl 1 3 .4 d l ©c6 14.&C4 II. * d 4 0-0 :2..Sf4 ©c5 !3 .» d 8
cr 1976 Bd8 15 .4 e2 ©d4 1 6 .4 0 .Sc5 B d8 14.g4 4 g 6 15x4 f6 16.h5 jSO
17..4x3 0-0 18.4g2 4 h 7 19.Badl 17.Hdl B d l 1 8 .4 d l ©ba6 19.Bh2
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .© 0 ©f6 4.©c3 e5 20.©b5 ©b3 21.4x5 ©c5 22.a5 ®b3 20.ii.e3 ©b4 2 1 .4 e l b6
dc4 5.a4 .Sg4 6.©e5 ilh 5 7 .0 ©fd7 © a4 23.b3 ©b2 24.Ed8 Hd8 2 2 . 4 0 Hd8 23.4g3 ©d3 24.©d2
8.©c4 e5 9.©e4 ©b6 10.©e5 f6 25.© a7 ©c4 26.bc4 Ba8 27,©b5 4 d 6 25.f4 ©f4 2 6 .4 f4 ©d2 27.4a6
I I . .' .d 3 # d 4 12.a5 ©d5 13.g4!?.SO Ba5 28.©d6 b6 29.H dl Hc5 b5 28.ii.d6 Hd6 29.4f4 b4 30.®e2

c5 31.1b7 5 x 4 32.5g3 5 e 5 33.5f5 de3 19. Ee3 4 f 6 20.g4 Had8 14,Wd5 5 c 6 15.Wb5 5 d 4 16.Wa4
Hd3 34.B O g5 35.hg6 5 g 6 0-1 21.4x2 l g 6 22.h4 h5 23.g5 4 f5 5 b 6 17 .5 b 6 ab6 18.Wa8 5 c 2
2 4 .5 b 7 Bd4 2 5 . 4 0 Bc4 26.4 g 3 1 9 .4 0 Wd4 20x3 5 e 3 21.Wa4 5 c 4
Bh4 2 7.E h4 5 b 7 28.Eb4 1-0 2 2 .4 e l We3 23.1.e2 5 e 5 24 Wa3
YB/2-249 Wh6 25.W e7f6 26.B d l 1-0
Kremenetsky, Anatoly
Yanovsky,Sergey Chekhov,Valery
Moskva 1988 Tischbierek,Raj
Rostock 1985 (7)
1 . 5 0 d5 2.d4 5 f 6 3.c4 c6 4.5 x 3 Schipkov,Boris
dc4 5.a4 l,g 4 6 .5 e 5 l h 5 7 .0 5 fd 7 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.530 5 f 6 4.5 x3 Alexandrov
8 .5 c4 e5 9.e4 Wh4 10,g3 Wf6 dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e5 l h 5 7 .0 5 fd 7 Soviet Union 1986
1l.de5 WO 12.5d6 13.1.f4 8.5 x 4 e5 9 .5 e 4 l b 4 10.1d2 We7
Wdl 1 4 .5 d l 1 . 0 15.SgI h6 I I. l b 4 Wb4 !2W d2 Wd2 I3 .4 d 2 1 . 5 0 d5 2.d4 5 f 6 3x4 c6 4 .5 c 3
16.<&e3 l h 5 17.5ef5 4 d 8 18.g4 ed4 14.5ied6 4 e 7 15.5b7 c5 16.g4 dc4 5.a4 l.g 4 6 .5 e 5 i.h 5 7 .0 5 fd 7
l g 6 19.1x4 l d 6 2 0 .5 d 6 S c 5 l g 6 17.1g2 5 a 6 18.f4 f6 19.5ba5 8.5x4 e5 9 .5 e 4 l.b 4 10.1d2 l d 2
21.0-0-0 4 e 7 22 .5 f5 l f 5 23.gf5 b5 Bae8 2 0 .5 c6 4 f8 2 1 .5 a7 1 x 4 1 l.Wd2 0-0 12.de5 b5 13.5cd6!
24.ab5 cb5 2 5 .1 d 5 5 c 6 26.Sg7 22.1 x 4 Ee4 2 3 .3 h fl h5 24.g5 4 e 7 5 e 5 14.5g3 l g 6 15x4! f6 16.ab5
Eax8 27.f6 4 e 8 2 8 .1 f7 4 f8 2 5 .5 b 5 fg5 26.fg5 Sg4 2 7 .5bd6 Wc7 17.f4 5 f7 ? (7 7...5x^7 18.&C4
2 9 .4 b l 5 e 4 30 .1 e6 Hd8 31.HdgI 4 e 6 28.h3 Bg2 29.Bf4 Bb8 <£h8 19.0-0±) 18.b6! Wb6 19.5c4
5 g 5 32.1g5 hg5 33.B7g5 1-0 3 0 .2 e4 4 d 5 31.He7 5 b 6 32.Ee5 1-0
4 x 6 33.E e l 5 d 5 3 4 .5 b 5 5 a c7
35 .5 a5 4 b 6 36 .5 c7 1-0
Van der Sterren,Paul
Saint John open II 1988 Boersma.Paul
Amsterdam OURA 11 1987
I.d4 d5 2 . 5 0 5 f 6 3x4 c6 4.5x3
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e5 l h 5 7 .0 e6
Dimitrov, Vladimir I. d4 d5 2 . 5 0 5 f 6 3x4 dc4 4 .5 c3
Gausdal Wch-jr 1986 (10) c6 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e 5 l h 5 7 .0 5 fd 7
8.h4 5 d 5 9.e4 5 b 4 10,g4f6 11.5x4
10 I2 .1 e 3 l e 7 !3.Wd2 5 d 7 8 .5 c 4 e5 9.vje4 l.b 4 I0 .1 d 2 ! d 2
14.H dl 0-0 15.Wh2 5 b 6 1 6 .S d 2 e5 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f 6 4 .5 c3 I I . Wd2 0-0 12.5e5 5 e 5 13.de5
17.5a3 Wx7 18.g5 Bad8 19.Bgl dc4 5.a4 i.g 4 6.5 x 5 l h 5 7 .0 5 fd 7 5 id7 14.f4 l.g 4 15x3 We7 16.Wd6
4 h 8 20.h5 fg5 21.1g5 h6 22.1x3 8 .5 x 4 e5 9 .5 x 4 J.b 4 I0 .1 d 2 We7 Wh4 17,g3 Wh5 18.1.g2 Bad8
i f 6 23.de5 S d 2 2 4 .1 d 2 1 x 5 25.f4 I I . 1 b4 Wb4 12.Wd2 Wd2 13.4d2 19.0-0 5 b 6 20.®c5 1 x 2 21.E fel
ld 4 26.flg2 a5 2 7 .1 c2 We 7 ed4 14 v ed6 * e7 I5 .5 b 7 5 a 6 5 c 4 22.g4 Wg4 23.h3 Wh5 24.5g3
28.Wg3 I g 8 29x5 5 6 d 5 30.5x4 16.5xa5 5.3b4 17.B el 43b6 18.5x5 Wg6 25.Be2 5 d 2 26.Wc3 Bd3
lh 7 3 1 .5 d 5 cd5 3 2 .5 d 6 l e 4 f6 I9 .5 d 3 4.3d3 20xd3 1 x 8 21.1 x 2 27.Wc2 Wg3 28.B d2 We3 2 9 .E O
33.5 e 4 de4 34.1x4 &b2 35.Wg6 e3 5ia4 22..fed 15ib2 2 3 .1 b 3 l g 6 Bfd8 30.We2 Wc5 31x6 fe6 32.We6
36.1e3 1 x 5 3 7 .1 e6 1 x 3 38 .4 e2 24.B hcl 4 f8 25.1x2 c5 26 .B b l 4 h 8 33 .B el 3 d l 3 4.B dl B dl
Ef6 39.f5 3 g 6 40.Bg6 0-1 Bb8 27.4x1 5,d3 2 8 .1 d 3 B b l 3 5 .4 h 2 h 6 36,We8 4 h 7 37.1.e4 1-0
2 9 .1 b ! l . b l 3 0 .4 b l 4 0 31.4x2
Eb8 3 2 .5 ib3 Bb7 3 3 .flcl Bb5 Farago.Ivan
34.Ba 1 a5 35.Ba5 Ba5 3 6 .5a5
9 ...k b 4 4 x 6 3 7 .4 d 3 4 d 5 38.5x4 g5 39.g4 Witke,Thomas
H6 40.h3 4 x 6 41.4x4 4 b 5 4 2 .5 d 6 Graz open 1987 (5)
4 b 4 4 3 .4 d 3 1-0
Kasparov,Garry YB/5-257 1 <14 d5 2x4 c6 3.5.3c3 5 f 6 4 . 5 0
dc4 5.a4 l g4 6 .5 e 5 i h 5 7 .0 5 fd 7
Conquest,Stuart 8.5 x 4 e5 9 .5 e 4 l b 4 10.1d2 We7
London sim 1984 Varasdy.Imre
11.5e5 5ie5 12.de5 5 d 7 13.5d6
Kaspersen.M 1 d6 14.ed6 Wd6 15.1c3 We6
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f 6 4.5 x 3 Kohenhavn 1986I. 16.Wd4 f6 17x4 i n 18.B d l Bd8
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e 5 l.h 5 7 .0 5)fd7 19.Wa7 0-0 2 0 .1 e2 Wb3 21.0-0 Ba8
8.53x4 e5 9 .5 e 4 l.b 4 10.1d2 We7 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f 6 4 .5 c 3 22.WO 5 e 5 23.a5 Bfe8 24.Wc5
I I . l b 4 Wb4 l2.Wd2 Wd2 I3 .4 d 2 dc4 5.a4 l.g 4 6 .5 e 5 l,h 5 7 .0 43fd7 1 x 4 2 5 .1x4 Wc4 26.Wb6 5 d 3
ed4 14.5ed6 * e 7 I5 .5 b 7 5 a 6 8 .5 c 4 e5 9 .5 e 4 l b 4 10.1.d2 l,d 2 27.Wd4 Wd4 28.1.d4 5 f 4 2 9 .1 b 6
16.5ba5 4jb4 17.Ba3 5 x 5 18x3 II. Wd2 0-0 12.de5 b5 I3.ab54 f7cb5 30. Bd7 Be7 31. H fd 1 g5

Theory SL 3

32.fic5 E d7 33. Hd7 4 x 8 34.Be7 Rogers,Ian 11.de5 0-0 12.E e l fi.g6 13.fib4
1-0 Hartoch,Robert Wb4 14,Wd2 Wa4 I 5 . a g3 b5
Amsterdam 11 1985 (3) 16.5id6 5,a6 17x4 ®ac5 18.Wc3
Speelman, Jonathan 5ie6 19.fix2 b4 20.We3 Wa2
21.5A4 5ib6 22.f4 53c4 Wb2
Nikolic,Predrag l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 -?f6 4 .5 c3
24.0-0 a5 25.f5 We5 26.fe6 Te6
Hastings 1989 (6) dc4 5.a4 fi.g4 6 .5 e 5 fih 5 7 .0 5 fd 7
27.Ef8 Bf8 28.fib3 h5 29.h4 * h 7
8 .5 c4 e5 9 .5 e4 fi.b4 We7
30.E c5W al 31.*h2 a4 32.fie6 Wf6
I. - 5 0 d5 2.d4 5)f6 3.c4 dc4 4.5)c3 11 de5 0-0 12 .E e l 5 a 6 13.fib4
33.fif5 Wh4 34.®gl b3 35.fig6
c6 5,a4 Ag4 6.5)e5 fi.h5 7 .0 5jfd7 Wb4 14.Wd2 fig6 15.5g3 5 d c 5
*g6 3 6 .af5 Wg4 37. Ec6 4>h7
8.5jc 4 e5 9.5>e4 A b4 10.fid2 We7 16.Wb4 5 b 4 I7.f4 f5? (/7...5fl2.Cl
38.Eb6 B O 39.*h2 Ec7 40,Wd2
I I . h4 ed4 Wb4 I3 .4 f2 0-0 18. H a l fob4 79.4/2±) 18.a5 Sab8
We4 41.Wd6 Eb7 42.Wg6 ^ h 8
14.Wd4 b5 15.£)g3 5 f 6 16.e4 bc4 19.5d6! 5 b 3 20.Ec3 5 a 5 21x4 fe4
43.Wh5 * g 8 44. Eg6 b2 4 5 .ah 6
17,e5 c5 18.Wc3 5)d5 19.Wb4 cb4 22.t'5 fie8 23.5ge4 b6 24x6 5 d 5
4>f8 46.Wc5 Be7 47.Wc8 Be8 4jb6 2 l.fib 3 fig6 2 2 .S h d l 25.Eg3 g6 26.fid3 4 h 8 27,f6!+-
48.Wc5 <A-'A
5sa6 23.a5 5jc 5 24.ab6 5 b 3 25.Ha7 Ef6 28 .5 f6 5 f6 29.0-0 4 g 7
5jc5 26.S d 5 5)a4 27.Ba8 B a8 Vi-Vi 30.EgO E d8 31 .5 e8 5 e 8 32.S O
4 h 6 33.Hd7 1-0

1 l.d e 5 Tischbierek.Raj
Clrunberg.Hans-Ulrich Potsdam 1985 (8)
Dresden 1985 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .5 )0 ®f6 4.®c3
Marovic,Drazen dc4 5.a4 fig4 6 .a e 5 fih5 7 .0 5)fd7
Nei.Ivo I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f6 4 .5 c3 8.Qc4 e5 9,®e4 fib4 10.fid2 We7
Tallinn 1975 dc4 5.a4 fig 4 6 .5 e5 fih 5 7 .0 5 fd 7 I I . deS 0-0 12.f4 S a 6 13.Wb3 fig6
8 .5 c 4 e5 9 .5 e4 fib4 I0 .fid 2 We7 14.«ed6 5)dc5 !5.Wh3 b5 16,ab5
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .5 ,0 5 f6 4 .5 c 3 II. deS 0-0 12.E e l Ag6 13.5ed6 cb5 17.fib4 ®b4 18.aa3 Bad8
dc4 $.a4 Ag4 6 .5 e 5 fih 5 7.f3 5 fd 7 5e5 14.5e5 fid 6 15.5g6 hg6 19.Hdl 5)e4 20.f5 We5 21.fg6 hg6
8 .5 c 4 e5 9 .5 e 4 fib 4 10.fid2 We7 16.412 Ed8 17.Wc2 Wh4 18.g3 22.We3 Wb2 23.We4 Wa3 24.g3
tl.deS 0-0 12.5g3 5 a6 ?l fig3 19.hg3 Whl 20.fig5 Se8 Wa5 Hd6 26.0-0 Wb6
( I2 ...a d 8 !) 13.e4 Ead8? 14.5h5 21.A.h4 g5 22.fig2 Ee2 23.We2 27. * h l a5 28.We7 Ee6 29.Wh4
5 e 5 15.'B'b3 fid 2 16.5 d 2 5 c 5 Wei 24.We8 4 h 7 25.fih3 Wb2 Ee2 30.Sf4 We6 3 I.E d fl E e l
17.Wc2 5 e d 3 18.fid3 5 d 3 19.4e2 26 .4 e3 Wf6 0-1 32.Wg5 Ee5 0-1
We5 2 0 .H a 3 !+ - 5 b 4 21.Wc3 Ed4 YB/3-255
2 2 .5 c4 Wg5 23.Wd4 Wg2 24.#42 Knaak,Rainer
Whl 2 5 .5 d 2 S d 8 2 6 .5 fl g6 1-0
Tischbierek.Raj Oll.Lembit
Dresden 1985 Yrjola.Jouni
Marovic,Drazen Tallinn 1985 (8)I.
Kovacevic l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f6 4 .5 c3
Zagreb 1975 dc4 5.a4 fig4 6 .5 e5 fih 5 7 .0 5 fd 7 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.520 5)f6 4.5)c3
8 .5 c 4 e5 9 .5 e 4 fib 4 I0 .fid2 We7 dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.52e5 fih5 7 .0 5)fd7
I.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f6 4 .5 c 3 I l.de5 0-0 12.B el A.g6 I3.fib4 8.52c4 e5 9.53e4 fib 4 10.fid2 We7
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6 .5 e 5 fih 5 7.f3 5 fd 7 Wb4 14.Wd2 Wa4 15.5ed6 b5 I I . deS 0-0 12.B el a5 13.fib4
8 .5 c 4 e5 9 .5 e 4 A b4 10.fid2 We7 16 Wa5 Wa5 17.5a5 5 e 5 18.f4 U3.lhg3? 51e5 14.lhe5 We5 15.{4
I l.deS 0-0 12.5g3 5a6?! (12...5d8! 5 e d 7 19.g4 f6 2 0 .fig2 a6 21.0-0 Wf4 16.Chh5 Mh4 1 7 A g 3 5 )a 6 -+
13.Htb3 k d 2 ! 1 4 A d 2 5 e 5 I5.e4D fi.O 2 2 .5 c6 5 c 6 23.Ec6 Eab8 Oil) 13...ab4 14.Wd6 Ee8 15.We7
Wg5 !6.Wc3 dbbdTr) 13.e4 5 e 5 2 4 .5 f7 4 f7 25,Ec7 4 e 6 2 6 ,E d l Be7 16.52g3 (16.b3!?t) 16...fig6
14.5e5 We5 Hfd8 S b 6 27.f5 1-0 17.f4 Ea4 18.f5 b5 19.5)d6 He5
H dl 17.E dl ba6 18.fid6 Wg5 20x4 5)c5 fif5 22.5)df5
19.412 Wh4 20.Hd2 f i g6 2 I.S h d l Ea2 23.0-0 3 b 2 24.E fdl 5)bd7
Miles,Anthony 25.5) d4 h5 26.5)c6 Bg5 27.fih5 b3
f5 2 2 .4 g l (> 22.ef5) 22...fc4 23.fe4
h5 24x5 Wg5 2 5 .5 e2 h4 26.5c3? Ree,Hans 28. fiO ©b6 29.5)f5 52c4 30,Bd5
fi.h5 27.h3 f id l 28.H dl We3 Ostend open 1985 (6) (30.h41)W 3 c 2 31.B fl5)e632.5)b4
2 9 .4 h l S e 8 3 0 .E fl B e6 3 l .5 d l S c3 33.1)4 b2 34.5)d3 5)f4 35.Bd8
We2 32.Bf8 4 h 7 33 .5 f2 flg6 l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3 .5 ,0 5 f 6 4 .5 c3 * h 7 36.5jb2 Ef5 37.5)c4 Ec5
34.5)g4 B d6 35.ed6 W dl 36 .4 h 2 c6 5.a4 f i g4 6.®e5 fi.h5 7 .0 5Jfd7 38.5) b6 b4 39.Eb8 b3 4 0 .*h2 ®d3
Wd6 0-1 8 .a c 4 e5 9.®e4 fib 4 We7 4 1 .3 b l 1-0

Dokhoian,Yuri ©b4 27.Sc3 4g7 28.Ed2 ©d5 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.g3 a5
Bareev, Evgeny 29.Ad5 cd5 30.Edl fe5 31.de5 Ah5 8.Ag2 e6 9.0-0 Ae7 10,©c4 ©a6
Irkutsk 1986 (15) 32.Ed4 Ae2 33.f4 h6 34.40 Ah5 I I.b3 (11.h3!) 11...0-0 12.Ab2 ©d5
35.Bb3 gf4 36.gf4 Bb8 37.Edb4 b6 13.Wd2 Ab4 14x4 ©b6 15.We3
38.ab6 ab6 39.flb6 Ef8 40.Bb7 ©c4 16.bc4 e5 17.©a2 ed4 18.Ad4
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.©f3 ©f6 4.©c3 Ed8 41.4e3 1-0 Ae7 19.0? (19.Ab6) 19...Wd4
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.0 ©fd7 20.’»d4 Ac5 21.Efd 1 Bfd8 22.«'c5
8.©c4 e5 9.Qe4 Ab4 10.Ad2 We7 ®c5 23.©c3 f6 24.Eabl 4f8
1l.de5 0-0 12.Ecl Ag6 !3.Ab4 Polugaevsky.Lev
25.4f2 4e7 26.4e3 fidl 27,©dl!
Wb4 14.Wd2 Wa4 15.©ed6 b5 Taimanov,Mark Ed8 28.©b2 4d6?l 29.Edl 4c7
16.»a5 Wa5 17.©a5 ©e5 18.f4 ®c4 Leningrad ch-SU 1971 30. Ed8 4d8 31.4d4 ©e6 32.4e3
19.©ac4 bc4 20.e4 Ae4 21.©e4 4c7 33.f4 4b6 34.Ah3 ©c5
Ee8 22.Ec4 f5 23.412 fe4 24.Ed4 1x4 ©f6 2.©c3 c6 3.d4 d5 4.©B 35.4d4 Ag6 36.f5?l (36.e5=)
e3 25.4 0 a5 26.Ac4 4f8 27.Bel dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.g3 e6 36...AH 37x5 fe5 38.4e5 4c7 39,f6
a4 28.Ad3 c5 29.Ed6 g6 30.Ab5 8.Ag2 ©bd7 9.©c4 ©b6 10.©e5 a5 g6! 40.Ag4? (40.hdl) 40...h5
Bc8 3I.He3 Ea7 32,Hf6 4g7 11.0-0 Ab4 12.Qd3 0-0 13.©f4 Ag6 41 ,Ah3 b6 42.4f4 4d6 43.Ac8
33.Sb6 c4 34.Ec3 ©d7 35.Ea6 14.©g6 hg6 15x4 e5 16.de5 » d l Ae6 44.Ae6 4e6 45.4g5 4 0 46.g4
Ea6 36.Aa6 Hb8 37,Hc4 fj-H 17.©dl ©fd7 18.Ae3 ©c4 19.f4 hg4 47.4g4 4f6 48.h4 ©d7
©c5 20.Ac5 Ac5 21.4hl Efd8 49.©d3? ©e5! 50.©e5 4e5 51.4g5
Aleksandria,Nana 22.Eel Sd4 23.Afl Ab4 24,Ee2 b5 52.cb5 cb5 0-1
Semenova,Lidia Ead8 25.©e3 ©b2 26.Bb2 Ac3
Malmo cl 1986 27.Hbbl i a l 28.Eal Ee4 29.©c4
Ed5 30.©d6 Eb4 31.Ac4 Ed2 Gligoric,Svetozar
32.AH 4f8 33.Ag6 Bbb2 34.Ae4
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.©B ©f6 4.©c3
Eh2 35.4gl Ehe2 36.AO Eec2 Vasiukov,Evgeny
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.0 ©fd7 37.Bel g6 38x6 4e7 39.©c8 4e8 Manila 1974
8.©c4 e5 9.©e4 Ab4 10.Ad2 We7
40.Ae4 Ec3 4I.Ag6 4d8 42x7
1l.de5 0-0 12.©g3 Ed8 13.f4 Ag4 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©0 ®f6 4.©c3
4c7 Bg3 44.4fl Sg8
14.*b3 Ad2 15.©d2 ©c5 16.*c3 45.e8W Be8 46.Ee8 b5 47.ab5 cb5 dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7,g3 a5
b5 17.ab5 cb5 18.e3 Bc8 19.Ae2 8.Ag2 e6 9.0-0 Ae7 10.©c4 ©a6
48.©e7 a4 49.©d5 4d6 50.©c3 a3
Ae2 20.©e2 Wh4 21.©g3 Wd8 II. h3 ©b4 12.g4 Ag6 13x4 ©d7
51.Ea8 b4 52.©b5 4d5 53.AO
22.4e2 ©a4 23.*d4 »h4 24,Ehcl 14.Af4 ©b6 15.©e5 Af6 16.We2
4c5 54.©a3 ba3 55.Ea3 4d4
2d8 25.©B Hd4 26.©h4 Ed8 Ae5 17.de5 WdS l8.Bfdl We2
56.Ae2 4e4 57.Ef3 4f5 58.4f2
27.b3 ©b6 28.©hf5 ©8d7 29.©e4 19.©e2 ©c4 20.b3 ©b2 21.Bd2
Ba2 59.4e3 1-0
4>f8 30.©d4 a6 31.©d6 ©b8 32x4 ©2d3 22.Ae3 c5 23.f4 f6 24.ef6 gf6
Hd7 33.4e3 4e7 34,Ec2 f6 25.©cl 0-0-0 26.©d3 Sd3 27.Ed3
35.©6f5 4f8 36.e6 Sb7 37,e7 Ee7 ©d3 28.Edl Ed8 29.f5 ef5 30.ef5
38.©e7 4e7 39.©b5 ©8d7 40.©c7 Keres.Paul
An 31.Afl ©e5 32.Ed8 4d8
Ec8 41. Bad a5 1-0 Bronstein,David 33.Ac5 Ab3 34.Ab6 4e7 35.Ab5
Pelropolis izl 1973 (4) ©c4 36.Ad4 417 37.Ad7 ©d6
38.Ac5 ©e4 39.Ab6 4e7 40.Ab5
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .0 0 ©f6 4.©c3 ©c3 41.Afl ©d5 42.Aa5 Aa4
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.g3 a5 43.4f2 b6 44.Ad2 4d6 45.Ac4
7-gS 8.Ag2 e6 9.©c4 ©a6 10.0-0 Ae7 Ac6 46.4g3 b5 47.Ab3 b4 14-ij
1l.b3 0-0 12.Ab2 ©d5 13.He 1 «c7
14.*d2 Bfd8 15x4 ©c3 16.Ac3
©b4 17.Ab2 (17. the3!) I7...b5 Gligoric.Svctozar
Najdorf,Miguel Planinc.Albin
18.©e3 (18.ab5 cb5 I9.the3 Wd7=)
Behrensen,Jorge 18...Wb6 19.ab5 »b5 20.Ec4 f6 Novi Sad ch-YU 1975I.
Mar del Plata 1965 (7) 21.f4 AO 22x5 fe5 (22...fcd5!7)
23.fe5 Ag6 24.Ah3 (24...4 6 * ! I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©D ©f6 4.©c3
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©B ©f6 4.©c3 25.&.e6 We5-) H-h dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.g3 ©bd7
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.©e5 Ah5 7.g3 e6 8.©c4 e6 9.Ag2 Ab4 10.0-0 0-0
8.Ag2 Ae7 9.0-0 ©bd7 10. ©c4 0-0 II. h3 a5 12.g4 Ag6 13.Ag5 Ae7
1l.h3 ©d5 12.Eel ©b4 I3.a5 f6 14x4 ©e8 15.Ae7 We7 16.We2 e5 ©b8 15.©e4 ©8a6 16.«b3
17.de5 ©e5 18.©e5 «e5 19.f4 #c5
g5 l7.Ad6 Ag6 18.5x7 We7 Bronstein,David 20.»f2Wf2 21.4f2f6 22.Efdl ©c7
19.Eacl Efd8 20.Bedl Sd7 Tallinn 1973 (12) 23.f5 AO 24.Ed7 ©a6 25,Eb7
21.©c5 ©c5 22.Wb4 ©a6 23.»e7 Efb8 26.Eb8 Bb8 27.Bbl ©c5
Ee7 24x4 Hd8 25x5 Eed7 26.©d6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©B ©f6 4.©c3 28.4e3 Bb3 29.Edl 4f8

Theory (5L 3

Spasov.Liuben dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 e6 ®c6 47.®e2 Ec2 0-1
Radev,Nikolai 8.fig2 a5 9.0-0 fie7 10.h3 ®a6
Pernik ch-BG 1975 11.g4 fig6 12x4 ®d7 13.®c4 ®b4
14.We2 0-0 15.f4 f6 16.fie3 ®b6 Muse.Mladen
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 .L O « f6 4.®c3 17.S a d i ®c4 !8.Wc4 fin 19.We2 Stempin,Pawel
dc4 5,a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 e6 Wb6 20.Wf2 Wa6 2 1.fiO e5 22.fie2 Poznan 1986
fic4 23.fic4 Wc4 24.de5 fe5 25.f5
8.fig2 a5 9.0-0 lie ? 10.h3 ®bd7?
Sad8 26,We2 ®d3 27.Bd2 ®b2 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c6 3 .® 0 d5 4,®c3
(70...®a6) Il.® c4 £>b6 12.®e5
2 8 .S d 8 S d 8 29.Wb2 S d 3 30.® dl dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 e6
® bd5 13.g4 fig 6 14.h4 ® b4 15.e4
We4 31.Wa2 *18 32.Wf2 Wd5 8.fig2 a5 9.0-0 fie7 10.®c4 ®a6
h6 16.®g6 fg6 17.g5 hg5 18.fig5
33.We2 fib 4 34.®f2 Sa3 3 5 .S d l I I.h3 ®b4 !2.g4 fig6 13x4 ®d7
®h5 19.fie3 fih 4 20.Wg4 We7
Wb3 36.S d 8 * n 37,Bd3 S a l 14.f4 f5 15.gf5 ef5 16x5 ®b6
(20...I.I* / 7 21.d5!—*) 21.d5 ®f6
3 8 .* h 2 Wa4 39.Sd7 * e 8 40.Wd3 17,®e3 0-0 18.*h2 * h 8 19.d5
22.Wg6 WO 23.WO * n 24.dc6 bc6
fie7 41,g5 Ha2 42,Sb7 1-0 ®6d5 20.®ed5 cd5 21.®d5 fin
25.U adi Ehd8 26.Hd8 S d8
27.3i.b6 Bb8 28.fia5 ® d3 29.b4 22.®b4 fib 4 23.fie3 « e 7 24.WO
®b4 3 0 .E b l © a6 31.Eb8 ®b8 Ead8 25.B fdl fib 3 2 6 .3d8 Wd8
3 2 .fifl ® fd7 33.fic7 fif6 34.&bl
Gavrikov,Viktor 27.Wb7 Wd3 28.WO Bd8 29.B cl
fid 4 35.a5 fia 7 36.®d2 * e 7 Bronstein,David fia 4 30.Bc7 fib3 31.fifl Wd5
37.*g2 ©c5 3 8 .0 g6 39.®c4 ®b7 Minsk 1983 32,Wg3 E d ? 33.Bc8 Bd8 34.Bc7
40.®e5 c5 4 1.fib8 1-0 S d 7 35.fig2 Wd3 36.Bc6 fig8
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .® 0 ®f6 4.®c3 37.Bc8 Bd8 38.Bc7 S d 7 39.Sc8
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 e6 E d8 40.Bc7 Bd7 41.Bc8 'A-'A
8.fig2 a5 9.®c4 (9.h31? A g4. h41?)
Kovacevic,Vlado 9...®a6 10.0-0 ®b4 ll.h 3 fie7
Virovilica 1977 12.g4 fig6 13x4 ®d7 14.fie3?l
(.I4 .k}4 ! 0-0 15.Wb3±) 14...f6
I. d4 ®f6 2 .® 0 d5 3x4 c6 4.®c3 (14-/5!°°) 15.We2 0-0 16.S a d i f5 Kristensen,Bjarke
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 a5 17.d5! cd5 18.ef5 Sc8 19.fg6 dc4 Saint John open 11 1988
8.fig2 e6 9.0-0 £>a6 10.h3 « b 4 20.gh7 *h8 21.fib7 Sb8
I I . ®c4 fie7 12.Wd2 ®d7 13.e4 2 2 .fie 4 + - Wc8 Sb7 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .® 0 ®f6 4.®c3
®b6 14.®e3 f6 15.b3 0-0 16.fib2 f5 24.fib7 m i 25.We6 ®f6 26.fid4 dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 e6
17.f4 g5 18.ef5 gf4 19.Ef4 fig5 ®d3 27.®e2 ®d5 28.We4 A b4 8.fig2 a5 9.®c4 ®a6 10.0-0 fie7
20.®e4 fif4 21.gf4 ®6d5 22.€sg3 29.b3 ®3f4 30.®f4 Hf4 31.Wg2 c3 II. h3 ®b4 12.Wd2 ®d7 13x4 0-0
Wh4 23.®h5 Wh5 24.fe6 ©f4 25.d5 32.fic3 1-0 14.g4 fig6 15.f4 f5 16.gf5 ef5 17x5
We2 26.We2 ® e2 2 7 .* h 2 ®d5 ®b6 18.®b6 Wb6 19.W12 fin cd5 29.®g4 h5 30.®f6 Bf6 20.fie3 ®d3 2I.d5 Wa6 22.Wd2 cd5
31.fif6 Ee8 32x7 * 0 33.fig5 ®d4 23.®d5 fid 5 * h 8 25.B adl
34.S f l * e 6 35.Bf6 * d 7 36.*g3
Schmidt, Wlodzimierz ®c5 26.Wg2 Wh6 27,b3 Sa6
Ee7 37.E b6 * c 7 # Stempin,Pawel 2 8 .*h2 Bg6 29.WO b6 30.Bgl
Gdynia 1984 E gl 31.Bgl S d8 3 2 .E d l g5 33.fg5
fig5 34.fic4 S d l 35.Wa8 S d8
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 .® 0 ®f6 4.®c3 36.Wd8 fid8 37.fih6 fic7 38.fif4
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.®e5 fih 5 7.g3 e6 * g 7 39.*g3 * g 6 4 0 .* O fid8
8.fig2 a5 9.0-0 fie7 10.®c4 ®a6 41.*e3 h6 4 2 . * 0 fig5 43.fie3 fie7
I I . h3 ®b4 12.g4 fig6 13x4 ®d7 * g 5 45.fif2 f4 46.figl * f5
14.fie3 f5 15.We2 (15.d5 ed5 16.gf5 47.fid4 h5 48.fig8 h4 49.fih7 * g5
dc4 17.fg6 ®e5oo Stempin) 15...0-0 50.fig8 * f5 51.fih7 * g 5 52.fic2
16.f4 Wc7 17.S a d i fe4 18.®e4 b6 fid 8 53.figl fic7 fid8
1 9 .* h l ®d5 20.®e5 ®e5 21 ,de5 55.fic3 fic7 56.fib2 fib8 57.fial
Cad8 2 2 .ficl fie8!= 23.Wel c5 fic7 58.fic3 fib8 5 9.fidl ®d3
38.Eb7 * b 7 39.fie7 ®f5 4 0 .* f4 24.b3 fic6 25.Wg3 » b 4 26.®c3 60x6 fid 6 61.fie2 ®c5 62.fie5
®e7 0-1 ®c2 27.®b5 Wb7 28.fic6 Wc6 ®b7 63.fid6 ®d6 64x7 * f6
29.Wg2 Wg2 30.*g2 g6 31.®c7?l 6 5 .* f4 * e 7 66.*g5 * e 6 6 7 .*h4
(31.CLa7-) 31...*n 32.f5 gf5 33.gf5 * f5 68.*g3 ®e4 69.*g2 * f4 70.h4
Browne,Walter S d l 34.fe6 * g 6 3 5 .S d l fih 4 36x7 ®c3 71.*12 ®e4 72.* e ! ®c5
Haik.Aldo fie7 37.®d5 fih 4 38.®f4 * f5 7 3 .fid l ®e4 74.fic2 ®d6 75.h5
Luzern ol 1982 (2) 39.S d 7 fig5 40.®e2 fic l 41.©cl * g 5 7 6 .fid l b5 77.b4 ba4 78.ba5 a3
®d4 42x6? * e 6 43.Sb7 * d 5 79.fib3 * h 5 8 0 .*d2 * g 5 81.a6
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®c3 ®f6 4 .® 0 44.E b6 S O 4 5 .S a6 Bc3 46.Ba5 ®c8 82.*c3 * f6 83.*b4 * e 7

84.4a3 4d6 85.4b4 4c6 86.4>a5 Il.e4 5)b6 12.5)b6 H>6 13.0-0 0-0 Vaiser,Anatoly
©a7 87.AH 4c5 ’/i-'/i 14.Ae3 Bd8 1S.h3 ®a6 16.Wc2 f6 Khuzman,Aleksandr
17.Bfcl A n 18.d5 cd5 I9.«lbS Soviet Union 1986
Ad6 20.5X7 Bc8 21.5X6 Bc2
22.Sc2 Oa6 23.B ad Af8 24.ed5
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.4jf3 ©f6 4.5X3
ed5 25.Ab6 Ae6 26.Aa5 5X4
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.4X5 Ah5 7.g3 e6
27.Ab4 Ab4 28.Be2 Ba6 29.Bdl
8.Ag2 Ab4 9.4X4 5X5 10.Wd3
8...kb4 Bd6 30. B e3 Ac5 31.Bb3 b6
Ae7 11.0-0 0-0 12.a5 ®a6 13.®e5
32.3b5 Ad7 33.b4 Ab5 34.bc5 Aa4
35.Bal bc5 36.Ba4 c4 37.4fl 4e7 ®ab4 l4.Wd2c5 15.®d5ed5 I6.dc5
Ac5 17.?3d3 5jd3 18.Wd3 We7
38.4e2 Ae6 39.Ba5 g5 40.Bc5 h5
Farago.Ivan 41.4e3 4e5 42.h4 gh4 43.gh4 Ed8 ^.WdS Ae2 20.Eel Ac4 21.Be7
Dieks,Roy 44.f4 <4x6 45.Ah3 Af7 46.4d4 Ea8 Ad5 22.Ad5 Ae7 23.Ae3 Bab8
24.Aa7 Bfd8 25.Ab8 Ed5 26.Ecl
Amsterdam II 1975 (10) 47.Ag2 Ba3 48.Ad5 4g7 49.Sc7
g6 27.Ec7 Af6 28.Eb7 Ba5 29.b4
Bal 30.4g2 Ad4 31.Sd7 Ac3
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.£sc3 £>f6 4,©f3 32.Bd3 Af6 33.Eb3 Ba2 34.g4
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.53e5 Ah5 7.g3 e6 Ad4 35.Ag3 4>f8 36.b5 Ab6 37.4f3
8.Ag2 Ab4 9.£>c4 ®d5 IO.Ad2 Cvetkovic,Srdjan 4e7 38.4e4 4e6 39.f3 Ed2 40.f4 f5
£b6 ll.» b 3 a5 12.&b6 *b6 Franke,Heribert 41 gf5 gf5 42.<4f3 4d5 43.BbI h5
13.Ae3 Ac3 14.Wc3 0-0 15.D ®d8 Lesko 1985 44.Eel Ad4 45.Be2 Bd3 46.4g2
16.0-0 Qa6 17.Af2 t>b4 18.e4 Ee8 Eb3 47.Af2 A12 48.4f2 4d4
19.Uadi ®e7 20.Ae3 f5 21.Hd2 49.Ee5 h4 50.*g2 h3 51.4f2 Ea3
Bad8 22.Af4 Ed7 23.Ah3 Ag6 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.5if3 ©f6 4.5X3
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.5X5 Ah5 7.g3 e6 52.b6 Bb3 53.b7 Sb7 54.4g3 Eg7
24.«e3 c5 25.ef5 cd4 26.’» e6 We6 55.4h3 Bg8 56.Ef5 4e4 57.Bg5
27.fe6 Ed5 28.Bfdl Ac2 29,Hcl d3 8.Ag2 Ab4 9.5X4 5)d5 10TO3!
5X7 11.0-0 (11.e4? 5x3 12.bc3 <isc5 1-0
30.Ae3 b5 31.ab5 Bb5 32.Ad4 Bd5
33.Ae3 3b5 34.4f2 a4 35.Bel ©c6 13.He2 Htd4) 1l...Ae7 12x4 5X4
36.Afl Ee6 37.Hc2 1-0 13.Wd2 0-0 14.b3 Wc7 15.d5 5X6
16.5X6 ab6 17,Aa3 Wd7 18.5X1
5X6 19.dc6 *d2 20.5X2 Aa3 9.0-0
21.Ea3 bc6 22x5 Ead8 23.5X4
Lukacs,Peter Ae2 24.Bel Ac4 25.bc4 c5 26.a5
Utasi,Tamas ba5 27.Ea5 5X4 28.Afl Bc8
Budapest ch-HU 1984 (4) 29.Edl Bc7 30.Bd2 Bb8 31.f4 *08 Van der Sterren.Paul
32.Ag2 Ae7 33. Ae4 g6 34.4f2 f5?
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®f3 ftf6 4.5ic3 35.ef6 4f6 36.g4 4e7 37.*e3 Bf8
Amsterdam OHR.4 1984 (1)
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.53e5 Ah5 7.g3 e6 38.h4 Bg8 39.g5 4f7 40.h5 e5
8.Ag2 Ab4 9.5X4 £>d5 10.#b3 0-0 41.hg6 hg6 42.fe5 *e6 43.Ad5 5X5
I I. 0-0 Ac3 12.bc3 Ae2 13. B e 1 Ac4 44.Bd5 Bh8 45.Ba6 * H 46.Bf6 l.d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.SD 52f6 4.?3c3
14.Wc4®d7 15.Aa3 Be8 16.f4 Bc8 4g7 47x6 Bhl 48.Bd7 Bd7 49.ed7 c6 5.a4 Ag4 6.5je5 Ah5 7.g3 e6
17.*d3 b5? (17...C5!) 18.f5 «7b6 Edl 50. Ec6 Bd7 5I.Bc5 *f7 8.Ag2 Ab4 9.0-0 0-0 10.«c4 53d5
19.fe6 fe6 20.Ah3 *f6 21 ,ab5 cb5 52.Ee5 Bdl 53x5 Bd8 54.4x4 1l.Qa2 Ae7 12.Bel c5 13.53e3 cd4
22.Wb5 ©c3 23.®e5 Bc6 24.TO Edl 55x6 1-0 14.5;d5 ed5 15.«d4 5lc6 16.®d5
gf6 25.Ac5 ®d7 26.Aa7 AH #d5 17.Ad5 Sd4 18.Ae4 2
27.A.g2 Bc7 28.Af3 Be7 29.Ba5 Ftacnik,Lubomir 19.4g2 ®c.l 20.B ad Ad6 21,Ab7
Ab5 30.d5 Ba7 31.Bb5 ed5 32.Ad5 Eab8 22.3c6 Bfd8 23.Aa6 f6 24.b4
4f8 33,Be7 4e7 34.Ae4 Bal
Ree, Flans 4’f8 25.Bc2 Ab4 26.Sb4 Bb4
Wi/k aan Zee 1985 (1)I. 27,a5 Ea4 28.Ec5 AH 29,Ab7 Bc4
35.4g2 Ba2 36.4h3 h6 37.g4 ®e5
38.*g3 Ba4 39.Af5 30.Bel Bel 31.Bel Ad5 32.Ad5
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.5)f3 5if6 4.5X3 Ed5 33.3c7 Ba5 34,h4 h5 35.4 H
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.5x5 Ah5 7.g3 e6 4>g8 36.*e3 *h7 37.4>f4 Sa3
8.Ag2 Ab4 9.4x4 5id5 10.®b3 0-0 38.Bb7 4>h6 39.4e4 g5 40.Sc7 g4
Khalifman,Aleksandr I I. A.d2 c5 12.dc5 5X6 13.4X641.4'l'5
5sd4 BO 42.4e6 4>g6 43.Bc8
14.Wdl Ac3 15.bc3 Ae2 16.*bl 4g7 44.Bc7 4g6 45.Bc8 Bb3
Dimitrov, Vladimir Af3 17.0-0 Ag2 18.4g2 5X6 19x4 46.Bg8 4h7 47,Ea8 4g6 48.Bg8
Groningen jr 1985 42de7 20.Edl Eb8 21.Ac3 ®c7 4h7 49.Ba8 4>g7 50.Sa7 4g6
22.’te 4 b6 23.cb6 ab6 24.Bd2 Bbd8 51.Ba4 Bb5 52.Bf4 Ee5 53.4d6
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.&f3 £)f6 4.®c3 25.Sadi Wa7 26.’H,c2 5)g6 27.Wb2 417 54. Ba4 Ee2 55.Bf4 Bd2
dc4 5.a4 Ag4 6.5X5 Ah5 7,g3 e6 e5 28.4gl 4X4 29.Ad4 Ed6 56.4c5 4e6 57.4c4 4e5 58.4c3
8.Ag2 Ab4 9.5X4 4id5 10.Wd3 a5 30.Ae5 1i-'A Bdl 59. Ba4 f5 60.Bf4 Bhl

Theory SL 3

6 1 .* 4 3 S h 4 62.Bf5 4 f5 63.gh4 12.!hc4 ® 66) 12.5a2! 5 e 5 13.de5 25.W f/ Bac8 26.Bf! '/2 -V2
4 f4 6 4 .4 e2 M-to Wd5 14.#c4?! (14.!bb4! b b 4 15.c4
00 16.b3^i Dautov) 14...h6 15x4 Schoeber
ift>6 16.Wb4 » b 4 17.5b4 hg5 18.a5
5 d 7 19.a6 c5 20.ab7 Bab8 21.5c6 Taskovits,Istvan
Staniszewski.Piotr Bb7 22.f4 gf4 23.gf4 5 b 8 24.Ba7 Kecskemet 1B 1990
Lukacs,Peter 3 b 2 2 5. xj e 7 4 h 7 2 6 . 1 0 l O
Polanica Zdroj 1984 (6) 27.B O B b l 28.4g2 Bb2 2 9 .4 g l 1.520 52f6 2x4 c6 3.d4 d5 4.52c3
B b l 30.4g2 Bb2 V2 -V1 dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6.52e5 l h 5 7.g3 e6
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.520 516 4 .5 c3 8.1g2 1 b4 9.0-0 0-0 10.5x4 a5
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e 5 l h 5 7.g3 e6 H .ttd 3 -Ia 6 12.B d 1 52d5 13.5e5
S .% 2 l b 4 9.0-0 0-0 10.#k4 5 d 5 f6 1 4 .5 0 1 x 7 15x4 5 d b 4 16.#e2
Voiska.Margareta Wc7 1 7 ,le 3 Bad8 18.Bacl Bd7
I I . *d3!7 N 5 a 6 12.h3 c5 13x4
5 b 6 14.d5 l c 3 15.bc3 edS Stanciu.Gabriela I9 .# c4 i n 20.S d2 Bfd8 21.B cdl
m e 17.ed5 Ead8 18.Ji.f4 Hfe8 Brno zt 1989 (9) e5 22.d5 cd5 23.#€7 5 c 7 24.1b6
19. B fbl W t6 20.Bb7 # Ea8 25.1.h3 l e 6 26.1x6 52e6
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.520 5 f6 4 .5 c3 27.5id5 5jd5 28.Sd5 Bd5 29.Sd5
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e5 l h 5 7.g3 e6 Ba6 30.1e3 b6 3l,5d:2 ! c 5
8.1 g 2 i b 4 9.0-0 0-0 10.5c4 5 d 5 32.1c5 52c5 33.b3 4 f7 34,Bd8
I I . * c 2 5 b 6 12.5b6 Wb6 13.1e3 Ba7 35.0 Bd7 36.Bd7 52d7
# a 5 14.5a2 l e 7 lS .H fel 5 a 6 37.5c4 5 x 5 38,5b6 5 b 3 39.4f2
16.ji.d2 # 6 6 17.1x3 l g 6 18.#d2 4 e 6 40.4 e3 5 c 5 41.52c4 52a4 ‘A -’/
Bfd8 19x3 # c 7 2 0 .# e2 e5 21.64
ed4 22.ed4 l f 8 23.b5 5 b 8 24.Bacl Shirov, Alexey
f6 2 5 .* b 2 i n 2 6 .5 b 4 a5 27.5 d 3
Wb6 2 8 .5c5 l d 5 2 9 .1 d 5 cd5
Manila izt 1990 (6)
30.Be6 Wc7 3 1 .1 d 2 # 0 32.Heel
,Jtd6 3 3 .5 d 3 l e 5 34 .5 f4 l f 4
35 .1 f4 5 d 7 36.Be7 # h 5 37.#e2 I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.520 5E6 4.5x3
20..,5b4 21.Wc4 5 c 2 22.B el 53«t We2 3 8 .B le2 h6 39.1c7 1-0 dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6.52e5 l h 5 7,g3 e6
23.1x4 5 0 24.4g2 5 d 4 2 5 .0 2 e4 8.1g2 l b 4 9.0-0 53d5 10.1d2 0-0
26.fe4 K O 27.*12 1 x 4 28.#cS I I . 52c4 52b6 12.52b6 ab6 I3 .1 e3
Yusupov,Artur 5 a 6 14.f4 f6 15.112 4 h 8 16x4 e5
l d 5 2 9 .# 0 4 fc fi
Nikolic,Predrag 17.de5 fe5 18.fe5 Bf2 19.B12 l c 5
Hastings 1989 (4) 2 0 .4 h l 52b4 2 i.# b 3 l f 2 22.#b4
l c 5 2.3, ®c4 # g 8 24,#g8 * g8
Tukmakov, Vladimir
I. d4 d5 2 . 5 0 5 f6 3x4 dc4 4.5)c3 25.B fl ! g 4 26.h3 l e 6 27.B dl * f8
Utasi,Tamas c6 5,a4 l g 4 6 .5 e5 l h 5 7.g3 e6 2 8 .1 0 * e 7 29.*g2 Bf8 30.h4 i b 3
Yurmala 1985 (9) 8.fjg2 l b 4 9.0-0 5 d 5 10.*c2 l e 7 31.Bd2 * e 6 32.52e2 * e 5 33.5)f4g6
I I. 52x4 5 b 4 12.#b3 0-0 13.a5 34.Bd7 B O 35.52 d3 * f6 36x5 sfeg7
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 7 ,f6 4 .5 c3 ’ 8a6 14.Bd 1 4 h 8 I5 .1 f4 f6 37.52c5 be5 38.B n djO 39,a5 l d 5
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e 5 l h 5 7.g3 e6 16.Bd2 g5 17.1x3 b5 18.ab6 ab6 40.i n <£e6 41.1g4 i ’eS 42.1c8 h6
8.1g2 l b 4 9.0-0 # a 5 10,5c4 # a 6 19.Wd! 5 d 5 2 0 .3c2 b5 21.Yd5 cd5 4 3 .1b7 4 d 6 44.4,e3 g5 4 5.1a6
i: « b l l e 7 12x4 0-0 13.h i b5 2 2 .5 d 2 5)b4 23.B ccl ® d7 24.5 b 3 ■*e7 46.1e2 * d 6 4 7 ,*d3 l g 2
I 4 .a b 5 'ta l 1 5 .1 e3 W fl 1 6 .4 fl cb5 S a l 2 5 .B al l g 6 26.®d2 Bb8 48.&C3 l h 3 49.a6 * c 7 50.a7 * b 7
I7 .* b 5 5 b d 7 18x5 Bab8 19.#a6 27.B el 5 c 6 2 8 .0 V2-V2 51 .^ c 4 gh4 52.gh4 ■i'a7 53.^45
l g 6 20.ef6 l d 3 2 I .4 g l l i b l g 2 54.h5 l d 5 5 5 .1 d l &a6
2 2 .« a7 A c4 23.1517 Bfd8 2 4 .# a4 56.1g4 * b 7 57.4>d6 * b 6 58.1e2
1-0 Siekanski,Janusz i b 3 59.*e5 4 c 5 60.4f6 4 d 4
YB/4-280 Sapis,Witalis 61.4g6 c5 62.1.g4 l d 5 63.4h6
Slupsk ch-PL 1989 (3)I i n 6 4 . 1 0 l h 5 6 5 .4h5 c4

Dautov,Rustem l.d4 c6 2x4 d5 3.520 5 f6 4 .5 c3

Schurade,Mathias Maksimovic,Suzana
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 x 5 l h 5 7.g3 e6
Dresden 1987 8.1.g2 l b 4 9.0-0 0-0 10.1g5 5 b d 7 Markovic,Gordana
I l.Wc2 l e 7 12.52c4 52b6 13.’ b6 Pula zt- W 1990 (3)
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3 . 5 0 5 f6 4 .5 c 3 # b 6 14. B fd 1 l g 6 15x4 a5 16.18X2
dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6 .5 e5 l h 5 7.g3 e6 h6 17.1e3 l h 5 18.0 Sfe8 1 9 .4 h l l.d4 d5 2x4 c 6 3.5 jc3 -■ 16 4.5 j O
8.1g2 i.b 4 9.0-0 0-0 10.1g5!? # c 7 20.g4 l g 6 21.14 !.b 4 22x5 dc4 5.a4 l g 4 6.52e5 l h 5 7.g3 e6
5bd7 ll.# c 2 » a 5 1 1 1 ...& M 5 d 5 23.52d5 cd5 24.Bac! Wd? 8.1g2 l b 4 9.0-0 52d5 10.5jc 4 0-0

ll.Wd3 fix 7 12.a5 Gb4 13.Wd2 We7 30.We3 Wb7 31.’Brcl We7 ll.* d 2 e6 12.Gc4 fie7 13.Ga3
£>8a6 14x4 Wcl 15.b3 Had8 32.Wc2 Bd4 33.Egl Gf3 0-1 fi.g6 14.b3 0-0 15.fib2 G8a6
16.-fi.b2 f6 17.«,a4 Wb8 18.fic3 c5 16.Hfdl h5 17.Ge4 hg4 18.hg4 f5
19.d5 AH 20.©e3 Gc7 21.fib4 cb4 Shashin,Alexander 19.gf5 fif5 20.Gc4 Gd5 21x3 fig4
22-Hfel Hfc8 23.Eacl fif8 24.®c5 22.Ge5 fi.b4 23.Wc2 fif5 24.We2
b6 25.ab6 ab6 26.Ga4 ed5 27.ed5 Lukin,N Wh4 25.Gg3 Hf6 26.Bacl Sh6
Be5 28.Eedl fih5 29.g4 f i n Soviet Union 1976 27.Gf5 ef5 28.Wf3 Gac7 29.*fl
30.«c2 b5 31.*c7 ba4 32,ba4 b3 fi.d6 30.&e2 fie5 31.de5 0b4
33.«c3 fig6 34.Wb2 h5 35.Ec3 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.^2f3 Gf6 4.Gc3 32.Ed3 Hf8 33.Ec4 We7 34.Wg3
Wa7 36.Wb3 hg4 37.d6 f i n 38.Wb4 dc4 5.a4 fi.g4 6.•SbeS fih5 7.h3 We6 35.Edd4 Eg6 36.Wh2 b5
Ha5 39.Hc7 Ea4 40.Wc3 «fa5 Gbd7 8.g4 fig6 9.Gc4 h5 10.g5 Ge4 37.ab5 Gb5 38.3h4 4?n 39.Whl
41.»c6 Hal 42,Hn Hdl 43.®dl 1l.fig2 Gd6 12.Gd6 ed6 13x4 h4 Gbc7 13 Eh6 41.Hh6 gh6
Wei Wdl 45.Wc4 4>h8 14.0-0 Ae7 15.f4 fih5 16.Wei Wb6 1-0
46.d7 Wd6 47.Wg4 Hb8 48.«'h5 0-0-0 18.a5 Wc7 19.Eel
*g8 49.fic4 Wf4 50.Bf8 1-0 Aj f!8 # Khenkin,Igor
Khuzman, Aleksandr
Sevastopol 1986

7.h3 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.Gf3 Gf6 4.Gc3

dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.Ge5 fih5 7,h3
Gbd7 8.Gc4 e6 9.g4 fig6 10.fig2
fib4 11.0-0 Gb6 12.<£ie5 a5 13.fig5
Kapengut,Albert Gbd7 14.f4 Wb6 15.Gd7 Gd7 16x4
f6 I7.fih4 0-0 18.fif2 Wc7 19.Wb3
Ischenko Hfe8 20.Ae3 Ead8 21.H ad fin
Riga 1966 22x5 fe5 23.fe5 fig6 24.Ge2 Gc5
20.a6b6 21.eid5Wd7 22.Hc6 1-0 25.Wa2 Gd3 26.Ecdl c5
l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.£f3 ©f6 4.Gc3 Ec8 28.Wb3 cd4 29.Ed3 We5
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.Ge5 fih5 7,h3 Gfd7 Shashin, Alexander 30.Bd4 Wg5 31.Ed7 We5 32.«f4
8.Gc4e6 9,a5 fib4 10.fid.f40-0 1l.g4 fic2 ss.w n Ef8 34.Wb7 Eb8
fig6 12.fig2 Gf6 13.0-0 £ibd7 Silakov 3S.Wc7 Wc7 36.Ec7 fib3 37,Ef3
14.Wb3 fic3 I5.bc3 fie4 16.fie4 Soviet Union 1976 fid6 38.Ecc3 fia2 39.Sd3 Efd8
Ge4 17.f3 Gg5 18.*g2 Wf6 40.2e3 * n 41.fie4 Sdc8 42.Hf3
19.fid6+- e5 20.de5 Wh6 2l.Ehl !.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.Gf3 Gf6 4.Gc3 *e7 43.Hc8 Ec8 44,Hfl g6 45.Hcl
Ge6 22x3 Hfe8 23.Wb7 Gee5 dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.Ge5 fih5 7,h3 Hc4 46.Ec4 fic4 47.<4*f2 &d7 Gc5 25.*b4 Gd3 26.Wd6 Gbd7 8,g4 fi.g6 9.Gc4 e6 a5 48.Gel fic5 49.*f3 e5 50.h4 fid4
Ge5 27.*h6 gh6 28.Gd6 He6 11.0-0 fib4 Gb6 13.Ge5 51.b3 fin *d6 53.fie4
29-Hhdl Bb8 30.Gf5Gc4 3l.e4h5 Gfd5 f6 15.Gg6 hg6 16x4 fib2 54.Gd3 fi.c3 55.g5 fib3 56.h5
32.Hd4 Ge5 33.Hbl 2be8 34.gh5 fee 7 17.fix3 Gc4 18.We2 Ge3 fi.dl 0-1
c5 35.Hd5 c4 36.Hb7 Gd3 37.sfeg3 l9.We3 Wb6 20.Wd.3 Hd8 21,Hadl
a6 38.Gd6 H6e7 39.Hb6 Ha8 e5 22.d5 g5 23,Wc4 fi.c5 24.Ed2
40.Gc4 Wb4 25.Wa2 fi.d4 26.dc6 bc6
1-0 Gelfand,Boris
27-Hfdl Ed6 28.&h2 Gg6 29.Ge2 Khuzman, Aleksandr
Gf4 30.Gf4 gf4 31. Ed3 Wb6 Uzhgorod 1987 (7)I.
32.Wc4 Wb4 33.Wc2 0-0 c5
Balashov,Yuri 35.Hb3 Wa4 Wb3 37.Wb3 I. d4 ®f6 2x4 c6 3.GD d5 4.Gc3
Bronstein,David *h8 Sdd8 39.g5 Hb8 dc4 5.a4 fi.g4 6.Ge5 fih5 7.h3 Ga6
Moskva 1971 40.Wf3 g6 41.b3 a4 42,gf6 Hf6 8.g4 fi.g6 9.fig2 Gb4 10.0-0 Gd7
43.ba4 Eb2 44.Hfl Eb4 II. Gc4 f6 12.d5 fin 13.fif4 Ec8
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.Gf3 Gf6 4.Gc3 1-0 14.Eel Gc5 15.dc6 Wdl 16.Hfdl
dc4 5.a4 fig4 6.Ge5 fi.h5 7.h3 bc6 17.Ga5 Gb3 18,Gb3 fib3
Gbd7 8.g4 fi.g6 9.Gg6 hg6 10x3 a5 19. Ed2 e5 20.fie3 a6 fie7
II. fix4 e6 12.Wb3 Wb6 I3.Wc2 g5
22.a5 0-0 23,Ge4 Ga2 24.Eal fib4
14.fie2 Gd5 fie7 16.*fl Vladimirov,Boris 25.Ed3 fic4 26.Ee3 fid5 27.Gc5
Gf8 17. Gd5 ed5 18.Jfi.d2 Gg6 Soviet Union 1985 fi.c5 28.fic5 Hfd8 29.fib6 Gb4 Gh4 0-0 21x4 de4 30.A.d8 Sd8 31.Eel fig2 32.*g2
22.We4 fif6 g6 24.fic4 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.Gf3 Gf6 4.Gc3 Gd5 33.Ee4 ®f4 34.*h2 Hd2
Had8 25,Bdl Wc7 26.We3 b5 dc4 5.a4 A.g4 6.Ge5 fih5 7.h3 Gd5 35.Hc6 Sb2 36.Ha6 Ge2 37.Hb6 b4 28.fiel 2fe8 29.Wg3 8.g4 fig6 9.fig2 Gb4 10.0-0 fic2 Ea2 38.a6 Gf4 39.*g3 Ea3 40.Ee3

Theory SL 3

H al 41.Hb8 * f 7 42.Hb7 * g 6 3 3 .ig 7 3 4 .if8 &f8 35.Wh8 * b 8 27.Wc3 Wc7 2 8 .ie 5 He5
43.a7 h3 4 4 .* f3 h4 45.Hc3 ©h3 1-0 29.We5 We5 30.He5 i d 6 31.Hd5
46.Hc8 Ha3 47.* g 2 ©f4 4 8 .* h 2 YB/9-92 * c7 3 2 .* 0 H18 3 3 .if3 b6 34.h4
1-0 Hf4 35.h5 i f 8 36x4 a5 37.*g3 HO
3 8 .ig 4 i d 6 39x5 i c 5 40x6 He7
Levitt, Jonathan Hubner,Robert 4 1 .if5 1-0
Tilburg 1988 (9)
Dortmund open 1988 I. d4 d5 2x4 dc4 3.©f3 ®f6 4.®c3
c6 5.a4 i g 4 6.©e5 i h 5 7.h3 e6 8.g4 Sapis,Witalis
l.d4 d5 2 .® B ©f6 3x4 c6 4.©c3 i g 6 9 .ig 2 i b 4 10.0-0 ©d5 Leningrad sept 1989 (4)
dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.©e5 i h 5 7.h3 © a6 I I . ©a2 i e 7 12x4 ®b4 13.©b4
8.g4 i g 6 9.f4 e6 1 0 .ig 2 ©b4 1 l.e4 i b 4 14.f4 f6 15.©g6 hg6 1 6 .ie 3 l.d4 c6 2x4 d5 3 ,® S ®f6 4.®c3
h6 12.0-0 i e 7 13.©g6 fg6 1 4 .ie 3 ®d7 17.Wc2 We7 18.Wc4 c5 dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.®e5 i h 5 7.h3 ®a6
0-0 15.We2 Wc8 16.Hadl c5 17.d5 19.H a d cd4 20.Wd4 i a 5 21.Wd3 8.g4 i g 6 9 .ig 2 ®b4 10.0-0 i c 2
ed5 18.ed5 i d 6 19.®b5 ©e8 a6 22. H fdl Hd8 23.Wb3 ®b8 1 l.Wd2 i b 3 12.®e4 ®c2 13.©c5
20.Wc4 b6 21.*>4 * h 7 22.Wbl a6 24,Hd8 i d 8 25x5 fe5 26.fe5 &f7 Wd4 14.«b7 Wd2 1 5 ,ic 6 Wd7
23.®c3 « § # 24,©e4 Wd8 2 5 .id 2 2 7 .ic 5 Wd7 28.H dl Wc8 2 9 .id 6 16.®d? ®d7 17.Hd 1 f5 18.Hd7
Ha7 2 6 .ic 3 © e4 2 7 .ie 4 i f 4 ®c6 3 0 .ie 4 Hh6 31.g5 Hh5 ® al 19.H d8< ^n20.H a8fg4 21.hg4
2 8 .ig 6 * h 8 29.We4 He7 30.Wf4 32.H fl &g8 33.Hf8 * h 7 3 4 .ig 6 ®c2 22.©d8 * f 6 23.g5 4>f5 24.f3
Hf4 3 1 .H f4 * g 8 32.d6 Hd7 33.H el * g 6 35.Wd3 1-0 ®d4 25x4 * e 5 2 6 .® 0 * e 6
©d5 34.He8 1-0 Y B /10-101 2 7 .id 5 * d 7 28,Hd8 * c 7 2 9 .if4
* b 6 30.Hb8 >*a6 3 1 .ic 7 1-0
Lerner,Konstantin Kabatiansky,Alexander
Domont, Alexandre Konin Levitt,Jonathan
Geneve open 1988 Bankta open 1989 Flear,Glenn
Plymouth ch-GB 1989 (5)
I. d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®f3 ©f6 4.©c3 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.®f3 ©f6 4.®c3
dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.©e5 i h 5 7.h3 e6 dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.®e5 i h 5 7.h3 ®fd7 l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.® D ®f6 4.®c3
8.g4 i g 6 9 .ig 2 ©d5 10.0-0 i b 4 8.®c4 ®b6 9.©e5 ©8d7 10.®d3 dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.®e5 i h 5 7.h3 ®a6
I I . i.d 2 a5 12.©c4 ©b6 13.©b6 i g 6 11.g3 e6 1 2 .ig 2 i d 6 13.0-0 8.g4 i g 6 9 .ig 2 ®b4 10.0-0 i c 2
Wb6 1 4 .ie 3 Wd8 15.f4We7 1 6 .if2 0-0 14.®f4! ®d5 15.©g6 hg6 16.a5 1l.Wd2 i b 3 12.Wf4 h6 1 3 .ie 3 e6
0-0 17x4 f6 18.Wf3 e5 19.de5 fe5 ib 4 ? ! (16...a6) 17.a6 b6 18.Wb3 14.©e4 ®bd5 15.Wf3 i d 6 16.®d6
20.f5 i n 21.Wg3 ®d7 22.g5 4>hS ie 7 1 9 .id 2 Hc8 20.H fcl ®c3 Wd6 17.H a d ®e3 18.fe3 i a 4
23.<*h 1 i c 4 24.H gl i c 5 2 5 . i f l 21.bc3 g5 22.H d! c5 23.Wb5 19.h4 Wc7 20.g5 hg5 21.hg5 ®d5
i b 3 2 6 .ic 5 ©c5 2 7 .ie 2 Had8 (2 3 .kb 7 ! H c7 24.%b5±) 23...Wc7 22x4 ®b6 23,®H Wh2 2 4 . ^ 0 Hh4
28 .E afl i c 2 29.We3 Hd4 30.f6 24.d5 ed5 2 5 .id 5 i f 6 26,Hacl 25,*e3 Wc7 26.b4 cb3 27.Hc5 ®d7
Wd6 31.fg7 * g 7 32.Hf6 We7 ©e5 27x4 ®c6 28.Wbl ®e7 28x5 Wb6 29.®d6 * d 8 30.Wf8
33.Hgfl ®e6 3 4 .ig 4 ®f4 35.H lf4 2 9 .ig 2 Hcd8 3 0 . i e l We5 31x3 ii-'A
E d3 36.WO ef4 3 7 .»c2 Hfd8 Web 32.Hd3 Hd3? (3 2 tif l j YB/14-86
38.WO D 3 9 .if3 We5 40.HC5 Wd6 33.Wd3 Wc8 3 4 ,ic 3 i c 3 35,Hc3
41x5 Wb4 4 2 .ig 2 We7 43.©e4 1-0 Hd8 36,We4 We6 37.Hd3 Hd3 Van Oirschot,Kees
38.Wd3 ©c6? 3 9 .ic 6 Wc6 40.Wd8
* h 7 41.We? 1-0
Novikov,Igor X X ch-NL cr 1990
Lvov 1988 Dam,Ruurd l.d4 d5 2x4 c6 3.©c3 ©f6 4.©f3
Beulen,Marcel dc4 5.a4 ^.g4 6.©e5 i h 5 7.h3 ©a6
l.d4 c6 2x4 d5 3.©f3 ®f6 4.®c3 Dieren open 1989 (3) 8.g4 i g 6 9 .ig 2 ©b4 10.0-0 i c 2
dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.®x5 i h 5 7.h3 1l.Wd2 i b 3 12.Wf4 h6 1 3 ,ie 3 e6
7 bd*71 8.7x4 e6 9.g4 i g 6 1 0 .ig 2 l.d4 d5 2.®f3 ©f6 3x4 c6 4.®c3 14.©e4 ©bd5 15.WO i d 6 16.©d6
i b 4 11.0-0 a5 12x4 0-0 13.We2 dc4 5.a4 i g 4 6.©e5 i h 5 7.h3 Wd6 17.H a d Wb4 18.g5 hg5
®b6 14.©b6 Wb6 15.f4 h6 16.f5 ef5 ®bd7 8.®c4 ®b6 9.©e5 ®bd7 1 9 .ig 5 3 f8 20x4 ©e7 2 1 .if 6 gf6
17.gf5 i h 5 18.WO ® d7 1 9 .* h l f6 10.g4 i g 6 11.©g6 hg6 1 2 .ig 2 e6 22.Wf6 Wa4 2 3 .if 3 ©g8 24.Wg7
20.Wh4 i e 8 2 1 .ie 3 H O 22.Hgl 13.0-0 Wb8 14.f4 g5 15.fg5 ®g4 Wb4 25.d5 cd5 26.ed5 0-0-0 27.de6
i f 8 23.WO Wb4 2 4 .if 3 * h 8 1 6 .if4 e 5 1 7 .ig 3 ®e3 18.Wb3 © fl fe6 28. ©c4 ^ b 8 29.©d6 i d 5
25.Hg2 He7 26.Hagl i f ? 27.WH4 19.H fl Wd6 20.WO S/d8 21.de5 3 0 .id 5 ed5 31.Wc7 * a 8 32,Hc5
i b 3 28.©e2 c5 29.®f4 cd4 30.©g6 We7 22.Wg6 ®e5 23,H dl * c 7 Wb6 33.Wb6 ab6 34,Hd5 Hf3
£ g 8 31.©e7 We7 3 2 .ih 6 ©e5 24.©d5 cd5 25.Hd5 He8 26.Wc2 3 5 .* g 2 + - ...

Benoni Defence Bl 35
Albert Kapengul An early 1,14

Once in a while the attention of ilg7 8.iib5 and the queen’s 13.#e6 * h 8 ) 13...ed5!
chess theorists is drawn toward check in Chapter II: 6.£}f3 g6 £ f 8 15 . ^ c 3 * 3 5 .
the attempt to decide the struggle 7.&f4 J,g7 8.#a4. C) The most natural answer is
in the Modern Benoni by playing In Yearbook 18 we will continue 7,..'£bd7. In the game Miinder-
$Lf4 combined with a check with chapter III in which Black Wockenfuss, BRD 1974, there
along the a4-e8 diagonal. The prevents a check (6.<£)f3 g6 7. Af4 followed 8.fif4 £lh5 9.fie3 fig7
aim of the check is to disrupt the a6 8.a4 and with Chapter IV in 10.g4?l £ f6 1 L.gS 5th5 12.fie2
cooperation between the pieces in which White refrains from 0-0! 13.fih5 gh5 14.#h5 Wa5
in Black’s camp - they have to checks altogether: 6.Cif3 g6 0 e 5 16.*e2 c4 with
keep an eye on the weak pawn on 7.&f4 £g7 8.e4. more than sufficient compensa­
d6. However, the loss of time in­ tion for the sacrificed pawn.
volved in the manoeuvre allows
Black to set up counterplay.
Recently we have seen a new
trend; White plays the main line
of the Benoni with the move Af4
in hand. If Black chooses a varia­ 6.e4 g6 #
tion with $.g4 we have a trans­ 7.. fi.b57! hardly deserves exten­
position of moves but a plan with sive attention, although Black
£)d2 has independent signifi­ must be careful.
cance. A)! is inadequate.
I.d4 <5if6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 8.a4 a6 J.g7 lO.VSfbJ!
4.<?jc3 ed5 5.cd5 d6 # fi.c8 (10...#c7 11.f4!) 11.f4 0-0
12. ©f3 vibd7 13.0-0 with advan­ Black can choose between
tage, Livshin-Kasparian, Rostov 7.. .fig7 (Variation A), with the
1953. Wc have arrived at a posi­ subsequent problem of develop­
tion from the line 7.f4 ,fi,g7 ing the light squared bishop, or
8. fi.b5 with an extra tempo for 7.. .a6 (Variation B) which, at the
White. price of a lag in development,
B) 7...v'tfd7 is in the spirit of prevents the checks.
the above-mentioned variation.
In the game Freintanis-
Voitkevich, Riga 1979, Black ob­

We will discuss the bishop’s

tained the better game after
8.. skf4 Wb6 9,c5?! J&g7 10.#e2
0-0 Il.?:a4 « d 8 12.e6 fe6
Variation A
check in Chapter I: 6.e4 g6 7.J&.f4 13. -fid6 (Black is also better after 7 -fi.g7

Theory ESI 35

8. ®a4 has also been tried here. A1 Aid7 18.0-0 #'d2 19.Ad2 Af6
There can follow: with approximate equality.
A) Kortchnoi-Ljubojevic, Bath 9.. M c7 10. 7 ,13 0-0
1973, saw the extravagant move A) In Geller-Suetin, Soviet A2
8.. .*e7?! 9.AD Be8 111. ib5?! Championship, Leningrad 1960,
(10.Ae2) 10...Abd7 11.0-0 a6?! Black mistakenly preferred 9,..Well'! #
(1 l...--:hM'’) 12.Bfel Ab6 and 10.. .a6?l 11.0-0 0-0 12.e5! de5
now Tal pointed out the piece 13.Ae5 Wd8 14. A O Ab5
sacrifice 13.Wb3! ab5 14.Ab5 15. Bel Abd7 16.Wb3 with ad­
with advantage. vantage to White.
B) 8...Ad7'b3 #a51? is B) In Shestoperov-Taimanov,
very interesting (9...'&cl trans­ RSFSR 1973, Black tried to take
poses to Chapter II), e.g. 10.0 the sting out of the e5 advance
(10.#b7?< Ae4 11. Bel 0-0 but was left behind in develop­
12,#a8 Ac3 13.Ad2 Be8 ment after 10...Ah5?! ll.A g5 h6
14.Ae2 ®b6 15.Ac3 Ac8! is 12. Ae3 Ag4 13.»d2! a6 14.a4
dangerous, according to analysis Ad7 15.00 Ahf6 16.h3 AD
by Pliester) 10...0-0 ll.A d 6 Se8 17. A O Ae5 18.Ae2 g5 19.f4!
12.0-0-0 Aa6 13.g4?l (13.*bl!?) gf4 20. Af4 Afd7 21. Aid 1 Ag6 Since Black does not have to de­
13.. .b5! 14.Ab5 Bab8 15.Ab8 22.Ah2 Ae5 23.Ae3 Ah2 fend the pawn on b7, this move
Bb8 16.a4 Ab4 17.e5 a6! with a 24.4>h2 Ade5 25.b4! with an looks more active than,c7.
powerful attack, Mohr-Pliester, overwhelming position for 10.AD
Lugano Open 1986. White. Against Klein at Santa Fe 1960,
8...Ad7 ll.A d 2 Kortchnoi played lO.'is'b.V'! b6
A) 8...Afd7? is bad due to 11 .®b3 transposes to Chapter II. 1l.CiI3 0-0 12.Ad2, with similar
9. Ad6 Wb6 10.e5 a6 ll.W a4 A) 11 .c51? Aih5!? 12.ed6 » b 6 ideas to the variations in Chapter
'i ’dS 12. AD, as in Jansson- 13. Acl Be8 14.0-0, Brinck- II. However after I2...b5!
Miagmarsuren, Siegen Olympiad Claussen-Denker, Beverwijk II 13. Ab5 (13.Ab5? Ah5 14,Ae3
1970. 1971, is interesting. Now f5) 13...Ab5 14,Ab5 Ae4
B) 8...^f8?! is also doubtful 14.. .Aa6 15,Ag5 Aif6, with 15. « e 3 Ab2 16. S b 1 Ac3 Black
because of 9.Ae2 Ae8 10.AD sharp play, is best. could have secured an advantage.
Ad7 11.0-0 h6 12.Ad2 a6 13.a4 B) 11.0-0! is worth a practical In Razuvaev-Tseshkovsky, Ash­
Ae5 14. Ag3 h5, Vladimirov-Ka- try, e.g. 11...h5'? 12.e5! Aih5 khabad 1978, Black obtained a
rasev, Leningrad 1963, and now 13. ed6 #'a5 14.Ae3 b4 15.Ae4 good game after 10,'®c2?l 0-0
White should play 15.f4 Ag4 Ab2 16.Ah6 with the better 11.? D Ag4 12,h3 AD 13.AD
16.Ag4 Ag4 17.'#'b.3 followed by game for White. Abd7 14.0-0 a6 15,a4 Bab8
Bael and e5. 12„.b5! 16. a5 Ae8 17. Sfel Ac7 18.Ae2
9.Ae2 # 11.. . He8?l is weaker due to Ad4! 19.Afl b5! 20.ab6 Bb6
Of course 9.Ad6? is wrong - 12.0-0 Aa6 13.h3 Bab8 21,Ae3 Bfb8.
9.. .Ab5 10.Ab5 Wa5 U .A c3 14. Bel!, B. Vladimirov-Turik, 10...0-0
Ae4. Kirov 1961. 10.. .b5?! is premature. White
1’ .': 1*5 replies 1l.e5! de5 12.d6 #e6
12, Ab5? is questionable since 13.Ab5.
Black can reply 12... Aih5! 10.. .Ae4?! is also doubtful due to
13, Ad7 (13.Ae3? Ac3) 13...Af4 Il.g3e4 « e 4 12.Ad6 Ab5
14, Ag4 Aig2>fl Ah4 13. Ac5 Ab2 14.0-0! Ae2
16. A O ®0 17.#'0 Ad7 15.Sel with advantage, Kar-
18, Ad7 ®d7 19.®g2 Bab8 basnikov-Grechikhin, Moscow
20.S a b i 3 b 4 with a significant 1964.
advantage for Black, Zirzienis- 11.0-0
Kirpichnikov, Riga 1974. 11. Ad2?! is dangerous because of
12.. .A b S 1L..b5! 12.Ab5 (12,Ab5? Ah5)
Play could now continue 13.Ab5 12.. .Ae4 13.Ae4 (13.Ac7? Ab2
Ae4 14. Ae4 Wa5 15.#d2 14. Ae4 We4 15.Ad6 Aa4
Black now has a choice between (15.Ac3? Ac3 16.bc3 #b 5 ) 16.Wd2 A al 17.Af8 ’B'bl wins)
Al) 9...#c7 and A2) 9...We7!? 15.. .# b 5 16.Ad6 # b 2 17.Bcl 13.. .We4 with an initiative for

B lack. 1 l...b 4 !? 12.<5ba4 f t e 4 1 3 .f te 4 R e y k ja v ik 1 9 8 0 , W h ite o b ta in e d
Il...fig4 # e 4 14. Wd2 is to o d a n g e ro u s ) th e a d v a n ta g e a f te r 9 . .. f i f 3
A p o s itio n fr o m th e m a in lin e T h e r e fo llo w e d l l . . . a b 5 1 2 .f tb 5 ( 9 . .. f ig 7 ? 1 0 .# a 4 is w eak)
h a s a ris e n , w ith th e in c lu s io n o f W dS ( 1 2 ...f t e 5 is w e a k d u e to 10-.fe.f3 ftb d 7 1 1 .0 0 #b8
th e m o v e s a 6 a n d a 4 . T h e g a m e 1 3 . f t e 5 d e 5 1 4 .d 6 S b 7 1 5 .f tc 7 1 2 - H b l f i g 7 1 3 .b 4 ! c b 4 1 4 . 2 b 4
S p a s o v -E rm e n k o v , A lb e n a 1975, i d S 16. fig 5 ! ) a n d n o w A g a p o v ’s 0 -0 1 5 . # b l f t c 5 1 6 . 2 b 6 . T h e
w e n t 1 2 .f td 2 f i e 2 1 3 .# 0 2 f t h 5 r e c o m m e n d a tio n 1 3 .A d 6 f i d 6 lo ss o f a few te m p i c o m p a r e d to
1 4 .f ie 3 f t d 7 15.g4 f t h f 6 1 6 .f if 4 1 4 . f t d 6 * f 8 1 5 .f tc 8 2 c 8 16.e5 th e m a in lin e is fe lt h e re .
f t e 5 17.f3 f t f d 7 1 8 . * h l a n d g iv e s a n u n c le a r p o s itio n . B) A s o m e w h a t u n o r th o d o x
n o w 1 8 ...a6 19.a 4 2 a c 8 , fo l­ In s te a d o f 9 . f i e 2 , W h ite s h o u ld d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e d a r k s q u a r e d
lo w e d b y c 4 a n d f t d 3 , s h o u ld b e try 9.e5! f t h 5 1 0 .f te 4 f t f 4 b is h o p h a s n o t b r o u g h t e q u a lity -
p la y e d . ll.ftd 6 W d8 1 2 .# d 2 ! ftd 7 9 . . . f t b d 7 1 0 .0 -0 f t h 5 l l. .£ . g 5
(1 2 ...g 5 ? 1 3 .W a 5 + W c l 14.«hf7 f i e 7 1 2 .fi.e 3 0 0 1 3 . f t d 2 (1 3 .h 3 ? l
o r 1 3 . .. * d 7 1 4 .f ib 5 ) 1 3 . » f 4 f6 f i.O 1 4 .fi.f3 f t g 7 1 5 . f ie 2 f5
1 4 .f tc 8 S c 8 1 5 .d 6 We6 1 6 .f ic 4 16, f4 f i f 6 1 7.g4 H e 8 1 8 . f if 3 b 5

Variation B fe5 1 7 .# 1 8 f t f 8 1 8 .f ie 6 f t e 6
1 9 .f te 5 w ith a w in n in g p o s itio n ,
a s in C is z e k -B a rw in s k i, W a r ­
is w e a k e r, B e llo n L o p e z -Y a p ,
H a v a n a 1 9 8 5 ) 1 3 ...f ie 2 1 4 , # e 2
b5 15 .a 4 b4 1 6 .ftd l «3g7
7...a6 sza w a 1988. 17. f i h 6 fig 5 1 8 .fi.g 5 # g 5
O th e r m e th o d s o f a v o id in g th e 8.ftf3 # 1 9 .f te 3 5 f e 8 2 0 . 2 a e l , T a r j a n -
c h e c k a re p o s sib le , e.g. K u d r in , US C h a m p io n s h ip ,
A) 7 ...f th 5 ? l 8 .fie 3 fig 7 G r e e n v ille 1 9 83.
9 . f i e 2 f t f 6 I 0 . f t f 3 0 -0 l l . f t d 2 9.#a4
a6 (In F o r in to s - V e lim iro v ic , 9 . f i e 2 0 -0 tr a n s p o s e s to th e m a in
V rs a c 1 973, th e p o s itio n lin e a f te r 1 0 .a4 f i g 4 . Y u s u p o v
f a v o u r e d W h ite a f te r l l . . . f t a 6 p r e f e r r e d 1 0 .0 -0 a g a in s t K in d e r -
1 2 .0- 0 B e 8 1 3 .f ig 5 f t c 7 1 4.a4 m a n n , in T h e s s a lo n ik i O ly m p ia d
b 6 . H e c o u ld h a v e p la y e d 15.f4 1 9 8 4 , a llo w in g 1 0 ...b 5 w ith a
w ith a d v a n ta g e ) 1 2.a4 f t b d 7 tr a n s p o s it io n to th e e x a m p le a f­
1 3 .0 - 0 2 e 8 1 4 .W c2 B b 8 , F o r in - t e r B la c k ’s 1 0 th m o v e in C h a p t e r
to s -S z a la n c z y , H u n g a ry 1981. IV , V a r ia tio n A.
N o w a f te r 15 .h 3 B la ck is w ith o u t 9...fid7
c o u n te rp la y . W e w ill n o w lo o k a t B l ) 8 ...f ig 7 A ) 9 . .. f t b d 7 ? is b a d -
B) L a te ly B la ck h a s tr ie d to a n d B 2) 8 ...b 5 # b 6 1 1 .f t b 5 ! a b 5 1 2 . # a 8 # d 6
a v o id th e m a in v a r ia tio n b y a n ( 1 2 , . . * d 8 ? 1 3 .f tg 5 ) 1 3 . # c 8 & e 7
e a rly # e 7 . T h is m a n o e u v r e is Bl I 4 . # b 7 f t e 4 1 5 .f i b 5 .
m o s t o f te n s ee n a f te r a d iff e r e n t B ) D id is h k o - K a p e n g u t, M in s k
m o v e o rd e r, i.e. 6 . f t f 3 g6 7 . f i f 4 8...fig7 1 978, c o n tin u e d 9 ...f tf d 7 ? l
a 6 8 .a 4 Wei. A fte r 8 . f t f 3 a 6 W h ite s ta y s a h e a d in d e v e lo p ­ 1 0 . # c 2 ( 1 0 . f i d 6 ? # b 6 ) 1 0 . .. # e 7
(N o t, o f c o u rs e , 8 . .. f t e 4 9 . # 8 4 . m e n t a f te r 8...fig4?! 9.fie2. 11. a 4 0 -0 1 2 .f ie 2 H e 8 1 3 .0 -0
B o r is e n k o -K a p e n g u t, F ru n ze ( 9 .# a 4 ? ! is w e a k e r d u e to f t f 8 1 4 . 2 f e l f t b d 7 1 5 .a5 h 6
1977 s aw X ...A g ? 9 .f ib 5 ? ! f t b d 7 9 . .. f t b d 7 1 0 .f t d 2 b 5 l l . # c 2 1 6 . f td 2 g5 1 7 .fi.g 3 . B la ck s h o u ld
1 0 .0 - 0 0 -0 1 1 . f d 2 a n d n o w f t h 5 1 2 .fi.e 3 f t b 6 1 3 .h 3 f i d 7 m a n o e u v r e h is k n ig h ts d e lic a te ly ,
1 l...a 6 w o u ld h a v e b e e n in te r e s t­ 1 4 .fi.e 2 f i g 7 w ith a g o o d g a m e i.e. 1 7 ...f tg 6 1 8 . f t c 4 f t f 4 w ith a
in g ) 9 . f i e 2 ( T r a n s p o s itio n to fo r B lack, T is d a ll-C o . lo n e s c u , le v e l p o s itio n .
V a r ia tio n B1 w ith 9 . # a 4 f i d 7 T h e s s a lo n ik i O ly m p ia d 1988. B ) 9 ...(4 ,f8?! is in s u f f ic ie n t a f­
10 . 'B 'b3 is p o s s ib le ) 9 . .. f t b d 7 C o m p a r e d w ith th is B la ck lo st a te r 1 0 .fi.e 2 W ei ( 1 0 . .. f t h S
(9 ...b 5 ? 10.e5 d e 5 l l . f i e 5 f t b d 7 few te m p i in th e g a m e T w a rd o n - l l . f i . e 3 f i g 4 12.h 3 f i f 3 1 3 .f if 3
1 2 .fi.c7 ! b 4 1 3 .0 -0 b c 3 1 4 .H e l is K u ja w s k i, L u b lin 198 8 , g iv e n b e ­ f t d 7 1 4 .W d l b 5 1 5 .fi.h 5 g h 5
d a n g e r o u s fo r B la ck ) 10.0 -0 b 5 , lo w (n o te to W h ite ’s 10.'B 'b3). C . 1 6 .# h 5 b 4 1 7 .fta 4 0 a 5 1 8 . # d l
K o m a ro v a g a in s t A gapov, lo n e s c u r e c o m m e n d s 13 ,a 4 b 4 # b 5 1 9 .# c 2 f te 5 2 0 . 2 d l c4
L e n in g r a d 1987, p la y e d th e p ie c e 1 4 .ftc b l fig 7 1 5 .a5 ftc 8 2 1 , f t b 6 2 b 8 2 2 .f4 a n d W h ite
s a c rif ic e l l . f i b 5 ! ? ( I l . f t d 2 w as 16 .“53047:, b u t B lack c a n im p r o v e h a s a n a d v a n ta g e , L e g k i-B ro d sk y ,
a lso p o s sib le , w ith tr a n s p o s itio n w ith 14 __fi.d7! 1 5 .a5 ftc 8 U z h g o r o d 1 9 8 5 ) 1 1 .0 -0 f t b d 7
to th e v a r ia tio n 7 ...f i g 7 8 . f i e 2 1 6 .f tc 4 2 b 8 ) a n d n o w : Z la tilo v - F e d o r o v , P a z a r d z ik
0 -0 9 .0 -0 b5 1 0 .f td 2 a 6 , b e c a u s e A ) In A n g a n ty s s o n -A rn a s o n , 1 9 8 8 , a n d h e r e W h ite s h o u ld

Theory Bl 35

p la y 1 2 .© d 2 !? © e 5 1 3 .A g 3 g5 0 -0 1 4 .a4 & g 4 1 5 .J ,e 2 © d 7 1 8 .if 8 & f8 1 9 .« d 4 © d f6

14. f4! to m a k e u s e of th e a w k ­ 16 .0 - 0 © e 5 1 7 . # d l © f3 18.A T 3 2 0 .jk .e2 4>g7 2 1 .0 -0 Bhd8
w a r d p o s itio n o f th e B la ck king. A f 3 19.W f3 3 d 8 2 0 .© e 4 ! w ith 2 2 .W a 4 w ith th e b e tte r g a m e fo r
10.Wb3 # a d v a n ta g e fo r W h ite , W h ite . H o w e v e r B lack c a n im ­
T h e d iv e r s io n 10.W c2!? d e s e rv e s F e d o ro w ic z -H ja rta rs o n , R eyk­ p r o v e b y p la y in g 1 4 ...W a5 !?
a tte n tio n , b e c a u s e B la ck w ill ja v ik 1986) 1 3 .i t d 2 #b4 1 5 .A .d4 :b 3 16. © c 3 0 -0 1 7 . i g 7
h a v e to d e f e n d h is p a w n o n d6 . 1 4 , A e 2 ! ? ( 1 4 .'# b 4 c b 4 1 5 ,© d l is & g 7 18. * d 4 f6, e.g. 1 9 . # a 4
K o r tc h n o i- C e b a lo , T ito g ra d w e a k e r d u e t o l 5 . . . a 5 1 6.a3 B a 6 ) >»c3!? 2 0 .b c3 b 2 2 1 . 2 d l © c 3
1 984, c o n tin u e d 1 0 ...ilg 4 1 4 .. .0 -0 1 5.0-0 S e 8 1 6 .H f e l a5 2 2 , # b 3 B e8 2 3 .l±>d2 b l*
( 1 0 ...® e 7 l l . a 4 0 -0 12. i e 2 & g 4 17.W c2 c4 1 8.a3 * d 6 1 9 ,A c 4 24. S b l © bl 2 5 .'4 ,d l © d7
is p e r h a p s m o re p re c is e , w ith a w ith a n o v e rw h e lm in g a d v a n ­ 2 6 .© d 4 -Sg4 B ab8
tr a n s p o s it io n to th e m a in lin e ) ta g e , G m s b u rg -R o s s , T o r o n to 2 8 .Jj.b 5 !? S e 5 w ith c o m p e n s a ­
1 l .© d 2 ! ? © h 5 (1 l...b 5 ? ! 12.h3 1984. T h e lo ss o f a te m p o w ith tio n f o r th e m a te ria l.
A c8 13 .a4! b 4 1 4 .© d l 0 -0 7 .. .a6 c o m p a re d to th e n o te to 12.. .bc3 13.ef6 cb2
1 5 . A d 3 B e 8 1 6 .0 -0 A f8 is b e tte r B la c k ’s 1 1th m o v e in C h a p te r II, L e g k i-S h a b a lo v , T a s h k e n t 1987,
fo r W h ite , R . H u b e r-D e rts c h e n y , V a ria tio n C , is o f g re a t s ig n ifi­ c o n tin u e d 1 3 ...A f6 !? 1 4 .b c3 J ,f 5
B ad H o m b u r g 1 9 8 6 ) 1 2 .i i e 3 00 c a n c e . T h is is c o n firm e d b y th e 15.-ST4 0 -0 1 6 .jS e 2 B e 8 1 7 .A e 3
(1 2 ,..b 5 c a n b e m e t b y 13 .h 3 fL c8 e x a m p le s g iv e n a f te r B la ck ’s 12 th * a 5 1 8 .0 -0 © d 7 1 9 .B f c l B a b 8
1 4 .£ .e 2 0 -0 15,g4 © f6 16.a4! b a 4 m o v e in V a r ia tio n C l 2 o f C h a p ­ 2 0 .# c 4 © b6 2 1 .S 'a 6 W a6
1 7 .4 )0 4 4 ie 8 !? 18.e5! w ith a d v a n ­ t e r II. 22.±a6 © d 5 2 3 ..S d 2 B b2
tag e f o r W h ite , T w a rd o n - K u - B) 1 0 ...ik c8 ? ! is p a ss iv e . 11.a 4 2 4 .jL c 4 © b 6 2 5 .J j.fl a n d n o w
ja w s k i, L u b lin 1 9 8 8 ) 1 3.h3 A c 8 (W h ite c a n a lso try to ig n o re th e S h a b a lo v su g g ests 2 5 ...© a 4 !?
14.g4 © f 6 1 5 .a4 © b d 7 16.f4 b 5 a d v a n c e . S te in b a c h e r-L a u , w ith a n in itia tiv e .
B e S 17.4>f2!? B b 8 18.g5 a n d S o ltn g e n 1980, c o n tin u e d 1 5 .jj.c 5 is a lso in te re s tin g , e.g.
W h ite h a d th e b e tte r g a m e . 1 1 . © d 2 © h 5 12. jL e3 b 5 1 3.a4 15 .. .© d 7 1 6 .A b 4 ( 1 6 . J , d 4 0 -0 )
b 4 1 4 .© c b l 0 -0 , w h e n 1 5 .© c 4 f 5 1 6 .. .a5 1 7 .A d 6 a 4 ( 1 7 . .. * c 8
16.ef5 ik f5 1 7 .© b d 2 w o u ld h a v e 1 8 .© d 4 ) 1 8 .W b 4 ® a 5 1 9 . B c l
le d to a b e tte r g a m e fo r W h ite ) * d 8 2 0 .A b 5 B e 8 2 1 .4 > d 2 W b 6
1 1 .. .0 -0 1 2 . i e 2 © h 5 13.jS.g5 f6 2 2 .4 ,d 4 w ith c o m p e n s a tio n fo r
14.. 5 e 3 f5 15.ef5 gf5 16.© g 5 ! W h ite , F le a r-L a m o u re u x , B elfo rt
T a rja n -A g z a m o v , V rs a c 1983, O p e n 1988.
a n d n o w 1 6 ...f4 ? w as s tro n g ly a n ­ 14,®b2
s w e re d b y 1 7 .© e 6 . S h a b a lo v re c o m m e n d s 1 4 . * e 3
ll.jLd6 b4 12.e5 A e 6 15. S b l A f 6 1 6 ..S e 5 w ith
12 . © a 4 le a d s to a s h a r p p o s itio n a d v a n ta g e , b u t a f te r 1 6 ...W d 5 !
a f te r 1 2 ...© e 4 1 3 .® e 3 (B lack h a s 1 7 .A f 6 « f5 1 8 ..S d 3 ® f6
a g o o d g a m e a fte r 1 3 .A c 5 © c 5 19.. 5 . 4 B a 7 2 0 . « c 5 B e 7 B lack
p o s itio n a f te r lO .’i 'b S 1 4 .© c 5 #e7 1 5 .* e 3 jS b 2 ) h a s a c o m f o r ta b le g am e.
1 3 .. ..5 a 4 M -W eA * d 7 1 5 .J le 5 14.. .Af6 15..Se5 #
W e w ill d is c u s s B l l ) 1 0 ...b 5 ; (B o th 1 5 .© e 5 4>c8 16,© f 7 B e 8 , 1 5 .# 6 2 is d o u b tf u l d u e to
B 1 2 ) 1 0 . . . i g 4 a n d B 1 3 ) l O ...* ^ ? L a m b e rt- P o v a h , B irm in g h a m 1 5 .. .A e 6 .
1 977, a n d 1 6 .A c 5 ± e 5 1 7 .B c l
B l l *1 A b2 1 8 .A b 6 J . c l 1 9 . # c 4 * d 7
2 0 .A d 8 S e 8 2 1 .A e 2 & d 8 2 2 .0 -0
10..,bS A d 2 a re d a n g e ro u s fo r W h ite )
A ) 1 0 ...# c 7 ? ! is q u e s tio n a b le . 1 5 .. .B e 8 16 .b 3 , K ra s e n k o v -
11. e 5 !? ( K o rtc h n o i- S u b a , B eer- S h a b a lo v , T a s h k e n t 1987. N o w
S h e v a 1 9 8 4 , c o n tin u e d l l .i l .d 6 ? ! S h a b a lo v re c o m m e n d s 1 6 ...® e 7 !
S d 6 1 2 . « b 7 0 -0 1 3.e5 & c 8 17 .0 - 0 -0 Ae5 1 8 .© e 5 ® e 5
1 4 .# a 8 W bei 1 5 .A a 6 A a6 19.W e5 B e 5 2 0 .b a 4 4>d6 w ith
1 6 .0 -0 -0 © g 4 w ith b e t t e r c h a n c e s a d v a n ta g e .
f o r B la ck ) l l . . . © h 5 ( l l . . . d e 5 ? is The gam e M o is e e v -E fim o v ,
b a d - 1 2 . ± e 5 * c 8 1 3 .© e 4 © e 4 U la n -U d e 1988 s aw a n in te re s t­
1 4 . i.g 7 Sg8 1 5 .J )h 6 , in g id e a : 1 2 . 4 d l ! ? © e 4 1 3 .* e 3 15...#e7
F e d o ro w ic z -S e re t, C a n n e s 1987) Af5 1 4 J U $ * d 5 ? ! 1 5 .B e l © d 7 A fte r 1 5 ...A e 5 1 6 .W e5 »e7
12. e d 6 # a 5 ( 1 2 ...'i'c 8 16..e 3 5 b 4
1 3 .A W b7 1 7 .A a 3 .S f8 1 7 .0 -0 -0 #e5 1 8 .© e 5 0 -0

1 9 .M 4 M 5 20. S h e 1 S d 8 11.. .4 .0 12.#a8
2 1 . M 3 4>f8, F le a r-S te fa n s s o n , In F o rin to s -S z a la n c z y , H u n g a ry
H a s tin g s II 1 9 8 7 /8 8 , th e e n d in g 1983, B lack s e c u re d a g o o d g a m e
w a s s lig h tly b e tte r f o r W h ite . a f te r 12,gf3 C ih 5 13. M 3 ® g 3
16.d6!? 14.hg3 £ )d 7 15. M 3 £ e 5 16.f4
In S o s o n k o -L o b ro n , B ad 5 /f3 1 7 .& f l 0 0 1 8 . ^ g 2 « d 4 .
K is s in g e n 1981 W h ite trie d It is in te re s tin g to c o m p a re th is
1 6 .0 -0 -0 M 5 1 7 .# e 5 #e5 w ith th e g a m e S c h iissler-E r-
18 . £ se5 M 4 19. S d 2 ® d 7 w ith a m e n k o v , in C h a p t e r III, n o te to
ro u g h ly e q u a l p o s itio n . B la ck ’s 9 th m o v e , w h e re W h ite
16...M 5 17.®eS #16 lo s t a te m p o w ith a4.
1 7 .. . # d 6 ? ! is ris k y - 1 8 .® f7 W e7 12.. .M 4 B lack tr ie s to p la c e h is p ie c e s in
1 9 . M 2 B f 8 2 0 .£ )e 5 a n d B la c k ’s 1 2 . .. M 4 1 3 .M 6 ! 0 -0 ( 1 3 . . M 2 ? th e m o s t c o m f o r ta b le w a y , ta k in g
k in g is tr a p p e d in th e c e n tre . 1 4 . M 5 ) 1 4.0-0 # b 6 1 5 . M 4 is a d v a n ta g e o f s o m e ta c tic a l p o s ­
18.0-0-0 0-0 19.g3 q u e s tio n a b le fo r B lack. s ib ilitie s .
W h ite s ta n d s slig h tly b e tte r , e.g. 13.Hcl! M 4 11.M 2
1 9 .. . M 6 2 0 .£ )c 6 # b 2 21.< *b2 Z. P o lg a r g iv e s 1 3 ...© c 3 I4 .b c 3 A ) 1 l . # b 7 ? l is a s k in g f o r t r o u ­
£ c 6 2 2 .A g 2 H b 8 2 3 . M 3 5 ld 4 M 4 15 .f3 M 5 16.g4! g5 1 7 . M 5 b le a f te r 1 1 ...4 )e 4 . T h e fir s t
2 4 .M 4 . # g 5 1 8 , # b 8 4>e7 1 9 . # c 7 A d 7 g a m e s in w h ic h 1 0 . .. # e 7 w a s e n ­
2 0 . 3 c 2 a s b e tte r fo r W h ite . c o u n te r e d w e re w o m e n ’s g a m e s:
B12 14.Sc2 © c3 # 1 2 .0 - 0 -0 ( 1 2 . # a 8 f t c 3 1 3 . M 3
Z. P o lg a r-H a rd ic s a y , H u n g a ry 0 -0 1 4 .# b 7 f5 is u n c le a r )
10...Ag4?! # 1 985, c o n tin u e d 1 4 ...® f2 ?! 1 2 .. .0-0?! 1 3 .S e l (A le k h in a , in a
1 5 .3 f2 A f2 1 6 .* f2 A g4 g a m e a g a in s t B o ja d g ie v a , S o c h i
1 7 . M 5 ! w ith a d e c is iv e a tta c k . 1982, p re fe rre d 1 3 . M 3 M 3
14. b c 3 ® f 2 15. A g 5 £ id 3
1 6 . B d 3 # e 4 1 7 .B e 3 w ith a d ­
v a n ta g e ) 1 3 . . . M 3 1 4 .b c3 # f 6
15. S e 4 #c3 1 6 ,* d l M 5
1 7 . E c 4 # a l 1 8 .B e l w in n in g ,
M u r e s a n - M a k s im o v ic , J a jc e
1 9 82.
Suba re c o m m e n d s 1 2__fi.c3!
1 3 .b c3 # f 6 1 4 . M 2 0 -0 1 5 . # a 8
M 3 1 6 .B e l M 5 !
A s h a r p c o n tin u a tio n , in tr o d u c e d E in g o m - P s a k h is , S o v ie t C h a m ­
in to p r a c tic e by a n u m b e r o f p io n s h ip , R ig a 1 9 8 5 , c o n tin u e d
H u n g a r ia n p la y e rs. p o s itio n a f te r 1 4 ...M 3 1 2 . M 4 # e 4 1 3 . M 3 b u t a f te r
Il.# b 7 ! 1 3 .. . # b 4 1 4 . # b 4 c b 4 1 5 .M 1 4
T h e m o s t e ffe c tiv e . W h ite m a y IS.gD! 0 -0 1 6 .ji.c 4 a 5 1 7 .0 0 ® a 6 1 8 .b 3
a lso try : 15, b c 3 ?l is w e a k e r a n d le a d s to M 5 B la ck h a d a n e x c e lle n t
A ) 11 , ® d 2 b 5 12 .a 4 , a lo n g th e a n u n c le a r g a m e a f te r 1 5 . .. M 4 gam e.
lin e s o f S te in b a c h e r -L a u . T h is 16. B e l 0-0! 1 7 ,cd 4 B e 8 1 8 . M 2 B) T i m m a n - R o m a n is h in ,
d e s e r v e s a tte n tio n . M 2 1 9 .H g l A f 3 2 0 . M 3 M 2 B ru s se ls 1 9 8 6 , s a w ll.e 5 1 ? d e 5
B) ll.e 5 1 ? is a n in te re s tin g 2 1 .M 2 cd4. ( 1 1 ...M 5 ? 1 2 .M 3 is bad)
id e a , e.g. 11 ...<S3h5 1 2 .A g 5 f6 15...M 2 1 2 . M 5 0 -0 (1 2 ,..b 5 1 3 . M 2 0 -0
( T h e ro o k s a c rific e 1 2 , ..# a 5 1 5 ,..# e 7 ? is w ro n g o n a c c o u n t o f 1 4 .0 - 0 M 4 le a d s t o a lin e g iv e n
1 3 . # b 7 0 -0 1 4 . # a 8 is to o ris k y ) 1 6 .B e 2 . b e lo w ) 1 3 . M 2 A g 4 1 4 .d 6 # e 6
13 . e 6 ( I f 13.ef6 £ T 6 1 4 .# b 7 16.itc4! ®b4 ( 1 4 . .. # e 8 ? ! is w e a k d u e to
5 3 b d 7 w h e n B la c k h a s m o re th a n Z. P o lg a r n o w c o n s id e rs th a t 1 5 .M 6 M 6 1 6 .® d 5 id 8
e n o u g h c o m p e n s a tio n fo r th e W h ite h a s th e e d g e a f te r 1 7 .2 e 2 1 7 .M 3 o r 1 6 .# b 7 ® d 7 1 7 .# d 5 )
m a te r ia l. 1 3 . M 3 fe5 1 4 ,® g 5 b5 4>f8 1 8 . M 6 A g 7 1 9 .A g 5 . 1 5 . # e 6 M 6 16.<S2g5 A d 7 1 7 .0 -0
is a lso c o n tro v e rs ia l) !3 ...fg 5 M 6 1 8 . M 6 M 6 I9 .5 3 g e 4 & d 4
14. # b 7 ( 1 4 . # a 4 & d 7 1 5 .# g 4 B13 2 0 . M 4 M 5 21 . C g 3 ( T h e m e r its
M 5 is n o t e n o u g h ) 1 4 ...0 0 o f 2 1 . M c 5 ? l a r e d o u b tf u l as
15. # a 8 # a 5 w ith in tr ic a te p lay . 10...We7!? # B la c k c a n re p ly 21 ...b 6 2 2 .g 4 b c 5

Theory Bl 35

2 3 .g f5 S f d ) 2 1 „ .A e 6 2 2 . E a c l , 18 .h 3 ® bd7 19.<Sd7 5 id 7 th is is n o t to b e r e c o m m e n d e d )
a n d n o w 2 2 ...A a 2 ^ s h o u ld b e 20. f i f e l w ith s o m e w h a t b e tte r 1 0 .A d 6 W d 6 I l . e 5 W e 7 1 2 ,d6
p la y e d , w ith b e tte r p ro s p e c ts fo r c h a n c e s f o r W h ite . 6
W e 13.<Sg5 W g4 1 4 .0 ! (I 4 .e f 6
B lack . 2 6
W e 1 5 ,A e 2 A f 1 6 .® g e 4 A c 3
ll...bS is w e a k e r) 14 ...W g 5 1 5.ef6 <&f 8
1 1 .. . © e4 ? ! is ris k y b e c a u s e o f B2 16. W e 7 tfeg 8 1 7.W e8 Af 8
12.0- 0 . 18 .#08 a n d W h ite w in s (A g d es-
12 0-0. A g4 # 8...b5 # te in ).
1 2 .. .b4?! 13.e5! d e 5 1 4 .il.e 5 b c3 W h ite ’s m o d e m a p p ro a c h , a llo w ­ B) In th e c o rre s p o n d e n c e g a m e
l5 .W b 7 . in g th e b 5 a d v a n c e , h a s a ls o b e e n K u u s k m a a -S a lc e a n u , 1 978, p la y
12 0-0
.. . is d a n g e r o u s d u e to a p p lie d to th e s y ste m w ith A f4 . c o n tin u e d 9 ...H a 7 10.e5!? B e 7
l i e ® - d e 5 1 4 .® e 5 i f e (1 4 ...c 4 (K u u s k m a a re c o m m e n d s
1 5 .W d l b 4 1 6 .d 6 * e 6 1 7 .A c 4 1
1 0 .. .d e5 l . A e 5 H e 7 1 2 .d 6 2 e 6
g a v e W h ite a b ig a d v a n ta g e in 1 3 .a g 5 A g7! 1 4 .& e 6 Ae 6
T a r ja n - D . G u re v ic h , U S A 1984 ) 15. W O 0 -0 1 6 .A e 2 2 e 8 17.00
1 5 .A O c4 1 6 .» d l * b 4 !? 7 _ b d 7 w ith c o m p e n s a tio n , o r
1 7 .* d 2 Sbd7 1 8 .£ c 6 #c5 11 0 0-0 6
. - 6
A d 1 2 .A g 5 h 1 3 .A f6
1 9 .d 6 , a lth o u g h B la c k m a n a g e d 6
W f 1 4 .5 je 4 W e7 1 5 .& d 6 W d 6
to d e f e n d h is p o s itio n w ith a n e x ­ 16. W e5 W e5 1 7 .® e 5 0-0 1 8 .A d 3
c h a n g e s a c rific e in K h a lifm a n - w ith a s lig h tly b e tte r g a m e fo r
P s a k h is , S v e rd lo v s k 1987 - W h ite ) 1 l . A e 3 (1 1 .A g 5 A g 7
1 9 .. . 2 a e 8 2 0 .A e 3 2 e 3 ! ? 2 1 .® e 3 1 2 . f i e 4 ? is w o rse - 1 2 ...£ le 4
® e 3 2 2 .fe 3 A d 3 . 1 3 . A e 7 W a5 ). K u u s k m a a n o w
su g g ests 11 ...d e5 !? 1 2 .A c 5 e4!
W e w ill d is c u s s B 2 1 ) 9.'B 'e2!?, 1 3 .A e 7 A e7 1 4 .5 id 2 0-0
B 2 2 ) 9 .e5 a n d B 2 3 ) 9 ,A d 3 . 1 5 .0- 0-0 A f 5 w ith c o m p e n s a tio n
fo r th e s a c rif ic e d ex ch a n g e .
B21 A ) 1 0 .A h 6 ? ! is q u e s tio n a b le
d u e to 1 0 ...® g 4 l I . W d b4. 2
9.We2!? # B) In r e c e n t tim e s 1 0 .W c2 h a s
W h ite seek s c o m p lic a tio n s . b e e n p la y e d . W h ite h a s lo s t a
te m p o b u t h a s p r o v o k e d th e d e ­
v e lo p m e n t o f th e b is h o p to e7 . It
is in te r e s tin g to m a k e a c o m ­
p o s itio n a f te r 1 2 ...A g 4 p a r is o n w ith th e v a r ia tio n
8 .. .A g 7 9 .W a 4 A d 7 1 0 .« c 2 .
13.e5! deS 14.7 ,e5!? P la y m ay c o n tin u e 1 0 ...0 -0
1 4 . A e 5 ? ! is w e a k e r - 1 4 ...0 -0 1 l.A e 2 (1 l.a4 ? ! b 4 1 2 .© d l b3!
1 5 .E f e l & bd7 1 6 .A g 3 c4 1 3 .W c4 ® b d 7 1 4 .S a 3 2b8
1 7 . # d l * c 5 1 8 .h 3 A O 1 9 .A O 1 5 .2 b 3 2b3 1 6 .W b 3 <&e4
E ad 8 2 0 .W d 2 b 4 2 1 .® a 4 « 'b 5 1 7 . A d 3 , F le a r-R e n e t, H a s tin g s II
2 2 .b 3 c 3 23.W T 4 <Sd5 a n d B lack 1 9 8 7 /8 8 , is p r e m a tu r e b e c a u s e o f
w as b e tte r in P e k a re k -R o - 1 7 .. . * a 5 ) 1 1 . .. 2 e 8 ( l l . . . ® h 5 is
m a n is h in , T b ilis i 1986. T h e m a in v a r ia tio n s h e re are: a lso p o s sib le , e.g. 12 .A h 6 2e8
14.. .C4 15.®c2 B 2 1 1) 9 ...A e 7 1 3 .« d 2 A g5 1 4 .A g 5 W g5
T h is is m o re p re c is e th a n B 2 1 2 ) 9 ...® h 5 . 1 5 .A h 5 W h5 1 6 .0 -0 <&d7,
1 5 .# d ! A e 21 6 .® e 2 ( 1 6 . « e 2 V a re ille -R e n e t, A n g o u le m e 1986.
® h 5 ) 16...0C 5. A fte r 1 7 . 2 a e l © f 6 18.f4 E a 7
15.. .Ae2 16.d6 »b 7 B211 B lack h a s a n e q u a l g a m e . B lack
1 6 ...® e 6 ? ! is d a n g e r o u s d u e to m a y a ls o tr y 11 ...A g 4 120-0
1 7 . £ le 2 w ith th e th r e a t o f 9...Ae7 He 8 13 .h 3 A f 3 1 4 .A f 3 ® b d 7
18. f td 4 . O th e r p o s s ib ilitie s are : 6 8
15 .a4 W b 16 ,b 3 A f 17 .a b 5 a b 5
17.'Se2 0-0 A) 9 ...A g 7 ? ! (A lo n g w ith 8
1 8 . 2 a 8 B a , F e d o ro w ic z -R e n e t,
T h is s h a r p p o s itio n n e e d s a p ra c ­ 9 ...b 4 ? 10.e5 and 9...'B fe7? C a n n e s 1 987, 1 9 .A e 2 a n d h e re
tic a l te st. P la y m ig h t c o n tin u e 10 6.A d » d 6 U .e 5 « e 7 12 6
.e f , B lack s h o u ld p la y 1 9 ...H a 5 w ith

a g o o d g a m e ) 1 2 .© d 2 ik f8 1 3 .0-0 1 0 .. .f6?! is d o u b tf u l. W h ite r e p ­
© b d 7 1 4 .H t e l H b 8 (A g a in s t lie s 1 l . i k e 3 a n d n o w :
F le a r, in D o r tm u n d 1 989, W a h ls A ) 11... jk g 4 1 2 ,h 3 £ f 3 1 3 . « f 3
p r e f e r r e d 1 4 ...© e 5 ? ! 1 5 .a4 b 4 © d 7 14.g4 © g 7 1 5 . « g 3 ® c 7
1 6 .© d l A g4 17 .© e 3 A e2 1 6 . jL g2 0 0 0 1 7 .0 -0 h 5 1 8 .b 4 !,S il-
1 8 . B e 2 H b 8 1 9 ,A e 5 B e 5 20 m a n - M c C a m b r id g c , C a lif o r n ia
© e c 4 H e 8 w ith th e b e tte r g a m e 1982.
fo r W h ite . It m a k e s m o re sen se B ) H ...i L e 7 is a ls o in s u f f i­
to p r e v e n t th is w a y o f b lo c k in g c ie n t, e.g. 1 2 .© d 2 0 -0 13.g4 © g 7
th e q u e e n ’s s id e ) 1 5.b3 © e 5 14. f4 b 4 1 5 .© d ! f5 1 6 .ef5 £ h 4
16.a 4 b 4 1 7 .© d l © h 5 ! a s in th e 1 7 . JLf2 B e 8 1 8 .© e 3 gf5 1 9 .h 3
th ir d m a tc h gam e S p a ssk y - 1 4 .. .£ .d 7 is in te re s tin g , e.g. 15 .a4 © d7 2 0 .A g 2 © b6 2 1 .0 -0 .
F is c h e r . A fte r 1 8 .© h 5 gh5 ( 1 5 .© e 4 © e 4 1 6 .'8 'e 4 & 18 w ith a S c h ro e r- S a x , M o n tr e a l 1 9 8 6 .
1 9 . © b 2 © g 6 a d ra w w a s a g re e d s h a r p g a m e , T a r ja n - D e F ir m ia n , C ) l l . . . © d 7 1 2 .g4 © g 7 1 3 .h4!
in F le a r-S c h u lte , O a k h a m 1988. U S A 1 9 8 4 ) 15 ...b 4 (1 5 ...b a 4 !? ) © b 6 (1 3 ... jte 7 ? ! , a s p la y e d in
C ) 10 .0-0-0!? is a n in te re s tin g 1 6 .© e 4 © e 4 ( 1 6 ...« f 4 ? ! w o u ld G r iin - A m o ld , B u n d e s lig a B R D
id e a , e.g. 1 0 ...© h 5 l l . A h 6 jk g 4 b e d a n g e r o u s d u e to 1 7 .© d 2 1 9 8 5 , fa ils a g a in s t 14.h5! & f7
1 2.e5 Af3 1 3 . « f 3 it,g 5 1 4 .1 ,g 5 © d 5 1 8 .© e 7 © e 7 19,g3) 1 7 . # e 4 1 5. h 6 © e 8 16.g5 © e 5 1 7 .© e 5
# g 5 1 5 .& b l 0-0! ( 1 5 . .. * e 5 ? is * f 8 1 8 .© e 7 W e7 1 9 .'§ 'f4 & g 7 fe5 1 8 .# f3 4>g8 1 9 .A h 3 )
w e ak - 1 6 .A b 5 <^>f8 1 7 .jk c 6 E a 7 2 0 . b 3 £ f 5 ! 2 1 . * d 2 (A fte r b o th 1 4 .© d 2 h 5 15 .g h 5 © h 5 l b . H g l
1 8 .S h e l l W f5 19 .© e 4 , B en- 2 1 . g4 a n d 2 1 .jl.d 3 B la ck re p lie s <£>f7 1 7 .f4 w ith a d v a n ta g e to
ja m in - D . G u re v ic h , U S A 1985, 2 1 .. .® f6 ! in a n y c a s e ) 2 1 .,.® f 6 W h ite , P e tu r s s o n - P o r tis c h , R e y k ­
w h ile 15 ...b 4 1 6 .© a 4 WeS 17.g4 2 2 . ’® ’b 2 S h d 8 a n d a fte r th e e r ­ ja v ik 1988.
© f 6 1 8 .© b 6 E a 7 1 9 .jk g 2 giv es ro n e o u s 2 3 .d 6 ? A e 6 24 . B d 2 ll.A h 6 £18
a n u n c le a r g a m e ) 1 6 .ed 6 © d 7 W c3 B la ck to o k c o n tro l in L p u - A ) L o b r o n g a v e p r e f e r e n c e to
fo llo w e d b y W e5 . A c c o rd in g to tia n - K h u z m a n , S v e rd lo v s k 1987. 1 1 .. .b 4 a g a in s t M c C a m b r id g e in
B e n ja m in W h ite s ta n d s a little 15.g3 D o r tm u n d 1 9 8 2 . P la y c o n tin u e d
b e tte r. A ) B lack g e ts a g o o d g a m e a f ­ I 2 . © d l £ f 8 ( 1 2 __ fl.g4? is b a d ,
A g a in s t A lb u rt, U S C h a m p io n ­ te r 1 5 .© e 7 ( lS .S e l £ d 8 !? ) e.g. 13.e5 J l f 3 14 .g f3 ) 1 3 . £ f 8
s h ip , E ste s P a r k 1986, G u re v ic h 1 5 .. .’S 'e 7 16 .W e7 & e 7 1 7 .d 6 4>f8 1 4 .© d 2 * g 7 1 5 .© e 3 H e 8
p r e f e r r e d 1 0 ...0 -0 11.e5 (1 1 .h3!? *d7. 16. g3 a 5 , a lth o u g h W h ite c o u ld
A lb u rt) l l . .. © g 4 ! ( I l .. .© h 5 ? ! B) L u n d in -Ilic , L u g a n o 1985, h a v e o b ta in e d a n a d v a n ta g e w ith
l 2 . A h 6 E e 8 I3 .e 6 fe6 14.g4 is c o n tin u e d 1 5 .h 3 ® f 4 1 6 .H d 2 17.oa.g2 ik a 6 1 8 .© d c 4 .
w e a k e r) 1 2 .© e 4 d e 5 1 3 .© e 5 £ d 6 17.g3 m 5 1 8 . « e 3 <i>g7 B ) l l . . . f 6 is a ls o in a d e q u a te
f e e 5 1 4 .A e 5 © d 7 15. £ 1 4 S e 8 1 9 .£ d 3 W d7 2 0 .W 3 £b7 d u e to 12.g3 * 1 7 1 3 . £ g 2 H e 8
1 6 . * c 2 © f 6 1 7 .d 6 © e 4 18.W e4, 2 1 . A b l 5 h e 8 a n d B la ck h a d th e 1 4 .0 0 j£ f8 1 5 . # e 3 © d 7 1 6 .a3
a n d n o w a f te r 18__ 6.f5 B la ck h a s b e tte r c h a n c e s. © g 7 1 7 . # d 2 * g 8 18 .b 4 w ith
th e in itia tiv e . C ) C a m p o s , a g a in s t F e r n a n d e z b e tte r p la y , L e g k i- M o s k a le n k o ,
1 0 .. .deS A g u e d o in S e v ille 1 9 8 8 , p re fe rr e d U k r a in e 1 986.
1 0 ...© h 5 !? is d a n g e r o u s - l l . i s . h 6 1 5 . # d 2 & g 7 1 6 .© e 7 * c 7 1 7.d6 C ) ll. .. j S g 4 ! ? is in te r e s tin g ,
d e 5 1 2 .0 -0 -0 f6 1 3 .© e 5 ! fe5 W d 7 18.jS.e2 b 4 19.g4?! b u t h is e.g. 12.a 4 b 4 1 3 .© d l © d7
M .’B 'eS 1 5 .d 6 w ith a d e c i­ e a rly a tta c k le d to le ss th a n ( 1 3 ...jk f 8 1 4 .Ji.f8 * f 8 1 5 .© e 3
s iv e a tta c k , F le a r-K in g , B ritis h n o th in g a fte r 1 9 ...h 6 2 0 .h 4 b c3 ik f3 16.^173 © d 7 is u n c le a r )
C h a m p io n s h ip , E d in b u rg h 1985. 21 . # 0 3 W a4! 2 2 . E h g l # b 4 . 1 4 .© e 3 A f 3 ( A g d e s te in - G riin -
I l.£ e 5 ©bd7 15...jSb7 16.jk.g2 He8 fe ld , J e r u s a le m 1 9 8 6 , c o n tin u e d
A q u e e n s a c rific e is te m p tin g M o h r-Ilic , B e rlin 198 5 , c o n ­ 14.. .© e 5 1 5 .© g 4 © g 4 1 6 .iS .cl
h e re , i.e. 11 ...0 -0 !? 1 2 .d 6 £ d 6 tin u e d 1 6 ...jS d 8 17.h4! £g7 A f 6 17.g3 a n d n o w 1 7 ...'8 tc 7
1 3 .0 -0 -0 J6.e5!? 1 4 . S d 8 £14 18.h5 5 e 8 1 9 .'8 'c 2 w ith a te n s e 1 8 . A .h 3 © e 5 1 9 .© e 5 k t S 2 0 .0 0
1 5 .S d 2 H e8. g am e. w o u ld h a v e le d t o a p p r o x im a te ly
12. 0- 0-0 17.Bhel £ d 8 eq u al ch an ces) lS .W fB iL g5
B lack g e ts a g o o d g a m e a fte r Ilic g iv e s 1 8.'B 'd2 sJ?g7 a n d 1 6 .A g 5 # g 5 a n d n o w 17,g3?! is
1 2 . £ g 3 0 -0 1 3 .d 6 H e 8 1 4 .d e7 ju d g e s B la c k ’s g a m e to b e slig h tly d a n g e r o u s o n a c c o u n t o f 1 7 ...0 -0
S e 7 1 5 .© e 5 b4! a c c o rd in g to s u p e rio r. 1 8 . « e 2 f5 !? 1 9 .ef5 E a e 8 2 0 .fg 6
a n a ly s is b y Ilic. B212 ( 2 0 .^ .g 2 ? ! g f5 2 1 .f4 © f4 !)
12.. .©e5 13.©e5 #d6 2 0 .. .© e 5 2 1 .g h 7 < *h8 2 2 .A g 2
14.©c6 # 9...©h5 10.jkg5 Ae7 2 f2 !

Theory Bl 35

I n te r e s tin g c o m p lic a tio n s de­ fo r W h ite , d e s e rv e s a tte n tio n . T h e g a m e A g d e ste in -A rn a s o n ,

v e lo p e d in F le a r-M a rtin , H a s t­ B) In Y u s u p o v - D o lm a to v , S o ­ O slo 1984, c o n tin u e d 1 8 . 2 d l
in g s II 1 9 8 7 /8 8 , a f te r 12.e5!? b 4 v ie t C h a m p io n s h ip , M in sk 1987, W e 7 I9 .4 5 f3 a n d n o w A g d e ste in
( n o t 1 2 ...A f 3 13.gf3 A g 5 1 4 .ed 6 B lack c h o se 1 5 ...A d 7 ? 16.a4! r e c o m m e n d s 19...43e4!? 2 0 .0 -0 f5
st?d7 1 5 .A h 3 f5 1 6 . ^ 0 6 m a te ) 4>d8, b u t a f te r 17.g3 A g4 21. B fe 1 d ?d7 2 2 ,A e 4 fe4 w ith
1 3 .4 3 e4 d e 5 1 4 .d 6 A f 8 1 5 . & 5 ! 18.4563 A f 3 19.e5! d e 5 2 0 .4 5 0 e q u a lity . H o w e v e r, I th in k
W d 6 1 6 .4 3 e4 W e 7 1 7 .A e 3 45d7 W O 2 1 .ja.g 2 W f6 2 2 .d 6 , W h ite W h ite ’s c h a n c e s s h o u ld still b e
1 8 . S d l W e 6 1 9 .h 3 A f 3 2 0 .W f3 h a d a d e c is iv e a tta c k a g a in s t th e ra te d h ig h e r in th is lin e.
S d 8 2 1 .4 5g5 W a 2 2 2 .W c 6 b3 k in g tr a p p e d in th e c e n tre .
2 3 .W c 4 ! w ith a w o n p o s itio n . C ) I 5 . . . 3 a 7 re q u ire s p ra c tic a l B 22
1 2 , W e3 te stin g , fo r in s ta n c e 1 6 .A c 4 H e 7
1 2 .A f 8 * f8 13 .W e3 *g7 17.0-0 S5d7, try in g to im p ro v e 9 .e5 !? d e5 1 0 .® e S #
14. A e 2 B e8 1 5 .£ sd 2 45f6 th e c o o r d in a tio n o f B la c k ’s A ) Z a ic h ik -L u k in , S o c h i 1980,
16.'B,' d 3 is p o s s ib le , w ith s o m e ­ p ie c e s a n d ta k in g a d v a n ta g e o f w e n t 1 0 .A e 5 ? ! A g 7 11.g3 0 0
w h a t b e tte r c h a n c e s f o r W h ite . th e p o s itio n o f W h ite ’s q u e e n . 1 2 .A g 2 A b7 (A c c o rd in g to
1 2 ...A h 6 14__fi.g4!? is p e rh a p s s tro n g e r L u k in , 1 2 ...4 3 b d 7 1 3 .0-0 £ ie 5
A ) 12...*5if6?! w o u ld b e h a z ­ th a n 14...'H rf6. e.g. 1 5.45d2 A d i 1 4 .£ )e5 W d 6 1 5 . S e l le a d s to
a r d o u s b e c a u s e o f 1 3 .A g 5 ! A g 7 1 6 .E d l W f6 17.4 jc 4 ® d7 e q u a lity ) 1 3 .0 -0 ?5 d 5 (1 3 ...b 4
( b u t n o t !3 ...h 6 ? 1 4 .A h 4 g5 1 8 .A e 2 43f4 19. A O 43e5 1 4 .45a4 A d 5 15.45c5 43c6 is a lso
1 5 . A g 3 ® h 5 1 6 .e 5 ') 14.e5 d e 5 20.S 5e5 W e5 2 1 .0 -0 c 4 2 2 . S d 2 p o s sib le ) 14.<Se4 45e3!? 1 5 .W d8
1 5 . W e5 * f 8 (1 5 ...W e 7 16.W e7 Sc8 2 3.g3 <£sd3 2 4 .b 3 cb 3 S d 8 a n d a f te r 16.€5c5! th e
& e l 1 7 .0 -0 -0 is in s u ffic ie n t fo r 2 5 .a b 3 B c3 2 6 .A d l & d8 c h a n c e s w o u ld h a v e b e e n ev en .
B lack ) 1 6 .0 -0 -0 h 6 1 7 .A h 4 g5 2 7 .A e 2 , L p u tia n - M a g e rra m o v , B ) 10.W e2?! is a p a w n sac rific e
1 8 .A g 3 43bd7 1 9 .W d 6 *g8 U z h g o ro d 1988 and no w w ith a b a d r e p u ta tio n . B lack c a n
2 0 .4 5 e5 w ith a d v a n ta g e to W h ite 2 7 .. .43c5 w a s n e c e s sa ry , w ith re p ly I 0 . .. A d 6 l l . A h 6 £ )b d 7
- a n a ly s is b y C h ris tia n s e n . e q u a lity . 1 2 .0 -0 -0 W e7 1 3 .h 3 A b 7 14.g4
B) T a r ja n - F e d o ro w ic z , US 1 4.a4 0 -0 -0 1 5 .A g 2 4 5 b 6 w h e n W h ite
C h a m p io n s h ip , B e rk e le y 1984, A ) 14.g3!? A p a w n s a c rific e h a s in s u ffic ie n t c o m p e n s a tio n ,
c o n tin u e d 1 2 ...b 4 1 3 .£ id l 4 )f6 su g g e s te d b y A g d e ste in . P la y H e r m iz - F e m a n d e s , D u b a i O ly m ­
1 4 .A f 8 & f8 1 5 .W h 6 & g8 c o u ld c o n tin u e I4 ...$ 'id f6 p ia d 1986.
1 6 . A d 3 £ )g 4 1 7 .W f4 & g 7 18.0-0 1 5 . A g 2 b 4 1 6 .4 5 d l 45e4 17.0-0
(1 8 .h 3 W f6 ) 1 8 ...f6 19.45e3 45e3 43ef6 I8 .a 3 , o r 1 4 ...W e7 1 5 ,A g 2
_ 2 0 .W e 3 a n d W h ite h a d a slig h tly b 4 1 6 .4 3 d l W e4 17.43e3 w ith an
b e tte r g a m e . in itia tiv e fo r W h ite in b o th cases.
13, W h6 # B) K o rtc h n o i-F ra n c o ,
L ie c h te n s te in 1984, c o n tin u e d
14.g4 £>hf6 15 .h 3 A b 7 1 6 .A d 3
a n d n o w 1 6 ...W e7 s h o u ld b e c o n ­
s id e r e d , in te n d in g q u e e n s id e c a s ­
tlin g .
C ) 1 4 .A e 2 w o u ld le a d to a
p o s itio n fro m B e n ja m in -G riin - p o s itio n a f te r 10.45e5
fe ld . N e w Y o rk 1985. T h is g a m e
c o n tin u e d 1 4 ...W f6 1 5.0-0 W f4 1 0 ...A d 6
16.45g5 45df6 17.g3 W d2 T h is is th e m o v e th a t is p la y e d
1 8 .A h 5 45h5 1 9.e5 A f 5 2 0 .e d 6 m o s t o f te n , b u t 1 0 ...A g 7 ! is
W b 2 2 1 . H a e l & d 7 w ith d o u b le - g o o d , e.g. 1 l . A e 2 0 -0 ( l l .. .b 4 ? !
1 3 ...© d 7 e d g e d play. 12.<£ia4 © d 5 1 3 .A g 3 0 -0 14 .0 -0
A n u m b er o f gam es have con­ 1 4 .. .b 4 lS .C id l ? ,df6 is d a n g e r o u s fo r B lack ) 1 2 ,A f3
tin u e d 1 3 ...b 4 14 ,‘S id 1 W f6 1 5 .. .W e??! w ill n o t d o , d u e to g5!? ( 1 2 ...b 4 is w e a k e r - 1 3 .4 ja 4
1 5 .4 5 d 2 a n d n o w : 1 6 . A d 3 c 4 1 7 .A c 4 W e4 1 8 .4 ie 3 . A b 7 1 4 .f tc 5 A d 5 1 5 .0 -0 w ith
A) S c h m id t- P e d e r s e n , T m a v a 1 6 .A d 3 A g 4 1 7 .4 5 g l s o m e w h a t b e tte r c h a n c e s fo r
1985, c o n tin u e d 15...45g7 W h ite ’s q u e e n u n e x p e c te d ly e n d s W h ite ) 1 3 .A g 3 (1 3 ,A g 5 ? B e 8 is
1 6 .€ ic 4 0 0 a n d n o w 1 7 .© d e 3 u p tr a p p e d a fte r 17.45d2?? A d i bad) 1 3 ...g4 14.45g4 45g4
<Sd7 1 8 .0 -0-0! £seS (1 8 ...W f2 ? ? 1 8 . S d l 45g4. 1 5 .A g 4 (1 5 .A b 8 ? ! B e 8 1 6 . * f l
1 9 .£ )g 4 ) 1 9.f4, w ith a d v a n ta g e 1 7 .. . A d l 45f2 is in s u ffic ie n t) 1 5 ...A g 4 !

(1 5 ...f5 , a s p la y e d in G e ru s e l- 1 9 .W d 2 B ae8 2 0 ,a 3 » f7
L a u , B R D 1 981, is less c le ar. 2 1 . 3 a d I a 5 w ith th e b e t t e r g a m e
W h ile s h o u ld p la y 16.Jl.b 8 w ith a f o r B la ck , Z . P o lg a r - R e n e t, B re s t
s h a r p g a m e ) 1 6 , ^ 4 f5 17.B T 4 1 987.
b 4 1 8 .® e 2 Wd5 1 9 .0 -0 £>c6 w ith B ) 1 2 .lT c 2 <&d7 1 3 .a4 b 4 (1 3 ...c 4
a n in itia tiv e fo r B lack. 1 4 .f ie 2 Bb8 is in te r e s tin g ) 0-0 12.0-0 Se8 14. « d l # e 7 1 5 .f ig 5 f6 1 6 .fi.h 4
W h ite s ta n d s a little b e tte r a fte r f i h 6 1 7 .® d 2 , K le b e l-W a c h in g e r,
1 2 .. .b4?! 13 .4 )c6 ! »c7 B R D 1 988, is n o t c o n v in c in g f o r
(1 3 ...£ > c 6 ? 1 4 .fi.d 6 <Sd4 W h ite a n d 1 7 . .. « e 5 1 8 .f4 f i f 4
is w o rs e ) 1 4 .f id 6 W d 6 1 5 .f ta 4 1 9 . B f 4 g5 a ls o d e s e r v e s a t t e n ­
4 lb d 7 , S c h iissler-T . P e tro s ia n , tio n .
T a llin n 198 3 , 1 6 .f if 3 f i b 7 C ) T h e g a m e N a u m k in - K h a lif -
17. W b 3 £ )e 5 1 8 .® e 5 W e5 B231 m a n , V iln iu s 1 9 8 8 . r e a c h e d th e
1 9 .5 ic 5 . p o s itio n a f te r 1 2 .a3 £ ib d 7 b y
13. £lc6 ®c6 9...fig7 10.0-0 0-0 11.h3 # tr a n s p o s it io n . T h e re fo llo w e d
K a p la n - F ra n c o , N e n d e ln 1986, In th e la s t few y e a rs th e v a ria tio n 1 3 .B e l Se5 14.<Be5 fie 5
c o n tin u e d 13...W c7 1 4 .f id 6 7.£> f3 f i g 7 8 . f i d 3 0 -0 9 .h 3 (B I 15. W d 2 ! B b 8 1 6 .J th 6 & g 7 1 7 ,f4
( 1 4 .f ig 5 ® c6 1 5 .d c6 f i h 2 2 0 .2 ) h a s b e c o m e q u ite p o p u la r, f i d 4 1 8 .& h 2 f5 1 9 .f ig 5 f i f 6
16 . * h 1 fie 5 1 7 .f if 6 fif6 w ith W h ite o fte n a llo w in g a 6 a n d 2 0 . f i f 6 W f6 2 1 .b 4 ! c 4 2 2 . f i c 2
18. f t d 5 « d 6 1 9 .® f6 # f6 b 5 . T h e in d iv id u a l g a m e s in f id 7 2 3 .B c e l B b e 8 2 4 .B e 3
2 0 .Jl.f3 S a 7 2 1 .W c 2 is u n c le a r) w h ic h W h ite p la y e d f i f 4 m o s tly w ith th e b e tte r g a m e f o r W h ite .
1 4 .. .W d 6 a n d n o w W h ite s h o u ld tra n s p o s e d to th e v a r ia tio n s a n a ­ 1 3 .. .h61? a ls o d e s e r v e s a tte n tio n
p la y 1 5 .f if 3 £> bd7 16.W d2 ly sed b e lo w . e.g. 1 4 .b 4 fib 7 1 5 .W d 2 g5
(1 6 . B e l fib 7 1 7 .® e 7 & f8 !) 16. f ie 3 B c8 .
1 6 .. . £ lb 6 1 7 . E a d l w ith d o u b le - 12...«d7 13.fig5! f6
e d g e d p lay . W h ite h a s th e b e tte r c h a n c e s a f­
14. fid6 «3d41? t e r 13... J t f 6 14,h4!
1 4 .. . t t d 6 ? ! is w e a k e r - 1 5.dc6 14. fih4 4ieS
# d l 1 6 . f i d l f i e 6 1 7 . 1 0 fia c 8 1 4 .. .0 C 7 a ls o p r o v e s in s u f f ic ie n t
1 8 .h 3 w ith slig h tly b e tte r c h a n c e s a f te r 1 5 ,a4 b 4 1 6 ,® d l ® e 5
fo r W h ite , Y u s u p o v -S a x , L in a r e s 1 7 . ® e 5 fe5 1 8 .fig 5 !
1983. 15. fteS de5
15. fic5 £ie2 T h e r e c o u ld fo llo w 1 6 .a4 c4
P la y c o u ld c o n tin u e 1 6 .£ se 2 'B ids 1 7 .f ie 2 B b 8 1 8 .a b 5 a b 5 1 9 ,b 4
w ith e q u a lity . w ith a d v a n ta g e .
W e w ill e x a m in e ll...© e 8 and
B23 ll...B e 8 . B2312

9.fid3 # B2311 ll....B e 8

T h is m o v e c o rre s p o n d s to th e In th e fir s t g a m e in w h ic h th is
s y s te m s 7 .e 4 f i g 7 8 .f i g 5 a6 11.... fie8 s e tu p o c c u r r e d , S o s o n k o - H u tc h -
9 . « d 2 b 5 a n d 6 .e 4 g6 7.f4 f ig 7 In th e g a m e G e n . T im o s c h e n k o - in g s. B a r c e lo n a 1 9 7 5 , th e r e fo l­
8 . f i b 5 4 )f d 7 9 . ? i O a 6 1 0 .f id 3 P ig u s o v , S v e rd lo v s k 1987 th e lo w e d 11 ...W b 6 ? l 1 2 .a4 ! c4
b 5 . T h e s im ila rity b e tw e e n th e se p o s itio n a f te r l l . .. 'S 'e 7 12,a3 1 3 . f i e 2 b 4 1 4,a5! ® c 7 15.<Sha4
s y s te m s is th e o b s tr u c tio n o f ® b d 7 w a s re a c h e d b y tra n s p o s i­ £sbd7 1 6 .B e l ® e4 1 7 .B c 4
B la c k ’s a c tiv ity o n th e q u e e n s id e , tio n . T h e re fo llo w e d 1 3 .2 e l ® e c 5 18. © c 5 ® c 5 1 9 .® d 4 w ith
b o th b y fix in g th e s tr u c tu r e a n d «3h5 1 4 .f i h 2 «1e5 1 5 .f ie 2 & f6 th e b e tte r g a m e f o r W h ite .
b y th e c r e a tio n o f th r e a ts in th e 1 6 . ® d 2 ( 1 6 .f ie 5 ! ? ) 16...g5 11...C41? d e se rv e s a tte n tio n :
c e n tre , th a n k s to W h ite ’s b e tte r 1 7 . B e l © f d 7 18 .b 4 c b 4 1 9 ,a b 4 1 2 .f ic 2 B e8 1 3 .B e l fib 7
d e v e lo p m e n t. £ )b 6 w ith c h a n c e s fo r b o th s id es. 14. B 'd 2 (1 4 .5 3 d 4 ? l b 4 1 5 .© a 4
12.«d2! ® d 5 ! 1 6 .ed 5 B e l 1 7 . * e l f i d 4
A ) 12.e5?l is p r e m a tu r e d u e to is d u b io u s ) 1 4 ...® b 6 15.b41?
W e w ill e x a m in e 1 2 ...f ib 7 ! 1 3 .f ie 4 ® d 7 1 4 .f ig 5 (S u b a a n a ly s e s 1 5 . f ie 3 ® c7
B 2 3 I ) 9 ,..f ig 7 f6 1 5.ef6 £>df6 1 6 .f i h 4 * d 7 1 6 .a3 ® b d 7 1 7 ,b 4 w ith a n u n ­
B 2 3 2 ) 9 ...f ig 4 17. B e l £ c7 1 8 .f i f 6 fif6 c le a r gam e) 1 5 ...c b 3 1 6 .a b 3

Theory Bl 35

5 jb d 7 1 7 . E a 2 , F o is o r-S u b a , R o ­ 16.®a4 ®bd7 5 id 7 16. B f e l . 1 3 .B a e l is a lso

m a n ia 1 9 8 7 , a n d n o w S u b a re c ­ 1 6 .. . E e 4 is w e a k e r d u e to p o s s ib le and a f te r 1 3 ...H e 8
o m m e n d s 1 7 ...B e c 8 !? 1 8 .£ ib l !7 ,S e 4 £ ie 4 1 8 .& b 6 B a7 14.a4?! le a d s to a n u n c le a r p o s i­
a5. 19. £ sa4 . tio n a f te r 14...b 4 1 5.5M 1 ® b d 7 !
12. E el 17.Scl! Be4 18.Be4 ®e4 1 6 .f id 6 c 4 1 7 . f i b l W a5 1 8 . £ e 3
S o m e tim e s th e p o s itio n a fte r 19.Sc4 5 iecS B a c 8 . H o w e v e r 14.e5!? lo o k s a t­
12 . a 3 is re a c h e d b y tr a n s p o s itio n : 19 .. .<Sbdc5 fa v o u rs W h ite a fte r tr a c tiv e .
T h e g a m e F o is o r-V u le v ic , G ijo n 2 0 . « b 6 ! ? B b 8 2 1 .£ > d 4 w ith th e 13.. .55e8 14,a4 b4 15.£dl
(r a p id ) 1 9 88 saw 1 2 ...c4 1 3 .iL c2 p la n 2 1 . .. f i d 7 2 2 .0 & f6 «3d7 16.We2
» b 6 I 4 . 1 ,e 3 » c 7 I 5 . # d 2 ® b d 7 2 3 .© c 6 !, a n d n o w 2 3 ....2 x 6 is 1 6 . B e 2 ? is w e a k e r -1 6 _fi.d4!
1 6 . B a c l © c 5 1 7 .5 id 4 A ,d 7 18,f3 im p o s s ib le b e c a u s e o f 2 4 .E c 5 !. 1 7 . W g3?! f i e 5 1 8 .f ie 3 fie 3
H a b 8 19. S fd 1 ?! b4! 2 0 .a b 4 3 b 4 20.&g5! 1 9 .B e 3 ( 1 9 . * e 3 W h 4 ) 1 9 ...4 )g 7
w ith a g o o d g a m e fo r B lack. In th e g a m e P . C ra m lin g -F ra n c o , w ith th e id e a ...g 5 , K a lla i-F o is o r,
In th e g a m e Y u rta e v -Y u d a s in , S e v ille 1988 (see Y B /1 1 ), th e re V al T h o r e n s 1 9 87. F o is o r a lso
S im fe ro p o l 1 988, th e p o s itio n a f­ fo llo w e d 2 0 ...'H 'a5 ? 2 1 .® c 5 d c5 a n a ly se s 17.4}e3 £ le 5 1 8 .ii.e 5
te r 1 2 . .. S a 7 1 3 .B e l o c c u r re d by 22.Wf3 w ith a d e c is iv e a d v a n ­ d e 5 1 9 .55c4 £ )d 6 w ith a s o m e ­
tr a n s p o s it io n o f m o v e s . T h e ta g e , b u t e v e n a f te r th e re la tiv e ly w h a t b e tte r g a m e fo r B lack .
gam e c o n tin u e d 1 3 ...S a e 7 b e tte r 20.. , f d 8 2 1 .£ ic 5 5 ic 5 A fte r b o th 17.g4 £>e5 1 8 . ^ 3 g5,
1 4 . » c 2 b 4 1 5 .a b 4 c b 4 1 6 .© a 4 2 2 .W O , W h ite s ta n d s w ell. a n d 1 7 .B e l ® e 5 1 8 . # g 3 £ )g 7
& d 7 1 7 .2 e 3 £ b 5 1 8 . £ d 2 <Sh5 1 9 .f ig 5 £ )h 5 !, B lack h a s a n e x ­
1 9 .& h 2 A h 6 2 0 . B e 2 f5 2 1 .£ s c 4 B232 c e lle n t p o s itio n .
fe4 2 2 .i5 ,e 4 b 3 w ith a s h a r p 16.. .a5
gam e. 9....fig4 # L eg k y -F . L e v in , N ik o la e v 1987
12.. .. ®b6!? c o n tin u e d 1 7 .f ic 4 B a 7 w ith a
L a te ly th is m o v e h a s b e e n seen c o m p lic a te d g am e.
m o re a n d m o re o fte n , b u t
12.. .C4!? is probably more accu­ O n e g ets th e im p r e s s io n th a t
ra te . p ra c tic e w ill p r o d u c e f u r th e r d e ­
13. a4! v e lo p m e n ts in th is v a r ia tio n .
13. a 3 is to o p a s s iv e - 1 3 ...4 5 b d 7
14. W d 2 c 4 15.-fi.c2 & c 5 .
13.. .C4 b4
V y z h m a n a v in - S te fa n s s o n ,
M o sc o w G M A O p e n 1 9 8 9 c o n ­
tin u e d 1 4 ...f ib 7 15.ab 5 ?! a b 5
1 6 . B a 8 f i a 8 1 7 .b 4 & a 6 1 8 .f ie 3 A s ta n d a r d m a n o e u v re . B lack,
« b 8 1 9 .1 f b l ® g 4 2 0 . f i d 2 5 je 5 w h o is lag g in g b e h in d in d e v e lo p ­ 7 .fif4 fig 7 #
21. ® e5 fie 5 2 2 .f t e 2 fib 7 m e n t, p in s h is o p p o n e n t’s d a n ­
2 3 .fic 3 fic 8 2 4 .W b 2 fid 7 g e ro u s k n ig h t a n d p la n s to e x ­
2 5 .4 ) d 4 w ith th e b e tte r c h a n c e s c h a n g e it fo r h is b is h o p .
f o r W h ite . 10.h3 fif3 11.S'13 fig7
V y z h m a n a v in re c o m m e n d s 1 1 .. .£> bd7?!, c a u s e s B la ck to fall
15. f ie 3 # d 8 1 6 .ab 5 © e4 f u r th e r b e h in d in d e v e lo p m e n t.
17. £se4 E e4 1 8 .0 c 2 fid 5 B ello n L o p e z -S u b a , B iel 1987,
1 9 . B a d l f i b 7 2 0 . f i c 4 w ith a d ­ c o n tin u e d 12.a 4 c 4 1 3 .f i e 2 E b 8
v a n ta g e f o r W h ite . 1 4 .ab 5 a b 5 15.0 -0 £ )e 5 a n d , as
15.a5 W c 7 S u b a d e m o n s tr a te d , W h ite c o u ld
I n te r e s tin g c o m p lic a tio n s de­ h a v e o b ta in e d th e a d v a n ta g e by
v e lo p e d in th e g a m e B ello n 16 . f ie 5 ! d e 5 1 7 ,H a 5 !
L o p e z -G il R e g u e ra , M onzon 1 2.0-0 ® h 5 1 3 .f ih 2 ® e 5 1 4 .f ie 5 8.*a4
1987 fr o m Y e arb o o k 11: d e 5 1 5 .& b 5 ! a b 5 1 6 .f ib 5 &e7 A) W h ite c an in s te a d c h o o se to
1 5 .. J M 8 1 6 .f t a 4 & e 4 1 7 .® b 6 17, d 6 is a ls o fa irly c o n v in c in g . tr a n s p o s e to th e N im z o w its c h
c 3 1 8 .b c3 B a 7 1 9 .cb 4 f i a l 12.0-0 0-0 13.Bfel k n ig h t t o u r v a r ia tio n w ith 8 .4 o d 2
20. # a l B ae7 2 1 .© d 4 fib 7 13. e5!? is p ro b le m a tic - 1 3 ...d e5 0 -0 9 .® c 4 . It is risk y fo r B lack to
2 2 . B e l B c 7 2 3 .f3 w ith c o m p e n ­ 14 . j£.c5 £ ib d 7 1 5 .f ih 2 o r v a ry w ith 8 ...4 lh 5 !? d u e to 9 ,W a 4
s a tio n . 1 3 .. .© h 5 1 4 .ed 6 6 f 4 1 5 .« f 4 * f 8 1 0 . f i e 3 a 6 1 l . « b 3 (1 l . » c 2 )

19 9
11 ...b 5 ] 2 .a 4 f5!? 13.g4!? c4 W h ite re p lie s 9 .e 4 5 jh 5 1 0 . 1 e 3 w h ic h w ill be d e a lt w ith
1 4 . 0 5 4 f4 1 5 .1 c 5 ! w ith th e b e t­ ■Sd7 l l . # c 2 a 6 1 2 .a4 H b 8 s e p a r a te ly in Y e a r b o o k 18.
te r g a m e fo r W h ite , A . P e tro s ia n - 1 3 .it.e 2 & h f6 1 4 .4 sd 2 £>e8 A fte r 9 ....2 x 8 ? ! th e s im p le 1 0.e4
P s a k h is , E re v a n 1988. 1 5.0- 0, Iv k o v -S a h o v ic , Z e m u n is b e s t, a n d 9 . .. 0 a 5 ? ! is d o u b tf u l
B) 8 .e3 w a s o fte n s e e n in th e 1980. b e c a u s e o f 1 0 .4 Jd 2 b 5 11.e 3 c4
fiftie s. T h e id e a is to tr a n s f e r th e C) 8 ...5 J b d 7 ? is a ls o q u e s ti o n ­1 2 .1 x 4 ! bc4 1 3 .& C 4 0a6
k n ig h t fr o m f3 to c4, e.g. 8 ...0 -0 a b le d u e to 9 . 1 d 6 0 b 6 1 0 .£ jb 5 14 .j6 .d 6 w in n in g , K re m e r -
9 . h 3 (B le im a n -B ro w n e , N e ta n y a a 6 11.e3 (A fte r 11.e 4 a p o s itio n B e z e m e r, A m s te r d a m OHRA
1 971, w itn e s s e d in te re s tin g c o m ­ fr o m C h a p te r I V a ria tio n B1 1986.
p lic a tio n s a f te r 9 . 1 c 4 ? ! © h 5 a ris e s ) l l . . . a b 5 12 .W a8 0 d 6 1 0 .e4
1 0 . jfe.g5 f6 U . l h 4 g5 12.<»d2! 1 3 .« c 8 & e7 1 4 .« b 7 c4 1 5 .0 b 5 A ) O f c o u rs e 1 0 . 1 d 6 ? is b a d -
g h 4 1 3 . 0 h 5 f5) 9 ...5 } a 6 1 0 . 1 c 4 c3 1 6.bc3 B b 8 1 7 . » c 6 0 a 3 1 0 .. . « d 6 1 1 . 0 b 7 0 b 6 1 2 . 0 a 8
(W h ite is in n o h u rr y to e x e c u te 18.d 6 & f8 1 9 .Jl.e2 , B e n ja m in - 0b2.
N im z o w its c h ’s k n ig h t t o u r sin c e K r a id m a n , J e r u s a le m 1986. B) I f 1 0 ,< ad2?! £ ih 5 l l . l g 5
1 0 . £ )d 2 © c 7 l l .£ i c 4 ? ! w o u ld b e 9.01)3 h 6 1 2 . 1 h 4 g5 1 3 . 1 g 3 <Shg3
a n s w e re d by 11.. b5 1 2 .4 id 6 b 4 . In c o n tr a s t to th e n o te to W h ite ’s 1 4 .hg3 a 6 , th e p o s itio n is r e m i­
T h is is w h y h e h a s to b o ls te r th e 1 0 th m o v e in C h a p t e r I V a ria ­ n is c e n t o f th o s e a r is in g fr o m th e
d e fe n c e o f th e d 5 p a w n ) 1 0 ...© c 7 tio n B l, th e m o v e 9 . 0 c 2 ? ! is il­ s y ste m 6.<£iD g6 7 . 1 g 5 . P la y c a n
11. a 4 a 6 ( l l . . . b 6 ? l is w e a k - lo g ic a l h e re . A fte r 9 ...0 0 10.e4 c o n tin u e 1 5 .a4 l f 5 1 6 .'S jc4 C id 7
1 2 .0- 0 S e 8 1 3 .B e l l f 5 ? ! 14.g4 ( 1 0 . 1 d 6 ? I f 5 ) 1 0 . ..» e 7 1 1 .1 x 2 1 7,a5 0 -0 1 8 . f i a 4 B a e 8 w ith a p ­
l c 8 1 5.e4 l a 6 16.53d2, L e rn e r- th e re is a p a r tin g o f th e w ays. p r o x im a te e q u a lity , S tu r u a -
A g z a m o v , T a s h k e n t 1983) 12.0-0 G a rc ia G o n z a le z -D a n n e r , T h e ­ E o lia n , E r e v a n 1 982.
Sb8 1 3 .a5 b 5 1 4 .ab 6 H b6 s s a lo n ik i O ly m p ia d 1 984, c o n ­ C ) B la ck s h o u ld a ls o fo llo w th e
1 5 .B a 2 <23h5 1 6 . 1 h 2 f5 w ith a p ­ tin u e d I l...b 5 1 2 .® b 5 53e4?! s a m e f o r m u la a f te r 1 0 x 3 1 ? 0 0
p r o x im a te ly e q u a l p lay . 1 3.0- 0 a 6 I4 .5 )c 3 S e 8 1 5 .H f e l 1 1 . 1 x 2 a 6 1 2 .a4 56h5 1 3 . 1 g 5 h 6
C ) 8 ,h 3 is s o m e tim e s tr i e d as «5c3 ( 1 5 . .. « f 6 1 6 .1 e 5 ! ) 1 6 . 1 d 3 1 4 .1 . h 4 g5 1 5 .iL g 3 . G o s s m a n n -
a n a lte r n a tiv e . P la y c a n c o n tin u e £ ie 2 ( 1 6 . .. 0 f 6 ? is b a d d u e to T a g e r, B R D 198 7 ; n o w s im p ly
8 . . .0 -0 9 .® d 2 5 )e 8 ( 9 . . . a h 5 1 7 .2 e 8 l e 8 1 8 .1 g 5 ) 1 7 .B e 2 1 5 .. .C ig3 1 6 .h g 3 l f 5 17 .4 J d 2
1 0 .i6 .h 2 f5 is a lso g o o d ) I 0 .£ )c 4 0 f 8 18.C ig5 w ith a d v a n ta g e fo r -2id7 g iv e s a g o o d g a m e .
<$jd7! 1 1 . 0 d 2 (ll.< & d 6 ? lo ses to W h ite . T h e a lte r n a tiv e 1 2 ...1 b 5 D ) T h e a tte m p t to im p r o v e o n
1 1 .. .£>d6 1 2 . 1 d 6 l c 3 1 3.bc3 1 3 . 1 b 5 £ )d 5 1 4 .1 g 3 0 b 7 ! is th e 8 ,h 3 p la n lo o k s d o u b tf u l -
W f6 ) 1 l...<Sjb6 12.e3 f5 w ith a lso in te re s tin g . 10 . h 3?! 0 -0 1 1 x 3 <Sa6 ( l l . . . a 6 ? l
e q u a lity , L u tik o v -S p a s s k y , In c lu s io n o f th e p re lim in a ry is w e a k e r a s W h ite r e p lie s 1 2 .a4
L e n in g r a d 1954. 1 1 .. . S e8!? is s tro n g e s t, e.g. ! J 5 1 3 .5 jd 2 , S h a m k o v ic h - L it-
H u la k p la y e d a s im ila r p la n as 1 2 .£ ld 2 (1 2 .e 5 ? is in s u ffic ie n t o n tle w o o d , R a m s g a te 1 984.
B lack a g a in s t B a rlo v , w ith th e in ­ a c c o u n t o f 1 2 ...d e5 1 3 . 1 e 5 l f 5 H o w e v e r ll...b 5 1 ? is in te r e s tin g ,
s e r tio n o f th e m o v e s 8 ...a 6 9 ,a 4 fo llo w e d by 4 ib d 7 ) a n d n o w e.g. 1 2 . 1 b 5 l b 5 1 3 .& b 5 0 a 5 )
0 -0 1 0 .e3 <Se8 (1 0 ...® h 5 ? ! 12 .. .b5 1 3.0-0 (1 3 .£ > b 5 is d a n ­ 1 2 .B d 2 (1 2 .1 e 2 ? ! b 5 !)
I l . l g 5 ! ) 1 1 .1 x 2 f t d 7 12.0-0 g e ro u s - 1 3 ...4 ie 4 1 4 .0 -0 £ )d 2 12 .. . B a b 8 (1 2 ... B f d 8 ? l is w e a k e r
S b 8 1 3 .B e l 0 e 7 14.e4 ® e 5 1 5 .0 d 2 0e2 1 6 .0 e 2 H e2 - 1 3 .B e l ! ? S a b 8 1 4 .a4 © b 4
15.<£he5 ( a f te r 1 5 .4 )d 2 w e h a v e a 17,4jc7 C ia6!) 1 3 ...a6 (1 3 ...b 4 ?! 1 5 . 1 e 2 a6?! 1 6 .0 -0 b 5 1 7 .a b 5
p o s itio n fr o m C h a p t e r IV w ith 14.& ib5!) 1 4 . 1 . 0 b 4 1 5 .& a 4 a b 5 1 8 ,C ice4 ! S ie 4 1 9 .£ te 4 I T S
an e x tr a m ove fo r B lack) ( 1 5 .© d l ? is b a d d u e to 15__fe.b5 20.£> c5! 0a5 2 1 .B a l 0b6
1 5 .. . 1 e 5 1 6 . 1 e 5 « e 5 1 7 . 0 0 2 1 6 .B e l £ )d 5 !) 1 5 . .. 1 b 5 1 6 .£ )b 6 2 2 .4 ie 6 ! , A. P e tr o s ia n - J .A .
£}f6 1 8 . 1 f l g5 1 9 .S a 3 a n d n o w I f l 1 7 .4 ta 8 l b 5 I 8 .® b 6 $3fd7! G u tie r r e z . T u n j a 1 9 8 7 ) 1 3 .a4
B lack s h o u ld p la y 1 9 ...2 c 8 ! in a n d B lack h a s th e b e tte r p ro s ­ ■Sb4 I 4 .£ ic 4 ® e 8 1 5 .S d l a 6
o r d e r to k e e p th e w h ite k n ig h t p e c ts, H e rz o g -K lin g e r, Z u g 1985. (1 5 ...f5 ) 1 6 .a5 l b 5 , a n d n o w th e
fr o m m o v in g a w a y fro m c3, a fte r T h e p o s itio n n o w re s e m b le s th e m is ta k e 17.<Sbb5?l a b 5 1 8 .£ ib 6
2 0 .a 5 b 5 2 1 .a b 6 B b 6 B lack h a s V a ria tio n A in C h a p t e r IV . H a 8 ! 1 9 . f ta 8 0 a 5 g a v e P e r-
a n e x c e lle n t g a m e . 9...0C7 e s tp k in a s tr o n g a tta c k a g a in s t
8...1d7 S o m e y e a rs a g o , th is m o v e w a s V e lic h k o in K a lin in g r a d 1 984.
A ) 8 . . . 0 0 7 ? is b a d b e c a u s e o f m a d e a u to m a tic a lly , b u t n o w a ­ 10... 0-0 #
9 . 0 d 7 & d 7 10.e4, a s w ell as d a y s a n in te n s iv e q u e s t fo r c o u n ­ 1 0 .. .© h 5 ! ? is in te r e s tin g . P la y
9 .1 d 6 0a4 1 0 .^ 8 4 -&d5 te rp la y is b e in g c o n d u c te d , c o n ­ m a y c o n tin u e 1 1 . 1 x 3 a 6 (W a h ls
11. 0- 0- 0 . n e c te d w ith a p a w n s a c rific e . T h e p la y e d 1 1 ...0 -0 1 2 .5 )d 2 i d 4 ? ! in
B) S .- .^ fS ? ! is d o u b tfu l as m o s t in te r e s tin g m o v e is 9 ...b 5 !? a s im u lta n e o u s e x h ib itio n a g a in s t

Theory Bl 35

K a s p a r o v in F r a n k f u r t 1 986, b u t C h e re m is in -V a s ilc h u k , M o sc o w 2 0 .e 6 f4 w ith a d v a n ta g e .

a f te r 1 3 .A e 2 A e 3 I 4 .f e 3 & g? 1959, a n d n o w 1 4 ...H fc 8 !? (a s in
1 5 .0 0 a 6 16 .e5! d e 5 1 7 ,® c e 4 b5 s y ste m w ith A d 3 a n d © g e 2 ) tr y ­
1 8 .H a d c 4 l i f e # & h 8 2 0 .W b 4 in g to b rin g th e k n ig h t to c5,
H d 8 2 1 .® d e 4 A f5 2 2 .* e l!
W h ite h a d a c ru s h in g a tta c k )
1 2 .a4 0 -0 1 3 .A e 2 A g 4 w ith
w o u ld b e v e ry in te re s tin g . T h e
g a m e c o u ld c o n tin u e 15.A.C4
A g 4 16 ,£ } d 2 Well (B y p re v e n t­
Variation B
tr a n s p o s it io n to a p o s itio n th a t in g th e m a n o e u v re Y f3 -d 2 -c 4 , 1 1.eS!? #
w e s h a ll d is c u s s b e lo w in V a ria ­ B lack s u c c e e d s in re g ro u p in g ) W h ite tr ie s to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f
tio n C 1. 17 . f3 A d 7 18.g4 A d 4 ! th e d is h a r m o n y in B la c k ’s c a m p ,
B ) l l . . . H e 8 is a lso p o s s ib le - b u t r e m e m b e r th a t W h ite h a s n o t
12.0-0 c4! 1 3 .A c 4 (B o le slav sk y c o m p le te d h is d e v e lo p m e n t.
c la im s e q u a lity a fte r 1 3 .® c 4
WcA 1 4 .A c 4 7c4, w h e th e r
W h ite c h o o se s 1 5 .® b 5 J?:.b5
1 6 .A b 5 H d8 1 7 .H f e l ftf6
18. H a d 1 52bd7 19.jS.d6 53b6
2 0 .A c 7 E d 5 , o r I S .H a e l A c 3 !
16. b c 3 £>a6 1 7 .A a 6 ba6)
1 3 .. .®)e4, P e re z -D o n n e r, W h itb y
1960, a n d n o w b o th 1 4 .H f e l
£ ic 5 a n d 1 4 ,fe b 5 A b 5 1 5 .A b 5
p o s itio n a f te r 1 0 ...0 -0 © d 7 le a d to a n e v e n g am e.
1 2 .a4 ® h 5 1 3 .A e 3 A g 4
T h is is th e c e n tra l p o s itio n o f th is 1 4 .® d 2 ® d 7 15.h 3 W e w ill lo o k a t B l ) 1 l...d e 5 a n d
v a r ia tio n . W h ite h a s lu re d th e T h e R o m a n ia n m a s te r M itite lu B 2) 1 l...H e 8 ! ?
b is h o p to d 7 , w ith c o n s e q u e n t g iv e s th e fo llo w in g v a ria tio n s :
d is lo c a tio n o f th e p ie c e s in A ) 15.f3 5Je5 1 6 .A e 2 (1 6 .fg 4 Bl
B la c k ’s c a m p . H o w e v e r th is h a s £ )d 3 1 7 . * e 2 43hf4 1 8 .& B f5 o r
b e e n a c h ie v e d a t th e c o st o f a 1 8 .. . .S h 6 , w ith th e b e tte r g a m e l l . . . d e 5 1 2 .A e 5 H e 8
s m a ll lag in W h ite ’s d e v e lo p ­ fo r B lack ) 1 6 ...A d 7 17,f4 (1 7 .0 -0 A ) 1 2 ...® c 8 ? l is in s u ffic ie n t
m e n t. W e w ill d is c u s s th e fo llo w ­ f5) 1 7 ..,® g 4 1 8 .A g 4 A g 4 19.h3 d u e to 1 3 .iL e2 A g 4 1 4 .0 -0 «Y 5?!
in g v a r ia tio n s : (1 9 .f5 ? gf5 2 0 .h 3 f4!) 1 9 ...A d 7 1 5 .# b 7 ® b d 7 1 6 .A d 6 H fe 8
A) ll.A d 3 w ith a s h a r p g am e. 1 7 .H f e l ® b 6 1 8 .H a d 1 f t f d 7 ,
•B) l l . e S l f B) 15 .$ )c 4 (1 5 .f4 A d 4 !) S h e rw in - K a n e , U S A 1 9 73, a n d
C) l l . l ,e 2 1 5 .. .® e 5 1 6 .© e 5 A e 5 w ith b e t­ n o w W h ite s h o u ld p la y 19.a4!
D ) 11. © d 2 te r p ro s p e c ts fo r B lack. B ) ^ . . . W h S le a d s to c o m p lic a ­
F o r re a s o n s o f s p a c e th is la s t C ) 15.0 -0 ® e 5 1 6 .A b l c4 tio n s a f te r 1 3 .A c 4 # 0 3 1 4 .ab 3
v a r ia tio n w ill a p p e a r in Y e a r­ 17. « a 3 A d 7 18.h3 f5! w ith a d ­ A g 4 1 5 .0 -0 A O 1 6 .g O 5 J b d 7
b o o k 18, a lo n g w ith C h a p te r s III v a n ta g e . 1 7 .A d 6 H fe 8 lS .H fe l a6
a n d IV . 1 5 ...© e 5 1 6 -S .fl A d 7 1 9 .A f l t h 5 , G a w e h n s -K a s p e rt,
1 6 .. .Jt.c8?! g iv e s W h ite a n edge K o ln 1981.
a f te r 17.g4 4 . f6 18.f4 7 e d 7 13.0-0-0
1 9 . £ ic 4 . In K a n k o -K e o g h , T e l-A v iv

Variation ft 17.g4
M itite lu a lso c o n s id e rs 17.f4
O ly m p ia d 1 9 64, w h e re 11.e5!?
w a s p la y e d fo r th e f ir s t tim e ,
<?Jg3 18.fe5 ( 1 8 .H g l ? is w o rs e - th e r e fo llo w e d 1 3 .A e 2 W bft
l l . A d 3 a6 18.. . 4 . f l 19. H f l c4 and 14,'STi6 a b 6 1 5 .0 -0 a n d n o w
A ) 1 l . , . ® a l is a n a lte rn a tiv e , 2 0 .. . ‘S3d3) 1 8 ...4 lh l 1 9 .ed 6 f d 6 15...<S2id5!? d e s e rv e d a tte n tio n .
e.g. 1 2 .0 -0 © h 5 (In S h o fm a n - w ith th e b e tte r g a m e fo r B lack. W e d b e rg p re fe rred 13...c4!
B ra z ilsk y , M o sc o w 1 957, th e firs t 17—fS! 1 4 .A c 7 c b 3 1 5 .5 ie 5 in h is g a m e
g a m e in th is v a r ia tio n , W h ite o b ­ B ein g a h e a d in d e v e lo p m e n t, a g a in s t A g d e ste in , O s lo 1984,
ta in e d an a d v a n ta g e a f te r B la ck h a s to p la y fo r th e i n itia ­ a n d n o w 1 5 ...b 5 16.a 3 £ )a 6 is
1 2 ...© b 4 1 3 .A e 2 £ )h 5 1 4 .A e 3 tiv e . H e is re a d y fo r 18.gh5 f4 c a lle d fo r, w ith in te r e s tin g p lay .
Jk g 4 15 .a3 4 )a 6 1 6 . E a c l H a c 8 19.hg6 hg6 2 0 .0 -0 -0 fe3 2 1 .fe3 A n o th e r id e a , s im ila r to th e g a m e
17 .h 3 ) 1 3 . i l e 3 H a b 8 1 4 .S f e l ! b5! a n d 1 8.f4 5 ig 3 19.fe5 £ i h l F o r in to s - P la c h e tk a (g iv e n be­

lo w ), has a ls o been seen: a llo w a n e x c h a n g e o n h 5 . T w o
1 3 .. .® c 8 1 4 .0 -0 a 6 15 ,a4 A g 4 e x a m p le s fo llo w
16. A g3 (1 6 .A f4 !? ) 1 6 ...® h 5 A ) 1 5 ...£ > d 7 !? 1 6 .0 -0 3 a b 8
1 7 . A c 4 A f 3 18.gf3 £ )g 3 19.hg3 1 7 .A h 5 g h 5 1 8 .W d l f51? 1 9.ef5
’(Mi 3 2 0 . 3 f e l <5td7 w ith a g o o d ( 1 9 .'B h 5 f4 is u n c le a r ) 1 9 ...S f 5
gam e, K iria k o v -V e re te n n ik o v , 2 0 . '® c2 B b f 8 w ith a p p r o x im a te
V o ro n e z h 1989. e q u a lity , F ilip -K Iu g e r, B u d a p e s t
13...Wc8 1 9 61.
1 3 .. . 5 e 5 ? fa ils to 14.d6 . B) 15...C4!? 1 6 .# b 4 5M 7
14. jLc4 iLg4 17. A h 5 gh5 1 8 .0 -0 3 f e 8 7 !
1 4 __15.AY 6 A f 6 1 6.d6 g iv e s 19 .A T 4 ® e5 2 0 .A e 5 ! 7 A e5
a n a d v a n ta g e to W h ite a c c o rd in g T h is m o v e le a d s o n e to q u e s tio n 2 1 . C le2 a n d W h ite ’s c h a n c e s a re
to H a rd ic s a y . th e v a lu e o f th e "’e x tra m o v e s ” b e tte r , C h r is tia n s e n - G r e f e , L o n e
15. d6 Af3 # b 3 a n d A d 7 , c o m p a re d to th e P in e 1 981. 1 8 ..T 5!? w o u ld h a v e
H a r d ic s a y g iv e s a s a p o s s ib le n o rm a l v a r ia tio n s in th e m a in b e e n s tro n g e r, w ith a n u n c le a r
c o n tin u a tio n 1 6 .A f 6 A di lin e w h e n A g 4 is p la y e d . V ery gam e.
1 7 .A f 7 *h8 1 8 .A g 7 & g7 o fte n it h a s in d e p e n d e n t m e a n ­ 16,e51?
1 9 .B d l B f8 2 0 ,A e 6 £ id 7 ing. K a u n a s - Z a ic h ik , K la ip e d a 1 9 8 0 ,
2 1.< S d5 w ith th e b e tte r g a m e . W e w ill d is c u s s : C l ) ll...a 6 ? l , c o n tin u e d 16.g4 h 6 1 7 .0 -0 ® b d 7
C 2) l l . . . a h 5 an d C 3) ll...b 5 1 8 . A g 2 w ith a f r e e r g a m e f o r
B2 W h ite .
Cl 16...deS I7.d6
1 1 .. .B e 8 !? In S aeed S a e ed -Y u su p o v ,
1 1 .. .£ > h5!? is in te re s tin g , e.g. 11. ..a6 A m s te r d a m O H R A 1 9 8 2 , W h ite
12. e d 6 3 e 8 1 3 .A e 3 ( 1 3 .A e 2 ? F o r a lo n g tim e 1 2 .a4 ( C l 1) w as p r e f e r r e d to m a in ta in h is b in d
fa ils to 1 3 ...A c 3 ! 1 4 . * c 3 B e 2 ) c o n s id e re d to b e a n o b lig a to ry r a th e r t h a n s a c rif ic e a p a w n , i.e.
1 3 .. . # a 5 1 4 .A e 2 (1 4 .£ jd 2 ? ! f5 a n s w e r, b u t 12,e5! ( C l 2) is a c tu ­ 1 7 .0 -0 Sbd7 1 8 .H f d l «d6
1 5 .® c 4 « b 4 ! 1 6 .A e 2 f4 ) 14...bS ally s tro n g e r. 19. « b 7 B f c 8 2 0 .A e 2 e 4 2 1 . « b 3
( 1 4 ...A a 4 ! ? is te m p tin g ) 15.0-0 A f 8 2 2 .a 5 W e5 w ith c o m p lic a te d
c4 16 .’®’c2 b 4 17.<S3e4 A f5 C l l *1 p lay .
18 .4 if d 2 c 3 1 9 .A h 5 c d 2 2 0 .A f 3 17„.«d6
£ id 7 w ith b e tte r p la y fo r B lack. 12. a4 <&h5 In D o lm a to v - R a s h k o v s k y ,
12.Ae2 T h is p o s itio n c a n a ls o a ris e a f te r K is lo v o d s k 1 9 82, W h ite c o l­
U b ila v a -B a s in , T b ilis i 198 3 , saw th e tr a n s p o s it io n 1 0 ...£ lh 5 !? le c te d tw o ro o k s f o r h is q u e e n
th e u n s u c c e s s fu l 1 2 .0 -0 -0 <£)h5 1 l . A e 3 a 6 1 2 .a4 0 -0 1 3 .A e 2 . w ith 1 8 . # b 7 ® d 7 1 9 . S d l # e 6
13 . e d 6 # a 5 1 4 ,A d 2 ®Sa6 I5 .a 3 H o w e v e r 1 2 ...A g 4 !? w o u ld be 2 0 . ' i ,a 8 S a 8 2 1 .A a 8 w ith a n u n ­
3 a b 8 1 6 .4 fb 5 W b 6 1 7 .A c 4 A b 5 g o o d , tr a n s p o s in g to a p o s itio n c le a r g a m e .
1 8 .A b 5 c4! 1 9 .A c 4 w h e n a fte r fro m th e m a in lin e w ith th e e x tra
1 9 .. . B e c 8 ! 2 0 .A c 3 A c 3 2 1 .b c 3 m o v e s W b 3 a n d Wc7. T h is is C12
W d 6 , B lack h a d th e a d v a n ta g e . r a th e r to B la c k ’s a d v a n ta g e , s in c e
12.. .£)h5 13.Ae3 de5 th e q u e e n is n o t v e ry w ell p la c e d 12.eS! #
G a r c ia M a r tm e z - K a s p a r o v , B ak u o n b 3 . L u t ik o v -S u e tin , M o sc o w
1 9 8 0 , c o n tin u e d 1 4.0-0 0 b 6 1958, c o n tin u e d 1 3 .0 -0 <£ibd7
1 5.£ > d 2 a f 4 1 6 .A c 4 (1 6 .A f3 !? ) (1 3 ...B e 8 7 ! is d o u b tf u l b e c a u s e
1 6 .. . a a 6 a n d n o w 1 7 .C )d e4 f5 o f 14.e5! d e 5 1 5 .A e 5 H e5
1 8 .* b 6 ab6 19.<Sd6 B eb8 1 6 .$ je 5 A e 2 1 7 .d 6 W d 6 1 8 .& f7
2 0 . 3 f e l , w ith a n in itia tiv e fo r c 4 19 ,v id 6 , S z e ll-O ls so n , O s lo
th e s a c rif ic e d p a w n , d e s e rv e d a t ­ 1984) 1 4 .E f e l A n l S . A n 3 f e 8
te n tio n . 1 6 .# c 2 c4! 1 7 .A e 2 H ac8
1 8 .S a d i «b8 1 9.a5 Wc7
2 0 .A g 3 a n d n o w 2 0 ...® e 5 s h o u ld
fo llo w , w ith a g o o d g a m e .

Variation C 13. Ae3

15.Af3 ®f6?!

It is te m p tin g fo r B la c k to tr y to
14.h3 Af3
A c o m p a r is o n su g g e s ts i ts e lf w ith
V a r ia tio n B a b o v e w h e r e A e 2
ll.A e 2 # c o m p le te h is d e v e l o p m e n t a n d a n d a 6 h a d n o t b e e n p la y e d .

Theory Bl 35

12.. .de5 tio n . P la y c o n tin u e d 1 5 .a4 <Sbd7 tio n s : C 2 1 ) 1 2 ...a6 (in o r d e r to

12 .. .<2ih5!? le a d s t o ' a c o m p le x 1 6 .itg 3 B e8 1 7 .B f e l ® e4 tr a n s p o s e to V a r ia tio n C l l a fte r
g a m e w ith b e tte r c h a n c e s fo r 1 8 .& e 4 B e4 I 9 . i d l ^ ,f3 13 .a 4 ) a n d C 2 2 ) 1 2 ...Jlg 4 .
W h ite - 1 3 ,e d 6 ® c 8 (1 3 ...'S 'a 5 is 2 0 .A f 3 . N o w B la ck s h o u ld p ic k
d o u b tf u l d u e to 1 4 .ik d 2 ® b 4 u p a p a w n w ith 2 0 ...S b 4 , a l­ C21
1 5 .0 - 0 , le a d in g to n o te A a t th o u g h W h ite w ill h a v e c o m p e n ­
B la c k ’s 1 0 th m o v e in C h a p t e r 1, s a tio n in v ie w o f th e p a ir o f 12.. .a6
V a r ia tio n B l 1) 1 4 . J , e 3 b 5 15.a4! b is h o p s s u p p o rtin g h is p a ss e d B e s id e s 13 .a4 , W h ite c a n a lso a l­
( O v c h in n ik o v -G r o k h o to v , J a r- p a w n o n d6 . lo w b 7 -b 5 , h o p in g to d e s tr o y
o s la v l 1 9 7 5 , c o n tin u e d 15.0 -0 c4 16 . A f4 ! 2 e 8 1 7 .B f e l 5Je4?! B la c k ’s p a w n c h a in in th e fu tu re .
16. * d l a n d n o w 1 6...$.if6 17.a3 18 . ® g 5 is m o re p re c ise . N o w 1 2 .. , © a 6 is c o n tro v e rs ia l sin ce
A g 4 w a s a d v is a b le , w ith a n u n ­ D a m lja n o v ic re m a in e d a p a w n W h ite c a n p la y 1 3 .,S d 2 B b 8
c le a r g a m e ) 1 5 ...b 4 (1 5 ...c 4 is a lso u p a g a in s t M a r tin o v ic , V rn ja c k a ( 1 3,..f5?! 1 4.ef5 gf5 1 5 .A h 5 f4
in s u f f ic ie n t - lh .tta S ba4 B a n ja 1984, a f te r 18 ...c4 1 9 .A c 4 1 6 .0 - 0 fe3 1 7.fe3 5 tb 4 ?!
17 . f t d 2 A b5 18. B e l ® d7 5 td c 5 2 0 .'B ’a 3 # f 5 2 1 .® g e 4 ® e 4 1 8 .‘S c e 4 ! w ith a d v a n ta g e , P o r-
1 9 .® c 4 f5 2 0 . a b 5 a b 5 2 1 . £ b 6 22„£e3 ftc 3 2 3 .b c 3 B ac8 tis c h -L a rs e n , S a n A n to n io 1 972)
w ith a n o v e rw h e lm in g a d v a n ­ 2 4 .® b 3 b 5 2 5 .a b 5 a b 5 2 6 .± b 5 . ! 4 .a 4 & b 4 15.£>b5 A b 5 1 6 .ab 5
ta g e , H y b l-N y m a n , c o rr. 1970) D a m lja n o v ic c o n s id e rs a 6 1 7 .0 -0 a b 5 18..4,b5 f5 19,ef5
16.<&84 f5 1 7 .& e g 5 f4 1 8 .A d 2 1 7 ...© h 5 !? 1 8 .A e 3 ® e 5 1 9 .® e 5 gf5 20.5_.f3, C h ere p k o v -A g a p o v ,
B e 8 1 9 .B e l i h S 2 0 .© e 6 w ith a Ae5 2 0 ..4 x 4 ! A d 6 2 1 .a 5 to giv e L e n in g r a d 1987.
d if f ic u lt p o s itio n , K aunas- a s o m e w h a t b e tte r g a m e fo r 13.5td2
P e s h in a , K la ip e d a 1980. W h ite . 1 3 .0 - 0 is a n o th e r p o s s ib ility , e.g.
13.iLe5 14.. .1T6 15.fte4 Ag7 A ) 1 3__fiLg4?!, tr a n s p o s in g to
13.<5ie5! s h o u ld b e ta k e n in to se ­ 16. B cl S.f5 17.®d6! V a r ia tio n C 2 2 w ith th e r a th e r
r io u s c o n s id e r a tio n . T h e re m a y 17. B c5? ® d 8 1 8 .£ g 3 £ )d 7 u s ele ss e x tr a m o v e a 6 is d o u b tfu l.
fo llo w : 1 9 . B c 4 b 5 2 0 . E c 6 » a 5 , G u d i- W h ite re p lie s 1 4 .h 3 .4 ,0 1 5 . 4 , 0
A ) 1 3 ...® e 4 ? ! is d a n g e r o u s K a p u , B u d a p e s t 1975, is b e tte r <Bd7 1 6 .A h 5 gh5 1 7 .® e 2
n o w b e c a u s e o f 14. <Sig6!, a s is fo r B lack. (1 7 .W d l? ! is w e a k e r - 17..T5
1 3 .. . 5 e 8 ? ! b e c a u s e o f 14,d6! # a 5 A lso 1 7 . « c 5 B e 8 1 8 .# b 7 » b 7 18.f4 B a e 8 1 9.e5 d e 5 2 0 .d 6 ® c 6
(1 4 ...W d 6 ? ? 15.W f7 & h8 1 9 .£ ib 7 A b 2 20 . B c 7 ( 2 0 . « d 6 2 1 .fe 5 , T a ta i- C a s tr o , M a n ila
1 6 .4 .g 6 ) 1 5 .# 1 7 & h 8 16.0-0. E d 8 ) 2 0 ...A d 3 2 1 .® g l A.e5! 1 973, a n d i f 2 1 ...& e 5 2 2 .W h 5
B) I n M ira lle s -S e re t, F r a n c e 2 2 .d 6 J . e 4 g iv e s B lack th e a d ­ 4 , d 4 a n d B lack is fin e ) 1 7 ...E a e 8
1 9 8 6 , B la ck a tte m p te d to c o m p li­ v a n ta g e , a c c o rd in g to H a rd ic s a y . 18 ,f3 # 6 6 1 9 . » c 2 f5 2 0 .5 T 4 !
c a te th e b a ttle w ith 1 3 ...® h 5 17.. MA7 w ith a d v a n ta g e f o r W h ite , T a r-
1 4 .& d 7 © f4 15.'- fS £>g2 F e ls h e ri-S o m o g y i, B udapest ja n - F is c h d ic k , L o n d o n 1983.
( 1 5 . .. J l c 3 is b a d d u e to 1 6 .® c 3 1 975, c o n tin u e d 1 8 .4 tf5 * f 5 B) S o s o n k o -V a siu k o v , R e y k ­
#e7 1 7 .® e 6 !) 16.<tfefl ^ f4 1 9.00 f t d 7 2 0 .J ,d 3 Wf6 2 1 . « b 7 ja v ik 1 9 8 0 , c o n tin u e d 1 3 ...b5
1 7 .i t f 3 B a 7 18.52e6! w ith a n im ­ B fd S 2 2 .b 3 t d 6 2 3 ,A c 4 w ith 14 . a 4 b 4 (1 4 ...b a 4 !? is m o re a c c u ­
p re s s iv e a d v a n ta g e . th e b e tte r g a m e fo r W h ite . r a te , e.g. 1 5 .£ ta 4 E a 7 ) 1 5 .4 lb l
C ) 13...C4 1 4 ,# c 4 W a5 15.0-0 A g 4 1 6 .& b d 2 ® d 7 1 7 ,h 3 4 , 0
b5 1 6 .b4! is to W h ite ’s a d v a n ­ C2 1 8 .4 .0 , a n d now 1 8 ...® e 5 !?
ta g e , H e r m iz - S a n ta m a r ia , D u b a i 19 . 4 h 5 g h 5 2 0 .f4 c4!? s h o u ld fo l­
O ly m p ia d 1986. 11...5th5 12.J,e3 # low .
13.. .®c8! 13.. .b5 14.a4
1 4 .0 - 0 A g 4 is a n a lte r n a tiv e , e.g. R ib li-L ju b o je v ic , T ilb u rg 1984,
A ) P o r tis c h -F is c h e r, P a lm a d e w a s d ra w n a f te r 14 .0 -0 B a 7
M a llo rc a 1 970, h a s d ra w n c o n ­ 15. B a d Bb7 1 6 .S fe l « f6
s id e r a b le a tte n tio n fr o m c o m ­ 1 7 .h 3 B e 8 1 8 .W c2 b 4 .
m e n ta to r s : 1 5.h3 i f 3 16.A .f3 14.. .ba4 15.5.a4 Ba7
® b d 7 1 7 .A d 6 B e 8 1 8 .a4 © e 5 1 5 .. .4 ,b 5 !? is in te re s tin g .
1 9 .A e 5 B e 5 a n d n o w Magyar N o g u e ira s - G a rc ia M a r tin e z ,
Sakkelet r e c o m m e n d s 2 0 .d 6 S b 8 H a v a n a 1 9 83, u n e x p e c te d ly e n ­
2 1 .a 5 w ith a fin e g a m e . d e d in a d r a w a f te r 1 6 .4 ,b 5 ab 5
B ) T h is p o s itio n a ls o o c c u rre d 1 7 .W b 5 f5 1 8.ef5 gf5 I 9 . « c 4 f4
in F o r in to s - P la c h e tk a , 2 0 .4 ,d 2 # e 7 2 1 . * d l .
K ir o v a k a n 1 9 7 8 , b y tra n s p o s i­ T h e r e a re n o w tw o m a in v a r ia ­ 16.3 h5 gh5

V a g a n ia n -E rm e n k o v , G r a z 1 972, 21. £ ld6 and now 21 6
...# d C3
c o n tin u e d 1 7.0-0 Jk b 5 1 8 .I I l e i 22. 2
Jk.f 3 a c 8 is n e c e s sa ry .
£ )d 7 1 9 .f4 H e 8 2 0 . * h l E b 7 B) S te a n -P . C ra m lin g , B erg sjo ll...b 5 #
2 1 ,’H 'd l 4 lf6 a n d B lack h a d th e 198 1 . w e n t 16.Jk.f4 a 6 1 7.a4B e s id e s th is r a t h e r r a d ic a l m e th ­
in itia tiv e . 2 fe 8 1 8 .2 fe l S a b 8 1 9 .a5 £ ie 5 o d o f re s o lv in g th e o p e n in g p r o b ­
20.. fi,e2 5 J fd 7 2 1 . # c 2 c 4 2 2 .J ,g 3 le m s , B lack c a n tr y s o m e o th e r
g5 w ith e q u a l c h a n c e s. m o v e s:
C22 C ) 16 .‘5bb5!? is in te re s tin g . A ) l l . . . £ i a 6 ? ! 1 2 .0 -0 S f c 8
P la y can c o n tin u e 1 6 . ..# b 81 3 . C id 2 £ )e 8 , S a k h a r o v - G u f e ld ,
12.. .Ag4 13.h 3 8 6
1 7 . Jk.f4 $ J e 1 8.a4 a (In In k io v - S o v ie t C h a m p io n s h ip , K ie v
T h e tr a n s p o s itio n 1 3 .0 -0 C ld7 K r is tia n s e n , G ro n in g e n 1 9 7 5 /7 6 , 1 9 5 8 , is in a d e q u a te b e c a u s e o f
1 4 .h 3 Jk,f3 15.Jk.f3 e n a b le s B lack th e re fo llo w e d 18 ...b6?! 1 9 .S ja 3 14. a 4 ® b 4 1 5 .£ ,c 4 b 6 1 6 . 2 f d l
to p la y 15...< S hf6, a v o id in g th e f i e 5 2 0 .il.e 2 f5 2 1 .ef5 a 6 17.e5! w ith a d v a n ta g e fo r
H f5
e x c h a n g e o n h5. 2 2 .A e 3 » c 7 2 3 ,f4 £ ld 7 2 4 .fi.g 4 W h ite .
1 3 .. . J . B 1 4 .A f 3 &A1 w ith a d v a n ta g e fo r W h ite ) B) 1 l...f i.g 4 1 2 .0 -0 a 6 is V a r ia ­
14...<Sbf6? is w ro n g - 15.e5! d e 5 1 9 .© a 3 «c7 20.Jk.e2 Hb8 tio n C l . P e tr o s ia n - N ie v e r g e lt,
1 6 .d 6 W d 6 1 7 .H d l ( 21. #02 a n d W h ite w a s s lig h tly M iin c h e n 1 9 58, c o n tin u e d
« Jc6 ) 17...#e7 1 8 .# b 7 b e tte r in G a rc ia 1 2 .5 jb 5 ? ! # a 5 1 3 .® d 2 c 4 ( P e tr o ­
G o n z a le z -
(1 8 .A b 7 ? ! c4!) 1 8 ...< ab d 7 V e lim iro v ic , M o sc o w In te rz o n a l s ia n c o n s id e r s th e g a m e to b e u n ­
1 9 .® d 5 £>d5 2 0 . 2 d 5 B ad8 1982. c le a r a f te r 13...Jk,e2!? 1 4 .‘& e 2 a 6
2 1 .0 -0 i f 6 22M'a7, H ja rta rs o n - 15.. .gh5 16.#c2!? 15. f t d 6 b 5 ) 1 4 .# c 4 2 c 8 1 5 .# d 3
S ig u r jo n s s o n , R e y k ja v ik 1984. 16.0 -0 la c k s p re c is io n a n d is w ell Jk.e2 1 6 . # e 2 Cse4 1 7 .0 -0 £ J d 2
15.Jk.h5!? # a n s w e re d b y 16 ...f5! 17.ef5 H f5 1 8 .fi.d 2 #a6 1 9 .fib 4 C id 7
1 . H adl (B. V la d im iro v - Il- 2 0 . f i d 6 4 T 6 2 1 .a 4 a n d n o w
iv its k y , L e n in g r a d 1 958, c o n ­ 2 1 ...5 id 5 w o u ld h a v e le d to
tin u e d 1 8 .0 c 2 ? ! B a f 1 9 .H a d l e q u a lity .
®b 6 2 0 . # b 3 W a 21.'SJe4 W g 6 C ) 11... 2 e 8 1 2 .® d 2 le a d s to
22. a4 S O 1 w ith a d v a n ta g e fo r V a r ia tio n D 1 (see Y e a r b o o k 18).
B la ck ) 1 8 ...S a f 8 w ith a g o o d
g a m e th a n k s to th e w e a k p a w n
on d5.
16.. .Hae8
1 6 .. . 5 f e 8 ? ! is in s u ffic ie n t. W h ite
s h o u ld re p ly 1 7.0-0 5 Je5 1 8 .■Sbe2!
h4 19.<Sbd4! w ith a d v a n ta g e ,
T h e m o s t p rin c ip le d d e c is io n . G a p r in d a s h v ili- L itin s k a y a , So­
1 5 .0 -0 5 ih f 6 m o s tly le a d s to p o s i­ v ie t C h a m p io n s h ip , V iln iu s
tio n s fr o m th e s y ste m w ith Jk.g4 1983.
in w h ic h th e W h ite q u e e n o n b 3 X7.0-0 a6 18.a4 4 e5!?
is s o m e w h a t a w k w a rd ly p la c e d . T im m a n - L ju b o je v tc , A m s te r d a m
F o r in s ta n c e , 1 6 .a4 a 6 17.Jk.e2 IB M 1 972, c o n tin u e d 1 8 ...# d 8 p o s itio n a f te r 11 ...b 5
B f e 8 1 8 . # c 2 c 4 is a t r a n s p o s i­ 08
( 1 8 . . . # !? is in te re s tin g ) 19.a5
tio n to th e m a in lin e , a n d in Sa- 8
■i?h 20. H a 4 # c 8 2 1 .£ > d l? ! b5 B la ck tr ie s to u s e h is le a d in d e ­
lo v -P s a k h is , M o sc o w 1986, 2 2 .a b 6 © b 6 2 3 . S a 2 f5 2 4 . 0 b 3 v e lo p m e n t. W h ite has C 31)
W h ite ch o se 1 7,a5 H fb 8 !? # b 7 2 5 .e f5 S f 5 2 6 .© c 3 fi,d4! 12.e5?! a n d C 3 2 ) 1 2 .f ib 5 .
1 8 . S a 2 b 5 1 9 .a b 6 H b 6 2 0 . # c 2 a n d e v e n a f te r 21 . # e 2 f5 2 2 . # h 5
5 Je8 2 L .fi.e 2 w h e n 2 1 ...# b 7 < ? f4. B la ck w ill h a v e e n o u g h c o m ­ C31
w o u ld h a v e g iv e n e x c e lle n t p lay . p e n s a tio n .
H o w e v e r W h ite m a y try to ta k e 19.f4 12.e5?!
a d v a n ta g e o f th e fa c t th a t a 6 a n d A n in te re s tin g g a m e w o u ld d e ­ T h i s id e a r u n s th r o u g h a ll th e
a 4 h a v e n o t b e e n p la y e d y e t in v e lo p a f te r 19 -<Sbe2 f5!? 2 0 .e f5 lin e s o f C h a p t e r II.
th e fo llo w in g m a n n e r: #T7. A ) 12.5 k b 5 ?! g iv e s e q u a lity a f­
A ) Y u rk o v -A r s e n ie v , M o sc o w 19.. .<$Jc4 t e r 1 2 . .. f ib 5 1 3 . f i b 5 £>e4 1 4 .0 -0
1 9 7 1 , c o n tin u e d 1 6 .jl,e 2 H fe 8 N o w 20.Jk.f2 # a 5 is a p o s s ib ility , & d 7 1 5 . # a 4 (1 5 .W c 2 ? l © e f 6
1 7 . # c 2 a 6 1 8 .a4 S e 7 19.f4?! fo r in s ta n c e 21 . B a d 4 )b 2 !? 16. S a d i H ab8 1 7 . f ic 6 £ ih 5
(1 9 . H f e l ) 1 9 ...£ ie 4 !? 2 0 .4 le 4 f5 2 2 . # b 2 2 e 4 w ith c o m p e n s a tio n . 1 8 .f ic l C ic 5 , A n ik a e v - G a r c ia

Theory 81 35

M a r tin e z , S o c h i 1 9 7 4 ) 1 5 ...f|)g fS E re v a n 1987. c o m f o r ta b le g am e.

1 6 .il.d 7 © d7 1 7 ,% c 6 *c6 15.©dl ®b6 14..,Wb5 lS.'SbS y b5
18. d c 6 © e5 1 9 .H a d l E fc8 1 5 ...b 4 le a d s to c o m p lic a tio n s : 16.5X6 ld3!?
2 0 .B d 6 © c6 21. H b 1 a5, 16 .a4! (N o t 1 6 .1 e 3 ? © f4 !, S ta r- H a a g ’s m o v e! 1 6 . .. 1 a 6 is w o rse
Z a ic h ik - P a n c z y k , P o la n ic a Z d ro j c k -S tra til, B e rlin 1985) 16...iL c8 because of 1 7 .0 -0 -0 5X 7
19 84. 1 7 .1 x 3 la 6 1 8 .1 c 4 2e4 ( 1 7 ...B d 8 , a s p la y e d iri B e rto ld -
B ) 1 2 .® d 2 !? is in te re s tin g , e.g. 1 9 .© d 2 lc 4 2 0 .5 X 4 #a6 F e u e rs te in , R e y k ja v ik 1 9 5 7 , is
1 2 .. .b 4 (1 2 ,..a6 ? ! 1 3 .a4 ba4 S i . H c l 5 f4, A g z a m o v -M a g e r- w e a k b e c a u s e o f H a r d ic s a y ’s
1 4 .4 3 a4 A a 4 1 5 .'8 'a 4 ! is in s u ffi­ ra m o v , C h e lia b in s k 1981. 1 8 .it.f4 ! 5 X 7 1 9 . 5 x 4 5 X 6 2 0 .d 6
c ie n t) 1 3 . ® d l H e 8 ( 1 3 „ .a 6 ? ! is 16.1e3 ®a5 © a 4 2 1 .b 3 5 X 3 2 2 .5 X 3 l c 3
w e a k d u e to 1 4 .a4 b a 3 1 3.'i4'a3 N ow , s in c e 17.53d2? 5 ja 6 ! 2 3 . 1 e 5 ! ) 1 8 . E h e l ( 1 8 .5 X 4 l e 2
5 e 8 16.&C3 H a 7 17 .W a5 !, F o r- 1 8 . 1 h 5 c4 is b a d fo r W h ite . 1 9 .B d e l lc 4 2 0 .5 X 3 Jz.c3
in to s - P la n in c , W ijk a a n Zee (Z a id -G o fs te in , K ie v 1976) 2 1 . 1 c 3 l d 5 , Z a id - K . G rig o r ia n ,
19 7 4 ) 1 4 . 0 ® h 5 1 5 .1 ,e 3 , P ytel- W h ite h a s to re p e a t m o v e s. R o s to v 1 9 76, is e q u a l) 1 8 ...E a b 8
B o n n e , N ic e O ly m p ia d 1974. a n d 19. H e7 ( 1 9 .1 c 3 ! ? ) 1 9 . .. 1 b 2
n o w 15 ...f5 !? 16.ef5 gf5 le a d s to C32 20.&C2 5X 6 2 1 .1 h 6 A g7
a n u n c le a r p o s tio n . 2 2 . 1 g 7 4*g7 2 3 .5 X 5 w ith th e
H a r d ic s a y ’s 12...C4!? n e e d s p ra c ­ 12.1b5 5X4 13.©e4 » a 5 # b e tte r g a m e f o r W h ite .
tic a l te s tin g : 13.'H!b 4 (1 3 .£ )b 5 ? ! 17.0-0-0
1 4 . « c 4 H c 8 15 ,W d 3 5 ie 4 !) 1 7 .1 c 3 l c 3 1 8.bc3 B d 8 is in ­
1 3 .. . ® a 6 ( 1 3 ...a5 !? ) 1 4 ,® d 6 W b 7 su ffic ie n t.
1 5 . 1 g 5 ® e 8 1 6 . ^ 3 b 4 w ith b e t­ 17.. .51a6 18.1e3
t e r p la y f o r B lack . T h e r e is n o a d v a n ta g e in 1 8 . 1 f 4
12.. .6h5! ( 1 8 . 1 c 3 ? I h 6 ) 1 8 ...5 X 4 ! 1 9.a3
1 2 .. .d e5 ? l is w e a k e r - 1 3 .1 x 5 5X 5.
# a 5 (I n O n a t- P r itc h e tt, S k o p je 18.. .C4
O ly m p ia d 1972, W h ite o b ta in e d A fte r 1 9 .b3 th e r e is 19...cb3!
an a d v a n ta g e a f te r 13...c4 2 0 , a b 3 5 b 4 w ith s u ffic ie n t c o u n ­
M .'H 'd l «a5 1 5 ,W d 4 «e8 te rp la y (H a rd ic s a y ).
1 6 . 1 g 7 © g7 1 7 .0 -0 W b 6 1 8.a4
b 4 1 9 .© e 4 f5 2 0 .© c 5 ) 1 4 .0 0 b 4 14.1d2
1 5 .1 f 6 ! If6 1 6 .© e 4 lg 7 A ) V a g a n ia n -K o re lo v , M in sk (to b e c o n tin u e d )
17. H a d la 4 1 8 .# e 3 A b2 1978, c o n tin u e d 14.53fd2?! I b 5
19. H c5, T o th -V a le n ti, R om e 1 5 .5 X 6 la 6 1 6 .0 -0 -0 5X 7
19 76. 17. © 2 c4 Sd8 1 8 Jfa 3 lc 4
13.ed6 * a 5 14.1d2 1 9 .5 X 4 ® f 6 2 0 . 1 g 3 ( 2 0 . 1 d 6 ?
B la ck h a s n o p ro b le m s a fte r
1 4 .1 x 3 ? ! c 4 1 S .W d 1 (T a ta i re c ­
5 X 6 2 1 .1 f 8 5X 4 2 2 .1 g 7 « f 4 )
2 0 .. .5 X 6 2 1 .5 X 5 c 4 2 2 .H h e l
Study Material
o m m e n d s 1 5 .# 0 2 l f 5 1 6 . # c l ^ ’f5 w ith c o m p e n s a tio n .
b 4 1 7 . © d l c3 1 8 . 1 d 4 Wd5 B ) 1 4 .5 X 3 !? I b 5 15.0-0-0!?
19. b c 3 , but a f te r 19...'B 'd6 d e s e rv e s c o n s id e ra tio n .
2 0 . © e 3 © f 4 2 1 .© f 5 gf5 B lack In A n a s ta s ia n - M in a s ia n , E re v a n
h a s th e in itia tiv e ) 15...ta4 16.<2x4 1 987, a f te r 1 5 . .. 1 d 7 1 6 .5 X 2 !
H e 8 ! ( 1 6 . . . 1 b 2 is less g o o d d u e (1 6 ,ld 6 H c8 is u n c le a r)
to 17.0-0! la l 1 8 .W a l c3 1 6 .. .5 )a 6 1 7 .5 X 4 * d 8 1 8 .1 d 6
Garga 1953 (8)
1 9 .© fg 5 ! w ith a th r e a te n in g in i­ « g 5 1 9 .5 X 3 H fe 8 2 0 . H h e l « f 6
tia tiv e , N o g u e ira s - H u e rta , C u b a 2 1 .1 g 3 h5 2 2 .h 4 H a b 8 !?
l.d4 5X6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.5x3 ed5
1 9 8 2 ) 1 7 .© e d 2 (1 7 .© g 3 b3!, 2 3 . * a 3 ! H b 6 2 4 .d 6 , B lack h a d
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.®f3 l g 7 8.±e2
G a r c ia G o n z a le z -H u e rta , C u b a in s u ffic ie n t c o m p e n s a tio n .
0-0 9.0-0 a6 10.a4 b6 l l . i f 4 Ha7
1 9 8 2 ) 17...C3 1 8 .b c3 b c 3 1 9 .© b 3 B lack s h o u ld d e fin ite ly s tic k to
12,Cd2 Be7 13.i.O 4je8 I4.©c4
c2. th e m o d e s t 15__ 6 .c3 1 6 .'# c 3 Wc7 15x5 de5 16.d6 S d 6 17.®d5
14.. .He8 # c 3 1 7 .b c3 B d 8 (N o t 1 7 ...1 e 2 ? ®c4 18.®c7 flc7 Ae6
14.. .C4 is a ls o g o o d , e.g. 1 5 .'i ,c2 1 8 . H d e l lf3 19.gf3 H d8 20.'»c2 ®a5 21.1x3 *Bbc6 22.1c6
lf5 l b . ’S 'c I H e 8 1 7 .a3 ® d 8 2 0 . 1 g 5 ) 1 8 .1 g 5 H e 8 1 9 ,H h e l Hc6 23.Ba3 f5 24.Hc3 c4 25.B dl
1 8 . 1 x 3 a 6 1 9.0-0 * d 6 2 0 . 2 d l <Shd7 2 0 . 1 f 4 ( 2 0 .1 e 7 ? ! 5 X 5 !) f4 m j r Cl Bcc8 27.E d6 i.f5
© d7, T a v a d ia n - M in a s ia n , 2 0 .. . 5 e l 2 1 . E e l l c 4 w ith a 28.Wdl Ad3 29.Bdd3 cd3 30.®d3

3cdS 31.* e2 Bd4 32.h3 e4 3 3 . t g4 a6 12.a4 © bd7 13.0-0 Ee8 14.®c2 & d7 I5.g3 %d5 16.Wc5 + - ) 13.Wf4
f3 34.« e6 4 h 8 35.Bc7 S d l Bb8 1 5 .1 g5 h6 16.1h4 g5 17.1g3 f6 14.©c8 Bc8 15.d6 16.1c4
3 6 .4h2 H fl 37.We7 1-0 ©e5 18.h3 ©g6 19.©c4 ©f4 20.a5 fe5 17.#f8 ©f8 18.1x6 ©e6
©h7 21. H fel ©f8 22.© a4 l d 7 19,©e5 Bf8 20.g3 Bf5 21.f4 g5
Forintos,Gyozo 23.©ab6 l b 5 2 4 .1 fl * f 6 25 .E ab l 22.0-0-0 gf4 23.gf4 ©f4 24. S h e 1 c4
©d7 26.©a3 I f l 27.©d7 ®e7 25.d7 Hb8 #
Velimirovic.Dragoljub 28.©b8 l d 3 29.®d2 l b I 30 .B b l
Vrsac 1973 Bb8 31 .1 f4 gf4 32.®f4 b5 33.ab6
Bb6 34.©c4 Bb4 35. ©d6 c4
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 36.©f5 Wf6 37,'S'cl Bb2 38.Sb2
5xd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .1 f4 ©h5 8 .1 e3 * b 2 3 9 . ^ 4 1 x 5 40.g3 a5 41.d6
l . g7 9.1 x 2 ©f6 10.©B 0-0 I l.© d2 1-0
©a6 12.0-0 He8 1 3 .1 g5 ©c7 14,a4
b6 15.Del Bb8 16.E bl h6 l7.lS.h4 Reshevsky,Samuel
a6 18.b4 g5 19.1g3 cb4 20.Hb4
lg 4 21.1g4 © g4 22. a b 3 © e5 Grunfeld,Yehuda
23.© B S B 24.WO b5 25.ab5 ab5 Lugano open 1987 (4)
26.H ebl « d 7 27.h3 Bb7 28.®g4
Wg4 29.hg4 l c 3 30.Sc3 Ee4 I. d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
3 1 .1 d 6 a d 5 3 2 .B c 5 a f6 33.f3 Be6 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .1 f4 l g 7 8.©f3 26.©c6 bc6 27.Be8 4>c7 2 8 .3 b 8
34.1x5 b4 35.Hb3 4 h 7 36.1 b 2 0-0 9.©d2 ©h5 10.1e3 ©d7 1-0
Bd6 37,Bc8 4 g6 3 8 .4 h 2 Be6 I I . 1 x 2 ©e5 12.f4 © g4 1 3 .1 g4 « h 4
39.Bd8 a e 8 4 0 .S d 4 Beb6 4 1 .3 d 8 14.g3 Wg4 15.®g4 l g4 16.h3 l d 7
ag7 4 2 .1 d 4 Bc6 43 .1 g 7 4g7 17.g4 l c 3 18.bc3 ©f6 19.4f2 Bfe8 7.& b5
44,B d4 Bcb6 4 5 .* g l f6 4 6 .4 h 2 2 0 .4 B l b 5 21x4 l a 4 22.H hel
4 f7 47.Be4 Bb5 4 8 .4 h 3 Bb8 ©d7 2 3 .S a b i b6 24,g5 f5 25.gf6
®f6 2 6 .1 g l Bf8 2 7 .1 h 2 Bf7 Livshin,Iosif
49.*g3 B8b6 50.4>h3 4 g 6 51.Bd4
f5 52.gf5 4 f5 53.Be4 h5 54.4>g3 28.&e3 a e 8 2 9 .4 d 3 l d 7 30.4x3 KLasparian
Bb8 5 5 .4 h 3 B8b7 56.4>g3 B5b6 l h 3 31x5 Sfe7 32,© B l f 5 Rostov 1953
57.*h3 a b 8 5 8 .4 g3 'A-'A 33.Bb2 © e4 3 4 .4 b 3 a6 35.Hbe2
©f6 36.©g5 ©g4 37x6 4 g 7 3 8 .1 g3 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
b5 39.cb5 ab5 40.©f7 Bf7 41.ef7 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .1 b 5 l d 7 8.a4 a6
Be2 42.Be2 417 43.a4 ba4 4 4 .4 a4 9 .1 d 3 l g 7 1 0 . ^ 3 l c 8 11.f4 0-0
Kapengut,Albert ®f6 45. Bb2 l d 7 4 6 .4 b 3 ©d5 12.©D ©bd7 13.0-0 ©e8 14,©dl
Frunze 197 7 47.f5 c4 4 8 .4 c4 ©e3 4 9 .4 d 3 ©f5 Bb8 I5.a5 ©c7 16.1d2 Be8
50.1.h2 g5 5 l.4 e 4 4 x 6 52.4 B h5 17.1x3 1 x 3 18.bc3 b5 19.ab6 ©b6
I.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 53.He2 4 f6 54.Bd2 1 x 6 55.4f2 20.©f2 l d 7 2 1 .E fb l © a4 22.Wc2
5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .1 f4 We7 8 .© B 4 e 6 56.Ho2 4>d7 57.Bb2 g4 E b l 2 3 .B b l © a8 24x4 « c 7 25x5
l g7 9 .1 b 5 © bd7 10.0-0 0-0 58 .S b 4 4 e 6 59.Bc4 I h l 60.E b4 de5 26.fe5 Ee5 27.©e5 We5 28.We2
1'd2 a g4 12.Hael ©de5 13,©e5 1 x 6 61.Bc4 l b 5 62.Bf4 l d 3 «?d6 29.©e4 « e 5 30.Wf2 l f 5
©e5 14.1h6 l h 6 lS.'g'hd g5 16.f4 6 3 .Bb4 4 d 5 64.B a4 l c 2 65.Ba5 31.®c5 ©c5 3 2 .1 f5 © a4 33 .B el
gf4 17.Bf4 a6 18.Be3 f6 19.1x2 4 e 6 66.Ba2 l e 4 67.B a4 d5 ® f6 34.1 c2 © 4b6 3 5 .# f6 1-0
ld 7 20.Sg3 4>h8 2i.W h4 l e 8 68 .S a6 4 f 7 6 9 .1 e5 h4 7 0 .af6 4 e 7
22.© dl © g6 2 3.B g6l g6 24.©e3 7 1 ,H g 6 g3 72.4‘gl 4 f 7 73.Ef6 4 g 8
WeS 25.© c4 Wd4 26.Wf2 « f 2 74.Bg6 4 h 7 75.Bg4 l c 2 7 6 .4 h l
27.&f2 Bad8 28.g4 b5 29.©a5 Bd7 l. b l 7 7 .4 g l l e 4 7 8 .1 c7 l d 3 Wockenfuss.Klaus
3 0 .1 B 1 x 8 31.h4 4 g 8 32.H5 Bg7 7 9 .1 e5 1 e2 8 0.B g5 ©e3 8 1 .S g7 BRD 1974
33.4x3 4 f7 3 4 .1 e2 <i>e7 35.©b3 4>h6 82.Be7 4>h5 8 3 .1 g3 1-0
l d 7 36.4 B a5 37.©d2 c4 38.© fl l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
Bc8 39.©e3 c3 40.bc3 Bc3 4 1 . * 0 Ciszek.Mieczyslaw 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .1 b 5 © bd7 8 .1 f4
Ba3 4 2 .1 b 5 Ea2 4 3 .1 e2 0-1 ©h5 9 .1 e 3 l g7 10.g4 © f6 11.g5
Barwinski,Dionizy ©h5 12.1e2 0-0 13.1h5 gh5
Warszawa 1988I. U T th S Wa5 15.1d2 ©e5 16.»e2
c4 17.411 l g4 18.f3 ! h 5 19.© dl
Szalanczy,Emil I. d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3
« b 6ed5
2 0 .1 c3 f5 21,gf6 Bf6 2 2 .1 e5
Hungary 1981 5,cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .1 f4 a6 8,©f3 de5 23. ©e3 Baf8 24.©f5 Bf5
t e 7 9x5! © h5 10.©e4!? ©f4 25xf5 E f5 26.S d l t f 6 27.d6 Bf3
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 II. © d6 4d8 12.’28.©f3
»d2! I ©d7
B 29.Wd2 I d l 3 0 .4 e l
5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.1f4 ©h5 8.1e3 (12...&h6 13.Wa5 b6 (13...Vc7 l g4 3 1. H f 1 Wh4 32. Bf2 l e 6
l g7 9.1e2 ©f6 10.©f3 0-0 I l.©d2 14.&P; 1 3 . 7 14.kb5) 14.Wb6 33.Wa5 We4 34.Be2 # h l 3 5 .4 d 2

Theory Bl 35

fih 6 36.** c 3 Wf3 3 7 .* b 4 #e2 B bl 4 1 .* f3 * f8 42.*g2 2 b 2 27.Be4 Ea4 28.Bf4 # b 7 2 9 .# d l

3 8 .» d 8 fif8 ' 0-1 4 3 .2 b 7 * g 7 44 .S b 6 S b l 45jSd3 # b 5 30.*g2 Ha2 3i.® d4 B al
*g8 4 6 .2 b 7 * g 7 47.®e5 * f6 32.Wed Wb2 33.d6 1-0
Freimanis 48.5)17 B el 49.5)h6 Be2 50.*f3 b2
5 1 .*e4 Ee2 5 2 .* d 4 Bh2 53.g5 Kortchnoi,Viktor
Voitkevich, Alexander *e6 5 4 .2 b 6 * e 7 5 5 .*c3 *08
Riga 1979
56.2 b 2 S h 4 57 .2 b 7 Bf4 58 .* d 3 Klein,P
S f l 5 9 .* d 4 1-0 Santa Fe 1960
l.d4 ®f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.5ic3 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.fib5 ®fd7 8.fif4 l.d4 5)f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
®b6 9.e5 fi.g7 10.We2 0-0 ll.® a 4
Forintos.Gyozo 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.Af4 fig7 8.fib5
® d8 12.e6 fe6 13.fid6 ed5 14.jfc.f8 Plachetka,Jan fid7 9.fie2 We7 10.Wb3 b6 11.450
«S(8 15.Sc3 » a 5 fig.Bel a6 17.fid3 Kirorakan 1978 0-0 12. a ® Bd8 13.0-0 fig4
d4 * h 8 19.*e8 dc3 20.bc3 14.fid3 fic8 lS.B fel 5)g4 16.fig3
®c7 2 1 .4 )0 b5 2 2.fid5 fib 7 l.d4 5)f6 2x4 e6 3.-- c.l c5 4.d5 ed5 7 e5 17.fie2 fia6 18.f4 fie2 19.fe5
23.®'e4 fid 5 24.®d5 ® c6 25.Wc6 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 fig7 8.Wa4 fig4 20.ed6 ®g5 21.®c4 ®d7 22x5
®c6 26.h4 2 e 8 2 7 .* d l ® e 5 &d7 9.®b3 W cl lO .aO 0-0 1 l.fie 2 Be8 2 3.*a4 a6 24.®e3 h5 25.5)g4
28.®e5 Ee5 2 9 .B el B el 3 0 .* e l i.g 4 12.0-0 a6 13x5 de5 Wg4 26.®g4 hg4 27x6 fid 4 2 8 .* h l
* g 8 3 1 .* d l ®e6 3 2 .*c2 33.a4 ®c8 15.a4 S b d 7 16.fig3 2 e8 &f6 29.d7 Bed8 fic3
ba4 34.S a l ®d5 3 5 .2 a4 fic3 17.B iel 5je4 18.®e4 2 e 4 19.fid ) 31 .bc3 ftd 5 32.fid8 Bd8 33x7 1-0
3 6 .*b3 fid 4 3 7 .2 a6 fif2 3 8 .2 a4 A O 20.A.O SeS 21.d6 5)e5 22.fid5
* g 7 39.Ha7 * h 6 0-1 S b8 23.S a d i c4 2 4 ,« a3 5)d7 Vladimirov,Boris
25.Se7 Bf8 2 6 .2 c l b5 27.ab5 ab5
28.'#'a7 fib 2 2 9 .2 d 7 f ic l 30.B17
Petrovic.P Kirov 1961
Novi Sad open 1988 (8) l.d4 63f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.62c3 ed5
Mohr,Stefan 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 fig7 8.fib5
1.d4 -7:f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4. ® c j ed5 Pliester,Leon fid 7 9.fie2 * c 7 10.&O 0-0 1 lM d 2
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.fib5 ®fd7 8.a4 Lugano open 1986 (8) Be8 12.0-0 «ja6 13,h3 Bab8
fig7 9.®ge2 0-0 10.f4 ® h4 l l . * f l 14.B el fif8 15.* h l Wc8 I6.fig5
® e7 12.*f2 M 6 13.fid3 ®g4 l.d4 5)f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.6 c3 ed5 fi.g7 17.f4 fih 3 18.15 gf5 19.fif6
14.*f3 » h 4 1 5 .* g l ®d7 16.g3 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 fig7 8 .# 3 4 fif6 20.gh3 fe4 21.fig4 Wd8
« h 3 17.fib 5 f5 18.ef5 Ef5 19.*e4 fid 7 9 .# b 3 ® a5 10.0 0-0 22.®de4 fie5 23.fih5 Bf8 2 4 ,% 4
c4 20.fie3 ®df6 21.* D ®e5 Se8 12.0-0-0 5)a6 13.g4 b5 I4.fib5 * h 8 25.fif7 1-0
2 2 .* f2 ®d3 2 3 .* f3 Se5 0-1 2ab 8 15.fib8 Bb8 16.a4 ®b4 17x5
a6 18.ef6 ab5 19.ab5 fih 6 2 0 .* b l
2 a 8 2 1 .« a3 ® d8 2 2 .* b 3 « a 5
8 .W a 4 2 3 .* a3 WdS 24.'»b3 S a5 25.Wc4 Grechikhin
Wa8 26.b3 S a l 2 7 .* b 2 ® a3 0-1 Moskva 1964
I. d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
Kortchnoi,Viktor 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 fig7 8.fib5
Ljubojevic,Ljubomir fid 7 9.fie2 ® e 7 10.®O ®e4
8 .± b 5
Bath It 1973 I I . ®e4 We4 12.fid6 fib5 13.fic5
fib2 14.0-0 fie2 15.B el f id l
I. d4 ST6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5 Geller,Efim 16.Be4 * d 8 17.Bd 1 b6 18.fie7
5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .fif4 fig7 8 .* a4 * d 7 19.®g5 f6 20.®f7 Be8
* e 7 9 .© 0 Be8 ®bd7 Suetin,Alexey 21.B del ®a6 22.2e6 ®c5 23.fic5
II. Leningrad
0-0 a6 12.flfel ®b6 13.eS de5 ch-SV 1960 bc5 24. Bd6 * c 7 25.Bc6 * d 7
14.*ta3 * f8 15.fie8 ef4 16.Wc5 26.Bd6 fi-’/l
^g8 17.fia4 ® a4 18.®a4 ®d5 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®e3 ed5
19.S a d ! fie 6 20.®c3 fic3 21.bc3 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 Ag7 8.fib5 Jansson
Sc8 22.®d4 Wa5 2 3 ,S e5 Wa2 fid 7 9.fie2 ® c7 10.<SO a6 11.0-0
24,S dS fid 5 2 S * d 5 Wd5 26.Bd5 0-0 12x5 de5 13.5ie5 Wd8 1 4 .fiB Miagmarsuren,Lhamsuren
Sc3 27.h4 b5 2 8 .S d 6 S a 3 29.Sb6 fib 5 15.B e l ® bd7 16.Wb3 Se8 Siegen ol 1970
Sal 3 0 .* h 2 S a 2 31.®g5 2 f2 17.«b5 ab5 18.*b5 ©h5 19.©d7
32.2 a 6 h6 33.®h3 B fl 3 4 .2 b 6 f3 ®f4 20.®c5 E e l 21.B el fid 4 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
35.g4 B b l 36.* g 3 b4 37 .* f3 b3 22.®b7 Wh4 23,g3 ®h3 24.*g2 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7,fif4 fig7 8.fib5
38.®f2 * g 7 39.*g2 2 b 2 40.*g3 ©f4 2 5 .* h l Wh3 2 6 .* fl Wd7 ®fd7 Wb6 10x5 a6 l l . * a 4

* d 8 1 2 .4 0 re 13.0-0 ab5 14.*38 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .6 f4 6 g 7 8 .6 b 5 53h7 45.g6 4 f 6 46.h6 &f8 4 7 .6 h 3
4 a 6 I5.a4 4 e 5 16.j5.e5 1-0 6 d 7 9 .6 e 2 We7 IO.Wc2 0-0 1 1 .4 0 5jg4 4 8 .6g4 fg4 49.a4 ba3 50.ba3
6 g 4 12.h3 6 . 0 1 3 .6 0 4 b d 7 14.0-0 6 a 3 51.S>f2 6 c 1 52.h7 * g 7 53.*>g3
Brinck Claussen,Bjorn a6 15.a4 Bab8 16.a5 4 e 8 17.Hfel 6 b 2 54.H8W 4-h8 55.&g4 ^ g 7
4c7 18.6 x 2 6 d 4 1 9 .6 fl b5 20.ab6 56.4?f5 6 f6 0-1
Denker,Arnold Bb6 2 1 .6 x 3 Sfb8 2 2 .6 d 4 cd4
Beverwijk 11 1971 2 3 .4 a 4 B6b7 24.b3 Wf6 25.B acl Mohr,Stefan
4 e 5 26.Wd2 g5 2 7.B cdl 4 b 5 2 8 .0
l.d4 4 f 6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .4 c3 ed5 d3 2 9 .6 d 3 4 d 4 30.Wf2 Bb3 Lobron,Eric
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7 .i.f4 6 g 7 8 .6 b 5 31.6x2 H8b4 3 2 ,B al 4 e 2 33.We2 Bundesliga BRD 1987
6 d 7 9 .6 e 2 Wc7 1 0 .4 0 0-0 ll.e 5 5ad3 34.S a b i Wd4 35.&h2 We5
4 h 5 12.ed6 Wb6 1 3 .6 cl Se8 3 6 .* g l 4 f 4 37.Wc2 &g7 38.d?fl I. d4 53f6 2x4 e6 3 .4 c 3 c5 4.d5 ed5
14.0-0 Wd6 15.4g5 4 f4 16.ilc4 4 h 3 39.®c8 4 f 4 40.Wf5 Wf5 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .6 f4 a6 8 . 4 0
6 x 3 17.bc3 f6 18.4e6 6 x 6 19.de6 4l.ef5 * f 6 4 2 .* f2 * f5 0-1 6 g 4 9.Wa4 5Jbd7 10.5jd2 b5
Wdl 2 0 .E d l 4 e 6 21.Bd6 * f7 I I . WC2 4 b 6 12.h3 6 d 7 13.a4 ba4
2 2.B bl 4 c 6 2 3 .3 b 7 8 e 7 24.6x6 L4.5 x 4 Wb8 15.4b6 Wb6 16.4a4
1-0 Wb8 1 7 .6 c4 6 g 7 18.0-0 4 h 5
8 ...k g 4 19.6h2 6 d 4 20.4 c3 a5 21.4 e2
Zirzenis 6 g 7 22.g4 5jf6 23.f4 Wb7 24.f5 0-0
Kirpichnikov, Vladimir Tarjan,James 2 5 .6 d 6 Bfc8 2 6 .6 h 2 Ee8 27.4 c3
Riga 1974 gf5 28.gf5 Wb4 29.53a2 « b 7
Kudrin,Sergey 30.B ael * h 8 31.Ef2 a4 32.Wd3
Greenville ch-US 1983 53e4 3 3 .3 e4 Be4 34.We4 Be8
l.d4 £>f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .^ c 3 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7 .6 f4 6 g 7 8 .6 b 5 35.Wc2 6 d 4 3 6 .* fl 6 f2 37.*f2
J&.d7 9 .6 e2 Wc7 1 0 .4 0 0-0 11.4 d 2 l.d4 4 f 6 2x4 e6 3.5j O c5 4.d5 ed5 Wb6 38.d6 f6 39.Wc3 ^ ’g7 40.53c 1
b5 12.6b5 4 h 5 I3 .6 d 7 4 f 4 5.cd5 d6 6 .4 c 3 g6 7 .6 f4 a6 8x4 6 f5 4l.53e2 Wb4 42.Wb4 cb4
14.6.g4 4 g 2 1 5 .* n 4 h 4 1 6 .4 0 6g4 9 .6 e2 4 b d 7 10.0-0 4 h 5 4 3 .6 b 5 a3 44.ba3 ba3 4 5.53 d4 Be5
4 0 17.WO 4 d 7 18.6.d7 Wd7 I I.6 g 5 6 x 7 12.6 h 6 6 f8 13.6g5 4 6.6e5 a2 4 7 .4 f5 1-0
19.*g2 Hab8 2 0 .E ab l Bb4 6x7 14.6x3 0-0 15 .4 d 2 6 e 2
2 1 .» h 3 ’§'h3 2 2 .* h 3 Efb8 23.B bcl 16.We2 b5 17.a4 b4 1 8 .4 d l 4 g 7 Tisdall. Jonathan
Bb2 24.f4 6 x 3 25.Bc3 B a2 26.e5 19.6.h6 6 g 5 20.6g5 Wg5 2 1 .4 e3
Bfe8 22.H ael 4 h 5 23.f4 Wfb Ionescu,Constantin
Bd2 27.H al de5 28.Bc5 Bb3
2 4.4ec4 4 f4 25.Wg4 Wd4 2 6 .* h l Thessaloniki ol 1988 (10)
29.*g4 Hg2 3 0 .* h 4 Bh2 31.*g5
* g 7 32.fe5 Bb4 0-1 4e5 27.Wf4 4 c 4 2 8 .4 c4 Wc4
29.WO &h8 30.Wf6 * g 8 31.Wd6 1.<34 53f6 2x4 e6 3 . 4 0 c5 4.d5 d6
Spasov.Liuben Be4 32.B el Wd4 33.B cdl Wb2 5 .4 c3 ed5 6.cd5 g6 7 .6 f4 a6 8x4
Ermenkov,Evgeny 34.Wc5 Sg4 35.Bf2 Wc3 36.We7 6 g 4 9.Wa4 4 b d 7 10.4d2 b5
Albena 1975 Bc4 37.d6 Bcc8 38.d7 Hd8 39.WO ll.W c2 4 h 5 12.6e3 4 b 6 13.h3
Ah8 40.Ee2 Wc6 41.E e7 6 d 7 14.6e2 6 g 7 15.g4 4 f6 16.g5
4 h 5 17.6h5 gh5 18.4e2 Bb8
l.d4 *tf6 2x4 c5 3.d5 c6 4.5.,c 3 ed5
19.4g3 4 c 4 2 0 .4 h 5 6 b 2 2 1 .E b l
5. cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.J&f4 6.g7 8 .6 b 5 Bellon Lopez,Juan
6 e 5 22.4 c 4 bc4 23.&e2 B b l
6 . d7 9..6x2 We7 10.5)0 0-0 11.0-0 Yap,Andromico
2 4.B bl 6 h 3 2 5 .4 f6 6 f 6 26.gf6
6 g 4 I2.53d2 6 e 2 !3.We2 4 h 5 Havana 1985 (II) I* Wf6 27. B b8 &e7 28.E b7 * f8
14..6x3 4,d7 I5.g4 5jhf6 16.6f4
2 9 .6 d 2 6 g 4 3 0 .* e l Wh4 3 1.6c3
4 e 5 17.0 5ifd7 18.& hl g5 19.6.g3 l.d4 5jf6 2x4 e6 3 . 4 0 c5 4.d5 ed5 f6 32x5 W hl 33.^ d 2 Wd5 3 4 .* c l
4 g 6 20.5x4 .6x5 2 l.4 e 3 a6 22.a4 5. cd5 d6 6 .4 c 3 g6 7.6.f4 a6 8x4
Wb7 0-1
Wf6 23.5)f5 4 f4 24.Wd2 4 b 6 25.a5 6 . g4 9 .6 x 2 4 1h 5 10.6.g5 6 x 7
5jc8 26.B a3 b5 27.ab6 4 b 6 28. jLf4 I 1.6 h6 5,d7 12.0-0 6 f 8 I3 .6 g 5
6 f 4 29,# e2 4 c 8 30. B fa I .6x5
6 x 7 14.6x3 0-0 15.h3 6 . 0 1 6 .6 .0
31.Ba6 S a 6 32,Ba6 4 e 7 33.4 d 6 5,g7 17.6x2 f5 1S.f4 6 f 6 19 g4 Be8 9 .V a 4
6,d6 34.5jb5 Bb8 35.5id6 Wd4
2 0 . 6 0 b5 21.Wc2 b4 2 2 .4 d l Bc8
36.Ba7 4 g 6 37.5,35 We5 38.Wd2
23.ef5 gf5 24.g5 6.d4 25.Wd3 Be3
5jf4 39.h4 S b2 40.Wb2 1-0
26.53e3 We7 2 7 ,E ael Be8 28.Bf2
Razuvaev.Yuri 6 x 3 2 9 .* fl c4 30.Wc4 Wf7 Kapengut,Albert
3I.B fe2 6 x 5 32.Bc8 4 e 8 33.Wa6 Minsk 1978
Tseshkovsky, Vitaly 5 , 0 34.h4 4 g 7 35.Wc8 4 h 5
Ashkhabad 1978 36.Be8 4 g 7 37,E d8 We7 38.Wb8 l.d4 4f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4,4c3 ed5
*17 39.h5 4 e 8 40.Ee8 We8 4 1 ,« e8 5xd5 d6 6x4 g6 7,6f4 a6 8 .4 0
l.d4 4,f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.5jc3 ed5 ^ ’e8 4 2 .* e2 h6 4 3 .6 g 2 hg5 44.fg5 6g7 9.Wa4 4fd7 10.Wc2 We7 1l.a4

Theory Bl 35

0-0 I 2 . i e 2 He8 13.0-0 57f8 16.Ed3 We4 17.Ee3 Wc4 18.Wa8

14. Hfel 53bd7 15.a5 h6 16.«3d2 g5 Wa2 19.Wb7 S b 5 20.57d2 57d7
17..feg3 57e5 18.57a4 57fd7 19.<S3fl 21x4 E b8 22.Wb8 57b8 23.cb5 57d7
Wd8 20.57c3 b5 21 ,ab6 57b6 22.©e3 24.ba6 Wa6 25 .E fl 57e5 26.1f6
Wf6 2 3.S a2 Wg6 24.H eal 57ed7 Wal 27.57bl Wd4 28.EfeI Wd5
25.57f5 j5x 5 26.57b5 S g3 27.hg3 2 9.1e5 de5 3 0 .E le 2 * g7 31.Be5
ab5 28.E a8 c4 29.S8a5 5lc5 Wc4 32.*b2 Wb4 33.*c2 Wa4
30.Bb5 Ee4 31.We4 1-0 34.&d2 Wf4 35.S5e3 Wd4 36.&cl
h5 3 7.57C3 Wd6 38.h3 c4 39.53e4
Kortchnoi,Viktor Wd4 40.* c2 Wa7 41.57c3 Wd4
42.57e4 * h 6 43.57d2 Wd7 44.57c4
Cebalo,Miso Wa4 4 5.*c3 Wal 4 6 .*d3 Wbl
Titograd 1984 (8)
47.Bc2 Wfl 48.Bee2 Wdl 49.57d2
10.W b3 Wal 50.570 Wdl 51.*e3 Wfl 52.h4
I. d4 © f6 2.c4 e6 3.570 c5 4.d5 ed5 1-0
5.cd5 d6 6.57c3 g6 7.e4 a6 8.ikf4
S g 7 9 .» a 4 A d i 10.Wc2 i>g4
I I . 57d2 57h5 12.£e3 0-0 13.h3 S c 8 Sosonko,Gennadi Tarj an,James
14.g4 S f6 15.a4 53bd7 16.14 Be8 Lobron,Eric Agzamov, Georgy
17 ,* f2 Eb8 18.g5 57h5 b5 Bad Kissingen 1981 (10) Vrsac 1983 (11)
20.ab5 ab5 2I.57b5 57b6 22.Ah5
gh5 23.©c3 W ei 2 4 .n a e l A a6 l.d4 57f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.57c3 ed5 l.d4 57f6 2x4 e6 3.570 c5 4.d5 ed5
25.b3 Wb7 26. E a l S c 3 27.Wc3 5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7 .1 f4 a6 8.570 5.cd5 d6 6.57c3 g6 7 .1 f4 a6 8x4
57d5 28.ed5 Wd5 29.B hgl ilb 7 S g7 9.Wa4 S d 7 10.Wb3 b5 l l . l d 6 l g 7 9.Wa4 S d 7 10.Wb3 l c 8 11.a4
30.g6 fg6 3 1 .» c4 We6 32.f5 d5 b4 12x5 bc3 13.ef6 cb2 !4.Wb2 Sf6 0-0 57h5 13.1g5 f6 14.1e3
33.fe6 dc4 34,bc4 He6 35..&C5 W ei (A 16.d61? A eS 17.foe5 f5 15.ef5 gf5 I6.57g5 S c3 17.bc3 f4
Bbe8 36.Sgel Ef6 3 7 .* g l Hc8 Wf6 (17...Wd6?l 18.&J7 W e i 1 9.ke2 18.5le6 S e 6 19.de6 W ei 20.1h5
38. Ee7 1-0 B /8 20.foe5!) 18.0-0-0 0-0 19 g3 Sic 6 fe3 21.S O * g 7 22.0-0 57c6 23.fe3
YB/3-400 20.Gic6 Wb2 21.<bb2 57c6 22.Ag2 57d8 24.Wd5 57f7 2 5 x 0 We3
Bab8 23.<tic3 b d 4 ) 16.0-0-0 S e 5 26.(fchl We5 27.WO We6 28.Wb7
I7.We5 We5 18.57e5 &a4 19.Ed2 Wc4 29.B ael Bab8 30.Wc7 Wd3
Twardon,Marian 31.h3 Bbc8 32.Wd7 Eb8 33.E O
5Jd7 20.f4 f6 2I.57c4 (f-Jf
ICujawski Wg6 34.*h2 Bbd8 35.We7 * h 8
Lublin 1988 36.Be6 Wg7 37.Wd8 Bd8 38.Be8
Muresan,Margareta Wf8 39.Bd8 1-0
I. d4 57f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.57c3 ed5 Maksimovic,Susanne
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 1.A14 a6 8.570 Jajce 1982
A%1 9.Wa4 J,d 7 10.We2 S g4
I I . 57d2 57h5 b5 13.h3 &c8 I. d4 57f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.57c3 ed5 Suba,Mihai
14.1x2 0-0?! ( 14..M d7) 15.g4 57f6 5.cd5 d6 6.570 g6 7 .1 f4 a6 8x4 Beer-Sheva 1984 (11)
16.a4! ba4 I7.57c4 57e8 18.e5! 5fd7 lg 7 9.Wa4 A d i 10.Wb3 W ei
19.ed6 57e5± 1-0 I I . W b l 57e4 12.0-0-0 0-0 13.E el l.d4 57f6 2x4 e6 3.570 c5 4.d5 ed5
Sc3 ]4.bc3 Wf6 15.Ee4 Wc3 5.cd5 d6 6.57c3 g6 7,itf4 a6 8x4
16.&dl l f 5 17.Ec4 Wal 18.E e l S g7 9.Wa4 ild 7 10.Wb3 Wc7
Zlatilov,Ivailo 1l.A d6 Wd6 12.Wb7 0-0 13x5 Sc8
Wa2 19.ik.c4 Wa4 20.Wb3 Wa5
Fedorov,V 2 I.S h 6 Ee8 22.W b2f6 23.Wf6 Ea7 14.Wa8 Wb6 !5 .S a6 A a6 16.0-0-0
Pazardzik 1988 24 ,E el Wa4 2 5 .* d 2 Wb4 26.Wc3 57g4 17.d6 57e5 18.57e5 S e 5 I9.WO
Eae7 27,Se7 B e l 28.Wb4 cb4 57d7 20.Bd2 Bb8 21.B el k b l
I.d4 57f6 2.570 c5 3.d5 e6 4.c4 ed5 2 9 .1 d 3 sfeO 30 .1 f5 gf5 1-0 22.We3 S d 4 23.Wg3 57f6 24,Be7
5.cd5 d6 6.57c3 g6 l.A ( 4 a6 8x4 A c8 25.57a4 Wb5 26.Wb3 Wb3
Ag7 9.Wa4 * f 8 10.1x2 We7 11.0-0 27.ab3 S e 6 28.Bc7 5le4 29.Be2
57bd7 12.Hfel?! (1 2 A d 2 57e5
Alekhina,Natalia 57d6 30.5lc5 57f5 31.Sd2 itc 5 0-1
13.A g3g5 14./417) I2...57g4 13.Wb3 Bojadgieva,Rumiana YB/1-409
h5 14.a4 S f6 15.a5 # Sochi 19821
15...g5 16.1d 2 57de5 17.57dl 570 Polgar,Zsuzsa
1 8 .1 0 S d 4 lO .E bl Wf6 20.57e3 l.d4 57f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.57c3 ed5
Wf4 2 1 .1g4 hg4 22.g3 We4 23 .1 c3 5xd5 d6 6.570 g6 7 .1 f4 a6 8x4 Hardicsay,Peter
WO 24.Wb6 S f5 25.Wd6 d?g8 S g 7 9.Wa4 S d 7 10.Wb3 W ei Hungary It 1985
26.57dl I b l 2 7 .1 d 4 cd4 28.We5 1 l.Wb7 57e4 12.0-0-0 0-0 13.iS.d3
jSLf5 0-1 S c 3 14.bc3 57f2 15.ii.g5 57d3 l.d4 57f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.57c3 ed5

5.cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.e4 Pekarek,Ales ®de4 30.fid3 cd3 31.®d3 ® a4
fig7 9.'»a4 fid 7 10.*b3 fig4 Romanishin,01eg 32.®b4 « a c 3 33.B d4 a5 34.®d5 b4
ll . * b 7 fif3 12.®a8 ®e4 13.S c l Tbilisi 1986 (2) 3 5 .4 fl 4 g 7 36.a3 ® d5 37.Be4 ba3
i d 4 14.B c2 ® f2 15.flf2 fif2 38.B a4 ® b4 39.Ba5 a2 40.B cl
16.4f2 fig 4 17.fib5 ab5 1 8 .2 el Bd8 4 1 .4 e2 Bd3 ‘A-'A
I. ®f3 ®f6 2.c4 e6 3.d4 c5 4.d5 ed5 YB/8-134
4 f8 19.fih6 4 g 8 20.He7 fid 7
5.cd5 d6 6.®c3 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.e4
2 1 .«b8 * b 8 22.®e4 1-0
fig7 9 .* a 4 fid 7 10.» b 3 * 0 7
I I . fie2 b5 12.0-0 fig4 13,e5 de5 Flear
14.fie5 0-0 15.Bfel ®bd7 16.fig3
Eingorn,Vereslav c4 17.Wdl « c 5 18.h3 fif3 19.fif3
Belfort open 1988
Psakhis,Lev Bad8 20,Wd2 b4 21.®a4 Wb5 22.b3
Riga ch-SU 1985 (17) c3 23.Wf4 ®d5 24.fid5 « d 5
25.S'b4 c2 26.B a d Sc8 2 7 .« e4 l.d4 ® f6 2x4 e6 3.®f3 c5 4.d5 ed5
®f6 28.Wd5 ®d5 fih 6 5.cd5 d6 6.®c3 g6 7 .fif4 a6 8.e4
l.d4 ®f6 2.c4 c5 3,d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
30.fif8 4 f8 31.®b2 ®b4 0-1 fig7 9.Wa4 fid 7 10.Wb3b5 ll.f id 6
5.cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 7.fif4 a6 8,e4
b4 12.e5 be3 13.ef6 fif6 14.bc3 fif5
fig7 9 .« a 4 fid 7 10,«fb3 We7
Fedorowicz,John 15.fic5 ® d7 16.fib4 a5 17,fid6
11 ,S b 7 ®e4 12.®e4 « e 4
Seret,Jean-Luc a4?! (17. «c81?) 18.®b4 Wa5
Wb4 14.Wb4 cb4 15.®d4 0-0
Cannes 1987 (3) 19 .S cl * d 8 20.fib5 Be8 2 1 ,* d 2
16.fic4 a5 17.0-0 ® a6 18,b3 ®c5
Wb6 22.® d4 B e4 #
19.f3 Bfe8 20.fif2 a4 21.H adl ab3
Vi-'A l.d4 ®f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.e4
Timman,Jan fig7 9.Wa4 fid 7 10.®b3 H /d 11x5
de5 12.fie5 * c 8 13.®e4 ®e4
Romanishin,01eg 14.fig7 Bg8 15.fih6 Wc7 16.fid3
Brussels 1986 (8) ®d6 17.0-0 f6 18.fif4 b6 19.®d2
l.d4 ®f6 2.c4 e6 3.®f3 c5 4.d5 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.®c3 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.e4 Flear,Glenn
fig7 9.Wa4 fid 7 10.®b3 « e 7 1 l.e5 Stefansson,Hannes
de5 12.fie5 0-0 13.fie2 fig4 I4.d6 Hastings 11 1987 (2)
»e6 15.«e6 fi.e6 16.«ag5 fid 7 23.S e e l Bc8 24.Be4 fie4 25.B el
17.0-0 ®c6 18.fif6 fif6 19.®ge4 I.d4 ®f6 2x4 e6 3.®f3 c5 4,d5 ed5 fid 4 26.cd4 fid 5 27.fie7 * c 7
fid 4 20.®a4 fif5 21.®g3 fie6 5.cd5 d6 6.®c3 g6 7 .fif4 a6 8x4 2 8 .B d 4 - b 7 29.Bc8 1-0
22.H a d Bad8 23.®c5 fic5 24,Hc5 fig7 9.Wa4 fid 7 1 0 . b5 1 l.fid 6
Ed6 25.®e4 Bd4 26,®c3 Hd2 b4 12.e5 bc3 13.ef6 cb2 14.»b2 fi.fb ba6 28.Hc6 S b 2 2 9 .B dl fi.e5 16.We5 We7 17.0-0-0
Bc2 30.h3 4 g 7 3 1 .2 d d 6 2 b 8 We5 18.®e5 0-0 fi.b5
32.2 c7 fia 2 3 3 .S a6 2 b b 2 34.Baa7 2 0 .S h e 1 Bd8 21.fib3 4 f 8 22.d6 8...b5
f ie 6 35.®e4 Bc7 'A-‘A B a7 23. Be3 ®c6 24.a4 ®e5
YB/5-4I5 25.Be5 c4 26.ab5 cb3 2 7 .4 b 2 ab5
2 8 .4 b 3 Ba6 29.fled5 4 e 8 30.Be5
4 f8 31.Bed5 4 e 8 32.Be5 '/l-'/i Kuuskmaa.Endel
Fedorowicz.John Salceanu,Vladimir
Khalifman, Alexander cr 1978
Hjartarson, Johann
Reykjavik 1986 Psakhis.Lev
l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
Sverdlovsk 1987 (4)1
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7 .fif4 a6 8.®f3 b5
1,d4 ® f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5 9.'»e2 Ba7 10.e5 Be7 ll.f ie 3 ®g4
5.cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.e4 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 e6 3.®f3 c5 4.d5 d6 12.®e4 de5 13.d6 Bd7 14.fig5 f6
fig7 9.Wa4 fid 7 10.Wb3 « c 7 1l.e5 5.®c3 ed5 6.cd5 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.e4 15.®f6 ® f6 16.®e5 Wa5 17.fid2
®h5 12.ed6 * ^ 8 13.fie3 0-0 14.a4 fig7 9 .# 3 4 fid 7 10.Wb3 We7 ® a4 18.®c4 Be7 19.de7 1-0
fig4 15.fie2 ®d7 16.0-0 ®e5 1 b5 12.0-0 0-0 13.e5 de5
17.®dl ®f3 18.fif3 fif3 1 9 .» D 14.®e5 fif5 15.fif3 c4 16.Wd 1 * b 4
Hd8 20.®e4 fib 2 2 1 .S a b i fig7 17.Wd2 ® bd7 18.®c6 Wc5 19.fie3
22.®c5 B d6 23.®b7 Bf6 24.We4 « d 6 20.fif4 Wc5 21.d6 Bae8 Paavilainen,Jorma
Wd7 25.®c5 « d 6 26.B fdl Bf5 Be3 23.We3 # e 3 24.fe3 Tallinn 1986 (10)
2 7 .# c4 Bc8 2 8 .« a6 Wa6 29.®a6 fid 3 25.B fel ®e8 26.®b4 ®c5
E d8 30.g4 1-0 2 7.B adl ® d6 28.fie2 fic3 29.bc3 l.d4 ®f6 2 x4 e6 3.®c3 c5 4.d5 ed5

Theory Bl 35

5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8 .© 0 b5 5.cd5 d6 6 .© 0 g6 7,fif4 a6 8x4 b5 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8 .© 0 b5

9.** c 2 fig7 10.©d2 0-6 1 l.fie 2 Be8 9 .* c2 fi.g7 10.a4 b4 11.© d l 0-0 9.fid3 fig7 10.0-0 0-0 11.h3 Be8
12.0-0 3 a 7 13.S.O fig4 14.fig4 I2.fie2 * e 7 I3.© d2 3 e 8 14.0-0 12.B el * b 6 13.a4 ( 13.a3 fcbd7
©g4 15.h3 ©e5 16.fie3 Bb7 17.f4 ©e4 15.©c4 ©f6 16.©de3 Bd8 14.Wd2 c4 15.&C2 foc5) 13...C4
©c4 18.©c4 bc4 19.e5 de5 20.f5 e4 17.Bfel * f 8 18.fif3 ©e8 19.©a5 M .fifl fib7 15.ab5 (1 5 .ke 3 Wd8 ©d7 22.fie3 ©e5 2 3 .* a4 Ba7 20.Be2 Be7 21.B a d ©c7 16. ab5 ©e4 77.© e4 B e4 18.Wc2
gf5 24. Sf5 Bb2 25.B afl Bf8 22.h3 Bee8 23.©ec4 fif5 24.Wd2 &d5 fi.67 20.kc4<&
26. Eg5 ©g6 2 7 .* a3 Bc2 28.©e4 Be2 25.Be2 ©e8 26.ii.g4 fig4 Vyzhmanavin) 15...ab5 16.3 a 8 fia8
Be8 29.Bf2 Bf2 30.©f2 c3 31.* d 27.hg4 fid 4 28.g5 E d7 2 9 .* e l ©c7 17. b4 © a6 Wb8 19.* b l
* b 8 32.Sg3?? * g 3 0-1 30.©b7 h6 31.fid6 * g 7 32.fic7 ©g4 20.fid2 ©e5 21.©e5 fie5
Bc7 33.Be8 * h 7 34.Bb8 f6 22.©e2 fib 7 23.fic3 fic8 24.W62
Polgar.Zsuzsa 35.©d8 Be7 36 .* e7 * e 7 37,Bb7 fid7 25.©d4= © c7 2 6 .© 0 fic3
Wb7 38,©b7 1-0 27.*c3 f5 28.Wf6 * d 8 2 9 .*d6 fe4
Renet,Olivier 30.©d4 fic8 3 l.* c 5 * d 5 #
Brest m 1987 (2)

I.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5

5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8 .© B b5 Cramling,Pia
9 .fid3 fig7 10.h3 0-0 11.0-0 ©e8 Franco,Zenon
12x5 fib 7 I3 .fie 4 ©d7 14.fig5 f6 Sevilla 1988
15.ef6 ©df6 16.fih4 * d 7 I7 .B el
©c7 18.fif6 fif6 19.Wd2 Bae8 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
20.a3 » f 7 2 1 .B ad l a5 22.h4 b4 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.©f3 b5
23.ab4 ab4 24.©a4 * d 7 2 5 .*c2 9,fid3 fig7 10.0-0 0-0 1 l.h3 Be8
* g 4 26.©b6 b3 2 7 .* b l ©b5 28.h5 12.B el * b 6 13.a4 ( l i . a i %bd7
* g 7 29.h6 * h 6 30.©h2 * h 5 14M d2 c4 15 . 2l c 2 © c5) 13...C4
31.©d7 fie5 32.©e5 Be5 33.Be3 (13...b4 I4.a5 A /5,© a4) U .f ifl b4
* g 7 34.Bh3 * e 2 35.f3 fic8 36.B el (14...k b ? 1 5 .ke S Wc7 16.abS <he4 32.©b5 Wc5 33.bc5 ©b5 34.fic4
* d 2 37.g4 ©d4 38.© fl * f4 !7 .k d 4 S ) 15.a5 * c 7 16.©a4 ©bd7 *18 Be5 36,Bcl * e 7
3 9 .* d 3 fig4 40.Bg3 fif5 4 1 .* a6 (16...tte4 © e4 f&© *6 B a7 37.*>fl fid7 38.fid7 * d 7 39.fie2
fie4 4 2 .* d 6 Bef5 4 3 .* f4 Bf4 19.&c4) 17.B e ll Be4 18.3e4 ©e4 * c 6 40.*>e3 h5 4 1 .* d 4 Bg5 42.g3
44.fe4 B fl 4 5 .B f] ©e2 46.*g2 19.Bc4 ©ec5 (1 9 ..A d c5 20.&b61? Bf5 43.Bc2 h4 44.*>e4 hg3 45.fg3
©g3 47.Bf8 * f8 0-1 ttb 8 21A'„d4 A2 1 ...kd 7 22.f3 © « B fl 46.h4 1-0
23.©c6 fic<5 24. 3 c5 h—) 20,©g51?
* a 5 ? 21.©c5 dc5 2 2 , * 0 + - fib 7 #
9...& h5
Val Thorens 1987

1,d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5

5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7 .fif4 a6 8 .© 0 b5 McCambridge, Vincent
9.fid3 fig4 10.h3 fiO ll.W O fig7
12.0-0 0-0 13.Bfel ©e8 14.a4 b4
Dortmund 1982 (11)
15.© dl © d7 16.Be2 fid 4 17.Wg3
©e5 18.-S.e3 fie3 19.Be3 © g7 20.f4
©h5 21.*12 ©d3 2 2.E d3 * f6 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
23.B O * e 7 2 4 .* e3 Bae8 25.© O 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8 .© 0 b5
f5 26x5 de5 27.fe5 We5 2 8 .*c5 23.fic7! * c 7 24 .* f7 * h 8 25.Bh4 9.®e2 ©h5 fie7 1 l.fih 6 b4
Bc8 2 9 .* b 4 * d 5 3 0 .B d l * c 4 1-0 12.© dl fif8 * r e 14.©d2
31.Wc4 Bc4 32.b3 Bc6 33.b4 ©f6 YB/11-133 * g 7 15.©e3 Be8 16.g3 a5 17.f4 f5
34.Bfd3 * f7 3 5 .3 d 6 Bfc8 36.Bc6 18.ef5 Ha7 19.0-0-0 a4 20.©dc4 a3
Bc6 3 7 .* fl &e6 M-U 21.fg6 hg6 22.Wc2 * f6 23.fid3 ©a6
24,E hel fid 7 25.f5 b3 26.*b3 ©b4
27,fg6 Bb8 2 8 .* b l ab2 29.B fl ©a2
Kalantarian Vyzhmanavin. Alexey 30.Wb8 ©c3 31.*c2 S a2 32.B bl
Moldobaev,E Stefansson,Hannes fia 4 3 3 .*d2 © bl 34.BM *12
Blagoveschensk 1988 Moskva GMA 1989 35.fie2 ©f6 36.*c7 * g 6 3 7 .*d6
B al 38.©e5 * g 7 39.We7 * h 8
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 4 0 .* f8 ©g8 4 1 .* f2 1-0

Silman, Jeremy Agdestein,Simen ©e5 ( 14...LJ3!? 15M /3 L f6
(1 6 A c 4 ©?5J 16...Lg7 17.Lg7
McCambridge, Vincent Arnason,Jon
©£7*) 15.©g4 ©g4 16.S d L (6
United Stales 1982 Oslo 1984 (8)
17. g3!? 0-0?! ( 17..M c7118.L h3 ©e5
19.%e5 (19.thd2?! c4) 19...L e5-)
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 I.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3.©f3 c5 4.d5 ed5 18. jS.h3 ©e5 19.©d2!? I c 7 20.f4
5.cd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7 .6 f4 a6 8 .© 0 b5 5. cd5 d6 6.©c3 gb 7 .6 f4 a6 8x4 b5 © d7 21x5?! (21.0-0 n fe 8 2 2 .tih l
9 .1 c2 ©h5 lO.^LgS f6 1 l i e 3 S g4 9 .! e 2 ©h5 10.6g5 6 x 7 11.6 h 6 Agdestein) 21...de5 22.d6 I d 6
I2.h3 L f3 13.1'O ©d7 14.g4 ©g7 6 . f8 12.1c3 6 h 6 13.Wh6 ©d7 23.© e4 l c 6 ? (23...Wd51) 24,Sd7
15.1g3 ! e 7 16.£g2 0-0-0 17.0-0 h5 14.a4b4 15.©dl ©df6 16.-S.d3 6 g 4 l d 7 25.1h5! .Sg7 2 6 . 1 0 ef4
18.b4 h4 1 9 .1 0 cb4 20.© bl ©e5 17.© gl 6 d l 18.E d 1 l e 7 19.©f3 27,S f4 S b 2 2 8 .E d l ® e6 29.0-0
2 1 .!e 2 ©e8 22.&b6 S d 7 23.©d2 ©g4 2 0 .1 d 2 0-0 21.0-0 a5 22.g3 c4 ! c 4 30.Ah6 S d 4 3 1 .* h l Bfd8
f5 24.f4 ©f7 25.©b3 £ g 7 26x5 de5 23.ii.c4 ! e 4 24.©d4 ©e5 25.f3 ©c4
32,©d6! I e 6 33.©f7 Bdc8 34.©g5
27.E a c l ©c7 28.©c5 ef4 2 9 .1 f2 26.fe4 © d2 27,Bd2 Bae8 28.Be2 f5 l c 6 3 5.1c6 Bc6 36.B H S h 8
E d5 30.©a6 .6x3 31.©c7 Bd2 29.ef5 Be2 30.©e2 gf5 31.©d4 ©g7 37.Bdd7 Ef6 38.Bh7 Bf5 #
3 2 .!d 2 A d2 33.©d5 i c l 34.©e7 32.©c6 Be8 33 .* f2 Be4 34.b3 ©e8
1-0 35.E e l ©f6 36.Be4 fe4 37.©a5
©d5 38.©c4 i f 8 39.© d6 e3
4 0 .ie 2 1-0
Berkeley ch-US 1984 (11)
l.d4 ©f6 2 .© 0 e6 3.c4 c5 4.d5 ed5 Grunfeld, Yehuda
5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7.l6f4 a6 8x4 b5 New York 1985 (7)
9 .! e 2 ©h5 10.Ji.g5 6 x 7 t l .6 h 6
d m 12.1e3 b4 13.© d l ©f6 14.6f8 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
* f8 15.1h6 * g 8 16.6d3 ©g4 5. cd5 d6 6,©f3 g6 7 .6 f4 a6 8x4 b5
17.WI4 * g 7 18.0-0 f6 19.©e3 ©e3 9 .1 e 2 ©h5 10.6g5 L e i 11.6h6 39.3i.g7 1-0
2 0 .!e 3 ©d7 21.©d2 ©e5 22.6x2 6 f8 1 2 .!d 2 ©d7 13.6e2 L h6
6 d 7 23.f4 ©f7 24.a4 Be8 25.©c4 I4 .1 h 6 ! f 6 15.0-0 T O 16.©g5
6 f5 26.&d3 6 e 4 2 7 .6 e4 f5 28.©d2 ©df6 17,g3 ! d 2 18.6h5 ©h5 19x5
! f 6 29.b3 fe4 30.©c4 ! d 4 31.WJ4 6 . f5 20.ed6 l b 2 2 1 .B ael ^ d 7 Sax,Gyula
cd4 3 2 .S fel Sac8 33.&f2 Ec2 22.©f7 She8 23.T O ! c 3 24.©e5 Montreal 1986 (8)
3 4 .i O Bec8 35.fle2 Be2 3 6 .ie 2 &d6 2 5 .T O Ee5 26.Be5 T O
Ec2 3 7 .* d 3 Eg2 38.Bol Eh2 2 7 .1 a8 T O 28.T O * e 7 29.B el l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3 .© 0 c5 4.d5 ed5
39.Ec7 * f8 40.fla7 Eg2 41.Ba8 * f7 3 0 .T O ©f6 31.B el S c 2 32.a4 5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7 , i f 4 a6 8x4 b5
i e 7 42.B a7 i f 8 43.Ba8 i e 7 14-13 ©e4 33.T O 6 d 3 34 .1 c7 i g 8 9 .1 e 2 ©h5 10.i.g5 f6 Il.j6.e3 L e i
YB/2-409 35 .1 b 8 i g 7 36 .1 c7 &g8 37.1 b 8 12.©d2 0-0 13.g4 ©g7 14.f4 b4
if7 3 8 .1 c7 i f 6 39.T O *e6 15.©dl f5 16.ef5 i h 4 \ l . L n . Be8
40.B el g5 4 l . ! e 3 * f5 42.a5 ©f6 18.©e3 gf5 19.h3 ©d7 2 0 .ig 2 ©b6
Kortchnoi,Viktor 43.h3 6.a6 44. E b l ©d7 45.h4 gh4 21.0-0 ii.f6 22 .S a b i a5 2 3 .1 d 3
Franco,Zenon 46.114 i g 6 47.1 g 4 48 .B d l i.d 4 24. ©f5 ©f5 25.gf5 i a 6
Liechtenstein 1984I 6 d 3 49.114 © f6 50.gh4 T O 51 a6 26.1g3 * h 8 27.B fel i f 6 28.Be8
c4 5 2.B al 6 x 4 53.a7 6 a 8 54 .1 c4 « e 8 29.©e4 l e 7 30.B el Bg8
I ,d4 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.©f3 c5 4.d5 ed5 4 g 7 5 5 .1 c3 T O 5 6 .0 T O 3 1 . 1 0 i b 2 32.©c5 l a 7 33.©a4
5.cd5 g6 6.©c3 d6 7.jSi.f4 a6 8x4 b5 5 7 .1 c7 <4g6 58.1g3 i f 7 59.1c7 l g 7 34.© b2 l b 2 35.itb6 l d 2
9 .1 e2 ©h5 10.^Lg5 6 x 7 ll.& h fi i g 6 60.1 g 3 i n 14-14 36.L f2 h6 3 7 .1 e3 l a 2 3 8 .1 d 4
6 f8 12.1e3 6.h6 13 .1 h 6 ©d7 YB/4-417 Bg7 39.Be7 I b l 4 0 .ih 2 1-0
14.g4 ©hf6 15.h3 6 b 7 16.i.d3 ! b 6
17.0-0 ©e5 18.©e5 de5 19.6e2
©d7 20.a4 b4 21.a5 ! d 6 22.©a4
0-0-0 23.©b6 i b 8 24.B fcl f5
Agdestein,Simen Yusupov, Artur
25.©c4 l f 6 26.f3 Bhf8 27 .B fl ! e 7 Grunfeld,Yehuda Dolmatov,Sergey
28.B a d E H 29.gf5 Bf6 30.©e3 Jerusalem 1986 (9) Minsk ch-SU 1987 (14)
B g S 3 1 .* h 2 l f 7 32.©g4 Bd6 33.f4
l e 7 34.fe5 Q e5 35.T O ©g4 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3 .© 0 e6 4.d5 ed5
36.6g4 gf5 37 .6 f5 * a 8 38.Bgl 5. cd5 d6 6.©f3 g6 7 .6 f4 a6 8x4 b5 5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7 .i.f4 a6 8x4 b5
Ef8 39.Bc5 Bd7 40.Bc2 b3 9 .1 e 2 ©h5 10.6g5 L e i 11.6 h 6 9 .1 e 2 ©h5 1 0 .ig 5 L e i l l . i h 6
41. E cg2 1-0 6. g4 12.a4 b4 13.© d l ©d7 14.©e3 if8 12.1e3 i h 6 1 3 .«h6 b4

Theory B l 35

14. © d l WfS m © d 2 Ad7 16.a4 9...& e7 23.Ah6 Ad7 24,Ad3 Be8 25.Ae4
* d 8 17.g3 Ag4 18.©e3 A B 19.e5 AfS 26.B hel * B 2 1 .il Ae4
de5 20.© B W fl 21.Ag2 Wf6 22.d6 28.Be4 We4 29.fc4 Bd8 30x5 1-0
Ba7 23.0-0 ©g7 2 4 .B a d ©d7 Tarjan,James
2 5 .E fd l ©f5 26.©f5 * f 5 27.We3 De Firmian,Nick
e4 28.Ae4 We5 29.B d5 We6 United States 1984 Fedorowicz.John
30.Hdc5 ©c5 3I.Wc5 1-0 Renet,Olivier
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 Cannes 1987 (9)
Petursson,Margeir 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.Af4 a6 8.© D b5
9 .# e 2 A e7 10x5 de5 I l.A eS ©bd7 l.d4 ©fS 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
Portisch,Lajos 5.cd5 d6 6.© O g6 7.Af4 a6 8x4 b5
12.0-0-0 ©e5 I3.©e5 * d 6 14.©c6
Reykjavik WC 1988 (2)
Ad7 15.©e4 ©e4 16.We4 * f8 9 .* e2 Ae7 10.Wc2 0-0 ll.A e 2 Ag4
17.We5 We5 18.©e5 A il 19,Ad3 12.0-0 Be8 13,h3 A B 14.AB ©bd7
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3 .© B c5 4.d5 ed5 A d3 20.E d3 A d6 21.B el * g 7 15.a4 Wb6 16.b3 Af8 I7.ab5 ab5
5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7.Af4 a6 8x4 b5 2 2 .* c2 Bhc8 23.Bde3 Be8 24.©c6 18.Ba8 Ba8 19.Ae2 c4?!
9 .# e 2 ©h5 10.Ag5 f6 II.A e3 Be3 25.Be3 '/i-H (19...B.a5-) 20.bc4 b4 21.©b5 ©c5
©d7?! 12.g4 © g7 13.h4! ©b6
14.©d2 b4 15.© d l h5 16.gh5 ©h5
17.S g l * B I8.f4f5 19.Wg2!± Eh6 Mohr.Stefan
( 19...Wh4 2 0 A f2 &f4! 21WJ3 Ilic,Zoran
(21.£.{4 W /4 22M g6 <&e7) 21...Gsh5 Berlin 1985
22. ef5 (22.&g5 W h2 2 3 .£ h l
We5) 22...AJ5 23.the4 2e8 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3,©c3 c5 4.d5 ed5
2 4 . k d m ) 20.®f2 Wf6 (20...Ag7 5.cd5 d6 6.©f3 g6 7.Af4 a6 8x4 b5
21.e5) 21.0-0-0 Ag7 22.©d3 Ab7 9.'»e2 A e7 10x5 de5 ll.A e S ©bd7
23. A e2 Eg8 24x5 Wd8 25. A B Wa8 12.0-0-0 ©e5 13.©e5 # 0 6 I4.©c6
26,Ah5 gh5 27.Wg5 ©d5 28.'a'f5 *18 15.g3 A b7 16.Ag2 Ad8 17.h4
* e 8 29,ed6 Wc8 30.We4 * f8 * g 7 18.h5 Be8 19.*c2 b4 20.©a4
31.Ac5 * n 32.©c4 He6 33.Wf5 ©d7 21.hg6 hg6 22,Wd2 Af6
©f6 34,»g6 1-0 23.Wh6 * g 8 24.f4 Be2 25.A fl Bf2 22x5 b3 23.Wbl de5 24.Ae3 ©fd7
26.©a5 # c 7 27.©c4 Be8 28.* h 7 25.d6 e4 26.A d i Ea4 27.Wb3 ©b3
28.Ab6 Bc4 29.Ab3 Bb4 30.Bbl
Lputian,Smbat *18 29.Ad3 A d5 30.f5 ©e5
31.©cb6 A h l 3 2 .* h l ©d3 33,Bd3 Sb5 31.A n * f7 32.Eb5 Ad6
Magerramov,Elmar Bf5 34.©d5 Ag5 3 5 .* b l We5 0-1 33.Ad4 * e 6 3 4 .* fl ©b8 35.*e2
Uzhgorod 1988 ©c6 36.*e3 Ab8 37.*e4 ©d4
38.Sb8 1-0
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.© B g6 7.Af4 a6 8x4 b5 King.Daniel Flear,Glenn
9 .» e2 © h5 10.Ag5 Ae7 11.£1)6 Edinburgh ch-GB 1985
A f8 12.We3 A h6 13.Wh6 b4 Renet,Olivier
14.©dl Ag4 15.©d2 A d i 16.E dI Hastings 11 1987 (6)
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4,©c3 ed5
* f 6 17.©c4 ©d7 18.Ae2 ©f4 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.Af4 a6 8.© B b5
19.A B ©e5 20,©e5 We5 21.0-0 c4 9.We2 Ae7 10x5 ©h5 Il.A h 6 de5 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3.© D c5 4.d5 ed5
22.Ed2 Bc8 23.g3 © d3 24.b3 cb3 12.0-0-0 f6 13.©e5 fe5 14.We5 5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7.Af4 a6 8x4 b5
25.ab3 Ec3 26.A dI * d 8 27.Ae2 # I5.d6 A f6 16.*d5 Ae6 17.Wa8 9.We2 A e7 10.Wc2 0-0 !l.a4 b4
Wa5 18.WB b4 19.Ac4 Ac4 12.© dl b3 I3 .« c4 © bd7 14.Ea3
20.Wb7 1-0 E b8 15.Bb3 Eb3 16.Wb3 ©e4
17.Ad3 ©ef6 (I7...Wa5!7) 18.0-0
Wb6 19.Wa2 * 6 7 20.©c3 ©b6
Alburt.Lev 21.E e l ©fd5 22.Ae4 Ae6 23.Ad5
Gurevich,Dmitry Ad5 24.Ee7 We7 25.©d5 We6
Estes Park ch-US 1986 (12) 26.©c3 Wa2 27.©a2 ©a4 28.b3
©b6 29.©c3 d5 3 0 .* fl Ec8
].d4 ©f6 2 .© B e6 3x4 c5 4.d5 ed5 31.*e2 f6 32.g4 33.h3 * e 6
5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7.Af4 a6 8x4 b5 3 4 .*d3 ©d7 35.*e2 ©b6 36.*d3
9.We2 A e7 10.0-0-0 0-0 11x5 ©g4 Bh8 37. Ac7 ©d7 38.©a4 h5
12.©e4 de5 13.©e5 ©e5 14.Ae5 39.Ag3 hg4 40.hg4 g5 41.© el Ec8
27...W e4?(27...© c5») 28.Ad3 Bd3 ©d7 15.Af4 Be8 16.Wc2 ©f6 17.d6 42.©c3 ©e5 43.Ae5 fe5 44.B Bb8
29.B d3 * d 3 3 0 .* f4 * c 7 31. Be I ©e4 18.Wc4 Ag5 I9 .« e8 We8 4 5.*c2 Bh8 46.©a4 * d 6 47.©d3
* b 7 32.Wd6 Wb5 33,Bc4 1-0 20.Ag5 We5 21 h4 Ag4 22.f3 f6 Bf8 48.©ac5 B B 49.©a6 e4

50.©dc5 &e5 51 ,b4 d4 52.b5 &d5 # b3 23.Wd3 ©h5 24.g3 Wg4 25.<4>hl 20.Wb3 fic 6 21.dc6 ©e5 22.fid5
Wh3 26.Hc3 f5 27.ef5 ©16 2 8 .0 ©d5 23.©d5 Bc6 24,E cd l Bcc8
Wf5 29.WB gf5 30. Bb3 Hb3 25.h3 ©c4 26.WO * g 7 27.©b4
31.©b3 0 d 5 32.H dl 0 b 4 33.Bd2 » b 6 28.Wc3 W 6 29.Wg3 Be2
He6 34.f4 d5 3S.0e5 fid 6 36.0 d 7 30.© d 5 » b 2 31.©f4 Be7 32.h4
c4 3 7 .0 d 4 E e l 38.&g2 &17 39.0C5 Bce8 33.h5 » a 3 34.Bd3 ®b2
&e6 4O .0d6 ^>d6 41.©e5 4 x 5 35.hg6 fg6 36.®h4 * g 8 37,©d5 Bf7
42. 0 d 7 i/i-'A 38.B O B O 39.gO * g 7 40.4-g2
® e5 41. B d l Bf8 4 2 .2 d 4 g5
43.Wg4 h5 4 4 .» h 5 Wd4 45.®g5
9.e5 46.Wf5 * g 7 47.Wg5 * h 7
4 8 .« h 5 &g7 0-1
53.b6 Bf6 54.©d7 Bf2 55.4?b3 * c 6
56.©ac5 E fl 57.b7 H bl 5 8 .*c4
Sochi 1980
S b7 59.©b7 d3 60.©e5 * b 7 7...© /i5
61.©d3 * c 6 62.© el 1-0
!.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .0 c 3 ed5
5xd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8.©f3 b5
Flear,Glenn 9x5 de5 10.fie5 fig7 11.g3 0-0
Schulte,Oliver l2.Ji.g2 fib 7 13.0-0 ©d5 14.0e4 Rajkovic.Dusan
Oakham 1988 (4) 0 e 3 15.Wd8 Bd8 16.fe3 fie4 Tbilisi 1987
17.fig7 4 g 7 18.0 g 5 fig2 19.E H
4 g 8 20.4g2 h6 2 1 .0 e6 417 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
l.d4 ©16 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
2 2 .0 d 8 4 e 7 2 3 .0 b 7 0 d 7 2 4 ,E d l 5.cd5 d6 6.©13 g6 7 .fif4 © h5 8.fig5
5.cd5 d6 6.013 g6 7.fif4 a6 8x4 b5
c4 25.Bd4 Ec8 26.Be4 * f6 fie7 9.fih6 © d7 10.Wd2 ©df6
9 .« e2 f ie 7 10.»c2 0-0 1 l.fie 2 Be8
12.©d2 fi.18 13.0-0 ©bd7 14.Bfel 27 .S d 4 Bc7 2 8 .0 a5 4 e 6 2 9 .4 fl 1l.h3 ©g8 12.fie3 a6 13.g4 ©hf6
Eb8 15.b3 ©e5 16.a4 b4 17.© dl ©c5 3 0 .4 e2 0 d 3 3I.H e4 4 d 5 14.a4 ©d7 15.fif4 ©gf6 16.fih6
32.E d4 4 e 6 33.Be4 * f 5 34.Ed4 fi!8 17.fig2 We7 18.0-0 fih 6
©h5 I8.fih5 gh5 19.©b2 ©g6 ’A-A
0 b 2 35.Bd6 c3 3 6 .0 b 3 c2 37.©cl 19.Wh6 ©g8 2 0 .# f4 ©gf6 2 1 .0 d 2
0 c 4 38.Ba6 S d 7 3 9 .4 0 ©e5 0-1 0-0 22.©c4 © e8 23.©e4 #
Campos Moreno,Javier
Fernandez Aguedo,Enrique Yusupov, Artur
Sevilla 1988
Linares 1983 (6)
l.d4 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3.©c3 c5 4.d5 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.013 g6 7.fif4 a6 8x4 b5
9 .» e2 fie7 10x5 de5 1 l.fie 5 © bd7 I d4 ©16 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
12.0-0-0 0 e 5 13,©e5 « d 6 14.©c6 5.cd5 d6 6x4 g6 7.fif4 a6 8 . 0 0 b5
* f 8 15.*d2?! <4>g7 16.0e7 We 7 9x5 de5 10.©e5 fi.d6 ll.f ie 2 0-0
17.d6 Wd7 18.3i.e2 b4 19,g4 h6 12.0-0 Ee8 13.0c6 ©c6 I 4 .id 6
20.h4 bc3 21.Wc3 Wa4 22.E hgl Wd6 15.dc6 I f d l 16Ji.dl fie6
Wb4 23.Wg3 Bb8 24.b3 Be8 l7 .fiO Eac8 18.h3 418 19.Efcl
25.fic4 E e4 26.Wd3 B d4 27.We2 4 e 7 20.a4 b4 2I.© e2 fid 5 22.fid5
Wc3 28.4?bl Eg4 2 9.fid3 c4 ©d5 23.Bc5 4 d 6 24.B c2 Ec6 23...f5 24.©ed6 fg4 25.©c8 Bf4
30.fig6 Eg6 0-1 25. Bd2 4 c 7 26. B ad I ©16 27.© d4 26.©e7 4;18 27.©g6 hg6 28.b3 gh3
Bc4 2 8 .0 b 3 Be7 2 9 .0 a5 ‘A -A 29.fih3 © df6 30x3 Bh4 31.fig2
Bd8 32.f4 ©h5 33.©e5 &g7 34.*12
Flear,Glenn ©d6 35 .E acl ©f6 36.*^gl © de4
Wahls,Matthias Kallai,Gabor 37.B fdl b6 38.a5! ba5 39.Bc4 © d6
Dortmund 11 1989 (5) Franco,Zenon 40.Bc5 * h 7 41,B c6 ©fe8 4 2 .S a 6
Nendeln open 1986 1-0
l.d4 ©f6 2 . 0 0 e6 3x4 c5 4,d5 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6 .0 c 3 g6 7 .fif4 a6 8x4 b5 l .d4 016 2x4 e6 3 . 0 0 c5 4.d5 ed5
9.We2 f ie 7 10.Wc2 0-0 U .fie 2 He8 5.cd5 d6 6 .0 c3 g6 7 .fif4 a6 8x4 b5 Nemeth,Maria
12.0d2 fif8 13.0-0 0 b d 7 M .H fel 9x5 de5 10.©e5 fid 6 2 0-0 Sebestyen,M
0 e 5 15.a4 b4 16.© dl fig4 17.0 e 3 12.0-0 Be8 13.0c6 Wc7 Hungary 1988
fie2 18.Be2 Bb8 19.Ji.e5 2e5 * d 6 15.a3 ©bd7 16.b4 fib 7 17.B el
2O.0ec4 Be8 21.©b3 Wd7 22.0 b a5 Bac8 18.bc5 ©c5 19.fif3 ©cd7 l.d4 ©f6 2x 4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5

Theory Bl 35

5.cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 S h 5 8.®a4 2 9 .2 h 4 ®f6 30.2 f4 *17 31.»d5 5.cd5 d6 6.ftc3 g6 7.fif4 fig7
© d7 9 .« e 4 fie7 f6 ll._a.h6 1-0 8. ®d2 ah5?l (8...0-0 9.kc4 -7.£W2)
* f7 12.h3 f5 13.®c2 Wd8 14.e4 9. ® a4 *18 (9...k.d77 10.We4
fif6 15.fid3 Be8 16.0-0 f4 17,e5! Ivkov, Borislav We7 ll.SLd6-\—) 10.fie3!? a6 (A
2 e 5 (17...k e 5? 18.£,g5) 18.®e5 11..M5 12.lhb5? fid7) tl.W b l (A
fie 5 19.£se4 fif6 20.18912 fif5 Sahovic.Dragutin 12.a4+~; 1l.Wc2!7) 11... b5 12.a4f5!
21._S.f4 fie4 22.fie4 53f4 23.Wf4 Zem un 1980
4 g 7 2 4 .2 a e ! 5)a6 2 5 .2 e2 b5
2 6 .fib l c4 27.He6 fie5 28.We3 l.d4 &f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.£ic3 ed5
fib 2 29. Bc7 *18 3 0 .2 e l fie5 5.cd5 d6 6 .© B g6 7 .fif4 fig? 8.*»a4
3 1 .2h7 1-0 * f8 9x4 <ah5 10.fie3 ®d7 11.19:2
a6 12.a4 2 b 8 I3.fie2 ©hf6 14.£id2
£ie8 15.0-0 -7x5 16.f4 fig4 17.fig4
fig4 I8.f5 gf5 19.ef5 2g8 20.£)ce4
7...SLg7 l h 4 2 1 .« c4 b5 22.ab5 ab5 23.£cd6
fie5 24.fif4 fif4 2 5 .2 f4 ®d6
2 6 .!c 5 ® h6 27 .2 f2 2 c 8 28.» d 6
» d 6 29.®d6 2 d 8 30.£>bS 2 d 5
31.f6 2 d 8 32 .2 d2 2 b 8 33.h3 fic6
Korchmar 3 4 .2 a d l 2 e 8 3 5 .2 d 8 1-0
Soviet Union 1960 (12. M ? 13.Qce4 f5 14.&g5 A
Herzog /3.® gJ) 13.g4! (U .g3 b4 14.&dl a5!
l.d4 4if6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Slc3 ed5 Klinger,Josef A 7J...*/7, 16...JLa6) 13...C4!
5,cd5 d6 6.£)D g6 7..fif4 fig7 8.Wa4 Zug 1985 (13..J4 14.Si.c5! dc5 15.gh5oo;
*18 9.e4 5)h5 Wb6 1 l.Wc2 13...fg4 14.ab5oo) 14.»b4! (14.Wc2
h6 12.fie3 * g 8 13. fid 3 * h 7 l.d4 a f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.4 x 3 ed5 f4) 14...f4 15.fic5! dc5 lS.'B'cS 4 0
14,®d2 Wd8 15.0-0 ®d7 16.f4 5.cd5 d6 6.a n g6 7.fif4 fig7 8 .1 a4 17. gh5 fif5 (1 7 ..A d 7 18.Wc61)
®hf6 17_h3 Hf8 1 8 .2 ae l a6 19.£x4 fid 7 9 .! c 2 0-0 10x4 W ei ll.fie 2 18. fig2! (18.thde4?l k e 4 ! 1 9 A e 4
4}e8 20.a4 2 b 8 21.©d2 * g 8 2 e 8 12.® d2b5 13.0-0 a6 14.jfi.f3 b4 k b 2 2 0 .5 b l Wa5! 21.&d2 Sic3;
22.<SO Hfa5 23.e5 de5 24,fe5 ®e5 15,®a4 fib5 16.®b6 f if l 17.£)a8 21.<&tdl Wa4; 18.ab5 & d7 19.Wc4?
25.?le5 fie5 26.fig6 fig7 27.fih6 fib5 18.4b6 4 fd 7 19.©bc4 ®e5 ab5- + ; 19.Wb4 ab5; I8.ab57! T5d7!
fid 7 2 8.2e7 1-0 20.fie5 fie5 21.g3 ®d7 22.a4 ba3 A 19...ab5; 18.d6 fod7) 18...®d7
2 3 .2 a3 fid 4 2 4 .4 b 3 fig7 25.©ba5 19. * b 4 a5!? 20.'»b5 2 b 8 21.» c4
Bleiman.Yaacov ®e5 26.fig2 ®c4 2 7 .4 c4 fid4 2b4 2 2.»a2 2 e 8 23.0-0 Wg5
28.b3 f5 29.ef5 Wei 30._S.fl 218 2 4 . ^ 0 Wh5 25.Qb5 2 e 2 26.©d6
Browne,Walter 4g8 27.£>f5 W(S 28.d6 4 h 8
3 1 .1 d 2 W ei 32.fih3 gf5 33 .£ e3
Netanya 1971 2 9 .2 a e l 2eb2 30.«e6 « e 6 31.2e6
We4 34 .4 c2 f4 35.fie6 * h 8
3 6 .4 d 4 * b l 37.*g2 I f l 3 8 .4 0 fif6 32.fih3 4 g 7 3 3 .2 c l B bl
I.d4 a f 6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .a c 3 ed5 fg3 39.*g3 I g l 4 0 .* h 3 Bf2 0-1 3 4 .2 b l B b l 35.4g2 B dl 36.2e4
5.cd5 d6 6 . g6 fig7 8x3 ® b6 37.2f4 2 d 6 38.2e4 Bd3
0-0 9.fic4 £)h5 f6 ll.f ih 4 39.®e5 2 a 3 4 0 .a c 6 fta4 41.fig4
g5 12.£)d2 gh4 13.®h5 f5 14.g3 Benjamin,Joel h5 Q c3 43.2 e3 a4 44.2d3
®d7 15.gh4 ®e5 1 6 .2 g l * h 8 17.h3 Kraidman,Yair 2a2 4 5 .fiO a3 4 6 .2 d 7 * h 6
fid 7 18.f4 ®c4 19.®c4 ® c7 20.a4 Jerusalem 1986 (7) 47.2 a7 fih 4 4 8 .4h3 fif2 49.2 a6
fic3 21.bc3 b5 0-1 fig l 50.ae5 Bh2 51.*g3 a2
I ,d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5 5 2 ,a g6 4 g 5 53.fib7 Bb2 0-1
Lebredo,Gerardo 5.cd5 d6 6 .® 0 g6 7,fif4 fig7 8 .1 a4 YB/10-I55
®bd7 9 .fid 6 l b 6 10.®b5 a6 11x3
Ochoa de Echaguen.F
ab5 12.1a8 l d 6 I3 .1 c8 * e 7
Cienfuegos 1980
14.1b7 c4 1 5 .!b 5 c3 16.bc3 2 b 8
17 .! c 6 l a 3 18_d6 * f8 19.fie2 4>e4
l.d4 £)f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.£>c3 ed5 9.W b3
20.0-0 4X3 2 I.fic 4 2 d 8 2 2 .»c7
5.cd5 d6 6.©f3 g6 7_fif4 fig7 8 ,« a 4 fif6 2 3 .2 a c l ! b 2 24.®d4 1-0
* f8 9x 4 ®h5 I0 .fie3 a6 1 l.* c 2 b5
12.a4 b4 13.<Be2 ®d7 14.<&g3 ®g3 Toran Albero,Roman
15.hg3 W e i 16.fid3 h5 1 7 .* fl fih 6
18.fih6 2 h 6 19.®d2 2 h 8 2 0 .2 e l Psakhis.Lev Langeweg.Kick
f6 21x5 f5 22.®h4 * g 7 23.ed6 Wd6 Erevan 1988 (2) Beverwijk 1959
2 4 .2 e6 Wd5 25.®f5 * f 7 26.©d6
4 x 6 27.fic4 Wc4 28.®c4 2 a 7 l.d4 e6 2x4 ©f6 3 . 4 0 c5 4.d5 ed5 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5

5.cd5 d6 6 . 6 0 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8.Wa4 i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10.h3 0-0 11x3 U .Ad3
i d 7 9 .# b 3 Wc7 10.6d2 6 h 5 6 a 6 I2 .6 d 2 Bab8 13.a4 6 b 4
l l . i g 5 h6 12.i h 4 0-0 13.e3 g5 14.6c4 6 e 8 IS .B d l a6 16.a5 i b 5
1 4 .ie 2 gh4 1 5 .ih 5 a6 16,a4 i f 5 17.6b5 ab5 18.6b6 3 a 8 19.6a8
1 7 .ie 2 6 d 7 18.e4 i h 7 19.0-0 * h 8 ®a5 20.B d2 c4 2 1 .ic 4 bc4 2 2 .* c4 Shofman
20.f4 fS 21.i O c4 2 2 .# c2 6 c 5 6 a 6 23.®b3 6 c 5 2 4 ,« a3 Wb5 Brazilsky
23.e5 6 d 3 2 4 .6 d l de5 2 5 .« c4 Wb6 2 5 .0 i b 2 2.6.Bb2 6 d 3 2 7 .* d 2 Moskva 1957
26.<*hl e4 2 7 .ie 2 Sac8 2 8 .# b 3 6 b 2 2 8 .* c2 We2 2 9 .* b l 6 c 4
«rt>3 2 9 .6 b 3 6 b 2 3 0 .6 b 2 i b 2 3 0 .»c3 616 3 1 .6c7 Ha8 3 2 .6 a8 I .d4 6 f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .6 c 3 ed5
31.S a b i ic 3 32. Z ld l Hfd8 6 d 5 33. W d 6 b 4 0-1 5.cd5 d6 6 . 6 0 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8.Wa4
3 3 .6 c l Bd7 3 4 .ih 5 * g 7 35 .6 e2 i d 7 9 .» b 3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 l l . i d 3
i f 6 36.g4 Sc4 37,d6 Ha4 38.i.e8 6 a 6 12.0-0 6 b 4 1 3 .ic 2 6 h 5
1-0 Shamkovich,Leonid 14.i.e3 i g 4 15.a3 6 a 6 16.B a d
Hac8 17,h3 i O 1 8 .iO 616
Littlewood 1 9 .if4 c4 2 0 .« a4 Wb6 2 1 .6b5
Ramsgate 1984
Christiansen, Larry Bfd8 2 2 .ie 3 6 c 5 2 3 .# c4 a6
2 4 .6 d 6 Bd6 2 5 .ic 5 Wb2 26x5 1-0
Grefe,John l.d4 6 f6 2x4 e6 3 . 6 0 c5 4.d5 ed5
Lone Pine open 1981 (2) 5.cd5 d6 6 .6 c 3 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8.Wa4
i d 7 9.Wb3 « c 7 10.H3 0-0 11x3 a6 Cheremisin
l.d4 6 f6 2 . 6 0 e6 3,c4 c5 4.d5 ed5 12.a4 i f 5 13.6d2 g5 1 4 ,ig 5 6 b d 7 Vasilchuk
5.cd5 g6 6 .6 c3 i g 7 7 . i f 4 d6 8 .« a4 1 5 .ie 2 b5 16.ab5 ab5 17.0-0 b4 Moskva 1959
i d 7 9 .# b 3 Wc7 10.e4 6 h 5 l l . i e 3 18.6b5 ®b6 1 9 .if4 6 e 5 20.Ba8
0-0 1 2 .ie 2 a6 13.a4 i g 4 14.h3 i n Ba8 2 I.6 a 3 Wd8 2 2 .6 a b l H al l.d4 6 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .6 c 3 ed5
15.i O c4 16.Wb4 6 d 7 1 7 .ih 5 gh5 2 3 .ig 5 h6 2 4 ,ih 4 i d 7 25x4 i a 4 5.cd5 d6 6 . 6 0 g6 7 , i f 4 i g 7 8 ,» a 4
18.0-0 Bfe8 1 9 .if4 6 e 5 2 0 .ie 5 26.We3 i c 2 27,b3 6 g 6 2 8 .ig 3 i d 7 9 .* b 3 « c 7 10x4 0-0 l l . i d 3
i e 5 2 1.6e2 i g 7 22.6g3 h4 23 .6 f5 We7 29.i O 6 e 5 30. B el 6 0 He8 12.0-0 6 a 6 13.Bfel 6 h 5
3 e 4 24.H ael Bae8 2 5 .2 e4 Be4 3l.gO Ha2 3 2 .# f4 6 e 8 3 3 .6c4 14.i.e3 Hab8 15.a4 6 b 4 16.Jk.fl a6
26. H d # c 5 27,Wd2 B el 28.Wel i b 3 3 4 .6 d 6 6 d 6 35.®d6 Wg5 17.h3 b5 18.ab5 i b 5 19.6b5 ab5
i e 5 29.*fc4 b5 3 0 .» h 4 » c 7 31.ab5 36.f4 ®h5 3 7 .» c5 i x 2 38.# b 4 2 0 .id 2 6 f 6 2 1 .ib 4 cb4 2 2 .id 3
ab5 32.«g5 * 1 8 33.Wh6 * g 8 Eb2 3 9 .* e l Wh3 40x5 h5 4 1 .6 a3 6 d 7 23.Wb4 « c 5 24.Wd2 6 b 6
34,'»d2 *18 35.g3 i g 7 3 6 .» b 4 c3 i b 3 42.We4 h4 43x6 hg3 44x17 25.B a d 6 c 4 2 6 .« e2 i b 2 27,Bc2
37,bc3 i c 3 38.«-b5 1-0 * f7 45. Hc7 * g 8 46.'»e8 * h 7 i f 6 2 8 .ic 4 bc4 29.Bc4 -©aS
47,®e4 * g 8 H-H 30.Bc2 Bb4 3 1 .* d 3 3 a 4 3 2 .«b3
B b4 3 3 .« d 3 3 d 4 34.Ba2 * b 4
Agafonov Kremer.Mark 35.Wc2 Bdc4 36.H bl * c 4 37.WC4
Bc4 38 .Ba6 i e 5 3 9.6e5 de5 40.d6
Vilerts Bezemer.Arno
B d4 4 1 .3 b 2 ti-'d
Soviet Union 1982 Amsterdam 1986 (7)

I. d4 6 f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .6 c 3 ed5 l.d4 6 f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .6 c 3 ed5

5.cd5 d6 6.613 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8 .« a4 5.cd5 d6 6 . 6 0 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7
i d 7 9.Wb3 * c 7 I0 .6 d 2 6 h 5 i d 7 9.®b3 ® a5 1 0 .6 d 2 b5 11x3
I I . i g S h6 1 2 .ih 4 g5 1 3 .ig 3 6 g 3 c4 1 2 .ic 4 bc4 13.6c4 Wa6 1 4 .id 6 ll.e S
14.hg3 0-0 15x3 Be8 1 6 .id 3 6 a 6 Wc8 15.0-0 i,f8 1 6 .ie 5 1-0
17.0-0 Hab8 18.B a d 6 b 4 1 9 .ib l
b5 20.Wd 1 c4 21.Wh5 6 d 3 22.f4 gf4 Kasparov,Gary
2 3 .id 3 cd3 24.Bf4 Be7 25.B efl f5 Kankojlkka
26.g4 fg4 2 7 .6 d e4 * h 8 28.Wg6 Wahls,Matthias
®b6 2 9 .6 d l 3g8 30.6g5 hg5 Frankfurt sim 1986 Keogh
31.E H Bf7 3 2 .* h 5 i h 6 33.B17 Tel Aviv ol 1964
1-0 l.d4 6 f6 2x4 e6 3 . 6 0 c5 4.d5 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6 .6 c 3 g6 7 , i f 4 i g 7 8 .» a 4 l.d4 6 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .6 c 3 ed5
itd 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 6 h 5 1 l.i.e 3 5.cd5 d6 6 . 6 0 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8 .» a 4
0-0 12.6 d 2 i d 4 1 3 .ie 2 i.e 3 14.fe3 i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 U .e5 d e5
Peresypkin, Vladimir 6 g 7 15.0-0 a6 16x5 de5 17 .6 ce4 b 5 I 2 .i e 5 Be8 1 3 .ie 2 Wb6 14,Wb6
Kaliningrad 1984 18.B a d c4 19.616 * h 8 2 0 .« b 4 ab6 15.0-0 i g 4 16-Bfel 6 b d 7
® d8 2 1 .6 d e4 i f 5 22. W ei 6 d 7 1 7 .ic 7 6 e 4 18.6e4 Be4 19.h3
l.d4 6 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .6 c 3 ed5 23.Wh4 g5 24.Wh6 i g 6 2 5 .6 h 7 i b 2 20.H abl i O 21.i O B el
5.cd5 d6 6 . 6 0 g6 7 , i f 4 i g 7 8 .« a 4 i h 7 26.6g5 1-0 22 .B el Ba2 23,He7 6 f 6 24.d6 c4

Theory Bl 35

25.d7 ftd 7 26 .S d 7 c> 27.Ae5 * f8 S h 6 18,<*fl ®f5 19.Ab5 Bec8 17.Bfel &e5 18.Ae5 deS 19.Wb6
28.Af6 H al 29.‘&h2 H el 30.Ec7 20.d6 &f6 21.B d l a6 22.Ae2 <£>d7 Wb6 20.®b6 Bb8 21.E ecl £>d7
b5 31.Ac3 B el 32.Ab4 &e8 23.A O Ae3 24.bc3 Ba7 25,Ag4 b5 22,©c8 Bec8 23.Ag4 f5 24.ef5 £,f6
33.B el A cl 7-0 26.c4 bc4 27.bc4 ®c5 28.Bd5 * e 6 25.Ah3 g5 26.g3 c4 27.a5 Ac5
29.Ab6 Hd7 30.c5 &f4 31.B d l 28.A fl A d4 29.Ba4 Bc5 30.Ac4
Sherwin,James 4Je6 32.Bd5 & 4 33.Be5 ®d3 Bbc8 31 b3 4 f8 32.4g2 ®d5
34. Af5 £)e5 35.f4 gf5 36.fe5 * g 7 33.®d5 Ed5 34,Ad5 B el 35.Ab7
Kane 37 .4 f2 * g 6 38 .* e3 Be8 3 9 .4 d 4 f6 Bc2 36.<4-0 3 f2 37.4e4 Bb2
United States 1973
40.C6 fe5 4 l.* d 5 1-0 38.Aa6 Bb3 39.Ac4 Bb2 40.a6
YB/2-411 A a7 41.4e5 Bh2 42,E b4 B hl
l.d4 £sf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.<bc3 ed5 43.Bb7 B el 4 4 .4d6 Af2 45.a7
5.cd5 d6 6 .& 0 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .» a4 Ag3 4 6.4c6 Be8 47.Ef7 1-0
A d7 9 .* b 3 » c 7 10.e4 0-0 11.e5 de5
12.Jil.e5 Wc8 13.Ae2 Ag4 14.0-0 ll.L e 2
» f5 15.Wb7 « b d 7 16.Jid6 Bfe8
17.Bfel ®b6 18.B ad l ©fd7 19.h3 Nisman,Boris
AO 20.A O t c 2 2 I.£ e 4 A d4 Bytom 1988 (11)
22.Bd2 Wd2 2 3.t)d2 B el 2 4 .4 h 2
Bae8 2 5 .* 3 7 A f2 26.b4 Ha8 Gufeld,Eduard l.d4 $3f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.4^0 ed5
27.«'b7 B a2 28.bc5 Bd2 29.cb6 Kiev ch-SU 1958 5.cd5 d6 6.®c3 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .« a4
®f6 30.Ab4 A gl 31.*g3 Af2 Ad7 9.«'b3 # c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
3 2 .4h2 A gl tt-'A l.d4 &f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.£ic3 ed5 Ee8 12,ftd2 &a6 13.0-0 Bab8
5.cd5 d6 6 .S O g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .» a4 14.®c4 b5 15.®d6 Ef8 16x5 c4
Garcia Martinez,Silvino Ad7 9 .« b 3 » c 7 I0.e4 0-0 ll.A e 2 I7.©db5 Ab5 18.£ib5 * c 5 19.Wc4
5)a6 12.0-0 Bfc8 13.&d2 £ e 8 53d5 20.Ag3 Bb6 21.B acl Wc4
Kasparov,Gary 14.B aci Bab8 15.Ag3b5 16.a4ba4 22.Ac4 ©dc7 23.®c7 ®c7 24.b3
Baku 1980 ®e6 25. B fd 1 A h6 26.Bc2 a5
17.Wa3 Bb6 18,®a4 A a4 19.Wa4
£ b 8 20.Ab5 A h6 21.f4 ®f6 22.£>c4 27 Bd6 Bfb8 28.Bb6 Bb6 29.Bc3
1.<14 £lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.£ic3 ed5 Bb7 23.e5 de5 24.fe5 « d 5 25.e6 Af8 30.Bd3 a4 31.Bd7 Bb8
5.cd5 d6 6 .© 0 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8.Wa4 * f4 26.ef7 4 g 7 27.B cel a6 28.Aa6 3 2 .* fl ab3 33.ab3 Ba8 34.4>e2
A d7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10.e4 0-0 li.eS «ja6 2 9 .« a6 Bd8 30.Af4 Af4 Ab4 35.Ae6 fe6 36.Af4 Ea2
Be8 12,Ae2 ®h5 13.Ae3 ( 13.ed6? 31.Bf4 # f4 32.Wb7 # c 4 33.f8W 37.*d3 Bf2 38.Ah6 A e l 39.Bd8
k c 3 143&C3 B e2 -+ ) 13...de5 14.0-0 1-0 * f7 40.Ef8 * e 7 41.Bf2 Af2
» b 6 15.£>d2af4 16.A c4(/6.A /3/7) 42.<4c4 Agl 43.h3 <4d7 44.<t’b5
16...5 a 6 17. Bfcl?! ( 17.tsde4) Ad4 45.Af4 * c 7 46.b4 * b 7
17.. .Af5 18.7&d 1?! ( 18.£,de4 S a d 8
47.<*c4 A b2 48.*c5 * c 7 49.g3 h5
19. Wdl ) I8...g5!-+ 19.ftb3 « g 6 Nievergelt,E 50.A d2h4 51.gh4 Ae5 52.A el Ad6
20. A a6 ba6 2 1 .0 c5 Bad8 2 2.»a4? Munchen 1958 53.*c4 * c 6 54.Af2 Ae5 55.b5 * d 6
(22.Wd2) 22...e4m 2 3 .# a6 Wh5 56.>*d3 * d 5 57.*e2 Ab8 5 8 .* 0
24.Wfl Ae5?! (2 4 ..H d 6 ! 25.&5e4 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5 A d6 59.&g4 Ae7 60.b6 * c 6 61.h5
k e 4 26.&e4 B e4 27.3.C8 AyS 5,cd5 d6 6.<&0 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8.Wa4 gh5 62.&h5 e5 63.4?g4 Ad6 64.h4
28.Ac5 %e2 29.<bhl % h2 30.S,h2 A d7 9 .* b 3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 e4 65.h5 Af8 66.*f5 ■i'dS 67.h6
B h4) 25,Af4 A f4 26.g3 A cl Ag4 12.«3b5 Wa5 13.©d2 c4 A h6 68.b7 e3 69.Ae3 1-0
27. B el B d6 (27...A M ? 28 A 5 e4 !) 14.»c4 Bc8 l S . l ^ A e2 16.»e2
28. B el Bh6 29.«'g2 Ah3 30.g4! ©e4 17.0-0 ©d2 18.Ad2 Wa6
% 4 31.Wg4 Ag4 32.®5e4 4 f8 19.Ab4 ®d7 20.Ad6 £)f6 21.a4
33.B el A O 34.ftd2 g4 3 5 .S O gO Be8 2 2 . # 0 Bad8 23.Ac7 Bd5
36.B d l S e5 0-1 24.Af4 Be4 25.<&c7 E d3 26 .# e4

Agdestein.Simen Sosonko,Gennadi
Wedberg,Tom Kuijf,Hans Portisch,Lajos
Oslo 1984 (4) Amsterdam 1982 (9) Fischer,Robert
Palma de Mallorca 1970 (10)
l.d4 ©f6 2.c4 e6 3 ,ftO c5 4.d5 ed5 l.d4 £>f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
5.cd5 d6 6.®c3 g6 7. A f4 Ag7 8 .» a 4 5.cd5 d6 6.£iO g6 7,Af4 Ag7 8 .» a4 l.d4 ftf6 2x4 e6 3 .ftO c5 4.d5 ed5
Ad7 9.Wb3 * c 7 10.e4 0-0 1 l.e5 de5 Ad7 9 .# b 3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 5.cd5 g6 6.©c3 Ag7 7. Af4 d6 8 Wa4
12.Ae5 Bc8 13.Ae2 c4 14.Ac7 cb3 Be8 12.®d2 a6 13,a4 Ac8 14.0-0 A d7 9.'»b3 » c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
15.AJe5 £3g4 16.£>d7 £3d7 37.ab3 £>bd7 15,£)c4 A f8 16. A O h6 a6 12x5 de5 13.Ae5 Wc8 14.0-0

Ag4 15.h3 A O 16. A D 5 b d 7 Damljanovic,Branko ll..A h 5
17.Ad6 Be8 18,a4 5 e 5 19.Ae5 Martinovic,Slobodan
Be5 20.B ad 1 Bb8 21.d6 b5 22,ab5 Vrnjacka Banja 1984 (9)
ab5 23.B fel B el 2 4.B el Af8
2 5 .5 b 5 * d 7 26.Ae2 A d6 27.Ac4
l.d4 5 f6 2x4 e6 3 . 5 0 c5 4.d5 ed5 Ilivitsky
Af8 2 8 ,B d l * e 7 29.*d.3 14-14
5.cd5 d6 6 .5 c 3 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4 Leningrad 1958
A d7 9.Wb3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
Hybl, Vladislav a6 12x5 de5 13.Ae5W c8 14.a4 Ag4
l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .5 c 3 ed5
Nyman,Sture 15.0-0 Ee8 16,Bfel 5 b d 7 17.Af4
5.cd5 d6 6 .S D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4
cr 1975 5 e 4 18.5g5 c4 19.Ac4 5 d c 5
A d7 9 .* b 3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
2 0 .* a3 Wf5 21.5ge4 5 e 4 22.Ae3
5 h 5 12.Ae3 Ag4 13.h3 A D 14.AD
l.d4 5 f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .5 c 3 ed5 5 c 3 23.bc3 Bac8 2 4 .* b 3 b5 25.ab5
5 d 7 15.Ah5 gh5 16.0-0 f5 17,ef5
5.cd5 d6 6 . 5 0 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4 ab5 26.Ab5 Bc3 27.Wbl Bd8
Bf5 18.Wc2 Baf8 19.B adl 5 b 6
A d7 9 .* b 3 * c 7 10.e4 0-0 ll.A e 2 2 8 .* f5 Af5 29.Ac6 Af6 30.Ba8
20.®b3 *17 21.5x4 » g 6 22.a4 B D
a6 12x5 5 h 5 13.ed6 * c 8 14.Ae3 Ba8 31.Aa8 Bd3 32.Ah6 Ad7
2 3 .* d 3 5 a 4 2 4.5c5 Be3 25.* e3
b5 15.a4 c4 16.*a3 ba4 17.5d2 33.Ac6 Ac6 34.dc6 Bd8 35x7 Bc8
dc5 26.b4 5 c 3 27,bc5 5 d l 2 8.B dl
Ab5 18. B el 5 d 7 19.5c4 f5 36.Af4 g5 37.Ad6 * g 7 38 .B b l
b6 29.d6 be5 3 0.*c5 Bd8 31.* a7
2 0 .5 b 5 ab5 2 1 .5 b 6 * d 8 2 2 .5 a8 Be8 39.g3 h5 40. Bb8 1-0
Bd6 3 2 .*b8 Af8 33.fld6 * d 6
* a 8 23.0-0 f4 24.Ab5 fe3 25.Ad7 3 4 .* d 6 A d6 35.g3 * f7 36.f4 * e 6
ef2 2 6 .* h l * d 5 27.Aa4 Ab2 Miralles,Gilles 37.*g2 * d 5 38.^ D h6 39.g4 h4
2 8 .*b3 * b 3 29.Ab3 sfeh8 30.Bc2 Seret,Jean-Luc 40.g5 h5 4 1 .* e3 A c5 42.& D 14-14
A d4 31.d7 5 f 6 32.Aa4 * g 7 France 1986
33.Bc8 1-0
Yurkov, Vladimir
Saeed Saeed,Ahmed l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .5 c 3 ed5 Arseniev
Yusupov, Artur 5.cd5 d6 6 . 5 0 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4
Moskva 1971
Amsterdam 1982 (3) A d7 9 .* b 3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
a6 12x5 de5 13.5e5 5 h 5 14.5d7
5 f4 15.530 5 g 2 1 6 .* fl 5 f4 l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .5 c 3 ed5
l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .5 c 3 ed5 5.cd5 d6 6 . 5 0 g6 7,Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4
17.A D Ea7 18.5e6 fe6 19,de6 c4
5.cd5 d6 6 . 5 0 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4 A d7 9.Wb3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
20x7 cb3 2 1 x 8 * ' Af8 22,ab3 b5
Ad7 9 .* b 3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 5 h 5 12.Ae3 Ag4 13.h3 A D 14.AD
23.B d i itsd7 2 4 .* e3 5 f6 25.fld4
a6 12.a4 5 h 5 13.Ae3 Ag4 14.h3 5 d 7 15.0-0 5 h f6 16.Ae2 Bfe8
A h6 2 6 .5 e2 5 e 2 2 7 ,* e2 Wb6
A D 15.A D 5 f6 16x5 de5 17.0-0 17.*c2 a6 18.a4 Be7 19.f4 5 e 4
2 8 .* d 3 Af8 29.*g2 Ac5 30.Ed8
5 b d 7 18. E fd l * d 6 19.*b7 Bfc8 2 0 .5 e4 f5 2 1 .5 d 6 Be3 2 2 .5 c4
* g 7 31.B el A e7 32.Bdc8 Bd7
20.Ae2 e4 2 l.* b 3 Af8 22.a5 * e 5 Bee8 23.d6 * d 8 24.A D B b8 25.a5
33.We2 A d6 34.B8c6 * a 7 3 5 .*e6
23.d6 Bcb8 2 4 .* a2 Ad6 25.g3 * e 7 i?h8 26.B ael A d4 2 7 .* h l 5 f6
26.Bd2 Ae5 2 7.B adl Ba7 2 8 .5 d 5 2 8 .* d 3 5 d 7 29.Be8 * e 8 30.b4
5 d 5 2 9 .* d 5 Bb2 3 0 .* e4 Bd2 Jones,Lee Af6 3 1 .* d 2 * f 7 32.Ad5 * g 7
31. Bd2 5 f 6 3 2 .* c6 Ec7 3 3 .* a6 33 .B el cb4 3 4 .*b4 g5 3 5 .5 d 2 g4
* g 7 34.*g2 c4 35.A D c3 36.Bc2 Capo, Jose
3 6 .*b3 * h 6 37.S f 1 b5 38.ab6 Bb6
Wb4 37. A bb Be7 38.Wd3 h5 Adelaide Wch-jr 1988 (9) 3 9 .* a3 gh3 40.gh3 A b2 4 1 .* d 3
39.Ad8 Be6 (4-14 * f 6 42.A c4 Bb8 4 3 .E b l A d4
l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 e6 3 . 5 0 c5 4.d5 ed5 44.Bb8 5 b 8 4 5 .* e2 A a7 4 6 .* e8
Salov,Valeri 5.cd5 d6 6 .5 c 3 g6 7. Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4 4 ^ 7 4 7 .* e7 1-0
Ad7 9 .* b 3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
Minasian,Artases a6 12.a4 5 h 5 13,Ae3 Ag4 I4.h3
Jaroslavl 1983 A D 15.A D 5 f 6 16.0-0 5 b d 7
17.Ae2 Bae8 18.*c2 Bc7 19.f4
l.d4 5 f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 .5 c 3 ed5 5 b 6 20.B ad l Bfe8 21x5 5 fd 7 Ljubojevic,Ljubomir
5.cd5 d6 6.510 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a4 2 2 .5 x 4 5 c 8 23.b4 c4 24.a5 A h6 Amsterdam IB M 1972 (10)
Ad7 9.Wb3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 25.g4 Ag7 26.B D * b 8 27,Ac4 b5
a6 12x5 de5 13.Ae5 * c 8 14.0-0 28.Ab3 5lf8 2 9 .* c6 5 d 7 3 0 .* a6 l.d4 5 f 6 2x4 e6 3 .5 c 3 c5 4.d5 ed5
Be8 15.Bfel Af5 16.a4 5 b d 7 5 e 5 31 fe5 Be5 32.Ac2 f5 33.gf5 5.cd5 d6 6 .5 D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .* a 4
17.Af4 5 e 4 18.Ac4 5 d f6 19.d6 gf5 34.5g3 Be3 3 5 .5 f5 B el Ad7 9 .* b 3 * c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
Bf8 2 0 .5 e4 Ae4 2 1 .5 e5 * f5 3 6 .B el B el 37,* g 2 * c 7 38 .* c6 5 h 5 12.Ae3 Ag4 13.h3 A D 14. A O
22.Ag3 A c2 2 3 .* b 7 Bab8 24.A17 * d 8 3 9 .* b 5 * g 5 4 0 .5 g 3 h5 5 d 7 15.Ah5 gh5 16.0-0 Bae8
*h8 2 5 .* e7 5 h 5 26.Ae6 5 g 3 4 1 .* d 3 * h 6 4 2 .* f5 5 a 7 4 3 .* f7 17.*c2 a6 18.a4 * d 8 19.a5 4 h 8
27.Af5 5 f5 2 8 .* c7 Sbc8 29 .» c8 * h 8 4 4 .* a7 Be8 4 5 .* f7 Bf8 20.B a4 * c 8 2 1 .5 d l b5 22.ab6 5 b 6
Bc8 3 0 .d 7 flf8 31.5g6 1-0 4 6 .* h 5 1-0 23.B a2 f5 2 4 .* b 3 * b 7 25.ef5 Bf5

Theory Bl 35

26.®c3 i d 4 2 7 .n fa l-'* g 7 2 8 .* b 6 ®e5 34.ii.e5 de.5 35.ii.e6 ®f6 36.d6 i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 l l . i e 2
Eg8 2 9 .id 4 cd4 30.g3 Ef2 31.Wd6 Wb7 37.5Je5 Bf8 38.WH4 1-0 ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 i g 4 13.h3 i n 1 4 ,iO
Ef6 32.Wf6 * f 6 33.®e4 We5 ®f6 15x5 de5 16.d6 Wd6 17.S d l
34.E e l Sg3 35.®g3 Wei 36.© ft Sosonko,Gennadi We7 18.Wb7 ®bd7 19.ad5 ®d5
W b l3 7 .B a 6 d 3 0-1 20. Ed5 Bad8 21.0-0 i f 6 22.Wa7 e4
Vasiukov,Evgeni 2 3 .ie 2 ®b6 24.We7 i e 7 25.Be5
Reykjavik 1980
Vaganian,Rafael i d 6 26,Be4 f5 27.Ee6 * n 28.Bd6
Bd6 2 9 .ic 5 Ed2 3 0 .if8 Be2
Ermenkov,Evgeny l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.tSbc3 ed5 3 1 .ic 5 Eb2 3 2 .id 4 E b4 3 3 .ic 5
Graz 1972 5.cd5 d6 6 .a O g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8.Wa4 Eb5 3 4 .ib 6 Eb6 35.a4 * e 6 36.a5
i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 l l . i e 2 Ba6 37.B al 4id5 38.*h2 f4
!.d4 ®f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®e3 ed5 ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 a6 13.0-0 b5 14.a4 b4 39.Ba4 * e 5 4 0 .* g l g5 4 1 .* fl 1-0
5.cd5 d6 6 .S O g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8.Wa4 15,© b l i g 4 16.®bd2 ®d7 17.h3
i d 7 9.Wb3 W'c7 10,e4 0-0 l l . i e 2 in 18.ii.f3 ®hf6 19.a5 Bfe8
®h5 1 2 .ie 3 a6 13.«id2 b5 14.a4 2 0 .if 4 Bab8 21.B fel i f S 22.Wd3
ba4 15.®a4 E a7 1 6 .ih 5 gh5 17.0-0 Eb5 23.®c4 Bbb8 2 4.B adl h6 Ljubojevic,Ljubomir
ib 5 lS .B fel ®d7 19.f4 Ee8 25x5 de5 26.d6 Wc8 2 7 .ie 5 Bd8 Tilburg 1984 (2)
2 0 .* h l Eb7 21,’B'dl ®f6 22.WO 28.ii.g3 b3 29.®e5 ®e5 3 0 .ie 5
©g4 23.®c3 Wd8 24.jfiLgl Wh4 ®d7 3 1 .ic 3 i g 7 3 2 .id 5 i c 3 I.d4 a f 6 2 . a n e6 3x4 c5 4.d5 ed5
25.e5 de5 26.d6 E b 6 2 7 .eb 5 Eb5 33.i n 1-0 5.cd5 d6 6 .a c 3 g6 7 .if 4 i g 7 8.Wa4
2 8 .» c6 Bf8 29.a n # f 6 30.fe5 Wf5 i d 7 9.Wb3 » c 7 10x4 0-0 l l . i e 2
31.d7 E b2 32.B ad 1 Bd8 33.Wc7 ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 a6 13.«d2 b5 14.0-0
Ebb8 3 4 .ic 5 i f 8 35.Wb8 Eb8
Nogueiras,Jesus Ba7 lS .E a c l Bb7 16.Bfel a f 6
36.d8W B d8 37,Bd8 h6 38.Bf8 Garcia Martinez,Silvino 17.h3 Be8 18.*c2 b4 H-'/r
* g 7 39.h3 Wc2 40.Ec8 1-0 Havana 11 1983 (12)
Salov, Valeri
l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
Portisch,Lajos Psakhis,Lev
5.cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 7 .if 4 i g 7 8.Wa4
Larsen,Bent Moskva 1986 (1)
i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 11.1x2
San Antonio 1972 (IS) ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 a6 13.®d2 b5 14.a4
ba4 15.®a4 i b 5 1 6 .ib 5 ab5 l.d4 a f 6 2x4 e6 3.®c3 c5 4.d5 ed5
I. d4 e6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 ed5 4.cd5 d6 17.Wb5 f5 18.ef5 gf5 19.®c4 f4 5.cd5 d6 6.a n g6 7 .if 4 i g 7 8.Wa4
5.®c3 g6 6 . a B i g 7 7 . i f 4 @ 6 2 0 .id 2 We7 2 1 .* d l i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 l l . i e 2
8.Wa4 i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10.e4 0-0 ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 i g 4 13.h3 i n 1 4 . i n
I I . i m ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 © a6 13.®d2 ®d7 15.0-0 ®hf6 16.a4 a6 17.a5
Gaprindashvili,Nona Efb8 18.Ba2 b5 19.ab6 S b6
f5 14.ef5 gf5 15.ii.h5 f4 16.0-0 fe3
17.fe3 ®b4 18.1$bce4 a5 19.®g5 a4 Litinskaya,Marta 20.Wc2 ®e8 2 1 .ie 2 Wd8 22.f4 We7
20.Wc4 h6 21.®e6 i e 6 22.de6 d5 Vilnius ch-Sll 1983 23.i n Bab8 2 4 .if 2 ®c7 25.B el
23 . i n * h 8 24.Wh4 We5 25.® D Wd8 26.4>hl ®b5 27.®a4 B6b7
We3 26,<±>hl ©d3 2 7 .E ael ® el l.d4 ®f6 2x4 e6 3 .® 0 c5 4.d5 ed5 28x5 de5 29.d6 Ea7 30.®c5 Bc8
28.B el Wd3 29.Wh5 a3 30.b3 i c 3 5.cd5 g6 6.®c3 d6 7 .if 4 i g 7 8.Wa4 31.b4 ef4 32.Wb3 ®e5 33,®e6 ®d6
31.e7 *>g7 32.ef8W B18 3 3 .id 5 i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.ii.e 2 3 4 .ia 7 We6 35.We6 fe6 36.Ba6
i e l 34.We5 Bf6 3 5 .0 e7 1-0 ®h5 1 2 .ie 3 i g 4 13.h3 i O 14.i n a n Ba8 38.Bee6 ®c7
®d7 1 5 .ih 5 gh5 16.Wc2 Bfe8 39.Bec6 ®a6 40.Ba6 i d 4 41.Bd6
17.0-0 ®e5 18.®e2 h4 19.®d4 i f 6 a -n
Inkiov,Ventzislav YB/6-397
20.®f5 4>h8 2 1 .id 4 Wd8 2 2 .ic 3
Kristensen b5 23.b3 a5 24.f4 ®g6 25.®h6 Ba7
Groningen jr 1975 26.®g4 i d 4 2 7 .id 4 cd4 28.Wd3
Wb6 29.S a c 1 Bae7 30.Bc6 0 a 7
l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5 31,®f6 E d8 3 2 .* h 2 * g 7 33.®h5 U...b5
5,cd5 d6 6.®f3 g6 7 . i f 4 i g 7 8.Wa4 * h 6 34.g4 hg3 35.Wg3 f6 36.®f6
i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10.e4 0-0 I l . i e 2 * g 7 37.f5 B H 3 8 .« h 7 1-0
®h5 1 2 .ie 3 i g 4 13.0-0 ® d7 14.h3 Bertold
jfeD 15.A D « h f6 16.ii.f4 ®e8 Hjartarson, Johann
17.®b5 Wb8 18,a4 b6 19.®a3 ®e5 Feuerstein
2 0 .ie 2 f5 21.ef5 Bf5 2 2 .ie 3 Wc7 Sigurjonsson,Gudmundur Reykjavik 1957
23.f4 ©d7 2 4 .ig 4 Bf8 25.®c4 Reykjavik 1984 (1)
« e f6 2 6 .ie 6 &h8 27.f5 gf5 28.Bf5 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5
®e4 29.Wd3 ®ef6 30.B afl a6 l.d4 ®f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.®c3 ed5 5.cd5 d6 6 ,® n g6 7 .if 4 i g 7 8.Wa4
31.ii.f4 ®e8 32.Wg3 Ef5 3 3 .if5 5.cd5 d6 6.S O g6 7 .if 4 i g 7 8.Wa4 i d 7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 l l . i e 2

b5 12 .fi,b5 ©e4 13.©e4 W'a5 Agzamov,Georgy Bd8 25.Ae5 Ae5 26.B d8 Bd8
14.Ad2 Wb5 15.Wb5 Ab5 16.©d6 Magerramo v, El mar 27.©c4 A f6 28 .B el * f 8 29.* e2
A a6 17.0-0-0 S d 8 18.©e4 Ae2 Cheliabinsk 1981 Bd4 30. Sc2 * e 7 31.© b6 a3 32.b3
19.Aa5 A d i 20.Ad8 A D 21.gD B e4 33.* D Be6 34.Be2 A d4
©d7 1-0 35.©c4 Be2 3 6 .* e2 * e 6 37.©a3
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
* d 5 38.©c2 Ae5 39.g3 f5 4 0 .* d 3
5.cd5 d6 6.© D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8W a4
Evans, Larry f4 41 g4 Af6 42.D 1-0
A d 7 9 .# b 3 « c 7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
Perez, F b5 12x5 © h5 I3.ed6 Wa5 14.Ad2
Amsterdam izt 1964 Be8 15.© d l b4 I6.a4 Ac8 17,Ae3 Starck.Bodo
A a6 18.Ac4 Be4 19.©d2 Ac4 Stratil,Ladislav
I. d4 e6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 ed5 4.cd5 d6 20.©c4 Wa6 21.B el ©f4 22.D Be8 Berlin 1985
5.©c3 g6 6.© D Ag7 7.Af4 ©f6 23.Bc2 ©d5 24.0-0 ©c6 25.Ac5
8.Wa4 Ad7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10.e4 0-0 A d4 26.Ad4 © d4 2 7 .» d 3 © c2 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5
I I . Ae2 b5 12.©b5 Ab5 13.Ab5 28.Wd5 BadS 29.© D ©e3 30.©e3 5xd5 d6 6.© D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8.Wa4
©e4 14.0-0 a6 15.Ad3 ©f6 16.©d2 He3 31.©e4 Bd3 32.Wg5 B8d6 Ad7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
©h5 17.Ae3 ©d7 18.Babl ©e5 33.©d6 Wb6 3 4 .* h l * d 6 35.B el b5 12x5 ©h5 13.ed6 W'a5 14.Ad2
19.©c4 f5 20.©e5 jLe5 21.f4 Ag7 Wd4 36.We7 B d l 37.h4 B el 3 e 8 15.© d l Wb6 16.Ae3 W'a5
22.Wc4 a5 23.a3 Bfe8 24.A D a4 38.Wei Wb2 39.h5<£g7 40.We3 17.Ad2 b4 18.Ae3 © f4 19.WX4
25.b4 ab3 26.E b3 Ba7 27.B fbl Wc3 41.h6 &f8 42.Wa7 b3 4 3 .» b 8 ©g2 2 0 .* fl A h3 2 1 .* g l ©e3
Bea8 28.Wcl Bc8 29.Ac4 Bca8 &e7 4 4 .4 ’h2 b2 45.f4 Wcl 46.We5 22.fe3 Af5 23.Wf4 B e4 0-1
30.g3 Bc8 'A-'A *d7 47.Wd5 &c8 48.Wa8 * c 7
49.Wa5 <2?b8 50.We5 * c 8 51.We8
* c 7 52,We5 £ d 8 'A-'A Anastasian,Ashot
Forintos,Gyozo Minasian,Artases
Planinc,Albin Erevan 1987
Wijk aan Zee 1974 Nogueiras,Jesus
Huerta,Ramon l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3.©c3 c5 4.d5 ed5
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 Cuba 1982 5.cd5 d6 6.© D g6 7. A f4 Ag7 8.Wa4
5.cd5 d6 6.© D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8 .» a 4 A d7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
Ad7 9.'»b3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 e6 3.© D c5 4.d5 ed5 b5 12.Ab5 © e4 13.©e4 Wa5
b5 12.©d2 b4 13.© dl a6 14.a4 ba3 5.cd5 d6 6.©c3 g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8.Wa4 14.©c3 A b5 15.0-0-0 A d7 16.©d2
15.Wa3 Be8 16.©c3 B a7 17.Wa5 A.d7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 ©a6 17.©c4 Wd8 18.Ad6 Wg5
Wa5 18.Ba5 Bb7 19.Ad6 Bb2 b5 12x5 ©h5 13.ed6 Wa5 14.Ae3 19.©e3 Efe8 20.B hel Wf6 21.Ag3
20.Bc5 A b5 21.© b5 ab5 22.D A h6 c4 IS.Wdl b4 16.©e4 Ab2 17.0-0 h5 22.h4 Eab8 23.Wa3 Bb6 24.d6
23.© fl © bd7 24.Bb5 Ba2 2 5 .* D 1 8 .# al c3 19.©fg5 Ab5 ©b4 25.©ed5 A h6 26.f4 Wd6
Be4 26.fe4 ©e4 2 7 .* e l B al 20.Ah5 A fl 21.©f6 * g 7 22.Ad4 27. Be8 A e8 28.© b6 A f4 29.Af4
28. A d I ©d6 29.©g3 ©b5 0-1 A.d3 23.Wei ©c6 24.©g4 f6 25.W'e6 Wf4 30. B d2 ab6 31.Wa8 Wfl
Wd8 26.dc6 Af5 27,©f6 Ae6 32.© d l Wc4 33.©c3 Wfl 3 4.B dl
Vaganian,Rafael 28.©e6 *17 29.©g5 * g 7 30.©e6 Wf4 3 5 .* b l We5 36.Bd8 Wei
* f7 31.©g5 * g 7 32. ©g4 Bf6 37.© d l * h 7 38.a3 © c6 39.Bd3
Korelov 33.©f6 Wa5 34.Qg4 * f8 35.©h7 We4 40.© D 1-0
Minsk 1978 * f7 36.©e5 * e 6 37,Ag6 <Wa4 YB/8-134
38. A D * d 6 39. Ab3 1 ^ 6 40.Ac4
l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 W'a3 41 ,© d3 c2 42. A e3 * c 6 43.©f6
5.cd5 d6 6.© D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8.Wa4 Tavadian,Ragik
Bd8 0-1
A d7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 Minasian,Artases
b5 12.Ab5 ©e4 13.©e4 Wa5 Erevan 1987
14.©fd2 A b5 15.©d6 A a6 16.0-0-0
©d7 17.©2c4 Wd8 18.Wa3 Ac4 Panczyk,Krzysztof l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.© c3 ed5
19.©c4 H ttt 20.Ag3 ©b6 21.©e5 c4 Polanica Zdroj 1984 (1) 5.cd5 d6 6.© D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8,Wa4
22.B hel Wf5 23.We3 Eae8 24,Wf4 A d7 9.Wb3 W e7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2
Wc8 25.& bl c3 26.bc3 ©d5 27.Wc4 l.d4 ©f6 2x4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.©c3 ed5 b5 12x5 ©h5 13.ed6 Wa5 14.Ad2
©c3 28.&c2 © d l 29.Wc8 Bc8 5.cd5 d6 6.© D g6 7.Af4 Ag7 8.Wa4 c4 15.Wc2 A f5 16.Wcl Be8 17.a3
3 0 .* d 1 Bfd8 3 1 .*e2 A e5 32.Ae5 Ad7 9.Wb3 Wc7 10x4 0-0 ll.A e 2 Wd8 18.A e3a6 19.0-0 Wd6 2 0 .B d l
Se8 3 3 .* d 2 Bc6 34.Be3 f6 35.Ec3 b5 12.©b5 A b5 13.Ab5 ©e4 14.0-0 ©d7 21.©h4 A d3 22.Ad3 cd3
Bc3 36.Ac3 * f7 37,Ad4 a6 38.&c3 ©d7 15.Wa4 © ef6 16.Ad7 ©d7 23.© D © c5 24.©b5 ab5 25,Wc5
Bb8 39.sfec4 &e6 40.a4 E b l 41,h4 17.Wc6 Wc6 18.dc6 ©e5 19,B adl Wc5 26.Ac5 Ab2 27.E a2 Ac3
g5 42.hg5 fg5 43.a5 h5 44.&d3 B gl Bfc8 20. E d 6 ©c6 2 1 .B b l a5 28 Bd3 b4 29.Bc2 © f4 30.Be3
45.f4 Sg2 46.&e4 h4 0-1 2 2 .* fl a4 23.©d2 ©e5 2 4 .B el Be3 31.fe3b3 0-1

Code System



S is te m a d e lo s s ig n o s S y s te m e d e s s ig n e s T e k e n f o r k la r in g

+ con leve ventaja de las blancas les blancs sont legerement mieux vit star nagot battre

con leve ventaja de las negras les noirs sont legerement mieux svart star nagot battre

± con ventaja blanca les blancs sont mieux vit star battre

+ con ventaja negra les noirs sont mieux svart star battre

H— con gran ventaja de las blancas les blancs ont un avantage decisif vit star mycket battre

—f con gran ventaja de las negras les noirs ont un avantage decisif svart star mycket battre

= y la posicion esta nivelada position equilibree i jamnvikt stallning

oo una posicion incierta position embrouillee oklar stallning

go compensacion por el material compensation pour le materiel kompensation for materialet

> fuerte (suficiente) fort (suffisant) starkt (tiilrackligt)

< debil (insuficiente) faible (insuffisant) svagt (otillrackligt)

> mejor es preferable battre ar

< mas debiles moins preferable samre ar

! una buenajugada bon coup bra drag

|| una excelente jugada coup excellent fbrtraffligt drag

? una mala jugada coup faible daligt drag

?? un grave error grave erreur bortsattning

I? una interesante jugada coup interessant interessant drag

?! una dudosa jugada coup de valeur douteuse tvivelaktigt drag

□ jugada unica seul coup enda draget

A con idea avec l'idee med iden

ataque attaque angrepp

t iniciativa initiative initiativ

tt ventaja de desarrollo avantage de developpement utvecklingsfbrsprang

Code System

New in Chess

Code systeem Zeichenerklarung Code system

wit staat iets beter WeiB steht etwas besser white stands slightly better ±

zwart staat iets beter Schwarz steht etwas besser black stands slightly better

wit staat beter WeiB steht besser white stands better ±

zwart staat beter Schwarz steht besser black stands better +

wit staat veel beter WeiB hat entscheidenden Vorteil white has a decisive advantage +-

zwart staat veel beter Schwarz hat entscheidenden Vorteil black has a decisive advantage —h

stelling in evenwicht ausgeglichene Position balanced position =

onduidelijke stelling unklare Position unclear position 00

com pensatie voor het materiaal Kompensation fur das Material compensation for the material

sterk (voidoende) stark (ausreichend) strong (sufficient) >

zwak (onvoldoende) schwach (unzureichend) weak (insufficient) <

beter is besser ist better is >

zwakker is schwacher ist weaker is

goede zet guter Zug good move f

uitstekende zet ausgezeichneter Zug excellent move !»

slechte zet schlechter Zug bad move ?

blunder grober Fehler blunder ??

interessante zet interessanter Zug interesting move !?

twijfelachtige zet zweifelh after Zug dubious move ?!

enige zet einziger Zug only move □

met de idee mit der Absicht with the idea A

aanval Angriff attack -

initiatief Initiative initiative t

ontwikkelingsvoorsprong Entwicklungsvorsprung development advantage ft

** contra juego contre-jeu motspel

[1 flanco de rey aile roi kungsflygeln

E flanco de dama aiie dame damflygeln

IS espacio espace terrangfordel

S3 centro centre centrum

diagonal diagonale diagonal

« linea colonne linje

if pareja de alfiles paire de fous loparpar

oo la estructura de peones structure de pions bondestalining

X mate mat matt

N novedad nouveaute nyhet

EN final de juego fin de partie slutspel

Z zugzwang zugzwang dragtvang

T tiempo temps tid

# diagrama diagramme diagram

- ver voir se

RR nota de la redaccion remarque de la redaction redactionens anmarkning

KB Libro clave Livre-clef Nyckelbok

YB Libro A nuario Livre-annuaire Arsbok

ch cam peonato championnat masterskap

zt torneo zonal tournoi zonal zonturnering

izt torneo interzonal tournoi interzonal interzonturnering

ct torneo de candidates tournoi des candidats kandidatturnering

open torneo abierto tournoi ouvert oppen turnering

U torneo de equipos tournoi d'equipe lagtavling

ol olimpiada olympiade olympiad

m encuentro match match

cr partida de correspondencia partie par correspndance korrespondensparti

tx telex telex telex

jr juvenil junior junior

II 2 Cgrupo 2 Cgroupe grupp 2

GM gran maestro grandmaitre stormastare

IM maestro internacional maitre international internationell m astare

Code System

tegenspel Gegenspiel counter play

koningsvleugel Konigsflugel king's side a
damevleugel Damenfliigel queen’s side n
ruimte Raum space ;s:
centrum Zen t rum center IS
diagonaal Diagonale diagonal

nj Linie file

Ioperpaar Lauferpaar pair of bishops cP

pionnenstructuur Bauernstruktur pawn structure oo
mat Matt mate X

nieuwtje Neuerung novelty N

eindspel Endspiel endgame EN

zetdwang Zugzwang zugzwang Z

tijd Zeit time T

diagram Diagramm diagram #

zie siehe see -
com m entaar redactie A nmerkung d e r Redaktion editorial comment RR

Sleutelboek Schliisselbuch Keybook KB

Jaarboek Jahrbuch Yearbook YB

nationaal kampioenschap nationale Meisterschaft national championship ch

zonetoernooi Zonenturnier zonal tournament zt

interzonaal toem ooi Interzonenturnier interzonal tournament izt

kandidatentoem ooi Kandidatenturnier candidates tournament ct

open toem ooi offenes Tum ier open tournament open

teamtoernooi M annschaftsturnier team tournament tt

olympiade Olympiade olympiad ol

tweekamp Wettkampf match m

correspondentiepartij Fernpartie correspondence cr

telex Telexpartie telex tx

jeugd Junior junior jr

2 c groep 2. G ruppe 2nd group 11

grootm eester GroBmeister grandmaster GM

internationaal meester internationaler Meister international master IM

IIC Classification Summary
Grand Prix Attack SI 48 2.f4
Morra Gambit SI 48 2.d4 cd4 3.c3
Alapin Variation SI 46 2.c3 —
SI 46 2.. .. d5
SI 47 2.. .. &f6
Closed Variation SI 44 2.£)c3--
SI 44-45 2... £>c6
SI 43 2.^0-
Nimzowitsch Variation SI 43
SI I d6 3.--
SI 46 3.c3
SI I 3.&b5
SI 1 3.d4 £if6 4.dc5
SI 2 3... cd4 4.Wd4
SI 3 4.£>d4£)f6 5.£>c3e5
Najdorf Variation SI 4-14 5.... a6
Dragon Variation SI 15-18 5.... g6
SI 19 5.... e6 6.g3
Keres Attack SI 20 6.g4
SI 21 6.f4
Scheveningen Variation SI 22-24 6A t2
SI 25 5.... £c6 6—
Sozin Variation SI 25 6 .£ c4
Velimirovic Attack SI 26 6.... e6
Rauzer Variation SI 27-38 6.iLg5
SI 3! 2.... £c6 3.—
Rossolimo Variation SI 31 3.4Lb5
SI 32 3.d4 cd4 4.£id4—
De la Bourdonnais Variation SI 32 4,... e5
Accelerated Dragon SI 33 4.... g6
SI 34 4.... £if6
Four Knights Variation SI 34 e6
Lasker/Pelikan/ SI 35 e5 6.-
Sveshnikov Variation SI 36-38 6.£)db5 d6 7.&g5
Taimanov Variation SI 39-40 4.... e6
SI 41 2.... e6 3.d4 cd4 4.£>d4—
SI 41 4.... £ f6
Counter Attack SI 41
Paulsen Variation SI 41-42 4.... a6
KF 7 Le4 d6 2.—
PU 11 2.d4 —
PIRC DEFENCE PU 1-10 2.... £if6
MODERN DEFENCE KF 1-6 1.... g6
FRENCH DEFENCE FR 1 1.... e6 2.—
FR 2 2.d3
FR 1 2.d4 —
OI 9 2.... c5 3.d5
Advance Variation FR 3 3.c3 d5 4.e5
SI 46 4.ed5
SI 47 3.... £ f 6 4.e5 fodS
FR 1 2.... d5 3.—
Exchange Variation FR 1 3.ed5
Advance Variation FR 3 3.e5
Classical Main Line FR 4-6 3 .£ c3 & f6
Rubinstein Variation FR 7 3.... de4
Winawer Variation FR 8-13 3.... Ab4
Tarrasch Variation FR 14-23 3 .£d 2
CK 1 2.d3
CK 2 2.d4 d5 3.—
CK 2 3 .£d 2
Exchange Variation CK 2 3.ed5 cd5 4.&d3
Panov Variation CK 3 4.c4
Advance Variation CK 4 3.e5
CK 5 3 .£ c3 —
CK 5-7 3.... de4 4.£>e4&f6
CK 8-9 4.... £d7
CK 10-12 4.M £f5
VO 25

KP 10 e5 2.—
KP 4 2.d4 ed4

Code System


VIENNA GAME VG 1-4 2.&c3
KP 10 2.£}f3
PETROFF DEFENCE RG 1-8 2.... <5jf6
KP 10 2.... 4ic6 3.—
KP 7 3.d3
IG 1 4.Ac4
KP 3 4.&b5
SO I 4.d4 Ab4
Belgrade Gambit SO 2 4..,. ed4 5.<&d5
SO 3 5.£ d 4
SCOTCH DEFENCE SO 4 3.d4 ed4 4.£ld4—
SO 5 4.,.. Ac5
SO 6 4.Ac4
Goring Gambit SO 6 4.c3
Hungarian Defence IG 3 3.... J»Le7
IG 2 3.... A c 5 4.—
IG 2 4.d3
Evans Gambit IG 5 4,b4
TWO KNIGHTS DEFENCE IG 1 3 ... &f6 4.—
IG 1 4.d3
KP 1 4.£>g5
KP 2 4,d4 ed4
RUY LOPEZ RL 1-7 3.Ab5—
RL 8-30 3.... a6

QP 9 I.d4 d5 2.-~
QP 10 2 .£ c3 —
QP 11-12 2.... £ f6 3.Ag5
VO 13 2.c4 —
QUEEN’S GAMBIT DECLINED QO 1-4 2.... e6 3 .£ c3 A e 7 4 .£ f3 £ f 6 5.Af4
QO 5 4.cd5 ed5 5.Af4
QO 16 3.... Gf6 4.&g5-~
QO 13 4.... Ae7 5.e3 0-0 6-Hcl
Exchange Variation QO 13 5.cd5 ed5
Tartakower Variation Q O6-10 5.Qf3 h6 and b6
Lasker Variation QO 13 5.. h6 and
.. £le4
Exchange Variation QO 13 5.. c6 6.cd5
.. ed5 7 .« c2
Classical Main Line QO 12 5.. 0-0 6.e3
.. <Sbd7 7.—
QO 11 7 .2 c l
QO 12 7.Wc2
QO 12 7.cd5 ed5
Ragozin Variation NI 27 4.& D Ab4
TD 5 4.... c5 5.—
TD 1-2 5.cd5 £>d5 6.g3
TD 8 6.e4
TD 7 6.e3 &c6 7.£ d 3
TD 12 7.iLc4
TD 12 5.... cd4
TD 5 5.e3 £ic6
Panov Variation CK 3 5.... cd4 6.ed4
TD 11 4,cd5 ed5 5 .^ 0 —
TD 6 5.... £)c6 6.e3
TD 3-4/9 6.g3
QO 17 3.613 -
TD 11 3.. 4.—
.. c5
TD 13 4.cd5 ed5 5.g3
SL 1 3.613 —
SL 1 3.... £ f 6
Exchange Variation SL 2 4.cd5 cd5
SL 1 4.e3 —
Schlechter Variation SL 10 4.... g6
SL 3 4 .£ c3 —
SL 3 4.... dc4
SL 3
SL 4-5
SL 1 3.<&c3
SL 6 3.... e6 4.—
Noteboom Variation SL 6 4 .£ f3 dc4
SL 6 4.... Gf6

SL 6
Anti-Meran Variation SL 7 5.... dc4
Meran Variation SL 8 5.e3 —
SL 8 5.... £ b d 7 6.™
SL 8
SL 9 6.... dc4

QP 7
VO 19 b6 2.c4
VO 21 2. ~
OI 7 2.c4
VO 24 2.--
OI 9 2.d5 Qf6 3 .£ c3
VO 22 e6 2.—
VO 22 2.c4 —
HD 10 2.. .. f5
VO 22 2.. .. fi.b4 3.—
VO 22 3 .£ c3 f5
VO 23 I-.. g6 2.--
VO 23 2.c4 fi.g? 3 .£ c3
VO 23 2.£>f3fi.g7 3 .--
VO 23 3-g3
QP 7 Af6 2.—
Trompowski Variation QP 7
QP 6 3.—
QP 5
QP 4
QP 3 3.—
QP 3
QP 2
QP 1 3. ... -fig7
KI 81 2.c4 g6 3.—
K1 81 3.f3 __
GI 1 3.... d5
KI 80 3.g3 __
GI 1-2 3... d5
KI 81 3 .£ f3 _
GI 1 3.... d5
:e g i 3 -1 1 3.&c3d5
KING’S INDIAN DEFENCE KI 32 3.... fi-g7 4.e4 0-0
KI 31 4..., d6 5.—
KI 28-29 5.g3
Makagonov Variation KI 30 5.h3
Samisch Variation KI 33-54 5.D
Four Pawns Attack KI 55-60 5T4
Averbakh Variation KI 23-27
Classical Main Line KI 1-22 5 .£ f3
KI 76-77 4.Qf3 —
Fianchetto Variation KI 61-75 4.,.. d6 5.g3
KI 78-79 4.g3
CATALAN OPENING CA 1 2 ... e6 3.g3 __
CA 1 3.... fib4
EO 45 3.... c5 4.5}f3 cd4 5 .£ d 4
BI 38 4.d5 ed5 5.cd5 d6
BI 38 5.... b5
CA 1 3.... d5 4.—
CA 1-5
NIMZO-INDIAN DEFENCE NI 30 3 .« c3 A b 4 4.—
Leningrad Variation NI 25
Nl 28 4 .£ f3
Ragozin Variation NI 27 4.... d5
NI 26 4.... b6
NI 28 4.... c5 5.g3 0-0
EO 44 6.... cd4 7.£>d4
NI 29 4.g3 -
EO 44 4.... c5 5.<£if3 cd4 6.£)d4
Samisch Variation NI 18-19 4.a3
NI 20-24 4 .# c2
NI 17 4.e3 —
NI M l 4.... 0-0
NI 12-13 4.... b6
NI 14-16 4.,.. c5
QI 1 3.ftf3 __
BI 38 3.... c5 4.d5
EO 45 4.g3 cd4
QI 1 4.e3
Q I2 4.<£ic3—
NI 26 4.... fi.b4

Code System

QI 3 4.e3
QI 4-5 4.a3
QI 6-13 4.g3 £b7
Classical Main Line QI 14-16 4.... $La6
QI 17 4,... &b4
OI 6 2.... c5 3—
EO 44-46 3 .£ f3 cd 4 4 .£d 4
OI 6 3.d5 —
Benoni Wall OI 5 3.... e5
Volga Gambit BI 39-46 3.... b5
BI 38 3.... e6 4.—
BI 38 4.g3
Blumenfeld Gambit BI 38 4.£if3 b5
BENONI DEFENCE BI 1-27 4.... ed5
BI 28-37
OLD INDIAN DEFENCE OI 4 2.... d6 3.<£>c3 —
OI 4 3.... &bd7 4.—
OI 1-3 4.Qf3
Budapest Gambit VO 17 2.... e5
VO 18 2.... —

EO 24-25 1.... e5 2.—
EO 22-23 2 .£ c3
EO 10 2.... €)f6 3.—
EO 1-9 3.£>D
EO 11-14 3-g3
EO 21 2.... £lc6 3.®f3
EO 15-20 3-g3
EO 49 1.... c5 2.£)f3 £ f6 3.—
EO 44-46 3.d4 cd4
EO 40 3.g3 b6 4.—
EO 47-48 4.&g2&b7 5.0-0 g6
EO 40 5.... e6
EO 49 3.... d5
EO 49 2.... &c6 3.—
EO 50 3.d4
EO 38 2.&c3&f6 3.—
EO 36-38 3.g3 d5
EO 39 3.... e6 4.&D b6
EO 41 4.... &c6
EO 42 3.£if3 d5
EO 43 3.... b6
EO 38 2.... £ic6 3.—
EO 34 3 .£ f3 —
EO 32-33 3.... £)f6 4.d4
EO 35 3.... g6 4.d4
EO 26-31 3.g3 g6
EO 64 L... &f6 2.—
EO 51-53 2,®c3d5
Mikenas Variation EO 54-57 2.... e6 3.e4
EO 58-59 3.<£lf3 £b4
Romanishin Variation EO 60 3.... b6 4.e4
EO 61 2.... c6 3.e4
EO 63 2.&f3 b6 3.—
EO 63 3.g3 £b? 4.J»Lg2e6 5.£>c3--
EO 40 5.... c5
EO 63 4.... g6 5.£>c3~
EO 47-48 5.... c5
EO 63 4.d4 c5 5.d5 b5
RE 8-12 2.... e6 3.g3 d5
RE 1-7 2.... c6 3-g3 d5
EO 62 L... g6 2.e4 e5
EO 63 L... b6
HD 14 L... f5
RETI OPENING RE 20 l.£ f 3 ~
RE 13-18 l.£ f 3 d5 2.c4 d4
RE 19 2.... dc4
RE 8-12 2.... e6
RE 1-7 2..,. c6 3.—
RE 4 3.b3 £>f6
RE 1 ■&g4
RE 2 Af5
RE 22 2.g3 c6 3.j5.g2£f6
RE 22
RE 21 L... c5
HD 13 1.... f5
VO 9 Lg3
VAN GEET OPENING v o 12 l.£ic3

Alpha-2 code
AD Andorra GM Gambia NR Nauru
AE United Arab Emirates GN Guinea NU Niue Island
AF Afghanistan GP Guadeloupe NZ New Zealand
AG Antigua GQ Equatorial Guinea OM Oman
AL Albania GR Greece PA Panama
AN Netherlands Antilles GT Guatemala PE Peru
AO Angola GU Guam PF French Polynesia
AR Argentina GW Guinea-Bissau PG Papua New Guinea
AS American Somoa GY Guyana PH Philippines
AT Austria HK Honk-Kong PK Pakistan
AU Australia HM Heard and M cDonald Islands PL Poland
BB Barbados HN Honduras PN Pitcairn Islands
BD Bangladesh HT Haiti PR Puerto Rico
BE Belgium HU Hungary PT Portugal
BG Bulgaria HV U pper Volta PY Paraguay
BH Bahrain ID Indonesia QA Qatar
BI Burundi IE Ireland RE Reunion
BM Bermuda IL Israel RH Southern Rhodesia
BN Brunei IN India RO Romania
BO Bolivia IQ Iraq RW Rwanda
BR Brazil IR Iran SA Saudi Arabia
BS Bahamas IS Iceland SB British Solomon Islands
BT Bhutan IT Italy SC Seychelles
BU Burma JM Jamaica SD Sudan
BV Bouvet Island JO Jordan SE Sweden
BW Botswana JP Japan SG Singapore
BZ Belize JT Johnston Island SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
CA Canada KE Kenya SK Sikkim
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands KH Kampuchea SL Sierra Leone
CF Central African Republic KM Com oro Islands SM San Marino
CG Congo KP North Korea SN Senegal
CH Switzerland KR South Korea SO Somalia
Cl Ivory Coast KW Kuwait SR Surinam
CK Cook Islands KY Cayman Islands ST Sao Tome and Principe
CL Chile LA Laos SU Soviet Union
CM Cameroon LB Lebanon SV El Salvador
CN China LI Liechtenstein SY Syria
CO Colombia LK Sri Lanka SZ Swaziland
CR Costa Rica LR Liberia TC Turks and Caicos Islands
CS Czechoslovakia LS Lesotho TD Chad
CT Canton and Enderbury Islands LU Luxembourg TG Togo
CU Cuba LY Libya TH Thailand
CX Christm as Island MA Morocco TK Tokelau Islands
CY Cyprus MC Monaco TN Tunisia
DD East Germany MG Madagascar TO Tonga
DE West Germany MI Midway Islands TP Portuguese Tim or
DK Denmark ML Mali TR Turkey
DM Dominica MN Mongolia TT Trinidad and Tobago
DO Dominican Republic MO Macao TW Taiwan
DY Dahomey MQ M artinique TZ Tanzania
DZ Algeria MR Mauritania UG Uganda
EC Ecuador MS M ontserrat US U nited States
EG Egypt MT Malta UY Uruguay
EH Spanish Sahara MU M auritius VA Vatican
ES Spain MV Maldives VC Cape Verde Islands
ET Ethiopia MW Malawi VD Vietnam
FI Finland MX Mexico VE Venezuela
FJ Fiji MY Malaysia VG British Virgin Islands
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) MZ M ozambique VI U nited States Virgin Islands
FO Faeroe Islands NA Nam ibia WF Wallis and Futuna Islands
FR France NC New Caledonia WK Wake Island
GA Gabon NE Niger WS W estern Samoa
GB United Kingdom NF Norfolk Island YD North Yemen
GD Grenada NG Nigeria YE South Yemen
GE Gilbert and Ellice Islands NH New Hebrides YU Yugoslavia
GF French G uiana NI Nicaragua ZA South Africa
GH Ghana NL Netherlands ZM Zam bia
GI G ibraltar NO Norway ZR Zaire
GL Greenland NP Nepal



If the classification code is in
italics, the player in bold type is
Black, e.g. Akopian, Vladimir
was Black against Bareev, Evgeni
(KI 23.7) and White against Ul-
ibin, Mikhail (FR 17.10).
Supplementary games to the the­
oretical articles are indicated
with T and games from the
database survey are indicated
with S.

Adams,Michael Azmaiparashvili, Zurab Bialas,Wolfram

Tiviakov.Sergei SI 18.14 Bareev,Evgeni PU 5.3; Cher- Zysk,Robert BI 33.3
Ahrens nin,Aleksandr NI 27.5S; Bonsch,Uwe
Morjan KP 5.1 Dokhoian.Yuri EO 38.7; Pol- Beliavsky .Aleksandr QO 6.15;
Akopian,Vladimir gar,Zsuzsa KF 4.2 Shirov,Aleksei KI 18.3
Bareev,Evgeni KI 23.7; Epi- Borges Mateos,Juan
shin, Vladimir KI 7.2; Uli- Yakovich.Yuri EO 3.4
bin,Mikhail FR 17.10 Brenninkmeijer, J oris
Akopov,Roman Bagirov,Vladimir Nijboer.Friso SI 19.1
Kastarnov,S SL 6.8 Pfleger,Helmut QO 13.2; Sim- Brodsky,Mikhail
Akvist. 11 ic.Radoslav EO 33.7 Khmelnitsky,Igor FR 8.1
Tairi,F FR 19.3 Baljutsev Browne,Walter
Alburt.Lcv Popovic.Mladen FR 4.4 Arnason.Jon SI 12.5S
Dlugy.Maxim BI 45.4 Bany,Jerzy Brunner,Lucas
Alzugaray.Daniel Kuczynski,Robert FR 4.1 Meduna.Eduard QP 4.5;
Herrera,Irisberto SI 18.15; Bareev,Evgeni Yusupov,Artur QP 4.4
Pina,Ulises SI 38.2 Akopian,Vladimir KI 23.7; Bucker,Stefan
Anand,Viswanathan Azmaiparashvili.Zurab PU 5.3; Rausis.Igor AL 10.5;
Farago.Ivan FR 17.5 Shirov, Aleksei HD 8.2; Suetin,Aleksei VO 7.5
Andres,Miguel Vyzhmanavin,Aleksei QI 16.11 Bugajski.Robert
Herrera,Irisberto SI 33.7 Bass, Leonid Przewozmk.Jan RE 7.11
Antunes.Antonio Estremera Panos,Sergio KI 7.3 Byrne,Robert
Sariego,Wilfredo SD 3.2 Baumbach,Fritz Khalifman.Aleksandr S I 14.8
Arencibia Rodriguez,Walter Nienhuis.Kier BI 7.2
Yakovich.Yuri QG 4.2S Beliavsky, Aleksandr
Arias,M Bonsch.Uwe QO 6.15; De Fir- Calandri,Fausto
Pared Estrada.Luis RL 21.2 mian,Nick RL 12.8S; Pantaleoni,Leone KP 1.10
Armas,lulius Gurevich,Mikhail QO 3.6; Chabanon,Jean-Luc
Poloch,Petr SI 46.19; Veroci-Pe- Hubner,Robert RL 12.8S; Kas­ Dimitrov,Vladimir NI 20.5
tronic,Zsuzsa SI 13.4; parov,Garry KI 34.4; Chandler,Murray
Wahls,Matthias SI 13.4 Miles, Anthony QI 16.13; Psakhis.Lev FR 5.2
Arnason.Jon Nikolic,Predrag QI 16.13; Por- Charushin,Viktor
Browne, Walter SI 12.5S; tisch.Lajos QO 8.3; Spas­ Granberg,Niels KP 8.6
King,Daniel SI 12.5S sky,Boris NI 30.2 Chernin, Aleksandr
Arn)ind,Eric Bellon Lopez,Juan Azmaiparashvili.Zurab NI 27.5S;
Engel,Klaus EO 21.5; Mor- Georgiev.Kiril QO 10.4 Dolmatov,Sergei PV 5.3S; Gel-
gado.Juan SI 38.2 Belov,Igor fand,Boris BI 38.2; Lobron.Eric
Aseev,Konstantin Lukov,Valentin EO 58.6 BI 20.2; Portisch.Lajos NI 22.1
Smirin.Ilia SI 27.4 Beshukov,Sergei Ciric.Dragoljub
Atlas.Valeri Dautov,Rustem GI 4.1 Ilic.Zoran CA 4.2
Moskalenko,Viktor NI 30.1; Bex.Pierre Alain Conquest,Stuart
Yuneev,Aleksei SI 17.6 Schwartzman.Gabriel FR 4.6 Farago.Ivan KI 13.5


Crisan,Alexandra De Jong,Tom CK 12.11; Vaga- Herrerajrisberto

Witkowski,Stefan GI 6.1 nian,Rafael FR 5.2 Alzugaray,Daniel SI 18.15; An­
Francois.G dres,Miguel SI 33.7
Matisson KI 56.1 Hoi.Carsten
Dautov, Rustem Ftacnik,Lubomir Shirov,Aleksei KI 48.6
Beshukov,Sergei GI 4.1; Mal- Ninov.Kiril GI 1.9 Horvath,Csaba
aniuk,Vladimir NI 19.4; Sabani Farago.Ivan KI 26.6; Ka-
KP 2.3; Timoschenko,Gennadi llai,Gabor AL 5.5
KJ 7.3 Gaisyniuk,S Horvath, Erno
De Firmian.Nick Romensky SI 8.3 Marin,Mihail BI 23.1
Beliavsky,Aleksandr RL 12.8S ( .ah'go,Luis Howell.James
De Jong,Tom Karolyi,Tibor QI 1.2 Geller.Efim RG 2.1
Fedorowicz.John CK 12.11 Garcia Martinez,Silvino Hubner,Robert
Degraeve,Jean-Marc Sariego.Wilfredo SD 3.2 Beliavsky .Aleksandr RL 12.8S
Krasenkov,Mikhail QP 7.12 Gdanski,Jacek
Demidkin Goldin,Aleksandr KI 69.3; Sar-
Deriabkin.V PU 5.3 winski.Miroslaw VG 2.4 Ibragimov,Ildar
Deriabkin,V Gelemerov,Iane Moskalenko,Viktor HD 3.6;
Demidkin PU 5.3 Khokhlov,I SI 9.9 Sagalchik,Gennadi QG 7.1
Dimitrov, Vladimir Gelfand, Boris Ikonnikov,Viacheslav
Chabanon,Jean-Luc NI 20.5 Chemin.Aleksandr BI 38.2; Stojanovski.Icko SL 7.2
Djuric,Stefan Nikolic,Predrag SL 3.4T Ilic,Zoran
Lemer,Konstantin EO 60.5 Geller.Efim Ciric.Dragoljub CA 4.2
Dlugy,Maxim Dreev,Aleksei FR 21.3; Illescas Cordoba,Miguel
Alburt,Lev BI 45.4; Howell,James RG 2.1 Spassky,Boris VO 17.3
Seirawan,Yasser QG 7.11 Georgicv.Kiril Ivacic,Vladimir
Dokhoian,Yuri Bellon Lopez,Juan QO 10.4 Yanvarev.Igor GI 8.9
Azmaiparashvili,Zurab EO 38.7 Glek.Igor Ivanchuk,Vasili
Dolmatov,Sergei Poluliakhov.A HD 12.5 Salov,Valeri QG 7.1
Chernin,Aleksandr PU 5.3S; Goldin,Aleksandr Ivanov.Alexander
Khalifman,Aleksandr RL 17.4; Gdanski.Jacek KJ 69.3; Ixmer,Konstantin NI 30.2
Makarichev,Sergei RG 2.1 Velimirovic.Dragoljub OI 8.6
Dreev,Aleksei Gouret,Thierry
Geller.Efim FR 21.3 Lanka,Zigurd KI 1.2 J asnikowski, Zbigniew
Granberg,Niels Przewoznik.Jan BI 38.5
Charushin,Viktor KP 8.6 Johansen,Darryl
Egin,Vladimir Groszpeter.Attila Rogers,Ian NI 15.2
Kalikshtein,A KG 3.4 Tiviakov,Sergei QI 16.11 Jokovic
Eingorn,Vereslav Granfeld,Yehuda Keglevic.Pavao SI 9.9
Olafsson.Helgi GI 10.3; Tal,Mikhail PU 5.3S
Short,Nigel QI 16.14 Gurevich,Mikhail
Engel,Klaus Beliavsky,Aleksandr QO 3.6; Kaczorowski.Piotr
Arnlind.Eric EO 21.5 Kortchnoi,Viktor HD 9.1 Schmidt,Wlodzimierz GI 4.12
Epishin,Vladimir Kalikshtein,A
Akopian,Vladimir KJ 7.2; Ul- Egin,Vladimir KG 3.4
ibin,Mikhail FR 11.4 Hanel.Reinhard Kallai.Gabor
Estremera Panos,Sergio Plachctka.Jan S I 37.2 Horvath,Csaba AL 5.5
Bass,Leonid KJ 7.3 Hansen,Lars Bo Kaminski,Marcin
Farago,Ivan NI 20.5; Kris­ Schmidt,Wlodzimierz KI 1.3
tiansen, Jens A7 14.3 Kapengut,Albert
Farago,Ivan Harding,Timothy Sinanovic.Muhamed AL 4.2
Anand,Viswanathan FR 17.5; Nolan,J 1G 1.1 Karolyi,Tibor
Conquest,Stuan KI 13.5; Hans­ Hector,Jonny Galego.Luis QI 1.2;
en,Lars Bo N I 20.5; Hor­ Shirov,Aleksei SI 26.8 Shrentzel.Mordechai VO 17.2
vath,Csaba KJ 26.6 Hellers,Ferdinand Karpman.V
Fedorowicz,John Khalifman,Aleksandr CK 12.12 Orlov,Georgi EO 44.6

Karpov,Anatoli Shirov, Aleksei SL 1.4; Maliakin
Timman.Jan RL 26.2; RL 26.9 Tiviakov, Sergei QI 4.6; Wo- Zyla.Janusz SI 18.7
Kasparov,Garry jtkiewicz.Aleksander EO 64.8S Manor,Ilan
Beliavsky .Aleksandr K1 34.4; Kristiansen,Jens Wahls,Matthias BI 38.2
Spassky,Boris NI 23.6 Hansen,Lars Bo NI 14.3 Mareinkiewicz,Jan
Kastarnov,S Kuczynski,Robert Nimtz,Manfred SI 9.9
Akopov.Roman SL 6.8 Bany,Jerzy FR 4.1; Marin.Mihail
Keglevic,Pavao Sznapik.Aleksander PU 10.1 Horvath,Emo BI 23.1;
Jokovic SI 9.9 Khait.Aleksandr KI 18.7;
Keith,D Knaak,Rainer SL 9.9; Nau-
Thystrup.Preben VO 15.3 mann,Frank OI 1.1; Nic­
Keller, Hanno Laketic.Gojko holson,John GI 5.1
Sarink,Hendrik SI 1.11 Krasenkov,Mikhail EO 46.1 Masternak,Aleksander
Khait, Aleksandr Lanka,Zigurd Schmidt,Wlodzimierz NI 27.1
Marin.Mihail KI 18.7 Gouret,Thierry KI 1.2; Matisson
Khalifman, Aleksandr Serper.Gregori EO 27.3 Francois,G KI 56.1
Byrne.Robert SI 14.8; Dol­ Larsson,Per Matlak,Marek
matov,Sergei RL 17.4; Krasenkov,Mikhail KI 15.8 Widera.Jan BI 4.3
Hellers,Ferdinand CK 12.12; I chto.Ville Meduna,Eduard
Nikolic,Predrag FR 11.4 Vladimirov,Evgeni FR 16.6 Brunner,Lucas QP 4.5
Khenkin,Igor Lengyel.Bela Meulders, Richard
Minasian.Arteshes CK 4.1; Or- Somlai.Laszlo RL 14.3 Van der Sterren.Paul QG 4.2S;
lov.Georgi SI 1.8 Lensky,I Van der Wiel.John S I 40.7
Khmelnitsky,Igor Liukmanov QO 2.3 Mikhalchishin,Adrian
Brodsky,Mikhail FR 8.1 Lerner,Konstantin Minasian,Artashes EO 26.6;
Khokhlov,I Djuric,Stefan EO 60.5; Modr.Bretislav GI 2.11;
Gelemerov.Iane SI 9.9 Ivanov,Alexander NI 30.2; Smagin, Sergei RL 12.6;
Khuzman,Aleksandr Shirov,Aleksei NI 19.5 Szalanczy.Emil RL 12.8S
Vladimirov,Evgeni KI 5.3 Liangov.Petar Miles,Anthony
Kindermann,Stefan Shikerov,Stefan SI 47.13 Beliavsky,Aleksandr QI 16.13
Nikolic,Predrag RL 12.6S Liukmanov Milev.N
King,Daniel Lensky,I QO 2.3 Konca.Damian FR 11.4
Arnason.Jon SI 12.5S; 1 o Conto,V Minasian,Artashes
Rashkovsky.Nukhim SI 14.4 Lotti.Fabio SI 18.9 Mikhalchishin,Adrian EO 26.6;
Knaak,Rainer Lobron,Eric Oll.Lembit FR 11.4
Mainka,Romuald BI 41.3; Ma­ Chemin,Aleksandr BI 20.2 Minasian.Arteshes
rin.Mihail SL 9.9; Polgar.Sofia Lotti.Fabio Khenkin.Igor CK 4,1
SL 7.6 Lo Conto.V SI 18.9; Miot- Miotto, Alessandro
Ko>:ca,Damian to,Alessandro VO 17.2 Lotti.Fabio VO 17.2
Milev.N FR 11.4; Per- Lukacs.Peter Modr.Bretislav
wonski.Slawomir FR 16.IT Nicholson,John RL 14.2; Sher- Mikhalchishin,Adrian GI 2.11
Kortchnoi,Viktor zer.Alex SL 8.4; Somlai.Laszlo Mokry.Karel
Gurevich,Mikhail HD 9.1; RL 14.3; Szalanczy.Emil BI 17.1 Kosic.Dragan SI 30.12
Nunn,John KJ 2.1 Lukov,Valentin Morgado.Juan
Kosic.Dragan Belov,Igor EO 58.6 Arnlind.Eric SI 38.2
Mokry,Karel SI 30.12 Morjan
Kostic,Vladimir Ahrens KP 5.1
Plachetka.Jan SI 37.2 Magomedov.Magaram Mortensen,Erling
Kovalev,Andrei Orlov,Georgi PU 8.4; Tukmakov,Vladimir RL 6.7
Serper.Gregori SI 29.5; Rukavina.Josip CA 4.3 Moskalenko, Viktor
Vaulin.Aleksandr BI 23.7 Mainka,Romuald Atlas, Valeri NI 30.1;
Krasenkov, Mikhail Knaak,Rainer BI 41.3 Ibragimov,Ildar HD 3.6
Degraeve, Jean-Marc QP 7.12; Makarichev,Sergei
Laketic.Gojko EO 46.1; Dolmatov,Sergei RG 2.1
Larsson.Per KI 15.8; Malaniuk, Vladimir Naumann, Frank
Ruban.Vadim KI 55.10; Dautov,Rustem NI 19.4 Marin.Mihail OI 1.1


Nicholson,John Pletanek,D Sariego,Wi lfred o

Lukacs,Peter RL 14.2; Ma­ Vlasak,Emil AL 5.5 Antunes,Antonio SD 3.2; Garcia
rin,Mihail GI 5.1 Polgar,Sofia Martinez,Silvino SD 3.2
Nienhuis,Kier Knaak, Rainer SL 7.6 Sarink,Hendrik
Baumbach,Fritz B1 7.2 Polgar,Zsuzsa Keller,Hanno SI 1.11
Nijboer,Friso Azmaiparashvili,Zurab KF 4,2 Sarwinski,Miroslaw
Brenninkmeijer,Joris SI 19.1 Poloch,Petr Gdanski,Jacek VG 2.4
Nikolic,Predrag Armas,Iulius SI 46.19 Scherbakov,Ruslan
Beliavsky,Aleksandr QI 16.13; Poluliakhov,A Sveshnikov,Evgeni SI 46.19
Gelfand,Boris SL 3AT; Khalif- Glek,Igor HD 12.5 Schlosser,Michael
man,Aleksandr FR 11.4; Kinder- Popovic,Mladen Ulibin,Mikhail SI 29.2
mann,Stefan RL 12.6S Baljutsev FR 4.4 Schmidt, Wlodzimierz
Nimtz,Manfred Portisch,Lajos Kaczorowski,Piotr GI 4.12; Ka­
Marcinkiewicz,Jan S I 9.9 Beliavsky, Aleksandr QO 8.3; minski,Marcin KI 1.3; Master-
Ninov,Kiril Chemin,Aleksandr N I 22.1 nak,Aleksander NI 27.1
Ftacnik,Lubomir GI 1.9 Prie,Eric Schwartzman,Gabriel
Nolan, J Shirov,Aleksei VO 3.1 Bex,Pierre Alain FR 4.6
Harding,Timothy IG 1.1 Przewoznik,Jan Seirawan,Yasser
Nunn,John Bugajski,Robert RE 7.11; Jas- Dlugy,Maxim QG 7.11;
Kortchnoi,Viktor KJ 2.1 nikowski,Zbigniew BI 38.5; Psakhis,Lev EO 20.1
Tseitlin,Mark FR 16.I T Semenov,E
Psakhis,Lev Uogele,Anicetas SI 33.4
Odeev,Khandzhar Chandler,Murray FR 5.2; Serper,Gregori
Vitolinsh,Edvins SI 11.11 Seira wan, Yasser EO 20.1; Kovalev,Andrei S I 29.5; Lan­
01afsson,Helgi Shirov,Aleksei VO 8.1; ka,Zigurd EO 27.3
Eingom,Vereslav GI 10.3 Sokolov,Andrei SI 19.4; Speel- Shabalov,Aleksandr
OH,Lembit man,Jonathan FR 19.3 Sorokin,Maksim SL 9.5T
Minasian,Artashes FR 11.4 Sherzer,Alex
Orlov,Georgi Lukacs, Peter SL 8.4;
Karpman,V EO 44.6; Rantanen,Yrjo Somlai,Laszlo SI 28.5
Khenkin,Igor SI 1.8; Vladimirov,Evgeni QG 7.6 Shevelev
Magomedov,Magaram PU 8.4; Rashkovsky,Nukhim Solozhenkin,Eduard S I 18.12
Ulibin,Mikhail FR 7.2 King,Daniel SI 14.4 Shikerov,Stefan
Ostenstad,Berge Rausis,Igor Liangov,Petar SI 47.13
Tischbierek,Raj NI 20.5 Bucker,Stefan AL 10.5 Shirov,Aleksei
Oud,M Razuvaev,Yuri Bareev,Evgeni HD 8.2;
Wealer,H SL 4.3 Stempin,Pawel BI 24.3 Bonsch,Uwe KI 18.3; Hec­
Rechlis,Gad tor, Jonny SI 26.8; Hoi,Carsten
Wahls,Matthias S I 26.9 KI 48.6; Krasenkov,Mikhail SL
Pan taleoni,Leone Rogers,Ian 1.4; Lemer,Konstantin NI 19.5;
Calandri,Fausto KP 1.10 Johansen,Darryl N I 15.2 Prie,Eric VO 3.1; Psakhis,Lev
Pared Estrada,Luis Romensky VO 8.1; Sokolov,Ivan SL 9.5T;
Arias,M RL 21.2 Gaisyniuk,S SI 8.3 Spraggett,Kevin RE 1.8;
Perwonski,Slawomir Ruban,Vadim Vyzhmanavin,Aleksei RE 5.2
Konca,Damian FR 16.IT Krasenkov,Mikhail KI 55.10 Short,NigeI
Petrosian,Arzhak Rukavina,Josip Eingorn,Vereslav QI 16.14; Tim-
Tischbierek,Raj RE 22.1 Magomedov,Magaram CA 4.3 man,Jan SI 32.1
Pfleger,Helmut Shrentzel,Mordechai
Bagirov,Vladimir QO 13.2 Karolyi,Tibor VO 17.2
Pijaczewski Simic,Radoslav
Tyagunov,Gia SI 27.9 Sabani Bagirov,Vladimir EO 33.7
Pina,Ulises Dautov,Rustem KP 2.3 Sinanovic,Muhamed
Alzugaray,Daniel S I 38.2 Sagalchik,Gennadi Kapengut,Albert AL 4.2
Plachetka,Jan Ibragimov,Ildar QG 7.1 Smagin,Sergei
HanefReinhard SI 37.2; Kos- Salov,Valeri Mikhalchishin,Adrian RL 12.6
tic,Vladimir SI 37.2 Ivanchuk,Vasili QG 7.1

Smirinjlia Timoschenko,Gennadi Vyzhmanavin, Aleksei
Aseev,Konstantin S I 27.4 Dautov,Rustem K1 7.3 Bareev,Evgeni QI 16.11;
Sokolov,Andrei Tischbierek,Raj Shirov,Aleksei RE 5.2
Psakhis,Lev SI 19.4 Ostenstad,Berge N I 20.5; Petro­
Sokolov,Ivan sian,Arzhak R E 22.1; Vegh,En-
Shirov,Aleksei SL 9.5T dre SI 20.5 Wahls,Matthias
Solozhenkin,Eduard Tiviakov,Sergei Armas,Iulius SI 13.4; Manor,Ilan
Shevelev SI 18.12 Adams, Michael SI 18.14; BI 38.2; Rechlis,Gad SI 26.9
Somlai,LaszIo Groszpeter,Attila QI 16.11; Wealer,H
Lengyel,Bela rl 14.3; Krasenkov,Mikhail QI 4.6 Oud,M SL 4.3
Lukacs,Peter RL 14.3; Sher- Tseitlin,Mark Widera,Jan
zer,Alex SI 28.5; Szilagyi, Peter Przewoznik,Jan FR 16.IT Matlak,Marek BI 4.3
SL 7.1 T ukmako v,Vladimir Witkowski,Stefan
Sorokin,Maksim Mortensen,Erling RL 6.7 Crisan,Alexandru GI 6.1
Shabalov,Aleksandr SL 9.5T Tyagunov,Gia Wojtkiewicz,Aleksander
Spassky,Boris Pijaczewski SI 27.9 Krasenkov,Mikhail EO 64.8S
Beliavsky,Aleksandr N I 30.2; II-
lescas Cordoba,Miguel VO 17,3;
Kasparov,Garry NI 23.6 Ulibin,Mikhail Yakovich,Yuri
Speelman, J onathan Akopian, Vladimir FR 17.10; Arencibia Rodriguez,Walter QG
Psakhis,Lev FR 19.3 Epishin,Vladimir FR 11.4; Or­ 4.2S; Borges Mateos,Juan EO
Spraggett, Kevin lov,Georgi FR 7.2; 3.4; Verduga,Denis QG 5.2
Shirov,Aleksei RE 1.8 Schlosser,Michael SI 29.2; Yanvarev,Igor
Stangl,Markus Stangl,Markus EO 39.4 Ivacic,Vladimir GI 8.9
Ulibin,Mikhail EO 39.4 Uogele,Anicetas Yuneev, Aleksei
Stein, Bernd Semenov,E SI 33.4 Atlas,Valeri SI 17.6
Vogt,Lothar RL 9.3 Yusupov,Artur
Stempin,PaweI Brunner,Lucas QP 4.4
Razuvaev,Yuri BI 24.3 Vaganian, Rafael
Stojanovski,Icko Fedorowicz,John FR 5.2
Ikonnikov,Viacheslav SL 7.2 Van der Sterren,Paul Zyla,Janusz
Suetin,Aleksei Meulders,Richard QG 4.2S Maliakin SI 18.7
Bucker,Stefan VO 7.5 Van der Wiel,John Zysk,Robert
Sveshnikov,Evgeni Meulders,Richard SI 40.7 Bialas,Wolfram BI 33.3
Scherbakov,Ruslan SI 46.19 Vaulin,Aleksandr
Szalanczy,Emil Kovalev,Andrei BI 23.7
Lukacs,Peter BI 17.1; Vegh,Endre
Mikhalchishin,Adrian RL 12.8S Tischbierek,Raj S I 20.5
Szilagyi,Peter Velimirovic,Dragoljub
Somlai,Laszlo SL 7.1 Gold in, Aleksandr OI 8.6
Sznapik,Aleksander Verduga,Denis
Kuczynski,Robert PU 10.1 Yakovich,Yuri QG 5.2
Armas,Iulius SI 13.4
Tairi,F VitoIinsh,Edvins
Akvist.H FR 19.3 Odeev,Khandzhar SI 11.11
Tal,Mikhail Vladimirov,Evgeni
Grunfeld,Yehuda PU 5.3S Khuzman, Aleksandr KI 5.3;
Thystrup,Preben Lehto,Ville FR 16.6; Ran-
Keith,D VO 15.3 tanen,Yrjo QG 7.6
Timman,Jan Vlasak,Emil
Karpov,Anatoli RL 26.2; RL Pletanek,D AL 5.5
26.9; Short,Nigel SI 32.1 Vogt,Lothar
Stein,Bernd RL 9.3


Annotators in Yearbook 17 Stangl (1); Sveshnikov (1); Tairi open (1); Gdynia 1989 (1); Hast­
Alzugaray (1); Aizugaray/Herrera (1); Timman (3); Tischbierek (2); ings 1990 (1); Havana 1990 (2);
(2); Armas,I (3); Aseev (1); Tisdall (3); Tiviakov (3); Helsinki 1990 (2); Hilversum
Bagirov (2); Bareev (1); Bass (1); Tyagunov (1); Ulibin (3); Van 1990 ch-NL (1); Hungary 1990 tt
Beliavsky/Mikhalchishin (4); Be­ der Tak (18); Vladimirov (3); (3); III ch-EU 1989 cr (1); IX So­
lov (1); Bonsch (1); Brennink- Vlasak/Pletanek (1); Vogt (1); viet team ch 1989 cr (1); Ka­
meijer (1); Brunner (1); Bucker Vyzhmanavin/Arkhangelsky (1); towice 1990 open (7); Kiev 1990
(2) ; Chemin (5); Crisan (1); Wojtkiewicz (1); Yakovich (3); (1); Kirjeshakki-25 1989 cr (1);
Dautov (4); Dimitrov (1); Dlugy Yanvarev (1); Zyla/Janocha (1); Kuala Lumpur 1990 m (2);
(3) ; Dokhoian (1); Dragolov (1); Zysk (1) Kusadasi 1990 open (5); Lenin­
Eingom (2); Farago (2); Fedoro- grad 1990 (1); Linares 1990 (6);
wicz (1); Ftacnik (1); Gaisyniuk Lithuania-100 1989 cr (1); Lub-
(1) ; Gdanski (1); Gelfand/Atlas niewice 1989 (1); Lvov 1990 zt
(2) ; Gelfand/Kapengut (2); (9); Lyon 1990 zt (2); Malaysia
Georgadze (1); Glek (2); Goldin 1990 zt (1); Manchester 1990 (1);
(1) ; Grunfeld/Soffer (1); Manila 1990 izt (1); Minsk 1990
Gurevich (1); Hansen,LB (1); (9); Moskva 1990 GMA open
Hansen,LB/Peicheva (1); Hor­ (12); Munchen 1990 (5); New
vath (2); Ibragimov (2); Ikon­ York 1990 open (7); Novi Sad
nikov (1); Ilic (4); Kaiumov (1); Tournaments in Yearbook 17 1990 open (1); Oakham 1990 (2);
Kaminski (1); Karolyi (2); Ka­ 1989 cr (11)4 1990 cr (4); 3/4 fi­ Palma de Mallorca 1989 open
sparov (1); Khalifman (2); nal XIII wch 1989 cr (1); Amster­ (1) ; Paris 1990 open (4); Plovdiv-
Khalifman/Nesis (2); Khenkin dam 1990 OHRA (1); Austria 1990 (1); Plovdiv 1990 open (1);
(2) ; Khmelnitsky (1); Kinder- 1990 tt (2); Axelson Memorial Podolsk 1990 tt (7); Pula 1990
mann (1); Knaak (2); Konca (1); 1990 cr (1); Bad Ragaz 1990 open (2); Reykjavik 1990 open
Kortchnoi (1); Kovalev (2); open (1); Bad Worishofen 1990 (2) ; Reykjavik 1990 tt (6); Roma
Krasenkov (4); Kuczynski (2); open (1); Bayamo 1990 (3); 1990 (1); Rotterdam 1990 VSB
Lemer (2); Liangov (1); Lukacs BdF-40 1989 cr (1); Belgorod (2); San Sebastian 1990 open (1);
(3) ; Magomedov (1); Makarichev 1990 (1); Bern 1990 (1); Bern Sankt Augustin 1990 open (1);
(2); Marcinkiewicz (1); Marin (5); 1990 zt (2); Bielsko-Biala 1990 Santa Clara 1990 (2); Sofia 1990
Matlak (1); Meduna (1); Meul- (1); Bled 1990 open (2); Budapest tt (1); Soviet Union 1990 (3);
ders (2); Mikhalchishin (10); Mo- 1990 (1); Budapest 1990 open Stara Zagora 1990 zt (2); Star-
kry (1); Morgado (1); Mortensen (4); Budapest 1990 DUTEP (2); ozagorski Bani 1990 open (1);
(1) ; Nunn (1); Odeev (1); Orlov Budapest 1990 NOVIKJ (4); Stockholm 1989/90 open (3);
(2) ; Pantaleoni (1); Pared Estrada Bundesliga BRD 1989/90 (2); Sweden 1990 (1); Tastrup 1990
(1) ; Petrosian (1); Plachetka (2); Capelie-la-Grande 1990 open (2); (2); Tel-Aviv 1990 ASA (1); Tel-
Polgar (1); Poluliakhov (1); Cheliabinsk 1989/90 (1); Cien- Aviv 1990 BIKURI (2); Ter Apel
Przewoznik (2); Przewoznik/ fuegos 1990 (1); Cuba 1989 (1); 1990 (1); Terrassa 1990 (1); Tor-
Konca (2); Psakhis (4); Cuxhaven 1990 (1); Czerwionka cy 1990 open (3); Warszawa
Rashkovsky (1); Razuvaev (1); 1984 (1); Daugavpils 1990 (1); 1990 (2); Warszawa 1990 ch-PL
Rogers (1); Sariego (2); Schmidt Delmenhorst 1990 (1); Dieren (2); Warszawa 1990 m (1); Wijk
(2) ; Schwartzman (1); Serper (1); 1990 open (1); Dortmund 1990 aan Zee II 1990 (1); Wijk aan Zee
Shabalov (1); Shirov (10); (6); Dortmund 1990 open (2); III 1990 (1); XVII ch-SU 1989 cr
Shirov/Lanka (1); Solozhenkin Dortmund II 1990 (2); Dort­ (1); ch-IE 1989 cr (1); prel. IV
(1); Somlai (4); Speelman (1); mund III 1990 (2); Gausdal 1990 Eur. tt 1989 cr (1)

new NIC data
The disks mentioned below have been selected from the New in Chess Database which
consists of over 100,000 games.
Each opening disk contains over 600 games which are all equipped with the New in
Chess classification (NIC-KEY).
□ new SI 1-3A Sicilian: 2...d6 v arious □ new VO 7A Bird Opening: l.f4
lines □ new QO 8-10A Queen’s Gambit:
□ SI 12-14A Sicilian: Najdorf 6. other T a rtak o w e r a n d A nti-
moves Tartakower Variation
□ SI 18A Sicilian: Dragon 7.f3 Nc6 D QO 13A Queen’s Gambit: Exchange
8.Qd2 00 9.Bc4 an d L asker V a ria tio n
□ SI 19-20A Sicilian: Scheveningen and □ QO 14-17A Q u e e n ’s G a m b it: 6.Bf6 Bf6
Keres Attack and Cambridge Springs
□ SI 21-22A Sicilian: Scheveningen 6.f4 :□ SL 3-5A Slav: 4...dc4
and 6.Be2 □ new SL 8-9A Slav: M eran V a ria tio n 5.e3
□ SI 23A Sicilian: Scheveningen b new QG S-8A Queen’s Gambit Accepted:
6.Be2 a6 3.Nf3
□ SI 24A Sicilian: Scheveningen n CA 1-3A Catalan: 3...d5 4.Bg2 dc4
6,Re2 a6 7.0-0 Qc7 8.f4 and 3...Bb4
Nc6 □ CA 4-5A Catalan: 3...d5 4.Bg2 Be7
□ new SI 25A Sicilian: Classical 5.NO
Variation 6.Be3; 6.f4; □ new N I 20-24A N im z o -In d ian : 4.Q c2
6.Be2 etc. □ NI 25-28A N im z o -In d ian : L eningrad,
n SI 33A Sicilian: Accelerated Ragozin and 4.Nf3
Dragon □ QI 1.2-1.7A B ogo-Indian: 3...B b4 4.Bd2
,J SI 37-38A Sicilian: Sveshnikov 8...b5 and 3...a6
d SI 46-47A Sicilian: Alapin 2.c3 and □ QI 4-5A Queen’s Indian: 4.a3
3.c3 □ new QI 14-17A Queen’s Indian: 4.g3 Ba6
□ new SI 48A Sicilian: 2.f4; 2.b3; 2.b4 □ GI 4-6A G riinfeld Indian: E xchange
etc. V a ria tio n
□ new PU Pirc: Austrian Attack 4.f4 □ GI 7-11A Griinfeld Indian: 4.NI3
2+S+6A □ new KI 1-8A King’s Indian: Classical
□ new FR 3A French: Advance 3.e5 M am Line 7...N c6
□ FR 10-13A French: W in aw er 4.e5 c5 □ KI 33-S4A K ing’s In d ian : S am isch
□ FR 18-23A French: Tarrasch 3...c5 V ariatio n
□ CK 8-9A Caro-Kann: 4...Nd7 □ BI 39-46A B enoni: W olga G a m b it
□ new AL 1-5A A lekhine: 4 .N O □ new Q P 1-3A Q u e e n ’s Paw n: 2...g6 3.Bg5
□ new RG 1-8A Petroff: All v a ria tio n s and 3.Bf4
□ new RL 8A R uy Lopez: Exchange □ QP 6.1-6.8A Q u e en ’s P aw n a n d C olie
Variation 4.Bc6 System
□ new RL 17-18ARuy Lopez: Marshall and b HD 1-5A Dutch: Stonewall and Old
A n ti-M arsh all V ariatio n Dutch
□ new RL 27-30ARuy Lopez: Open □ HD 6-10A D utch: L eningrad
V a ria tio n 5...N e4 Variation and 2.c4
□ IG 1-2A Italian Game: 3...Nf6 and C EO 1-12A English: 1x4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6
3...Bc5 C new EO English: 1,c4 c5 with g3
□ new SO 1-6A Scotch: All variations 39-40A and b6
□ KP 1-3A T w o K n ig h ts D efen ce an d □ RE 22-24A Reti: LNf3 d5
F o u r K n ig h ts V a ria tio n
□ VG 1-2A Vienna Game: l.e4 e5
2,Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 and 3.Bc4

P layers

new Kasparov A 1973-1987 new Polgar Sisters A 1985-1990

new K a rp o v A 1976-1976 new A lekhine A 1905-1932
new T im m an A 1964-1975 new Tal A 1945-1963
new K o rtc h n o i A 1945-1962 new Capablanca A 1901-1939


□ 10 OPENING DISKS f 215
your choice from the list above $115


your choice from the list above $ 67

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NICBASE 2.0 bietet noth mehr:

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N IC BA SE 2.0 findet alle Partien fur Sie, in denen diese Stellung vorkommt.
Oder Sie geben eine Struktur ein, z.B. eine Bauernstruktur.
N IC BA SE 2.0 findet alle Partien, in denen diese Struktur vorkommt.
Dabei geben Sie noch an, welche anderen Figuren im Spiel sein sollen
gleichgultig, wo diese stehen.
Konnen Sie sich vorstellen, wie einfach nun Mittel- und Endspielstudien werden?

Wollen Sie mehr wissen?

Postfach 393 / NL-1800 AJ Alkmaar / Niederlande
Tel: 003172/127137 Fax: 003172/158234

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Mathias Riel
Westenstr. 7 / 7513 Stutensee 1
Tel: 07244/91553 Fax: 07244/93171

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