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Baby/pregnancy Job FMT Marketplace (MikkyBtc)

Tools needed: Yankee Fb with Marketplace or Yankee Tradet Marketplace account,

instagram, fb, x etc /page where you showcase your baby products if you want to sell as
a full time dealer (optional), yankee texting number, good grammar/communication
skills, fake voice note, working pictures and videos (proofs) and strong vpn.

Items to sell:(unused or in excellent condition) baby crips, baby clothes, baby stroller,
baby feelings utensil, baby diapers, baby shoes, baby bassinet, baby rocker, baby
sleeper, baby hair kit, full body pregnancy pillow, new born bath tub, baby carriage,
baby toys, maternity clothes etc

Note: make a little research on the best time to post, don’t use the same pictures other
guys are using yours should be different and unique because it’s possible a client who
has be chopped finds the same pictures and reports it, use relevant tags in your post so
the algorithm suggests your ad, always have a backup video proof and possibly add it to
your ad listing, be ready to make edits having good knowledge and editing skill, use
emotionally suggestive titles and descriptions e.g cute baby stroller: safe gurad your
baby with—— durable stroller only at $—.

Example of items to list:

Princess themed baby Crib

gorgeous baby crib going for $399 this could be your adorable baby’s crib. Give me a
call or text me up for more details.

Cute baby monkey wear

Price $12

Contact me for more

First year comfortable new born bath tub


Full body pregnancy pillow

Amazing comfort pregnancy pillow going for $50 only. Contact me for details
Thank you


The goal here is to be really empathetic and emotionally understanding with your clients
bringing the price down a bit based on their reactions and reasons

Chat FMT 1: Buyer to you

Yes it available

Where do you live?


Yeah they in excellent condition/ yup they are new as u see em

Her sorry to ask are you expecting soon? Or you have a new born

Awwn thats so cute

Whats his/her name ?

Oh that’s sweet

And you live with your husband?

Oh lovely

Nice meeting you though

So could we meet tomorrow?

Oh okay hope i can count on that you know

(If she’s pregnant ask how she’s coping and cook a fake story to get her hooked)

When I was 13 my mum and dad separated. My mother moved to the country with my
three younger siblings, and I being a stubborn teen wanted to stay behind with my
father. I had just started dating my first proper boyfriend and was new to high school. I
lost my virginity to this boyfriend. He cheated on me with my son’s father’s ex-girlfriend.
That is how I met my son’s father.

We hadn’t even been together for five months when I began to feel really odd. I hadn’t
missed any periods and didn’t think anything of the fact I had been getting sent home
from school all the time for feeling sick. Additionally, I was not even halfway through
Year 9. I began a downhill spiral and was hardly even going to school when my father
decided that it was just because of mum and his separation. I was sent to see the
school councillor on a weekly basis. This didn’t help my attendance at school in any

One day my brother and his girlfriend (now married with a beautiful
daughter, and another on the way) came to stay with my dad and me.
My brother’s girlfriend noticed how I was and threw two home pregnancy tests at me.
Hesitantly I took one of the pregnancy tests. One very dragging three-minute wait later
and there it was. One dark pink line and another very, very faint line also. My first
reaction was ‘oh no!’ I took the other test and S#*t another positive test.

My brother and his girlfriend drove me around to the emergency doctor’s clinic near
where we lived. Pee in a cup and another test later and the doctor said “you aren’t
pregnant.” Thank God. But about a month later I missed a period. My brother’s girlfriend
walked in on me crying in my room and said “maybe the doctor’s test didn’t detect it
because you were too early?” I couldn’t help but think maybe she was right.

So I made an appointment at my regular GP for the next day. When I walked in I was
petrified. I opted to get a blood test done just to make sure. Three days later my brother
drove me to the doctor’s and came to my appointment with me. There it was sitting right
in front of my brother and me. I was pregnant – 8 to 12 weeks as my blood results
showed. In the car on the way back home my brother and I rang my dad and told him.
He didn’t take the news well at all. He thought I was messing with him until my brother
confirmed it. It was crazy but i thank the good lord

Yeah exactly

Her sorry I actually forgot another strange old lady recently asked to meetup today or
tomorrow but I haven’t heard a word from her

But i would be pleased if this goes to your adorable little cutie

Yeah you’re welcome

Reminds me of my boys of this age. But look at him (photo) all grown up now
I guess they do grow up quickly

Lol exactly

Okay do you mind doing a little deposit so i keep it and mark it sold?

And i will get it delivered to you instead to save you all the hassle

Yeah I’m for real honey

No i would not do such a thing I’m a good christian

Yeah I figured it would save you and your blessed boy/girl the stress

Alright honey take care of yourself okay

Chat FMT 2: (you to buyer)

Hello there. Is this still available?

Okay, hope it’s still in great condition as advertised? You know a lot of crazy stuff going

Okay. Can i have some pictures

Okay it looks real good

Please don’t take this personal, can your write down today’s date on a piece of paper
and take a photo

I just got to be sure caz i was scammed last time on marketplace. Thanks for your

Okay pretty good

So is this the best you can do?

How about (remove $50)


I plead with you do it ($—)

I and my husband struggle to settle our bills, mortgage and now the baby

It’s quite a lot to handle. Can you find it in your heart to at least do it for me

Ohh May the good lord I serve replenish you abundantly

My husband is on a church program trip and I’m experiencing diabetes. I’m not sure I
would be able to make it to your house

Oh yeah that’s right

Okay to show you am actually serious let me make part payment okay

No please let me do so I truly love these ———-


What’s your zelle and email so my husband can contact you and make payments


(Run the zelle refund work)


My husband said he sent you some money did you get it

Really okay

But you saw it right?

That’s strange. Please let me ask my husband if he sent it correctly

Okay. He said he did everything right on his end. And it’s pretty normal

He had this once and just followed all the instructions zelle gave him and all went well
Yes you should probably do it on time too

Yeah thanks

Do let me know when it’s resolved.

And I just want to say a big thank you

You genuinely made my day

Thanks same to you honey

Otilor e don go

Hit me up I would explain more if you get stuck

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