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Reg. No.

Q 2168
7. B.E./8. TECh.DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBE R 2OO Third Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS 234 _ DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Time : Three hours Answer ALL questions. PARTA-(10 x2=20 marks) 1,. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Maximum : 100 marks

What is physical data independenceand why is it important? Define the concept of aggregation. Give two examples of where this concept is useful. State the various operators used in relational algebra' What is the need for triggers in SQL? State its usage. What is ordered index? Give example'

Define trivial functional dependencies. What are the steps involved in query processing. Distinguish between time stamp based protocolsand lock based protocol' What are data fragmentations? State the various fragmentations with example PARTB-(5x16=80marks)



(i) (ii)


Compare OLTP and OLAP.

Differentiate between hierarchical, network, relational model with (8) example. Explain clearly the steps involved in database development process (8) while building an apPlication? Or


(i) (ii)

What are the main differences between a file-processing system and (8) a DBMS? State the disadvantagesof DBMS. Explain the distinction among the terms primary key, foreign key (8) and super key with a suitable example.


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12. (a)

(i) (ii)

What are the various aggregate operators does the SQL support. (8) Give a suitable example for each aggregateoperator. Justify the need for static SQL and dynamic SQL. Consider the relation Empioyee (empno. name, age, salary). Write a embedded SQL statement in C ianguage to retrieve all the employee record (8) whose salary is between10,000to 20000. Or


Consider the employee-companyrelation. Write SQL statement for the (4x4=L6) following queries. relation : Employee-company street, city) employees(person-name, works(person-name,company-name, salary) city) company(company-name, manager-name) manages(person-name, (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Modify the database so that david now lives in Mumbai Find all employeewho are under the manager John" Give all mangers in the database a LIVopercent raise. Draw the ER diagram for the above given Empioyee-company (8) relation. What is the difference between primary index and secondaryindex? (8)



(i) (ii)


(b) (a)

State the goal of decomposition/normalization? Explain the different level of normalizalion with example. (i) (ii) What are the different drawbacks in concurrent usage of database? (8) What is the difference between implicit Explain in detail with example Or and explicit locking? (8)





How do DBMS back out the changes made to database if a system (8) failure occurs during the middle of transaction. List the ACID properties. Explain the usefulnessof each. (8)

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Find all employeesin the database who live in the same cities as the companiesfor which they work.

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Q 2168




Explain two important classes of data mining problems in detail (8) with example. Expiain the feature of distributed database system. List out some (8) appiication of distributed data base system. Or




Compare Object-Oriented versus Object-Relational database. State (8) with suitable example. Describe the various component of data warehouse and explain the (8) multidimensional data model with example.





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Q 2168

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