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Ways the Community Ways the School

Helps the School Helps the Community

Parents participating in Parent- Equipping students with knowledge, skills,

and values.
Teacher Associations (PTAs).
Individuals donating school supplies School events like sports games uniting
for students. community members together.
Private businesses donating
construction equipment for Students engaging in community services.
Individuals volunteering their time to Showcasing diverse cultural traditions for
assist, like cleaning the surrounding. cultural awareness through performances
and organized events in schools.
Cash assistance for teachers’ seminars A great influencer to promote environmental
in the different areas assigned. awareness and sustainability practices.

The Irreplaceable Role of Family in Raising Children

The school cannot replace family in rearing children because families are where kids learn most
about life and love. School’s influence is limited comparing to the intimate relationships formed
within the family. Thus, while schools can serve as guardians and partners in a child’s
upbringing, the primary responsibility for a child’s well-being and development ultimately lies
with the family. It is where values, traditions, and personal connections are cultivated and
reinforced. So, while schools are good for learning, families are the ones who do the most for
kids as they grow up, family first.
Provisions on School-Community Partnership
1. Republic Act No. 8525 “Adopt-a-School Act of 1998” -This act encourages private
sector participation in the development and improvement of public schools by allowing
private entities to support specific schools through donations, infrastructure projects, and
other forms of assistance.

2. Republic Act No. 7836 (1994) “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act” -This law
emphasizes the importance of professional development and continuous learning among
teachers. By ensuring that educators are well-trained and competent, schools can better
serve their communities and contribute to the overall quality of education.
3. Republic Act No. 10627 (2013) “ Anti-Bullying Act” - This act recognizes the need for
collaboration between schools and communities to address the issue of bullying

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