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1. The following medicines used to treat (a) Amodiaguine (b) Pyrimethamine (©) Primaquine (4) Quinine artemether have gametocidal activity; Anti-malaria medicines that act on the erythrocytic stage of the parasite include; (a) Halofantrine (b) Primaquine a ©) . of the following is correct regarding the mechanism of action of medicines used in malaria ? ‘can be increased with fatty meal (e) It has.a plasma half-life of 8-12 hours 7. Ivermectin; (a) Immobilises the parasite (b) Acts more slowly than onchocerciasis but systemic and ocular reactions (©) Mis the drug of choice for onchocerciasis, cutaneous — 7 strongyloidiasis and most forms of filariasis (@) Has some antiviral activity where it has ae and cell entry and also inhibits viral a (e) Has a wide tissue distribution and a hall oad -(@) Metronidazole or tinidazole are drugs of choice in the tr histolytica tissue infections (©) A regimen comprising tinidazole 2g once daily for 3 days plus: ‘10mg/kg 3 times a day for 7 days can be used (e) Constipation 12. Luminal amoebicides include; {@) Sodium bicarbonate 24. The following are contraindications tothe use of opiate analgesics; (@) Labour pain (b) Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (©) Chronic tung disease (@) Raised intracranial pressure (©) Acute pulmonary oedema 25. The following are opioid agonists: (a) Eigen (c) Methadone (d) Nalmefene (€) Naloxone 26. Ibuprofen: (a) Is a reversible cyclo-o} . 5 =. 30. Precipitators of heart failure include (a) Uncontrolled hypertension (b) Cardiac arrhythmias (c) Stress (@) Poor diet (e) Infections (pulmonary and systemic) 31. Heart failure is classified according to the following (a) Side of heart affects (b) Effect on contraction (©) Effect on relaxation (@) Effect on venous back pressur ey (e) failure to supply adequate eral perfusion '32.’The following drugs can be used to treat heart failure ————— “ ‘sodium dependent membrane choline transporter ‘ block vesicle-associated transporter (VAT) that is driven by proton efflux (a) The Ach vesicle release process is blocked by botulinum toxin (©) All preganglionic neurons release acetylcholine 37. The following are neurotransmitter in the brain; (a) Acetylcholine (b) Dopamine (©) Serotonin (a) Levodopa (©) Carbidopa 38. The following are depolarizing blocking agents: (a) Tubocurare (6) Pancuronium (©) Vecuronium @ Atracurium (©) Suxamethonium 39. The following cholinesterase inhibitors are correctly matched (a) Edrophonium is used in di (b) Edrophonium is used in (©) Donepezil is used A (@) Neostigmine is used to (©) Pyridostigmine is used (@) Are streptomycin, roxithromycin, tobramycin, neomycin and gentamycin ‘(b) Bind to 30S subunit (©) Have poor CNS penetration exceptin inflammation (d) Exereted by the kidney (@) Such as gentamycin may require thetapeutic drug monitoring 43. The following is true about antibacterial agents; + (@) Bactericidal agents act primarily by killing bacteria (b) Bacteriostatic agents act primarily by killing bacteria (©) Bacteriostatic agents act primarily by preventing bacterial multiplication @) Penicillin act by inhibiting cell wall synthesis (e) Gentamycin and Amoxycillin have a synergistic effect 44. The following antibacterials act by inhibiting eell wall synthesis; (a) Vancomycin (b) Meropenem _ ©) Imipenem @) Oxacillin 7. Concerning quinolones antibacterials; (@) Nalidixie acid has a narrow spectrum and no systemic (©) Moxifloxacin, catifloxacin and gemifloxacin have strong +ve bacteria (©) inhibit DNA gyrase (topoisomerase Il) thereby blocking bacterial DNA synthesis (@) Are bactedricidal (©) Ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin are broad spectrum 48. Concerning quinolones antibacterials; (a) Nalidixic acid has a narrow sj spectrum and no systemic antibacterial activity () Moxifloxacin, catifloxacin ai bacteria ind gemifloxacin have strong activity against gram +ve (©) Inhibit DNA gyrase (d) Are bactedricidal (©) Ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxacin are broad spectrum (topoisomerase Il) thereby blocking bacterial DNA synthesis 49. Rifampicin; (@) Is bactericidal (b) Kills dormant mycobacteria (©) Isa potent enzyme inhibitor (@) May cause pruritus (©) Hepatotoxicity is a side effect } renee ‘50. Concerning isoniazid;

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