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Name : Annisa Hapsari Asrun

NPM : 2306271003
Individual Journal Reflection Writing

Week 1 - Literature in the Anglo Saxon Period

What qualifies Beowulf as an epic hero?

In my opinion, Beowulf is considered an epic hero because of the numerous characteristics
attached to him. Beowulf had this incredible courage and great physical strength, which made
him easily face terrifying enemies in battle without fear. In addition, as a noble knight, Beowulf
showed unwavering loyalty to his king and kin, as well as the courage to sacrifice himself to
protect his people. Beowulf also reflected virtues such as integrity, honesty, and justice, which
became an important part of his personality as a hero. With his heroic achievements and great
sacrifices, Beowulf leaves behind a legacy that is lasting and honoured by the future, which
makes him an unforgettable epic hero. I noticed in Beowulf's fight with Grendel at Heorot,
where he faced the monster unarmed, showing his incredible courage and admirable physical
strength. Then when Beowulf is willing to go to the Kingdom of Hrothgar to help fight Grendel,
it shows his loyalty as a knight to the king and kingdom, as well as his intention to seek glory
and honour through battle.

In what ways does Beowulf reflect the situation and social values of the Anglo-Saxon period?
Beowulf demonstrates the importance of courage, honour, and loyalty in Anglo-Saxon society.
Knights like Beowulf were valued for their ability to protect kings and kingdoms, as well as for
maintaining a strong code of chivalric ethics. In addition, the theme of fate in the story of
Beowulf reflects the belief in the concept of destiny that was a major part of Anglo-Saxon
culture. Moreover, the story also reflects the feudal social structure that existed at that time,
where loyalty to the king and loyalty to family and kingdom were highly valued. Hence, through
the characteristics and themes presented in the story, Beowulf provides a comprehensive
picture of the life and values of the Anglo-Saxon society at that time. from here I can see the
reflection of these situations and social values from the victory celebration after Beowulf
successfully defeats Grendel and his mother shows the importance of commemorating success
and honouring heroes in Anglo-Saxon society. It reflects values such as courage, glory, and
appreciation of success in battle. Then, when Beowulf faces the dragon in his final battle, he
shows determination and sacrifice to protect his people. Despite being severely wounded, he
still fights to the end to maintain his honour as a knight. This reflects the courage, sacrifice and
loyalty to the kingdom that were highly valued in Anglo-Saxon society.

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