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Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

Development Specification



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

Table of Contents:
Table of Contents:....................................................................................................................................2 0.0 How to use this Document:................................................................................................................3 Naming Conventions IMPORTANT READ PRIOR TO SAVING.............................................5 1.0 General Information and History:......................................................................................................6 2.0 Functional Specification Details:.......................................................................................................8 2.1 Business Requirement:.......................................................................................................................8 2.2 Alternatives / Recommended Approach / SAP Functionality Discussion: .......................................9 2.3 Design Objectives:.............................................................................................................................9 2.4 Assumptions / Related Follow-up:...................................................................................................10 2.5 Scope:...............................................................................................................................................10 2.6 Risk Category / Description:............................................................................................................10 2.7 Hours / Resources Estimate ............................................................................................................10 2.8 Functional Dependencies ................................................................................................................11 3.0 Operational Considerations:.............................................................................................................11 3.1 Screen Flow / Field Mapping...........................................................................................................11 3.2 Error Handling.................................................................................................................................13 3.3 Run Details.......................................................................................................................................14 3.4 Integration Testing Details...............................................................................................................14 3.5 Data / New Table Information.........................................................................................................15 4.0 Development Unit Testing:..............................................................................................................15 5.0 Technical Specification:...................................................................................................................15 5.0 High-level Technical Design Flow / Revised Estimate...................................................................15 5.1 High-level Technical Design Flow / Revised Estimate...................................................................16 5.2 End-User Impact..............................................................................................................................16 5.3 PSEUDO-CODE All ABAP Programs Forms, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and Enhancements........................................................................................................................................16 5.4 Screens:............................................................................................................................................16 5.5 Data:.................................................................................................................................................17 5.6 Security:...........................................................................................................................................17 5.7 Transport Strategy:...........................................................................................................................17 5.8 IDOC/ALE Details:.........................................................................................................................17 5.9 Report and Form Specific Information............................................................................................17 5.10 Interface Specific Information.......................................................................................................17 5.11 Conversion Specific Information...................................................................................................17 5.12 Enhancement Specific Information................................................................................................18 5.13 Workflow Specific Information.....................................................................................................18 5.14 Other EDI-Specific Information:...................................................................................................18 6.0 Development Issues and Concerns:.................................................................................................18 7.0 Attachments and Documentation:....................................................................................................18 How to use this Document General Information and History 0.0 1.0



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

Functional Specification 2.0 Business Requirement.....................................................................................................................2.1 Alternatives and Recommended Approach.....................................................................................2.2 Design Objectives............................................................................................................................2.3 Assumptions....................................................................................................................................2.4 Scope................................................................................................................................................2.5 Risk..................................................................................................................................................2.6 Effort Hours and Resources.............................................................................................................2.7 Functional Dependencies.................................................................................................................2.8 Operational Considerations 3.0 Relevant Screen Flow / Field Mapping...........................................................................................3.1 Error Handling.................................................................................................................................3.2 Run Details......................................................................................................................................3.3 Integration Testing Details..............................................................................................................3.4 Data / New Table Information.........................................................................................................3.5 Development Unit Testing 4.0

Technical Specification 5.0 High-level Technical Design and Flow...........................................................................................5.0 Revised Estimate.............................................................................................................................5.1 End-User Impact..............................................................................................................................5.2 Pseudo-Code for Programs..............................................................................................................5.3 Screens.............................................................................................................................................5.4 Data..................................................................................................................................................5.5 Security............................................................................................................................................5.6 Transport Strategy...........................................................................................................................5.7 IDOC/ALE Details..........................................................................................................................5.8 Form and Report Specific Information............................................................................................5.9 Interface Specific Information.......................................................................................................5.10 Conversion Specific Information...................................................................................................5.11 Enhancement Specific Information...............................................................................................5.12 Workflow Specific Information.....................................................................................................5.13 EDI-Specific Information..............................................................................................................5.14 Development Issues / Concerns Attachments and Documentation 0.0 How to use this Document:
When to use this template

6.0 7.0



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

This template should be used to detail SAP system developments. This document should only be created after a Development Request has been submitted and approved by the FRICE Approval Committee. Custom Development Programs which are developed by Philip Morris International to use in coordination with the SAP system to accomplish a business task.



These are sometimes known as SAP scripts. SAP provides many standard forms which may need to be changed to fits specific PMI requirements. a. External Forms External forms are those used with entities outside of Philip Morris International businesses. For example, an invoice will be sent to customers for billing. This will be an external document containing corporate logos and legal verbage. b. Internal Forms Internal forms are those used within the PMI businesses. For example, a picking list form may be identical from one business to the next.



A program created to display business data from the SAP system. Several hundred reports are supplied with the SAP system and they should be used where possible.



An interface includes all of the activities performed to: 1. extract data from SAP; or, 2. Import data to the SAP system. System interfaces are often created for legacy systems which will remain after SAP is implemented. For example, an interface could be created to extract all Accounts Receivable balances from SAP to load into a legacy system each evening. In this way, the legacy system could accurately report the daily activity that has occurred within SAP during the day.



Also known as a data load or a migration. A conversion includes all of the activities performed to extract data from an existing system and load it into the SAP system. Conversions are often executed only once. For example, a one time conversion may be run to load all Open Orders into the SAP system from an existing order entry system. This would occur as part of the cutover activities. After the conversion has been completed, the order entry would be done within the SAP system. Thus, the conversion programs would no longer be needed.



SAP provides the ability, via exits, to branch away from the standard system code, perform a custom designed piece of logic, and return to the program. In this way, the standard system does not need to be modified. The following exit vehicles are available: 1 1. Enhancements via customer exits - menu, screen, function module, keyword exits a. Menu exits b. Screen exits c. Function Module exits d. Keyword exits



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11

2. a. b. c.

Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

Enhancements via ABAP/4 Dictionary elements Table appends - adding new fields to the end of standard tables Text enhancements - documentation for data elements Field exits - creation of additional coding for data elements

Naming Conventions IMPORTANT READ PRIOR TO SAVING. The specification should be saved with a name that follows the format: DS_DO_AAAAAA_bbbbbbbbbb.doc Where: DS DO AAAAAA Bbbb = Development Specification = Country = Team Identification + ID FRICEW = Short description



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

How to Complete this Document It should be noted that this document has been created to be useable to any type of system development. However, not all sections may be applicable to a specific development. Summary of Document Tasks No Phase Task 1. Functional Complete Functional Specification Specification

Sections to Complete a. Complete Sections 1.0 - 4.0, b. 6.0 Issues/Concerns as needed, c. 7.0 Attachments as needed

Person Process Team Member

Functional Sign-off Meeting Completion

This meeting ensures that the Technical Team Member understands all of the information in the Functional Specification. The document should be updated as required with any additional detail. a. Section 5.0, b. 6.0 Issues/Concerns as needed, c. 7.0 Attachments as needed

Process Team Member Technical Team Member


Technical Specification

Complete Technical Specification

Technical Team Member

Technical Specification Sign-off Meeting Completion 3. Development Unit Testing Signoff Complete Development Unit Testing template

Technical Team Member Process Team Member

1.0 General Information and History:

Descriptive Information Spec Title: CFOP Determination



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project
Development Type: Enhancement (User Exit)

Spec ID:

SAP Release

Development Request ID



Order to Cash

Priority (H, M, L):

Related Gaps: Phone Alexandro Souza Teixeira (41) 21116231

Non standard SAP functionality Date Required:

H Process Team Owner:

Order to Cash ABAP Team Owner: Legacy Owner: Change History Date Modified Modified By March-20-2008 Marcelo Massey June-04-2008 Marcelo Massey

Approved By

Brief Description of Change First version Corrected the name of the parameter table. Its TABLE1 instead of TABLE2. Re-attached the document with new TABLES TO BE CREATED. Changed to use sy-datlo instead of sydatum.



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

Document Sign-off Phase Functional Sign-off Technical Sign-off Unit Testing Sign-off Approver / Date

2.0 Functional Specification Details:

2.1 Business Requirement: Description of Business Process or Task: [Required. This section should contain a detailed description of the task in business terms. Describe any relevant business scenarios that may help define the processing. Note your audience may have no knowledge of the process so, be specific.] With the implementation of iSMS, a new interface is being developed to upload the sales orders into SAP. When creating a sales order for Brazil, it is also required to determine the Tax Laws for every item of the sales order. The TAXBRJ provides the Tax law ICMS, Tax law IPI and Tax Law ISS and it`s determined for every item of the sales order, and the TAXBRA MP135 provides those taxes above and two more, they are the Tax Law COFINS and Tax Law PIS. Through the user exit MV45AFZZ is going to access the z.. where is going to have to be added two columns with the Tax Law COFINS and Tax Law PIS where de values is going to be selected and filled up in the sales order. This specification, describes how to determine the Tax Law COFINS and Tax Law PIS in a user exit that will be called during the sales order process.


Interface to send sales orders to SAP for uploading




Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project



User Exit MV45AFZZ

Sales Order

2.2 Alternatives / Recommended Approach / SAP Functionality Discussion: Alternatives: [List the alternatives considered, including standard SAP, to creating this custom development.] Alternative options with greater benefit to the present development do not exist because the local systems that are in charge of the commercial processes at the moment fulfill totally the necessities of the business and this one has decided at the moment not to lose its functionality. Recommended Approach: [Require. Describe the rationale for choosing this alternative form those listed above.]

Enhancement (user exit)

2.3 Design Objectives: Objectives: [Require. This section should detail the objectives of the intended development.]



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

2.4 Assumptions / Related Follow-up: List of Assumptions: [Require. This section should contain a list of assumptions used to ascertain that this development was necessary. This might also include a list of business factors which make creating this development a requirement.] None. Assumption-related follow-up: [Require. Since assumptions can create follow-up actions, it is important to list those here. Leaving these unresolved may change the viability of the resolution being discussed. Example an assumption may be laser printers will be located on all plant floors. The resulting action item follow-up with Basis group regarding availability of laser printers in plants] Num Task Process Owner Target Date

2.5 Scope: [Require. This section should detail whats in and whats out of the resolution. This section should go from high-level to low-level scope. Specifically, it should start by saying what business units will be in scope. Next, the business units affected could be listed (plants, sales offices, etc).]

2.6 Risk Category / Description: [Require. This section must assign a risk category and give text explaining the risk factors. The categories are as follows: RISK CATEGORY HIGH

RISK DESCRIPTION All the commercial activities will be based on the correct operation of the interface reason why their correct understanding and operation will be fundamental to maintain the operation of the business

2.7 Hours / Resources Estimate Tasks / Hours: [Require. This section should discuss tasks, hours and resources required for pursuing this work. This is information is sometimes provided by the Process Team Member or the ABAP Programmer. The table below should be completed:] Num Task Est. Hours Resource



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project


2.8 Functional Dependencies [Require. This section should list all of the downstream functional affects of the proposed solution. For example, if these changes can affect invoicing, - all transactions to be affected should be listed here]

3.0 Operational Considerations:

3.1 Screen Flow / Field Mapping

New tables to be created

See attachment at the end of the document with the new tables to be created.

Alter the user exit MV45AFZZ, in FORM userexit_save_document_prepare. At the end of the Form add logic, to re-calculate the CFOP and Tax Laws for every item of the sales order. This requirement is necessary only for Brazil. User Exit: MV45AFZZ Form to modify: userexit_save_document_prepare FORM userexit_save_document_prepare IF xvbak-bukrs_vf = 1758 Brazil * Verify if we have to determine the CFOP or not. * This is important because we dont want to determine the CFOP for all the existing order types in PRD



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

SELECT determine_cfop INTO l_determine_cfop FROM TABLE1 WHERE auart = xvbak-auart IF l_determine_cfop = X PERFORM <new form to determine CFOP for Brazil, see logic below> ENDIF. ENDIF ENDFORM. Logic: * Obtain the Ship-To Customer Read table xvbpa with key PARVW = WE. Format variable l_kunnr with value of xvbpa-kunnr * Obtain Region, from the Ship-To Customer SELECT KNA1-REGIO from KNA1 where KUNNR = l_kunnr Format variable l_regio with value of KNA1-REGIO LOOP AT XVBAP * Loop to process all the items

* Determine the Business Place Call Function J_1B_BRANCH_DETERMINE Exporting: company = xvbak-bukrs_vf plant = xvbap-werks Importing: branch = l_branch * Obtain Material Type SELECT MARA-MTART from MARA where MATNR = xvbap-matnr Format variable l_mtart with value of MARA-MTART * Access new table to determine CFOP. * First access all the data, including the the material SELECT TABLE2.CFOP, TABLE2.TAXLW1, TABLE2.TAXLW2 from TABLE2 (new table) where AUART = xvbak-auart AND Sales Document Type MTART = l_mtart AND Material Type MATNR = xvbap-matnr AND Material J_1BBRANCH = l_branch (determ. previously) AND Business Place REGIO = l_regio (determined previously) AND Region (State) BEGDA <= sy-datlo Note: (if more than one record found, select the record with greater BEGDA). IF record found.



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

xvbap-j_1bcfop = TABLE2.CFOP xvbap-j_1btaxlw1 = TABLE2.TAXLW1 xvbap-j_1btaxlw2 = TABLE2.TAXLW2 update the record of xvbap (internal table) for the item being processed (only update fields j_1bcfop, j_1btaxlw1 and j_1btaxlw2) go to the next iteration in the LOOP XVBAP ENDIF. * Access new table to determine CFOP. * Second access without the material, only necessary if not found in * the first access. SELECT TABLE2.CFOP, TABLE2.TAXLW1, TABLE2.TAXLW2 from TABLE2 (new table) where AUART = xvbak-auart AND Sales Document Type MTART = l_mtart AND Material Type J_1BBRANCH = l_branch (determ. previously) AND Business Place REGIO = l_regio (determined previously) AND Region (State) BEGDA <= sy-datlo Note: (if more than one record found, select the record with greater BEGDA). IF record found. xvbap-j_1bcfop = TABLE2.CFOP xvbap-j_1btaxlw1 = TABLE2.TAXLW1 xvbap-j_1btaxlw2 = TABLE2.TAXLW2 update the record of xvbap (internal table) for the item being processed (only update fields j_1bcfop, j_1btaxlw1 and j_1btaxlw2) go to the next iteration in the LOOP XVBAP ELSE. display error message Could not determine the CFOP for iSMS Order: &xvbkd-bstkd, material: &xvbap-matnr ENDIF. ENDLOOP

3.2 Error Handling Possible Errors and Error Handling: [Any methods for handling errors should be detailed here- e.g. messages or pop-ups.]







Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

3.3 Run Details Example Output: [Require. This should include an example of the report.] Print Requirements (printer/spool): [Require. Will this development run on-line (dialogue) or batch? If the report is online does it need a transaction or report tree? None Special Printer Requirements: [Optional. Will this development require a special printer] None Distribution List: [Required. This list should include all persons who will receive the report.] None Run Type: [Required. Will this development run on-line (dialogue) or batch. If the report is online does it need a custom transaction? Is the processing even-driven (based on completion of another system event)? On line Run Frequency: [This section should contain how often the report will be executed along with any scheduling requirements or variants/parameters. (One Off/Ad Hoc/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly).] Daily or in demand Critical Dependencies: [This section should detail any critical links to system processing. For example, if the report must run after a given application, this should be described here.]

3.4 Integration Testing Details Integration Testing [Required. This should include details for end-to-end / hands off integration testing. For example, if jobs must be completed for integration testing, then those requirements should be described here.] To be defined



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

3.5 Data / New Table Information Source of Initial Data: [This section should detail the source of the initial data needed for the development. Also, the need for an initial load program should be described here. A detailed list of tables and table data should be given here.] Data Requirements/Data Retention Policies: [Required for new tables. All data retention policies, decisions from the scripting process, should be listed here. Data cleansing procedures should be documented here and then forwarded to the implementation teams.] Source System Input File Definition

Data Cleansing: Data Retention Policies: Table New (new entity): Name: Table Owner for Data: Description:

4.0 Development Unit Testing:

Please complete the Development Unit Testing template and save it on the network. This completed template will be the deliverable which is used to verify that Unit Testing is complete. A development cannot be moved to QA for Integration Testing, prior to completion of Unit Testing.

5.0 Technical Specification:

Technical details associated with the development.

5.0 High-level Technical Design Flow / Revised Estimate Tables: Structures



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

5.1 High-level Technical Design Flow / Revised Estimate Detailed Technical Estimate for Technical Design: [Required. This section should contain a detailed estimate based on the technical design which is being considered.] Num 1 2 3 Task Est. Hours Resource Other



5.2 End-User Impact End User Impact: [Required. This section should detail the impact of this design on the business user. This should list the tasks that this person will be required to do to make this design work ie process a daily error file, kick off a job, etc.]

5.3 PSEUDO-CODE All ABAP Programs Forms, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and Enhancements Programs/Reports/Function Modules Pseudo-code: [Required. This section should include detailed pseudo-code for all programs which are shown in the above technical flow. Please relate these programs to the flow diagram. Pseudo-code should look as follows: WINDOW DESCRIPTION

5.4 Screens: Screen Flow: [Required for gaps with relevant screen flow can be taken from previous section in 3.0. This section should include any sequence of screens and required actions which are relevant to the design of the technical solution.] < Screen 1, Instructions > < Screen 2, Instructions > < Screen 3, Instructions, etc>



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

5.5 Data: Data Elements/Domains/Structures/Logical Databases/Views: [Required for new tables. This section should list any new or modified data elements, domains, structures or logical databases that are required as a result of the development.]

5.6 Security: Security: [Required. This section should contain a list of users, or groups of users, who will be allowed to perform the processing which utilizes this development. The plan for securing access should be detailed in this section by restricting access to the program, transaction ,etc.] General Use by order entry personnel 5.7 Transport Strategy: Transport Strategy: [This section should contain any special transport activities or coordination that may be required to move the development from one system to the next. Also, activities that must happen outside of SAP should be highlighted. For example, if a UNIX shell script must be created and moved to a production directory this should be listed.]

5.8 IDOC/ALE Details: [Required for developments requiring IDOC or ALE. List the details relating to ALE set-up or configuration. Also, describe any required IDOCS. If extension of the IDOC is required, include those details here. ]

5.9 Report and Form Specific Information [Required for Reports and Forms. This would include interface-specific information.]] SAPscript Information: [Required for gaps including SAPscript. This section should describe the pages, windows, and specific sapscript code required as part of this technical work. Any standard print program pseudo-code should be listed in the preceding section.]

5.10 Interface Specific Information [Required for Interfaces. This would include interface-specific information.]

5.11 Conversion Specific Information [Required for Conversions. This would include conversion-specific information ] SAP Standard Load Analysis:



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project

[Required for Conversions ie Material Master, Customer Master, Vendor Master, etc. Please indicate if you are using an SAP standard load program. If not, please specify why the standard load would not work. ] Data Cleansing Process: [Required for Conversions. This section should contain the process designed to cleanse the data in preparation for the load to SAP This would be defined by the Process Teams.] Conversion Strategy: [Required for Conversions. This section should contain a detailed plan for migrating to the new development. Any data loads which must be performed prior to running the objects should be listed.]

5.12 Enhancement Specific Information [Required for Enhancements. This would include enhancement-specific information]

5.13 Workflow Specific Information [Required for Workflow. This would include workflow-specific information]

5.14 Other EDI-Specific Information: [Required for EDI related developments. Please include the following details Partner set-up required, Output determination work required, etc. ]

6.0 Development Issues and Concerns:

[This section should contain a matrix which will track issues and resolutions related to this development.] No. Date People Issue/Resolution

Note: The People column is intended for initials with a legend to be supplied at bottom of the table describing each person including their full name.

7.0 Attachments and Documentation:

[This section should contain scanned in documents that are referenced within this document.]

New tables to be created

C:\SAP\Pelissari\ Conhecim entos\PROJ ETOS\Philip Morris\Interfaces\Interface iSMS x SAP\ORDERS_INTERFACE_FILES\DS\CFOP DETERMINATION - NEW TABLES.doc



Status: Regional Draft Last updated on: 11/04/11 8:45 A11/P11


Philip Morris International

iSMS Project



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