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The study sought to assess the implementation of Therapeutic Community Modality

Program (TCMP) activities for the benefit of the inmates; An environment that helps

people get help while helping others. At a given moment, one may be in a client role

when receiving help or support from others because of a problem behavior or when

experiencing distress.


The Behavior Management is a component of Therapeutic Community Modality

Program (TCMP) that introduces the concept and mechanics of the various shaping

tools to include Morning Meeting in order to facilitate the management of and shape the

behavior of the residents. This shows the essential elements and significance of the

tools which would provide the community common language, increase cohesiveness

and adapt to the moral and behavioral code of the tools application. The behavior

shaping tools are ordered in hierarchy to provide enough room for personal growth and

learning. The community serves as a dynamic force that motivates the individual to

achieve positive behavior change.


Program which sets up a systematic and efficient selection, implementation, monitoring

and evaluation of all TC programs/activities to manage and modify behaviors of PDL

with the goal of positively changing their thinking and behavior through structured group

processes. Operates in a similar fashion to a functional family with a hierarchical

structure of older and younger members. Each member has defined roles and

responsibilities for sustaining the proper functioning of the TC. There are sets of rules

and community norms that members commit to live by and uphold upon entry.

● Pre-Morning Meeting is done early in the morning prior to the Morning Meeting.

Senior members of the community will meet for about fifteen (15) minutes to

discuss the attitude of the house the previous day. It is also where the senior

members formulate solutions to the concerns discussed and to be executed

during the day. The attendees will also discuss the activities to be engaged in the

Morning Meeting and make sure that all participants are ready with their

corresponding parts and determine the amount of time to be allotted for each

part. The group will agree on the theme or concept of the day. This is to make

sure that everything is ironed out prior to the conduct of the Morning Meeting

such as the validation of pull-ups and other concerns.

● Morning Meeting Morning Meeting is a daily ritual that starts the day in a TC

faclility. It is attended by the whole community and lasts for an hour. It

commences with the Opening Prayer, Singing of the Philippine National Anthem

and the recitation of the TC Philosophy. It is usually facilitated by any member of

the community. It is divided into two (2) parts namely: (1) public announcements

and community concerns and (2) community-spirit building or up rituals

● Talk To is an outright correction done by any member of the TC community to

another member who has done a minor infraction but is not aware of it. It is a

friendly reminder/advice about unacceptable behavior and must be done

privately. During a “Talk To”, the resident is

made aware of his/her negative behavior and the results it may have on others

and the environment. The feedback given to the resident who committed a

mistake is done in a positive way. This is to evoke awareness on the part of the

violators to avoid committing the same.

● Pull Up is done as a result of lack, missed or lapses in awareness in a resident.

All the members of the community are responsible to pull-up minor infractions

done by peers. It encourages honesty, demeanor awareness and owning up to

one’s mistakes. This is done when the violator is unknown and must be validated

first prior to bringing up in the Morning Meeting.

● Dealt With

● Haircut is done when negative behaviors or infractions to the House

Rules/Norms in the same offense are done for the third time or more or for first

time grave offenses. It is a carefully planned and structured verbal reprimand

given by a Staff with four other residents - Senior Resident, Peer, Big Brother,

and Department Head. The tone is more serious and can be loud, more harsh

and exaggerated.

● Learning Experience/ Bans is an action or activity given to a resident who was

subjected to Haircut or General Meeting who did an infraction to correct or modify

a behavior. LE may be task – oriented, written task or peer interactions.

● General Meeting A repeated breach to the Cardinal Rules necessitates a

General Meeting. Such issue should be discussed with the community to point

out to the violator the negative effect the behavior had on the community. Such

offense includes sexual acting-out with a fellow resident, taking drugs and

engaging in physical fights with another resident. Other facilities include stealing

or even smoking as part of the Cardinal Rules. These behaviors pose a threat to

the community because they violate the established order and safety of the


Procedure in a General Meeting:

1. A General Meeting is called and led by a senior member of the staff, usually the

Director of the facility. The extent of the problem is assessed to determine who among

the community members are involved in the incident. Those guilty of the offense are

asked to sit in a prospect chair. This is to arouse anxiety and dissonance.

2. The Director sets the tone of the meeting and leads the community in an open

expression of opinions and feelings regarding the offense brought out into the

community. He holds the community accountable for the slip of its members as each is

considered his “brother’s keeper” .The Director opens the floor for feedback, inviting the

community for self-reflection and accountability.

● Expulsion In extreme cases, when a resident is incorrigible and becomes a threat

to the

● community (Instigator, initiator of jail disturbances), the Director with the

recommendation of the Disciplinary Board may transfer him/her to the nearest jail

facility with an appropriate Court Order.

Statement of Need

This activity aims to:

1.)To introduce the concept of behavior management through the use of various

behavior shaping tools to residents.

2.)To institutionalize the practice of behavior shaping tools to foster behavior change

among residents.

3.)To highlight the importance of behavior management in relation to the other TCMP

components towards attitudinal change among residents.

Project Implications:

1. What are the possible outcomes of this program in the behavior among the


2. Why should we implement this kind of program/activities?


● Residents will understand the different Behavior Shaping Tools and practice

them as part of their daily living.

● Residents will utilize the different behavior shaping tools in promoting change

within themselves and others.

● Residents will display improvement in demeanor, communication and social

● Residents will understand the relevance of the different tools in the attainment of

behavioral change.

7. References or Bibliography







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