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Department of Teacher Education


Name: Justine Lopez Date: 8/1/2023

Number of Students: 14 Name of Classroom Teacher: Justine Lopez Grade Level: 8

Planning for Instruction

Lesson Topic: Social Studies
(Indicate the subject of the lesson)
New York Common Core/ Next Generation Standard 2: World History
Standards: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to
(Choose ONE and list the number and text of the demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras,
standard) themes, developments, and turning points in world history
and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of

Learning Objective(s): Students will be able to Analyze FDR’s “Day of Infamy” speech to
Content Objective: (Student learning outcomes to assess its role in persuading Congress to vote for a declaration of
be achieved by the end of the lesson. Can refer to war.
what action students will do and how.)

Rationale: Student will be able to Identify, describe, and evaluate

(Identify the purpose for teaching the less evidence about events from diverse sources (including
on and the importance to future learning. In other written documents, works of art, photographs, charts and
words, how does the current lesson provide a
graphs, artifacts, oral histories, and other primary and
foundation for future learning.)
secondary sources).
Students will be able to recognize an argument and analyze
evidence in any other subject or situation.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: The prior lesson on Pearl Harbor will be used to continue into this
Identify the prior knowledge and skills upon which lesson.
this lesson builds.
Personal/cultural/community assets Role of social, political, and cultural interactions in the
Identify how instruction will connect to and/or build development of identity
upon background knowledge, interests, experiences
and/or culture.
Academic Vocabulary: point of view, primary source; plunder, infamy, solicitation,
Identify particular words/phrases that are essential maintenance, diplomatic negotiations, will, grave
to understanding the content of this lesson. This
should include both tier 2 and tier 3 words as
Anticipation: The students can determine an author’s point of view or
(Identify the possible misconceptions or challenges purpose in informational text.
students may have related to the learning
objective/topic, i.e. “Common Errors”)
Materials & technology: YouTube videos, paper assignment, “Day of Infamy” speech
(List materials and resources specific to the lesson. and power point presentation
This should include websites where you gathered
Department of Teacher Education

Differentiated Support / Multiple Entry Points for Diverse Students

Complete the chart below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your
students that will differentiate your instruction in this lesson. As needed, consult with your cooperating teacher to
complete the chart.
Special Subgroups of Diverse Learners Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals:
Handouts will be provided in dual language.
❒ English Language Learners
Accommodations will be followed as per IEP guidelines.
❒ Students with Disabilities or with IEPs or
❒ Gifted needing greater support or challenge

Background knowledge will be given verbally and visually by

❒ Students with gaps in academic knowledge
PowerPoint presentation
Para will assist student and if needed assisted learning devices
❒ Students in need of behavior support
will be provided
Assessment Evidence:
(Describe how activities or assignments will provide you feedback on how you are monitoring student learning)
Formative Assessments: KWL charts
(Conducted during the lesson and can include Exit tickets
student questions and responses. This also Quiz (within 2 days of lesson)
includes teacher observations of student
engagement and assigned tasks.)
Development of Lesson
Motivation: (5 minutes)
(This should “hook” students to follow the lesson. pearl-harbor-video
The activity should elicit prior knowledge and
Watch the video with the sound OFF..
experiences. It is not the beginning of the lesson
Question on Board for student to answer
What I see and notice...

Ask students to turn and talk to their partner about what

point of view means.
Cold call one or two pairs to share their thinking

Mini-lesson (10 - 15 minutes): ● Yesterday you learned how the U.S. supported Great
(Opportunity for teachers to introduce and model Britain and the Allies with military supplies through the
the new skill, concept or approach in a very Lend Lease Act.
intentional and concise manner. Students learn by ● During this time, the U.S. held meetings with
observing and demonstrating engagement during
representatives of the Japanese government in an
this instructional strategy. Opportunity for guided
practice should be integrated into the mini-lesson. attempt to maintain peace between the two countries.
Include 3-5 guiding questions. ) Japan was part of the Axis alliance with Germany and
● On December 7, 1941 a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
changed the relationship between the two countries and
led the U.S. into World War II.
Department of Teacher Education

“Summary: Attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941” excerpt

At 7:55 a.m. [on December 7, 1941], the first Japanese bombs
fell on Pearl Harbor, the main base of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
Japanese torpedo bombers, flying just 50 feet above the water,
launched torpedoes at the docked American warships. Within
half an hour, the U.S. Pacific Fleet was virtually destroyed. The
worst damage occurred to the Arizona; a thousand of the ship’s
sailors drowned or burned to death. Altogether, 2,403 Americans
died during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; another 1,178
were wounded. Japan lost just 55 men.

Independent Work Time (30 - 40 minutes): Next you will watch the video again, with sound on. You will hear
(Designed learning activity that is directly related to an excerpt of what is known as FDR’s “Day of Infamy” speech.
the lesson objective. Students can work in pairs, (or) will read it from the handout provided.
small groups, or independently.
Watch the video again. Watch the full video with sound on.
Answer questions 1-2 below based on what you hear.
1. What is the tone or mood of the recording?
2. What word or phrase did FDR use to create that tone or

Closure (5 minutes): Review Vocabulary words and use them in discussion of the
(Explain how you will recap the learning that lesson.
will happen in the lesson, i.e. key questions,
checking for understanding, etc.)
Follow Up Homework Essay:
(Select an assignment to enhance further If you were a member of Congress at the time, would you have
learning. May include review, homework, voted for war?
enrichment, remediation, etc.) Would it have been the speech that swayed your opinion?

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