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Week of: Jan 23, 2023 – Jan 30,2023

Essential Question: How does my community use various modes of transportation?

Unit of Study: Transportation
Question: How do we stay safe when using transportation?
Vocabulary: accident, emergency, safety, seatbelt, speed, speed limit, stop, traffic, traffic jam, traffic light, traffic
signs, yield
Time/Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Circle Time Share with Provide pictures Find or record Select a few of Catch Up Day
children the of traffic signs sounds of different the books the
purpose of a and invite vehicles such as a class currently
license plate and children to share helicopter, enjoys and create
use the term what they know ambulance, a graph for
license plate and recognize motorcycle, children to share
frequently as you and make a chart footsteps, bicycle which book they
play with the Supply larger bell, honking like best.
children. Show the paper for horns, etc., and Encourage
children a sample children to use in invite children to children to share
license plate (or a creating traffic listen to and what they like
picture) and signs for the identify the about their
provide paper and playground and sounds. PK.AL.1 favorite book.
materials for them smaller pieces of Actively engages in PK.SEL.2.
to create their paper for play as a means of Recognizes self
own. Children can exploration and
children to use in as an individual
write letters and learning
creating traffic having unique
numbers on their
signs for the abilities,
license plates or
Construction/Blo characteristics,
use letter and/or
ck area. As feelings and
number stamps or
stickers. PK.ELAL.1.
children work, interests
talk with them
Demonstrates about the signs
understanding of they are creating,
the organization what people
and basic features should do when
of print √ they see that
Opportunity for sign, and why
Assessment: this is important.
Which letters does PK.PDH.9.
the child Demonstrates
successfully awareness and
identify? Which understanding of
numbers do they safety rules

Read Aloud Go! Go! Go! Stop! *What Do Miss Dorothy and I Really Want to Zero Local Next
by Charise Mericle Wheels Do All Her Bookmobile by See You, Stop: Kindness by
Harper Day? by April Gloria Houston Grandma! By Tarō Ethan Murrow:
Jones Gomi

Center Time See Next Page ---- ----


Extra Handwashing
Zipping Handwashing
Zipping Handwashing -Techniques
Zipping Handwashing -Techniques
Zipping Handwashing -Techniques

Activities buttoning
zippers, buttoning
zippers, buttoning
zippers, buttoning
zippers, buttoning

buttons, buttons, buttons, buttons, buttons,

snapping snapping snapping snapping snapping
snaps snaps snaps snaps snaps

Differentiate Red: The children Red: The children Red: The children Red: The children Red: The children
d Learning will need teachers' will need teachers' will need teachers' will need teachers' will need teachers'
Activities: assistance to guide assistance to guide assistance to guide assistance to guide assistance to guide
and/or model how and/or model how and/or model how and/or model how and/or model how
to make Blueprints. to make blueprints. to make a to make a to make a
They will require They will require blueprints. They blueprints. They blueprints. They
assistance on assistance on will require will require will require
naming the naming the assistance on assistance on assistance on
different parts of different parts of naming the naming the naming the
ELL: their building or their building or different parts of different parts of different parts of
house. house. their building or their building or their building or
house. house. house.
The children
will use Yellow: The Yellow: The
children will need children will need
visual aides,
teachers' teachers' Yellow: The Yellow: The Yellow: The
visual cues assistance to assistance to children will need children will need children will need
and gestures help them identify help them identify teachers' teachers' teachers'
to help something about something about assistance to assistance to assistance to
understand their drawing their drawing help them identify help them identify help them identify
the unit and something about something about something about
communicat Green: The Green: The their drawing their drawing . their drawing
e with their children will be children will be
peers and able to able to Green: The Green: The Green: The
classmates. independently independently children will be children will be children will be
draw their blueprint draw their blueprint able to able to able to
and identify and identify independently independently independently
different parts of different parts of draw their blueprint draw their blueprint draw their blueprint
their drawing. their drawing. and identify and identify and identify
different parts of different parts of different parts of
their drawing. their drawing. their drawing.
Gross Motor The children will The children will The children will The children will The children will
play with balls, play with balls, play with balls, play with balls, play with balls,
chalk, hula chalk, hula chalk, hula chalk, hula chalk, hula
hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles, hoops, bubbles,
and play non and play non and play non and play non and play non
rigorous games, rigorous games, rigorous games, rigorous games, rigorous games,
red light green red light green red light green red light green red light green
light, simon says, light, simon says, light, simon says, light, simon says, light, simon says,
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Center Time See Next Page ---- ----


Afternoon The teacher and The teacher and The teacher and The teacher and The teacher and
Circle Time students will students will students will students will students will
discuss their day. discuss their day. discuss their day. discuss their day. discuss their day.
They will talk They will talk They will talk They will talk They will talk
about what they about what they about what they about what they about what they
did and enjoyed did and enjoyed did and enjoyed did and enjoyed did and enjoyed
most about the most about the most about the most about the most about the
school day. The school day. The school day. The school day. The school day. The
students will get students will get students will get students will get students will get
ready to go ready to go ready to go ready to go ready to go
home. home. home. home. home.

Week of: Jan 23-Jan 30

Unit: Transportation

Arts and Dramatic Play Househelps keeping Blocks

Crafts and
Subway Station: Students will clean up after themselves after
breakfast, lunch, snack, and center time. They
Make a Turn the Dramatic
will push in their chairs at the table. This shows
Vehicle: Play area into a independence and how they take care of other Egg Carton
Provide subway station. If things. The students will wash their hand Trains: Collect
recycled the children are several times through the day singing the ABC empty egg
materials interested, they can song while they wash their hands. cartons and
(e.g., boxes, participate in this invite children
empty and work. Invite Tell me about how we should clean up our toys
after center time?
to use them as
clean food children to name the subway or other
containers) as station. Show them passenger
Show me how you would clean up after yourself
well as tape various subway after breakfast / lunch / snack / center time? trains. Provide
and/or glue station signs and writing utensils
and invite invite them to create PK.PDH.7a and invite
children to their own signs and children to label
build vehicles. hang them in the the trains with
Provide Dramatic Play area. the letters,
pictures of Create a pretend numbers and/or
vehicles for train with chairs, names of trains
the children make a route map with which they
to reference and add child- are familiar.
and friendly Encourage
encourage advertisements them to build
them to inside the train. tracks for the
develop a Children can also trains and
plan for look at MetroCards create signs to
building and create their add to the
before they own. Add subway tracks.
begin. Have maps and a
them MetroCard kiosk. PK.ELAL.1.
consider what Children can [PKRF.1.]
they will pretend to be Demonstrates
make and passengers, understanding
what conductors, track of the
materials they repairers and other organization
will need. MTA workers who and basic
keep the subway features of print
PK.SCI.11. [K-
clean and running
2-ETS1-2.] **Also part of
well. Encourage the
Develops a art center
train conductors to
simple sketch, project**
use letters, numbers,
drawing, or
and stop names
model to
when announcing
illustrate how
stops, such as “This
the shape of is an A express train
an object to 168th street.”
helps it Children may also
function as want to make
needed to announcements
solve a given about train delays,
problem changes in routes,
Outdoor Library/ Math and Manipulative Music and
Play Writing Movement
The children Picture Stories: Copy Fly Like an
will play with Invite children to use Legos/Duplos (if available) Airplane: Invite
chalk, hula
pictures from one of
hoops, dance the books in the to create various vehicles. As they play, talk children to
to music and Supporting Text list in with the children about their vehicles. pretend to be
songs with Section V. Invite different types
children to sequence PK.PDH.5. Demonstrates eye-hand coordination of vehicles, or
play Red light,
Green Light, the pictures and retell and fine motor skills vehicle parts
123, Simon the story and move
Says, and other Vehicle Lengths: Provide strings or cubes as accordingly
activities. PK.ELAL.15. [PKW.3] well as an assortment of vehicles and invite (e.g., fly like an
Uses a combination of children to measure vehicles. Invite children to airplane, roll
While outside drawing, dictating, compare the sizes of the vehicles: Which is like a wheel,
the children will biggest? Smallest? Heaviest? Lightest?
oral expression, balance on a
use their ears
to listen to the and/or emergent skateboard).
different writing to narrate an PK.MATH.10. [NY-PK.MD.1.] Identifies
sounds they event or events in a measurable attributes of objects, such as length PK.ARTS.12.
hear in our
sequence or weight, and describes them using [TH:Cr1-3.PK]
appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, Creates
Writing tall, empty, full, heavy, light) √ Opportunity for Theatrical Arts
what you see Assessment: How does the child attempt to
outside. Letter Maze: Use measure a vehicle?
tape to create a
PK.PDH.4c maze on a table top.
Add a few letters
that are common in
the children’s
names. Invite
children to drive a
vehicle through the
maze and search for
the letters in their
names. Provide
children’s name
cards for them to
reference, if

understanding of the
organization and
basic features of
Science Cooking and Table Toys Sand and
Nutrition Water
Magnet Table Puzzles Bristle
Maps: Draw The children will be Blocks Builders The table will
roads or a able to identify the be filled with
simple map foods they eat. The Dinosaurs Wild
children will use the
on a paper Animals
five senses to bottles. The
plate. Supply describe their food. children will
a magnetic Patterning Beads
They will describe the use their
wand and a taste; sweet, salty, Letters Beads
senses to
small car that sour and spicy. The
children will learn how
explore the
has some
to clean up after sensory
metal pieces.
themselves when they bottles.
Invite children are finished eating. What does
to explore This helps them to your sensory
how to place promote healthy
bottle look
the wand habits.
under the
paper plate Why should we clean What do you
up after ourselves? think is inside
and use it to Why do we need to
move the car the sensory
wash our hands
around the before and after
roads. Discuss eating? PK.SCI.1.
why the car PK.PDH.8.A PK.PDH.1.a
moves. PK.PDH.1.b

interest, and
willingness to
learn new
things and
have new

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